I have great respect for the office of the Pope. And I pray for him. But I do not consider it disrespectful to question his motives and recent actions in light of Catholic tradition.
I for one am right to forever have no respect for any offices at all, for any office-holder is mere subhuman vermin for having a majestic office to begin with!
It is always right for us as the laity to condemn God's agents merely for having been given offices by Him, and thus having been made into subhuman vermin for having any authority from any source aside from the *consent of the governed alone*, anything else as a source of authority does not exist, and never ever has, and certainly never ever will. Any other claims are heretical in and of themselves. So yes, biblical tradition is to be condemned, and only if we condemn anything from eternity will we have any hope of salvation from idolatry; and the inevitable fruit of listening to God's vicars is idolatry; as the holy spirit has proven through the current pope, as well as Him endorsing baby-murder through unacceptable "medicines" made by murdering babies. Nobody can ever in good conscience ever listen to anything that comes out of any mouthpiece of God due to that alone.
@@MyImmaculateQueen I wouldn't say it was pride. The comment section can be quite abusive and it could be he just reached his limit of what he could take peaceably. My only objection is that he is still inviting people to leave comments (which helps his videos) by implying he's interested in knowing what we think of his content.
I believe that the pope can be criticized with charity, the pope can make mistakes and we should point them to him. But this tireless attacks on the pope, those unjust accusations and hate we see online is not permissible, those people who mock and attack the pope all the time, I believe are in spiritual danger
Is he by his outrages and profonarions not leading the the faithful into spiritual danger ?, yes he is , charity goes only so far , I see none from this pope, a long overdue lesson in respect for the laity is needed for this moral imbecile.
People are not attacking the office of Peter but the people who can can do harm to the Souls of many have a higher duty not to cause confusion and be vindictive.
@@anneoutarsingh3966 its not a sin just to attack the office of Peter but to attack the pope himself is a sin, one can correct the pope charitably, but mocking and destroying the pope’s reputation and judging him constantly can be a very grave sin
@@apostlesoftheimmaculatehea8081 I am not attacking the Pope I am judging his actions which is way different. Some of his actions have been vindictive towards Traditional Catholics , I do no
@@Victor-co2xj Paul did. Not for his teaching to the Church, because Peter was spotless in this regard. But for his attitude, which conveyed a bad message. Galatians 2, 11-13
@@derechoplano That's a very good point. Paul's rebuke of Peter didn't concern his magisterium, but his behavior. The Successors of Peter might fail in their personal conduct and can be resisted in that situation, but they are always safe to follow in their papal magisterium and so must be obeyed in that context. In other words, nobody who accepts Francis as a legitimate pope can hold him accountable for his teaching to the Church. Instead, such a person must give submission of his mind and heart to the teachings of Francis. St. Bellarmine explained: "Who will judge whether the Pope has taught rightly or not? For it is not for the sheep to judge whether the shepherd wanders off, not even and especially in those matters which are truly doubtful. Nor do Christian sheep have any greater judge or teacher to whom they might have recourse. As we showed above, from the whole Church one can appeal to the Pope yet, from him no one is able to appeal; therefore necessarily the whole Church will err if the Pontiff would err." (On the Roman Pontiff)
@@Victor-co2xj sounds to me your pushing the “blind faith ideology”, if the pope is wrong you should tell him he is in error or otherwise the blind will lead the blind.
When bad shepherds lead people astray they need to be called out. Pope Francis has caused grave scandal on multiple occasions, he has taught error on multiple occasions, he has done many things that beg for correction. Some people just put a filter on it and refuse to report anything that doesn't jive with Catholic principals - which would be fine if we existed in a world of strictly limited information and great Catholic education. We don't though. I remember my parents struggling mightily to explain away our pastor's blatant heresy with, "Father didn't mean to say..." and then stating the traditional Catholic teaching. Of my 5 siblings I am the only one who still goes to Mass. You cannot preserve the Faith by smoothing over heresy and making excuses when authority figures teach error, because the end result looks like either the house is divided against itself and is _not_ protected from error as claimed, or religion is _all_ bullsh*t which is the conclusion my siblings drew.
@@Victor-co2xj Francis is a punishment God permitted the world to inflict on His Church. If I had to hazard a guess the cause of the punishment of a worldly pope would be worldly bishops. They've been treating their office no differently than a businessman would treat his, only worse. They tremble over public relations and gloss over eternal realities. God will strip His Church of every public (secular) praise and bring Her to the Garden of Olives to sweat blood with Him in His agony. There She will be betrayed, as He was, by one close to Her, bound and brought to worldly judgement. She will be scourged with Him, crowned with thorns as He was, bound to Her cross and forced to follow His steps to Calvary. There She will be crucified as Her Spouse was, but after the world declarers Her dead, God will raise Her up again. God Himself will save His bride. As JPII used to say, "Be not afraid!"
@@Victor-co2xj , the solution to bad government is not no government. Even a pope like Francis probably makes routine administrative decisions that are not reported because they are not controversial. Only a pope can define dogmas as ex-cathedra, and he's prevented from doing this wrongly by the Holy Spirit.
@@rtyria How can God use popes and bishops as a punishment? The pope is the proximate rule of faith, the champion against heresy, the sure instrument of salvation. God would be mocking his own promises if he allowed the supreme authority to devastate His Church. On the other hand, he can allow imposters to bring about a great deception. Scripture predicted that God would allow the appearance of the "man of sin" within his very temple (that is, the Church). "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
Matt, you said you stopped reading the comments but then invite us to comment. If ever I wish to comment on one’s video, it’s out of desire to communicate to the content provider. So I’m saddened to think if I praise your content, which I do in my thoughts and discussions with like minded people, you might not see it. I truly enjoy the content you broadcast here on this channel. I’ve found myself rethinking some of my positions on many issues throughout the years I’ve been following your channel. I’m grateful for the discussions. They are soul searching and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing.
Wherever I attend Mass I have to wait to be last to receive Our Lord Jesus kneeing and on my tongue. But the first will be last, and the last will be First 👍🙏 Viva Cristo Rey 🙏 Except the one's that still have the Communion Rail, but I won't mention those in fear of them being attacked.
We really as Catholics need to find a balance. We can absolutely have questions and concerns, but it should come from a place of love and deep respect.
I appreciate this video. I do challenge Father's claim that Pope Francis had taught doctrinal error in his Magisterium. I think that is an overly simplistic analysis of his Magisterium and unnecessarily undermines the credibility of his teaching authority.
Reason & Theology, what is the whole point of having a papal magisterium if we must always brace ourselves and be on guard about what will be coming out of his lips, having to continuously sort through and extenuate and clarify his statements in order to find out what he "really meant"? Isn't he able to make plain statements on plain matters of doctrine? Isn't that according to the Church the very reassuring purpose of the papacy - to "confirm thy brethren"? Doesn't the "principal glory" of ecclesiastical authority consist "above all in teaching the truth with clarity and excluding all danger of error"? (Pius VI, Auctorem Fidei)
Yes we can politely prance our way to Hell by being nice and respectful, Jesus called out the hypocrites, he told of the horrors of Hell and divorce and any number of Sins , human respect is nice but if it means the difference between eternal Hell or Bliss, give me the raw ugly truth to save my soul.
I have not heard many people make many comments that are “personal”. People are doing well in criticism of his heresy. Correction of those in error is charity and also a duty of Catholics!
"The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: "Here is the wolf!" when it enters the flock or anywhere else." (St. Francis of Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, part III, chap. 29)
That makes you the judge of what is or is not heretical, doesn't it? There was a time when you would be clearly on the wrong side of that net. Let me clarify the above comment which I made a couple of days ago. I meant that Catholics have become like their Evangelical counterparts in that they feel quite free to criticize their leaders, their government, even their Pope, going as far as calling him a heretic, though he sits in Peter's seat, and is even the "Vicar of Christ" according to their own beliefs. I think this irony is lost on them. My point was that there was a time when you who speak against the Pope would be the only heretic judged so.
You can be respectful yet truthful. I see no problem in saying that it is wrong to promote some of the things being promoted by this papacy but agree that the aims must be charitable.
Paul corrected Peter. Peter may have been the rock that the church was founded on, but he was not Christ. The Pope is in need of correction. Should it be done in love? Absolutely. But should it be done? Absolutely.
J Wilson, Paul corrected Peter's behavior (Galatians 2) but obeyed Peter's teaching (Acts 15), which is always safe to follow. It is impossible for a legitimate Successor of St. Peter to teach poisonous error to the Church. "After His glorious Ascension into Heaven this Church rested not on Him alone [Christ], but on Peter, too, its visible foundation stone. That Christ and His Vicar constitute one only Head is the solemn teaching of Our predecessor of immortal memory Boniface VIII in the Apostolic Letter Unam Sanctam; and his successors have never ceased to repeat the same. They, therefore, walk in the path of dangerous error who believe that they can accept Christ as the Head of the Church, while not adhering loyally to His Vicar on earth." (Pius XII, Mystici Corporis 40-41)
@@Victor-co2xj the Pope's teaching cannot contradict scripture. Where scripture is explicit, there can be no question. Paul and Peter had a significant falling out on whether gentiles had to become Jews first in order to become followers of Christ (circumcision and following kosher food rules). Paul won those arguments, obviously. The Pope wears big shoes, but he is absolutely NOT Christ on Earth, and my the Lord forgive any man who says he is. The church needs a leader, and leaders deserve leeway, or else we all fall into the falsehood of the protestants who are a ship without a rudder. But the False Prophet will come from the church, mark my words. And he will most likely be a Pope. As the church (us), we are to always be on guard to avoid falling for the False Prophet. A Pope that needs correction ought to be thankful to receive it. If not, then I submit that he may be the False Prophet.
