Russell is the perfect person for JP to talk to. Rational, patient, curious, and proposes left-leaning ideas without propagandizing his ideas or grandstanding whatsoever. JP was relaxed, allowed to talk in a constructive way, and give consideration to all his ideas as well as receive consideration for his own. Led to one of the best interviews with JP I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot)
Ian O'Neill I werent making an anything out of an anything. I was simply pointing out that Russell is far left and not left leaning. Your willingness to be permissive of and have a "nothing to see here" attitude towards the extremities of one side of the spectrum is telling to say the least and reflects a wider problem in society at large.
I now have a new found respect for Brand; he challenged Dr Peterson on exactly the right issues but never stopped listening to what he was saying. Honestly, this is one of the better JBP interviews for that reason: Brand prepared and knew his guest. Excellent discussion, you two.
Check out their first conversation too, it's awesome in very similair manner. I've started to respect Russell Brand a lot more lately, because he truly seems genuine and open for conversation.
I've never been a fan of Russell Brand the loud-mouth and objectionable, and I probably wouldn't have watched this just for him, but I have a respect for him here. He is listening, really listening, and thinking, adapting answers and questions as in a proper conversation between equals. Bravo, Mr Brand. A very good listen. And Dr P.... excellent as always when you are allowed to talk and think and respond to a person that you like as well.
Well put. I, too, have a new found respect for Russell. This was a riveting dialogue...two intelligent and curious 'gentle-men' engaging in reasonable thought with their egos sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Because neither are extremists or any kind and are talking about a subject matter than they have done for a long time so are able to just sit down for an hour and have this kind of conversation in this kind of manner almost effortlessly. Plus they are being filmed and know that a lot of people will be watching so they will be putting the extra effort into their performance and there was a lot of crossover agreement. Look how many times JP confirms that RB is right about something or RB admits to agreeing with JP. Not quite the same when you spontaneously get people on the left and right who have just bandwagon jumped in recent years due to an idea or a person saying something they agree with in a better way then they can express it, suddenly coming to verbal blows in the same space. It's bound to become an impatient shouting match with no real centre ground and both camp claiming 'victory' for different reasons.
I don't think they're all that different, fundamentally. In terms of personality yes, but in terms of values and the kinds of ideas that interest them, I actually think they're relatively similar.
I dont think thats true, though. It obviously means inferiority, but only in one sense: in the sense in what you differ. But we are obviously more than 1 isolated characteristic...
@@atinotevuelveaimportar5905 not necessarily.. all pros come with cons.. all cons come with pros.. so while there may be inferiority in some areas there will be superiorities in others... Such as there are many things I'm completely inept at doing but there are things that I excel in.. which averages out to be I have the ability to help as well as the ability to hurt... and the same is true for everyone.. which makes us all equal just not equal in the same things.... the trick is harnessing the good in everyone while minimizing the effects of the bad.. the problem is looking at someone that's differently abled and saying "This person is completely inferior to me" or "No good can come from this person"
Oh how times have changed. If you'd tell me 10 years ago that I'd listen to Russel Brand interviewing a clinical psychologist and actually listen I'd have laughed my ass off. Russel mate, be proud of yourself, great interview.
+Tolis Mortadelas I agree, when I first heard/saw Russel 10 or so years ago I really thought he was a complete dick talking nonsense and abusive of other people. Wow what a transformation! He has come along so much and is now a thoughtful, well read & interesting person now. Maybe it was his getting rid of his addictions (on drugs) that have created this interesting and intelligent person. I think I may actually subscribe to his channel to see more.
I've skimmed critical reviews of Russel and wrote him off, but since Peterson's interviews are almost always interesting (the only ones I don't like are about religion against atheists, because Peterson sees god completely differently and atheists don't get it and refuse to change the level at which they argue) so I guess I skipped his bad phase.
Being a recovering drug addict will bring a certain sense of spirituality and maturity. I think Russell still uses his zany behavior for comedic purposes, but he has survived his personal hell by virtue of introspection, which undoubtedly led to his gravitating toward Jordan Peterson.
I believe it would lose its charm if it was a weekly thing, but think it could be truly great if it was on a quarterly basis. Give enough time for things to evolve and take stock between each conversation, you know?
I'm impressed by Russell for not shying away from Jordan or outright dismissing him as an "idiot" or a "racist". The Left could learn from this. Less labels, more understanding. Both sides need to have civil conversation about all the maajor issies. Not childish smear campaigns. I get tired of watching Biden and other Liberal candidates tell those on the Right how "racist" we are, how "intolerant" we are, when they don't seem to want to sit down and talk things out.
It will be. We're almost certainly going to go through a terrible war between the close minded people of both aisles. But from those ashes the rest of us will rise up and usher our country and the world into a new age of discourse. I sense a Dark Age is almost upon us, but an unprecedented Golden Age of discovery, invention, appropriate progress, and unity will follow.
@@thesanfranciscoseahorse473 anyone who thinks Jordan Peterson is an idiot is in a fact, an idiot. Anyone who thinks he is a racist should not have children and educate themselves.
Russell Brand You're welcome Russell. I respect both yourself and Jordan, I share beliefs with both of you and disagree with both of you about different things. I think it's important for people like yourself and Dr Peterson to come together and and share ideas , agree/disagree, it's all beneficial. Ps , when's your next comedy special? Have netflix been in touch?
Brilliant! Took two hours from work for this. You're developing into a game changer and that's the answer to your question on stopping the machine. If yourself and Dr Peterson have put 10,000 people onto a different trajectory and those people nudge the 200 they have within their sphere of influence towards giving a listen to the same material presented, you're 2 generations from altering society in a meaningful way. That's something amazing and attainable in the age of the internet and mobile communication.
Damn.... honestly I love Dr Peterson’s chats with Russell... yea they clearly differ in different topics but their hunger for knowledge and understanding (specially the fact that they both acknowledge that they don’t know everything, aka how Jordan defined humbleness) is what makes their conversations so educational not only for us the audience but also for them... Russell celebrates Peterson’s ideas “wow beautiful” for example, and Jordan expands on Russell’s premises incredibly well and instead of shouting over each other where they disagree, they both give their own views and listen to each other... Overall just beautiful, thank you both for this treat of knowledge P.D. I feel like I need to go to an AA meeting or smthn now even though I don’t even drink lmao
sport3915 well it’s not that hard, i do disagree with Brand heavily when it comes to finance, he even states that Dr Peterson does too... he does have a lot of respect for Peterson and so does Dr Peterson for Brand... You might think whatever about Russell, he does find excitement in Peterson’s words though and that I do appreciate, he gave me new perspectives to try to debate against when it comes to economics... overall I think it’s more about how he helps make your own arguments better by being able to debate his own :D
Such wonderful comments. I completely agree Julian Vargas. This is the first time that I've actually been sad to see someone write a negative comment. As I admitted earlier, I am on the right, and I respect Dr. Peterson, and I am currently reading his book 12 Rules for Life. It's a great book. Russell Brand is one of the few in his career who sought to make real and systemic changes in his life that were damaging to himself and the people around him. He may be imperfect, we all are, but he looks like he's committed to his journey and he's putting an honest effort into his life. I will say this also in Russell's behalf. If Russell is just in it for money, if I were his agent, I would be telling him to stay away from figures who the left believe are part of the alt-right. Russell is taking quite a risk talking to Jordan Peterson. No doubt he has been alienated by some who once called him friend for even talking to Dr. Peterson. I don't think anyone is comparing Russell to Dr. Peterson in an academic sense. Clearly Dr. Peterson has studied psychology for more than Russell has. In fact, Russell himself would be the first to admit that. I will say that I can definitely compare Russell to the level of courage of Dr. Peterson. A man willing to sincerely talk in an open and honest way with Dr. Peterson without going for cheap "gotcha moments" like in the Cathy Newman interview. I hope for the sake of us all that these two keep it up. They make a great team. My thanks to Russell Brand, and Dr. Peterson.
Well said. Russel Brand has made a personal investment in himself to grow. He said himself that when he found and accepted good male influences his life began to shift and move in a positive direction. You can tell he admires JP and is keen to enhance his experience by engaging with a wise and kind man. They are teaching each other. As it should be. This is the sort of dialogue that needs to explode onto the world stage.
@@hathbenali If you only believe in God/Allah and act according to inherent moral beliefs then we're in it together. If you follow the dogmatic scriptures of Christianity/Islam/Judaism and act upon the ignorant extremism of their world veiw then we're not in it togheter..
Here's a neat word for you: sesquipedalian (1) a very long word (2) someone who is given to the overuse of very long words. Here's an example from one dictionary of sesquipadalian used in a sentence: If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don’t really know what it was about because they can’t understand the words. I'm quite certain that most of Peterson's rabid fans are only able to follow Peterson when he's speaking plainly, but have elevated him to 'genius-level' based on all that other 'fancy talk' that they don't really understand.
@Ruchira HerathHere's the link to that vocabulary quiz: Daily high scores are saved until midnight. I just moved up to 10th place.
@Ruchira Herath Thanks...I think. You rather precipitously concluded that I am not able to follow Peterson's arguments. It's only because I HAVE taken the time to follow some of his arguments that I'm not overly impressed with the content of his words (I did, however, agree with Peterson's stance against U of T pressing him to use alternate gender pronouns) To extrapolate on my initial post, I think the majority of Peterson's fanatical followers are not so much interested in closely following his verbose arguments, but rather, are KEENLY interested in watching Peterson "DESTROY", with a steely-eyed stare, anyone who, for example, argues that a male patriarchy has dominated throughout history and still exists today, albeit to a far lesser degree. Everywhere you look on UA-cam nowadays people are obsessed with the perception that one person is DESTROYING another. Look under any Peterson debate comment section and you very rarely see anyone intelligently commenting on the meat of the discussion. Rather, most of what you see is cheap, ad hominem attacks on the interviewer or anyone with an apposing view. I haven't read it, but I'd bet that Peterson's '12 Rules For Life' uses much more plain language than hears in his polemical debates. Peterson no doubt recognizes that many of his followers aren't mental giants. Perhaps you ARE one of his followers who actually listens attentively, and you like what he has to say. THAT I can respect. It's the hoards of mindless commenters that I find idiotic. I should note that nothing I've written here is in response to THIS particular interview -- I was JP'ed out by the time I hit this one.
masteryehudi I thought that originally as well. However, “infer” does still make sense. Since to infer is to come to a conclusion, the sentence is saying: The acknowledgment of difference doesn’t necessarily demand that you conclude inferiority exists in the matter.
Stephen Shutters an "acknowledgment of difference" can't infer anything; inference is something agents/people do. The sentence just about makes sense if you use "imply". It's a routine error, that's probably mentioned in the dictionary entry. Who says it?
Props to Russell for having an open discussion with Jordan Peterson. You dont have to agree with everyone on everything, but open discussions are so important.
This is the first time I'd seen the name "Jordan Peterson" in a UA-cam title and thought "that may actually be interesting." Russel Brand is special that way.
@@Jeff-uu9vo, over the course of this 41-second (linked) clip, Peterson starts out supporting the "rights" of business owners to discriminate against customers based on sexual orientation, and is then convinced, by a professional stand-up comedian, that he was wrong to do so. This demonstrates quite clearly that Peterson doesn't think through the most basic implications of his ideas before he spreads them. He's intellectually sloppy, so when he does make sense, it's a matter of luck. These, by the way, are not "preconceptions," but rather a rational analysis of the data. Peterson may well be intelligent, but that doesn't stop him from making terrible assumptions. Only diligence could do that, and he doesn't seem to have that habit.
As a conservative, I’ve never much cared for Russell Brand. However, the sheer fact that he’s willing to have an open and honest good faith discussion with Jordan Peterson gives me a new found respect for him. I’ll be sure to listen to more of his discussions. Keep up the good work!
I'm assuming he mentioned his political leanings because many on the left aren't willing to accept people's differing political belifes. You just proved his point.
