I remember going to church as a child and on stage they did a play. During this play a son and dad died in a car wreck and it showed them both going to hell because they were not saved. It scared the heck out of me and made me think I wanted to be Christian and the more I think about this as an adult the more I see it as the child abuse it was
@@Hdjxhzjja828 Yes, absolutely a cult. You have one person telling a small group of people to leave their family and that he is the only way. People do that today and they are called a cult. The only difference is, complete control caused this cult to grow insanely large, but the base of this religion is still a cult according to its definition.
This man speaks the truth about the nature of our existence. All religion is designed to give mankind an alternative hope to the oblivion that awaits us all.
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist). So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
@@molotov7000 What scholars like Bart D. Ehrman was referring to, was that Jesus existed, but only as a ordinary human. They weren't referring to the divine, supernatural Jesus like so many people believe, as that Jesus doesn't exist. One of the reasons why? Magic doesn't exist. *No one* can realistically either resurrect from the dead, turn water into wine, heal people or walk on water without magic involved. And magic isn't real. Second, there were many deities, etc. who have predated the story of Jesus & the birth/resurrection stories from Pagan, Egyptian & Greek mythologies, like Horus, Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Krishna, etc.
@@molotov7000@molotov7000 I wasn't going to reply to any of the posts when I came to yours. I've been a Christian for over 46 years. I spent many decades studying the Scriptures. It never dawned on me to research the historical figure we call Jesus. Well, guess what? I finally did research, and you know what I found? The more I looked, the less I noticed. After countless hours of research, it appears the Romans were behind this individual because they desperately needed a passive figure. After all, Rome was dealing with a lot of troublemakers. It was hard for me to admit after four and a half decades that maybe I was wrong about this religious figure. We are told Jesus is the only way into heaven, yet the more I looked into the afterlife, the more I became convinced that's not true. In the end, humanity can believe anything they want. I advise those genuinely searching for the truth to do their due diligence before lashing out at others who may not think like others. If I've learned anything, it would be this: wisdom begins when our level of ignorance is fully acknowledged. Not a sermon, just a suggestion.
When your people came to our land, it was not with open arms, but with Bibles and guns and disease. You took our land. You killed us with your guns and disease, then had the arrogance to call us godless savages. If there is a Heaven and it is filled with Christians, than Hell is the place for me. - Unknown Native American
@@billr.2210 Well yes, since the US is built off such cruel history, the rest of the world has no qualms about coming to your lands and making it our own. And you can do nothing about it.
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown,” H.P. Lovecraft, who can be said to have been talking about religion.
@@orthocoinbitzantium1002 I don't see the point of your irrelevant run-on sentence. Is that the faith you refer to after that comma that should be a period?
There is a difference between religion and Dharma. Fear is central to Abrahamic cults. Religion is a closed club of slaves. For me God and Satan are equally important. Good and bad too. Everything in west is binary.
I used to go to a beautiful forest in Michigan 1-5 weeks in the summer. It was a girls xtian camp. It was wonderful. Except, as I got older, a beautiful night under the stars, watching a campfire, was spoiled... watching the campfire and thinking of people burning in hell. That's so messed up.
What helped me was the Torah when I realized there are too many errors and scientific problems. But fear is always the key to 99% of most faith. And that's where they get you.
It is sad that so few people, especially atheists, that if God says one of his names is Love, completely misunderstood fear and what love means. Seems to me , if Jesus compared His father to earthly fathers, every kid deep down knows their parent can only be trusted to love them if first they cannot be manipulated. Spoiled brats have no respect for any parent unless they have mastered that instant glance which says "I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it!" And, all excellent teachers deeply understand no student will accept their discipline without a level of fear. And neither will any come to love their teacher back. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" means exactly this.
@@joegeorge3889what a pity- no imagination or capacity to think, understand or examine in yourself, or others, different modes of experiencing reality.
@@joegeorge3889 sub a enrage people feel, and justify that with thoughts. Average people think . Above, think about what they think, and emotions follow. And the really brilliant think about what they think about what they think. 95% of atheists are dumb. 3% ate average. 2% are the Neitzsches. A thought about a thing is not the thing itself- it is a thought about that thing. Right? That thought is always a much smaller representation of any thing there is in reality. But, you can know SOME truths about the thing you are thinking about, but NEVER the whole truth- because that's too much for our widdle bitty 8 lb bwains. By definition, a god is far more intelligent than human understanding. So, anything an atheist (or Christian thinks about any God, were one to exist, is truly a tiny thought about something so far beyond human comprehension it is ludicrous to even think we are thinking about that God's attributes. The experience of something physical or emotional increases the odds that a thing exists "out there" in the "real world," and not just in our neurochemical "reality." The more people who experience something, the more it is "real." And to those who haven't, their mental image may or may not be closer to the real thing. Christians experience Christ's spiritual presence and guidance from Gkd and the Spirit. Atheists have not, except when they no longer experience God's hiddenness. So, 95% of atheists obviously reject God, and spiritual realities,because they have not. But, the image they have of this God of Love and Order is merely emotion backed by thought. And, the emotion is the teenager's: I don't want there to be anyone who tells me I have to accept their rules. I am my own ruler. Stupid thoughts. Even we do not get to make up the rules which govern 99.9999999+% of reality. And, physics, biochemistry and other branches of science keep discovering more and more rules. Going on about nonsense?
The religions of the world use fear to control us. When I came to the innerstanding that there was more to “this God” (Energy) they taught me in Sunday school and church I walked away from religion and found Myself- the Light within. I have never regretted my innate guidance. Thank you for sharing this profound message.
You dont know what you are saying. Blessed are those who believe and yet dont see. Fool are those who believe that there is no God and those who dont accept Jesus as savior are already doomed...
@@rossevanricamara4169given by a magical sky being who judges you based on temporary existence and punishes or rewards you for all of eternity?! Yeah, no! I don’t find any wisdom in it.
You make the same mistake as many do. In order to see what Jesus' teachings were you must read all of them. They're quite contradictory. A megalomaniacal, arrogant Jesus can be gleaned from the gospels too by use of the same cherry-picking that gives us a kind, benevolent Jesus.
As an atheist dying is ok , my gran was tired at 96, lm bloody tired at 70! Few parts of my body don,t give me grief.. Noone seems to wonder why Jesus needed Baptism if he was an ordinary man ,sure do your rituals but a god son.?..........We love stories , my fav. Is Avatar thats the world in a nutshell.
Jesus asked to be baptized in respect of tradtion, to show he was not special, tried not to attract attention, probably didnt know he was special nor did his cousin, John until the Holy Spirit and God's voice confirmed it to John which made him cry out, Behold the lamb of God........! I am not fit to untie his sandals........
I figured out I was an atheist when I was about 11 years old. From that time I always mentioned that I was atheist when asked.. I have since figured out.. at 65 years old now that most Americans have a serious problem with us.. and once they know you do not believe in their God.. It's really disappointing that so many Americans are so hateful yet claim they are a member of this so called Christian group that I thought was supposed to be loving.. But nope they aren't. In fact they are the opposite and that's a sad reality to live with ..
I am not atheist, but I understand perfectly where ur coming from. So many so called Christians are responsible for so many falling away from their faith as they do not live a Christ-like life style at all. In fact they are some of the most judgemental, arrogant and narrow minded religious ppl ever! There are religious ppl who were offended bc I said to them that I know some atheists with better morals than some so called Christians. It's the truth, though. I am a believer with all my heart soul & mind in Yahshuah, but I DO NOT follow any man-made religion ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY. I just can not be a part of any religion whose leaders are so arrogant as to think their laws & doctrine are better than those of The Designer & Creator of all.
I am Christian. And, like most of us, I couldn't give a shit what you believe. All of our journeys are personal. You came across self-proclaimed Christians, not true Christians.
@@walayanzaloloco3670 So the vast overwhelming majority of all the humans who have ever lived will have their consciousness kept alive to be tortured forever and ever in some kind of a fire. That's the loving God you guys have. And you don't even have to be a mean person to end up in the big campfire. You could be the sweetest person who ever lived, but if you have intellectual doubts about this supernatural tale, off to the furnace you go.
@@bartstewart8644 if you obey the commandments that was given, you will live in peace but if you transgress, who gave you the right to complain from punishment?
This belief system has caused so much pain death and suffering in the world. And it's still responsible for much of the ongoing injustice and cruelty in Palestine today
Dont be too sure, kiddo. Maybe you've been reading the wrong books, listening to atheist-lecturers, belong to the wrong crowd. Do some more studies and research cuz Jesus is real but you have to dig deep to find the real one. Good luck.
No! This is a myth, Jesus and his church, created by the Romans. It was just a political tool. Please see Caesars Messiah on UA-cam, also the MythVision YT Channel for more info.
i havent got any evidence for a single hindu god from any of the hindu friends or the hindus who know me, the hindu gods have been developed and maintained by the brahmin priests for 3000 years for their political and power gain...their is no evidence for the existence of a single hindu god existing ever.
and its false, lol. Its consensus among scholars that Jesus existed. There are numerous,even non christian, sources about Jesus being baptized by John and his crucification. With all the evidence on Jesus there is its crazy to say he didnt…
The cursing of the fig tree in St Luke of the New Testament puzzles me a lot. It was where a hungryJesus was looking for fruits on the fig tree and he couldn't find any. He got frustrated and cursed the tree by saying that it was a lousy tree and may it never bear fruits again. The tree withered the next day. What puzzles me from that parable is if Jesus had the power to multiply food or change water into wine, why can't he make the tree bear fruits instead of cursing it and making it wither?
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist). So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
he ( Jesus) didnt have trouble turning water into wine for a good old time....just cant make figs materialize. The whole story of anything Christian is a joke.
Brother...if you actually "read" the bible...you would understand the meaning. But that is the problem, people read one verse and decided that there is no God, JESUS never existed, etc.. Read the bible!!
Did you lose the holiness of a newborn baby, and make it into a thing? Or a kitten as a beloved pet and stick it in a cage with electrodes in its brain, never to be loved? Science is science. But where is the holy? Science: what is invisible is merely beyond our senses. The eye and heart are matter shaped by evolution. "What is essential is invisible to the eye. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly." St. Exupery. Which is it? Was Neitzsche right or wrong in his essay, "The Madman"?
Science says there are no "spiritual experiences." They are illusions created by neuro hormonal chemistry. I pity the poor scientist who isn't having one when they are getting laid.
That is why a lot of us as black people are trying to get our people out of christianity. Our people have to go to our Kemetic history to find out how we came to be and who our creator is. I heard about Kemet a few months ago.
So you're black. Go to New Orleans, learn all about Voodoo but STAY AWAY from Hoodoo because Hoodoo is from Papa Legba ( the Devil) Then go to the Cathedral and get the blessings of a Catholic Priest. You will then be O.K. but keep your Mojo close. This won't work on us white folks.
All humans, regardless of race, have a common ancestral mother and father on earth. We are one human race. We are one species. Adam and Eve may've been created by genetic engineering in a laboratory by another species when they colonized the earth with their space shuttles.
All humans are of one species, so all humans have the same origin. Africans do not have a separate origin. Scientific research has proven that all members of a species are descended from the same female ancestor and male ancestor. The human species began with one couple.
Black people could not have a different origin than people of other colors. We are all humans. We are all the same species. All members of a species began with one couple: one male and one female. We are all descended from one common ancestor couple. It has been proven by scientific research. Common sense and logic also tell us this obvious truth.
I am agnostic/atheist as it gets but I never doubted he was a man that existed and gained a following. just like there were hundreds of various charismatic people claiming to be profits (spelling wrong on purpose to be funny)
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist). So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
Jesus was a man that existed he was a member of a religious group called the Essenes" John the Baptist was also an essene, the Gnostics, Ebonites they all practiced "VEGANISM"
I don't believe Jesus actually existed myself, but it mostly was always just my opinion so to speak. But this guy gave me more real reasons to believe he never existed than I ever had before. I just can't see any real reason for Jesus.I mean if God is all-powerful and can do anything why would he need to kill his own so-called son to save mankind? He could just forgive us himself and do away with the middle man J.C.
SPOT ON…..I was dragged to Sunday school as a kid. So, as an adult I have since therefore read history, NOT on an academic level BUT on a level which seems to at least makes sense to me and one which most of us can therefore relate to. Good conversation My friend. 😘
I wasn't totally thrilled with Sunday School as a kid either and I did have many questions about the Christian faith. But I think we need to have all the information so we can get the rest of the story. That's what I looked into as a historian, focusing on ancient sources outside of the Bible, written by non-Christians who were not sympathizers to the Christian movement. These sources provide evidence for the existence of Jesus that even atheists cannot deny. Open to your thoughts on the data I mention here: ua-cam.com/video/ZXePxjPgF9Y/v-deo.html
Just read the Bible yourself, line for line, word for word, and you'll see that whether God exists or not is irrelevant. The real question is if such a creature even deserves to be worshipped at all...
@@lusciouslipslibra I don't see the point of worshipping anything at all, and I personally ask "God" for direction. But regarding the Bible, it's pretty depressing. I think a lot of it wasn't meant to be taken literally.
Watch Ray Haygin video to debunk jesus resurrection myth. There's no second coming of jesus according to Mark 9-1. According to this verse the second coming is already happened during jesus disciples live time. That's why the Jews don't believe jesus and consider him to be a paranoid.
