I spent nearly 5 months hospitalized & rehab combined in late 2021 with Covid/ Pneumonia. It wiped out my body strength. My wife purchases an elevating hospital type bed for me at home. While it could have been initiated by months in a hospital bed, I started having tmjd problems when I got home and started sleeping on my side. Interestingly, what fixed my problem was elevating the head of my bed and sleeping on my back. I think when I side slept, I inadvertently put pressure on the side of my jaw, or that my jaw was simply weak from lack of use. Thankfully, I'm not suffering from tmjd now, but I did enjoy your video. Thank you!
I've had TMJD for about a decade or so and your videos are so knowledgeable and well presented. Just wanted to thank you for the free help you're providing like this. It's lifechanging for a lot of people suffering through this. ❤
I’ve been suffering for a couple of years, getting increasingly worse (financial difficulties getting seen by a doctor) May i ask how you got that taken care of?
@@γυζυ In my case I had impacted wisdom teeth that threw my bite off significantly. My condition improved a lot when I finally had them removed and my bite returned to normal. I still have the occasional tension here and there but it's greatly improved. Massaging the muscles all around the jaw and those connecting to it always helped a lot for me. I hope you find relief soon!
Sir ,there is less space (thin lining) in my right tmj joint one side.pls suggest type of treatment Very confused not got the right doctor yet now... All are selling only their guards of diffrent type. Pls help
Thank you for this!! Everyone has been telling me I need to sleep on my back but everytime I do my jaw feels so much more heavy! And I end up clenching so much more when I sleep on my back!
Thank you so much Priya. I have TMJ and clench my jaw during the day and at night. I have All on Four Dental Implants and forget to wear my night guard. I wake up with terrible migraines. The migraine medicine is causing the migraines to come more frequently. I sleep on my stomach with my hand bent so that the top of my fingers are touching my jaw. I need to change this. I have started doing a bedtime stretching video which helps my whole body but also my neck. I have had many neck injuries. I'm grateful for this video and I'm definitely subscribing!!! ❤
Currently suffering from TMJ on the right side as well as neck pain on that side. I spent hours crying in agonizing pain before finding this video. When I first started having symptoms my jaw would lock and I would panic and force my jaw back open, I'm now on muscle relaxers but when I sleep on my side I wake up with jaw, neck, and head pain and now I know why. I have 6 pillows and typically sleep with 2 under me and I place my arm under my pillow but then I place my hand right on my jaw 🥴🥴 all of the unnecessary pain.
So sorry you're going through this, I'm the same on the right side constant pain in my ear, neck, shoulder, arm and all around that side of my head, sometimes I get electric shock type pain in my lips and cheekbones and sometimes the pain goes into the other side of my jaw and head, have tinnitus in my right ear as well as my jaw clicking so sorry to hear how much pain you're in really hope you get some relief asap I dont know anyone else personally who has this too so really appreciate you sharing your experience, I've been crying today too with the pain (neck is the worst second only to earache) had to take ibuprofen, paracetamol and had a hot water bottle to my face most of the day but that didnt do much, the best thing I have done for it is stretches from physiotherapy channels for my neck, then my shoulder and then ones for the TMJ muscles themselves, I have a stabilisation splint I just recently got after being referred to dental hospital and have been told that my main issue is grinding my teeth as I have had a lot of stressful events going on and that I have a misaligned bite, been advised to eat soft foods, not grind or clench my teeth, not talk too much, yawn too wide or eat foods that are too chewy like burgers and sweets, not sure where you're up to in your recovery but here if you wanna talk :) Wishing you all the best, we've got this, determined to keep working at it!
@@stephaniewalsh9685 YES OMG I have the same symptoms 😭😭😭 I also stuffer from sinus issues so sometimes I'll experience pain over my whole face. I have learned that Pain Meds work BUT the real helper is muscle relaxers. After I take my pain meds I noticed that the muscles in my jaw were spasming which was causing quite a bit of pain so I take muscle relaxers to eliminate that issue and then I go on a soft foot diet for a few weeks.
@@Loyaltyy_iss_key OMG I forgot to mention (there's that many symptoms! XD) that I'm also experiencing sinus issues and have done since before I got TMJD, I recently saw an ENT who put a camera up my nose and had hearing tests etc and he said I have rhinitis and has put me on a nasal steroid spray (Avamys) which has massively helped already and he also prescribed me to use a facial steamer machine you can get online so need to buy one, my eyes are severely dry as well so constantly using dry eye drops and eye compresses, thanks so much for sharing about the muscle relaxers and soft diet, I will speak to my doctor about it if I can't get this pain back under control myself will look into it though, just woken up after doing all the neck, shoulder and facial stretches last night, worn my stabilisation splint while I slept, put loads of pillows under my head, right arm and right side of my back and a thin cushion I always use under my neck but over my shoulder and fell asleep listening to Michael Sealey's hypnosis video for jaw grinding - feel like I've had a really restorative sleep and reduced the pain I was in yesterday by about 80-90% Really hope you got some relief as well I don't think most people understand how painful this condition can be on bad days but I don't speak to many people at the moment to rest my jaw and then after working all day on the pc I need to rest my wrists as well before I develop a problem there too 🤣🙊
This was super fascinating and here I thought I was doing well by having trained myself to sleep on my back for less pressure on my jaw as I sleep. I will try sleeping on my side tonight and hopefully wake with a more relaxed jaw. Thank you for teaching me about my jaw with each of your posts!
Thank you for this, my doctor told me to sleep on my back for it… 1. I literally can’t sleep. 2. Once I do my mouth is alot dryer and my TMD pain is a little worse despite progress we’ve made… I’m excited to gently lay on my good side tonight!
I know this sounds silly but it feels like the only way to fix this issue is to sleep standing up. No matter how you sleep, you're sleeping laying down and you're going to put pressure on your jaw. 7 hours a day you're putting some sort of pressure on your jaw whether you're on your stomach, back, or side. How can you fix it if you're constantly aggravating the issue every single night?
well often times it's the relationship of the maxillary bones (the bones that house the upper teeth) to the mandible (the bone that houses the lower teeth) that is at the root of TMJ issues. If this relationship is corrected while wearing as skillfully made TMJ orthotic, then sleep position isn't as big of a factor.
I was a Dental assistant for 20 years. The mouth guard seemed to work for the majority of the patients. I recently became affected with it being a sever pain , then lock open on one side. Probably my fault for not addressing the TMJ when I knew I had the click for years. I now know how annoying it can be .
I like a medium pillow that has the loose filling on the inside , so as I'm on it I can push it around to move the inner filling thicker in spots for more support. I believe I bought it at Miejer , but don't remember the brand . It wasn't expensive at that time , maybe $15 at the most. Now post Pandemic it's probably $30 .
Another very useful video! I would sure search treatment from you if I lived closer...but I live in Quebec (the far Eastern part of it). So I work with a chiropratician and I watch your videos for more informations on at home exercices. You are a wonderful teacher ! Your explanations are so clear and ease to understand ! I am sure you are helping many people to get by with TMJD, with your videos and even much more with your clinic. Keep on the great work !
Thanks my friend, i subscribe to your channel bcoz your advice helped me. I was suffering from TMJ but after watching your channel it helps me alot. Sleeping position advice helps me alot 😅
As a DC that treats quite a bit of TMJD, I don't necessarily agree with sleeping on your back being a problem. I suppose it can cause breathing problems and clenching if you're using too large of a pillow that causes excessive cervical flexion closing off the airway. However, if you have the support from your pillow under the cervical spine and less under the head, this will actually open the trachea, like the CPR positioning that you mentioned, and keep your spine more neutral. I actually tell patients to transition to sleeping on their back to help their TMJD, neck pain, headaches etc, that you say can be caused by sleeping on your back. As usual though, it's all in how you do it. If you don't have the proper pillow setup it can be a problem. If you do, it's the most neutral way to sleep, putting the least amount of stress on the spine, shoulders, hips and basically all joints in the body. I totally agree about sleeping on your stomach and sleeping on your side with a hand or arm under your head. I also appreciate your pillow advice as it's the same that I give my patients about their pillows or beds. No one setup will fit everyone. I still believe and suggest that supine, with the proper amount of pillow support, is the best position to sleep long term.
Great, doc! Keep up the work! You're helping a lot of people. I thought sleeping on your back was better because the clenching wouldn't be as strong as when you're on your side. A speech therapist told me that.
Another great video, thank you very much for sharing. I have had TMD for many years and I have always managed to get a decent night's sleep by sleeping on my side.
Thanks so much for this video. Unfortunately I’m on that seemingly long journey to find a solution to my tmj/tmd. PT, iontophoresis, dry needling. No success yet. I really believe that my tmj issues began from sleeping improperly.
Your videos have been very helpful to me. I used to sleep with my hands on my face as always and I didn't know that it's mainly one of the reason why my jaw looks painful everytime I wake up and sometimes click. It's crazy that it somehow lead to the point that I experienced headaches and had a hard time focusing on my work. Thank you so much for your very informative videos, I really learned a lot!! But I also have a question doctor, how about for some people like me who do not use pillows? Would that be okay?
