Hani kendimize ait bir video izleyip de 'benim sesim böyle mi çıkıyormuş' diye kendi sesimizi dışarıdan duyunca şaşırırız ya bu video da öyle geldi. Sürekli duyduğumuz sesimizi dışardan dinletti bize. İzlemesi keyifliydi
Onun icin mi sokak köpekleri öldürülüyor...gercek hayvansevgisini Ben Almanyada gördüm tabiki de türkiyede de hayvanseverler var ama bircok da sevmeyen var...
O öldürme yeni çıktı her yerde sokak hayvanlarına sürekli ikramda bulunan ve iç içe yaşayan esnaf vb insanlar vardır. Türk milletinin merhamet özelliğini kimse silemez. Çocuk yaşlı vb aciz olana her zaman merhamet eder Türk insanı
@@parkerschnabel5529 ulan almanyada sokak hayvanı mı var? sahibi olan evcil ve aşıları tam yapılmış hayvanı sevmek kolay zaten. gelin burada işe giderken size saldıran 10'lu 20'li sokak köpeği çetelerini sevin bakalım ne kadar hayvansevermişsiniz görelim.
@@parkerschnabel5529 duyan da katliam var sanacak, Türk'e dair iyi olan ne varsa senin gibi tipler çıkıp manipülasyon yapıyor zaten. Türkler tarih boyu hayvenseverdi. Almanlar depresif yaşamlarına renk katsın diye sarılıyor o "evcil" hayvanlara, biz ilk dinimizden beri her yaşamı değerli gördüğümüz için. arada dağlar kadar fark var.
Meclisin yaptığı anayasadan ayrı halkın kendi yaptığı ve tabi olduğu üç maddelik bir anayasa vardır. Madde 1: bir şey olmaz. Olursa ikinci maddeye geçilir. Madde 2: yaparız hallederiz. Halledilemezse üçüncü maddemiz var. Madde 3: idare et.
LOL as a Turkish, it is always fascinating to talk to taxi drivers to catch up the latest gossips around and they give you good suggestions about directions and restaurants. It is very helpful when they warn you about closed roads (because we have constructions often and unplanned) if you are gonna come back home by bus. When I am on mood and there is a nice old taxi driver, the ride is better than arriving the destination to meet my friends. Sharing information is how we take care of each other.
Its actually very common to kiss elderly peoples hand. We usually do that to our grandparents. If you had a chance to visit a family house at a religious day. You will see that
For a whole summer my best friend was never late less than an hour and every single time, without exception, I waited for him (Outdoors) One day, he was late 4 hrs 25 mn but he came. Another time he was late 5 hrs 31 mn but again he showed up. Years later, he was supposed to pick me up from Boston Logan Airport but there was a delay on my flight for an hour. Upon landing, I couldn't find him at the airport. For a full hour I waited for him. When he didn't show up, I took a ride from another friend that I'd just bumped into. That evening I received a phone call from my best friend. He was angry: `Didn't you know that I'd be late? Why didn't you wait for me?" This year is 50th anniversary of our friendship. He's still late to his appointments and, yes, he's Turkish.
Bir Türk olarak eğlenerek izledim. Tespitleriniz genel olarak çok doğru. Çalışma disiplini, zaman yönetimi, kurallara bağlılık ülke nüfusunun yarısında az bulunan bir durum. Özellikle İstanbul'un en kozmopolit semtlerinde yaşıyorsanız ama daha göç almamış semtlerindeyseniz o zaman bu durumlarla karşılaşma durumunuz çok daha azdır. Türkiye diğer ülkeler gibi tek bir kültüre sahip insanlardan oluşmuyor yani insan çeşitliliği çok fazla. Her din ve kültüre sahip insanlar çok uzun zamandır bir arada yaşadığı için yabancılarla ilişki kurmaya ve yardımcı olmaya açıktır. Ülkemizin çok sorunu var ve bunların başında kötü ekonomi ve göçmenler geliyor. Laik bir ülke olduğumuz için aynı aile içinde dahi farklı görüşlere sahip olsak da birbirimize saygı gösterir ve yargılamadansevgi duyarız. Türkiye gerek coğrafi konumuyla gerek eksik/fazla gelebilecek kültürü ile dünyada benzerini asla göremeyeceğiniz bir ülkedir. Yurtdışına çok sık seyahat eden biri olarak her yönü ile en güzel ülkeye gidiyor olsam bile ülkeme dönüşüm yeni bir ülkeye giderken duyduğum heyecandan daha fazla oluyor. Bugüne kadar izlediğim en objektif içerikti teşekkür ederiz.
Dear Yuliya, normally, it's so rude to ask for the wage, age etc in Turkish culture, but recently the cost of living increased drastically and people are always concerned about the prices, which makes them talk about money all the time. Sorry about that.
My wife who is Russian always say we Turks always paint any issue lighter than it actually is. We have different coping mechanisms with daily challenges and that is the most significant difference we found as a couple. Good content Yuliya. Keep it up.
@@Kul-teginKardeş biz hem orta asyalı Turklerin hem de anadolunun antik halklarınn torunarıyız. Bizi kendi öz topraklarımıza yabancılaştırmak isteyen batılılar ve araptapar islamcıların masallarına inanmayalım. Turkiyenin hem yeni hem eski sahibi bizleriz.
@@Kul-tegin It has been almost 1000 years. Your parents did not live in CA, your grandparents and their parents grandparents etc. You are Anatolian mate.
Yuliya, this is the very first video of yours I came across. I am not sure why some of the comments are disproportionately negative. Please understand that people tend to be more negative and aggressive online than in real life. As a person who lives in the West for the last 7 years and who grew up and lived in Istanbul for 20 years, I can say that your observations are valid and mostly correct. I would like to add that I think pretty much all the positive observations come from Turkish people’s traditional, common sense culture , and all the negativities (almost) comes from a state where Turkish people would do better if it wasn’t for the specific condition in that time in history or location . For example , discrimination towards syrian immigrants, this is a very deep and nuanced issue, and unfortunately it is easy but shallow to think people are deeply racist or xenophobic towards arabs in Turkey (they are not), or that people in Turkey are nice to everybody (they are not, if they feel disrespected). Same thing goes for being late, Turkish people dont value 5-10 minutes of being punctual, when everyone in traffic cuts in front of them and wastes more of their time daily. So when there is not enough education and traffic penalty system, people just live to survive, and not to show their best character. I am very glad your child has a good time in Turkey and thanks for sharing your thoughts. I would like to ask foreigners, especially tourists, to understand that Turkish people are and have been under lots of stress since ages, dur to economic pressures, social unrest, wars and terrorism in neighbouring countries etc. So if they do something weird, please view them as if they are your grandparent who is weird but have gone through tough times! Have some mercy, and show them sympathy. Turks are very loving people and they will love everyone who respects them, regardless of origin, skin tone, religion etc. Turkey and Anatolia is a diverse place and we love to hang out with different people and enjoy their little funny peculiarities. But if people are under too much stress, of course they resort to un-ideal behaviors. Mutual respect matters.
Also please understand that Turkish society consists of people from very different backgrounds and education levels. You might meet some Turks and think that Turks are the most knowledgeable and best people, and then you can meet other Turks in the same location and think Turks are the most backwards, horrible people. There are certain systemic inequalities in Turkey which are a result of politicians exploiting certain sensitive topics. For this reason, current Turkish society is polarized in many issues and often do not have very good views on the other camp . Not all Turks are educated or live a modern lifestyle, and this is a challenge that the country has been trying to tackle for a century, to educate everybody and bring them to an acceptable level of being human and respecting rules, laws, respecting equality of all people. Turks are not perfect, but they are mostly trying their best. It takes some effort to go through life when the whole region is burning with wars and terrorism, and you are trying to make a modern republic, while the west tries to exploit your country, and you dont have many friends among your neighbours, who mostly all revolted against your country and hates your people due to historical tensions.
