Pope Francis is Dividing the Church. Here's why.

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 10 тис.

  • @MrTheanswer42
    @MrTheanswer42 2 роки тому +891

    for me "confusion" is when the Pope says something in public and the day after the Vatican Press Office has to release a statement to clarify what He meant... it happens way too often.

    • @boss180888
      @boss180888 2 роки тому +11

      yes, but how often has the pope been accused falsely of doing so and so and it turns out to just not be true? the problem is not the pope, it's the world that is going bananas and some catholics blame it on francis...

    • @MrTheanswer42
      @MrTheanswer42 2 роки тому +22

      @@boss180888 that's why I cited the official Press Office: I can just ignore all the Pope enemies that may spread misinformation, they don't matter. But I can't ignore in the same way that the Pope is a terrible communicator, and the Vatican itself (not some weirdo trad) had to intervene on multiple occasions to fix what He says. E.g. Vatican PO had to clarify that:
      - The Pope didn't say that Hell doesn't exist.
      - The Pope didn't say that plurality of religions is God's Will.
      - The Pope didn't say that he dislikes americans so much that it's an honor being criticized by them.
      I'm not saying that He is evil at all, but it's not well suited for the job, and it's a big problem.

    • @boss180888
      @boss180888 2 роки тому +32

      @@MrTheanswer42 I understand the concern, and i get it to some extend.
      the pope, as father said in the video, has a...unique... way of expressing himself, for better or for worse, obviously for worse it can confuse people, but for the better it can grab attention and shake people into action. so for me it's a prudential decision how you choose to express yourself aiming for maximum result.
      and as for it being the official press office, rest assure they aren't correcting the pope but acting on his behalf with his full knowledge, and usually addressing misconceptions started by those enemies of the pope or(lets not forget it) more often secular media who just loves to misrepresent what the pope said.
      God bless

    • @JonLane
      @JonLane 2 роки тому +22

      @@MrTheanswer42 And can you offer quotes from Pope Francis where he appeared to say those things - not media reports that may have taken his words out of context?

    • @Macmumoz
      @Macmumoz 2 роки тому +32

      I've seen the office correcting mistranslations and out of context quotes but that's the press misunderstanding. The Pope must be understood in many languages and its easy to mistranslate to support a narrative, I've seen it happen so often in the US press.

  • @darlameeks
    @darlameeks 11 місяців тому +344

    Update: I was confirmed a Catholic at Pentecost this past May. 🙂✝

    • @HistoryisBoss
      @HistoryisBoss 10 місяців тому +5

      Good to hear I urge you to never stop reading/ learning about the faith.

    • @christopherbellegodbrought9555
      @christopherbellegodbrought9555 9 місяців тому +2


    • @snoopy3587
      @snoopy3587 9 місяців тому +4

      You are now a warrior in his church. God bless you in your life. Get ready for persecutions and hate from the ones controlled by the fallen one. Jesus was also hated, so stay strong, don't falter. Jesus is on your side.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 9 місяців тому +1

      Blessed Be ~
      I Bid You Peace ~

    • @blindknitter
      @blindknitter 9 місяців тому +6

      Congratulations! Welcome to the family!

  • @dallasb78
    @dallasb78 2 роки тому +287

    Some traditionalists go too far in their criticism of the pope. However I think they they are right to have a view of the Church that declares right from wrong and black from white plainly. This is what the Church is supposed to be. A lot of us miss that clarity.

    • @ajyyoung3263
      @ajyyoung3263 2 роки тому +52

      He is cancelling Holy Mass. Are we not allowed to cry on our knees about it? Can we not say it’s not fair? I know not one ornery traditional Latin Mass attendee. We’ve done nothing wrong.

    • @finallythere100
      @finallythere100 2 роки тому +2

      As Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis SHOULD be consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart, as Our Lady foretold, instep of playing NWO politician by trying to deal with Putin as a NWO political leader. (which he failed at.) ...

    • @albertoascari2542
      @albertoascari2542 2 роки тому +4

      I brought up with my Priest the Patchamama and my Priest Said well maybe it's the Popes time in South America. Our Bishop acknowledged that Francis is controversial to lots of laity. Neither are Latin Mass Laiety

    • @finallythere100
      @finallythere100 2 роки тому +2

      @@albertoascari2542 Was does that mean, exactly, that maybe it's the pope's time? Thanks.

    • @jonathanhosh4459
      @jonathanhosh4459 2 роки тому +1

      @@finallythere100 he just did

  • @warriorgoat5939
    @warriorgoat5939 Рік тому +177

    As a Catholic priest having been blessed to minister God’s love and mercy to His People for the last 25 years, I believe you over simplify the confusing nature of this pontificate and the damage that it has done to the Unity of the Church. I was blessed with a good education and mind from God. I have been catechised quite well. I graduated at the top of my philosophy graduates and at the top of my two theology degrees. I am aware that there are theological nuances on certain subjects and ideas that need to always be taken into account. Also, the pope has always had enemies throughout two thousand years of the office. I also am aware, as a priest, that ministers, priests, bishops and even popes have different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and styles. I say all this to say, I hear what your saying. But, I am in the trenches daily with the sheep. I see the effects of this pontificate. To oversimplify the actual confusion that I’m witness to among the priests and the laity in this little video is sad. It doesn’t actually answer any of the actual critiques of the “confused.” You make it sound like if anyone finds the last 10 years confusing on faith and morals from this pope that they are either dumb or ill willed and simply lack charity. I don’t think you clarify ambiguous and seemingly contradictory statements from the main teacher of the People of God (His Holiness) by asserting that the problem is with the actually confused. I’m not a genius, but I’m not dumb, either. The facts are that he is/has been confusing. It’s a popular opinion among our diocesan priests and sheep. The last person you want to be a teacher is a confusing one. I think you have sugar coated the real issues of why people are actually confused by the teachings of Pope Francis.

    • @warriorgoat5939
      @warriorgoat5939 11 місяців тому +1

      To criticize faithful and sacrificial prolife Catholics by likening them to rabbits is evil. He sounds like an anti-worldy-neo-pagan. That sounds something that a globalist would say, instead of your Spiritual Father and the Ambassador of Christ. Wow. You will know them by their fruits.

    • @MarkelBeverley
      @MarkelBeverley 11 місяців тому +11

      That is exactly what he did!

    • @Sola_Scriptura_1.618
      @Sola_Scriptura_1.618 8 місяців тому +7

      I turn to the Word of God for guidance and direction.
      The Church is an institution of man. The Bible is the breathed word of God.
      John 1:1 (LSB): 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      Luke 6:43-45 (LSB): 43 “For there is no good tree which produces bad fruit, nor, on the other hand, a bad tree which produces good fruit.
      44 “For each tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a bramble bush.
      45 “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil. For his mouth speaks from the abundance of his heart.
      The Church is overwhelmed by controversy because they do not follow the Word of God. It is so sad to see they mislead the flock of Christ.

    • @MarkelBeverley
      @MarkelBeverley 8 місяців тому +12

      @@Sola_Scriptura_1.618 Hush now protestant before you get schooled.

    • @Sola_Scriptura_1.618
      @Sola_Scriptura_1.618 8 місяців тому +3

      @LewisVitale3366 My friend, I doubt anyone who threatens schooling even knows how to school! All talk and no ability.
      By the way, I follow Christ, and his Word is my Gospel. I do not subscribe to the corrupt institutions of man. I follow in the steps of Christ's apostles.
      John 1:1 (LSB): 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

  • @xiomarablanco5598
    @xiomarablanco5598 2 роки тому +344

    I’m a cradle 70 y/o Catholic lady , and also from Latin America. I was raised and taught the scriptures and the Catechism by good priests and nuns whom I trust because the vast knowledge they acquired in their religious formation. The regular laity were called by our Lord to do regular things like getting married and raise good children, so we don’t have the time to read and study all the encyclicals the Popes write, and therefore we rely on our priests to explain without ambiguity and with simplicity all we need to learn and practice. As you can see I’m far from being a theologian, I just know the basic teachings of the Gospel and Catechism, and try really hard to follow it, but from the beginning of this pontificate I could tell there’s something wrong and I’ve been very concerned by what Pope Francis has expressed because it seems to contradict what I have learn through all these 70 years from priests and previous Popes. Regarding the laity leaders, we must recognize there are very well formed and good intentioned people out there. Please only because they do not agree with and criticize Pope Francis in many issues cannot be condemned by you. It is the duty of the laity to speak up (with responsibility) when some religious leaders including the Pope say or do something wrong that as you said confuses the flock. We desperately need good Shepherds to guide us, but Jesús’ way please!🙏🙏🙏

    • @lovesrlady2
      @lovesrlady2 2 роки тому +55

      Your instincts are correct and the Holy Spirit is guiding you. Resist Francis with everything you can and hold on to the two pillars...Jesus and Mary!
      When in doubt, return to TRADITION.

    • @danielavivacristorey
      @danielavivacristorey 2 роки тому +8

      @@lovesrlady2 love your comment. You are correct, hold on to Jesus and Mary and return to tradition! Amen
      Our Lady of Good Success was quite clear on what would be the demise of the Catholic Church- a lax and perverse clergy. Certain members of the Catholic clergy would become as thieves stealing that Tabernacle light...thieves that would steal what is rightfully ours- our Faith. They would rob us of Doctrine, Dogma and Tradition- ransacking the Church as it were leaving us in total darkness without the light of the Sanctuary Lamp (which signifies the presence of the Holy Eucharist). Our Lady of Good Success went into great detail about the five reasons were for the extinguishing of the light.
      1st: In the end of the 19th Century and during the 20th Century, heresies would prevail not only in Ecuador, but universally. “As these heresies spread and dominate, the precious light of Faith will be extinguished in souls by the almost total corruption of customs.”
      2nd: In these times, the Conceptionist Community would shrink and even be infected with bad attitudes and false charity as a result of the pervading situation of the Church. Many vocations would be lost as a direct result (considered a reflection of a more universal condition during these times). However, “The faithful souls would suffer a continuous and slow martyrdom, weeping in secret and imploring that such dire times be shortened.”
      3rd: Due to the fact that during this century, a worldwide campaign against the virtues of chastity, and purity would succeed in ruining the youth. Our Lady of Good Success affirmed, “There will be almost no virgin souls in the world.”
      4th: The MASONIC and other secret sects would have so much influence on society and even the Church. “During these unfortunate times,” she foretold, “evil will invade childhood innocence. In this way, vocations to the priesthood will be lost, resulting in a true calamity.” Our Lady of Good Success could foresee that there would still be some good, faithful religious that would be willing to suffer all for the salvation of souls and sustenance of the Holy Catholic Church. “The secular clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will become careless in their sacred duties. Lacking the divine compass, they will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry, and they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to attain. How the Church will suffer during this dark night! Lacking a prelate and a father to guide them ... many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger.” The poor priestly souls that would be left to uphold the Church would suffer greatly. “Against them the impious will rage a cruel war, overwhelming them with vituperations, calumnies and vexations in order to stop them from fulfilling their ministry. But they, like firm columns, will remain unswerving and will confront everything with a spirit of humility …” Our Lady of Good Success implored that the people of this time should “clamor insistently” to the Heavenly Father for an end to ‘these ominous times’ sending to the Church a prelate and father who would restore the spirit to the priests… In order to dissipate this black cloud, that prevents the Church from enjoying the clear day of liberty, there will be a formidable and frightful war, ... This night will be most horrible, for, humanly speaking, evil will seem to triumph. This, then, will mark the arrival of my hour, when I in a marvelous way, will dethrone the proud and cursed Satan, trampling him under my feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss. Thus, the Church and Country will be finally free of his cruel tyranny.
      5th: The lamp went out was due to those who have the “financial means to help the Church but do nothing.

    • @patreisinger142
      @patreisinger142 2 роки тому +15

      Well said!

    • @mariaelenarocillo2950
      @mariaelenarocillo2950 2 роки тому +19

      Satan wants to divide our church. Beware that he is like a lion ready to devour each of us. Always be ready to guard your mind. In a bit of a second, Satan can feed us with negative thoughts to make someone wrong. Be vigilant, Satan wants division, break ups of relationship and trust. Remain faithful for the Lord Jesus will endlessly take care His leader and flock! Amen Praise GOD 🙏

    • @xiomarablanco5598
      @xiomarablanco5598 2 роки тому +21

      @@mariaelenarocillo2950 Yes, Pope Paul VI realized that through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God. Jesús also warned about division and false shepherds. But we trust our Lord’s promise that the gate of hell shall not prevail against his Church. Therefore, we must stay faithful to Him and his teachings. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @raydenkhaleesi8679
    @raydenkhaleesi8679 2 роки тому +716

    I am a faithful Catholic from the Caribbean and I respect and love the Holy Father, but he has confused ME at times - sometimes by what he says, and sometimes by what he does not say. I mean we're out there trying to live the faith in an increasingly hostile world and it feels like sometimes he doesn't have our back on certain issues. I will continue to pray for him.

    • @samaritain16
      @samaritain16 Рік тому +25

      yes you can be confused but you need to go deeper to your faith first to really understand Him, otherwise it won't work for you because he is speaking assuming that those who listen especially the Catholics master their faith and for others, it is an expression of what the faith in the nowadays context.

    • @reneeharagsim4720
      @reneeharagsim4720 Рік тому

      Same here.. Totally agree with you. For the most part, the pope speaks only to cause confusion than to clarify controversial issues. And always silence on issues when we need his leadership. I believe he is the pope but a very weak one.

    • @samaritain16
      @samaritain16 Рік тому +52

      @@reneeharagsim4720 I think the very problem of people misreading Pope Francis is that they are very shallow in catechism in such a way that they cannot understand at all what the Pope is saying for example : about the comment "who am I to juge?"
      1) first the comment reads like this "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?"
      2) the Catechism is very clear about people who have that orientation : CCC 2357 = homosexuality is a sin / CCC 2358 = special care for those persons who are "called to to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition."
      3) About the sin part, if you know the CCC well, you'll be not confused because the Pope never said that they do not sin / When they sin or you sin, the Pope does not have the authority to judge because the Church cannot judge, that power belongs to God alone, the Church can canonize but does not have the power to send someone to hell.
      4) on the part that those people are also called to holiness, please remember that every faithfull has an obligation of chastity outside the marriage (whatever your inclination that is). And the Pope says if someone is seeking God despite its state, that is the very word of the Lumen Gentium 42, where it is said everyone is called to holiness in his state. So you can be indeed confused since you do not know either the catechism or the teaching of the Church.
      Please do level up. As the Scriptures are clear : for those who have more, they will earn more but for those who have less, the small they have will be removed from them, it is so about faith they are talking about not money.

    • @rex70121
      @rex70121 Рік тому +30

      He is humble. I love that about him. True to the example of Christ and St. Francis.

    • @charlesdayon8420
      @charlesdayon8420 Рік тому +10

      @@samaritain16 We are not practice the Catholic faith in the nowadays context God never changes.