I really don’t feel comfortable answering your question because the pillow you use is dependent on your neck. If you have neck pain or strain, the pillow you use could impact that.
I've just recently aquired tmj. About 3 months now. I sleep sitting up for 2 years now. This thing is so painful. It's intense, then seems likes it is clearing up ,then hits me hard again. I don't have sleep apnea or really even snore. I don't have any injuries. It just simply started one day . I find chewing gum seems to actually give me a little relief . Though ,it's not recommended. I am trying various rubbing techniques, not helping yet.
C-2 misalignment can also be a problem with TMJD so working with a chiropractor as well as an occlusion specialist is a good idea. I have c-2 misalignment. I unfortunately can only sleep on my back because of a shoulder injury. But I've trained myself to keep my tongue on the roof of the mouth when sleeping so I feel ok about sleeping on my back.
Thank you for giving me the truth regarding how to sleep. So many places I have stumbled onto online say that sleeping on the back is best for TMJ. Starting tonight I will begin sleeping on my right side and we'll see where that leads. Does the side that one chooses to sleep on matter?
This is a really honest answer with the pillow and it's 100% true, I've tried a bunch of pillows some of which are specifically marketed to TMJ and it really is about which one supports your neck the best. For me, I'm currently using a tempurpedic pillow - if you find a store near you they'll let you try them out there in the store to see which is best for you and they also have a good return policy if you find your not happy. Might want to get 2 different ones then return the one you like less. Thanks for the video Priya!
Can you please tell me why I went to PT for my TMJ pain and they told me to sleep on my back?!? 😭😭 eventually left them because the practice was a mess, and am now seeing an orthodontist who is making special mouth guards before potential surgery to fix my misaligned jaw, which I believe is at the root of my TMJ.
I have always been suspecting my sleeping position in contributing to my jaw pain. Thank you for this video! I have no problem with sleeping sideways it's just that I sleep in that position where you put your hands in your under your jaw. Hopefully I can practice not to do that even when sleeping haha
I dont wish to discredit Priya, however if yoi search "what positions to sleep with tmjd" 9/10 of those searches will recommend against side sleeping, and advise sleeping on your back. I feel torn personally because priya has helped me learn so much, however its hard to look past virtually every other "expert"'s opinion.
Great video! I'm finding it very difficult to sleep on my back, so I end up shifting to my side on the night. I've had a really hard time finding a good pillow, if anyone has any ideas? I'm also going for a sleep study this week to check out my airway, possible sleep apnea, and why I wake up so many times during the night. Do your patients tend to need a CPAP machine and how do they use it with their orthotic? I haven't slept much in years, looking forward to finding the causes.
What worked for me as a side sleeper is that Avocado mini organic adjustable fill pillow and I travel with it too. It keeps my neck in a neutral position since I adjusted the full according. Hope this helps.
Thank you for the video!! I sleep on my side but habitually bring the chin to chest/bend my neck forwards and have forward head posture generally. Apart from postural work in the day is there anything I can do to encourage better sleeping posture? I seem also to lay on the trigger point/sore joint as a subconscious habit which is clearly not helping!! Thank you! ♥️
Thank you for this. I have tmj and my worst symptoms are tinnitus and pain/ pressure on ear drums along with clicking/ popping sounds. But the sounds are not constant. I might hear crepitus in the morning and then it goes. Is there any imaging test that i can get done to confirm if my disc is dislocated ?
Thank you so much for the channel! I was recently diagnosed with this and so far I have a lot of symptoms: face pain (under eye, ear, nose, throat), balance problems, tiredness, numb hands but also feet. also its hard to walk to the same time i have face pain (30s-3min). have you ever heard that this might affect feet too or never? My doctor said it can affect which I found weird…
@@theTMJdoc I have all same debilitating symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, brain fog, vision hearing issues, pain neck and jaw and unable to walk or stand 18mths now with no help in Australia NSW.....no dentist in Sydney or Newcastle who understand TMJ and how to treat so as a single mum health declining fast and I honestly dont think I be around much longer......its cruel.😥 Wish I could find help it's not a life
What type of throat pain do you feel? Like a sore throat? I had an endoscopy and they saw that my hypopharynx was irritated I feel so much pain deep inside my throat but not like a sore throat its deeper.. Can this be because of tmjd? Or throat muscles? Or is it an acid problem. No doctor can tell me why my hypopharynx is irritated and where this pain comes from 😔
@@diamonddancecompany8254 unfortunately I still have no help and my condition is not good at all....slowly declining very fast...dont know what else I can do I can no longer walk or stand as balance and dizzy very off.😥
I’ve always thought my sleeping position didn’t help my TMJ So thank you for the video I have always slept on my side. But when I do, I find I am more apt to have clicking problems when I do. When I try to sleep on my back, I don’t seem to have as much clicking if any. So I always thought I needed to try sleeping on my back. The problem is, I can’t do that. I naturally go to my side by habit. I don’t have OSA. And I don’t put my hands under my jaw. SoI still think I need to try sleeping on my back What do you think?
Imho it's not that bad to sleep a short time on your stomach if you put pillows under the chest and under the forehead (you need to find the right size/shape of pillows to make it work). That position actually helped my TMJ but it's not great for sleeping so after a few hours I usually wake up and lay on my side. But it totally relaxes my jaw.
I sleep usually on my side, to avoid issues, and I use a hand plant on my chin to protect my neck from excessively twisting. If I must sleep on my back, I prop myself with pillows so I don't lie completely back and it is like sitting. I think I don't have sleep apnea. But what happens is when dehydration kicks in when I wake up after sleep, and I try to move my nose to and fro and to and fro with my hands, or if I stretch post-sleep, I hear what I thought was a pop from my C1-C3 neck joint, but I realize the pop was not at the neck. It was right in my TMJ! No pain in my TMJ, but this jaw "pop" is TMJ crepitus. Can I stop this "TMJ pop" by drinking water before I sleep? This joint pop also happens when I had mild idiopathic angioedema, causing my mouth-opening size to be reduced--like somebody having scleroderma disease of the face. But I don't have scleroderma. Sneezing during the angioedema can also cause this TMJ pop too.
I have gotten TMJ over a month ago after a dentist did a really bad job with a filling. Basically she shaved it too low, and misaligned my bite and that led to the left side of my jaw overworking 😮. I found a new dentist and she is great, she fixed the filling and instantly I was relieved of some of the pain. However, I’m still dealing with issues with the muscles that control the jaw. So now I’m in jaw therapy. In my case TMJ also led to me experiencing tinnitus 😭. I moved to a new city last summer and signed into a new dental practice. I wish I had researched the dentist I was assigned to, because after all of this happened I learned that she finished dental school in 2023 🫠. So her lack of experience has led me to this painful situation that I’m praying can be healed with therapy.
Im addicted to cracking my jaw after grinding my teeth from stress and ignorance. I need to put my mind over matter and let my jaw heal itself. Its been an issue for about 4 to 5 months now and im becoming quite anxious and afraid that the matter can grow into a huge issue ahhh
I literally can get 0 sleep when I try to sleep on my side , I spend an hour just trying to sleep. Only time I get sleep is on the back or stomach although it’s been a long time I’ve avoided the back Got my custom nightguard today though I suspect it won’t do squat . I mentioned the c1 & c2 misaligned stuff today to the tmj specialist and she was “impressed” I brought it up ... why don’t they bring it up? Why am I the one who has to keep bringing up suggestions lol ... I’ve made it very clear I want to find the cause of my tmj so I can do something about it and not depend on guards and other accessories. Swear most ppl who treat you couldn’t give 2 shits about actually helping people resolve issues. Thanks for your videos at least give more info than the people we go see
Im a side sleeper but problem is when i sleep on right side, my head sort of sinks or goes down. So i do need hand support. It has caused problems with my jaw as im currently having tmj issues as a clicking noise is produced on my right side when i yawn.. Your video has reinforced my belief that placing hand underneath the face isnt a good practice. Im trying but at times its involuntary and i do end up with some sort of bracing by my right hand..
@theTMJdoc I have c5 to c7 disc bulging which causesforaminal stenosis. Due to that, I need a customised pillow which shouldn't be too soft nor too firm. Thank you Dr Priya for the ♥ remark..
OMG I have wondered and asked the dentist why I hyper extend my jaw out at night pushing it so hard forward that it's painful and wakes me up. You just said because I am struggling to get air no one has told me that. 😢 . I struggle with that only sometimes but when I do of course it causes the muscle the jaw muscles especially on one side into my head and my ear and my face to be so extremely nagging type pain to deal with
Good morning Priya, Very well presented and informative. Well done, Ma'am. Am age 72. Woke up this past Thanksgiving morning with jaw popping in left joint only when closing my mouth, no popping when opening, with zero pain or discomfort. Am a side sleeper and must sleep on my left side only, as old injuries prevent me sleeping on my right. Personally aggravating, and embarrassing to eat around folks as the popping is very audible within 8 feet or so. I've had a hard life and have lost all my molars so am not able to 'maintain' my jaw muscle strength through chewing firm to hard foods. Could the lack of my molars be a factor ? Thank you.
