@Daniel Pan I know the differences between Catholics and Orthodox, if this is what you are referring to... and I should mention that there are wrong things in any denomination in my opinion...
@Daniel Pan well we take case by case... let me give an example in my denomination. I don't know if you are familiar with the fact that the emperor Constantin and his mother Elena are considered saints in Orthodox Christianity... well... here comes the error I believe the church did - who knows something about the life of this man, knows he wasn't so innocent and ... when he died he converted to Arianism - NOT Christianity, but to a heresy... and this man is held as a saint?!... So is Arianism a dangerous heresy or not - if no, then we have a problem... and if yes (and I believe the answer is yes), why is this man considered a saint?
Just to be clear.... The SSPX believe Pope Francis is the Pope. They have a framed picture of Pope Francis at the entry of the church! When I’ve talked to the priests about my concerns over some things Pope Francis has said they’ve always taught me that we are to pray for his faith as Jesus prayed for St Peter’s faith and that the spiritual warfare is great for the Holy Father so we are to pray and do penance for him. They pray for the Holy Father at every Mass. I go to both the FSSP and SSPX and there is synthesis in teaching and preaching on Pope Francis across both traditional orders. It is always charitable, yet clear.
Praise be Jesus Christ Christ for your very educative comment ! Yes indeed they do ! Pope Francis is a very holy man. Roman Catholics shouldn't be afraid of the haters and speak well of Pope Francis instead of falling in league with Satan and his lies . A true Roman Catholic knows that the gates of hell shall not preveil ! A true Catholic should do his her proper research and know that no Pope has the authority to change what Jesus Christ instituted ! Better less views than risk ones faith and salvation over lies ! Fr Riperger has been clear that laity are all mixed up ,don't understand Church language. Clergy language and ours is different ! Misunderstanding abounds especially the fake news and all !
Even when in shism all Christians should be polite respectful in their dealings with others ! The abusive language and ignorance is beyond belief ! To each their own but why not in a respectful manner?
Absolutely! The SSPX are not schismatic in fact they go to great lengths to stress they are not a parallel Church, including throwing out people who hold to sedevacantism. No competent Church authority has declared them schismatic; in fact with their current status of having jurisdiction to absolve in the confessional you cannot even hold that they are suspended a divinis.
@@calson814 You are misinformed. The SSPX absolutely recognize the Pope as such. Speaking as an alter server of SSPX masses, the Pope's name is even hung on a framed placard in the sacristy. This little fact isn't going to convince you, but I urge you to not spread that falsehood and do some more research on the topic. The church is in absolute crisis, and AB Marcel Lefebvre foresaw this and acted for the sake of souls. The Canon law above all else is for the salvation of souls before it is to be taken positively. If we get too much into the details in the wrong way we become like the Pharasees and Scribes in the time of our Lord Jesus. Maybe look into what Archbishop Athanasius Schneider has to say about the topic. What do you think heaven thinks of the issue; the SSPX piously upholding tradition? God bless you.
SSPX is not a NON POPE option, that was really bad, we are not sede vacante, we pray for Pope Francis everyday on every single mass, even when I have been to confession at the SSPX telling that I spoke bad of the Holy Father the priest would always stress that we should be known for our charity and to respect the Pope since he is the vicar of Christ, only that we must not accept errors like when he spoke of the civil unions for example. I mean common we have had very bad popes yet the faith is still there, we are not called to idolize the Pope, we are CATHOLICS in Jesus Christ.
@Daniel Pan I am part of the SSPX and no priest in there says that the pope is not Catholic, he is the pope. There are people that love to hate the SSPX and don't really get into learning from it directly but rather read about it from others that also love to hate it... Read the book "an open letter to confused catholics" by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. It will give you a better understanding of the decisions made, and it has nothing to do with being disobedient or disrespectful to the pope but rather being true to the vows that the Archbishop took in front of God as every otherone did so at that time and then didn't live up to those vows.
I go to the SSPX. I’ve known nothing but holy and good priests and nuns there. They teach faithfully, concerned for my soul. My spiritual advisor only ever guides me from Holy Scripture, St Thomas and the saints. He is charitable and patient and tough on me when I need it, like a good father. For more answers to your questions I’d actually contact an SSPX order to have a conversation. There’s a lot of straw men arguments out there about the SSPX. There’s a lot of misrepresentation of what they are and teach like for example our dear, Matt Fradd, in this video saying we are anti-pope, which is just not true (see comments above). Bishop Schneider, Archbishop Vigano support the SSPX. I go to mainly the SSPX however go to the FSSP too. In our area they are friends and know eachother. The teaching is the same across the board from my perspective as a layperson. Disclaimer: I love Matt Fradd. I don’t want to berate him, he just had an odd assumption about us that a few people have straightened out here.
