A hypothesis is not just a guess - it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).
Bro, I have a question. I do believe hypothesis should be based on some kind of proved theory and logic but i dont think it has to be testable. I mean if it would be testable, it might just become a theory or a disproven claim. dont get me wrong, I am not trynna argue, just genuinely discussing.For example, many world's interpretatuion is certainly based on the fact that wave function collapses and breaks the superposition but the existance of 'multiverse' cant be concluded from this alone. Yes, it has a strong mathematical basis but its not "testable". I hope you are getting my point. Do let me know if I said something inaccurate.
@@JKBEASTyou didn't say inaccurate. Often what happens with rationalists is that they become so tired arguing with idiots that while trying to refute them they often choose somewhat wrong line of arguement and also, they often have to forsake logical imagination. But rational imagination is very important to Science, that's how many hypothesis came to existence and Science progressed.
The caller had a very rough idea about creation. He doesn't know that the world was created by the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster'... or as he may call it 'a conscious being'.
Dont you think that all the universe and every living creature in it is an Evident in itself that there must be someone as God who created all of these complex things?
Being controversial on its own existence for thousands and thousands of years and still prevails, is itself the best possible method to deny God existence. If still under exploration, which Infact never ends so discussion may be carried out till next asteroid impact and again the issue will vanish out with us unresolved.
We searched God behind the clouds, then in the sky, we found there is no sky, but space. Now that we have crossed heliosphere, and did not meet god, now we want to see in the oort cloud. But if we don't find him/her, will we agree that God does not live in our solar system, at least?
This is a case for Scotland argument. ‘It’s my invention’. The national animal of Scotland is a Unicorn, so it’s officially backed by authority, tradition and perhaps ‘a constitution’ (or whatever). Now, is it up to us to disapprove it? because not all the nations of the world put together can prove that a unicorn doesn’t exist. So Scotland can continue to believe in Unicorns or Gremlins or Chupacabra, and give them exalted positions, but the rest of the world will wink, smile and joke about it. Lesson: No one is stopping you from calling a Unicorn your national animal or another animal as your favorite relative, but please do not expect the rest of the world to indulge in your fantasies.
I have never met a self-proclaimed close-minded person. It's only the self-proclaimed open-minded people I meet so frequently. I wonder what explains this peculiar phenomenon. Anybody have any "hypothesis" that explains it?
वैदिक ऋषि मुनि कहते हैं कि सच किसी के पास नहीं है क्योंकि इस मायावी संसार के अनुभव जो इंसानो को होते हैं वो अनुभव इस आधार पर होते हैं कि हम सभी प्राणी किसी खास आयाम मे, एक निश्चित समीकरण पर, किसी खास समय मे, किसी एक स्थान मे, किसी एक ग्रह पर, गुरुत्वाकर्षण की वजह से और वहाँ की तरंग आवृति और हमारी अपनी खुद की उन सभी तरंगों को ग्रहण करने की शक्ति पर ही सेट, फिक्स, टयुन्ड होते हैं और यहा तक कि वैज्ञानिकों के उपकरण भी इसी हिसाब से सेट व फिक्स होते हैं l हमारे ये अनुभव उन प्राणियों से अलग ही होंगे जो दूसरे अन्य किसी और अनुभव वाले बिंदुओं पर सेट हैं यानी इन अलग अलग बिंदुओं पर सेट तरह तरह के प्राणियों का अनुभव और फिर नजरिया अलग अलग ही होगा तो फिर किसका अनुभव सही और किसका गलत ये तय करने वाले हम, आप, वो, ये या अन्य कोई भी कौन होते हैं - समझो इसको गहराई से l देखिये ये दुनिया जैसे हम इंसानो को अनुभव होती है वैसी एक मच्छर को, एक कीड़े को, एक हाथी को, एक चींटी को, एक बैक्टीरिया को या फिर अन्य दूसरे ग्रह और ब्रह्मांड मे रहने वाले प्राणियों को नहीं होती है यानी ये दुनिया सबको अलग अलग रूप मे दिखती है और अनुभव मे आती है l इस एक दुनिया को सब अपने अपने हिसाब से अलग अलग तरीके से अनुभूत करते हैं और फिर वैसी ही राय बना लेते हैं और उसी को सच मान लेते हैं l उनके अनुभव उनके लिए तो सच हो सकते हैं मगर औरो के लिए वो सच बिल्कुल भी नहीं हैं l तभी तो वैदिक ऋषि ठहाका मार कर कहते हैं हे मुर्ख आदमी तू किस प्राणी के अनुभव मे आई हुई दुनिया के अनुभव को सच मानता है जो कि सबको अलग अलग रूपों मे अनुभव हो रही है l ये दुनिया मायावी और महाठग है जो हम