REALLY IMPORTANT NOTE ON BENEDICTION: There is a slight delay after casting it before it fully heals the target. So be aware of this if the tank is really low.
Personally i pressed benediction a second later the tank superbolie, apparently bolie has a second delay too, so assumed we pressed around same time haha
@@Khazziy You never seen someone use lbh for "lets be honest" ? Really ? I think it’s weirder that you’d reply to a comment done 2 years ago. Also, my native language is French. So I’ve learned it from seeing English ppl use it around. So idk how you’d try to act like that when it’s an English ppl thing…sorry maybe you never seen ppl either, it means "people" .
There is an important difference between the healing increases from asylum and temperance. Temperance only affects GCD healing such as both Afflatus spells, Medica, Cure and all gcd healing spells from other jobs. Also I don't think it buffs regens which means Medica II gets a buff on its initial heal but not on its regen ticks. Asylum on the other hand buffs literally every heal. It buffs all gcds and ogcds as well as regens, base hp recovery, lifesteal and iirc even shields. It also buffs its own healing making it 10% stronger once you get that trait.
Super late here but just a note - Temperance does not affect healing from other healers. The aura it applies to the party only reduces damage taken. It only increases the WHM's healing.
Love the guides! It's a lot more practical than other guides that just talk about the skills and don't actually go through and explain why they are using what they're using in a dungeon/raid/etc , and talking about stat prioty too many guides just skip that part. Looking forward to more of your guides, keep up the good work!
Hey thanks! Glad that every piece of effort I put into these guides is helpful! Sometimes I'm afraid if they aren't worth doing but a lot of people assure me they are, so I'm grateful for that :)
Great guide, very well structured and you covered everything a new Whm needs to know from low lvl dungeons to savage content. One small thing that might be incorrect (unless I misunderstood you) is when to use Holy. Holy 1 is only a dps gain on 2 targets if you don't have Glare 1 yet. I am not entirely sure what the potency for each Stone version is but Holy 1 does 140 (so 280 on 2 targets) potency damage. So the potency of Glare/Stone needs to be less than 280 for Holy to be a dps gain on 2 targets. Glare 1 however has a potency of 300 (apparently it was changed to 290 but the point remains the same), meaning that just as with Holy 3 Holy 1 also only becomes a dps gain on 3+ targets. For anyone who's interested here are some very situational dps tricks that honestly will make only a very small difference, just for the fun of it :) : 1. Reapplying Dia only becomes a Dps gain when you can assure that it will be active for 15 seconds. If the target dies before that, becomes invulnerable or untargetable it is actually a Dps loss. 2. When you're sitting on 2 blood lily stacks and the fight is about to end you should "dump" the lily (use it even when you don't need to heal) as casting Misery afterwards will be a dps gain as opposed to ending the fight on 2 stacks. Dumping lilies on 1 stack used to be dps neutral but is now a dps loss thanks to the increase in Glare potency with Glare III. 3. A full Dia duration will deal 720 potency of damage (60 potency initial damage when applying, 60 potency every tick, 1 tick = 3 seconds therefore 60*10 = 600 potency and apparently one extra tick when applying it though I am not sure about that, the information comes from the balance discord). Therefore, casting Holy 3 instead of applying Dia becomes a dps gain on 5 enemies, 6 enemies for Holy 1.
Just a friendly heads up, something a few other W.Mages schooled me, early on: Medica II stacks if you have multiple W.Mage in a raid, it also stacks with Regen. So with Med2+Regen, you have the benefit of 2 Regens active at same time. This is fantastic with other W.Mages in a raid if we're all using Planery Indulgence>Thin Air>Medica2 because our casts don't cancel each other out; Cure3 I use situationally bc it gobbles mana at 1500/cast for 600 potency, I will always use Afflatus Rapture over Cure3, when it's not on CD and Cure 2 at 800 potency (now) versus at the time you made your video. So it's night been a year and there have been a few (potency) changes between 01/22 and 11/22.
