Now I'll offer my analysis: In my opinion, the bear showed anti-social personality traits such as aggression, impulsivity, grandiose thinking, adventure seeking as well as delusional psychopathy disorder
It seems like this woman did what she could to try to prevent the bear from harming her. But after she reported the problem to the authorities it was unrealistic for them to believe that an elderly, sick woman should be the one to shoot the bear, and that option should not have even been given to her. They should have realized that she was helpless to take care of the problem herself and euthanized the bear to prevent him from harming Patrice or any of the other residents of the area. For the authorities to then say that she must have died prior to the bear entering the house, was their way of trying to remove any responsibility they had in the woman's death.
"did what she could to try to prevent the bear from harming her?" Sometimes I wonder if people listened to the same story I did. "Did what she could" as in repairing broken windows? Ensuring food was not left out to attract bears? Moving somewhere else? (Spoiler alert, if you didn't listen: she did none of those things) Sad story but she most certainly did not do all she reasonably could to prevent tragedy.
I feel very sorry for Patrice. She was ill for 20 years and clearly did not have the energy to keep up her property. Roughing it in small communities is all good and well, but a person has to BE well in order to handle that kind of living. It’s work, and one must be fit. Alternatively, she needed others in her life, helping. In the clear absence of same I wish she’d moved somewhere safer.
@@TamasPanyi he at the beginning said she lived across from the county courthouse. She wasn’t that urban it seems. The county officials had a front row seat to her plight. They literally saw her house everyday leaving the courthouse
Like Bill Bryson said in "A Walk in the Woods," you might as well fight back when attacked by a bear. If nothing else it will give you something to do for the last 7 minutes of your life.
There's not a single animal on the planet who likes being punched in the nose. NOT ONE. Some 25 or 30 years back a 12-year-old kid was attacked by a bull shark while on his surf board. He punched the shark in the nose even while he was in the shark's mouth. He lived to show his battle scars and to tell his story.
@@bjkaranaexcuse me? What kind of poem is this? Cause from the line in the comment it didnt seem to suggest that sort of response and now I'm curious, lol.
I lived in semi-rural NJ, and have heard stories about people feeding the bears. They think they are being benevolent, but in fact are training the bears to return regularly for feeding. If there is no more food, they will become angry and will attack.
The best protection humans have from wild animals is the fear they have of humans and not understanding humans as a source of food. You cannot get the wild animals to "like you" for feeding them, they aren't domesticated animals, they have to fight and kill to survive. They don't distinguish one human from another.
Same. No one cared enough to even check on her after hearing her story …offered her a license to kill the bear. That was no help at all. Had someone seen how frail and ill she was, perhaps things would have turned out differently. It’s just a very sad story…
@@ahill4642 If that were the only 'help' offered to me, I'd turn it down. There are people, like me, who are not suited for communal living. How about options for helping her live in her own home, like ongoing help cleaning up outside and inside so as not to attract bears? A community program of bear aversion therapy with hot wire booby traps, baited bear spray, motion activated high velocity water sprays, etc--if installed in one place, bears figure them out, but if you keep moving them around, the bears don't figure them out and become more wary of human scent. Couldn't be more expensive than supporting her in a (shudder) "nice" assisted living complex. Me, I live where I can't see my nearest neighbours and that's how I like it. I've already planned my exit for the time if or when my health changes and I can no longer live independently.
exactly!! There is no help in this country! I am in the same situation. My garbage accumulates as I am not well to take it out. We have so low disability incomes that we can't hire anyone. We are penalized for getting sick before retirement. Our government takes better care of Outsiders finding them 4 star hotel stays and huge allowances, more than twice mine after working to are 50. Democrats used to care for Americans but now they care more for Outsiders. And I used to be a life long Democrat. But I hate what the Party has become! No longer are we taking care of our people! We sent billions out to foreign countries and our homeless are dying on the streets. Biden is completely out of touch with our struggles that is why he has focused on all the millions that have come in on Asylum finding them nice hotels to stay, and offering them huge allowances. While our people, Americans many who have served are dying on the streets.
I’m shocked that no one helped this lady. Her friend said she talked about it a lot, which I take that she was trying to convince someone the bear was a danger to her. Were people in that area convinced that ‘their’ bears weren’t actively harmful? There’s no excuse for the wildlife officials, however, not knowing about stalking black bears and that the aim is to eat the human they’re stalking. To merely tell a disabled lady to apply for a permit to shoot the bear is beyond comprehension.
Ok but why couldn’t she just not leave cat food and garbage out? This death while sad is entirely preventable. And even if someone did help her and kill the bear (which also how do you move an 800 pound dead bear), it wouldn’t matter because she would keep putting our cat food and then in a week she would have a new bear.
@@rebeccashields9626 You know, I hadn’t thought about she’d just attract another bear with her bad habits, which I’m sure she’d been told about. You’re so right, good thinking.
@@rebeccashields9626true but she was pretty disabled. Shouldn't have been living in the woods but likely couldn't afford to move. Authorities should have taken it seriously.
It’s incredibly shocking and negligent of the state of California fish and wildlife management to have not helped her, for them to have not trapped The bear is beyond belief. They are 100% responsible for her death. And it’s too bad that her family, if there is any does not have a high-powered lawyer to take the government to court and sue them for their negligence for millions of dollars.but she was poor lived in a crap house and nobody, as in The fishing wildlife department in California Did their job of protecting the public from a very dangerous animal. The poor woman had to live & then died in terror.
This is another reason why hoarding is a problem. Engaging the hungry bear she called Big Bastard who was stalking her with pepper spray and a blow horn as he stuck his paw into a window scaring one of her cats did not dissuade him from later pulling the bars off her windows, attacking her while she lay in bed asleep, dragging her into the kitchen, killing her, and feasting on her remains. RIP Patrice. In The Prince, Machiavelli wrote, "Never do an enemy a small injury." If she was unwilling to shoot the bear, she should have hired a licensed and competent hunter to do the job for her.
I would have thought the deterrents would have worked. But I guess they did temporarily. But I guess the bear decided she was occupying a territory he wanted.
It doesn't make any sense for her to have done that then. Monday morning quarterbacks have perfect hindsight. She was probably told a dozen or more times she has nothing to fear from that black bear. "Oh it's just a black bear, they can be annoying as hell but they don't harm anyone".
@@troy3456789 I grew up in a rural area full of loggers, hunters, and many black bears. The black bears were especially prevalent when my family went huckleberry picking in the fall up in the mountains of northern Idaho. One of them, protecting his food source, chased my brother down a hill. Fortunately, he [my brother] managed to get away. Nobody that knows anything about wild animals would think they are simply living teddy bears. They are driven by hunger to pack on the pounds quickly in order to hibernate during the winter months. As old as she was living where she lived, she should have known better than to tempt fate but, if she had a problem with hoarding and could not part with her garbage, she may not have had any common sense left. That is not armchair quarterbacking. That is a fact.
It’s absurd that a sick, elderly woman living alone was told she would have to do it! They should’ve sent someone out to inspect the situation, & deal with the bear. “We can give you a permit, & you can take it out” is so outlandish, it would be funny if she didn’t end up losing her life because of it.
As Grande said, these attacks are exceedingly rare. This was the first recorded death by black bear attack in the entire history of California. If you practice sensible bear-care, your chances of being killed are close to nil. Even if you don't a black bear attack is highly unlikely.
@@ybrueckner5589 Yes, but as awful as some deaths can be, our deaths don’t matter compared to our lives. Before her death she had many more years than expected and hopefully some happy times with her cats and friends b
The bars were a good idea but the unpleasant truth is, if the bear was determined enough he could make a hole in the exterior wall of the house and go right in. I had a neighbor who tried keeping them out of his trash cans by putting them in the attached garage. The bear made his own door and went inside to get them. Tore the cladding and framing right off the house like he was opening a present.
I've heard of grizzlies ripping cars apart to get to the occupants when determined. Polar bears are seemingly deterred by nothing. It's not all that crazy that black bears can tear through walls when considering the traits bears seem to have in common such as resistance to pain, persistence, and immense strength.
@nuclearmedicineman6270 Give me a pair of steel toed boots and a real good reason and in time I could kick my way in. I remember buying my first cladding over frame house as a young man and repairing the exterior. Some clapboards had to go, replace the vapor barrier, etc. Some frame. There was rot in places, especially the outside wall behind the kitchen sink. I remember being stunned when I took it apart. This is IT? Are you kidding me? Its not as much of solid thing as many believe. Including myself up to that moment. My house before that was stucco over block. Massively stronger.
Yeah, Those bars, which were probably installed into rotting wood, would have been the equivalent of of opening a beverage can pop top. Little to no effort for a bear to get where he wants to go.
I am an old woman and I was born and raised in the high Colorado mountains. I know bears well, and the first biggest mistake a person can make is to feed bears. You are not helping them, they need to hunt for their food, not just show up at the back door restaurant. If they don’t learn how to find the food they need at each time of year, their lives will be miserable. If you ever run across a bear and you’re not in a car, make yourself as big as you can… arms up legs apart and get loud …yell DO NOT SCREAM only prey scream….while they’re being eaten. Do not turn your back and do not run… prey run..don’t be like prey. Throw rocks if they’re close to hand. Aim for the head, ears are the most sensitive. If it’s a grizzly well I hope you’re toting a big gun. Grizzlies full grown can’t climb trees…. they can however push them down. Watched one do it.
