The Predator SPOILER REVIEW (2018) - It Ain't Broke Episode 7

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @SpeedBoost
    @SpeedBoost 6 років тому +12

    What I want to know is, what is with this lazy self referential bullshit that's in all of these modern films?
    Alien Covenant has David playing the Prometheus theme on a recorder!
    Solo has The Imperial March theme playing on a television advertisement for recruitment into The Imperial Army!
    So that means that The Imperial March exists in the Star Wars universe!?
    So I guess that means that every time Darth Vader is onscreen and The Imperial March is playing, that's not a piece of score added by John Williams, but that is actually Darth Vader blasting that music out of a boombox speaker in his chest and everyone in the scene can hear it!?
    And The Predator has the characters referring to The Predators as "Predators"!
    They were never called "Predators" in the in-universe canon, they aren't actually given any name, as no one knows how to communicate with them in order to get a name out of them, so they are just referred to as a "Thing", an "Alien" or a "Demon" by the characters in the movies.
    The movies are called "The Predator" because the "Predators" hunt humans like "Prey" and the alien characters are referred to that name (Predators) by the audience as there's no other name given to identify it as anything else.
    Calling them "Predators" in the movie as an official name, makes about as much sense as calling the alien in The Thing "The Thing" as it's actual name that it goes by.
    The names "Predator" , "Alien" and "Thing" are names given to these creatures because there's no way to communicate with them so it's impossible to know their actual name, species, history and motives, because ...
    I can't stand how lazy modern screen writing is, as it's just a bunch of people trying to as self referential and mastabatory as possible.
    Knowing that Shane Black wrote this schlock actually shocks me, as he is a legitimately talented writer.

  • @stitcha123
    @stitcha123 6 років тому +3

    Mummy Harper only lets me stay up till 7 and I have to sleep in the Superman pjs she bought me for my birthday. I told her I didn’t like them and she slapped my face shouting ‘’Christopher Reeve DIED for those Pyjamas!’’😔
    I hate it here.

  • @danliles4239
    @danliles4239 6 років тому +35

    Nice to see Brad on this channel. I was wondering what the visitation rights were after the divorce.

    • @retrogameblog8446
      @retrogameblog8446 6 років тому

      does rich do anything with oliver any more?

    • @davidjames579
      @davidjames579 6 років тому +1

      Retro Game Blog no. Richard and Duncan announced they'd left Oliver's channel permanently

    • @josephcooper8754
      @josephcooper8754 6 років тому

      David James Why?

    • @davidjames579
      @davidjames579 6 років тому +5

      Joseph Cooper they stated creative differences. They haven't said any more, and I think its fair to assume that's for legal reasons. Or because it's a personal thing so they don't feel comfortable, or the need, to discuss it in public. All we know is they won't be working with Oliver again. But anyway we got two different channels now, and I love how Val Verde's turned out, so its a win as far as the viewers are concerned.

  • @floyd75dylan
    @floyd75dylan 6 років тому +7

    For a super intelligent race, they’re not really that intelligent if they consider a person with autism who feels anxiety because the world overwhelms them as the ultimate hunter upgrade.
    That’s not really an advantage to be the ultimate hunter.
    So if the predators whole mission now is to kidnap people with autism to make them in to better hunters, they really need to do some serious research, as some autistic people have learning disabilities, mental health issues, ADHD, Down syndrome etc.
    Now I’m not damning people with autism, I’m damning the writers whose only knowledge of autism is fucking Rain Man.
    And don’t get me started on that bloke with Tourettes.

  • @duncans9071
    @duncans9071 6 років тому +11

    I'm surprised comrade Jackson was complimentary to the USA propaganda movie Predators. A film that said the events of the first Predator movie took place in Guatemala, and not our glorious nation of Val Verde.

  • @grahamhaspassedaway4580
    @grahamhaspassedaway4580 6 років тому +8

    Am I the only one who hated this film *because* it was funny? Predator movies are NOT supposed to be fricken comedies! Sure, the original movie had some character humour in it up front. But once it got rolling these people were not joking around with one another, because they're watching their friends being brutally murdered. The movie is supposed to be scary and horrific, not funny!