I know it's frowned upon, but I did a macro of Divine Benison and Aquaveil since they're both instants and invariably you'll run into some tanks in roulette who still haven't discovered what their mitigations are for. Both skills compliment each other rather well. I throw Divine Benison first since it "usually" lasts longer and Aquaveil is relatively short lived...and follow it up with a regen. I, also, have them available individually on hotkeys for other party members should the need arise. I, also, have Divine Benison first on the macro because of the shorter cooldown and /micon'd that icon to see when it's available. I admit, it's a lazy move, but on large dungeon pulls it's nice to have two forms of defense up (especially if the tank isn't bothering). It gives me time to do some damage and set-up Holy on large groups without having to worry about something taking a big chunk out of the tank at the start. Ok, I admit it....I'm just lazy. :D
Thanks! I'm currently trying to farm the Nier glam for my healer as I really want a Nier glam for every job xD not a bad idea to put swift next to raise, that said I use my swift for DPS more then I should...
WHM damage is awesome in dungeons, but in raids it's currently last by a good percentage. Hopefully 6.1 will come with some needed adjustments to our kit (plz Yoshi: buff Misery to be DPS neutral). Great breakdown of the class abilities!
Afaik Whm is actually second only to Sge in terms of damage but I could be wrong about that. As for Misery, it's never been dps neutral (which you didn't claim of course) but given the higher Glare 3 damage it would make sense to adjust it by at least 40 potency to make up for that (10 potency * 4gcds). Honestly though I think white mage is fine as it is. The only real problem I have with it is the absurd Thin Air change. While the consequences are minimal for savage (at least for the current tier) it is an incredible nerf to Whm in ultimates. Edit: I checked it and in terms of rdps Whm is actually dead last. Which is unfortunate but it is the easiest healer and just doesn't have any raid buffs so it's debatable whether that's justified I think.
Hey Azurite, any chance to see an in depth guide for dragoon and a guide regarding BIS for jobs? Anyways thank you very much for your informative videos. It´s amazing to have you as a source of knowledge to learn!
Hey! Yeah I will get to Dragoon don't worry! although it might be a little bit to go yet, I will cover Dragoon so I hope you can look forward to that :)
You should never fish for Freecure procs. It happens to infrequently, that it takes a massive hit on healing and DPS, and the same happens with Enhanced Benefic II.
Yeah honestly, its bad, I didn't realise it was bad but I kinda gave myself a safety net here. I do mention that you'll probably be using Cure 2 more over Cure 1, but back when I played WHM in ARR content, Cure 1 was actually the way to go, but times have changed a lot since then
ideally you should be using your divine benison on cooldown. it's on a 30s cooldown same as dia, so you can always save 1 charge for "when it's needed" and use the other charge every time it's up. it stays active for 15s so unless the boss leaves you'll get full benefit out of it (and if it leaves you gain one back generally). assize is now on a 40s recast, and should be used on cooldown for the mp, trying to not lose a use of it by the end of a fight by holding it longer than 40s total, presence of mind is 120s and should be your dia clock, you should also remember on which of your dias you need to squeezee out an assize (top of pom during first dia, midway 2nd dia and 3rd dia, and resetting at the end of the 4th dia/beginning of next 1st) finally dont really hold your lilies, you gain one every 30 so make a habit of popping one every dia section and popping misery on the top of the next POM (this is a good spot to weave misery with assize) this means holding your 4th lily every quarter of your pom clock, so you end up with a double misery on your 4th burst (8 minute trials holy moly) and that's all the tips i have for maximizing your WHM at 90. legend btw.
for dungeons put Holy on 1 to 9 ... spam it :-) i'm playing WHM on an alt job and after 60 it starts making fun. currently i'm 74 and have way more fun playing whm then any other class in dungeons. Some call them boring, but i love the normal healing classes. straight forward.
Really love and enjoy your guides although I’m German 😂. Is hard to find good guides in German language but it is what it is. As I said goof guides sometimes hard for me to translate the skills but you make a good job.
Why would you even expect a guide in your native language? It's kind of unrealistic, as most of the content of this type defaults to english. For example I am serbian and there are exactly 0 Final Fantasy guides in serbian language. It is just not something you would normally expect.