@@Wayfarer-z4d I would prioritise going to the traditional Latin Mass over anything. So if you feel more comfortable to go to the FSSP then do. The traditional Latin Mass has no errors or controversy. It is the canonised Mass. Any of the traditional orders will give you the consistent teaching in accord with the saints, the church fathers, the scripture. It is the deposit of faith carefully handed down. I left the novus ordo and went to the SSPX (and FSSP) because there was a synthesis between what I was reading and what was being taught from the pulpit/spiritual counsel. There’s a lot of information/debate online. I would careful to learn about the SSPX from the SSPX to make sure you learn what they actually teach/believe of the V2/Mass issues. And weigh that up against the critics. Pray on it. God bless you.
Bishops are not just middle management? I'd love to hear more about this. I'm trying to figure out what one does when they have a problem with the Pope, or with priests, and this statement might be key.
I really love your channel Matt, but saying the FSSPX would be a non-pope option proves, that from all the books you must have read, there isnt any book from Archbishop Lebfevre included ;)
Faith is between God and Man, not Man and Man. “Put no trust in princes, in children of Adam powerless to save. Who breathing his last, returns to the earth; that day all his planning comes to nothing.” Psalms 146:3-4 But we also must remain humble and receptive, especially of our own Pope, even during times of confusion. “Elders who preside well deserve double honor, especially those who toil in preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17
How is the SSPX a “non-Pope option”? I would certainly not put them in the Sam category as the Orthodox. The orthodox don’t hear valid confessions or celebrate Divine Liturgy in Saint Peters Basilica.
How could they not have valid confession if they have valid Eucharist? Not saying that a Roman Catholic is supposed to receive their sacraments under normal circumstances. But, indeed they do have valid sacraments -- that is, the sacraments are really occurring and God is really acting. For whatever its worth here is a link to a similar question from Catholic answers: www.catholic.com/qa/greek-orthodox-confession-is-valid. All this in mind, Catholics should not receive Orthodox sacraments unless there is some emergency/extreme circumstance.
@@TheParkourSam I am not sure why I said that they don't have valid confessions, they definitely do. I think I was rapid typing and didn't really think about what I was typing. I think the orthos sacraments would be considered illicit? Either way, my qualm was with the "non-pope comment" option. That's not a fair statement from Matt. The Orthodox are clearly schismatic, the SSPX is less clear, though I am open to that possibility, I just feel it's not as certain as Matt made it seem with his passing comment "non-pope options" and then lumped them in with schismatics.
The Orthodox have valid Sacraments, including Penance and Eucharist. We, as Catholics, can partake in them provided there's no Catholic Church nearby and the celebrant allows us to. Eg. In Eastern Russia, a Catholic Parish may be 1500 miles away, a huge distance to get to Liturgy on time. Orthodox can also receive our Sacraments too and they have less restriction for they are treated equal with Catholics.
Saying the SSPX is a "non-Pope option" is really disingenuous and uncharitable. They're not sedevacantist. I hope you are just terribly misinformed but if not, I see this as direct calumny against one of the Catholic Church's largest group of priests who many go to for sacraments now that many bishops have shutdown masses.
Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that when it comes to the Society. Sure, they recognize Pope Francis as the Pope, they say his name in the Canon, and I’ve no reason to doubt that they pray for him. But they also reject his authority whenever, in their private judgment, the Pope teaches something that breaks from their understanding of Tradition (i.e. Vatican II, the revised liturgy, etc.). The problem with that (and this has always been my biggest hang up with the SSPX) is that this is not an ecclesiastically (nor logically) sustainable position, since Tradition teaches that we owe obedience to the Pope, not just on faith and morals, but also on matters of discipline and governance (see Vatican I’s Pastor Aeternus). What is the point in recognizing Pope Francis as the Pope if we deprive his authority of any real meaning by deciding, seemingly on a whim, which of his teachings to accept and which to decline? So, sure. It’s a pope-option in the sense that they give token acknowledgment to the Pope, but a non-pope-option if you want priests who will teach and offer the Sacrifice of the Mass in full communion with him.
