He's not lock the guy in the Theory of Everything gave equally amazing performance, my bet would go to Cooper though its a more popular film by far. In both case they completely transformed themselves into their respective characters.
RIP to a fellow Texas brother. I stood in honor of Mr Kyle on I35 during his procession and it was amazing to see thousands out in mass heads bowed and totally silent in respect. He was the "Legend" and will be remembered always. Rest well sir.... you deserve it.
Bradley cooper deserves an Oscar for real..he captured war and its intensity perfectly..the aftermath...the overall feeling of the movie...#americansniper
TEXAStooTAL L i just found out recently its the punisher logo. I bought a shirt in an army shop in Ocenside with the skull and american flag on the sleeve, and someone came up and said he loved the series, I said you mean the movie, he said no the punisher on netflix and I was just like wtf is this guy talking about 😂
I just want to say this, people who see this movie as a war movie are very much mistaken. This movie is about a man and the sacrifices he made on all levels to do a necessary job that most of us don't have the stomach or the balls to do. Soldiers do not start wars, but they are the great sacrifice that is made heart, body, mind and soul.
yes you are right they sacrifice their mind to the government, chosing to become souless monsters, allowing themselves to be used as pawns for the power hungry men's plot for more and more power. Your right I dont have the stomach to kill hundreds of innocent people in their own country so I can feed the fat man in power.
Marcus B That piece of trash thinks beheading little kids is heroic, that having a man on his knees with hands tied behind his back, and dozens of terrorists pointing a weapon at him is heroic, that killing teen agers for watching a soccer game is heroic. Trash like that just pollutes the air, pathetic excuse of a human being.
Its amazing how Bradley Cooper became Chris Kyle and I think that in some way Chris helped Bradley Cooper and Bradley Cooper should have won an oscar for this movie! I would say you have to see American Sniper this movie will make you think about yourself and what you believe in!
I appreciate how humble Kris Kyle was and what American soldiers do to make sure we in America are safe. Bradley Cooper is an awesome actor and citizen. Most people needed to know about what our military soldiers do go through when they are away fighting a war. I spent 28 years in the Navy. I made 2 cruises to fight the Vietnam War and other wars.
He did a great job portraying this amazing AMERICAN HERO. I am so proud of men and women in the military. They put their lives on the line every day for our freedom, our beautiful country. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!
He’s been through a lot and he deserves to be at peace he didn’t deserve to die and i hope god treats him good.Chris was a good man,amazing soldier,better fighter.R.I.P Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle.
^^^^ and you need to realize that everything Chris did he had too the families of the selfless terrorists put themselves into that situation and just because he was a sniper did not make him a sniper he put his life on the line for all Americans and he died for us so you might wanna think before you speak please
^^^ you are obviously out numbered so stop getting butt hurt because your arguments are coming to dead end and you are taking things out of thin air if you were a true American you would realize that al Qaeda hates America and then you would stop defending them and you would stop insulting the men who fight for our freedom
So many hippies on this thread... "He's a murderer! Not a hero!" He did what every other American soldier was told to do he just did it better than anyone else, he was doing what he thought was the best way possible to protect his country, salute.
Great movie, I'm not a movie buff, war movie or Bradley Cooper fan. Was so impressed and very saddened by the unexpected ending. I won't forget this movie in a hurry.
I loved the movie. I think Bradley cooper did a great job portraying Chris kyle. Looked and sounded just like him. I'm from Texas and knowing Chris kyle is from this great state makes it hit home. Peace
I truly believe Chris Kyle is one of the world's greatest heroes. He was a man of true courage and strength. You're surely missed by me Chris Kyle. Amen
jouxpane anonhq.com/real-american-sniper-chris-kyle-wasnt-hero/ www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-30923038 www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3609577/Documents-American-Sniper-Kyle-embellished-record.html www.telegraph.co.uk/film/american-sniper/chris-kyle-true-story/ I can give you hundreds more if you please seen as though you are incapable of do a bit of research on this phony turd
jouxpane I didn't say he raped and tortured but the a lot of the us army did but he did kill innocent people. He was killed by a fellow marine why is that?
I like how people complain more about SOLDIERS killing people than psychopaths killing people. More interestingly, its mostly American soldiers people bark shit about. And most of the time they are dead.