I can't talk comfortably, I feel like my face is stiff and drool always comes out when I talk. I used to not be able to open my jaw wide, but now I can but there is a sound when I open my jaw, is this inability to speak influenced by my tmj?, I really suffer from the inability to speak :( this really makes me suffer because of the difficulty socialization for 4 years, I really struggled for this
@@theTMJdoc Thanks, that’s really appreciated. Mine was actually caused by trauma, not by the hit that gave me a jaw fracture just over 2 months ago, but I honestly believe it was caused by the hospital inserting the Erich arch bars where my jaw was wired shut for almost 7 weeks (it can’t be from the initial impact as I had no pain till about week 5 into the closed jaw). Knowing what I know now, after watching your videos, it’s hard to believe OMF surgeons still use the jaw wiring technique with total disregard to condyle position in the fossa and the delicate nature on TMJ !
Hi Priya - Your TMJ Lock videos are super helpful. We cannot thank you enough for reasons ...My friends son has Open Jaw Lock and the surgeon recommended Jaw replacement that horrified us. We saw your videos, and another local surgeon here in NJ tried to manipulate the jaw back, but he could not suspecting either there is scar tissue or growth. Is it possible to have a Zoom Consult with you ? How do we reach you soon? Thanks in Advance.
@@theTMJdoc thanks for the response. I think I have it from sleeping on my side but I have horrible tmj… I wear a night guard and so the massages and exercises and still in terrible pain and it’s the side I do sleep on. I try to lay on the other side and almost have a hard time sleeping and then I find myself back on the other side in the morning.
I have been sleeping on my side the entire time I have had TMJD when I had only once side of my face with TMJD, but now I find that my pain is spreading to my previously 'good' side which is incredibly disheartening. If I sleep on either of my sides, I get pain from putting pressure against the TMJ area. I'm worried about aggravating my better side if I sleep on my better side, but lying on my bad side is just a recipe for extra pain. So I feel a bit stuck.
@@theTMJdoc Thank you for replying! I have a custom moulded nightguard for TMJ but I find that it strains my jaw too much to wear it, which I hope wouldn't also be the case for actual splints I might get. I have recently found magnesium to be very helpful, however, which has been a great relief.
Despite seemingly having TMJ for many years, it only really became like "holy shit" after my wisdom teeth became impacted, then I got lockjaw... I am trying to figure out whether removing the wisdom teeth would just make everything 10x worse... and whether the impaction just aggravated the TMJ or instead created it, I suspect that it simply aggravated the TMJ.
@@theTMJdoc uhhh, fun list! Jaw/neck pain [left bias], first (?) molar on left side ultra-sensitive - radiating pain outward to jaw, overall tooth sensitivity, really bad malocclusion, jaw opens incorrectly to left side then aligns at end, all kind of popping when opening, lots of potentially associated stuff like a persistent headache/tinnitus, ongoing nerve pinch in neck, numbness in extremities, severe insomnia, poor myofascial development, improper tongue positioning, difficulty swallowing, etc.
@@mamatapandey6073 Do you think it is worth* getting the extraction(s) performed if the infection is "mild" according to the surgeon(s) and also if my TMD is severe? I honestly decided to hold off because I would actually rather have the latent infection in my mouth - so long as my body has it under control - rather than do something that could destabilize the situation like an invasive surgery. I actually just wanted to hear your honest take on my situation... if you don't feel like responding, no prob
My mouth is locked and is opening only up to 2-3 fingers. I am having pain near my ears while opening my mouth. This has happened to me before as well but it used to get better within 15-20 minutes but it has been 4 days and it is not getting better😢😢
It's like you heard me, Priya. I have TMD and been okay for a few months. Done a lot of jaw PT and neck excersises. I figured out I have sleep apnea 2 weeks ago and sleep with a cpap now. I'm only 38 and was pretty shocked I have severe sleep apnea. I'm female and also have hormonal issues so I always thought this is the cause of my TMD and now, sleep apnea. But since wearing the cpap my TMD is flaring up like crazy on the left side. My eye even hurts so bad. The pressure is insane. It's dry but watery. Very strange. I try sleeping on my side but that seems to make tmd so much worse. The weird thing is that my sleep apnea is improving rapidly with the cpap. It's only been 2 weeks of usage and I have hardly any apneas now. But I feel so much worse overall. I don't understand that. I'm a bit lost. My neck is always tight. I'm always busy massaging it, dry needling it etc. And it only helps for a short while. Those simple tasks you're mentioning that your patient did, makes tmd so much worse for me as well. When I tell my PT or my dentist this they don't understand. I was diagnosed with fybromyalgia this year. But I could never really see that. I'm in pain, but it's always the same muscles. Neck, shoulders, jaw, eye, head. I have lower back problems as well. But that's been there way before tmd started. I think I do use my hand against my jaw during sleep. But I'm not aware of it. All this makes so much sense. I hope to be able to relieve this eye pressure and migraine. It's been there for 2 full days now and I can't function because of it. I live in Europe and somehow feel tmd doesn't get the same attention as it does over there. I don't k ow anyone with tmd. Thanks so much for your video. It's really like you heard me. I've been down and crying today. Just because I'm in so much pain. It stinks. I thought I managed my TMD for the last months. I was even hopeful that the cpap would also cure my TMD. It does not. 😓
Sorry you’re going through this. When the muscles are trapped in a dysfunctional state, it can be incredibly painful and usually treatment is needed to address those muscles specifically. This involves the use of a TMJ orthotic. Dr Jaz Gulati is in the UK. He may be able to help you.
Magnesium (especially magnesium malate if you have fatigue) and optimal D3 levels are really important if you have fibromyalgia. Targeting some key nutrition points with help from a trusted health professional might be what you need to break the stress/pain cycle. I hope you find some relief!
Dear Dr Mistry, did it occur to you that a patient whose neck locks that easily from helping to manipulate a pillow case may have BJHMD or Ehlers-Danlos type 3? Those of us who do can sustain serious joint injuries from what are considered normal daily activities. Your patient should have been referred to a rheumatologist for an Ehlers or other hypermobility disorder assessment. There can also be mutations on the SPARC gene and other genetic factors. Other than that - nice video series on a problem that often needs further diagnosis.
Great video .for few months i was missing the deep sleep.yes i feel i grind my teeth and sometime i suddenly clunch my teeth .Even sometime my tongue got hurt.i was feeling a littlte pain when i chew on the right side.i was considering a teeth issue but now i came to know this is TMJ. Should i go i get test whether i have sleep apnea ? Ite not just the TMJ joint before that i was feeling pain in my knee with out knowing the reason.Now i feel the sleep problem is the reason for all this. please advice me something
I suffering with tmj since 5 months eating to food ccomes to some sound from jaws how to reduced your videos are well but how long fuffer give some solution
I don't grind my teeth when I sleep, but i do have TMJ issues. My husband did say I sleep with my mouth open. Do you have any tips for keeping your mouth closed?
Check out this video: Somnifix - How it Can Help YOU - Priya Mistry, DDS (the TMJ doc) #somnifix #sponsored #ad ua-cam.com/video/PDOX_Z3RilU/v-deo.html
I cant sleep on my side (masseter athrophy, internal derangement). The entire force of my head puts pressure on the joint. I have about 12 pillows. Sometimes the pillow that works doesnt the next day. Sleeping on my back is the only way that I can more or less sleep.
Do you think an issue with the nose can contribute to TMJ? I can't breathe well through my nose and end up sleeping with my mouth open and I'm convinced this is what caused my TMJ
Is sleeping on the side safe so that it doesn't put pressure on the joint? Because I tried sleeping on my side and felt stiffness in my face. Is this because of the pillow and should I change it
sorry to hear that! Well, it's a medical condition because it's a problem with the muscles and the jaw joints (not the teeth) so it should be submitted to medical insurance. this is how I treat this condition with a 90% success rate at my office: ua-cam.com/video/HRnhyllpjAc/v-deo.html
I have ear pain and jaw pain because of TMJ on both sides and I have neck pain which is C 1 as you mentioned. My chiropractor is helping me for C1 issues but question about the sleep . As I sleep straight it’s difficult for me to breathe right now because of my allergies and it’s blocking my airway as you mentioned .I can’t sleep on both sides my jaw is paining .What pillow I should use than doctor and what position you might recommend in my scenario?
Well I never recommend sleeping flat on your back or your stomach and you can’t sleep on your sides. Hmmm.. Can you sleep slightly elevated and on your back?
@@theTMJdoc why don't you recommend sleeping flat on your back? I usually do that..I heard not to sleep on your sides with TMJ but now I'm not sure what to believe
Hey priya, can you tell me what causes the mandible to grow unevenly My left mandible is a bit backward which makes my face look asymmetrical, is that because of my wrong sleeping posture or something?
There are many reasons for this - asymmetrical condylar growth, condylar hyper- or hypo-plasia, sometimes the way the teeth come together affects the growth, etc.
