Thanks to everyone for your patience, my voice is still not good I created this video over a period of several days resting my voice in between and it was still not easy to put together. I am working on getting through it, and when I do there will plenty coming up. In the meantime if you guys want to support me further please check my Patreon or the Sponsor links below the content.I have been at least writing and working on new ideas - have some good stuff coming up as soon as I can get past this annoying health blip. Cheers .
Still wish the Orks would get their own Space Marine styled video game only it would have some RPG elements like you start as a lowly nob with the most basic shoota and choppa "gatherin' teef" for upgrades, battling other Orks, Humies etc and steadily working your way up to WarBoss with the entire premise of the game being to command the biggest WAAAAAGH in the sectah.
Orks: if they were in any other sci-fi universe they would be a total apocalyptic end of all life in the universe scenario. In 40k (a universe where theres an apocalyptic scenario every other week) they are comic relief.
And God-Emprah help us when they decide to *_STOP_* being the comic relief for a bit. Last time this happened they parked a damn *Moon* over Terra and killed Vulkan dead.
On the other hand, most other sci-fi/science fantasy authors wouldn't include a lot of the things that make the Orks "THE ORKS". They can really only exist in 40k
Orks in other fictional universes: Insane, undisciplined monsters that go and commit massive acts of brutality and destruction. Orks in Warhammer 40k: Same as above, but they have more fun compared to the other suckers in the galaxy.
True. In a setting like Star Wars, Star Trek or Mass Effect, where people can actually have a decent life, the Orks would be the most horrifying creatures around. But in 40K, where everyone else is already Grmdark levels of cruel, they are FUN incarnate :)
Fun incarnate and mayhem incarnate. In a Franchise like ST there is always a reason to fight that can be understood, whether it's territory, supremacy, honor, goods, purging a taint to your dimension(species 8472) whatever. Waging war for war's sake, fighting for fun? Try to explain that to a Vulcan.
@@randomcenturion7264 Since Orks are pretty much Soccer Hooligans--but make all with GrimDark with 40K's humour... to have a similar creature in a Star Wars, Star Trek or Mass Effect setting, would require have a Race in those series be a race of Soccer Hooligans... and... well, it would be satisfying to have a Soccer Hooligan Alien in the same room as a Ferengi. To compare... the Elder are 40K Space Elves... and the Star Trek version of that are the Vulcans and Romulans (which ones are the Dark Elves changes depending on your opinions on if Pon Farre is really fucked up or not... I'm of the stance where I refer to it as "A form of The Purge, that Vulcans are now biologically depended upon due to doing it for thousands of years"). We'd not see Harliquins in Star Trek... outside of some fan art of T'Pol I have for "educational purposes"... >.>'
Since as we understand it, Orks are sorta pre-programmed to intuitively understand a certain 'role' and are naturally drawn to it, I always imagined an Orks worst job would be anything that keeps him from his genetic urge and desire to tinker with it.
If you is a PROPER Ork you know and you just does it, and if anyone tries ta stop you, you just gotta krump em. If you get bashed up, then you just didn't want it bad enuff, better bash some more gits, till you is big enuff to try again. Don't matter if you fail as an ork, you just gotta try again, its only giving up thats shameful.
that's how it is done if ya don't provide enough teeth in advance. But be assured the dok will bash the blunt object carefully over your head to knock you out...since he does not want to damage your teeth in the process.
10 Best Ork Jobs -- 1. Bashin' 2. Smashin' 3. Choppin' 4. Bangin' 5. Boomin' 6. Zappin' 7. Headbuttin' 8. Reedin' stuff 9. Ritin' stuff 10. Makin' nustuff. Edit 27APR2021: more than 1100 likes in three years' time since I posted this comment, now that's Orky. Thanks boyz!
Thank you for putting this together while you're recovering. Fun Fact: The Ork sound bite at the beginning of the video is just Leutin's unaltered voice from 2 weeks ago.