+TheKappa Us civilians have no idea what goes on over there. I got a buddy that I graduated with who is in our Special Forces and the only thing he can tell me is and I quote "It's a whole different world over there. There are no laws and people take whatever they can from each other." God bless our military, and god bless this amazing country.
The Radical left here in America are like a disease. Anti American millennials flood the comments on war videos, They even pretend to be from other countries
@HOW DARE YOU Glad to see someone on this page who's not afraid to tell it like it is.Instead of spewing some pseudo- patriotic flag worshipping propaganda . Peace to you bro
As a Vietnam Veteran and Recon Marine I submit thatThere's nothing more admirable, brave, strong, beautiful, dedicated to freedom and peace and justice than our badass military in America. I know the sacrifices they endure every moment. I know the horror they see. I know the trauma they experience. Our soldiers are humans on a higher spiritual platform. Although every person in the Military heroically lays down life and limb for the Godly goals of freedom, liberty, and public safety there are way too many selfish, ignorant Americans whose eyes and hearts are infested with weak life values as well as self serving foreign agendas that lead to corruption of freedom and death to our basic rights as humans who embrace democracy and the choice to free speech and peace. May shame and loathing haunt the fool who has anything derogatory to express towards our precious soldiers. May God bless them forever---as well as our heroic snipers
I can confirm that the older I get the more I turn into a full-blown cry baby. I am in my mid-'50s and when I was younger I would not have shed a tear for too many things. Today I can watch a sad story about a puppy or kitty and here come the tears. My wife tells me it's so cute seeing me cry. I guess I have to accept that and move on. I think Cooper did an awesome job playing Chris Kyle. I can understand the need for soldiers to get back to war. I always felt like I was letting my buddies down not helping them. It was the sense of brotherhood that you build up with the guys that make it even harder. When you eat, sleep, and shit with your battle buddies they grow into your family. RIP Chris Kyle you are a hero to many guys that served. I would completely trust him having my six.
hello ny name is adar and im from israel. as i type this i am crying my eyes out over this american hero . god bless america! from your only friends in the middle east, i salute you.
Certain people call him a hero but I actually think the movie did well in portraying him as just another human caught up in pointless bullshit conflict. At no point in the movie did he consider himself a hero, he justified his kill count by stating he was just protecting other soldiers. The movie really makes it seem as if he knows what he's doing isn't entirely worth it but he lives in denial. In the scenes in which people praise him, he doesn't cheer for himself he tends to look down, shrug his shoulders and pretty much just say: "Okay". Sure, I don't know the whole story of Chris Kyle, but from what the movie portrayed he kind of just seemed lost in another pointless war. And before someone calls me out and tells me to fuck off and that the war wasn't pointless, I define a pointless war as conflict that should have been avoided if people were all rational. But we're human's, we're stubborn, we're dumb, and that'll be the death of us.
He did an amazing job with this role, I would have a hard time choosing between this and the, The Theory of Everything for best picture or actor both are amazing films with flawless acting. I have no problem admitting I shed tears watching both films, with no shame at all. This film was Clint Eastwood at his very best as a director.
We don't even need to be in those countries, we're there because of their resources. They can't even shoot a fuckin missile at us. If we secured our borders and stopped trying to police the world we wouldn't spend all of our money on defense. We have a lot of our own problems in this country why the fuck do we need to keep going over to these countries that WE armed, and keep bombing the shit out of them?
Breadd Perpich Breadd, Its Americans like you who give me faith that you and likeminded americans like you, will wake up and take your country back from those that stole it, your liberties and your fair shot at the "american Dream". George Bush said "they did this because they hate our freedom", who doesnt want freedom? On the contrary, we used to look up to American values and human rights as values for the the whole world. But once we "the third world" realised it was a complete hhypocrisy some of us lost interest and others turned radical. At the end of the day, I can tell you the whole world waits for America to be free, not the police state it is becoming. If you americans truly love your country, you should rise and fight against your "domestic enemies". I wish you well. As far as the Sniper guy, in my book, all those that stepped foot in my country and killed my brothers and sisters, are complicit in the biggest crime of the century and most deserve the title of murderers.
No you're not, you're going to fail Sniper School and winds up as an infantryman like every users who said the same thing. Maybe you should invest your time in College and get a real job instead.