I have been a side sleeper for a long time now - however I am finding that when I sleep on the side where my articular disc is reduced when I close my jaw occasionally it always pops and catches the disc in my TMJ, if I turn over and sleep on the other side so that the disc is the side not in contact with the pillow then this never happens and it never catches! Not sure why that is - I guess its because my jaw is not hanging out to the side and is more aligned?
I have a full mask for sleep apnea cpap. I find my hands are frequently under my cheek while sleeping to keep the tubing in place. TMD (anterior displacement of disc since July 8, 2022). Suggestions?
I’m sorry but I cannot make suggestions over the internet and without follow up questions and discussion. If you’d like you can email my office to set up a zoom meeting with me - patientcare@tmjdentaldoc.com
@theTMJdoc I definitely understand that it is impossible to make suggestions. I am thinking that I might like to see you in person for suggestions and treatment. I would really like to be able to eat in a normal fashion, procede in the lifestyle I enjoy. At the age of 72 (no other aches, pains or medical issues other than hypothyroid), I would like to live an active life with no jawpain.
Good morning doc. I grind my teeth at night. I wear retainers at night, but my jaw while im sleeping still finds a way to clinch my back teeth together that are not covered by my retainers. Im getting tooth pain already.What can i do??? Thank you.
Hi Doc. I have TMJD and just recently diagnosed with sleep apnea. I wear a cpap and find that the only position I can sleep is on my back. Do you recommend the number of pillows that i should use ? I wake up feeling dizzy and and have pain not only in my jaw but also my shoulder blades. Thank you.
Sometimes my jaw feels out of alignment when I sleep on my side. I don't know how to sleep on your side without placing pressure on your jaw? I don't sleep with my hand up on my face.
I suffer severe sore throat, ear aches and shoulder pain from my tmj disorder for 7years now.. am really worried about the sore throat .. on the left side.. what can I do about it Doctor ?
Im your new subscriber dr priya, this is vry helpful tips though can you plz let us knw regarding TMJ Exercises as Im suffering from this TMJ problem its requested msg highly Obliged thax a ton
doc, just a few months ago, i have pain all over my left side i thought it was my tooth but it was not per dentist, so he think i have TMJ, i wear night guard every night but i have pain when i opened my mouth wide or yawn. Do I need TMJ night guard?
Im suffering from tmjd, my orthodontics prescribed me splint. Lock jaw lessens, neck pain, headaches. The only problem is when i speak my jaw and lower teeth keeps forwarding. How can i deal with this doc?
Idk if my migraines are from tmj or just teeth misalignment. My teeth have been shifting and the pain and pressure from the shifting has been causing massive and recurrent migraines. I also sleep on my stomach with my hands under my pillow so I'm unsure if I have tmj or not. I am just looking for relief from these frequent migraines. They last all day and sometimes days. It's so intolerable.
I also noticed before I got my mouth guard that when sleeping on a inclined bed it helped me with tmj pain. I feel like my lower jaw stays open a because it is pulled down by grawity. I had stop it thou when i got my mouth guard that it thends to lock more easilly. So with mouht guard I sleep on normall bed but if I would not have mouth guard sleeping on an incline helped me.
Also I cant sleep on my side if im wearing my mouth guard because my jaw locks more easilly. I feel like my jaw doesn't stay center when sleepin on my side. So sleeping on my back works for me the best.
Do you know if they make hypoallergenic night guards? I started clenching my teeth and it started causing serious pain in my jaw so I got a night guard but something in the night guard gave me throat and breathing problems. I tried to get an msds sheet for the night guard but my dentist and the company could not or would not provide one, so I am not sure what is causing it. My dentist said he does not know and has not provided any other possible solution, so I have to choose between pain in my teeth and jaw or breathing problems.....
I feel too much ear ache in my left ear when I sleep on left side but when I change my side it goes away . I visited 4 ENT but there z nothing wrong with my ear. Now I feel ear pain even if I m awake.with sometime neck n shoulder pain also. Plz tell me what's this?? I need help
I don’t sleep 💤 on my side or stomach at all so at least that’s one thing I don’t do at least. Unfortunately I still suffer horribly from TMD/TMJ and have for over 35 years and it’s gotten worse the past 7 years to the point that it interferes with my daily living. 🤕I suffer dizziness and light headedness as well. I also have severe anxiety and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 6 years ago. I’ve also been trying different pillows for years now and still haven’t found the pillow for me that really helps. But I keep trying. Wish I lived in your area because finding a specialist in my area is next to impossible. But I will try some of your recommendations. Thank you 🙏
I spent nearly 5 months hospitalized & rehab combined in late 2021 with Covid/ Pneumonia. It wiped out my body strength. My wife purchases an elevating hospital type bed for me at home. While it could have been initiated by months in a hospital bed, I started having tmjd problems when I got home and started sleeping on my side. Interestingly, what fixed my problem was elevating the head of my bed and sleeping on my back. I think when I side slept, I inadvertently put pressure on the side of my jaw, or that my jaw was simply weak from lack of use. Thankfully, I'm not suffering from tmjd now, but I did enjoy your video. Thank you!
You’re welcome and I’m glad you’re not have TMD issues now!
I've had TMJD for about a decade or so and your videos are so knowledgeable and well presented. Just wanted to thank you for the free help you're providing like this. It's lifechanging for a lot of people suffering through this. ❤
Thank you for your kind words and be sure to Subscribe 🙏🏼
I’ve been suffering for a couple of years, getting increasingly worse (financial difficulties getting seen by a doctor)
May i ask how you got that taken care of?
@@γυζυ In my case I had impacted wisdom teeth that threw my bite off significantly. My condition improved a lot when I finally had them removed and my bite returned to normal. I still have the occasional tension here and there but it's greatly improved. Massaging the muscles all around the jaw and those connecting to it always helped a lot for me. I hope you find relief soon!
Sir ,there is less space (thin lining) in my right tmj joint one side.pls suggest type of treatment
Very confused not got the right doctor yet now... All are selling only their guards of diffrent type.
Pls help
Thank you for this!! Everyone has been telling me I need to sleep on my back but everytime I do my jaw feels so much more heavy! And I end up clenching so much more when I sleep on my back!
Thank you so much Priya. I have TMJ and clench my jaw during the day and at night. I have All on Four Dental Implants and forget to wear my night guard. I wake up with
terrible migraines. The migraine medicine is causing the migraines to come more frequently. I sleep on my stomach with my hand bent so that the top of my fingers are touching my jaw. I need to change this. I have started doing a bedtime stretching video which helps my whole body but also my neck. I have had many neck injuries. I'm grateful for this video and I'm definitely subscribing!!! ❤
you're welcome! I'm glad your bedtime stretching helps!
Currently suffering from TMJ on the right side as well as neck pain on that side. I spent hours crying in agonizing pain before finding this video. When I first started having symptoms my jaw would lock and I would panic and force my jaw back open, I'm now on muscle relaxers but when I sleep on my side I wake up with jaw, neck, and head pain and now I know why. I have 6 pillows and typically sleep with 2 under me and I place my arm under my pillow but then I place my hand right on my jaw 🥴🥴 all of the unnecessary pain.
So sorry you're going through this, I'm the same on the right side constant pain in my ear, neck, shoulder, arm and all around that side of my head, sometimes I get electric shock type pain in my lips and cheekbones and sometimes the pain goes into the other side of my jaw and head, have tinnitus in my right ear as well as my jaw clicking so sorry to hear how much pain you're in really hope you get some relief asap I dont know anyone else personally who has this too so really appreciate you sharing your experience, I've been crying today too with the pain (neck is the worst second only to earache) had to take ibuprofen, paracetamol and had a hot water bottle to my face most of the day but that didnt do much, the best thing I have done for it is stretches from physiotherapy channels for my neck, then my shoulder and then ones for the TMJ muscles themselves, I have a stabilisation splint I just recently got after being referred to dental hospital and have been told that my main issue is grinding my teeth as I have had a lot of stressful events going on and that I have a misaligned bite, been advised to eat soft foods, not grind or clench my teeth, not talk too much, yawn too wide or eat foods that are too chewy like burgers and sweets, not sure where you're up to in your recovery but here if you wanna talk :) Wishing you all the best, we've got this, determined to keep working at it!
@@stephaniewalsh9685 YES OMG I have the same symptoms 😭😭😭 I also stuffer from sinus issues so sometimes I'll experience pain over my whole face. I have learned that Pain Meds work BUT the real helper is muscle relaxers. After I take my pain meds I noticed that the muscles in my jaw were spasming which was causing quite a bit of pain so I take muscle relaxers to eliminate that issue and then I go on a soft foot diet for a few weeks.