@@wavepool4501 "all war is based on handsomeness, which is why I, za- AHA, YOU THOUGHT I WAS ZAPP BRANNIGAN, BUT IT WUZ ME, THE CUNNINGLY BRUTAL AN BROOTALLIE CUNIN' ORK LEEDIN DA NEXT BIG WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" - a deranged humie after 12 years of sexual torture in commoragh
Some fun facts about Orks: Most orks use ork teeth as a currency, since their teeth will regrow much like sharks. This way every ork always has 'cash on hand', and getting extra teeth means being capable of pulling them from other orks. Further, teeth physically decay at a reasonable rate, preventing inflation. Freebootas are usually the only orks that deal with other currencies. Orks of a non-standard template (Any ork with an interest and capability in things like sneakin', surgery, mechanics, or other 'un-orky' things) have, by ork standards, abnormal minds and they're quite content to be fringe elements. (Again, by ork standards. Insults and looking down on them is still a surefire way to get into a fight.) Orks have a gestalt psychic field (sort of like a hive-mind but for the soul. And very green and angry) that influences the world around them. Ork guns are often just a crude box with a barrel and a trigger, but because orks know 'this is a gun, and guns go bang' when the trigger is pulled the weapon will fire, in spite of all known laws of physics. Similarly, because Orks have a superstitious belief that colours can cause certain effects (the well known 'tha red wunz go fasta')... the colours actually do have an effect on ork tools and weapons. The gestalt psychic field also influences the orks themselves. Orks that continually survive harsh battles and are seen as impressive by other orks will grow larger and stronger as the belief that they are bigger and meaner than the average ork shapes them. This means that orks that are looked up to as being particularly orky will soon be physically looked up to as they grow to match. Some people believe that gretchin and snotlings are younger orks, but they're wholly seperate species within the orkish biosphere. Finally: Orks are a type of fungus that produces a type of biome from which new orks spawn. This means that any place that has ever known the tread of an ork must actually be cleansed with fire or similar effects, or new orks will quite literally crawl out of holes in the dirt, along with all their accompanying sub-species.
And the more Orks in an area the more dangerous they become as the gestalt field grows stronger and the more they can violate physics in even crazier ways.
@@darknesssick Or, and hear me out, I play da Orkz and am familiar with most of their lore. Which is actually the case. They're charmingly comedic sociopathy and love of all things explody makes the orks the most appealing faction to me. Jeff Umbach Not really; at a certain point the ways they warp reality cap off, except for what amounts to a giant 'at-everyone' notification sent to all the orks nearby (nearby being relative to the amount of orks involved.) that a WAAAAAAAAAGH is coming.
Its a very short life, dangerous too, where you either fall in line or get squished by literally bigger orks. That is if you even survive your infancy without being eaten by another ork. In theory only skilled ork kommandos probably live long. Even warlords are subject to being killed by a challenger.
@@Ben-rq5re Yep, not only that, they are the only faction with no risk of extinction, no big troubles with the Immaterium and actually happy people. They are way ahead of the curve.
@@Vypren That is what the oomies want you to believe. Have you ever had an Ork Kommando explain Da Sneaky Plan to you ? Now that is brutally cunning and cunningly brutal. The oomies can't even launch a proper WAAGH against chaos. Only good ol' Warboss Tuska had the proper smarts to pull it off, which is way more than the oomies' Man in a Fancy Chair ever accomplished. Plus their weirdboyz don't ever go BOOF when you remove their staffs, them oomies need to train their troops better. And for Gork's sake, fix those shootas, they don't have nearly enough dakka.
I have three boys ages 5, 7 and 10. I often found myself wonder what in the world or why do they do what they do. Then I found your videos and now I finally get it. Packs of little boys are orcs without the full blown blood thirst.
Just as a Note, Doks do actually have anesthetics, there’s a specialized squig with a long proboscis with an extremely toxic venom that can knock a standard boy out for surgery. The syringe squigs can also have their snouts cut off and used as syringe needles, so the doks can make their own syringes for other solutions. They do however lack any painkilling squigs, so it’s a minor point.
Plus, there's a good chance a Dok might get impatient or not have said squigs on hand, and decide to use good old concussive anesthesia. AKA Bash em on the 'ead 'til you can cut bitz off and stick bitz on wifout dem squirmin too much
8:06 To be fair, if the doc convinced him it was a success it probably would be) because of ork magic. EDIT: Added parenthesis between be and because for JoelRiter's amusement.
Look, usually I'm not one who kares for spelelling or grammar. But a comma between be and because since it sounds like you are saying IF the dok convinced the Ork it was a success, the Ork would only be convinced because of Ork magic. Not that the procedure would have been a success. I can't believe I'm such an idiot I actually typed all that. Oh well. All our problem now.
@@JoelRiter Nope, still your problem. You're officially a grammar nazi now. Besides, if there should be a comma somewhere I think it should be between success and it.
Orks generally consider Space Marines as their bestest buddies. They're always ready for a fight, and always build fortresses to knock down. They don't muck about with hiding or running away, they're dead hard and killy and even fight in melee, and they have tons of bits to loot. Necrons are almost as good, but sometimes Necrons don't remember that they've been krumped, and that kinda sucks.
@@aprinnyonbreak1290 Likewise Space Marines must respect Orks. They have easy to predict tactics, they will always do battle, they are easy to find and dont ever try to turn a brother to chaos. Turn them to mincemeat, sure, but even that is preferable to being tainted. They are unafraid even of superhuman soldiers with advanced tech, and will do battle against them across planets, skies and even in space.