@@tonyalongi4409 No, the SSPX does not reject the pope's authority, it radically accepts it. But we make the distinction that there are infallible and fallible teachings that are distinct by the magisterium. Certain teachings aren't infallible and when they contradict infallible teachings, you have a duty to reject them. This is not private judgment, it's simply following the magisterium. Disciplinary matters are especially none infallible especially when not canonized. They ought to be resisted if they cause a loss of faith. If the Pope were to bind us infallibly to believe one thing or another, we would accept it instantly, and if he does so without the use of infallibility, as long as it is in continuity with tradition, we will follow it as well. If this distinction isn't made then every teaching is infallible, which is absurd and isn't Catholic and goes against Vatican I. Now, we can have the argument as to whether or not things that Pope Francis says or that Vatican II are against the infallible teachings of the Church, but we can't say that the principles that the SSPX follows are incorrect.
@@tonyalongi4409 I can give you an example. When the Church released Humanae Vitae, the SSPX accepts it, despite Humanae Vitae not being infallible. This is because the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium which is infallible determined birth control was illicit. Another is when the Vatican said that vaccines are licit to use. There is nothing that contradicts tradition here and so the SSPX accepts it. But when the Vatican says that everyone has the right to religious liberty in a council that didn't exercise infallible, extraordinary magisterium, the SSPX resists it because this directly contradicts the infallible, Ordinary and Universal Magisterium. There is no private judgment, simply looking at the magisterial weight of each document and comparing the teachings. The Church tells us to do this or else tradition doesn't exist.
2:44), this verse is talking about something different. Jesus is saying that though He were rejected by the people, arrested, tried and found innocent and then crucified anyway, it would not stop him from building His church. The Jews did reject Christ and crucify Christ, but He arose, He did build His church.
Hey Matt and Joe, just a heads up regarding the title. No person, no priest, no pope not even God Almighty Himself can MAKE you do anything. They may give you reasons or motivations that impel you one way or another, but you make the choice for every step you take.
I don't wanna be 'that guy', but I am certain God Almighty can make you do anything, but it seems He have chosen for us to have free will and make choices.. But without a doubt God can do anything :)
The SSPX still hold Francis as the valid Pope, their 'canonically irregular' status in the Church aside. Quite different from the SSPV, which are blatantly sedevancantist. Furthermore, the problem of their canonical irregularity has nothing to do with dogma or doctrine of the Catholic Faith. Consecrating new bishops when it is forbidden under the new Code of Canon Law is more legalese and no heresy. The problem that Pope Benedict brought to light was how there 'seems' to be a change in Church's teachings even if that's not objectively the case. I have a more historic sympathy for the SSPX than a contemporary one, but now that we have Pachamama, and popes ok with civil unions, I can't help but think of that "Levebre was right" meme. And-- FSSP traditionalist that I am-- all of us traditional Catholics owe him a debt for preserving a bastion of the faith when everything else was in such freefall.
Can someone point me to a Catholic that can explain the faith SIMPLY? Debates I’ve seen Catholics in always turn into a confusing, intellectualized, bureaucratic, overly-layered mess.
Read history and you'll see so much of what the church has been though including popes. This is what good learning is so important. It didn't affect me either, not cause I'm special or anything, but because I've heard about church history.
Our eyes should be upon our Lord, Jesus Christ. Pope is human like us and need mercy everyday from the Lord. Our duty is pray without ceasing for our Pope, Bishops, clergy and lay faithfuls that we all in His Love.
Um...I’m not sure how Protestantism is somehow an impoverished version of the church. Many Protestant churches structure themselves around the protocols Paul listed in the New Testament writings. While the lack of a central earthly figure can sometimes be a detriment, it certainly doesn’t dilute the power of their testimony, and in translation the knowledge and power of God here on earth.
They are impoverished of the Papacy which Christ established and Protestants are very fragmented with illegitimate pastors and dogmas. They are impoverished of the truth. Just because they love Christ does not mean they really know him. (Matthew 7:22-23): Many will say to me that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and perform many powerful deeds in your name?’ And then I will disclose to them: ‘I have never known you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.’