@@jwilsonhandmadeknives2760 The teachings of a true pope can never contradict Scripture, Tradition, and previous Magisterium; it is a divine guarantee. The incident involving Paul and Peter had nothing to do with Peter's teaching. He erred in behavior, and Paul reprimanded him for it (Galatians 2). At the same time, Peter was safe to follow in his teaching, and Paul submitted to him on it (Acts 15). The false prophet cannot be a pope because the papacy is protected by Christ, but we have been warned that the false prophet can disguise himself as a false pope. Commenting on 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Fr. Sylvester Berry said: "The 'mystery of iniquity' gradually developing through the centuries, cannot be fully consummated while the power of the Papacy endures, but now he that 'withholdeth is taken out of the way.' During the interregnum 'that wicked one shall be revealed' in his fury against the Church. It is a matter of history that the most disastrous periods for the Church were times when the Papal throne was vacant, or when anti-popes contended with the legitimate head of the Church. Thus also shall it be in those evil days to come." (Rev. E. Sylvester Berry, The Apocalypse of St. John [Columbus, OH: John W. Winterich, 1921].)
I think its unhelpful that people within the church are also attacking it. or at the very least, members of the clergy shouldn't be encouraging laypeople to be more skeptical of the catholic church. we have enough of that
Thanks for the talk Matt. The Lord through His Holy Spirit has been forming me more on this topic. When I say this, believe me, I’ve not been a fan of this Pontificate. So the Lord has pointed out to me to pray very much for him. He has also asked me who ultimately benefits from the criticism of the Pope (I’m not talking about constructive criticism) I mean the kind where he so drives me crazy that I can’t stand the man and what he seemingly gets away with. So, when I have this mind set, will I pray for him? Probably not. So again, who ultimately benefits from us not praying for the Pope……the evil one, perhaps? And our prideful vices grow stronger. He delights when we pick at and complain about the Pope or each other because he loves division. Again, I’m not talking about constructive criticism. The Pope is made in the image and likeness of God, true? So when we don’t pray for him, the evil likes that even more and his cause is furthered by our lack of prayer. The evil one aids us in the slightest vice. Remember our Lord wants the salvation of all and told us to pray for one another. That even means the people we don’t like♥️🙏🕊
I disagree, I refer to pope f as a moral imbecile, from what I have seen and read he is one. I cannot respect such a person who surrounds himself with heretics, perverts and traitors as part of the hierarchy , his contempt for the traditional wing, the one that is growing, is reason alone for this. If I disrespect him it it to show my moral rage , this pope and the hierarchy need to learn respect for the laity in faith and in stewardship of the trust and treasure that it asks of us.
Not that you would read this, but if you dislike comments so much, why are they enabled? So its ok for you to speak but no one else? So our comments, as you say, are the "lowest form of human discourse"? Am I missing something? I'm new here but I'll be spending my time on other channels.
I've got some real questions about things the Holy Father has said, and it's important as I and others want to know the truth, in His defense and defense of the faith. I don't want to offend or detract anyone, just want to know if they are false so I can defend him?
This is so stupid. That man is not the pope. Benedict was pope, therefore Francis is not. There can't be two popes at the same time. The fact that Benedict is now dead doesn't elevate Francis from being an anti-pope. Why is this so hard to understand?
This clips of videos end a little too abruptly. I also wish they were labeled as parts of larger videos or clips on one channel and full videos on another.
The pope is not above criticism! If his office must be respected by everyone and it obviously should then the one who occupies that office should be the first to respect that office! Unfortunately like the current “president” of the US who doesn’t respect his own office neither does this current pope with his!
Matt, the church is in crisis. We have been seeing the same things consistently for almost 10 years and we are worn out. We need to be able to forgive the brave people standing up for the faith when they stumble into uncharitable speech, and also not act as if these incidents invalidate the points they make. Clips like these call to mind the idea of "straining a gnat and swallowing a camel."
It's not about lack of forgiveness. It is about holding the standard high. We must not grow tired in doing good, and we cannot dismiss bad behaviour because of being tired or a veteran. Such reasons would not count for other vices, so likewise with respect. And respect for those who wear the collar is reverence to Christ Himself.
Exactly! That's called being people of understanding. It's not always just what is said but why. We should be sensitive to the pain others may be feeling that motivate them to think or act in certain ways.
@@leejennifercorlewayres9193 God willing, even in that extreme over the top example, yes. Every human being must be respected firstly because of bearing the image of God, so even without the collar. As soon as you start saying I can't respect this person or that person, you then excuse unforgiveness, since we can only forgive those we respect. We respect the person and not the action of the person. That saintly girl was martyred by a terrible man took the time to warn him that his action could cost him his soul and made it clear that she forgave him and wanted him to be in Heaven with her. Her heroic virtue led to his later conversion. We look to the saints for examples not as people who cannot be followed.
"On another occasion a group of pilgrims visiting him [Blessed Solanus Casey, Detroit, MI] had occasion to complain about some action of their local bishop. Solanus could not tolerate such criticism of the church whose representative the bishop was. He roundly scolded the complainers for their lack of love and respect for God's chosen minister." Source: "Meet Solanus Casey" by Brother Leo Wollenwevee, OFM, Cap. Pg 90. Servant. Copyright 2002.”
Pope Francis is merely a successor of St. Peter, and, Our Lord Jesus Christ scolded Peter himself for doing what Francis is doing: “Jesus turned to Peter and said, 'Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.'” (Matthew 16:23)
@Composer, Peter was not the pope when Christ scolded him. He only became the pope after the resurrection. It is always safe to follow the teachings of the successor of St. Peter. Is it safe to follow the teachings of Francis?
Yes, we are. It's become a free-for-all. Instead of reading the Pope's documents to learn from them, too many people go with the expectation (the hope?) of finding something that offends them.
As a non-Catholic (or more accurately, a "catholic" (small c) I have to praise your words. Deference to authority, even worldly or corrupt, is affirmed in Romans 13. How much more should we honor those at the helm of great ships, and more so, the greatest ship (in terms of tonnage) of Christianity? I would have liked to see more sentiments like yours, which can be summarized by the scriptural admonition: "Pay honor to those to whom honor is due, fear to those whom fear is due."
More powerful than criticism is prayer for the Pope when he is in error. Pray for him and all priests. You want him to do things correctly? Pray for him!
“Even if [the Pope an incarnate devil], we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom... He who rebels against our Father is condemned to death, for that which we do to him we do to Christ: we honor Christ if we honor the Pope; we dishonor Christ if we dishonor the Pope.” Saint Catherine of Sienna
I guess she was referring to Popes like the Borgia: corrupt popes, popes that had sexual sins and so on. I don't think she referred to popes that openly teach heresy or worship Pachamama. In this last case, the Bible (for example, first commandment) has preference over the opinions of a saint, which are only this: opinions.
Interesting comments from both Fr.Murray and Ms.Montagne (I hope I've spelled her surname correctly). I've great respect for Fr.Murrays analysis and his demeanour as a priest. However like many many other catholics, I fully understand the disrepute that the Vatican itself is bringing upon the papacy. Whatever else concerning comments made by the Laity in the media and throughout the Internet. It is extremely difficult to be charitable, given the Vaticans behaviour since 2013.
The Pope should absolutely be criticised, he has very little right to get much wrong; that is the responsibility that comes with the nature of his office.
But see this is really why we have this problem. People are angry in comments because they have NO FORUM, and the leaders in their immediate vicinity do not care to listen to their grievances, often because they are the cause of the grievance. Whereas the people in power who should correct these people do not do so. And those who do have some level of audience and would want to see some correction, are often too quiet, pretending they are humble when really they are just abstaining from getting involved and making waves. We need more people who are daring enough to make waves. Not in an uncharitable way, but just not afraid to speak up and demand a more authentic approach to our faith lived our in liturgy and public witness.
I love the Holy Father, insofar as I pray for him and want him to get to Heaven, but I do not like him. Whatever his intentions are, it seems as if he has sown a lot of discord and confusion among Catholics, and (what seems to be) his attack on traditional liturgy has been very alienating.
SuperZebezian, the purpose of the office of the pope is to be the principle of unity of the Church. Because of Christ's promise to protect the papacy, it is impossible for a pope, in the exercise of his magisterium, to sow discord and confusion among Catholics. The destruction that Francis is promoting is the very opposite of what one might expect from a lawful successor of St. Peter. "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be anathema." (Galatians 1:8)
"To criticize the Pope is to be outside the Church." Cardinal Sarah “He that is not with the pope is not with God, and he that wants to be with God must be with the pope.” Sister Lucia of Fatima This Pope is doing a blessed job of showing how many of us are not really Catholic, so many Pharisees! To pray for the Pope, and to beg for enlightenment as to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to the Church through our Holy Father. "Lord, I do believe, help me with my unbelief." We do damage and disservice to the Church and the People Of God through this criticism!
I respect the office of the Papacy, and as a result I cannot respect Pope Francis because he is not respecting the Church, Tradition, or Holy Orders. When we respect an office we can only respect those who respect the office they hold. Pope Francis utterly disdains his own office. I could go and list examples...but they are so plentiful it is literally a waste of your time.
Every Catholic MUST respect and love the pope, because all that a pope teaches is protected by the charism Christ gave to St. Peter. If someone claims to be the pope but doesn't fit the traditional Catholic definition of a pope,... we would have to draw the necessary conclusions.
@@Victor-co2xj We are called to love all people. We are called to respect the office of the pope and a pope who respects his office should be respected. A pope does not need to be perfect to be respected (I respected Pope JPII and Benedict the XVI both of which were far from perfect) but if he cannot respect his own office I cannot respect him. If salt has lost its savor it is worth nothing but to be trampled under foot.
@@batboy49 I understand, but the Church teaches that it is impossible for a pope not to respect his own office when he exercises his magisterium. The salt of the papacy losing its flavor is a plain impossibility given the solemn promise of Christ. The Church tells us that we have to follow the pope, not that we first have to verify whether the pope is doing his job well before we can grant him our submission. That's the whole point of the authority of the Roman Pontiff.
