Ugh same here I've played all of the games, *spoilers for those who haven't played ME3* but when that scene where Mordin sings "Scientist Salarian" one last time came up, I just couldn't help but cry it was so sad! I really do love Mass Effect, it really makes you feels like YOU ARE Commander Shepard and it makes you feel connected to all the characters involved, which makes it a special game.
Most of time I forget Mass Effect in my life. But sometimes I listen this music, read youtube comments and remember feelings. I see Mass Effect is still living in people around the world.
actually, Garrus says: "It's something Turians are taught from birth, if even 1 soldier survived the war, then the fight was worth it. But humans want to save everyone, and in this war, that's not gonna happen"
This song during that scene was for me the greatest moment in the trilogy! After all you tried to do to prevent it in the previous 2 games, it didn't matter! The Reapers were here.
it gets worse as time goes on you watch friends from the previous 2 games die left and right... r.i.p. legion, tali,... others whom I forgotin on accident
And then we found out that our existence is about as insignificant as the Dodo was. Then we started to cling to our pointless ideals and pride, in the false hope that our existence would somehow, by some miracle, matter.
gelul12 I still most certainly look up at the sky, especially at the night stars. As a species we've barely touched the broad surface of our solar system or any of the cosmos as a race, overall. I think we'll always look up at the sky, no matter where our civilization takes us.
I will follow your example my dear God(haha did you see? deer, dear... I'm so clever), but I'm replaying a Male Shep and then a Fem Shep from start to finish.
No deaths either? When I die in mass effect trilogy I replay everything from the first game. Crazy I know. It makes the game 5x more intense. I don't recommend playing on higher than normal difficulty though.
***** That's fucking brutal, but also awesome way to play. I often watch Borderlands 2 streams on Twitch, and people there sometimes create "1life2live" events - in short, a hardcore, permadeath playthrough of the whole game 3 times on normal, tvhm and uvhm (NG+ and NG++).
"They have no homeworld. Their world is the void of space. Their dwelling place, the darkness of the Abyss. They are the Reapers, death personified. The destroyers of worlds."
+mercilessv One of the weakest factions in sci-fi. Serisouly. Their strongest weapon is just 458 kilotons of pure power as stated by the codex. That is fairly pathetic compared to most other sci-fi.
+Araghast The Pillager I really liked that, all the science of mass effect seemed somewhat down to ground. Ships being very mortal, apart from the mass effect fields, I really felt the science was rather realistic
+Darth Nox Plot twist: He got the perfect destroy ending. Earth Councilor Shepard is actually waiting for Garrus and the rest of his old crew mates at a bar in a restored London to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the day he, Garrus and the Normandy crew ended the Reaper threat once and for all....Or at least that's how is goes down in my personal canon. XD PERFECT DESTROY FTW!
+Darth Nox Well he lived in everybody's now that I choose Synthesize, so everyone is a small part of Shepard, because he loves everyone that he willing to sacrifice himself for them.
if you did the destroy ending I hope they were able to salvage the reaper code and the memory banks of the geh collective or at least the quarians may try to create the geth again.
my cannon is that they all party (destroy perfect ending) once a month in anderson's apartment and shepard lives on rannoch with tali Garrus and liara got together, and command the normandy sr3 with joker as the pilot.
+HellsDumpling My complaint about the ending " Endings" is they are all the same with a slight twist. And theres never the big heroic moment. And honestly some of it doesnt make sense, you talk to your crew on the ground before going to the beam, then joker and some of that crew are just magically in space flying somewhere and trying to outrun the mass relay explosion?. It was a bit dissappointing for me after spending 3 game titles, and hundreds of hours * on seperate class play throughs* to have a color coded ending. In the end, no choices mattered, rallying the fleets and species didnt mattered, Cause it was all the same. I enjoyed this series more than star wars. And i grew up loving star wars, but this had heart, then it felt like a slap in the face, thanks for the money. See ya next game! sort of thing.
Well only comment i disagree with is the 'choices didnt matter' your right but wrong. It had a 'perfect' ending for when you did indeed play through all three with same character making each choice correctly. So yes they didnt matter, unless you wanted to get said ending to feel special.
This song IS Mass Effect for me. This made me decide to do another full playthrough of all 3 titles. Whoever composed this is a brilliant person. I love this music so much. So much emotion.
When listening to this video I can only think of one thing. This quote by: Theodore Roosevelt. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "
Thank you a thousand Times to post this Video in That quality and lenght! I always have to cry when I Hear that, i dont know but it shows me that my life is full of luxury in compare to some others and I have to be thankful for that fact. You forget all Bad things, which Happen Daily. And you get strong and Hope for better Times to some Other People. It is like seeing a better life, a life Where People live in harmony together. Greedings from Austria !
I might be an asshole then^^ "It's something Turians are taught from birth, if even 1 soldier survived the war, then the fight was worth it. But humans want to save everyone, and in this war, that's not gonna happen" -Garrus Vakarian I wanted to finish what i started, synthesize was exactly what the reapers wanted, so that option was not too great, and controlling would mean a single men controlling the reapers, which may lead to the same result again if the reapers somehow manage to indoctrinate shepard^^.
Out of all the games I've played, experienced and completed. The Mass Effect trilogy is one of the small few that has actually pulled me into an emotional state. Scared at the fact one of my crew members could die but genuinely in love with the thought of owning my own ship and roaming the galaxy saving all forms of life. Mass Effect 3 tore me to pieces with all the death and moments that just left you blown away or just left you sitting there thinking "What have I done?". But the ending is the only ending, and I mean the ONLY ending out of literally thousands of games I've played that has made me actually cry. This game will hold a very very special place in my heart. I hope to have as wonderful an experience in Andromeda as I did in these 3 games. Commander Shepards legacy whilst fictional will certainly live on my mind.
A week ago my grandpa had told us he has cancer when I got home I was crying and I put on this song don't ask why because this song is so inspirational my grandpa was in the military he was in all the branches this song and my grandpa made me want to join the military one more thing if any one has a family members has cancer just drop the controller and go to there house and spend time with them and tell them you love theme.
ZAMBIE-LORD I feel you my grandpa passed from cancer in 2015 and he inspired me to join the army. I'm joining at the end of my Jr. Year (next year) maybe if we ever meet in the military we grab a couple drinks and talk
lost my dad from cancer, my sister gave me a pretty necklace with his identification plate, it means a lot to me... fucking cancer, stay strong everyone !
