I've built one myself recently, you can still find the original transistors and diodes online, the capacitors thought were some cheap mylar film ones and I couldn't find them so I bought just random ones on ebay that fit the value. I think I nailed the sound more or less, altogether it might have cost me like 200 bucks but i still have spare parts, for 50 bucks more i could have made another one.
that civil war setting is pretty spot on. I was keeping an eye out for one to capture a better sound to the wren and cuff "box of war" . I'd love to hear them side by side.
If I have a mindless assignment at work I'll often just have Andy up on my second screen, and even if I'm only half paying attention to the video I can't help but crack up, every single time, after he absolutely crushes some classic song, then the voice comes in "Hey there it's Andy"
I'm very grateful for this excellent archive of amazing demos from Andy! I can find the perfect demo of a pedal that I have just discovered - thank you!
I bought myself the muffuletta. Well, for my kind of music and guitar playing it works brilliant. A tool from smart Blues 70th sound throught the time up to a spacey lead sound. Excellence
They all sounded like the actual except, I felt the triangle was a little more scooped sounding than the real thing. Overall I really like this pedal. Great demo Andy.
A Big Muff sounds great on it's own, but it's a tricky pedal on a live band situation. The mid-scoop can make your guitar get lost among cymbals and bass. Combined with guitars and amps with more of a mid-hump (e.g. Les Pauls, Marshalls), it sounds a lot more manageable. No wonder Gilmour always combined the Muff with a mid-humped overdrive pedal.
After owning this thing for a year now, I gotta say it'll never leave my board. If it dies, I'll pay to get it fixed. I used every mode but Pi and Ram's head bring constant joy. If you have a shitty amp, or you don't play music where fuzz fits...pass it up.
my pleasure. i also use it with a Soul Food before it or a tc spark mini after it for different kinds of clean boost as well as eqd afterneath for some weird spacey stuff.
Ah, now that I've had a few days to play around with it, I can see how those enhancements would add to the tones. Always appreciated, Have a Great New Year.
I'm pretty sure Dan Auerbach never used that V8 Black Russian reissue Big Muff (at least not in the band's early years, he might have started using them now for all I know). I saw them live in 2010 (they were promoting Brothers at that time) and Dan's pedalboard featured two old beat-up green Sovtek russian muffs: one of 'em was a 'Tall Font' variant and the other one was a 'Bubble Font'.
+Youreallygotmenow ! True. I saw them in 2008 for Attack & Release. Tiny venue, so I was within arms reach of his pedalboard (I didn't touch it though, haha!). He was using a Earthquake Hooffuzz which, I think, clones a green Muff.
I just bought this pedal today off Reverb and then ran across this demo... I now know that I bought the right pedal... Kool Thing... QotSA... Smashing Pumpkins... where's that delivery man already!
Wow. Now I am torn between this pedal, and the Thorpy Fx Muffroom Cloud ( which is super quiet ) or the Skreedy P-19. Any Input - to pair with an OCD ? This Demo was very impressive. Lots of versatility ( Gilmour, Santana, Iommi - territory ).
Andy always impresses by choosing a killer song to completely nail in every way!
what's the name of that song
@@spenzo5822 The intro is Cool Thing by Sonic Youth
Didn't know porn was allowed on here
Only Andy would do a trick involving taking the string out of the nut slot and popping it back in with the whammy bar
Killer comment ahahahaha
Big Puss
8 yers later and this comment still holds up!
@@Yyz1971 Do you have a timestamp by chance?
double kool thing!
heeey i know you! love your SY vids
slackerVK Andy played Quiet, the second track from Siamese Dream. Sonic Youth was nothing but a detail
Man you have a knack for picking the perfect songs for each pedal review!
I see why so many people love the Civil war muff! Sounds way different (in a good way). Must have the Muffaletta.
I bought one in '93 and stupidly traded it away a couple yrs later.
frayed100 don't ever trade a fuzz pedal. every fuzz pedal has it's own unique tone imo
I've built one myself recently, you can still find the original transistors and diodes online, the capacitors thought were some cheap mylar film ones and I couldn't find them so I bought just random ones on ebay that fit the value. I think I nailed the sound more or less, altogether it might have cost me like 200 bucks but i still have spare parts, for 50 bucks more i could have made another one.
Love how you played "Quiet" one of my favorite underrated SP's songs
that civil war setting is pretty spot on. I was keeping an eye out for one to capture a better sound to the wren and cuff "box of war" . I'd love to hear them side by side.
ecmproductions11 The cuffs are better, but also pricier
I bought this pedal literally only because you played Kool Thing. Props to PGS
are you happy with it?