@@deepseeshell8926 The only requirement for salvation is the that we confess with our mouth and believe with heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9). I'm not sure if you're implying that Christians who don't follow the Papacy are not saved, but if you are, that's a gross misinterpretation of that verse. Second, I respect the Pope as a fellow believe and tho I consider my Christian rather than Protestant or Catholic, I certainly adhere to Christian authority figures who have sound biblical teachings. But I do not subscribe to the notion that I must follow everything the Pope says, or Catholic dogma or rituals, because other than Communion, many of them seem extra to scripture. The evidence for salvation is the scripture I just provided and can be seen in our fruit (John 15:8). Again, I'm not sure if you were implying this, but if you were, please do not anything else to salvation because that is a different gospel than the one Jesus and His disciples (and Paul) taught
@@lightshiner3742 practically no one of significance for 1500 years didn’t think the Papacy is legitimate, and the Bible says our works matter (James 2:24) and there are plenty of Biblical proofs as well as arguments from early church fathers for things like the necessity of the Eucharist. Read and watch Catholic apologists on this. Even Martin Luther recognized the Papacy’s authority 20 times in his 95 Theses and King Henry VIII wrote a book defending the Pope’s authority before breaking away and denying the Pope’s authority out of his heretical and damning love of adultery. Also, my point was that not all people are saved even if they believe in Jesus and confess sins to Him; that’s what the verse means. Paul also says people will twist his words to their own destruction, so don’t say “but personal interpretation.” No one believed in that before the 1500’s either and is a doctrine that was manifested based off of bad assumptions and has zero biblical or historical evidence for it. I’d discuss this further but I don’t have the time. I’d recommend you watch some of the long videos by Trent Horn on his channel The Counsel of Trent, and read/watch some apologetics by Catholic defending that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus upon Peter. God bless you and good day.
Hi, Matt. My brother is a faithful Catholic who attends traditional Latin mass provided by SSPX (since in their area, the churches and chapels celebrating Novus Ordo masses allow only 10 people to attend weekly, and a person can go to church only once a month. All this because of Covid). The priests in SSPX are indeed traditional but they are good shepherds operating within the Catholic Church. Though they have already been recognized by Pope Francis as an official society in the Church, there is a lot of resistance from other dioceses and groups due to old biases. The overall goal of the fraternity seems to be the renewal of the priests (which I honestly believe is much needed in these days... We need these shepherds to guide us). My brother talked to one of the priests there as he was troubled about why SSPX does not fight back when being ostracised in spite of Papal recognition, and the answer of the priest was very humbling. "It is not for us to judge our fellowmen; only God can do this. He will reveal the truth in time." This show of absolute faith and humility surprised my brother and he shared this with me... So I am now sharing this with you as well. Pope Francis, I know, has had a lot of controversial issues. Though he is the vicar of Christ, he is still human and can make mistakes especially when there are a lot of people (esp Cardinals and Bishops) surrounding him and possibly influencing him. We have to consider also his age - - I don't think he even uses a lot of social media, much less twitter or any of those things so he might not know the full truth of what is happening now. Though some of the news are true, other news also have embellishments and so we must discern and sift through all that we hear and see. Just as Peter denied Christ, Pope Francis too can make mistakes. But there is hope yet as Peter came back to our Lord. We do not need to agree with the Pope, but we need to pray for him and hold steadfast to our faith and to our Lord so that He can open the Pope's eyes.
You do realize that Presbyterians left Anglicanism precisely because of Church Structure, among other reasons, right? As well, the idea that, without the Roman understanding of the Church there is no understanding of the Church, is simply untenable. I'd like to see that claim actually defended.
I'm still catholic. But anything pope Francis says or will say in the future holds almost no weight with me. I've started attending a Byzantine rite liturgy where you can actually hear true teaching from the catechism, not some watered down "faith alone Catholicism". The horizontal church that runs contrary to the catechism will only lead people in the wrong direction.
Who loses faith over a Pope? Popes change, losing your faith over it is silly imo.
Absolutely! Anyone who loses their faith over a pope never had any faith to begin with.
True! So true! And I am Orthodox...
@Daniel Pan I know the differences between Catholics and Orthodox, if this is what you are referring to...
and I should mention that there are wrong things in any denomination in my opinion...
@Daniel Pan well we take case by case... let me give an example in my denomination. I don't know if you are familiar with the fact that the emperor Constantin and his mother Elena are considered saints in Orthodox Christianity...
well... here comes the error I believe the church did - who knows something about the life of this man, knows he wasn't so innocent and ... when he died he converted to Arianism - NOT Christianity, but to a heresy... and this man is held as a saint?!... So is Arianism a dangerous heresy or not - if no, then we have a problem... and if yes (and I believe the answer is yes), why is this man considered a saint?