I think people just let go of rules and dedication because the decades have shown that caring too much will only hurt yourself and since the system is fundamentally flawed, hard-working is only exploited, nothing changes in the end. So many just gave up, ending up with such "whatever" attitude :|
Kissing the hands of the elderly is actually quite common, but mostly with the elders of the family. It doesn't have to be a treat or anything like that, you'd kiss their hands just to greet them.
Eskiden İstanbul çok güzeldi. Ülkedeki ekonomik sıkıntılar ve mülteci problemi güzelim şehri mahvetti. Neden bilmem ama artık insanlar birbirine tahammül edemez oldu. Gençlerde saygı azaldı. Bundan 10 yıl önce İstanbul çok daha güzeldi😢
10 sene önce bu kadar yoktu sayıları. Ekonomik sorunlar gelir geçer ama demografik yapı bozulunca düzelmez. Bunun bilincinin verdiği huzursuzluk var insanlarda.
Bu saydıklarınız saygı duyulacak durumları yok etmedi mi? Ne zaman topluluğa karışsam herkes pimi çekilmiş bir bomba. Ama durduk yerde pasif agresif şekilde gençlere hakaretler yağdırıldığına neredeyse her gün şahit oluyorum. Herhangi bir davranışta bulunmamalarına karşın bir genç gördüler mi tanımadıkları çocuklara hemen başlanıyor bunlar da şöyle kötü, böyle saygısız, falanca terbiyesiz. Elbette her türlü grupta kötü örnekler var, gençler de kusursuz demiyorum ama iş öyle bir cephe haline dönüşüyor ki kimi zaman uyarmak durumunda kalıyorum. Benim gençliğimde de yaşlılar böyle değildi. En azından gerektiğinde hayat dersleri alırdık onlardan. Ben tüm faturayı henüz topluma şekil verme çağında olmayan gençlere yıkmayı doğru ve tutarlı bulmuyorum. Zira halkımızda yaş almış kişilerde saygı ve nezaket neredeyse hiç yok, büyük kısmında da olgun davranışlar da yerleşmemiş. Herkeste bir savaşma psikolojisi var. Herkes herkese düşman, herkes bir şeye taraf. Kimse kendinden başka doğrunun olduğuna inanmıyor. En ufak bir şeyde hemen başkaları kusurlu. Sonra da yabancılara gıpta ediyoruz bizi ne de güzel tanıdılar diye.
@@astrodas1910 Avrupa yakasında özellikle mülteciden geçilmiyor, sokakta yürüyorum bir tane Türkçe konuşan insan duyamıyorum. Tek biz oluyoruz genelde.
Ben 18 yaşında ve istanbulda yaşayan birisi olarak İstanbulda ilk olarak şehir planlaması sorunu ikinci olarak son dönemlerde şahsen bir artış görmediğim mülteci sorunu onun dışında özellikle gençlerde yaygınlaşan ahlak ve düşünce eksikliği var. Bence şehire gelen "zengin" yabancılardan rahatsızlık duymaya gerek yok bunu siz öyle diyorsunuz diye söylemiyorum ancak genel olarak mültecilerden kaynaklı genel bir yabancı karşıtlığı var. Ekonomik sıkıntıların şehri çok fazla etkilediğini düşünmüyorum biz içerisinde yaşayanların hayat standartını düşürmek dışında. Aslında şehirdeki en büyük sorun olan şehir planlaması bütçenin doğru yerlere harcanmasıyla büyük oranda çözülebilir diye düşünüyorum. Ayrıca bence 10 yıl önce ile şimdi arasında çok büyük bir fark görmüyorum elbette 8 yaşındayken ne kadar farkındaydın falan diyebilirsiniz ancak ailemle çok gezerdim ve benim çocukluğumdan kaynaklı olan parlak tenklerden oluşan anılara şimdiki düşünce tarzımla bakınca pek bir fark görmüyorum.
@@poumybeloved Yakında ülke bizim siz gidin demeye başlarlar. Diyenleri var zaten. Lübnan arapları da gelmeye başlamış iç savaş çıkarma konusunda tecrübeliler. Milletin alternatif olarak desteklediği chp de entegre masalları anlatıyor. Bunun sonu tek bir yere çıkıyor malesef halk kitlesel olarak akıllanmazsa :)
9:37 actually it is common. because Kissing the elder’s hand is something done here, for example, on Eid al-Feast, and a method of thanking them (what we do to our elder) and also yes. For example, when candy or money is given, we kiss the elder’s hand and put it on our foreheads, but even celebrating the holiday is enough (Note: sometimes it can also be done when we see one of the elders)
Çok tatlısın. Özellikle çocuklara karşı olan davranışımızı çok iyi gözlemişsin. Çok tarafsız ve objektif bir anlatım olmuş. Sana çok teşekkür ederim, güzel insan.
Your observation is less or more correct. But it’s a good detail work that how the current culture’s climate works in Türkiye. Not everyone smokes in Türkiye and many people who want to smoke near you ask your permission to smoke, of course people who are considered. It’s a good video which we like it. Thanks.
bazı insanlar kötüdür. Türkiye'deki insanların da bazısı kötüdür. biz normal insanlar gerçekten daha huzurlu ,mutlu yaşamak için elimizden geleni yapıyoruz.
about the flags: if a family has a family member (usually the son of the family, but not in every case) who had become martyred, died for his country, they hang a turkish flag on their balconies or windows. its a sign for others to understand they are mourning, and also its to show their respect and honour. however, not every hanging flag means this. i agree that we love our flag so much :)
It is the mans duty to maintain the balance between mother and wife. Mothers are sacred but wives are our life partners. Its necessary to keep both of them happy thats the point.