Actually second coming failed as nothing happened in those days. It is said that second coming will happen at the time of Paul's generation; that means at the time of first generation of Christians . But a lot of people are still waiting
When I went through the bible for the first time, and then over and over again from first to last page, studying, i concluded that there was something fundamentally not ok I'm there. The issue with Christians is that they are all guided by the word BELIEF and not KNOWLEDGE. Once we research the so called accomplished prophesies of the man depiction as Jesus in the New Testament and discover that he actually accomplished NO SINGLE PROPHESY he is said to have accomplished, then you start seriously questioning who wrote the gospels and the entire new testament. God cannot lie
In the creed, “the resurrection of the body, and the life ever after,” something specific is implied. Paul, the alleged apostle, preaches this up one side and down the other, but in the gospels there is no such teaching or pronouncement that would lead one to think this is part of the “good news of a military victory!” If one is to accept Paul’s teaching exists in the gospels, this doctrine could be compared to a glass of lemonade made with only one drop from the lemon.
@@ageorgiapeach9442 alright Miss Peach, tell me how I am misinformed about “my Creator!” And I’ll wait, or you can email me directly. . .but this statement has nothing to do with a creator, or The Creator!
I am a born-again Christian. God has instilled His Truth in me and I receive it. He has given me Eternal Life. This only comes through Jesus who is the only way to the Father. Someone who is dead spiritually can never know this Jesus. You seem to know Him to not exist. You don't know Him at all.
Even if all that were true, its still a creepy religion. Someone's torture redeems all mankind! So a God gettting over his butt hurt because some one PAID! No, just no.
Evil twists truth. Every successful lie has some truth in it. But the a chainsaw manufacturer should not be blamed for any massacres. Nor should Christ be blamed for those who rape, murder, extort, or start sectarian violence in His name, nor gather obscene wealth like the Catholic church, nor cause PTSD in threatening their kids with hell. None, zero, zip, nada of that is from Christ. Wheat is not chaff. Allah is not God. Practicing Santeria is not following Christ. Nor is following any televangelist who preaches the prosperity gospel, wears a Rolex or flies in a private jet. Those cannot enter the kingdom.
Control is the opposite of freedom. Christ came to free people from the selfish fearful tyranical enslavement of ego and to offer people peace, new opportunities, and freedom. Religions control. Jesus liberates. And, like molecular biology to the layman, so are the deepest truths of the gospel to atheists.
@@gowdsake7103 The true message of Christianity to the world:Everyone should be less selfish. Jesus's words:Anyone who claims but isn't is NOT a Christian. We believe the bar of "being human" is set way too low. Only by aiming to be the nicest, kindest, most loving, caring, compassionate and self-less person possible, despite falling short, is enough. For us, God is the coach who can only bring out the absolute best in us if we respect Him. By "doing His Will ( not Allah's) He promises to train us to become our best. Did you have a loving, honorable but strict Dad who only wantedt you to become your highest self? Did he, discipline you at times? Did you fear him somewhat? Could you really respect him if you did not? If you acted like a know-it-all around him, what was his response? Should he still give you great birthday gifts if you ignored, cussed at, or yelled, "You're so stupid!" ? So it is with our Heavenly Father. Our fear of God is really best understood as respect and wanting to please him. Not for the rewards, but because He is honorable. And, to truly worship Him means we set aside every bit of our selfishness and belief that we know it all.
But that's from a distorted portion of the text called "bhavishya purana". But Scholars argue against that theory as unreal but distortion. Read this👉"jesus christ in India, Stephen Knapp"👈Google. Hindu Politicans claiming that story is real is for vote bank.
I suggest everyone to watch Caesar's Messaiah and Religuluous movies. Eye openers. Also read these books.... The darkside of christian history Christianity's criminal history Jesus christ: an artifice for aggression The darkening age
@@ivarhakuse8572 thanks for these recommendations. These can be added too. Infinity foundation by Rajiv Malhotra This channel has great videos of Mrs. Esther Dhanraj. A few very popular Telugu channels are 1. Shiva Shakthi by Karunakar Sugguna (born christian and a Hindu now) 2. Hindu Jana Shakthi by Lalith Kumar 3. Hindu Shakthi 4. Dharmamargham 5. Radha Manohar Das
When your people came to our land, it was not with open arms, but with Bibles and guns and disease. You took our land. You killed us with your guns and disease, then had the arrogance to call us godless savages. If there is a Heaven and it is filled with Christians, than Hell is the place for me. - Unknown Native American
@@AmitKumar-qz2us When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible. Jomo Kenyatta This is very famous Kenyatta Quote With regard to Christians in heaven. My advice to Hindus is also to acquaint ourselves with Emmanuel Swedenborg. He was a very important Christian Mystic, given Royal Protection by the Queen of Sweden from the inquisition. No one was allowed to lay a finger on him. Swedenborg would enter into lengthy meditative states for days and had journeys in the other dimension where he visited both Heaven and Hell. He said Heaven was filled with heathens where they were greatly respected. Christians etc would have to be put through corrective measures to put them back on track from their belief systems. Swedenborg also spoke about reincarnation in his writings. There is enough about his ideas by the Swedenborgian church on UA-cam. I think its amazing how India houses a plethora of spiritually enlightened masters and in the west a dearth which when recognised, if lucky, had to be provided royal protection. Edgar Cayce was another highly respected and admired personality hindus would do well to know. Similarly Shree M, born a Muslim is someone I hold great regard and respect for. Dharma over rides all ignorance.
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist). So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
What exactly was their agenda By the time of Nero a..this faith was in existence and so many died for it Woul you die for whzt you knew to be a dalsehood
@@ptk8451 How stupid can you be? Haven't you heard of cults? Those people killed themselves for their belief, why don't you follow them since that's your criterion?
I would rather live as though there is a God & Jesus and the holy spirit! And find out that he didn't exist. Than live my life as though he (they - holy trinity) doesn't exist and find out he did exist.
@@daveyboy7964 "Faking it" - you clearly don't understand the quote, #SMH 🤦🏾♀️ that's alright maybe if you read it over and over, it will eventually click!
@@velilemhlungu9837 ahh so you’d “rather” Believe for a reward!! Your own bible tells You that you don’t get to heaven from any deed or through any action on your part. And “god” can tell who’s doing it for a reward BTW. And it’s only by his grace and for NO OTHER reason that you MIGHT gain a place in so called “heaven”. Maybe it’s YOU who should read your own bible before carrying on and blabbering on to the rest of us on how we should behave to win gods grace!!
Adam and eve story is from upanishads. Two birds story dwa suparnau mantra in mundaka upanishad. Noahs ark is from matsyaavatara story from puranas- vishnus incarnation as Fish and Manu rescuing all life forms in seed form during great deluge.
Jesus christ never existed. He was cocked up by jew Helena mother of king Constantine in 325 AD at the first council of neceae to destroy pagan Rome. Adam and eve are Atman and jeeva lifted from upanishads. Abraham and Sara of Abrahamic religions are Brahma and saraswati. Helena cocked up Bible by lifting the stories from pagan hindu Rome.
When I was in the army what really bugged me was that anyone who had ANY religion was treated better than people like myself that didn't have one. Sundays in basic training they got to go sleep in some bullshit service. I'd be back at the barracks cleaning or buffing floors. When I was in Kuwait before Iraq I would have to stir and burn everyone's shit while they got to basically get out of doing any of the big chores. So from that experience it taught me how important religions are for manipulating society. People believe that shit and go to church to feel better about themselves instead of actually improving the world..... Also of note. The more religious someone is, the more gullible they are.
Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Thank you so much Professor Humphreys. I have read your loytle book and you have dropped a big bomb for those who utilize their critical thinking skills. Liberated me and I haven't looked back.
Lol, he gave you proof of nothing and just made generalized statements. Here, I got more like that for you boys are now girls, global warming floods will devastate the world in only 5 more years after the last time they said the world would be flooded. I think it was supposed to flood uh um 9 years ago. Follow the science dude.
You’ve made a really big mistake. Critical thinking skills? You are lost and I feel really sad that you believe you’re going to get truth from a video like this.
Believing has always been the easiest thing to do because it requires no facts or evidence. Proving what one believes is true, now that is where all believers have fallen very short in accomplishing.
Everyone is brave, intelligent, self-indulgent, and all-knowing.......Until they lie on their sickbeds and pray to Jesus!.....Unfortunately for them....it doesnt work that way!!......Enjoy your profound bravery!
Prayers are just for week and inslave minds ,,,we are very powerful and we don't need to pray ,wake-up ,look around and see all slaves pray and they leave in misery ,,😠
@@michaelnoviello6302 And the same applies to your fellow believers who also lie on their sickbeds praying to be cured but don’t get their prayers answered. To have gone their whole life believing that praying actually works only to be disappointed when in their need. You believers sure seem to like overlooking that truth but then again, truth is not a part of your mindset at all. And just for your information, it’s not bravery it’s just mental freedom which I see you would rather prefer mental slavery to a fictional character of a story written by unknown MEN. Enjoy your blissful slavery!
Julius Caesar couldn't have hired Josephus, because he was murdered about 80 years before Josephus was born; I think Josephus was born around the year 37 A.D. He was in the service of Vespasian, who was emperor from 69 to 79 A.D. Not to mention the fact Christianity and/or Christ was still about 40 ish years into the future at the time of Caesars' murder. I did enjoy this though, so thank you for that.
There was no person NAMED Jesus. Jesus Christ seems to be derived from Ishasya Krishta, which means Krishna is God. If we go by this theory then this answers a couple of questions that even Christians can't answer with conviction. Questions like where was Jesus from age 13 to 30? Ans is India, the only progressive and spiritual of that time. Second why do Christians use cross with Jesus hanging on it as it is very disturbing to see someone you love in that pain .. Answer is Roman king of that time was considered as god and this guy challenged him by propagating that Ishasya Krishta (Krishna is God and not the king) and so he gained popularity among the masses which were bullied and harassed by king's men. To keep control on the masses and protect his throne, the king had to get rid of this guy and thus made his punishment exemplary so that nobody challenges the king in future and promulgated that Jesus died for their sins and made cross with Jesus on it as a symbol.
@@WeSeeJ4th Meanwhile There is no proof for Jesus to exist in Reality ,its a propoganda by the Catholic Church to act as a political power in the European continent in Mediveal times .Also try and search about the History of Witch Hunting in Europe.
The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, and become abominable in their devices; there is none that does goodness
@@lutkedog1 no. you have corrupted yourself from the real truth that is Jesus Christ. And there is evidence that he exists. search it up. get out of the atheism cult
And then you're told you're part of a prophecy of deniers and scoffers😂 These are the folk that claim God gives freewill but how can anyone have free will in a prophecy? Helllllo,PLOT HOLES! 😂
Bro -Ms. Esther Dhanraj is exposing reality of Jesus, but she is facing drastic attacks in her native Andhra Pradesh from Coastal areas where Christian missionaries are doing their conversion business.
@Father of Peacefull community bible has interpretations and geeta and Mahabharata has not? Tell me when did Mahabharata happened? Your scholars claim geeta is summary of vedas so yeah vedas are the root and they definitely claim earth is flat and sun moon and stars revolve around it. You are mistaken dude, the world only accepted yoga and meditation not your supernatural gods and baseless scientific claims, so accept that. People are questioning their god because they can think critically. Whereas people in India and Pakistan can't even question things that their holy book says because that's how limited their thinking capacity has become. Be open and accepting instead of challenging we are all after the truth.
It may be telling that your most prominent atheist specialist (Bart Ehrman) wrote a book and methodically demolishes the claim that Jesus didn't exist including “mythicist” arguments. This guy is just talking out of his bum basically.
Even given the sometimes usefulness of ‘religious’ organizations the dark side of their enslavement of good hearted people to keep these priesthood’s alive based on ancient fairy tales is despicable. We can (and most do) help, aid, and look after each other. Sell the churches real estate and use the proceeds for good works.
Um haha a) it's not despicable at all, it's a necessary part of reality. Religion doesn't "enslave" anyone in the sense you are talking about. People do that to themselves, either because they NEED to or want to. And if they need to then it's a sin to destroy someone's necessary delusion. A sin in the sense where you do them harm. It's how they cope with their existence. It's the psychological and emotional equivalent of showing a 3 year old a nuclear holocaust. The Hebrew bible is written as it is, in layers, with some layers well hidden for the "enlightened" for that very reason. Some knowledge, before one is prepared, is very, very dangerous. But the truth is in the text itself if you know how to find it. b) it doesn't happen in every religion, but the Hebrew bible is far more than most religious texts and C) it's surely not just fairy tales. If that's what you understand about it then you don't understand it at all. That means you understand it like children do, and like the sacrificial lambs, the "literalists" do. The actual point and purpose of the Hebrew bible, like most religious texts and practices IS very real and quite significant to our species. But you first have to understand what "God" is and what "God" is not. And until you stop thinking God is supposed to be a bearded sky man, you can't possibly understand further.
@@UsoundsGermanywhat is wrong with these people's mentalities? They want to believe fantastical things but it's just brainwashed hogwash.Embarrassing we have to breath the same air it really is.
@@serratedDharma Have you studied all of Jesus' words? Completely? Obviously not, or you are not able to understand them. Religions invented by Satan, such as Hinduism, are something you can keep to yourself. Amen
Reading the book of Enoch and the Sumerian flood myth, the bible seems to have many historical truths in them. So why not Jesus too? Something extraordinary must have happened as Christianity spread like wildfire.