  • @artemisapaulina29
    @artemisapaulina29 2 роки тому +360

    I'm holding on by threads...I really want to embrace everything you've said but the image of that Franciscan friar postrated before the Patchamama idol right in front of Pope Francis is embedded in my mind. Sorry..there are lots of Catholics suffering a great deal because of these "details".

    • @settembrini33
      @settembrini33 2 роки тому +33

      REally? That's what makes you suffer and not the social injustices and unfair pain in the world. I think you're in the wrong Church!

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 2 роки тому +60

      You are in good company with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider. You are not alone in your fears.

    • @justiniand6a788
      @justiniand6a788 2 роки тому +56

      @@settembrini33 , why would we suffer in our Faith because of social injustice? I mean, we'd be mad at it and try to amend it but it's not something that would make us shake in our Faith.

    • @settembrini33
      @settembrini33 2 роки тому +6

      @@JohnFromAccounting Really? You mean the two fascist members of our church... They are the people that give the Catholic Church a bad reputation along with people of his ilk, like Cardinal Nazinger. It's a shame we still have despicable people like them within the Church. They should have left with the other nazis, like Lefebvre.

    • @ianmarsden8568
      @ianmarsden8568 2 роки тому +12

      @@settembrini33 Using some of the methodology of Fr Casey's video, i.e. predication based on the poll numbers - it looks like more people agree with Olga's view - 13 at the time of writing.

  • @douglasmay276
    @douglasmay276 10 місяців тому +24

    Casey, I'm 74 and a priest for 37 years. I've watched and listened to you on and off for around 5 years. I totally agree with you and your comments, especially regarding Pope Francis. Like you, I have also watched and listened to the vitriolic Francis critics and haters so I know where some of the criticism of Francis originates and am able to respond. Please continue to be a voice of wisdom and reason. Often times, I respond simply to criticism of Francis by simply saying: "Just like Jesus, eh?" Jesus was ambiguous and controversial in time.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 місяців тому

      Describing the papacies of Popes JP and B as totalitarian isn't hateful to clown priests.
      Reading the mind and soul of Cdnl Burke et al (which isn't a thing) and describing it as evil without evidence or an argument isn't hateful to clown priests.
      Describing the catholic laity as stupid and ignorant isn't hateful to clown priests.
      It's de rigeur, apparently.
      The Church has been in your hands for 50 odd years...... do you think you and your ilk have done a good job?

    • @nadinkoharic2070
      @nadinkoharic2070 15 днів тому

      I feel the same way, just like Jesus! 🥰

  • @AskTheKid
    @AskTheKid 2 роки тому +109

    Just because I can't do calculus doesn't mean I don't know what 1+1 is

  • @BlessedisShe
    @BlessedisShe 2 роки тому +755

    Praying for our Pope and all those in the faith 🙏🏻

    • @carolynkimberly4021
      @carolynkimberly4021 2 роки тому +31

      But is this pope really "in the Faith"? His encyclical teaching that the divorced and remarried can receive Communion without repentance and rectifying their sinful state is heresy. His bringing idols into the altar of God is an abomination.

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 роки тому +13

      @@carolynkimberly4021 what idols?

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 роки тому +9

      I will pray for you too

    • @Jerry12533
      @Jerry12533 2 роки тому +5

      @@nosuchthing8 second commandmand in exadus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;20:6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 роки тому

      @@Jerry12533 Catholics only worship Jesus

  • @robertwhatley2825
    @robertwhatley2825 2 роки тому +264

    I would assume that the bishops are well learned in the church, yet they themselves have asked for clarification several times with several pronouncements. This sounds confusing and concerning.

    • @ferdinandpurnomo
      @ferdinandpurnomo 2 роки тому +46

      And Pope Francis, instead of engaging in dialogue with those bishops (cardinals), chose to stonewall them.

    • @elisazanelli2004
      @elisazanelli2004 2 роки тому +27

      Yes, people keep justifying pope Francis but the truth is a good pope doesn't need justification and doesn't WANT confusion. He would do ANYTHING he can to avoid confusion, and I agree, he's the pope, he's not an idiot,I would never say that. But right because he's not an idiot, he well knows of the confusion he created/let others create. He doesn't seem so sad about it. I don't like this. Catholic church is a family, we shouldn't eliminate people we don't like. But this way, he's just DOING THIS!!!!

    • @AGHORNATH18
      @AGHORNATH18 2 роки тому +6

      This monk is in error as is his communist false prophet.

    • @badgerlordpatrick6493
      @badgerlordpatrick6493 2 роки тому +10

      And it's not just Cardinal Burke. Traditionis custodis has several different interpretations, from preserving the status quo to axing the Extraordinary Form.
      I've never really heard anybody give a substantial argument that Pope Francis is a communist - certainly not in response to his encyclicals. Most people deride him for his off-the-cuff remakrs and his daily sermons, not official teaching documents - which I suspect is probably orthodox.

    • @fatar18
      @fatar18 2 роки тому +5

      @@ferdinandpurnomo also punished, vanished and isolated. Many good saint clergy are been put away!! 😔😔

  • @elizabethwarren8117
    @elizabethwarren8117 Рік тому +69

    I am a cradle catholic with 12 years of catholic education in a catholic school. I do not understand how the Pope can allow a foreign god in the property of the Vatican, especially on an altar in the Vatican. I learned way back in grade school, 1955-1962, that we, Catholics, should not have false gods before us and I can’t understand a Pope that actually allowed that to happen. “I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any false god before you”. I do pray for all the clergy, from seminarian to pope, how can the Pope do that?

    • @polepino
      @polepino 10 місяців тому +11

      Can you please explain this "foreign god in the property of the Vatican" thing you are talking about?

    • @veritasmuy2407
      @veritasmuy2407 10 місяців тому

      @@polepino probably the Amazonian Synod when the Vatican/pope invited a demonic religion to set up their female idol on church property -- and allowed this demonic religion to do their satanic religious rituals on church property -- and even had catholic priests (ministers of GOD) participate in the satanic religious rituals. Sooo... instead of the Vatican preaching to this lost religion that there is only One True GOD in which is Salvation/Eternal Life (John 14:6), the pope treats this demonic religion as if it is equal with Christianity. *Protestants would say this proves the popes are NOT in the succession of the APOSTLE Peter who was directly instructed by Jesus to PREACH the Gospel to the lost unbelievers, not treat other demonic religions as if they are equal to the Gospel of Christ.*

    • @JackAttack1776
      @JackAttack1776 10 місяців тому +3

      A while back, Francis seemingly honored pagan idols in the Vatican.

    • @polepino
      @polepino 10 місяців тому +2

      @@JackAttack1776 i understand that's what's being said, but I haven't see images/video or whatever people are talking about. There's no context.

    • @gerhardsrensen6815
      @gerhardsrensen6815 10 місяців тому +2

      @@polepino Alexander Tschugguel, a 26-year-old Austrian Catholic convert from Lutheranism was one of them. He posted a video of taking the idols out of the Vatican and throwing them into the Tiber River - for which Francis (unbelievably) later apologised to the Amazonians. You can google the video.

  • @caroc4327
    @caroc4327 2 роки тому +189

    Well said, a bit passive aggressive at the end. I don’t think the “enjoy your new church” was very charitable, but then again I don’t blame your frustration. I respect the office of the Pope, no matter who’s in it. God put Pope Francis in charge, so I’m not one to question God. But I do have some questions that maybe people can help me with. I am honestly opened to change my mind and be wrong.
    1. When the Pope has Patchmama event, he had naked statues of this deity on the altar. I can’t find any excuse for that. But, maybe I’m missing something. Again, willing to learn.
    2. He had a symposium with speakers like Chelsea Clinton who are openly pro-abortion. I understand the Pope’s desire to bring people together, but does he need to do that with people who are clearly advocating for one of the most evil practices of our generation?
    3. Biden says the Pope told him “he was a good Catholic” and there was no correction that I know of from the Vatican. So gain, a person who is openly for abortion is being endorsed by the Pope instead of being excommunicated as many think he should be.
    So those are my hang ups, not so much his teaching, but his actions. I appreciate any answers to these. Thanks if you’ve read this far.

    • @gerardvinet8448
      @gerardvinet8448 2 роки тому +7

      The Pope before Pope Francis , didn't he retire & God didn't put Pope Francis in charge of the Church , wasn't it the Vatican , who voted him in the head of the Catholic Church ?Unless they changed the traditional way of entry of the head of the Church , I always thought it was by election process !!!!

    • @cheryljones7941
      @cheryljones7941 2 роки тому +39

      I might ask Father why Pope Francis says you can give communion to divorced and remarried outside the Church, too.

    • @frankhays7255
      @frankhays7255 2 роки тому +50

      Carolina C. The answers you seek are in your very questions themselves. There IS no valid reason for any of the evils you have observed. So to answer your question...No, you are not missing something. In fact, your eyes and heart has been opened and you have been graced with the Truth. Please continue to seek that same Truth.

    • @danielavivacristorey
      @danielavivacristorey 2 роки тому +35

      As you know the church has been infiltrated for over a hundred years by communists.
      Look up Bella Dodd. She helped thousands of communist men infiltrate the seminars. Who later were promoted to bishops, cardinals and now the seat of Peter. They are homosexual communists set to destroy the church. These are the men who have badly formed millions of priests, like the ones who defend these heretics.
      Holy priests are persecuted and kicked out of the church, while the liberals deformers of the faith are praised and promoted. We have reached the times where right is wrong, and wrong is right.
      Sorrowful Immaculate Heart Mary, Pray For US!
      God help us save our soul! We do deserve these heretical shepherds! God bless you!

    • @robertwhatley2825
      @robertwhatley2825 2 роки тому +12

      The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with the selection of the modern popes. They agitate for office and gain supporters.

  • @malachi551
    @malachi551 2 роки тому +171

    I mean it would honestly help if he hadn’t literally attacked the traditionalist end of the church directly.

    • @fullforcegale9630
      @fullforcegale9630 2 роки тому +17

      You mean how Christ should not have attacked the Pharisees?

    • @malachi551
      @malachi551 2 роки тому +26

      @@fullforcegale9630 my dear has thou not heard remove the planks from thine own eye before attempting to remove the speck from thy brothers? The contemporary section of the church must needs get their own house in order afore thinking they may correct some perceived legalism in the traditional.

    • @elisazanelli2004
      @elisazanelli2004 2 роки тому +6

      @@fullforcegale9630 HAHAH that's the most stupid and banal thing I've ever heard of people justifying pope Francis, as if he needed justification. Wake up! We are of Christ. And of the Catolic Church. As a family. TOGETHER. he is just eliminating people he doesn't like
      I mean. Pope is important, but never THE CHURCH. God bless you❤️❤️

    • @kristianpowell3760
      @kristianpowell3760 2 роки тому +14

      @@fullforcegale9630 are you saying that the Church for 98% of its existence was just like the Pharisees??

    • @Helga7850
      @Helga7850 2 роки тому +5

      It's all political. He is a political pope. In Italy for example the right wing has the 60% in the polls. They think Bergoglio is an entertainer...a pro-Islam leftist...so they side with Viganò.

  • @joshuaneace6597
    @joshuaneace6597 2 роки тому +177

    He is an ok Pope. He isn’t the best we’ve had but he isn’t the worst.
    I am a convert to Catholicism, and even if he was a bad Pope, the Church will stand against the gates of Hell itself.

    • @commscompany1502
      @commscompany1502 2 роки тому +17

      Amen. This is Jesus’ promise and it will last forever

    • @crobeastness
      @crobeastness 2 роки тому +8

      if by not the worst you mean 2nd worst because alexander vi was a thing, than yes, not the worst.

    • @joshuaneace6597
      @joshuaneace6597 2 роки тому +11

      @@crobeastness not even close to second worst.

    • @robbienettles9247
      @robbienettles9247 2 роки тому

      AMEEN to that!

    • @crobeastness
      @crobeastness 2 роки тому +18

      @@joshuaneace6597 it's hard evangelizing protestants more than ever having to defend Francis as a legitimate pope. He hasn't even excommunicated biden. How can I defend that action?

  • @bishopgeorgemichaeljachimc9826
    @bishopgeorgemichaeljachimc9826 10 місяців тому +42

    Father, After his removal of Bishop Strickland and his kicking out Cardinal Burke, would you still say that pope Francis isn't administering like his predecessors? He refused dialog with Burke and never met with Strickland.

    • @roseblack1135
      @roseblack1135 9 місяців тому +5

      Great question.!!

    • @reuelhermoso1227
      @reuelhermoso1227 8 місяців тому +2

      Don't expect him to reply any time soon.

    • @MarthaMyDear6
      @MarthaMyDear6 7 місяців тому +2

      @@reuelhermoso1227Agree - 2 mos later and no response. God bless Bishop Strickland and Cardinal Burke and all the persecuted clergy.

    • @martin02031958
      @martin02031958 7 місяців тому +1

      And he refused dialog with cardinals, who sent him dubia. (Meisner , Caffara , Brandmüller, Burke) He refused audience with cardinal Zen atd.atd.

    • @TheForeignersNetwork
      @TheForeignersNetwork 7 місяців тому +1

      The Pope is the leader of the Church. After continued insolence, he has a right to sanction insubordination. People trying to cause a schism in the Church are intentionally trying to manipulate the laity for their own gain, so the Pope did what any other sane leader would do.

  • @Marsalis_CW
    @Marsalis_CW 2 роки тому +147

    You're first point, that most Catholics are poorly Catechized.... this one is painfully obvious. I'm Orthodox, and as a convert I have a certain zeal that drives me to understand the faith I embraced, and I think that poor catechisis is a common problem in Orthodox countries as well. It's a problem that needs to be dealt with by everyone. What I never understood is how someone can continue to practice a faith that they truly don't understand or aren't actively trying to learn.

    • @jinarose5374
      @jinarose5374 Рік тому +12

      Luckily this call has been heard and actions to attempt remedy are now here, 2023 Ascension Press started their Catechism in a Year Podcast. Also as cradle Catholic I also heard the call few months ago, tell me to understand the Catechism more and I said I wish there was a podcast. And now we do.

    • @yucol5661
      @yucol5661 Рік тому +6

      Cause to them it’s not an important part if their life. It’s just the religion you where raised in. It’s different to you specially because you are a convert. You must have acted a lot about it to actually go through the trouble and devotion of choosing it.

    • @julieelizabeth4856
      @julieelizabeth4856 Рік тому +8

      Jeff Cavins explained it well in one of his talks. He was raised Catholic, left and became a Protestant pastor, then returned to the Catholic Church. He said it's like an 8th sacrament was introduced, the "Sacrament of Osmosis." We were just supposed to absorb knowledge, even with poor teaching. I remember some of my "lessons" in religion classes, and I left thinking, "What was I supposed to get out of THAT?"

    • @kjshark
      @kjshark Рік тому

      To sum up. There is no right or wrong.