I'm very happy you posted this, but the part that gives me chills the most is the reaper horn near the beginning and I'm sad it was only here once (I think, didn't listen to it all the way lol)
People that talk shit about the endings.... they don't really understand (or didnt take the time to research) about the huge, deep, and complex psychological environment that this endings have. I firmly support the ending to be the moment Shepard is about to get to the crucible. After the explosion the rest of the game is played throughout a faint dreamy environment where no ammo/reload is present (hey just like Shepard's dreams... coincidence?? hmm) but in the end, all of the ending options are very elaborated and they make sense. The only thing about this ending (and this game overall) is the mind-fuck complexity that makes a lot of people not to understand it and think it is bad.
Thats the problem you know so many people expected a ordinary ending.What we see in almost every other game.What is really great is that ME3 ending brings up so much moral issues it really depends on what kind of person are you in real life.
4400seriesFAN you're a bright one I can see. If you can not appreciate unpredictable and non-explicit games, it's ok. But in that case the crap here is not the game, it is you. And btw Im not saying ppl that criticize this game or its endings is stupid. That, you made it up. I just stated that ppl who talk crap bout it, dont get the real meaning.
German Villegas As I said before, we are not stupid. We understand what the endings mean (unlike you, who seem to have a difficulty understanding what I said above, in the most simple way)! It's the endings that they are crap. Why? Because: *a)* they are A-B-C choices, something we were promised it won't happen, *b)* Shepard surrendering to "fate" goes against all he did in the games (which is fighting everything and everyone against the odds), *c)* Shepard's crew left him in the final minute which would have never happened based on their strong characters and all the previous fights, *d)* the endings were identical in presentation thus making them uninteresting to watch, *e)* a last-minute character is introduced and this mechanism is being used when you either have no creativity or just by bad story design or the true finale is held back for paid DLC. There...I gave you 5 of some of the reasons why they sucked and they all have nothing to do with what you said!
I want a complete remake of the Mass Effect trilogy! It would have to really be done right, though. Not something like the Halo: Anniversary editions, but an actual from the ground up rewrite. Same story, same voice actors (if they can get them), but more content, more polish, and a more satisfying ending. Something that honors and builds upon what is already there, not replaces it. The Bioware execs would have to get off the dev's backs for a release date and just keep the money flowing. Let them make the trilogy we always wanted, the one such an amazing story deserves. We didn't get it the first go-round. It was almost, but not quite, so I feel a remake is justified. I know I speak for many people when I say I'd be willing to shell out some serious cash for such a remake. Update the graphics, physics, and NPC AI. Fix the damn bugs already. Listen to the community and address their concerns with the original trilogy. Make the gameplay consistent across all 3 games. I'm looking at you, ME1's infinite ammo and repetitive Mako assignments. Double the singleplayer campaign content with new missions, assignments, cutscenes, squadmates, conversations, codex entries, clusters and systems, and explorable planets. Even players who've been through the trilogy half a dozen times should feel overwhelmed at the sheer depth, complexity, and beauty of the universe they've once again stepped into. Give us more dialogue options while hanging out on the Normandy, let the characters grow in new and varied directions, and feel more alive. Expand the maps in exporable locations like the Citadel and Omega with more places to see, things to do, even some places that don't necessarily advance the plot but deepen the level of immersion. I want to walk into a bar and be able to hear 10 different conversations about anything from how much the Blasto sequel sucked to a Turian pitching the idea for a joint-species Lacrosse league. The galaxy is a big place, let us see what it has to offer. But most of all, redo the ending to ME3. Imagine if it was done right, if we had more than a few different flavors of the same ending, but a plethora of different outcomes, each with a long and highly polished cutscene that gives the player real closure, even if the choices they made turn the story into a tragedy. We got a feel for this kind of REAL consequential decision making with ME2, but the potential was so much greater with ME3. What an incentive to go back and get it right, to see your favorite characters survive! The Suicide Mission was done so well. ME3's ending should have been even better, with the stakes so much higher.
+Robert Brown I want to get a mass effect game, as i've always wanted to play. I'm a halo fan at heart, but have heard great things about it. Which should I get, and if it's 2 or 3, why? I want to know what's good and what's bad about both of them.
If you can,play the first one.It's old,I know,but there are heavy choices who change things later,and besides,it's quite a good game.The better in the saga is 2,by far.The charcters,moments,and the story itself are awesome,and it have the greatest final mission of all.
Sword of Sanghelios Well, if you're going to get the second one anyways, look into the DLC that allows you to make the key Mass Effect 1 choices before loading up a new Mass Effect 2 game.
Truly a game that brings tears to the eye. I was sure touched enough to make a tribute song based on this one. Please do check it out. Hope you like it!
It has been a while since I've listened to this very emotional piece of music. Sometimes I come back to this tune with memories of possibly the very best trilogy of computer games I've ever played. It even surpasses most films. They crafted the entire sweep of humanity and feeling into all the mass effect's. When the Normandy was trying to out fly the explosion at the end of mass effect 3, I was shouting for EDI, joker, and company to survive.
No video game has ever managed to hit me so hard with the soundtrack alone. The feeling of helplessnes, of imminent failure despite your years of hardwork and preparation, the realization that you could very well be looking at the end of everything you've ever known....Clint Mansell is a god damn genius.
+Sharp(The Stylish Sniper) Dat awkward moment when the other person in the room notices you crying over a video game and all you can say is "Good game... good game..."
+Mel Thorn The best and glad to hear i'm not the only who let a tear when i hear the song but the end ( i played with all DLC's so i realy liked it ) it has broke me seing such a good series to end all story all romances all friend god damn i hate this series for breaking me.
I have done the whole entire series with 1 character around 5times and a bunch of times for each individual game and i still cant get tired of it in an era full of 6 hour games with fake hype and no substance this series is a masterpiece people complain about the ending and completely disregard the rest of content on the game just because hating on the ending is what all the cool kids are doing play the game and notice the little things that the series has going for it there is a lot of them
Am I the only one who liked the ending in ME3??? I chose the "Destruction" Ending and I found it awesome... I was just shocked through the credits, and realized this is my favourite game trilogy ever...
yeah, i don't hate it either. i mean, i think we all knew that there was no way shepard was gonna survive the trilogy and i honestly don't know what they could have done differently. as epic as a full-on frontal assault might have been, in the end it would have just felt like... you could have done this the whole time? weren't the reapers supposed to be invincible? besides, destroy ending is great. i found immense satisfaction in flipping the bird to the kid and just blasting the reapers to hell. protecting life my ass.