Jay Smith has written over 1500 pages documenting extra biblical sources , Roman, judaic, aramaic ,other texts which refer to jesus and his early followers. How can that be made up? No honest atheist historian of the middle east would agree with this speaker.
@Binay Kumar and those who follow love and compassion which was the message are good and can't be siad rakshas. And those who do bad are not flowing the teachings so they are not his followers and will be called rakshas. And the teachings were good.
I can testify that Jesus exists and he is alive and well. He owns the landscaping company that is doing my property right now. And he is doing paperwork on my kitchen table as I write this comment.
If Jesus did not exist. Then many, many others must be removed from existence, Mary and Joseph, the 12 disciples, Nicodemus, Pilates involvement and so many more. Why just Jesus?
Pilate was real but he would never have set free a jewish criminal and there's no record of him talking to jesus. As for the others, there's about as much evidence for them as there is for jesus, less even.
@@grahamblack1961 you know that is not true. Do a honest research especially from his enemies. Do a research on his disciples. Even Richard Dawkins himself had to admit that he was wrong and that Jesus existed after he got caught out in a lie saying that ancient historians said that Jesus did not exist. His exact words were " Okay, I take that back, Jesus did exist". So much for the God delusion. If he was speaking the truth, then why did he feel the need to lie about the existence of Jesus? The burden of proof is now on those who believe that Jesus did not exist, when the world's greatest Atheist believes and admitted otherwise.
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist). So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
MATTHEW 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this geezer reporter is trying to rid that above verse☹️. And that lady,saying 🤣 Son of God.that's an understatement. King David was a Son of God.i think all prophets in the Holy Old Testament,i veiw as Son's of God. NB.decide yourself the definition of word God.in English at least three definition it has 👍
Mr. Humphreys' introduction is spot on. As is his incredulous overview of the subject matter. How this state of affairs remains possible in the 21st century is astounding in light of the resources available to get even the thickest among us (myself included) up to speed.
Yet, the great Biblical scholar and atheist professor of religion calls all this utter nonsense. Someone wrote Jesus's words. Christian's were being thrown to lions in the Coliseum before 100 A.D. Research when Nero used Christian's as human torches to light his dinner parties. No one, using modern technology can in 2022 hoax the image in the Shroud of Turin. If that is NOT the burial cloth of a crucified man from Jerusalem, why would any care to preserve it. Once you mock the Bible, any part of it, you throw its deep psychological understanding of culture, our place in reality, and who we selfish beings are in comparison with Love, onto the trash-heap of history, the baby with the bath-water. And you claim yourself more intelligent than They who, from outside of space-time, before the Big Bang, forced order through the laws which govern quarks to quasars. Rules have rule-creators. Atoms require rules to behave as they do. I think a person who mocks their utter superiors are claiming because they can play chopsticks on a piano they exceed the skills of a concert pianist. Imagine an intelligence which can visualize the entire dance from gene to organism to body to human through evolution, including how jumping genes to viral vectors can modify life, make trees talk to each other, and even mother sick or shaded trees. Or make fungi so they can communicate electrically, use what appears to be sentences with syntax. Did you know DNA Carrie's a semiotic language with 6 of the 8 characteristics of human written text? Cells can spell-check using a fantastic set of machines to 1 error in a billion? This is the Infinite God we celebrate. And you believe all this order around you comes about from randomness? Go bake a chocolate cake with 10 ingredients,with no recipe to follow. Make it with no knowledge of how much of what in what order at what temperature. Then write down how you did it, and get someone else to make that perfect cake, too. Make a watch as a "blind watchmaker." Then evolve it into a grandfather clock. Yup. That is the
@@glenliesegang8935 l suppose there is little chance that things from quarks to comets - with organisms like humans subject to the whims of all of them - are simply following their natures (rather than rules)with the near-endless interactive permutations resulting in sometimes poorly understood interdependencies that yet have, over time, come to explain more and more of the universe that the rest of us experience has ever dawned on you? At no point have you ever noted the difference in outcomes between inactions (such as prayer) and actions (such as say, surgery)? Nice try, Einstein. But your approach warrants the trash heap to which it’s been relegated - as do all forms of wishful thinking.
@Maekong It is a wonderful thing that people today can learn about all sorts of things that they never had access to before. No doubt for religious institutions this is a terrifying prospect. The Jehovah Witness organisation, and Young Earth organisations encourage their followers to research and learn, but ONLY at specific sites. That's somewhat working for them, but accurate info is out there, more and more people are making it available and accessible. If we can educate more people, easily, this religious BS will continue to lose its grip on the world... Maybe one day we'll succeed in stamping corrupt, bogus powers who hold people hostage with ignorance. Just imagine it. Fantastic.
Which is fine... So long as you undetstand what it is you're choosing to believe. If it's in the existence of the Jesus of the NT. Then it's a little like saying you're choosing to believe in Sherlock Holmes. Except we have so much more material about Holmes.
@@Petticca Sherlock Holmes is proven to be the work of Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle, an actual person. The character was inspired by one of Doyle’s teachers which is why fictional characters are treated as such. Jesus/Yeshua is not known to be the inspiration of an actual person or group of persons therefore it is safe to say Jesus is nonfictional.
In what? Whatever your parents believed? So you recognize if you were born somewhere else you would be "choosing" to believe something else? And just as convinced that that other thing is true?
"If gods do evil then they are not gods" - Poet Euripides Religion is a bottomless cup of hate. Appreciate the difference between Dharma and Religion ( communal schism- Us versus Them, sectarian thinking, Us reserved a seat in Heaven Them Infernal Hellfire). Live inclusive righteousness of Mansa Vachna and Karma not only towards fellow human beings but also towards Flora and Fauna That is Dharma. Salute Dharmicjan. May Universal Consciousness ( PARAMATMA, Brahm, Holy Spirit - birthplace/source of invisible reality) guide, inspire, direct and keep mankind focused on continuous seeking paragons of virtue.
Loved this I just wished people would stop and give each other that same love demanded in religion and credit. If we'd just praises one another for our good deeds and stopped giving it to the man in the sky I think the world would be a better place. Bet there ain't one surgeon that was genuinely thanked for saving a life solely without praise to God 🤦♀️for guiding his hand
Because "God" doesn't mean bearded man in the sky. That is the misconception that atheists, children and literalist lambs are under. Until you understand what "God" actually means, you can't hope to understand the actual meaning of the texts. In all religions.
@@jessereichbach588 you would think a loving "God" in all it's meanings and definitions would care enough to clear up all the misconceptions for us lambs but.... tik tok ol' wise man
@@lylesache5480 He does. But it;s up to you to figure it out. And this isn't about belief in 'God' or lack of belief in "God" . Atheists can't be curators or custodians, both necessary roles. But then, neither can literalists. "God" is obvious, without "God" it has no purpose. But it's the perception of "God" that divulges or withholds understanding. And "God" provided all the answers TO clear up the misunderstandings. They are in the book. But no one can uncover them for you, you mist arrive at a point where you understand. All interpretations are valid to the individual. Of course, for a religion tied to a legal system, where law and religion are forever intertwined, not all interpretation will do. Thus the curators must protect your right to interpret however you want, while ensuring your interpretations don't overstep in regard to law, thus invalidating other interpretations. Not that you specifically plan to do that or would do that, but fundamentalists throughout history have a habit of doing so. Thus there are the archetypes. For some, the bible tells them what to do and how to do it. For others, it shows them. And obviously such understanding comes with great responsibility. It's all there in the book.
This video is so true! I hope it will wake more people up. We are in the age of Aquarius which is the age of information. That's why now you see more of this information being revealed. We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. To those here that still confess that jesus does exist. Do your research? Something brought you here otherwise why are you here. Deep down inside you know this video is filled with truth. Is hard to except when you are indoctrated to believe what they gave us. Let me just say this, when the student is ready the teacher will come. Most people are not ready as they are stuck in there religious ways (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) so on and so on. Meanwhile Spirituality is about Love, Peace, Nature, Meditation/calming yourself down so you can here what your Spirit guide has to say to you. Spirituality free's your mind.
Then who was it who came to me when I was five years old and said to me, "you are not alone"? I was five and didn't know anything about religion. Yet, every instinct told me who he was. I could feel it to my very core. Oh well, to each his own. But it always amazes me that atheists always KNOW that Jesus Christ and God doesn't exist. I think they don't want Him to exist. Let them hear who will hear. Let them see who will see. Jesus Christ
When I was eight years old I fell into a large and deep canal it was freezing cold and I started praying the next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed and my mother crying with glee that I came to, I truly believe Jesus saved me.
Could be an alien, your higher self, you psyche, nature, any number of things or just you hearing things. Experiencing mystical things is not definitive proof in a diety.
@@katiedotson704 that's because they are worshipping religion instead of God. We deal on a one on one basis with God , but most people don't know that. I don't deal with mediators, I deal with my Father Creator directly. And, before you say that's crazy, why don't you try it. He is my Father Creator and I am his child. I don't fear him and I do seek his counsel, and, in one way or another, he does answer. I go to mass on Sundays because I was raised that way and it brings me solace, like meditation to atheists and agnostics. But for everything else I go to Him. He has always been there for me because I am His child, and I'm not afraid to ask. I've seen him create too many miracles not to believe. He is what we each expect him to be. If you believed in God, what would He be? Seek him there, or not, it's up to you.
@@katiedotson704 Jesus isn't the name of a person , it's the name of the revelation which was revealed to Maryam pbuh , according to Quran's correct translation . Read Dr Kashif Khan's articles on the internet about who Jesus really is .👍
common critique of the existence of the historical Christ is that there is a lack of contemporary sources, so let's compare Christ with Gautama Buddha, who is generally accepted as being a real historical person and not relentlessly attacked by atheists. 1. The earliest accepted Christian text by most scholars is the Epistle to the Galatians, written ~50 CE. While not direct evidence for the life of Christ, it is evidence for the earliness of Christian belief, its spread out of Judaea to Anatolia, and the contemporary existence of the core of Christ's inner circle. In contrast, the earliest evidence we have for Buddhism in general is 200+ years after Gautama Buddha is said to have lived. That's more than 10 times longer than the roughly 17 years between Christ's crucifixion and the time Galatians was written. 2. Buddhism's existence in its earliest known forms resides solely with government edicts by Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE. All of the Christian canon was written by Christians within 100 years of Christ's life, and according to some it was all written within 70 years. 3. The earliest extra-Christian mentions of Christ or Christians are from less than 80 years from his death, and the earliest extra-Biblical Christian texts also date from this time. There are no known Buddhist texts or extra-Buddhist texts in which Buddhism or Gautama Buddha are mentioned that date to prior to Ashoka's reign. These 3 points demonstrate that the evidence for the existence of Christ and the contemporariness of the sources are much stronger than that of Gautama Buddha and Buddhism. Yet, many if not most atheists will vehemently deny that there was a historical Christ while accepting a historical Buddha based on much less of a historical foundation. For atheists that demand contemporary proof of Christ from his lifetime, let's remember that Judaea at the time of Christ was a backwater tetrarchic client kingdom of Rome for which the only history of the period that we have is that written by Josephus. Sources are more than scant. They're singular if you don't accept any Christian writings as sources for the history of the region during the period, yet they demand evidence that has either long since been lost to time or perhaps was even deliberately destroyed by the Romans due to the fact that they fought 1 minor and 2 major rebellions in the area over the span of 70 years and completely and literally erased Judaea from the map by the end of it all in an attempt to cut Jewish ties to the area so that all hopes of an independent Jewish state would be quashed for good.
*For atheists that demand contemporary proof of Christ from his lifetime, let's remember that Judaea at the time of Christ was a backwater tetrarchic client kingdom of Rome for which the only history of the period that we have is that written by Josephus. Sources are more than scant* Actually we have quite a lot of writings from the first century. None of them mention Jesus.
at 2:00, the man describes "by simply believing in Jesus", multitudes of people are saved or believe they are saved. This is NOT what Jesus taught. He taught that there is a narrow gate through which only a few would enter AND a narrow way to think and live, which leads to eternal life. "And few there be that find it". I am not prepared at the moment to refute other things this man says, other than to suggest that when the Roman crushed those two Jewish rebellions in 70 and 135 A.D., my understanding is that writings and records were not spared from the utter destructive wrath of the Roman legions. But I will suggest that you will have difficulty finding an historic parallel to the millions of Christians who have been put to death in persecutions without renouncing the presence of Christ within them, with some particular reference here to Nero's torching of these faithful believers, along with throwing others to the lions, at the Roman coliseum. Generally speaking, people do not go willingly and with dedication, to burning crosses and ravenous lions, for poorly-sourced fairy tales.
@@yakovmatityahu 😂😂😂 lol 330 millions God? Amazing we ourselves didn't know about that. By the Jesus is more than hundred percent fictional character created by Constantine II to scare the hell of Romans and collect taxes. There is no historical evidence. Also Hindu Gods are allegories except Vishnu Avatars. Also do little research about pedophile sex slavery, slave trades, colonization done by catholic churches 🙏
@@Me.anything their is no evidence for a single hindu god😅😅😅hinduism of today didnt exist before Jesus...all these mythical figures were invented after Jesus time.
@@yakovmatityahu Jesus was a fictional character..don't be so happy 😂 Hindu civilization is oldest on this planet ..Hindu Gods are not human but cosmic allegorical figures. Though this is beyond your small Brian 😂
The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, and become abominable in their devices; there is none that does goodness
P.S. - I wonder if this same speaker has attacked other faiths based on belief - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc... or he just has some particular hatred for Christianity.