    • @realScottThomas
      @realScottThomas Рік тому

      Is it the problem of the people who are members or the church for allowing it's members to be illiterate in its faith?

  • @mrbojangles101
    @mrbojangles101 Рік тому +246

    “Everyone loves justice, but few have time for mercy.” That line really hit home for me. God bless!

    • @edwardbaker1331
      @edwardbaker1331 Рік тому +17

      What is "merciful" about ignoring the damage done to the victims of sin simply to lie to sinners that their sins are not sins?

    • @mayvelynbalo8288
      @mayvelynbalo8288 Рік тому +1

      @@edwardbaker1331 exactly!!! And one day, we will all wake up knowing that Francis has declared that "sin doesn't exist", "there is no hell", "Satan doesn't exist", all because of mercy, mercy, mercy!!! ohhhh my goodness!!! smh. if it happens, all Catholics will be killing each other and just say, "hey, it's ok if I killed him, anyway God is so merciful. He won't judge me. I will still go to heaven for hell doesn't exist." ohhhhh my goodness Fr. Casey!!! smh.

    • @vernongsnyder
      @vernongsnyder Рік тому +8

      I don't think that's true. What the people want who he is criticizing is acknowledgment of an objective truth. It's not mercy to imply a sin is not a sin or to be so ambiguous that one could draw that conclusion.

    • @phillipcuccia9971
      @phillipcuccia9971 Рік тому +14

      You can’t have mercy without justice.

    • @user-lv4ov5rp6d
      @user-lv4ov5rp6d Рік тому +1

      Is Philo of Alexandria also called Philo Judaeus a saint???

  • @ryanEstandarte
    @ryanEstandarte 2 роки тому +176

    7:07 This is exactly the reason why I find it confusing sometimes when Pope Francis speaks about these things because these have already been laid down by his predecessors in the past. An example would be what he said in his catechisis that heretics, schismatics and the excommunicated are still inside the Communion of Saints when his predecessors Pope Pius XII and Pope Pius X already taught that these people are outside the Communion of Saints. This is already an error in teaching. So either Pope Francis is correct and his two predecessors are wrong, or they are correct and Pope Francis is wrong. There is no grey area in this.
    And another thing, I was taught in my catechism classes before that popes and bishops are simply gardeners and protectors of the teachings handed down by Jesus Christ to his apostles who they handed it over to the bishops and popes at present. Thus as pope, he should be able to give his teachings black and white based on what was handed down. So when I learned about what he said, I studied what was taught by his predecessors and the catechism and saw the inconsistency of it. And it is in this inconsistency that the people you mentioned like Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Vigano and others whom you called out are calling out Pope Francis not because they want power and fame and all those worldly things, but to either retract his confusing statement or to clarify his statement because it is offensive to pious ears to those who want to still be a Catholic and to those who are still looking for reasons to still be Catholic.
    Sure, he is a good man and has a different style of teaching and leading and yes that people needs to be catechized. But what I do whenever Pope Francis speaks is to recognize and resist: Recognize that he is still the pope and that he does preach some valid and sound catechisis, and resist whenever he preaches something that is not in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

    • @joelarkin4268
      @joelarkin4268 2 роки тому +14

      Please pray pray Ukraine has been attacked by Russia.

    • @ryanEstandarte
      @ryanEstandarte 2 роки тому +2

      @@joelarkin4268 Of course!

    • @joelarkin4268
      @joelarkin4268 2 роки тому +2

      @@ryanEstandarte Then pray 🙏

    • @aguidorzi
      @aguidorzi 2 роки тому +1


    • @marya9039
      @marya9039 2 роки тому +11

      He speaks with a “split tongue”

  • @heatherfeather1293
    @heatherfeather1293 9 місяців тому +116

    Some of the things he does are inexcusable. He has dismissed GOOD men of God for opposing him. He has restricted the use of the Latin Mass, which was the Mass that created all of the saints in the past. I could go on, but I prefer not to. I am a devout Catholic in spite of Pope Francis, and as my priest has told me - don't leave Jesus because of Judas.

    • @landoromanico2151
      @landoromanico2151 8 місяців тому +2


    • @PaoloGasparini-ux2kp
      @PaoloGasparini-ux2kp 8 місяців тому +2

      "You have placed your blood within the body of the Holy Church and desire it to be administered through the hands of your vicar. Therefore, foolish is the one who... acts against this vicar... Even if he were an incarnate demon, I must not raise my head against him.
      St. Catherine of Siena

    • @alesanchez87
      @alesanchez87 7 місяців тому +8

      Funny, I've revived my faith thanks to him being less of a Church leader and more of God's flock shepherd.

    • @MarthaMyDear6
      @MarthaMyDear6 7 місяців тому +2

      @@PaoloGasparini-ux2kpSo follow the Pope’s guidance even if he you think he may possibly be a demon? I am not sure that is good advice.

    • @PaoloGasparini-ux2kp
      @PaoloGasparini-ux2kp 7 місяців тому +2

      @@MarthaMyDear6 "Father," said one of the young men to a friend of mine who is a priest, "I often hear criticisms against the Church. It is said that the men who represent it are not consistent, do not live the Gospel, but seek their own worldly interests. This justifies those who say that we can live ignoring God." The priest became sad but said, "Friend, go for a moment to Gethsemane. All the apostles fled. Jesus is chained and suffers at seeing himself alone, abandoned by his own (Mk 14:50). Would you also abandon him? Peter followed him, yes, but later denied him (Jn 18:17). Jesus, risen from the dead, said to him: 'Feed my sheep' (Jn 21:16). And to all the apostles who had fled: 'As the Father has sent me, so I send you. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven' (Jn 20:21,23). With whom do you stand?" The young man remained confused and silent. He had much to reflect upon and decide. The words came to his mind: "Overcome evil with good" (Rom 12:21). Despite everything, Martha, Jesus remained faithful to his promises.

  • @TT-tx5ng
    @TT-tx5ng 2 роки тому +291

    I was just imagining Moses coming down with the tablets of the Ten Commandments, and upon seeing the people he just led out from slavery acting up with the Golden Calf, laid down the tablets and had a dialogue with the people to get a consensus on how they feel about God’s commandments. Then, went up to God in the mountain to tell Him what the people thought. Who knows, maybe God would’ve reconsidered His commandments and rewritten them to meet the people halfway. Or maybe God would’ve written footnotes on each commandment to give room for exceptions. But He did not do any of those.

    • @mikazoftstrom2343
      @mikazoftstrom2343 2 роки тому +60

      Perfect comment. This is what I can’t understand about some of these people. They think the church should change or modernize despite the fact that every parable Jesus taught ends up with the discarding of the one’s that disobey God’s law.

    • @patriciavalencia2674
      @patriciavalencia2674 2 роки тому +22

      Your logic is flawed. At those days people did not have any understanding of much. We are at this time in history and in this country well read, or we can be if we choose so, learned or we can be if we choose so… there’s no time for “ blind faith”. That’s the reason young ppl are leaving the Church. There’s no logic in the teachings. A young mind will not accept a doctrine that is illogical “ magical” and that can not be argued agains. Jesus Himself welcomed intelligence and curiosity. He recognized it we praised it and in recognition of their superiority of mind taught them more and deeply. Please don’t forget we should not compare ourselves to the pple of 2000 3000 5000 years ago. We evolved and hopefully will not follow anyone blindly. Which is good. Blind faith is originated in fear and by peoples who have zero self reliance. I myself prefer to think of Jesus the man the human. We can’t relate to His divinity because in His divinity He is perfect. Perfection is Gods business. But as a man the Lord is approachable. By consistent exercises we can become excellent and emulate His live and understanding of our fellow pple. It reminds of Camu:
      Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
      Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
      Walk beside me… just be my friend
      Albert Camus
      As a friend and mentor and a fellow human we can better relate to one another.
      Peace in our hearts.

    • @ThePJGROTTE
      @ThePJGROTTE 2 роки тому +14

      So because you believe early isreal is stupid he is wrong?

    • @Angelina6518
      @Angelina6518 2 роки тому +29

      God is not ambiguous.

    • @Healme4
      @Healme4 2 роки тому +20

      Eggsactly. Milquetoast preaching and behavior was never God's M.O. The truth sets us free. Shades of gray destroy.

  • @jairodoc98
    @jairodoc98 2 роки тому +70

    Very interesting video Fr. Casey. As a follow up, I would love for you to meet with the individuals you basically called lairs, and openly discuss why they feel the Pope is weak or ambiguous. I don’t think calling them liars from afar does much in the way of building bridges or understanding. I enjoy many of your videos and thank you for all of them. But, I think with this one you need to put your money where your mouth is as the saying goes, and have public dialog with the individuals you just called out. Just my opinion

    • @snivithefox
      @snivithefox 2 роки тому +4

      He says "their words are pouring gasoline on a fire." He does not say that they are lying, but he insists they know what they are doing. I agree with most of them, but unfortunately I think they lead many into a poor place, where the faithful believe they don't have a shepherd, and the only salvation lies in their way or position.

    • @joselongo1601
      @joselongo1601 2 роки тому +1

      This kind of persons doesn't dialogue

  • @michaeljosephmouawad946
    @michaeljosephmouawad946 Рік тому +73

    Dear Father Casey, for those among us who happen to study the faith, who have read the Scriptures, the Catechisms, the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, who know the fundamentals dogmas of Our faith, who studied Church history, yes, for those of us to whom you are not now speaking, I say to you: Pope Francis is ambiguous. His teaching on marriage is ambiguous, his sanction of the Old Latin Rite (to which I do not belong) is ambiguous, his inability to properly dialog with those who do not agree with him (Cardinal Pell) leads to ambiguity. His allowance of a pagan statue inside the Church is by any stretch of the imagination ambiguous (and I won't say more).
    The most important command that Christ gave Peter is "feed my sheep," and while it is true that some of us are fortunate enough to learn the faith on our own, Christ commanded his laborers (you are included 😁) to teach and baptize. Most Catholics live in conditions that do not give them the leisure to read the Social Doctrine of the Church. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that every priest, every bishop, and the Holy Father speak with clarity, letting their yes be yes and their no be no. Your duty, my dear father is to uphold the teachings of the Church (yes, including the social teachings) and to feed your people with the Eucharist. That is the primary duty of the Holy Father, and the fact that you had to do this video to explain why he is not ambiguous, which was not necessary with any of his predecessors, is proof that he indeed is. Peace.

    • @CapitolPilot
      @CapitolPilot Рік тому +8

      Could not have said it better myself

    • @YaakovBuchner
      @YaakovBuchner Рік тому

      There is only one Holy Father, and it's not the Pope! The Catholic Catechism declares, that the Pope is infallible. He cannot be wrong, and everything he does is correct. And yet this pope is no different from any other. Just sinful men, who have sought glory, veneration, power, and wealth. Responsible for the death of millions of Christians, and currently leading over 1 billion souls to the pit with their pagan traditions of men.

    • @costa1788
      @costa1788 Рік тому

      Come to orthodoxy my friend

    • @dennishalford5763
      @dennishalford5763 Рік тому +4

      An excellent post!!! I fear it will fall on deaf ears though, with the liberal Father Casey!

    • @CapitolPilot
      @CapitolPilot Рік тому +5

      @@costa1788 while orthodoxy is beautiful, I suggest you dive deep into church history. Unfortunately I believe the Orthodox Church is in Schism. Not the Catholic church

  • @williamwalker4129
    @williamwalker4129 7 місяців тому +4

    The only thing that is black and white is Gods love for us.

  • @0531miggy
    @0531miggy Рік тому +33

    what can you say about the restriction of the latin mass?

    • @christiandpaul2022
      @christiandpaul2022 Місяць тому

      Good dfecision.

    • @nobodyexpectssi4654
      @nobodyexpectssi4654 6 днів тому

      Que, como la Misa en latín, no es budista o musulmana no es un camino para llevar a Dios. Probablemente

  • @JohnBrown-eb9yl
    @JohnBrown-eb9yl 2 роки тому +59

    “Doesn’t speak in absolutes...”. Then, why was the door on the Latin mass mostly slammed shut recently without warning, discussion, or synodal dialogue? Hhmm...

    • @arfink
      @arfink 2 роки тому +12

      It only seems sudden if you've ignored the last few decades of warnings, discussions, and synodal dialogues, and assume that the Pope just acted in a vacuum. But that's just being in denial.

    • @jaredxtian1
      @jaredxtian1 2 роки тому +5

      and you think Pope Francis woke up one morning and said, hmmm, I think I'm going to ban the Latin Mass. The pope merely accepted the recommendations of the Congregation of Divine Liturgy and Worship. This is what collegiality means.

    • @cbn9604
      @cbn9604 2 роки тому +1

      @@jaredxtian1 Strike 3. You are out.

    • @Mr._Anderpson
      @Mr._Anderpson 2 роки тому +3

      Yep. Pachypapa Francis is all about accompaniment & going out to those at the margins unless those at the margins are Traditional Catholics.
      Odd thing. There are about half a dozen parishes within an easy drive for me on Sunday. The only one I see growing is the traditional parish. I go there and see tons of kids, & babies being held in their parents' arms. A church without children is a church without a future.
      So, give it time. The Novus Ordo isn't eternal.

    • @jaredxtian1
      @jaredxtian1 2 роки тому

      @@cbn9604 Ha ha ha. your funny.

  • @HeyWatchItGuys
    @HeyWatchItGuys 2 роки тому +55

    Fr. Casey, I suggest that you have a dialog with those people you mentioned here. I do think they have a point as well to feel that way, probably a debate to hear both sides.

    • @heatherthompson6343
      @heatherthompson6343 2 роки тому +10

      Unfortunately, not much debate can be had with those that Fr. Casey mentions. I applaud Fr. Casey for referring to them directly as he does.

    • @caroc4327
      @caroc4327 2 роки тому +5

      @@heatherthompson6343 It doesn't have to be anyone he mentions. There are plenty of well-educated priests and laymen who love the Church and don't agree or understand many of the Pope's actions. To bring to debate these people would make his points stronger if in fact Fr. Casey is correct. I don't see how he is as he didn't touch on some of the crazier things that the Pope has done. And I'm not talking about what he's said or opinions, I'm talking about his actions.

    • @alondraceja9618
      @alondraceja9618 2 роки тому

      @@caroc4327 what actions?

    • @Mr._Anderpson
      @Mr._Anderpson 2 роки тому +3

      @@alondraceja9618 They don't call him the Pachypapa for no reason. But hey, far be it from me to criticize someone who would shuffle money from Peter's Pence to fund the Elton John biopic "Rocketman".
      The sad thing is Fr. Casey names people like Archbshop Vigano as pouring gasoline on a fire. Since the fire is coming from Francis, it might be wiser to address it rather than pretend all is well.