A full size grizzly can't climb trees? Are you nuts? They can absolutely climb trees. They tend not to when adults because they don't need to hide from anything. There's a video with a mom and 2 cubs chasing the black bear up a tree as they both nearly ran up the tree. Plenty of other videos as well of giant grizzlies climbing trees. Can they push over a tree? A small dinky one or one that's rotted. I'm not sure what kind of tree you're referring to but no, they can't go around just pushing trees over that can stop a car at 70mph without putting a dent in the bark.
This tactics works sometimes when the bear is not hunting you. If the bear sees you as prey, it won't matter, it's gonna try to eat you. In rare cases like this, the only hope is to fight the bear off.
@@idontno0 A full on 600lbs grizzly can sort of climb a tree, with difficulty. I think that is the point the poster was making. Black bears can basically fly up a try, while a full grown grizzly will struggle to climb a tree and usually only goes up a few feet unless there are branches that it can grab on to. It's weight and length of claws make climbing much more difficult for an adult grizzly, but they can still climb a little, which is why it is not recommended to climb up a tree even with a grizzly. But if it was a choice between running, playing dead and getting mauled, or attempting to climb a tree to get away from a grizzly, I'm up a tree, but if it's a black bear I'm standing my ground and fighting.
@@giovanimontoya4517 I hate that you don't know how crazy it sounds for you to revel in a woman dying just because you're upset women are afraid of men. Go to therapy, brother.
Seems like a smear campaign against her. She asked Fish & Game for help and did what she could to defend herself. Fish & Games answer was the elderly woman in poor health could kill the bear if she chose to. Do we know if she even knew how to use and was capable of firing a large caliber weapon to kill a bear? It even took Fish & Game several days to finally arrive and trap and kill the bear. Sounds like Fish & Game is trying to cover their own butt on this one by throwing shade on a old woman.
@@RepentImmediately Or the Fish & Game could do their job and go shoot a bear trying to break into people's homes. They do in other places. Heck in my state they track down injured deer from car accidents so they can be humanely put down.
I am 70 and my husband and I have lived around bears for 15 years now in the san bernardino mountains. this story horrified me. I keep our garbage locked up at night as we have had a few visits. Once they break into windows the game is over and thank God that has never happened to us. How terrible this woman died alone this way..
I grew up around bears, and everyone knows the simple things you have to do to deter them. Many people in my area literally lock up their garbage... Repeat offender bears get called in to bylaw. This woman was largely disabled and her inability to clean up after herself or change her habits ended in a horrific tragedy.
Perhaps if someone in an official capacity have physically visited her they would see that she was frail and unhealthy. She needed an advocate. Maybe get her some help cleaning up her surroundings and home. She probably had no children
@@pameladeepeople who have not been deemed mentally incompetent are responsible for themselves. If she wanted help cleaning, she could have hired help. My father was a hoarder who refused my offer to help him downsize to a home with no stairs, since he was losing his mobility. He refused. That ended up being one of the worst decisions he ever made. But old people think they know best.
@@pameladeeit's quite likely that a person who chooses to live in a relatively remote area does not usually welcome visits from "people in an official capacity" to their home. Although she was reported to be physically frail, there is no evidence at all that she was mentally incompetent or impoverished to where she couldn't hire someone to clean up her place or to permanently dispatch the increasingly troublesome bear, which is what DFW advised.
Why is it " unconscionable"? She wasn't mentally incompetent, and DFW did help , by giving her a permit to kill the bear. There's no evidence to suggest she couldn't afford to hire someone to do it. She chose not to, even after the bear became more brazen. She herself created the increasingly attractive nuisance. Sometimes it's virtually impossible to save people from their own ignorance.
My parents used to live in Mount Shasta City, and bears would literally just be walking casually walking down the street. They have become more and more comfortable around humans. It’s scary
@@Rockoblockostrange question...but from the way you ask it, I reckon it'd be wise to immediately start thinking self-defense and get-away tactics either or.
@@christie4004 well, yes, strange question, but ... some women are scared about everything and anything. like lizards, bugs, cats, dogs, leaves, you name it you have it.
Poor Patrice, how desperately sad and frightening for her, RIP x Dragged out of bed, with no chance to escape, horrifying, and she was trying to be kind and not have it killed. Just so sad.
Horrific. I don’t understand how anyone can joke about this. That poor woman. And the poor bear, having to live on this planet with people. May they both rest in peace.
I admit that the thought of home invasion bears makes me nervous. We have LOTS of bears and some are so dang big they resemble small cars. One huge mother bear with two chubby big cubs walked by our living room window while I was watching, and it was literally inches away from me with only a window pane between us. Unnerving to say the least. 🐻
I noticed his lips twitch during one. I want to see a video of outtakes and bloopers where Dr. Grande cracks himself up and keeps having to restart filming. ☺️
When I first moved to colorado there was a guy that lived up in the hills in a trailer. This guy was a slob and would just throw his trash around his trailer. So the bears got used to eating it. Then they broke In and did the same with him.
I realize she had made mistakes but I feel she tried to do the right thing by calling the authorities and putting bars on her windows. This has to be one of the most terrifying ways to die. I still remember Treadwell. RIP
@@lydiapetra1211no they should have come out the one time she told them what a dangerous situation she was in and not simply offered her a permit to kill the bear herself as if an elderly woman is gonna do that. If I were her family I’d sue them!
@@danielleminerva4525 you never dealt with law enforcement/country or state government agencies.... you have to call them multiple times until they do something....
Bars won't stop a bear, only removing all food. You can scare it off but it'll keep coming back for food once it knows it can find some. They are huge animals, they need a lot of calories to survive and are relentless in their pursuit of food.
I can't imagine living somewhere where bears amble about..I think they're protecting themselves and their babies sometimes..but this story is genuinely terrifying
Bears are 25x less dangerous than humans. PER bear/human, I'm not using total numbers not in proportion to one another, I'm using numbers already divided by their respective population sizes. Humans are still 25x more likely to kill you, individually.
Lone, predatory, male black bears are responsible for over 90% of fatal black bear maulings in North America. The notion that a black bear sow with cubs is the most dangerous type of black bear encounter is inaccurate. Some people like to think black bears just eat nuts and berries but make no mistake black bears, especially the larger males, are apex predators and meat eaters. It’s important for people living in bear country to understand this and recognize predatory behavior in bears.
"In the event of survival." Very good. There was a reason our ancestors hunted bears, used their fat to emoliate and protect their naked skin and ate them to sustain themselves through the cold winters. It also kept the bears away from human habitations and established the hierarchy of who were the hunted and who the hunters.
True. It seems logical that people would realize that the number of female bears giving birth to 2 to 3 cubs living in any certain area is going to keep multiplying every year. Therefore their territory would be broadening more & more, each one looking for much food to fatten itself for survival and hibernation. And since they have NO known predators to balance out their numbers, humans may need to step up.
@@singmysong1167 I had a sow bear come through my place last year that had 5, FIVE, second year cubs almost as big as her. No wonder black bear populations are exploding in the US.
@@wasidanatsali6374, if that is true, then their multiplication in any given area could make living conditions for human beings vs. bears (apex predators) much worse, in my opinion. Glad to see someone else thinking into the future with common sense. Though bear lovers will argue, I'm sure, friend..
"Hello, my name is Mr. Snrub. And I come from, uh... someplace far away.(looks away deviously) Yes, that'll do. Anyway, I say we invest that money back in the nuclear plant."
@@paradoxparade1 I suppose the spelling is okay but the punctuation isn't accurate. For example: "Hello, my name is Mr. Snrub and I come from, uh ...,' he uttered and looked away deviously. 'Yes, that'll do,' he thought and 'Anyways, I say we invest that money back in the nuclear plant." "You are from where Mr. Snrub?" Mr. Um asked. "From Uh."
This reminds me of the problems they had in the town of Churchhill on Hudson Bay. Many polar bears showed up after someone built a pig farm nearby. The bears returned for years afterward, even when the pig farm was gone.
Bears are incredibly intelligent when it comes to food. They’ve been documented returning to the same apple tree on the same day every year, year after year. It’s like they have a built in GPS for food.
Perhaps since she was a renter and lived across the street from the what was it town hall? Anyway her property should have been deemed unfit to live in.
Oh Ye of Little Faith. I'm sure if offending, aggressive bears entered a regimen of psychoanalysis and therapy provided by Dr Grande (...and he can apply for reimbursement from the state of 50K per bear) everything would turn out fine. I know this could work....the New Yorker magazine always has cartoons of bears reclining on couches conversing with their psychoanalyists. .
@@silverwhitlock9882 I agree. Maybe Dr. Grande should get a psychiatric assessment himself over his need to reduce terrible human tragedy to terribly insensitive and thoughtless so called 'humor'. This ill and elderly woman died in the most horrific way imaginable, which he knows very well, and still he uses her horrible death as fodder for his sick 'humor'. And shame on all those in his comments section who go along with it.