You forgot weirdboy, who's life is a choice between 2 kinds of misery - isolate themselves from the rest of the ork society and therefore from fightin', or get constantly pumped full of waaagh energy they can't store or channel, not really. Which usually ends in 'eadbang.
CptBartRoberts The ork species only care about the size and quality of the teef. There are squigs whose only purpose are providing a massive amount of teef and this currency is accepted by the orks. Look at the 1d4chan page on teef for more information.
I still remember a 40k RP campaign a friend ran a while back... Set on armageddon after Ghazkhull's second invasion, there were 3 ork, 5 imperial and 2 chaos players made my warband a Feral ork tribe that had been found by a big mek and his mek & nob boss mob, he repaired an old stompa they were praising as Gork... Such Fun.
You gotta inspect it before and after every good scrap, cause if you dont watch out some thievin snotlin will make off with yer best bits. Just like after a good krumpin you gotta inspect all the looted equipment, otherwise again a sneaky snot will have all the shiniest bits. Bastards.
I'm surprised by the absence of the Weirdboyz in the list, after all they've a pretty high death rate and living alongside other Orks sort of cause them anguish, otherwise great video, as always.
The teleporting of a grot through the Immaterium and directly into some poor bastard’s jockey shorts is one of the best images I’ve ever chortled at. Thank you, sir!
My snottling only blood bowl team was a pretty tragic affair; could have twice as many on the field... So many crushed. particularly catching the ball, or turning up to the game. :')
I'm new to Warhammer. This video just made the Orks my favorite army to want to build. Beaming an angry, defecating snotling into the enemy's armor sounds like the ultimate "check and mate" move. LOL!
Hey just wanted to say your videos have been amazing to watch. Take your time can't rush the awesomeness you have been creating. Just curios were did you get the metal music? It was great and added some depth to the video.
I recently got back into the Warhammer games. Rules have changed, I still gotta get new books and such. But I got my old armies back from where they were being held captive by some douchebag and I've been having fun with my new circle of friends. Started playing Underworlds and Age of Sigmar too. Lots of fun. This channel is amazing, I didn't get much into the lore side of things last time, but this time I'm learning as much as I can about the 40k universe. I don't get a lot of time to read though so I just put this channel on autoplay while I do housework or build/paint minis. Very good source of lore in a clear and easy to understand voice over. Well done Leutin09 and thanks for providing good content.
@@willhuey4891 To an ork on garrison duty, that would just make the job worth it. It just means the fight comes to him so he doesn't have to go looking for it.
Somehow I wanna see a big ork army charging into battle, while a few of them hammer away on some smashed together instruments and for some reason glaring metal comes out
A random thought occurs to me. An interesting idea that I'd loved to see explore is some kind of story where a (very well trained) human soldier gets transformed into an Ork through some warp fuckery, with his intelligence mostly intact. He then - seeing little recourse or perhaps driven by his new primal instincts - joins the orks, and using his kunning unmatched by any ork and his martial discipline, rises up to be a warboss, all while trying to figure out a way to turn back (or maybe not).
Welcome Back man, one thing I always wondered , what would happen if a Mechanicus Biologis got the idea to turn an Ork into a combat servitor? Take an Ork , lobotomize it, rig into it an adrenal pump to constantly stimulate it's growth , would you eventually end up with a Servitor the size of a Dreadnaught or bigger?
The music you add to your Ork videos is on point. Makes me wish there was some kind of sonic weapon using tribe of orks called Rockerz and they just constantly belt out metal when they take to the field as an assault tactic like noise Marines, but cooler.
We missed you, but we dont mind waiting longer, until you are back in full force. Your health is more important than us watching videos, so of course we are patient :)
Thanks to everyone for your patience, my voice is still not good I created this video over a period of several days resting my voice in between and it was still not easy to put together. I am working on getting through it, and when I do there will plenty coming up. In the meantime if you guys want to support me further please check my Patreon or the Sponsor links below the content.I have been at least writing and working on new ideas - have some good stuff coming up as soon as I can get past this annoying health blip. Cheers .
take your time, health is priceless.
no worries, keep it up
Why do orks who wield guns always have some type of checkered clothing or paint? Does it have any meaning, like the red for faster?
Get better at your own pace love the content please keep it coming
It's great to hear from you again Luetin. Hope you feel even better than yesterday.
In the grim darkness of the far future... the orks are happy :D
These aren't the darkest time of the gallaxy, it'd the golden age of Orks
Dere is only Waaagh! an' dats how we'z likes it!
@@keegobricks9734 For some reason I imagine 'ladyboy Gahgah' singing "Just waaagh! Gonna be okay~"
'n da gud dankness uv far future, 'der iz only WAAAGH!
atleast someone is!