Just to be clear.... The SSPX believe Pope Francis is the Pope. They have a framed picture of Pope Francis at the entry of the church! When I’ve talked to the priests about my concerns over some things Pope Francis has said they’ve always taught me that we are to pray for his faith as Jesus prayed for St Peter’s faith and that the spiritual warfare is great for the Holy Father so we are to pray and do penance for him. They pray for the Holy Father at every Mass. I go to both the FSSP and SSPX and there is synthesis in teaching and preaching on Pope Francis across both traditional orders. It is always charitable, yet clear.
Praise be Jesus Christ Christ for your very educative comment ! Yes indeed they do ! Pope Francis is a very holy man. Roman Catholics shouldn't be afraid of the haters and speak well of Pope Francis instead of falling in league with Satan and his lies . A true Roman Catholic knows that the gates of hell shall not preveil ! A true Catholic should do his her proper research and know that no Pope has the authority to change what Jesus Christ instituted ! Better less views than risk ones faith and salvation over lies ! Fr Riperger has been clear that laity are all mixed up ,don't understand Church language. Clergy language and ours is different ! Misunderstanding abounds especially the fake news and all !
Even when in shism all Christians should be polite respectful in their dealings with others ! The abusive language and ignorance is beyond belief ! To each their own but why not in a respectful manner?
Absolutely! The SSPX are not schismatic in fact they go to great lengths to stress they are not a parallel Church, including throwing out people who hold to sedevacantism. No competent Church authority has declared them schismatic; in fact with their current status of having jurisdiction to absolve in the confessional you cannot even hold that they are suspended a divinis.
SSPX is not a non-pope option. Just a note there.
sspx is in fact a NON-POPE option
What’s that
Thanks for saying it! :D Why else would we pray so much for him.. :D
@@calson814 You are misinformed. The SSPX absolutely recognize the Pope as such. Speaking as an alter server of SSPX masses, the Pope's name is even hung on a framed placard in the sacristy. This little fact isn't going to convince you, but I urge you to not spread that falsehood and do some more research on the topic. The church is in absolute crisis, and AB Marcel Lefebvre foresaw this and acted for the sake of souls. The Canon law above all else is for the salvation of souls before it is to be taken positively. If we get too much into the details in the wrong way we become like the Pharasees and Scribes in the time of our Lord Jesus. Maybe look into what Archbishop Athanasius Schneider has to say about the topic. What do you think heaven thinks of the issue; the SSPX piously upholding tradition? God bless you.
I don't know what it's like in Florida but here in America. . .
FL is now an independent nation. : )
Excellent upload. Thank you.
SSPX is not a NON POPE option, that was really bad, we are not sede vacante, we pray for Pope Francis everyday on every single mass, even when I have been to confession at the SSPX telling that I spoke bad of the Holy Father the priest would always stress that we should be known for our charity and to respect the Pope since he is the vicar of Christ, only that we must not accept errors like when he spoke of the civil unions for example. I mean common we have had very bad popes yet the faith is still there, we are not called to idolize the Pope, we are CATHOLICS in Jesus Christ.
@Daniel Pan I am part of the SSPX and no priest in there says that the pope is not Catholic, he is the pope. There are people that love to hate the SSPX and don't really get into learning from it directly but rather read about it from others that also love to hate it... Read the book "an open letter to confused catholics" by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. It will give you a better understanding of the decisions made, and it has nothing to do with being disobedient or disrespectful to the pope but rather being true to the vows that the Archbishop took in front of God as every otherone did so at that time and then didn't live up to those vows.
I am with you brother Joe. I will never lose my faith because of some encyclic that our Pope issues. I love my Catholic faith. I love our Pope.
The SSPX is, in fact, a pope option. They're not sedevacantist
SSPX does not have canonical status but FSSP does.
Is sspx good or bad .plz reply🙏
I go to the SSPX. I’ve known nothing but holy and good priests and nuns there. They teach faithfully, concerned for my soul. My spiritual advisor only ever guides me from Holy Scripture, St Thomas and the saints. He is charitable and patient and tough on me when I need it, like a good father. For more answers to your questions I’d actually contact an SSPX order to have a conversation. There’s a lot of straw men arguments out there about the SSPX. There’s a lot of misrepresentation of what they are and teach like for example our dear, Matt Fradd, in this video saying we are anti-pope, which is just not true (see comments above). Bishop Schneider, Archbishop Vigano support the SSPX.