@@Anna-iz1ttagreed wholeheartedly. Unsubscribed after this. His bear puns were sickening for such a tragic case. Made me feel ill for the victim and her relatives.
Having your cats walking outside while knowing that bears are nearby doesnt sit right with me. I know she was old but she herself was scared of the bears so why leave your cats outside then?
People are becoming soft and delusional. Do you not understand a cat can defend itself from a bear better than an old woman can defend a cat from a bear? A cat can squeeze into places a bear can't. It can climb trees and go to limbs that a bear would break trying to reach. This was an old woman that had trouble moving about. The cats were better off being mobile and outside. We cant "mommy proof" the world.
I was almost sure the video was about her (I forgot her name). Both were isolated women and they weren't found for a while. Munson was less wise and maybe healthier but old. The show Fatal Attraction showed that case, id recommend it to see a more intimate perspective on wild animals and mentally ill people.
@@livefreely255 Yes. Donna Munson had hoards of bears that she intentionally lured to her porch with dog kibble. This case appears to be more of an accident. Makes me wonder, though, if bears recognize older women as potential food sources, if you catch my meaning.
What an odd pronunciation of "oper" co ditioning....was he making fun of "oper'ANT'" conditioning . Was he poking fun od ants?...With him I never know....PhD clinical psychology prof since 1979
I'm in Northern California born and raised here and unfortunately this is how this environment is. I'm a senior I'm disabled widowed and completely alone I sure wish I had some help around me but people are not like that they tend to be quite superficial -- your judged more by your appearance, how much money you make, what type of house you live in and all that . It's very difficult to find and make friends, especially if you're over 50.
Yes. It would be great if communities like these set up programs to help seniors or disabled individuals with mitigation methods, like clearing trash,etc. would be good programs for high school community hours or church outreach.
@@fightingtosurvive6527 I am so sorry that you are experiencing this. The lack of humanity is very evident in the UK now too. I wish I could do something to help you. All I can offer you is a huge cyberhug xx I do hope things improve for you.
@@sonjebianca2483 As the youth director for a martial arts school, our students did free spring and fall cleanups for the elderly in our community for those people who were interested.
It's sounds to me like Patrice may not have been able to sort out her garbage properly. It may have built up when she was suffering a near fatal organ failure and she never got on top of it after that. Feeding her cats on the front porch was unwise, but I doubt it the smell of cat food would really outstrip the smell of garbage. I think the state needs to take a bit more responsibility in places where people either don't or can't handle their trash responsibly.
Great shirt, terrific analysis. We vacationed in a wonderful riverside cabin in Sevierville. I stepped out w my dog, looked up just as a massive black bear stood up. He was behind a rock pile and in front of the trash cans. All of the nearby trash cans are secured in metal containers. Surreal, and back in the cabin immediately.
Having been around black bears on horseback they pretty much leave you alone, and I do believe there is more to this story. It seems she may have been feeding the bear along with the cats for awhile but may not have wanted to admit it and was naiive to the danger she was creating until it was too late and the bear became dependent. There are people out there that let these animals into their homes with no clue of the potential danger. It's a sad situation -
This video is of great importance with regard to correctly understanding bear behavior, demolishing the long-held myth that a bear always "deposits" in the woods.
For any American that thinks my country, Australia, is the most dangerous country in the world for wildlife, we don't have kangaroos dragging us out of bed at night to eat us.
In all of Australia there's been 2 fatal kangaroo attacks. One in 2009 and then 63 years earlier in 1936. Both incidents involved unwise human behaviour. When I'm in the Australian bush and notice a kangaroo nearby I don't worry at all and just leave alone. We're not food so no danger. I think if I was in the wilderness in the States and saw a bear nearby I'd need to change my underwear.
@@shez5964 But in those instances the kangaroos didn't drag anyone out of bed. Like you said they would have both been incidents involving unwise human behaviour.
What a horrible story. She should not have been living there in bear country. She clearly did not do anything to take care to avoid this kind of incident going so far as to attract bears. If you decide to live in bear country they will view you as fair game...and you are. Same with the ocean and sharks, etc. Sad and unfortunate, but don't live there if you don't understand how to coexist with them. A hungry bear will go after easy pickings if they are available and will take out any threats first. That's exactly what this bear did.
That’s an incorrect take, I’m sorry, everywhere is bear country or cougar country or wolf country or alligator country, etc. Where is “human country” then since every place at once was wild? Humans deserve to feels safe in their home, this view that humans are “fair game” isn’t as progressive as some think it is. The victim’s mistake was the same as yours, refusing to have the bear put down because it was “the bear’s country”. Humans are the only species valuing their own species less than others. Backwards “progress”.
Maybe she didn't have any choice. Nobody really chooses to live in a ramshackle, garbage-strewn house in range of a major predator if they have the option to go somewhere else.
I agree she clearly wasn’t up to living there. She may have been overwhelmed and needed someone to support her in (a) getting her property truly safe, OR preferably (b) getting the heck outta Dodge since her health was s**t anyway, and get her into assisted living in a bigger community with more supports. She obviously had no one significant in her life with the knowledge and motivation to help her. Which sucks. And which is the case for many people.
@@mamamia8284what do you suggest then Einstein? Most places aren’t populated with that many wild animals anymore and those that are the locals should understand what they’re getting in to.
I live in bear country in the high rockies of Colorado, we had a bear that has took our 3 yard IRON dumpster and rolled it down the street, flipped it over which disengaged the bear guard and ate our trash. It was a sight for sure. Strong animals!
Vegetable peelings etc. are food items. I don't think people are throwing out food as you imagine. Probably not steaks, seafood or hamburger. You can now rest easy.
Oh no! Just going off the video title I CANNOT let my dear mom see this!!! Last summer she looked a bear directly in the face, one that was trying to nap under our deck. He/she gave her a lil grunt and she backed away slowly then ran for the front door.
From personal experience, that is some solid advice. Iast time I encountered a 500 pound male bear who had mistaken me for a furry love interest, I decided not to run or play dead, but rather engage in a nasty brawl. As luck would have it, it turned out to be a miraculous survival event, and after contacting emergency services, they attended his wounds, from which he barely made it.
We have had more black bear sightings near the small town where I live about an hour near Washington DC. One was strolling down the street towards Walmart on a Sunday early afternoon! The prospect of meeting a bear with my dogs particularly frightens me. Dog owners who have a penchant for true crime might worry about finding bodies, but running into a bear seems more horrifying!
This ill, elderly woman may have benefited from someone or some group in the community taking notice that bears were regularly stalking around her home. It is unknown whether friendly advice and cautions could have helped her to make her home less bear-attractive or if she actually needed physical help to install protective measures. Clearly, the bars on the window were not enough.
Grew up in NE OH in the late 70s/early 80s in a rural area. I routinely went into the woods behind my house when I was young. My mom always told me to be careful about bears. I always thought she was joking, that no bears lived around there. Until I saw on YT a large black bear caught on camera right in the area where I grew up and stayed in the woods. Moms are wise.
@@AnneFromAccounting no .. for the longest time I thought maybe that was what it was .. but describing it to a friend years ago he suggested it was a wolverine .. I didn’t know what wolverines looked like but when I looked up a picture of one .. I knew immediately because of the distinct fur color .. I also notified the local appropriate university department but they probably didn’t believe me .. I just know what I saw
Kind words are useless. She's gone. Her health issues were not addressed. She knew no one probably that could help. It's sad. She could have died of natural causes and the bear would have gotten her anyway. Silly. Like thoughts and prayers.
@@CanadianMonarchistWrong, to empathise you dont necessarily have to share the exact same experience. You only need to try and put yourself in someone elses shoes. The fact that you cant, is scary - both sociopathic and narcissistic.
"Five times as strong as the average human" does not sound particularly intimidating. That's peak Eddie Hall or peak Brian Shaw. But add to that large claws, a ferocious bite and the ability to run 35 miles per hour and you have a very dangerous apex predator for an unarmed human.
@@sweetmissypetuniawilson9206 That's the conventional wisdom if attacked by a black bear, not because you could overcome it, but because you might discourage it.
I once lived in the Sierra Nevadas and had quite a few bear sightings. One fall a neighbor had a bear break into their outdoor freezer to consume a year's worth of frozen garden produce in one sitting, as well as break into another cabin looking for food. Thankfully no one was killed!
Had a customer complain about how easy it was for bids to poke holes in her new aluminum window trim, I told her a bear had tried to get in her home, she said “I new you would come up with some cockamamy excuse” and called my company asking for the manager 😂🤣🤪 Bears are as bears do.
Some people may assign this as incidental behavior by the bears, but I find it highly suspicious that these creatures are prowling around at night while intentionally dressed in all black.
I have to watch all of your videos twice. Once because your soothing voice is great for going to sleep! The second time because I missed it all and want to hear what you said.
The authorities were negligent. In the Adirondack Mts if a bear is even a little aggressive towards humans it gets a bright yellow tag on one ear, then 2nd offense a bright yellow tag on the other ear and 3rd strike is put down. If they had come and investigated as well as teach her how to make her home less attractive to bears it may have been a different outcome.
Nah, the local authorities can only do so much. It's her home, her life, her safety. She should've stepped up, but she clearly ignored all of the warning signs and paid the price. Sad.