@@Victor-co2xj That statement will require proof. Here is the issue, Paul "resisted Peter to his face" which is the model for what I am saying. Even Peter required correction. And from the biblical text it strains credibility to call his resistance "respectful". Each pope used to promise to "retain the tradition of his forbears" and that is the very nature of his office. In some sense each Pope is "outranked" by his forbear in office. When a current pope refutes a prior pope in his teaching (talking about faith and morals as it is possible discipline can change) his forebear is correct FULL STOP. Pope Francis has activively promoted heresy and bad morals. We have NO CHOICE to resist him on these...TO HIS FACE. When you resist someone TO HIS FACE you are NOT respecting him. Respect due to an office is only extended to a person when that person has not disrespected his office. The very nature of the papacy is to preserve doctrine and tradition. When he fails to do that, as Francis has intentionally failed to do, then he has "lost his savor". Keep in mind that salt CANNOT lose its flavor, it is quite literally impossible. What Jesus was talking about is clear. He is talking about when what ought to be impossible does occur (salt losing its savor) the thing has lost its value. The Papacy is of no use if it cannot do its primary function which is to preserve doctrine. We are only left with two choices here, either a Pope has lost his savor, or he is no pope at all. I would argue a Pope who is not interested in performing his function is ipso facto not a pope at all. The fact that Pope Francis is now a heretic is irrefutable. That he may have become Pope illegally is possible. In any case, if he is not willing to be pope, he cannot inherit the respect his office so richly deserves.
@@batboy49 "That statement will require proof." Which statement specifically? I could provide abundant proof, but we have to be stewards of our time. Concerning Peter and Paul, the issue of resisting to the face was an issue of behavior, not of doctrine. Paul resisted Peter's venially sinful conduct but obeyed his infallibly safe teaching. Paul was not controlling Peter's ordinary magisterium. Doctors like St. Bellarmine have explained that. And the First Vatican Council taught definitively that the popes have the gift of an unfailing faith. That's why we should always submit to what the pope teaches to the whole Church down to even disciplinary decisions. There is no way for a pope to fail. The only possible explanation is God's permission of evil. He allows a great delusion, a false papacy, to deceive many: it is the man of sin sitting in the temple of God. We have been warned about this a long time ago. A good starting point is 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
Here’s the thing and we have been living it with Catholics which is the shame and humiliation of the back to back scandals. All I have to say is that checks and balances are what keeps a church in line, not we will support you and venerate you no matter what. What happens is that when atrocities don’t matter, you will get more and more of them. Most people are not in the role of the victim so Bingo solves everything. Meanwhile some child has gone and committed suicide while you have cheered on the perpetrators and have declared that this is the One True Church. I made an understatement. The numbers of ruined lives are not just one, they are many, but bring on those communion wafers!!! Really? At what cost to the innocents? If there was real power there, could not those children abused by priests be healed, would that not be more worthy than turning communion wafers into the body of Jesus. It is that we experience the Lord made real to us, it is spirit and truth. But let the children be healed!!! Sho much Showboating! It is Jesus who is the ONE TRUE SAVIOR, not the popes! You have traded the real God for the little one with all his warts and gross sins and won’t let your feet do the talking as they find the door and start walking. Jesus, He is the One Pearl of Great Price. And with Him, are their the manacles of the Inquisition, the Iron Maiden or the Rack? The Catholic Church has rivaled Islam for their gross cruelty. Is this what Jesus called the church to? And the Reformation was wrong, like we needed more people burned and their babied thrown to them in the fire??? It is not a pretty picture. It is like this, if you have rotten food which will send you to the ER you find in your fridge, no matter how much good food you dump into that rot, will you make it healthy again? It is our God and our Lord Jesus Christ who is Eternally Pure. But we were told and ignored the fact, that if one even reads the book of Revelation, all these corruptions were predicted and what is the prescription is “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her plagues.” Is there another prime directive? I don’t find it. Why would God be so mean as to put on your heads when you don’t come out, the plagues assigned to the wanton Scarlet Woman who rides the Beast to those who are in awe and despite whatever corruption, the murder of children, or the rapes thereof, or the enslavement of the victims of rape, or nuns used in their convents as brothels and given abortions, I will tell you, the nuns were as much victims as the children were. Then there is the sale of children who Catholic hospital told the mothers that their babies were born dead. No, they went up for Catholic adoption with rich donors. How is this alright? This is what one should trust in, we trust in the Lord with all our hearts as men are imperfect and we look to the ONE who is the author and perfected of our faith. No man in a petticoat. The true King of Kings did not have a home to rest his head in, he was an itinerant preacher and slept under the stars. He did not have a many jeweled crown nor did he sell indulgences. One can worship the institution itself which brought you celibacy which is not achievable by many men. It isn’t the holiness of the priest we face, it is our High Priest, Christ Jesus. Pope Francis was brought in as a clean-up squad for the previous pope, as Pope Benedict was too overwhelmed and did not cause the corruption. I think he was and is actually a good man. But a compromised one. If one can put up with the corruption, go down and look into the eyes of a child whose innocence has been stolen and explain why you can support that system where they are but a statistic and there will be many many more as the crime of being a Reformer is infinitely more unforgivable. Keep telling yourself that!!! Come back to and trust in Jesus as He is the only ONE who will not disappoint.
I'd love to name names, but I won't. I just avoid those UA-camrs like the plague. They are hateful, and have built a whole theology around criticizing the Pope.
I charitably and respectfully disagree with Fr Gerald at 2:15. We should remember 2 Samuel 6:14-15: And David danced before the LORD with all his might, [...] brought up the Ark of the LORD with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns." Dancing at Mass is not my cup of tea but if properly dedicated to God it can be a valid form of worship.
Yes. I have been watching the Pints videos and learned a great deal. I admire the frankness of honesty of the commentators. But... I am horrified at how easily the catholic community is prepared to turn on its own. How easily the phrase "heretic" is employed even in discussion. It seems to me that there has been a fundamental lack of generosity in much of this discourse about Pope Francis. As Jesus said, a house divided against itself cannot stand. Place yourself in the shoes of the man asked to perform this near impossible task, and walk in them even in your mind's eye, or at least try to assimilate the pressures and contradictions he faces every day, then comment with charity.
Listen to Theology and Reason with Michael Lofton. He is very well versed in catholic teaching and loyal to the Church. He is also a convert. Give him a try.
Why are we asking where is the line of respect for this pope? He is the one who crossed all lines, both doctrinal and disciplinary. Why can’t you guys say that - with all respect - enough is enough?!
2:14 I think the claim that dance doesn't constitute worship is spurious; there are plenty of cultures for whom dance is a normal and accepted part of worship and Catholics in those areas have adapted them into their celebrations of the liturgy. Not only that but when Michal criticizes King David for "dancing before the Lord", God punishes her by making her infertile, which I think makes our Lord's position on the issue clear. That being said, I would agree that interpretative dance is inappropriate in mass for most of us in the West since in practice it is more of "a little show for everyone" than a way of actually worshipping God.
I am a Catholic from Singapore. I am truly astounded and saddened by the way our Holiness, Pope Francis is being spoken of and treated by speakers like yourself who claim to be wonderful Catholics, who love Christ. Christ said, "love on another as I have loved you." In my culture we respect our elders even if we may disagree with them. None of the speakers who have taken upon themselves to be Pope Francis's judge and jury was there during the 12 days when the Pope was with his faithful in Indonesia, Timor Leste, PNG and Singapore. There was so much love and solidarity. People of all walks of life and faith experienced Christ through the Holy Father. You were not there, and yet you wish to discredit Pope Francis. You and speakers like yourself have no idea of what the cultures and the people in Indonesia, Timor Leste, PNG and Singapore are like and what we are like as Catholics. How respectful we are of each other and how rich our lives are because of it. Only God our Father has the authority to judge and yet you and your other fellow speakers have taken upon yourselves to cast the first stone on Pope Francis. I just wonder why you and the others are such angry people when knowing Christ is about love. God is love.
If you can't criticise as part of discernment of whether something or someone is evil to alert others in filial support to wake people up, then how does that help people get their Salvation. Is it better to let them follow evil over the precipice? I'm sure God is really supporting that head in the sand attitude. Time to wake up.
The world at large takes great pleasure in attacking the Church and especially the Pope. We are called to come out of the world and into grace, the hard road unto salvation. If we're looking for errors they certainly can be found in any person in any Era of The Church. The holiest of Saints would agree. Unless your in a position or office of the Vatican it is highly unlikely your opinion can serve any purpose other than being the clanging cymbal everyone is tired of hearing. Fear God. That is wisdom. Amen.
That priest is speaking heretically: we must always comment against the papacy due to his personal failings, as those do teach far stronger than any words he could issue *against* morality- his actions teach heresy by his actions; and the office only makes the heresies of his actions far worse.
What? Rethink that run on sentence to at least make sense. You're saying we have the obligation to ad-hominem the Pope and not just call out his teachings? It's not like we get to see into his bedroom and read tell-all interviews in People magazine. What exactly do you have in mind in terms of "personal failings?"
@@duncescotus2342 Yes, if he teaches anything that leads anyone to sin, we have absolute obligation to attack him himself as he, and the holy spirit by extension, become heretics. And no, it makes perfect sense what I said.
Doesn’t a journalist have no choice but to put their opinion in their writing? At the very least, what information they choose to include is an opinion on what is important. So if we accept this, then isn’t it better that they be open with their opinion so that we know what it is that colors their writing?
I'm glad of this Pope, cause now all the world, even the more sleepy one, can see the thinghs for what they are in the Church, before few have sayed the modern heresies of John Paul 2,now all can see this crisis, and recognize the problem it's already at 50 xcent his resolution.