I go to mainly the SSPX however go to the FSSP too. In our area they are friends and know eachother. The teaching is the same across the board from my perspective as a layperson.
Disclaimer: I love Matt Fradd. I don’t want to berate him, he just had an odd assumption about us that a few people have straightened out here.
Stay with canonically regular parishes.
@@askmemakeup is their any problem with going for sspx or fssp mass.pls reply🙏
@@Wayfarer-z4d I would prioritise going to the traditional Latin Mass over anything. So if you feel more comfortable to go to the FSSP then do. The traditional Latin Mass has no errors or controversy. It is the canonised Mass. Any of the traditional orders will give you the consistent teaching in accord with the saints, the church fathers, the scripture. It is the deposit of faith carefully handed down. I left the novus ordo and went to the SSPX (and FSSP) because there was a synthesis between what I was reading and what was being taught from the pulpit/spiritual counsel.
There’s a lot of information/debate online. I would careful to learn about the SSPX from the SSPX to make sure you learn what they actually teach/believe of the V2/Mass issues. And weigh that up against the critics.
Pray on it. God bless you.
@@askmemakeup sorry , I'm not criticizing u I was just asking whether our church promotes this fssp or sspx .thank u for ur reply.
"Luv me church. Luv me pope" - Baz, SSPX
God Bless! 🙏🏻❤️
Bishops are not just middle management? I'd love to hear more about this. I'm trying to figure out what one does when they have a problem with the Pope, or with priests, and this statement might be key.
I really love your channel Matt, but saying the FSSPX would be a non-pope option proves, that from all the books you must have read, there isnt any book from Archbishop Lebfevre included ;)
God Bless
Faith is between God and Man, not Man and Man. “Put no trust in princes, in children of Adam powerless to save. Who breathing his last, returns to the earth; that day all his planning comes to nothing.”
Psalms 146:3-4
But we also must remain humble and receptive, especially of our own Pope, even during times of confusion. “Elders who preside well deserve double honor, especially those who toil in preaching and teaching.”
1 Timothy 5:17
Faith in God not a human being,even a pope.
How is the SSPX a “non-Pope option”? I would certainly not put them in the Sam category as the Orthodox. The orthodox don’t hear valid confessions or celebrate Divine Liturgy in Saint Peters Basilica.
How could they not have valid confession if they have valid Eucharist? Not saying that a Roman Catholic is supposed to receive their sacraments under normal circumstances. But, indeed they do have valid sacraments -- that is, the sacraments are really occurring and God is really acting. For whatever its worth here is a link to a similar question from Catholic answers: www.catholic.com/qa/greek-orthodox-confession-is-valid. All this in mind, Catholics should not receive Orthodox sacraments unless there is some emergency/extreme circumstance.
@@TheParkourSam I am not sure why I said that they don't have valid confessions, they definitely do. I think I was rapid typing and didn't really think about what I was typing. I think the orthos sacraments would be considered illicit? Either way, my qualm was with the "non-pope comment" option. That's not a fair statement from Matt. The Orthodox are clearly schismatic, the SSPX is less clear, though I am open to that possibility, I just feel it's not as certain as Matt made it seem with his passing comment "non-pope options" and then lumped them in with schismatics.
The Orthodox have valid Sacraments, including Penance and Eucharist.
We, as Catholics, can partake in them provided there's no Catholic Church nearby and the celebrant allows us to.
Eg. In Eastern Russia, a Catholic Parish may be 1500 miles away, a huge distance to get to Liturgy on time.
Orthodox can also receive our Sacraments too and they have less restriction for they are treated equal with Catholics.
Saying the SSPX is a "non-Pope option" is really disingenuous and uncharitable. They're not sedevacantist. I hope you are just terribly misinformed but if not, I see this as direct calumny against one of the Catholic Church's largest group of priests who many go to for sacraments now that many bishops have shutdown masses.
Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that when it comes to the Society. Sure, they recognize Pope Francis as the Pope, they say his name in the Canon, and I’ve no reason to doubt that they pray for him. But they also reject his authority whenever, in their private judgment, the Pope teaches something that breaks from their understanding of Tradition (i.e. Vatican II, the revised liturgy, etc.). The problem with that (and this has always been my biggest hang up with the SSPX) is that this is not an ecclesiastically (nor logically) sustainable position, since Tradition teaches that we owe obedience to the Pope, not just on faith and morals, but also on matters of discipline and governance (see Vatican I’s Pastor Aeternus). What is the point in recognizing Pope Francis as the Pope if we deprive his authority of any real meaning by deciding, seemingly on a whim, which of his teachings to accept and which to decline? So, sure. It’s a pope-option in the sense that they give token acknowledgment to the Pope, but a non-pope-option if you want priests who will teach and offer the Sacrifice of the Mass in full communion with him.