OMFNG! She did everything wrong! I have lived near her for over 40 years, I have seen up to 10 bears a week and never had any serious issues with bears. You should never have a compost, open trash, food in your car, trash in your garage, bears don’t like cats, don’t feed pets outdoors, lock your doors and have duel pane windows, keep your house clean and never get between a mama and its cubs.
@@kerriefryer1299 Quite. Did nobody offer to help a vulnerable old lady out with a home she clearly couldn't look after and which wasn't really suitable habitation?
"A bear uprising". Oh my.😂 Any bear is terrifying. My sister lives in bear country in Missouri. 8 years ago I was at her house. There's packaged food all throughout the house, mostly in the converted basement which has 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. She put me in one of the basement bedrooms that has a large window. Plus, there's bins right under that window! The first night there I was awakened at about 2am by the sound of those bins bumping against the window. I did a quick peak and saw a bear. It could have very easily broke in. I hardly breathed the whole time it was out there. All I could think about was don't make noise and oh no there's all this food down here, canned, jarred, boxed and two legged. I never want to experience that ever again. Thanks sis. Haven't visited since.
Bears are stubborn, greedy, and they like solving what they see as puzzles - like, how to get into a house full of food. Most of them can be scared away, but they'll keep coming back when there's the promise of food nearby. Occasionally you get a particularly unafraid specimen - often a male - that's more stubborn, more aggressive, and less frightened of humans. Those are especially dangerous.
As Norm Macdonald said: "Duh." I love Doc Todd's sense of humor on topics that are truly tragic and the depths of human malevolence on this channel. The more I learn, the less anxiety i have about dealing with difficult people. As an anxious avoidant, knowlege truly is power. Things that used to resonate with my neuroticism, simply do not bother me anymore. Thanks doc. Been watching for years now. I learn a lot, and dig your style Doc. You really help people by doing these videos. Even if we have some laughs to soothe the reality of the malevolence of the human mind. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and you have a true gift of writting, presentation and video content. Great work Doc.
There's a video on youtube of a black bear swimming in a river while a large alligator was swimming up to it to attack. at the point of interception the bear let its paws go to work and the gator immediately backed off and kept its distance. The bear then ran into a second gator and did the same. There was no round two from either gator. These things are mechanically strong with great endurance.
I really like that Dr. grande always wears summer-themed shirts during the summertime. I can always tell which time of year your videos come out, based on what you were wearing.
Omg That was the first thing I thought when I saw the title. She chose the Bear, she chose poorly. Na, but seriously that’s got to suck & be scary af. I used to hunt & know how big & strong Black bears can be. A lot of ppl don’t understand how big & or how violent they can get be. The dead pan of him saying angle grinder got me. Lmfao
@@NobodyHasToAgreeAllTheTime 100%, they can sometimes come off as friendly due to how timid they portray themselves. But in my opinion I think Black Bears are like the quiet kid in class. “What you reaching for bro!?” LOL
Now I'll offer my analysis: In my opinion, the bear showed anti-social personality traits such as aggression, impulsivity, grandiose thinking, adventure seeking as well as delusional psychopathy disorder
My second opinion would suggest the bear showed strong signs of Clinical Lycanthropy.
And it had a sense of entitlement.
You forget Sadistic and sensation seeking😂😂
That bear was reckless, cold, self centered, and had a massive sense of entitlement
And was a total sociopath....😉
😂😂😂😂 hahaha sick but funny 😂
It's all fun and games until a similar situation happens to you.
hardly aware of the clitoris
@@crystalwater505 not a thing around these parts
Poor woman. She must have been terrified. Such a horrible way to die.
That "poor" Woman should have had 2 German shepherd dogs instead of 2 cats!
@anthonyscott5407 imagine being someone like you. Eww 🤮
It seems like this woman did what she could to try to prevent the bear from harming her. But after she reported the problem to the authorities it was unrealistic for them to believe that an elderly, sick woman should be the one to shoot the bear, and that option should not have even been given to her. They should have realized that she was helpless to take care of the problem herself and euthanized the bear to prevent him from harming Patrice or any of the other residents of the area. For the authorities to then say that she must have died prior to the bear entering the house, was their way of trying to remove any responsibility they had in the woman's death.
"did what she could to try to prevent the bear from harming her?" Sometimes I wonder if people listened to the same story I did. "Did what she could" as in repairing broken windows? Ensuring food was not left out to attract bears? Moving somewhere else? (Spoiler alert, if you didn't listen: she did none of those things) Sad story but she most certainly did not do all she reasonably could to prevent tragedy.
They were LAZY
I feel very sorry for Patrice. She was ill for 20 years and clearly did not have the energy to keep up her property. Roughing it in small communities is all good and well, but a person has to BE well in order to handle that kind of living. It’s work, and one must be fit. Alternatively, she needed others in her life, helping. In the clear absence of same I wish she’d moved somewhere safer.
It was a rental property. I’m surprised the land lord wasn’t required to do a clean up. Especially if the knew her property was attracting bears.
She should have been living in a nursing care facility.
she could have rent in urban area too
@@TamasPanyi he at the beginning said she lived across from the county courthouse. She wasn’t that urban it seems. The county officials had a front row seat to her plight. They literally saw her house everyday leaving the courthouse
@@MareMarMarie 0:47
Like Bill Bryson said in "A Walk in the Woods," you might as well fight back when attacked by a bear. If nothing else it will give you something to do for the last 7 minutes of your life.
There's not a single animal on the planet who likes being punched in the nose. NOT ONE. Some 25 or 30 years back a 12-year-old kid was attacked by a bull shark while on his surf board. He punched the shark in the nose even while he was in the shark's mouth. He lived to show his battle scars and to tell his story.
Thanks to Bill, anytime someone asks what my "sign" is, I reply "Cunnilingus."
@@bjkaranaexcuse me? What kind of poem is this? Cause from the line in the comment it didnt seem to suggest that sort of response and now I'm curious, lol.
I lived in semi-rural NJ, and have heard stories about people feeding the bears. They think they are being benevolent, but in fact are training the bears to return regularly for feeding. If there is no more food, they will become angry and will attack.
OMG.. that was my former husband if dinner wasn’t served
Maybe she wanted the bear to eat her, have you seen a bears tongue.
@@lmb4876 😀
Sounds like my cat!
The best protection humans have from wild animals is the fear they have of humans and not understanding humans as a source of food.
You cannot get the wild animals to "like you" for feeding them, they aren't domesticated animals, they have to fight and kill to survive. They don't distinguish one human from another.
This woman obviously needed help and none was offered. Elderly, ill, and alone. I feel horrible about the whole situation. The woman and the bear.
I agree. Some people can’t be living alone, roughing it in these isolated communities. She needed a nice safe assisted living complex. 😞
No one cared enough to even check on her after hearing her story …offered her a license to kill the bear. That was no help at all. Had someone seen how frail and ill she was, perhaps things would have turned out differently. It’s just a very sad story…
@@ahill4642 If that were the only 'help' offered to me, I'd turn it down. There are people, like me, who are not suited for communal living. How about options for helping her live in her own home, like ongoing help cleaning up outside and inside so as not to attract bears? A community program of bear aversion therapy with hot wire booby traps, baited bear spray, motion activated high velocity water sprays, etc--if installed in one place, bears figure them out, but if you keep moving them around, the bears don't figure them out and become more wary of human scent.
Couldn't be more expensive than supporting her in a (shudder) "nice" assisted living complex.
Me, I live where I can't see my nearest neighbours and that's how I like it. I've already planned my exit for the time if or when my health changes and I can no longer live independently.
exactly!! There is no help in this country! I am in the same situation. My garbage accumulates as I am not well to take it out. We have so low disability incomes that we can't hire anyone. We are penalized for getting sick before retirement. Our government takes better care of Outsiders finding them 4 star hotel stays and huge allowances, more than twice mine after working to are 50. Democrats used to care for Americans but now they care more for Outsiders. And I used to be a life long Democrat. But I hate what the Party has become! No longer are we taking care of our people! We sent billions out to foreign countries and our homeless are dying on the streets. Biden is completely out of touch with our struggles that is why he has focused on all the millions that have come in on Asylum finding them nice hotels to stay, and offering them huge allowances. While our people, Americans many who have served are dying on the streets.
You cannot expect much better in a country where the elderly are evicted of their homes because they owe a few shekels.
I’m shocked that no one helped this lady. Her friend said she talked about it a lot, which I take that she was trying to convince someone the bear was a danger to her. Were people in that area convinced that ‘their’ bears weren’t actively harmful? There’s no excuse for the wildlife officials, however, not knowing about stalking black bears and that the aim is to eat the human they’re stalking. To merely tell a disabled lady to apply for a permit to shoot the bear is beyond comprehension.
Ok but why couldn’t she just not leave cat food and garbage out? This death while sad is entirely preventable. And even if someone did help her and kill the bear (which also how do you move an 800 pound dead bear), it wouldn’t matter because she would keep putting our cat food and then in a week she would have a new bear.
@@rebeccashields9626 You know, I hadn’t thought about she’d just attract another bear with her bad habits, which I’m sure she’d been told about. You’re so right, good thinking.
@@rebeccashields9626true but she was pretty disabled. Shouldn't have been living in the woods but likely couldn't afford to move. Authorities should have taken it seriously.