The connection between the left and the right is continuously being lost at the extreme's. These discussions prove that there is significant value in working together.
Thanks Jay Naab. We need more people expressing this view on both sides of the aisle... I've felt similarly about Brand in the past - but he stands in marked distinction from dogmatists in his enthusiasm for honest inquiry. Kudos to Brand!
Russell you are so right I lost my big brother to a heroin overdose and my father passed not long after that never addressed it I was only 15 spent most of time on streets and the drugs were a comfort blanket. Like yeah I can get threw this as long as I got this drug feeling this high. I have had highs lows worked for BMW lived in other countries. I am 28 and this is my first year clean don't know if you read these comments but listening to you is helping me so so much right now. I feel exactly the same as you. I too believe in God. For the same reasons as you I expect. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the time and effort you are putting in!
@Some Body all I can say really is stay strong don't give up on yourself. You are worth it believe me! Wish I had the financial prowess to help you seriously. It is a continuous battle you are going to have days that bring you to your knees and you feel what's the point of it all. It's these times where you find your true strength your Personal legend. Keep watching russell brand and JP for inspiration but know that only you can make it happen all the luck in the world mate I'm praying for ya x
I LOVE how Russell has literally studied his work!! Is writing and taking notes, so thoughtful! Actually wanting to know...I just watched a video of JP being interviewed by 2 journalists who really didn’t want to know what he thinks or even listen to his response to their questions!...and here is Russell actually talking to him about something that JP really enjoys talking about and meanwhile actively learning what he thinks and expanding upon it...down to the minute thought. YES this is why people are interested in public discussions like JP and so many others are embarking on THANK YOU so much with out you and discussions like yours we would be in the DARK
@Shaun Dixon I think he's simply propping freedom of speech. In that sense, it should read "The absolutely free exchange of ideas between free individuals keeps tyranny at bay."
@Monserrat E I assume you agree that this kind of dialogue is what we need. You agree that conversations where both parties are open to explore ideas and actually listen to each other are vital right? Then your comment is the exact opposite of that. I understand you have grievances with the Democratic party, and I would most likely agree with you on a lot should we have a more in depth discussion. However, the kind of rhetoric you use in this particular comment is exactly what blocks reasonable conversation. I'm not saying you are wrong or right, but do you really think you are acting out the values you hold, if you indeed do agree with the above. I would implore you to really ponder how you engage with differing viewpoints. Peterson emphasized at the end that it is good and necessary that there are both the left and the right, and they balance each other, and proper discourse between people of differing viewpoints is vital to a functioning society. Both the left and the right are very much at fault for being entrenched and this situation has lead to a breakdown in communication in the US, and that's not good. I am being sincere, because I do very much believe that the conversation Russel and Jordan had here is a prime example of excellent discourse, which we should all strive for. As a side note just to dispel any notion of partisanship on my part i would like to add that I believe thinking of politics only as a left vs right issue is a reduction of a complicated matter. Yet i understand that for Americans it does seem that way because there are only two parties. A multi-party system is in my opinion much more nuanced and capable of being more representative of the people.
@Monserrat E Well we just had parliamentary elections here in Finland and we ended up with Social Democratic Party getting 40 seats and the Finns Party receiving 39, the Finns party being a populist right-wing party. The National Coalition, a conservative right-wing party received 38 seats and the Centre party 31 both being historically major parties. And as an interesting thing to note; the Green League gained several seats and now have 20. There are also several minor parties in parliament. A government is then formed 99% of the time as a majority coalition government in which it is assembled from representatives of several different parties to achieve a majority in the parliament. It is a much more nuanced system than a two-party one, and dare i say... more democratic. Not that the system is perfect here either though!
I remember in the first interview, everyone talked about how much they dislike Russell in the comments and only enjoyed the interview for Peterson. I think Russell has a special ability to provoke a certain openness in thought in Peterson that normally isn't expressed because he has to repeat the same thing again and again in interview after interview to lay out his position! In this interview they got right to the bottom of so many important topics that I think I'm going to have to watch this again!
I think it is because Russel is not out to undermine or attack JP. So he is not on the defensive. They acknowledge where they disagree and where they have common ground. Most discussions in th media are point scoring. Not a way to find the truth.
I posted this as a separate comment, but copying it here is easier than writing out all my thoughts again. I've been following Russell since his infamous Paxman interview, and Peterson since September 2016 when his initial controversy brought him into my awareness. I'm also a huge fan of Joe Rogan's podcast, and their respective appearances are hands down my favourite podcasts of all time. Both of them have sophisticated, compelling views on spiritually that come closer to my own than anybody else (except perhaps Terrence McKenna and Alan Watts). I've really wanted them to have a thoughtful discussion for years, and lost my shit when their first discussion was announced. That one was a little disappointing though - not because it was bad, it wasn't bad - but because Russell's perception of Peterson had been influenced by the media smears, and he kept bringing it back to political talking points because Peterson has been portrayed as a right-wing political commentator. Jordan does talk about political issues, but his true genius lies in his deep understanding of human beings, our psychological makeup, our spirituality, and what it means to live a good life. Over the course of their first discussion you could tell that Russell's perception of Jordan changed, and they began to touch on more interesting ideas. I've been eager to hear them talk again ever since, because I suspected that with all the bullshit created by the media's misrepresentation and smearing of Peterson out of the way, they'd be able to really delve into some interesting ideas. I haven't watched this yet because I'm waiting until I have time to sit down and watch it in its entirety, but I'm really encouraged by all the positive comments which makes me even more excited to dive in!
What a perfect combination of individuals. Without much judgment they tackle through problems we all share as humans and especially problems that plague our current society. These two are perfect together because they're vastly different in the way they've lived the lives and their backgrounds. I hope we get to see them talk again.
We've all been thirsting so hard for substance. That's absolutely correct. I'm loving how many people are embracing long form, uncensored, REAL discussion and debate. It's beautiful to behold this push back against the increasingly Orwellian culture mainstream media has been pushing.
Russel. Big balls, for engaging in this conversation again! Please always hold on to that genuine deep curiosity you possess. I am amazed to see you evolve in such a rapid way. Much love 🙏
Thanks Russell. The most accurate thing I could say about you two is you both have pure hearts genuine in your seeking for truth. Your doing good for the world. Keep it up!
Imagine Russell with Jordan's clothes/haircut and vice versa... the psychedelic salesman and the steadfast goat-herder! (just teasing, i love both these guys and the dialogue they have)
Dude. yes. i was thinking the same thing. I understand what they're saying but i cant use this vocabulary in the way they are when speaking. Here we go.
"The solution is to become MORE conscious".... of all the gold this conversation had to offer, this tiny gem is THE most valuable piece of knowledge for any living being.. I would advise EVERYONE to meditate on this idea a lot, for it is the key that unlocks the door that hides the truth about the reality of existence..
Erika Friesen fr people are becoming like common folk of the 1600s where it’s not even worth starting a conversation with them because they’re gonna end up beating you or hang you by the stake if u disagree with them. And then they call me crazy for having a differing opinion..
I know this came out a long time ago, but I've only recently come across this, and the other discussion between JBP and Russell Brand. I feel compelled to comment that; holy heck, these guys really know how to have a conversation. These videos between Russell and Jordan could easily be examples in a course on social interaction or negotiation [or courses like that]. The give and take, reciprocity (repeating back each other's point to confirm understanding), and willingness to view each other's ideas with grace and value, is truly a beautiful phenomenon to witness. Thank you gentlemen.
Be careful who you tell about liking him, the main stream media is trying it's best to make him look like a far right/alt right spokes person almost in my eyes, it's disgusting how he is being treated, this interview was a nice treat as he wasn't belittled with lies and twists
Both Russell and Joe Rogan have had my favorite interviews with Jordan peterson. They're just chatting and sharing ideas in an entertaining way, without trying to paint Jordan as some kind of fetus eating monster.
Well done, Russell - this is a terrific conversation. It's really heartening to see you engage with JP at the level of the ideas, rather than going in having prepared boring means to (try to) catch him out, as some have on TV and radio over the past few days.
There at the very end I got chills, like something had been accomplished or born. I've been pausing the video to make phone calls to people who I feel I have wronged or have wronged me. The individual really is the correct locus of analysis. I can't be held responsible for the action or the inaction of a group, or even of another individual, but i can free myself from the malevolence or even lust (not purely sexual) that has entangled me.
no hidden agendas, objectively asked questions, civilised, not to mention informative, interesting, engaging. these are the types of interviews that work - and this is hosted by someone who comes from what we call "the left". Excellent interview/discussion Russell.
Annoying Guy by all means, it was you who started secret agenda talk without writing a word on what you think it is or provide any kind of source on it. I just checked my history though so I can narrow down that interview - it's numbered as 1070. I can't quote it from my head but if you state what you think that "agenda" is I can at least confirm or deny if it's the thing he talks about there.
It’s great to see Jordan Peterson express himself in a respectful conversation where he’s not constantly being forced on the defensive. I also have a respect for Russell Brand. I can tell that he’s truly sincere and non-malevolent in his expressions, even when I don’t agree with him.
Mitch Ryan im so with you on this one . Its like in interview in tv shows they are always out to get him so he constantly have to fend them off and mind his words . Stops his greatness and real messages from coming forth .
There is just a wonderful two way respect underlying the whole conversation. Neither is out to 'get' the other, and as such, we get a wonderful and full view of their opinions.
It's very refreshing to see Dr Peterson speak to a sane person for once We live in a society where an ex drug addict-sex addict have more sanity than the so called "Journalist"
it's funny because I've always thought of brand as a sort of insane, eccentric personality yet he seems to be the most level-headed and reasonable person Peterson has spoken to recently
I think it’s down to honesty. Russell isn’t trying to keep a job in journalism by telling us what a news network wants us to hear, which allows him to speak freely. Journalists risk their reputation if they were to go ‘rogue’ and say what they actually think. Unfortunately journalists are mere puppets of the networks that pay their salary, though I’m sure a lot of them are insane too.. haha. Thank heavens for the internet and the ability to broadcast uncensored, uninhibited and truly free speech!
“We have good chats don’t we”. No Russell you have now had, IMO, the best, most productive and the most respectful chats with JP. Been a fan of yours for some years (even though you are a commie) and this just proves to me why I’m your fan. To see you and JP together live would be amazing. Love you brother
Their first chat is also up there as one of the top interviews JP has done. Brand is a great example of why you shouldn't judge someone's internal based on their external. He has genius level IQ, though you wouldn't think it based on his physical attributes and mannerisms.
Pat I completely agree. We tend to judge people on arbitrary characteristics where we should judge based on actions and outputs. Both Russ and Jordan are extremely intelligent and are open to differing opinions because the both genuinely are interested in ideas and sharing them. That’s why I’m drawn to both when neither share my political outlook. Very relevant comment my dude
Wow inspiring interview. One would think that controversial and explosive interviews are more intriguing but this one proves the opposite is true. A deep honest and open conversation is just as interesting if not more so. Bravo, loved it!
No explosive interview is better. It's so much better to watch/listen to a truly meaningful discussion provided it's not boring but you know what I mean
I agree! It's a nice change to watch a constructive conversation instead of a destructive conflict. It's far more meaningful to hear two people discuss and analyse their own perspectives objectively than to argue over petty differences in the details
+PeopleOfAr Mainstream media interviews are never interesting. Look up the Palette of Narmer (or any number of ancient Egyptian stele). It has an image of a pharaoh about to smite a prisoner with a mace. Pharaoh=journalist Mace=lame confrontational question Victim =Any chance of an original thought.
PeopleOfAr there’s nothing more open and honest than a conversation between two people with radically different ideas standing strong in their stance. This was remarkably boring.
His interview with Theo Von is also very good, and surprisingly his interview on Doctor Oz, too. Theo's was slightly less deep than the other two, but Jordan appeared extremely comfortable and joyful throughout.