सभी को भ्रम मे डाल कर उलझा दे रही है l तो किसी भी धार्मिक नेता, धर्म गुरु, वैज्ञानिक, मीडिया, राजनेता, प्रोफेसर, बुद्धिजीवी की बात का भी विश्वास मत करो बस अपनी खोज जारी रखो और दिमाग को हमेशा खुला ही रखो l कुदरत ने सबको अपना अपना प्राईवेट दिमाग इसीलिए दिया है कि लोग अपने का दिमाग इस्तेमाल करें और किसी के पीछे बिल्कुल भी ना चलें l यहाँ सच किसी के भी पास नहीं है फिर भले ही वो कोई भी तुर्रामखां हो l सब झूंठे अनुमान को अपने दिमाग मे लिए ढो रहे हैं l ये दुनिया ऐसे ही बनी और विकसित हुई है जहाँ सच एक बहुत ही गहराई मे जाकर के मिलता है और वो गहराई क्या है वो ही अभी तक किसी को मालूम नहीं है तो सच को क्या और कैसे खोजेगा कोई l सच किसी को नहीं मालूम है लेकिन अपनी पूँगी सब लोग बजाकर बड़े दावे करते हैं सच को खोज लेने के l तो सच ये ही है कि सच का किसी को भी नहीं पता l तो हम कह सकते हैं कि हर कोई सवाल पूछने वाला तो जिज्ञासु है मगर जवाब देने वाला ज्ञानी बिल्कुल भी नहीं है l दुनिया मे किये गए अब तक के सारे के सारे सवाल वाजिब हैं मगर दिये गए जवाबों मे से एक भी वाजिब और सही जवाब नहीं है l परमात्मा, ईश्वर एक तत्व है बिल्कुल खाली पड़े आकाश की तरह l ये कोई महामानव या सुपरमैन की तरह बिल्कुल भी नहीं है l ये कोई अज्ञान पुरुष (unknown person) की तरह से नहीं है जिसको कि हमको ढूँढना है ये तो बल्कि खाली पड़े आकाश की तरह से हर जगह मौजूद है l यानी ये कोई अज्ञात पुरुष नहीं है बल्कि ये अज्ञात स्थान है जो एक जगह केंद्रित ना हो कर सब जगह है, हर जगह है l और इसी अज्ञात जगह और खाली पड़े आकाश मे से ही सब कुछ अपने आप ही उत्पन्न होता है और नष्ट या विलुप्त होता है l उत्पत्ति मे से उत्पत्ति हो रही है यानी creator और creation दोनों एक ही हैं और ये ही अजूबा है जो समझ मे नहीं आता l यानी मैं अपने पिता की creation हूँ और मेरी संतान मेरी creation है l तो इस लिहाज से हर व्यक्ति खुद ही एक creation है और साथ ही साथ creator भी है - ये ही एक नियम है l
I get the feeling the caller does not know what a hypothesis is, which is at the root of his confusion. He thinks any guess, regardless of how absurd it may be, is a hypothesis answering some scientific question. For example, if we ask two people to explain why we observe the sky as blue, one might make the educated guess that it's blue because of the way sunlight interacts with the gases present in the atmosphere, which can be tested and demonstrated in a lab. The other might respond with a fairy tale about how a powerful wizard, whose favorite color happened to be blue, cast a spell that turned the sky blue. For the caller, both of these explanations of why the sky is blue are "hypotheses," which they clearly are not. One has a basis in reality, while the other is an imagined fairy tale. It's the same thing with the God "hypothesis" to explain the existence of this universe. It is a work of fiction with no basis in reality.
Aryan's definition of god is definitely logical contradictions. Omnipotent God leads to paradox of can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it. Such contradictory definition of god cannot exist
NO! existence of God cannot be a hypothesis because it is not falsifiable. Other than that the god that religions around the world taking about has been disproven many times like the phenomenon of lightening, raining , waves etc all were thought to be caused by a supreme deity is every religion and culture and is explained by science. So the question should be why science should we take religion seriously when it have been proved wrong multiple times.
Happy to see the cosmic duck fart universe hypothesis is getting some mainstream attention. Soon this will be proved as the true origin of the universe.
What the guest is saying that Atheists should not make fun of Hinduism when the hypothesis doesn't seem far fetched. For eg. If a scientist says Aliens Might exist outside our universe people will not make fan of him on the other hand if a religious person says God Might exist outside the universe people will criticize and make fun of him.
Nope hypothesis is a possible explanation for an idea that has not been proven yet. You yourself don't know the meaning of hypothesis and are commenting with confidence😂
Vimoh, though i am an atheist as well, but talking about hypothesis only, Aryan said first there was god and then god manifested in various forms, to which you said he cannot base his hypothesis on utternaces of one or more persons on one planet. Similarly, since before the big bang there was singularity, which we all believe, why should we believe on what one/many scientists from just one planet say. AThat was a tie for you and Aryan. good debate though.