Still wish the Orks would get their own Space Marine styled video game only it would have some RPG elements like you start as a lowly nob with the most basic shoota and choppa "gatherin' teef" for upgrades, battling other Orks, Humies etc and steadily working your way up to WarBoss with the entire premise of the game being to command the biggest WAAAAAGH in the sectah.
Sounds like Pikmin to me :P
would play
you mean lowly boy?
Would be a great idea for a "fun" spectacle fighter, I'd think.
Fun used in the same sense as with Dorf Fortress.
Orks: if they were in any other sci-fi universe they would be a total apocalyptic end of all life in the universe scenario. In 40k (a universe where theres an apocalyptic scenario every other week) they are comic relief.
Zach F. But in any case, da red unz go fasta!
Or both!
And God-Emprah help us when they decide to *_STOP_* being the comic relief for a bit. Last time this happened they parked a damn *Moon* over Terra and killed Vulkan dead.
On the other hand, most other sci-fi/science fantasy authors wouldn't include a lot of the things that make the Orks "THE ORKS". They can really only exist in 40k
Just about any force in 40k would end/takeover just about any other universe they would be put in
Orks in other fictional universes: Insane, undisciplined monsters that go and commit massive acts of brutality and destruction.
Orks in Warhammer 40k: Same as above, but they have more fun compared to the other suckers in the galaxy.
True. In a setting like Star Wars, Star Trek or Mass Effect, where people can actually have a decent life, the Orks would be the most horrifying creatures around.
But in 40K, where everyone else is already Grmdark levels of cruel, they are FUN incarnate :)
Fun incarnate and mayhem incarnate. In a Franchise like ST there is always a reason to fight that can be understood, whether it's territory, supremacy, honor, goods, purging a taint to your dimension(species 8472) whatever. Waging war for war's sake, fighting for fun? Try to explain that to a Vulcan.
@@randomcenturion7264 I think you mean FUN incarnate (you know DF's idea of fun lol). XD
@Bryce Arnold Dark Eldar and Slaanesh worshippers have more fun.
@@randomcenturion7264 Since Orks are pretty much Soccer Hooligans--but make all with GrimDark with 40K's humour... to have a similar creature in a Star Wars, Star Trek or Mass Effect setting, would require have a Race in those series be a race of Soccer Hooligans... and... well, it would be satisfying to have a Soccer Hooligan Alien in the same room as a Ferengi.
To compare... the Elder are 40K Space Elves... and the Star Trek version of that are the Vulcans and Romulans (which ones are the Dark Elves changes depending on your opinions on if Pon Farre is really fucked up or not... I'm of the stance where I refer to it as "A form of The Purge, that Vulcans are now biologically depended upon due to doing it for thousands of years"). We'd not see Harliquins in Star Trek... outside of some fan art of T'Pol I have for "educational purposes"... >.>'
I think i speak for us all when i say we would wait a year for your 40k lore videos if we had to. Your ability to narrate is phenomenal.
Agree! Good things need time.
id wait 38,000 years.
IT DONT TICKLE, your are 100% right my friend. Luetin makes in my humble opinion the best 40k videos. definitely worth the wait
i dont agree, dont generalize, thank you NOW GIZ BACK TO HERDING YOU SNOTTING SNOTLING OR YO GET A PROPPER GOOD KICKIN ! :P /jk /s /hopeyougetit)
Since as we understand it, Orks are sorta pre-programmed to intuitively understand a certain 'role' and are naturally drawn to it, I always imagined an Orks worst job would be anything that keeps him from his genetic urge and desire to tinker with it.
Ohh that is a good point, the worst part must be knowing you have a part to play, but not allowed to.
If you is a PROPER Ork you know and you just does it, and if anyone tries ta stop you, you just gotta krump em. If you get bashed up, then you just didn't want it bad enuff, better bash some more gits, till you is big enuff to try again. Don't matter if you fail as an ork, you just gotta try again, its only giving up thats shameful.
Hmm what if that is just empire propaganda?
Shit you may be onto something
@@guypierson5754 three years later and this comment is still cringe
I though the Dok’s idea of “anesthetic” was bonking the on the head till you fall unconscious lol.
that's how it is done if ya don't provide enough teeth in advance. But be assured the dok will bash the blunt object carefully over your head to knock you out...since he does not want to damage your teeth in the process.
Gotta be careful the doc doesnt steal ta teeth when he sends you night night
Still better than the American healthcare system
@@joesomenumbers I would say this is an overused joke, but it’s very true so...