YES! I think it's because it's a discussion and not an interrogation like most interviewers try to trap Peterson in. Curiosity is the key to a great conversation, not judgement
Dr. Peterson is actually being listened to by Mr. Brand, who has the intent to understand and let his guest express their wisdom without being badgered. The conversations where Peterson is being attacked via sound bite “journalism” - a desperate interviewer in search of a *gotcha* moment- those are hard to watch.
I could sit and listen to these two for hours. Id love to get to know jp’s opinions on many different things because he just oozes charm and wit. He comes across as a father role model figure that everyone should have in their life. Great video again Russell, please bring jp back for another talk in the future.
watched their first under the skin and this one back to back, I can't get enough with how well Brand and Peterson flow easily. This is how conversation's should be. Love how you both broke down the 12 steps. Both wise and knowledgeable, keep it up.
Don't mean to necro the thread, but bearing in mind JBP's history in working with those with addiction issues, particularly alcohol, watching RB discussing the 12-step programs in a tone that bordered on lecturing was somewhat cringeworthy to me. Either this was for the audience's benefit and they'd discussed that they'd address the subject in advance, or JBP does a brilliant job of suppressing the likely sense of being patronised.
Watched the whole thing and found myself smiling ear to ear at the end, completely genuinely. So great to see two powerful minds corresponding and actually listening to each other. Love the both of ya. Great work.
When Russell exclusively mentions those who have power, and how the common man can influence the course of history, JP clearly understands where he's coming from, but purposely and obviously skirts the question. JP does get the gist, but tiptoes around the issue because he too is a power structure in his own egoic point of view. He holds his cards close to his chest and perhaps bluffs with his position in academia. I often wonder why school teaches little of value of the real world but I realize there is no such thing as chaos to take the blame for our societal problems. Chaos is undefinable and unconscious, which puts it out of reach as a factor which can be dealt with rationally. Like, well why can't the common people get anything their own way? Because that is the way the world works.
FutureSuperman don't get too emotional buddy. I KNOW life is tough for you though just need to really let yourself go. You're stuck in a era where everything had a mild Gothic feel to it and had a tint of purple everywhere you look into, mostly music videos made that purple even more pronounced. What era you say?
Thanks Russell for inviting JP on your show. You both give me hope that we're all becoming bound by good will and logical thinking. As JP says it's starts with self.
Finally... Someone is asking Jordan Peterson the questions that are needed to further this kind of topics. And get beyond the whole post-modern. No one else really pushes Jordan Peterson on the tyranny aspect of hierarchies within corporate culture & society. Not in an open dialogue kind of manner at least. This was great. They touched on some of those topics in the first talk. But I can tell Russel prepared well how to ''guide'' this conversation. Very interesting :).
Milan van Eijk I’d say that Peterson has talked about the dangers of hierarchy for a long time as well, but no one in the “mainstream” interviews bothered to listen...
i agree with the need for a specific aim of questions that's largely missing from JP interviews, that allows him to repeatedly circle the same topics. his bible lectures are better, but stuff like this from interviewers willing to listen but still coming from a different viewpoint, are awesome
Negative mainstream media coverage of Peterson suggest a long awaited public backlash to anti science and anti-intellectualism. UA-cam is an incredible alternative for learning and personal growth. Russell, you’ve come a long way and your work is phenomenal and helpful! So glad 27 was your new beginning.
I am a white, 70-year-old, retired, conservative, Christian woman. Where, in my wildest dreams, would I ever have considered a British, tattooed, man-bun wearing liberal to be one of my top three (Jordan Peterson, Jason Whitlock - the other two) favorite talk/opinion mediators. We are thirsting in this country for free, civilized speech and debate. I don't always agree with you, and you speak so quickly at times that I don't catch everything you say, but even when you don't agree with someone, you are respectful and offer your opinion, respectfully. Keep it up.
You two men are incredible and unique in your expression. Thank you Russell. JP is great and has helped me very much in departing nihilism and entering a new world of meaning and value. This was a great dialogue, a conversation that's needed.
I'm interested in what these meanings and values that you've discovered are after a belief in nihilism? And what JP has done to assist in this? I'm a nihilist myself.
Jack, I feel it important to outline or provide a bit of context for this. I've struggled with depression since I was a kid, though never understood what was going on until I went to college around 23 ( three years ago ), where I began reading existential philosophy; Camus, Nietzsche, Sartre and finally the most impactful Dostoyevsky. I related with the characters deeply (specifically Raskolnikov and Kirillov) as they took me on a wild ride of extreme skepticism and ideological possession ( which I will talk about a bit more later). During which I realized I had, over time, developed a deep loathing toward society and a pessimism toward being itself. At a certain point, I discarded the philosophy of Nihilism and basically depersonalized into chaos, which is still nihilism. I pushed away everything. I wasn't taking responsibility for being human, for being itself. It would be like if a dancer refused to perform, or dance. It sounds very dramatic, and it was. The only thing that remained was a therapist, my dog, and an inheritance that allowed me to survive until I decided to leave. Though apparently I was too much of a coward to do so, or lacked the constitution for such a thing. However, I did encounter another possibility in Dostoevsky, in the resurrection of Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. The Resurrection story. I won't spoil it, it's great though and I recommend Demons and Crime and punishment if you are wrestling with nihilism. It then took another two years for me to find Jordan Peterson's work. Who has changed my life. Pulled me out of the muck and the chaos and straightened me out. I feel like I can walk forward and I'm gradually putting my life back in order by slaying my dragons. I never had a father, and I will never have a father, JP showed me that I needed to become my own father. That has helped tremendously. I don't necessarily fit into the mold of society, I know that, but I have figured out what I need to strive for. Which in itself is a huge accomplishment. I am committed to my evolution (like the camel, lion, dragon, child in Thus Spoke Zarathustra) , an uncovering of my unconscious mind (collecting all the information I can through dreams and paying attention to the shining forth of phenomena), and a full-fledged commitment to being and the unknown. My motto, however ridiculous it seems, is to explore the unknown, push and play, and thus recognize my potential daily. Nietzsche's Ubermensch is a real possibility, and it is one of very few elevators out of the growing chasm of nihilism that many of us are at the bottom of. JP has developed and merged many, if not all, of the elevators out of nihilism and for that reason alone, he is, in my opinion, modern day man's answer to the predicament of Nihilism.
"You can identify with what you understand, that's what ideologues do, you can identify with what you don't understand, that's what seekers of truth do. Or you can identify with the process of moving between those two states. Sometimes you know what your doing, you know who you are, and where you're going. Other times you're in despair, and chaos, and when you identify yourself with that it becomes a kind of nihilism. Or you can view yourself as what moves between each. You, being the thing that maintains constancy across all transformation." -(JP)..
Just wanted to let you know I relate with your posts intensely. I've recently fully realized that I'm regretfully in the danceless dancer stage, I'll take your advice on reading Demons and crime and punishment- preciate it
This is a FANTASTIC interview. Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson play off each other not only comically but very educationally. I consider them both very different people, but it's great seeing two people from opposite sides of the spectrum sit down and have a conversation like this.
Pure expedience. He's felt threatened by Peterson and has to prove he's such as smart. As obvious as the nose on one's face!!! He needs to forget it; Peterson eats everybody. Go Jordan!!!
Daniel Webb Russell Brand hasn't changed Truth be told he knew if he used his usual tactics of confrontation together with i am the smartest and the most enlighten man in the room approach against the professor he would be totally outclassed. Of course Russell isn't that stupid so he quite rightly sat there listened for a change.
He can certainly appear that way, but put him with an intelligent person and he contains himself and genuinely starts thinking. His similarly lengthy interview with Candace Owens shows exactly that too. He begins all arguments with a childish utopian "let's just love everyone" stance but his own intelligence gets the better of him. When he's good, he's very good. JP is amazing as always.
Probably you were mad at the addicted Russell, which neglected himself from the thinker he is to have spare time to feed his deamons. There are no right or wrong ways to see or to percibe a person, only a moment a place where you got that idea from. I bet Russell would say "yes, I was an idiot!"
Best podcast episode I’ve ever seen! Thank you both for your service to humanity. This is important information that needs to be received by the masses.
You were brilliant Russel. You drew out the best abilities of Peterson and gently pointed up a few of the weakneses of his argument as well as making excellent points about current real world power hegomonies. Bravo
This was genuinely an absolutely amazing podcast! I got so much out of this so I'm incredibly thankful to Russel and Dr Peterson for having this discussion. I don't know if there is another podcast anywhere in existence at the moment that is this rich with ideas and truths! Thank you!
Jacovich Stabs cool! have you seen the one with Joe Rogan? Because i have and the only thing not so great about it is that he keeps on cutting JP off and talking over him and not really letting him articulate his points i mean i know is his podcast but is not like this one this two guys seem to have mutual respect for their view points and each other's intellect 👍
Mr. Ed I haven't seen that one. I don't find Joe Rogan very interesting from what I've seen and there is plenty of Jordan Peterson content out there to watch so I try to pick selectively for what I think will be most beneficial for me.
thank mr friberg Yeah, I find Harris interesting but I disagree with a lot of his ideas. I did enjoy his podcasts with Peterson though, they were really good.
Dear Russell, I think it is so great that you continue to have open and generous and compassion-lead conversations with people whose politics apparently differ from your own. It keeps me, as a listener, OPEN. And it reminds me that it is ideas, not tribes, that should be prioritised to us humans. Keep it up and lots of love xoxo
Lydia M-J that’s absolutely right! Ideas matter, and the people we are dealing with are individuals, and judging them based on some perceived tribal identity is the most counterproductive way to make a real connection
It is January 31, 2022, and I am 44 minutes into the interview. I am quite familiar with Dr. Peterson via listening to hours of him here on UA-cam. The man is first-rate. However, I had never heard of Russell Brand. I'm an American, soon to be 63 years of age, and have lived and worked here in Germany for 25+ years. A few days ago I watched a Brand-Peterson interview from, I think, last year. First-rate. Now here I am listening to Brand for the second time. This guy is very, very, very articulate, well-read, serious-thinking, and seriously exploring together with Dr. Peterson. Keep going, Mr. Russel Brand. You are doing great work. And of benefit to me. Thank you.
Hi Russell Brand, Im not sure if you will read this, but if you do....I just wanted to say thanks heaps, one of your documentaries helped me to START to begin to understand my drug and alcohol addiction from a new level around six years ago...The documentary, which I was watching whilst drinking with friends, inspired me to stop drinking on that day...That was the begining of real shift in understanding for me...I had previously tried to battle my addictions from an external beat myself up/personal guilt lens that made me hate myself, and obvously as many know, that shit doesn't work...Anyway fast forward to now, Ive been sober 6 months from alcohol and sober from varying on and off drugs for 9 months...I am grateful to you for spreading the seed back then because that little seed has produced fruit...I am one life that you have influenced for the better...May the higher power bless you tremendously...kindest regards, with love Mel from Australia...
More important than the individual topics discussed, you're setting an example for all on how to have civilized and intelligent conversation with people that you may disagree with politically and fundamentally. If we're to fix our highly polarized and fractured society it starts by learning to talk to people who may not agree. Thanks so much.
Without a doubt the most mutually productive conversation I've seen Dr. Peterson in. It must be a refreshing for JP to find someone (a) sufficiently articulate and nimble-minded to keep up, (b) as obviously and sincerely interested in 'big questions' and (c) as intellectually honest and humble as Russell Brand. Magnificent interview!
He is a douche. Sickening moral relativism paired with a treacherous hatred for the west, the system and society that he benefits so much from. He is disgusting.
Facemushroom what? What is his treacherous hatred for the west? And how can you be treacherous to the “West”? The West is a large collection of countries, that often don’t get on, spy on each other and even conduct in war...
This is so amazing. JBP AND RB should consider doing some sort of on-stage dialectic to demonstrate how to have a productive ad-hoc conversation during which two "opposing" sides explore each other's views. That would likely be the most viewed Netflix event in history of it happened.
Building on Carlin's idea, you could have one public intellectual on in each episode who is known for verbal beatdowns instead of productive dialogue and have that person be outnumbered by people respectfully disagreeing with one another.
