I remember seeing you several times when I was a student at UCLA some 30 years ago. I learned much about sharing the gospel from listening to you. I'm so glad to have found your channel and being able to share with my kids.
These are some other great people to listen to, if you guys want! 😊 John Lennox Gary Habermas Hugh Ross Matthew Vines Andy Stanley They have more in depth info that I had already started to be able to understand, thanks to Cliffe and his sons❤ God bless❤️✝️❤️
Theoskeptic- I still enjoy seeing your name each time I scroll through these comments. I can’t get over the hours you must spend watching people you disagree with, about subject you don’t think exists! You have to be Cliffe’s #1 heckler. Hey, I’m old now- so cant remember all the details. Can you remind me of the EVIDENTIARY facts in pscyh 101? Thanks man! Have an enjoyable day.
@@Theo_Skeptomai oh, meant God is the subject behind all these videos. Christians do everything for God primarily, and secondly for love of the people. Idk if you remember our past conversations- but because of your very creative name, I remember you, and some quite distinct arguments. I have a question, that I can’t remember if I asked you: If Christianity is true- would you become a Christian?
@@Theo_Skeptomai He is a christian apologist. What "evidentiary facts" do you have to support what beliefs you may have about the origin of the "existence and everything in it" ? You rely on faith just as much as Christians, whether you know it or not.
"Every knee will bend and head will bow" @2:48, this young man makes a true statement but does not realize/accept some will be in joy and others will be in tears.
From what I researched the early Christian movement in Rome decided to celebrate Christmas similar to how Pagans did it (without the orgies and drinking of course). It was a great way to evangelise to the unbelievers (pagans). Ever since the celebration of Christmas it is a great way to spread the gospel to the whole world. Without Christianity I believe Christmas wouldn't be celebrated across the world like it is today.
It's sad times when all the people walking around Cliffe and knowing he's teaching and witnessing and don't want to hear about it! Phil 2 : 10 everyone will bow before me Jesus says... God bless you Cliffe and Stuart, with 🙏's and love.
God does tell you how long it took to create. His voice, it is, in milliseconds ....6 days to create God used. Could he have done it in one day? Absolutely, but he took 6 days for our good and he gave us a day to rest from our work.
Long but good,honest and on point - baring personal experience that will only leave the question of what does one mean by God really, how do we define that concept
Malchus cutting off Peter's ear? I am sure you meant the other way around. Jesus then heals malchus and says "happy new ear". I love the way you explain the bible, regardless. Your videos are now a part of my morning prayers. God bless you all.
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
@@JesusisGodandKingofkimgs We make moral decisions at a developmental stage. We make moral and ethical decisions at another age. Spiritual growth is cognitive growth. When did you decide to always tell the truth no matter what punishment you might receive for doing so?
We all have vexing philosophical questions that baffle us, and I'm no exception to this. I am always asking deep questions like why is there anything at all and not nothing?? And does space end, if so where does it end and would not where it supposedly 'ends' not ALSO be space in itself?? And time, what exactly is it? I could go on and on. I can't even pretend that I know the answers to those questions. We can certainly try to investigate and, in fact, that is what science does, it investigates these kinds of questions and has done for ages, it was probably why science came into existence but whilst science has certainly come a long way and has uncovered many interesting things about this earth and universe we occupy, there are still plenty of mysteries left. Plus, even when science does come up with some answers, the answers are often long and complicated, often too difficult for the average person to comprehend. When I listen to the likes of Richard Dawkins, whilst I am full of admiration for them, I find what they have to say just goes over me and I'm sure it goes over many others too. So whilst they might mean well, they are often useless to the average person in the streets like me who is longing for more understandable and easier-to-digest answers to these big burning questions. Little wonder then that believing in God is so appealing to so many, in fact, that's an understatement, let me say it with feeling here, ohhhhh maaaaan, I sooooooooo get it. I certainly find it very appealing at first glance too because rather than having to go through this long drawn-out process of investigation to come up with some intellectually satisfying answers to these questions that can be easily understood, we could just simply say 'God is the answer'. Why is there something and not nothing? Hey, because of God. Where does space end? At God. What is time? Time is another one of God's creations. Nice and simple, right? End of discussion, right? Well, that would be great but unfortunately, there is still a BIG problem. And here it is, you see, whilst we could ask the question "why is there anything and not nothing?" and reply with "because of God", that still leaves the question of why God and not no God? Because God, if he exists would be 'something' too. Everything is something, so when we ask why is there something and not nothing, that must also INCLUDE why is there a God and not no God? Now, Christians and I guess Muslims too will say something like "God created all things but he himself was not created and never had a beginning, he just is, he is the ultimate necessary being" but that still doesn't really explain the how. How could a being, a SOMETHING have just always existed without any beginning or explanation? it still leaves that burning question unanswered. So whilst God might be a very appealing way of addressing these questions, it's not really an answer in the sense that it doesn't give us an actual explanation. God is basically a way of 'answering' the big mysteries with an even bigger mystery in and of itself. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist but what it does mean is even if we could all believe God exists, it still leaves us with no answers, just even more questions, which honest Christians like Cliffe here have to admit they have no answers to and can only say "I DO NOT KNOW". Well, that's one thing we have in common because I certainly don't know either.
You've already proven you have no interest in conversations with Christians, just what you THINK they'd say, not their actual answers, which is disingenuous.... may the time God bless you with faith in Him, not fallible man's theories......
Hello John! Hey keep looking into the deep questions, it is good to be a sceptic and not blindly believe, there is good evidence for a God. It is not that man made up God, but because there is a God we can do science, by the way science says nothing, scientists do, to pretend they have no bias is foolish. Science is not an end all, it is very limited, as John Lenox points out, it can tell you what happens if you put arsenic in Grandma's tea, but it can't tell you if you should. Scientists say no global flood, yet the same evidence points to a flood depends on which Scientists. But science says nothing about the supernatural, it is a study of the natural.
Six days to create and each day was from evening and morning equals one day. The time of one day was from evening and morning which is a 24hr period of time.
There are clear, powerful answers to some of these questions that Cliff is posed, and yet he rarely directly addresses them. He delivers a significant and important message, but I can only assume at this point in his walk his theology and knowledge of the Word is still quite limited. He displays depth and a lot of consistency, but not a lot of breadth, as he gravitates back to his core speaking points.
@flashfloodninja I have thought the same thing at times, but I noticed that this seems to connect with students in the older videos. I think he trained for that generation. And I think Stuart seems to answer more appropriately for this generation but still has heavy influence from Cliffe (naturally). I think it's a mistake to say he lacks breadth though. His strategy is roughly the same. A student asks a "gotcha" question thinking he will give a simple yes or no answer and that they can use that to paint him as racist, sexist, homophobic, etc and basically disregard everything he says. So instead he starts by establishing a less divisive analogy that the student will almost certainly agree with, , then the student typically impatiently demands an answer saying "that has nothing to do with what I asked " which is almost always ironic because it has everything to do with what they asked, but they're blind to it. Then he relates the analogy back to the original question. I'm not out there preaching and answering people's questions so boldly, so I have the utmost respect for them really standing out there in faith and answering hard questions. But I also agree that at times it would be better to update his approach a little bit with more direct answers. But I also think that's from my public school indoctrination into materialistic atheism - now that I'm a Christian I expect other apologists to focus on direct science and logic answers more so than moral law type philosophy. But I think that's my own personal bias rather than a flaw in his methodology.
Their church name and address is displayed several times through the video. Quite likely to be able to reach him that way. Keep on keeping on in your new faith in Christ. 🙏
I enjoy watching these videos because I want to learn some of the talking points that Cliffe brings to light. There have been a few topics that I think he glosses over, or treads lightly. Some student asked about if hell is real. In this particular instance, Cliffe ended the conversation by saying that hell is an eternal separation from God, which I agree with...but Cliffe fell short on the whole answer. I think had he given specific passages from the bible, his answer would have found its mark. In this video, Clffe's son seems to intimate that the "new covenant" has more relevance than the "old covenant", or-more to the point-the new testament is more weightier than the old testament. I disagree 100%. With the exception of the ceremonial laws and customs, everything in the old testament still applies. God did not change His laws just because He sent His son. He is God. He changes not.
I agree to a point. But Christ fulfilled the Old testament laws. That being said, Jesus calls believers to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. But for a different reason than initially. Instead of trying to earn our own righteousness / our own salvation, it's as a RESULT of our salvation that we do these things. For the unbeliever, the law is used to drive home how sinful we are so as to point to the solution - the cure - who is Jesus.
@@ORSkie To your first point, about Jesus fulfilling the Old Testament laws...which laws are you referring to? And when you use the term fulfill, are you saying that we no longer need to keep the law? Again, which laws do we no longer need to keep? Your second point concerning loving for a different reason than initially...it was Jesus' message from the beginning. We see this in Genesis, Exodus, etc. Jesus may not have said these specific words but the intent was always there. Jesus never told us/them that righteousness came by works. Righteousness have always been by the work of Christ. The new testament Jesus' purpose was to personally tell these wayward folks to follow His example. Your last point about the law concerning the unbeliever...the law (specifically the ten commandments) is for both unbelievers and believers. It does the same thing for both groups. These laws show how just God is and how He rules.
You will notice that the hypocritical Christian referenced in Matthew 7:21-23 stands before Christ and points to his own works rather than Christ's atoning work on the cross. _“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’_ *MATTHEW 7:21-23*
@@CJBlake-ym6ky Why would the hypocritical Christian believe that they could just lie to the Almighty though, if they had indeed never done any works? Surely they'd be aware in that moment that you can't hide anything from God.
@@alexanderb5726 b'c a hypocrite is just that, a liar. But even if the hypocrite did accomplish the things he said he did in God's name, it doesn't matter to God.
@@CJBlake-ym6ky My point was rather that it doesn't make sense to me that a hypocritical Christian would even try to lie, knowing that they can't lie to God.
This was in 2022. Around four or five years before this, a man named Owen Shroyer came to the same university & in the same spot as Cliffe, went on a bullhorn to confront it for publishing an article that was bordered on being racist towards white people, and then debated he whole crowd. #SmallWorld.
We should be keeping the laws of commandments, just as Jesus. Celebrating pagan holidays is vain. “Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.” Jeremiah 10:2-3, 5 KJV
@@chrisreid6056 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. One day is 24 hours in context.