Cody. Be yourself. Don't try to be anything else. War is pure hell. I've been through it. I can truly relate to the Movie so much. Every bit of it. The detachment and all. It truly changes you. I can't emotionally hurt the same. Things seems so small here yet some things so exaggerated and irritating. I can't stay focussed on one thing very long at all. I have migraines, my back hurts.... But I treasure one thing. The bond between me and my brothers. Love the man beside you. I will never forget. We were invincible together though truthfully we were not. Stay safe .
@@katdeluxy9608 Your ignorance is of titanic proportions. Obviously you never served and you're clueless. Chris Kyle once stated, "If we don't stop them over there, they'll come here." Korea, Vietnam, Desert wars were BS? Everybody has a right to be stupid sometimes but you're abusing the privilege. Freedom has a price that the protected will never know.
Our vets sacrifice not only their time from their family and their lives but sometimes pieces of their souls to protect us and our freedom. God bless our veterans
Everyone in the Movie Theater applauded. What a great movie and very sad. Ladies bring your Kleenex's. Makes you proud of those men and women who serve our Country !! God Bess you !! Great job Bradley Cooper !!! You are an awesome Actor !!
@Exodus 3:14 imagine criticizing one man who can do much more than you rather that criticizing, 9/11 attacks, The Holocaust, WW1, WW2, The Cold War and sooooo much more.
Bradley Cooper sir, you are the real deal......no bullshit, just hard work and a grounded attitude......... Then you have Clint Eastwood. The man of men, he is the one that all filmmakers should aspire to be as good as. Is he perfect? No. Is he the most talented, actor, filmmaker, writer, producer and musician? Very possibly YES! This mans career is nothing short of being the industry standard.....Bradley Cooper is in The Mule also and is making the most of his time available to learn from Clint. Then came A Star Is Born.....His own skillset and his knowledge from masters like Clint Eastwood are producing another generation of filmmaker and it is great to witness.
Politics aside, has anyone here experienced anything even remotely similar to the life of Chris Kyle? Because unless you have, maybe you should hold off on judging.
Most of the negativity is from the jackholes that never served. Jesse Ventura, for example, never finished the Navy Seal training program, never served in Vietnam, and was never in any military combat situations.
Angelo DiMeo lmfao I’m pretty sure it’s not Americans twisting a religion to give themselves credibility to kill people because their infidels. Fuck outta here
@@johnnyspence623 he is too much of a pussy to respond. He, she, or whatever it identifes as is probably a fat fuck who sits on his ass all day long and thinks that he should get paid by others working. All I am trying to say is that he is a PUSSY.
@@realamericanusa4558 Why is someone a pussy because they don't respond. You're awfully triggered by that. This sounds like it has more to do with you than the person you're demeaning.
A true American hero! Saved innocent lives from an oppressing government and killed the terrorist that were a threat, not only to the United States, but the world at large. RIP Mr. Kyle. Haters will be judged by their creator.
This movie is a truly masterpiece!It shows you what some people do so we can have peace and comfort!RIP Chris Kyle you were a legend and you are still one! 👏👏
All this bullshit about "humble" Chris Kyle. He was on all the talk shows promoting his public persona for money. Killing people was his job. OK, someone has to do it, but it's not admirable and bragging about it doesn't make you a hero.
I love how people "support their troops" but when Kyle is brought into the conversation it's all like "oh he's a murderous piece of shit".... Why because he did his job better than anyone else?
My dad was a real war hero. Army. Real ww2 . Chris doesn't even compare . That's a fact . I also was Army. No hero just volunteered and came back alive. I am my own hero.
I seriously couldn't stand Bradley Cooper but this movie changed my opinion especially when he was preparing and went and spent time with taya Kyle and the kids and she said he was so kind doing things with the kids often taking them out for ice cream and so on he really seems like a down to earth lovely guy
I guess hating what anything and everything the US does is the new trend. Chris kyle was good at what he did, and bradly cooper did have a great performance. Like it or not, heroism or scumbag, they are both really good at what they do.
Bradley Cooper as the American Sniper - I have NEVER seen such a GORGEOUS man in my entire life! His accent - drool - his eyes - oh wow. MMMMMMMMMMM. Aussie girl.
This was an amazing movie and Bradley Cooper's performance was PHENOMENAL. he should be a lock for best actor
He's not lock the guy in the Theory of Everything gave equally amazing performance, my bet would go to Cooper though its a more popular film by far. In both case they completely transformed themselves into their respective characters.