Russell, I must confess I used to really dislike you, which is to say the person that I thought you were. I am happy to say that you have changed my opinion of you drastically. Though I may not agree with you on everything, I am impressed that you are willing to have difficult and important conversations. I know you likely won't read this but I'm encouraging you to keep up the good work with these interviews/discussions.
Alan Hoover you sound like one of the competent people, a compatriot, but I sense an unhelpful amount of self pride. I think we need helpful, competent people at the top. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is step aside and listen to what the incompetents are trying to say. We don't want to be the Jack Nicholson in 'AFew Good Men'.
I'm not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that I have self pride, which I'm sure most people do have to some extent including myself. I'm guessing it was the "though I may not agree with you on everything" part. My comment had less to with my own personal views and more to do with the openness of discussion and debate. I originally thought of Russell as someone who was using their position in media to promote a specific agenda. In all fairness I used to look at Joe Rogan the same way. Whether I am right or wrong in my convictions on certain things was never the intent of my post, just that open dialogue is a much better solution than shutting down the speech of people that you disagree with. I like the movie reference, btw.
You two are really POWERFUL together, wow!! I really loved the fact that sexuality and aggression were addressed in detail. I have been struggling with that same issue: I want to keep being able to féél that "magnetic, wild attraction", I don't want to repress and kill that! But I also don't want it to consume me anymore, and blindly allow it to take over my "psychic balance". This was the first interview I ever saw where this issue was addressed, and I do appreciate that! Only Russell is brave enough to utter this question, and only Jordan is wise enough to actually be able to answer it. So glad the two of you have found each other! Hopefully there will be much more of such conversations coming up!! :-)
JP is talking about "sublimation". Some people say it's the only positive "ego defence mechanism". The idea is basically take an unacceptable repressed urge and sublimate it in action that's valued by society e.g. aggressive tendencies to win and dominate sublimated in sports. I think repressed sexuality tends to be sublimated in either arts, music/dance or creative endeavours.
sport3915 this is how conversations with people with a left leaning bent should go. You can't just dismiss people you disagree with as retards. You still need to live with them in your society!
This interview or discussion has to be placed up there with the greats, I felt like I was witnessing something special and it was a privilege to absorb.
Brand freely admitting he had been a selfish, narcissistic douchebag in years past earns him a lot of credit in my book. You and I didn't like him for those very reasons. The fact that he's genuinely grown up and made positive changes is commendable. I thought the admission that good male role models played a huge role in his transformation was quite profound. Just goes to show the importance of fathers and other men of character in society. I'm glad he's making something of himself and wish him the best.
Really interesting stuff. I didn’t really like Peterson or what he was teaching when I first stumbled across him, but listening to him more I think I just misunderstood his thinking!
I absolutely agree, brilliant dynamic, and it was the first time I've ever been even slightly irritated by Dr. P interrupting someone so that says a lot for the quality on Russell's part
so bloody excellent. those who slate Brand would do well to watch him here. a lovely conversation from two people really 'thinking'. so often (being so obviously brilliant), Peterson dominates interviews and discussions. here, he was no more than 'equal' to the task.. love them both.
I love J. B Peterson :) Kudos to you Mr. Brand, for engaging in conversation, even though a huge portion of your fan base is throwing in fallacies and riding lefty headlines. If this does reach you, keep doing your thing and not listening to the feeble comments on social media. Keep being a sweetheart. Luv to your mum.
“Your former self was the tyrant over your emergent self” so true for anyone who has had to overcome adversity so profound that it was woven into the essence who they were as a person.
I normally don’t comment but, I just wanted to express my gratitude. Thank you for the authenticity, and guts to put yourself out there and share. There is a lot that resonates in my life and certainly others who never speak up.You are appreciated.
I went from liking Russell to disliking him and now im back to liking him. I went through this transformation from new age lunacy to real life a little earlier than him is all.
I think the problem comes from looking at his as 1-dimensional. I think we all do this with celebrities a bit, and then they do something that pisses you off and you think "fuck him, he's a cunt". For a year or so I completely stopped listening to Joe Rogan because he did a few things that I found unpleasant, but lately I've realised that he is the sum of all his parts, not just his weakest aspects. Same with Russell, he can be really infuriating but also so so brilliant, and many people are just the former and not the latter. Rarely are people exclusively the latter.
"there needs to be acknowledgement and recognition of difference...trying to achieve equality with the anhilation of category is not a succesful route" YES! Brilliant. More left-leaning people (I consider myself one) need to understand this!
Another good JP quote from a bad interview he had was that equality of opportunity should be encouraged, but equality of outcome is a terrible idea. He suggested that when truly equal opportunity is present in societies like Denmark and Sweden, the disparity between men and women widens even further, rather than closing up. Supporting research and scientific evidence as that men and women have biological differences that govern society on the whole.
@@hannahw90hw that is ironic. The more they push this gender neutral stuff, the more men and women will unconsciously gravitate towards gender defined roles. If I am understanding you correctly.
but the identitarian left seeks to actually create categories that create an identity i think. "im a genderqueer trans non binary 2nd gen afro latino hiv positive bla bla bla". so they are looking to divide through adding extra labels to people.
@@tigerlilly3727 Which, if taken to its logical conclusion, ends up narrowing all the way down to as many categories as there are people on the planet, each of which contains just one person. Bearing this in mind, doesn't it make more sense to dispense with the categorisation and focus on the individual, save where the category is genuinely biological and has an impact on medical treatment / relative advantages in competitive pursuits / etc.
I honestly did a little cheer when I saw this video uploaded. Your first podcast with JP was very compelling and I’ve been wanting a second part ever since! Thanks Russel for proving that there are some people on the left who are open to discussion!
But here Russel argues that refraining from categorizing people into the groups is a bad idea... Then Jordan agrees with him. Jordan normally argues against identity politics. This is a accident i think
The best podcast I’ve listened to ever. So refreshing to hear Peterson talking constructively rather than having to defend his work to uneducated journalists
Russell is the perfect person for JP to talk to. Rational, patient, curious, and proposes left-leaning ideas without propagandizing his ideas or grandstanding whatsoever. JP was relaxed, allowed to talk in a constructive way, and give consideration to all his ideas as well as receive consideration for his own. Led to one of the best interviews with JP I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot)
Connor Naron I I 100% agree with you! Russell is a genuinely inquisitive person and that brings out the best of Peterson
Connor Naron couldn’t agree more. Excellent comment
Left leaning? Are you kidding me Russell is far left
BuggaloBill making a mountain out of a molehill
Ian O'Neill I werent making an anything out of an anything. I was simply pointing out that Russell is far left and not left leaning. Your willingness to be permissive of and have a "nothing to see here" attitude towards the extremities of one side of the spectrum is telling to say the least and reflects a wider problem in society at large.
I now have a new found respect for Brand; he challenged Dr Peterson on exactly the right issues but never stopped listening to what he was saying. Honestly, this is one of the better JBP interviews for that reason: Brand prepared and knew his guest. Excellent discussion, you two.
N A well said
I agree. Although, I wonder if Russell could’ve done better job following up with the great questions he was asking towards the second half.
Check out their first conversation too, it's awesome in very similair manner. I've started to respect Russell Brand a lot more lately, because he truly seems genuine and open for conversation.
I've never been a fan of Russell Brand the loud-mouth and objectionable, and I probably wouldn't have watched this just for him, but I have a respect for him here. He is listening, really listening, and thinking, adapting answers and questions as in a proper conversation between equals. Bravo, Mr Brand. A very good listen. And Dr P.... excellent as always when you are allowed to talk and think and respond to a person that you like as well.
Well put. I, too, have a new found respect for Russell. This was a riveting dialogue...two intelligent and curious 'gentle-men' engaging in reasonable thought with their egos sitting quietly on the sidelines.
I love when two drastically different people can sit down and have a discussion in a civil manner. We need more of this nowadays.
There were not just been civil.
They were building each other up.
Both came out with more than before the discussion.
Because neither are extremists or any kind and are talking about a subject matter than they have done for a long time so are able to just sit down for an hour and have this kind of conversation in this kind of manner almost effortlessly. Plus they are being filmed and know that a lot of people will be watching so they will be putting the extra effort into their performance and there was a lot of crossover agreement. Look how many times JP confirms that RB is right about something or RB admits to agreeing with JP.
Not quite the same when you spontaneously get people on the left and right who have just bandwagon jumped in recent years due to an idea or a person saying something they agree with in a better way then they can express it, suddenly coming to verbal blows in the same space. It's bound to become an impatient shouting match with no real centre ground and both camp claiming 'victory' for different reasons.
I don't think they're all that different, fundamentally. In terms of personality yes, but in terms of values and the kinds of ideas that interest them, I actually think they're relatively similar.
They're truth seekers
I find that they're not as different as one might initially think.
"The acknowledgement of difference needn't infer inferiority."
that's dope
Jake Timm
Hi Jake
That’s a great quote
Thank you for posting
I dont think thats true, though. It obviously means inferiority, but only in one sense: in the sense in what you differ. But we are obviously more than 1 isolated characteristic...
Ati Notevuelveaimportar Alrighty then
@@atinotevuelveaimportar5905 not necessarily.. all pros come with cons.. all cons come with pros.. so while there may be inferiority in some areas there will be superiorities in others... Such as there are many things I'm completely inept at doing but there are things that I excel in.. which averages out to be I have the ability to help as well as the ability to hurt... and the same is true for everyone.. which makes us all equal just not equal in the same things.... the trick is harnessing the good in everyone while minimizing the effects of the bad.. the problem is looking at someone that's differently abled and saying "This person is completely inferior to me" or "No good can come from this person"
Oh how times have changed. If you'd tell me 10 years ago that I'd listen to Russel Brand interviewing a clinical psychologist and actually listen I'd have laughed my ass off. Russel mate, be proud of yourself, great interview.
+Tolis Mortadelas I agree, when I first heard/saw Russel 10 or so years ago I really thought he was a complete dick talking nonsense and abusive of other people. Wow what a transformation! He has come along so much and is now a thoughtful, well read & interesting person now. Maybe it was his getting rid of his addictions (on drugs) that have created this interesting and intelligent person. I think I may actually subscribe to his channel to see more.
I've skimmed critical reviews of Russel and wrote him off, but since Peterson's interviews are almost always interesting (the only ones I don't like are about religion against atheists, because Peterson sees god completely differently and atheists don't get it and refuse to change the level at which they argue) so I guess I skipped his bad phase.
Being a recovering drug addict will bring a certain sense of spirituality and maturity. I think Russell still uses his zany behavior for comedic purposes, but he has survived his personal hell by virtue of introspection, which undoubtedly led to his gravitating toward Jordan Peterson.
it' you who've changed, not "times".
Jew and Greek Or you could take mushrooms and skip the hole addiction phase
You two may as well start a channel together. Very good conversation and refreshing in this day and age.
David Vujanic great to see my man commenting. Peace and love
be careful Vuj, you dont wanna be accused of being "alt-right" so early in your media career 😂
пређи на десно, зајеби левичарење :D
I believe it would lose its charm if it was a weekly thing, but think it could be truly great if it was on a quarterly basis. Give enough time for things to evolve and take stock between each conversation, you know?
Man like VUUUUUJJJ!!!!
"I'd rather take the consequences of what's true" is a great line.
It's my deep hope that podcasts like this are a prelude to our future political discourse in the West.
I'm impressed by Russell for not shying away from Jordan or outright dismissing him as an "idiot" or a "racist".
The Left could learn from this. Less labels, more understanding. Both sides need to have civil conversation about all the maajor issies. Not childish smear campaigns. I get tired of watching Biden and other Liberal candidates tell those on the Right how "racist" we are, how "intolerant" we are, when they don't seem to want to sit down and talk things out.
It will be. We're almost certainly going to go through a terrible war between the close minded people of both aisles. But from those ashes the rest of us will rise up and usher our country and the world into a new age of discourse. I sense a Dark Age is almost upon us, but an unprecedented Golden Age of discovery, invention, appropriate progress, and unity will follow.