@@rebeccashields9626bears have amazing sense of smell. .. you think they couldn't smell food and garbage in her house?
It’s incredibly shocking and negligent of the state of California fish and wildlife management to have not helped her, for them to have not trapped The bear is beyond belief. They are 100% responsible for her death. And it’s too bad that her family, if there is any does not have a high-powered lawyer to take the government to court and sue them for their negligence for millions of dollars.but she was poor lived in a crap house and nobody, as in The fishing wildlife department in California Did their job of protecting the public from a very dangerous animal.
The poor woman had to live & then died in terror.
This is another reason why hoarding is a problem. Engaging the hungry bear she called Big Bastard who was stalking her with pepper spray and a blow horn as he stuck his paw into a window scaring one of her cats did not dissuade him from later pulling the bars off her windows, attacking her while she lay in bed asleep, dragging her into the kitchen, killing her, and feasting on her remains. RIP Patrice. In The Prince, Machiavelli wrote, "Never do an enemy a small injury." If she was unwilling to shoot the bear, she should have hired a licensed and competent hunter to do the job for her.
This is the right and the best comment here. This was not a joke even when it looks like that.
I would have thought the deterrents would have worked. But I guess they did temporarily. But I guess the bear decided she was occupying a territory he wanted.
It doesn't make any sense for her to have done that then. Monday morning quarterbacks have perfect hindsight. She was probably told a dozen or more times she has nothing to fear from that black bear. "Oh it's just a black bear, they can be annoying as hell but they don't harm anyone".
@@nettewilson5926her place wreaked of food.
@@troy3456789 I grew up in a rural area full of loggers, hunters, and many black bears. The black bears were especially prevalent when my family went huckleberry picking in the fall up in the mountains of northern Idaho. One of them, protecting his food source, chased my brother down a hill. Fortunately, he [my brother] managed to get away. Nobody that knows anything about wild animals would think they are simply living teddy bears. They are driven by hunger to pack on the pounds quickly in order to hibernate during the winter months. As old as she was living where she lived, she should have known better than to tempt fate but, if she had a problem with hoarding and could not part with her garbage, she may not have had any common sense left. That is not armchair quarterbacking. That is a fact.
She didn't want to commit "bear homicide," was her number one and fatal mistake
She could hardly take care of herself. Do you really think she was gonna go bear hunting? Fish and Game dropped the ball...
It’s absurd that a sick, elderly woman living alone was told she would have to do it! They should’ve sent someone out to inspect the situation, & deal with the bear. “We can give you a permit, & you can take it out” is so outlandish, it would be funny if she didn’t end up losing her life because of it.
She wouldn’t be able to control the gun large enough caliber to kill a bear!!
It seems like a miracle that Patrice survived as long as she did.
Sad to think of her last moments
As Grande said, these attacks are exceedingly rare. This was the first recorded death by black bear attack in the entire history of California. If you practice sensible bear-care, your chances of being killed are close to nil. Even if you don't a black bear attack is highly unlikely.
@@aarondavis8943 What does that have to do with my comment, which is about her having had organ failure for two decades?
@@ybrueckner5589 Yes, but as awful as some deaths can be, our deaths don’t matter compared to our lives. Before her death she had many more years than expected and hopefully some happy times with her cats and friends b
I find it doubtful that this was the first time someone had been killed by a black bear in the entire state of California.
The bars were a good idea but the unpleasant truth is, if the bear was determined enough he could make a hole in the exterior wall of the house and go right in. I had a neighbor who tried keeping them out of his trash cans by putting them in the attached garage. The bear made his own door and went inside to get them. Tore the cladding and framing right off the house like he was opening a present.
I've heard of grizzlies ripping cars apart to get to the occupants when determined. Polar bears are seemingly deterred by nothing. It's not all that crazy that black bears can tear through walls when considering the traits bears seem to have in common such as resistance to pain, persistence, and immense strength.
@nuclearmedicineman6270 Give me a pair of steel toed boots and a real good reason and in time I could kick my way in. I remember buying my first cladding over frame house as a young man and repairing the exterior. Some clapboards had to go, replace the vapor barrier, etc. Some frame. There was rot in places, especially the outside wall behind the kitchen sink. I remember being stunned when I took it apart. This is IT? Are you kidding me? Its not as much of solid thing as many believe. Including myself up to that moment.
My house before that was stucco over block. Massively stronger.
Yeah, Those bars, which were probably installed into rotting wood, would have been the equivalent of of opening a beverage can pop top. Little to no effort for a bear to get where he wants to go.
@@nuclearmedicineman6270 😂 I thought you said “I’m a lot smarter than the average bear” and I just pictured Yogi ripping someone’s wall apart
That it dragged her out of bed was the most terrifying aspect
No way to know if that’s what actually happened since there was no witness. That’s just a theory/assumption.
I am an old woman and I was born and raised in the high Colorado mountains. I know bears well, and the first biggest mistake a person can make is to feed bears. You are not helping them, they need to hunt for their food, not just show up at the back door restaurant. If they don’t learn how to find the food they need at each time of year, their lives will be miserable. If you ever run across a bear and you’re not in a car, make yourself as big as you can… arms up legs apart and get loud …yell DO NOT SCREAM only prey scream….while they’re being eaten. Do not turn your back and do not run… prey run..don’t be like prey. Throw rocks if they’re close to hand. Aim for the head, ears are the most sensitive. If it’s a grizzly well I hope you’re toting a big gun. Grizzlies full grown can’t climb trees…. they can however push them down. Watched one do it.
A full size grizzly can't climb trees? Are you nuts? They can absolutely climb trees. They tend not to when adults because they don't need to hide from anything. There's a video with a mom and 2 cubs chasing the black bear up a tree as they both nearly ran up the tree. Plenty of other videos as well of giant grizzlies climbing trees. Can they push over a tree? A small dinky one or one that's rotted. I'm not sure what kind of tree you're referring to but no, they can't go around just pushing trees over that can stop a car at 70mph without putting a dent in the bark.
This tactics works sometimes when the bear is not hunting you. If the bear sees you as prey, it won't matter, it's gonna try to eat you. In rare cases like this, the only hope is to fight the bear off.
I heard whistles work?? Is that true??
@@idontno0 A full on 600lbs grizzly can sort of climb a tree, with difficulty. I think that is the point the poster was making. Black bears can basically fly up a try, while a full grown grizzly will struggle to climb a tree and usually only goes up a few feet unless there are branches that it can grab on to. It's weight and length of claws make climbing much more difficult for an adult grizzly, but they can still climb a little, which is why it is not recommended to climb up a tree even with a grizzly. But if it was a choice between running, playing dead and getting mauled, or attempting to climb a tree to get away from a grizzly, I'm up a tree, but if it's a black bear I'm standing my ground and fighting.
Check black bear you have a chance, grizzly you’re probably screwed …. Good to know
The strength of bears is insane! That poor woman 😢
Yeah my jaw dropped when he said it ripped off STEEL BARS.
Y'all ask for a bear you have your bear let's watch who's more dangerous maybe she tried to hug it
@@giovanimontoya4517Do you think that woman, born in 1952, is online, participating in hypothetical Tiktok situations?
@@giovanimontoya4517 I hate that you don't know how crazy it sounds for you to revel in a woman dying just because you're upset women are afraid of men. Go to therapy, brother.
@@ItsmeCR-g8j maybe. But she didn’t have a man, and did have a bear.
Very sad for this woman. What a horrible way to go.
It's very likely she bearly felt anything at all.
Extremely horrible. I’m judging everyone making jokes about it tbh
Seems like a smear campaign against her. She asked Fish & Game for help and did what she could to defend herself. Fish & Games answer was the elderly woman in poor health could kill the bear if she chose to. Do we know if she even knew how to use and was capable of firing a large caliber weapon to kill a bear? It even took Fish & Game several days to finally arrive and trap and kill the bear. Sounds like Fish & Game is trying to cover their own butt on this one by throwing shade on a old woman.
She could have hired someone.
@@RepentImmediately Dude, we are poor! What is the government for?
@@RepentImmediately maybe she couldn’t afford it on a pension
@@RepentImmediatelyhomeless? Just buy a house!
@@RepentImmediately Or the Fish & Game could do their job and go shoot a bear trying to break into people's homes. They do in other places. Heck in my state they track down injured deer from car accidents so they can be humanely put down.
I am 70 and my husband and I have lived around bears for 15 years now in the san bernardino mountains. this story horrified me. I keep our garbage locked up at night as we have had a few visits. Once they break into windows the game is over and thank God that has never happened to us. How terrible this woman died alone this way..
I grew up around bears, and everyone knows the simple things you have to do to deter them. Many people in my area literally lock up their garbage... Repeat offender bears get called in to bylaw. This woman was largely disabled and her inability to clean up after herself or change her habits ended in a horrific tragedy.
She never should have lived there....or had cats....
Also her windows were broken and probably had no idea how to have them replaced. That made it worse.
how terrifying. It's unconscionable that Patrice asked for help and no one could be spared to at least go to her residence and asses the danger
They gave her a license to kill. Why would anyone think they should do anything??? It doesn't make sense.