A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the available scientific theories
If only I beleive that I created god and universe I will be called stupid if 1 lakh people believe that it's me who created god and universe than it is a religion. Equally stupid but numbers ka fark hai
Bro went went with no data is hypothesis and take it as hypothesis but don't shame me with some other hypothesis on aesthetic basis. Bhai Many World has Measurable Notations to make it hypothesis and it isn't even science yet.
Sir with due Respect i want to participate in a debate with you on the matter and i believe it will be a great experience and indeed knowledgeable Thank you 🙏
@13:51 .... there are many hypothesis we make in scientific world also *"on the basis of observation "* So मेरे भाई तुम्हारे सृष्टि करता कि व्याख्या में क्या और कौनसे ऐसे *" observation "* जिसके आधार पे ये दांवा कर रहे हो कि *"मनुष्य जैसे किसी सजीव ने इस सृष्टि का निर्माण किया"* what are the *observation* on which you draw a conclusion that there was a living being which create this universe *You are making only claim, without any observation
Not exactly ancient greek and hindus actually talked about evolution. Main problem here is that we tries to unify each of hindu philosophy under one umbrella religion. Philosophy of spanda shavaism is different from advaita vedanta yet believer of both spiritual philosophies are classified as hindu. We don't say platonism and stoicism are same religions.
to make claim about religion first read enough literature from the best possible source and INTERPRETATION that is accurate. to come with flawed argument and shameless to admit their theory as wrong. The conversation otherwise is a dead end.
God theory was invented by the humans long long ago. Generations after generations stuck to that theory and had even magnified it. They also broke up the god into several gods with Indian gods population going upto 30 crores. I thought only Indian gods had multiplied and not the Christian gods but that belief was shattered after watching Hollywood super heroes series in the past two decades. Yes, Islamic god has just remained one. Sarita, Caravan magazines of the Delhi Publication, for decades had been writing, publishing articles on the myths of gods, religion and superstitions. Many rationalists also have tried to dispel the myths of these things but have not made any major dent in the people's belief in general. On the contrary in the past ten years, the gods, superstitions and religions have played a major role in making Indians more inclined towards them. Gods keep coming back with vengeance with every elections. People are afraid to disbelieve gods and forego superstitious beliefs. They just do not want to listen to rational thoughts and lectures. Even a lower middle class guy says that he will pay ₹.500 a litre for petrol just to keep the Muslims away from the political leadership. People are falling for the false claims of babas more than before.
I'll add a bit more detail to the conversation for better context. a hypothesis is actually the 2nd step of the scientific method. there needs to be some observations before one can even make a hypothesis, what Vimoh was referring to as data. based on observations we make a falsifiable statement, the hypothesis. we should remember that for physical realities, we can never prove a negative. the statement is always positive and evidence either proves the statement or leaves it in the hypothesis state. the many world interpretation is one way of explaining why quantum mechanics (QM) is the way it is. it is not the same as saying "there might be a god" which is based on subjective experiences. QM as a theory has been well established and the many world interpretation, along with other proposed theories, are proposing hypothesis based on the reality of QM. as long as we don't have any way of verifying the "other worlds" caused by wave function collapse, such theories will not be proved.
Hello Vimoh, could you dispel the superstitions surrounding Mount Kailash? Numerous people assert that Lord Shiva resides there, and they believe the mountain is unclimbable and that one ages rapidly while there. Thanks 🙏
If one assumes a creator, than that creator won't have a creator, unless you want to go back to an infinite number of creators creating subsequent creators.
The many worlds theory comes out of math and observations. Its still a theory but saying its the same as some random thought this dude has is laughable.
😂 we don’t have enough technology to even get out of this galaxy .. how can we go about exploring other worlds.. to even attempt such feat humans need to travel faster than speed of light 😂
nahi likhi gyi. Ye ek myth hai. Andhere mein chhode gye 50 teer mein se Kabhi kabhi ek nishaane pe lg jata hai, lekin jb inspection kari jae to pata chlta hai k case to kuchh aur hi hai.. For more, visit the science is Dope channel like suggested here.
@@sumitkumar-gs2nc sir actually ye channel science is dope englsih me h aur mai jyda english me comfortable nhi hu. isley deep meaning samjh ni aata. aur han ek teer nhi ek aur fact ki 84 lakh yoniyo ka wo bhi almost correct h as per science almost there tak kaise pahuch gye the sant gyani log wo bhi bina kisi tech ke.
The human body has five main sensory organs through which we perceive the world. These are: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Touch. So, if things, such as God and Ghost eyc. are not perceived through any of these senses, how can we believe in the existence of those things? For thousand years, nobody found any evidence of God's existence. Therefore, believing in God's existence without any evidence totally blind faith!