the origin of slavs part1 The word Slav was used to describe the Northern European slaves. Today it is used to mean 'slave' in all European languages. However, the real meaning of this word is 'selling slave'. It is a name given to this ring of northern Europeans engaged in the slave trade. The word 'Slavic' comes from the Western Roman language Sclavus called "Latin" and the Eastern Roman language Sklabos called "Ancient Greek". This word, which emerged in the Roman language in the 6th century during the medieval Latin period, was also referred to as Sakaliba in Arabic. The Turks living in the Black Sea steppes and dealing with the slave trade were called Sclavus/Sklabos by the Romans. Because these lands are the former lands of Saklar (Scythians) and other ethnic Turks. As it can be understood, the word Sclavus/Sklabus has been transformed from the word from Saka/Saklar (Sakalar/Scythians) are an ancient Turkish people and their place of residence is today's Russia and Ukraine. The Slavs are a people who emerged in these lands in the 6th century and are the successors of the Turks. However, the Slavic ethno emerged from the mixture of Turks and Ugors. The Slavic language is basically a mixture of the Turkish language and the Ugor language. There was also interaction from Latin to this language, and with the spread of this people, who were the last to form in Europe, to Eastern Europe and the Balkans, different Slavic languages emerged. In fact, Saklar (Sakas-Scythians) had already migrated from the Black Sea steppes at that time. The Saks, who displaced the Cimmerians in the Black Sea steppes, came from the east, as Herodotus wrote, and are the successors of the early Turkic cultures of Oxus, Andronovo, and Afanesyevo in Central Asia. The area of the Sak Empire is the region in the east of Europe, the Crimea and the Black Sea Steppes, and the region in Central Asia, including the Tien Shan Mountains and the Fergana Valley. In this wide geography, BC. 8th century BC The names Skythai in Byzantine sources, Ashguzai in Assyrian sources, and Sa in Chinese sources were used for Saklar, who established a powerful empire between the 3rd century BC. After the Sarmatians, the successors of the Cimmerians, defeated the Saks and recaptured the Black Sea steppes, the Sak Empire was dissolved. According to Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC, the Cimmerians were a people who lived in the north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea in the 8th century BC, that is, in today's Ukraine and Russia. Assyrian records show that the Cimmerian country extended to the Caucasus. According to the history of Herodotus, the Cimmerians were expelled from the Black Sea steppes by the Saklar (Scythians). The Cimmerians, who remained in the Black Sea steppes, called themselves Saruma (Sarmat) after the 3rd century BC. According to Herodotus, the Cimmerians are close relatives of the Thracians (Turks/) and while these two peoples lived in the north of the Black Sea, they were displaced by invaders from the east in the 8th century BC. In fact, a single people, the Cimmerians/Thracs, have lived since ancient times in a wide area stretching from the İdil River to the north of the Black Sea and the Balkans. After the Sak (Scythian) invasion in the 8th century BC, a large part of the Cimmerians spread to Eastern Europe and began to be called Thracian. Cimmerian/Thracian civilization Bug-Dniester (5000 BC), Samara (4000 BC), Kvalynsk (4000 BC), Sredny Stog (4000 BC), Dnieper-Donets (4000 BC), Usatovo (3000 BC), Maikop-Dereivka (4000 BC) It is the successor of early Turkic cultures such as 3000 BC and Yamna (3000 BC). European historians claim that the Sarmatians, who replaced the Saks in the Black Sea steppes, were also a people of "Indo-European" origin and spoke an Iranian language. However, there is no document to prove these claims. The Sarmatians are the successors of the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians, who lived under the rule of Sak for about 500 years, rebelled against the Saks in the 3rd century BC and dominated the Black Sea steppes again. In the 3rd century AD, after the collapse of the Asian Hun Empire, the Sarmatians united with the Asian Huns, a small part of which migrated here, and ended the Gothic invasion and established the European Hun Empire. Some of the Sak tribes, who did not retreat to Central Asia after being defeated by the Sarmatians, were Alans and later settled in the Caucasus. The Roman Historian Tacitus (56-117) refers to the Huns in Europe as the Hunnoi. He states that in 91 BC the Huns lived between the north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The Alexandrian geographer and historian Ptolemy (90-168) also says that the Huns, whom he called Chunnoi, lived in the Roxolani (today's south of Romania) and the region from the north of the Black Sea to the Caucasus. As it can be understood, although the Saklar had already left the region, their names lived on and the Turks living in the region were also called Saklar by the Romans. The emergence of the Slavs as an ethnos coincides with the Avars period. A small part of the Avars, the successors of the Asian Huns who migrated to the Black Sea steppes after being defeated by the Yiwu ("Gökturks") in Central Asia, united with the Yiwu tribes here in 562, and Bayan Han was the front line. A small part of the Avars, the successors of the Asian Huns who migrated to the Black Sea steppes after being defeated by the Yigits ("Gökturks") in Central Asia, united with the Yiwu tribes here in 562, under the leadership of Bayan Han, in the region from Central Europe to Idil, from the Balkans to the Baltic. They founded the European Avar Empire (558-805). Slavs, consisting of a mixture of Turkish and Ugor tribes, actively appeared on the stage of history during the Avars period. During this period, they spread to eastern Europe and the Balkans and established their first political organization. Changes in their ethnic structure also emerged in this period. For example, Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians and White Russians) completed their ethnic transformation in the 9th century as a result of the Swedish Vikings, Varyags, who settled in the region and mixed with the Salvs. The Varyags are descendants of European Hun commanders who founded the first kingdoms in Scandinavia. Starting from the second half of the 9th century, the Russians, by capturing the great trade route going down to the Black Sea via the Ozi (Dnieper) River, put an end to the Caspian domination in this region and gathered the scattered Slavic tribes and established the Russian state. part1
Your comments are just right but i wish there is no loud music, smoking people everywhere or cars stops in the middle of roads... And i'm sure that people who are not stressed are mostly elderly people. Ps: no one hates innocent, helpless people running away from the war for instance the kids... The issue is the strong young people who didn't care about their country and just came here. Unfortunately our government gave them a lot of opportunity even more than us :(
Such a lovely comments on my country Yuliya! You're welcome to our country, we are always open for foreigners idk why maybe it's inferiority complex but anyway it's nice! Enjoy there! Cheers from Madrid!
neden aşağılık kompleksi olsun..? Anadolu türk misafirperliği bilinen bir gerçektir,türk milleti (dinci yobazlar hariç) arapları sevmez,soğuk davranır ,sebebide osmanlıyı sırtından vurmuştur..diğer kanlı baçaklı olduğu halklara karşı bir düşmanlığı yoktur örnek ,yunan,ermeni ..dostum yorumun yanlış ..
3 місяці тому
Oh, you're living in the area where I lived in Istanbul. Seeing that playground I always go to with my dog made me feel emotional. 🥲Hope you collect the best memories there.
Genellikle ailemizdeki çok yaşlı büyüklerimiz veya anne babamızın elini öper alnımıza götürürüz. Bu onlara, tecrübelerine saygı duyduğumuzu gösterir. Pandemi sonrası ben öpmeden sadece öper gibi çenemi dokundurarak alnıma götürmeye başladım. Önemli olan bu geleneği sürdürmek ve saygını ifade etmek... Biz millet olarak kendimizi çok acımasızca eleştiriyoruz. İyi yanlarımıza pek odaklanamıyoruz. Ayrıca iyi yönlerimizi söylersek böbürlenmiş, kibirli gibi oluruz. Biz alçakgönüllü olalım derken kendimizi aşırı eleştirip bazen kendimizi dünyaya rezil bile ediyoruz. Esasında kendisini hiç eleştirmeyen sanki ülkeleri adeta cennetmiş gibi medyada lanse edenlerin bizden çok daha beter durumda olduklarını fark ettim. Ülkemizi ancak sizin gibi yabancılar tarafsız şekilde eleştirebiliyor. Bizler maalesef kendimizi sadece olumsuz anlamda eleştiriyoruz. Bir şeyler düzelsin diye şikayette bulunsakta günlük hayatımızın geri kalanında iyiyiz. Durduk yere sokakta gülümseyen bir millet değiliz ancak kolaylıkla sohbet edebileceğiniz bir milletiz. Birilerine ne kadar maaş aldığını sormak biraz özel olsa da cevap verilmemesini de anlayabiliriz. Bunu sorma sebebimiz piyasada o işi yapanların aldığı maaşlar hakkında bilgi edinmek ya da sohbet olsun diye olabilir. Kimsenin aldığı maaşında ise asla gözümüz yok. Allah herkese bol kazanç nasip etsin. Ailenizle, güzel çocuğunuzla size huzur ve bereket dilerim ♥️🌷🌼🪻🩷
part 2 origin of slavs The Eastern and Southern Claims, on the other hand, emerged with the mixing of Turkish tribes such as Avars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Kipchaks with the first Slavs. In 803-804, the Bulgarian Kağan Kurum captured all the Avar lands in the Danube region, and after this date, some of the Avars mixed with the Hungarians and some of them formed the Croatian people by mixing with the Slavs. In 632, Kubrat Khan established the Bulgarian Khaganate. After Kubrat Khan's death in 665, as a result of the pressure of the Khazars, the Great Bulgarian Khanate was destroyed in 681 and the Bulgarians were divided. Batbayan, the eldest son of Kubrat, joined the Khazars, the same people as the Bulgarians, and a large part of the people migrated to the north and founded the Idil Bulgars State. The part settled in the southwest under the rule of Kubrat's younger son Asparuh, on the other hand, founded the Danube Bulgarian State in 678 and laid the foundation of today's Bulgaria. The Pechenegs, an Oghuz tribe, moved from the north of the Black Sea to the west in the 10th century and became an important power in the north of the Black Sea and the Balkans until the end of the 11th century. In 915, they were organized as khanates for about 150 years (916-1065) in the Ozi-Kubat region. As a result of the Byzantine agreement with the Cumans who had come to the Balkans, the Pechenegs, who fought with the Cumans on the coast of Maritsa, suffered a heavy defeat. After this event, some of the Pechenegs settled in Anatolia against the Seljuks at the request of the Byzantine State. Another part of the Pechenegs retreated to Hungary and mixed with the Hungarians, some of them settled in the Balkans and continued their existence for a while, and then mixed with the Slavs and formed the Bosnian people. The first Bosnian principality was established in 1250 under Hungary and became an independent kingdom in 1377. This kingdom later became a kingdom including Croats and Serbs, and came under Ottoman rule in 1463. The history of the Serbs, who emerged as an ethnic identity with the establishment of the Serbian Church in 1219, is intertwined with Bosnians and Croats. The Khazar State, which was the direct successor of the European Hun Khaganate and continued its existence between the years 469-1048, formed the western branch of the khanate during the Turkish Khaganate, and became a khanate on its own after the disintegration of the Turkish Khaganate. The Khazar Khaganate is an Oghuz/Turkmen Khaganate. There has never been a Turkish tribe called "Caspian" in history. In summary, the lands of the Khazar Khaganate are the historical lands of the Turkmens. At that time, the most populous Turkish tribe was the Oghuzs. It is so today. Oghuzs are Turks; they called themselves Turk or Turkmen (who is Turkish). According to Mahmud of Kashgar, Turkmens are actually twenty-four tribes, twenty-two of them call themselves Oghuz, and the other two tribes are Kipchaks and Halachs. The Kipchaks (aka Cumans), who came to the scene of history in the 11th century, are the Turkmens who stayed in the Black Sea steppes after the Oghuzs left the region. The Black Sea steppes, formerly known as the Oghuz steppes, later became known as the Kipchak steppes, and the Kipchaks were a decisive force in the Black Sea steppes until the end of the 13th century. This existence of the Kipchaks continued until the Balkans after a series of victories against the Russian principalities in the 11th century. A part of the Kipchak branch, which migrated to the Balkans, later accepted Christianity and became the Gagauz; some of them formed Croats and Serbs by mixing with Avars and Slavs. Some of them joined the Hungarians. Some of the Kipchaks who remained in the Black Sea steppes became one of the ancestors of peoples such as Kazakhs, Tatars and Bulgarians by mixing with other Turkish tribes in the following centuries. The Kozaks (Ukrainians), who are today's Slavic Cossacks, are the direct descendants of the Kipchaks who remained in the Black Sea steppes.