_"I will take my faith in the existence of the message and actual existence in Jesus..."_ Do you have any contemporaneous evidence that Jesus ever existed?
@@RobertWBates-hw5ej _"I wonder if this same speaker has attacked other faiths based on belief - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc... or he just has some particular hatred for Christianity."_ But Christianity teaches worship of ritualistic human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Atheism isnt bancrupcy of being spiritual. You are the spirit. You are your own proof of it. You dont need religion to make you believe in love, peace and good, miracles of life. We cant be bancrupt when we are already spirited inside
Descension of Inanna is the original Jesus story... a woman being the messiah that saves the world... no wonder the church desperately wanted to euhemerize him to avoid links to the celestial origin. Can't have women in places of power, oooh no...
'Genesis 6 Conspiracy' by Gary Wayne explains that they were not precursors, but an inverted attempt into predicting how Yahweh would outsmart the fallen in the end. In no ancient story, was a 'Son of man' crucified for man.
The Gilgamesh flood account actually lends credence to the Biblical account. The Great Flood was written hundreds of years past the fact by Moses during the Exodus from Egypt. Gilgamesh was merely written earlier. HUNDREDS of accounts of the Great Flood comes from all over the world...another evidence it actually happened.
Never proven in the first place? Are you saying Yeshua never existed? I'd suggest you click the link in my previous comment. Kinda blows your theory up...
@@brentwebster3751 Right.. Not just spend for 20y ,but whole life to revolt against reality... For, there has been many like you in past many centuries,.. who are now ongoing n can expect more in future too.. for reasons best known to them. Viewers, apply discernment... and do not allow yourself to be led astray..
@@kiwi-xl1vl watch the videos in the link I shared. It does not get more truthful than that. This world has had the wool pulled over its eyes. And it's the satanist sun worshippers at the top that have changed our history and spun the web of lies that unless people wake up to it, will carry them to an eternity of pain and suffering. "Where there will be knashing of teeth"
@@brentwebster3751 I can’t find your previous comment. Mind sharing the links here? I’m a believer and enjoy the debunking of videos trying to debunk Jesus.
@@kiwi-xl1vl Wow this video just shows how true Jesus Christ and the bible is.Christians shouldn't take their relationship and believing in Jesus for granted because this shows its by Gods grace that we believe
Please do not confuse people that ALL RELIGIONS ARE THE SAME. All religions are absolutely NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT the same, and Hinduism (Sikh/Jain/Budha) are NOT a religion) (These are Panths) NOT a religion. We must need to understand the difference between DHARMA (Sanatan) / RELIGION (Christian West Invented) / MAZHAB (Islam Deen Muslim).
Your right, some of the people on this site are also mocking God and he will not be mocked but will judge people for doing so if repentance isn't sought after
Where is his proof? All he did was make unproven claims. Not only that, but Jesus wasn't famous until after he died so why would there be any record of his existence other than from the 25,000 manuscripts that back the bible.
@@TheBestLife2184 Let’s say say, you are right, one gotta ask yourself, what was the meaning of the whole Jesus thing , why would so many people create such a magnificent story, just …why?
@Tyrion Lannister can you give good evidence of existence of any hindu gods??i have been asking this to my hindu friends since many time...i ask the same to you...
@Tyrion Lannister bring me evidence for any hindu god of your choice....where he lived...who saw him...where are the eyewitness documents and who wrote them...which century and age did that god lived...where are the originals or copies of writings about him from the same time of that god.
@Tyrion Lannister nasa has plainly rejected the ram setu as hoax news...nasa has denied saying anything about adam Bridge....even archeological survey of india said that adam bride is naturally made 100000 years ago it was not made by any human hands.
@Tyrion Lannister social media🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣unlike you i dont get evidence from social media but from scholar and authentic sources....their is no evidence found for any hindu story yet...their is no manuscipt evidence for mahabharat ramayana vedas from their time....oldest manuscipt is from the 15th century...3000 years after the supposed events...that's why scholars dont trust anything in hinduism.
This is the very reason why the whole idea is ridiculous. What about the people in the world who were never introduced to Jesus? What about children born into Buddism or Islam or Hindu and had no choice but to believe what was taught to them? Are they going to hell? How unfair! What kind of God plays games with his children that some make it or not ...just too bad..Oh well.... it doesnt follow basic rules that the best societies exist on Earth. Now if the best societies have better rules than the Bibles rules...who would follow such rules?!?!?!
My heart breaks for you being so gullible. You guys have been saying this for approx. 2,000 years without even knowing your own texts - the end was already near at the first coming. Learn to read your own Bible!
I remember going to church as a child and on stage they did a play. During this play a son and dad died in a car wreck and it showed them both going to hell because they were not saved. It scared the heck out of me and made me think I wanted to be Christian and the more I think about this as an adult the more I see it as the child abuse it was
@@purity4all yes and another good word for it is brainwashing
Scare mongering so you do what they want.A bit like with the current virus scare mongering of people so they can be controlled.
Sounds horrifying
I am so happy that I was able to find my way out of this cult. It took 45 years, but I finally actually see it for exactly what it is.
I’m sorry a “cult”?
@@Hdjxhzjja828 Yes, absolutely a cult. You have one person telling a small group of people to leave their family and that he is the only way. People do that today and they are called a cult. The only difference is, complete control caused this cult to grow insanely large, but the base of this religion is still a cult according to its definition.
Such a braindead liberal response
@@Hdjxhzjja828 I'd call it an Apocalyptic Virgin-Sacrifice Death Cult
This is something that Christians will never accept but nevertheless the truth of the matter is that Christianity operates as a cult!
I hope in 2000 years people don't find a copy of Game of Thrones, and make a religion out of it.
Especially season 8. 🤣
Literally 😂
It already happened. It was called "The War of the Roses". Martin based his books on these two life events.
@@DystopianUtopia8 Don’t waste your intelligence here
This man speaks the truth about the nature of our existence. All religion is designed to give mankind an alternative hope to the oblivion that awaits us all.
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist).
So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
@@molotov7000 What scholars like Bart D. Ehrman was referring to, was that Jesus existed, but only as a ordinary human.
They weren't referring to the divine, supernatural Jesus like so many people believe, as that Jesus doesn't exist. One of the reasons why? Magic doesn't exist. *No one* can realistically either resurrect from the dead, turn water into wine, heal people or walk on water without magic involved. And magic isn't real.
Second, there were many deities, etc. who have predated the story of Jesus & the birth/resurrection stories from Pagan, Egyptian & Greek mythologies, like Horus, Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Krishna, etc.
@@molotov7000 look up Adam Green knowmorenews
@@molotov7000@molotov7000 I wasn't going to reply to any of the posts when I came to yours. I've been a Christian for over 46 years. I spent many decades studying the Scriptures. It never dawned on me to research the historical figure we call Jesus. Well, guess what? I finally did research, and you know what I found? The more I looked, the less I noticed. After countless hours of research, it appears the Romans were behind this individual because they desperately needed a passive figure. After all, Rome was dealing with a lot of troublemakers. It was hard for me to admit after four and a half decades that maybe I was wrong about this religious figure. We are told Jesus is the only way into heaven, yet the more I looked into the afterlife, the more I became convinced that's not true. In the end, humanity can believe anything they want. I advise those genuinely searching for the truth to do their due diligence before lashing out at others who may not think like others. If I've learned anything, it would be this: wisdom begins when our level of ignorance is fully acknowledged. Not a sermon, just a suggestion.
@@MrGtsouth Good luck with your oblivion.
When your people came to our land, it was not with open arms, but with Bibles and guns and disease. You took our land. You killed us with your guns and disease, then had the arrogance to call us godless savages. If there is a Heaven and it is filled with Christians, than Hell is the place for me.
- Unknown Native American
Yet everyone wants to live in 🇺🇸
@@billr.2210 Well yes, since the US is built off such cruel history, the rest of the world has no qualms about coming to your lands and making it our own. And you can do nothing about it.
Then so be it.
@@rishikeshp.5610 Thanks to the Democrats.
Ok you just made that shit up.
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown,”
H.P. Lovecraft, who can be said to have been talking about religion.
"Truth" is by far the strongest. Good trumps evil every time.
Your source for the claim regarding fear is a science fiction writer, you have faith
@@jackhammer9018 That's very Zoroastrian of you to say that.
@@orthocoinbitzantium1002 I don't see the point of your irrelevant run-on sentence. Is that the faith you refer to after that comma that should be a period?
There is a difference between religion and Dharma. Fear is central to Abrahamic cults. Religion is a closed club of slaves. For me God and Satan are equally important. Good and bad too. Everything in west is binary.
I renounced Christianity. Since then, I can finally say I have peace.
yeah ,but, you know, the Christians are just an annoying lot....
Albeit temporary. But you go ahead. Carry on.
@@simongarribaldi9267 Not by any means.
@@mirtacotto749 Perhaps you should read my statement again? Your reply is incoherent.
@@simongarribaldi9267 WTF ,what a bunk ;what do you mean albeit temporary,amigo?
I used to go to a beautiful forest in Michigan 1-5 weeks in the summer.
It was a girls xtian camp. It was wonderful. Except, as I got older, a beautiful night under the stars, watching a campfire, was spoiled... watching the campfire and thinking of people burning in hell. That's so messed up.
And indoctrinating young children with horrible visions.
Same here, The Almighty is LOVING!. I think they don't want us to know that
@@fir212 The god that you believe in. Is suppose to be. All knowing. All powerful. . And existing in all of time. Is that correct?
@@Cissy2cute : It's the number one reason there are many in mental institutions today.
What helped me was the Torah when I realized there are too many errors and scientific problems. But fear is always the key to 99% of most faith. And that's where they get you.
It is sad that so few people, especially atheists, that if God says one of his names is Love, completely misunderstood fear and what love means.
Seems to me , if Jesus compared His father to earthly fathers, every kid deep down knows their parent can only be trusted to love them if first they cannot be manipulated. Spoiled brats have no respect for any parent unless they have mastered that instant glance which says "I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it!" And, all excellent teachers deeply understand no student will accept their discipline without a level of fear. And neither will any come to love their teacher back.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" means exactly this.
@@glenliesegang8935 why didn't u go on a little longer with your tripe
@@joegeorge3889 ua-cam.com/video/5h53APR85Ac/v-deo.html
@@joegeorge3889what a pity- no imagination or capacity to think, understand or examine in yourself, or others, different modes of experiencing reality.
@@joegeorge3889 sub a enrage people feel, and justify that with thoughts. Average people think . Above, think about what they think, and emotions follow. And the really brilliant think about what they think about what they think.
95% of atheists are dumb. 3% ate average. 2% are the Neitzsches.
A thought about a thing is not the thing itself- it is a thought about that thing. Right?
That thought is always a much smaller representation of any thing there is in reality.
But, you can know SOME truths about the thing you are thinking about, but NEVER the whole truth- because that's too much for our widdle bitty 8 lb bwains.
By definition, a god is far more intelligent than human understanding.
So, anything an atheist (or Christian thinks about any God, were one to exist, is truly a tiny thought about something so far beyond human comprehension it is ludicrous to even think we are thinking about that God's attributes.
The experience of something physical or emotional increases the odds that a thing exists "out there" in the "real world," and not just in our neurochemical "reality."
The more people who experience something, the more it is "real." And to those who haven't, their mental image may or may not be closer to the real thing.
Christians experience Christ's spiritual presence and guidance from Gkd and the Spirit.
Atheists have not, except when they no longer experience God's hiddenness.
So, 95% of atheists obviously reject God, and spiritual realities,because they have not.
But, the image they have of this God of Love and Order is merely emotion backed by thought.
And, the emotion is the teenager's: I don't want there to be anyone who tells me I have to accept their rules. I am my own ruler.
Stupid thoughts. Even we do not get to make up the rules which govern 99.9999999+% of reality.
And, physics, biochemistry and other branches of science keep discovering more and more rules.
Going on about nonsense?
The religions of the world use fear to control us. When I came to the innerstanding that there was more to “this God” (Energy) they taught me in Sunday school and church I walked away from religion and found Myself- the Light within. I have never regretted my innate guidance. Thank you for sharing this profound message.
Fear is the most primal emotion that man has. "To fear God is the beginning of wisdom". And light doesn't come from within, it is given.
it’s a cult basically
You dont know what you are saying. Blessed are those who believe and yet dont see. Fool are those who believe that there is no God and those who dont accept Jesus as savior are already doomed...
@@rossevanricamara4169given by a magical sky being who judges you based on temporary existence and punishes or rewards you for all of eternity?! Yeah, no! I don’t find any wisdom in it.
Even if Jesus ever existed,i think he would be embarassed with most of his todays followers. They act completelly oposite from his teachings.
Not untrue but those who follow him have eternal life.
"I love your Christ. I don't like your Christians because they are so unlike your Christ." - Ghandi.
@@robertsandberg2246 do you have eternal life?
@@michaelmontalvo1976 John 3:16.😉
You make the same mistake as many do. In order to see what Jesus' teachings were you must read all of them. They're quite contradictory. A megalomaniacal, arrogant Jesus can be gleaned from the gospels too by use of the same cherry-picking that gives us a kind, benevolent Jesus.
Couldn’t find anything to watch on Apple TV so I searched this video and enjoyed every second of it.