    • @jamstonjulian6947
      @jamstonjulian6947 6 років тому +2

      People misremember the original as comedic because it has Arnie and some amusingly over the top action. But John McTiernan took his craft very seriously and that's what makes Predator keep your interest.

    • @Thewingkongexchange
      @Thewingkongexchange 6 років тому +5

      Yeah, everyone remembers the one-liners from 'Predator' but all the humour comes during the first act when it's all easy pickings for the team. The moment the Predator starts picking people off, the jokes stop (except for the "ugly mother fucker" line but that's to break the tension before the final fight).

  • @Thewingkongexchange
    @Thewingkongexchange 6 років тому +12

    There's your quote for the poster:
    "I didn't want to kill myself watching that movie" - Brad Watson

    • @davidjames579
      @davidjames579 6 років тому +4

      Thewingkongexchange "After the film, I walked a mile longer than I had to, just to keep talking about it" Richard Jackson (Fox are grabbing that one for sure)

  • @LeftoverBeefcake
    @LeftoverBeefcake 6 років тому +3

    WHAT? You both don't like Predator 2????? I mean, it's not as brilliant as say, Road House, but come on, it's got Bill Paxton and Gary Busey! Next you'll both tell me you don't like Road House!

  • @kenchun24
    @kenchun24 5 років тому +1

    I'm 100% with Brad on The Chopped Up Predator, you can tell the studio was all up in Shane's movie with all the reshoots, BUT, I still had a goofy fun good time watching it. Some of the Black humor worked for me, the hard R gore worked for me, and the cast (except for Munn) worked for me. Not great, but I enjoyed it, def better than that other Franchise Part 5 from 2015, the truly offensive to it's franchise, piss poor cash grab Terminator: Genysys.

  • @Sam_Montgomery
    @Sam_Montgomery 6 років тому +17

    So the Predators from Predators didn't kidnap Adrain Brody becuase he was worthy game, but because they just wanted that Adrien Brody nose dna? Ok

    • @danliles4239
      @danliles4239 6 років тому +7

      Predators are now dynamite on the piano.

    • @davidjames579
      @davidjames579 6 років тому +1

      Dan Liles but can't get any good follow up roles

  • @JHallenbeck
    @JHallenbeck 5 років тому +1

    How about a new Predator movie where a predator gets crash lands on a small desert island and the only other inhabitant there is Nicolas Cage. At first they fight but then they become friends. 'Predator: The Castaway Redemption'.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 6 років тому +1

    Guys PREDATOR is a horror / action movie NOT A COMEDY and it has very bad story.

  • @garydarnell3117
    @garydarnell3117 6 років тому +7

    You know it's gonna be shit when Arnie turns it down.

  • @RainBird88x
    @RainBird88x 6 років тому +3

    Like the Alien , Robocop and Terminator franchise, Predator needs to be left to die in peace while it still has a sherd of dignity left.

  • @1dbanner
    @1dbanner 6 років тому +4

    I'm going to make a film called The Star Wars.

  • @AdrianMendoza23
    @AdrianMendoza23 6 років тому +2

    Im with Brad on this one. Has 'Mandy' come out in the UK? Have either of you seen it? Will you see it?

  • @colinthedogfromspaced9365
    @colinthedogfromspaced9365 6 років тому +6

    The Predator....Not as good as Coleslaw.

    • @davidjames579
      @davidjames579 6 років тому

      colin the dog from SPACED "It was a fact universally agreed that The Predator is not as good as Coleslaw" wrote Jane Austen

  • @leethomas2155
    @leethomas2155 5 років тому

    I thought this film was a complete shit show, truly FUCKING AWFUL with no redeeming qualities. A complete insult to the first 2 far superior films and makes a mockery of the overall franchise. Every copy of this film should be destroyed and everyone who had the misfortune to witness this crime in filmmaking and humanity should have their memory wiped by the Men in Black flashy thing.

  • @namcos
    @namcos 6 років тому +1

    They should have just done the Predator film on the pirate ship. At least in that film the "lead" dies - we know this due to the trophy Harrigan gets in the 2nd film!
    I agree that Predator isn't really a franchisable series - it does best as 1 shots. So do sequels as monster vs ninja/pirate/future tech etc. That way the film knows what it is.