    • @caroc4327
      @caroc4327 2 роки тому +1

      @@alondraceja9618 there’s a whole comment thread that you can look in this comment section. I posted some and other people have added to it. This includes have the Patchmama on the altar, and priests bowing to it. As well as Biden saying Francis told him he was a good Catholic even though Biden wants to kill our babies and the Pope never made any statement that corrected him. This was while a group of bishops was trying to determine if Biden should be excommunicated from the church cause of his pro abortion stance. Again. There are many more actions. Not just words which is the only thing Father Casey defends with his arguments.

  • @luisbergantino1207
    @luisbergantino1207 10 місяців тому +61

    So, when Scott Hahn wrote an open letter to Pope Francis, calling him on his confusing statements, it was because Scott Hahn lacked catechesis?

    • @andrewstarrmd
      @andrewstarrmd 6 місяців тому +5

      I LOVE Scott Hahn, but after seeing this video, I would say Scott is trying to get clarity for those who have a harder time understanding. I think he fully understands what Pope Francis is teaching and doesn’t see it as confusing. It is confusing for those who have a harder time with ambiguity. Idk, just my postulations. Peace and love to you. I know your heart is hungry for the truth and I praise you for that.

    • @nilofc
      @nilofc 6 місяців тому +8

      @@andrewstarrmd I want some clarity too on why they prayed to the Pachumama, a pagan goddess, at the Vatican garden.

    • @igorlopes7589
      @igorlopes7589 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@andrewstarrmd The thing is that the confused are the majority, not everyone is a theologian

    • @CatholicNana
      @CatholicNana 4 місяці тому +2

      @@nilofc At the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist or that I'm saying this for my own gain, I don't need any clarity. That has been given when the prayers to pagan idols were said in a Catholic Church!!!???!!! This pope is confusing, ambiguous, and at best a very poor pope leading people astray. We've had bad popes before and the Church has survived, as Christ told us - the gates of hell shall not prevail. At worst, though, Francis is a Freemason infiltrator as depicted in the book AA-1025 and Infiltration and more books that give insight into the plans made long ago by the Freemasons that resulted in the post VII state of the Church.

    • @CatholicNana
      @CatholicNana 4 місяці тому +3

      @@igorlopes7589 You don't have to be a theologian to know when something is wrong. And it's obvious that something is very wrong in this pontificate.

  • @DManradios
    @DManradios 2 роки тому +28

    Fr. Casey, I've watched you for years and enjoy your teaching and perspective. I get my news from many sources, and when you say maybe people should get their perspective from more 'mainstream' sources, you fail to understand that the mainstream sources are not unbiased themselves and have a pretext narrative they're trying to push under the guise of balance. They predominantly left leaning. Many 'experts' they choose are selected specifically for their known view, and the voices of conservatives are not represented. Are the people you mentioned more conservative or Right leaning, yes they are. But by only identifying the more conservative people, you do yourself a disservice by not realizing your own bias. I am a conservative, and I love the Pope, and I still will watch and listen to you, because I listen to people of many perspectives, but you should consider looking more deeply at what you consider to be mainstream and the agenda that they subscribe to. There are many valid perspectives that the people you mentioned have, and to diminish them is well, kind of speaking in absolutes isn't it.

    • @maryangelica5319
      @maryangelica5319 2 роки тому +4

      Yeah I disagreed with finding more "mainstream" sources, but agreed with going back to the sources: i.e., the encyclicals and writings of the Popes and Councils, as well as the scriptures.

    • @DManradios
      @DManradios 2 роки тому +2

      @@maryangelica5319 yes, I agree with that as well.

  • @juanisaac5172
    @juanisaac5172 2 роки тому +75

    Father Cole, the pope is not beyond criticizing. One must not judge him though as in sending him to hell. I just disagree with him and wish he was more orthodox. Saint Paul got into Saint Peter's face: no sin there. Saint Catherine of Sienna went to the Pope in Avignon and told him he had to return to Rome: no sin there. I think the Pope needs to stop his attack on the Latin mass and stop praising Martin Luther. His other opinions based on Liberation Theology I do not care for. And classic Catholic thought is proto-Capitalism and not socialism. One gives because they want to and not because they are forced by the government.

    • @danielavivacristorey
      @danielavivacristorey 2 роки тому +6

      As you know the church has been infiltrated for over a hundred years by communists.
      Look up Bella Dodd. She helped thousands of communist men infiltrate the seminars. Who later were promoted to bishops, cardinals and now the seat of Peter.
      They are homosexual communists set to destroy the church. These are the men who have badly formed millions of priests, like the ones who defend these heretics.
      Holy priests are persecuted and kicked out of the church, while the liberals deformers of the faith are praised and promoted. We have reached the times where right is wrong, and wrong is right.
      Sorrowful Immaculate Heart Mary, Pray For US!
      God help us save our soul! We do deserve these heretical shepherds! God bless you!

    • @FriarJoe66
      @FriarJoe66 2 роки тому +2

      Socialism is much more complicated than “state-mandated giving”

    • @adamleetucker3964
      @adamleetucker3964 2 роки тому +7

      As was stated, popes have been pontificating on social justice, economics, the environment, labors rights etc long before Pope Francis and even before Marx. Modernist conservative are trying to make a connection between laissez faire capitalism and Catholicism that simply does not exist and never did. On the contrary, capitalism as we knew it grew from Calvinism and I’ll let you do your own research on that yourself. The church has condemned greed and usury since the beginning, with Saint Thomas Aquinas writing treatises on fair wages that would eventually be used by catholic labor activists.
      This does not mean the church was or is socialist. Socialism has a very specific definition that the American right uses out of context.
      It simply means the interests of the church and her teachings do not cater to capitalism. Never have and never will.
      I attend the TLM weekly and keep many of the old traditions that were sadly lost after Vatican II and I think heavy ecumenism is doing more harm than good; we are enabling heresy and damning peoples souls. I do wish the pope would leave the Latin mass communities alone

    • @juanisaac5172
      @juanisaac5172 2 роки тому +1

      @@adamleetucker3964 I agree with 90% of what you said. But the point I would like to emphasize is that the Catholic church practiced proto-capitalism where the Benedictine monks went to spread the Gospel in Germany and taught the local inhabitants how to make goods and take them to market. So they still owned their own time and labor. That system was still an improvement over the slave based economy of the Romans and the Feudal serf system of the Dark and Middle Ages. And some people would say that system is still better than the Laissez Faire capitalism of Adam Smith. I mean as your own boss you can decide your own vacation time and whether you need a vaccine shot or not. That is what I was referring to. Our education system teaches you how to be an employee. The real emphasis should be on how to become a entrepreneur. So the Benedictines had a leg up on the Calvinists. And yes you can make a very good case that modern Capitalism has its failures as well when divorced from the Gospel. One can see the environmental damage and exploitation of workers in Europe that Charles Dickens wrote about and is still happening in Asia today. The Jesuits had an economic system in Paraguay that was a hybrid socialist/capitalist economy. Some Catholic writers like E. Michael Jones advocate that. Thank you for your response.

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 роки тому

      However, Juan, Church teaching requires you (as you may know) to give to Francis "religious submission of mind and will" regarding his teaching as per Lumen Gentium 25: " This religious submission of mind and will must be shown in a special way to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even when he is not speaking ex cathedra; that is, it must be shown in such a way that his supreme magisterium is acknowledged with reverence, the judgments made by him are sincerely adhered to, according to his manifest mind and will. His mind and will in the matter may be known either from the character of the documents, from his frequent repetition of the same doctrine, or from his manner of speaking."

  • @malcolmkirk3343
    @malcolmkirk3343 2 роки тому +36

    More balanced? The Pope attended pagan worship in the Vatican gardens. He blessed pagan statues. Strange you didn't mention that.

    • @Rafael_de_Ibarramienda825
      @Rafael_de_Ibarramienda825 2 роки тому +2


    • @dand2760
      @dand2760 2 роки тому +1

      @@Rafael_de_Ibarramienda825 Am I to assume when you said homopapa Francis you’re calling him a homosexual? If so, isn’t that bearing false witness upon another person when you don’t even know his personal status in that way?

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 роки тому

      strange that you didn't mention that the Vatican clarified that there were no idols, only Amazonian symbols of life

  • @NessaRossini...
    @NessaRossini... 6 місяців тому +2

    All through the ages there have been good Popes and bad Popes.
    Jesus said ''And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.''
    WE are The Catholic Church!
    The important part is: Christ Jesus' Church is still prevailing even through the divisions against it, from both inside and outside, are attacking it.
    Please, let's stay together and keep Christ's Church Holy and undivided. 🙏🏼✝

  • @RobustMonster45
    @RobustMonster45 Рік тому +20

    My priest said something very interesting about people dividing the church. He was giving a homily on a section for the letter to Corinth where he talks about the divide between those for Paul and Apollos. He said that the church now suffers a similar problem. Some are for Benedict some for Francis some for John Paul. But he said that we should focus on Christ, like Paul said. Just wanted to share.

    • @janetoconnor3636
      @janetoconnor3636 Рік тому

      Your priest is misguided as are most of the comments on this site. Francis is nothing but an evil Antipope and has been for the last ten years since his election in 2013 was invalid.

    • @basiamurphy8469
      @basiamurphy8469 Рік тому +2

      Absolutely. Focusing on Christ and remembering that the Pharisees were interpreting God's law too, in the end refusing to recognise the Messiah. If like St Paul we live in Christ only, everything becomes clear & unifying. Why do we even have opinions about it? Jesus' teachings couldn't be clearer and that's a true gift from God.

  • @richardpinto7
    @richardpinto7 2 роки тому +28

    Father Casey, what is your opinion about the Synod of the Amazon region in the Vatican? What exactly happened there? Were pagan idols worshiped? Did the Pope then have these idols set on a Church Altar?

    • @danielavivacristorey
      @danielavivacristorey 2 роки тому +2

      As you know the church has been infiltrated for over a hundred years by communists.
      Look up Bella Dodd. She helped thousands of communist men infiltrate the seminars. Who later were promoted to bishops, cardinals and now the seat of Peter.
      They are homosexual communists set to destroy the church. These are the men who have badly formed millions of priests, like the ones who defend these heretics.
      Holy priests are persecuted and kicked out of the church, while the liberals deformers of the faith are praised and promoted. We have reached the times where right is wrong, and wrong is right.
      Sorrowful Immaculate Heart Mary, Pray For US!
      God help us save our soul! We do deserve these heretical shepherds! God bless you!

  • @fewoodjr
    @fewoodjr Рік тому +23

    Father Casey, I love your videos, but what you seem to overlook is that even experienced, well-seasoned clergy, including Master Catechists and well-armed Catholic apologists have issues with the Pope Francis' comments over the years. Like you, I agree that there are some who have exploited and are exploiting the sensationalism surrounding the controversies that have resulted. However, we've become so used to wonderful Popes in our recent past, it is hard to accept that an unpolished Pope may have ascended to the seat of Peter. I, too, believe Pope Francis is unquestionably Holy, but our history is peppered with Popes who didn't meet expectations, and Pope Francis may be one of them. While your compassion for him is noteworthy, he should be held accountable for the many controversial statements and acts. Unfortunately, Pope Francis DOES make ambiguous and seemingly contradictory statements, even though his encyclicals are wonderful. Those who oppose or question his statements are not creating a different Church, just very confused and, quite frankly, tired of defending his statements.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 Рік тому

      Compassion for Francis or hatred for those who question or disagree with Francis?
      It's a rhetorical question, of course.

  • @josephmae1519
    @josephmae1519 9 місяців тому +3

    The pope now is more and more turning to a diplomatic leader rather than a spiritual one. His Holiness is now turning back to the old days where popes are so tied to politics.
    There is nothing wrong with advocating for respect and climate change, but it should never be the main purpose of one's papacy.
    I pray that we all pray for our Pope, Francis. May, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother and Saints Peter and Paul, guidance and light from God be with him.

  • @Ruby-fq5lo
    @Ruby-fq5lo Рік тому +17

    Trying to abolish the beautiful sacred liturgy that is the Latin Mass is evidence in itself. Anyone who has attended one can truly be confused as to why a liturgy that is so reverent and glorifies God the most, is to be abandoned/severely restricted.

    • @taraelizabethdensley9475
      @taraelizabethdensley9475 6 місяців тому +2

      Sadly there is no Latin mass near where I live, at least not within easy travelling distance

  • @interianesq
    @interianesq 2 роки тому +98

    With respect, I suggest cutting out the sarcastic ending, i.e. wishing those who sympathize with Pope Francis' critics to 'enjoy the new church they are creating.' It added nothing to the message, came across as arrogant, unloving and unhelpful, and left a bad taste in my mouth after appreciating the video up until then. See Matthew 5:22; Ephesians 4:15. Excellent video otherwise.

    • @DoctorDewgong
      @DoctorDewgong 2 роки тому +15

      Why? If you don't follow the living teachings of the Catholic Church, you are not a Catholic. End of story. It needed to be said

    • @interianesq
      @interianesq 2 роки тому +32

      @@DoctorDewgong I was not critiquing the message so much as the way in which it was said. Sarcasm is not helpful when attempting to correct others.

    • @florian8599
      @florian8599 2 роки тому +15

      I think, it was needed to be said, as a warning to those who go _disloyal_ opposition to the Pope, that they are on their way towards being schismatic.

    • @pop6997
      @pop6997 2 роки тому +7

      Have you ever read the commentary under these peoples videos? Very many are shockingly hate filled! I'll say one thing for Fr. This post in NOT ambiguous....and it really was time to say it! Perhaps ask the ones he mentioned to 'tone it down'....you wont get far....they're just plugging themselves and dragging otherwise good Catholics in the wrong direction. We all need to pray the synod prayer together....united.

    • @helenare2006
      @helenare2006 2 роки тому +16

      Florian: You're all right. This priest is not showing Charity when using such sarcastic words. Let's be honest. Who is really causing division? those struggling to understand what's going on with the Church? Or those boasting "We are right, you sinners"...? That's pharisaic. God help this priest... And me, poor sinners.

  • @SealegsSam
    @SealegsSam Рік тому +9

    Will you make an update to this video considering he just denied the existence of hell?

  • @WendelRosaBorges
    @WendelRosaBorges 10 місяців тому +25

    I was raised in a Evangelical Protestant family and, with 18 years old, after reading a message from Pope Benedict XVI, I decided to convert. I had lessons on the catechism, was baptized and confirmed as a catholic christian. So I have immense gratitude for the predecessor Pope. When he abdicated, I feared for the Church. But I was taught to hope and believe in the action and power of the Holy Spirit. Then, the Church, guided by this same Spirit of Life, chose Francis as successor of Saint Peter. I pray for him, I trust him, and I hope more Catholics trust him as what he is: the chosen one to guide us through these turbulent times.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 місяців тому +2

      The St Gallen mafia in a direct affront to Pope JohnPaul ll's Magisterial teaching "chose Francis as successor of Saint Peter". He is our Pope. But you should not trust him but examine what he says very critically. Formal ex cathedra papal teaching alone is infallible.