This video = en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_myth_theory
Apple TV is really disappointing
As an atheist dying is ok , my gran was tired at 96, lm bloody tired at 70! Few parts of my body don,t give me grief.. Noone seems to wonder why Jesus needed Baptism if he was an ordinary man ,sure do your rituals but a god son.?..........We love stories , my fav. Is Avatar thats the world in a nutshell.
Jesus asked to be baptized in respect of tradtion, to show he was not special, tried not to attract attention, probably didnt know he was special nor did his cousin, John until the Holy Spirit and God's voice confirmed it to John which made him cry out, Behold the lamb of God........! I am not fit to untie his sandals........
I figured out I was an atheist when I was about 11 years old. From that time I always mentioned that I was atheist when asked.. I have since figured out.. at 65 years old now that most Americans have a serious problem with us.. and once they know you do not believe in their God.. It's really disappointing that so many Americans are so hateful yet claim they are a member of this so called Christian group that I thought was supposed to be loving.. But nope they aren't. In fact they are the opposite and that's a sad reality to live with ..
I am not atheist, but I understand perfectly where ur coming from. So many so called Christians are responsible for so many falling away from their faith as they do not live a Christ-like life style at all. In fact they are some of the most judgemental, arrogant and narrow minded religious ppl ever! There are religious ppl who were offended bc I said to them that I know some atheists with better morals than some so called Christians. It's the truth, though. I am a believer with all my heart soul & mind in Yahshuah, but I DO NOT follow any man-made religion ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY. I just can not be a part of any religion whose leaders are so arrogant as to think their laws & doctrine are better than those of The Designer & Creator of all.
let me remind you that not all who called his name Jesus will gonna be saved but only those who remain true to their faith and they are few.
I am Christian. And, like most of us, I couldn't give a shit what you believe. All of our journeys are personal. You came across self-proclaimed Christians, not true Christians.
@@walayanzaloloco3670 So the vast overwhelming majority of all the humans who have ever lived will have their consciousness kept alive to be tortured forever and ever in some kind of a fire. That's the loving God you guys have. And you don't even have to be a mean person to end up in the big campfire. You could be the sweetest person who ever lived, but if you have intellectual doubts about this supernatural tale, off to the furnace you go.
@@bartstewart8644 if you obey the commandments that was given, you will live in peace but if you transgress, who gave you the right to complain from punishment?
The only thing people hate more than the truth is the person that is saying it. Stay strong and keep up the great work.
Jesus is the truth. He is real. Everything this world teaches you is false
@@michaelcorleone3286 Jesus is also the teaching of this world.
@@king-pc8fz no. He is real. You don't like him because he is the truth. You're not strong without Jesus
@Barbara Boix there is evidence. Search it up
@Barbara Boix christians are not simple minded you fool. Atheists are. Go back to the bible and Jesus
This belief system has caused so much pain death and suffering in the world. And it's still responsible for much of the ongoing injustice and cruelty in Palestine today
Are you nuts?
@@Publicinformation7 NO YOU are and don't know it.
@@maxbuetler4064 your response shows your mental aptitude and thus your astonishing and idiotic stance.
The Religious folks don't like the facts he's speaking!💯
They go underground when the facts come out someone's mouth
he has no facts.
@@Elvengem He doesn't follow Jesus nonsense, sorry!🤣
@@wonderful4life but he follows his own nonsense instead.
@@Elvengem Everything is "nonsense" to theists that can't think past their fairytale indoctrinations.👀
Greatest to the point introduction ever! Including the point immediately after your intro i never even thought of.
I had this conversation with a prist. he was sad for me and said he would pray for me.
Thats fine he can pray for me and i will think for him.
You cannot educate the stupid.
Jesus is a story made by people. Fear made everyone follow jesus. Who doesn't exist.
Dont be too sure, kiddo. Maybe you've been reading the wrong books, listening to atheist-lecturers, belong to the wrong crowd. Do some more studies and research cuz Jesus is real but you have to dig deep to find the real one. Good luck.
There was never jesus 😅
Jesus is a myth created by the Church.
Yes. European missionaries were created this fake story for spreading their religion across the world.
No! This is a myth, Jesus and his church, created by the Romans. It was just a political tool. Please see Caesars Messiah on UA-cam, also the MythVision YT Channel for more info.
@@ivarhakuse8572 I was going to mention this and you just did. Titus Flavius was fake jesus, but people don't know it.
@@ivarhakuse8572 chrsitianity isbpokitcal warfare land garabbing theology they desteoeyd rimasn greeks and then used convertees
i havent got any evidence for a single hindu god from any of the hindu friends or the hindus who know me, the hindu gods have been developed and maintained by the brahmin priests for 3000 years for their political and power gain...their is no evidence for the existence of a single hindu god existing ever.
What is infuriating is the response of these people, "if that is what you believe". No, it is what I see or do not see evidence for.
Finally someone says it!👏
Check out Richard Carrier.
and its false, lol. Its consensus among scholars that Jesus existed. There are numerous,even non christian, sources about Jesus being baptized by John and his crucification. With all the evidence on Jesus there is its crazy to say he didnt…
read Acharya S real name D. M. Murdock
@@Brien831you still have a long way to go to prove that the historical Jesus is God
The cursing of the fig tree in St Luke of the New Testament puzzles me a lot. It was where a hungryJesus was looking for fruits on the fig tree and he couldn't find any.
He got frustrated and cursed the tree by saying that it was a lousy tree and may it never bear fruits again.
The tree withered the next day.
What puzzles me from that parable is if Jesus had the power to multiply food or change water into wine, why can't he make the tree bear fruits instead of cursing it and making it wither?
Because it would change the meaning of the parable (whatever that is!)
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist).
So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
he ( Jesus) didnt have trouble turning water into wine for a good old time....just cant make figs materialize. The whole story of anything Christian
is a joke.
Brother...if you actually "read" the bible...you would understand the meaning. But that is the problem, people read one verse and decided that there is no God, JESUS never existed, etc..
Read the bible!!
I'm one of those former Christian ministers who've "seen the light of day and regained their sanity", of which he spoke.
Did you lose the holiness of a newborn baby, and make it into a thing?
Or a kitten as a beloved pet and stick it in a cage with electrodes in its brain, never to be loved?
Science is science. But where is the holy?
Science: what is invisible is merely beyond our senses. The eye and heart are matter shaped by evolution.
"What is essential is invisible to the eye. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly." St. Exupery.
Which is it?
Was Neitzsche right or wrong in his essay, "The Madman"?
Science says there are no "spiritual experiences." They are illusions created by neuro hormonal chemistry.
I pity the poor scientist who isn't having one when they are getting laid.
@@glenliesegang8935 lol truly pitiful
Nothing wrong with questioning a man's doctorine
@@MrShomari1 that''s so
That is why a lot of us as black people are trying to get our people out of christianity. Our people have to go to our Kemetic history to find out how we came to be and who our creator is. I heard about Kemet a few months ago.
Yes yes amen
So you're black. Go to New Orleans, learn all about Voodoo but STAY AWAY from Hoodoo because Hoodoo is from Papa Legba ( the Devil) Then go to the Cathedral and get the blessings of a Catholic Priest. You will then be O.K. but keep your Mojo close.
This won't work on us white folks.
All humans, regardless of race, have a common ancestral mother and father on earth. We are one human race. We are one species. Adam and Eve may've been created by genetic engineering in a laboratory by another species when they colonized the earth with their space shuttles.
All humans are of one species, so all humans have the same origin. Africans do not have a separate origin. Scientific research has proven that all members of a species are descended from the same female ancestor and male ancestor. The human species began with one couple.
Black people could not have a different origin than people of other colors. We are all humans. We are all the same species. All members of a species began with one couple: one male and one female. We are all descended from one common ancestor couple. It has been proven by scientific research. Common sense and logic also tell us this obvious truth.
100% You are correct sir.👍
im a 1st Hueman duh
I am agnostic/atheist as it gets but I never doubted he was a man that existed and gained a following. just like there were hundreds of various charismatic people claiming to be profits (spelling wrong on purpose to be funny)
Agreed. But, what if (this man) had a gift. Special powers unexplained. Like some have even today...🤔
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist).
So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
@@molotov7000 Jesus truly existed. This guy is possessed.
@@earljohnson2113 yeah
Jesus was a man that existed he was a member of a religious group called the Essenes" John the Baptist was also an essene, the Gnostics, Ebonites they all practiced "VEGANISM"
I don't believe Jesus actually existed myself, but it mostly was always just my opinion so to speak. But this guy gave me more real reasons to believe he never existed than I ever had before. I just can't see any real reason for Jesus.I mean if God is all-powerful and can do anything why would he need to kill his own so-called son to save mankind? He could just forgive us himself and do away with the middle man J.C.
Its obvious by your ignorant comment here. Try reading some real history on rhe subject.
@@hudsonbartley2493 how was what they said ignorant? I need answers smart guy
Or why would God create a world with such evil sins if he is disgusted with these sins in the first place.
Answer: He difnt. The end.
@@spikewilliams6444 If you dontbknow I camt help you. Read the scriptures. The answers are in there. Youll be smart like me.
Yes you are almost certainly correct. Well Done!
@@gezhagne408 well you should know,!
SPOT ON…..I was dragged to Sunday school as a kid. So, as an adult I have since therefore read history, NOT on an academic level BUT on a level which seems to at least makes sense to me and one which most of us can therefore relate to. Good conversation My friend. 😘
I wasn't totally thrilled with Sunday School as a kid either and I did have many questions about the Christian faith. But I think we need to have all the information so we can get the rest of the story. That's what I looked into as a historian, focusing on ancient sources outside of the Bible, written by non-Christians who were not sympathizers to the Christian movement. These sources provide evidence for the existence of Jesus that even atheists cannot deny. Open to your thoughts on the data I mention here: ua-cam.com/video/ZXePxjPgF9Y/v-deo.html
Just read the Bible yourself, line for line, word for word, and you'll see that whether God exists or not is irrelevant. The real question is if such a creature even deserves to be worshipped at all...
@@lusciouslipslibra I don't see the point of worshipping anything at all, and I personally ask "God" for direction. But regarding the Bible, it's pretty depressing. I think a lot of it wasn't meant to be taken literally.
@@mikuspalmis so do you worship a personal version of God that you made up on your own?
@@lusciouslipslibra I don't worship anyone or anything.
Kenneth Humphreys always has the best research.
Watch Ray Haygin video to debunk jesus resurrection myth. There's no second coming of jesus according to Mark 9-1. According to this verse the second coming is already happened during jesus disciples live time. That's why the Jews don't believe jesus and consider him to be a paranoid.
Actually second coming failed as nothing happened in those days. It is said that second coming will happen at the time of Paul's generation; that means at the time of first generation of Christians . But a lot of people are still waiting
@@phaniAchanta Yes correct that's why the Jews don't believe in jesus because they consider him to be a paranoid.😃
A excellent Ray Hagin's video is titled "Undressing a well dressed lie." Check it out.
If God is all powerful and cannot make a mistake, then why bother to stage a crucifixion and resurrection to clean up the mistakes?
It's pointless.
It's Dr. Ray Hagins.
Yes watch his videos.
Especially the one about the "Dressed up Lie"
The council of nice of 325 ad.
When I went through the bible for the first time, and then over and over again from first to last page, studying, i concluded that there was something fundamentally not ok I'm there. The issue with Christians is that they are all guided by the word BELIEF and not KNOWLEDGE. Once we research the so called accomplished prophesies of the man depiction as Jesus in the New Testament and discover that he actually accomplished NO SINGLE PROPHESY he is said to have accomplished, then you start seriously questioning who wrote the gospels and the entire new testament. God cannot lie
But Xtians will insist that he fulfilled 1800 instances of prophecy. Only the Jews don’t believe it and have proof.
In the creed, “the resurrection of the body, and the life ever after,” something specific is implied. Paul, the alleged apostle, preaches this up one side and down the other, but in the gospels there is no such teaching or pronouncement that would lead one to think this is part of the “good news of a military victory!” If one is to accept Paul’s teaching exists in the gospels, this doctrine could be compared to a glass of lemonade made with only one drop from the lemon.
Heh hem 😡
Totally nonsensical analogy, John Baker. You are misinformed about your Creator.
@@ageorgiapeach9442 alright Miss Peach, tell me how I am misinformed about “my Creator!” And I’ll wait, or you can email me directly. . .but this statement has nothing to do with a creator, or The Creator!
You have not communicated your idea well.However Jesus did say I am the ressurection and the life
Aul does not speak of a military victory
I am a born-again Christian. God has instilled His Truth in me and I receive it. He has given me Eternal Life. This only comes through Jesus who is the only way to the Father. Someone who is dead spiritually can never know this Jesus. You seem to know Him to not exist. You don't know Him at all.
Even if all that were true, its still a creepy religion. Someone's torture redeems all mankind! So a God gettting over his butt hurt because some one PAID! No, just no.
Lol 🤣 you are the exact people he's talking about
3000 years ago you would be saying the same about some other God, gods
I don't think so, Collyn Metin, there is only one true God. He is known only by one Spirit.
@@stanneufeld2163 The Spiritual masters of the East would find it amusing to know that u call them "spiritually dead"😂
It’s about time people started bringing these evil people out. It’s all about control. It’s all about money.
Evil twists truth. Every successful lie has some truth in it. But the a chainsaw manufacturer should not be blamed for any massacres.