Never a game achieved to have the player so involved emotionally, being by its story, characters or soundtrack. That opening scene with the kid is a perfect example: so much sadness from what's happening to him and so much anger towards the aggressors ; you want to cry and you want to fight. Amazing game.
You stand on the brink of death, those behind you behind you, beaten and bloody, and those in front of you, bloodthirsty in rage, you laugh silently to yourself, for you know your alone in this fight, you draw your sword and cry out in a tongue only true warriors know, the cry of war, a cry so loud the gods themselves feel your fury, you raise your sword and charge, you run to all you know, to what you born for, to fight to the last breath. anyone else think this fits?...
Just imagine people listening to this ost centuries from now when Earth would have become too uninhabitable and people would have to leave Earth forever and travel to other planets for settlements. At that moment they would just watch the ruins and the dust covering the Earth and would bid farewell to the Earth never to return to it again....
Was playing this for about 5 hours while I was coding a side project I've been working on. "Roomate: hey... is that song on repeat?" Nope. :D thanks for this!
Yuri Wolf What you have to decide:1.The death of your family to save the earth or 2:Kill the humanity for save the galaxy or 3:Say FUCKER to this man xD
Anyone who is not moved, even a little by the scene of Shepard watching the little boy struggle in fear to crawl into the shuttle, only to instantly get blown out of the sky while this is playing, has no soul.
The beginning of Shepard’s slow attempt at indoctrination. That the Reapers knew the best way to get to Shepard was to haunt him with a life he/she couldn’t save... “Everyone is dying!” “You can’t help me...” “There was a boy on earth. Couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7. I watched him die as the Reapers attacked. Somehow I’m still alive...and he isn’t...” “Being right about the Reapers doesn’t feel much like a victory does it...?”
that moment when you get all 3 plats. You sit back and realize you just went though total hell to save the earth and now its all over, My only wish is i could forget this series so i can discover it again and fall in love with it again
In all other media, Earth gets attacked, and the last stand is won here. Mass Effect is one those games that just slaps you on the face, while making you understand that the Earth is going to fall first. This sequence made me cry. Fuck you Bioware.
Truly epic and sensational.... fuck my life I wish Mass Effect was real. I just cant think of anything that touches this in sheer scope, design and beauty, what I would give for a 4K update to revisit that universe all over again :)
Though I'm glad this exists and hasn't been taken down "No copyrights infringement intended" doesn't not make it a copyright infringement. If that were the case anyone could post anything for entertainment purposes, completely negating the purpose of copyright. Even if credit is given to the producer of the content used, without having been given rights to use the content by the creator (i.e. given the right to copy), it still counts as copyright infringement. Unless the content is marked as creative commons, in which case accreditation and other restrictions may still apply depending on the CC guidelines stipulated.
Random reaper "wait, isn't that the Normandy, wait where's it going...shit, gotta tell Harbinger" Meanwhile on Tuchanka "fuck we lost Reaper 10,982" Later on Rannoch "fuck we lost Reaper 62,567" The Crucible fires Harbinger "Reapers you had one job, one fucking job *dies*
so much controversy regarding ME3's ending, some liked it, some didn't, but most of the morons in the conflict don't realize that we all played the game and enjoyed every bit of it, some even played the trilogy with multiple characters(I fucking did it and I'm proud of it!) and will still play the game in the future. ME1 3 playthroughs ME2 5 playthroughs ME3 7 playthroughs and counting XD for the upcoming ME4 I might as well get locked inside my room with a substantial amount of Pringles , Doritos, Canada Dry and Pizza and latter emerge with a full grown beard, 10 inch nails and at least 12 playthroughs no matter how shitty the ending gets.
Holy shit some one who knows the truths about this teach every one about the correctness about you statement... btw am not being an ass am agreeing with you
I think ME1 was great, two was the best and three was just shit. For me at least, there were a lot of problems right out of the gate and it just felt way too combat-oriented than story oriented. Like the company went away from it's roots to appease people who were just coming into the series who were used to playing shooters 24/7.
Robert C I think that ME2 was the most combat oriented of the series. ME1 was almost perfect while being a pure RPG, and ME3 centered in epicness, they just wanted to give an epic end to an epic story. Although they three are different from each other, I love all of them and would replay the series all over again.
Well, I'm glad it didn't take Commander Shepard 10 hours to leave Earth while this was playing in the background. Otherwise, we're gonna have a bad time.
The emotional journey and this soundtrack to match it are the reason I consider ME3 the best game in the trilogy. (I mean, aside from the last 15 minutes after running into the beam, but that goes without saying. Though, even that has some good elements).
Some of those buildings in the background look like they're Asari designs and construction. I know its Earth (anyone know where on Earth the beginning takes place?) but with all the implied economic trade between Earth and other planets like Thessia and Palavin, I'm sure some alien construction techniques were brought home :) It would be cool to have an office high up in an Asari skyscraper!
the beginning of 3 you start in Vancouver, Alliance HQ on Earth. as far as architecture is concerned, this is 150 years in the future from nowdays, buildings would have got more elegant looking, and maybe the other races had design input, but the structures are still clearly human designed as they're meant to be recognizable to us and hit a chord with us when we see them getting destroyed.
The complete & perfect ending is when the reapers help rebuilding the galaxy... It's synthetic solution... I have the full clip & since I cudnt find any in UA-cam... I'll upload it by today... Cheers...
ROH RITZ The warnings were always there, since Saren. You were on the brink of full indoctrination and became what the reapers wanted you to be. Their next great trophy, like Saren.
ROH RITZ I never liked the synthetic ending, cause of what it does to the Geth. The Geth create there own future, they do not want it given to them. Also, I dislike it as the only ending that definitively kills Shepard.