Aap debate karte raho badalne bala to kuch he nahi upar se aap ka channel bhi to debate kar ke hi chalta he. aap ka aur kuch kaam to hoga nahi. god he ki nahi issi par bat kar te raheteho.
Vimoh seesm like u have not empirical evidence/ answer to prove that God doesn't exist. You are just putting one statement and ur face also have one boring gesture... it will be nice if u make the conversation live by putting some scientific proof that God doesn't exist. Simply by negating a statement by saying no adds to your niveness on the issue. In the entire discussion I found u have no light to throw on the issue. Simply by saying I am an atheist doesn't bring the discussion to the table. Then this will be really helpful to educate the society. Seems like u are not a science student thus u lack in discussing on the topic in detail. Extremely poor way by debating. Is this the JNU style????
For anything to happen 3 things is required, one platform or space where any thing happens, two creater of any action, third a receiver of the same action mentioned in no two, who continues it forward. Now we know there is one or many universe as we are living in it. There fore even if big bang happened at some point of time it happen from nothingness it's the platform from where it happened, the action of bigbang happened and then the universe is the response of the action which continues as of now. Let's consider nothingness as shiva, action as bharma and response of action as vishnu. If nothingness is not there and response is not possible actionnis also not possible. Try this theory in every part of life you will see it happen all the time
The person asking question has some confusions ParamBrahma is NOT God. God means Devata. The god of The Abrahamic religions is a devata. In these religions, the followers are monotheists. So, they are not allowed to worship any other devata. Many Hindus get confused by monotheism and mix up Param Brahma with the god worshipped by Abraham
A hypothesis is not just a guess - it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).
Bro, I have a question. I do believe hypothesis should be based on some kind of proved theory and logic but i dont think it has to be testable. I mean if it would be testable, it might just become a theory or a disproven claim. dont get me wrong, I am not trynna argue, just genuinely discussing.For example, many world's interpretatuion is certainly based on the fact that wave function collapses and breaks the superposition but the existance of 'multiverse' cant be concluded from this alone. Yes, it has a strong mathematical basis but its not "testable". I hope you are getting my point. Do let me know if I said something inaccurate.
@@JKBEASTyou didn't say inaccurate. Often what happens with rationalists is that they become so tired arguing with idiots that while trying to refute them they often choose somewhat wrong line of arguement and also, they often have to forsake logical imagination. But rational imagination is very important to Science, that's how many hypothesis came to existence and Science progressed.
@@14debanjan fair enough bro
And there is no need of any evidence or some logical basis for any myth, bro's hypothesis is a myth not a hypothesis ,if it's scientist would a answer
The caller had a very rough idea about creation. He doesn't know that the world was created by the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster'... or as he may call it 'a conscious being'.
Hail our Lord FSM! R'Amen!
@@nachiketadesai4188 Pastallelujah
@@loop4569 Pastallelujah!
Dont you think that all the universe and every living creature in it is an Evident in itself that there must be someone as God who created all of these complex things?
One day religion will give up.
😅 underrated comment 💬.
No they will not, its not because they are relentless or correct or something like that, but its a simple mix of stupidity+ignorance+arrogance.
Yes but it would take thousands of years 😢
@@deepakgautam2910 I mean we can do it in few years, but then all these human right bs will argue
@@manojoy6913 no oh kahenge ki hamari kitabo me likha tha ki hame god ne nahi banaya 😂
Being controversial on its own existence for thousands and thousands of years and still prevails, is itself the best possible method to deny God existence. If still under exploration, which Infact never ends so discussion may be carried out till next asteroid impact and again the issue will vanish out with us unresolved.
i was there on the stream , really liked your stream , btw i joked that ai is gonna replace the artists lmao
Sunday morning premiere
We searched God behind the clouds, then in the sky, we found there is no sky, but space. Now that we have crossed heliosphere, and did not meet god, now we want to see in the oort cloud. But if we don't find him/her, will we agree that God does not live in our solar system, at least?
This is a case for Scotland argument. ‘It’s my invention’. The national animal of Scotland is a Unicorn, so it’s officially backed by authority, tradition and perhaps ‘a constitution’ (or whatever).
Now, is it up to us to disapprove it? because not all the nations of the world put together can prove that a unicorn doesn’t exist.
So Scotland can continue to believe in Unicorns or Gremlins or Chupacabra, and give them exalted positions, but the rest of the world will wink, smile and joke about it.
Lesson: No one is stopping you from calling a Unicorn your national animal or another animal as your favorite relative, but please do not expect the rest of the world to indulge in your fantasies.