    • @ignatiusjackson235
      @ignatiusjackson235 9 місяців тому +1

      God bless you, brother. I couldn't agree more. We are blessed to have had Benedict and Francis alike.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 9 місяців тому +2

      The Pope is the first and supreme bishop of Christ's Church, but he is not "the chosen one" but merely a worker in the vinyard.

  • @kalenbogart4482
    @kalenbogart4482 2 роки тому +207

    I was raised by a mother who had a poor experience as a catholic, and a father pretty ambivalent to faith.
    I never attended church and until my late 20’s I was an avowed atheist.
    2 things convinced me to be baptized and attend church: a joke on a podcast, and folks like you.
    The joke was Marc Maron, when he said “you know, if churches are all about hate, how come I’ve never seen an atheist soup kitchen?”
    People like you, with an examined and open minded faith, were the other reason.
    Full disclosure, I am Episcopalian, not catholic. But I’m nonetheless thankful for you.
    Please keep sharing your views, please keep up the good work. I’m a big fan. You’re a service to your church and to the very notion of positive and productive faith.

    • @BobHutton
      @BobHutton 2 роки тому +12

      Atheism is, by and large, a lack of belief in a God or gods. Saying the are no atheist soup kitchens is like saying there are no non-golfer soup kitchens. Does that mean everybody should become a golfer? There are plenty of secular charities. Here are a few that come to mind:
      - Amnesty International
      - Children International
      - Red Cross
      - Medicin Sans Frontieres
      - Oxfam
      - UNICEF
      I am a non-believer, but am quite happy to support religious charities, provided the funds do not go towards proselytising.
      It could also be argued that an atheist involved with a charity is being far more noble that a religious person doing it for a reward in the afterlife (or to avoid eternal damnation).

    • @mollyjames9534
      @mollyjames9534 2 роки тому +4

      @@BobHutton Btw I am super glad you are involved with charities. But doesn't an atheist or really anybody who does charity do it for either personal gratification or to get praise or recognition from those around them. I mean don't we all subconsciously or not in a way care what others think and want validation for our work. Idk this is just my perspective from my time on earth. Have a good day awesome human, happy almost March.

    • @BobHutton
      @BobHutton 2 роки тому +5

      @@mollyjames9534 Sure. People have all sorts of motives for their actions and I'm not going to claim that I know what is going on in other people's minds. It's just that religious motivation is more overtly inspired by long-term gain (or avoiding long-term pain).
      My main point was the lack of something rarely motivates collectivisation. (You don't get many non-golf clubs).
      Thank-you for your well wishes. All the best to you too. (BTW, I don't take offence at people saying they are praying for me. I don't think it will do any good, but I appreciate the sentiments involved.)

    • @joelarkin4268
      @joelarkin4268 2 роки тому

      @@BobHutton What causes a person to be an atheist ?

    • @mollyjames9534
      @mollyjames9534 2 роки тому

      @@joelarkin4268 Personally I am not atheist but from atheists, I have met most of them actually didn't flat out strictly believe in no divine presence. They just did not know how to define that presence. Thus they genuinely were curious and searching, potentially believing there could be something, but not having a strict definition of what that something was. A sort of spaghetti monster in the sky scenario I guess.
      @o3depleter probably has more personal experience, I believe they or someone else whose atheist can definitely give a better answer.
      Take care

  • @fireoflife
    @fireoflife 2 роки тому +47

    It would be interesting to see how you would address the specific criticisms, that have been raised by Burke, Vigano, Marshall, et al. This video comes off as a bit dismissive, and ad hominem. Just my take.

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 2 роки тому +4

      Nobody with a brain takes TM seriously.

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 роки тому +4

      I think that would be a long video, but I think Fr. Casey could do it. Burke, Vigano, and Marshall are all really quite dullminded when it come to Thomistic analysis of Francis' teaching. For example, Serge-Thomas Bonino (cf his article in "The Thomist") explains why Amoris Laetitia is morally sound. Burke the canon lawyer is a lousy Thomist. Marshall is quasi Protestant and a poor strict-observance Thomist (which was rejected at Vatican II). Vigano is basically a senile conspiracy theorist. Truly a bunch of dummies when it comes to analyzing Francis' work. Just my take lol.

  • @mitchmoore3286
    @mitchmoore3286 Рік тому +20

    I would love to see a video of you reviewing Ralph Martin's "A Church In Crisis" and tell me with a straight face that he is ill-intentioned, uninformed, or lying about the confusion and corruption surrounding Francis' pontificate. I take your point about learning more about Church tradition and teaching by reading the important encyclicals. But your take here is way too one-sided to take seriously.

  • @lSineMentel
    @lSineMentel 10 місяців тому +11

    He also recently started turning on American Catholics in favor of siding with our government in saying we are lost because the disagreement a lot of us have with the progressive movement

    • @martin02031958
      @martin02031958 7 місяців тому

      It´s unacceptable, it´s political pressure, he is not entitled to do it!!!

  • @sandraatkins2539
    @sandraatkins2539 Рік тому +27

    Many Catholics say they are poorly catechized, but if you talk to many of our Protestant siblings, you will discover that they memorize Bible verses. However, they have very little knowledge about their faiths.

    • @tracychristenson177
      @tracychristenson177 Рік тому +2

      There is a difference between memorizing the words and understanding meaning in context.

  • @kenfuller7374
    @kenfuller7374 Рік тому +8

    A young Catholic girl asked the pope, “My friends do not go to Church, but they are my friends. Do I have to help them to go to Church or is it enough that they remain good friends?” Don’t bother, the pope replied: “It is not licit that you convince them of your faith; proselytism is the strongest poison against the ecumenical path.” On several occasions, Pope Francis has told Protestant leaders that they should remain Protestants.

    • @janetoconnor3636
      @janetoconnor3636 Рік тому +1

      No he says that but he also means EVANGELIZING as well. It is called indifferentism or syncratism one faith is good as the other and it is heretical. OUTSIDE THE CHURCH THERE IS NO SALVATION.

    • @agnes8679
      @agnes8679 Рік тому +2

      Completely different from what Our Lord tells his apostles to do in the Bible. You will know them by their fruits.
      Let's not forget, the biggest act of charity is to share the Gospel and introduce God to others. If they reject us, we dust our feet off, but we must do it.
      To not evangelize your own friends, is the opposite of charity and love.

    • @kevinrussell1144
      @kevinrussell1144 Рік тому

      @@janetoconnor3636 You're saying that Francis is a heretic. From your lips to God's ear. I suspect his real faith is the Marxist Manifesto.

    • @caedanreilly820
      @caedanreilly820 Рік тому +1

      This is probably the most tragic thing i have heard about him and i have heard many. He needs so much prayer. " proselytism is the strongest poison against the ecumenical path.” If we believe we truly have Christ present in the Eucharist and the fullness of faith how could we not share it. It grieves me he is a poor example of a pope and needs prayers..... first for his salvation and then for conversion.

    • @kevinrussell1144
      @kevinrussell1144 Рік тому

      ​@@caedanreilly820 Who would ever think him infallible, whether speaking as Pope or Joe Blow, whether gay or unhappy?
      Evangelize is good, proselytize is bad? Says who, the bar-bouncer of a Pope?
      Is he pope because he breathed in the white smoke, wears funny clothes and a big ring, and is sympathetic to trannies and homosexuals? Radix malorum est......love of unearned consequence.
      Francis is a Marxist, not a Christian.

  • @christianking7621
    @christianking7621 2 роки тому +159

    "Rather then silencing and demoting his critics as his predecessors did". I think that's a pretty bold statement to say.

    • @kristianpowell3760
      @kristianpowell3760 2 роки тому +46

      Francis removed Cardinal Burke from his prominent role as the Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signitura… to make him the Patron of the Order of Malta, a purely symbolic role.

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 2 роки тому +9

      @@kristianpowell3760 That’s his prerogative. What’s your point- other than to show the holy father in a poor light?

    • @mmhac770
      @mmhac770 2 роки тому +4

      Besides being UNTRUE, unless that's what you are eluding too.

    • @kristianpowell3760
      @kristianpowell3760 2 роки тому +45

      @@G-MIP he only did it because Cardinal Burke is a critic of his… he’s silencing and demoting them, just like his predecessors did. He’s allowed to do it sure, and maybe he was justified in doing so, but don’t pretend he doesn’t demote and silence his critics.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 2 роки тому +2

      And whether true or not ( I think not) it is an unnecessarily divisive casual slight of which I feel sure he was unaware.

  • @sandraelder1101
    @sandraelder1101 Рік тому +22

    You referred to people who criticize him as his “enemies.” Those I’ve heard raise concerns are respectful, faithful, well-catechized Catholics who love the Church and say they love Pope Francis too.
    You also said there was “little between” those who think he’s great and those who think him a heretic. That’s also not what I’m seeing. The majority of Catholics I know or follow who have concerns about him are in that middle camp - love and respect him but don’t agree with some of his statements, actions, or inactions.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Рік тому +2

      Whistleblowers aren’t enemies.
      Thank You, King, Lord, Savior Jesus for every Son & Daughter of yours who lives, teaches, preaches The Gospel.
      May sincere Truth Seekers to find their way to You through
      The Gospel (spoken & written).
      The deceived are many.
      Mike Gendron is on youtube specifically for Catholics.

    • @patrickstoops1584
      @patrickstoops1584 9 місяців тому

      Agreed. Father Cole is very malicious in his assessments of those who have reasonable an justified questions of Francis.

    • @susanwright4414
      @susanwright4414 9 місяців тому

      Bishop Strickland basically called Pope Francis the antichrist. That's devisive.

  • @Immortal-Daiki
    @Immortal-Daiki Рік тому +119

    I've been going to Catholic schools all my life, from elementary school all the way to the university I go to. As a consequence of that and my being Catholic, I've learned to read a lot of Church documents especially ones concerning our social doctrine. Reading these plus the Bible and taking part in Catholic life has helped me come to understand more about the Mother Church and make me closer to the Catholic family
    Even if a Catholic isn't or couldn't go to a Catholic school, I recommend going to Catechism classes hosted by the parish

    • @edwardbaker1331
      @edwardbaker1331 Рік тому

      Provided they are not taught by Catholic anti-Catholic bigots, which is rare since most Catholics are anti-Catholic bigots.

    • @johnholmes6667
      @johnholmes6667 Рік тому +8

      The Catechism of Trent is easy to read and trustworthy. The Baltimore Catechism was tossed out by the Modernists post Vatican II but is as valuable for children learning the Faith as are the basic math facts to learning higher level math. I feel sorry for this priest who intends to do good but has been so deceived! Pray for him..

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 9 місяців тому

      As an Adult who entered the Church via RCIA, I would love extra classes, online materials outlined to progress from “Cradle-Catholic” on up. You Tube has a wealth of information and too many book recommendations (Mr Whoo: ANOTHER Amazon?!? I’m always afraid it won’t be available later).
      I admit, I don’t have the first clue about the zillions of Vatican and Papal docs unless it comes up in a documentary, and, no, I haven’t tried to grope my way thru The Vatican Website. I do research The Church Drs, Fathers and Saints. I have a copy of Apochrypha .
      I come from a background of “sunday school” for everyone followed by Church, where the Sermon was interactive, in that we now turned to whatever text ~~~
      I miss that part (thats all).

    • @patrickstoops1584
      @patrickstoops1584 9 місяців тому +2

      @@johnholmes6667 I agree. The Baltimore and Trent Catechisms read more like they should: Instruction manuals. The CCC is good, but it's EXTREMELY dense and verbose. I'm looking forward to Bishop Schneider's new Catechism.

  • @notsurewewillsee
    @notsurewewillsee 2 роки тому +20

    I think at the end of the video, you became the thing you were talking against. Little sad. I would recommend if you want to be neutral don’t say names. If you want to call people out, do it in a different video where you can tell people point by point what is wrong. Honestly the ending sounded like you can’t trust those other people only trust the Catholic Church approved sources. My view is truth is truth and it will always come out, no matter who says it.

  • @deborahdukes6096
    @deborahdukes6096 Рік тому +106

    Great video ! As a former Protestant I believe that sometimes the Pope doesn’t consider how people outside Catholicism will perceive his words. And the media doesn’t help by twisting his words either. He needs to be more specific and clarify some of the things he says. Like Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, most people don’t hate the Catholic Church, they just hate what they THINK it is.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 Рік тому +5

      Your theory presupposes the the MSM doesn't support Pope Francis.
      He's been on the cover of 'Time' on 5 occasions and the the oldest gay rights magazine in the United States named Pope Francis its "Person of the Year" for 2013.
      They may have lost their earlier manic enthusiasm but they recognise him as one of their own ideologically.
      And they certainly do hate the Catholic Church.
      Which rather begs the question.

    • @honeybeequeen5109
      @honeybeequeen5109 10 місяців тому

      @@Jimboken1 Or the MSM is twisting Pope Francis’ words to fit their own agenda and falsely claiming the Catholic Church now aligns with their beliefs. This is false. What better way for them to undermine the church and cause confusion? They also want justification for their world view. I find it strange how much people question the MSM but them believe everything they read about the pope. They misunderstand Catholic social teaching and want to craft it their own image.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 9 місяців тому

      I just love everything about Bishop, ABp? Fulton Sheen.
      Even back when I wasn’t supposed to like Catholics. There’s something about beautiful handwriting on a chalkboard that a computer just can’t capture~~~

    • @patrickstoops1584
      @patrickstoops1584 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Jimboken1 Plus, more than 10 interviews with pseudo-journalist Eugenio Scalfari...

  • @DavGre
    @DavGre 10 місяців тому +42

    Came here after the dismissal of Bishop Strickland. I think there’s more than meets the eye with Pope Francis that can’t be just hand-waived away as simple consensus-based leadership style rather than top-down leadership style.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 9 місяців тому +8

      Something seems decidedly askew ~~~

    • @erinbarocio147
      @erinbarocio147 9 місяців тому +4

      Knowing Pope Francis there was a good reason to remove the Bishop

    • @susanwanke9933
      @susanwanke9933 9 місяців тому

      What do you mean by this, Erin? @@erinbarocio147

    • @str.77
      @str.77 9 місяців тому +3

      @@erinbarocio147 So you just that he had a proper reason that he for some reason keeps secret. If so, why lot put the bishop on trial?

    • @prayunceasingly2029
      @prayunceasingly2029 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@str.77Strickland seems like he may have been a sedevacantist and vocally opposed the pope in a fairly negative way. Basically bad mouthed his superior. Its likely no one can do that in a hierarchy and keep their position.

  • @kingapple9141
    @kingapple9141 Рік тому +75

    My duty as a Catholic must pray for the Pope Francis the clergyman and for the whole church praise the Lord Jesus Christ

    • @DJScootagroov
      @DJScootagroov Рік тому +1

      I pray he steps down.