I am definitely not a fan of pope Francis or modernist bishops, but one thing I take issue with is UA-cam commentators ridiculing the hierarchy in inappropriate ways. They show funny pictures of clergy in objectionable clothing or doing questionable things just to mock them as a form of entertainment. I think that is completely shameful considering the respect due to their office. It's one thing to respectfully dissent and criticize, it's another to mock. Archbishop Lefebvre was always so dignified in the way he spoke of the hierarchy despite his strong criticism of their actions. I can't say the same of many traditionalists unfortunately.
Considering his status as Christ's vicar, we need to completely stop respecting him and all church officials forever and retract any and all respect for God Himself as well- merely because the church claims that no layman can judge the pope; we therefore as the laity have the duty to judge not only the pope, but to condemn the holy spirit to Hell for even being a spirit in the first place!
If we're "disrespecting" the pope in terms of his being our fellow human being, then that's wrong. However, we should definitely take the papacy very seriously . . . as the head of a cult.
@tonysaid6184 1 месяц назад It is de Fide that: "a pope who would become a heretic immediately falls from his office. The reason for this is that a heretic is a non Christian, and one who is not a Christian cannot be the head and leader of Christians. This is the teaching of ALL the ancient Fathers, who teach that a pope who becomes a heretic automatically falls from his office and loses all jurisdiction." - St. Robert Ballarmine, "De Romano Pontifice", Bk 2 Cap 30.This, therefore, is not an opinion or a theory. It is a doctrine of the Faith because it draws its authority from the unanimous consent of the Fathers. Bergoglio is a manifest and public heretic ("notorious in fact" as per canon law) and he is ,,moreover pertinacious, and so he is an Antipope.
A little fame does dangerous things to the ego. Your comments are beneath his great mind now but he appreciates you listening to his every word even if it's nonsense dribble about carnivore diets!
Aquinas did not know that the female was an active agent in procreation thus teaching only the inseparability of faith and reason and not their qualitative equality. "with whom you share a union" as in a synod on synodality starts within marriage; that is, within the inseparability and qualitative equality of procreation and union both in male-female marriage in God and in consecrated celibacy marriage in Christ. Colin Clark's reference point, through both advice and example, for successive Popes was simultaneously in 1964 at the Pope's Commission on Population and the UNO Food and Agriculture Organisation of just about paripassu rate of growth of population (insuring union in marriage) and food supplies in the developing countries (ensuring procreation in marriage) as confirmed by a family member of his valid and proper marriage. Pope Francis in his marriage in Christ as a consecrated celibate immediately from his election kept unity with Colin Clark in his marriage in God with my mother coming through Pope St Paul V1’s Encyclical “Of Human Life”, Humanae Vitae, 1968, 12 on aspects of marriage of “inseparable” towards completion of including ‘qualitatively equal’ of union and procreation on or about 10 June 2021 by his authorising simultaneously applications of observation measurement terms for: (a) ensuring procreation in the case of Cardinal Angelo Becciu and nine others presenting continuing in a Vatican state civil trial on indictments for embezzlement of helper of families' charity donations within the family, (b) insuring union in marriage in the case of the "Zan" anti-homophobia bill then before the Italian Parliament as an unacceptable risk of fraud on this insuring union of family members of valid and proper marriages (defeated in early November 2021).
Mediator dei, encyclical by pius xii he writes, the pope only has the right to the liturgy, to approve new rites, amend those that need amendment and abrogate what he sees needs amendments
@@RickW-HGWT pius v said let no one change it, if you read well qp, he did mention all clerics under him, and said even if its a cardinal, he did not bind himself, an equal cannot bind an equal, eg pope Eugene teaches authoritatively that the words of ordination should and must never change, pius xii changed them why because a pope has full right on the liturgy and he cnt be binded by anyone another example, pius v said let no one add anything or subtract from it only for him next year to add the feast of the rosary yet he had said let no one add anything
The pope is a sinner like all of us. Therefore he is open to criticism from the flock. That being said, always be respectful to the office and the man.
It is more disrespectful to completely ignore the Pope's instructions that it is to disagree and criticise his decisions. The critics of the Pope should be ignored, and the apathetic "Christians" must be re-educated on the important of the Church.
Benedict's resignation in itself was faulty. Benedict's actions since then have called into question his intentions as to resigning the full papacy. Bergoglio refuses to call himself the Vicar of Christ. He has promoted Pachamama idolatry, sowed confusion regarding the Church's perennial teachings and insulted parents for their large families. Benedict remains the true pope. This is not a hard call.
@@Brillemeister The point is that he objectively erred in his intentions and the manner of the resignation. He seems to be perfectly fine with it, unaware of the deficiencies, so why would he renounce it?
𝑺𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓❓𝐐: Am I Too Disrespectful of 🇻🇦Pope Francis? 𝐀: is that possible?...Ya know that thought has never occurred to me...🧠💭❓...⏳ what was your question again?
I completely disagree. Pastor Aeternus, which is dogma, tells us that we must submit to the authority of the Pope not only in matters of faith and morals but also in matters of church governance and discipline and that our salvation depends on that submission. Furthermore, PA teaches us that there is no higher authority than the Supreme Pontiff and no appeal to his decisions. According to PA, our salvation depends on our submission to the Pope.
The pope is human, but I recall that God wishes us to pray for him, and to follow him, unless perhaps it is crystal clear what he does is against Christ' teachings. Right? Pray for him... he' got a target of hell on him. I have a hard time liking him for what he's said, done, allowed in the Vatican (that mama nonsense for 1), but daily prayers include a prayer for the pope and all priests.
If ye are gonna respectfully call out the Pope for messing up then you MUST do that to the Pope's unjust and or notorious critics. To not do so kills yer own credibility. If a Papal Critic does not respond well to criticism I tune them out. Those who do respond to criticism and accept it (they dinny have to agree with it) I will more likely hear.
Joseph van Haren I think it's a obligation if you are aware of false teaching by Pope Francis to remind your family and friends , their salvation depends on it , it's hard enough as it is to reach heaven , false leadership and teaching is a great obstacle to our final heavenly destination. We will pray for the Pope.
MrRickkramer, the Church, through her prelates, can make accidental changes like adjustments in the liturgy and the sacraments. On the other hand, the Church has not the power to make changes in substance to the deposit of faith. Real change is legitimate and organic; changes in essence can only be attempted by false apostles.
If you can’t see This guy is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I not sure how bad a “pope” would have to be before you could see it. In the words of the prophet Isaiah. “They have eyes but can’t see, and have ears but can’t hear.” Even the high priest Caiaphus (the Old Testament version of the pope in the seat of Moses). Couldn’t see clearly during Christ’s first appearance to discern who the messiah was. What a fitting backdrop to Christ’s second return. That a persons in the chair of Moses couldn’t discern who Christ is either.
The pope celebrated wthout proper vestments... oi oi oi. that will shock Jesus a lot. He always had many golden vestments did not he? Like the jewish high priests?
No courage required to criticize the pope in 21st-century America, and poor Msgr Murray could only come up with one out-of-bounds critic of the Holy Father. Pretty courageless, Father. Kudos to you, Pints, for posing the question.
I do not agree with many things Pope Francis has said, but right now he is among the few public figures who promote peace. Hardly any of the Catholic vloggers have shared his initiative to pray the daily rosary in May.
I have great respect for the office of the Pope. And I pray for him. But I do not consider it disrespectful to question his motives and recent actions in light of Catholic tradition.
I for one am right to forever have no respect for any offices at all, for any office-holder is mere subhuman vermin for having a majestic office to begin with!
It is always right for us as the laity to condemn God's agents merely for having been given offices by Him, and thus having been made into subhuman vermin for having any authority from any source aside from the *consent of the governed alone*, anything else as a source of authority does not exist, and never ever has, and certainly never ever will. Any other claims are heretical in and of themselves.
So yes, biblical tradition is to be condemned, and only if we condemn anything from eternity will we have any hope of salvation from idolatry; and the inevitable fruit of listening to God's vicars is idolatry; as the holy spirit has proven through the current pope, as well as Him endorsing baby-murder through unacceptable "medicines" made by murdering babies. Nobody can ever in good conscience ever listen to anything that comes out of any mouthpiece of God due to that alone.
Exactly brother...
Lol. He's right in line with Catholic tradition. One Pope says one thing, another another.
@@duncescotus2342 So what you've discovered is personal judgement, not doctrinal statement.
In the video, Matt says he no longer reads the comments. At the end of the video he says leave a comment and tell him what we think. 🤔
Maybe he has someone else read them?
Exactly.. so what’s the point of leaving a comment?
He may glance at them but not engaging in debate or discussion. I am finally doing this on fb. It is peaceful.
@@josephboder6640 No, he said flat out he doesn't read them. Don't "read" into his comment.
@@MyImmaculateQueen I wouldn't say it was pride. The comment section can be quite abusive and it could be he just reached his limit of what he could take peaceably. My only objection is that he is still inviting people to leave comments (which helps his videos) by implying he's interested in knowing what we think of his content.
I believe that the pope can be criticized with charity, the pope can make mistakes and we should point them to him. But this tireless attacks on the pope, those unjust accusations and hate we see online is not permissible, those people who mock and attack the pope all the time, I believe are in spiritual danger
Is he by his outrages and profonarions not leading the the faithful into spiritual danger ?, yes he is , charity goes only so far , I see none from this pope, a long overdue lesson in respect for the laity is needed for this moral imbecile.
People are not attacking the office of Peter but the people who can can do harm to the Souls of many have a higher duty not to cause confusion and be vindictive.
He is walking lockstep with ZOG. This is a war. It is a DUTY to warn the public!!! 🆘
@@anneoutarsingh3966 its not a sin just to attack the office of Peter but to attack the pope himself is a sin, one can correct the pope charitably, but mocking and destroying the pope’s reputation and judging him constantly can be a very grave sin
@@apostlesoftheimmaculatehea8081 I am not attacking the Pope I am judging his actions which is way different. Some of his actions have been vindictive towards Traditional Catholics , I do no
I believe we, The Church, have a responsibility to hold the Pope accountable for clarity. The way the apostles held each other accountable.