Da umies just krump ya fer a sneeze
10 Best Ork Jobs --
1. Bashin'
2. Smashin'
3. Choppin'
4. Bangin'
5. Boomin'
6. Zappin'
7. Headbuttin'
8. Reedin' stuff
9. Ritin' stuff
10. Makin' nustuff.
Edit 27APR2021: more than 1100 likes in three years' time since I posted this comment, now that's Orky. Thanks boyz!
#0. Krummmpin.
Reedin' n' ritin' iz fo' gitz! But evifink else iz great!
Wos' reedin? An' how many teef does it get outta da uvva' git?
underated comment
They just wanna chill with the boys .
I wish
Thank you for putting this together while you're recovering. Fun Fact: The Ork sound bite at the beginning of the video is just Leutin's unaltered voice from 2 weeks ago.
Pain boys in a nutshell.
Goes to the doctor for a thooth problem.
End ups walking away with another butthole...
"Again" 😂😂😂😂😂 Got me
Hot shit
You can neva haff too many anuses
Each like means another butthole
Your headless body goes into the dokz tent, the dok takes a round hunk of metal and staples your face to it. You wake wake up with a chrome head.
clogging the enemies weapons with large numbers of dead bodies...aka the Zapp Brannigan strategy
Phreak Azoith Ah yes, as illustrated in his acclaimed treatise “Zapp Brannigan’s Big Book of War”
@@wavepool4501 "all war is based on handsomeness, which is why I, za-
Zzapp Brannigan
But enough about the death korps, this is an ork vid
Some fun facts about Orks:
Most orks use ork teeth as a currency, since their teeth will regrow much like sharks. This way every ork always has 'cash on hand', and getting extra teeth means being capable of pulling them from other orks. Further, teeth physically decay at a reasonable rate, preventing inflation. Freebootas are usually the only orks that deal with other currencies.
Orks of a non-standard template (Any ork with an interest and capability in things like sneakin', surgery, mechanics, or other 'un-orky' things) have, by ork standards, abnormal minds and they're quite content to be fringe elements. (Again, by ork standards. Insults and looking down on them is still a surefire way to get into a fight.)
Orks have a gestalt psychic field (sort of like a hive-mind but for the soul. And very green and angry) that influences the world around them. Ork guns are often just a crude box with a barrel and a trigger, but because orks know 'this is a gun, and guns go bang' when the trigger is pulled the weapon will fire, in spite of all known laws of physics. Similarly, because Orks have a superstitious belief that colours can cause certain effects (the well known 'tha red wunz go fasta')... the colours actually do have an effect on ork tools and weapons.
The gestalt psychic field also influences the orks themselves. Orks that continually survive harsh battles and are seen as impressive by other orks will grow larger and stronger as the belief that they are bigger and meaner than the average ork shapes them. This means that orks that are looked up to as being particularly orky will soon be physically looked up to as they grow to match.
Some people believe that gretchin and snotlings are younger orks, but they're wholly seperate species within the orkish biosphere.
Finally: Orks are a type of fungus that produces a type of biome from which new orks spawn. This means that any place that has ever known the tread of an ork must actually be cleansed with fire or similar effects, or new orks will quite literally crawl out of holes in the dirt, along with all their accompanying sub-species.
I see you too have watched this guy's ork video
And the more Orks in an area the more dangerous they become as the gestalt field grows stronger and the more they can violate physics in even crazier ways.
@@darknesssick Or, and hear me out, I play da Orkz and am familiar with most of their lore. Which is actually the case. They're charmingly comedic sociopathy and love of all things explody makes the orks the most appealing faction to me.
Jeff Umbach Not really; at a certain point the ways they warp reality cap off, except for what amounts to a giant 'at-everyone' notification sent to all the orks nearby (nearby being relative to the amount of orks involved.) that a WAAAAAAAAAGH is coming.
God i love 40k
Am I the only one that thinks being an Ork sounds kind of.. blissful?
Its a very short life, dangerous too, where you either fall in line or get squished by literally bigger orks. That is if you even survive your infancy without being eaten by another ork. In theory only skilled ork kommandos probably live long. Even warlords are subject to being killed by a challenger.
KaiserAfini But the key point is that they love every minute of it..
@@Ben-rq5re Yep, not only that, they are the only faction with no risk of extinction, no big troubles with the Immaterium and actually happy people. They are way ahead of the curve.
Ignorance is bliss
@@Vypren That is what the oomies want you to believe. Have you ever had an Ork Kommando explain Da Sneaky Plan to you ? Now that is brutally cunning and cunningly brutal. The oomies can't even launch a proper WAAGH against chaos. Only good ol' Warboss Tuska had the proper smarts to pull it off, which is way more than the oomies' Man in a Fancy Chair ever accomplished. Plus their weirdboyz don't ever go BOOF when you remove their staffs, them oomies need to train their troops better. And for Gork's sake, fix those shootas, they don't have nearly enough dakka.