@@Loyaltyy_iss_key OMG I forgot to mention (there's that many symptoms! XD) that I'm also experiencing sinus issues and have done since before I got TMJD, I recently saw an ENT who put a camera up my nose and had hearing tests etc and he said I have rhinitis and has put me on a nasal steroid spray (Avamys) which has massively helped already and he also prescribed me to use a facial steamer machine you can get online so need to buy one, my eyes are severely dry as well so constantly using dry eye drops and eye compresses, thanks so much for sharing about the muscle relaxers and soft diet, I will speak to my doctor about it if I can't get this pain back under control myself will look into it though, just woken up after doing all the neck, shoulder and facial stretches last night, worn my stabilisation splint while I slept, put loads of pillows under my head, right arm and right side of my back and a thin cushion I always use under my neck but over my shoulder and fell asleep listening to Michael Sealey's hypnosis video for jaw grinding - feel like I've had a really restorative sleep and reduced the pain I was in yesterday by about 80-90%
Really hope you got some relief as well I don't think most people understand how painful this condition can be on bad days but I don't speak to many people at the moment to rest my jaw and then after working all day on the pc I need to rest my wrists as well before I develop a problem there too 🤣🙊
Sorry you’re going through this!!
That sounds really extreme. Did you try botox (on doctor's prescription, administered in a hospital)? It doesn't heal, but could give you a respite.
This was super fascinating and here I thought I was doing well by having trained myself to sleep on my back for less pressure on my jaw as I sleep. I will try sleeping on my side tonight and hopefully wake with a more relaxed jaw. Thank you for teaching me about my jaw with each of your posts!
You're welcome! I hope sleeping on your side helps!
@@theTMJdoc thank you I do as well
Wow who knew.
I found out about your channel today, and already helped me! I did some of the “exercises” you tough, was fenomenal. Thank you
You're so welcome! Don't forget to Subscribe!
Thank you for this, my doctor told me to sleep on my back for it… 1. I literally can’t sleep. 2. Once I do my mouth is alot dryer and my TMD pain is a little worse despite progress we’ve made… I’m excited to gently lay on my good side tonight!
Wonderful! I hope you feel better!
I know this sounds silly but it feels like the only way to fix this issue is to sleep standing up. No matter how you sleep, you're sleeping laying down and you're going to put pressure on your jaw. 7 hours a day you're putting some sort of pressure on your jaw whether you're on your stomach, back, or side. How can you fix it if you're constantly aggravating the issue every single night?
well often times it's the relationship of the maxillary bones (the bones that house the upper teeth) to the mandible (the bone that houses the lower teeth) that is at the root of TMJ issues. If this relationship is corrected while wearing as skillfully made TMJ orthotic, then sleep position isn't as big of a factor.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 indeed
I was a Dental assistant for 20 years. The mouth guard seemed to work for the majority of the patients. I recently became affected with it being a sever pain , then lock open on one side. Probably my fault for not addressing the TMJ when I knew I had the click for years. I now know how annoying it can be .
I like a medium pillow that has the loose filling on the inside , so as I'm on it I can push it around to move the inner filling thicker in spots for more support. I believe I bought it at Miejer , but don't remember the brand . It wasn't expensive at that time , maybe $15 at the most. Now post Pandemic it's probably $30 .
Another very useful video! I would sure search treatment from you if I lived closer...but I live in Quebec (the far Eastern part of it). So I work with a chiropratician and I watch your videos for more informations on at home exercices. You are a wonderful teacher ! Your explanations are so clear and ease to understand ! I am sure you are helping many people to get by with TMJD, with your videos and even much more with your clinic. Keep on the great work !
Thank you for you kind words!
Thanks my friend, i subscribe to your channel bcoz your advice helped me. I was suffering from TMJ but after watching your channel it helps me alot. Sleeping position advice helps me alot 😅
I'm so glad you found this helpful!
As a DC that treats quite a bit of TMJD, I don't necessarily agree with sleeping on your back being a problem. I suppose it can cause breathing problems and clenching if you're using too large of a pillow that causes excessive cervical flexion closing off the airway. However, if you have the support from your pillow under the cervical spine and less under the head, this will actually open the trachea, like the CPR positioning that you mentioned, and keep your spine more neutral. I actually tell patients to transition to sleeping on their back to help their TMJD, neck pain, headaches etc, that you say can be caused by sleeping on your back. As usual though, it's all in how you do it. If you don't have the proper pillow setup it can be a problem. If you do, it's the most neutral way to sleep, putting the least amount of stress on the spine, shoulders, hips and basically all joints in the body. I totally agree about sleeping on your stomach and sleeping on your side with a hand or arm under your head. I also appreciate your pillow advice as it's the same that I give my patients about their pillows or beds. No one setup will fit everyone. I still believe and suggest that supine, with the proper amount of pillow support, is the best position to sleep long term.
Thanks for you sharing!
I agree. From my personal experience, getting a pillow that supports my neck but not high for my head gives me the least amount of pain.
Great, doc! Keep up the work! You're helping a lot of people. I thought sleeping on your back was better because the clenching wouldn't be as strong as when you're on your side. A speech therapist told me that.
I respectfully disagree with your speech therapist :)
me too! i started sleeping on back couple years ago :(
I was to send our tmj mri report kindly help me
Another great video, thank you very much for sharing. I have had TMD for many years and I have always managed to get a decent night's sleep by sleeping on my side.
I’m glad you’ve found a way to get good sleep!
Thanks so much for this video. Unfortunately I’m on that seemingly long journey to find a solution to my tmj/tmd. PT, iontophoresis, dry needling. No success yet. I really believe that my tmj issues began from sleeping improperly.
Best of luck to you!
thanks doc.
its very helpful, i started to encouter the tmj, and im trying to do the self care by watching your videos,,
thank you so much.
You’re welcome!
Thank you thank you thank you. I have learned so much since I have been watching your videos ❤
You’re welcome!!! Don’t forget to Subscribe 🙏🏼
You are so great at explaining everything! I guess I’ll have to sleep on my side, which I was avoiding doing to prevent wrinkles :)
Thank you! Don’t forget to Subscribe!
Rather wrinkles then pain
thank you! did you end up sharing any resources to potentially good pillows?
This is interesting, I'll try this tonight and see how it goes. Thanks doc 🙏
you're welcome!
Very informative video thank you doctor you're amazing!! it helped as always,Have an amazing day ahead 💜🧿
thank you!! 😊
Your videos have been very helpful to me. I used to sleep with my hands on my face as always and I didn't know that it's mainly one of the reason why my jaw looks painful everytime I wake up and sometimes click. It's crazy that it somehow lead to the point that I experienced headaches and had a hard time focusing on my work. Thank you so much for your very informative videos, I really learned a lot!! But I also have a question doctor, how about for some people like me who do not use pillows? Would that be okay?
I really don’t feel comfortable answering your question because the pillow you use is dependent on your neck. If you have neck pain or strain, the pillow you use could impact that.
I've just recently aquired tmj. About 3 months now. I sleep sitting up for 2 years now. This thing is so painful. It's intense, then seems likes it is clearing up ,then hits me hard again. I don't have sleep apnea or really even snore. I don't have any injuries. It just simply started one day . I find chewing gum seems to actually give me a little relief . Though ,it's not recommended. I am trying various rubbing techniques, not helping yet.
sorry to hear this!
Same for me. No sleep apnea or injuries. Chewing gum DOES help ease my pain, even though they don’t recommend it. Which is frustrating.
try to seek treatment asap. don't ignore it. and do exercises on the channel.
C-2 misalignment can also be a problem with TMJD so working with a chiropractor as well as an occlusion specialist is a good idea. I have c-2 misalignment. I unfortunately can only sleep on my back because of a shoulder injury. But I've trained myself to keep my tongue on the roof of the mouth when sleeping so I feel ok about sleeping on my back.
yes it can!
That's my issue. Anytime it goes out my tmj acts up extremely bad. My head feels like a balloon about to explode right now
@@jessieallen1894any relief? Exactly the same thing I feel right now
Thank you for giving me the truth regarding how to sleep. So many places I have stumbled onto online say that sleeping on the back is best for TMJ. Starting tonight I will begin sleeping on my right side and we'll see where that leads. Does the side that one chooses to sleep on matter?
No it doesn’t matter :)
,tnx for the very informative video it's so interesting and true...👍👏👏👏
You’re welcome! Don’t forget to Subscribe!!
This is a really honest answer with the pillow and it's 100% true, I've tried a bunch of pillows some of which are specifically marketed to TMJ and it really is about which one supports your neck the best. For me, I'm currently using a tempurpedic pillow - if you find a store near you they'll let you try them out there in the store to see which is best for you and they also have a good return policy if you find your not happy. Might want to get 2 different ones then return the one you like less. Thanks for the video Priya!
Thank you!!! 😊
Can you please tell me why I went to PT for my TMJ pain and they told me to sleep on my back?!? 😭😭 eventually left them because the practice was a mess, and am now seeing an orthodontist who is making special mouth guards before potential surgery to fix my misaligned jaw, which I believe is at the root of my TMJ.
Many body workers will tell you to sleep on your back for alignment reasons but I don’t think this is good for TMD. Sorry you’re going through this!