Caller: "i like to think i am opened minded" ... you know exactly where this is going ... and, yep, exactly
I have never met a self-proclaimed close-minded person. It's only the self-proclaimed open-minded people I meet so frequently. I wonder what explains this peculiar phenomenon. Anybody have any "hypothesis" that explains it?
वैदिक ऋषि मुनि कहते हैं कि सच किसी के पास नहीं है क्योंकि इस मायावी संसार के अनुभव जो इंसानो को होते हैं वो अनुभव इस आधार पर होते हैं कि हम सभी प्राणी किसी खास आयाम मे, एक निश्चित समीकरण पर, किसी खास समय मे, किसी एक स्थान मे, किसी एक ग्रह पर, गुरुत्वाकर्षण की वजह से और वहाँ की तरंग आवृति और हमारी अपनी खुद की उन सभी तरंगों को ग्रहण करने की शक्ति पर ही सेट, फिक्स, टयुन्ड होते हैं और यहा तक कि वैज्ञानिकों के उपकरण भी इसी हिसाब से सेट व फिक्स होते हैं l हमारे ये अनुभव उन प्राणियों से अलग ही होंगे जो दूसरे अन्य किसी और अनुभव वाले बिंदुओं पर सेट हैं यानी इन अलग अलग बिंदुओं पर सेट तरह तरह के प्राणियों का अनुभव और फिर नजरिया अलग अलग ही होगा तो फिर किसका अनुभव सही और किसका गलत ये तय करने वाले हम, आप, वो, ये या अन्य कोई भी कौन होते हैं - समझो इसको गहराई से l
देखिये ये दुनिया जैसे हम इंसानो को अनुभव होती है वैसी एक मच्छर को, एक कीड़े को, एक हाथी को, एक चींटी को, एक बैक्टीरिया को या फिर अन्य दूसरे ग्रह और ब्रह्मांड मे रहने वाले प्राणियों को नहीं होती है यानी ये दुनिया सबको अलग अलग रूप मे दिखती है और अनुभव मे आती है l इस एक दुनिया को सब अपने अपने हिसाब से अलग अलग तरीके से अनुभूत करते हैं और फिर वैसी ही राय बना लेते हैं और उसी को सच मान लेते हैं l उनके अनुभव उनके लिए तो सच हो सकते हैं मगर औरो के लिए वो सच बिल्कुल भी नहीं हैं l
तभी तो वैदिक ऋषि ठहाका मार कर कहते हैं हे मुर्ख आदमी तू किस प्राणी के अनुभव मे आई हुई दुनिया के अनुभव को सच मानता है जो कि सबको अलग अलग रूपों मे अनुभव हो रही है l ये दुनिया मायावी और महाठग है जो हम सभी को भ्रम मे डाल कर उलझा दे रही है l
तो किसी भी धार्मिक नेता, धर्म गुरु, वैज्ञानिक, मीडिया, राजनेता, प्रोफेसर, बुद्धिजीवी की बात का भी विश्वास मत करो बस अपनी खोज जारी रखो और दिमाग को हमेशा खुला ही रखो l
कुदरत ने सबको अपना अपना प्राईवेट दिमाग इसीलिए दिया है कि लोग अपने का दिमाग इस्तेमाल करें और किसी के पीछे बिल्कुल भी ना चलें l
यहाँ सच किसी के भी पास नहीं है फिर भले ही वो कोई भी तुर्रामखां हो l सब झूंठे अनुमान को अपने दिमाग मे लिए ढो रहे हैं l ये दुनिया ऐसे ही बनी और विकसित हुई है जहाँ सच एक बहुत ही गहराई मे जाकर के मिलता है और वो गहराई क्या है वो ही अभी तक किसी को मालूम नहीं है तो सच को क्या और कैसे खोजेगा कोई l
सच किसी को नहीं मालूम है लेकिन अपनी पूँगी सब लोग बजाकर बड़े दावे करते हैं सच को खोज लेने के l तो सच ये ही है कि सच का किसी को भी नहीं पता l
तो हम कह सकते हैं कि हर कोई सवाल पूछने वाला तो जिज्ञासु है मगर जवाब देने वाला ज्ञानी बिल्कुल भी नहीं है l दुनिया मे किये गए अब तक के सारे के सारे सवाल वाजिब हैं मगर दिये गए जवाबों मे से एक भी वाजिब और सही जवाब नहीं है l
परमात्मा, ईश्वर एक तत्व है बिल्कुल खाली पड़े आकाश की तरह l ये कोई महामानव या सुपरमैन की तरह बिल्कुल भी नहीं है l ये कोई अज्ञान पुरुष (unknown person) की तरह से नहीं है जिसको कि हमको ढूँढना है ये तो बल्कि खाली पड़े आकाश की तरह से हर जगह मौजूद है l यानी ये कोई अज्ञात पुरुष नहीं है बल्कि ये अज्ञात स्थान है जो एक जगह केंद्रित ना हो कर सब जगह है, हर जगह है l और इसी अज्ञात जगह और खाली पड़े आकाश मे से ही सब कुछ अपने आप ही उत्पन्न होता है और नष्ट या विलुप्त होता है l उत्पत्ति मे से उत्पत्ति हो रही है यानी creator और creation दोनों एक ही हैं और ये ही अजूबा है जो समझ मे नहीं आता l
यानी मैं अपने पिता की creation हूँ और मेरी संतान मेरी creation है l तो इस लिहाज से हर व्यक्ति खुद ही एक creation है और साथ ही साथ creator भी है - ये ही एक नियम है l
@@sunderraghav6317 yeh koi niyan nhi hai
Keep going Vimoh. What's your blood pressure after such streams? Please I need data.