Jason X Oh hey, a non hateful comment. Finally. Thank you.
Who thinks hi souldve had came out in Lone Survivor as Mike M., tho they are all have great actors very good films
he's so good!
This movie was trash. God bless Chris Kyle and his legacy, but the special affects and cinematography WERE FUCKING GARBAGE.
RIP to a fellow Texas brother. I stood in honor of Mr Kyle on I35 during his procession and it was amazing to see thousands out in mass heads bowed and totally silent in respect. He was the "Legend" and will be remembered always. Rest well sir.... you deserve it.
@@MrAnubhabd fuck outta here al qaeda
Red Hot he was a coward? Ion see u racking up over a hundred kills.
Anubhab Dutta aweee poor baby. Ur mad bc he whooped y’all ass😂
Red Hot I don’t know what happened and what didn’t. Maybe he didn’t tell the truth. Maybe he did. Either way, he’s better than a screwup like you.
Matthew Alford Thank you for your service sir.🇺🇸
They look very alike. He did an amazing job playing as the American sniper
The teenage Casual chris Pratt kind of looks like him
Anth 92 I think he’s talking about physique
Hex King I think Pratt would’ve done a good job with Kyles accent too
Bradley cooper deserves an Oscar for real..he captured war and its intensity perfectly..the aftermath...the overall feeling of the movie...#americansniper
Captured it perfectly? How much time have you spent in combat??
Check out how Oscars work.
That's how you pay homage to a national hero. Stellar performance Cooper hands down!
How a positive father figure can create a great man.
@Red Hot fuck you ya piece of shit
This movie instantly goes into my top 5 best movies of all time!!! Good job Bradley Cooper and Clint Eastwood and thank you Chris Kyle!
Chris Kyle is a badass, love how he donned the Punisher logo.
TEXAStooTAL L i just found out recently its the punisher logo. I bought a shirt in an army shop in Ocenside with the skull and american flag on the sleeve, and someone came up and said he loved the series, I said you mean the movie, he said no the punisher on netflix and I was just like wtf is this guy talking about 😂
Red Hot tf is your problem you dumb fuck
@@184876ela Alex Jones tell you that?
@@184876ela Chris Kyle's major issue was PTSD. Yours is great ignorance.
I just want to say this, people who see this movie as a war movie are very much mistaken. This movie is about a man and the sacrifices he made on all levels to do a necessary job that most of us don't have the stomach or the balls to do. Soldiers do not start wars, but they are the great sacrifice that is made heart, body, mind and soul.
yes you are right they sacrifice their mind to the government, chosing to become souless monsters, allowing themselves to be used as pawns for the power hungry men's plot for more and more power. Your right I dont have the stomach to kill hundreds of innocent people in their own country so I can feed the fat man in power.
Marcus B
That piece of trash thinks beheading little kids is heroic, that having a man on his knees with hands tied behind his back, and dozens of terrorists pointing a weapon at him is heroic, that killing teen agers for watching a soccer game is heroic. Trash like that just pollutes the air, pathetic excuse of a human being.
+Brandy Garrett +Marcus B finally, people that actually get it ..
Hell yeah brother. 9 years late but what a great comment. 👍
Bradley Cooper thank you for this terrific film!!
really? he's against everything in this movie.....anti gun, pro Hilary, scum bag making money acting in a fallen hero's steps
Is that why he actively supports the Chris Kyle foundation libtard?
Pull your head out of your ass before speaking out of it next time
+chrisn365 i thinks guns should be banned but a movie without them is hella boring
+Mightyimpact you can't ban guns in the US. It the second amendment. It's there so that we can protect our selves against the government.
+Alex Pollock I'm all for using them to protect ourselves but too many people don't
Its amazing how Bradley Cooper became Chris Kyle and I think that in some way Chris helped Bradley Cooper and Bradley Cooper should have won an oscar for this movie! I would say you have to see American Sniper this movie will make you think about yourself and what you believe in!
Man's got some range that's for sure. I don't understand how actors like this can shut it off when their done.
I appreciate how humble Kris Kyle was and what American soldiers do to make sure we in America are safe. Bradley Cooper is an awesome actor and citizen. Most people needed to know about what our military soldiers do go through when they are away fighting a war. I spent 28 years in the Navy. I made 2 cruises to fight the Vietnam War and other wars.