  • @j-asher
    @j-asher 5 років тому

    It's worse the worst Predator movie, easily, more than AVP: Requiem because it should've learned from that movies mistakes by not setting it in suburbia, not repeat them lol The tone was uneven, some jokes were funny individually but didn't fit the movie at all, none of the plot made any sense, neither did anyone's motivations. Any cool concepts this movie could've had, (like a Predator attempting to save humanity from a more advanced hunter) it squandered them straight away. The concept of the Assassin Predator made no logical sense, a Predator is already physically and technologically superior to everything it kills, why would it harvest the DNA of its kills to add to its own? The Predator movies don't really work as sequels but better as one shots that don't have to connect, just a different Predator, in a new location, hunting new prey. That being said, I still enjoyed Predator 2 and Predators, this makes those movies look like The Godfather/Godfather part 2 lol

  • @BretHiggins
    @BretHiggins 5 років тому

    I just saw this last night (I know it's December, but there you go, I couldn't get to the cinema). It's not a good movie, it lacks the danger and suspense the genre needs. But... and I'm cringing a little... I really enjoyed it! It has a cheesy charm of its own and I feel like it knew it couldn't compete with the style of the original so it didn't try. You can see the dialogue is Shane's and the jokes are his, but the plot is barmy and I don't know what in balls they were thinking with that. It looks good, there are a couple of hilarious moments that made my inner teenager cry laughing. But still only warrants a 6/10 at most.
    Could have been great. It wasn't. But I'll be watching it again, it's the fourth best predator movie and it's better than both of the AVP's. File under P for Popcorn.

  • @thtkidfrmvab
    @thtkidfrmvab 6 років тому +2

    I can't with this movie..

  • @TheBeird
    @TheBeird 6 років тому

    'Member that bit in ET when they were on bikes and the G-Men had the road blocked, and then ET got out of the basket and fucking slaughtered them all and showered Elliot and the other kids in torrents of viscera?
    I think that's what Shane Black was going for 😨

  • @stitcha123
    @stitcha123 6 років тому +1

    2:20 that motion is the EXACT same motion that every flirty recently-divorced mum has hit me with after making a raunchy comment.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 6 років тому

    THAT was a very sad movie, It should have been a movie in the future SAY 2120 A ship with a military team and extraterrestrial experts on the Predators. As the ship orbits a planet 5 light year from earth with a heat signal like Antarctica. A team go to the surface to locate a pyramid that has the history of the hunt on the walls in hieroglyphs, ( as the story is read out loud to the other team members, it is re-enacted ) so we can see more of how they came to hunt humans, as the team is learning a group of predators come to the pyramid to preform rituals. The team over sees a fight between two groups of predators and finds that some don't hunt humans and are willing to help the humans. As the religious group leader shares knowledge to help the humans.

  • @nastylittlecritter
    @nastylittlecritter 6 років тому +2

    The entire third act of this movie was reshot after a disastrous test screening. Look up ‘Predator Leaked Set Photos’ and I shit you not, the third act of this movie had predators in HUMAN TANKS firing fucking Gatling guns along side the human characters, fighting other Predator/Animal hybrids. Yes, the predogs weren’t the only hybrids, there were also Predators crossed with scorpions, spiders, cats, and so on. I shit you not, it was in the leaked script. As much as I’ll admit this movie was fairly dumb, I really wish this was in the movie because it looked fucking bonkers.

  • @niall653
    @niall653 6 років тому +3

    You read Predator comic book set in Siberia Richard.

    • @rossross9281
      @rossross9281 6 років тому +1

      Niall Cold War? I think I read that years ago 🤔

  • @rossross9281
    @rossross9281 6 років тому +2

    10.47 Richard Jackson - Jason Statham apologist

  • @Draliseth
    @Draliseth 6 років тому +1

    This movie did the complete and utter opposite of The Accountant in treating a characters disability as a super power.
    Apparently they don't vaccinate on the Yautja homeworld. /s

  • @TheNinjaSpaceman
    @TheNinjaSpaceman 5 років тому

    Will this Fox studio meddling end when Disney takes them over?

  • @Hallinilla9
    @Hallinilla9 6 років тому +2

    Brad is like Gandhi.