I'll be honest, I haven't had the pleasure of healing ARR dungeons in a long time, so back when I did heal them cure 1 was definitely relevant, but this was back when Holy costed a lot of mp and such, I realise times have changed and a lot
Great guide, such a strong kit. Shields / mit on occasion, snap heals when needed, and a bleeping blood lily nuke! Hope next patch fixes the mp issues. (Edit, it hasn't on this numbers patch. Rip) Thanks for giving the rundown on dungeon uses of holy spam, cds, shields, afflatus and etc., this'll probably be my go to healing dungeon class once leveled, when needed to turn brain off, then benison, regen / asylum, and holy / glare away Will I run trials (nope don't think I'll heal savage) with it? Maybe, just don't expect impeccable healer dps, as good their somewhat basic dps spells are
Thank you! Honestly surprised to not see any changes in patch 6.08 for WHM but I'm holding out hope for a later patch! Don't stress too much about your DPS when getting started honestly, just try your best to push at as much as you can but not to the expense of the party, over time your comfort level will build up, I couldn't imagine healing trials and such back in my ARR days, but I practiced a lot and now heal them with zero fears! just gotta keep at it ! :)
Great guide, small thing I’d like to add is you should use divine benison on cool down with dia refreshes and not just for busters. Tanks have enough tools for busters and you’ll get a lot of mileage out of the 500 potency every 30 seconds. Since EW I’ll use one charge on cool down and save one for emergencies if someone gets hits by something and there’s an upcoming raid wide.
I'm surprised I didn't mention this, but this a good point! The further I get into the expansion the more and more I realise tank busters are a thing for tanks to deal with because they have more then enough tools xD
First thing, i love your guide its beautiful and it covers all of white mage stuff. Second, this is gonna sound stupid but can anyone tell me what is the name of the armor he’s wearing?
During a countdown, how can I tell it's the exact time to precast the 1.5 sec glare? On that note, how does the timing on the countdown work exactly? Is the timing when the number appears, when it fades out or somewhere inbetween?
hi could you please tell me the name of the potion u used at the start of the opener for whm, i must b blonde lol i can for the life of me remember what its called lol
Go to HUD layout, click on the job gauge then click on the cog (settings icon) then change job gauge to simple mode, you might also have to hit the drop down menu while on the hud settings and find job gauge, can't fully remember off the top of my head. Hope this helps!
The one thing we don't like as a Tank - when doin trash mobs... using 'Regen'/'Aspected Benefic' before the pull. I would recommand a 'Divine Benison'/'Celestial Intersection'.
Healers gear is the worst in the entire FF, (95% hits are common you better be ready for your own quick heal - you can even get hit when resurrecting ). Holy does surrounding targets - Esuna removes all bombs from everyone,
Shhh, don't tell him that class heals. If I want to dps i will play another class, I heal and that's all I do so FO if this upsets you. You welco.e to heal also and I do t care about finishing 30 secs earlier. Settle down and learn to relax
I main a tank and play whm here and there but as a tank I think it is so bad to regen the tank before they pull 9 times out of 10 the healer pulls the agro I guess it could be a bad tick time. I personally feel you should regen after pulls. There is time you want to taunt pull just to get all the mobs in one spot but if a whm regen you well the whm is going to tank
Regen prepull might be annoying at times but you should never face pull as a tank anyway. You want to grab mobs with your ranged skill, gap closer or AoE Combo to make sure you have aggro and that way the regen snap aggro is no issue at all. The regen pre pull is much better because it makes sure you stay healthy as a tank while pulling and grouping the packs together which means the healer can start with dpsing and not topping you back up or bringing you back from close to death.
@@LuminNox yeah you never face pull but packs are not designed to be all in your AOE range so hence if you charge into say one mob and it's a four pack and there's only two you can hit with your AOE and the other two are off to the side and you have to wait for them to come to you basically that regen is going to pull aggro. And if I tank is half dead after one pack that tank should learn cd management. I Mt from 1.0 and well it my opinion I can tell a good wtm vs a noob whm by how they use regen
@@TheCrazyredman You can also fix that by having the whm glue to the tank so the mobs autorun to the tank. But you can also get snap aggro with a tank by using a CD or selfheal so that's also ways to "counter" the regen snap aggro. On some pulls the packs are really far away from each other so the full duration of sprint won't be enough to cover the distance and that way you can't avoid autoattacks on the way so having a regen there is really good. I've been tanking in this game for about 8 years and I never had issues with regen once I got used to it and found ways to handle healer snap aggro and I find it more beneficial than a burden.
Best to always cast it after the first hits of the mob packs. Gives the tank achance to hit tham with their aoes. By the time the tank finishes pulling two or three packs, their health isnt super low. Means I can then pop a holy and heal then if need be. It comes with experience. I used to always pop regen even if they had full health and it got hectic. Edit: I'm also always prepared to accidentally take aggro when i do it. The cost of risk I suppose. I rarely see tanks struggle to pick the aggro back up (so long as i stick close and let their aoes do their thing) and when i do its usually in the lower dungeons with new tanks and players.