He did a great job portraying this amazing AMERICAN HERO. I am so proud of men and women in the military. They put their lives on the line every day for our freedom, our beautiful country. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!
@Exodus 3:14 sounds like none of your business you hippie freak.
He’s been through a lot and he deserves to be at peace he didn’t deserve to die and i hope god treats him good.Chris was a good man,amazing soldier,better fighter.R.I.P Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle.
I loved this movie and admire Chris Kyle and feel Bradley did an amazing job portraying him, for the record.
Man, Bradley Cooper is such a great actor. I hope he wins the awards that he was nominated for, he deserves them.
Bradley's texan accent to an Aussie (pronounced Ozzie not Ossi btw) was the most beautiful accent I've ever heard in my life.
Bradley Cooper is an amazing actor who pays close attention to all the details. He does everything he can to become the character.
He's an amazing actor... would love to see him in more true stories.
he looks so much better with the muscle mass, the beard and the shorter hair.
He really put in his all for this role.
I thought it was a totally brilliant movie and Bradley Cooper’s performance was mesmerizing. Unforgettable!
Chris Kyle was a goddamn american hero fuck what everyone else says
^^^^ and you need to realize that everything Chris did he had too the families of the selfless terrorists put themselves into that situation and just because he was a sniper did not make him a sniper he put his life on the line for all Americans and he died for us so you might wanna think before you speak please
you were there?
^^^ you are obviously out numbered so stop getting butt hurt because your arguments are coming to dead end and you are taking things out of thin air if you were a true American you would realize that al Qaeda hates America and then you would stop defending them and you would stop insulting the men who fight for our freedom
but were you there?
Isnt it amazing how they pick a actor that looks almost identical to chris, this was amazing and always will be each time I watch it
Bradley wanted Chris Pratt first .. i could totally see Pratt
So many hippies on this thread... "He's a murderer! Not a hero!" He did what every other American soldier was told to do he just did it better than anyone else, he was doing what he thought was the best way possible to protect his country, salute.
Cole Brock thou shall not kill
Cole Brock smart enough to do the job, not smart enough to question it.
Red Hot you don't have a clue what it was like. These people were savages
Anubhab Dutta that’s a false equivalency if I ever heard one
Anubhab Dutta he didn’t kill innocent Iraqis though. He killed terrorists.
Loved it, & his struggle when he comes home was so real and painful to watch. Powerful & gripping
I love that he did powerlifting to get into the role.
RESPECT buddy !
Cooper gained 35 pounds for the role also.
Great movie, I'm not a movie buff, war movie or Bradley Cooper fan. Was so impressed and very saddened by the unexpected ending. I won't forget this movie in a hurry.
Very good behind the scenes of the actor who played Chris Kyle. You did a fantastic job Bradley.
It's a pretty powerful movie depicting the life of a veteran coming home after seeing some shit overseas. RIP Chris Kyle. True American hero
I loved the movie. I think Bradley cooper did a great job portraying Chris kyle. Looked and sounded just like him. I'm from Texas and knowing Chris kyle is from this great state makes it hit home. Peace
Torri Tucker hes from my home town of Odessa
I truly believe Chris Kyle is one of the world's greatest heroes. He was a man of true courage and strength. You're surely missed by me Chris Kyle. Amen
lololol. educate yourself
jouxpane anonhq.com/real-american-sniper-chris-kyle-wasnt-hero/
I can give you hundreds more if you please seen as though you are incapable of do a bit of research on this phony turd
jouxpane Yh its 'editorial bullshit' that theres so much evidence for. Theres nothing to be proud of when killing innocent people.
jouxpane People who just wanna get on with their lives without strangers invading their home killing, raping torturing their people.
jouxpane I didn't say he raped and tortured but the a lot of the us army did but he did kill innocent people. He was killed by a fellow marine why is that?
What an amazing actor and person, especially giving such high regard to his Hangover cast.
Cooper He’s my favorite actor!! Eastwood my favorite director! ❤️
I like how people complain more about SOLDIERS killing people than psychopaths killing people.
More interestingly, its mostly American soldiers people bark shit about. And most of the time they are dead.
+TheKappa Us civilians have no idea what goes on over there. I got a buddy that I graduated with who is in our Special Forces and the only thing he can tell me is and I quote "It's a whole different world over there. There are no laws and people take whatever they can from each other." God bless our military, and god bless this amazing country.