I have always been suspecting my sleeping position in contributing to my jaw pain. Thank you for this video! I have no problem with sleeping sideways it's just that I sleep in that position where you put your hands in your under your jaw. Hopefully I can practice not to do that even when sleeping haha
I dont wish to discredit Priya, however if yoi search "what positions to sleep with tmjd" 9/10 of those searches will recommend against side sleeping, and advise sleeping on your back. I feel torn personally because priya has helped me learn so much, however its hard to look past virtually every other "expert"'s opinion.
I have the same exact issue
Thank you so much 💕💕💕
You’re welcome!
I was sleeping on my back for a year and thought it's the best position to avoid grinding.
It's probably the worst position to avoid grinding, especially if you have any sleep disordered breathing.
Great video! I'm finding it very difficult to sleep on my back, so I end up shifting to my side on the night. I've had a really hard time finding a good pillow, if anyone has any ideas? I'm also going for a sleep study this week to check out my airway, possible sleep apnea, and why I wake up so many times during the night. Do your patients tend to need a CPAP machine and how do they use it with their orthotic? I haven't slept much in years, looking forward to finding the causes.
I'm sorry but I don't have a great pillow recommendation yet. As for my patients, yes they can use a TMJ orthotic and a CPAP at the same time.
What worked for me as a side sleeper is that Avocado mini organic adjustable fill pillow and I travel with it too. It keeps my neck in a neutral position since I adjusted the full according. Hope this helps.
Thank you. 😊
You’re welcome!
Thank you for the video!! I sleep on my side but habitually bring the chin to chest/bend my neck forwards and have forward head posture generally. Apart from postural work in the day is there anything I can do to encourage better sleeping posture? I seem also to lay on the trigger point/sore joint as a subconscious habit which is clearly not helping!! Thank you! ♥️
You're so welcome! I'm sorry but I don't have any more suggestions besides what's in this video :)
Thank you for this. I have tmj and my worst symptoms are tinnitus and pain/ pressure on ear drums along with clicking/ popping sounds. But the sounds are not constant. I might hear crepitus in the morning and then it goes. Is there any imaging test that i can get done to confirm if my disc is dislocated ?
Please watch this video:
CBCT or MRI? - Priya Mistry, DDS (the TMJ doc) #cbct #mri #tmj
Grazie dall'Italia mi sono appena iscritta perché c'è la traduzione 💖
Thanks! ☺️
Thank you so much for the channel! I was recently diagnosed with this and so far I have a lot of symptoms: face pain (under eye, ear, nose, throat), balance problems, tiredness, numb hands but also feet. also its hard to walk to the same time i have face pain (30s-3min). have you ever heard that this might affect feet too or never? My doctor said it can affect which I found weird…
Yes it can affect everything you listed off. Have you seen a tmj dentist? It’s important to find one who is skilled and experienced in treating this.
I have all same debilitating symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, brain fog, vision hearing issues, pain neck and jaw and unable to walk or stand 18mths now with no help in Australia NSW.....no dentist in Sydney or Newcastle who understand TMJ and how to treat so as a single mum health declining fast and I honestly dont think I be around much longer......its cruel.😥
Wish I could find help it's not a life
What type of throat pain do you feel? Like a sore throat? I had an endoscopy and they saw that my hypopharynx was irritated I feel so much pain deep inside my throat but not like a sore throat its deeper.. Can this be because of tmjd? Or throat muscles? Or is it an acid problem. No doctor can tell me why my hypopharynx is irritated and where this pain comes from 😔
@@michellewood7183 me too!!! It has taken me 13 months to figure out that this is coming from TMJ. Never would have thought! How are you holding up?
@@diamonddancecompany8254 unfortunately I still have no help and my condition is not good at all....slowly declining very fast...dont know what else I can do I can no longer walk or stand as balance and dizzy very off.😥
Brilliant video! Beautifully explained
Thank you kindly!
Hi Dr, just wondering if you had any views on Eagle Syndrome as a cause of TMD? Thankyou for all you great videos.
No I have not seen that :)
Really helpful video. Thanks
You're welcome!
Love watching your Videos.
Thank you! 🙏🏼😊
I’ve always thought my sleeping position didn’t help my TMJ So thank you for the video
I have always slept on my side. But when I do, I find I am more apt to have clicking problems when I do. When I try to sleep on my back, I don’t seem to have as much clicking if any.
So I always thought I needed to try sleeping on my back. The problem is, I can’t do that. I naturally go to my side by habit.
I don’t have OSA. And I don’t put my hands under my jaw.
SoI still think I need to try sleeping on my back
What do you think?
I really don't feel comfortable making a specific suggestion for you over the internet and without examining you. Sorry and best of luck to you!
@@theTMJdoc thank you for the reply. I have shoulder problems also. And sleeping on my side puts pressure on my shoulders.
Imho it's not that bad to sleep a short time on your stomach if you put pillows under the chest and under the forehead (you need to find the right size/shape of pillows to make it work).
That position actually helped my TMJ but it's not great for sleeping so after a few hours I usually wake up and lay on my side. But it totally relaxes my jaw.
I’m glad that works for you!! 😊🙏🏼
I sleep usually on my side, to avoid issues, and I use a hand plant on my chin to protect my neck from excessively twisting. If I must sleep on my back, I prop myself with pillows so I don't lie completely back and it is like sitting.
I think I don't have sleep apnea.
But what happens is when dehydration kicks in when I wake up after sleep, and I try to move my nose to and fro and to and fro with my hands, or if I stretch post-sleep, I hear what I thought was a pop from my C1-C3 neck joint, but I realize the pop was not at the neck. It was right in my TMJ! No pain in my TMJ, but this jaw "pop" is TMJ crepitus. Can I stop this "TMJ pop" by drinking water before I sleep?
This joint pop also happens when I had mild idiopathic angioedema, causing my mouth-opening size to be reduced--like somebody having scleroderma disease of the face. But I don't have scleroderma. Sneezing during the angioedema can also cause this TMJ pop too.
I don't think that drinking water will stop your jaw from popping.
I have gotten TMJ over a month ago after a dentist did a really bad job with a filling. Basically she shaved it too low, and misaligned my bite and that led to the left side of my jaw overworking 😮. I found a new dentist and she is great, she fixed the filling and instantly I was relieved of some of the pain. However, I’m still dealing with issues with the muscles that control the jaw. So now I’m in jaw therapy. In my case TMJ also led to me experiencing tinnitus 😭.
I moved to a new city last summer and signed into a new dental practice. I wish I had researched the dentist I was assigned to, because after all of this happened I learned that she finished dental school in 2023 🫠. So her lack of experience has led me to this painful situation that I’m praying can be healed with therapy.
Sorry to hear that and I hope you find relief soon!
Im addicted to cracking my jaw after grinding my teeth from stress and ignorance. I need to put my mind over matter and let my jaw heal itself. Its been an issue for about 4 to 5 months now and im becoming quite anxious and afraid that the matter can grow into a huge issue ahhh
Yes, try to make a mindful effort stop daytime clenching/bruxing activity! :)
I literally can get 0 sleep when I try to sleep on my side , I spend an hour just trying to sleep. Only time I get sleep is on the back or stomach although it’s been a long time I’ve avoided the back
Got my custom nightguard today though I suspect it won’t do squat . I mentioned the c1 & c2 misaligned stuff today to the tmj specialist and she was “impressed” I brought it up ... why don’t they bring it up? Why am I the one who has to keep bringing up suggestions lol ... I’ve made it very clear I want to find the cause of my tmj so I can do something about it and not depend on guards and other accessories.
Swear most ppl who treat you couldn’t give 2 shits about actually helping people resolve issues. Thanks for your videos at least give more info than the people we go see
Sorry to hear you're going through this. :/
Please do video about trigeminal nuralgia separate video please
I already have :). Here it is:
Im a side sleeper but problem is when i sleep on right side, my head sort of sinks or goes down. So i do need hand support. It has caused problems with my jaw as im currently having tmj issues as a clicking noise is produced on my right side when i yawn..
Your video has reinforced my belief that placing hand underneath the face isnt a good practice. Im trying but at times its involuntary and i do end up with some sort of bracing by my right hand..
Can you get a firmer pillow?
I have c5 to c7 disc bulging which causesforaminal stenosis. Due to that, I need a customised pillow which shouldn't be too soft nor too firm.
Thank you Dr Priya for the ♥ remark..
Thank you very insightful.
You're very welcome!
OMG I have wondered and asked the dentist why I hyper extend my jaw out at night pushing it so hard forward that it's painful and wakes me up. You just said because I am struggling to get air no one has told me that. 😢 .
I struggle with that only sometimes but when I do of course it causes the muscle the jaw muscles especially on one side into my head and my ear and my face to be so extremely nagging type pain to deal with
Sorry to hear this!
Good morning Priya,
Very well presented and informative. Well done, Ma'am.
Am age 72. Woke up this past Thanksgiving morning with jaw popping in left joint only when closing my mouth, no popping when opening, with zero pain or discomfort. Am a side sleeper and must sleep on my left side only, as old injuries prevent me sleeping on my right. Personally aggravating, and embarrassing to eat around folks as the popping is very audible within 8 feet or so. I've had a hard life and have lost all my molars so am not able to 'maintain' my jaw muscle strength through chewing firm to hard foods. Could the lack of my molars be a factor ?