I have three boys ages 5, 7 and 10. I often found myself wonder what in the world or why do they do what they do. Then I found your videos and now I finally get it. Packs of little boys are orcs without the full blown blood thirst.
Jeffrey Bomba so they are just some mushroom fungus creatures?
Give 'em a spanner and a pile of loot, see what kit they bash together
Not yet at least
Just slight bloodthirst, not yet full blown
Haven't watched yet but being a snotling in a shokk attack gun has to be on the list.
Just as a Note, Doks do actually have anesthetics, there’s a specialized squig with a long proboscis with an extremely toxic venom that can knock a standard boy out for surgery. The syringe squigs can also have their snouts cut off and used as syringe needles, so the doks can make their own syringes for other solutions. They do however lack any painkilling squigs, so it’s a minor point.
Why would you knock out a boy for surgery? Where is the fun for the Dok if the victim does not acknowledge his creative skills?
@@phreakazoith2237 because they squirm too much.
CCProductions p
Plus, there's a good chance a Dok might get impatient or not have said squigs on hand, and decide to use good old concussive anesthesia. AKA Bash em on the 'ead 'til you can cut bitz off and stick bitz on wifout dem squirmin too much
You forgot the most effective anesthetic an 'ammer to the noggin
Orks can survives even things that turns Space Marines to Dreadnought pilots
Dont give them ideas. Can you imagine killa Kans acting like dreadnoughts.
@@donwebber9071 that already happened, the Deff Dreads I think their called
Welcome back! Best of health to you!
This solves my "what do i watch while im eating?" problem.
8:06 To be fair, if the doc convinced him it was a success it probably would be) because of ork magic.
EDIT: Added parenthesis between be and because for JoelRiter's amusement.
Look, usually I'm not one who kares for spelelling or grammar. But a comma between be and because since it sounds like you are saying IF the dok convinced the Ork it was a success, the Ork would only be convinced because of Ork magic. Not that the procedure would have been a success.
I can't believe I'm such an idiot I actually typed all that. Oh well. All our problem now.
Nope, still your problem. You're officially a grammar nazi now. Besides, if there should be a comma somewhere I think it should be between success and it.
@@Gormathius damnit. Does this mean I have to choose between grammar Nuremberg or Argentina?
I don't know enough about the Second Grammar War's history to answer that.
I think the most remarkable trait of a runtherder is that they sometimes seem to genuinely care about their underlings, at least by ork standards.
9.5/10 no explanation of how squiggs go to the bathroom, other than that another great video
If I remember correctly, they don't. Where it comes in it goes out. At least the bitey ones
squiggs use the three shells
@Justin Last So we keep telling them.
Query : how squiggs go to the bathroom.
Explanation : yes...
Ork: Waz a bafrum?
You know, from a certain point of view, the Imperium and the Orks have an excellent relationship.
IoM: We’re going to fight the disgusting greenskins until they’re all dead!
Orks: Oh please daddy, do it.
You know I bet the Orks would legitimately weep if the Emperor ever died. They see Him as a God of War who gives them purpose.
Orks generally consider Space Marines as their bestest buddies.
They're always ready for a fight, and always build fortresses to knock down. They don't muck about with hiding or running away, they're dead hard and killy and even fight in melee, and they have tons of bits to loot.
Necrons are almost as good, but sometimes Necrons don't remember that they've been krumped, and that kinda sucks.
@@aprinnyonbreak1290 Likewise Space Marines must respect Orks. They have easy to predict tactics, they will always do battle, they are easy to find and dont ever try to turn a brother to chaos. Turn them to mincemeat, sure, but even that is preferable to being tainted. They are unafraid even of superhuman soldiers with advanced tech, and will do battle against them across planets, skies and even in space.
The song in the beginning is called desolation by sightless in shadow if anyone is wondering.
Thank you, can you name any others?
@@mcchicken1849 Well, they made a couple other songs such as diabolical suitor and the pit of doom, if that's what you're asking?
Whats the one on the end
@@swatcccp4673 I'm not sure, I'll have to check.
@@ChaseDaOrk3767its ok, but i really want to know what this song is and i dont have resources to search it
You forgot weirdboy, who's life is a choice between 2 kinds of misery - isolate themselves from the rest of the ork society and therefore from fightin', or get constantly pumped full of waaagh energy they can't store or channel, not really. Which usually ends in 'eadbang.
Orks do not understand the concepts of misery and fearing death.
@@valtersplume3726 But they do fear not being able to fight anymore. And they can be miserable(or at least, unhappy), because they can be happy.
"Itz a weird 'un...and HE'S DOING STUFF!!"
"Get da weird 'un!" "Nuttin' a shoota won't fix!!"