Perhaps if someone in an official capacity have physically visited her they would see that she was frail and unhealthy. She needed an advocate. Maybe get her some help cleaning up her surroundings and home. She probably had no children
@@pameladeepeople who have not been deemed mentally incompetent are responsible for themselves. If she wanted help cleaning, she could have hired help. My father was a hoarder who refused my offer to help him downsize to a home with no stairs, since he was losing his mobility. He refused. That ended up being one of the worst decisions he ever made. But old people think they know best.
@@pameladeeit's quite likely that a person who chooses to live in a relatively remote area does not usually welcome visits from "people in an official capacity" to their home. Although she was reported to be physically frail, there is no evidence at all that she was mentally incompetent or impoverished to where she couldn't hire someone to clean up her place or to permanently dispatch the increasingly troublesome bear, which is what DFW advised.
Why is it " unconscionable"? She wasn't mentally incompetent, and DFW did help , by giving her a permit to kill the bear. There's no evidence to suggest she couldn't afford to hire someone to do it. She chose not to, even after the bear became more brazen. She herself created the increasingly attractive nuisance. Sometimes it's virtually impossible to save people from their own ignorance.
My parents used to live in Mount Shasta City, and bears would literally just be walking casually walking down the street. They have become more and more comfortable around humans. It’s scary
So would you say you’d rather run into a man in the forest or a bear?
Asking for men everywhere.
@@Rockoblockostrange question...but from the way you ask it, I reckon it'd be wise to immediately start thinking self-defense and get-away tactics either or.
well, yes, strange question, but ...
some women are scared about everything and anything. like lizards, bugs, cats, dogs, leaves, you name it you have it.
@@christie4004 are you unaware of the bear vs man conversation?
Reminds me of the Bear City sketch on SNL.
Poor Patrice, how desperately sad and frightening for her, RIP x Dragged out of bed, with no chance to escape, horrifying, and she was trying to be kind and not have it killed. Just so sad.
Horrific. I don’t understand how anyone can joke about this. That poor woman. And the poor bear, having to live on this planet with people. May they both rest in peace.
Here comes the misanthrope posse.
Bears have always lived on the same planet as humans. Where should they live?
@@RAJOHN-ke7mc Russians tried to ship them to space
I admit that the thought of home invasion bears makes me nervous. We have LOTS of bears and some are so dang big they resemble small cars. One huge mother bear with two chubby big cubs walked by our living room window while I was watching, and it was literally inches away from me with only a window pane between us. Unnerving to say the least. 🐻
I was waiting for many puns with "bear" during the video and Dr. Grande did not disappoint.
except for a gem he missed ... 'unbearable'!
Don't ever mess with a bear it can kill you with its bear hands
Bare hands. You almost had it right. Well, bearly.
I noticed his lips twitch during one. I want to see a video of outtakes and bloopers where Dr. Grande cracks himself up and keeps having to restart filming. ☺️
Did it leave the refrigerator bare ?
When I first moved to colorado there was a guy that lived up in the hills in a trailer. This guy was a slob and would just throw his trash around his trailer. So the bears got used to eating it. Then they broke In and did the same with him.
I think I saw that movie on the Disney channel once.
How was he supposed to throw his trash safely?
I realize she had made mistakes but I feel she tried to do the right thing by calling the authorities and putting bars on her windows. This has to be one of the most terrifying ways to die. I still remember Treadwell. RIP
She should have called the authorities more often... until they would have come out and took care of the bear....
Tell that to all the women who would rather a bear over a man
@@lydiapetra1211no they should have come out the one time she told them what a dangerous situation she was in and not simply offered her a permit to kill the bear herself as if an elderly woman is gonna do that. If I were her family I’d sue them!
@@danielleminerva4525 you never dealt with law enforcement/country or state government agencies.... you have to call them multiple times until they do something....
Thought Treadwell was.foolishly living with grizzly bears in Alaska----very very dangerous. Not a surprising result.
Bars won't stop a bear, only removing all food. You can scare it off but it'll keep coming back for food once it knows it can find some. They are huge animals, they need a lot of calories to survive and are relentless in their pursuit of food.
Reminds me of my boyfriend and his son. They're greedy. 😢
@@MsAchampion Stop comparing men to bears, it doesn't make bears look bad.
It makes you look petty.
@@MsAchampionyikes. Best for them if you break up w him. Why do that to yourself and them!!!!!!!!
I can remember when the worst a bear would do is steal your pic-a nic basket...
I can't imagine living somewhere where bears amble about..I think they're protecting themselves and their babies sometimes..but this story is genuinely terrifying
It is fine. Plenty of people live like that with no incidents. There are rules, of course, which this lady did not follow.
Bears are 25x less dangerous than humans. PER bear/human, I'm not using total numbers not in proportion to one another, I'm using numbers already divided by their respective population sizes. Humans are still 25x more likely to kill you, individually.
Lone, predatory, male black bears are responsible for over 90% of fatal black bear maulings in North America. The notion that a black bear sow with cubs is the most dangerous type of black bear encounter is inaccurate. Some people like to think black bears just eat nuts and berries but make no mistake black bears, especially the larger males, are apex predators and meat eaters. It’s important for people living in bear country to understand this and recognize predatory behavior in bears.
@@Outworlderwhat rules did she break?
@@Outworlder yea first rule is don't live around bears.
I love the concise and thoughtful way these stories are dissected with an additional hint of dry wit.
She lived in a small village and they know she's frail, it's a shame the neighbours didn't offer to help her tidy up! Very sad.
And Dr. Grande mentioned she rented the home. I guess the owners didn't give a damn.
Exactly they rather gossip rather than be actually helpful .
It has been reported that she was a hoarder. If that'ss true, she would have resisted any attempts at cleanup. Sad all the way around.
There called demonrat city for reason
"In the event of survival." Very good. There was a reason our ancestors hunted bears, used their fat to emoliate and protect their naked skin and ate them to sustain themselves through the cold winters. It also kept the bears away from human habitations and established the hierarchy of who were the hunted and who the hunters.
True. It seems logical that people would realize that the number of female bears giving birth to 2 to 3 cubs living in any certain area is going to keep multiplying every year. Therefore their territory would be broadening more & more, each one looking for much food to fatten itself for survival and hibernation. And since they have NO known predators to balance out their numbers, humans may need to step up.
@@singmysong1167 I had a sow bear come through my place last year that had 5, FIVE, second year cubs almost as big as her. No wonder black bear populations are exploding in the US.
@@wasidanatsali6374, if that is true, then their multiplication in any given area could make living conditions for human beings vs. bears (apex predators) much worse, in my opinion. Glad to see someone else thinking into the future with common sense. Though bear lovers will argue, I'm sure, friend..
I like your sense of humor Dr.Grande
That sideways, suspicious glance during “…in a situation like this” kills me every damn time.
"Hello, my name is Mr. Snrub. And I come from, uh... someplace far away.(looks away deviously) Yes, that'll do.
Anyway, I say we invest that money back in the nuclear plant."
@@paradoxparade1 Bad spelling!
@@Flamsterette What's spelled "bad" here?
@@paradoxparade1 Go sign up for ESL summer school.
@@paradoxparade1 I suppose the spelling is okay but the punctuation isn't accurate. For example: "Hello, my name is Mr. Snrub and I come from, uh ...,' he uttered and looked away deviously. 'Yes, that'll do,' he thought and 'Anyways, I say we invest that money back in the nuclear plant." "You are from where Mr. Snrub?" Mr. Um asked. "From Uh."
This reminds me of the problems they had in the town of Churchhill on Hudson Bay. Many polar bears showed up after someone built a pig farm nearby. The bears returned for years afterward, even when the pig farm was gone.
Bears are incredibly intelligent when it comes to food. They’ve been documented returning to the same apple tree on the same day every year, year after year. It’s like they have a built in GPS for food.
Like ants 😂
Can't blame the bear. Bears don't give a damn about people and their lives, only care about their own survival . That's just the way it is.
Thanks for the info, I’ll bear that in mind
Can't blame the bear cuz ..... there AIN'T no BEAR left to BLAME 😂 .... That's just the way it is.
Perhaps since she was a renter and lived across the street from the what was it town hall? Anyway her property should have been deemed unfit to live in.
Oh Ye of Little Faith. I'm sure if offending, aggressive bears entered a regimen of psychoanalysis and therapy provided by Dr Grande (...and he can apply for reimbursement from the state of 50K per bear) everything would turn out fine. I know this could work....the New Yorker magazine always has cartoons of bears reclining on couches conversing with their psychoanalyists. .
Yet there are idiots that care more about bears than humans.
I'm never disappointed by Dr. Grande's flowery shirts.
First thing I thought, that's a great shirt.
If his shirt had a cactus design it would act like camouflage.
This one and the red and black rose one are best 😊
The level of both tragedy and puns here is off the charts.
This kind of 'humor' made me decide to unsubscribe. I watch maybe a few seconds once in a blue moon now.
Exactly! I'm glad I'm not alone in my sentiments. The insensitive puns over the tragedy is appalling
@@silverwhitlock9882 I agree. Maybe Dr. Grande should get a psychiatric assessment himself over his need to reduce terrible human tragedy to terribly insensitive and thoughtless so called 'humor'. This ill and elderly woman died in the most horrific way imaginable, which he knows very well, and still he uses her horrible death as fodder for his sick 'humor'. And shame on all those in his comments section who go along with it.