1. How old? Well, if we add up the timeline... 2. How long did it take to create? Well, if we read Genesis 1... 3. What process did God use? He spoke it into existence. "And God said... and it was so." (Genesis 1:9, 11, 24)
Therein lies the problem Jesse, if any young student today looks into the age of the earth from a scientific point of view, they will come up with a vastly different age that dwarfs a young earth. This is backed up with a mountain of scientific evidence. Why do we never find human fossils in the same rock strata as dinosaur fossils? Is that something you can answer?
@@bonnie43uk Correct! IF they accept the unprovable assumptions naturalists make (and they usually do because they are ignorant-something you have no excuse for), then you get an age... subject to constant revision. As for your silly but expected claim of "mountains of scientific evidence" that you haven't bothered to present so much as a grain of sand worth of. Well, that's just you taking your faith position and having no defense for it. You just believe because "they" say so. And finally, regarding your question, first you need to explain to me why the mountains of evidence you claim exist doesn't and what the percentage of mammal fossils make up the "fossil record"... Can you do that? (Go ahead. Go look it up for the first time... ever.)
@@jessebryant9233 "mountains of scientific evidence" that you haven't bothered to present so much as a grain of sand worth of. Well,” Vagueness fallacy “ grain of sand” “Well, that's just you taking your faith position and having no defense for it.” I believe it’s true based on my blind faith or “because they say so” IS a kind of defensive dumb ass You should say “no sound defence” dumb ass It’s funny You believe “God spirit moved upon the face of the waters” and “God speaking let there be light” is a sound explanation for why things exist But you have a problem with scientific research that demonstrates how chemical reactions work It’s just amazing the mental gymnastics you will use just because you fear death Jessie Absolutely amazing 😂
@@giauscaesar8047 There's a tonnage of stuff online online concerning the Golden Rule and it's origins Giaus, it almost certainly did not originate from Christianity, Confucius mentions it in his writings in China, some 500 years before Christianity, humans have known for a long long time that it's beneficial to treat others as you want to be treated... it seems to function quite well in societies, and leads to cooperation and human flourishing. Dont take my word for it, go read up on the origins of the golden rule... Google 'Golden Rule Chronology' by Rev Dr Henry Gensler .. he gives a pretty good history of the golden rule going back a million years, right up to present day 🙂 Thanks for reminding me 👌
i undoubtably know that when i make a decision its a personal choice. Not from a chemical. Not from science. But the question is how do i have a self that can make a decision, of my own. All i am is chemical? is this a chemical statement?
How do you know that your personal choice is not determined by chemicals? All the evidence suggests that it is. When we change the chemicals and structures in our brains, we can predict the effects it will have on our choices.
@Psa22-6 all of the evidence indicates conciousness is an emergent property of physical interactions of energy and chemistry. Every observable instance and change of conciousness is dependent on and predicted by physical systems. Do you have evidence that it's anything else?
@@dentonhahn2907 Then why haven't christians, throughout history, stood up for those that christians persecuted.? Oh . . . I forgot . . . when you're the one's doing the persecuting; then, you're justified because you're doing god's work. I guess . . . if you allow your ass to lead your brain will follow.
@Jackal's Gate very foolish commitment, you know it. Because a group of people call themselves Christian doses not mean they are. If you know anything about Christianity you know that violence is not a teaching of Christ. That is the reason Jesus said by their fruits you will know them. I don't know where you get your history but Christians did stand up for other Christians, not only other Christians but for all humanity, it is not an option, if one is a Christian he will follow the teaching of Christ, if he is only in name a Christian he will not. Read the Bible before you determine what is Christian ,Jesus is the standard not fallen men.
@@jackalsgate1146 Problem with this take is does this align with God's will? Clearly don't take it at face value when someone says they own slaves cause it's God's will, by using your rational brain you can understand that they'd be lying through their teeth and are hypocrites
@@dentonhahn2907 You - Just because a group of Christians call themselves Christians doesn't mean they are. Me - Gee . . . where have I heard that excuse before.? According to you then there are no real Christians. I'm glad we can agree. I have a lot of respect for Jesus (the man), but Christians, are not Christ-like and they never will be; cause, they're too lazy to put in the work.
Love this.....for the most part. Problem is, he is uninformed in one key area. The bible is NOT silent on the age of the earth. The timelines are clear. Age of the people beginning with Adam, time of the flood and ages since give a clear view of the age of the earth. Evolution is one of satan's greatest tricks to confuse Christians and to insure that millions refuse to accept Christ.
I have a friend who is a Muslim. And we have discussions about his and my belief in Jesus Christ. I asked him according to quran, who received a direct revelation or how many people received direct revelation from God? And he said Mohammed received a direct revelation. Next thing I asked him was how do we verify the authenticity of Mohammed's testimony? He said there were other prophets apart from Mohammed who wrote but are not named in the quran. I need help, because I love my friend and also all people who are blinded by different religion, to explain clearly the truth. And my question is, how many witnesses are required to verify the authenticity of the truth? Other question, in order love to exist is it a requirement for one who loves and one who is loved? Or can one love nothing?
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
I wish I have never been created!!! So I wouldn't be involved in this experiment called: LIFE and wouldn't be blamed for the stuff I'm pre-programmed with!!😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
James 2 is not about genuine faith and non genuine faith. Anyone who has believed Jesus Christ died for their sins and rose again is permanently saved. What James 2 does talk about is the profitability of our faith or lack thereof, faith without works is dead simply means faith without works is unprofitable and cannot save you from the chastisement of God, James 2 is not talking about faith not saving us from hell but instead how faith with no works will cause us to be chastised by God in this life but anyone who believes 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is saved and cannot lose salvation. "God chastises every son he recieveth"
Cliff and Stuart you both failed to explain the 6 day creation and 7th day rest. In Genesis it is mentioned "And the evening and the morning were the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth day."
@@Theo_Skeptomai Oh! Brilliant! I see you brought your a-game... as usual. [sigh] Now, about those reasons why you believe what you do and the evidence to support it... Theo?
You cannot be a rebel towards the One True Infinite God that does not exist, cannot be known, and cannot be named. How could you rebel against Infinity.? However . . . you can rebel against that which does exist, is not infinite, can be known, and can be named; hence: Yahweh. You can also love or hate that which exists (Yahweh), seeing as how, Yahweh, is said to love, hate, and envy (just like man). Just as man can rebel against other men: men can rebel against Yahweh.
How do you know God does not exist? How do you know that naturalism (your faith) is even possible, let alone true? ... Jackal? Jackal?? Jackal!! ... Oh, that's right, you're just angry, anti-Christian, bigoted troll who can't think for himself-you can only grope around in the dark. Dude, you're wasting your time. Go find something more pleasurable to do. Surely you're not so fully of hate this posting on this channel is how you get your jollies? You're a sad man with a sad worldview. People here pray for you, Jackal, despite your disdain for all things Christian, right, and good.
The “young woman” of Isaiah 7:14 is the Hebrew word “alma” which can mean “young woman” or “virgin,” the Hebrew has that semantic range. It most likely meant young woman in context because the near part of that project was to Isaiah’s wife that had her second child, she was not a virgin. But the child was a sign to Judah for their salvation before the fall of Israel (N kingdom and Aram/Syria). Later Isaiah picks back up in the text to point to a far prophecy that builds off of Isaiah 7:14 in Isaiah 9 with the descriptions of who that child would actually be in its total fulfillment. A son born to save ALL people, the messiah Jesus. Mark does use the LXX when referring to this prophecy which the Greek very specifically yea slates as “virgin.” Which is also true to the Hebrew semantic range although not exactly the original context. Long story short, the “alma” of Isaiah 7:14 was the short term prophecy for Isaiah’s wife bearing a son but also the long term prophecy of Jesus.
The youth today believe mix fabric is a sin, so ridiculous. They haven't studied the scriptures, old or new just what a lukewarm Pastor has taught them. Matthew 15:9 "And in vain, they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’
There is a lot to admire about this Jesus character, to preach love, kindness and forgiveness are all excellent traits that are worth adhering to. I'm not convinced this same person was also the 'son of God' though. How does one prove beyond a shadow of doubt that he floated up into the clouds to sit at the right hand of God?, or that he walked on water? etc. There is lots of evidence to suggest that people invent stories.
"How does one prove beyond a shadow of doubt that he floated up into the clouds to sit at the right hand of God?" "How does one prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" morals debeloped as you claim, Tom? "How does one prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" millions of unobserved years? "How does one prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" macro-evolution? unobserved, unrepeatable, untestable.....your disingenuous double standard precede you I pray the only triune God of the: 1)supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-32/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18 fulfilled in reality today) 2)historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically by Christians & non-Christians w/enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.) 3)transcendentally/objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) Holy Bible reveals Himself to you in Spirit & objective truth (John 16:13). May the triune, infallible, omniscient God bless you with faith in Him, not fallible man’s limited knowledge of theories.
@@HhJcg-qe5qp You need faith to believe in fallible theories of man with no foundation for truth. The triune God's word is the only thing that is consistent with objective reality: origin meaning, morality, destiny, order, logic, reason, beauty, sense, etc.
Hi Bonnie, there is evidence in the scripture of those things and multiple accounts of those things happening, not just one. Jesus demonstrating his control over the weather, demons, and death prove that he is Divine. These things are found in the accounts of the 4 gospels. History tells us that the apostles were martyred for their beliefs. I think that if I invented a story and say miraculous things and was threatened to die a horrible death, that I would admit the lie and move on. I think that the historical evidence of the disciples being martyred gives credibility to their accounts. Along with this, if you're truly curious, you can ask with a sincere heart that God reveal himself and his son to you, he is faithful to do so.
@@HhJcg-qe5qp yes indeed my friend, faith comes in different forms, eg: i have lots of faith in things I experience in reality, but little faith in stories such as the Jesus miracles as described in the New Testament.
Hola, hello beautiful world God Almighty bless all . people want prove of God look at our world nature our planet,trees plants, our body our eyes , our teeth our talent 's etc their is Soo much prove some of us just don't want to see it God bless all
@@Tatteredghost96 Learn A natural rock structure near Dogubayazit, Turkey, has been misidentified as Noah's Ark. Microscopic studies of a supposed iron bracket show that it is derived from weathered volcanic minerals. Supposed metal-braced walls are natural concentrations of limonite and magnetite in steeply inclined sedimentary layers in the limbs of a doubly plunging syncline. Supposed fossilized gopherwood bark is crinkled metamorphosed peridotite. Fossiliferous limestone, interpreted as cross cutting the syncline, preclude the structure from being Noah's Ark because these supposed "Flood" deposits are younger than the "Ark." Anchor stones at Kazan (Arzap) are derived from local andesite and not from Mesopotamia.