@@tonyalongi4409 No, the SSPX does not reject the pope's authority, it radically accepts it. But we make the distinction that there are infallible and fallible teachings that are distinct by the magisterium. Certain teachings aren't infallible and when they contradict infallible teachings, you have a duty to reject them. This is not private judgment, it's simply following the magisterium. Disciplinary matters are especially none infallible especially when not canonized. They ought to be resisted if they cause a loss of faith. If the Pope were to bind us infallibly to believe one thing or another, we would accept it instantly, and if he does so without the use of infallibility, as long as it is in continuity with tradition, we will follow it as well.
If this distinction isn't made then every teaching is infallible, which is absurd and isn't Catholic and goes against Vatican I. Now, we can have the argument as to whether or not things that Pope Francis says or that Vatican II are against the infallible teachings of the Church, but we can't say that the principles that the SSPX follows are incorrect.
@@tonyalongi4409 I can give you an example. When the Church released Humanae Vitae, the SSPX accepts it, despite Humanae Vitae not being infallible. This is because the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium which is infallible determined birth control was illicit.
Another is when the Vatican said that vaccines are licit to use. There is nothing that contradicts tradition here and so the SSPX accepts it.
But when the Vatican says that everyone has the right to religious liberty in a council that didn't exercise infallible, extraordinary magisterium, the SSPX resists it because this directly contradicts the infallible, Ordinary and Universal Magisterium.
There is no private judgment, simply looking at the magisterial weight of each document and comparing the teachings. The Church tells us to do this or else tradition doesn't exist.
2:44), this verse is talking about something different. Jesus is saying that though He were rejected by the people, arrested, tried and found innocent and then crucified anyway, it would not stop him from building His church. The Jews did reject Christ and crucify Christ, but He arose, He did build His church.
Hey Matt and Joe, just a heads up regarding the title. No person, no priest, no pope not even God Almighty Himself can MAKE you do anything. They may give you reasons or motivations that impel you one way or another, but you make the choice for every step you take.
I don't wanna be 'that guy', but I am certain God Almighty can make you do anything, but it seems He have chosen for us to have free will and make choices.. But without a doubt God can do anything :)
The SSPX still hold Francis as the valid Pope, their 'canonically irregular' status in the Church aside. Quite different from the SSPV, which are blatantly sedevancantist. Furthermore, the problem of their canonical irregularity has nothing to do with dogma or doctrine of the Catholic Faith. Consecrating new bishops when it is forbidden under the new Code of Canon Law is more legalese and no heresy. The problem that Pope Benedict brought to light was how there 'seems' to be a change in Church's teachings even if that's not objectively the case. I have a more historic sympathy for the SSPX than a contemporary one, but now that we have Pachamama, and popes ok with civil unions, I can't help but think of that "Levebre was right" meme. And-- FSSP traditionalist that I am-- all of us traditional Catholics owe him a debt for preserving a bastion of the faith when everything else was in such freefall.
Can someone point me to a Catholic that can explain the faith SIMPLY? Debates I’ve seen Catholics in always turn into a confusing, intellectualized, bureaucratic, overly-layered mess.
Bruhhhh come on Matt, SSPX is based
Question to Matt: have you ever been outside the so called "first" or "developed" World?
Read history and you'll see so much of what the church has been though including popes. This is what good learning is so important. It didn't affect me either, not cause I'm special or anything, but because I've heard about church history.
You didn't get the joke about Florida not being part of America I guess lmao
Probably because Fradd lives in Georgia
Our eyes should be upon our Lord, Jesus Christ. Pope is human like us and need mercy everyday from the Lord. Our duty is pray without ceasing for our Pope, Bishops, clergy and lay faithfuls that we all in His Love.
I wonder how people can lose their faith because of a bad Pope.
I, for one, love Pope Francis. And I am not ashamed to say it here. I also really liked John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Um...I’m not sure how Protestantism is somehow an impoverished version of the church. Many Protestant churches structure themselves around the protocols Paul listed in the New Testament writings. While the lack of a central earthly figure can sometimes be a detriment, it certainly doesn’t dilute the power of their testimony, and in translation the knowledge and power of God here on earth.