@@Anna-iz1ttagreed wholeheartedly. Unsubscribed after this. His bear puns were sickening for such a tragic case. Made me feel ill for the victim and her relatives.
@@claudiabothmaagreed, humour with regards to bad people can be funny, not victims of a horrific death. Just grossed out by "Dr" grande.
Having your cats walking outside while knowing that bears are nearby doesnt sit right with me. I know she was old but she herself was scared of the bears so why leave your cats outside then?
I agree.... also why did she feed the cats outside? I have a feeling the kitties were killed by that bear too ...
@@lydiapetra1211 oh no. That hits really hard.
People are becoming soft and delusional. Do you not understand a cat can defend itself from a bear better than an old woman can defend a cat from a bear? A cat can squeeze into places a bear can't. It can climb trees and go to limbs that a bear would break trying to reach.
This was an old woman that had trouble moving about. The cats were better off being mobile and outside. We cant "mommy proof" the world.
@lydiapetra1211 There are cats that live outside around dogs, bears and other wild animals. Cats aren't stupid.
Wow that's an uneducated comment!
Keep the lighthearted humor coming Dr. Grande.
It helps at the end of the day after digesting all the other horrific and depressing news.
Reminds me of the case of Donna Munson in Colorado. She insisted on feeding bears until one killed and ate her.
I was almost sure the video was about her (I forgot her name). Both were isolated women and they weren't found for a while. Munson was less wise and maybe healthier but old. The show Fatal Attraction showed that case, id recommend it to see a more intimate perspective on wild animals and mentally ill people.
This woman was unintentionally feeding them through what sounds like being a hoarder. I don't think this lady was intentionally luring them there.
Many people are killed by deer. Bambi is a lie.
@@livefreely255 Yes. Donna Munson had hoards of bears that she intentionally lured to her porch with dog kibble. This case appears to be more of an accident. Makes me wonder, though, if bears recognize older women as potential food sources, if you catch my meaning.
“She just wanted the bear to move along…” Yep, cos that’s what bears do 🙄
How tragic for both. The woman should have gotten more help due to her age.
Since it was California, the bear was released without bail several times before finally being convicted
This is really sad. Poor old lady. She only wanted peace for everyone.
When it comes to bears: If it's brown, lay down. If it's black, fight back. If it's white, goodnight.
Yes! 😅 I can't remember where I heard that from - maybe another video.
Yeah polar bears r huge
If it's purple with red stripes?
@@TonyTarantula then it's yikes
What an odd pronunciation of "oper" co ditioning....was he making fun of "oper'ANT'" conditioning . Was he poking fun od ants?...With him I never know....PhD clinical psychology prof since 1979
Very sad story. Tragic. A woman in poor health, without much help.
I'm in Northern California born and raised here and unfortunately this is how this environment is. I'm a senior I'm disabled widowed and completely alone I sure wish I had some help around me but people are not like that they tend to be quite superficial -- your judged more by your appearance, how much money you make, what type of house you live in and all that .
It's very difficult to find and make friends, especially if you're over 50.
Yes. It would be great if communities like these set up programs to help seniors or disabled individuals with mitigation methods, like clearing trash,etc. would be good programs for high school community hours or church outreach.
@@fightingtosurvive6527 I am so sorry that you are experiencing this. The lack of humanity is very evident in the UK now too. I wish I could do something to help you. All I can offer you is a huge cyberhug xx I do hope things improve for you.
@@sonjebianca2483 As the youth director for a martial arts school, our students did free spring and fall cleanups for the elderly in our community for those people who were interested.
University students looking for "civic engagment" hours@sonjebianca2483
It's sounds to me like Patrice may not have been able to sort out her garbage properly. It may have built up when she was suffering a near fatal organ failure and she never got on top of it after that. Feeding her cats on the front porch was unwise, but I doubt it the smell of cat food would really outstrip the smell of garbage. I think the state needs to take a bit more responsibility in places where people either don't or can't handle their trash responsibly.
And they murdered the bear for acting accordingly to that situation 😢
Neighbors could have helped her.
Got to be one of the worst ways to go. Dragged out your own bed by a bear 😬
Thank you for always entertaining me. I look forward to your videos every day 👍🏻 Greetings from South Africa.
Another great shirt Dr. G!
It looks very cool and comfortable.
You're killing it, Dr. G... I can bearly contain myself.
I don’t mean to offend anyone but she is not the sharpest tool in the shed. If a bear was stalking I would take it EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY!
She did put bars over her windows. But I suspect she attached the bars with small screws into rotted wood.
Well, Western women nowadays think that a random man is way more dangerous than a bear so hardly surprising.
@@bobjones4469 So fae.
@@bobjones4469They are not totally wrong either.
On the average a woman have more to fear from her partner than any wandering bear.
Why do you care about offending anyone?
Great shirt, terrific analysis. We vacationed in a wonderful riverside cabin in Sevierville. I stepped out w my dog, looked up just as a massive black bear stood up. He was behind a rock pile and in front of the trash cans. All of the nearby trash cans are secured in metal containers. Surreal, and back in the cabin immediately.
Having been around black bears on horseback they pretty much leave you alone, and I do believe there is more to this story.
It seems she may have been feeding the bear along with the cats for awhile but may not have wanted to admit it and was naiive to the danger she was creating until it was too late and the bear became dependent. There are people out there that let these animals into their homes with no clue of the potential danger.
It's a sad situation -
In Colorado we even have garbage cans that you have to reach up under the lid and turn a latch to open. Your life can depend on it.
This video is of great importance with regard to correctly understanding bear behavior, demolishing the long-held myth that a bear always "deposits" in the woods.
sometimes they use Charmin to wipe, or other times they use a poor rabbit
I'm sorry but this is like the worse version of Goldilocks, "Whose sleeping in my bed?!!"
For any American that thinks my country, Australia, is the most dangerous country in the world for wildlife, we don't have kangaroos dragging us out of bed at night to eat us.
Crocodiles have invaded homes in Australia, though.
@@RepentImmediately Where and when? In my 49 years living here I've never heard of that.
In all of Australia there's been 2 fatal kangaroo attacks. One in 2009 and then 63 years earlier in 1936. Both incidents involved unwise human behaviour.
When I'm in the Australian bush and notice a kangaroo nearby I don't worry at all and just leave alone. We're not food so no danger.
I think if I was in the wilderness in the States and saw a bear nearby I'd need to change my underwear.
@@shez5964 But in those instances the kangaroos didn't drag anyone out of bed. Like you said they would have both been incidents involving unwise human behaviour.
@andym2612 well said !
although once when I was cycle touring in the outback a kangaroo chased me !
Thanks for bearing witness in this case.
What a horrible story. She should not have been living there in bear country. She clearly did not do anything to take care to avoid this kind of incident going so far as to attract bears. If you decide to live in bear country they will view you as fair game...and you are. Same with the ocean and sharks, etc. Sad and unfortunate, but don't live there if you don't understand how to coexist with them. A hungry bear will go after easy pickings if they are available and will take out any threats first. That's exactly what this bear did.
That’s an incorrect take, I’m sorry, everywhere is bear country or cougar country or wolf country or alligator country, etc. Where is “human country” then since every place at once was wild? Humans deserve to feels safe in their home, this view that humans are “fair game” isn’t as progressive as some think it is. The victim’s mistake was the same as yours, refusing to have the bear put down because it was “the bear’s country”. Humans are the only species valuing their own species less than others. Backwards “progress”.
Maybe she didn't have any choice. Nobody really chooses to live in a ramshackle, garbage-strewn house in range of a major predator if they have the option to go somewhere else.
I agree she clearly wasn’t up to living there. She may have been overwhelmed and needed someone to support her in (a) getting her property truly safe, OR preferably (b) getting the heck outta Dodge since her health was s**t anyway, and get her into assisted living in a bigger community with more supports. She obviously had no one significant in her life with the knowledge and motivation to help her. Which sucks. And which is the case for many people.
@@mamamia8284what do you suggest then Einstein? Most places aren’t populated with that many wild animals anymore and those that are the locals should understand what they’re getting in to.
@@chaddrusso8850 I read the comment as the bear should have been disposed of when it became a pest. The bear's life was prioritized.
I live in bear country in the high rockies of Colorado, we had a bear that has took our 3 yard IRON dumpster and rolled it down the street, flipped it over which disengaged the bear guard and ate our trash. It was a sight for sure. Strong animals!
Hunger and the will to survive make them unstoppable unless you’re armed with a big g*n.
Smart also.
i never have anything " could eat" in the trash, why are people throwing food out? stop buying so much!
Vegetable peelings etc. are food items. I don't think people are throwing out food as you imagine. Probably not steaks, seafood or hamburger. You can now rest easy.
Oh no! Just going off the video title I CANNOT let my dear mom see this!!!
Last summer she looked a bear directly in the face, one that was trying to nap under our deck. He/she gave her a lil grunt and she backed away slowly then ran for the front door.
OMG I would have been frozen to the spot. She is made of tougher stuff than me.