@@jasonnoble7302 Learn Genesis 8:4 - “and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Mountains or Ararat - archaeologically verifiable places errrr
the devil believes in the fact that God exists, he knows it for a fact. So just because you are aware of God's existence does not automatically mean anything. Same with knowing the bible and scripture - the devil quotes scripture to Jesus when the Lord went to the desert and fasted for 40 days. Faith is more than just knowing God exists.
I'm sorry Cliffe, but the Bible tells us that God spoke creation into existence and as far as the age of the earth is, we can add up the dates in the Bible and get a very close estimate of around 6000 years. I was shocked to hear your thoughts on this since the rest of what you say is quite Biblically accurate
@Justin Gary the word death means separation. They did die on that day - a spiritual death. They were separated from God's presence. Yes, 930 years later Adam died physically, thus his spirit and soul separated from his body. Each day was a literal 24 hour day - "there was evening, and there was morning the first day." etc.
Its hard to believe a day could be a thousand years. God later commanded the Israelites to work 6 days and rest on the seventh just like God did. Are we to believe that they had to work for 6 thousand years?
@@leemanwrong Probably not but this is where things can get very messy when it comes to reading the Bible, because it seems like it's not as simple as just reading it. We can ALL read it, even an idiot like me can read it too🤣but the reality is that people can't agree on what the Bible means when it says certain things. There is disagreement over interpretation that has yet to be resolved once and for all, presuming it ever will be resolved. Some Christians take every word the Bible says literally, eg "hey brother...six days means six days...end of". Others take some Bible stories, passages etc literally and some of them metaphorically, eg "God's time is different to our time, so 6 days might not necessarily mean really 6 days, it might have meant 6 thousand or even 6 million years in our time...amen brother". Other Christians take it to be nearly all metaphorical, symbolic etc. "Well, who's right and who's wrong then, Johnny boy??"...I hear you ask. Well, very good question my friend, but that's the problem because aside from the different Christians all claiming they are right and claiming the others are all wrong, there is no higher than human authority around (at the moment) to declare once and for all who has got it right and who is wrong. This means that all of the different Christians are free to continue to interpret the Bible however they believe it should be interpreted, I mean, it's not as if God will pop up (if only he would) and declare "right, you lot are messing this up completely, that's not what I meant in my word" and "well done you over there, you have got it correct". There's nothing currently stopping any Christian here from pushing (for lack of a better word for it ) ANY interpretation of the Bible they like. Oh, they can argue and argue and argue over it all day among themselves, which they often do here but none of them will get anywhere. The only way for this to be truly resolved is for a higher-than-human authority to enter the discussion and declare "this is the correct way" but when, if ever, is that going to happen?? 🤔
The G.D of heaven said we never do what pagans do, and then say we are doing it to honor HIM. Never mix pagan with holy, never mix arsenic with food Mashiach was NOT born in December HE was born with the Passover lambs which is spring time.
🌟I don't ever get answers🌟.2👈😁👍 The are so many beliefs in God that no one is correct Because to believe in God.. is for One to believe that they are on a righteous path free of sin & that they will live in heaven for the rest of eternity but heaven Hell & purgatory Are concept maid up by the living Because Evil compassion love & everything that is good in the world are feelings maid up by the living when death is just the ending of a long life Because everybody loves to go to sleep after a long day & it's been a long life.... so for those who are about to die... Good Night..👈😁👍 because any suffering you might have felt throughout life is now over.....
A twisting of concepts; It’s not a conflict between intellectual as opposed to moral because “morals” are derived from intellect. What Cliffe should be comparing is Intellect vs Emotion. Emotion is too often based upon pure sensory input and our senses are often far from perfect. Innocent people have been sent to prison for example because of personal perception. The point of the scientific method , an intellectual pursuit, is to minimize as much as possible making decisions based upon personal perception. Cliffe is COMPLETELY off base in claiming there is more than enough evidence of god. Notice he doesn’t provide any specific evidence other than biblical references. Yet even the authenticity of the Bible is dubious. The Middle East certainly has a history and much of that history can be revealed via archaeology, paleontology, landmarks, ancient documents etc. But for documents there has to be some reasonable physical evidence to either support the document or the events. That is simply NOT the case with the Bible. One reason being there is little to no physical evidence of the claims made in the Bible. For example, where is Moses’ Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the parting of the Red Sea, walking on water, raising the dead, etc etc? There’s no evidence of any of that. One of the worst theological expressions is the notion of punishing someone else, an innocent person, for the “sins” of someone else. It sounds attractive because it appeals to the ID and Ego to as a mechanism of avoiding punishment to one’s self. Even the biblical Jesus was not perfect, he couldn’t be perfect because perfection is impossible in physical form. One example might be the story of Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers. That was an emotional event in which Jesus lost control. That’s not perfect behavior. I strongly suspect Cliffe has little idea what rational really means. It means drawing conclusions based upon “empirical evidence”. What empirical evidence is there of a super-natural god? In this example he’s twisted the hypothetical notion often claimed of nonbelievers they claim that everything came from nothing. Which is either ignorance or a lie. “Rational” people would base their opinion upon the preponderance of physical evidence and NOT jump to conclusions that fall outside the natural order. People believe in god because they want to believe, most often for emotional reasons. But that is a wholly inadequate process to gain “real” knowledge. Atheists don’t claim everything came from nothing BECAUSE the actual “genesis” is still unknown. But that ultimately it is far more likely it was caused by some “natural” event as yet unknown and NOT from the supernatural.
@@reidp646 Reason, a process for drawing conclusions from Evidence is the direct result of Intellect. Intellect comes first. One has to have the ABILITY to reason... that is intellect. So I think you have that backwards.
The Bible most certainly does answer the questions; How did God create? How long did it take God to create? and, How old is the earth? You can find the answers to "how" and "how long" in Genesis, Leviticus and straight from the mouth of Jesus the Messiah himself in the NT Gospels. He created by His word, "God said, let there be.." and it was so. Also, "the seventh day shall be your Sabbath, for the Lord God created all things in 6 days and in the 7th he rested". And in the book of Luke you get the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, which goes all the way back to Adam, and if you add the years of all of those within that genealogy you get the answer to how old the earth was when Jesus came forth as our redeemer, this being ~4,000 years.
No it doesn’t It doesn’t say how God created anything. It gives a vague explanation but doesn’t actually give the method Saying“let there be light” doesn’t provide an explanation of how creationism took place But you believe it does using your blind faith all you like 😂
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion? The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
@@jasonnoble7302 Blessings to you. UA-cam won't allow me to post it, but here's how you can see it. Select my photo. The description that has "Group" in the name is the one.
@@jasonnoble7302 how about John 1 In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. Certainly sounds like the word of God created all things. "God SAID (spoke with his mouth) let there be (fill in the blank) and it was so. Let the be light, and there was light. Let there be a firmament... And it was so. Let the waters under the heavens gather together into one place and let the dry land appear.. and it was so. Let the earth bring forth grass, herbs, trees etc.. and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, herbs, trees etc.. I don't see how it can get more clear than that. It's the very first chapter of the Bible that says how God created and how long it took God to create.
I think the Bible's pretty clear about creation and how God did it. He spoke it into being by His Word. And it very clearly states how long He took to do it as well. To state that the Bible is silent on it is disingenuous, imo.
Here is an important answer that Cliffe is missing. The word for "eternal" hell is aion and can just mean age. In Matthew 24 the disciples ask Jesus what will be the signs of the end of this world. World is aion here. So you gotta keep in mind that certain people had motives geared towards keeping people afraid of burning forever and making you pay $ for your own salvation. Luke 16 mentions a gulf. There is a good side and a bad side. Think to yourself. How could we enjoy heaven if all of the goody goodies are on one side and right next store there's a boiling pit of lava where people are not just burning for billions of years, but trillions upon trillions of years. How could a loving God allow that? And how could we enjoy heaven if one of our loved ones didn't make it? No, after the 1000 years they are blotted out. It's as if they never existed. Gone from our memories and gone from our lives for good. They burn up like fat to a spiddle and the smoke of their ashes go up forever and ever. Revelation 20:14 “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.”God is a consuming fire and I'm not saying He is that lake of fire, but he indeed can destroy the soul. Taking the mistranslation out of hell part 1 ua-cam.com/video/_7o6UD4z4Xc/v-deo.html Taking the mistranslation out of hell part 2 ua-cam.com/video/S22ui_KZBAk/v-deo.html Shepherds Chapel God the consuming fire and hells fire ua-cam.com/video/h25qRU9W2hg/v-deo.html
Through me off disagree. Those holidays are pagan origin and adopted by Catholics in their time of power. They compromised and today you see today. Praying to Mary And Angels is pagan tradition. Jesus wasn't born December 25th their pagan gods did. Jesus never celebrated birthdays yet we do. But birthdays is not pagan I believe. Is just celebrating the day of your birth. You can say the wise men from the East who came to see the King who was born was a celebration because angels showed up to some shepherds and told them to praise. Easter is link toed fertility pagan gods and the rabbit and eggs represent that. To mislx that up with Passover is crazy. Passover points to the days of Egypt and Moses leading them out of their. To co join that with rabbits and eggs is idolatry in definition because is tradition of men. And Jesus was cleared with following things of men lokemit came from God.
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion? The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
The name of Christian was first called in antioch. That was Paul did not want to mention the name of the Messiah but used Christ, the Greek hero's name, instead of the name of the Messiah. Paul's said, I planted, and apollos watered, that is the Christian religion. The Messiah said that every tree that is not planted by the father will be cut down. So Paul planted Christian will be cut down. Christian religion does not want to keep the Lord's Sabbath, but want to keep the Pope's Sunday. So it will be cleansed by the fire of the Lord. If you want to be saved, keep the Sabbath and abandon Paul's Christianity. We have only a short time left.
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion? The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
Image means physically similar, like a child is physically similar to their parents. The image of God is represented by Jesus Christ being the beloved son of the Father in heaven and being in the form of a man resurrected to life in that form and image. The intelligence and rationality comes from the eternal spirit of a person that was formed before this world, it isn’t spoken about in the creation account in Genesis.