Goku San Yeah, after the Synthesis ending, the Geth attained a part-biological, genuine intelligence, a state of mind, and 'life' if you will. Before the Synthesis ending, the Geth were merely machines, programs, no matter how authentic they felt. When the Quarians created the Geth, they did not create that 'ingredient' that would change their existence as more than machine; living entities. They were still programs. They only started acting like people because the program's intent was to learn from social creatures and mimic them for practical and efficient communication. But they were still machines that held no genuine emotional understanding and conscious. The Quarians couldn't add that even if they wanted to, because that 'ingredient' would be godlike I assume. It's unfathomable, like Sovereign states. However the Reapers are a different story possibly. They were also created by the Leviathans, but every Reaper holds the conscious and living memories of a being(s) of former races they conquered. That's why Harbinger, of many Reapers, always say they are the harbinger of your destiny, your ascendance, your perfection. There is other evidence and hints in the game(especially the Leviathan dlc) that show why the Reapers do what they do every 50,000 years. My well-supported theory is that the Control ending shows the same technology and process that the Reapers use to preserve life specimens from the galaxy in the form of eternal machine; the Reaper form. The Control ending is essentially Shepard preserving himself and conscious into a Reaper form, as you see in that ending. The Synthesis ending is essentially that missing godlike 'ingredient' that the Geth lacked, which synthetically allows the Reapers themselves and any existing sentient-like machines to gain their own unique conscious, and not that is inherited like what the Reapers' function was before. The Destroy ending is essentially ending the function of the Reapers preserving life by their methods, and ending the destruction and genocide that pursued for millions of years. Shepard would leave 'nature' or living, sentient beings evolve to their own path.
benga bengalija Amazing how Bioware can make a game control our emotions huh. Having Garrus or Tali die is most saddening because you had a lot of experience together for the longest time.
So Many Hours So Many Galaxies So Many NPC We Tried To Save Just So Every Galaxy Was Conquered By The Reapers Fighting To Defend Our Lives As Characters And Fighting To Defend Those Of Us Who While In A Video Game Were Weaker Than Us We Fought For A Cause That Barely Survived We Fought For The Weak I Love You Mass Effect Keep It Up
I hate it when people comment before watching the whole video.
I've listened to it in the background why doing other things. But not just sat their and stared at a never moving picture.
TRUENOIR6 So how can you be so sure it's never moving?
Drake Jellison 😂😂
@@TRUENOIR6 you kust didn't watch long enough.
Mass Effect is the first video game that has ever made me cry.
you should mention that you are below 20
Yes! Mine too! I genuinely had to cry for 10 straight minutes the first time I finished the trilogy.
Understood, but that spot is reserved for Metal Gear Solid 4 ending.
red dead redemption too.
Ugh same here I've played all of the games, *spoilers for those who haven't played ME3*
but when that scene where Mordin sings "Scientist Salarian" one last time came up, I just couldn't help but cry it was so sad! I really do love Mass Effect, it really makes you feels like YOU ARE Commander Shepard and it makes you feel connected to all the characters involved, which makes it a special game.
Most of time I forget Mass Effect in my life. But sometimes I listen this music, read youtube comments and remember feelings. I see Mass Effect is still living in people around the world.
mass effect was/is brilliant....
Same here man.... Same here
Even in the darkness, even after Andromeda, we'll still here, for life, now and forever, to death... to space... together until the end...
We hold the Line
Human nature is to save everyone, but in war that is impossible.
-Garrus Vakarian
actually, Garrus says:
"It's something Turians are taught from birth, if even 1 soldier survived the war, then the fight was worth it. But humans want to save everyone, and in this war, that's not gonna happen"
This song during that scene was for me the greatest moment in the trilogy! After all you tried to do to prevent it in the previous 2 games, it didn't matter! The Reapers were here.
the feeling of helplessness you get from the situation nothing compares to it
Random Revanite The song is perfect for setting that mood! Even the song itself gets interrupted by the Reapers!
it felt like a movie
it gets worse as time goes on you watch friends from the previous 2 games die left and right... r.i.p. legion, tali,... others whom I forgotin on accident
mordin, thane ...
Every time I hear this, I look up at the sky. I don't know why, but it's almost like a reflex.
Factz man I do the same.
well it's sad. of course it would make you think of sad thoughts and look at the sky and stuff.
we used too look up at the sky and wonder about our place amongst the stars.
And then we found out that our existence is about as insignificant as the Dodo was. Then we started to cling to our pointless ideals and pride, in the false hope that our existence would somehow, by some miracle, matter.
gelul12 I still most certainly look up at the sky, especially at the night stars. As a species we've barely touched the broad surface of our solar system or any of the cosmos as a race, overall. I think we'll always look up at the sky, no matter where our civilization takes us.
this trilogy unlocked my interest in space...
Sadly irl.... There ain't no hot lizard boy in space :(
I'm going to keep listening to this until it stops hurting me.
The pain from these games will never end T-T
It that case u will listen forever
"Resistance is futile"
Careful Icarus ever heared of infinity ?.. it never stops.
Careful Icarus let the jimmies being healed, bruh.
Yeah... It's decided. I'm replaying whole trilogy again, one character, from start to finish.
I will follow your example my dear God(haha did you see? deer, dear... I'm so clever), but I'm replaying a Male Shep and then a Fem Shep from start to finish.
No deaths either? When I die in mass effect trilogy I replay everything from the first game. Crazy I know. It makes the game 5x more intense. I don't recommend playing on higher than normal difficulty though.
***** Nah. It'd be a better ending than the one we've got now.
***** That's fucking brutal, but also awesome way to play. I often watch Borderlands 2 streams on Twitch, and people there sometimes create "1life2live" events - in short, a hardcore, permadeath playthrough of the whole game 3 times on normal, tvhm and uvhm (NG+ and NG++).
DEER GOD Yeah it's really fun and gets really intense in some parts of the game (-s).
"They have no homeworld. Their world is the void of space. Their dwelling place, the darkness of the Abyss. They are the Reapers, death personified. The destroyers of worlds."
+mercilessv One of the weakest factions in sci-fi. Serisouly. Their strongest weapon is just 458 kilotons of pure power as stated by the codex. That is fairly pathetic compared to most other sci-fi.
+Araghast The Pillager I really liked that, all the science of mass effect seemed somewhat down to ground. Ships being very mortal, apart from the mass effect fields, I really felt the science was rather realistic
Golden Chicken The designers did say they were trying to be realistic.