Was pretty sold on this pedal anyway, but after hearing the side by side comparisons to the originals... Hhhnng give it to me.
Sonic Youth... fuck yes. Andy, you never cease to amaze me
If I have a mindless assignment at work I'll often just have Andy up on my second screen, and even if I'm only half paying attention to the video I can't help but crack up, every single time, after he absolutely crushes some classic song, then the voice comes in "Hey there it's Andy"
Hey Vsauce, Michael here!
Holy shhhh.....that Sonic Youth was on fire! Andy FTW!
This may be the best pedal I've ever purchased to date ....wow
loving the 'Sorrow'-ful intro ;)
The only thing I don't like about is that the song doesn't go into the second riff and people will think it will
Andy does the best pedal demo's and reviews
This demo made me loose my headache
Same for me, on the russian lick...QOTSA - I think I've lost my headache....*flies away*
Tastes so good. Oh but I knew it would.
This demo made my tie too lose! :)
How do you loosen up your headache?
Born too loose
Sonic Youth!! Queens!! Andy, I love you.
QOTSA!!!! Sick!
Awesome to hear the side by sides. This pedal kicks butt, well done JHS!
"A splendid array of top-flight components" is a beautiful turn of phrase, and well-deserved in a piece of gear that sounds this good.
I'm very grateful for this excellent archive of amazing demos from Andy! I can find the perfect demo of a pedal that I have just discovered - thank you!
Wow Kool Thing perfectly played
I bought myself the muffuletta. Well, for my kind of music and guitar playing it works brilliant. A tool from smart Blues 70th sound throught the time up to a spacey lead sound. Excellence
sonic youth oh Lord yes! Andy you have my undying respect and love for this one ;)
What's the tune he plays on the Ram's Head at around the 4:40 mark?
That is the prettiest Strat I've ever seen.
Kool Thing! Classic!
God you can tell how great Andy thinks the IC muff is, it put a great smile on my face too.
Hmm no one replied to correct this comment in five years so I guess it’s pointless by now
Awesome!!!! Wish we got all of sorrow.. Between JHS and Earthquaker there is no better time for effect pedals..
Quiet ! Smashing !
I've never heard a sonic youth cover. I didn't know it was done. Amazing
Andy is a very special and talented musician
Sweet. I've been hoping to hear Andy demo the Muffuletta. I'm definitely getting one!
They all sounded like the actual except, I felt the triangle was a little more scooped sounding than the real thing. Overall I really like this pedal. Great demo Andy.
Nice Pink Floyd Sorrow intro.
hell yes, Sorrow!, you Andy, rock!!
What a thing of beauty and precision! :)
A Big Muff sounds great on it's own, but it's a tricky pedal on a live band situation. The mid-scoop can make your guitar get lost among cymbals and bass. Combined with guitars and amps with more of a mid-hump (e.g. Les Pauls, Marshalls), it sounds a lot more manageable. No wonder Gilmour always combined the Muff with a mid-humped overdrive pedal.
This has been my experience. You can be jamming along just fine, switch on the muff and disappear in the mix. Time to crank the tone knob up.
Rafael Andrade also depends what amp and loudspeakers you're using - eg. Much more of an issue with a fender twin
Then get a basic audio Tri/Ram.
Put a Stone Deaf FX PDF-2 after your Muff to bring back those precious biting mids
Run it through a tubescreamer for that mid boost.
This is the kind of video I like to watch when I wake up everyday.
Sold. Best demo ever Andy. Best pedal ever?
7:34 name of the song?
Andy. You are the KING.
Sonic Youth is what sold me on it.👍
Andy, you blew my mind with Kool Thing.
Sonic Youth, fuck yeah!
great work on the demo
Damn this is bad ass, seeing the side by side they are spot on. It's ok to have like five dirt pedals on your board haha
Fuck yeah, Queens of the Stone Age.
It's 2017 and I'd never heard of it. 6 Muffs in one What a good idea.
Cool Thing by Sonic Youth was an inspired choice to demo a muff. Should have kept that going.
So damn good! JHS needs to pay Andy royalties for selling this thing. QOTSA!!!
playing some Sonic Youth?? nice!! well done, Andy!!
After owning this thing for a year now, I gotta say it'll never leave my board. If it dies, I'll pay to get it fixed. I used every mode but Pi and Ram's head bring constant joy. If you have a shitty amp, or you don't play music where fuzz fits...pass it up.
Ok, what are you running it through? Do you combine it with any other effects? I am it through a Marshall DSL 40C
mini rec 25 and victory v40...polar opposite heads but the Muffuletta sounds awesome with both.
Awesome, Thank you.
my pleasure. i also use it with a Soul Food before it or a tc spark mini after it for different kinds of clean boost as well as eqd afterneath for some weird spacey stuff.
Ah, now that I've had a few days to play around with it, I can see how those enhancements would add to the tones. Always appreciated, Have a Great New Year.
Andy can make anything sound kool
Very nice job on kool thang. Nice pedal aswell.
Obscure Post-Waters Pink Floyd followed by "Kool Thing". Your pedal demo videos are so impossibly full of win.
I'm pretty sure Dan Auerbach never used that V8 Black Russian reissue Big Muff (at least not in the band's early years, he might have started using them now for all I know).
I saw them live in 2010 (they were promoting Brothers at that time) and Dan's pedalboard featured two old beat-up green Sovtek russian muffs: one of 'em was a 'Tall Font' variant and the other one was a 'Bubble Font'.
+Youreallygotmenow ! True. I saw them in 2008 for Attack & Release. Tiny venue, so I was within arms reach of his pedalboard (I didn't touch it though, haha!). He was using a Earthquake Hooffuzz which, I think, clones a green Muff.
Kool thing!!! Love Sonic Youth! I'm sold Andy always does the best reviews.
Best review Leonard (big bang) has ever given.
What guitar is Andy using in 0:34-1:00?
I just bought this pedal today off Reverb and then ran across this demo... I now know that I bought the right pedal... Kool Thing... QotSA... Smashing Pumpkins... where's that delivery man already!
Nice Demo!
Great video Andy.
Anybody know what song that is between 1:50 and 3:36? while Andy describes the pedal
Thanks x
It's one of our own backing tracks by Jamie Wolfert. Thanks!
Thanks for the quick and concise reply, I'd love to hear what you think of QOTSA's new record Villains!
Playing Kool Thing like that really sells the pedal!
Wow they pretty darn accurate re-creations. Only one I thought was a tad different was the Russian.
I thought that too. But the settings were different.
Great review. Just wished the same guitar was used for each pedal/setting to hear the true differences. Great playing as always, Andy.
To people who own a muffuletta: how well does it actually replicate the different muff versions?
I used to have one and absolutely loved it. Thinking about getting it again
I found my fuzz....thank u
Andy just killed it.....👏👏
Fuck yeah
Queens of the Stone Age -I think I lost my headache.
Really underrated band
Can someone plz tell the name of the song at 1:50 i know it's used in lots of demos but i still dont know its name
I can't decide between this and the Deep Trip Hellbender.
4:39 Delillos, Min beibi dro avsted.
Love the QOTSA
JHS have done their homework +++
That was a damn good demo!
I have been looking for a fuzz pedal for days and finally I have found the one
what song is he playing at 6:55?
Quiet-Smashing Pumpkins
Coolest demo vid of 2017
Kickin’ arse on the Sonic Youth
Sounds like the ultimate muff fuzz pedal! Wish it was $100 cheaper though kinda pricey for a fuzz pedal.
But it has 6 perfect recreations of big muff fuzzes that each go for around $100 new
3:53 awesome QOTSA Riff🤘
What's the black Strat copy Andy's playing? This pedal is very cool, I may have to get one.
Erin Skinner redtailguitars.com
What is the song that is being played for the Ram Head setting? I know I have heard it I just can't place it right now! Anyone can help?
That's pretty sweet! I Need one!
Is that a Hagstrom? :o
Dude that Kool thing is fkn awesome
Holy Wooly Grinders, Batman! That is the coolest pedal yet..... Now do the same thing, in a mini-pedal! :D
Does anyone know the name of the song/group Andy plays on the Civil War muff? Thanks.
i'd probably sell my pigeon soul for this pedal!
no, literally, this little box is mind-blowing
Nice, QOTSA riff!
Song list, please!
I like that this can do everything from Sabbath and Cream to black metal.
I gotta download THIS !
Wow. Now I am torn between this pedal, and the Thorpy Fx Muffroom Cloud ( which is super quiet ) or the Skreedy P-19. Any Input - to pair with an OCD ? This Demo was very impressive. Lots of versatility ( Gilmour, Santana, Iommi - territory ).
Hail to JHS, the King of Clones!!!
the Russian muff QOTSA comparison sold me
Want! Sounds great and would take up less room on my board then my current muff!
what's the name of the first black start ? its gorgeous