@@Mellow_Owl that's also a great way to go on with regen usage! I just want to correct that it got nothing to do with overheal. As soon as the regen ticks it will generate aggro. Maybe you didn't notice it because the tanks already have aggro when you use it mid pull rather than pre pull
There is a slight delay after casting it before it fully heals the target. So be aware of this if the tank is really low.
This is a good point! That delay can really be a bummer sometimes
Yeah... press Benediction, second later tank dies. Happens way too often...
Personally i pressed benediction a second later the tank superbolie, apparently bolie has a second delay too, so assumed we pressed around same time haha
@@xlaiineeable There is. There's a chance gnb can also die between going 1 hp and the invulnerable buff kicking in by an auto.
I died in Naldthal the other day because of the benediction delay.
You know what I love about us white mage mains ? Lbh…we’re also all Dancers xD
I haven't started thatclass yet but it seems interesting.
i have never heard anybody say Lbh are you still using it 2 years later?
@@Khazziy You never seen someone use lbh for "lets be honest" ? Really ? I think it’s weirder that you’d reply to a comment done 2 years ago.
Also, my native language is French. So I’ve learned it from seeing English ppl use it around. So idk how you’d try to act like that when it’s an English ppl thing…sorry maybe you never seen ppl either, it means "people" .
*gasp* that's me! but in reverse xD i primarily main dancer
This has been the best guide for WHM up to this point in end game. Thank you Azurite!
Welcome! Glad you found it helpful :)
There is an important difference between the healing increases from asylum and temperance. Temperance only affects GCD healing such as both Afflatus spells, Medica, Cure and all gcd healing spells from other jobs. Also I don't think it buffs regens which means Medica II gets a buff on its initial heal but not on its regen ticks.
Asylum on the other hand buffs literally every heal. It buffs all gcds and ogcds as well as regens, base hp recovery, lifesteal and iirc even shields. It also buffs its own healing making it 10% stronger once you get that trait.
Super late here but just a note - Temperance does not affect healing from other healers. The aura it applies to the party only reduces damage taken. It only increases the WHM's healing.
when you say shields, do you mean DB only? or somehow (as I personally prefer to think of them for my own reasons) mit healers such as sch as well?
Love the guides! It's a lot more practical than other guides that just talk about the skills and don't actually go through and explain why they are using what they're using in a dungeon/raid/etc , and talking about stat prioty too many guides just skip that part. Looking forward to more of your guides, keep up the good work!
Hey thanks! Glad that every piece of effort I put into these guides is helpful! Sometimes I'm afraid if they aren't worth doing but a lot of people assure me they are, so I'm grateful for that :)
Great guide, very well structured and you covered everything a new Whm needs to know from low lvl dungeons to savage content.
One small thing that might be incorrect (unless I misunderstood you) is when to use Holy. Holy 1 is only a dps gain on 2 targets if you don't have Glare 1 yet. I am not entirely sure what the potency for each Stone version is but Holy 1 does 140 (so 280 on 2 targets) potency damage. So the potency of Glare/Stone needs to be less than 280 for Holy to be a dps gain on 2 targets. Glare 1 however has a potency of 300 (apparently it was changed to 290 but the point remains the same), meaning that just as with Holy 3 Holy 1 also only becomes a dps gain on 3+ targets.
For anyone who's interested here are some very situational dps tricks that honestly will make only a very small difference, just for the fun of it :) :
1. Reapplying Dia only becomes a Dps gain when you can assure that it will be active for 15 seconds. If the target dies before that, becomes invulnerable or untargetable it is actually a Dps loss.
2. When you're sitting on 2 blood lily stacks and the fight is about to end you should "dump" the lily (use it even when you don't need to heal) as casting Misery afterwards will be a dps gain as opposed to ending the fight on 2 stacks. Dumping lilies on 1 stack used to be dps neutral but is now a dps loss thanks to the increase in Glare potency with Glare III.
3. A full Dia duration will deal 720 potency of damage (60 potency initial damage when applying, 60 potency every tick, 1 tick = 3 seconds therefore 60*10 = 600 potency and apparently one extra tick when applying it though I am not sure about that, the information comes from the balance discord). Therefore, casting Holy 3 instead of applying Dia becomes a dps gain on 5 enemies, 6 enemies for Holy 1.