Nor should Christ be blamed for those who rape, murder, extort, or start sectarian violence in His name, nor gather obscene wealth like the Catholic church, nor cause PTSD in threatening their kids with hell.
None, zero, zip, nada of that is from Christ.
Wheat is not chaff. Allah is not God. Practicing Santeria is not following Christ. Nor is following any televangelist who preaches the prosperity gospel, wears a Rolex or flies in a private jet.
Those cannot enter the kingdom.
Control is the opposite of freedom. Christ came to free people from the selfish fearful tyranical enslavement of ego and to offer people peace, new opportunities, and freedom.
Religions control. Jesus liberates.
And, like molecular biology to the layman, so are the deepest truths of the gospel to atheists.
Yep thats the church
@@gowdsake7103 The true message of Christianity to the world:Everyone should be less selfish.
Jesus's words:Anyone who claims but isn't is NOT a Christian.
We believe the bar of "being human" is set way too low. Only by aiming to be the nicest, kindest, most loving, caring, compassionate and self-less person possible, despite falling short, is enough.
For us, God is the coach who can only bring out the absolute best in us if we respect Him. By "doing His Will ( not Allah's) He promises to train us to become our best.
Did you have a loving, honorable but strict Dad who only wantedt you to become your highest self?
Did he, discipline you at times?
Did you fear him somewhat?
Could you really respect him if you did not?
If you acted like a know-it-all around him, what was his response? Should he still give you great birthday gifts if you ignored, cussed at, or yelled, "You're so stupid!" ?
So it is with our Heavenly Father.
Our fear of God is really best understood as respect and wanting to please him. Not for the rewards, but because He is honorable.
And, to truly worship Him means we set aside every bit of our selfishness and belief that we know it all.
But today many so called Hindu Goros go as far as claiming that "Jesus was Hindu , he came to India " and shit like that
Bullshit. There is a myth he came to India but Jesus was not Indian. Stop your nonsense.
@@colorguppies you pillock, he never said jesus was indian, he only stated what nonsense missionaries propagate in India and he is absolutly spot on.
But that's from a distorted portion of the text called "bhavishya purana". But Scholars argue against that theory as unreal but distortion.
Read this👉"jesus christ in India, Stephen Knapp"👈Google.
Hindu Politicans claiming that story is real is for vote bank.
@@colorguppies a*hole when the *uck did I said he was Indian?Are you mad or what?
@@greatsrikar exactly lol
I suggest everyone to watch Caesar's Messaiah and Religuluous movies. Eye openers.
Also read these books....
The darkside of christian history
Christianity's criminal history
Jesus christ: an artifice for aggression
The darkening age
@@ivarhakuse8572 thanks for these recommendations.
These can be added too.
Infinity foundation by Rajiv Malhotra
This channel has great videos of Mrs. Esther Dhanraj.
A few very popular Telugu channels are
1. Shiva Shakthi by Karunakar Sugguna (born christian and a Hindu now)
2. Hindu Jana Shakthi by Lalith Kumar
3. Hindu Shakthi
4. Dharmamargham
5. Radha Manohar Das
When your people came to our land, it was not with open arms, but with Bibles and guns and disease. You took our land. You killed us with your guns and disease, then had the arrogance to call us godless savages. If there is a Heaven and it is filled with Christians, than Hell is the place for me.
- Unknown Native American
@@AmitKumar-qz2us When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.
Jomo Kenyatta
This is very famous Kenyatta Quote
With regard to Christians in heaven. My advice to Hindus is also to acquaint ourselves with Emmanuel Swedenborg. He was a very important Christian Mystic, given Royal Protection by the Queen of Sweden from the inquisition. No one was allowed to lay a finger on him. Swedenborg would enter into lengthy meditative states for days and had journeys in the other dimension where he visited both Heaven and Hell. He said Heaven was filled with heathens where they were greatly respected. Christians etc would have to be put through corrective measures to put them back on track from their belief systems. Swedenborg also spoke about reincarnation in his writings. There is enough about his ideas by the Swedenborgian church on UA-cam.
I think its amazing how India houses a plethora of spiritually enlightened masters and in the west a dearth which when recognised, if lucky, had to be provided royal protection. Edgar Cayce was another highly respected and admired personality hindus would do well to know.
Similarly Shree M, born a Muslim is someone I hold great regard and respect for.
Dharma over rides all ignorance.
Religulous is very informative and entertaining as well.
you seem to be picking on christians as if they are all bad people and as if other religions are also not indoctrinations seriously
Existence of Jesus is the most historical fact of the history .
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist).
So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
What evidence do you have of existence of Jesus ? Typical emotional response of an Indian .
An inspired man who should be heard.
What exactly was their agenda By the time of Nero a..this faith was in existence and so many died for it Woul you die for whzt you knew to be a dalsehood
@@ptk8451 How stupid can you be? Haven't you heard of cults? Those people killed themselves for their belief, why don't you follow them since that's your criterion?
@@ptk8451 People die(d) for Islam too. Plenty of gullible folks out there?
I would rather live as though there is a God & Jesus and the holy spirit! And find out that he didn't exist. Than live my life as though he (they - holy trinity) doesn't exist and find out he did exist.
I'm inclined to agree, that's a quote from blaise pascal. That's the position I take as well thank u
The Bible mans wisdom is folly to God?!
So you'd rather fake it just in case? God must be pretty dumb to not know you're faking it!!! Next!!!
@@daveyboy7964 "Faking it" - you clearly don't understand the quote, #SMH 🤦🏾♀️ that's alright maybe if you read it over and over, it will eventually click!
@@velilemhlungu9837 ahh so you’d “rather”
Believe for a reward!! Your own bible tells
You that you don’t get to heaven from any deed or through any action on your part. And “god” can tell who’s doing it for a reward BTW. And it’s only by his grace and for NO OTHER reason that you MIGHT gain a place in so called “heaven”. Maybe it’s YOU who should read your own bible before carrying on and blabbering on to the rest of us on how we should behave to win gods grace!!
Adam and eve story is from upanishads. Two birds story dwa suparnau mantra in mundaka upanishad. Noahs ark is from matsyaavatara story from puranas- vishnus incarnation as Fish and Manu rescuing all life forms in seed form during great deluge.
LOL desperation is visible.
Jesus christ never existed. He was cocked up by jew Helena mother of king Constantine in 325 AD at the first council of neceae to destroy pagan Rome. Adam and eve are Atman and jeeva lifted from upanishads. Abraham and Sara of Abrahamic religions are Brahma and saraswati. Helena cocked up Bible by lifting the stories from pagan hindu Rome.
@@Jmistiquespace Desperation? Abraham and his wife Sara copied from Brahma and Saraswati
@@woodraider6able they have copied or not, there no comparison at all ! No way.
Like day and night. Okay. enjoy
@@Jmistiquespace Everything in the bible is copied from others. Including 10 commandments, easter, resurrection story. Nothing is original
When I was in the army what really bugged me was that anyone who had ANY religion was treated better than people like myself that didn't have one.
Sundays in basic training they got to go sleep in some bullshit service. I'd be back at the barracks cleaning or buffing floors.
When I was in Kuwait before Iraq I would have to stir and burn everyone's shit while they got to basically get out of doing any of the big chores.
So from that experience it taught me how important religions are for manipulating society.
People believe that shit and go to church to feel better about themselves instead of actually improving the world.....
Also of note. The more religious someone is, the more gullible they are.
Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
The best thing about Jesus,everyone has freedom to choose him
And Everyone can choose to be a woman, identify as binary, worship the Kardashians, it goes on and on lols
Millions are brainwashed from birth.
Thank you so much Professor Humphreys. I have read your loytle book and you have dropped a big bomb for those who utilize their critical thinking skills. Liberated me and I haven't looked back.
Lol, he gave you proof of nothing and just made generalized statements. Here, I got more like that for you boys are now girls, global warming floods will devastate the world in only 5 more years after the last time they said the world would be flooded. I think it was supposed to flood uh um 9 years ago. Follow the science dude.
You’ve made a really big mistake. Critical thinking skills? You are lost and I feel really sad that you believe you’re going to get truth from a video like this.
@Star Pets don't be a moron
@Star Pets You obviously didn't listen to the video, just came along to troll.
@Star Pets Of course! It's in the opinion section!
No blank is drawn. They point to the Bible. And they claim somehow that they know exactly what Jesus said as if some scribe followed him around..
I'm just so glad Jesus is the sunlight in the sky
Believing has always been the easiest thing to do because it requires no facts or evidence. Proving what one believes is true, now that is where all believers have fallen very short in accomplishing.
You got it, dude, and your mental health is assured.
Everyone is brave, intelligent, self-indulgent, and all-knowing.......Until they lie on their sickbeds and pray to Jesus!.....Unfortunately for them....it doesnt work that way!!......Enjoy your profound bravery!
Prayers are just for week and inslave minds ,,,we are very powerful and we don't need to pray ,wake-up ,look around and see all slaves pray and they leave in misery ,,😠
@@michaelnoviello6302 And the same applies to your fellow believers who also lie on their sickbeds praying to be cured but don’t get their prayers answered. To have gone their whole life believing that praying actually works only to be disappointed when in their need. You believers sure seem to like overlooking that truth but then again, truth is not a part of your mindset at all. And just for your information, it’s not bravery it’s just mental freedom which I see you would rather prefer mental slavery to a fictional character of a story written by unknown MEN. Enjoy your blissful slavery!
@@marina2516 How do you know???.....Gambling with your soul.....Dont cry to God when things get tough....it doesnt work that way!
Julius Caesar couldn't have hired Josephus, because he was murdered about 80 years before Josephus was born; I think Josephus was born around the year 37 A.D. He was in the service of Vespasian, who was emperor from 69 to 79 A.D. Not to mention the fact Christianity and/or Christ was still about 40 ish years into the future at the time of Caesars' murder. I did enjoy this though, so thank you for that.
I think he said "people like Josephus"... I don't think he meant Josephus himself 😊
Thanks Ken for all your amazing research
There was no person NAMED Jesus. Jesus Christ seems to be derived from Ishasya Krishta, which means Krishna is God. If we go by this theory then this answers a couple of questions that even Christians can't answer with conviction. Questions like where was Jesus from age 13 to 30? Ans is India, the only progressive and spiritual of that time. Second why do Christians use cross with Jesus hanging on it as it is very disturbing to see someone you love in that pain .. Answer is Roman king of that time was considered as god and this guy challenged him by propagating that Ishasya Krishta (Krishna is God and not the king) and so he gained popularity among the masses which were bullied and harassed by king's men. To keep control on the masses and protect his throne, the king had to get rid of this guy and thus made his punishment exemplary so that nobody challenges the king in future and promulgated that Jesus died for their sins and made cross with Jesus on it as a symbol.
Kha se padha h bhai ye
There is no proof of Krishna's existence either
@@WeSeeJ4th Meanwhile There is no proof for Jesus to exist in Reality ,its a propoganda by the Catholic Church to act as a political power in the European continent in Mediveal times .Also try and search about the History of Witch Hunting in Europe.
@@shriyashsaxena5559 ok, I'm an atheist, I knew decades ago of what you have said. Let me clear it there is no Ram, Krishna, Hanuman or Jesus
I gave up on religion about 5 yrs ago. Too many good reasons to doubt the claims.
Religions are only understood from the inside.
It is good you gave up on religion
All are artificial attempts by humans to tell God who He is.
Find Relationship, not empty words.
haha what kept you . . . .
@@Headwind-1 this app sucks on letting me follow the replies I make to threads.
I couldn't agree more. Like commented and subscribed 👍
The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, and become abominable in their devices; there is none that does goodness
You have corrupted yourself from the real truth get from under that bible verse rock.
@@lutkedog1 no. you have corrupted yourself from the real truth that is Jesus Christ. And there is evidence that he exists. search it up. get out of the atheism cult
Deception of this foolish man is Paul.
Oh the comments. I simply do not understand 21st century humans believing in gods. It completely bewilders me
And then you're told you're part of a prophecy of deniers and scoffers😂 These are the folk that claim God gives freewill but how can anyone have free will in a prophecy? Helllllo,PLOT HOLES! 😂
Hope, the converts understand this.
They never will. In fact money or other lure has seized their mind. Now they are happy with a uniformist tale of contradictions.
Nope because most of them are uneducated. Even if they are slightly educated, they stop using the brain the moment they convert. Hence, called sheep.
Bro -Ms. Esther Dhanraj is exposing reality of Jesus, but she is facing drastic attacks in her native Andhra Pradesh from Coastal areas where Christian missionaries are doing their conversion business.
Infact mahabharat never happened, and ved claims earth is flat Lol
@Father of Peacefull community bible has interpretations and geeta and Mahabharata has not? Tell me when did Mahabharata happened? Your scholars claim geeta is summary of vedas so yeah vedas are the root and they definitely claim earth is flat and sun moon and stars revolve around it.
You are mistaken dude, the world only accepted yoga and meditation not your supernatural gods and baseless scientific claims, so accept that.
People are questioning their god because they can think critically. Whereas people in India and Pakistan can't even question things that their holy book says because that's how limited their thinking capacity has become. Be open and accepting instead of challenging we are all after the truth.
It may be telling that your most prominent atheist specialist (Bart Ehrman) wrote a book and methodically demolishes the claim that Jesus didn't exist including “mythicist” arguments. This guy is just talking out of his bum basically.
There are those that predict that Bart Erhman is very close to the mythicist position and very well may move to it. It wouldn't surprise me if he did.