@@thesanfranciscoseahorse473 anyone who thinks Jordan Peterson is an idiot is in a fact, an idiot.
Anyone who thinks he is a racist should not have children and educate themselves.
what a great idea
@@Brian-vk1hm Can you fkn hear yourself?!?
Thanks for watching! If you liked it please do share it, or not, do what you like!
Love you russ. Stay strong
Russell Brand
You're welcome Russell. I respect both yourself and Jordan, I share beliefs with both of you and disagree with both of you about different things. I think it's important for people like yourself and Dr Peterson to come together and and share ideas , agree/disagree, it's all beneficial.
Ps , when's your next comedy special? Have netflix been in touch?
You are so Awesome!
😇👍🙏🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🙌✨🌹I'm still watching it!👍😇✨🎉😂✨Just saw 11:11 GMT...! 😂😂 I've been transformed in time ...😇🙏 LOVE YOU!!
Russell Brand thank you and Dr Peterson
Brilliant! Took two hours from work for this. You're developing into a game changer and that's the answer to your question on stopping the machine. If yourself and Dr Peterson have put 10,000 people onto a different trajectory and those people nudge the 200 they have within their sphere of influence towards giving a listen to the same material presented, you're 2 generations from altering society in a meaningful way. That's something amazing and attainable in the age of the internet and mobile communication.
Damn.... honestly I love Dr Peterson’s chats with Russell... yea they clearly differ in different topics but their hunger for knowledge and understanding (specially the fact that they both acknowledge that they don’t know everything, aka how Jordan defined humbleness) is what makes their conversations so educational not only for us the audience but also for them... Russell celebrates Peterson’s ideas “wow beautiful” for example, and Jordan expands on Russell’s premises incredibly well and instead of shouting over each other where they disagree, they both give their own views and listen to each other...
Overall just beautiful, thank you both for this treat of knowledge
P.D. I feel like I need to go to an AA meeting or smthn now even though I don’t even drink lmao
sport3915 well it’s not that hard, i do disagree with Brand heavily when it comes to finance, he even states that Dr Peterson does too... he does have a lot of respect for Peterson and so does Dr Peterson for Brand... You might think whatever about Russell, he does find excitement in Peterson’s words though and that I do appreciate, he gave me new perspectives to try to debate against when it comes to economics... overall I think it’s more about how he helps make your own arguments better by being able to debate his own :D
If you go to a good church they should also help you go through the 12 steps
Such wonderful comments. I completely agree Julian Vargas. This is the first time that I've actually been sad to see someone write a negative comment. As I admitted earlier, I am on the right, and I respect Dr. Peterson, and I am currently reading his book 12 Rules for Life. It's a great book. Russell Brand is one of the few in his career who sought to make real and systemic changes in his life that were damaging to himself and the people around him. He may be imperfect, we all are, but he looks like he's committed to his journey and he's putting an honest effort into his life.
I will say this also in Russell's behalf. If Russell is just in it for money, if I were his agent, I would be telling him to stay away from figures who the left believe are part of the alt-right. Russell is taking quite a risk talking to Jordan Peterson. No doubt he has been alienated by some who once called him friend for even talking to Dr. Peterson. I don't think anyone is comparing Russell to Dr. Peterson in an academic sense. Clearly Dr. Peterson has studied psychology for more than Russell has. In fact, Russell himself would be the first to admit that. I will say that I can definitely compare Russell to the level of courage of Dr. Peterson. A man willing to sincerely talk in an open and honest way with Dr. Peterson without going for cheap "gotcha moments" like in the Cathy Newman interview.
I hope for the sake of us all that these two keep it up. They make a great team. My thanks to Russell Brand, and Dr. Peterson.
Well said. Russel Brand has made a personal investment in himself to grow. He said himself that when he found and accepted good male influences his life began to shift and move in a positive direction. You can tell he admires JP and is keen to enhance his experience by engaging with a wise and kind man. They are teaching each other. As it should be. This is the sort of dialogue that needs to explode onto the world stage.
If it was hunger for money he would just continue to make a ton of films. I imagine this venture caused him to have a pay cut so to speak.
I love everyone who likes this interview. We're in this together.
I'm with you bro. Good luck.
We are allah bless u all
@@hathbenali If you only believe in God/Allah and act according to inherent moral beliefs then we're in it together. If you follow the dogmatic scriptures of Christianity/Islam/Judaism and act upon the ignorant extremism of their world veiw then we're not in it togheter..
Well said lol agreed
Two of the most articulate and rich vocabulary people I know having a conversation. Not a bad day.
ENFP & INTJ magic.
Yet it didn't get too sophticsted like it did with some of Jordan's interviews. It was bloody awesome. I guess we need a Queen!
Here's a neat word for you: sesquipedalian (1) a very long word (2) someone who is given to the overuse of very long words. Here's an example from one dictionary of sesquipadalian used in a sentence:
If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don’t really know what it was about because they can’t understand the words.
I'm quite certain that most of Peterson's rabid fans are only able to follow Peterson when he's speaking plainly, but have elevated him to 'genius-level' based on all that other 'fancy talk' that they don't really understand.
@Ruchira HerathHere's the link to that vocabulary quiz: Daily high scores are saved until midnight. I just moved up to 10th place.
@Ruchira Herath Thanks...I think. You rather precipitously concluded that I am not able to follow Peterson's arguments. It's only because I HAVE taken the time to follow some of his arguments that I'm not overly impressed with the content of his words (I did, however, agree with Peterson's stance against U of T pressing him to use alternate gender pronouns) To extrapolate on my initial post, I think the majority of Peterson's fanatical followers are not so much interested in closely following his verbose arguments, but rather, are KEENLY interested in watching Peterson "DESTROY", with a steely-eyed stare, anyone who, for example, argues that a male patriarchy has dominated throughout history and still exists today, albeit to a far lesser degree. Everywhere you look on UA-cam nowadays people are obsessed with the perception that one person is DESTROYING another. Look under any Peterson debate comment section and you very rarely see anyone intelligently commenting on the meat of the discussion. Rather, most of what you see is cheap, ad hominem attacks on the interviewer or anyone with an apposing view. I haven't read it, but I'd bet that Peterson's '12 Rules For Life' uses much more plain language than hears in his polemical debates. Peterson no doubt recognizes that many of his followers aren't mental giants. Perhaps you ARE one of his followers who actually listens attentively, and you like what he has to say. THAT I can respect. It's the hoards of mindless commenters that I find idiotic. I should note that nothing I've written here is in response to THIS particular interview -- I was JP'ed out by the time I hit this one.
“The acknowledgment of difference needn’t infer inferiority.”
One of my more favorite lines from the talk. We'd all be more productive if we had the humility to live that out.
masteryehudi I thought that originally as well. However, “infer” does still make sense. Since to infer is to come to a conclusion, the sentence is saying:
The acknowledgment of difference doesn’t necessarily demand that you conclude inferiority exists in the matter.
Stephen Shutters an "acknowledgment of difference" can't infer anything; inference is something agents/people do. The sentence just about makes sense if you use "imply". It's a routine error, that's probably mentioned in the dictionary entry. Who says it?
masteryehudi Russell Brand said it, of course. Haha. He isn’t as careful of his words as Dr. Peterson is.
Props to Russell for having an open discussion with Jordan Peterson. You dont have to agree with everyone on everything, but open discussions are so important.
This is the first time I'd seen the name "Jordan Peterson" in a UA-cam title and thought "that may actually be interesting." Russel Brand is special that way.
@@bumpty9830 Dig deeper, if you get rid of your preconceptions JP makes deep meaningful sense
@@Jeff-uu9vo, over the course of this 41-second (linked) clip, Peterson starts out supporting the "rights" of business owners to discriminate against customers based on sexual orientation, and is then convinced, by a professional stand-up comedian, that he was wrong to do so.
This demonstrates quite clearly that Peterson doesn't think through the most basic implications of his ideas before he spreads them. He's intellectually sloppy, so when he does make sense, it's a matter of luck.
These, by the way, are not "preconceptions," but rather a rational analysis of the data.
Peterson may well be intelligent, but that doesn't stop him from making terrible assumptions. Only diligence could do that, and he doesn't seem to have that habit.
Hell yes!!
the take home from this is, we should take TRUMP outside his gated, golfing community, get him to kneel, and slap him in the face with a glove!
As a conservative, I’ve never much cared for Russell Brand. However, the sheer fact that he’s willing to have an open and honest good faith discussion with Jordan Peterson gives me a new found respect for him.
I’ll be sure to listen to more of his discussions. Keep up the good work!
I'm assuming he mentioned his political leanings because many on the left aren't willing to accept people's differing political belifes. You just proved his point.
John Harding that's true on both sides my friend. Not just the left. We need more of what Russel and Jordan did on this video. Lots more
The connection between the left and the right is continuously being lost at the extreme's. These discussions prove that there is significant value in working together.
It’s interesting seeing the difference between the first one they did and this conversation after Brand read some of JPs work
Thanks Jay Naab. We need more people expressing this view on both sides of the aisle... I've felt similarly about Brand in the past - but he stands in marked distinction from dogmatists in his enthusiasm for honest inquiry. Kudos to Brand!
Russell you are so right I lost my big brother to a heroin overdose and my father passed not long after that never addressed it I was only 15 spent most of time on streets and the drugs were a comfort blanket. Like yeah I can get threw this as long as I got this drug feeling this high. I have had highs lows worked for BMW lived in other countries. I am 28 and this is my first year clean don't know if you read these comments but listening to you is helping me so so much right now. I feel exactly the same as you. I too believe in God. For the same reasons as you I expect. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the time and effort you are putting in!
@Some Body all I can say really is stay strong don't give up on yourself. You are worth it believe me! Wish I had the financial prowess to help you seriously. It is a continuous battle you are going to have days that bring you to your knees and you feel what's the point of it all. It's these times where you find your true strength your Personal legend. Keep watching russell brand and JP for inspiration but know that only you can make it happen all the luck in the world mate I'm praying for ya x
Best of luck to both of you!❤❤
Well done buddy, hope you're still in a good place. I'm 9 years clean and sober. One day at a time. 👍🏻
God is real. The Christian God - Praise Jesus!
S. Siclair how are you doing this year mate?
I LOVE how Russell has literally studied his work!! Is writing and taking notes, so thoughtful! Actually wanting to know...I just watched a video of JP being interviewed by 2 journalists who really didn’t want to know what he thinks or even listen to his response to their questions!...and here is Russell actually talking to him about something that JP really enjoys talking about and meanwhile actively learning what he thinks and expanding upon it...down to the minute thought. YES this is why people are interested in public discussions like JP and so many others are embarking on THANK YOU so much with out you and discussions like yours we would be in the DARK
HopeFaithLove i
"The proper exchange of ideas between free individuals keeps tyranny at bay."
without watching this i can tell JP said it lol
@Shaun Dixon I think that is radical relativism
@Shaun Dixon I think he's simply propping freedom of speech. In that sense, it should read "The absolutely free exchange of ideas between free individuals keeps tyranny at bay."
@Monserrat E I assume you agree that this kind of dialogue is what we need. You agree that conversations where both parties are open to explore ideas and actually listen to each other are vital right?
Then your comment is the exact opposite of that. I understand you have grievances with the Democratic party, and I would most likely agree with you on a lot should we have a more in depth discussion. However, the kind of rhetoric you use in this particular comment is exactly what blocks reasonable conversation. I'm not saying you are wrong or right, but do you really think you are acting out the values you hold, if you indeed do agree with the above. I would implore you to really ponder how you engage with differing viewpoints.
Peterson emphasized at the end that it is good and necessary that there are both the left and the right, and they balance each other, and proper discourse between people of differing viewpoints is vital to a functioning society. Both the left and the right are very much at fault for being entrenched and this situation has lead to a breakdown in communication in the US, and that's not good. I am being sincere, because I do very much believe that the conversation Russel and Jordan had here is a prime example of excellent discourse, which we should all strive for.