Dan, when did an apostle render Peter accountable for his teaching to the Church?
@@Victor-co2xj Paul did. Not for his teaching to the Church, because Peter was spotless in this regard. But for his attitude, which conveyed a bad message. Galatians 2, 11-13
@@derechoplano That's a very good point. Paul's rebuke of Peter didn't concern his magisterium, but his behavior. The Successors of Peter might fail in their personal conduct and can be resisted in that situation, but they are always safe to follow in their papal magisterium and so must be obeyed in that context.
In other words, nobody who accepts Francis as a legitimate pope can hold him accountable for his teaching to the Church. Instead, such a person must give submission of his mind and heart to the teachings of Francis.
St. Bellarmine explained: "Who will judge whether the Pope has taught rightly or not? For it is not for the sheep to judge whether the shepherd wanders off, not even and especially in those matters which are truly doubtful. Nor do Christian sheep have any greater judge or teacher to whom they might have recourse. As we showed above, from the whole Church one can appeal to the Pope yet, from him no one is able to appeal; therefore necessarily the whole Church will err if the Pontiff would err." (On the Roman Pontiff)
@@Victor-co2xj He is walking lockstep with ZOG. This is a war. It is a DUTY to warn the public!!! 🆘
@@Victor-co2xj sounds to me your pushing the “blind faith ideology”, if the pope is wrong you should tell him he is in error or otherwise the blind will lead the blind.
When bad shepherds lead people astray they need to be called out. Pope Francis has caused grave scandal on multiple occasions, he has taught error on multiple occasions, he has done many things that beg for correction. Some people just put a filter on it and refuse to report anything that doesn't jive with Catholic principals - which would be fine if we existed in a world of strictly limited information and great Catholic education. We don't though. I remember my parents struggling mightily to explain away our pastor's blatant heresy with, "Father didn't mean to say..." and then stating the traditional Catholic teaching. Of my 5 siblings I am the only one who still goes to Mass. You cannot preserve the Faith by smoothing over heresy and making excuses when authority figures teach error, because the end result looks like either the house is divided against itself and is _not_ protected from error as claimed, or religion is _all_ bullsh*t which is the conclusion my siblings drew.
R Tyria, if a true pope can teach error on multiple occasions, what is the whole point of having a pope?
Thank you. That was very well said.
@@Victor-co2xj Francis is a punishment God permitted the world to inflict on His Church. If I had to hazard a guess the cause of the punishment of a worldly pope would be worldly bishops. They've been treating their office no differently than a businessman would treat his, only worse. They tremble over public relations and gloss over eternal realities. God will strip His Church of every public (secular) praise and bring Her to the Garden of Olives to sweat blood with Him in His agony. There She will be betrayed, as He was, by one close to Her, bound and brought to worldly judgement. She will be scourged with Him, crowned with thorns as He was, bound to Her cross and forced to follow His steps to Calvary. There She will be crucified as Her Spouse was, but after the world declarers Her dead, God will raise Her up again. God Himself will save His bride. As JPII used to say, "Be not afraid!"
@@Victor-co2xj , the solution to bad government is not no government. Even a pope like Francis probably makes routine administrative decisions that are not reported because they are not controversial. Only a pope can define dogmas as ex-cathedra, and he's prevented from doing this wrongly by the Holy Spirit.
@@rtyria How can God use popes and bishops as a punishment? The pope is the proximate rule of faith, the champion against heresy, the sure instrument of salvation. God would be mocking his own promises if he allowed the supreme authority to devastate His Church. On the other hand, he can allow imposters to bring about a great deception. Scripture predicted that God would allow the appearance of the "man of sin" within his very temple (that is, the Church). "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
Matt, you said you stopped reading the comments but then invite us to comment. If ever I wish to comment on one’s video, it’s out of desire to communicate to the content provider. So I’m saddened to think if I praise your content, which I do in my thoughts and discussions with like minded people, you might not see it.
I truly enjoy the content you broadcast here on this channel. I’ve found myself rethinking some of my positions on many issues throughout the years I’ve been following your channel. I’m grateful for the discussions. They are soul searching and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing.
I don't think he is honest, do you?
@@leejennifercorlewayres9193 I’m not sure I understand your question. What do you mean when you say you don’t believe he is honest?
Wherever I attend Mass I have to wait to be last to receive Our Lord Jesus kneeing and on my tongue.
But the first will be last, and the last will be First 👍🙏 Viva Cristo Rey 🙏
Except the one's that still have the Communion Rail, but I won't mention those in fear of them being attacked.
!Viva Cristo Rey!
We really as Catholics need to find a balance. We can absolutely have questions and concerns, but it should come from a place of love and deep respect.
I appreciate this video. I do challenge Father's claim that Pope Francis had taught doctrinal error in his Magisterium. I think that is an overly simplistic analysis of his Magisterium and unnecessarily undermines the credibility of his teaching authority.
You are so correct.
Reason & Theology, what is the whole point of having a papal magisterium if we must always brace ourselves and be on guard about what will be coming out of his lips, having to continuously sort through and extenuate and clarify his statements in order to find out what he "really meant"? Isn't he able to make plain statements on plain matters of doctrine? Isn't that according to the Church the very reassuring purpose of the papacy - to "confirm thy brethren"? Doesn't the "principal glory" of ecclesiastical authority consist "above all in teaching the truth with clarity and excluding all danger of error"? (Pius VI, Auctorem Fidei)
Yes we can politely prance our way to Hell by being nice and respectful, Jesus called out the hypocrites, he told of the horrors of Hell and divorce and any number of Sins , human respect is nice but if it means the difference between eternal Hell or Bliss, give me the raw ugly truth to save my soul.
I have not heard many people make many comments that are “personal”. People are doing well in criticism of his heresy. Correction of those in error is charity and also a duty of Catholics!
"The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: "Here is the wolf!" when it enters the flock or anywhere else." (St. Francis of Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, part III, chap. 29)
@@Victor-co2xj He is walking lockstep with ZOG. This is a war. It is a DUTY to warn the public!!! 🆘
Pope Francis has not taught any heresy.
...Therefore your comment is public slander against the holy father-which is grave sin.
@@G-MIP You're very ignorant and obviously of bad will.
That makes you the judge of what is or is not heretical, doesn't it? There was a time when you would be clearly on the wrong side of that net.
Let me clarify the above comment which I made a couple of days ago. I meant that Catholics have become like their Evangelical counterparts in that they feel quite free to criticize their leaders, their government, even their Pope, going as far as calling him a heretic, though he sits in Peter's seat, and is even the "Vicar of Christ" according to their own beliefs. I think this irony is lost on them.
My point was that there was a time when you who speak against the Pope would be the only heretic judged so.
You can be respectful yet truthful. I see no problem in saying that it is wrong to promote some of the things being promoted by this papacy but agree that the aims must be charitable.
I appreciate Fr. Gerald Murphy.
Total truth in charity.
Paul corrected Peter. Peter may have been the rock that the church was founded on, but he was not Christ. The Pope is in need of correction. Should it be done in love? Absolutely. But should it be done? Absolutely.
J Wilson, Paul corrected Peter's behavior (Galatians 2) but obeyed Peter's teaching (Acts 15), which is always safe to follow. It is impossible for a legitimate Successor of St. Peter to teach poisonous error to the Church.
"After His glorious Ascension into Heaven this Church rested not on Him alone [Christ], but on Peter, too, its visible foundation stone. That Christ and His Vicar constitute one only Head is the solemn teaching of Our predecessor of immortal memory Boniface VIII in the Apostolic Letter Unam Sanctam; and his successors have never ceased to repeat the same. They, therefore, walk in the path of dangerous error who believe that they can accept Christ as the Head of the Church, while not adhering loyally to His Vicar on earth." (Pius XII, Mystici Corporis 40-41)
@@Victor-co2xj the Pope's teaching cannot contradict scripture. Where scripture is explicit, there can be no question. Paul and Peter had a significant falling out on whether gentiles had to become Jews first in order to become followers of Christ (circumcision and following kosher food rules). Paul won those arguments, obviously. The Pope wears big shoes, but he is absolutely NOT Christ on Earth, and my the Lord forgive any man who says he is. The church needs a leader, and leaders deserve leeway, or else we all fall into the falsehood of the protestants who are a ship without a rudder. But the False Prophet will come from the church, mark my words. And he will most likely be a Pope. As the church (us), we are to always be on guard to avoid falling for the False Prophet. A Pope that needs correction ought to be thankful to receive it. If not, then I submit that he may be the False Prophet.
@@jwilsonhandmadeknives2760 The teachings of a true pope can never contradict Scripture, Tradition, and previous Magisterium; it is a divine guarantee. The incident involving Paul and Peter had nothing to do with Peter's teaching. He erred in behavior, and Paul reprimanded him for it (Galatians 2). At the same time, Peter was safe to follow in his teaching, and Paul submitted to him on it (Acts 15).
The false prophet cannot be a pope because the papacy is protected by Christ, but we have been warned that the false prophet can disguise himself as a false pope.
Commenting on 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Fr. Sylvester Berry said: "The 'mystery of iniquity' gradually developing through the centuries, cannot be fully consummated while the power of the Papacy endures, but now he that 'withholdeth is taken out of the way.' During the interregnum 'that wicked one shall be revealed' in his fury against the Church.
It is a matter of history that the most disastrous periods for the Church were times when the Papal throne was vacant, or when anti-popes contended with the legitimate head of the Church. Thus also shall it be in those evil days to come." (Rev. E. Sylvester Berry, The Apocalypse of St. John [Columbus, OH: John W. Winterich, 1921].)
you will know them by their fruits.
I think its unhelpful that people within the church are also attacking it. or at the very least, members of the clergy shouldn't be encouraging laypeople to be more skeptical of the catholic church. we have enough of that
That is the attitude that gave us the scandals, and the crisis that we are in , the church has destroyed it's own moral authority.