Ladies, if you want to be happy, do not force a Turkish man to choose between his mother and you.. you will lose.. because mothers are sacred and heaven is under their feets thats what we believe and remember that one day you will be a mother too and you will receive the same respect.
@@hasanm843eğer böyle düşünüyorsanız “nasıl olsa değiştirebilirim” kafasıyla biriyle evlenip o kişinin hayatını ve psikolojisini mahvetmenin anlamı ne? Herkes anne ve babalara saygı duymalı ama Türkiye’deki durum anne babaya hürmetten ziyade anne babaların evlatlarının özel hayatlarına hadsiz müdahalesi ve evlatların da sınır çizememesi. Siz kendinizi anamdır bir tanedir el üstünde tutarım karımdır nasıl olsa başka kadınlar da var diye kandıra durun asıl olay hala “çocukluktan” çıkıp bir yetişkin olamamanızda.
We love russianz too, women are so cute and pretty by all means, man are like psycho and fatherly at the same time. Your language, perfect to listen without understanding any distinction. We like you, we think ukranians, russians and belarusians are the same person btw.
it should be the same in greece, italy and i suspect portugal. oh, and those countries in the north africa like algeria etc. this is evolution and it mostly about climate. when climate is good and food is in abundance there's no need for planning and there's no need for discipline in general. but in freaking russia or iceland you have to plan everything. you have to get ready for super harsh winter etc.
Diğer ülkelerin yaşayışlarını ve kültürlerini tecrübe etmediğiniz için böyle düşünüyor olabilir misiniz acaba. Türkiye tam yaşanılası bir ülke emin olabilirsin. Çünkü insanları çok özel ve güzel ❤
There are many problems in Turkey and we as Turks are very disturbed by this. We are disturbed by other races because they come to Turkey and they try to continue living as they do in their own countries. We have no bad thoughts towards Slavs, but they bought all the houses in Antalya and started to open schools that teach in Russian and this is illegal. Remember that Turks are not racists they are Turkish nationalists. We only have some lines, other than that, welcome to Türkiye are you hungry??? Let us offer you something to eat :)
Turkish mentality in one word: Hallederiz
''her şeyin bi çaresi bulunur pavarotti'' 😂
and somehow surprisingly we make it work, we good at solving daily problems.
And "farketmez"
It gives hope though
Hani kendimize ait bir video izleyip de 'benim sesim böyle mi çıkıyormuş' diye kendi sesimizi dışarıdan duyunca şaşırırız ya bu video da öyle geldi. Sürekli duyduğumuz sesimizi dışardan dinletti bize. İzlemesi keyifliydi
We like kids and animals so much because their innocence and happiness drag us away from stresses of daily life problems
Onun icin mi sokak köpekleri öldürülüyor...gercek hayvansevgisini Ben Almanyada gördüm tabiki de türkiyede de hayvanseverler var ama bircok da sevmeyen var...
O öldürme yeni çıktı her yerde sokak hayvanlarına sürekli ikramda bulunan ve iç içe yaşayan esnaf vb insanlar vardır. Türk milletinin merhamet özelliğini kimse silemez. Çocuk yaşlı vb aciz olana her zaman merhamet eder Türk insanı
@@parkerschnabel5529 Almanyadada öldürüyorlar, amerikadada öldürüyorlar ...
@@parkerschnabel5529 ulan almanyada sokak hayvanı mı var? sahibi olan evcil ve aşıları tam yapılmış hayvanı sevmek kolay zaten. gelin burada işe giderken size saldıran 10'lu 20'li sokak köpeği çetelerini sevin bakalım ne kadar hayvansevermişsiniz görelim.
@@parkerschnabel5529 duyan da katliam var sanacak, Türk'e dair iyi olan ne varsa senin gibi tipler çıkıp manipülasyon yapıyor zaten. Türkler tarih boyu hayvenseverdi. Almanlar depresif yaşamlarına renk katsın diye sarılıyor o "evcil" hayvanlara, biz ilk dinimizden beri her yaşamı değerli gördüğümüz için. arada dağlar kadar fark var.
Meclisin yaptığı anayasadan ayrı halkın kendi yaptığı ve tabi olduğu üç maddelik bir anayasa vardır. Madde 1: bir şey olmaz. Olursa ikinci maddeye geçilir. Madde 2: yaparız hallederiz. Halledilemezse üçüncü maddemiz var. Madde 3: idare et.
😂😂😂 tam böyle
this video is SOOOO brilliant. the best video on turkey and turkish people I've ever seen actually. thank you for representing us correctly 💗
LOL as a Turkish, it is always fascinating to talk to taxi drivers to catch up the latest gossips around and they give you good suggestions about directions and restaurants. It is very helpful when they warn you about closed roads (because we have constructions often and unplanned) if you are gonna come back home by bus. When I am on mood and there is a nice old taxi driver, the ride is better than arriving the destination to meet my friends. Sharing information is how we take care of each other.
Yeah taxi drivers know everything around! 😎
Your little daughter is so sweet, and you are also a very good observer
You are so kind! Thank you!
Its actually very common to kiss elderly peoples hand. We usually do that to our grandparents. If you had a chance to visit a family house at a religious day. You will see that
For a whole summer my best friend was never late less than an hour and every single time, without exception, I waited for him (Outdoors) One day, he was late 4 hrs 25 mn but he came. Another time he was late 5 hrs 31 mn but again he showed up. Years later, he was supposed to pick me up from Boston Logan Airport but there was a delay on my flight for an hour. Upon landing, I couldn't find him at the airport. For a full hour I waited for him. When he didn't show up, I took a ride from another friend that I'd just bumped into. That evening I received a phone call from my best friend. He was angry: `Didn't you know that I'd be late? Why didn't you wait for me?" This year is 50th anniversary of our friendship. He's still late to his appointments and, yes, he's Turkish.