So he wrote the book and now is going to change his mind.. Sure thing
Just because BE is a "prominent atheist specialist" does not mean that he is correct because we are talking about history and not physics.
Even given the sometimes usefulness of ‘religious’ organizations the dark side of their enslavement of good hearted people to keep these priesthood’s alive based on ancient fairy tales is despicable. We can (and most do) help, aid, and look after each other. Sell the churches real estate and use the proceeds for good works.
Um haha a) it's not despicable at all, it's a necessary part of reality. Religion doesn't "enslave" anyone in the sense you are talking about. People do that to themselves, either because they NEED to or want to. And if they need to then it's a sin to destroy someone's necessary delusion. A sin in the sense where you do them harm. It's how they cope with their existence. It's the psychological and emotional equivalent of showing a 3 year old a nuclear holocaust. The Hebrew bible is written as it is, in layers, with some layers well hidden for the "enlightened" for that very reason. Some knowledge, before one is prepared, is very, very dangerous. But the truth is in the text itself if you know how to find it.
b) it doesn't happen in every religion, but the Hebrew bible is far more than most religious texts
and C) it's surely not just fairy tales. If that's what you understand about it then you don't understand it at all. That means you understand it like children do, and like the sacrificial lambs, the "literalists" do.
The actual point and purpose of the Hebrew bible, like most religious texts and practices IS very real and quite significant to our species. But you first have to understand what "God" is and what "God" is not. And until you stop thinking God is supposed to be a bearded sky man, you can't possibly understand further.
Just study Jesus' words and you will find God. In correlation with the experience of your life, your eyes open like never before. Amen
Brainwashed nonsense.Folk don't live to 800 years old amongst other garbage.
@@chrisdee1583 he believes in talking donkeys and snakes too i guess😂
@@UsoundsGermanywhat is wrong with these people's mentalities? They want to believe fantastical things but it's just brainwashed hogwash.Embarrassing we have to breath the same air it really is.
abrhamic nonsense, if you want gods words read the Bhagavad Gita the greatest literature ever recorded in human history.
@@serratedDharma Have you studied all of Jesus' words? Completely? Obviously not, or you are not able to understand them. Religions invented by Satan, such as Hinduism, are something you can keep to yourself. Amen
Reading the book of Enoch and the Sumerian flood myth, the bible seems to have many historical truths in them. So why not Jesus too? Something extraordinary must have happened as Christianity spread like wildfire.
Jay Smith has written over 1500 pages documenting extra biblical sources , Roman, judaic, aramaic ,other texts which refer to jesus and his early followers.
How can that be made up?
No honest atheist historian of the middle east would agree with this speaker.
@@glenliesegang8935 Could you link a good resource to find that information please?
Sorry, I can't see the text I wrote you are referring to. Look through UA-cam's by Jay and he will somewhere give the name of his book.
@@glenliesegang8935 If I remember too I will!
@Alpha Energy You mean the modern bible right? Because for instance the Nag Hammadi library is from around the time of Christ.
Only conversion
Kya bhagwan hai
Agar ha toh Allah bhi hai.
Kyoki Allah bhagwan ek hi hai
@@user-cv1jb9xv2p and so is Shatan/ Rakshas/Malicha , How to identify one? By their teachings and results of its followings.
@Binay Kumar and those who follow love and compassion which was the message are good and can't be siad rakshas. And those who do bad are not flowing the teachings so they are not his followers and will be called rakshas.
And the teachings were good.
@@user-cv1jb9xv2p yup right, love and compassion, if that were the message.
I can testify that Jesus exists and he is alive and well.
He owns the landscaping company that is doing my property right now. And he is doing paperwork on my kitchen table as I write this comment.
In Jesus name 🙏🏼 Amen. I can’t wait to see you there☺️.
See me where???
Jesus doesn't like mockery
Jesus is a myth. But, even if he were real he'd be a monster.
@@lagodifuoco313 He does exist and he is certainly not a monster, read John 3:16 to 18
If Jesus did not exist. Then many, many others must be removed from existence, Mary and Joseph, the 12 disciples, Nicodemus, Pilates involvement and so many more. Why just Jesus?
Pilate was real but he would never have set free a jewish criminal and there's no record of him talking to jesus. As for the others, there's about as much evidence for them as there is for jesus, less even.
@@grahamblack1961 you know that is not true. Do a honest research especially from his enemies. Do a research on his disciples. Even Richard Dawkins himself had to admit that he was wrong and that Jesus existed after he got caught out in a lie saying that ancient historians said that Jesus did not exist. His exact words were " Okay, I take that back, Jesus did exist". So much for the God delusion. If he was speaking the truth, then why did he feel the need to lie about the existence of Jesus? The burden of proof is now on those who believe that Jesus did not exist, when the world's greatest Atheist believes and admitted otherwise.
At last someone talking sense!
"There is no scholar in college or university in the western world, who teaches classics, ancient history, new testament, early Christianity, any related field who doubts that Jesus existed. The reason for thinking Jesus is existed is because he is abundantly attested in early sources. Frankly, it make you look FOOLISH to the outside world that, if that's what you gonna believe (thinking Jesus never existed), you just look FOOLISH" - Bart D. Ehrman (Scholar & Atheist).
So, claims like "Jesus never existed" was already debunked by scholars (and Atheist scholars), because of the abundance of evidence.
I trust Kenneth Humphrey.
Video will premiere 4 hours from now and you have already commented.
And he is not a scholar of any sort.. and doesn't work in an reputed university
MATTHEW 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
this geezer reporter is trying to rid that above verse☹️.
And that lady,saying 🤣 Son of God.that's an understatement.
King David was a Son of God.i think all prophets in the Holy Old Testament,i veiw as Son's of God.
NB.decide yourself the definition of word God.in English at least three definition it has 👍
@@asifbrettishmaelmakki9 problem of suffering
@@AtticTapes14 . problem of suffering,is caused by sin storage.(opinion).
Mr. Humphreys' introduction is spot on. As is his incredulous overview of the subject matter. How this state of affairs remains possible in the 21st century is astounding in light of the resources available to get even the thickest among us (myself included) up to speed.
Yet, the great Biblical scholar and atheist professor of religion calls all this utter nonsense.
Someone wrote Jesus's words.
Christian's were being thrown to lions in the Coliseum before 100 A.D.
Research when Nero used Christian's as human torches to light his dinner parties.
No one, using modern technology can in 2022 hoax the image in the Shroud of Turin. If that is NOT the burial cloth of a crucified man from Jerusalem, why would any care to preserve it.
Once you mock the Bible, any part of it, you throw its deep psychological understanding of culture, our place in reality, and who we selfish beings are in comparison with Love, onto the trash-heap of history, the baby with the bath-water.
And you claim yourself more intelligent than They who, from outside of space-time, before the Big Bang, forced order through the laws which govern quarks to quasars.
Rules have rule-creators. Atoms require rules to behave as they do.
I think a person who mocks their utter superiors are claiming because they can play chopsticks on a piano they exceed the skills of a concert pianist.
Imagine an intelligence which can visualize the entire dance from gene to organism to body to human through evolution, including how jumping genes to viral vectors can modify life, make trees talk to each other, and even mother sick or shaded trees. Or make fungi so they can communicate electrically, use what appears to be sentences with syntax.
Did you know DNA Carrie's a semiotic language with 6 of the 8 characteristics of human written text? Cells can spell-check using a fantastic set of machines to 1 error in a billion?
This is the Infinite God we celebrate.
And you believe all this order around you comes about from randomness?
Go bake a chocolate cake with 10 ingredients,with no recipe to follow. Make it with no knowledge of how much of what in what order at what temperature. Then write down how you did it, and get someone else to make that perfect cake, too.
Make a watch as a "blind watchmaker." Then evolve it into a grandfather clock.
That is the
@@glenliesegang8935 l suppose there is little chance that things from quarks to comets - with organisms like humans subject to the whims of all of them - are simply following their natures (rather than rules)with the near-endless interactive permutations resulting in sometimes poorly understood interdependencies that yet have, over time, come to explain more and more of the universe that the rest of us experience has ever dawned on you? At no point have you ever noted the difference in outcomes between inactions (such as prayer) and actions (such as say, surgery)?
Nice try, Einstein. But your approach warrants the trash heap to which it’s been relegated - as do all forms of wishful thinking.
It is a wonderful thing that people today can learn about all sorts of things that they never had access to before.
No doubt for religious institutions this is a terrifying prospect. The Jehovah Witness organisation, and Young Earth organisations encourage their followers to research and learn, but ONLY at specific sites. That's somewhat working for them, but accurate info is out there, more and more people are making it available and accessible.
If we can educate more people, easily, this religious BS will continue to lose its grip on the world... Maybe one day we'll succeed in stamping corrupt, bogus powers who hold people hostage with ignorance. Just imagine it. Fantastic.
In the words of that filthy Nazarene, Jesus: “Bring my enemies, who didn't want me to be their king. Kill them in front of me.” Luke 19:27
I choose to take my chances and believe!
Which is fine... So long as you undetstand what it is you're choosing to believe.
If it's in the existence of the Jesus of the NT. Then it's a little like saying you're choosing to believe in Sherlock Holmes. Except we have so much more material about Holmes.
@@Petticca Sherlock Holmes is proven to be the work of Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle, an actual person. The character was inspired by one of Doyle’s teachers which is why fictional characters are treated as such. Jesus/Yeshua is not known to be the inspiration of an actual person or group of persons therefore it is safe to say Jesus is nonfictional.
You can choose what you believe? Lucky you!
In what? Whatever your parents believed? So you recognize if you were born somewhere else you would be "choosing" to believe something else? And just as convinced that that other thing is true?
I am with you and that Paul warn the people gerbils wolves will come in and corrupt the gospel so I choose to believe the Bible
Please don't ruin Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny for me too!!!
Santa Claus takes bribes from rich familtes.He ahould be locked up!
@@davidborrowdale8196 ....he doesn’t take bribes from rich people, he just gives them a lot better presents than he gives to the poor people.
JESUS is Santa they both are not real and by the way Christmas and Easter is Pagan so don't worry
I was so disappointed when I found out Santa Claus was not real.😁
Long life to Kenneth Humphreys 💟
Angus, yes, long life to him in the afterlife as well!
@@Quijote-Salvaje he will be condemned
Christianity was invented by ancient Romans to create Jesus as a role model for their citizens and slaves, to teach and enforce obedience.
Jesus does exist here in California. He's everywhere, Jesus Rodriguez, Jesus Mendoza, Jesus Garcia etc
Each of those will die.
Jeshua then. WHATEVER. You know the POINT HERE OR ???
@@glenliesegang8935 AND YOU ME EVERYONE !
And his mother was probably a virgin before his parents got married! But she was almost certainly NOT overshadowed by some spirit, holy or not! 😂
Archeology and papyrus dating proves different.proves you wrong.
@@tropicalstrings well, bring it on. Show me the papyrus and scrolls.
@@tropicalstrings I'll wait.....
Either way, would the absence of evidence be the evidence of absence?
Absence of evidence itself is not evidence of absence. But an absence where you should _expect_ to find evidence is certainly troubling...
@Theseustoo Astyages I take it you didn't read my second sentence... 😉
"If gods do evil then they are not gods" - Poet Euripides
Religion is a bottomless cup of hate.
Appreciate the difference between Dharma and Religion ( communal schism- Us versus Them, sectarian thinking, Us reserved a seat in Heaven Them Infernal Hellfire).
Live inclusive righteousness of Mansa Vachna and Karma not only towards fellow human beings but also towards Flora and Fauna That is Dharma.
Salute Dharmicjan.
May Universal Consciousness ( PARAMATMA, Brahm, Holy Spirit - birthplace/source of invisible reality) guide, inspire, direct and keep mankind focused on continuous seeking paragons of virtue.
Loved this I just wished people would stop and give each other that same love demanded in religion and credit. If we'd just praises one another for our good deeds and stopped giving it to the man in the sky I think the world would be a better place. Bet there ain't one surgeon that was genuinely thanked for saving a life solely without praise to God 🤦♀️for guiding his hand
We ARE God. All of us. There is no God as in a person in the sky.
Because "God" doesn't mean bearded man in the sky. That is the misconception that atheists, children and literalist lambs are under. Until you understand what "God" actually means, you can't hope to understand the actual meaning of the texts. In all religions.
@@jessereichbach588 you would think a loving "God" in all it's meanings and definitions would care enough to clear up all the misconceptions for us lambs but.... tik tok ol' wise man
@@lylesache5480 He does. But it;s up to you to figure it out.
And this isn't about belief in 'God' or lack of belief in "God" . Atheists can't be curators or custodians, both necessary roles. But then, neither can literalists. "God" is obvious, without "God" it has no purpose. But it's the perception of "God" that divulges or withholds understanding.
And "God" provided all the answers TO clear up the misunderstandings. They are in the book. But no one can uncover them for you, you mist arrive at a point where you understand.
All interpretations are valid to the individual. Of course, for a religion tied to a legal system, where law and religion are forever intertwined, not all interpretation will do. Thus the curators must protect your right to interpret however you want, while ensuring your interpretations don't overstep in regard to law, thus invalidating other interpretations. Not that you specifically plan to do that or would do that, but fundamentalists throughout history have a habit of doing so.
Thus there are the archetypes. For some, the bible tells them what to do and how to do it. For others, it shows them. And obviously such understanding comes with great responsibility.