  • @davidjames579
    @davidjames579 6 років тому +1

    Lovely to have Brad back. He's always a funny and insightful contributor, and great seeing you guys interact (inc the disembodied Mr Casey. Hope he finds it). Oh yeah, The Predator: It Ain't Broke. First line: It's a trainwreck. Has Richard been taking Rian Johnson lessons?

  • @davidjames579
    @davidjames579 6 років тому +1

    I think since it was announced this whole project's been on the downslide. No one was asking for or expecting another Predator film, then straight after Iron Man 3 hit big it was announced Black was writing and directing this. Apparently Fox just went to Black, said we'll pay you 10 mil and you can do anything you want. So they didn't have an idea, just an IP. Black might well have contributed to the 1987's script but I never was sure he was a good fit for a Predator film. He's great at zingers, and obviously he wrote Lethal Weapon so he can do dark, but Predator's not meant to really have funny lines in it. I really think he was only hired because of the huge BO on Iron Man 3. And Fox being desperate to make money off an IP gathering dust. In the end Fox got what they deserved. But the really sad thing is if a film-maker of Shane Black's experience and stature (and someone who is reportedly liked on a friendship level by a lot of people in the industry) can be treated like a promising kid like Josh Trank then there is no hope. At least not at Fox. Black might well have had some interesting, maybe inventive ideas, but as far as Fox was concerned it was always just an audit of their assets. Hopefully Disney owning them now, might have a positive effect on making them a film maker friendly studio, or at the very least ensure films are finished to be good (re Rogue One, Antman). However after the scandal, as with James Gunn, I don't think we'll be seeing Shane Black back at Disney.

  • @Frellyouall
    @Frellyouall 6 років тому

    Weaponized Autism. Oh Lordy.

  • @flimflam945
    @flimflam945 5 років тому

    The first Batman verse The Predator is a cool book.

  • @robobrando
    @robobrando 6 років тому

    Aint no Predator scum gonna be stealing my autism

  • @SmashBrosAssemble
    @SmashBrosAssemble 3 місяці тому


  • @darthwatson8274
    @darthwatson8274 5 років тому

    Brad Watson
    No relation

  • @lancelindqvist8848
    @lancelindqvist8848 5 років тому

    truly awful

  • @jonblasik8722
    @jonblasik8722 6 років тому

    Also quite a fan of Shane Black, but having read the leaked script over a year ago, I could see the train wreck from miles off. I think maybe black and decker may of been partaking in some illegal substances whilst writing it and would argue this is the one time studio interference made it better, if you could imagine that? Friendly Predators chilling in deck chairs, wearing army fatigues and speaking English???

  • @another_bites_the_crust_pizza
    @another_bites_the_crust_pizza 6 років тому

    Love the channel! Do you still do videos with Oliver harper

  • @neilhutchinson4545
    @neilhutchinson4545 6 років тому

    I think the beauty of the original Predator is that it's basically a slasher film in the jungle with a big feckin alien, albeit a film with great action scenes and one-liners. And like a lot of film franchises it suffers from the law of diminishing returns.
    It's nice to see Brad on the channel Richard, hopefully next time you get a film worth watching.

  • @benjamingunn5403
    @benjamingunn5403 6 років тому

    Hi Richard
    What is the background music you are using in your videos?
    It goes well with the vids

  • @benjammin8184
    @benjammin8184 6 років тому

    Been looking forward to this film's release; solely for this review and Richard's thoughts on another DOA remake/reboot/rehash/returd. Was expecting just a shake of the head and a fed up sigh. Viva!

  • @infiniteflame2374
    @infiniteflame2374 6 років тому

    This is not a movie. This is a studio dumpster fire. Having said that I did laugh very hard when the shoulder cannon blew his head off. The Meg is awesome if you like good bad movies which I do! Now I am off to buy a pot of reduced coleslaw to eat in one sitting.

  • @Johny40Se7en
    @Johny40Se7en 6 років тому

    I'm on the verge of binge watching these videos they're so fuckin' awesome, nice one.