    • @kingapple9141
      @kingapple9141 Рік тому +2

      @@DJScootagroov non catholic

    • @YaakovBuchner
      @YaakovBuchner Рік тому +1

      Why would the Pope need prayer if he's infallible and speaks for God? Christians know; I pray one day Catholics will also.

    • @kingapple9141
      @kingapple9141 Рік тому +1

      @@YaakovBuchner what

    • @DJScootagroov
      @DJScootagroov Рік тому +4

      @@YaakovBuchner the pope is a man, as capable as any of us. But he’s far more knowledgeable about spiritual matters so he’s a trusted leader. However when he speaks from the throne of Peter he is preserved from error. This has only happened 4 times in all of history.
      Also. Catholics are Christians.

  • @VinceAsbjornsen
    @VinceAsbjornsen 2 роки тому +20

    Not a major fan of Marshall, but Pope Francis called the woman who spearheaded Italy's pro-abortion movement "one of Italy's greats."
    I don't care about the controversy between Novus Ordo or Traditional Latin Mass, but Pope Francis' words regarding the aforementioned woman and his friendly fraternization with Nancy Pelosi, who is so pro-abortion, is where I draw the line.
    Abortion is a total black and white issue that can have no ambiguity.
    Francis is too soft on those who carry out such evil.

    • @welchit
      @welchit 2 роки тому +1


    • @javierseguram1167
      @javierseguram1167 2 роки тому +1

      "Enjoy your new church"
      Father Casey.

    • @luluq01
      @luluq01 2 роки тому +1

      Pope Francis had never come out to deny that abortion is an intrinsic evil. If he refers or communicate with others with different opinion, his opinion doesn’t change, but he meets those people where they are at that moment in their lives and tries through respectful dialogue to show them there is another way.

    • @VinceAsbjornsen
      @VinceAsbjornsen 2 роки тому

      @@luluq01 He doesn't dialogue with them, though. Mother Teresa called out abortion when she spoke in front of the Clintons. Pope John Paul II called it out all the time.
      The issue is that Francis doesn't even try to speak the truth to pro-abortion "Catholics" who are in positions of affecting public policy.
      Francis may be the legitimate Pope, but I do not have personal respect for him.
      The "seamless garment" is an evil concept that Jesuits seem to hold in high regard.

    • @luluq01
      @luluq01 2 роки тому

      @@VinceAsbjornsen So very sorry you feel that way and can’t see beyond that. I see a lot more and admire him greatly. I see a Pope most especially chosen for where the Church is at this point in time. I suppose there is room for both points of view. God bless.

  • @OneCatholicSpeaks
    @OneCatholicSpeaks 2 роки тому +13

    Just out of curiosity... when Popes took a more top down style of leadership... when did they stifle discussion?
    With Pope Francis, I don’t think it is a matter of sacrificing reason or clarity. I think most critics are looking for an anchor with which they can use (as a point of reference) to make sense of the turmoil going on in the world.

  • @curly_dock
    @curly_dock 10 місяців тому +2

    I can appreciate the claim that many of the Pope's detractors have knowingly misinformed their followers. But for a Pope who so emphasizes synodality and accompaniment, those countless faithful Catholics of good-will who were nourished deeply by Mass in the Extraordinary Form seemed not to be included in the conversation. This is a considerable wound to many who genuinely love the Lord and wish to obey the Church, especially when liturgical abuses within the Novus Ordo seem to go unaddressed.

  • @Carvata
    @Carvata 2 роки тому +258

    I don't feel like this matches what I see. As a layman maybe what I'm exposed to is just different that what you see day to day. I don't know the people you've referenced, but I have seen people like Trent Horn, Brian Holdsworth or Matt Fradd struggle with things Pope Francis says. These are folks who as far as I can tell are very well informed on the faith and strive toward the principle of charity. Communication is a two way street, and it requires a listener who's willing to be fair. But a larger onus is on the speaker to communicate effectively. If the folks that I mentioned are struggling to defend and explain things he says, that seems an indication that he is not communicating effectively.
    Maybe I'm truly not the target audience of this Video. But as is, it's hard to watch this and not feel like the message is, if I struggle, question or have serious concerns about things Pope Francis says, then it's because I'm 1) ignorant, 2) only really respect authoritarians and not egalitarians, 3) aren't sophisticated enough to realize the life is messy and full of nuance and/or 4) am too closed minded, tribal or egotistical. I think it's unlikely that this is your intent. But it is the way it feels.

    • @RicardoRocha-lg1xo
      @RicardoRocha-lg1xo 2 роки тому +46

      You have conveyed my feeling very accurately. Sure, Marshall and Voris seem excessively vitriolic to mee, even if they do have valid points sometimes, but Fradd and Holsworth are very much the opposite and they too have similar concerns regarding Pope Francis (as I do).
      And if the last two years have taught me anything, it’s that conspiracy theories are more and more often spoiler alerts rather than absolute nonsense.

    • @mariefricchione437
      @mariefricchione437 2 роки тому +15

      The fact that this Pope is so CONTROVERSIAL ( confusing and opposite of what we learned) shows that he should definitely resign!

    • @dianajanna7228
      @dianajanna7228 2 роки тому +12

      Makes sense you feel this way when you watch Trent Horn, Brian Holdsworth and Matt Fradd 😅 like fr. Casey said, have you read for your self the church documents he mentioned in the beginning?

    • @Julian-bq9qv
      @Julian-bq9qv 2 роки тому +25

      @@dianajanna7228 I have. And have seen better theology from a second year theology student.

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 2 роки тому +42

      The trivialization of the damage that confusion does to the faith should not be underestimated. Denying that Pope Francis spreads confusion is like denying that the sun rises in the morning.

  • @noahmarx8297
    @noahmarx8297 2 роки тому +65

    "Everyone loves justice, but few have time for mercy"

    • @Winston-op5de
      @Winston-op5de Рік тому +2

      Noah Marx - Beautifully said, but now a days, mercy is carried on to an extem. I will add: behaviors have consequences.

    • @pattyamato8758
      @pattyamato8758 Рік тому +2

      @@Winston-op5de You're right - behavior does have consequences. That doesn't negate or take away from mercy. We must be merciful as God is merciful with us. Let's say my child in a fit of anger, breaks a toy. I can forgive him, I can sympathize, but the child will still have the consequences of their actions, no toy.

    • @SuperLuckao
      @SuperLuckao Рік тому

      @@Winston-op5de take beam out of oo an eye. Let he who has no sin cast the 1st stone. Get to know what Jesus taught.

  • @elmatador8857
    @elmatador8857 Рік тому +24

    Confusing is one thing, how about bad policy? Look at what he's doing to faithful religious orders, traditional mass goers, and the considerations being made with holy communion. Just to name a few...

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Рік тому +4

      “Is the Pope catholic?”
      Used to be able to say such
      when the answer to a question was an absolute “YES”.

    • @InExcelsisDeo24
      @InExcelsisDeo24 6 місяців тому

      The traditionalists have shot themselves in the collective foot. The weaponisation of the Latin mass has gotten out of hand and he needs to deal with that. And honestly, if you want to be a traditionalist, much of the bible was written in Greek. There was Hebrew and Aramaic. The argument for Latin as original is baseless.

  • @SolidSnake0
    @SolidSnake0 5 місяців тому +6

    Francis does silence his critics, what are you talking about? Look up "The 25 Victims of Fancis's 'Mercy'" if you're misinformed. And where in the catechism does it say, allow Mccarick style priests to openly join the church? What in the catechism supports the pope's call for civil unions? There's no ambiguity about what he's doing. He is acting directly against church doctrine and the scriptures.

  • @neilwalkowski3063
    @neilwalkowski3063 2 роки тому +68

    Thank you. I've read all of Pope Francis' encyclicals and they are proper Catholic teaching and wonderful in their challenges to us as the faithful... However I disagree, his public comments on particular modern issues have created confusion. I pray everyday for our Pope to speak the Truth of Jesus with clarity.

    • @murphyfamily6927
      @murphyfamily6927 2 роки тому +4

      All of them? Including the footnotes?

    • @gabrielmunoz2992
      @gabrielmunoz2992 2 роки тому +2

      No they are not they have venen

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 2 роки тому +1

      You mean, “The false propaganda Headlines” have created confusion.
      The actual words, in proper context, of Pope Francis do not create any confusion. -Only to those who are naive and fall prey to the gamed headlines.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 2 роки тому

      Laudato Si: "Humanity is called to recognise the need for changes of lifestyle, production and consumption, in order to combat this warming or at least the human causes which produce or aggravate it."
      Just explain how this opinion is "proper Catholic teaching"?
      I could do a laundry list of such examples.
      Do you ascribe evil intent to all those who ask for clarification of his position or teachings?
      Because one thing is certain Pope Francis either ignores them or responds: "I will say nothing about it."

  • @christinacanto3740
    @christinacanto3740 Рік тому +54

    Sometimes confusion is born from people not knowing the truth to begin with

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 Рік тому +2

      Not knowing that you don't know is comfortable.

    • @nikadgod5152
      @nikadgod5152 Рік тому +6

      Pope Francis does things that contradict many prior Pope's. Ex. Taking away the right of priests to practice the Latin mass in their parish if they choose too. Now it can only be done by special dispensation. Pope Benedict declared that the Latin mass and NO mass are the same mass and equally valid. Pope Francis has renounced that. He's a problem of major confusion for the seat of Peter

    • @YaakovBuchner
      @YaakovBuchner Рік тому

      @@nikadgod5152 Peter had nothing to do with Catholicism! You're taught that the Pope cannot make a mistake as the "Vicar" of Christ. That what he decrees on the throne is the literal Word of God. And according to the Catholic decree, anyone that would say otherwise is "Anathema". What a Pope decrees is eternally true as well, and cannot be altered or changed by another Pope. I'd suggest Catholics start taking note of these glaring hypocrisies. Catholicism has never been Christian!

    • @nikadgod5152
      @nikadgod5152 Рік тому

      @@gilcostello3316 trust me. Pope Francis doesn't want ongoing catechisis. Most parishes in my area do that and are considered "rad trad" for it.

    • @jacksparrow1057
      @jacksparrow1057 Рік тому

      @@nikadgod5152 you think you are a god nika?

  • @luisylaaudiotecadebabel
    @luisylaaudiotecadebabel Рік тому +90

    I have a critique of this video. But first a big thanks for all your work and the good points you make here. I will start reading more the works of Pope Francis. I do consider him a very intelligent person, and I had liked many of the things he had shared in his homilies. I love your videos. I am subscribed and I am thankful. Now, in this one, I felt you were going around the big elephant in the room: how Pope Francis has reduced, cornered the access to Latin mass to parishes and people that want it. Some will even say that he is attacking the ones that love our tradition, some traditionalist talk about feeling abused. I can see their point. Clearly. I think that specific critique has been backed up by the facts (Pope's words and actions), as far as I know. Also, how "quiet" he has remained about the imprisoment of the bishop of Nicaragua, and other priests there. Those are valid critiques. And serious issues. In your video I hear you talk about general things, but not addressing the bone of it. It made it harder to listen to you, and even cringe at how you did so much gymnastics were into this video to avoid addressing directly the issue. I am saying all this with respect and appreciation of your work. And honesty. Thanks for reading, for your great video, and your service for the Church and our Lord. Lovingly, Luis

    • @rachybos
      @rachybos Рік тому +2

      Hmm, we have a Latin Mass every Sunday and Holyday right in the Cathedral here in Boston. No controversy here. It's available for all who may prefer it as well as anyone who might be curious about a Latin Mass.

    • @luisylaaudiotecadebabel
      @luisylaaudiotecadebabel Рік тому +14

      ​@@rachybos the exceptions to the rule do not deny the rule. Yes, there are latin masses but far and in between and very hard to get for all the bureaucracy and hoops, and brakes really, that have been established in this papacy. That is just a fact. Also the Pope has treated condescendently the people that love the tradition, he has said something along the lines that "they need our mercy".

    • @marymadelynevangelista9799
      @marymadelynevangelista9799 Рік тому +1

      Please, are you saying that the Pope's call for more grace amongst us to be a condescending call? True mercy is never condescending. True grace is always undeserved mercy. This Catholic stuff that we are called to by Jesus Christ is neither simple nor easy. Sometimes it feels impossible even when it is not impossible. I have been the recipient of so much grace and so that I is why I had to type this. If you need a Latin Mass , then please go find who is the priest and tell them you need to be there, I am willing to bet somebody will help arrange for you to be there every Sunday because that is what Catholics do. @@luisylaaudiotecadebabel

    • @luisylaaudiotecadebabel
      @luisylaaudiotecadebabel Рік тому

      that is the whole point: even if I go (and I went already!) to ask for it, the new obstacles put in place to have Latin Mass had made it extremely difficult to make it happen. I am not sure if you are familiar with that. @@marymadelynevangelista9799

    • @yucol5661
      @yucol5661 Рік тому +1

      Really? The biggest issue to you is Latin Mass? That’s like throwing your car away because you didn’t like the color

  • @kevinhdo90
    @kevinhdo90 6 місяців тому +2

    Not trying to create a new Church.
    Just disagree with the current pope and his approaches, as well as inserting his political stance as a religious leader. Jordan Peterson said it best, "The pope was focusing on climate issues when the world is in need of religious guidance."

  • @Martinus777
    @Martinus777 2 роки тому +13

    My only problem with the Pontificate is a very heavy handed approach to the Latin mass. I really love it and I cannot understand why this rite is being curbed.

    • @BreakingInTheHabit
      @BreakingInTheHabit  2 роки тому +5

      Largely because of point number 4.

    • @michaelbrennan6596
      @michaelbrennan6596 2 роки тому +7

      @@BreakingInTheHabit tossing the baby out with the bath water I guess.

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 2 роки тому +12

      @@BreakingInTheHabit Show charity to all except the orthodox? Doesn't sound fair and charitable to me.

  • @voz805
    @voz805 Рік тому +16

    To learn more about our Faith as Father Casey suggests, Father Mike Schmitz (of the Holy Bible in a year fame) has just started The Catechism in a year journey two days ago through the Ascension Presents channel. May the peace of the Lord be with you always.

    • @gwenewing6837
      @gwenewing6837 Рік тому

      He's so difficult to follow. Talks so fast

  • @okk4655
    @okk4655 9 місяців тому +6

    The evil found his way to the catholic church...

  • @stephensylvester9171
    @stephensylvester9171 2 роки тому +20

    I've seen a couple of your videos Father Casey and I must say you're very intelligent. But the problem with being too intelligent is that you tend to over intellectualize very simple problems! I've been following the discuss from the inception of this pontificate and I must say that the Holy Father has mastered the art of deliberate ambiguity. The "chair" he occupies exists for the purpose of teaching the faithful entrusted to his care! Why hasn't he responded to the dubia from amoris laetitia? You have concluded that Cardinal Burke and the rest are against the Holy Father because they are asking for clarity? Was St Paul wrong in rebuking St Peter in Galatians 2:11?How did you know the intention of Cardinal Burke? It's God that truly knows the heart of man Father! If the Holy Father is open to everyone, why did he refuse to grant a simple audience to the dubia cardinals? We all love the Holy Father! He is our father and he has a responsibility to care for every single one of his children. Those working to undermine the Holy Father will answer to God, but please stop making excuses for the Holy Father because he is definitely going to answer to God as well!