Bir Türk olarak eğlenerek izledim. Tespitleriniz genel olarak çok doğru. Çalışma disiplini, zaman yönetimi, kurallara bağlılık ülke nüfusunun yarısında az bulunan bir durum. Özellikle İstanbul'un en kozmopolit semtlerinde yaşıyorsanız ama daha göç almamış semtlerindeyseniz o zaman bu durumlarla karşılaşma durumunuz çok daha azdır. Türkiye diğer ülkeler gibi tek bir kültüre sahip insanlardan oluşmuyor yani insan çeşitliliği çok fazla. Her din ve kültüre sahip insanlar çok uzun zamandır bir arada yaşadığı için yabancılarla ilişki kurmaya ve yardımcı olmaya açıktır. Ülkemizin çok sorunu var ve bunların başında kötü ekonomi ve göçmenler geliyor. Laik bir ülke olduğumuz için aynı aile içinde dahi farklı görüşlere sahip olsak da birbirimize saygı gösterir ve yargılamadansevgi duyarız. Türkiye gerek coğrafi konumuyla gerek eksik/fazla gelebilecek kültürü ile dünyada benzerini asla göremeyeceğiniz bir ülkedir. Yurtdışına çok sık seyahat eden biri olarak her yönü ile en güzel ülkeye gidiyor olsam bile ülkeme dönüşüm yeni bir ülkeye giderken duyduğum heyecandan daha fazla oluyor. Bugüne kadar izlediğim en objektif içerikti teşekkür ederiz.
Dear Yuliya, normally, it's so rude to ask for the wage, age etc in Turkish culture, but recently the cost of living increased drastically and people are always concerned about the prices, which makes them talk about money all the time. Sorry about that.
Alakası yok😂türkler her zaman para ve politikayı açıkca sorar konuşuruz malesef
@@Shiggy32 Yaşın kaç bilmem ama bu çok çok ayıp bişey(di), ama öyle bişey de kalmadı maalesef.
@@onurthemonur 32 yaşındayım ve kendimi bildim bileli böylr gördüm. Bana göre de ayıp ama bizim millette malesef haddini bilmez çok
@@Shiggy32 ona ne şüphe...
My wife who is Russian always say we Turks always paint any issue lighter than it actually is. We have different coping mechanisms with daily challenges and that is the most significant difference we found as a couple. Good content Yuliya. Keep it up.
belki de yabancılar her durumu olduğundan daha ağır gösteriyordur:)
Your observations are indeed very accurate. 👍and This is for Diana, who is so sweet, so cute, so beautiful.🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💓💓💓💞💞💞🧿🧿🧿
Haha nice observations. As a Turk I think we resemble Italians a lot. We are Mediterranean people, warm and relaxed 😅
@@Kul-teginWhat are you native to?
@@Kul-teginKardeş biz hem orta asyalı Turklerin hem de anadolunun antik halklarınn torunarıyız. Bizi kendi öz topraklarımıza yabancılaştırmak isteyen batılılar ve araptapar islamcıların masallarına inanmayalım. Turkiyenin hem yeni hem eski sahibi bizleriz.
@@Kul-tegin It has been almost 1000 years. Your parents did not live in CA, your grandparents and their parents grandparents etc. You are Anatolian mate.
@@Kul-tegin then you don't live here?
@@Kul-tegin so why did you say inclusively, we are not mediterranean? Turkiye Turks obviously live here.
Yuliya, this is the very first video of yours I came across. I am not sure why some of the comments are disproportionately negative. Please understand that people tend to be more negative and aggressive online than in real life. As a person who lives in the West for the last 7 years and who grew up and lived in Istanbul for 20 years, I can say that your observations are valid and mostly correct. I would like to add that I think pretty much all the positive observations come from Turkish people’s traditional, common sense culture , and all the negativities (almost) comes from a state where Turkish people would do better if it wasn’t for the specific condition in that time in history or location . For example , discrimination towards syrian immigrants, this is a very deep and nuanced issue, and unfortunately it is easy but shallow to think people are deeply racist or xenophobic towards arabs in Turkey (they are not), or that people in Turkey are nice to everybody (they are not, if they feel disrespected). Same thing goes for being late, Turkish people dont value 5-10 minutes of being punctual, when everyone in traffic cuts in front of them and wastes more of their time daily. So when there is not enough education and traffic penalty system, people just live to survive, and not to show their best character. I am very glad your child has a good time in Turkey and thanks for sharing your thoughts. I would like to ask foreigners, especially tourists, to understand that Turkish people are and have been under lots of stress since ages, dur to economic pressures, social unrest, wars and terrorism in neighbouring countries etc. So if they do something weird, please view them as if they are your grandparent who is weird but have gone through tough times! Have some mercy, and show them sympathy. Turks are very loving people and they will love everyone who respects them, regardless of origin, skin tone, religion etc. Turkey and Anatolia is a diverse place and we love to hang out with different people and enjoy their little funny peculiarities. But if people are under too much stress, of course they resort to un-ideal behaviors. Mutual respect matters.
Also please understand that Turkish society consists of people from very different backgrounds and education levels. You might meet some Turks and think that Turks are the most knowledgeable and best people, and then you can meet other Turks in the same location and think Turks are the most backwards, horrible people. There are certain systemic inequalities in Turkey which are a result of politicians exploiting certain sensitive topics. For this reason, current Turkish society is polarized in many issues and often do not have very good views on the other camp . Not all Turks are educated or live a modern lifestyle, and this is a challenge that the country has been trying to tackle for a century, to educate everybody and bring them to an acceptable level of being human and respecting rules, laws, respecting equality of all people. Turks are not perfect, but they are mostly trying their best. It takes some effort to go through life when the whole region is burning with wars and terrorism, and you are trying to make a modern republic, while the west tries to exploit your country, and you dont have many friends among your neighbours, who mostly all revolted against your country and hates your people due to historical tensions.
I think people just let go of rules and dedication because the decades have shown that caring too much will only hurt yourself and since the system is fundamentally flawed, hard-working is only exploited, nothing changes in the end. So many just gave up, ending up with such "whatever" attitude :|
Kissing the hands of the elderly is actually quite common, but mostly with the elders of the family. It doesn't have to be a treat or anything like that, you'd kiss their hands just to greet them.
Eskiden İstanbul çok güzeldi. Ülkedeki ekonomik sıkıntılar ve mülteci problemi güzelim şehri mahvetti. Neden bilmem ama artık insanlar birbirine tahammül edemez oldu. Gençlerde saygı azaldı. Bundan 10 yıl önce İstanbul çok daha güzeldi😢
10 sene önce bu kadar yoktu sayıları. Ekonomik sorunlar gelir geçer ama demografik yapı bozulunca düzelmez. Bunun bilincinin verdiği huzursuzluk var insanlarda.
Bu saydıklarınız saygı duyulacak durumları yok etmedi mi? Ne zaman topluluğa karışsam herkes pimi çekilmiş bir bomba. Ama durduk yerde pasif agresif şekilde gençlere hakaretler yağdırıldığına neredeyse her gün şahit oluyorum. Herhangi bir davranışta bulunmamalarına karşın bir genç gördüler mi tanımadıkları çocuklara hemen başlanıyor bunlar da şöyle kötü, böyle saygısız, falanca terbiyesiz. Elbette her türlü grupta kötü örnekler var, gençler de kusursuz demiyorum ama iş öyle bir cephe haline dönüşüyor ki kimi zaman uyarmak durumunda kalıyorum. Benim gençliğimde de yaşlılar böyle değildi. En azından gerektiğinde hayat dersleri alırdık onlardan. Ben tüm faturayı henüz topluma şekil verme çağında olmayan gençlere yıkmayı doğru ve tutarlı bulmuyorum. Zira halkımızda yaş almış kişilerde saygı ve nezaket neredeyse hiç yok, büyük kısmında da olgun davranışlar da yerleşmemiş. Herkeste bir savaşma psikolojisi var. Herkes herkese düşman, herkes bir şeye taraf. Kimse kendinden başka doğrunun olduğuna inanmıyor. En ufak bir şeyde hemen başkaları kusurlu. Sonra da yabancılara gıpta ediyoruz bizi ne de güzel tanıdılar diye.