Fantastic work 💎
We appreciate you so very much Dr. Grande
From personal experience, that is some solid advice.
Iast time I encountered a 500 pound male bear who had mistaken me for a furry love interest, I decided not to run or play dead, but rather engage in a nasty brawl.
As luck would have it, it turned out to be a miraculous survival event, and after contacting emergency services, they attended his wounds, from which he barely made it.
Jeeze, what a scene to walk into. Poor lady.
This story is so sad, its unBEARable 😔
It’s barely surprising though
We have had more black bear sightings near the small town where I live about an hour near Washington DC. One was strolling down the street towards Walmart on a Sunday early afternoon! The prospect of meeting a bear with my dogs particularly frightens me. Dog owners who have a penchant for true crime might worry about finding bodies, but running into a bear seems more horrifying!
This ill, elderly woman may have benefited from someone or some group in the community taking notice that bears were regularly stalking around her home. It is unknown whether friendly advice and cautions could have helped her to make her home less bear-attractive or if she actually needed physical help to install protective measures. Clearly, the bars on the window were not enough.
Grew up in NE OH in the late 70s/early 80s in a rural area. I routinely went into the woods behind my house when I was young. My mom always told me to be careful about bears. I always thought she was joking, that no bears lived around there. Until I saw on YT a large black bear caught on camera right in the area where I grew up and stayed in the woods. Moms are wise.
My mom is not wise, she is an idiot.
I ran into a wolverine while hiking in the wintertime in a ravine in Indiana .. the ‘experts’ say they are not there
@@johncorson6599wolverines in Indiana? Could it have been just a regular household variety badger?
@@AnneFromAccounting no .. for the longest time I thought maybe that was what it was .. but describing it to a friend years ago he suggested it was a wolverine .. I didn’t know what wolverines looked like but when I looked up a picture of one .. I knew immediately because of the distinct fur color .. I also notified the local appropriate university department but they probably didn’t believe me .. I just know what I saw
Your level of research is top notch, as usual.
Im saddened by the lack of empathy for patrice
'Patrice' is such a pretty name!
Kind words are useless. She's gone. Her health issues were not addressed. She knew no one probably that could help. It's sad. She could have died of natural causes and the bear would have gotten her anyway. Silly. Like thoughts and prayers.
To empathize with her I would have to have also been killed by a bear, and if I were killed by a bear I would not be commenting on here.
Me too, most people are horrible. And these comments and the "dr" puns really show it.😢
@@CanadianMonarchistWrong, to empathise you dont necessarily have to share the exact same experience. You only need to try and put yourself in someone elses shoes. The fact that you cant, is scary - both sociopathic and narcissistic.
"Five times as strong as the average human" does not sound particularly intimidating. That's peak Eddie Hall or peak Brian Shaw. But add to that large claws, a ferocious bite and the ability to run 35 miles per hour and you have a very dangerous apex predator for an unarmed human.
It's a different kind of strength tho. My money would be on the bear over Brian Shaw or Eddie Hall.
And basically sprints up trees!!!
So which expert has recommended fighting back?!
Those strongman have been training for years to get there. The bears are just that strength on average.
Now imagine the strongest bear.
@@sweetmissypetuniawilson9206 That's the conventional wisdom if attacked by a black bear, not because you could overcome it, but because you might discourage it.
This gave me paws for thought.
It gave me paws traumatic dishorder
I once lived in the Sierra Nevadas and had quite a few bear sightings. One fall a neighbor had a bear break into their outdoor freezer to consume a year's worth of frozen garden produce in one sitting, as well as break into another cabin looking for food. Thankfully no one was killed!
Thank you for your analysis on this sad case, Dr. Grande. I appreciate you.
Had a customer complain about how easy it was for bids to poke holes in her new aluminum window trim, I told her a bear had tried to get in her home, she said “I new you would come up with some cockamamy excuse” and called my company asking for the manager 😂🤣🤪
Bears are as bears do.
what a silly woman
Some people may assign this as incidental behavior by the bears, but I find it highly suspicious that these creatures are prowling around at night while intentionally dressed in all black.
Agree, there’s no way it’s barely accidental.
I guess that horseshoe over the front door didn’t do it’s job 😳
You do all of the most interesting, mostly unknown cases.
I have to watch all of your videos twice. Once because your soothing voice is great for going to sleep! The second time because I missed it all and want to hear what you said.
The authorities were negligent. In the Adirondack Mts if a bear is even a little aggressive towards humans it gets a bright yellow tag on one ear, then 2nd offense a bright yellow tag on the other ear and 3rd strike is put down. If they had come and investigated as well as teach her how to make her home less attractive to bears it may have been a different outcome.
Nah, the local authorities can only do so much. It's her home, her life, her safety. She should've stepped up, but she clearly ignored all of the warning signs and paid the price. Sad.
That's a very smart system. I wish they would have helped her.
Well, at least the coppers got the perp, not some other innocent bystander bear.
OMFNG! She did everything wrong! I have lived near her for over 40 years, I have seen up to 10 bears a week and never had any serious issues with bears. You should never have a compost, open trash, food in your car, trash in your garage, bears don’t like cats, don’t feed pets outdoors, lock your doors and have duel pane windows, keep your house clean and never get between a mama and its cubs.
@@kerriefryer1299 Quite. Did nobody offer to help a vulnerable old lady out with a home she clearly couldn't look after and which wasn't really suitable habitation?
Why do all these because of bears. Just not have them around
What a shame there was an absence of good neighbors.
how does double glazing deter bears?
@@paulaunger3061 The person responsible would be who she rented from. Slum landlords I suspect.
"A bear uprising". Oh my.😂
Any bear is terrifying. My sister lives in bear country in Missouri. 8 years ago I was at her house. There's packaged food all throughout the house, mostly in the converted basement which has 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. She put me in one of the basement bedrooms that has a large window. Plus, there's bins right under that window! The first night there I was awakened at about 2am by the sound of those bins bumping against the window. I did a quick peak and saw a bear. It could have very easily broke in. I hardly breathed the whole time it was out there. All I could think about was don't make noise and oh no there's all this food down here, canned, jarred, boxed and two legged. I never want to experience that ever again. Thanks sis. Haven't visited since.
I ❤ Dr. Grande’s deadpan humor! It’s the only reason I subscribe to his channel. 😂 😂
You don't have to run faster than a bear. You only need to run faster than the person you are with.
Poor Patrice. RIP. So sad. 😢
Why was the bear so obsessed with her? That is extremely creepy and scary. May she RIP
Bear goggles?
Bears are stubborn, greedy, and they like solving what they see as puzzles - like, how to get into a house full of food. Most of them can be scared away, but they'll keep coming back when there's the promise of food nearby.
Occasionally you get a particularly unafraid specimen - often a male - that's more stubborn, more aggressive, and less frightened of humans. Those are especially dangerous.
He was obsessed with the yummy garbage strewn all over her property and inside her house.
could sense her weakness, being sick, fragile? easy target....
She needed to feed the cats inside the house, food they can eat right away, wash the dishes, wrap up the food, put in a locked box outside her house.
As Norm Macdonald said: "Duh."
I love Doc Todd's sense of humor on topics that are truly tragic and the depths of human malevolence on this channel. The more I learn, the less anxiety i have about dealing with difficult people. As an anxious avoidant, knowlege truly is power. Things that used to resonate with my neuroticism, simply do not bother me anymore. Thanks doc. Been watching for years now. I learn a lot, and dig your style Doc. You really help people by doing these videos. Even if we have some laughs to soothe the reality of the malevolence of the human mind. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and you have a true gift of writting, presentation and video content. Great work Doc.
You don't need to run faster than the bear, just faster than your friend.
That comment is in such poor taste and I can't stop laughing 😂
He only ate the bear necessities
The simple bear necessities?
@@MarlinWilliams-ts5ul bear ly enough to survive
Barely surprising
@@yuriy5376 grin and bear it
Then the law came 🐻ing down on it 🤪😝
The puns were 'Unbearable' in this commentary. Lol. 😂
Barely surprising for a topic like this
There's a video on youtube of a black bear swimming in a river while a large alligator was swimming up to it to attack. at the point of interception the bear let its paws go to work and the gator immediately backed off and kept its distance. The bear then ran into a second gator and did the same. There was no round two from either gator. These things are mechanically strong with great endurance.
He's passed away now,surely, but look up Mugsy, the cat who used to take on gates on the bayou
I really like that Dr. grande always wears summer-themed shirts during the summertime. I can always tell which time of year your videos come out, based on what you were wearing.
She didn't have to choose the bear. The bear chose her!
Omg That was the first thing I thought when I saw the title.
She chose the Bear, she chose poorly.
Na, but seriously that’s got to suck & be scary af. I used to hunt & know how big & strong Black bears can be. A lot of ppl don’t understand how big & or how violent they can get be.
The dead pan of him saying angle grinder got me. Lmfao
@@johnfilemyr9430people make the mistake of running or feeding them. They are more timid than a grizzly, but all bear.
@@NobodyHasToAgreeAllTheTime 100%, they can sometimes come off as friendly due to how timid they portray themselves. But in my opinion I think Black Bears are like the quiet kid in class. “What you reaching for bro!?” LOL
@@johnfilemyr9430 exactly 🤣