@@isaiahemmanuel3992 That’s what the word means in context. It is used later when Adam has a son named Seth that is in Adam’s image or the commandment not to make graven images.
@Justin Gary I’m not an atheist, I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ and I don’t approve what Cliff said about the image of God because that explanation is not in the scripture. Adding anything to the scripture creates a way to insert things that are untrue but seem reasonable. We value our physical biology because it is made in the image of God so we don’t mar and mutilate it, this is written on our conscience. Protestant theology adds to the scripture false ideas about God, that make God genderless and without family progressing to transgenderism to be like God. The theology that discourages good works and that all receive salvation with no work in the same outcome of heaven leads logically to equity of all outcomes or Marxist politics preached as if it was the highest virtue from God. These things are false narratives with awful outcomes, no family, no gender, and perfect equity leads to no free will, conflict, and death.
@@Theo_Skeptomai I have historical documents, witnesses, and experience, I don’t have a myth, that’s a category error. I don’t have a myth with no evidence like nothing creating everything.
Love cliffe and his videos, but he completely butchered James 2 and mathew 7. James 2 is about the justification of man, and how our faith is unprofitable to them without works, not that we have fake faith, and mathew 7:21-23 is about those that trusted in their works and not solely Jesus’ work at the cross. They didn’t do the will of the Father stated in verse 21 which is to believe in the Son John 6:40, they believed in themselves. These interpretations he gave can easily lead someone into a works based gospel that does not save
Love you guys But this idea of heaven is so bad that's not how the story goes That is not the consummation of all things Heaven and earth will become one, This idea of heaven comes from Classical/historical premillennialism was the only view of eschatology for at least the first 200 years of the church. However, after Origen’s hermeneutic became widespread by the 4th century, this belief came under scrutiny, and Augustine (354-430) was the first to make a logical and systematic application of Hellenism to eschatology. Though generally a follower of Origen’s allegorical interpretation (cf. On Christian Doctrine, Preface), Augustine toned down the system to make it less objectionable to orthodox Christians (see Phillip Schaff, “Preface to Augustine’s The City of God,” in The Post Nicene Fathers, Vol. 2, p.5). On many points Augustine seems orthodox, and though giving lip-service to the resurrection of the body (cf. City of God, 20.6-14; 22.5-21; On Christian Doctrine, 1:19-21), he sees heaven as the ultimate end of salvation (cf. City of God, 11.1; 14.28; 19.10-11; 20.14-27) and thus assumes a heavenly resurrection (cf. City of God, 13.22-23; 22.3-4). Heaven as the ultimate destiny of the saints is the staple of the amillennial view that grew out of Augustine’s allegorical approach to Scripture.” Through the influence of theologians and church leaders whose thinking was shaped in the mold of Alexandrian and Augustinian theology, the snowball pushed down the hill by Plato ended up landing in church pews. This is true up to the present day, even for the vast majority of Christians who have not gone to seminary, but who have nevertheless been taught week-in and week-out by those who have. Typically, the worldview of every culture consists both of elements that agree with Biblical truth (and thus are to be affirmed) and those that do not agree with Biblical truth (and thus need to be changed from God’s perspective). The problem with the widespread infiltration of Greek thought into the church is that so much of it is simply contrary to the Hebraic worldview of the Bible. This is one of the reasons why so many in the Body of Christ today do not know how to explain the gospel with clarity when put on the spot: it has been often obscured by unbiblical ideas down through the centuries.
Did Cliff say "the Bible is silent on how old the earth is?" are you kidding me? In Genesis 1 - God created everything in 6 - 24hour days. Also they way he created sertain things make it clear that there were not millions of years between those days. God created all the herbs and all the green things on day 3, but there was no sun or moon, or stars - God alone was light, on day 4, god created the sun and moon - and all natural lights. (This tells us they were 24h days) We also have dates from now until Adam - and its about 6,000 years until the creation of Adam. Cliff - how do you not understand that Bible tracks geneology from Christ to David to Adam?
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
As an atheist I am rebelling against a description of a Hebrew monster named Yahweh that appears in ancient Hebrew literature but has never introduced himself to me.
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion? The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
"Depart from me, you who practice Lawlessness". What is Lawlessness? Is that breaking the Law of America? Europe? What is this Law? Jesus said My doctrine is not my own but His that sent me... isn't that Torah? John said if you claim to know Jesus but you don't keep the Torah you are a liar and the truth is not in you. Jesus said if you love Me then keep my Torah... Paul said we are saved by Grace. Moses said we are blessed through Obedience. Why do Christians keep Pagan traditions like Christmas and Easter while shunning the Torah and the Biblical Festivals and Shabbath? Jesus said depart from you who practice Lawlessness "don't practice Torah". Sin is transgression of the Law... but Christians say the Law is done away with. But Jesus said, heaven and earth will pass away before the Torah passes away. Jesus further said, if you teach others to not keep Torah you will be least in the Kingdom... Its simple... if you don't want to obey God you will follow the modern day Church Theology... if you Love Jesus, Jesus said to obey His Torah. "Saved by Grace, Blessed through Obedience" Shabbat Shalom!
Refute the logic, agnostic: 1)When you say there’s good you assume evil exists which assumes a moral law to differentiate good & evil 2)which assumes a moral law giver (the triune God of the Bible) 3)no moral law giver? => no moral law => no good => no evil =>no actual morality
Good and evil comes from man as he so establishes. 1) Men can harm people. 2) Men can heal people. 1) Men can starve people. 2) Men can feed those people who are starving. 1) Men can enslave people. 2) Men can free those people who are enslaved. Christians are the only one's who need a devil to hang their sins on, so that, they can create a savior to free them from any responsibility of retribution.
@@Theo_Skeptomai Playing word game TS? "morally appropriate from those inappropriate" MEANS morally right & wrong, but you wont admit whats in front of you, you just want to argue with no foundation for truth of reality as you continually make objective claims incoherently/inconsistently with reality
@@Theo_Skeptomai "This argument is neither valid nor sound. Good and evil are not realities."/"Morality requires no law. Legalities do" (by what objective standard?), "All that is required is discernment" (for you or everyone? objective foundation for your claim?)
@@Theo_Skeptomai "Glad to have refuted your argument" Then you LOVE to ignorantly claim victory instead of waiting for refutation to your shallow response.....not worth the time......
We don't follow the 10 commandments. The just shall live by faith? God the Father found fault with the old covenant the law. Paul called it the ministry of DEATH! There is no more sacrifice for sin because Jesus paid it all. You don't deserve forgiveness. We are forgiven because God our Father is merciful and cherishes US XXXXXXX
If you don’t agree with the moral law, the spirit of the law, and love God then your aren’t seeking forgiveness you are seeking a narrative to go your own way.
@boltrooktwo What about the gift of righteousness and the fruit of the spirit. It says in the word seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness. When I first took that in I was offended. Paul said it is not I that live (The Self) but Christ lives in me yet I live. We are partakers in the divine nature with Jesus. I think I am going to duck hahahahah
@@noelsetterington6328 Look at the definition of righteousness. That is doing the right thing at the right time with the right reasons. Jesus calls people to a journey of perfection called holiness, a wholeness that you love or you don’t achieve. You seek forgiveness for not being holy so that you can prepare to live with a holy God in eternal life.
Forgiveness of what? Sin? Based upon what? The moral law? What aspect of the 10 Commandments don't involve the moral law? I'm a little confused by what you've said here...
Show me ONE shred of historical evidence that Christmas is rooted in pagan worship. The concept is laughable is as laughable as the naivety of those who accept it the second they hear it.
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
I remember seeing you several times when I was a student at UCLA some 30 years ago. I learned much about sharing the gospel from listening to you. I'm so glad to have found your channel and being able to share with my kids.
I'm glad you found the channel. I've been binge watching his videos for a month at night. Love every one of em! God bless Cliffe and family
These are some other great people to listen to, if you guys want! 😊
John Lennox
Gary Habermas
Hugh Ross
Matthew Vines
Andy Stanley
They have more in depth info that I had already started to be able to understand, thanks to Cliffe and his sons❤ God bless❤️✝️❤️
@@knotNyourHeadlol I do the same. 1.75x speed😅🫣
Amen 🙏
Cliffe rocks. So does Stuart.
He does rock!!!
This is like an entirely separate class you guys are giving these students. It's so great. Keep it up
@@Theo_Skeptomai a college level course with actual facts
@@Theo_Skeptomai nice try bud. Ain't gonna be no "Gotcha!" moments here
Theoskeptic- I still enjoy seeing your name each time I scroll through these comments.
I can’t get over the hours you must spend watching people you disagree with, about subject you don’t think exists!
You have to be Cliffe’s #1 heckler.
Hey, I’m old now- so cant remember all the details. Can you remind me of the EVIDENTIARY facts in pscyh 101?
Thanks man!
Have an enjoyable day.
@@Theo_Skeptomai oh, meant God is the subject behind all these videos. Christians do everything for God primarily, and secondly for love of the people.
Idk if you remember our past conversations- but because of your very creative name, I remember you, and some quite distinct arguments.
I have a question, that I can’t remember if I asked you:
If Christianity is true- would you become a Christian?
@@Theo_Skeptomai He is a christian apologist. What "evidentiary facts" do you have to support what beliefs you may have about the origin of the "existence and everything in it" ? You rely on faith just as much as Christians, whether you know it or not.
I love how proud he is looking at his son preaching 🤍
I wish Mr. Stuart and Pastor Cliffe can come over to Nigeria someday, I really enjoy their teachings😁
Thatd be so awesome!
"Every knee will bend and head will bow" @2:48, this young man makes a true statement but does not realize/accept some will be in joy and others will be in tears.
Great point.
I love seeking Cliffe watch Stuart speak, you can see how proud he is.
Beautiful, God bless you Cliffe and Stuart 😊🙏🏾
I have nothing to give but peace to you cliffe a servant of CHRIST .peace to all only from our Lord and savior CHRIST JESUS
We are made in the image of God.. God is The Father , Son , and Holy Spirit.
We have a mind, a body, and a spirit.
From what I researched the early Christian movement in Rome decided to celebrate Christmas similar to how Pagans did it (without the orgies and drinking of course). It was a great way to evangelise to the unbelievers (pagans). Ever since the celebration of Christmas it is a great way to spread the gospel to the whole world. Without Christianity I believe Christmas wouldn't be celebrated across the world like it is today.