He is walking lockstep with ZOG. This is a war. It is a DUTY to warn the public!!! 🆘
Thanks for your true beliefs. Always get something out of your programs. GOD BLESS YOU .
Let’s flip the question the other way.. Is Pope Francis to disrespectful of the laity, in particular those of the traditional way??
Next cuestion
@@mistermkultra3114 what's a "cuestion"?
Yes. He is walking lockstep with ZOG. This is a war. It is a DUTY to warn the public!!! 🆘
Thanks for the talk Matt. The Lord through His Holy Spirit has been forming me more on this topic. When I say this, believe me, I’ve not been a fan of this Pontificate. So the Lord has pointed out to me to pray very much for him. He has also asked me who ultimately benefits from the criticism of the Pope (I’m not talking about constructive criticism) I mean the kind where he so drives me crazy that I can’t stand the man and what he seemingly gets away with. So, when I have this mind set, will I pray for him? Probably not. So again, who ultimately benefits from us not praying for the Pope……the evil one, perhaps? And our prideful vices grow stronger. He delights when we pick at and complain about the Pope or each other because he loves division. Again, I’m not talking about constructive criticism. The Pope is made in the image and likeness of God, true? So when we don’t pray for him, the evil likes that even more and his cause is furthered by our lack of prayer. The evil one aids us in the slightest vice. Remember our Lord wants the salvation of all and told us to pray for one another. That even means the people we don’t like♥️🙏🕊
How ignorant to criticise the Pope based on what the anti-catholic Media says about him. Such gullible clowns.
Yes, respectful disagreement not insults.
I disagree, I refer to pope f as a moral imbecile, from what I have seen and read he is one. I cannot respect such a person who surrounds himself with heretics, perverts and traitors as part of the hierarchy , his contempt for the traditional wing, the one that is growing, is reason alone for this. If I disrespect him it it to show my moral rage , this pope and the hierarchy need to learn respect for the laity in faith and in stewardship of the trust and treasure that it asks of us.
"duty of christians is to defend the truth in charity" Amen
Taking time is a blessing.
Not that you would read this, but if you dislike comments so much, why are they enabled? So its ok for you to speak but no one else? So our comments, as you say, are the "lowest form of human discourse"? Am I missing something? I'm new here but I'll be spending my time on other channels.
Please recommend any channels you like.
Let’s focus on making sure the Pope stays ON TRACK‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
I've got some real questions about things the Holy Father has said, and it's important as I and others want to know the truth, in His defense and defense of the faith. I don't want to offend or detract anyone, just want to know if they are false so I can defend him?
This is so stupid. That man is not the pope. Benedict was pope, therefore Francis is not. There can't be two popes at the same time. The fact that Benedict is now dead doesn't elevate Francis from being an anti-pope.
Why is this so hard to understand?
This clips of videos end a little too abruptly. I also wish they were labeled as parts of larger videos or clips on one channel and full videos on another.
We need to pray Jorge receives his heavenly reward as soon as possible.
I liked that you asked them to name names of those who were "doing it wrong". I think those names need to be out there too.
The pope is not above criticism! If his office must be respected by everyone and it obviously should then the one who occupies that office should be the first to respect that office! Unfortunately like the current “president” of the US who doesn’t respect his own office neither does this current pope with his!
Matt, the church is in crisis. We have been seeing the same things consistently for almost 10 years and we are worn out. We need to be able to forgive the brave people standing up for the faith when they stumble into uncharitable speech, and also not act as if these incidents invalidate the points they make. Clips like these call to mind the idea of "straining a gnat and swallowing a camel."
It's not about lack of forgiveness. It is about holding the standard high. We must not grow tired in doing good, and we cannot dismiss bad behaviour because of being tired or a veteran. Such reasons would not count for other vices, so likewise with respect. And respect for those who wear the collar is reverence to Christ Himself.
Exactly! That's called being people of understanding. It's not always just what is said but why. We should be sensitive to the pain others may be feeling that motivate them to think or act in certain ways.
@@CatholicK5357 So, if a satanist was wearing a collar and covertly murdering you, you would respect them?
@@leejennifercorlewayres9193 God willing, even in that extreme over the top example, yes. Every human being must be respected firstly because of bearing the image of God, so even without the collar. As soon as you start saying I can't respect this person or that person, you then excuse unforgiveness, since we can only forgive those we respect. We respect the person and not the action of the person. That saintly girl was martyred by a terrible man took the time to warn him that his action could cost him his soul and made it clear that she forgave him and wanted him to be in Heaven with her. Her heroic virtue led to his later conversion. We look to the saints for examples not as people who cannot be followed.
Jesus I trust in you yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever. DIVINE MERCY. In my soul.
With respect, when much is giving, much is expected!
"On another occasion a group of pilgrims visiting him [Blessed Solanus Casey, Detroit, MI] had occasion to complain about some action of their local bishop. Solanus could not tolerate such criticism of the church whose representative the bishop was. He roundly scolded the complainers for their lack of love and respect for God's chosen minister."
Source: "Meet Solanus Casey" by Brother Leo Wollenwevee, OFM, Cap. Pg 90. Servant. Copyright 2002.”
Nothing wrong with insulting people. John the Baptist called the Pharisees vipers.
Pope Francis is merely a successor of St. Peter, and, Our Lord Jesus Christ scolded Peter himself for doing what Francis is doing: “Jesus turned to Peter and said, 'Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.'” (Matthew 16:23)
@Composer, Peter was not the pope when Christ scolded him. He only became the pope after the resurrection. It is always safe to follow the teachings of the successor of St. Peter. Is it safe to follow the teachings of Francis?
@@Victor-co2xj It's safe to say this pope has Christian blood on his hands over 💉, so ask him why he is persecuting Christ! 🧐
Yes, we are. It's become a free-for-all. Instead of reading the Pope's documents to learn from them, too many people go with the expectation (the hope?) of finding something that offends them.
As a non-Catholic (or more accurately, a "catholic" (small c) I have to praise your words. Deference to authority, even worldly or corrupt, is affirmed in Romans 13. How much more should we honor those at the helm of great ships, and more so, the greatest ship (in terms of tonnage) of Christianity? I would have liked to see more sentiments like yours, which can be summarized by the scriptural admonition: "Pay honor to those to whom honor is due, fear to those whom fear is due."
More powerful than criticism is prayer for the Pope when he is in error. Pray for him and all priests. You want him to do things correctly? Pray for him!
That is wise and scriptural. Good admonition, sister: "Pray for those in power..."
“Even if [the Pope an incarnate devil], we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom... He who rebels against our Father is condemned to death, for that which we do to him we do to Christ: we honor Christ if we honor the Pope; we dishonor Christ if we dishonor the Pope.”
Saint Catherine of Sienna
I guess she was referring to Popes like the Borgia: corrupt popes, popes that had sexual sins and so on. I don't think she referred to popes that openly teach heresy or worship Pachamama. In this last case, the Bible (for example, first commandment) has preference over the opinions of a saint, which are only this: opinions.
Interesting comments from both Fr.Murray and Ms.Montagne (I hope I've spelled her surname correctly). I've great respect for Fr.Murrays analysis and his demeanour as a priest. However like many many other catholics, I fully understand the disrepute that the Vatican itself is bringing upon the papacy. Whatever else concerning comments made by the Laity in the media and throughout the Internet. It is extremely difficult to be charitable, given the Vaticans behaviour since 2013.
The Pope should absolutely be criticised, he has very little right to get much wrong; that is the responsibility that comes with the nature of his office.
Very well said. The papacy should be the backstop for all disputes. Instead since 2013 it has become the backstop for disrepute.
Does he give us cause? He confuses the teaching of Mother Church.
But see this is really why we have this problem. People are angry in comments because they have NO FORUM, and the leaders in their immediate vicinity do not care to listen to their grievances, often because they are the cause of the grievance. Whereas the people in power who should correct these people do not do so. And those who do have some level of audience and would want to see some correction, are often too quiet, pretending they are humble when really they are just abstaining from getting involved and making waves. We need more people who are daring enough to make waves. Not in an uncharitable way, but just not afraid to speak up and demand a more authentic approach to our faith lived our in liturgy and public witness.
I love the Holy Father, insofar as I pray for him and want him to get to Heaven, but I do not like him. Whatever his intentions are, it seems as if he has sown a lot of discord and confusion among Catholics, and (what seems to be) his attack on traditional liturgy has been very alienating.
SuperZebezian, the purpose of the office of the pope is to be the principle of unity of the Church. Because of Christ's promise to protect the papacy, it is impossible for a pope, in the exercise of his magisterium, to sow discord and confusion among Catholics. The destruction that Francis is promoting is the very opposite of what one might expect from a lawful successor of St. Peter. "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be anathema." (Galatians 1:8)
So sad what is going on. We need to pray.
Spot on!
"To criticize the Pope is to be outside the Church." Cardinal Sarah
“He that is not with the pope is not with God, and he that wants to be with God must be with the pope.” Sister Lucia of Fatima
This Pope is doing a blessed job of showing how many of us are not really Catholic, so many Pharisees!
To pray for the Pope, and to beg for enlightenment as to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to the Church through our Holy Father.
"Lord, I do believe, help me with my unbelief."
We do damage and disservice to the Church and the People Of God through this criticism!
Pope Francis teachings are not conservative and traditional anymore 😤
What about Taylor Marshall?
Taylot = The Star.
Church Militant = National Enquirer
I respect the office of the Papacy, and as a result I cannot respect Pope Francis because he is not respecting the Church, Tradition, or Holy Orders. When we respect an office we can only respect those who respect the office they hold. Pope Francis utterly disdains his own office. I could go and list examples...but they are so plentiful it is literally a waste of your time.
Every Catholic MUST respect and love the pope, because all that a pope teaches is protected by the charism Christ gave to St. Peter. If someone claims to be the pope but doesn't fit the traditional Catholic definition of a pope,... we would have to draw the necessary conclusions.