Watchiing is harder than the discussions. My blood pressure remains fine during streams.
I was high while watching this stream😂
@@doitwithnick501What did you smoke to get high?
I get the feeling the caller does not know what a hypothesis is, which is at the root of his confusion. He thinks any guess, regardless of how absurd it may be, is a hypothesis answering some scientific question.
For example, if we ask two people to explain why we observe the sky as blue, one might make the educated guess that it's blue because of the way sunlight interacts with the gases present in the atmosphere, which can be tested and demonstrated in a lab. The other might respond with a fairy tale about how a powerful wizard, whose favorite color happened to be blue, cast a spell that turned the sky blue. For the caller, both of these explanations of why the sky is blue are "hypotheses," which they clearly are not. One has a basis in reality, while the other is an imagined fairy tale.
It's the same thing with the God "hypothesis" to explain the existence of this universe. It is a work of fiction with no basis in reality.
Hypothesis is an assumption based on 'some' evidence.
No A hypothesis is an assumption made before any research has been done. It is formed so that it can be tested to see if it might be true.
Aryan's definition of god is definitely logical contradictions. Omnipotent God leads to paradox of can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it. Such contradictory definition of god cannot exist
Sabine has a book on this. He calls such claims ascientific as opposed to anti-scientific.
NO! existence of God cannot be a hypothesis because it is not falsifiable. Other than that the god that religions around the world taking about has been disproven many times like the phenomenon of lightening, raining , waves etc all were thought to be caused by a supreme deity is every religion and culture and is explained by science. So the question should be why science should we take religion seriously when it have been proved wrong multiple times.
Happy to see the cosmic duck fart universe hypothesis is getting some mainstream attention. Soon this will be proved as the true origin of the universe.
Very logical interesting debate
Excellent 👍👍
The headache of this video trying to decipher what the caller is trying to say
What the guest is saying that Atheists should not make fun of Hinduism when the hypothesis doesn't seem far fetched. For eg. If a scientist says Aliens Might exist outside our universe people will not make fan of him on the other hand if a religious person says God Might exist outside the universe people will criticize and make fun of him.
I liked your debate with that guy
my man is rock hard to prove that his hypothesis is best for next netflix series.
hypothesis is an assumption that is made based on some evidence...."SOME EVIDENCE"
Nope hypothesis is a possible explanation for an idea that has not been proven yet. You yourself don't know the meaning of hypothesis and are commenting with confidence😂
Vimoh, though i am an atheist as well, but talking about hypothesis only, Aryan said first there was god and then god manifested in various forms, to which you said he cannot base his hypothesis on utternaces of one or more persons on one planet. Similarly, since before the big bang there was singularity, which we all believe, why should we believe on what one/many scientists from just one planet say. AThat was a tie for you and Aryan. good debate though.
After watching this I forgot the meaning of hypothesis 😢😢😢 can someone explain please 😅
A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the available scientific theories
How do you decide 10,000 years as limit?
The hypothesis is a hypothesis & will remain so...
Yes only hypothesis! Doesn't moving an inch forward but going backwards
If only I beleive that I created god and universe I will be called stupid if 1 lakh people believe that it's me who created god and universe than it is a religion. Equally stupid but numbers ka fark hai
Even if God exists and created Universe, why should I worship it?
Sab kab apka next podcast hai and aap hindi me bath karte ho kya!
Khayali Pulav
Very tastey 😋
I created god😂
😮 🙏
I am god
Aham brahmasmi
U R damm right
@@KADAMBA_SANATANI_02 sounds like a whole lot of mental gymnastics tbh. I don't mean to be rude. Just an observation.
Bro went went with no data is hypothesis and take it as hypothesis but don't shame me with some other hypothesis on aesthetic basis. Bhai Many World has Measurable Notations to make it hypothesis and it isn't even science yet.
Vimol is doing a great work towards removing stupidity from our society.....