Amen 🙏
It's sad times when all the people walking around Cliffe and knowing he's teaching and witnessing and don't want to hear about it! Phil 2 : 10 everyone will bow before me Jesus says... God bless you Cliffe and Stuart, with 🙏's and love.
❤ I love this man
God does tell you how long it took to create. His voice, it is, in milliseconds ....6 days to create God used. Could he have done it in one day? Absolutely, but he took 6 days for our good and he gave us a day to rest from our work.
When Sruart got scared of a flier 😭
Dude I busted out laughing in public! I'm sure it'd happen to anyone 🤣
I just watched that 🤣🤣🤣
Long but good,honest and on point - baring personal experience that will only leave the question of what does one mean by God really, how do we define that concept
My god my god is good 🙏🏼
Malchus cutting off Peter's ear? I am sure you meant the other way around. Jesus then heals malchus and says "happy new ear".
I love the way you explain the bible, regardless. Your videos are now a part of my morning prayers. God bless you all.
Awesome video
"LOVE is the eternal revolutionary."
cc. 2000
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
@@JesusisGodandKingofkimgs We make moral decisions at a developmental stage. We make moral and ethical decisions at another age. Spiritual growth is cognitive growth.
When did you decide to always tell the truth no matter what punishment you might receive for doing so?
We all have vexing philosophical questions that baffle us, and I'm no exception to this. I am always asking deep questions like why is there anything at all and not nothing?? And does space end, if so where does it end and would not where it supposedly 'ends' not ALSO be space in itself?? And time, what exactly is it?
I could go on and on. I can't even pretend that I know the answers to those questions. We can certainly try to investigate and, in fact, that is what science does, it investigates these kinds of questions and has done for ages, it was probably why science came into existence but whilst science has certainly come a long way and has uncovered many interesting things about this earth and universe we occupy, there are still plenty of mysteries left.
Plus, even when science does come up with some answers, the answers are often long and complicated, often too difficult for the average person to comprehend. When I listen to the likes of Richard Dawkins, whilst I am full of admiration for them, I find what they have to say just goes over me and I'm sure it goes over many others too. So whilst they might mean well, they are often useless to the average person in the streets like me who is longing for more understandable and easier-to-digest answers to these big burning questions.
Little wonder then that believing in God is so appealing to so many, in fact, that's an understatement, let me say it with feeling here, ohhhhh maaaaan, I sooooooooo get it. I certainly find it very appealing at first glance too because rather than having to go through this long drawn-out process of investigation to come up with some intellectually satisfying answers to these questions that can be easily understood, we could just simply say 'God is the answer'. Why is there something and not nothing? Hey, because of God. Where does space end? At God. What is time? Time is another one of God's creations.
Nice and simple, right? End of discussion, right? Well, that would be great but unfortunately, there is still a BIG problem. And here it is, you see, whilst we could ask the question "why is there anything and not nothing?" and reply with "because of God", that still leaves the question of why God and not no God? Because God, if he exists would be 'something' too. Everything is something, so when we ask why is there something and not nothing, that must also INCLUDE why is there a God and not no God?
Now, Christians and I guess Muslims too will say something like "God created all things but he himself was not created and never had a beginning, he just is, he is the ultimate necessary being" but that still doesn't really explain the how. How could a being, a SOMETHING have just always existed without any beginning or explanation? it still leaves that burning question unanswered.
So whilst God might be a very appealing way of addressing these questions, it's not really an answer in the sense that it doesn't give us an actual explanation. God is basically a way of 'answering' the big mysteries with an even bigger mystery in and of itself. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist but what it does mean is even if we could all believe God exists, it still leaves us with no answers, just even more questions, which honest Christians like Cliffe here have to admit they have no answers to and can only say "I DO NOT KNOW". Well, that's one thing we have in common because I certainly don't know either.
You've already proven you have no interest in conversations with Christians, just what you THINK they'd say, not their actual answers, which is disingenuous.... may the time God bless you with faith in Him, not fallible man's theories......
Hello John! Hey keep looking into the deep questions, it is good to be a sceptic and not blindly believe, there is good evidence for a God. It is not that man made up God, but because there is a God we can do science, by the way science says nothing, scientists do, to pretend they have no bias is foolish. Science is not an end all, it is very limited, as John Lenox points out, it can tell you what happens if you put arsenic in Grandma's tea, but it can't tell you if you should. Scientists say no global flood, yet the same evidence points to a flood depends on which Scientists. But science says nothing about the supernatural, it is a study of the natural.
At some point you are going to have to stop the excuses
@@michaellemmen he has no moral foundation to stop, only subjective relativism, which is ultimately arbitrary & meaningless
So many words, but when challenged, you resort to ad hom and... silence. If only you were an actual skeptic instead of cynic.
God’s blessings
Six days to create and each day was from evening and morning equals one day. The time of one day was from evening and morning which is a 24hr period of time.
There are clear, powerful answers to some of these questions that Cliff is posed, and yet he rarely directly addresses them. He delivers a significant and important message, but I can only assume at this point in his walk his theology and knowledge of the Word is still quite limited. He displays depth and a lot of consistency, but not a lot of breadth, as he gravitates back to his core speaking points.
@flashfloodninja I have thought the same thing at times, but I noticed that this seems to connect with students in the older videos. I think he trained for that generation. And I think Stuart seems to answer more appropriately for this generation but still has heavy influence from Cliffe (naturally). I think it's a mistake to say he lacks breadth though. His strategy is roughly the same. A student asks a "gotcha" question thinking he will give a simple yes or no answer and that they can use that to paint him as racist, sexist, homophobic, etc and basically disregard everything he says. So instead he starts by establishing a less divisive analogy that the student will almost certainly agree with, , then the student typically impatiently demands an answer saying "that has nothing to do with what I asked " which is almost always ironic because it has everything to do with what they asked, but they're blind to it. Then he relates the analogy back to the original question.
I'm not out there preaching and answering people's questions so boldly, so I have the utmost respect for them really standing out there in faith and answering hard questions. But I also agree that at times it would be better to update his approach a little bit with more direct answers. But I also think that's from my public school indoctrination into materialistic atheism - now that I'm a Christian I expect other apologists to focus on direct science and logic answers more so than moral law type philosophy. But I think that's my own personal bias rather than a flaw in his methodology.
Is there any way too reach out to Cliffe?
I've just ordered his book and would like to say thank you for helping me start my relationship with Jesus.
Their church name and address is displayed several times through the video. Quite likely to be able to reach him that way.
Keep on keeping on in your new faith in Christ. 🙏
I enjoy watching these videos because I want to learn some of the talking points that Cliffe brings to light. There have been a few topics that I think he glosses over, or treads lightly. Some student asked about if hell is real. In this particular instance, Cliffe ended the conversation by saying that hell is an eternal separation from God, which I agree with...but Cliffe fell short on the whole answer. I think had he given specific passages from the bible, his answer would have found its mark. In this video, Clffe's son seems to intimate that the "new covenant" has more relevance than the "old covenant", or-more to the point-the new testament is more weightier than the old testament. I disagree 100%. With the exception of the ceremonial laws and customs, everything in the old testament still applies. God did not change His laws just because He sent His son. He is God. He changes not.
I agree to a point. But Christ fulfilled the Old testament laws. That being said, Jesus calls believers to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. But for a different reason than initially. Instead of trying to earn our own righteousness / our own salvation, it's as a RESULT of our salvation that we do these things.
For the unbeliever, the law is used to drive home how sinful we are so as to point to the solution - the cure - who is Jesus.
@@ORSkie To your first point, about Jesus fulfilling the Old Testament laws...which laws are you referring to? And when you use the term fulfill, are you saying that we no longer need to keep the law? Again, which laws do we no longer need to keep? Your second point concerning loving for a different reason than initially...it was Jesus' message from the beginning. We see this in Genesis, Exodus, etc. Jesus may not have said these specific words but the intent was always there. Jesus never told us/them that righteousness came by works. Righteousness have always been by the work of Christ. The new testament Jesus' purpose was to personally tell these wayward folks to follow His example. Your last point about the law concerning the unbeliever...the law (specifically the ten commandments) is for both unbelievers and believers. It does the same thing for both groups. These laws show how just God is and how He rules.
You will notice that the hypocritical Christian referenced in Matthew 7:21-23 stands before Christ and points to his own works rather than Christ's atoning work on the cross.
_“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’_
*MATTHEW 7:21-23*
He says the one who does will of the Father. Jesus did the will of the Father in heaven, what was that? That’s the real question.
Or the "hypocritical Christian" was lying. According to that scripture, God requires ppl to fulfill his will.
@@CJBlake-ym6ky Why would the hypocritical Christian believe that they could just lie to the Almighty though, if they had indeed never done any works? Surely they'd be aware in that moment that you can't hide anything from God.
@@alexanderb5726 b'c a hypocrite is just that, a liar. But even if the hypocrite did accomplish the things he said he did in God's name, it doesn't matter to God.
@@CJBlake-ym6ky My point was rather that it doesn't make sense to me that a hypocritical Christian would even try to lie, knowing that they can't lie to God.
Hi is this video recent like today 2023? I wish they came to Canada
This was in 2022. Around four or five years before this, a man named Owen Shroyer came to the same university & in the same spot as Cliffe, went on a bullhorn to confront it for publishing an article that was bordered on being racist towards white people, and then debated he whole crowd. #SmallWorld.
We should be keeping the laws of commandments, just as Jesus. Celebrating pagan holidays is vain.
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.”
Jeremiah 10:2-3, 5 KJV
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.
What's a day? If I said back in my grandpa's day, do I mean one day? Just his teenage years? Or the generation?
Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
One day is 24 hours in context.
1. How old? Well, if we add up the timeline...
2. How long did it take to create? Well, if we read Genesis 1...
3. What process did God use? He spoke it into existence. "And God said... and it was so." (Genesis 1:9, 11, 24)
Therein lies the problem Jesse, if any young student today looks into the age of the earth from a scientific point of view, they will come up with a vastly different age that dwarfs a young earth. This is backed up with a mountain of scientific evidence. Why do we never find human fossils in the same rock strata as dinosaur fossils? Is that something you can answer?