As a side note just to dispel any notion of partisanship on my part i would like to add that I believe thinking of politics only as a left vs right issue is a reduction of a complicated matter. Yet i understand that for Americans it does seem that way because there are only two parties. A multi-party system is in my opinion much more nuanced and capable of being more representative of the people.
@Monserrat E Well we just had parliamentary elections here in Finland and we ended up with Social Democratic Party getting 40 seats and the Finns Party receiving 39, the Finns party being a populist right-wing party. The National Coalition, a conservative right-wing party received 38 seats and the Centre party 31 both being historically major parties. And as an interesting thing to note; the Green League gained several seats and now have 20. There are also several minor parties in parliament. A government is then formed 99% of the time as a majority coalition government in which it is assembled from representatives of several different parties to achieve a majority in the parliament. It is a much more nuanced system than a two-party one, and dare i say... more democratic. Not that the system is perfect here either though!
I remember in the first interview, everyone talked about how much they dislike Russell in the comments and only enjoyed the interview for Peterson. I think Russell has a special ability to provoke a certain openness in thought in Peterson that normally isn't expressed because he has to repeat the same thing again and again in interview after interview to lay out his position! In this interview they got right to the bottom of so many important topics that I think I'm going to have to watch this again!
That's really true. Russell is a really good match for Peterson.
So true
Well put
I think it is because Russel is not out to undermine or attack JP. So he is not on the defensive. They acknowledge where they disagree and where they have common ground. Most discussions in th media are point scoring. Not a way to find the truth.
I posted this as a separate comment, but copying it here is easier than writing out all my thoughts again.
I've been following Russell since his infamous Paxman interview, and Peterson since September 2016 when his initial controversy brought him into my awareness. I'm also a huge fan of Joe Rogan's podcast, and their respective appearances are hands down my favourite podcasts of all time. Both of them have sophisticated, compelling views on spiritually that come closer to my own than anybody else (except perhaps Terrence McKenna and Alan Watts). I've really wanted them to have a thoughtful discussion for years, and lost my shit when their first discussion was announced. That one was a little disappointing though - not because it was bad, it wasn't bad - but because Russell's perception of Peterson had been influenced by the media smears, and he kept bringing it back to political talking points because Peterson has been portrayed as a right-wing political commentator.
Jordan does talk about political issues, but his true genius lies in his deep understanding of human beings, our psychological makeup, our spirituality, and what it means to live a good life. Over the course of their first discussion you could tell that Russell's perception of Jordan changed, and they began to touch on more interesting ideas. I've been eager to hear them talk again ever since, because I suspected that with all the bullshit created by the media's misrepresentation and smearing of Peterson out of the way, they'd be able to really delve into some interesting ideas. I haven't watched this yet because I'm waiting until I have time to sit down and watch it in its entirety, but I'm really encouraged by all the positive comments which makes me even more excited to dive in!
What a perfect combination of individuals. Without much judgment they tackle through problems we all share as humans and especially problems that plague our current society.
These two are perfect together because they're vastly different in the way they've lived the lives and their backgrounds.
I hope we get to see them talk again.
2 legends
We've all been thirsting so hard for substance. That's absolutely correct. I'm loving how many people are embracing long form, uncensored, REAL discussion and debate. It's beautiful to behold this push back against the increasingly Orwellian culture mainstream media has been pushing.
True, surprisingly this is the first time I have seen the call for "long form, uncensored, REAL discussion and debate."
Russel. Big balls, for engaging in this conversation again! Please always hold on to that genuine deep curiosity you possess. I am amazed to see you evolve in such a rapid way. Much love 🙏
Thanks Russell. The most accurate thing I could say about you two is you both have pure hearts genuine in your seeking for truth. Your doing good for the world. Keep it up!
Russell looks like Jordan's long lost rebellious son lol
priceless comment.
Hahahaa! You get the best comment of the video award! I totally agree.🏆🤣👍
And per chance, a prodigal son?
Imagine Russell with Jordan's clothes/haircut and vice versa... the psychedelic salesman and the steadfast goat-herder! (just teasing, i love both these guys and the dialogue they have)
I don't want to clean my room and face the dragon, DAD!
This conversation has left me feeling like I need to learn at least one new word everyday.
do It then. don't delay
Interregnum: word for day 241
Read books. Consistently.
Dude. yes. i was thinking the same thing. I understand what they're saying but i cant use this vocabulary in the way they are when speaking. Here we go.
"The solution is to become MORE conscious".... of all the gold this conversation had to offer, this tiny gem is THE most valuable piece of knowledge for any living being.. I would advise EVERYONE to meditate on this idea a lot, for it is the key that unlocks the door that hides the truth about the reality of existence..
Right? Mind. Blown. !
Notice to those on both the extreme left and right; this is what intelligent conversation looks and sounds like.
Erika Friesen fr people are becoming like common folk of the 1600s where it’s not even worth starting a conversation with them because they’re gonna end up beating you or hang you by the stake if u disagree with them. And then they call me crazy for having a differing opinion..
Fuck off
Long Johnson u fuck off m8 why even click on the video
Jp is not extreme right. hes a classical british liberal
No, Liberal. Labour party is far left now. Even Tony blair denounces them lmao.
I know this came out a long time ago, but I've only recently come across this, and the other discussion between JBP and Russell Brand. I feel compelled to comment that; holy heck, these guys really know how to have a conversation. These videos between Russell and Jordan could easily be examples in a course on social interaction or negotiation [or courses like that].
The give and take, reciprocity (repeating back each other's point to confirm understanding), and willingness to view each other's ideas with grace and value, is truly a beautiful phenomenon to witness. Thank you gentlemen.
I agree 100%.
I "discovered" Dr. Peterson about a month ago. I turn 27 in a few weeks.
Such intelligent conversation is life-fueling. Thank you, guys.
Ohhhh the gold you’ll find. There’s much content!
Be careful who you tell about liking him, the main stream media is trying it's best to make him look like a far right/alt right spokes person almost in my eyes, it's disgusting how he is being treated, this interview was a nice treat as he wasn't belittled with lies and twists
Antny Psyco mane♌stream
Ebony Hayes Whoops, Jordan's septuagint doesn't cross well with mine, what a terrible air roar. Four cast calls fur moore demi god.
what a balanced entertaining and insightful interview. really enjoyed it.
Geminis are awesome :)
Take your astrology bullshit somewhere else
Ebony Hayes I think there’s a lot more to what makes this interview so great than what time of year they were born.
Both Russell and Joe Rogan have had my favorite interviews with Jordan peterson. They're just chatting and sharing ideas in an entertaining way, without trying to paint Jordan as some kind of fetus eating monster.
I don't agree with Brand ideologically. But he's REAL. He's not one of these fake Leftists that isn't trying to find truth.
Well done, Russell - this is a terrific conversation. It's really heartening to see you engage with JP at the level of the ideas, rather than going in having prepared boring means to (try to) catch him out, as some have on TV and radio over the past few days.
There at the very end I got chills, like something had been accomplished or born. I've been pausing the video to make phone calls to people who I feel I have wronged or have wronged me. The individual really is the correct locus of analysis. I can't be held responsible for the action or the inaction of a group, or even of another individual, but i can free myself from the malevolence or even lust (not purely sexual) that has entangled me.
10 strip?
no hidden agendas, objectively asked questions, civilised, not to mention informative, interesting, engaging. these are the types of interviews that work - and this is hosted by someone who comes from what we call "the left". Excellent interview/discussion Russell.
Owen Hawe it’s the ying/yang philosophy they were talking about
maybe there are hidden agendas... I must look closer..
Annoying Guy how exactly is his agenda hidden if he openly discusses it (in one of Joe Rogan's interviews for example)?
Annoying Guy his agenda.
Annoying Guy by all means, it was you who started secret agenda talk without writing a word on what you think it is or provide any kind of source on it. I just checked my history though so I can narrow down that interview - it's numbered as 1070. I can't quote it from my head but if you state what you think that "agenda" is I can at least confirm or deny if it's the thing he talks about there.
It’s great to see Jordan Peterson express himself in a respectful conversation where he’s not constantly being forced on the defensive.
I also have a respect for Russell Brand. I can tell that he’s truly sincere and non-malevolent in his expressions, even when I don’t agree with him.
Mitch Ryan im so with you on this one . Its like in interview in tv shows they are always out to get him so he constantly have to fend them off and mind his words . Stops his greatness and real messages from coming forth .
Perhaps the best conversation I’ve seen from both Brand and Peterson yet, individually or together.
I think Peterson is genuinely fascinated at Russell Brands vocabulary and cerebral well readness.
I think its refreshing for Peterson to chat with somebody who isnt an idiot.
In addition to that I he makes Peterson laugh which is rare lol I love this duo
There is just a wonderful two way respect underlying the whole conversation. Neither is out to 'get' the other, and as such, we get a wonderful and full view of their opinions.
@@myselfx2441 p
Or perhaps his narcissism.
It's very refreshing to see Dr Peterson speak to a sane person for once
We live in a society where an ex drug addict-sex addict have more sanity than the so called "Journalist"
it's funny because I've always thought of brand as a sort of insane, eccentric personality yet he seems to be the most level-headed and reasonable person Peterson has spoken to recently
I think it’s down to honesty. Russell isn’t trying to keep a job in journalism by telling us what a news network wants us to hear, which allows him to speak freely. Journalists risk their reputation if they were to go ‘rogue’ and say what they actually think. Unfortunately journalists are mere puppets of the networks that pay their salary, though I’m sure a lot of them are insane too.. haha. Thank heavens for the internet and the ability to broadcast uncensored, uninhibited and truly free speech!
Russell is suprisingly impressive. Got smart after he left Sarah Marshall
Maybe one reason why Russell was all of those things is because of how sane he actually is. I think sane people struggle a lot with loneliness.
“We have good chats don’t we”. No Russell you have now had, IMO, the best, most productive and the most respectful chats with JP. Been a fan of yours for some years (even though you are a commie) and this just proves to me why I’m your fan. To see you and JP together live would be amazing. Love you brother
Their first chat is also up there as one of the top interviews JP has done. Brand is a great example of why you shouldn't judge someone's internal based on their external. He has genius level IQ, though you wouldn't think it based on his physical attributes and mannerisms.
Since when did our physical attributes or mannerisms correlate with genius or IQ?
They don't correlate, that's my point. We, myself included, tend to judge a persons intelligence by external markers. That's a mistake.
Pat I completely agree. We tend to judge people on arbitrary characteristics where we should judge based on actions and outputs. Both Russ and Jordan are extremely intelligent and are open to differing opinions because the both genuinely are interested in ideas and sharing them. That’s why I’m drawn to both when neither share my political outlook. Very relevant comment my dude
Totally unrelated but shoutout optic.
Wow inspiring interview. One would think that controversial and explosive interviews are more intriguing but this one proves the opposite is true. A deep honest and open conversation is just as interesting if not more so. Bravo, loved it!
🔴🍯Alchemia 🥛◻️👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
No explosive interview is better. It's so much better to watch/listen to a truly meaningful discussion provided it's not boring but you know what I mean
I agree! It's a nice change to watch a constructive conversation instead of a destructive conflict. It's far more meaningful to hear two people discuss and analyse their own perspectives objectively than to argue over petty differences in the details
+PeopleOfAr Mainstream media interviews are never interesting. Look up the Palette of Narmer (or any number of
ancient Egyptian stele). It has an image of a pharaoh about to smite a prisoner with a mace. Pharaoh=journalist Mace=lame confrontational question Victim =Any chance of an original thought.
PeopleOfAr there’s nothing more open and honest than a conversation between two people with radically different ideas standing strong in their stance. This was remarkably boring.
Of all the Jordan Peterson interviews Ive seen...
this is one of the ones Ive felt hes enjoyed the most.
His interview with Theo Von is also very good, and surprisingly his interview on Doctor Oz, too. Theo's was slightly less deep than the other two, but Jordan appeared extremely comfortable and joyful throughout.