Thank you.
It could be, yes.
This video is so helpful. Thanks a lot.
You’re welcome!!
I can't talk comfortably, I feel like my face is stiff and drool always comes out when I talk. I used to not be able to open my jaw wide, but now I can but there is a sound when I open my jaw, is this inability to speak influenced by my tmj?, I really suffer from the inability to speak :( this really makes me suffer because of the difficulty socialization for 4 years, I really struggled for this
The dysfunctional muscles involved with TMD can affect speech.
Thank you dr Priya, your videos are very thorough and informative. I wish I was close to you, can you recommend a good TMJ doc in Australia?
Dr Yin Teoh at Sydney Wholistic Dental Centre comes recommended but I don’t know this practitioner personally or their treatment methods
@@theTMJdoc Thanks for your prompt response. Sorry I forgot to ask if you know in Melbourne 😊
@@moonlitsky5744 there’s a place called “TMJ and Facial Pain Clinic” in Melbourne. Again I’m not sure what their treatment methods are.
@@theTMJdoc Thanks, that’s really appreciated. Mine was actually caused by trauma, not by the hit that gave me a jaw fracture just over 2 months ago, but I honestly believe it was caused by the hospital inserting the Erich arch bars where my jaw was wired shut for almost 7 weeks (it can’t be from the initial impact as I had no pain till about week 5 into the closed jaw). Knowing what I know now, after watching your videos, it’s hard to believe OMF surgeons still use the jaw wiring technique with total disregard to condyle position in the fossa and the delicate nature on TMJ !
@@moonlitsky5744 sorry to hear that!
Hi Priya - Your TMJ Lock videos are super helpful. We cannot thank you enough for reasons ...My friends son has Open Jaw Lock and the surgeon recommended Jaw replacement that horrified us. We saw your videos, and another local surgeon here in NJ tried to manipulate the jaw back, but he could not suspecting either there is scar tissue or growth. Is it possible to have a Zoom Consult with you ? How do we reach you soon?
Thanks in Advance.
Hi! You can email patientcare@tmjdentaldoc.com to set up a zoom meeting with me :)
How do you fix your sleep position in your mid sleep?
I don’t have a good answer for this. I think there are pillows that can help you stay in a certain position.
@@theTMJdoc thanks for the response. I think I have it from sleeping on my side but I have horrible tmj… I wear a night guard and so the massages and exercises and still in terrible pain and it’s the side I do sleep on. I try to lay on the other side and almost have a hard time sleeping and then I find myself back on the other side in the morning.
I have been sleeping on my side the entire time I have had TMJD when I had only once side of my face with TMJD, but now I find that my pain is spreading to my previously 'good' side which is incredibly disheartening. If I sleep on either of my sides, I get pain from putting pressure against the TMJ area. I'm worried about aggravating my better side if I sleep on my better side, but lying on my bad side is just a recipe for extra pain. So I feel a bit stuck.
Sorry to hear this! Have you gotten treatment for TMD? Sleep position alone won’t get rid of pain unfortunately
@@theTMJdoc Thank you for replying! I have a custom moulded nightguard for TMJ but I find that it strains my jaw too much to wear it, which I hope wouldn't also be the case for actual splints I might get. I have recently found magnesium to be very helpful, however, which has been a great relief.
Thanks for this, very helpful
You’re welcome!
Despite seemingly having TMJ for many years, it only really became like "holy shit" after my wisdom teeth became impacted, then I got lockjaw... I am trying to figure out whether removing the wisdom teeth would just make everything 10x worse... and whether the impaction just aggravated the TMJ or instead created it, I suspect that it simply aggravated the TMJ.
what are your current symptoms?
@@theTMJdoc uhhh, fun list! Jaw/neck pain [left bias], first (?) molar on left side ultra-sensitive - radiating pain outward to jaw, overall tooth sensitivity, really bad malocclusion, jaw opens incorrectly to left side then aligns at end, all kind of popping when opening, lots of potentially associated stuff like a persistent headache/tinnitus, ongoing nerve pinch in neck, numbness in extremities, severe insomnia, poor myofascial development, improper tongue positioning, difficulty swallowing, etc.
@@Retrofire-47mine became worse after removal but dr insisted it could cause nerve infection later so i gad to get ot removed
@@mamatapandey6073 Do you think it is worth* getting the extraction(s) performed if the infection is "mild" according to the surgeon(s) and also if my TMD is severe? I honestly decided to hold off because I would actually rather have the latent infection in my mouth - so long as my body has it under control - rather than do something that could destabilize the situation like an invasive surgery. I actually just wanted to hear your honest take on my situation... if you don't feel like responding, no prob
@@Retrofire-47how'd it go?
Can you send me a link where to get or what you would like to recommend a pillow to use when you have tmj? Thank you
I still haven't found one!
@@theTMJdoc Thank you
My mouth is locked and is opening only up to 2-3 fingers. I am having pain near my ears while opening my mouth. This has happened to me before as well but it used to get better within 15-20 minutes but it has been 4 days and it is not getting better😢😢
Sorry to hear this!
@@theTMJdoc it will get better on its own?
you're welcome!
It's like you heard me, Priya. I have TMD and been okay for a few months. Done a lot of jaw PT and neck excersises. I figured out I have sleep apnea 2 weeks ago and sleep with a cpap now. I'm only 38 and was pretty shocked I have severe sleep apnea. I'm female and also have hormonal issues so I always thought this is the cause of my TMD and now, sleep apnea. But since wearing the cpap my TMD is flaring up like crazy on the left side. My eye even hurts so bad. The pressure is insane. It's dry but watery. Very strange. I try sleeping on my side but that seems to make tmd so much worse. The weird thing is that my sleep apnea is improving rapidly with the cpap. It's only been 2 weeks of usage and I have hardly any apneas now. But I feel so much worse overall. I don't understand that. I'm a bit lost. My neck is always tight. I'm always busy massaging it, dry needling it etc. And it only helps for a short while. Those simple tasks you're mentioning that your patient did, makes tmd so much worse for me as well. When I tell my PT or my dentist this they don't understand. I was diagnosed with fybromyalgia this year. But I could never really see that. I'm in pain, but it's always the same muscles. Neck, shoulders, jaw, eye, head. I have lower back problems as well. But that's been there way before tmd started.
I think I do use my hand against my jaw during sleep. But I'm not aware of it. All this makes so much sense. I hope to be able to relieve this eye pressure and migraine. It's been there for 2 full days now and I can't function because of it.
I live in Europe and somehow feel tmd doesn't get the same attention as it does over there. I don't k ow anyone with tmd.
Thanks so much for your video. It's really like you heard me. I've been down and crying today. Just because I'm in so much pain. It stinks. I thought I managed my TMD for the last months. I was even hopeful that the cpap would also cure my TMD. It does not. 😓
Sorry you’re going through this. When the muscles are trapped in a dysfunctional state, it can be incredibly painful and usually treatment is needed to address those muscles specifically. This involves the use of a TMJ orthotic. Dr Jaz Gulati is in the UK. He may be able to help you.
Magnesium (especially magnesium malate if you have fatigue) and optimal D3 levels are really important if you have fibromyalgia. Targeting some key nutrition points with help from a trusted health professional might be what you need to break the stress/pain cycle. I hope you find some relief!
Dear Dr Mistry, did it occur to you that a patient whose neck locks that easily from helping to manipulate a pillow case may have BJHMD or Ehlers-Danlos type 3? Those of us who do can sustain serious joint injuries from what are considered normal daily activities. Your patient should have been referred to a rheumatologist for an Ehlers or other hypermobility disorder assessment. There can also be mutations on the SPARC gene and other genetic factors. Other than that - nice video series on a problem that often needs further diagnosis.
Yes of course I’m aware of hypermobilith disorders and I have a video on that and make referrals as needed.
Great video .for few months i was missing the deep sleep.yes i feel i grind my teeth and sometime i suddenly clunch my teeth .Even sometime my tongue got hurt.i was feeling a littlte pain when i chew on the right side.i was considering a teeth issue but now i came to know this is TMJ. Should i go i get test whether i have sleep apnea ?
Ite not just the TMJ joint before that i was feeling pain in my knee with out knowing the reason.Now i feel the sleep problem is the reason for all this. please advice me something
I'm sorry but I cannot advise you over the internet and without examining you.
I suffering with tmj since 5 months eating to food ccomes to some sound from jaws how to reduced your videos are well but how long fuffer give some solution
there's no way I can answer this over the internet and without examining you.
I don't grind my teeth when I sleep, but i do have TMJ issues. My husband did say I sleep with my mouth open. Do you have any tips for keeping your mouth closed?
Check out this video:
Somnifix - How it Can Help YOU - Priya Mistry, DDS (the TMJ doc) #somnifix #sponsored #ad
I cant sleep on my side (masseter athrophy, internal derangement). The entire force of my head puts pressure on the joint. I have about 12 pillows. Sometimes the pillow that works doesnt the next day. Sleeping on my back is the only way that I can more or less sleep.