+Araghast The Pillager They did it tho
+Araghast The Pillager Well, in comparison to warhammer 40k, ALL other sci-fi is pathetic.
Shepard's already got a bottle of Turian Brandy on hand in bar and he is waiting for Garrus
+Darth Nox Plot twist: He got the perfect destroy ending. Earth Councilor Shepard is actually waiting for Garrus and the rest of his old crew mates at a bar in a restored London to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the day he, Garrus and the Normandy crew ended the Reaper threat once and for all....Or at least that's how is goes down in my personal canon. XD PERFECT DESTROY FTW!
+Darth Nox Well he lived in everybody's now that I choose Synthesize, so everyone is a small part of Shepard, because he loves everyone that he willing to sacrifice himself for them.
sounds good, but shepards alive
if you did the destroy ending I hope they were able to salvage the reaper code and the memory banks of the geh collective or at least the quarians may try to create the geth again.
my cannon is that they all party (destroy perfect ending) once a month in anderson's apartment and shepard lives on rannoch with tali
Garrus and liara got together, and command the normandy sr3 with joker as the pilot.
I put this on as I explored the Normandy SR1 wreckage in Mass Effect 2. My feels sufficiently hurt.
+Lewis Toroian I feel ya bro :(
+Lewis Toroian Where is that mission?
FireWarrior2013 The Amada System in the Omega Nebula. It's only accessible with the DLC "Normandy Crash Site."
+Lewis Toroian Damn, it's a DLC? I'm carefully contemplating whether or not to bother with the DLC as I have ME on console.
The DLC should have been included and the game is 100% incomplete without it. Its so important, do yourself a favour and get it.
Loved every single second of Mass Effect. Dont give a shit what peeps got to say about its endings, this and that. Fuck em.
+HellsDumpling My complaint about the ending " Endings" is they are all the same with a slight twist. And theres never the big heroic moment. And honestly some of it doesnt make sense, you talk to your crew on the ground before going to the beam, then joker and some of that crew are just magically in space flying somewhere and trying to outrun the mass relay explosion?. It was a bit dissappointing for me after spending 3 game titles, and hundreds of hours * on seperate class play throughs* to have a color coded ending. In the end, no choices mattered, rallying the fleets and species didnt mattered, Cause it was all the same. I enjoyed this series more than star wars. And i grew up loving star wars, but this had heart, then it felt like a slap in the face, thanks for the money. See ya next game! sort of thing.
Well only comment i disagree with is the 'choices didnt matter' your right but wrong. It had a 'perfect' ending for when you did indeed play through all three with same character making each choice correctly. So yes they didnt matter, unless you wanted to get said ending to feel special.
+Jerbles Same here
+Jerbles Amen, brother.
This song IS Mass Effect for me.
This made me decide to do another full playthrough of all 3 titles.
Whoever composed this is a brilliant person.
I love this music so much. So much emotion.
When listening to this video I can only think of one thing. This quote by: Theodore Roosevelt. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "
Thank you a thousand Times to post this Video in That quality and lenght!
I always have to cry when I Hear that, i dont know but it shows me that my life is full of luxury in compare to some others and I have to be thankful for that fact. You forget all Bad things, which Happen Daily. And you get strong and Hope for better Times to some Other People. It is like seeing a better life, a life Where People live in harmony together.
Greedings from Austria !
greedings I'm from america
me too
Greetings from Poland :)
Hope, we'll get a lot of greedings ;)
We gotta hold the line! And where the fuck is our fire support?!!
+Chaos Knight (Agent Nevada)
''Hold the line!'' - Captain Kirrahe
+MilaEm Griff- fuck that sarge im going to take a nap.
Simmions-but griff sarge needs you to clean the...
griff-Shut up simmions..
It had to be me, someone else might have got it wrong.
R.I.P Commander Shepard. You will be missed :'(
Wait a minute...
I might be an asshole then^^
"It's something Turians are taught from birth, if even 1 soldier survived the war, then the fight was worth it. But humans want to save everyone, and in this war, that's not gonna happen" -Garrus Vakarian
I wanted to finish what i started, synthesize was exactly what the reapers wanted, so that option was not too great, and controlling would mean a single men controlling the reapers, which may lead to the same result again if the reapers somehow manage to indoctrinate shepard^^.
Out of all the games I've played, experienced and completed. The Mass Effect trilogy is one of the small few that has actually pulled me into an emotional state. Scared at the fact one of my crew members could die but genuinely in love with the thought of owning my own ship and roaming the galaxy saving all forms of life. Mass Effect 3 tore me to pieces with all the death and moments that just left you blown away or just left you sitting there thinking "What have I done?". But the ending is the only ending, and I mean the ONLY ending out of literally thousands of games I've played that has made me actually cry. This game will hold a very very special place in my heart. I hope to have as wonderful an experience in Andromeda as I did in these 3 games. Commander Shepards legacy whilst fictional will certainly live on my mind.
A week ago my grandpa had told us he has cancer when I got home I was crying and I put on this song don't ask why because this song is so inspirational my grandpa was in the military he was in all the branches this song and my grandpa made me want to join the military one more thing if any one has a family members has cancer just drop the controller and go to there house and spend time with them and tell them you love theme.
+ZAMBIE-LORD hope your grandpa will win the fight against cancer like my father is now doing
I know how you feel my grandma got cancer she recovered from it I hope the same happens with your Grandpa hang in there man
ZAMBIE-LORD I feel you my grandpa passed from cancer in 2015 and he inspired me to join the army. I'm joining at the end of my Jr. Year (next year) maybe if we ever meet in the military we grab a couple drinks and talk
lost my dad from cancer, my sister gave me a pretty necklace with his identification plate, it means a lot to me...
fucking cancer, stay strong everyone !
I agree! But *Games
except for Andromeda
shh we dont speak of it
nah it's halo (:
@@TheCyberloki Andromeda is good
This still gives me goosebumps everytim I hear dis, dem feels
This summer, I'm doing a ME1 through 3 playthrough. Can't wait to go home.
Let me join you. I have all 3 as well.
Commander Shepard Time and date pls.
+N3v3rG1veUp Then when you play mass effect : )
awesome!! I know you probably beat them all already but there truly magnificent aren't they?
Did you do it?