I appreciate this write up, constructive criticism is always good when it isn't rude! Complete oversight on the Holy part, so thank you :)
Just a friendly heads up, something a few other W.Mages schooled me, early on: Medica II stacks if you have multiple W.Mage in a raid, it also stacks with Regen. So with Med2+Regen, you have the benefit of 2 Regens active at same time. This is fantastic with other W.Mages in a raid if we're all using Planery Indulgence>Thin Air>Medica2 because our casts don't cancel each other out; Cure3 I use situationally bc it gobbles mana at 1500/cast for 600 potency, I will always use Afflatus Rapture over Cure3, when it's not on CD and Cure 2 at 800 potency (now) versus at the time you made your video. So it's night been a year and there have been a few (potency) changes between 01/22 and 11/22.
I know it's frowned upon, but I did a macro of Divine Benison and Aquaveil since they're both instants and invariably you'll run into some tanks in roulette who still haven't discovered what their mitigations are for. Both skills compliment each other rather well. I throw Divine Benison first since it "usually" lasts longer and Aquaveil is relatively short lived...and follow it up with a regen. I, also, have them available individually on hotkeys for other party members should the need arise. I, also, have Divine Benison first on the macro because of the shorter cooldown and /micon'd that icon to see when it's available. I admit, it's a lazy move, but on large dungeon pulls it's nice to have two forms of defense up (especially if the tank isn't bothering). It gives me time to do some damage and set-up Holy on large groups without having to worry about something taking a big chunk out of the tank at the start. Ok, I admit it....I'm just lazy. :D
Thank you for another great video. Love your glam. BTW I always put swift cast next to Raise.
Thanks! I'm currently trying to farm the Nier glam for my healer as I really want a Nier glam for every job xD not a bad idea to put swift next to raise, that said I use my swift for DPS more then I should...
Another great guide! I learn som much from watching these. The dungeon examples really help me out too.
Thanks! I'm glad that extra effort helps you :)
WHM damage is awesome in dungeons, but in raids it's currently last by a good percentage. Hopefully 6.1 will come with some needed adjustments to our kit (plz Yoshi: buff Misery to be DPS neutral).
Great breakdown of the class abilities!
Oh I didn't know it was that behind in raiding :( I hope they fix that come 6.1!
Afaik Whm is actually second only to Sge in terms of damage but I could be wrong about that.
As for Misery, it's never been dps neutral (which you didn't claim of course) but given the higher Glare 3 damage it would make sense to adjust it by at least 40 potency to make up for that (10 potency * 4gcds).
Honestly though I think white mage is fine as it is. The only real problem I have with it is the absurd Thin Air change. While the consequences are minimal for savage (at least for the current tier) it is an incredible nerf to Whm in ultimates.
Edit: I checked it and in terms of rdps Whm is actually dead last. Which is unfortunate but it is the easiest healer and just doesn't have any raid buffs so it's debatable whether that's justified I think.
lucky for us now Misery is now DPS neutral at 1200 potency the future was brightened for us
Can't wait for the sch guide. I've been struggling fam and your sage guide helped immensely
Its coming! Should be ready by Thursday or Friday :)
Thannnnk youuuuu ! For this- I play a whm! And I always think I’m doing so baddddd this helps so much. And especially for the leveling ! Thank you !
Hey Azurite, any chance to see an in depth guide for dragoon and a guide regarding BIS for jobs? Anyways thank you very much for your informative videos. It´s amazing to have you as a source of knowledge to learn!
Hey! Yeah I will get to Dragoon don't worry! although it might be a little bit to go yet, I will cover Dragoon so I hope you can look forward to that :)
@@AzuriteTV Much appreciated, can´t wait to see it. Have a nice Day and Week Azurite.
You should never fish for Freecure procs. It happens to infrequently, that it takes a massive hit on healing and DPS, and the same happens with Enhanced Benefic II.