@@astrodas1910 Avrupa yakasında özellikle mülteciden geçilmiyor, sokakta yürüyorum bir tane Türkçe konuşan insan duyamıyorum. Tek biz oluyoruz genelde.
Ben 18 yaşında ve istanbulda yaşayan birisi olarak İstanbulda ilk olarak şehir planlaması sorunu ikinci olarak son dönemlerde şahsen bir artış görmediğim mülteci sorunu onun dışında özellikle gençlerde yaygınlaşan ahlak ve düşünce eksikliği var. Bence şehire gelen "zengin" yabancılardan rahatsızlık duymaya gerek yok bunu siz öyle diyorsunuz diye söylemiyorum ancak genel olarak mültecilerden kaynaklı genel bir yabancı karşıtlığı var. Ekonomik sıkıntıların şehri çok fazla etkilediğini düşünmüyorum biz içerisinde yaşayanların hayat standartını düşürmek dışında. Aslında şehirdeki en büyük sorun olan şehir planlaması bütçenin doğru yerlere harcanmasıyla büyük oranda çözülebilir diye düşünüyorum. Ayrıca bence 10 yıl önce ile şimdi arasında çok büyük bir fark görmüyorum elbette 8 yaşındayken ne kadar farkındaydın falan diyebilirsiniz ancak ailemle çok gezerdim ve benim çocukluğumdan kaynaklı olan parlak tenklerden oluşan anılara şimdiki düşünce tarzımla bakınca pek bir fark görmüyorum.
@@poumybeloved Yakında ülke bizim siz gidin demeye başlarlar. Diyenleri var zaten. Lübnan arapları da gelmeye başlamış iç savaş çıkarma konusunda tecrübeliler. Milletin alternatif olarak desteklediği chp de entegre masalları anlatıyor. Bunun sonu tek bir yere çıkıyor malesef halk kitlesel olarak akıllanmazsa :)
Mostly correct observations. Nice video. Keep it up, mate. And it looks like soon you will become one of us!.. :)
ülkenin 20 yıl önceki halini görse aşık olurdu galiba
What Russians like most about Turkey is that Turks care for children with great love 🙂
9:37 actually it is common. because Kissing the elder’s hand is something done here, for example, on Eid al-Feast, and a method of thanking them (what we do to our elder) and also yes. For example, when candy or money is given, we kiss the elder’s hand and put it on our foreheads, but even celebrating the holiday is enough (Note: sometimes it can also be done when we see one of the elders)
Çok tatlısın. Özellikle çocuklara karşı olan davranışımızı çok iyi gözlemişsin. Çok tarafsız ve objektif bir anlatım olmuş. Sana çok teşekkür ederim, güzel insan.
Biz teşekkür ederiz!
@@YuliyaOkunkova biz derken sen ve kim teşekkür ediyor ? :)
@@abdestlisovalye sen ve ben
Absolutely very accurate inferences. It's always enjoyable to watch your videos.
Very nice. Thank you. I really enjoyed watching this video.
Her toplumun kendine özgü özellikleri vardır.
Biz de başka ülkelere gidince bazı şeyleri tuhaf buluyoruz.
Your observation is less or more correct. But it’s a good detail work that how the current culture’s climate works in Türkiye. Not everyone smokes in Türkiye and many people who want to smoke near you ask your permission to smoke, of course people who are considered. It’s a good video which we like it. Thanks.
öyle mi :D
bazı insanlar kötüdür. Türkiye'deki insanların da bazısı kötüdür. biz normal insanlar gerçekten daha huzurlu ,mutlu yaşamak için elimizden geleni yapıyoruz.
about the flags: if a family has a family member (usually the son of the family, but not in every case) who had become martyred, died for his country, they hang a turkish flag on their balconies or windows. its a sign for others to understand they are mourning, and also its to show their respect and honour.
however, not every hanging flag means this. i agree that we love our flag so much :)
Wow! Thank you! Very interesting info.
Excellent representation 👌
Olot of respect love and hello to Rushan piopael 👍
You forgot something very important! CATS!
It is the mans duty to maintain the balance between mother and wife. Mothers are sacred but wives are our life partners. Its necessary to keep both of them happy thats the point.
Hou are great! Thanks, Good lunck further!
Funny observation, u can inform me yuliya if u come ankara one day. 💪
Kaos = Türkiye Türkiye = Kaos 🙂 The greatest and most important characteristic of this nation is that it is merciful and conscientious ! ☺
Bizi bizlere anlatıyor. Çok doğru tespitler var.
You are clever , very likable and so is yoyr child. Keep up the good work
Thank you!
the origin of slavs part1 The word Slav was used to describe the Northern European slaves. Today it is used to mean 'slave' in all European languages. However, the real meaning of this word is 'selling slave'. It is a name given to this ring of northern Europeans engaged in the slave trade.
The word 'Slavic' comes from the Western Roman language Sclavus called "Latin" and the Eastern Roman language Sklabos called "Ancient Greek". This word, which emerged in the Roman language in the 6th century during the medieval Latin period, was also referred to as Sakaliba in Arabic.
The Turks living in the Black Sea steppes and dealing with the slave trade were called Sclavus/Sklabos by the Romans. Because these lands are the former lands of Saklar (Scythians) and other ethnic Turks.
As it can be understood, the word Sclavus/Sklabus has been transformed from the word from Saka/Saklar (Sakalar/Scythians) are an ancient Turkish people and their place of residence is today's Russia and Ukraine. The Slavs are a people who emerged in these lands in the 6th century and are the successors of the Turks.
However, the Slavic ethno emerged from the mixture of Turks and Ugors. The Slavic language is basically a mixture of the Turkish language and the Ugor language. There was also interaction from Latin to this language, and with the spread of this people, who were the last to form in Europe, to Eastern Europe and the Balkans, different Slavic languages emerged.
In fact, Saklar (Sakas-Scythians) had already migrated from the Black Sea steppes at that time. The Saks, who displaced the Cimmerians in the Black Sea steppes, came from the east, as Herodotus wrote, and are the successors of the early Turkic cultures of Oxus, Andronovo, and Afanesyevo in Central Asia. The area of the Sak Empire is the region in the east of Europe, the Crimea and the Black Sea Steppes, and the region in Central Asia, including the Tien Shan Mountains and the Fergana Valley.
In this wide geography, BC. 8th century BC The names Skythai in Byzantine sources, Ashguzai in Assyrian sources, and Sa in Chinese sources were used for Saklar, who established a powerful empire between the 3rd century BC. After the Sarmatians, the successors of the Cimmerians, defeated the Saks and recaptured the Black Sea steppes, the Sak Empire was dissolved.
According to Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC, the Cimmerians were a people who lived in the north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea in the 8th century BC, that is, in today's Ukraine and Russia. Assyrian records show that the Cimmerian country extended to the Caucasus.
According to the history of Herodotus, the Cimmerians were expelled from the Black Sea steppes by the Saklar (Scythians). The Cimmerians, who remained in the Black Sea steppes, called themselves Saruma (Sarmat) after the 3rd century BC.
According to Herodotus, the Cimmerians are close relatives of the Thracians (Turks/) and while these two peoples lived in the north of the Black Sea, they were displaced by invaders from the east in the 8th century BC. In fact, a single people, the Cimmerians/Thracs, have lived since ancient times in a wide area stretching from the İdil River to the north of the Black Sea and the Balkans.