Sir with due Respect i want to participate in a debate with you on the matter and i believe it will be a great experience and indeed knowledgeable
Thank you 🙏
Idiots hate when others call them idiots.
@13:51 .... there are many hypothesis we make in scientific world also *"on the basis of observation "*
So मेरे भाई तुम्हारे सृष्टि करता कि व्याख्या में क्या और कौनसे ऐसे *" observation "* जिसके आधार पे ये दांवा कर रहे हो कि *"मनुष्य जैसे किसी सजीव ने इस सृष्टि का निर्माण किया"* what are the *observation* on which you draw a conclusion that there was a living being which create this universe
*You are making only claim, without any observation
Our temple ... which are built 10000 old... that means many have understood God...
Aaj Eid hai aur maine bhi khayali pulaw khaya😂😂
Vimoh bhaii.... he is right... me God he baat kr rha hu😂😂😂
Evolution and cosmology are two things every religion got wrong, including Hinduism.
No need to such sofisticated arguments.
Not exactly ancient greek and hindus actually talked about evolution.
Main problem here is that we tries to unify each of hindu philosophy under one umbrella religion.
Philosophy of spanda shavaism is different from advaita vedanta yet believer of both spiritual philosophies are classified as hindu.
We don't say platonism and stoicism are same religions.
@@johnconstantine8574 watch science is dope ......video on evolution
they didn't talked about evolution.....
@johnconstantine8574 which scriptures? Where? Please don't tell dusavatar is proof of evolution
Vimoh: You made a huge jump there.😐
Him: Yes
Good line ...Bro...in min 6:29
God in side us..
God in mountain...
God in space ...
Sab check kiya sab jhut nikla..
...... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
People need to really know about fallacies and cognitive biases before debating.
background Comics Poster =MAST
Fine tuned universe.??
Sir Madam
This body is made of 4 billion cells live.
Dr Brian Cox in Rajasthan 🐪 camel verified
live cells of the camel is the same as Dr Cox.
He admits , " there was..
means exist no more!
Just say few words for God and religion are they same or different
Maybe be I can debate with you😅
Are you from odisha ??
New AI 2.0 version andhbhakt 😂😂😂
“you Knoooww?!”
to make claim about religion first read enough literature from the best possible source and INTERPRETATION that is accurate. to come with flawed argument and shameless to admit their theory as wrong.
The conversation otherwise is a dead end.
इसमें आप हिंदी वाले कैसे सुने साहब कैसे समझे हिंदी वाले
Learn English😂
Bhai sunta rah samjh me aane lagegi
Not funny but ok@@doitwithnick501
God theory was invented by the humans long long ago. Generations after generations stuck to that theory and had even magnified it. They also broke up the god into several gods with Indian gods population going upto 30 crores. I thought only Indian gods had multiplied and not the Christian gods but that belief was shattered after watching Hollywood super heroes series in the past two decades. Yes, Islamic god has just remained one. Sarita, Caravan magazines of the Delhi Publication, for decades had been writing, publishing articles on the myths of gods, religion and superstitions. Many rationalists also have tried to dispel the myths of these things but have not made any major dent in the people's belief in general. On the contrary in the past ten years, the gods, superstitions and religions have played a major role in making Indians more inclined towards them. Gods keep coming back with vengeance with every elections. People are afraid to disbelieve gods and forego superstitious beliefs. They just do not want to listen to rational thoughts and lectures. Even a lower middle class guy says that he will pay ₹.500 a litre for petrol just to keep the Muslims away from the political leadership. People are falling for the false claims of babas more than before.
Rashad khalifa advanced 19 hypothesis.
I'll add a bit more detail to the conversation for better context.
a hypothesis is actually the 2nd step of the scientific method. there needs to be some observations before one can even make a hypothesis, what Vimoh was referring to as data. based on observations we make a falsifiable statement, the hypothesis. we should remember that for physical realities, we can never prove a negative. the statement is always positive and evidence either proves the statement or leaves it in the hypothesis state.
the many world interpretation is one way of explaining why quantum mechanics (QM) is the way it is. it is not the same as saying "there might be a god" which is based on subjective experiences. QM as a theory has been well established and the many world interpretation, along with other proposed theories, are proposing hypothesis based on the reality of QM. as long as we don't have any way of verifying the "other worlds" caused by wave function collapse, such theories will not be proved.
I am The God
Sir apko jabab nhi de pate 😂
13:18 ☠️
God is the favourite imagination of humans to do irrational actions.
Nicely said fair tale 😂
Fart of God is known as big.. bang theory 😂😂
Forget God can somebody explain Young's double slit experiment to me properly?
We are yet to understand light properly yet we know God . ROFL
Bro is tryin hard💀💀
Why are you eager to bring this down to such quantifiable level?
To understand it
Then we'll try and control it, to make it corruptible... as it already is.