I'm very happy you posted this, but the part that gives me chills the most is the reaper horn near the beginning and I'm sad it was only here once (I think, didn't listen to it all the way lol)
I never realized just how much I needed this in my life as much as I do now.
Thanks for putting this together. I put it on while I'm studying to keep my mind from wondering.
Listened to 6 and a half hours of it so far, mainly while doing homework. This song is just too good...
People that talk shit about the endings.... they don't really understand (or didnt take the time to research) about the huge, deep, and complex psychological environment that this endings have. I firmly support the ending to be the moment Shepard is about to get to the crucible. After the explosion the rest of the game is played throughout a faint dreamy environment where no ammo/reload is present (hey just like Shepard's dreams... coincidence?? hmm) but in the end, all of the ending options are very elaborated and they make sense. The only thing about this ending (and this game overall) is the mind-fuck complexity that makes a lot of people not to understand it and think it is bad.
Thats the problem you know so many people expected a ordinary ending.What we see in almost every other game.What is really great is that ME3 ending brings up so much moral issues it really depends on what kind of person are you in real life.
Exafuckignly! I feel you Enes Muminovic
We are not stupid, we understand the endings and what they mean! But they are all crap!
4400seriesFAN you're a bright one I can see. If you can not appreciate unpredictable and non-explicit games, it's ok. But in that case the crap here is not the game, it is you. And btw Im not saying ppl that criticize this game or its endings is stupid. That, you made it up. I just stated that ppl who talk crap bout it, dont get the real meaning.
German Villegas
As I said before, we are not stupid. We understand what the endings mean (unlike you, who seem to have a difficulty understanding what I said above, in the most simple way)!
It's the endings that they are crap. Why? Because:
*a)* they are A-B-C choices, something we were promised it won't happen,
*b)* Shepard surrendering to "fate" goes against all he did in the games (which is fighting everything and everyone against the odds),
*c)* Shepard's crew left him in the final minute which would have never happened based on their strong characters and all the previous fights,
*d)* the endings were identical in presentation thus making them uninteresting to watch,
*e)* a last-minute character is introduced and this mechanism is being used when you either have no creativity or just by bad story design or the true finale is held back for paid DLC.
There...I gave you 5 of some of the reasons why they sucked and they all have nothing to do with what you said!
I want a complete remake of the Mass Effect trilogy! It would have to really be done right, though. Not something like the Halo: Anniversary editions, but an actual from the ground up rewrite. Same story, same voice actors (if they can get them), but more content, more polish, and a more satisfying ending. Something that honors and builds upon what is already there, not replaces it. The Bioware execs would have to get off the dev's backs for a release date and just keep the money flowing. Let them make the trilogy we always wanted, the one such an amazing story deserves. We didn't get it the first go-round. It was almost, but not quite, so I feel a remake is justified. I know I speak for many people when I say I'd be willing to shell out some serious cash for such a remake.
Update the graphics, physics, and NPC AI. Fix the damn bugs already. Listen to the community and address their concerns with the original trilogy. Make the gameplay consistent across all 3 games. I'm looking at you, ME1's infinite ammo and repetitive Mako assignments. Double the singleplayer campaign content with new missions, assignments, cutscenes, squadmates, conversations, codex entries, clusters and systems, and explorable planets. Even players who've been through the trilogy half a dozen times should feel overwhelmed at the sheer depth, complexity, and beauty of the universe they've once again stepped into. Give us more dialogue options while hanging out on the Normandy, let the characters grow in new and varied directions, and feel more alive. Expand the maps in exporable locations like the Citadel and Omega with more places to see, things to do, even some places that don't necessarily advance the plot but deepen the level of immersion. I want to walk into a bar and be able to hear 10 different conversations about anything from how much the Blasto sequel sucked to a Turian pitching the idea for a joint-species Lacrosse league. The galaxy is a big place, let us see what it has to offer.
But most of all, redo the ending to ME3. Imagine if it was done right, if we had more than a few different flavors of the same ending, but a plethora of different outcomes, each with a long and highly polished cutscene that gives the player real closure, even if the choices they made turn the story into a tragedy. We got a feel for this kind of REAL consequential decision making with ME2, but the potential was so much greater with ME3. What an incentive to go back and get it right, to see your favorite characters survive! The Suicide Mission was done so well. ME3's ending should have been even better, with the stakes so much higher.
+Robert Brown Ampliate the party in Mass Effect 3,I wanted to play with Wrex and Jack...
+Robert Brown I want to get a mass effect game, as i've always wanted to play. I'm a halo fan at heart, but have heard great things about it. Which should I get, and if it's 2 or 3, why? I want to know what's good and what's bad about both of them.
If you can,play the first one.It's old,I know,but there are heavy choices who change things later,and besides,it's quite a good game.The better in the saga is 2,by far.The charcters,moments,and the story itself are awesome,and it have the greatest final mission of all.
+Ryuga_Stealth Thanks, I'll get the second
Sword of Sanghelios Well, if you're going to get the second one anyways, look into the DLC that allows you to make the key Mass Effect 1 choices before loading up a new Mass Effect 2 game.
4 years later... I still miss Shepard...
A lot of stuff fails to make me emotional but this always hits home.
getting nervous of how often I should press the repeat button... and when I press it my whole damn life changes!
Truly a game that brings tears to the eye. I was sure touched enough to make a tribute song based on this one. Please do check it out. Hope you like it!
It has been a while since I've listened to this very emotional piece of music. Sometimes I come back to this tune with memories of possibly the very best trilogy of computer games I've ever played. It even surpasses most films. They crafted the entire sweep of humanity and feeling into all the mass effect's. When the Normandy was trying to out fly the explosion at the end of mass effect 3, I was shouting for EDI, joker, and company to survive.
No video game has ever managed to hit me so hard with the soundtrack alone. The feeling of helplessnes, of imminent failure despite your years of hardwork and preparation, the realization that you could very well be looking at the end of everything you've ever known....Clint Mansell is a god damn genius.
After 3 hours into this OST, i started looking for a spaceship.
This song is a masterpiece. Very sad though. Overall, I love it!
i love this song it gose well with seriuos stuff
Perfect music for this situation.
dat awkward moment when a tear runs down your cheek while listening to this. it's 'nuff to make a grown man cry..