  • @romapaul47
    @romapaul47 Рік тому +100

    Thank You Fr Casey - I am often confused by Pope Francis, the Vatican is often having to clarify or spin things he says, people he appoints to important committees, etc so yes I am confused at times. If he was something other then the Pope of the Catholic Church I may be a little more understanding but I converted to the Catholic Faith over 20 years ago for clear direction from a love for my lustful, sinful life. Now I can't make heads or tails concerning sin from what comes out of the Vatican on his watch, he's the Pope - Let your yes be yes and your no be no. I will pray for him, please pray for me. God Bless!

    • @Blackjackwhiskey
      @Blackjackwhiskey Рік тому +15

      The main problem about Pope Francis is the leftist allegiance that he brings up as Bergoglio. I pray for God to help him overcome this mistake. But historically, he is not the worst Pope at all! Our church had terrible Popes in the past. Much worse, actually. We don't dissolve families because of one bad member, even if it is the chief (at least we shouldn't). He is far from being a good pope, but the church should remain always united!

    • @bullyboy131
      @bullyboy131 Рік тому +4

      @@Blackjackwhiskey No matter what a Pope does it doesn't change the church's teaching. What Pope is worse than Francis?

    • @yucol5661
      @yucol5661 Рік тому

      @@bullyboy131 tons of popes are worse!!! You never heard of the medieval head of state popes that killed tons of people? The ones with orgies and the ones who stole even more money than today? We have gone a long way up! People have made lots of improvement in the behavior standards we put on our leaders, the pope included.

    • @bullyboy131
      @bullyboy131 Рік тому +9

      @@yucol5661 I have, and they were called out on their scandalous behavior. There was even a nun that scolded a pope back to Rome. But one can argue if what they did was worse than allowing an idol to be placed on the alter, or allowing a priest who is for abortion and an outspoken champion of the LGBTQ community to continue to lead a parish.

    • @haselstrauch1688
      @haselstrauch1688 Рік тому +3

      @@bullyboy131 well, he is the worst "modern" pope we have. But historicaly speaking, there were popes who had very sinful lifes in private, having many affairs, etc.
      Sales of indulgences is one prime example of transfigured theology that was invented by popes.
      This is, why I dont believe in catholicism, but in Christ and the bible only.
      I do visit catholic mess and officially am a member, because I do believe that catholicism is what we have closest to early christianity, but at the same time it is not unfailable and it did do many wrongs in its history.

  • @fifalacious
    @fifalacious 2 роки тому +26

    Did he just say “change your news to something more mainstream?” 😂 wow

    • @noramalterud1276
      @noramalterud1276 2 роки тому +4

      I guess you probably didn’t understand what he tried to say. There are plenty of news sources that will go off bat and not relevant. When he means mainstream, he probably mean the news of the church that will keep you on the right road.

    • @Terra.E.
      @Terra.E. 2 роки тому

      I second what Nora said, but also, even if we are talking about the “news” news, if you like to watch more politically conservative channels, I would just take whatever they say about the Pope with a grain of salt. 1. The majority of their audience is not Catholic and if you’re in the US/Canada, it’s going to be probably be white evangelical. 2. News channels in general tend to go out of their way to misjudge and characterize Pope Francis as this ‘woke and leftist pope’. It’s part of why Cardinals and other church officials are always having to go back and clean up the mess. It’s not even that he’s saying things that are really controversial, but the News definitely tries to make him seem at odds with official church teaching sometimes as far as I can tell.

    • @randall8379
      @randall8379 2 роки тому

      @@noramalterud1276 Or does he mean the New York Times. It's mainstream -- super pro abortion for one.

    • @redneckpride4ever
      @redneckpride4ever 2 роки тому +1

      @Nora That's exactly why I read the Remnant and Fr. Z's blog. Not hateful, divisive cesspools like America Magazine or the Fishwrap.

  • @kernowpolski
    @kernowpolski 9 місяців тому +13

    This is an eloquent defence of the Pope, but there are some big issues you didn't mention:
    1) The secret deal with the Chinese Communist Party and the failure to support our Chinese Brethren
    2) Continued failure to root out sexual and financial abuse by his clerical allies
    He needs to be held accountable for these issues not just by God, but by those who suffer from their effects.

  • @yeroled
    @yeroled 2 роки тому +7

    The lukewarm priest is not far from perdition. Saint Alphonsus warned:

  • @hannaabad2290
    @hannaabad2290 Рік тому +8

    Say yes when you mean yes, and no when you mean no. Tell the truth, in season or out of season, convenient or inconvenient, accepted or rejected. -Fr. Corapi
    Many souls are at stake. The kingdom of God is at hand. We don't have time for confusion and ambuguity when it comes to God's commandments. The time for telling the TRUTH is NOW.
    We don't need to please men. We ought to please God. We have to be courageous and straightforward like St. John the Baptist.

    • @chezmiriam
      @chezmiriam Рік тому +1

      Interesting that you quote an extremely disobedient priest. Who has disappeared after credible accusations of drug abuse and illicit relationships

    • @hannaabad2290
      @hannaabad2290 10 місяців тому

      I believe that Fr. Corapi is a faithful priest, and I will not attempt to convince you to change your opinion about Fr. Corapi.
      The issue is whether Fr. Corapi's message on the importance of "clarity" is true or not.
      I believe that the Catholic Church has to have "clarity" precisely because it has the authority to guide the people on faith and morals.

  • @G-MIP
    @G-MIP 2 роки тому +51

    Recent headline: “Pope praises Nuns controversial LGBTQ ministry.”
    Reality after reading his actual words to the nun in question: “Thank you for your kind letter as it was written in the language of God. I’m sure 50 years as a nun has had its fair share of suffering. Pope Francis.”

    • @adamleetucker3964
      @adamleetucker3964 2 роки тому +18

      Lol a simple letter blown out of context by the headlines

    • @samaritain16
      @samaritain16 Рік тому +7

      @@valuedCustomer2929 please as a catholic, we need to go deeper and to see the bigger picture. For example, Pope Francis was not reacting to the state who put priests and bishop into prison in the Latin America, and some people criticised him but priests from the same country told us that he cannot just make some reactions because he has to take into consideration all of the other religious and priests and other bishops who are still there...

    • @pechaa
      @pechaa Рік тому +2

      @@samaritain16What about in Ukraine? Why did he take so long to speak out against the Russian invasion, and even then his comments were tepid and he appears to be reluctant to call out Vladimir Putin by name. Then he blamed the Muslims and Buddhists fighting for Russia, while letting the (Orthodox) Christian majority off the hook.

    • @asdfasdf3989
      @asdfasdf3989 Рік тому +2

      @@pechaa Is he obligated to speak out against Russia?

    • @WhyWasntIBornInTheMiddleAges
      @WhyWasntIBornInTheMiddleAges Рік тому

      @@pechaa Because Russia is in the right.

  • @elliejodoin7789
    @elliejodoin7789 7 місяців тому +2

    With all due respect, I find your comment very condescending. For the record I pray for our church, Pope Francis, and the Bishops.

  • @maryemilysmiley6146
    @maryemilysmiley6146 2 роки тому +52

    Full disclosure. I have never been a Francis fan from the get-go. I grew up under Pius XII. Of the Popes since him my favorite is Pope Benedict. My objection to Francis is is his dissembling. His first job is to teach. In his efforts to be inclusive he devolves into emotivism. As others have mentioned in the comments these efforts cause confusion. The high school kids I have for confirmation classes are woefully illiterate in the faith. I buy each a student a catechism and a St. Joseph paperback missal. This session we are addressing "Defending Your Faith.". Pray for them and me. The topics are: (1) is there truth?, (2) does God exist?, (3) is Jesus God, (4) Catholicism and other belief systems, and (5) defending your faith in the public square---abortion, transgenderism as a form of gnosticism, gay marriage as discrimination against platonic love as a mere property right contract. Francis, I submit, ventures into problems the secular world creates but can also address. His calling is to teach and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a cornerstone for people who are wonks, but simple explanations have worked best with my students. Yes, I hope they will read Ratzinger/Benedict, Leo XIll, Paul VI and all the late 20th century popes; however, what they need to understand why Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God the Father are their GPS system in the neo-pagan world in which they are marinated. I have priest friends who differ from Father Casey's view on Francis and are thoughtful men who have wrestled with these problems for years, yet are denigrated my Francis. If my kids learn that the purpose of life is service and not pleasure I will have done the best I can. Let Francis begin with the functional illiterates and teach straightforwardly respect.

    • @rosemaryting7980
      @rosemaryting7980 2 роки тому +3

      Leaving church administration and politics aside, have a listen to the sermon and teachings of Bishop Barron and Father Mike Schmitz on those topics you mentioned. I find them useful and truthful.

    • @maryemilysmiley6146
      @maryemilysmiley6146 2 роки тому +2

      @@rosemaryting7980 Thanks. I have followed Barron for some years now. I do find him clear, and accessible. He usually speaks at the annual religious conference the archdiocese has. I haven't followed Father Mike as closely. My favorite to read his Ratzinger/Benedict. I try to reread his Introduction to Christianity each year. Belloc, who is polemical but informative, along with the monthly magazine First Things. Thank you for your note and let us pray for the Ukrainians and world peace.

    • @maryemilysmiley6146
      @maryemilysmiley6146 2 роки тому +1

      Of course let us not forget Chesterton.

    • @rosemaryting7980
      @rosemaryting7980 2 роки тому

      @@maryemilysmiley6146 Lord hear us Amen

    • @maryemilysmiley6146
      @maryemilysmiley6146 2 роки тому

      @@rosemaryting7980 🙏✝️👍😊

  • @tubaceous
    @tubaceous Рік тому +48

    ‘I am not saying there can not be legitimate criticism of Francis’… Why does this brother not tell us what that criticism might be? It would certainly add more credibility to his talk!😮

    • @rosegardenrosaries
      @rosegardenrosaries Рік тому +2

      Totally agree!

    • @Purp4040
      @Purp4040 Рік тому +2

      Did yall not listen to the video. Every segment he told the reason of push back. And that the social contraints that they grew up in which is to push away anything that can be related to socialism. Jesús loved the poor and many hated him and same with pope francis but from the same believers of christ

    • @tubaceous
      @tubaceous Рік тому +11

      @@Purp4040 you do not understand gospel or Jesus. He did not come to fix societal problems by economic and social engineering, because it is not possible. He came to redeem and save man from sin and eternal damnation. Francis does not care about sin and redemption, only about satisfying material needs of people. That is why he is in a wrong job.

    • @aleccullen2696
      @aleccullen2696 Рік тому +1

      @@rosegardenrosaries Totally disagree.

    • @rosegardenrosaries
      @rosegardenrosaries Рік тому +2

      @@aleccullen2696 you're totally free to do that

  • @robertjarman4261
    @robertjarman4261 2 роки тому +10

    From an Englishman living in Russia 🇷🇺I'm Orthodox but personally pray for the Pope daily. Morning prayer would not be the same for me if mention of him was not made.

    • @saydejoan278
      @saydejoan278 Рік тому

      Your prayers for the Holy Father are very touching. Thank you
      - A Sister in Christ

    • @tanya9463
      @tanya9463 Рік тому

      Yes Robert Jarman is A Good person. His Heart is in the Right place.🙏

  • @petervecchio8105
    @petervecchio8105 8 місяців тому +2

    Dear Father Casey,
    You end your video by saying to Taylor Marshall, Cardinal Burke ET AL: "...enjoy your new church that you're creating." Thank you for coming to the point so readily. For me the question is; are the Catholic commentators & prelates you cite as opposing Pope Francis creating a "new church," or is Pope Francis? I would suggest that those espousing a new ecclesiology, including Pope Francis, are the ones at risk of creating a new church. The Church has preached the Gospel, taught Truth, and administered the Lord's Grace for 2000 years. I don't believe the Church's past preaching, teaching, and administration was fundamentally flawed. Hence I have my doubts about some of the novel teachings/actions of Pope Francis.
    Does the Church need to address itself to the world in novel ways for novel times? Sure! The Church and her members should (and often do!) bend over backwards to share the Gospel graciously and ingeniously. In your example of murder vs involuntary manslaughter, you in essence were speaking of a person's interior disposition. That's the question at hand. Do Pope Francis and those cooperating with him have an interior disposition to teach the unchanging Truth of Christ and His Church using novel pastoral methods? Or do they have an interior disposition to teach novel teachings? The Lord alone can know their hearts.
    You state that you know Pope Francis to be a good man and a holy leader. I would suggest neither you nor I can judge Pope Francis' motives for certain. But remembering how emphatically the Lord and His apostles warn us to be wary of novel teachings and wolves in sheep's clothing, it is reasonable and necessary to question, ask for clarification, and even challenge. That's my right as a thinking and prayerful layperson, and it is the express job of bishops, who have accepted a calling as pastors and evangelists, and also as overseers and auditors.
    Are these misunderstandings due to poor catechesis? Absolutely! And absolutely not! All of us need to grow in our relationship with the Lord, and prayerfully studying the Scriptures, Encyclicals, etc is hugely important. But throughout Church history the majority of Christians have been illiterate, yet that didn't prevent the Lord the Holy Spirit from illuminating their hearts. So while I embrace your call for better catechesis, I believe such knowledge will only bear good fruit when combined with the interior disposition to know and love the Lord (and one's neighbor) with one's whole heart, mind, and soul.
    Keeping a good prayer for you, Father Casey, and for Pope Francis, and for us all!
    Yours truly,
    Peter Vecchio AMDG
    January 20, 2024

  • @JatnaRD
    @JatnaRD 2 роки тому +22

    I expected the Communion for the divorced and remarried was going to be the first topic addressed here. Certainly we aren't used to the Pope not clarifying top down things about morals and faith.

    • @garyrobertson7350
      @garyrobertson7350 2 роки тому

      Divorced qnd re-married should never be allowed Holy Communion! We are in a state of mortal sin! We must repent, change our lives or apply for annulment!

  • @xiomarablanco5598
    @xiomarablanco5598 2 роки тому +10

    I really regret to disagree with the statements on this video about Pope Francis and the other leaders that disagree with him.

  • @Rugad
    @Rugad 2 роки тому +38

    I also have my issues with pope Francis. But I absolutely agree with the attitude you are outlining here of what it means to be Catholic. Thank you!

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 2 роки тому +7

      He slimed a list of people and provided no argument to support his particularly vile condemnation.
      He condemned everyday Catholics who are confused for their lack of catechesis and for not listening to the mainstream media whilst listening to any of the aforementioned critics.
      It's actually NOT "what it means to be Catholic".