The Radical left here in America are like a disease. Anti American millennials flood the comments on war videos, They even pretend to be from other countries
They’re like “how could he kill a child!” And it’s like, well, that fucker was carrying a grenade about to kill many many people. Not rocket science.
I see ur point,but, psychopaths can join the military too
@HOW DARE YOU Glad to see someone on this page
who's not afraid to tell it like it is.Instead of spewing some pseudo- patriotic flag worshipping propaganda . Peace to you bro
As a Vietnam Veteran and Recon Marine I submit thatThere's nothing more admirable, brave, strong, beautiful, dedicated to freedom and peace and justice than our badass military in America. I know the sacrifices they endure every moment. I know the horror they see. I know the trauma they experience. Our soldiers are humans on a higher spiritual platform. Although every person in the Military heroically lays down life and limb for the Godly goals of freedom, liberty, and public safety there are way too many selfish, ignorant Americans whose eyes and hearts are infested with weak life values as well as self serving foreign agendas that lead to corruption of freedom and death to our basic rights as humans who embrace democracy and the choice to free speech and peace. May shame and loathing haunt the fool who has anything derogatory to express towards our precious soldiers. May God bless them forever---as well as our heroic snipers
My best friend did 2 tours with the corp in nam then a 3rd with the army air ambulance,thank you for your service
@Red Hot stfu
You mean like when Kyle lied about Jesse Ventura and ruined his career? Yes a real man of honor that coward Kyle is.
All politics aside his performance was outstanding, he knocked it out the park!
I can confirm that the older I get the more I turn into a full-blown cry baby. I am in my mid-'50s and when I was younger I would not have shed a tear for too many things. Today I can watch a sad story about a puppy or kitty and here come the tears. My wife tells me it's so cute seeing me cry. I guess I have to accept that and move on. I think Cooper did an awesome job playing Chris Kyle. I can understand the need for soldiers to get back to war. I always felt like I was letting my buddies down not helping them. It was the sense of brotherhood that you build up with the guys that make it even harder. When you eat, sleep, and shit with your battle buddies they grow into your family. RIP Chris Kyle you are a hero to many guys that served. I would completely trust him having my six.
You’re going soft my man, I’ll do my best to stay strong.
Respect regardless.
hello ny name is adar and im from israel. as i type this i am crying my eyes out over this american hero .
god bless america!
from your only friends in the middle east, i salute you.
Love the way Bradley Cooper looks in this
Couldn't have found a better actor for this movie.
Certain people call him a hero but I actually think the movie did well in portraying him as just another human caught up in pointless bullshit conflict. At no point in the movie did he consider himself a hero, he justified his kill count by stating he was just protecting other soldiers. The movie really makes it seem as if he knows what he's doing isn't entirely worth it but he lives in denial. In the scenes in which people praise him, he doesn't cheer for himself he tends to look down, shrug his shoulders and pretty much just say: "Okay". Sure, I don't know the whole story of Chris Kyle, but from what the movie portrayed he kind of just seemed lost in another pointless war. And before someone calls me out and tells me to fuck off and that the war wasn't pointless, I define a pointless war as conflict that should have been avoided if people were all rational. But we're human's, we're stubborn, we're dumb, and that'll be the death of us.
Bradley Cooper in "A Star is Born" was just as powerful.
Chris Kyle one of the world's greatest heroes! Cooper did an amazing job playing him in this film as well.
To those who’ve been downrange, to us and to those like us, damn few
RIP Legend
From “ Gardens of Stone” But True!
Amazing movie, Bradley Cooper looked exactly like Chris Kyle 🤝🏼🙏🏽 brilliant story and acting,
Absolutely loved Bradley’s performance....one of my favourite movies 🥰
No matter how you feel , hero or not he was necessary
never realized it is the hangover guy, he did great in american sniper!
I hate the question "Why do you do it?" unless you are one of the lads or lassies you will never understand.
Rest easy "Legend"
@Red Hot wtf
Best actor in my book.Excellant performance with American Sniper.
He did an amazing job with this role, I would have a hard time choosing between this and the, The Theory of Everything for best picture or actor both are amazing films with flawless acting. I have no problem admitting I shed tears watching both films, with no shame at all. This film was Clint Eastwood at his very best as a director.