@@Victor-co2xj We are called to love all people. We are called to respect the office of the pope and a pope who respects his office should be respected. A pope does not need to be perfect to be respected (I respected Pope JPII and Benedict the XVI both of which were far from perfect) but if he cannot respect his own office I cannot respect him. If salt has lost its savor it is worth nothing but to be trampled under foot.
@@batboy49 I understand, but the Church teaches that it is impossible for a pope not to respect his own office when he exercises his magisterium. The salt of the papacy losing its flavor is a plain impossibility given the solemn promise of Christ. The Church tells us that we have to follow the pope, not that we first have to verify whether the pope is doing his job well before we can grant him our submission. That's the whole point of the authority of the Roman Pontiff.
@@Victor-co2xj That statement will require proof. Here is the issue, Paul "resisted Peter to his face" which is the model for what I am saying. Even Peter required correction. And from the biblical text it strains credibility to call his resistance "respectful". Each pope used to promise to "retain the tradition of his forbears" and that is the very nature of his office. In some sense each Pope is "outranked" by his forbear in office. When a current pope refutes a prior pope in his teaching (talking about faith and morals as it is possible discipline can change) his forebear is correct FULL STOP. Pope Francis has activively promoted heresy and bad morals. We have NO CHOICE to resist him on these...TO HIS FACE. When you resist someone TO HIS FACE you are NOT respecting him. Respect due to an office is only extended to a person when that person has not disrespected his office. The very nature of the papacy is to preserve doctrine and tradition. When he fails to do that, as Francis has intentionally failed to do, then he has "lost his savor". Keep in mind that salt CANNOT lose its flavor, it is quite literally impossible. What Jesus was talking about is clear. He is talking about when what ought to be impossible does occur (salt losing its savor) the thing has lost its value. The Papacy is of no use if it cannot do its primary function which is to preserve doctrine. We are only left with two choices here, either a Pope has lost his savor, or he is no pope at all. I would argue a Pope who is not interested in performing his function is ipso facto not a pope at all. The fact that Pope Francis is now a heretic is irrefutable. That he may have become Pope illegally is possible. In any case, if he is not willing to be pope, he cannot inherit the respect his office so richly deserves.
@@batboy49 "That statement will require proof." Which statement specifically? I could provide abundant proof, but we have to be stewards of our time.
Concerning Peter and Paul, the issue of resisting to the face was an issue of behavior, not of doctrine. Paul resisted Peter's venially sinful conduct but obeyed his infallibly safe teaching. Paul was not controlling Peter's ordinary magisterium. Doctors like St. Bellarmine have explained that.
And the First Vatican Council taught definitively that the popes have the gift of an unfailing faith. That's why we should always submit to what the pope teaches to the whole Church down to even disciplinary decisions. There is no way for a pope to fail. The only possible explanation is God's permission of evil. He allows a great delusion, a false papacy, to deceive many: it is the man of sin sitting in the temple of God. We have been warned about this a long time ago. A good starting point is 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
Here’s the thing and we have been living it with Catholics which is the shame and humiliation of the back to back scandals. All I have to say is that checks and balances are what keeps a church in line, not we will support you and venerate you no matter what. What happens is that when atrocities don’t matter, you will get more and more of them.
Most people are not in the role of the victim so Bingo solves everything. Meanwhile some child has gone and committed suicide while you have cheered on the perpetrators and have declared that this is the One True Church. I made an understatement. The numbers of ruined lives are not just one, they are many, but bring on those communion wafers!!! Really? At what cost to the innocents? If there was real power there, could not those children abused by priests be healed, would that not be more worthy than turning communion wafers into the body of Jesus. It is that we experience the Lord made real to us, it is spirit and truth. But let the children be healed!!!
Sho much Showboating! It is Jesus who is the ONE TRUE SAVIOR, not the popes! You have traded the real God for the little one with all his warts and gross sins and won’t let your feet do the talking as they find the door and start walking. Jesus, He is the One Pearl of Great Price. And with Him, are their the manacles of the Inquisition, the Iron Maiden or the Rack? The Catholic Church has rivaled Islam for their gross cruelty. Is this what Jesus called the church to? And the Reformation was wrong, like we needed more people burned and their babied thrown to them in the fire??? It is not a pretty picture.
It is like this, if you have rotten food which will send you to the ER you find in your fridge, no matter how much good food you dump into that rot, will you make it healthy again?
It is our God and our Lord Jesus Christ who is Eternally Pure. But we were told and ignored the fact, that if one even reads the book of Revelation, all these corruptions were predicted and what is the prescription is “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her plagues.” Is there another prime directive? I don’t find it.
Why would God be so mean as to put on your heads when you don’t come out, the plagues assigned to the wanton Scarlet Woman who rides the Beast to those who are in awe and despite whatever corruption, the murder of children, or the rapes thereof, or the enslavement of the victims of rape, or nuns used in their convents as brothels and given abortions, I will tell you, the nuns were as much victims as the children were. Then there is the sale of children who Catholic hospital told the mothers that their babies were born dead. No, they went up for Catholic adoption with rich donors. How is this alright?
This is what one should trust in, we trust in the Lord with all our hearts as men are imperfect and we look to the ONE who is the author and perfected of our faith. No man in a petticoat. The true King of Kings did not have a home to rest his head in, he was an itinerant preacher and slept under the stars. He did not have a many jeweled crown nor did he sell indulgences.
One can worship the institution itself which brought you celibacy which is not achievable by many men. It isn’t the holiness of the priest we face, it is our High Priest, Christ Jesus.
Pope Francis was brought in as a clean-up squad for the previous pope, as Pope Benedict was too overwhelmed and did not cause the corruption. I think he was and is actually a good man. But a compromised one. If one can put up with the corruption, go down and look into the eyes of a child whose innocence has been stolen and explain why you can support that system where they are but a statistic and there will be many many more as the crime of being a Reformer is infinitely more unforgivable. Keep telling yourself that!!!
Come back to and trust in Jesus as He is the only ONE who will not disappoint.
I'd love to name names, but I won't. I just avoid those UA-camrs like the plague. They are hateful, and have built a whole theology around criticizing the Pope.
I charitably and respectfully disagree with Fr Gerald at 2:15. We should remember 2 Samuel 6:14-15: And David danced before the LORD with all his might, [...] brought up the Ark of the LORD with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns." Dancing at Mass is not my cup of tea but if properly dedicated to God it can be a valid form of worship.
Yes. I have been watching the Pints videos and learned a great deal. I admire the frankness of honesty of the commentators.
But... I am horrified at how easily the catholic community is prepared to turn on its own. How easily the phrase "heretic" is employed even in discussion. It seems to me that there has been a fundamental lack of generosity in much of this discourse about Pope Francis. As Jesus said, a house divided against itself cannot stand.
Place yourself in the shoes of the man asked to perform this near impossible task, and walk in them even in your mind's eye, or at least try to assimilate the pressures and contradictions he faces every day, then comment with charity.
Listen to Theology and Reason with Michael Lofton. He is very well versed in catholic teaching and loyal to the Church. He is also a convert. Give him a try.
I think social media was created with good intentions but people have made it the most evil way to rip someone apart.
Why are we asking where is the line of respect for this pope? He is the one who crossed all lines, both doctrinal and disciplinary. Why can’t you guys say that - with all respect - enough is enough?!
"you will know them by their fruits" 😭
‘I stopped reading comments months ago’
‘Please leave a comment below’
Uh huh 🤔
2:14 I think the claim that dance doesn't constitute worship is spurious; there are plenty of cultures for whom dance is a normal and accepted part of worship and Catholics in those areas have adapted them into their celebrations of the liturgy. Not only that but when Michal criticizes King David for "dancing before the Lord", God punishes her by making her infertile, which I think makes our Lord's position on the issue clear. That being said, I would agree that interpretative dance is inappropriate in mass for most of us in the West since in practice it is more of "a little show for everyone" than a way of actually worshipping God.
I am a Catholic from Singapore.
I am truly astounded and saddened by the way our Holiness, Pope Francis is being spoken of and treated by speakers like yourself who claim to be wonderful Catholics, who love Christ.
Christ said, "love on another as I have loved you."
In my culture we respect our elders even if we may disagree with them.
None of the speakers who have taken upon themselves to be Pope Francis's judge and jury was there during the 12 days when the Pope was with his faithful in Indonesia, Timor Leste, PNG and Singapore.
There was so much love and solidarity. People of all walks of life and faith experienced Christ through the Holy Father.
You were not there, and yet you wish to discredit Pope Francis. You and speakers like yourself have no idea of what the cultures and the people in Indonesia, Timor Leste, PNG and Singapore are like and what we are like as Catholics.
How respectful we are of each other and how rich our lives are because of it.
Only God our Father has the authority to judge and yet you and your other fellow speakers have taken upon yourselves to cast the first stone on Pope Francis.
I just wonder why you and the others are such angry people when knowing Christ is about love. God is love.
If you can't criticise as part of discernment of whether something or someone is evil to alert others in filial support to wake people up, then how does that help people get their Salvation. Is it better to let them follow evil over the precipice? I'm sure God is really supporting that head in the sand attitude. Time to wake up.
The world at large takes great pleasure in attacking the Church and especially the Pope. We are called to come out of the world and into grace, the hard road unto salvation. If we're looking for errors they certainly can be found in any person in any Era of The Church. The holiest of Saints would agree. Unless your in a position or office of the Vatican it is highly unlikely your opinion can serve any purpose other than being the clanging cymbal everyone is tired of hearing. Fear God. That is wisdom. Amen.
That priest is speaking heretically: we must always comment against the papacy due to his personal failings, as those do teach far stronger than any words he could issue *against* morality- his actions teach heresy by his actions; and the office only makes the heresies of his actions far worse.