If that’s the case, then I’d recommend sleeping with your head elevated!
Hello Dr Priya, considering booking an appointment, where are you located, is it Portland or Vancouver ?
Vancouver, Washington :)
Do you think an issue with the nose can contribute to TMJ? I can't breathe well through my nose and end up sleeping with my mouth open and I'm convinced this is what caused my TMJ
Yes! Mouth breathing can be a contributing factor
Is sleeping on the side safe so that it doesn't put pressure on the joint? Because I tried sleeping on my side and felt stiffness in my face. Is this because of the pillow and should I change it
I’m not sure why that is.. sorrry.
Both my discs are dislocated without reduction. My insurance will not pay for it unless it is submitted medically. I'm in alot of pain. What can I do?
sorry to hear that! Well, it's a medical condition because it's a problem with the muscles and the jaw joints (not the teeth) so it should be submitted to medical insurance. this is how I treat this condition with a 90% success rate at my office:
So when sleeping on your side can your hand be under your temple?
No I wouldn’t recommend that
I have ear pain and jaw pain because of TMJ on both sides and I have neck pain which is C 1 as you mentioned. My chiropractor is helping me for C1 issues but question about the sleep . As I sleep straight it’s difficult for me to breathe right now because of my allergies and it’s blocking my airway as you mentioned .I can’t sleep on both sides my jaw is paining .What pillow I should use than doctor and what position you might recommend in my scenario?
Well I never recommend sleeping flat on your back or your stomach and you can’t sleep on your sides. Hmmm.. Can you sleep slightly elevated and on your back?
@@theTMJdoc why don't you recommend sleeping flat on your back? I usually do that..I heard not to sleep on your sides with TMJ but now I'm not sure what to believe
Hey priya, can you tell me what causes the mandible to grow unevenly
My left mandible is a bit backward which makes my face look asymmetrical, is that because of my wrong sleeping posture or something?
There are many reasons for this - asymmetrical condylar growth, condylar hyper- or hypo-plasia, sometimes the way the teeth come together affects the growth, etc.
I have been a side sleeper for a long time now - however I am finding that when I sleep on the side where my articular disc is reduced when I close my jaw occasionally it always pops and catches the disc in my TMJ, if I turn over and sleep on the other side so that the disc is the side not in contact with the pillow then this never happens and it never catches! Not sure why that is - I guess its because my jaw is not hanging out to the side and is more aligned?
Yes this is exactly why!
Priya can you make video on subconscious mind and meditation.
I really don't think I'm the person that should be making that video because I don't know very much about it.
Hey have you had chance experiment good pillow
I have! I love @pillowise!
Hi Dr. Mistry, are you able to treat someone with TMJD if they are pregnant?
Yes! :)
I have a full mask for sleep apnea cpap. I find my hands are frequently under my cheek while sleeping to keep the tubing in place. TMD (anterior displacement of disc since July 8, 2022). Suggestions?
I’m sorry but I cannot make suggestions over the internet and without follow up questions and discussion. If you’d like you can email my office to set up a zoom meeting with me - patientcare@tmjdentaldoc.com
@theTMJdoc I definitely understand that it is impossible to make suggestions. I am thinking that I might like to see you in person for suggestions and treatment. I would really like to be able to eat in a normal fashion, procede in the lifestyle I enjoy. At the age of 72 (no other aches, pains or medical issues other than hypothyroid), I would like to live an active life with no jawpain.
What about a bed that elevates head or triangle pillow to lift head?
Elevating your head can be helpful if you have sleep apnea
Good morning doc. I grind my teeth at night. I wear retainers at night, but my jaw while im sleeping still finds a way to clinch my back teeth together that are not covered by my retainers. Im getting tooth pain already.What can i do??? Thank you.
I’m sorry but I cannot make specific suggestions for your treatment over the internet and without examining you.
@@theTMJdoc ok I understand thank you
Hi Doc. I have TMJD and just recently diagnosed with sleep apnea. I wear a cpap and find that the only position I can sleep is on my back. Do you recommend the number of pillows that i should use ? I wake up feeling dizzy and and have pain not only in my jaw but also my shoulder blades. Thank you.
I would recommend trying to sleep elevated if possible. That could be 2-3 pillows. Best of luck!
@@theTMJdoc thank you so much! Appreciate it 😊
Sometimes my jaw feels out of alignment when I sleep on my side. I don't know how to sleep on your side without placing pressure on your jaw? I don't sleep with my hand up on my face.
You may have some pressure on your jaw and that can be OK for most. But for a rare few it can cause them to lock closed. Does this happen to you?
I suffer severe sore throat, ear aches and shoulder pain from my tmj disorder for 7years now.. am really worried about the sore throat .. on the left side.. what can I do about it Doctor ?
I’m sorry but I cannot give you advice over the internet and without examining you in person.
doc thank you.. I understand.
Im your new subscriber dr priya,
this is vry helpful tips though
can you plz let us knw regarding TMJ Exercises as Im suffering from this TMJ problem
its requested msg
highly Obliged
thax a ton
Are you asking a question?
@@theTMJdoc oh th a ton for reply
yes i want to need TMJ Exercise
really appreciatted
doc, just a few months ago, i have pain all over my left side i thought it was my tooth but it was not per dentist, so he think i have TMJ, i wear night guard every night but i have pain when i opened my mouth wide or yawn. Do I need TMJ night guard?
I'm sorry but I cannot advise you over the internet and without examining you.
@@theTMJdoc Thank you!
Im suffering from tmjd, my orthodontics prescribed me splint. Lock jaw lessens, neck pain, headaches.
The only problem is when i speak my jaw and lower teeth keeps forwarding. How can i deal with this doc?
@@johnykciw3687 i’m sorry, but there’s no way I can answer this question over the Internet and without examining you. Best of luck to you!
Thank you :)
You’re welcome!!
Is ok to put your arm/hand under the pillow since we don’t directly put the hand to our face?
Yes! I do that!
@@theTMJdoc what pillow you use Dr Priya
Idk if my migraines are from tmj or just teeth misalignment. My teeth have been shifting and the pain and pressure from the shifting has been causing massive and recurrent migraines. I also sleep on my stomach with my hands under my pillow so I'm unsure if I have tmj or not. I am just looking for relief from these frequent migraines. They last all day and sometimes days. It's so intolerable.
Sorry to hear that! Have you seen a TMJ dentist?
Is sleeping on your side still recommended if a person struggles with forward head posture?
I also noticed before I got my mouth guard that when sleeping on a inclined bed it helped me with tmj pain. I feel like my lower jaw stays open a because it is pulled down by grawity. I had stop it thou when i got my mouth guard that it thends to lock more easilly. So with mouht guard I sleep on normall bed but if I would not have mouth guard sleeping on an incline helped me.
Also I cant sleep on my side if im wearing my mouth guard because my jaw locks more easilly. I feel like my jaw doesn't stay center when sleepin on my side. So sleeping on my back works for me the best.
Thanks for sharing!
Do you know if they make hypoallergenic night guards? I started clenching my teeth and it started causing serious pain in my jaw so I got a night guard but something in the night guard gave me throat and breathing problems. I tried to get an msds sheet for the night guard but my dentist and the company could not or would not provide one, so I am not sure what is causing it. My dentist said he does not know and has not provided any other possible solution, so I have to choose between pain in my teeth and jaw or breathing problems.....
I’m sorry I don’t know of any hypoallergenic materials for nightguards.
I feel too much ear ache in my left ear when I sleep on left side but when I change my side it goes away .
I visited 4 ENT but there z nothing wrong with my ear.
Now I feel ear pain even if I m awake.with sometime neck n shoulder pain also.
Plz tell me what's this??
I need help
Please watch this video as I explain the ear pain:
Hello, Dr. I'm from the Philippines. Is it possible to have numb legs and hands as TMJ symptoms. Hope you answer.
Yes it is!
@@theTMJdoc Thank you, so much for answering.
Hello Dr. Mistry
I am a 18 year old boy. My jaw is popping but without any pain.
Should I use braces ?? Or any other treatments?
I’m sorry but I cannot make a recommendation for your treatment over the internet and without examining you.
Should I sleep on the side with my tmj or without?
This can vary from person to person so i don’t have a good answer. Sorry! I’d first try sleeping on the side without the TmJ pain.
I don’t sleep 💤 on my side or stomach at all so at least that’s one thing I don’t do at least. Unfortunately I still suffer horribly from TMD/TMJ and have for over 35 years and it’s gotten worse the past 7 years to the point that it interferes with my daily living. 🤕I suffer dizziness and light headedness as well. I also have severe anxiety and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 6 years ago. I’ve also been trying different pillows for years now and still haven’t found the pillow for me that really helps. But I keep trying. Wish I lived in your area because finding a specialist in my area is next to impossible. But I will try some of your recommendations. Thank you 🙏
Where do you live?
I feel for you because I'm going through same stuff and no help where I live near Sydney or Newcastle in Australia.