Correct! IF they accept the unprovable assumptions naturalists make (and they usually do because they are ignorant-something you have no excuse for), then you get an age... subject to constant revision. As for your silly but expected claim of "mountains of scientific evidence" that you haven't bothered to present so much as a grain of sand worth of. Well, that's just you taking your faith position and having no defense for it. You just believe because "they" say so. And finally, regarding your question, first you need to explain to me why the mountains of evidence you claim exist doesn't and what the percentage of mammal fossils make up the "fossil record"... Can you do that? (Go ahead. Go look it up for the first time... ever.)
Has there been any updates as to the origins of the Golden Rule ?
"mountains of scientific
evidence" that you haven't bothered to present so much as a grain of sand worth of. Well,”
Vagueness fallacy “ grain of sand”
“Well, that's just you taking your
faith position and having no defense for
I believe it’s true based on my blind faith or “because they say so” IS a kind of defensive dumb ass
You should say “no sound defence” dumb ass
It’s funny
You believe “God spirit moved upon the face of the waters” and “God speaking let there be light” is a sound explanation for why things exist
But you have a problem with scientific research that demonstrates how chemical reactions work
It’s just amazing the mental gymnastics you will use just because you fear death Jessie
Absolutely amazing 😂
@@giauscaesar8047 There's a tonnage of stuff online online concerning the Golden Rule and it's origins Giaus, it almost certainly did not originate from Christianity, Confucius mentions it in his writings in China, some 500 years before Christianity, humans have known for a long long time that it's beneficial to treat others as you want to be treated... it seems to function quite well in societies, and leads to cooperation and human flourishing. Dont take my word for it, go read up on the origins of the golden rule... Google 'Golden Rule Chronology' by Rev Dr Henry Gensler .. he gives a pretty good history of the golden rule going back a million years, right up to present day 🙂
Thanks for reminding me 👌
i undoubtably know that when i make a decision its a personal choice. Not from a chemical. Not from science.
But the question is how do i have a self that can make a decision, of my own. All i am is chemical? is this a chemical statement?
How do you know that your personal choice is not determined by chemicals? All the evidence suggests that it is. When we change the chemicals and structures in our brains, we can predict the effects it will have on our choices.
@Spooky if its chemicals then there shouldnt be anyone saying they are conscious.
@Psa22-6 all of the evidence indicates conciousness is an emergent property of physical interactions of energy and chemistry. Every observable instance and change of conciousness is dependent on and predicted by physical systems. Do you have evidence that it's anything else?
@@spooky6902 i would say NDEs of people who have been virtually braindead is good evidence for that not being entirely true
@JacobNl Not Of The OT yea
If rebelling against slavery, oppression, tyranny and a dictatorship is wrong. Then, that's what I'm happy to do.
Yes Christians are called to do justly, and speak out for those who can not speak out, to stand for righteousness.
Then why haven't christians, throughout history, stood up for those that christians persecuted.?
Oh . . . I forgot . . . when you're the one's doing the persecuting; then, you're justified because you're doing god's work.
I guess . . . if you allow your ass to lead your brain will follow.
@Jackal's Gate very foolish commitment, you know it. Because a group of people call themselves Christian doses not mean they are. If you know anything about Christianity you know that violence is not a teaching of Christ. That is the reason Jesus said by their fruits you will know them. I don't know where you get your history but Christians did stand up for other Christians, not only other Christians but for all humanity, it is not an option, if one is a Christian he will follow the teaching of Christ, if he is only in name a Christian he will not. Read the Bible before you determine what is Christian ,Jesus is the standard not fallen men.
@@jackalsgate1146 Problem with this take is does this align with God's will? Clearly don't take it at face value when someone says they own slaves cause it's God's will, by using your rational brain you can understand that they'd be lying through their teeth and are hypocrites
You -
Just because a group of Christians call themselves Christians doesn't mean they are.
Me -
Gee . . . where have I heard that excuse before.?
According to you then there are no real Christians.
I'm glad we can agree.
I have a lot of respect for Jesus (the man), but Christians, are not Christ-like and they never will be; cause, they're too lazy to put in the work.
Love this.....for the most part. Problem is, he is uninformed in one key area. The bible is NOT silent on the age of the earth. The timelines are clear. Age of the people beginning with Adam, time of the flood and ages since give a clear view of the age of the earth. Evolution is one of satan's greatest tricks to confuse Christians and to insure that millions refuse to accept Christ.
“Future dilf” 😂😭
College professors really tick me off when they completely discount the Bible!
Peter cut off Malchus' ear you had it backwards Stuart its okay i gotchu
I have a friend who is a Muslim. And we have discussions about his and my belief in Jesus Christ. I asked him according to quran, who received a direct revelation or how many people received direct revelation from God? And he said Mohammed received a direct revelation. Next thing I asked him was how do we verify the authenticity of Mohammed's testimony? He said there were other prophets apart from Mohammed who wrote but are not named in the quran. I need help, because I love my friend and also all people who are blinded by different religion, to explain clearly the truth. And my question is, how many witnesses are required to verify the authenticity of the truth? Other question, in order love to exist is it a requirement for one who loves and one who is loved? Or can one love nothing?
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
Christmas and Easter were not pagan celebrations. They celebrate Jesus and that's it.
They are very much pagan - do a little research and you will see
I wish I have never been created!!! So I wouldn't be involved in this experiment called: LIFE and wouldn't be blamed for the stuff I'm pre-programmed with!!😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
James 2 is not about genuine faith and non genuine faith. Anyone who has believed Jesus Christ died for their sins and rose again is permanently saved. What James 2 does talk about is the profitability of our faith or lack thereof, faith without works is dead simply means faith without works is unprofitable and cannot save you from the chastisement of God, James 2 is not talking about faith not saving us from hell but instead how faith with no works will cause us to be chastised by God in this life but anyone who believes 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is saved and cannot lose salvation. "God chastises every son he recieveth"
Cliff and Stuart you both failed to explain the 6 day creation and 7th day rest. In Genesis it is mentioned "And the evening and the morning were the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth day."
Some of the top Jewish Rabbis say that one day is 750, 000 years .
Ohhh, this was so painful to watch starting at 18:25...
What does SSRIs have to do with anything
11:52 Noah's Ark has been found in Turkey on Mount Arat. If you google Discovery of Noah's Ark Ron Wyatt... you will see that they found it.
Oh! Brilliant! I see you brought your a-game... as usual. [sigh] Now, about those reasons why you believe what you do and the evidence to support it... Theo?
You cannot be a rebel towards the One True Infinite God that does not exist, cannot be known, and cannot be named. How could you rebel against Infinity.?
However . . . you can rebel against that which does exist, is not infinite, can be known, and can be named; hence: Yahweh.
You can also love or hate that which exists (Yahweh), seeing as how, Yahweh, is said to love, hate, and envy (just like man).
Just as man can rebel against other men: men can rebel against Yahweh.
How do you know God does not exist? How do you know that naturalism (your faith) is even possible, let alone true? ... Jackal? Jackal?? Jackal!! ... Oh, that's right, you're just angry, anti-Christian, bigoted troll who can't think for himself-you can only grope around in the dark. Dude, you're wasting your time. Go find something more pleasurable to do. Surely you're not so fully of hate this posting on this channel is how you get your jollies? You're a sad man with a sad worldview. People here pray for you, Jackal, despite your disdain for all things Christian, right, and good.
You can’t rebel against something that creates the ultimate good
So why are you still rebelling against God?.
Uhh everyone does that lol
That's like saying you can't eat with your hands if I give you a fork
You cannot rebel against the One who is Ultimate good forever, that is true, but you can do it for a time.
The “young woman” of Isaiah 7:14 is the Hebrew word “alma” which can mean “young woman” or “virgin,” the Hebrew has that semantic range. It most likely meant young woman in context because the near part of that project was to Isaiah’s wife that had her second child, she was not a virgin. But the child was a sign to Judah for their salvation before the fall of Israel (N kingdom and Aram/Syria). Later Isaiah picks back up in the text to point to a far prophecy that builds off of Isaiah 7:14 in Isaiah 9 with the descriptions of who that child would actually be in its total fulfillment. A son born to save ALL people, the messiah Jesus.
Mark does use the LXX when referring to this prophecy which the Greek very specifically yea slates as “virgin.” Which is also true to the Hebrew semantic range although not exactly the original context. Long story short, the “alma” of Isaiah 7:14 was the short term prophecy for Isaiah’s wife bearing a son but also the long term prophecy of Jesus.
The youth today believe mix fabric is a sin, so ridiculous. They haven't studied the scriptures, old or new just what a lukewarm Pastor has taught them.
Matthew 15:9
"And in vain, they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’
You refuse to listen to the most straightforward answer answered back to you. Still praying for your soul/salvation.
There is a lot to admire about this Jesus character, to preach love, kindness and forgiveness are all excellent traits that are worth adhering to. I'm not convinced this same person was also the 'son of God' though. How does one prove beyond a shadow of doubt that he floated up into the clouds to sit at the right hand of God?, or that he walked on water? etc. There is lots of evidence to suggest that people invent stories.
"How does one prove beyond a shadow of doubt that he floated up into the clouds to sit at the right hand of God?"
"How does one prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" morals debeloped as you claim, Tom?
"How does one prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" millions of unobserved years?
"How does one prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" macro-evolution? unobserved, unrepeatable, untestable.....your disingenuous double standard precede you
I pray the only triune God of the:
1)supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-32/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18 fulfilled in reality today)
2)historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically by Christians & non-Christians w/enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.)
3)transcendentally/objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) Holy Bible reveals Himself to you in Spirit & objective truth (John 16:13).
May the triune, infallible, omniscient God bless you with faith in Him, not fallible man’s limited knowledge of theories.
You need Faith to believe in all that is written in the Bible.
@@HhJcg-qe5qp You need faith to believe in fallible theories of man with no foundation for truth. The triune God's word is the only thing that is consistent with objective reality: origin meaning, morality, destiny, order, logic, reason, beauty, sense, etc.
Hi Bonnie, there is evidence in the scripture of those things and multiple accounts of those things happening, not just one. Jesus demonstrating his control over the weather, demons, and death prove that he is Divine. These things are found in the accounts of the 4 gospels.
History tells us that the apostles were martyred for their beliefs. I think that if I invented a story and say miraculous things and was threatened to die a horrible death, that I would admit the lie and move on. I think that the historical evidence of the disciples being martyred gives credibility to their accounts.
Along with this, if you're truly curious, you can ask with a sincere heart that God reveal himself and his son to you, he is faithful to do so.