Yeah honestly, its bad, I didn't realise it was bad but I kinda gave myself a safety net here. I do mention that you'll probably be using Cure 2 more over Cure 1, but back when I played WHM in ARR content, Cure 1 was actually the way to go, but times have changed a lot since then
amazing job! Thank you for the info
Remember if a debuff has a hat, you can take it off. 😜
Always great content, keep it up Azurite! 👍👍👍
Ill try to remember this quote on the Scholar video! And thanks a lot, appreciate you :)
Amazing guide
Thank you! appreciate it :)
ideally you should be using your divine benison on cooldown. it's on a 30s cooldown same as dia, so you can always save 1 charge for "when it's needed" and use the other charge every time it's up. it stays active for 15s so unless the boss leaves you'll get full benefit out of it (and if it leaves you gain one back generally).
assize is now on a 40s recast, and should be used on cooldown for the mp, trying to not lose a use of it by the end of a fight by holding it longer than 40s total, presence of mind is 120s and should be your dia clock, you should also remember on which of your dias you need to squeezee out an assize (top of pom during first dia, midway 2nd dia and 3rd dia, and resetting at the end of the 4th dia/beginning of next 1st)
finally dont really hold your lilies, you gain one every 30 so make a habit of popping one every dia section and popping misery on the top of the next POM (this is a good spot to weave misery with assize) this means holding your 4th lily every quarter of your pom clock, so you end up with a double misery on your 4th burst (8 minute trials holy moly)
and that's all the tips i have for maximizing your WHM at 90. legend btw.
1:38 that’s is that 3rd bar for next to MP
Can i count on you for guides on other jobs too? 🥺
for dungeons put Holy on 1 to 9 ... spam it :-)
i'm playing WHM on an alt job and after 60 it starts making fun. currently i'm 74 and have way more fun playing whm then any other class in dungeons.
Some call them boring, but i love the normal healing classes. straight forward.
Holy is all you need !
It really is a enjoyable healer though, it's simple but I find it really relaxing and comfy to play :D
Really love and enjoy your guides although I’m German 😂. Is hard to find good guides in German language but it is what it is. As I said goof guides sometimes hard for me to translate the skills but you make a good job.
Why would you even expect a guide in your native language? It's kind of unrealistic, as most of the content of this type defaults to english.
For example I am serbian and there are exactly 0 Final Fantasy guides in serbian language. It is just not something you would normally expect.
Still completely gutted by thin air becoming two charge, I don't think it would be too broken being timed instead
Yeah seriously I don't like this change :(
Always ignore Cure 1 if you have access to Cure 2 if you absolutely need to hard cast a single target GCD heal.
@XxMerc050xX With Lucid Dreaming running you can cast at least 20 Cure 2 if you just stand there and spam it, if a lv
@@Whosimon Exactly 👌
I'll be honest, I haven't had the pleasure of healing ARR dungeons in a long time, so back when I did heal them cure 1 was definitely relevant, but this was back when Holy costed a lot of mp and such, I realise times have changed and a lot
Great guide, such a strong kit. Shields / mit on occasion, snap heals when needed, and a bleeping blood lily nuke! Hope next patch fixes the mp issues. (Edit, it hasn't on this numbers patch. Rip)
Thanks for giving the rundown on dungeon uses of holy spam, cds, shields, afflatus and etc., this'll probably be my go to healing dungeon class once leveled, when needed to turn brain off, then benison, regen / asylum, and holy / glare away
Will I run trials (nope don't think I'll heal savage) with it? Maybe, just don't expect impeccable healer dps, as good their somewhat basic dps spells are
Thank you! Honestly surprised to not see any changes in patch 6.08 for WHM but I'm holding out hope for a later patch! Don't stress too much about your DPS when getting started honestly, just try your best to push at as much as you can but not to the expense of the party, over time your comfort level will build up, I couldn't imagine healing trials and such back in my ARR days, but I practiced a lot and now heal them with zero fears! just gotta keep at it ! :)
Great guide, small thing I’d like to add is you should use divine benison on cool down with dia refreshes and not just for busters. Tanks have enough tools for busters and you’ll get a lot of mileage out of the 500 potency every 30 seconds. Since EW I’ll use one charge on cool down and save one for emergencies if someone gets hits by something and there’s an upcoming raid wide.
I'm surprised I didn't mention this, but this a good point! The further I get into the expansion the more and more I realise tank busters are a thing for tanks to deal with because they have more then enough tools xD
Do you not waste a stun by spamming holy? Rather than Holy>Dia>Dia(or regen)>Holy>Holy. to get the full stun time in.
First thing, i love your guide its beautiful and it covers all of white mage stuff.
Second, this is gonna sound stupid but can anyone tell me what is the name of the armor he’s wearing?
