"Your self-esteem comes from you, not from other people. And if you live your life with your self-esteem based on what other people think about you, you'll never fuckin' be happy." My favorite part. Your dad is awesome. :)
after seeing how badly some families handle this situation, it's nice to see a family sit down and discuss it openly and honestly. my best wishes to you and your family.
I am very proud of you. You DIDN'T chose to be homosexual. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They don't know and they don't understand. I came out at 15 years old back in the 80s and it was the hardest thing and best thing that I ever did for myself. It is always best to be true to who you are. I am so glad that the America of today is a better place then it was when I came out, and that younger homosexuals will find it easier to be out. It makes me overjoyed that someone like you can even get married when you find love. I hope that you can learn to truly love this aspect of who you are and find someone to love and grow old with. Open your heart to the right man and be the very best loving husband to him that you possibly can be and the rest will fall into place. May all your journeys be filled with love and passion. I wish you the best.
Wow, an authentic live coming out vid. I'm impressed. Your dad obviously needs a little time but he'll come around eventually. Clearly he loves you. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I hope you have a wonderful life.
I love the fact that his dad, even when he goes with the "God didnt make people gay" argument, he is trying to be a good father, just a father, by reminding him that self esteem comes from what you think of yourlsef, not others. He is trying to cope with a reality so new to him, and hes doing it very well. This guy is so lucky
Spider man I fail to see how you can't understand what I wrote. It is indeed a reality new to him. Either right or wrong, it is still challenging for him as a father. What I highlight from all of the situation is his putting his children first, before any idea (again, right or wrong) about homosexuality that he may have. It is not about me judging those ideas as false and wrong, it is about a father being a father rather than a bigot. Too much?
Great video dude. And fair play to your family. You've got an awesome brother there, standing up for you when it was needed. And fair play to your dad too. He was honest but still gives his love. It will always take folk a while to accept new situations. Hope you get to bring a guy home to meet them all at some stage.
I really want to give your Dad a hug. For a religious person, in the South, who is devout (and a little old fashioned) this had to have been difficult. But I can see him TRYING and listening! I really hope he's changed his mind since then. You're awesome, Dixie Boy, you handled something super difficult with SERIOUS grace and aplomb. Your parents raised you SO RIGHT! Your father will look back on this moment, someday, and be SO PROUD of both YOU and HIMSELF.
Good job David. You seem to have a loving father and brothers. You keep growing and being positive, and I bet that's all that matters in the end to your family. Gob bless you guys.
Good job presenting the new information to your family. As you know now, it takes time for each prson to absorb the news. Your dad did a great job! Please know how fortunate you are. In time you may be able to let the myths go too - but if not, it looks like you're making good progress finding a way to live your life despite it.
dude i think your a strong person for coming out and you have a supporting family and you have nothing to be ashamed of. i dont believe in god but if he does exist. then i think he's be more proud of you having the courage to tell your family and to be who you truly are :) much love to you brother
I saw this video about a year ago, and commented on it telling you how much of an inspiration you were. Well, since then, I've come out to my mother. My approach was different than yours. I knew i'd be dealing with a very dramatic, high strung, dominant personality. But the outcome was surprising. She basically said she still loves and accepts me, but doesn't agree with it. I just wanted you to know that you were part of my courage to do that. Just wanted to say thanks, man
I am so, so proud of you dude! I can see how difficult this was for you. I'm also really proud of your dad and your brother. I think that they handled your coming out very well. I'm sure they still love you very much. Stay strong dude. You are loved.
David, I loved your comment to your dad when he said he thought it was your choice, and you asked him if he CHOSE to love women. -- that was a perfect comment to show how we are wired is not something we choose. (And don't worry about the hell thing. That's what we go thru here on earth.) You were incredibly brave to have this talk with your dad, and it was great to share it for others who are in similar situations.
David , This incident you filmed was very intense and must have taken a lot of courage . You and your brothers must be close to your Dad and are lucky to be able to be so open with each other. That 's so important. Your Dad loves you very much and you can tell that he wants what is best for you and your life. He supports you and you were upfront with him. I'm sure that made a difference to your Dad. He knows that you can talk to him about anything. In your life this is just one instance tha
I'm proud of you, David! I'm 29. I came out to my family when I was 20. You were so articulate and courageous. I believe that every single person who comes out, does the world wonders. So, I thank you.
THIS IS AWESOME! i am from canada where coming out is an issue for a lot of kids, but in general, it is not. every country has it's ups and downs, but america can be viewed in the media as very extremist ("the most hated family in america" is the top recommended video), so I love to see you be able to say with a southern drawl "I am gay" and the way you put it was just perfect! congratulations and that was a good message from your father: self esteem should come from what you believe of yourself
wow...that's family. Even though your family doesn't quite understand it yet that will come in time but all through this you can tell they truly care about your happiness. This made my day better to see an authentic look at what coming out is like. It wasn't gushy and all fairy tale "i dont care at all thats fantastic your gay" stuff. it was real and tense and showed how great your family is at keeping in perspective that this is only one part of your life. it was inspiring to see your bravery.
All in all I think it went really well. Your father wasn't trying to change you. He may need some time to be fully accepting, but if you stick to your guns, I don't foresee any problems. You should be proud of your dad, and he definitely has a lot to be proud of in you!
I think it was super brave of you, and you said pretty much everything that needed to be said. Also, I'm not a religious person at all, but I think you handled the religious aspect pretty well ! I liked the way he reacted, and then you had an actual conversation, very interesting to watch =) I wish my dad would've said more than 5 words to me when I came out.
Your dad's response towards the end is so encouraging. I love how he thinks about self esteem. This was really special, and I'm really glad you posted this online. It isn't only important for gay kids, but for people in general. You show people what a good, genuine family is.
im so proud watching this video clip, im proud of how this family is talking and dealing with this.... you go dad, for listening and giving his opinion.
good job .. and now you are full free of everything .. congratulations :P .. but i like your Dad .. he is very open minded .. and he loves you so much :D wish my dad was like yours ;)
It took you over ten years to accept it, it may take your Dad that long too. But don't worry, he will. These two videos are the most compelling, articulate, intelligent and REAL coming out videos on UA-cam. I'm not religious, but the way you presented your views in a mature, researched way was absolutely awesome. You didn't beat down your Dad for having opposing views, you discussed it like modern adults. If only the rest of the world's table conversations had this amount of openness...
I think you all did very well. and it was cool that you are all so close that you can be that open with each other. also im sure in time he will get more used to it and be even more excepting of it. imagine how some parents have reacted to it. this is great probably compared to some. can you give us an update on how things are going for you? I hope well. and good luck to you and your family in all your future endevures.
YOU abstain, Kentonckaz. YOU abstain for your whole life, to please others. YOU spend your whole life alone, without love, without partnership, without making your own family for yourself, to please others. You go decade after decade alone, watching all your family and friends live their lives with love and family, until you die. YOU DO IT. The rest of us are busy living the only lives we get, the best we know how.
Well, this may not have been a fully ideal outcome, but your father obviously loves you and he was spot on when he talked about self-esteem. I hope everything is working out, bud.
David you did well - I'm amazed you went into future maybe situations - Your family are fairly grounded they will warm to the idea of you getting a b/f - they just want you to be happy
Congratulations!! Your courage and level of maturity are admirable. Your dad's comment about self esteem towards the end of the video is so true. I see that its been almost a year since you posted this video I hope that you are now more comfortable with your feelings and with who you are as a gay person. P.S your brothers are pretty awesome as well.
Thank you for this video, although I'm a little late on commenting. :P I came out to my parents and one brother not that long ago and I know exactly how you felt in this video. If you have any tips on coming out to friends it'd be much appreciated. Lol.
Thank you very much for sharing, that was a very real video and I appreciate being allowed to watch it. Hopefully I'll be able to tell my Christian parents and family someday.
For a religious father, he's not too bad. I'd still go far away from them if I were you, just so you can be who you are without fear of consequences. Stay strong, my friend. Remember, millions of people are going through that, and have been through that. You're not alone; and more power to you! P.S. come to Canada if you want freedom =)
Absolutely epic. You had a tough audience there and absolutely fucking owned it. So happy for you mate. Well done. I hope you're happy as fuck and things are working out for you x
dude stay strong, it'll be a year for me in May of my coming out to my parents. Glad your dad took it well. Just be prepared for these religious conversations. I've read the bible front to back on several occasions, when people quote Leviticus, I continue with other bible quotes of things that people don't follow anymore. It's hypocrisy, just call people out on it and for the most part (in my cases) they take a step back and realize, oh, maybe the bible isn't 100% right
Being gay is natural, judging people based on a book written by a community of ancient sexists is not. Your explanation to your Dad couldn't have been better. I wish I could high five you for having so much courage. :)
It is really good to see a loving family. I know some father have a hard time with his subject. His father is a wise man and I feel he loves all of his sons. Men are going to do what they want to do.sexually. I hope and prey that God bless that family. It is really good to see men talking about this subject and not use such nasty words.
I know i'm late in seeing this. But dude... you're fucking awesome!!! I wish I had the opportunity to sit down and have a civil conversation like this with my family at 20yrs old about my sexuality. I've still yet to tell my mother. I've told other members of my family individually and most are ok with it. But my mother's the one i'm worried about. She's not the most logical thinker. I've been planning on telling, just waiting for the right moment. Your vid's definitely an inspiration.
That was very interesting, thank you. I've never seen a real, non acted coming out before, it was pretty cool. And for a guy who has some dumb ideas about gay people, you're dad is sort of awesome. Props to him for being accepting even if he isn't fully supportive. I think it's even more commendable actually that he accepted you despite not having such a great outlook on homosexuality.
Well done mate and I hope you're proud of your Father and your brothers for their very honest and caring reaction. You're Dad, a straight talking hetrosexual man emphasised how he loves you, he, in that moment, was struggling to understand how this would play out, what this would look like in terms of introducing partners, but this man is a hero. His love for you was not in dispute, not changed. Your brothers listened, they also had little time to form their real opinion. So well done you, very brave and I hope your family have grown to accept this as part of their family life.
I certainly hope you don't have children. I'd be like: "You're my child. I love you. I will always love you. As long as you're happy and you're not hurting anyone, then I will always support you and your choices. I cannot wait for you to fall in love with someone who loves you back as much as you deserve. I cannot wait to attend your wedding if you choose to get married. You deserve pure happiness no matter who you love." And THAT'S how God intended it.
Actually the Bible never says it's a sin, it states it as an "abomination". The Biblical definition translates it as "taboo" or "unclean", but not sin. It's not really the same way we use the term since it was written some 2000+ years ago (go figure lol) Awesome vid, and your bros are hilarious! xD
The dad is so ignorant, some kinda fragile masculinity going on. Hope this boy is more comfortable and accepted by people now. He deserves it! He had a lot of balls to say it to them knowing how hard it would be.
Okay, your family is sooo much more open than my family. We DO NOT TALK about masturbation AT ALL EVER. In fact we don't ever talk about anything below the neck. And that's how it should be. That said, you did REALLY REALY WELL!!!!!
Dont worry so much about what "the Bible says" remember that it is a book meant to humble the proud,inspire the defeated,console the grief stricken,andteach you the most important fact that God Loves you and is always,always,always with you no matter what remember that when you feel alone and unwanted by society. you are very brave I give you props for that. Now go and Live Your Life TO THE FULLEST AND REMEMBER IT IS WHAT IT IS. YOUR LIFE!!!!!
isnt it weird that the romans were very homosexually active and then when jesus and the jews and egypt stuff came about it was looked down upon? your convo just made me think of that and wanted to put that out there.
My coming out was prettying the same way but we didn't choose to be this way and I may not no you but if you need someone to talk to or need support I'm here for ya
I was wondering whether it would be good for your father to watch a video clip of the series The West Wing. if you type in, ``The West Wing- Bible Lesson,`` it will be the third video on the list. You are an incredibly brave and smart man.
Each generation is becoming more tolerant than the last. When your kids bully my kids, other kids will stand by my kids' sides. Hatred will NEVER win. Ignorance, prejudice, & discrimination are LOSING this battle. I'm proud to know that this is the case and I am truly sorry that you are either so pathetic as to troll videos on the Internet or are even more pathetic as to actually believe the hatred you spew. I hope that one day you find true peace, happiness, and acceptance. Have a splendid day!
I am inviting love and acceptance into my home. If you choose to perceive that in a negative way, it's your prerogative. However, your prejudicial comments only make me more excited to teach my children of the love and beauty in this world and to preach them AGAINST the kind of hatred you're spewing. You are the reason why gay rights organizations exist and are flourishing. They work to combat talk like this. Please keep this conversation going and give them more power.
"Your self-esteem comes from you, not from other people. And if you live your life with your self-esteem based on what other people think about you, you'll never fuckin' be happy." My favorite part. Your dad is awesome. :)
after seeing how badly some families handle this situation, it's nice to see a family sit down and discuss it openly and honestly. my best wishes to you and your family.
I'd be more worried about all of the cigarette smoking going on.
I am very proud of you. You DIDN'T chose to be homosexual. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They don't know and they don't understand. I came out at 15 years old back in the 80s and it was the hardest thing and best thing that I ever did for myself. It is always best to be true to who you are. I am so glad that the America of today is a better place then it was when I came out, and that younger homosexuals will find it easier to be out. It makes me overjoyed that someone like you can even get married when you find love. I hope that you can learn to truly love this aspect of who you are and find someone to love and grow old with. Open your heart to the right man and be the very best loving husband to him that you possibly can be and the rest will fall into place. May all your journeys be filled with love and passion. I wish you the best.
Great last sentence from dad
Basically saying don't let anyone vindicate who you are
supportive father and brothers thankful to god that they are not like others and good job david you always make things positive
Congratulations David, that took a lot of courage!
I hate when they use the 'God' reference. Well 'God' obviously had a different plan for the dude.
are you a hater or am i miss understanding your comment?
Seriously, you handled that so well!
Wow, an authentic live coming out vid. I'm impressed. Your dad obviously needs a little time but he'll come around eventually. Clearly he loves you. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I hope you have a wonderful life.
I love the fact that his dad, even when he goes with the "God didnt make people gay" argument, he is trying to be a good father, just a father, by reminding him that self esteem comes from what you think of yourlsef, not others. He is trying to cope with a reality so new to him, and hes doing it very well. This guy is so lucky
Agreed. People are thinking the dad is wrong, but he actually took this WAY better than any of religious father would. I respect him about it,
Spider man I fail to see how you can't understand what I wrote. It is indeed a reality new to him. Either right or wrong, it is still challenging for him as a father. What I highlight from all of the situation is his putting his children first, before any idea (again, right or wrong) about homosexuality that he may have. It is not about me judging those ideas as false and wrong, it is about a father being a father rather than a bigot. Too much?
his brother is the key in this video. SUCH A SUPPORTIVE AND OPEN MINDED DUDE. listen to what he's saying. so good.
Great video dude. And fair play to your family. You've got an awesome brother there, standing up for you when it was needed. And fair play to your dad too. He was honest but still gives his love. It will always take folk a while to accept new situations. Hope you get to bring a guy home to meet them all at some stage.
I really want to give your Dad a hug. For a religious person, in the South, who is devout (and a little old fashioned) this had to have been difficult. But I can see him TRYING and listening! I really hope he's changed his mind since then. You're awesome, Dixie Boy, you handled something super difficult with SERIOUS grace and aplomb. Your parents raised you SO RIGHT! Your father will look back on this moment, someday, and be SO PROUD of both YOU and HIMSELF.
Good job David. You seem to have a loving father and brothers. You keep growing and being positive, and I bet that's all that matters in the end to your family. Gob bless you guys.
you're awesome, man. hope things just get better and better.
Good job presenting the new information to your family. As you know now, it takes time for each prson to absorb the news. Your dad did a great job! Please know how fortunate you are. In time you may be able to let the myths go too - but if not, it looks like you're making good progress finding a way to live your life despite it.
dude i think your a strong person for coming out and you have a supporting family and you have nothing to be ashamed of. i dont believe in god but if he does exist. then i think he's be more proud of you having the courage to tell your family and to be who you truly are :) much love to you brother
I saw this video about a year ago, and commented on it telling you how much of an inspiration you were. Well, since then, I've come out to my mother. My approach was different than yours. I knew i'd be dealing with a very dramatic, high strung, dominant personality. But the outcome was surprising. She basically said she still loves and accepts me, but doesn't agree with it. I just wanted you to know that you were part of my courage to do that. Just wanted to say thanks, man
Dad just hit the nail on the head when he quipped "That's the way God made us" BINGO!
I am so, so proud of you dude! I can see how difficult this was for you. I'm also really proud of your dad and your brother. I think that they handled your coming out very well. I'm sure they still love you very much. Stay strong dude. You are loved.
This is what luv looks like. Awesome vid..thx for sharing. I know it took a great deal of courage to do.
I just watch the 2 videos and I was really thought that it's a prank. Anyway, the reaction of your family caught my attention. Just wow.
Well, your family looks ok with it. You are lucky man, best of luck.
Thank you for sharing such an intimate moment. Your family is very lucky to have such a courageous guy who wants to be honest and sincere.
David, I loved your comment to your dad when he said he thought it was your choice, and you asked him if he CHOSE to love women. -- that was a perfect comment to show how we are wired is not something we choose. (And don't worry about the hell thing. That's what we go thru here on earth.) You were incredibly brave to have this talk with your dad, and it was great to share it for others who are in similar situations.
David ,
This incident you filmed was very intense and must have taken a lot of courage .
You and your brothers must be close to your Dad and are lucky to be able to be so open with each other. That 's so important.
Your Dad loves you very much and you can tell that he wants what is best for you and your life. He supports you and you were upfront with him. I'm sure that made a difference to your Dad. He knows that you can talk to him about anything. In your life this is just one instance tha
You alright well said and your Dad`s pretty cool and i liked what he said in general about you. Im glad he has a open mind. Congrats!!
I'm proud of you, David! I'm 29. I came out to my family when I was 20. You were so articulate and courageous. I believe that every single person who comes out, does the world wonders. So, I thank you.
THIS IS AWESOME! i am from canada where coming out is an issue for a lot of kids, but in general, it is not. every country has it's ups and downs, but america can be viewed in the media as very extremist ("the most hated family in america" is the top recommended video), so I love to see you be able to say with a southern drawl "I am gay" and the way you put it was just perfect! congratulations
and that was a good message from your father: self esteem should come from what you believe of yourself
Really nice to watch you take control of your life and be proud of who you are!
wow...that's family. Even though your family doesn't quite understand it yet that will come in time but all through this you can tell they truly care about your happiness. This made my day better to see an authentic look at what coming out is like. It wasn't gushy and all fairy tale "i dont care at all thats fantastic your gay" stuff. it was real and tense and showed how great your family is at keeping in perspective that this is only one part of your life. it was inspiring to see your bravery.
All in all I think it went really well. Your father wasn't trying to change you. He may need some time to be fully accepting, but if you stick to your guns, I don't foresee any problems. You should be proud of your dad, and he definitely has a lot to be proud of in you!
I think it was super brave of you, and you said pretty much everything that needed to be said. Also, I'm not a religious person at all, but I think you handled the religious aspect pretty well ! I liked the way he reacted, and then you had an actual conversation, very interesting to watch =) I wish my dad would've said more than 5 words to me when I came out.
Your dad's response towards the end is so encouraging. I love how he thinks about self esteem. This was really special, and I'm really glad you posted this online. It isn't only important for gay kids, but for people in general. You show people what a good, genuine family is.
im so proud watching this video clip, im proud of how this family is talking and dealing with this.... you go dad, for listening and giving his opinion.
good job .. and now you are full free of everything .. congratulations :P .. but i like your Dad .. he is very open minded .. and he loves you so much :D wish my dad was like yours ;)
Glad the family as a whole accepted you!!! Nice family connection here.
You have a good family and dont forget that even when things are hard. I have hope thanks to your video.
It took you over ten years to accept it, it may take your Dad that long too.
But don't worry, he will.
These two videos are the most compelling, articulate, intelligent and REAL coming out videos on UA-cam.
I'm not religious, but the way you presented your views in a mature, researched way was absolutely awesome. You didn't beat down your Dad for having opposing views, you discussed it like modern adults. If only the rest of the world's table conversations had this amount of openness...
I can never imagine having a discussion like this with my family. Well done.
I think you all did very well. and it was cool that you are all so close that you can be that open with each other. also im sure in time he will get more used to it and be even more excepting of it. imagine how some parents have reacted to it. this is great probably compared to some. can you give us an update on how things are going for you? I hope well. and good luck to you and your family in all your future endevures.
i love when you said " i smoke weed", and your dad turns his head like "oh really?!?" lmao
YOU abstain, Kentonckaz. YOU abstain for your whole life, to please others. YOU spend your whole life alone, without love, without partnership, without making your own family for yourself, to please others. You go decade after decade alone, watching all your family and friends live their lives with love and family, until you die. YOU DO IT. The rest of us are busy living the only lives we get, the best we know how.
Well, this may not have been a fully ideal outcome, but your father obviously loves you and he was spot on when he talked about self-esteem. I hope everything is working out, bud.
David you did well - I'm amazed you went into future maybe situations - Your family are fairly grounded they will warm to the idea of you getting a b/f - they just want you to be happy
I'm very happy for you. You have shown a lot of courage and I am very thankful for sharing that with us. I wish you the very best friend =D
Congratulations!! Your courage and level of maturity are admirable. Your dad's comment about self esteem towards the end of the video is so true. I see that its been almost a year since you posted this video I hope that you are now more comfortable with your feelings and with who you are as a gay person.
P.S your brothers are pretty awesome as well.
Thank you for this video, although I'm a little late on commenting. :P I came out to my parents and one brother not that long ago and I know exactly how you felt in this video. If you have any tips on coming out to friends it'd be much appreciated. Lol.
Thank you very much for sharing, that was a very real video and I appreciate being allowed to watch it. Hopefully I'll be able to tell my Christian parents and family someday.
This is probably the single most uncomfortable family conversation I have ever witnessed.
For a religious father, he's not too bad. I'd still go far away from them if I were you, just so you can be who you are without fear of consequences. Stay strong, my friend. Remember, millions of people are going through that, and have been through that. You're not alone; and more power to you! P.S. come to Canada if you want freedom =)
Absolutely epic. You had a tough audience there and absolutely fucking owned it. So happy for you mate. Well done. I hope you're happy as fuck and things are working out for you x
good Job man! you have a big pair! ... congrats :)
dude stay strong, it'll be a year for me in May of my coming out to my parents. Glad your dad took it well. Just be prepared for these religious conversations. I've read the bible front to back on several occasions, when people quote Leviticus, I continue with other bible quotes of things that people don't follow anymore. It's hypocrisy, just call people out on it and for the most part (in my cases) they take a step back and realize, oh, maybe the bible isn't 100% right
Great video!! I think you have a great/open minded dad. He isn't hateful. More like ignorant. Which can be easily changed. Thanks for sharing :)
Don't bother with ancient fairy tales...I do think this shows a lot of love and understanding...hopefully with time it will get easier for everyone💚
Tell your Dad I think he's a real cool dude. I can tell he really loves you.
i'm really glad that you accept who you are david! :D
Finished your videos, where the hell was this video when I was coming out!?!? :)
Being gay is natural, judging people based on a book written by a community of ancient sexists is not. Your explanation to your Dad couldn't have been better. I wish I could high five you for having so much courage. :)
I just noticed the end. Did you wear a tie just for the occasion?
i saw the bout parts im happy for you
There aren't many 'Live' coming out vids of this length. I think it will help kids who have religious parents.
It is really good to see a loving family. I know some father have a hard time with his subject. His father is a wise man and I feel he loves all of his sons. Men are going to do what they want to do.sexually. I hope and prey that God bless that family. It is really good to see men talking about this subject and not use such nasty words.
i really liked this !!
I know i'm late in seeing this. But dude... you're fucking awesome!!! I wish I had the opportunity to sit down and have a civil conversation like this with my family at 20yrs old about my sexuality. I've still yet to tell my mother. I've told other members of my family individually and most are ok with it. But my mother's the one i'm worried about. She's not the most logical thinker. I've been planning on telling, just waiting for the right moment. Your vid's definitely an inspiration.
I like how your dad says that being straight is "SUPPOSEDLY the way God made us". It sounds like he doesn't believe it himself.
i love that u dont look gay, at all :) keep it up
ur dad was very sweet
Great conversation here mate hope it all works out for you.
That was very interesting, thank you. I've never seen a real, non acted coming out before, it was pretty cool. And for a guy who has some dumb ideas about gay people, you're dad is sort of awesome. Props to him for being accepting even if he isn't fully supportive. I think it's even more commendable actually that he accepted you despite not having such a great outlook on homosexuality.
Well done mate and I hope you're proud of your Father and your brothers for their very honest and caring reaction. You're Dad, a straight talking hetrosexual man emphasised how he loves you, he, in that moment, was struggling to understand how this would play out, what this would look like in terms of introducing partners, but this man is a hero. His love for you was not in dispute, not changed. Your brothers listened, they also had little time to form their real opinion. So well done you, very brave and I hope your family have grown to accept this as part of their family life.
omg i love your response! i couldnt put it any better then that! :)
From what I've seen they seemed to take it well, my only question, is did they truly take it well?
I certainly hope you don't have children.
I'd be like:
"You're my child. I love you. I will always love you. As long as you're happy and you're not hurting anyone, then I will always support you and your choices. I cannot wait for you to fall in love with someone who loves you back as much as you deserve. I cannot wait to attend your wedding if you choose to get married. You deserve pure happiness no matter who you love."
And THAT'S how God intended it.
This is a great family
Actually the Bible never says it's a sin, it states it as an "abomination". The Biblical definition translates it as "taboo" or "unclean", but not sin. It's not really the same way we use the term since it was written some 2000+ years ago (go figure lol)
Awesome vid, and your bros are hilarious! xD
The dad is so ignorant, some kinda fragile masculinity going on. Hope this boy is more comfortable and accepted by people now. He deserves it! He had a lot of balls to say it to them knowing how hard it would be.
I don,t know why i just watching these...coming out videos.....i feel weird now.
Okay, your family is sooo much more open than my family. We DO NOT TALK about masturbation AT ALL EVER. In fact we don't ever talk about anything below the neck. And that's how it should be. That said, you did REALLY REALY WELL!!!!!
if i was that dad i would feel REALLY awkward.. like i don't get a father vibe from him at all... he's more like just his sons' homeboy.. like wtf
I think it's cute that you think you're getting a rise out of me darling
Dont worry so much about what "the Bible says" remember that it is a book meant to humble the proud,inspire the defeated,console the grief stricken,andteach you the most important fact that God Loves you and is always,always,always with you no matter what remember that when you feel alone and unwanted by society. you are very brave I give you props for that. Now go and Live Your Life TO THE FULLEST AND REMEMBER IT IS WHAT IT IS. YOUR LIFE!!!!!
it was a nice video!! My family is extremely religious do you have any point you can give to me??
isnt it weird that the romans were very homosexually active and then when jesus and the jews and egypt stuff came about it was looked down upon? your convo just made me think of that and wanted to put that out there.
@salsburyp Thank you and yeah my dad is an old goon haha
My coming out was prettying the same way but we didn't choose to be this way and I may not no you but if you need someone to talk to or need support I'm here for ya
Dude, your profile picture is fucking SCARY. But I completely agree with your comment. :)
I was wondering whether it would be good for your father to watch a video clip of the series The West Wing. if you type in, ``The West Wing- Bible Lesson,`` it will be the third video on the list.
You are an incredibly brave and smart man.
He can still have kids. Being gay doesn't stop someone from having kids.
Dude that was awesome
Gosh, you presented yourself great! Hahaha It's ok to like being gay. I definitely love it and I don't want to change that.
"That's how god made us." Can everybody see how dangerous religion can be?
Each generation is becoming more tolerant than the last. When your kids bully my kids, other kids will stand by my kids' sides. Hatred will NEVER win. Ignorance, prejudice, & discrimination are LOSING this battle. I'm proud to know that this is the case and I am truly sorry that you are either so pathetic as to troll videos on the Internet or are even more pathetic as to actually believe the hatred you spew. I hope that one day you find true peace, happiness, and acceptance. Have a splendid day!
was that... mlp?
Your father handle it very well.
I am inviting love and acceptance into my home. If you choose to perceive that in a negative way, it's your prerogative. However, your prejudicial comments only make me more excited to teach my children of the love and beauty in this world and to preach them AGAINST the kind of hatred you're spewing. You are the reason why gay rights organizations exist and are flourishing. They work to combat talk like this. Please keep this conversation going and give them more power.
Humph... Why can't there be more people of his built coming out. I'm sick and tried of only hearing these skinny/fit guys coming out on UA-cam. -_-
is your dad ok? like are you treated the same as your bro