@@HhJcg-qe5qp yes indeed my friend, faith comes in different forms, eg: i have lots of faith in things I experience in reality, but little faith in stories such as the Jesus miracles as described in the New Testament.
Hola, hello beautiful world God Almighty bless all . people want prove of God look at our world nature our planet,trees plants, our body our eyes , our teeth our talent 's etc their is Soo much prove some of us just don't want to see it God bless all
Noahs ark is resting on the Mounts of Ararat just as the Bible records, archaeological verifiable
@@jasonnoble7302 yes
Prove it
A natural rock structure near Dogubayazit, Turkey, has been misidentified as Noah's Ark. Microscopic studies of a supposed iron bracket show that it is derived from weathered volcanic minerals. Supposed metal-braced walls are natural concentrations of limonite and magnetite in steeply inclined sedimentary layers in the limbs of a doubly plunging syncline. Supposed fossilized gopherwood bark is crinkled metamorphosed peridotite. Fossiliferous limestone, interpreted as cross cutting the syncline, preclude the structure from being Noah's Ark because these supposed "Flood" deposits are younger than the "Ark." Anchor stones at Kazan (Arzap) are derived from local andesite and not from Mesopotamia.
@@jasonnoble7302 Learn
Genesis 8:4 - “and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.
Mountains or Ararat - archaeologically verifiable places errrr
the devil believes in the fact that God exists, he knows it for a fact. So just because you are aware of God's existence does not automatically mean anything. Same with knowing the bible and scripture - the devil quotes scripture to Jesus when the Lord went to the desert and fasted for 40 days. Faith is more than just knowing God exists.
I'm sorry Cliffe, but the Bible tells us that God spoke creation into existence and as far as the age of the earth is, we can add up the dates in the Bible and get a very close estimate of around 6000 years.
I was shocked to hear your thoughts on this since the rest of what you say is quite Biblically accurate
@Justin Gary the word death means separation. They did die on that day - a spiritual death. They were separated from God's presence. Yes, 930 years later Adam died physically, thus his spirit and soul separated from his body.
Each day was a literal 24 hour day - "there was evening, and there was morning the first day." etc.
Its hard to believe a day could be a thousand years. God later commanded the Israelites to work 6 days and rest on the seventh just like God did. Are we to believe that they had to work for 6 thousand years?
@@leemanwrong Probably not but this is where things can get very messy when it comes to reading the Bible, because it seems like it's not as simple as just reading it. We can ALL read it, even an idiot like me can read it too🤣but the reality is that people can't agree on what the Bible means when it says certain things.
There is disagreement over interpretation that has yet to be resolved once and for all, presuming it ever will be resolved. Some Christians take every word the Bible says literally, eg "hey brother...six days means six days...end of". Others take some Bible stories, passages etc literally and some of them metaphorically, eg "God's time is different to our time, so 6 days might not necessarily mean really 6 days, it might have meant 6 thousand or even 6 million years in our time...amen brother". Other Christians take it to be nearly all metaphorical, symbolic etc.
"Well, who's right and who's wrong then, Johnny boy??"...I hear you ask. Well, very good question my friend, but that's the problem because aside from the different Christians all claiming they are right and claiming the others are all wrong, there is no higher than human authority around (at the moment) to declare once and for all who has got it right and who is wrong.
This means that all of the different Christians are free to continue to interpret the Bible however they believe it should be interpreted, I mean, it's not as if God will pop up (if only he would) and declare "right, you lot are messing this up completely, that's not what I meant in my word" and "well done you over there, you have got it correct".
There's nothing currently stopping any Christian here from pushing (for lack of a better word for it ) ANY interpretation of the Bible they like. Oh, they can argue and argue and argue over it all day among themselves, which they often do here but none of them will get anywhere. The only way for this to be truly resolved is for a higher-than-human authority to enter the discussion and declare "this is the correct way" but when, if ever, is that going to happen?? 🤔
The G.D of heaven said we never do what pagans do, and then say we are doing it to honor HIM.
Never mix pagan with holy, never mix arsenic with food
Mashiach was NOT born in December
HE was born with the Passover lambs which is spring time.
The Bible absolutely is not silent on creation! What are you talking about? Stated very clearly how he created the universe
🌟I don't ever get answers🌟.2👈😁👍
The are so many beliefs in God that no one is correct Because to believe in God..
is for One to believe that they are on a righteous path free of sin & that they will live in heaven for the rest of eternity but heaven Hell & purgatory Are concept maid up by the living Because Evil compassion love & everything that is good in the world are feelings maid up by the living
when death is just the ending of a long life Because everybody loves to go to sleep after a long day & it's been a long life.... so for those who are about to die...
Good Night..👈😁👍 because any suffering you might have felt throughout life is now over.....
A twisting of concepts; It’s not a conflict between intellectual as opposed to moral because “morals” are derived from intellect. What Cliffe should be comparing is Intellect vs Emotion. Emotion is too often based upon pure sensory input and our senses are often far from perfect. Innocent people have been sent to prison for example because of personal perception. The point of the scientific method , an intellectual pursuit, is to minimize as much as possible making decisions based upon personal perception. Cliffe is COMPLETELY off base in claiming there is more than enough evidence of god. Notice he doesn’t provide any specific evidence other than biblical references. Yet even the authenticity of the Bible is dubious. The Middle East certainly has a history and much of that history can be revealed via archaeology, paleontology, landmarks, ancient documents etc. But for documents there has to be some reasonable physical evidence to either support the document or the events. That is simply NOT the case with the Bible. One reason being there is little to no physical evidence of the claims made in the Bible. For example, where is Moses’ Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the parting of the Red Sea, walking on water, raising the dead, etc etc? There’s no evidence of any of that. One of the worst theological expressions is the notion of punishing someone else, an innocent person, for the “sins” of someone else. It sounds attractive because it appeals to the ID and Ego to as a mechanism of avoiding punishment to one’s self. Even the biblical Jesus was not perfect, he couldn’t be perfect because perfection is impossible in physical form. One example might be the story of Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers. That was an emotional event in which Jesus lost control. That’s not perfect behavior. I strongly suspect Cliffe has little idea what rational really means. It means drawing conclusions based upon “empirical evidence”. What empirical evidence is there of a super-natural god? In this example he’s twisted the hypothetical notion often claimed of nonbelievers they claim that everything came from nothing. Which is either ignorance or a lie. “Rational” people would base their opinion upon the preponderance of physical evidence and NOT jump to conclusions that fall outside the natural order. People believe in god because they want to believe, most often for emotional reasons. But that is a wholly inadequate process to gain “real” knowledge. Atheists don’t claim everything came from nothing BECAUSE the actual “genesis” is still unknown. But that ultimately it is far more likely it was caused by some “natural” event as yet unknown and NOT from the supernatural.
Intellect is a direct result of reason
@@reidp646 Reason, a process for drawing conclusions from Evidence is the direct result of Intellect. Intellect comes first. One has to have the ABILITY to reason... that is intellect. So I think you have that backwards.
The Bible most certainly does answer the questions; How did God create? How long did it take God to create? and, How old is the earth? You can find the answers to "how" and "how long" in Genesis, Leviticus and straight from the mouth of Jesus the Messiah himself in the NT Gospels. He created by His word, "God said, let there be.." and it was so. Also, "the seventh day shall be your Sabbath, for the Lord God created all things in 6 days and in the 7th he rested". And in the book of Luke you get the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, which goes all the way back to Adam, and if you add the years of all of those within that genealogy you get the answer to how old the earth was when Jesus came forth as our redeemer, this being ~4,000 years.
No it doesn’t
It doesn’t say how God created anything. It gives a vague explanation but doesn’t actually give the method
Saying“let there be light” doesn’t provide an explanation of how creationism took place
But you believe it does using your blind faith all you like 😂
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion?
The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
Post the link
@@jasonnoble7302 Blessings to you. UA-cam won't allow me to post it, but here's how you can see it. Select my photo. The description that has "Group" in the name is the one.
@@jasonnoble7302 how about John 1 In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.
Certainly sounds like the word of God created all things. "God SAID (spoke with his mouth) let there be (fill in the blank) and it was so. Let the be light, and there was light. Let there be a firmament... And it was so. Let the waters under the heavens gather together into one place and let the dry land appear.. and it was so. Let the earth bring forth grass, herbs, trees etc.. and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, herbs, trees etc.. I don't see how it can get more clear than that. It's the very first chapter of the Bible that says how God created and how long it took God to create.
I think the Bible's pretty clear about creation and how God did it. He spoke it into being by His Word. And it very clearly states how long He took to do it as well.
To state that the Bible is silent on it is disingenuous, imo.
Here is an important answer that Cliffe is missing.
The word for "eternal" hell is aion and can just mean age. In Matthew 24 the disciples ask Jesus what will be the signs of the end of this world. World is aion here. So you gotta keep in mind that certain people had motives geared towards keeping people afraid of burning forever and making you pay $ for your own salvation. Luke 16 mentions a gulf. There is a good side and a bad side. Think to yourself. How could we enjoy heaven if all of the goody goodies are on one side and right next store there's a boiling pit of lava where people are not just burning for billions of years, but trillions upon trillions of years. How could a loving God allow that? And how could we enjoy heaven if one of our loved ones didn't make it? No, after the 1000 years they are blotted out. It's as if they never existed. Gone from our memories and gone from our lives for good. They burn up like fat to a spiddle and the smoke of their ashes go up forever and ever. Revelation 20:14 “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.”God is a consuming fire and I'm not saying He is that lake of fire, but he indeed can destroy the soul.
Taking the mistranslation out of hell part 1
Taking the mistranslation out of hell part 2
Shepherds Chapel God the consuming fire and hells fire
Through me off disagree. Those holidays are pagan origin and adopted by Catholics in their time of power. They compromised and today you see today. Praying to Mary And Angels is pagan tradition. Jesus wasn't born December 25th their pagan gods did. Jesus never celebrated birthdays yet we do. But birthdays is not pagan I believe. Is just celebrating the day of your birth. You can say the wise men from the East who came to see the King who was born was a celebration because angels showed up to some shepherds and told them to praise. Easter is link toed fertility pagan gods and the rabbit and eggs represent that. To mislx that up with Passover is crazy. Passover points to the days of Egypt and Moses leading them out of their. To co join that with rabbits and eggs is idolatry in definition because is tradition of men. And Jesus was cleared with following things of men lokemit came from God.
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion?