+Sharp(The Stylish Sniper) Dat awkward moment when the other person in the room notices you crying over a video game and all you can say is "Good game... good game..."
+Mel Thorn true. true.
+Mel Thorn The best and glad to hear i'm not the only who let a tear when i hear the song but the end ( i played with all DLC's so i realy liked it ) it has broke me seing such a good series to end all story all romances all friend god damn i hate this series for breaking me.
some british guy:"the redcoats are coming the redcoats are coming!!!" Shepard:"OMG FORGET THE REDCOATS, THE REAPERS ARE COMING!!!!!"
OMG RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
roby family I thought your avatar is a naked guy... Oh shit! lol
i will forever cherish this experience ...
I have done the whole entire series with 1 character around 5times and a bunch of times for each individual game and i still cant get tired of it in an era full of 6 hour games with fake hype and no substance this series is a masterpiece people complain about the ending and completely disregard the rest of content on the game just because hating on the ending is what all the cool kids are doing play the game and notice the little things that the series has going for it there is a lot of them
Am I the only one who liked the ending in ME3??? I chose the "Destruction" Ending and I found it awesome... I was just shocked through the credits, and realized this is my favourite game trilogy ever...
yeah, i don't hate it either. i mean, i think we all knew that there was no way shepard was gonna survive the trilogy and i honestly don't know what they could have done differently. as epic as a full-on frontal assault might have been, in the end it would have just felt like... you could have done this the whole time? weren't the reapers supposed to be invincible?
besides, destroy ending is great. i found immense satisfaction in flipping the bird to the kid and just blasting the reapers to hell. protecting life my ass.
Never a game achieved to have the player so involved emotionally, being by its story, characters or soundtrack. That opening scene with the kid is a perfect example: so much sadness from what's happening to him and so much anger towards the aggressors ; you want to cry and you want to fight. Amazing game.
Anyonewant this played at there funeral?
Keelah Se'lai
you sir, you hit me right in the feels
Way to stab me in the chest with a spear of feels.
like this if u cry everytim :'(
The sound of the piano gives me goosebumps
5 years passed and this song still haunts me.
You stand on the brink of death, those behind you behind you, beaten and bloody, and those in front of you, bloodthirsty in rage, you laugh silently to yourself, for you know your alone in this fight, you draw your sword and cry out in a tongue only true warriors know, the cry of war, a cry so loud the gods themselves feel your fury, you raise your sword and charge, you run to all you know, to what you born for, to fight to the last breath. anyone else think this fits?...
Just imagine people listening to this ost centuries from now when Earth would have become too uninhabitable and people would have to leave Earth forever and travel to other planets for settlements. At that moment they would just watch the ruins and the dust covering the Earth and would bid farewell to the Earth never to return to it again....
Was playing this for about 5 hours while I was coding a side project I've been working on. "Roomate: hey... is that song on repeat?" Nope. :D thanks for this!
the best song to listen while trying to make a serious decision
Yeah. :з
Yuri Wolf
What you have to decide:1.The death of your family to save the earth or 2:Kill the humanity for save the galaxy or 3:Say FUCKER to this man xD
Anyone who is not moved, even a little by the scene of Shepard watching the little boy struggle in fear to crawl into the shuttle, only to instantly get blown out of the sky while this is playing, has no soul.
The beginning of Shepard’s slow attempt at indoctrination. That the Reapers knew the best way to get to Shepard was to haunt him with a life he/she couldn’t save...
“Everyone is dying!”
“You can’t help me...”
“There was a boy on earth. Couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7. I watched him die as the Reapers attacked. Somehow I’m still alive...and he isn’t...”
“Being right about the Reapers doesn’t feel much like a victory does it...?”
that moment when you get all 3 plats. You sit back and realize you just went though total hell to save the earth and now its all over, My only wish is i could forget this series so i can discover it again and fall in love with it again
huh... It makes me wanna cry XD
In all other media, Earth gets attacked, and the last stand is won here. Mass Effect is one those games that just slaps you on the face, while making you understand that the Earth is going to fall first. This sequence made me cry. Fuck you Bioware.
when i hear this it reminds me of a great trilogy that came to an end
cannot wait for the new mass effect andromeda
Too bad it was delayed, but as long as I can have a great quality game...
Fuck that kid from Shepard dreams, is not like he didnt saw millions of people die infront of him.
he didnt saw? What?
Liberty Prime
i love this game series so mutch mass effect for ever
It is decided, Mass Effect 3 is the best game ever made.
Said nobody.
omegaman On Opposite Day
Slimetroller Yt It is!
Better than those stupid best selling gun games with no story like halo and stuff
Slimetroller Yt dont you dare forget Dark Souls
Truly epic and sensational.... fuck my life I wish Mass Effect was real. I just cant think of anything that touches this in sheer scope, design and beauty, what I would give for a 4K update to revisit that universe all over again :)
"we are going to win this war Liara for all of us especially for that little child who died the day we left the earth"
+jorrdy bultman me too my friend me too 😢😢
+Dylan Albornoz +jorrdy bultman too bad the child wasn't really a child
+jorrdy bultman too bad the child wasn't really a child
+Xpert Gaming yeah
What child? Shepard's hallucinations?
This song is so simple yet it is so deep...
the song part is Dexter Britain - Second class
If you fully invest playing the Mass Effect trilogy and come to the third game it makes you cry at the beginning and especially the end
I listen to this three times a day to prepare for leaving earth.
I play this while studying.. best thing ever! :D
Right in the feels...
Though I'm glad this exists and hasn't been taken down "No copyrights infringement intended" doesn't not make it a copyright infringement.
If that were the case anyone could post anything for entertainment purposes, completely negating the purpose of copyright.
Even if credit is given to the producer of the content used, without having been given rights to use the content by the creator (i.e. given the right to copy), it still counts as copyright infringement. Unless the content is marked as creative commons, in which case accreditation and other restrictions may still apply depending on the CC guidelines stipulated.
It's 2017, and I still reminess about this game......
Random reaper "wait, isn't that the Normandy, wait where's it going...shit, gotta tell Harbinger"
Meanwhile on Tuchanka "fuck we lost Reaper 10,982"
Later on Rannoch "fuck we lost Reaper 62,567"
The Crucible fires
Harbinger "Reapers you had one job, one fucking job *dies*
This would be a good song to play when fighting Marauder Shields.
so much controversy regarding ME3's ending, some liked it, some didn't, but most of the morons in the conflict don't realize that we all played the game and enjoyed every bit of it, some even played the trilogy with multiple characters(I fucking did it and I'm proud of it!) and will still play the game in the future.