The entire Flashy Gitz section was funny as all hell.
Slow and steady mate. Amazing content as always.
Orks don't know what slow and steady means.
In the grim darkness of the future... there is only WAAAAAAAGGGHH
I love the mid 90’s ork artwork. So much character and khaotic comedy
Wut da zog?! Ahh da Luetin humie iz back! Get ready ladz thiz iz gonna be good!!! WAAAGH!!!!!
Da worst job? Being a zogging little git!
@@gibuswagen7729 YEAH. LOUDAH YA LITTLE GIT!!!
Git oof ya'z ass yu lazy Orkz we got HUMIE to killz su listen to ya'll Bossz and heed to battle for Gorgntutz and startz looting WAAAAAAGH
Squigs are crammed with teeth ? A clever snotling could live in the lap of luxury.
CptBartRoberts The ork species only care about the size and quality of the teef. There are squigs whose only purpose are providing a massive amount of teef and this currency is accepted by the orks. Look at the 1d4chan page on teef for more information.
How do the tyranid teeth count?
@@specter86fl oh my goodness i was laughing so hard at this comment
@@titanscerw Nid teef count as counterfitt kurrensee, see?
I still remember a 40k RP campaign a friend ran a while back...
Set on armageddon after Ghazkhull's second invasion, there were 3 ork, 5 imperial and 2 chaos players
made my warband a Feral ork tribe that had been found by a big mek and his mek & nob boss mob, he repaired an old stompa they were praising as Gork... Such Fun.
take your time buddy, we can wait for more of your great content
I admire how orks can remain tirelessly glad even in the grim darkness of the future, they really are da best
pretty bold of you to assume that orks ever bother inspecting equipment
You gotta inspect it before and after every good scrap, cause if you dont watch out some thievin snotlin will make off with yer best bits. Just like after a good krumpin you gotta inspect all the looted equipment, otherwise again a sneaky snot will have all the shiniest bits. Bastards.
The ork voice in the beginning gave me the best unexpected shill of my life. Ur the best Luetin
Best ork description ever... "their sunny disposition...."
You're so passive aggressive when describing the orks and their intelligence, its absolutely beautiful
Love your vids and the fact that this is a new ork vid just makes me so happy.
I absolutely love the fear and loathing ork thumbnail. Definitely a quote to discribe ork life. "Buy the ticket, take the ride!"
Could you please make a video about Death guard/Plague marines. Since your videos are so detailed and informative
Skullsmaniac 2 that would be sick. Or rad. Maybe some toxic comments as well.
I'm surprised by the absence of the Weirdboyz in the list, after all they've a pretty high death rate and living alongside other Orks sort of cause them anguish, otherwise great video, as always.
In the grim darkness of my headphones, Luetin continues to throw in random loud music in between points lmao
Thank you for this delightful trip down memory lane.
You are a brutally cunning youtuber,
or is it cunningly brutal?
Good to have you back in good health, we've missed you!
The teleporting of a grot through the Immaterium and directly into some poor bastard’s jockey shorts is one of the best images I’ve ever chortled at. Thank you, sir!
My snottling only blood bowl team was a pretty tragic affair; could have twice as many on the field...
So many crushed.
particularly catching the ball, or turning up to the game. :')
the Orks were the first trial run at making a pandemic style race by the old ones, the Tyranids are the culmination of that research.
This is only a theory.
#1 ork job: getting to press the big red button
I'm new to Warhammer. This video just made the Orks my favorite army to want to build. Beaming an angry, defecating snotling into the enemy's armor sounds like the ultimate "check and mate" move. LOL!
The love work you do with the lore of 40k stories. Would love also to hear about fantasy realm of warhammer as well, maybe even war machine too.
In da grim dahknez of da far futah, der is only WAAAGH!!!!!!!
Hey just wanted to say your videos have been amazing to watch. Take your time can't rush the awesomeness you have been creating. Just curios were did you get the metal music? It was great and added some depth to the video.
go look on my other vid I think its in the notes
Whenever i come back to this video and like unpause at night only to be battered with random bits of guitar XD I love this type of warhammer video
13:18 lol, that lightning cannon is simply a gigantic spark plug!
I recently got back into the Warhammer games. Rules have changed, I still gotta get new books and such. But I got my old armies back from where they were being held captive by some douchebag and I've been having fun with my new circle of friends. Started playing Underworlds and Age of Sigmar too. Lots of fun.
This channel is amazing, I didn't get much into the lore side of things last time, but this time I'm learning as much as I can about the 40k universe. I don't get a lot of time to read though so I just put this channel on autoplay while I do housework or build/paint minis. Very good source of lore in a clear and easy to understand voice over. Well done Leutin09 and thanks for providing good content.