What? Rethink that run on sentence to at least make sense. You're saying we have the obligation to ad-hominem the Pope and not just call out his teachings? It's not like we get to see into his bedroom and read tell-all interviews in People magazine. What exactly do you have in mind in terms of "personal failings?"
@@duncescotus2342 Yes, if he teaches anything that leads anyone to sin, we have absolute obligation to attack him himself as he, and the holy spirit by extension, become heretics.
And no, it makes perfect sense what I said.
@@chissstardestroyer Brother Chris, how can the Holy Spirit ever become a heretic? Did you really mean to say that?
@@duncescotus2342 *That* is how we know the whole defense of superiors is false.
...you know they all wanted to say Taylor Marshall.
Doesn’t a journalist have no choice but to put their opinion in their writing? At the very least, what information they choose to include is an opinion on what is important. So if we accept this, then isn’t it better that they be open with their opinion so that we know what it is that colors their writing?
I'm glad of this Pope, cause now all the world, even the more sleepy one, can see the thinghs for what they are in the Church, before few have sayed the modern heresies of John Paul 2,now all can see this crisis, and recognize the problem it's already at 50 xcent his resolution.
Me I still want to know how long will it take before they are minding their own business.....
I am definitely not a fan of pope Francis or modernist bishops, but one thing I take issue with is UA-cam commentators ridiculing the hierarchy in inappropriate ways. They show funny pictures of clergy in objectionable clothing or doing questionable things just to mock them as a form of entertainment. I think that is completely shameful considering the respect due to their office. It's one thing to respectfully dissent and criticize, it's another to mock.
Archbishop Lefebvre was always so dignified in the way he spoke of the hierarchy despite his strong criticism of their actions. I can't say the same of many traditionalists unfortunately.
Considering his status as Christ's vicar, we need to completely stop respecting him and all church officials forever and retract any and all respect for God Himself as well- merely because the church claims that no layman can judge the pope; we therefore as the laity have the duty to judge not only the pope, but to condemn the holy spirit to Hell for even being a spirit in the first place!
He celebrated Mass without wearing vestments!? God help us. Oh God come to our aid.
If we're "disrespecting" the pope in terms of his being our fellow human being, then that's wrong. However, we should definitely take the papacy very seriously . . . as the head of a cult.
A woman don't need to be a demon to be scary lol....This is why you have to choose the good one😂😂😂😂😂
1 месяц назад
It is de Fide that: "a pope who would become a heretic immediately falls from his office. The reason for this is that a heretic is a non Christian, and one who is not a Christian cannot be the head and leader of Christians. This is the teaching of ALL the ancient Fathers, who teach that a pope who becomes a heretic automatically falls from his office and loses all jurisdiction." - St. Robert Ballarmine, "De Romano Pontifice", Bk 2 Cap 30.This, therefore, is not an opinion or a theory. It is a doctrine of the Faith because it draws its authority from the unanimous consent of the Fathers. Bergoglio is a manifest and public heretic ("notorious in fact" as per canon law) and he is ,,moreover pertinacious, and so he is an Antipope.
A little fame does dangerous things to the ego. Your comments are beneath his great mind now but he appreciates you listening to his every word even if it's nonsense dribble about carnivore diets!
Aquinas did not know that the female was an active agent in procreation thus teaching only the inseparability of faith and reason and not their qualitative equality.
"with whom you share a union" as in a synod on synodality starts within marriage; that is, within the inseparability and qualitative equality of procreation and union both in male-female marriage in God and in consecrated celibacy marriage in Christ.
Colin Clark's reference point, through both advice and example, for successive Popes was simultaneously in 1964 at the Pope's Commission on Population and the UNO Food and Agriculture Organisation of just about paripassu rate of growth of population (insuring union in marriage) and food supplies in the developing countries (ensuring procreation in marriage) as confirmed by a family member of his valid and proper marriage.
Pope Francis in his marriage in Christ as a consecrated celibate immediately from his election kept unity with Colin Clark in his marriage in God with my mother coming through Pope St Paul V1’s Encyclical “Of Human Life”, Humanae Vitae, 1968, 12 on aspects of marriage of “inseparable” towards completion of including ‘qualitatively equal’ of union and procreation on or about 10 June 2021 by his authorising simultaneously applications of observation measurement terms for:
(a) ensuring procreation in the case of Cardinal Angelo Becciu and nine others presenting continuing in a Vatican state civil trial on indictments for embezzlement of helper of families' charity donations within the family,
(b) insuring union in marriage in the case of the "Zan" anti-homophobia bill then before the Italian Parliament as an unacceptable risk of fraud on this insuring union of family members of valid and proper marriages (defeated in early November 2021).
and Vatican 2 was quite clear that no one, not even a priest, has a right to change anything in the Mass
Mediator dei, encyclical by pius xii he writes, the pope only has the right to the liturgy, to approve new rites, amend those that need amendment and abrogate what he sees needs amendments
@@kirabofrancis1305 thus Vatican 2's shorter but just as timely reminder :)
@@kirabofrancis1305 What about the gaurentee by Pius V about the Latin mass ?, also are not popes bound by rules and orders from thier predecessors ?.
@@RickW-HGWT pius v said let no one change it, if you read well qp, he did mention all clerics under him, and said even if its a cardinal, he did not bind himself, an equal cannot bind an equal, eg pope Eugene teaches authoritatively that the words of ordination should and must never change, pius xii changed them why because a pope has full right on the liturgy and he cnt be binded by anyone another example, pius v said let no one add anything or subtract from it only for him next year to add the feast of the rosary yet he had said let no one add anything
@@RickW-HGWT a predecessors or pope cannot bind an equal
The pope is a sinner like all of us. Therefore he is open to criticism from the flock. That being said, always be respectful to the office and the man.
Raymond Arroyo? Not entirely sure there.
It is more disrespectful to completely ignore the Pope's instructions that it is to disagree and criticise his decisions. The critics of the Pope should be ignored, and the apathetic "Christians" must be re-educated on the important of the Church.
"Who is doing right?" "bablababla......"
"Who is doing it wrong? " "................."
Benedict's resignation in itself was faulty. Benedict's actions since then have called into question his intentions as to resigning the full papacy.
Bergoglio refuses to call himself the Vicar of Christ. He has promoted Pachamama idolatry, sowed confusion regarding the Church's perennial teachings and insulted parents for their large families.
Benedict remains the true pope.
This is not a hard call.
Show me where and when Benedict XVI has renounced his resignation. This should be easy to do if what you're saying is true.
The point is that he objectively erred in his intentions and the manner of the resignation.
He seems to be perfectly fine with it, unaware of the deficiencies, so why would he renounce it?
𝑺𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓❓𝐐: Am I Too Disrespectful of 🇻🇦Pope Francis?
𝐀: is that possible?...Ya know that thought has never occurred to me...🧠💭❓...⏳
what was your question again?
I completely disagree. Pastor Aeternus, which is dogma, tells us that we must submit to the authority of the Pope not only in matters of faith and morals but also in matters of church governance and discipline and that our salvation depends on that submission. Furthermore, PA teaches us that there is no higher authority than the Supreme Pontiff and no appeal to his decisions. According to PA, our salvation depends on our submission to the Pope.
2:06 Very true
You said in the video that the comments are pathetic, and at the end you ask us to comment! ! ! ??? How much is in it for you?
Harsh and Firm are NOT rude or disrespectful
The pope is human, but I recall that God wishes us to pray for him, and to follow him, unless perhaps it is crystal clear what he does is against Christ' teachings. Right? Pray for him... he' got a target of hell on him. I have a hard time liking him for what he's said, done, allowed in the Vatican (that mama nonsense for 1), but daily prayers include a prayer for the pope and all priests.
If ye are gonna respectfully call out the Pope for messing up then you MUST do that to the Pope's unjust and or notorious critics. To not do so kills yer own credibility. If a Papal Critic does not respond well to criticism I tune them out. Those who do respond to criticism and accept it (they dinny have to agree with it) I will more likely hear.
Joseph van Haren
I think it's a obligation if you are aware of false teaching by Pope Francis to remind your family and friends , their salvation depends on it , it's hard enough as it is to reach heaven , false leadership and teaching is a great obstacle to our final heavenly destination. We will pray for the Pope.
The Orthodox have a point, once you start changing things, like the liturgy or the sacraments...
As though the Orthodox churches haven't changed anything whatsoever, let alone in matters of doctrine.
MrRickkramer, the Church, through her prelates, can make accidental changes like adjustments in the liturgy and the sacraments. On the other hand, the Church has not the power to make changes in substance to the deposit of faith. Real change is legitimate and organic; changes in essence can only be attempted by false apostles.
If you can’t see This guy is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I not sure how bad a “pope” would have to be before you could see it.
In the words of the prophet Isaiah. “They have eyes but can’t see, and have ears but can’t hear.”
Even the high priest Caiaphus (the Old Testament version of the pope in the seat of Moses). Couldn’t see clearly during Christ’s first appearance to discern who the messiah was. What a fitting backdrop to Christ’s second return. That a persons in the chair of Moses couldn’t discern who Christ is either.
the stole is the sufficient canonically stipulated priestly vestment to confer sacraments. agreed though, it's a bit "laicist" for a pope...
His words and actions
The pope celebrated wthout proper vestments... oi oi oi. that will shock Jesus a lot. He always had many golden vestments did not he? Like the jewish high priests?
No courage required to criticize the pope in 21st-century America, and poor Msgr Murray could only come up with one out-of-bounds critic of the Holy Father. Pretty courageless, Father. Kudos to you, Pints, for posing the question.
I do not agree with many things Pope Francis has said, but right now he is among the few public figures who promote peace. Hardly any of the Catholic vloggers have shared his initiative to pray the daily rosary in May.
I believe many of us are disrespectful of the Pope; but he can be blase'.
Apostle Paul said to run from false teachings, including the Pope!!!
He is not the pope!!!!
Go to hell!