@@akash3june It's even easier to corrupt things one doesn't understand
Only if the fear and greed is used for it...and to understand it, it's a never ending process, you keep learning and practicing, just like science.
Hello Vimoh, could you dispel the superstitions surrounding Mount Kailash? Numerous people assert that Lord Shiva resides there, and they believe the mountain is unclimbable and that one ages rapidly while there. Thanks 🙏
anything asserted without evidence can be rejected without justification
@@vimohlive "claims without evidence can be discarded without it"
-Christopher Hitchens
can anyone name things that don't have a creator?? just a question out of curiosity.
If one assumes a creator, than that creator won't have a creator, unless you want to go back to an infinite number of creators creating subsequent creators.
Water, rocks, soil
Yes the god you claim to exist.
The universe 🤷♂️
The many worlds theory comes out of math and observations. Its still a theory but saying its the same as some random thought this dude has is laughable.
😂 we don’t have enough technology to even get out of this galaxy .. how can we go about exploring other worlds.. to even attempt such feat humans need to travel faster than speed of light 😂
Sun Rises in the east... show me the evidence
sir hanuman chalisa me kaise earth to sun ki distance correct kaise likhi gyi ye to proof valid lagta hia na? what do you say?
'Science is dope' has a nice video on that topic, watch it.
@@hemachandrak3799 on vimoh channel?
It's not correct
nahi likhi gyi. Ye ek myth hai.
Andhere mein chhode gye 50 teer mein se Kabhi kabhi ek nishaane pe lg jata hai, lekin jb inspection kari jae to pata chlta hai k case to kuchh aur hi hai..
For more, visit the science is Dope channel like suggested here.
@@sumitkumar-gs2nc sir actually ye channel science is dope englsih me h aur mai jyda english me comfortable nhi hu. isley deep meaning samjh ni aata. aur han ek teer nhi ek aur fact ki 84 lakh yoniyo ka wo bhi almost correct h as per science almost there tak kaise pahuch gye the sant gyani log wo bhi bina kisi tech ke.
The human body has five main sensory organs through which we perceive the world. These are:
Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Touch.
So, if things, such as God and Ghost eyc. are not perceived through any of these senses, how can we believe in the existence of those things? For thousand years, nobody found any evidence of God's existence. Therefore, believing in God's existence without any evidence totally blind faith!
Iss duniya me logo
Is shit in conflict with biryani
God is par Brahma, this hypothesis is from a late period , (perhaps from Upnishad)
God in earliest Hindu texts (Vedas) are Indra, Varun, Mitra etc.
I am not interested😂
Ye colour bhi musalmanon ki tarah jalebi bana raha hai .
Aap debate karte raho badalne bala to kuch he nahi upar se aap ka channel bhi to debate kar ke hi chalta he. aap ka aur kuch kaam to hoga nahi. god he ki nahi issi par bat kar te raheteho.
Ye bhi chup chup pray karta god se job dikkat aati hai.
Vimoh seesm like u have not empirical evidence/ answer to prove that God doesn't exist. You are just putting one statement and ur face also have one boring gesture... it will be nice if u make the conversation live by putting some scientific proof that God doesn't exist. Simply by negating a statement by saying no adds to your niveness on the issue. In the entire discussion I found u have no light to throw on the issue. Simply by saying I am an atheist doesn't bring the discussion to the table. Then this will be really helpful to educate the society.
Seems like u are not a science student thus u lack in discussing on the topic in detail.
Extremely poor way by debating.
Is this the JNU style????
The responsibility of providing evidence lies with the one who claims the existence of something not with the one who rejects
For anything to happen 3 things is required, one platform or space where any thing happens, two creater of any action, third a receiver of the same action mentioned in no two, who continues it forward.
Now we know there is one or many universe as we are living in it. There fore even if big bang happened at some point of time it happen from nothingness it's the platform from where it happened, the action of bigbang happened and then the universe is the response of the action which continues as of now.
Let's consider nothingness as shiva, action as bharma and response of action as vishnu.
If nothingness is not there and response is not possible actionnis also not possible.
Try this theory in every part of life you will see it happen all the time
Aise logo ko hi shashtro me andh bhagat kaha gaya hai 😅
Rigidity all around.😂
I proud to be muslim☪️️☪️️
Allah hu akbar❤❤❤❤❤
First best thing I watched on Sunday morning 😅❤
Science ka kida kub tu hosh me aayega re
The person asking question has some confusions
ParamBrahma is NOT God. God means Devata. The god of The Abrahamic religions is a devata. In these religions, the followers are monotheists. So, they are not allowed to worship any other devata.
Many Hindus get confused by monotheism and mix up Param Brahma with the god worshipped by Abraham
Jai bhim jai Bharat sir