  • @at3479
    @at3479 6 років тому

    Does Comrade Jackson do birthday parties ? That was a neat magic trick. Also, I'm also like Brad. The film didn't offend me as much as what I've read and heard. It was average and I've seen worse films than this. Not the worst but definitely the weakest of the series

  • @danliles4239
    @danliles4239 6 років тому

    This film was so nonsensical (and the Rum had kicked in) I was expecting a T800 to pop out of that coffin at the end.

  • @garydarnell3117
    @garydarnell3117 6 років тому +1

    Just heard that Al Matthews(Apone in Aliens) has died. Not saying this movie had anything to do with it but I considered suicide half way through this pile of shit.

    • @rossross9281
      @rossross9281 6 років тому +2

      Gary Darnell oh shit I didn’t know that 😢 I will raise a glass in his honour tonight 🥃

    • @garydarnell3117
      @garydarnell3117 6 років тому

      Ross Ross gonna find the biggest fattest cigar I can and pretend to be a black man.

    • @rossross9281
      @rossross9281 6 років тому +1

      Gary Darnell I’m gonna put on a full marine uniform and bark orders at my Mrs.

    • @Thewingkongexchange
      @Thewingkongexchange 6 років тому

      He's probably up there giving Hudson a grilling right now.

    • @garydarnell3117
      @garydarnell3117 6 років тому

      I wish Ridley Scott would hurry up and die, then someone else can have a go at making an Alien movie that doesn't suck.

  • @wormsT17
    @wormsT17 6 років тому

    You just made my day with that plot summary 😆 at 2:45

  • @Joshmino
    @Joshmino 6 років тому

    The ending of the video was too abrupt, Ricardo.

  • @ghostdog2041
    @ghostdog2041 6 років тому

    I can’t even make myself go see The Predator. I think it was one of the RLM guys that said it’s crazy to think that we’ve been around long enough to to see all the movies we loved turned into crap. It’s so true. Alien, Predator, Star Wars, Robocop, The Thing, The Living Dead. Once The Wild Bunch And Sorcerer are rebooted, cinema is over for me.

    • @TheRealNormanBates
      @TheRealNormanBates 6 років тому

      How can they reboot THE WILD BUNCH if it's already called "THE" WILD BUNCH?

  • @Dexmo
    @Dexmo 6 років тому

    I had one of those syncmasters, not very good at anything.

  • @Jays_dead_cat
    @Jays_dead_cat 6 років тому

    I just found this channel by sheer coincidence. Good to see Richard again.

    • @ValVerdeBroadcasting
      @ValVerdeBroadcasting  6 років тому

      Welcome aboard! We're a little bit of obscure at the minute, so anything you can do to spread the word is much appreciated!

  • @ELblimshaw
    @ELblimshaw 6 років тому

    Sweet Robocop mug!

  • @seanmcmanus9575
    @seanmcmanus9575 6 років тому +4

    I really do think the studio took the film off Shane black alot of stories are coming out that there was problems with the studio wanting things changed it's alien 3 all over again

    • @seanmcmanus9575
      @seanmcmanus9575 6 років тому +1

      True it's really good but I could imagine how much better it would be if fincher had complete creative control

  • @DocHorror666
    @DocHorror666 6 років тому +2

    Why did my notification for this say it was Forest Gump?

  • @Thewingkongexchange
    @Thewingkongexchange 6 років тому

    Typo alert on the clip: "THe Predator (2018)"

    • @ValVerdeBroadcasting
      @ValVerdeBroadcasting  6 років тому +1

      Fuck. Oh well, can't change it! 🤣

    • @Thewingkongexchange
      @Thewingkongexchange 6 років тому +4

      That's probably what Shane Black is thinking right now.

    • @ValVerdeBroadcasting
      @ValVerdeBroadcasting  6 років тому +2

      @@Thewingkongexchange Ha! I might blame this typo on Fox...

    • @davidjames579
      @davidjames579 6 років тому +1

      Thewingkongexchange A1 reply Sir. I Arnold Rimmer Salute you. Shane Black's probably crying into a rotation of Martinis, hookers and a mountain of blow. As I'm sure Richard is for his typo.

  • @McSuperfly101
    @McSuperfly101 6 років тому

    I kept expecting Oliver Harper to turn up in a Stormtrooper costume holding a glowstick.