After the Sak (Scythian) invasion in the 8th century BC, a large part of the Cimmerians spread to Eastern Europe and began to be called Thracian. Cimmerian/Thracian civilization Bug-Dniester (5000 BC), Samara (4000 BC), Kvalynsk (4000 BC), Sredny Stog (4000 BC), Dnieper-Donets (4000 BC), Usatovo (3000 BC), Maikop-Dereivka (4000 BC) It is the successor of early Turkic cultures such as 3000 BC and Yamna (3000 BC).
European historians claim that the Sarmatians, who replaced the Saks in the Black Sea steppes, were also a people of "Indo-European" origin and spoke an Iranian language. However, there is no document to prove these claims. The Sarmatians are the successors of the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians, who lived under the rule of Sak for about 500 years, rebelled against the Saks in the 3rd century BC and dominated the Black Sea steppes again.
In the 3rd century AD, after the collapse of the Asian Hun Empire, the Sarmatians united with the Asian Huns, a small part of which migrated here, and ended the Gothic invasion and established the European Hun Empire. Some of the Sak tribes, who did not retreat to Central Asia after being defeated by the Sarmatians, were Alans and later settled in the Caucasus.
The Roman Historian Tacitus (56-117) refers to the Huns in Europe as the Hunnoi. He states that in 91 BC the Huns lived between the north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The Alexandrian geographer and historian Ptolemy (90-168) also says that the Huns, whom he called Chunnoi, lived in the Roxolani (today's south of Romania) and the region from the north of the Black Sea to the Caucasus.
As it can be understood, although the Saklar had already left the region, their names lived on and the Turks living in the region were also called Saklar by the Romans. The emergence of the Slavs as an ethnos coincides with the Avars period.
A small part of the Avars, the successors of the Asian Huns who migrated to the Black Sea steppes after being defeated by the Yiwu ("Gökturks") in Central Asia, united with the Yiwu tribes here in 562, and Bayan Han was the front line.
A small part of the Avars, the successors of the Asian Huns who migrated to the Black Sea steppes after being defeated by the Yigits ("Gökturks") in Central Asia, united with the Yiwu tribes here in 562, under the leadership of Bayan Han, in the region from Central Europe to Idil, from the Balkans to the Baltic. They founded the European Avar Empire (558-805).
Slavs, consisting of a mixture of Turkish and Ugor tribes, actively appeared on the stage of history during the Avars period. During this period, they spread to eastern Europe and the Balkans and established their first political organization. Changes in their ethnic structure also emerged in this period.
For example, Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians and White Russians) completed their ethnic transformation in the 9th century as a result of the Swedish Vikings, Varyags, who settled in the region and mixed with the Salvs. The Varyags are descendants of European Hun commanders who founded the first kingdoms in Scandinavia.
Starting from the second half of the 9th century, the Russians, by capturing the great trade route going down to the Black Sea via the Ozi (Dnieper) River, put an end to the Caspian domination in this region and gathered the scattered Slavic tribes and established the Russian state. part1
Bro submitted his Balkan History essay on the wrong website💀
People loving Diana is also a sign of how well parented she is and hos cute she is
Happy to see you, how is your husband and your cute daughter?, thanks for the video :)
Thank you for this content. Little remark; I think feature is for objects, the word ‘characteristics’ is used for people.
Умничка 👏
Классное видео!
Привет из Бишкека 🌹🌹🌹
Wow i saw a Rakı bottle at the new year table ))) cheers
I hope ur days will be healthy and full of good whimsy in Turkiye~! Say hi to Diana! 👋🏼😸
Y'r very kind ❤
oh my gossh you explained Turkish culture very well Yuliya. In bad ways and in good. This video is the best.
Wow, thank you!
Your comments are just right but i wish there is no loud music, smoking people everywhere or cars stops in the middle of roads... And i'm sure that people who are not stressed are mostly elderly people.
Ps: no one hates innocent, helpless people running away from the war for instance the kids... The issue is the strong young people who didn't care about their country and just came here. Unfortunately our government gave them a lot of opportunity even more than us :(
Such a lovely comments on my country Yuliya! You're welcome to our country, we are always open for foreigners idk why maybe it's inferiority complex but anyway it's nice! Enjoy there! Cheers from Madrid!
neden aşağılık kompleksi olsun..? Anadolu türk misafirperliği bilinen bir gerçektir,türk milleti (dinci yobazlar hariç) arapları sevmez,soğuk davranır ,sebebide osmanlıyı sırtından vurmuştur..diğer kanlı baçaklı olduğu halklara karşı bir düşmanlığı yoktur örnek ,yunan,ermeni ..dostum yorumun yanlış ..
Oh, you're living in the area where I lived in Istanbul. Seeing that playground I always go to with my dog made me feel emotional. 🥲Hope you collect the best memories there.
Genellikle ailemizdeki çok yaşlı büyüklerimiz veya anne babamızın elini öper alnımıza götürürüz. Bu onlara, tecrübelerine saygı duyduğumuzu gösterir. Pandemi sonrası ben öpmeden sadece öper gibi çenemi dokundurarak alnıma götürmeye başladım. Önemli olan bu geleneği sürdürmek ve saygını ifade etmek... Biz millet olarak kendimizi çok acımasızca eleştiriyoruz. İyi yanlarımıza pek odaklanamıyoruz. Ayrıca iyi yönlerimizi söylersek böbürlenmiş, kibirli gibi oluruz. Biz alçakgönüllü olalım derken kendimizi aşırı eleştirip bazen kendimizi dünyaya rezil bile ediyoruz. Esasında kendisini hiç eleştirmeyen sanki ülkeleri adeta cennetmiş gibi medyada lanse edenlerin bizden çok daha beter durumda olduklarını fark ettim. Ülkemizi ancak sizin gibi yabancılar tarafsız şekilde eleştirebiliyor. Bizler maalesef kendimizi sadece olumsuz anlamda eleştiriyoruz. Bir şeyler düzelsin diye şikayette bulunsakta günlük hayatımızın geri kalanında iyiyiz. Durduk yere sokakta gülümseyen bir millet değiliz ancak kolaylıkla sohbet edebileceğiniz bir milletiz. Birilerine ne kadar maaş aldığını sormak biraz özel olsa da cevap verilmemesini de anlayabiliriz. Bunu sorma sebebimiz piyasada o işi yapanların aldığı maaşlar hakkında bilgi edinmek ya da sohbet olsun diye olabilir. Kimsenin aldığı maaşında ise asla gözümüz yok. Allah herkese bol kazanç nasip etsin. Ailenizle, güzel çocuğunuzla size huzur ve bereket dilerim ♥️🌷🌼🪻🩷
"Ablas" in the park can easly ask you why you have just one kid or when you will make next one.
its actually not even "ablas", they are "teyzes" HJKDHKJFDHQKJWFHJKQWFHJKHFQJK
part 2 origin of slavs The Eastern and Southern Claims, on the other hand, emerged with the mixing of Turkish tribes such as Avars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Kipchaks with the first Slavs. In 803-804, the Bulgarian Kağan Kurum captured all the Avar lands in the Danube region, and after this date, some of the Avars mixed with the Hungarians and some of them formed the Croatian people by mixing with the Slavs.
In 632, Kubrat Khan established the Bulgarian Khaganate. After Kubrat Khan's death in 665, as a result of the pressure of the Khazars, the Great Bulgarian Khanate was destroyed in 681 and the Bulgarians were divided. Batbayan, the eldest son of Kubrat, joined the Khazars, the same people as the Bulgarians, and a large part of the people migrated to the north and founded the Idil Bulgars State. The part settled in the southwest under the rule of Kubrat's younger son Asparuh, on the other hand, founded the Danube Bulgarian State in 678 and laid the foundation of today's Bulgaria.