Best acting performance of Bradley Cooper. He was phenomenal
Chris Kyle is my hero because I'm going to be a sniper and he wasn't a cold blooded killer he saved lives
We don't even need to be in those countries, we're there because of their resources. They can't even shoot a fuckin missile at us. If we secured our borders and stopped trying to police the world we wouldn't spend all of our money on defense. We have a lot of our own problems in this country why the fuck do we need to keep going over to these countries that WE armed, and keep bombing the shit out of them?
Breadd Perpich Breadd, Its Americans like you who give me faith that you and likeminded americans like you, will wake up and take your country back from those that stole it, your liberties and your fair shot at the "american Dream".
George Bush said "they did this because they hate our freedom", who doesnt want freedom? On the contrary, we used to look up to American values and human rights as values for the the whole world. But once we "the third world" realised it was a complete hhypocrisy some of us lost interest and others turned radical. At the end of the day, I can tell you the whole world waits for America to be free, not the police state it is becoming. If you americans truly love your country, you should rise and fight against your "domestic enemies". I wish you well. As far as the Sniper guy, in my book, all those that stepped foot in my country and killed my brothers and sisters, are complicit in the biggest crime of the century and most deserve the title of murderers.
anyone who shots women and children is no hero you government punk
No you're not, you're going to fail Sniper School and winds up as an infantryman like every users who said the same thing. Maybe you should invest your time in College and get a real job instead.
Cody. Be yourself. Don't try to be anything else. War is pure hell. I've been through it. I can truly relate to the Movie so much. Every bit of it. The detachment and all. It truly changes you. I can't emotionally hurt the same. Things seems so small here yet some things so exaggerated and irritating. I can't stay focussed on one thing very long at all. I have migraines, my back hurts.... But I treasure one thing. The bond between me and my brothers. Love the man beside you. I will never forget. We were invincible together though truthfully we were not. Stay safe .
We should be grateful for all their service thanks to them we have freedom.🙌🙌💯
The last war that was taught for freedom was ww2 everything after that has been bs.
@@katdeluxy9608 Your ignorance is of titanic proportions. Obviously you never served and you're clueless. Chris Kyle once stated, "If we don't stop them over there, they'll come here." Korea, Vietnam, Desert wars were BS? Everybody has a right to be stupid sometimes but you're abusing the privilege. Freedom has a price that the protected will never know.
Our vets sacrifice not only their time from their family and their lives but sometimes pieces of their souls to protect us and our freedom. God bless our veterans
What are they protecting you from exactly?
At least God blesses them, because your government doesn't
Bradley cooper is phenomenal!!!
Clint Eastwood Bradley and Taya Kyle...went thru so much during this production👏👏👏
I think I just heard "Bale" and "Renner" in the same sentence.
I hate online memes and phrases, but this definitely hasn't aged well.
I just love Bradley Cooper.
Thanks again
Everyone in the Movie Theater applauded. What a great movie and very sad. Ladies bring your Kleenex's. Makes you proud of those men and women who serve our Country !! God Bess you !! Great job Bradley Cooper !!! You are an awesome Actor !!
@Exodus 3:14 imagine criticizing one man who can do much more than you rather that criticizing, 9/11 attacks, The Holocaust, WW1, WW2, The Cold War and sooooo much more.
Bradley is so cool & down to earth
In honor and rememberence of Mr. Kyle serving our country. 🇺🇸
Bradley Cooper sir, you are the real deal......no bullshit, just hard work and a grounded attitude.........
Then you have Clint Eastwood. The man of men, he is the one that all filmmakers should aspire to be as good as. Is he perfect? No.
Is he the most talented, actor, filmmaker, writer, producer and musician? Very possibly YES!
This mans career is nothing short of being the industry standard.....Bradley Cooper is in The Mule also and is making the most of his time available to learn from Clint.
Then came A Star Is Born.....His own skillset and his knowledge from masters like Clint Eastwood are producing another generation of filmmaker and it is great to witness.
Politics aside, has anyone here experienced anything even remotely similar to the life of Chris Kyle? Because unless you have, maybe you should hold off on judging.
Most of the negativity is from the jackholes that never served. Jesse Ventura, for example, never finished the Navy Seal training program, never served in Vietnam, and was never in any military combat situations.
Screw all of you calling him a murderer, he saved thousands more lives with the ones he took. The lives he did end were those that were truly evil.