They are impoverished of the Papacy which Christ established and Protestants are very fragmented with illegitimate pastors and dogmas. They are impoverished of the truth. Just because they love Christ does not mean they really know him. (Matthew 7:22-23): Many will say to me that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and perform many powerful deeds in your name?’ And then I will disclose to them: ‘I have never known you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.’
@@deepseeshell8926 The only requirement for salvation is the that we confess with our mouth and believe with heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9). I'm not sure if you're implying that Christians who don't follow the Papacy are not saved, but if you are, that's a gross misinterpretation of that verse. Second, I respect the Pope as a fellow believe and tho I consider my Christian rather than Protestant or Catholic, I certainly adhere to Christian authority figures who have sound biblical teachings. But I do not subscribe to the notion that I must follow everything the Pope says, or Catholic dogma or rituals, because other than Communion, many of them seem extra to scripture. The evidence for salvation is the scripture I just provided and can be seen in our fruit (John 15:8). Again, I'm not sure if you were implying this, but if you were, please do not anything else to salvation because that is a different gospel than the one Jesus and His disciples (and Paul) taught
@@deepseeshell8926 Anyway, apologies. I did not intend to argue about religion, since that's not what we're called to do
@@lightshiner3742 practically no one of significance for 1500 years didn’t think the Papacy is legitimate, and the Bible says our works matter (James 2:24) and there are plenty of Biblical proofs as well as arguments from early church fathers for things like the necessity of the Eucharist. Read and watch Catholic apologists on this. Even Martin Luther recognized the Papacy’s authority 20 times in his 95 Theses and King Henry VIII wrote a book defending the Pope’s authority before breaking away and denying the Pope’s authority out of his heretical and damning love of adultery. Also, my point was that not all people are saved even if they believe in Jesus and confess sins to Him; that’s what the verse means. Paul also says people will twist his words to their own destruction, so don’t say “but personal interpretation.” No one believed in that before the 1500’s either and is a doctrine that was manifested based off of bad assumptions and has zero biblical or historical evidence for it. I’d discuss this further but I don’t have the time. I’d recommend you watch some of the long videos by Trent Horn on his channel The Counsel of Trent, and read/watch some apologetics by Catholic defending that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus upon Peter. God bless you and good day.
Hi, Matt. My brother is a faithful Catholic who attends traditional Latin mass provided by SSPX (since in their area, the churches and chapels celebrating Novus Ordo masses allow only 10 people to attend weekly, and a person can go to church only once a month. All this because of Covid). The priests in SSPX are indeed traditional but they are good shepherds operating within the Catholic Church. Though they have already been recognized by Pope Francis as an official society in the Church, there is a lot of resistance from other dioceses and groups due to old biases. The overall goal of the fraternity seems to be the renewal of the priests (which I honestly believe is much needed in these days... We need these shepherds to guide us).
My brother talked to one of the priests there as he was troubled about why SSPX does not fight back when being ostracised in spite of Papal recognition, and the answer of the priest was very humbling. "It is not for us to judge our fellowmen; only God can do this. He will reveal the truth in time." This show of absolute faith and humility surprised my brother and he shared this with me... So I am now sharing this with you as well.
Pope Francis, I know, has had a lot of controversial issues. Though he is the vicar of Christ, he is still human and can make mistakes especially when there are a lot of people (esp Cardinals and Bishops) surrounding him and possibly influencing him. We have to consider also his age - - I don't think he even uses a lot of social media, much less twitter or any of those things so he might not know the full truth of what is happening now. Though some of the news are true, other news also have embellishments and so we must discern and sift through all that we hear and see. Just as Peter denied Christ, Pope Francis too can make mistakes. But there is hope yet as Peter came back to our Lord. We do not need to agree with the Pope, but we need to pray for him and hold steadfast to our faith and to our Lord so that He can open the Pope's eyes.
God bless Pope Francis!
You do realize that Presbyterians left Anglicanism precisely because of Church Structure, among other reasons, right?
As well, the idea that, without the Roman understanding of the Church there is no understanding of the Church, is simply untenable. I'd like to see that claim actually defended.
I'm still catholic. But anything pope Francis says or will say in the future holds almost no weight with me. I've started attending a Byzantine rite liturgy where you can actually hear true teaching from the catechism, not some watered down "faith alone Catholicism". The horizontal church that runs contrary to the catechism will only lead people in the wrong direction.
Replace your faith by awareness, and you'll be a thousand times better off.