Joe rogans interview is very good too
YES! I think it's because it's a discussion and not an interrogation like most interviewers try to trap Peterson in. Curiosity is the key to a great conversation, not judgement
Dr. Peterson is actually being listened to by Mr. Brand, who has the intent to understand and let his guest express their wisdom without being badgered. The conversations where Peterson is being attacked via sound bite “journalism” - a desperate interviewer in search of a *gotcha* moment- those are hard to watch.
Seeing so many people in the comment section who are able to agree with and appreciate both of these men, is restoring my faith in humanity. 👍🏻
This is us :)
I could sit and listen to these two for hours. Id love to get to know jp’s opinions on many different things because he just oozes charm and wit.
He comes across as a father role model figure that everyone should have in their life.
Great video again Russell, please bring jp back for another talk in the future.
Petersen is certainly a likable guy.
Whoa, an actual conversation. What a concept.
watched their first under the skin and this one back to back, I can't get enough with how well Brand and Peterson flow easily. This is how conversation's should be. Love how you both broke down the 12 steps. Both wise and knowledgeable, keep it up.
Don't mean to necro the thread, but bearing in mind JBP's history in working with those with addiction issues, particularly alcohol, watching RB discussing the 12-step programs in a tone that bordered on lecturing was somewhat cringeworthy to me. Either this was for the audience's benefit and they'd discussed that they'd address the subject in advance, or JBP does a brilliant job of suppressing the likely sense of being patronised.
Mr. Brand allows Dr. Peterson to talk about the things Dr. Peterson should be talking about. I'm thankful for that.
Russell brand just shot up in my estimation. Yes. He can communicate without trying to shock. Well done mate. A gripping conversation by the way.
Brand is an asshole.
Watched the whole thing and found myself smiling ear to ear at the end, completely genuinely. So great to see two powerful minds corresponding and actually listening to each other. Love the both of ya. Great work.
I'm giving this interview 12 out of 12
Surely it would be 108 out of 108 ;)
I was about to give you a thumbs up, but you have 12. Didn't want to ruin it lol
Ahhhh I see what ya did there
Surely you mean 12.5 out of 12.5
Brand: 12 Steps. Peterson: 12 Rules. Funny isn't it?
i've watched dozens of JP interviews and this was one of the most insightful. Thank you for having JP on. Loved your book, Russell.
Mmm Burritos I agree. So much better than the first one. They really helped each other push there own ideas further.
I too have watched so many JP videos ... this was definitely the best one!
When Russell exclusively mentions those who have power, and how the common man can influence the course of history, JP clearly understands where he's coming from, but purposely and obviously skirts the question. JP does get the gist, but tiptoes around the issue because he too is a power structure in his own egoic point of view. He holds his cards close to his chest and perhaps bluffs with his position in academia. I often wonder why school teaches little of value of the real world but I realize there is no such thing as chaos to take the blame for our societal problems. Chaos is undefinable and unconscious, which puts it out of reach as a factor which can be dealt with rationally. Like, well why can't the common people get anything their own way? Because that is the way the world works.
Honestly, Russell, you do the best interviews of Dr. Peterson.
Bless you for being open-minded, and not just following the machine.
FutureSuperman don't get too emotional buddy. I KNOW life is tough for you though just need to really let yourself go. You're stuck in a era where everything had a mild Gothic feel to it and had a tint of purple everywhere you look into, mostly music videos made that purple even more pronounced. What era you say?
FutureSuperman what machine?
Jhon Famo the establishment media
Thanks Russell for inviting JP on your show. You both give me hope that we're all becoming bound by good will and logical thinking. As JP says it's starts with self.
And ends with the self, marxist.
I love how they actually talk to each other.
Finally... Someone is asking Jordan Peterson the questions that are needed to further this kind of topics. And get beyond the whole post-modern. No one else really pushes Jordan Peterson on the tyranny aspect of hierarchies within corporate culture & society. Not in an open dialogue kind of manner at least.
This was great. They touched on some of those topics in the first talk. But I can tell Russel prepared well how to ''guide'' this conversation.
Very interesting :).
Milan van Eijk I’d say that Peterson has talked about the dangers of hierarchy for a long time as well, but no one in the “mainstream” interviews bothered to listen...
Yes in his lectures. True. A lot. But more in a philosophical & spiritual way. This went a bit further because of Russel his framing.
i agree with the need for a specific aim of questions that's largely missing from JP interviews, that allows him to repeatedly circle the same topics. his bible lectures are better, but stuff like this from interviewers willing to listen but still coming from a different viewpoint, are awesome
Negative mainstream media coverage of Peterson suggest a long awaited public backlash to anti science and anti-intellectualism. UA-cam is an incredible alternative for learning and personal growth.
Russell, you’ve come a long way and your work is phenomenal and helpful! So glad 27 was your new beginning.
J petersons lectures are immense! Highly recommend anyone to listen! They will change your life for the better!
I am a white, 70-year-old, retired, conservative, Christian woman. Where, in my wildest dreams, would I ever have considered a British, tattooed, man-bun wearing liberal to be one of my top three (Jordan Peterson, Jason Whitlock - the other two) favorite talk/opinion mediators. We are thirsting in this country for free, civilized speech and debate. I don't always agree with you, and you speak so quickly at times that I don't catch everything you say, but even when you don't agree with someone, you are respectful and offer your opinion, respectfully. Keep it up.
You two men are incredible and unique in your expression. Thank you Russell. JP is great and has helped me very much in departing nihilism and entering a new world of meaning and value. This was a great dialogue, a conversation that's needed.
I'm interested in what these meanings and values that you've discovered are after a belief in nihilism? And what JP has done to assist in this? I'm a nihilist myself.
Jack, I feel it important to outline or provide a bit of context for this. I've struggled with depression since I was a kid, though never understood what was going on until I went to college around 23 ( three years ago ), where I began reading existential philosophy; Camus, Nietzsche, Sartre and finally the most impactful Dostoyevsky. I related with the characters deeply (specifically Raskolnikov and Kirillov) as they took me on a wild ride of extreme skepticism and ideological possession ( which I will talk about a bit more later). During which I realized I had, over time, developed a deep loathing toward society and a pessimism toward being itself. At a certain point, I discarded the philosophy of Nihilism and basically depersonalized into chaos, which is still nihilism. I pushed away everything. I wasn't taking responsibility for being human, for being itself. It would be like if a dancer refused to perform, or dance. It sounds very dramatic, and it was. The only thing that remained was a therapist, my dog, and an inheritance that allowed me to survive until I decided to leave. Though apparently I was too much of a coward to do so, or lacked the constitution for such a thing. However, I did encounter another possibility in Dostoevsky, in the resurrection of Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. The Resurrection story. I won't spoil it, it's great though and I recommend Demons and Crime and punishment if you are wrestling with nihilism. It then took another two years for me to find Jordan Peterson's work. Who has changed my life. Pulled me out of the muck and the chaos and straightened me out. I feel like I can walk forward and I'm gradually putting my life back in order by slaying my dragons.
I never had a father, and I will never have a father, JP showed me that I needed to become my own father. That has helped tremendously. I don't necessarily fit into the mold of society, I know that, but I have figured out what I need to strive for. Which in itself is a huge accomplishment. I am committed to my evolution (like the camel, lion, dragon, child in Thus Spoke Zarathustra) , an uncovering of my unconscious mind (collecting all the information I can through dreams and paying attention to the shining forth of phenomena), and a full-fledged commitment to being and the unknown. My motto, however ridiculous it seems, is to explore the unknown, push and play, and thus recognize my potential daily.
Nietzsche's Ubermensch is a real possibility, and it is one of very few elevators out of the growing chasm of nihilism that many of us are at the bottom of. JP has developed and merged many, if not all, of the elevators out of nihilism and for that reason alone, he is, in my opinion, modern day man's answer to the predicament of Nihilism.
"You can identify with what you understand, that's what ideologues do, you can identify with what you don't understand, that's what seekers of truth do. Or you can identify with the process of moving between those two states. Sometimes you know what your doing, you know who you are, and where you're going. Other times you're in despair, and chaos, and when you identify yourself with that it becomes a kind of nihilism. Or you can view yourself as what moves between each. You, being the thing that maintains constancy across all transformation." -(JP)..
life is what you make it not what others want you to think in life .fact and reason
Just wanted to let you know I relate with your posts intensely. I've recently fully realized that I'm regretfully in the danceless dancer stage, I'll take your advice on reading Demons and crime and punishment- preciate it
Never was a big fan of Russell.. but goddamn these two are magic together, great conversations; this and the previous one
For crying out loud, I shouldn't have pressed play on this so late when I should be sleeping!
Been there.. Done that. LOL Its so hard to pull way...
Nea Emrys oops know it too well.. Jordan is a new paradigm as far as I see though, the lack of sleep was justified.
The BEST interview so far that I've observed. Got tears in my eyes at the end.
Mate... ❤️❤️
This is a FANTASTIC interview. Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson play off each other not only comically but very educationally. I consider them both very different people, but it's great seeing two people from opposite sides of the spectrum sit down and have a conversation like this.
Love how open Russell is to other's ideas and opinions.
Do yourself a favour and watch 1791L' s video on Russell Brand
Pure expedience. He's felt threatened by Peterson and has to prove he's such as smart. As obvious as the nose on one's face!!! He needs to forget it; Peterson eats everybody. Go Jordan!!!
I'm pro jbp. But compared to how loony left Russell was 10 years ago, this is an incredible example of grown up high level discussion.
Daniel Webb Russell Brand hasn't changed Truth be told he knew if he used his usual tactics of confrontation together with i am the smartest and the most enlighten man in the room approach against the professor he would be totally outclassed. Of course Russell isn't that stupid so he quite rightly sat there listened for a change.
woody wordsmith wow that's a really precise summary. Although i think he is keeping enough of an open mind though.
I always thought Russell Brand was an idiot. Guess it was me actually. What a great discussion between these two!
Same here. Russel, Sam, Steven Pinker, Jordan... so different yet so good. We should all learn from them.
😂guess it was just me. great insight😘 thx for the giggle
thought exactly the same.. saw him as a clown.. think my view has been changed
He can certainly appear that way, but put him with an intelligent person and he contains himself and genuinely starts thinking. His similarly lengthy interview with Candace Owens shows exactly that too. He begins all arguments with a childish utopian "let's just love everyone" stance but his own intelligence gets the better of him. When he's good, he's very good. JP is amazing as always.
Probably you were mad at the addicted Russell, which neglected himself from the thinker he is to have spare time to feed his deamons. There are no right or wrong ways to see or to percibe a person, only a moment a place where you got that idea from. I bet Russell would say "yes, I was an idiot!"
Best podcast episode I’ve ever seen! Thank you both for your service to humanity. This is important information that needs to be received by the masses.
You were brilliant Russel. You drew out the best abilities of Peterson and gently pointed up a few of the weakneses of his argument as well as making excellent points about current real world power hegomonies.
@Trevor Youngstrom, them two together was brilliant. 🙊
This was genuinely an absolutely amazing podcast! I got so much out of this so I'm incredibly thankful to Russel and Dr Peterson for having this discussion. I don't know if there is another podcast anywhere in existence at the moment that is this rich with ideas and truths! Thank you!
Jacovich Stabs h3h3 productions has a similar yet also interesting discussion, check it out
Mr. Ed I've seen it before.
Jacovich Stabs cool! have you seen the one with Joe Rogan? Because i have and the only thing not so great about it is that he keeps on cutting JP off and talking over him and not really letting him articulate his points i mean i know is his podcast but is not like this one this two guys seem to have mutual respect for their view points and each other's intellect 👍
Mr. Ed I haven't seen that one. I don't find Joe Rogan very interesting from what I've seen and there is plenty of Jordan Peterson content out there to watch so I try to pick selectively for what I think will be most beneficial for me.
thank mr friberg Yeah, I find Harris interesting but I disagree with a lot of his ideas. I did enjoy his podcasts with Peterson though, they were really good.