ME1 3 playthroughs
ME2 5 playthroughs
ME3 7 playthroughs and counting XD
for the upcoming ME4 I might as well get locked inside my room with a substantial amount of Pringles , Doritos, Canada Dry and Pizza and latter emerge with a full grown beard, 10 inch nails and at least 12 playthroughs no matter how shitty the ending gets.
73, I wish I was lying. I could tell you the speed of a slug fired from an Alliance Everest class Dreadnought without thinking twice.
This game has one of the best soundtrack I have heard.
Such a good beginning, such a crappy end. :(
Nailed it.
Holy shit some one who knows the truths about this teach every one about the correctness about you statement... btw am not being an ass am agreeing with you
I think ME1 was great, two was the best and three was just shit. For me at least, there were a lot of problems right out of the gate and it just felt way too combat-oriented than story oriented. Like the company went away from it's roots to appease people who were just coming into the series who were used to playing shooters 24/7.
Robert C I think that ME2 was the most combat oriented of the series. ME1 was almost perfect while being a pure RPG, and ME3 centered in epicness, they just wanted to give an epic end to an epic story. Although they three are different from each other, I love all of them and would replay the series all over again.
Grim Reaper Ik right but I have me3 only... need to get them again
Can't wait for the next one miss you shep.
There is no true despair without hope.......
Well, I'm glad it didn't take Commander Shepard 10 hours to leave Earth while this was playing in the background. Otherwise, we're gonna have a bad time.
I live near Vancouver, and this friggin hit me like a truck (or, y'know, a reaper xD). Cried like a baby :P
The emotional journey and this soundtrack to match it are the reason I consider ME3 the best game in the trilogy.
(I mean, aside from the last 15 minutes after running into the beam, but that goes without saying. Though, even that has some good elements).
only game to make me genuinely emotional so far
This is stupidly continuable! It is ridiculous how long you can keep listening to this song!
"Comeback to me" - last Tali words before Shepard go to the beam... Some things can't get out of the head...
10 hours of pain, bring it
Some of those buildings in the background look like they're Asari designs and construction. I know its Earth (anyone know where on Earth the beginning takes place?) but with all the implied economic trade between Earth and other planets like Thessia and Palavin, I'm sure some alien construction techniques were brought home :) It would be cool to have an office high up in an Asari skyscraper!
the beginning of 3 you start in Vancouver, Alliance HQ on Earth. as far as architecture is concerned, this is 150 years in the future from nowdays, buildings would have got more elegant looking, and maybe the other races had design input, but the structures are still clearly human designed as they're meant to be recognizable to us and hit a chord with us when we see them getting destroyed.
this song is one of the sad songs ;(
Dem feels. Love this game and its soundtrack...
I cry...
And I crying
GOD I miss these games and that era!
You want weapons? Go to a library. Books are the best weapons in the world.” -Doctor Who
Man the nostalgia I got from this song was to much:(
The game is third place in it's own trilogy when it comes to story, but first place when it comes to music.
The complete & perfect ending is when the reapers help rebuilding the galaxy... It's synthetic solution... I have the full clip & since I cudnt find any in UA-cam... I'll upload it by today... Cheers...
Viktor Hofer Yup.... I know right..... :D
ROH RITZ The warnings were always there, since Saren. You were on the brink of full indoctrination and became what the reapers wanted you to be. Their next great trophy, like Saren.
ROH RITZ I never liked the synthetic ending, cause of what it does to the Geth. The Geth create there own future, they do not want it given to them. Also, I dislike it as the only ending that definitively kills Shepard.
Goku San Yeah, after the Synthesis ending, the Geth attained a part-biological, genuine intelligence, a state of mind, and 'life' if you will. Before the Synthesis ending, the Geth were merely machines, programs, no matter how authentic they felt. When the Quarians created the Geth, they did not create that 'ingredient' that would change their existence as more than machine; living entities. They were still programs. They only started acting like people because the program's intent was to learn from social creatures and mimic them for practical and efficient communication. But they were still machines that held no genuine emotional understanding and conscious. The Quarians couldn't add that even if they wanted to, because that 'ingredient' would be godlike I assume. It's unfathomable, like Sovereign states.
However the Reapers are a different story possibly. They were also created by the Leviathans, but every Reaper holds the conscious and living memories of a being(s) of former races they conquered. That's why Harbinger, of many Reapers, always say they are the harbinger of your destiny, your ascendance, your perfection. There is other evidence and hints in the game(especially the Leviathan dlc) that show why the Reapers do what they do every 50,000 years.
My well-supported theory is that the Control ending shows the same technology and process that the Reapers use to preserve life specimens from the galaxy in the form of eternal machine; the Reaper form. The Control ending is essentially Shepard preserving himself and conscious into a Reaper form, as you see in that ending. The Synthesis ending is essentially that missing godlike 'ingredient' that the Geth lacked, which synthetically allows the Reapers themselves and any existing sentient-like machines to gain their own unique conscious, and not that is inherited like what the Reapers' function was before. The Destroy ending is essentially ending the function of the Reapers preserving life by their methods, and ending the destruction and genocide that pursued for millions of years. Shepard would leave 'nature' or living, sentient beings evolve to their own path.
Specopleader "Tell me Shepard, does this unit have a soul?"
This reminds me of when i was playing mass effect 3 the end and fricking garrus died D:!
i literally cried at the end xD
benga bengalija Amazing how Bioware can make a game control our emotions huh. Having Garrus or Tali die is most saddening because you had a lot of experience together for the longest time.
Garrus and Thane And Tali were my Favorite ones :P
So Many Hours So Many Galaxies So Many NPC We Tried To Save Just So Every Galaxy Was Conquered By The Reapers Fighting To Defend Our Lives As Characters And Fighting To Defend Those Of Us Who While In A Video Game Were Weaker Than Us We Fought For A Cause That Barely Survived We Fought For The Weak I Love You Mass Effect Keep It Up
+King Devestation Why You Write Like This
Still not long enough...
Thats what she said
LOL! Classic.