    • @whenindoubt1000
      @whenindoubt1000 Рік тому

      @Jimboken1 When he started calling out names, I thought he started down that rabbit hole. Very bad form.
      It's their fault.
      Popesplaining is all this was.

    • @SuperLuckao
      @SuperLuckao Рік тому

      @@Jimboken1 just stop. R u a v1 person??? Thought so. Old law won't save you AT ALL. U best go read judgement of the nation's and meditate on Crucifixtion. It's a teaching.

  • @JavierGarcia-jg5xp
    @JavierGarcia-jg5xp 2 місяці тому +1

    I am an Episcopalian. I left the Catholic Church many years ago. You make a lot of good points here. Well-said!

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 2 місяці тому

      Name just two the many "good points" you believe he made.
      Was it the assertion the catholic laity are stupid and ignorant?
      Or the mystical superpower wherein, he asserted there is evil in Cdnl Burke?
      Or the assertion that Pope JohnPaul ll and Benedict XVl were totalitarians and Pope Francis "isn't like that" ?
      Or the sign off wherein those who have concerns about Pope Francis' ecclesiology or teaching all want to create a "new Church"?

  • @TheMorphrick
    @TheMorphrick Рік тому +30

    Just pray for him. There's a reason we need to pray everyday at the end of the Rosary

    • @macysondheim
      @macysondheim Рік тому

      I prayed for him to be cursed and have bad luck 😁

    • @YaakovBuchner
      @YaakovBuchner Рік тому +1

      Praying to Mary 40 times won't help. She cannot hear you. Christ is our only mediator to the Father!

    • @sonny1524
      @sonny1524 Рік тому +2

      @@YaakovBuchner and Mary can be a mediator for us to Jesus. Just like at the Wedding at Cana!

    • @YaakovBuchner
      @YaakovBuchner Рік тому

      @@sonny1524 We need no mediator to Jesus! The Creator of the world doesn't take instruction from Mary!

    • @skippy8696
      @skippy8696 Рік тому +3

      ​@@YaakovBuchner 53 times, technically, not including the Hail Holy Queen 😅

  • @Jim-Mc
    @Jim-Mc Рік тому +20

    I thought people's problem with Francis was the secular Materialist lense he seems to interpret Christianity through.

    • @stevied3400
      @stevied3400 10 місяців тому +3

      All of the problems with Francis stem from that. He’s heavily influenced by Marxism/liberation theology so it is not surprising that he has a lot of theological issues.

  • @jairodoc98
    @jairodoc98 2 роки тому +12

    Fr. Mentions a few people in the video and basically calls them liars. I think it would be more constructive, if he actually had them on his channel, or he offered to go on their channels, for open and honest discussion.

  • @EvertonRG90
    @EvertonRG90 Рік тому +36

    As a Brazilian, I really need more catechesis to understand Bergoglio's public defenses of Lula and Dilma, former socialist presidents of Brazil. Lula was tried for various crimes of corruption by more than 8 different judges in 3 instances, and therefore arrested, having been detailed by several of his close friends. In addition, Lula is in favor of abortion, in favor of LGBT marriage and a close friend of several communist (sin) leaders in the world. Lula is a close friend of Daniel Ortega, the Nicaraguan dictator who closed churches, jailed priests and declared the Church non grata in that country. Even so, with all that (and much more), Bergoglio insists on defending Lula, just as he did now in March during an interview. I really need a lot of catechesis....

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 Рік тому +2

      Re-education camps may be the necessary means of purification if you're contaminated by hateful information sources.

    • @jonah9861
      @jonah9861 Рік тому +10

      It is interesting how these American/European people defending the Pope do not have any idea of what really is the Liberation Theology, which not only influenced him but also helped to create his perception of things.
      He is only replicating the 'relative democracy' of these days, where one side is welcomed with all types of inclusion, whereas the other side is labelled as hateful.

    • @michaelkraft218
      @michaelkraft218 Рік тому

      Pope Francis chooses the best leaders for the common good, dignity of life, and helping the poor as per Catholic Social Teaching. Bolsanaro and Trump were both authoritarians. Both denied Covid, which took 1 million lives in both Brazil and USA.

    • @MrAnomic
      @MrAnomic Рік тому

      @@Jimboken1 From your mouth to God's ears down to Bergolio's conscience. Perhaps Bergolio will submit to a Re-education camp to deprogram all the contamination he's had from information sources that hate Catholicism.

    • @BethTatge
      @BethTatge Рік тому

      That’s horrible that he’s defunding Lula, I had no idea. You don’t need any catechesis to understand that that is very wrong. ✝️

  • @SkateTroe
    @SkateTroe Рік тому +58

    The first three points made sense and you had me really considering what I need to do to better myself as a Catholic. (And I do intend to follow that advice, thank you for it!)
    But when you started assigning ill motives to those that disapprove of Pope Francis, and you comment at the end about the “new church” they’re forming…I’m sorry, but the whole video was so honest and charitable up until that point, but then devolved into the same “It’s THEIR fault, THEY’RE the problem” game that everyone keeps playing.
    It’s honestly kind of disappointing…

    • @user-lv4ov5rp6d
      @user-lv4ov5rp6d Рік тому

      Who was the first Catholic saint who performed exorcism?

    • @SkateTroe
      @SkateTroe Рік тому +2

      @@user-lv4ov5rp6d I don't know and don't understand the relevance?

    • @user-lv4ov5rp6d
      @user-lv4ov5rp6d Рік тому

      @@SkateTroe No relevance, but I thought a Catholic should be able to answer that.

    • @kimlamberthmatic6720
      @kimlamberthmatic6720 Рік тому +7

      I will disagree with you there. I completely agree with his analysis. Sometimes you just have to say it as it is. Every Pontificate has critics and Francis' tolerance of criticism has made his critics bolder, to the point of them perpetuating lies and hate against Francis. They continue to publish books calling Francis a heretic, at least one calling for his quick death. Unfortunately, these critics, often traditionalists, are gaining support from the masses because of the noise they generate.

    • @corporal747
      @corporal747 Рік тому +3

      Well said friend

  • @patriciajohnson1894
    @patriciajohnson1894 2 роки тому +9

    The pope has caused more division but I will always pray that he will be guided by the Holy Spirit

  • @KyoheiYoshida
    @KyoheiYoshida Рік тому +2

    I felt like the point he makes in this video was biased. And i don't really understand what he meant by enjoy the new church we are creating? I thought we have tradition and live by God's words. I thought Pope supposed to keep that tradition and not confuse us.

  • @isabeljanes8230
    @isabeljanes8230 2 роки тому +24

    Sorry, I couldn't disagree more with your "I couldn't disagree more." Pope Francis has even admitted that he wanted to be confusing.

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP 2 роки тому +1

      Recent headline: “Pope praises Nuns controversial LGBTQ ministry.”
      Reality after reading his actual words to the nun in question: “Thank you for your kind letter as it was written in the language of God. I’m sure 50 years as a nun has had its fair share of suffering. Pope Francis.”

  • @alexanderfretheim5720
    @alexanderfretheim5720 Рік тому +14

    This video motivated me to read the Seven Tenants of Catholic Social Teaching. I don't have time to look at everything tonight, but I knew right away that I could at least look at that.

  • @tombarmaryam7462
    @tombarmaryam7462 2 роки тому +32

    Fr Casey: Pope Francis won't speak in absolutes.
    Holy Spirit: - "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Cor 14:33

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 роки тому

      Protestant move - quote Scripture against the pope. Better ready Lumen Gentium 25: "This religious submission of mind and will must be shown in a special way to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even when he is not speaking ex cathedra; that is, it must be shown in such a way that his supreme magisterium is acknowledged with reverence, the judgments made by him are sincerely adhered to, according to his manifest mind and will. His mind and will in the matter may be known either from the character of the documents, from his frequent repetition of the same doctrine, or from his manner of speaking."

  • @lewisseward4521
    @lewisseward4521 2 роки тому +26

    thank you for explaining this! I’ve heard other people voice the same concerns and I appreciate you bringing clarity like you have in the most recent video regarding reconciliation.

    • @albertroza
      @albertroza Рік тому

      he didnt explain anything just a poor bunch of excuses

  • @aaronmoore5322
    @aaronmoore5322 2 роки тому +8

    Label me however you want, but I'm unsubscribing after I post this. I agree with some of what you said, and I intentionally pay no attention to most of the men you listed as bad actors (Taylor Marshall, for example), but I respectfully disagree with your premise. I miss St. JPII and B16. I've typed, deleted, retyped, and re-deleted a lot repeatedly here, so I'll leave it at that.

    • @DoctorDewgong
      @DoctorDewgong 2 роки тому +2

      Congratulations on leaving the Catholic Church I guess? The Church has no obligation to align itself with your personal political views

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 2 роки тому

      @@DoctorDewgong Charity to all, except those you disagree with? This is not the attitude that Christians should have. Francis' pontificate is lacking doctrinal clarity and a lot of Christians aren't sure what to think anymore.

    • @DoctorDewgong
      @DoctorDewgong 2 роки тому

      @@JohnFromAccounting not all Christians are obligated to follow Francis. Only Catholics

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 роки тому

      Reconsider Aaron - read Lumen Gentium 25: "This religious submission of mind and will must be shown in a special way to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even when he is not speaking ex cathedra; that is, it must be shown in such a way that his supreme magisterium is acknowledged with reverence, the judgments made by him are sincerely adhered to, according to his manifest mind and will. His mind and will in the matter may be known either from the character of the documents, from his frequent repetition of the same doctrine, or from his manner of speaking."

  • @andrecayer4489
    @andrecayer4489 10 місяців тому +2

    I have six kids and a small business. My wife and i do read a lot but we cannot know all things about everything. If i want legal advice i go to a lawyer.... i don't try to learn it all myself. If i want accounting advice i go to an accountant. I need to be able i go to the priestly class and learn the hilights of these documents.... if you want your furnace fixed your o not want a synod assessing it. You want it fixed. If the pope and bishops are losing the confidence of the laity they need to look internally. This pope appears to author confusion that we did not find in his predecessor. Ratzinger was crystal clear.
    Vigano, Marshall et al are the blessing of the Church.

  • @johndeighan2495
    @johndeighan2495 Рік тому +13

    You believe there are no serious problems with Francis’s pontificate? Good for you. I don’t wish to attack a man for his simple faith.
    But no. I’m a priest myself, I know the documents, I understand the issues and I’m loyal to the Pope (even though I’m not a fan!). Bottom line, I think you’re being naive.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 Рік тому +2

      He's not being naive.
      He was nasty is all.
      This monologue asserted the two prior popes were totalitarians ("whilst Pope Pope Francis is not like that") and a veritable conga line of named fellow catholics including a cardinal had their minds read by this jejune priest and were found to be evil.

    • @TheTopGun920
      @TheTopGun920 Рік тому

      His very first point in the video is that he agrees with people frustrated by the pope......get your ears checked padre

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 Рік тому +1

      @@TheTopGun920 Nonsense.
      He made no such point.
      Moreover his first point was that the supposed Pope Francis controversy is "dividing the Church into those who think he is the greatest pope ever and those who think he’s a heretic, with little in between".
      This is the first of the friar's many many lies that are to follow.
      It's you that has the spoken english comprehension problem

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Рік тому

      As a RCC Priest,
      What “document” do you know?
      How much of your education was devoted to The Bible?
      Was the Bible in 1st place?
      Was the RCC interpretation of
      The Bible the focus ?
      Did any fellow students quit because they decided that the
      RC interpretation didn’t ring true?

  • @bradenwenzel7597
    @bradenwenzel7597 2 роки тому +20

    Wrong. Pope Francis believes in dialog with liberals and socialists, but with conservatives and traditional Catholics he is very top down and authoritarian.

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 роки тому

      just like Jesus with the Pharisees

    • @MrAquinas1
      @MrAquinas1 3 місяці тому +2

      @@angelicdoctor8016 No, Jesus did not hate those who valued the moral truth that He preached.

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 місяці тому

      @@MrAquinas1 Did I use the word "hate"? Straw man.

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 2 місяці тому

      @@MrAquinas1 If you're going to be Mr.Aquinas, try to avoid the basic informal fallacies - the Aristotelians don't want to be disappointed :)

    • @MrAquinas1
      @MrAquinas1 2 місяці тому +1

      @@angelicdoctor8016 When did I say you did use the word hate strawman?

  • @estherpat4227
    @estherpat4227 2 роки тому +78

    I truly love this narrative... John 17th.. Our Lord prayed.. "may they be one!!" Am a proud Catholic and it hurts me to see so much hatred, disunity and lack of humility!! Tolerance, forgiveness and love. Among us/In the Church.. my love for the Church makes my heart bleed... Dear Catholics we are better than that!!! We are Catholics and we speak in one voice!!! The voice of Christ as He prepared to redeem us to die for... Indeed 'What greater LOVE!? Our voice as Catholics is one of love, love for even those who disagree with us. For our Lord did not promise us an easy way/ faith... no.. we have to denounce ourselves and take up the cross to follow Him... to walk for our Salvation

    • @urielmartinez2161
      @urielmartinez2161 Рік тому +1


    • @rokofarm
      @rokofarm Рік тому +1


    • @CJDEV
      @CJDEV Рік тому +1


    • @SuperLuckao
      @SuperLuckao Рік тому

      Exactly. V1ers think differently though. Thu think just Latin mass is valid SMH. Thu even want another crusade and a death penalty. All anti Christ ideas. You are totally correct and a proper Catholic it's how I was raised. Jesus is LOVE. He isn't a v1 tyrant

    • @charlesdayon8420
      @charlesdayon8420 Рік тому +2

      Some of us wish that Pope Francis would speak with "one voice." We get very confused.....O'My Jesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those who have most need of thy mercy. Amen.

  • @marysmith-xh5ux
    @marysmith-xh5ux Рік тому +14

    Dear Father Casey, thank you for your wise words. I'm a 69 year old cradle Catholic who is so full of gratitude for Pope Francis's gentle humanity which I'm convinced is an imitation of Christ. As I try to draw nearer to Him, I am less absolutist and more aware of the mystery of the relationship between our Creator and creation which I'm blessed to enter into. Pope Francis speaks of this and our duty to respect the dignity,appreciate the beauty and to protect all His hand has made. By speaking truth to power, the Holy Father has made enemies of those who are threatened by his message; I pray for him everyday, for his health and longevity and that his words will melt even the most stubborn hearts. I am full of confidence that the Holy Spirit will watch over and guide Peter's successor and the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. God bless you and keep you, Mary ❤❤❤ 9:47

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 Рік тому +4

      Describing the two prior Popes as totalitarians were "wise words"?
      What about describing the laity who are uncomfortable with this papacy as stupid, ignorant and unable to live in ambiguity like Pope Francis and this priest himself?
      And who knew ambiguity was catholic or even good?