Dear Russell, I think it is so great that you continue to have open and generous and compassion-lead conversations with people whose politics apparently differ from your own. It keeps me, as a listener, OPEN. And it reminds me that it is ideas, not tribes, that should be prioritised to us humans. Keep it up and lots of love xoxo
Lydia M-J Jordan isn't in and of himself political tho....
Lydia M-J that’s absolutely right! Ideas matter, and the people we are dealing with are individuals, and judging them based on some perceived tribal identity is the most counterproductive way to make a real connection
It is January 31, 2022, and I am 44 minutes into the interview. I am quite familiar with Dr. Peterson via listening to hours of him here on UA-cam. The man is first-rate. However, I had never heard of Russell Brand. I'm an American, soon to be 63 years of age, and have lived and worked here in Germany for 25+ years. A few days ago I watched a Brand-Peterson interview from, I think, last year. First-rate. Now here I am listening to Brand for the second time. This guy is very, very, very articulate, well-read, serious-thinking, and seriously exploring together with Dr. Peterson. Keep going, Mr. Russel Brand. You are doing great work. And of benefit to me. Thank you.
I absolutely love these interactions with Russell and Jordan. I was suppose to study, but I procrastinated wisely.
MICHAELinJUSTICE “procrastinated wisely” I love it!
Hi Russell Brand, Im not sure if you will read this, but if you do....I just wanted to say thanks heaps, one of your documentaries helped me to START to begin to understand my drug and alcohol addiction from a new level around six years ago...The documentary, which I was watching whilst drinking with friends, inspired me to stop drinking on that day...That was the begining of real shift in understanding for me...I had previously tried to battle my addictions from an external beat myself up/personal guilt lens that made me hate myself, and obvously as many know, that shit doesn't work...Anyway fast forward to now, Ive been sober 6 months from alcohol and sober from varying on and off drugs for 9 months...I am grateful to you for spreading the seed back then because that little seed has produced fruit...I am one life that you have influenced for the better...May the higher power bless you tremendously...kindest regards, with love Mel from Australia...
Hi Thom...'From addiction to recovery 2012'...Kind regards Mel
More important than the individual topics discussed, you're setting an example for all on how to have civilized and intelligent conversation with people that you may disagree with politically and fundamentally. If we're to fix our highly polarized and fractured society it starts by learning to talk to people who may not agree. Thanks so much.
framesh1ft Precisely said 💗
framesh1ft nnn
Without a doubt the most mutually productive conversation I've seen Dr. Peterson in. It must be a refreshing for JP to find someone (a) sufficiently articulate and nimble-minded to keep up, (b) as obviously and sincerely interested in 'big questions' and (c) as intellectually honest and humble as Russell Brand.
Magnificent interview!
Verdict: Russell Brand is NOT a douche after all. He's capable of rational thought and is even very good at it.
It is hard when you do not have minds that can keep up
I only knew him from soundbites so was similarly surprised.
if he was a douche - what is all the rest ??? hu ?
He is a douche.
Sickening moral relativism paired with a treacherous hatred for the west, the system and society that he benefits so much from.
He is disgusting.
Facemushroom what? What is his treacherous hatred for the west? And how can you be treacherous to the “West”? The West is a large collection of countries, that often don’t get on, spy on each other and even conduct in war...
This is so amazing. JBP AND RB should consider doing some sort of on-stage dialectic to demonstrate how to have a productive ad-hoc conversation during which two "opposing" sides explore each other's views. That would likely be the most viewed Netflix event in history of it happened.
Building on Carlin's idea, you could have one public intellectual on in each episode who is known for verbal beatdowns instead of productive dialogue and have that person be outnumbered by people respectfully disagreeing with one another.
What a beautiful dialogue. This really made my heart sing.
We need more of this. 💜
that was probably the coffee you just consumed.
Hear, hear
whats it like to be a stupid female?
bumba Phuck I woupdn't have a clue. Enlighten us.
are you a female? chrizzie?
Jordan Peterson is a breath of fresh air in a world hell bent on suffocating itself.
Russell, I must confess I used to really dislike you, which is to say the person that I thought you were. I am happy to say that you have changed my opinion of you drastically. Though I may not agree with you on everything, I am impressed that you are willing to have difficult and important conversations. I know you likely won't read this but I'm encouraging you to keep up the good work with these interviews/discussions.
Alan Hoover you sound like one of the competent people, a compatriot, but I sense an unhelpful amount of self pride. I think we need helpful, competent people at the top. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is step aside and listen to what the incompetents are trying to say. We don't want to be the Jack Nicholson in 'AFew Good Men'.
I'm not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that I have self pride, which I'm sure most people do have to some extent including myself. I'm guessing it was the "though I may not agree with you on everything" part. My comment had less to with my own personal views and more to do with the openness of discussion and debate. I originally thought of Russell as someone who was using their position in media to promote a specific agenda. In all fairness I used to look at Joe Rogan the same way. Whether I am right or wrong in my convictions on certain things was never the intent of my post, just that open dialogue is a much better solution than shutting down the speech of people that you disagree with. I like the movie reference, btw.
You acting like he’ll reply to this you fucking dweeb 😂
This was one of the best JBP displays I’ve watched thus far and certainly the best exhibition of Brand’s intellect and depth of humanity.
Robbie Jay Never said I wasn't a dweeb. :b
You two are really POWERFUL together, wow!! I really loved the fact that sexuality and aggression were addressed in detail. I have been struggling with that same issue: I want to keep being able to féél that "magnetic, wild attraction", I don't want to repress and kill that! But I also don't want it to consume me anymore, and blindly allow it to take over my "psychic balance". This was the first interview I ever saw where this issue was addressed, and I do appreciate that! Only Russell is brave enough to utter this question, and only Jordan is wise enough to actually be able to answer it. So glad the two of you have found each other! Hopefully there will be much more of such conversations coming up!! :-)
JP is talking about "sublimation". Some people say it's the only positive "ego defence mechanism". The idea is basically take an unacceptable repressed urge and sublimate it in action that's valued by society e.g. aggressive tendencies to win and dominate sublimated in sports. I think repressed sexuality tends to be sublimated in either arts, music/dance or creative endeavours.
This is a superb conversation - one of the best recent JP interviews.
sport3915 this is how conversations with people with a left leaning bent should go. You can't just dismiss people you disagree with as retards. You still need to live with them in your society!
This interview or discussion has to be placed up there with the greats, I felt like I was witnessing something special and it was a privilege to absorb.
I never liked Russell but I can’t deny he is open to all ideas and discuss them. Much respect
Brand freely admitting he had been a selfish, narcissistic douchebag in years past earns him a lot of credit in my book. You and I didn't like him for those very reasons. The fact that he's genuinely grown up and made positive changes is commendable. I thought the admission that good male role models played a huge role in his transformation was quite profound. Just goes to show the importance of fathers and other men of character in society. I'm glad he's making something of himself and wish him the best.
Really interesting stuff. I didn’t really like Peterson or what he was teaching when I first stumbled across him, but listening to him more I think I just misunderstood his thinking!
You don't seem to be the only one! Good on you for having the right attitude and persevering.
I absolutely agree, brilliant dynamic, and it was the first time I've ever been even slightly irritated by Dr. P interrupting someone so that says a lot for the quality on Russell's part
Bravo for having an open mind
Thanks for being open minded and stuff.
Oh, so you listened to the stupid media, but then decided to listen to him directly instead? Should be automatic, mate.
so bloody excellent. those who slate Brand would do well to watch him here. a lovely conversation from two people really 'thinking'. so often (being so obviously brilliant), Peterson dominates interviews and discussions. here, he was no more than 'equal' to the task.. love them both.
surprisingly one of the best comments section on youtube
I love J. B Peterson :) Kudos to you Mr. Brand, for engaging in conversation, even though a huge portion of your fan base is throwing in fallacies and riding lefty headlines. If this does reach you, keep doing your thing and not listening to the feeble comments on social media. Keep being a sweetheart. Luv to your mum.
What an absolute treasure to be able to experience a conversation like this
At 27 Russell made the decision to live.....Goosebumps. This is fantastic. Thanks lads.
“Your former self was the tyrant over your emergent self” so true for anyone who has had to overcome adversity so profound that it was woven into the essence who they were as a person.
"People who can't keep their bedrooms tidy: be careful before you let them organise an economic system." Hahaha, I love you guys! :D
Bye, Felicia.
Genuinely the best JP interviews out there. These guys' chemistry is so great, love you dudes keep up the good fight, and hope JP is a regular.
I looove Jordan's suits man
I know right! He is looking sharp.
Been saying this lately, he's killing the suit game!
Tuxedo* Look at the silk buttons and lapel
You can afford nice clothes at 80 grand a month on Patreon.
CrazyCyclingVlogger he has earned it, wall street traders who get bailed out make 80k a day moving Money they don’t own
I normally don’t comment but, I just wanted to express my gratitude. Thank you for the authenticity, and guts to put yourself out there and share. There is a lot that resonates in my life and certainly others who never speak up.You are appreciated.
Russell Brand is my favorite self development speaker
Absolute relief to listen to a conversations like this. This is what we need!
I went from liking Russell to disliking him and now im back to liking him.
I went through this transformation from new age lunacy to real life a little earlier than him is all.
And you two clearly get on very well. I think that's so sweet to see.
I got lambasted for making the same comment in their first interview lol
I think the problem comes from looking at his as 1-dimensional. I think we all do this with celebrities a bit, and then they do something that pisses you off and you think "fuck him, he's a cunt". For a year or so I completely stopped listening to Joe Rogan because he did a few things that I found unpleasant, but lately I've realised that he is the sum of all his parts, not just his weakest aspects. Same with Russell, he can be really infuriating but also so so brilliant, and many people are just the former and not the latter. Rarely are people exclusively the latter.
I constantly subscribed to you
Brand is a fucking idiot. It’s ok to hate him.
"there needs to be acknowledgement and recognition of difference...trying to achieve equality with the anhilation of category is not a succesful route" YES! Brilliant. More left-leaning people (I consider myself one) need to understand this!
Another good JP quote from a bad interview he had was that equality of opportunity should be encouraged, but equality of outcome is a terrible idea. He suggested that when truly equal opportunity is present in societies like Denmark and Sweden, the disparity between men and women widens even further, rather than closing up. Supporting research and scientific evidence as that men and women have biological differences that govern society on the whole.
@@hannahw90hw that is ironic. The more they push this gender neutral stuff, the more men and women will unconsciously gravitate towards gender defined roles.
If I am understanding you correctly.
but the identitarian left seeks to actually create categories that create an identity i think. "im a genderqueer trans non binary 2nd gen afro latino hiv positive bla bla bla". so they are looking to divide through adding extra labels to people.
@@tigerlilly3727 Which, if taken to its logical conclusion, ends up narrowing all the way down to as many categories as there are people on the planet, each of which contains just one person. Bearing this in mind, doesn't it make more sense to dispense with the categorisation and focus on the individual, save where the category is genuinely biological and has an impact on medical treatment / relative advantages in competitive pursuits / etc.
I honestly did a little cheer when I saw this video uploaded.
Your first podcast with JP was very compelling and I’ve been wanting a second part ever since!
Thanks Russel for proving that there are some people on the left who are open to discussion!
Seriously i love Reading the comments almost as much as the interview itself. So many brilliant and hopefull comments . You guys are amazing ❤️
I’m glad to see you too!
45:25 that which you most need to find will be found where you least want to look
Could not have ended that conversation better than that.
Dude, that ending was legit hilarious, I had to go back and replay it again after my laughing fit was over.
Patrick Perlas coooooool... hm
Russell was so proud of himself :D
But here Russel argues that refraining from categorizing people into the groups is a bad idea... Then Jordan agrees with him. Jordan normally argues against identity politics.
This is a accident i think
perfect cadence.
The best podcast I’ve listened to ever. So refreshing to hear Peterson talking constructively rather than having to defend his work to uneducated journalists