The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
The name of Christian was first called in antioch. That was Paul did not want to mention the name of the Messiah but used Christ, the Greek hero's name, instead of the name of the Messiah.
Paul's said, I planted, and apollos watered, that is the Christian religion.
The Messiah said that every tree that is not planted by the father will be cut down. So Paul planted Christian will be cut down.
Christian religion does not want to keep the Lord's Sabbath, but want to keep the Pope's Sunday.
So it will be cleansed by the fire of the Lord. If you want to be saved, keep the Sabbath and abandon Paul's Christianity. We have only a short time left.
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion?
The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
Image means physically similar, like a child is physically similar to their parents. The image of God is represented by Jesus Christ being the beloved son of the Father in heaven and being in the form of a man resurrected to life in that form and image. The intelligence and rationality comes from the eternal spirit of a person that was formed before this world, it isn’t spoken about in the creation account in Genesis.
It doesn't have to be physical
@@isaiahemmanuel3992 That’s what the word means in context. It is used later when Adam has a son named Seth that is in Adam’s image or the commandment not to make graven images.
@Justin Gary I’m not an atheist, I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ and I don’t approve what Cliff said about the image of God because that explanation is not in the scripture. Adding anything to the scripture creates a way to insert things that are untrue but seem reasonable. We value our physical biology because it is made in the image of God so we don’t mar and mutilate it, this is written on our conscience. Protestant theology adds to the scripture false ideas about God, that make God genderless and without family progressing to transgenderism to be like God. The theology that discourages good works and that all receive salvation with no work in the same outcome of heaven leads logically to equity of all outcomes or Marxist politics preached as if it was the highest virtue from God. These things are false narratives with awful outcomes, no family, no gender, and perfect equity leads to no free will, conflict, and death.
@@Theo_Skeptomai I have historical documents, witnesses, and experience, I don’t have a myth, that’s a category error. I don’t have a myth with no evidence like nothing creating everything.
So, we know Gods plan can not be changed
by free will choices. We also know God is
always good.
Can God fail at anything?
Of course the Bible answers the question about how old the earth is. It also answers the question how long it took to create it.
Love cliffe and his videos, but he completely butchered James 2 and mathew 7. James 2 is about the justification of man, and how our faith is unprofitable to them without works, not that we have fake faith, and mathew 7:21-23 is about those that trusted in their works and not solely Jesus’ work at the cross. They didn’t do the will of the Father stated in verse 21 which is to believe in the Son John 6:40, they believed in themselves. These interpretations he gave can easily lead someone into a works based gospel that does not save
Love you guys
But this idea of heaven is so bad that's not how the story goes That is not the consummation of all things
Heaven and earth will become one, This idea of heaven comes from Classical/historical premillennialism was the only view of eschatology for at least the first 200 years of the church. However, after Origen’s hermeneutic became widespread by the 4th century, this belief came under scrutiny, and Augustine (354-430) was the first to make a logical and systematic application of Hellenism to eschatology. Though generally a follower of Origen’s allegorical interpretation (cf. On Christian Doctrine, Preface), Augustine toned down the system to make it less objectionable to orthodox Christians (see Phillip Schaff, “Preface to Augustine’s The City of God,” in The Post Nicene Fathers, Vol. 2, p.5). On many points Augustine seems orthodox, and though giving lip-service to the resurrection of the body (cf. City of God, 20.6-14; 22.5-21; On Christian Doctrine, 1:19-21), he sees heaven as the ultimate end of salvation (cf. City of God, 11.1; 14.28; 19.10-11; 20.14-27) and thus assumes a heavenly resurrection (cf. City of God, 13.22-23; 22.3-4). Heaven as the ultimate destiny of the saints is the staple of the amillennial view that grew out of Augustine’s allegorical approach to Scripture.”
Through the influence of theologians and church leaders whose thinking was shaped in the mold of Alexandrian and Augustinian theology, the snowball pushed down the hill by Plato ended up landing in church pews. This is true up to the present day, even for the vast majority of Christians who have not gone to seminary, but who have nevertheless been taught week-in and week-out by those who have. Typically, the worldview of every culture consists both of elements that agree with Biblical truth (and thus are to be affirmed) and those that do not agree with Biblical truth (and thus need to be changed from God’s perspective). The problem with the widespread infiltration of Greek thought into the church is that so much of it is simply contrary to the Hebraic worldview of the Bible. This is one of the reasons why so many in the Body of Christ today do not know how to explain the gospel with clarity when put on the spot: it has been often obscured by unbiblical
ideas down through the centuries.
There was two floods. The first one was pre Adamic.
Did Cliff say "the Bible is silent on how old the earth is?" are you kidding me? In Genesis 1 - God created everything in 6 - 24hour days. Also they way he created sertain things make it clear that there were not millions of years between those days. God created all the herbs and all the green things on day 3, but there was no sun or moon, or stars - God alone was light, on day 4, god created the sun and moon - and all natural lights. (This tells us they were 24h days) We also have dates from now until Adam - and its about 6,000 years until the creation of Adam. Cliff - how do you not understand that Bible tracks geneology from Christ to David to Adam?
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
@@JesusisGodandKingofkimgs umm, im a believer.
As an atheist I am rebelling against a description of a Hebrew monster named Yahweh that appears in ancient Hebrew literature but has never introduced himself to me.
Grace and Peace to you. Would you like to be included in our Theology Group chat on a Different platform for further discussion?
The group an assortment of people with various theological beliefs and backgrounds. What we all have in common is a Desire to discuss the bible, Religion and Christianity. It's a Good Opportunity to witness to non-believers and fellowship with believers.
"Depart from me, you who practice Lawlessness". What is Lawlessness? Is that breaking the Law of America? Europe? What is this Law?
Jesus said My doctrine is not my own but His that sent me... isn't that Torah?
John said if you claim to know Jesus but you don't keep the Torah you are a liar and the truth is not in you.
Jesus said if you love Me then keep my Torah...
Paul said we are saved by Grace. Moses said we are blessed through Obedience.
Why do Christians keep Pagan traditions like Christmas and Easter while shunning the Torah and the Biblical Festivals and Shabbath?
Jesus said depart from you who practice Lawlessness "don't practice Torah".
Sin is transgression of the Law... but Christians say the Law is done away with. But Jesus said, heaven and earth will pass away before the Torah passes away. Jesus further said, if you teach others to not keep Torah you will be least in the Kingdom...
Its simple... if you don't want to obey God you will follow the modern day Church Theology... if you Love Jesus, Jesus said to obey His Torah.
"Saved by Grace, Blessed through Obedience"
Shabbat Shalom!
Refute the logic, agnostic:
1)When you say there’s good you assume evil exists which assumes a moral law to differentiate good & evil
2)which assumes a moral law giver (the triune God of the Bible)
3)no moral law giver? => no moral law => no good => no evil =>no actual morality
Good and evil comes from man as he so establishes.
1) Men can harm people.
2) Men can heal people.
1) Men can starve people.
2) Men can feed those people who are starving.
1) Men can enslave people.
2) Men can free those people who are enslaved.
Christians are the only one's who need a devil to hang their sins on, so that, they can create a savior to free them from any responsibility of retribution.
@@Theo_Skeptomai Playing word game TS? "morally appropriate from those inappropriate" MEANS morally right & wrong, but you wont admit whats in front of you, you just want to argue with no foundation for truth of reality as you continually make objective claims incoherently/inconsistently with reality
@@Theo_Skeptomai "This argument is neither valid nor sound. Good and evil are not realities."/"Morality requires no law. Legalities do" (by what objective standard?), "All that is required is discernment" (for you or everyone? objective foundation for your claim?)
@@Theo_Skeptomai "Glad to have refuted your argument"
Then you LOVE to ignorantly claim victory instead of waiting for refutation to your shallow response.....not worth the time......
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf "Sinister one"
The ad hominem fallacies begin......you cant address the topic honestly so you name call like a child......
We don't follow the 10 commandments. The just shall live by faith?
God the Father found fault with the old covenant the law.
Paul called it the ministry of DEATH!
There is no more sacrifice for sin because Jesus paid it all. You don't deserve forgiveness. We are forgiven because God our Father is merciful and cherishes US XXXXXXX
If you don’t agree with the moral law, the spirit of the law, and love God then your aren’t seeking forgiveness you are seeking a narrative to go your own way.
@boltrooktwo What about the gift of righteousness and the fruit of the spirit. It says in the word seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
When I first took that in I was offended.
Paul said it is not I that live (The Self) but Christ lives in me yet I live.
We are partakers in the divine nature with Jesus. I think I am going to duck hahahahah
@@noelsetterington6328 Look at the definition of righteousness. That is doing the right thing at the right time with the right reasons. Jesus calls people to a journey of perfection called holiness, a wholeness that you love or you don’t achieve. You seek forgiveness for not being holy so that you can prepare to live with a holy God in eternal life.
Forgiveness of what? Sin? Based upon what? The moral law? What aspect of the 10 Commandments don't involve the moral law? I'm a little confused by what you've said here...
And you with your blind naturalistic Darwinian mythology... I guess that, even if you're right, we're even.
Show me ONE shred of historical evidence that Christmas is rooted in pagan worship. The concept is laughable is as laughable as the naivety of those who accept it the second they hear it.
Need a mouth
Why does that lady not have clothes on her baby...
I’m as much rebellious against God as I am rebellious against Gandalf.
I know the cult he's talking about is protestants 😂
Why do I have to believe in something? 😂
You don't have to believe in anything . Just keep playing your video games and pretending God doesn't exist.
You just keep pretending you’re not in the matrix 😂
Because without believing anything-you wouldn't even be typing on a computer or have any reason to ask anything.
You just keep being your cynical, irrational, truth suppressing, trolling, unlearning self. It's what you do.
Let’s explore what you mean by “irrational”
Do you mean my worldview contains a contradiction ?
These videos are getting worse, more repetitive, and preachy. I like when students challenged them and there was some sort of debate.
Don't close your heart because you don't find conflict in these videos, i.e., debates. But enjoy Gods word in all facets with an open heart. ❤
@@user-wq2gs8eu7l From whos heart, I'm not trying to be near someone's heart. Here for the truth.
@@ChrisDodges123 I want to hear evidence, I'm not trying to drink the Kool-Aid. What is your evidence for god, and what do you mean by god?
Maximum cringe
Jesus is Jehovahs servant, His anointed one, he is not God.
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
@@JesusisGodandKingofkimgs 😂 might want to understand what hell is first.