Hail the red gobbo also what about deef wing pilots flying a time bomb full of time boms in the sky surrounded with those ork boys.
Welcome back man .. nice music choice :D
Worst job for an ork: Being stuck on garrison duty while the rest of the boyz get to go join the Waaagh!
until you and the others get slaughtered by invading space marines
@@willhuey4891 To an ork on garrison duty, that would just make the job worth it. It just means the fight comes to him so he doesn't have to go looking for it.
There’s something charming about how genuinely happy so many orcs are.
I want to be an Ork 40,000 years from now
I love the Orkish naming conventions and language in general! Flash Gitz, Fly Boys, Nobs and Mad Docs. Love em all!
Somehow I wanna see a big ork army charging into battle, while a few of them hammer away on some smashed together instruments and for some reason glaring metal comes out
Be like an ork, love what you are doing and continue to do so even if the entire galaxy shuns you for it.
Well, we did loot him all good--great fun happened since we done loot da emperor.
I have not played a single minute of this game, nor have I ever owned a single figure but I love listening to the lore!
YES! New 40K vids! I agree with others: Take as long as you need to heal. If needs be I'll just rewatch your other 40k vids for like the 8th time.
came for the content... stayed for the headbanging. Glad you're back!
New video from our great Luetin? GIVE ME MY SERVO SKULL I NEED TO ARCHIVE THIS.
*throws one in your face* ERE YA GO!
A random thought occurs to me. An interesting idea that I'd loved to see explore is some kind of story where a (very well trained) human soldier gets transformed into an Ork through some warp fuckery, with his intelligence mostly intact. He then - seeing little recourse or perhaps driven by his new primal instincts - joins the orks, and using his kunning unmatched by any ork and his martial discipline, rises up to be a warboss, all while trying to figure out a way to turn back (or maybe not).
I'm assuming he would be fighting mostly eldars and the occasional tyranids instead of the imperium
A blessing form Gork and Mork!
Good to have you back! I hope you’re feeling better.
Good to have you back! Don’t push yourself too hard for us.
Seriously though L09; you are an amazing human being. This video is fucking great bro. Keep on the recovery road until the next WAAAAAGH!!
Welcome Back man, one thing I always wondered , what would happen if a Mechanicus Biologis got the idea to turn an Ork into a combat servitor?
Take an Ork , lobotomize it, rig into it an adrenal pump to constantly stimulate it's growth , would you eventually end up with a Servitor the size of a Dreadnaught or bigger?
The problem is that every single inch of an Ork's skin drops spores so it'd quite literally infect whatever world it's dropped on.
Yes Inquisitor, this post right here.
Yessss more Ork content! I love hearing about this ridiculous race
I'd recommend "The devolution of the krork" by 40k theories. Interesting AND scary
@@TaCo0oCaT Cool! Will check out, thanks
@@greatwhitnorth I'm curious. What did you think?
This was cool, and the Rock riffs add a nice touch.
Well done
The music you add to your Ork videos is on point. Makes me wish there was some kind of sonic weapon using tribe of orks called Rockerz and they just constantly belt out metal when they take to the field as an assault tactic like noise Marines, but cooler.
I feel like orks who prefer music to violence would dress in black like goths.
Damn good Harry Enfield and Chums reference
You could post videos only once a year and you'd still be the best 40k lore channel out there! Take your time to recover!
Imagine how dangerous Kommandos would be if Orks once again evolved into Krorks.
Orks are by far the most fun faction
And so does alfabusa :)
I absolutely love you using Space marine game footage, such an underrated game, though all 40k art looks amazing, love these lore vids.
We missed you, but we dont mind waiting longer, until you are back in full force.
Your health is more important than us watching videos, so of course we are patient :)
Another excellent video from THE lore master LT. Great to see you back bud. Oh, and I love Kommando Orks, they're some of the best models in 40K.
It seems like what you're saying is: Orks is da best!
Hope you're on the ment soon man, great video
Shame you didn't mention the fact that gretchin sign language is often made up of literal wooden or metal signs they hold up.
" Ya'z not kunnin at all! We'z kan all still see ya', ya' git! "
Kommando: *Smears purple paint on his face*
All spectating orks: " WHERE'D 'E GO? "
Currently playing in a Rogue Trader campaign with a Freebooter in the party. Boy does he love his job.
Thunderhawk pilot: I soar on the wings of the Emperor...
Zogging gued job humie.
One hell of a topic for a comeback - well done and get better soon !
Recently started getting into the universe. This was my introduction to orks. They seem completely out of place and a weak version of the Taurids.
Read up on what happend on Armagedon and also The War of the Beast
Sofa Dhana Watch more of the Ork lore videos. They are one of the more fascinating factions in 40K.
I love how this universe can be so comical and yet so dark