It's all there in the book.
This video is so true! I hope it will wake more people up. We are in the age of Aquarius which is the age of information. That's why now you see more of this information being revealed. We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. To those here that still confess that jesus does exist. Do your research? Something brought you here otherwise why are you here. Deep down inside you know this video is filled with truth. Is hard to except when you are indoctrated to believe what they gave us. Let me just say this, when the student is ready the teacher will come. Most people are not ready as they are stuck in there
religious ways (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) so on and so on. Meanwhile Spirituality is about Love, Peace, Nature, Meditation/calming yourself down so you can here what your Spirit guide has to say to you. Spirituality free's your mind.
Then who was it who came to me when I was five years old and said to me, "you are not alone"? I was five and didn't know anything about religion. Yet, every instinct told me who he was. I could feel it to my very core. Oh well, to each his own. But it always amazes me that atheists always KNOW that Jesus Christ and God doesn't exist. I think they don't want Him to exist.
Let them hear who will hear. Let them see who will see.
Jesus Christ
When I was eight years old I fell into a large and deep canal it was freezing cold and I started praying the next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed and my mother crying with glee that I came to, I truly believe Jesus saved me.
Could be an alien, your higher self, you psyche, nature, any number of things or just you hearing things. Experiencing mystical things is not definitive proof in a diety.
@@katiedotson704 that's because they are worshipping religion instead of God. We deal on a one on one basis with God , but most people don't know that. I don't deal with mediators, I deal with my Father Creator directly. And, before you say that's crazy, why don't you try it. He is my Father Creator and I am his child. I don't fear him and I do seek his counsel, and, in one way or another, he does answer. I go to mass on Sundays because I was raised that way and it brings me solace, like meditation to atheists and agnostics. But for everything else I go to Him. He has always been there for me because I am His child, and I'm not afraid to ask. I've seen him create too many miracles not to believe. He is what we each expect him to be. If you believed in God, what would He be? Seek him there, or not, it's up to you.
@@katiedotson704 Jesus isn't the name of a person , it's the name of the revelation which was revealed to Maryam pbuh , according to Quran's correct translation . Read Dr Kashif Khan's articles on the internet about who Jesus really is .👍
@@katiedotson704 I never understand why people blame God when all the ills of the world are caused by men. Gotta blame someone, I guess.
common critique of the existence of the historical Christ is that there is a lack of contemporary sources, so let's compare Christ with Gautama Buddha, who is generally accepted as being a real historical person and not relentlessly attacked by atheists.
1. The earliest accepted Christian text by most scholars is the Epistle to the Galatians, written ~50 CE. While not direct evidence for the life of Christ, it is evidence for the earliness of Christian belief, its spread out of Judaea to Anatolia, and the contemporary existence of the core of Christ's inner circle. In contrast, the earliest evidence we have for Buddhism in general is 200+ years after Gautama Buddha is said to have lived. That's more than 10 times longer than the roughly 17 years between Christ's crucifixion and the time Galatians was written.
2. Buddhism's existence in its earliest known forms resides solely with government edicts by Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE. All of the Christian canon was written by Christians within 100 years of Christ's life, and according to some it was all written within 70 years.
3. The earliest extra-Christian mentions of Christ or Christians are from less than 80 years from his death, and the earliest extra-Biblical Christian texts also date from this time. There are no known Buddhist texts or extra-Buddhist texts in which Buddhism or Gautama Buddha are mentioned that date to prior to Ashoka's reign.
These 3 points demonstrate that the evidence for the existence of Christ and the contemporariness of the sources are much stronger than that of Gautama Buddha and Buddhism. Yet, many if not most atheists will vehemently deny that there was a historical Christ while accepting a historical Buddha based on much less of a historical foundation.
For atheists that demand contemporary proof of Christ from his lifetime, let's remember that Judaea at the time of Christ was a backwater tetrarchic client kingdom of Rome for which the only history of the period that we have is that written by Josephus. Sources are more than scant. They're singular if you don't accept any Christian writings as sources for the history of the region during the period, yet they demand evidence that has either long since been lost to time or perhaps was even deliberately destroyed by the Romans due to the fact that they fought 1 minor and 2 major rebellions in the area over the span of 70 years and completely and literally erased Judaea from the map by the end of it all in an attempt to cut Jewish ties to the area so that all hopes of an independent Jewish state would be quashed for good.
*For atheists that demand contemporary proof of Christ from his lifetime, let's remember that Judaea at the time of Christ was a backwater tetrarchic client kingdom of Rome for which the only history of the period that we have is that written by Josephus. Sources are more than scant* Actually we have quite a lot of writings from the first century. None of them mention Jesus.
at 2:00, the man describes "by simply believing in Jesus", multitudes of people are saved or believe they are saved. This is NOT what Jesus taught. He taught that there is a narrow gate through which only a few would enter AND a narrow way to think and live, which leads to eternal life. "And few there be that find it". I am not prepared at the moment to refute other things this man says, other than to suggest that when the Roman crushed those two Jewish rebellions in 70 and 135 A.D., my understanding is that writings and records were not spared from the utter destructive wrath of the Roman legions. But I will suggest that you will have difficulty finding an historic parallel to the millions of Christians who have been put to death in persecutions without renouncing the presence of Christ within them, with some particular reference here to Nero's torching of these faithful believers, along with throwing others to the lions, at the Roman coliseum. Generally speaking, people do not go willingly and with dedication, to burning crosses and ravenous lions, for poorly-sourced fairy tales.
Very well said!
@@charlesnagy7718 .......!
Just because a myth was carried through hundreds of years as truth (it was believe or die) doesn't make it so.
Jesus is indeed hypothetical character.
Jesus is a historical figure of the 1st century Israel, unlike 330 million false gods of hinduism
@@yakovmatityahu 😂😂😂 lol 330 millions God? Amazing we ourselves didn't know about that. By the Jesus is more than hundred percent fictional character created by Constantine II to scare the hell of Romans and collect taxes. There is no historical evidence. Also Hindu Gods are allegories except Vishnu Avatars. Also do little research about pedophile sex slavery, slave trades, colonization done by catholic churches 🙏
@@Me.anything their is no evidence for a single hindu god😅😅😅hinduism of today didnt exist before Jesus...all these mythical figures were invented after Jesus time.
@@Me.anything Jesus is believed to be historical figure of 1st century by all scholars unlike mythical non existent hindu gods😅😅😅
@@yakovmatityahu Jesus was a fictional character..don't be so happy 😂 Hindu civilization is oldest on this planet ..Hindu Gods are not human but cosmic allegorical figures. Though this is beyond your small Brian 😂
When one Knows the Truth or a Truth.."believe or to believe" simply vanishes!
I think you meant to say 'believe or NOT to believe" and, if so, very well said. :)
Bravo! I love a good rant.
I knew JESUS wasn't Real 😊😊😊
@@OCA8WhitePeopleAreAlbinosOCA8 Jesus is real. I met him in Guadalajara last year.
Neanderthal lived from 170,000 to 30,000 years ago. It’s sad to think the majority of people
can’t appreciate the reality of our situation.
Love what he is saying
The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, and become abominable in their devices; there is none that does goodness
I will take my faith in the existence of the message and actual existence in Jesus any day over the spiritual bankruptcy of atheism.
P.S. - I wonder if this same speaker has attacked other faiths based on belief - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc... or he just has some particular hatred for Christianity.
_"I will take my faith in the existence of the message and actual existence in Jesus..."_
Do you have any contemporaneous evidence that Jesus ever existed?
_"I wonder if this same speaker has attacked other faiths based on belief - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc... or he just has some particular hatred for Christianity."_
But Christianity teaches worship of ritualistic human sacrifice and cannibalism.
I will believe because i have been conditioned to. Hence proved, i am any day smarter than the other. That's convincing.
Atheism isnt bancrupcy of being spiritual. You are the spirit. You are your own proof of it. You dont need religion to make you believe in love, peace and good, miracles of life. We cant be bancrupt when we are already spirited inside
What’s funny is no one will remember this guy in a few years after passing but a positive message last thousands of years. The Devil is the disorder
I also think of Gilgamesh and Mesopotamia and the Ancient Egyptian stories as precursors of such……
Descension of Inanna is the original Jesus story... a woman being the messiah that saves the world... no wonder the church desperately wanted to euhemerize him to avoid links to the celestial origin. Can't have women in places of power, oooh no...
'Genesis 6 Conspiracy' by Gary Wayne explains that they were not precursors, but an inverted attempt into predicting how Yahweh would outsmart the fallen in the end. In no ancient story, was a 'Son of man' crucified for man.
The Gilgamesh flood account actually lends credence to the Biblical account. The Great Flood was written hundreds of years past the fact by Moses during the Exodus from Egypt. Gilgamesh was merely written earlier. HUNDREDS of accounts of the Great Flood comes from all over the world...another evidence it actually happened.
Jesus never existed
I commend you for spending 20 years to disprove something that was never proven in the first place.
Never proven in the first place? Are you saying Yeshua never existed? I'd suggest you click the link in my previous comment. Kinda blows your theory up...
@@brentwebster3751 Right.. Not just spend for 20y ,but whole life to revolt against reality... For, there has been many like you in past many centuries,.. who are now ongoing n can expect more in future too.. for reasons best known to them.
Viewers, apply discernment... and do not allow yourself to be led astray..
@@kiwi-xl1vl watch the videos in the link I shared. It does not get more truthful than that. This world has had the wool pulled over its eyes. And it's the satanist sun worshippers at the top that have changed our history and spun the web of lies that unless people wake up to it, will carry them to an eternity of pain and suffering.
"Where there will be knashing of teeth"
@@brentwebster3751 I can’t find your previous comment. Mind sharing the links here? I’m a believer and enjoy the debunking of videos trying to debunk Jesus.
@@kiwi-xl1vl Wow this video just shows how true Jesus Christ and the bible is.Christians shouldn't take their relationship and believing in Jesus for granted because this shows its by Gods grace that we believe
Please do not confuse people that ALL RELIGIONS ARE THE SAME. All religions are absolutely NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT the same, and Hinduism (Sikh/Jain/Budha) are NOT a religion) (These are Panths) NOT a religion. We must need to understand the difference between DHARMA (Sanatan) / RELIGION (Christian West Invented) / MAZHAB (Islam Deen Muslim).
What nonsense, they are all nonsensical and embellished beyond recognition. All jam-packed with superstition and hokus pokus gibberish
I like to see Kenneth and Bart have a debate or maybe even just a talk about this subject.
Those who have eyes to see will see and ears to hear will hear.❤️
Your right, some of the people on this site are also mocking God and he will not be mocked but will judge people for doing so if repentance isn't sought after
Where is his proof? All he did was make unproven claims. Not only that, but Jesus wasn't famous until after he died so why would there be any record of his existence other than from the 25,000 manuscripts that back the bible.
@@TheBestLife2184 Let’s say say, you are right, one gotta ask yourself, what was the meaning of the whole Jesus thing , why would so many people create such a magnificent story, just …why?
I agree with you Katina. 👍
This guy is an amazing man love you Humphrey and love this video
This video = en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_myth_theory
what would be the purpose of lying about Christ and the miracles, who , at that time, would gain from these events?
Control, control over the population is everything
This guy is spot-on
No he is not. He is condemned
@@wolfgangamadeusmozart1293 prove it
@@zakmatew prove what? 😂 people who do not believe in Jesus will sadly be lost
Jesus never existed. Yday I hv finished book of PN OAK Christianity is Krishn -nity
Jesus is a historical figure of the 1st century Israel, unlike 330 million false gods of hinduism
@Tyrion Lannister can you give good evidence of existence of any hindu gods??i have been asking this to my hindu friends since many time...i ask the same to you...
@Tyrion Lannister bring me evidence for any hindu god of your choice....where he lived...who saw him...where are the eyewitness documents and who wrote them...which century and age did that god lived...where are the originals or copies of writings about him from the same time of that god.
@Tyrion Lannister nasa has plainly rejected the ram setu as hoax news...nasa has denied saying anything about adam Bridge....even archeological survey of india said that adam bride is naturally made 100000 years ago it was not made by any human hands.
@Tyrion Lannister social media🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣unlike you i dont get evidence from social media but from scholar and authentic sources....their is no evidence found for any hindu story yet...their is no manuscipt evidence for mahabharat ramayana vedas from their time....oldest manuscipt is from the 15th century...3000 years after the supposed events...that's why scholars dont trust anything in hinduism.
I believe this teacher. The logic is sound . Thank you for opening my eyes further.
"Teacher" lol
Your eyes have not been opened. You have been deceived.
My heart breaks for those who don't believe in Jesus Christ. The end is drawing near, and then it will be too late to believe.
Yeah i agree
Sorry. You have not seen the reality of sanathana dharma. Try to understand the facts about it. You will be amazed.
This is the very reason why the whole idea is ridiculous. What about the people in the world who were never introduced to Jesus? What about children born into Buddism or Islam or Hindu and had no choice but to believe what was taught to them? Are they going to hell? How unfair! What kind of God plays games with his children that some make it or not ...just too bad..Oh well.... it doesnt follow basic rules that the best societies exist on Earth. Now if the best societies have better rules than the Bibles rules...who would follow such rules?!?!?!
My heart breaks for you being so gullible. You guys have been saying this for approx. 2,000 years without even knowing your own texts - the end was already near at the first coming. Learn to read your own Bible!
@@xpez9694 couldn’t agree more!!!