RIP Chris Kyle
Just Listening REST IN PEE
Angelo DiMeo lmfao I’m pretty sure it’s not Americans twisting a religion to give themselves credibility to kill people because their infidels. Fuck outta here
JustJonas how was he a terrorist lmao
@@johnnyspence623 he is too much of a pussy to respond. He, she, or whatever it identifes as is probably a fat fuck who sits on his ass all day long and thinks that he should get paid by others working. All I am trying to say is that he is a PUSSY.
@@realamericanusa4558 Why is someone a pussy because they don't respond. You're awfully triggered by that. This sounds like it has more to do with you than the person you're demeaning.
A true American hero! Saved innocent lives from an oppressing government and killed the terrorist that were a threat, not only to the United States, but the world at large. RIP Mr. Kyle. Haters will be judged by their creator.
Bradley cooper is prolly my second favorite actor clint Eastwood is my all time favorite tho
Bradley Cooper is a seriously talented actor. In general, hes so fucking good.
Bradley Cooper did an excellent performance !!
You are awesome !!! Great movie !!
Good movie.Bought his book yesterday.
This movie is a truly masterpiece!It shows you what some people do so we can have peace and comfort!RIP Chris Kyle you were a legend and you are still one! 👏👏
Hi thanks for stopping by
Great Movie, Great actor. Rip Chris Kyle!
the transformation is awesome. he looked great
All this bullshit about "humble" Chris Kyle. He was on all the talk shows promoting his public persona for money. Killing people was his job. OK, someone has to do it, but it's not admirable and bragging about it doesn't make you a hero.
One of my favorite movies of all times it’s up there with lone survivor,saving private Ryan,black hawk down etc fucken awesome movies
for the people that call him a psychopath. I hope a real psychopath comes to your home so you get a real good idea of what one really is.
Psychopath Eddie Ray Routh murdered Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield in cold-blood. Chris and Chad's handguns were holstered
I get the whole celebrity craze thing but if I ever saw him in public I would shake the man’s hand. These celebrities are humans to
i just love this man ...always humble and down to earth ,,, luv u Bradley
I met Cooper at Germantown Academy where he went for high school. I live walking distance from there. He seemed cool.
I love how people "support their troops" but when Kyle is brought into the conversation it's all like "oh he's a murderous piece of shit".... Why because he did his job better than anyone else?
Thank you so true they're just angry because he was more publisized
Odessa Colonna lol shut up
A ODS vet said it best do you want to go home and see your family? Then i guess its ok to kill then
@Red Hot your actually annoying, shut up
@Red Hot wtf how is he a coward you idiot he was fighting in a dangerous major conflict in the middle east
My dad was a real war hero. Army. Real ww2 . Chris doesn't even compare . That's a fact . I also was Army. No hero just volunteered and came back alive. I am my own hero.
Give him his Oscar. It's his.
Bradley Cooper did great in the movie
5:26 huh ?
WOW, what GREATEST MOVIE EVER! Thanks Kris, your my hero for all my life. John P.
I seriously couldn't stand Bradley Cooper but this movie changed my opinion especially when he was preparing and went and spent time with taya Kyle and the kids and she said he was so kind doing things with the kids often taking them out for ice cream and so on he really seems like a down to earth lovely guy
ARQUITECTOSTAR Whoa there, you're out of line buddy.
2:20 but where dem legs doe
ok ronnie coleman
Polygon Man its all about proportion brah
beiko I see guys at the gym all the time with arms twice the size of their legs, looks horrible.
+beiko Hey, if you run everyday your legs will be strong.
beiko lmfao. Best comment in this section
I think if Chris Kyle saw the movie he would definitely be able to identify himself.
@Tony Wolf Absolutely!
Who remembers heartbreak ridge with Clint eastwood
awesome movie
Bradley Cooper knocked it out of the park GREAT JOB B.C.
I guess hating what anything and everything the US does is the new trend. Chris kyle was good at what he did, and bradly cooper did have a great performance. Like it or not, heroism or scumbag, they are both really good at what they do.
Bradley Cooper as the American Sniper - I have NEVER seen such a GORGEOUS man in my entire life! His accent - drool - his eyes - oh wow. MMMMMMMMMMM. Aussie girl.
Bradley should have won an Oscar.
God Bless Chris and Brad for portraying him so HONOURABLY.🇨🇦🇺🇸🌎❤