The Pechenegs, an Oghuz tribe, moved from the north of the Black Sea to the west in the 10th century and became an important power in the north of the Black Sea and the Balkans until the end of the 11th century. In 915, they were organized as khanates for about 150 years (916-1065) in the Ozi-Kubat region. As a result of the Byzantine agreement with the Cumans who had come to the Balkans, the Pechenegs, who fought with the Cumans on the coast of Maritsa, suffered a heavy defeat.
After this event, some of the Pechenegs settled in Anatolia against the Seljuks at the request of the Byzantine State. Another part of the Pechenegs retreated to Hungary and mixed with the Hungarians, some of them settled in the Balkans and continued their existence for a while, and then mixed with the Slavs and formed the Bosnian people.
The first Bosnian principality was established in 1250 under Hungary and became an independent kingdom in 1377. This kingdom later became a kingdom including Croats and Serbs, and came under Ottoman rule in 1463. The history of the Serbs, who emerged as an ethnic identity with the establishment of the Serbian Church in 1219, is intertwined with Bosnians and Croats.
The Khazar State, which was the direct successor of the European Hun Khaganate and continued its existence between the years 469-1048, formed the western branch of the khanate during the Turkish Khaganate, and became a khanate on its own after the disintegration of the Turkish Khaganate.
The Khazar Khaganate is an Oghuz/Turkmen Khaganate. There has never been a Turkish tribe called "Caspian" in history. In summary, the lands of the Khazar Khaganate are the historical lands of the Turkmens. At that time, the most populous Turkish tribe was the Oghuzs. It is so today. Oghuzs are Turks; they called themselves Turk or Turkmen (who is Turkish).
According to Mahmud of Kashgar, Turkmens are actually twenty-four tribes, twenty-two of them call themselves Oghuz, and the other two tribes are Kipchaks and Halachs. The Kipchaks (aka Cumans), who came to the scene of history in the 11th century, are the Turkmens who stayed in the Black Sea steppes after the Oghuzs left the region.
The Black Sea steppes, formerly known as the Oghuz steppes, later became known as the Kipchak steppes, and the Kipchaks were a decisive force in the Black Sea steppes until the end of the 13th century. This existence of the Kipchaks continued until the Balkans after a series of victories against the Russian principalities in the 11th century.
A part of the Kipchak branch, which migrated to the Balkans, later accepted Christianity and became the Gagauz; some of them formed Croats and Serbs by mixing with Avars and Slavs. Some of them joined the Hungarians.
Some of the Kipchaks who remained in the Black Sea steppes became one of the ancestors of peoples such as Kazakhs, Tatars and Bulgarians by mixing with other Turkish tribes in the following centuries. The Kozaks (Ukrainians), who are today's Slavic Cossacks, are the direct descendants of the Kipchaks who remained in the Black Sea steppes.
Great video nearly made me cry and not to leave Türkiye. But a great minus for the video: how could you forget to mention CATS????
:))) You are very funny! Great observations about us :) Great video! Thanks :)
Glad you enjoyed!
Thanks for video.
As a Turk I really like this video :D
I love Russia SM💗
if i consumed whole pack of antidepressant i would describe Turkiye as she did
Sıradan türk görünümlü rus ilginç bir de İngilizce türkçe aksanlı 😂
Kissing hand is also A common behavior especially in religious holidays
How pretty you are
Good video🍀
❤❤❤❤ great video
Glad you liked it!!
Ladies, if you want to be happy, do not force a Turkish man to choose between his mother and you.. you will lose.. because mothers are sacred and heaven is under their feets thats what we believe and remember that one day you will be a mother too and you will receive the same respect.
You can always replace your wife if you have to. But you can never replace your mother and change your mother.
@@hasanm843eğer böyle düşünüyorsanız “nasıl olsa değiştirebilirim” kafasıyla biriyle evlenip o kişinin hayatını ve psikolojisini mahvetmenin anlamı ne? Herkes anne ve babalara saygı duymalı ama Türkiye’deki durum anne babaya hürmetten ziyade anne babaların evlatlarının özel hayatlarına hadsiz müdahalesi ve evlatların da sınır çizememesi. Siz kendinizi anamdır bir tanedir el üstünde tutarım karımdır nasıl olsa başka kadınlar da var diye kandıra durun asıl olay hala “çocukluktan” çıkıp bir yetişkin olamamanızda.
Otantik Türkiye,only the lonely country ❤🧿🇹🇷❤️
You are so beautiful 😍 with your family.
İyi analiz..👍👌
Tamamı doğru😍
Güzel video için teşekkürler..
Comment..Comment..From İstanbul..
All Europeans think they live in the fairy tale of Aladdin and his magic lamp. The Middle East and Middle Easterners are not what you think.
Hello, welcome to Turkey. I will visit Russia soon👍
We love russianz too, women are so cute and pretty by all means, man are like psycho and fatherly at the same time. Your language, perfect to listen without understanding any distinction. We like you, we think ukranians, russians and belarusians are the same person btw.
very nice video
yeh i can confirm... i'm ALWAYS late 😂
Nice Video!
Geç kalabilir çok iyimser olmuş. Hiç gelmeyebilir.
as bayraklari as as
As long as you dont send your children to any religious school or kindergarten. I can say its mostly safe to raise a kid here.
Especially the southeastern part of Turkey is also beautiful.❤❤
Almost all of them right😄
Will you live Antalya? Istanbul is so much crowded.
Pepper to the tongue is just something we say to sound angry in a funny way. People mostly yell at their children, and slapping is common.
Anneler kirmizi cizgimiz✏️❤️7
it should be the same in greece, italy and i suspect portugal. oh, and those countries in the north africa like algeria etc. this is evolution and it mostly about climate. when climate is good and food is in abundance there's no need for planning and there's no need for discipline in general. but in freaking russia or iceland you have to plan everything. you have to get ready for super harsh winter etc.
Ha haa peri başka cin başka Ottoman everyone ❤🎉
thats the problem they know they have no materials for the shoe, but the want the order anyway
You are so beautiful woman. 😊❤
Yeah we are Turks. That’s how we are you’re absolutely accurate.
Büyüklerin ellerini daima öperiz ve alnımıza koyarız. Bunu az olarak görebilirsin ama genelde böyle yaparız biz. Bu bir saygı gösterisidir.
Got it. Thank you for information!
kira kaç veriyormuş ?
I would love to know what your country would be like under the same circumstances.
1 hafta kutlama nasıl oluyor? Sıkılmıyor musunuz+
Bu ülkede yaşamak bi tek yabancılara mı güzel geliyor anlamadım ki
Öyle galiba
Diğer ülkelerin yaşayışlarını ve kültürlerini tecrübe etmediğiniz için böyle düşünüyor olabilir misiniz acaba. Türkiye tam yaşanılası bir ülke emin olabilirsin. Çünkü insanları çok özel ve güzel ❤
@@umitsorus370 Dışı seni içi beni yakar
İyi para kazanıp lüks semtte yaşıyorlar
Şahsen ben ülkemde yaşamaktan mutluyum. Rahmetli babamın emekli maaşıyla geçiniyoruz elbette kirada oturmuyoruz o belkide çok etkiliyordur.
i like how you werent scared to talk about the harsh truth of the politics in Turkiye, thx.
There are many problems in Turkey and we as Turks are very disturbed by this. We are disturbed by other races because they come to Turkey and they try to continue living as they do in their own countries. We have no bad thoughts towards Slavs, but they bought all the houses in Antalya and started to open schools that teach in Russian and this is illegal. Remember that Turks are not racists they are Turkish nationalists. We only have some lines, other than that, welcome to Türkiye are you hungry??? Let us offer you something to eat :)
açsan gel börek var, yanına çay da veririz :D sıcak bi sohbet muhabbet de oldu mu tamam :D
😂😂l agree wıth your observatıon.