During a countdown, how can I tell it's the exact time to precast the 1.5 sec glare? On that note, how does the timing on the countdown work exactly? Is the timing when the number appears, when it fades out or somewhere inbetween?
u got to have Piety - i have 1200 rarely have a mana depleation
hi could you please tell me the name of the potion u used at the start of the opener for whm, i must b blonde lol i can for the life of me remember what its called lol
How do you make your job gauges showing up like a tiny health bar?
Go to HUD layout, click on the job gauge then click on the cog (settings icon) then change job gauge to simple mode, you might also have to hit the drop down menu while on the hud settings and find job gauge, can't fully remember off the top of my head. Hope this helps!
@@AzuriteTV Thank you so much! I don't know how I missed this but finally I can make my ui a little better!
What is that bar you got at the top there?
What color you use for you Horns?
The one thing we don't like as a Tank - when doin trash mobs... using 'Regen'/'Aspected Benefic' before the pull. I would recommand a 'Divine Benison'/'Celestial Intersection'.
Hi. the holy & holy3 tip is confusing for me. Can u explain it in text sir? Thank you.
"As a WHM we tend to run out of MP" speak for yourself m8. I feel like my MP is infinite
Healers gear is the worst in the entire FF, (95% hits are common you better be ready for your own quick heal - you can even get hit when resurrecting ). Holy does surrounding targets - Esuna removes all bombs from everyone,
I just like spamming holy to do pirouettes
Hello friend
Hi friend :>
lol 😆
Thinking a white mage has a rotation.
Shhh, don't tell him that class heals. If I want to dps i will play another class, I heal and that's all I do so FO if this upsets you. You welco.e to heal also and I do t care about finishing 30 secs earlier. Settle down and learn to relax
in the outro you say it needs more damage but then say don't feel bad for playing WHM bc you are dealing so much damage
I main a tank and play whm here and there but as a tank I think it is so bad to regen the tank before they pull 9 times out of 10 the healer pulls the agro I guess it could be a bad tick time. I personally feel you should regen after pulls. There is time you want to taunt pull just to get all the mobs in one spot but if a whm regen you well the whm is going to tank
Regen prepull might be annoying at times but you should never face pull as a tank anyway. You want to grab mobs with your ranged skill, gap closer or AoE Combo to make sure you have aggro and that way the regen snap aggro is no issue at all. The regen pre pull is much better because it makes sure you stay healthy as a tank while pulling and grouping the packs together which means the healer can start with dpsing and not topping you back up or bringing you back from close to death.
@@LuminNox yeah you never face pull but packs are not designed to be all in your AOE range so hence if you charge into say one mob and it's a four pack and there's only two you can hit with your AOE and the other two are off to the side and you have to wait for them to come to you basically that regen is going to pull aggro. And if I tank is half dead after one pack that tank should learn cd management. I Mt from 1.0 and well it my opinion I can tell a good wtm vs a noob whm by how they use regen
@@TheCrazyredman You can also fix that by having the whm glue to the tank so the mobs autorun to the tank. But you can also get snap aggro with a tank by using a CD or selfheal so that's also ways to "counter" the regen snap aggro. On some pulls the packs are really far away from each other so the full duration of sprint won't be enough to cover the distance and that way you can't avoid autoattacks on the way so having a regen there is really good. I've been tanking in this game for about 8 years and I never had issues with regen once I got used to it and found ways to handle healer snap aggro and I find it more beneficial than a burden.
Best to always cast it after the first hits of the mob packs. Gives the tank achance to hit tham with their aoes. By the time the tank finishes pulling two or three packs, their health isnt super low. Means I can then pop a holy and heal then if need be. It comes with experience. I used to always pop regen even if they had full health and it got hectic.
Edit: I'm also always prepared to accidentally take aggro when i do it. The cost of risk I suppose. I rarely see tanks struggle to pick the aggro back up (so long as i stick close and let their aoes do their thing) and when i do its usually in the lower dungeons with new tanks and players.
@@Mellow_Owl that's also a great way to go on with regen usage! I just want to correct that it got nothing to do with overheal. As soon as the regen ticks it will generate aggro. Maybe you didn't notice it because the tanks already have aggro when you use it mid pull rather than pre pull
As an item lvl 580 I never use Cure 3, like ever. Yawn.
What's the potion in the rotation?
How to glare accordingly: