The worst thing about being sleep deprived is that you go into a sort of "zombie mode" and you don't even realize that it's because of the lack of sleep. I don't remember almost anything from my first 2 years of highschool. I only "woke up" when a teacher asked me how many hours I slept and told me the adverse effects of insufficient sleep
I suffered from a lot of sleep deprivation in highschool. Thinking back, I was severely depressed most of the time, overweight, and apathetic toward my grades, health, relationships and so on... Since leaving I've been sleeping acceptable hours nearly every night. Lost 40lbs without trying, depression is sporadic, got an A average simply because my state of mind isn't weakened by sleep starvation. Pretty amazing.
Jake Whitton You bet. Some people are able to thrive on very little sleep but I have noticed a correlation between poor sleep and my depressive moods. On a bad night (0 - 4 hours) I almost inevitably feel severe anxiety and tearfulness the day after, even if it's only lightly stressful. I felt like that all throughout my teenage years and it did play a part in over-eating and not performing in school.
+Lofty - im starting to have these effects, I'm going to start going to sleep at 10pm from here on out, I've noticed a lot of change in myself and i didnt know what was happening with me but now i know its time for a little change in my schedule.
I've tried battling my need for sleep, since I unhelpfully require between 9.5 and 10 hours per night. As you might imagine modern life is a bit too demanding to allow for this kind of asleep. Alas, I am playing myself for a fool if I think I can keep this up. Forcing myself to sleep 6 (and failing) leaves incredibly inefficient during the day. There's nothing else to it. I'm going to have to get my 10 hours.
Yea I remember being in high school and how I'd leave the house before anyone was up. My bus came at 6:30 and most nights I was up until 1 getting homework done. It was a bad system and when I graduated I found that my sleep issues and depression stuck with me for almost a whole year into college. Now I get 8 or 9 hours most nights and I just feel so much better physically and mentally.
+NotTotallyHopeless Well said. There were weeks in highschool where I woke up at 3AM daily to keep up with the workload, it is no wonder I felt depressed, was hooked on 6-8 cups of coffee just to function and ate a shit ton of sugar and processed food to up my lowered seratonin
stay up for 2 days straight and when I walked home the clouds were rainbow colors and the sidewalk was moving. so long story short sleep deprivation is the way for a free acid trip
There’s nothing like a full 12 hours of sleep, especially when you struggle with sleeping. It’s only happened to me a handful of times, but the feeling when you wake up refreshed as we were intended to be is simply amazing.
For me, insomnia ha caused my anxiety to spike really bad, for a while I became obsessed / worried with the idea of having something worse e.g. a personality disorder, schizo, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with having any of that, but I knew I wasn’t prepared for that fear. But, you aren’t alone. If you’re worried that you have something worse, you probably don’t. Insomnia is a powerful thing, don’t lose hope. You will get through it, trust me. It took me months, it’s a process.
I hate insomnia, and mine is severe too, which means I can go on sometimes 3 days in a row without sleep, I could cope with 5 hours of sleep but I don't even get that 😭 and common colds last longer now too and I get tachycardia if I stay 2 days without sleep insomnia made my life miserable
I have generalized anxiety disorder that gets worse if I get bad sleep for couple days in a row ,it's horrific ,my panic attacks also get worse ,I NEED to sleep 8 hours minimum or mentally I go crazy
@@jonwhite8815 Nope. The natural circadian rhythm of children from elementary through high school is generally to go to sleep late and wake up late. Schools force children to go to sleep early and wake up early. That's why they need alarms to wake up, feel like shit in the mornings and are late to class. And this is all for what reason? So the teachers can have a "normal" schedule? Foh. If you want to become a teacher you need to be prepared to sacrifice your convenience for the betterment of the next generation, otherwise pick a different profession. I mean school doesn't even teach anything that matters other than BASIC math, reading, writing skills. Even the history taught is either skewed, incorrect, missing info or all of the above; but that's a different topic seperate from sleep. We as a society are INDEED setting kids up to fail
It’s been over 4 years since I’ve had a full night sleep, my anecdotal evidence shows a great decrease in mental capacity (went from an A college student to needing to take leave due to not keeping up. Depression and anxiety increased and emotionally I have become more detached. The sacrifice parents make, eh.
I literally procrastinate on sleeping. Why? Why do I procrastinate on the easiest thing ever? It isn't like I don't want to sleep. I just *don't.* What the heck? Have I seriously procrastinated on school stuff so much that it's making me procrastinate on literally everything? Oh my god.
It's probably that you recognize that you should sleep and not wanting to be tired. You don't want to sleep, you want to have slept. Sleeping is a lot of time you could spend doing something. It's certainly appealing.
When I get sleep deprived I've noticed two main symptoms in addition to the obvious ones (sluggishness, dulled thinking, etc): my eye starts twitching and I start feeling depressed.
I once actually used sleep deprivation as a way to make myself more relaxed around people, lol. I used to be a member of this school band at my university a couple years ago and I always hesitated to say anything to them because I often have this uneasy feeling that I could make a bad impression at absolutely any moment, so I stayed up all night just to put myself in that wonderful relaxed state that I sometimes get into when I am sleep-deprived, and it was super-easy for me to have relaxed conversations with the people in the school band the next day. xD
I've been awake for 61 hours straight, worked a 12 hour shift yesterday and 12 today. I've been trying to type this message for ten minutes, insomnia sucks.
True... I experience that too.... It's like I'm high.
4 роки тому+8
@@ThisIsNotAhnJieRen more like drunk though 😂 When I'm high I can still do stuff. The effects of sleep deprivation on the brain are actually comparable with alcohol. Reduced activity in the frontal lobe, memory suppression, heightened emotions (in part due to lower fl activity), your brain's motor area's are behaving like a drunk person's too.
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This video was very interesting, as I have gone through periods of my life where I’ve gotten little to no sleep. Sleep deprivation, I have to agree, is one of the worst things that can happen to a student academically. I have witnessed a lot of my grades suffer because of my insomnia, and it’s hard to overcome that feeling of failure when there is little that can be done about it. I have noticed a lot of the physical symptoms in myself as well. When I go through periods of sleep deprivation, I do feel more pain, and aches throughout the day. Also, as an empath, I naturally feel other people’s emotions and can easily sense their moods just y walking into a room. When I’ve gotten little to no sleep, this sense is very dulled and almost intangible. I feel like a lot of young adults get little to no sleep because of educational reasons. My high school started at 8:15 AM and I found it hard to get a full night of sleep, get all of my school work done and throw in some family time too. If the start time of school was pushed back to 9 or 10, I think a lot of kids would do better in their courses.
I've always been told that high schools start earlier so that they end earlier, allowing kids with after school jobs the ability to get to work sooner and retain more hours at businesses that close earlier (i.e. 5 PM, 6 PM). However, I think that schools should start later and let employed students go early (like early release). Then, count their job as credit for some type of class. Have them submit reports or papers on experiences at their jobs. Colleges do this with internships all the time. Why not high school?
My high school (and middle school) started at 7:15. This was because they wanted to start school for the younger kids later and needed the buses. The reality is that schools are not thinking about their students when they plan hours.
The problem with treating a job as a class credit is that it means that poorer kids who have to get jobs aren't able to take other elective classes. Forcing someone to choose between supporting their family and taking the sort of advanced classes that'll get them into a good collage isn't a good thing at all.
I was always under the impression that schools started just before the typical work day started so that parents (who vote and pay taxes) could drop their children off before work.
At my school you could apply to have your after-school job count as vocational credit, and have the option of putting it in your schedule so you could leave to work. But the job had to be in a trade to count for credit, I don't think any grocery baggers or cashiers made the cut.
I lack empathy and emotion due to a lot of reasons and people see that as being strong mentally but it's actually hell to live life without feeling much of anything. I am taking steps in order to fix that.
When I become sleep deprived, my left eye starts pointing inward and I start going cross-eyed. I have to blink repeatedly in order to re-center my vision sometimes.
I completely agree, sleep deprivation is a bad thing academically. Being a college student, I have had sleep deprivation before and I tend to find myself almost falling asleep during class, not paying attention at times, or simply leaving class early. It is hard to get the necessary amount of sleep when students are up all night studying. I also agree that students are being set up for failure. We are expected to study and complete our homework, get 7-8 hours of sleep, and get up super early for class each morning.
I’ve been struggling with getting enough sleep for years now. I’ve been praying on it, & some changes will be made. I’m 47 years old, & I average about 5 hours of sleep per night. I feel fine, good actually, but I can only imagine how I’d feel if I got 8 plus hours of sleep per night. I’m not naïve, I realize that this can & will catch Up to me. I love my life, & I’d like to be around to kick it with my children, & grandchildren for a long time. God Bless U all, & stay safe. 🙏🏿
Try guided meditation to fall asleep and remove mirrors and electronics from your bedroom. The only two functions bedrooms should be used for is intimacy and sleep. Also using soothing colors to decorate and for bed linens helps. Good luck.
I think schools should start later in the morning, but they also should have habit management classes and train students to change their sleep habits, to an earlier wake up and bed time.
I ended up having to switch my daughter to homeschooling because the sleep deprivation was doing a number on her migraines. Poor kid would have to be on the bus at 5:45 and wouldn't get home till close to 6 in the evening. We only have one family car my hubby uses for work and it's a rural middle of the country cow field in the back kind of school so we couldn't just walk there either. when I was a kid I maybe spent 20 minutes on the bus max not almost 2 hours, and school started at 8:20 not 7:45.
Horrific ,lack of sleep makes me sick as a dog ,so nauseous ,weak ,dizzy ,cold,shaking ,I am WAY too old for pulling all nighters ,NEVER again and yes pain is much worse when not sleeping
A few nights ago I stayed up all night at my friends house. I went home and fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Woke up and thought I was still at my friends house
I can think of a group of people that are chronically sleep deprived: Medical residents and medical students. Also they are close to the hospital... perfect research candidates (1:49)
Someone in my hometown wrote a letter to the editor addressing the circadian clock shift in adolescence, and our school district actually took note and started the middle and high schools' day an hour and a half later :)
Not being able to get deep sleep while coping with a viral lung infection has weird temporary effects on the body. Some children are early risers. Others prefer to be late risers. During the COVID-19 recommended rules teachers noticed that their students didn't mind wearing rhe recommended by World Health Organization mask. Is that because children at both school and in an emergency ward with both parents present at the time too can naturally can decipher body language better than some adults can while their eye sight is more near sighted as time goes on which is not always correctable through glasses while that teacher or triage nurse is looking at someone at the back of their classroom or their patient waiting room? Good thing we have triage nurses and teachers who are not corrupt.
Sleep deprivation can lead to many different health issues, including but not limited to diabetes, obesity, and emotional issues. Also as it was said in the video, sleep deprivation can cause more sensitivity to pain. By getting a sufficient amount of sleep, it can help decrease the amount of pain you feel. With these facts, a person can see just how important it is to get the amount of sleep that your body needs. Those that sleep more generally see a higher success rate within school and sports. By moving the start time of school to a later period in the day, more students will get the necessary amount of sleep they need causing grades to improve as well as test taking skills. Now the bad thing about our bodies requiring eight to nine hours of sleep a night is how hard it is to actually obtain that. There are numerous factors that come into play when dealing with sleep. For students, they have the stress of dealing with homework and studying for tests. For adults, there can be any stress from work, or even the home lives if they are married. All those situations can keep people awake and not allow them to get the correct amount of sleep. Overall the possibility of getting the right amount of sleep is extremely hard to achieve.
When he talked about kids not getting enough sleep because school starts early made me laugh because my parents had a strict bedtime (8pm) rule in school nights (1st to 7th grade). But then I went to boarding school and I threw that idea out of the window 😅 I have no regrets but glad my parents cared for my need to rest😊
I feel that sleep deprivation is a major area of concern today’s society. Whether it be student’s staying up too late finishing their latest homework assignment, to new parents waking up every few hours to care for their new born child, sleep deprivation is very easily attainable. Sleep deprivation can be the cause for many more serious health issues if not caught and taken care of early on. These can include, but aren’t limited to, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, and depression. If you ask me these are all very common things occurring in our world today. So how much of these medical issues have sleep deprivation to blame? We know that sleep is incredibly important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The quality of our sleep also effects our overall health. Not only can sleep effect our health, but think about how it can affect our relationships with those around us. I know from my own personal experience that when I’m overly tired I tend to be more easily upset or emotional over things that, had I not been tired, would not have had such a strong effect on me. I also know from the standpoint of a college student that not getting enough sleep can most definitely effect you academically. On days when I am tired I find that I can’t pay attention as easily in class and that my mind tends to wander more than it normally would had I had enough sleep the night before. I find it interesting how in the video he mentioned the argument about how we as a society are “setting teens up for failure”. We know that they require the roughly recommended nine hours of sleep, if not more, to adequately function, yet we still make them wake up super early to go to school every morning. That would require students to go to bed as early as nine at night in order to get those recommended hours of sleep before having to wake up and get ready for school. As a recent high school graduate I know how that can be nearly impossible some days when you factor in after school activities, such as sports, on top of homework and whatever else needs to be accomplished that day. So what can we do in order to help cure our sleep deprivation? I think for starters we definitely need to look into how much sleep we as an individual need in order to efficiently function. Then, once we learn that information, set up a sleep schedule that helps us attain those needed hours of sleep as easily as possible with our daily lives.
I walked for 7 days without sleep and very little food or drink,I experienced some amazing hallucinations.After the forth day the hallucinations became less frightening and more psychologically enlightening.I watched scenes from my life reenacted before me.I saw myself as a child actor on a stage,whereupon many phobias were explained to me through these reenactments.I wouldn't encourage anyone to do what i did but i don't regret a thing,it was an amazing and cathartic experience.
Thank you very much for this Aaron, so much important information. Evidence shows that when school started at 7:30, about a third of kids got at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If school started close 9AM, then two thirds of adolescents got the much sleep. I truly believe that is true because in Saudi we have a month called Ramadan, during it school starts at 9 instead of 6:30AM and during it I noticed that I would usually walk up more excited to school, have a better mood, more positive about the day. But during college there is something called the collage triangle, which is you picking two out of the follow: enough sleep, good grades, or social life. And you can add work and athletic team to it. Most students would probably take time from sleep. I try to balance as much as I could. And when I do not sleep as much I do not do as well in my classes. Especially if it is a class that involves intense thinking which is basically all my classes. I have tried to sleep on a schedule or routine but I do not know why that does not work with me, every night is different. For an example, few days ago I slept at 11pm and the day after I slept at 3am, I did not take any supplements or drink anything involving caffeine. I wished I could sleep on a routine, perhaps then I will get to do a lot better in my classes.
Being a full time college student, working a minimum of fifteen hours a week, and having late night dance practices at least two times a week, I often feel like I can never get the amount of sleep I need to not be sleep deprived. I do notice that when I don't get enough sleep, I often get very emotional and become more stressed than I should be about school. I can also notice the affect of not getting enough sleep in my school work due to the fact that I know its not my best quality work and it honestly shows. When I write a paper or take a test when I am sleep deprived and look back over it when I am fully rested, I notice the small mistakes or spelling errors I make when I am in that state of mind. I never knew that being sleep deprived increased your sensation of pain, but it makes sense to me now. The morning after a late night practice I often feel like an elderly women trying to get out of bed with cracking bones and sore joints when I am only 20 years old. I also didn't know that being sleep deprived can lead to diabetes or obesity and I found that interesting. Its hard to get the amount of sleep I need when I am so busy all the time, but this video helped me realize just how important it is to get sleep since being sleep deprived can affect so many things.
I am a domestic violence survivor and have PTSD and GAD. When I was first displaying symptoms aged 19, my PTSD induced insomnia turned to sleep deprivation and I began hallucinating, became paranoid and convinced my mom was trying to poison me when she was only making me soup, my anxiety was out of this world and eventually yea I had to be hospitalized because I went into full blown psychosis. I never harmed anyone or myself during this time but it was like I was living in another plane of existence and it was terrifying! I was given a shot of morphine and slept at the hospital. It took me 2 months to come back to myself which included my dad taking me to a quiet ranch style retreat in New Mexico so I could relax, recover and SLEEP. But this all began chiefly because of lack of sleep! Now that I'm older I understand how disasterous it is for me NOT to get adequate rest. So I do everything I can to relax my nervous system. I have nights of fitful sleep every so often but I know how to take better care of myself now. Sleep is absolutely paramount to my mental health.
Omg I thought I was the only one getting mentally insane almost psychotic from lack of sleep ,My entire body feels tense like it's on fire when I don't sleep ,it's horrific,I have anxiety and nothing triggers it more than lack of sleep ,it's unbearable,people don't believe me 😢I simply MUST SLEEP at night
I can never get more than 3 nights full rest. I've been homeless for a year now so I can't be shocked. But it wasn't that bad because I had my car to sleep in. Then my car got stolen and I get the runaround when trying to obtain a report. I tried calling family but they've been threatened into silence. I can only contact the same abusive family members that I ran from. Which is how I got on the street.
yup and its also sleep deprivation that is one of the biggest causes of surgical accidents and "leftovers" (like leaving a clamp inside the patient) so you can somewhat blame the hospital systems and even entire healthcare systems for forcing healthcare providers into extreme shifts which rob them of even their minimal sleep time.
This is actually facts and science yet my job just tells me they are no doctor and I signed up for the job (but I didn’t apply to work doubles back to back or to be forced fired for not killing your self and asking for time to properly rest)
Back in highschool and college it wasn't unusual for me to get less than 40 hours of sleep a week. However, my academic and athletic performance never really fluctuated, it was always quite good. With sporting events ending around 1 am, a full time night job and late night socializing, sleep was just something i always wanted more of but just never had the time for.
Does anyone else hear voices or songs playing that aren't actually there... It only happens when I'm awake for 40+ hours but I've never heard anyone else ever talk about it.
I spent a year only sleeping for four hours a day...all because of high school stress...I honestly without kidding consider ending high school or my life I can't do both..I feel so so depressed..I wish to go back to this video when all this past
If we were really interested in improving our education system we'd start school later, shorten the day for students, and have a shorter summer vacation. I really don't understand why we don't do this.
Honestly, parents are often the ultimate cause of decisions like this in education. Most parents don't want a change in school schedules because it would affect their work schedule in ways that might be difficult. Others take the attitude of "Well, we had that schedule and did just fine!" But there are other factors. Bus schedules and teacher schedules. Most teachers need the hours after school ends to do large quantities of paperwork, grading and lesson planning. So there's often at least a little resistance to change from SOME teachers, especially in states or districts where they are already overworked. Change is difficult when there are SO many people who are involved.
Haven’t consistently gotten more 10 hours of sleep in the past 2 years (have gained 20-30 lbs) I’m 15 going to bet at 2-3 and waking up at 8:30 on school days and 11:00 on others
This video really caught my eye being a college student. We are expected to do 2 hours of studying per credit hour and with me taking 16 credits that is more hours than there is in one day. It is impossible to get up to 8 hours of sleep a night and get good grades at the same time. Sleep deprivation, according to this video, makes a person more susceptible to pain. Personally, I can relate to this in the way that when I don't get enough sleep my joints and back ache. I feel like an 80 year old in a 20 year old person's body. Also, going along with body type, sleep deprivation is shown to cause obesity. This can apply to most college students their freshman year. We all know about the freshman 15 and that is probably from procrastination or bad time management, which causes them to stay up all night to get their homework done resulting in weight gain. Physicians cannot be sleep deprived though, because they are the ones that need to be saving lives. If they are sleep deprived it is more likely for them to make mistakes and possibly have somebody's life in their hands. There needs to be some sort of law put in place so physicians can only work a certain amount of hours at a time. Especially when physicians are on call, they may not be getting any sleep if they can never get away from the job. I think that every person, physicians included, need some type of alone time and just sleep for hours with no interruptions, but is that realistic? Is there a way that a person can never be sleep deprived with the busy schedules that we all have in this day in age?
I was living in a hostel and I was woken up around 2 am then 4 am for about 6 months although I had a bit of time out. Eventually, my immune system shut down and I had 4 different infections. Strangely the staff running the Hostel didn't do anything effective to change anything. I am still wondering why this is as it has changed my life completely I will never be the same again or able to work. I remember one staff member said that when you have a newborn baby you go without sleep - (So I assume what he meant was suck it up) Looking back with hindsight I now realize that the residents were doing that deliberately rather than being able not to be able to empathize with my needs. Yeah if you are going without sleep don't chance it. Once you lose your sleep you lose your judgement. Let's just say there are some sick people in the world that will choose to have a vendetta against you even without a reason. Yeap the thing all the steps you take to avoid danger are processed while you are awake getting 8 hours is taken for granted.
While we are fixing school schedules lets fix the seasonal breaks. One week for spring, two or three weeks for winter, ten or more weeks for summer, and no weeks for fall? That would made sense if we were all still farmers, but not so much anymore. It would also make sense if the goal was to have students forget everything, including how to be students, every single summer. Three months on, one month off, repeat. Twelve weeks of vacation plus holidays for students, twelve weeks of vacation plus holidays for everyone!
I never understood why Americans have three months of summer holidays. In Germany / Austria / Switzerland it's only 6 weeks but in my opinion that's still too long. Better have 4 x 3 weeks (Christmas, Easter, Summer, Fall).
If you are a student who is going to pay for university or college you need those 10 week breaks in the summer. I spent three summers in high school and every summer now in college to make money for tuition. And getting a part time job that pays you 10$ an hour just won't cut it.
***** 10 weeks of median income (which for a temporary employee with no degree is probably expecting a bit much) will no longer cover tuition and fees at a public university, let alone private or out-of-state rates. Then you probably want to live somewhere and eat too. I suppose you could work full time while attending school and just be sleep deprived (see what I did there?).
***** You would get to do that three times a year for a ~month at at time. This isn't about a change in break amount, just how it is distributed. Some people only see problems. Others see solutions.
I remember having to literally get up before sunrise to get ready and catch the 630am school bus. Bus ride was an hour so me and most the kids slept during the ride. I liked school but hated getting up early.
I have chronic insomnia and for the last week I haven't been able to sleep more than 2 hours a night 😭 can't fall back asleep can't stay asleep can't nap, I feel like I'm kind of just watching my life at this point because I can't genuinely think about what I'm doing or comprehend any of my thoughts and it's concerning. I have insomnia meds too
***** Really? I earn my **2nd** Master's degree next week, I'm married (5 years this fall), and I own my home. I also have 2 black belts and play 5 musical instruments. As for my appearance goes, I could stand to lose some weight. That's it, but that's what happens when you go from college athlete to sitting at a desk. Please tell me again how I haven't fulfilled my potential...
***** You claimed that I missed out on my potential. I'm socially (married/friends), financially (good career, make enough money to buy a house in my 20s which is a pretty big deal), educationally (2 master's degrees), and physically (martial arts, music, etc) accomplished. What potential did I miss out on?
***** Yes, I read what you said and I'm trying to get clarification: You claim "you miss out on your bigger potential." What is my "bigger potential" that I would get with more sleep? What aspect of my life would be better?
We talked about this a lot in high school, and the school district's response was: - Starting school later would limit time available for after-school athletics practices and competitions - School buses are limited, and thus need to be staggered by school start times. Parents need time to get their elementary-school age children ready for school in the mornings, so middle and high schools start earlier. My district owned its own school buses, and so a single bus would often be used for an elementary, a middle, and a high school bus route every morning and every afternoon.
our busses often picked up kids from different schools on the same bus. elementary also tended to begin and end before the older grades. My high school went 9-3:23. Elementary school let out at 2 something.
Despite this being well known the Ontario school boards started High school classes at 6:30 AM. They claim it's so they can use the same busses for the elementary school kids later, but if that was truly the case they could have started school an hour later instead of earlier. I think it's so the teachers can have more convenient working hours.
My wife fights sleep like a 5 year old. She will stay awake for days at a time mostly on the weekends, and won’t go to bed until I go to work. I often wake up to find her asleep while standing, hunched over and swaying. She has broken things by dropping them and has also dropped lit cigarettes. After about three days communication is all but impossible. Her sentences don’t make any sense. She gets belligerent if I bring this up. She denies falling asleep. If I can get her to lay down in bed then she is out like a light. I often find myself staying up to make sure she doesn’t injure herself or set the house on fire. What am I supposed to do?
Empathy is a muscle. It needs to be rested and given time to recover. This is a downfall of many caregivers in that, at any one time, it is clear that one person in the relationship needs care, and one person provides care. What is often forgotten is that nobody is ever a caregiver for only a moment, and that empathy, alertness, and the subsequent quality of care will diminish.
Can you talk about circadian rhythm, and whether WHEN you get your sleep matters? Also, if each person has different sleep needs, how do we know if we're getting enough? Also a comment...sleep deprivation is a major issue in Canada right now in relation to train engineers and conductors, being expected to be 'on call' and being unable to plan their sleep so that they will get enough to do their jobs safely, or being expected to work more hours than is safe.
I remember as a kid, I’d wake up and hallucinate people in my room. But they were friendly but I cannot remember the stories. I remember getting these when I had the fever.
Not to brag or something, I wake up at 4am everyday (I'm in college). My class starts 7:30 everyday. Why do I have to wake up so early? Freaking heavy traffic jam!
Sleep is such a huge thing because has a direct effect on your hormones - specifically your ability to produce cortisol which is a hormone that does things like manage your blood pressure. It also can affect your mental health in other ways such as causing hallucinations (both visual and auditory). When I hear people saying they don't need to sleep more than 5 hours it makes me cringe because I used to be like that and now my cortisol is super low and the rest of my health has suffered greatly. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT KIDS
The whole "push school start times back to a more civilized hour" thing doesn't really address the problem. There are 24hrs in a day, regardless of when you start it. The real issue is pushing kids to be in sports & clubs, being stuck at school for 8+hrs a day, then sending them home with hours more homework to do. Something has to give, and it's usually sleep. I will say my high school started later than any school in the area, which I certainly didn't mind.
The problem is medication doesn't actually allow for REM, which to my knowledge is when the Human brain tends to process things more deeply... Or something like that. But the medical field ignores this and just keeps prescribing meds for sleep instead of trying to help. Just pointing out a major flaw...
I learned a lot from this video. Last year, I went through a time where I got about 3-4 hours of sleep every night. I noticed my body going through changes such as aching and pains. I also noticed my lack of caring about others, myself, and not caring how my academic performance was not good. From this video, I learned that being sleep deprived can have much more negative outcomes such as an increase of obesity, diabetes, and getting into car accidents. It is very important to get an adequate amount of sleep every night!
As soon as I watch the health triage video titled “Are You Getting Enough Sleep?” I was instantly eager to learn more. Coincidentally I suffered from sleep deprivation, so I was exceptionally curious to watch the video all about it. I knew there were side effects, but I did not necessarily know all of them. I did not know that sleep deprivation could lead to being more sensitive to pain. Not a lot of individuals like pain, so I would advise people to try and get more sleep. I am definitely going to try and start sleeping away my pain. I knew sleep played a big part of emotions, but I did not know it had anything to do with empathy, but I guess it makes sense.
I had a total of 4 hours interupted sleep the last two days. then last night only a 30 minutes doze. I have severe chronic pain that makes it difficult, anyways Yesterday I was talking to my friend on the home phone and my mind was clouded. I was dead serious and asked my son if he knew where the phone was so i could call my mom! I did'nt even realize it for a minute. I told her i needed to get off the phone and sleep immediately. that has happened before but i caught it much quicker. I ve had hallucinations before as well. i feel like im in some kind of danger zone to myself and others. lol. im going back to sleep now.
I found that sleep does in fact get rid of/reduces pain-I suffer from bad headaches and migraines and I find that taking myself off to bed and having a quick nap or properly going to sleep gets rid of the headache most of the time but always at least reduces the pain
When you sleep your cells like to rebuild rapidly during this period. So when it says that when you are sleep-deprived pain is worse, it makes sense. Your cells are also tired to they can’t protect themselves because the cell itself is also tired. Also with the school subject, there are data findings that the brain cannot fully function until after 10 A.M so not only are the students sleep-deprived, but their brains are not fully awake either. When you work a 12-hour shift driving back home is equal to driving a bit buzzed, so know wonder why there are so many car accidents!
You should just do a study on long time sleep Deprivation on Soliders im sure it will tell you alot i just worked 5 days with 12 hour shift 3 from 8pm to 8am and 2 8am to 8pm i got a total of i would say 16 hours of sleep but im used to it 😴
I completely agree that starting school later will allow kids to get more sleep but the problem arises for the working parents of young kids that will have to get babysitters in the morning AND after-school so that they can make it in to work for 8 or 9 am. The benefits of healthier happier kids could be counteracted by having extra stressed out parents who would create a negative feedback loop leading to a net increase in stress in the family. I propose nap-time in schools (and work).
Part of the problem with school starting later is the busing system, they start at staggered times to cut down on those costs (and given how we scrimp on education budgets I don't see that changing anytime soon). Also, I was in band in high school and we had 2 hour practices at least twice a week after school (sports teams practiced more often than we did, but we also had a class period for our activity and they didn't). Those days I'd get home around 5:30, something that was only possible because school ended at 2:25. What happens to those after school activities, be it academic, artistic, or sports related, if the end time gets pushed back? They'd either shift to before school or cut into a kid's after school time even more.
But everytime I try to go to sleep my leg twitch's or kicks and I just wake up, and don't got to sleep after, but then I'll fall to sleep and forget when I went to sleep and what I was doing before I went to sleep.
God bless not living in the USA.. My school is less than two minutes away from me and it starts at 8.20. The students living furthest away only have to travel 30 minutes by bike max. And we're still done, at the latest, by 16.00. It's about quality, not quantity of school and if you're not even half awake the first few classes, then why even have them in the first place..
TMO I live in the US and it sucks because I wake up at 5:00 in the morning, get on the bus at 6:30 and arrive at school around 8:00. At 8:30 is my first class, algebra. I had it so fucking much. I'm pretty sure no one is even awake during those times lmao. Then I get off school at 4:00 and it starts all over.
I’m really weak and shaky after not sleeping well the last 4 weeks … not sure if something else is going on but if lack of sleep can make me feel this way
Ive been awake for almost 3 days now and sometimes i will close my eyes and im 100% conscious of my surroundings but ill like dream or hallucinate that im somewhere else walking ,talking and interacting with my environment. I was doing this and in my weird state i held my hand out to touch something and i reached out with my hand in real life my roommate told me he thought i was asleep on the coach and then i just started raising my arm out in front of me. He got weirded out and called out to me, then i just opened my eyes and i was in my living room fully awake.
glad I stayed up to watch this video
Thomas Macpherson-Pope haha!! XD
Thomas Macpherson-Pope 😂😂😂
Robby3D Roblox LoL
Funny, but I no Haha,
The worst thing about being sleep deprived is that you go into a sort of "zombie mode" and you don't even realize that it's because of the lack of sleep. I don't remember almost anything from my first 2 years of highschool. I only "woke up" when a teacher asked me how many hours I slept and told me the adverse effects of insufficient sleep
that is literally me I am in that mode and Im not sure how to fix myself.
i get you dude but it was depression
@Nico maybe they has some sort of sleep disorder
I can relate to that.
I suffered from a lot of sleep deprivation in highschool. Thinking back, I was severely depressed most of the time, overweight, and apathetic toward my grades, health, relationships and so on... Since leaving I've been sleeping acceptable hours nearly every night. Lost 40lbs without trying, depression is sporadic, got an A average simply because my state of mind isn't weakened by sleep starvation. Pretty amazing.
+Lofty -
Dear god, I hope you are telling the truth...
Jake Whitton You bet. Some people are able to thrive on very little sleep but I have noticed a correlation between poor sleep and my depressive moods. On a bad night (0 - 4 hours) I almost inevitably feel severe anxiety and tearfulness the day after, even if it's only lightly stressful. I felt like that all throughout my teenage years and it did play a part in over-eating and not performing in school.
+Lofty - im starting to have these effects, I'm going to start going to sleep at 10pm from here on out, I've noticed a lot of change in myself and i didnt know what was happening with me but now i know its time for a little change in my schedule.
I've tried battling my need for sleep, since I unhelpfully require between 9.5 and 10 hours per night. As you might imagine modern life is a bit too demanding to allow for this kind of asleep.
Alas, I am playing myself for a fool if I think I can keep this up. Forcing myself to sleep 6 (and failing) leaves incredibly inefficient during the day. There's nothing else to it. I'm going to have to get my 10 hours.
Lofty - Same I'm not as funny or I don't my attention span is short
Yea I remember being in high school and how I'd leave the house before anyone was up. My bus came at 6:30 and most nights I was up until 1 getting homework done. It was a bad system and when I graduated I found that my sleep issues and depression stuck with me for almost a whole year into college. Now I get 8 or 9 hours most nights and I just feel so much better physically and mentally.
+NotTotallyHopeless Well said. There were weeks in highschool where I woke up at 3AM daily to keep up with the workload, it is no wonder I felt depressed, was hooked on 6-8 cups of coffee just to function and ate a shit ton of sugar and processed food to up my lowered seratonin
NotTotallyHopeless I’m going through this and reading this made me sad
Me but still depressed cause I havent changed my sleeping schedule
69 likes lmao
Ya the only bad system was the home work i never did my homework coz fk school and fkn look at me now a multi MILLIONAIR in gta v online
stay up for 2 days straight and when I walked home the clouds were rainbow colors and the sidewalk was moving. so long story short sleep deprivation is the way for a free acid trip
woel char Cool!
@@joost2287 not cool that’s scary
So basically, the same as drug effects...
You are so fucking right. It seems like a fantasy if you’re awake for too long.
@@theradiatorisonfire7768 pretty lit actually
There’s nothing like a full 12 hours of sleep, especially when you struggle with sleeping. It’s only happened to me a handful of times, but the feeling when you wake up refreshed as we were intended to be is simply amazing.
12 is too much
This happens to me all the time. I hate sleeping so long because it steals my time.
YES!!!! A whole sleep-in day is good too. But yes you are right!!!!
Depends, sometimes it can be too much.
Too much sleep is not good and a sign of depression..
For me, insomnia ha caused my anxiety to spike really bad, for a while I became obsessed / worried with the idea of having something worse e.g. a personality disorder, schizo, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with having any of that, but I knew I wasn’t prepared for that fear. But, you aren’t alone. If you’re worried that you have something worse, you probably don’t. Insomnia is a powerful thing, don’t lose hope. You will get through it, trust me. It took me months, it’s a process.
thank you for the advice! i was like that now but reading your comment make me feel better. thank you soo much
Thank you for this comment
I’m 2 years late to this comment but this resonates with me, thanks buddy. Makes a ton of sense in my situation.
I hate insomnia, and mine is severe too, which means I can go on sometimes 3 days in a row without sleep, I could cope with 5 hours of sleep but I don't even get that 😭 and common colds last longer now too and I get tachycardia if I stay 2 days without sleep insomnia made my life miserable
I have generalized anxiety disorder that gets worse if I get bad sleep for couple days in a row ,it's horrific ,my panic attacks also get worse ,I NEED to sleep 8 hours minimum or mentally I go crazy
i am sleep deprived because of school
I am sleep deprived because of procrastination
@Hazel Marces isn’t everyone?
youre sleep deprived because youre careless with your time and sleep hygiene
@@jonwhite8815 Nope. The natural circadian rhythm of children from elementary through high school is generally to go to sleep late and wake up late. Schools force children to go to sleep early and wake up early. That's why they need alarms to wake up, feel like shit in the mornings and are late to class. And this is all for what reason? So the teachers can have a "normal" schedule? Foh. If you want to become a teacher you need to be prepared to sacrifice your convenience for the betterment of the next generation, otherwise pick a different profession.
I mean school doesn't even teach anything that matters other than BASIC math, reading, writing skills. Even the history taught is either skewed, incorrect, missing info or all of the above; but that's a different topic seperate from sleep. We as a society are INDEED setting kids up to fail
I talk to myself when sleep deprived, anyone else?
Like daydreAm??
I also start to fidget and I get angry at the stupidest things
I get really clumzy.
I talk to myself all the time, anyone else?
I've been getting 5-6 hours of sleep for years, and I feel like it's finally catching up to me, I feel exhausted all day nowadays.
Me too, I average 4-6 hrs, fucking hate it
It always catches up to you ,ALWAYS
@@VaultBoy-op2srme too ,anything bellow 8 hours and I feel like death ,just horrific
It’s been over 4 years since I’ve had a full night sleep, my anecdotal evidence shows a great decrease in mental capacity (went from an A college student to needing to take leave due to not keeping up. Depression and anxiety increased and emotionally I have become more detached.
The sacrifice parents make, eh.
I literally procrastinate on sleeping. Why? Why do I procrastinate on the easiest thing ever? It isn't like I don't want to sleep. I just *don't.* What the heck? Have I seriously procrastinated on school stuff so much that it's making me procrastinate on literally everything? Oh my god.
same i don‘t want to go to sleep but in the morning i dont want to get up
It's probably that you recognize that you should sleep and not wanting to be tired. You don't want to sleep, you want to have slept. Sleeping is a lot of time you could spend doing something. It's certainly appealing.
Nice pfp
I’m too sleep deprived to give you a proper explanation but look up “ Revenge Bedtime Procrastination”
I do it purpose bcs for fun
When I get sleep deprived I've noticed two main symptoms in addition to the obvious ones (sluggishness, dulled thinking, etc): my eye starts twitching and I start feeling depressed.
Any Dizziness?
@@El7DeLa9 Not that I recall.
@@jliller More Like A Out Of Body Feeling Or Dream Like Right ?
@@El7DeLa9 No.
@@El7DeLa9 yES! This happening to me right now. I feel like mentality I’m detached from my body etc
I once actually used sleep deprivation as a way to make myself more relaxed around people, lol.
I used to be a member of this school band at my university a couple years ago and I always hesitated to say anything to them because I often have this uneasy feeling that I could make a bad impression at absolutely any moment, so I stayed up all night just to put myself in that wonderful relaxed state that I sometimes get into when I am sleep-deprived, and it was super-easy for me to have relaxed conversations with the people in the school band the next day. xD
You can make some of your best music in that state of sleep deprivation.
Woww really??
@@analyticalmindset Hypomanic me approves
@@Slamm1nSalm0n yea you get in a free flow manic state where every idea feels like it'll sound dope.
I've been awake for 61 hours straight, worked a 12 hour shift yesterday and 12 today. I've been trying to type this message for ten minutes, insomnia sucks.
are you still awake?
Are you alive
@@rarebreed345 chances are they're not
I understand you, I brushed my teeth with liquid hand soap instead of toothpaste.
I understand exactly what your saying. It intimidates me
I Start laughing at the most minor things and have the giggles when I don't sleep for 24 hrs.
True... I experience that too.... It's like I'm high.
@@ThisIsNotAhnJieRen more like drunk though 😂
When I'm high I can still do stuff.
The effects of sleep deprivation on the brain are actually comparable with alcohol. Reduced activity in the frontal lobe, memory suppression, heightened emotions (in part due to lower fl activity), your brain's motor area's are behaving like a drunk person's too.
lol experiencing that rn, a little bit of mania.
@@ThisIsNotAhnJieRen indica weed is the best sleep medicine.
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I'm not sure why i decided to spam but oh well
This video was very interesting, as I have gone through periods of my life where I’ve gotten little to no sleep. Sleep deprivation, I have to agree, is one of the worst things that can happen to a student academically. I have witnessed a lot of my grades suffer because of my insomnia, and it’s hard to overcome that feeling of failure when there is little that can be done about it. I have noticed a lot of the physical symptoms in myself as well. When I go through periods of sleep deprivation, I do feel more pain, and aches throughout the day. Also, as an empath, I naturally feel other people’s emotions and can easily sense their moods just y walking into a room. When I’ve gotten little to no sleep, this sense is very dulled and almost intangible. I feel like a lot of young adults get little to no sleep because of educational reasons. My high school started at 8:15 AM and I found it hard to get a full night of sleep, get all of my school work done and throw in some family time too. If the start time of school was pushed back to 9 or 10, I think a lot of kids would do better in their courses.
"sleep deprivation is responsible for depression in teens" that explains a lot, been sleeping for 4 hours since grade 7.
Since Grade 7? PATHETIC
I started to have a sleep lesser than 7 from the age of 9 (the workload of school of course)
@@78anurag are we really at the point of comparing each other’s terrible sleep schedule?
@@FixyFlow Yeah?
@@78anurag Did you just try to Gatekeep sleep??
@@Wrwtwtwfz it was kind of an overexaggeration sorry lol
I've always been told that high schools start earlier so that they end earlier, allowing kids with after school jobs the ability to get to work sooner and retain more hours at businesses that close earlier (i.e. 5 PM, 6 PM).
However, I think that schools should start later and let employed students go early (like early release). Then, count their job as credit for some type of class. Have them submit reports or papers on experiences at their jobs. Colleges do this with internships all the time. Why not high school?
I find most teens have jobs at places that are open late. When I was in HS I worked at an arena during events the hours were always later.
My high school (and middle school) started at 7:15. This was because they wanted to start school for the younger kids later and needed the buses.
The reality is that schools are not thinking about their students when they plan hours.
The problem with treating a job as a class credit is that it means that poorer kids who have to get jobs aren't able to take other elective classes. Forcing someone to choose between supporting their family and taking the sort of advanced classes that'll get them into a good collage isn't a good thing at all.
I was always under the impression that schools started just before the typical work day started so that parents (who vote and pay taxes) could drop their children off before work.
At my school you could apply to have your after-school job count as vocational credit, and have the option of putting it in your schedule so you could leave to work. But the job had to be in a trade to count for credit, I don't think any grocery baggers or cashiers made the cut.
so being sleep-deprived takes away my empathy, *perfect.*
Well that does explain a lot for me lol
@@theradiatorisonfire7768 i'm just sick of having to feel bad for other people's bs
@@scoutintime then be direct with them.
I lack empathy and emotion due to a lot of reasons and people see that as being strong mentally but it's actually hell to live life without feeling much of anything. I am taking steps in order to fix that.
My depression, anxiety and mood swings went away drastically once I graduated highschool.
+Christina Wolfle Mine are rare, whereas they used to be constant. It took me 1.5 years to get over the chronic depression I had in highschool.
im so tired. 10 hours of school hours every day. 2 years more to go
When I become sleep deprived, my left eye starts pointing inward and I start going cross-eyed. I have to blink repeatedly in order to re-center my vision sometimes.
Same, my legs also start twitching if I lay down
Haven’t slept properly in 2 days and my body and personality have started to chance already. Crazy how fast this works
In a positive way or what?
I completely agree, sleep deprivation is a bad thing academically. Being a college student, I have had sleep deprivation before and I tend to find myself almost falling asleep during class, not paying attention at times, or simply leaving class early. It is hard to get the necessary amount of sleep when students are up all night studying. I also agree that students are being set up for failure. We are expected to study and complete our homework, get 7-8 hours of sleep, and get up super early for class each morning.
I’ve been struggling with getting enough sleep for years now. I’ve been praying on it, & some changes will be made. I’m 47 years old, & I average about 5 hours of sleep per night. I feel fine, good actually, but I can only imagine how I’d feel if I got 8 plus hours of sleep per night. I’m not naïve, I realize that this can & will catch Up to me. I love my life, & I’d like to be around to kick it with my children, & grandchildren for a long time. God Bless U all, & stay safe. 🙏🏿
Try guided meditation to fall asleep and remove mirrors and electronics from your bedroom. The only two functions bedrooms should be used for is intimacy and sleep. Also using soothing colors to decorate and for bed linens helps. Good luck.
@@valleygirltotallyforsure Thank U for the advice, God Bless! 🙏🏿
Keep up the good work. Sleep is one of the 5 basic needs and we are constantly depriving ourselves of it.
I think schools should start later in the morning, but they also should have habit management classes and train students to change their sleep habits, to an earlier wake up and bed time.
I ended up having to switch my daughter to homeschooling because the sleep deprivation was doing a number on her migraines. Poor kid would have to be on the bus at 5:45 and wouldn't get home till close to 6 in the evening. We only have one family car my hubby uses for work and it's a rural middle of the country cow field in the back kind of school so we couldn't just walk there either. when I was a kid I maybe spent 20 minutes on the bus max not almost 2 hours, and school started at 8:20 not 7:45.
A good reason to homeschool.
Homeschooling. ..
You did what was right for your daughter by works better than trying to keep up with the herd...
Horrific ,lack of sleep makes me sick as a dog ,so nauseous ,weak ,dizzy ,cold,shaking ,I am WAY too old for pulling all nighters ,NEVER again and yes pain is much worse when not sleeping
Well atleast I know why I’m depressed.
A few nights ago I stayed up all night at my friends house. I went home and fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Woke up and thought I was still at my friends house
I can think of a group of people that are chronically sleep deprived: Medical residents and medical students. Also they are close to the hospital... perfect research candidates (1:49)
Someone in my hometown wrote a letter to the editor addressing the circadian clock shift in adolescence, and our school district actually took note and started the middle and high schools' day an hour and a half later :)
I kinda wanna go to sleep now ...
Not being able to get deep sleep while coping with a viral lung infection has weird temporary effects on the body. Some children are early risers. Others prefer to be late risers. During the COVID-19 recommended rules teachers noticed that their students didn't mind wearing rhe recommended by World Health Organization mask. Is that because children at both school and in an emergency ward with both parents present at the time too can naturally can decipher body language better than some adults can while their eye sight is more near sighted as time goes on which is not always correctable through glasses while that teacher or triage nurse is looking at someone at the back of their classroom or their patient waiting room? Good thing we have triage nurses and teachers who are not corrupt.
Sleep deprivation can lead to many different health issues, including but not limited to diabetes, obesity, and emotional issues. Also as it was said in the video, sleep deprivation can cause more sensitivity to pain. By getting a sufficient amount of sleep, it can help decrease the amount of pain you feel. With these facts, a person can see just how important it is to get the amount of sleep that your body needs. Those that sleep more generally see a higher success rate within school and sports. By moving the start time of school to a later period in the day, more students will get the necessary amount of sleep they need causing grades to improve as well as test taking skills. Now the bad thing about our bodies requiring eight to nine hours of sleep a night is how hard it is to actually obtain that. There are numerous factors that come into play when dealing with sleep. For students, they have the stress of dealing with homework and studying for tests. For adults, there can be any stress from work, or even the home lives if they are married. All those situations can keep people awake and not allow them to get the correct amount of sleep. Overall the possibility of getting the right amount of sleep is extremely hard to achieve.
When he talked about kids not getting enough sleep because school starts early made me laugh because my parents had a strict bedtime (8pm) rule in school nights (1st to 7th grade). But then I went to boarding school and I threw that idea out of the window 😅 I have no regrets but glad my parents cared for my need to rest😊
I feel that sleep deprivation is a major area of concern today’s society. Whether it be student’s staying up too late finishing their latest homework assignment, to new parents waking up every few hours to care for their new born child, sleep deprivation is very easily attainable. Sleep deprivation can be the cause for many more serious health issues if not caught and taken care of early on. These can include, but aren’t limited to, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, and depression. If you ask me these are all very common things occurring in our world today. So how much of these medical issues have sleep deprivation to blame? We know that sleep is incredibly important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The quality of our sleep also effects our overall health. Not only can sleep effect our health, but think about how it can affect our relationships with those around us. I know from my own personal experience that when I’m overly tired I tend to be more easily upset or emotional over things that, had I not been tired, would not have had such a strong effect on me. I also know from the standpoint of a college student that not getting enough sleep can most definitely effect you academically. On days when I am tired I find that I can’t pay attention as easily in class and that my mind tends to wander more than it normally would had I had enough sleep the night before. I find it interesting how in the video he mentioned the argument about how we as a society are “setting teens up for failure”. We know that they require the roughly recommended nine hours of sleep, if not more, to adequately function, yet we still make them wake up super early to go to school every morning. That would require students to go to bed as early as nine at night in order to get those recommended hours of sleep before having to wake up and get ready for school. As a recent high school graduate I know how that can be nearly impossible some days when you factor in after school activities, such as sports, on top of homework and whatever else needs to be accomplished that day. So what can we do in order to help cure our sleep deprivation? I think for starters we definitely need to look into how much sleep we as an individual need in order to efficiently function. Then, once we learn that information, set up a sleep schedule that helps us attain those needed hours of sleep as easily as possible with our daily lives.
Interesting 👌🏻
Thanks 🙏 sister like 👍 you gave us good explanation about sleep deprivation
I walked for 7 days without sleep and very little food or drink,I
experienced some amazing hallucinations.After the forth day the
hallucinations became less frightening and more psychologically
enlightening.I watched scenes from my life reenacted before me.I saw
myself as a child actor on a stage,whereupon many phobias were explained
to me through these reenactments.I wouldn't encourage anyone to do what
i did but i don't regret a thing,it was an amazing and cathartic
Stayed awake *ONE* night. Felt like I was drunk as a skunk after passing “one too many drinks” 10 drinks ago.
Day 2 is even better
@@grimreaper470 do you do this frequently?
@@creatineenjoyer7345 ever so often
Yes ,lack of sleep feels like the worst drunk hangover
my school starts at 8:50 and i still get 4 hours of sleep a night
Thank you very much for this Aaron, so much important information. Evidence shows that when school started at 7:30, about a third of kids got at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If school started close 9AM, then two thirds of adolescents got the much sleep. I truly believe that is true because in Saudi we have a month called Ramadan, during it school starts at 9 instead of 6:30AM and during it I noticed that I would usually walk up more
excited to school, have a better mood, more positive about the day. But during college there is something called the collage triangle, which is you picking two out of the follow: enough sleep, good grades, or social life. And you can add work and athletic team to it. Most students would probably take time from sleep. I try to balance as much as I could. And when I do not sleep as much I do not do as well in my classes. Especially if it is a class that involves intense thinking which is basically all my classes. I have tried to sleep on a schedule or routine but I do not know why that does not work with me, every night is different. For an example, few days ago I slept at 11pm and the day after I slept at 3am, I did not take any supplements or drink anything involving caffeine. I wished I could sleep on a routine, perhaps then I will get to do a lot better in my classes.
Being a full time college student, working a minimum of fifteen hours a week, and having late night dance practices at least two times a week, I often feel like I can never get the amount of sleep I need to not be sleep deprived. I do notice that when I don't get enough sleep, I often get very emotional and become more stressed than I should be about school. I can also notice the affect of not getting enough sleep in my school work due to the fact that I know its not my best quality work and it honestly shows. When I write a paper or take a test when I am sleep deprived and look back over it when I am fully rested, I notice the small mistakes or spelling errors I make when I am in that state of mind. I never knew that being sleep deprived increased your sensation of pain, but it makes sense to me now. The morning after a late night practice I often feel like an elderly women trying to get out of bed with cracking bones and sore joints when I am only 20 years old. I also didn't know that being sleep deprived can lead to diabetes or obesity and I found that interesting. Its hard to get the amount of sleep I need when I am so busy all the time, but this video helped me realize just how important it is to get sleep since being sleep deprived can affect so many things.
I am a domestic violence survivor and have PTSD and GAD. When I was first displaying symptoms aged 19, my PTSD induced insomnia turned to sleep deprivation and I began hallucinating, became paranoid and convinced my mom was trying to poison me when she was only making me soup, my anxiety was out of this world and eventually yea I had to be hospitalized because I went into full blown psychosis. I never harmed anyone or myself during this time but it was like I was living in another plane of existence and it was terrifying! I was given a shot of morphine and slept at the hospital. It took me 2 months to come back to myself which included my dad taking me to a quiet ranch style retreat in New Mexico so I could relax, recover and SLEEP.
But this all began chiefly because of lack of sleep! Now that I'm older I understand how disasterous it is for me NOT to get adequate rest. So I do everything I can to relax my nervous system. I have nights of fitful sleep every so often but I know how to take better care of myself now. Sleep is absolutely paramount to my mental health.
Omg I thought I was the only one getting mentally insane almost psychotic from lack of sleep ,My entire body feels tense like it's on fire when I don't sleep ,it's horrific,I have anxiety and nothing triggers it more than lack of sleep ,it's unbearable,people don't believe me 😢I simply MUST SLEEP at night
I can never get more than 3 nights full rest. I've been homeless for a year now so I can't be shocked. But it wasn't that bad because I had my car to sleep in. Then my car got stolen and I get the runaround when trying to obtain a report. I tried calling family but they've been threatened into silence. I can only contact the same abusive family members that I ran from. Which is how I got on the street.
and its also sleep deprivation that is one of the biggest causes of surgical accidents and "leftovers" (like leaving a clamp inside the patient)
so you can somewhat blame the hospital systems and even entire healthcare systems for forcing healthcare providers into extreme shifts which rob them of even their minimal sleep time.
This is actually facts and science yet my job just tells me they are no doctor and I signed up for the job (but I didn’t apply to work doubles back to back or to be forced fired for not killing your self and asking for time to properly rest)
Back in highschool and college it wasn't unusual for me to get less than 40 hours of sleep a week. However, my academic and athletic performance never really fluctuated, it was always quite good.
With sporting events ending around 1 am, a full time night job and late night socializing, sleep was just something i always wanted more of but just never had the time for.
My nightmares are becoming chronic which now I don't want to go to sleep anymore. My nightmares are too disturbing for me.
Same! 3-4h if I sleep at all. I'm so irritated.
Your mind IS of your body. Why are they treated as separate? Your brain follows the same laws of physics that the rest of your body does.
Well said.
Huh. Never thought about that but its true.
Does anyone else hear voices or songs playing that aren't actually there... It only happens when I'm awake for 40+ hours but I've never heard anyone else ever talk about it.
Those are Hallucination
Wow, it’s 3 in the morning but I’m watching this... I need to get my life together
I spent a year only sleeping for four hours a day...all because of high school stress...I honestly without kidding consider ending high school or my life I can't do both..I feel so so depressed..I wish to go back to this video when all this past
If we were really interested in improving our education system we'd start school later, shorten the day for students, and have a shorter summer vacation. I really don't understand why we don't do this.
Because America.
We live in a society
Honestly, parents are often the ultimate cause of decisions like this in education. Most parents don't want a change in school schedules because it would affect their work schedule in ways that might be difficult. Others take the attitude of "Well, we had that schedule and did just fine!"
But there are other factors. Bus schedules and teacher schedules. Most teachers need the hours after school ends to do large quantities of paperwork, grading and lesson planning. So there's often at least a little resistance to change from SOME teachers, especially in states or districts where they are already overworked.
Change is difficult when there are SO many people who are involved.
Haven’t consistently gotten more 10 hours of sleep in the past 2 years (have gained 20-30 lbs) I’m 15 going to bet at 2-3 and waking up at 8:30 on school days and 11:00 on others
This video really caught my eye being a college student. We are expected to do 2 hours of studying per credit hour and with me taking 16 credits that is more hours than there is in one day. It is impossible to get up to 8 hours of sleep a night and get good grades at the same time. Sleep deprivation, according to this video, makes a person more susceptible to pain. Personally, I can relate to this in the way that when I don't get enough sleep my joints and back ache. I feel like an 80 year old in a 20 year old person's body. Also, going along with body type, sleep deprivation is shown to cause obesity. This can apply to most college students their freshman year. We all know about the freshman 15 and that is probably from procrastination or bad time management, which causes them to stay up all night to get their homework done resulting in weight gain. Physicians cannot be sleep deprived though, because they are the ones that need to be saving lives. If they are sleep deprived it is more likely for them to make mistakes and possibly have somebody's life in their hands. There needs to be some sort of law put in place so physicians can only work a certain amount of hours at a time. Especially when physicians are on call, they may not be getting any sleep if they can never get away from the job. I think that every person, physicians included, need some type of alone time and just sleep for hours with no interruptions, but is that realistic? Is there a way that a person can never be sleep deprived with the busy schedules that we all have in this day in age?
I cant lie I've been awake for 35 hours and just came off a 24 hour the sleep before this. im going crazy bro
I was living in a hostel and I was woken up around 2 am then 4 am for about 6 months although I had a bit of time out. Eventually, my immune system shut down and I had 4 different infections. Strangely the staff running the Hostel didn't do anything effective to change anything. I am still wondering why this is as it has changed my life completely I will never be the same again or able to work. I remember one staff member said that when you have a newborn baby you go without sleep - (So I assume what he meant was suck it up) Looking back with hindsight I now realize that the residents were doing that deliberately rather than being able not to be able to empathize with my needs. Yeah if you are going without sleep don't chance it. Once you lose your sleep you lose your judgement. Let's just say there are some sick people in the world that will choose to have a vendetta against you even without a reason. Yeap the thing all the steps you take to avoid danger are processed while you are awake getting 8 hours is taken for granted.
I had sleep deprivation while I worked in the oil industry it really takes a toll in your body and soul
While we are fixing school schedules lets fix the seasonal breaks. One week for spring, two or three weeks for winter, ten or more weeks for summer, and no weeks for fall? That would made sense if we were all still farmers, but not so much anymore. It would also make sense if the goal was to have students forget everything, including how to be students, every single summer. Three months on, one month off, repeat. Twelve weeks of vacation plus holidays for students, twelve weeks of vacation plus holidays for everyone!
I never understood why Americans have three months of summer holidays. In Germany / Austria / Switzerland it's only 6 weeks but in my opinion that's still too long. Better have 4 x 3 weeks (Christmas, Easter, Summer, Fall).
If you are a student who is going to pay for university or college you need those 10 week breaks in the summer. I spent three summers in high school and every summer now in college to make money for tuition. And getting a part time job that pays you 10$ an hour just won't cut it.
10 weeks of median income (which for a temporary employee with no degree is probably expecting a bit much) will no longer cover tuition and fees at a public university, let alone private or out-of-state rates. Then you probably want to live somewhere and eat too. I suppose you could work full time while attending school and just be sleep deprived (see what I did there?).
You would get to do that three times a year for a ~month at at time. This isn't about a change in break amount, just how it is distributed.
Some people only see problems. Others see solutions.
Not only that, but all the other seasons besides summer wouldnt be tainted in the eyes of students.
Well speaking as someone who has been sleep deprived for decades I can confirm long term sleep deprivation has negative affects on the psyche
I remember having to literally get up before sunrise to get ready and catch the 630am school bus. Bus ride was an hour so me and most the kids slept during the ride. I liked school but hated getting up early.
Crazy how all these years later and now my 2nd grader has to catch her school bus at 6:24AM
Haven't slept for 3 days straight I have so much energy
@Truth Teller Talks I haven't slept in 15 days, I just cant fall asleep even with sleeping tablets
@@strictlynotraitors8004 bro get some weed that should do the trick
@@grimreaper470 sounds like an instant ride to psychosis
@@strictlynotraitors8004 Month later no sleep? How what the fuck. Ur fr?
I have chronic sleep deprivation and it's led to debilitating panic attacks
I have chronic insomnia and for the last week I haven't been able to sleep more than 2 hours a night 😭 can't fall back asleep can't stay asleep can't nap, I feel like I'm kind of just watching my life at this point because I can't genuinely think about what I'm doing or comprehend any of my thoughts and it's concerning. I have insomnia meds too
how are you now?
Damn... Make me wonder how I made it though high school on 5-6 hours, college on 2-4, and now with work and grad school on 4-6.
Really? I earn my **2nd** Master's degree next week, I'm married (5 years this fall), and I own my home. I also have 2 black belts and play 5 musical instruments.
As for my appearance goes, I could stand to lose some weight. That's it, but that's what happens when you go from college athlete to sitting at a desk.
Please tell me again how I haven't fulfilled my potential...
You claimed that I missed out on my potential. I'm socially (married/friends), financially (good career, make enough money to buy a house in my 20s which is a pretty big deal), educationally (2 master's degrees), and physically (martial arts, music, etc) accomplished.
What potential did I miss out on?
Yes, I read what you said and I'm trying to get clarification:
You claim "you miss out on your bigger potential." What is my "bigger potential" that I would get with more sleep? What aspect of my life would be better?
You made it by sheer will or nicotine and caffeine(thats how i do it atleast)
@@colejones594 Well, caffeine did not help you in responding to this thread in a timely manner. Lol
We talked about this a lot in high school, and the school district's response was:
- Starting school later would limit time available for after-school athletics practices and competitions
- School buses are limited, and thus need to be staggered by school start times. Parents need time to get their elementary-school age children ready for school in the mornings, so middle and high schools start earlier. My district owned its own school buses, and so a single bus would often be used for an elementary, a middle, and a high school bus route every morning and every afternoon.
our busses often picked up kids from different schools on the same bus. elementary also tended to begin and end before the older grades. My high school went 9-3:23. Elementary school let out at 2 something.
Despite this being well known the Ontario school boards started High school classes at 6:30 AM. They claim it's so they can use the same busses for the elementary school kids later, but if that was truly the case they could have started school an hour later instead of earlier.
I think it's so the teachers can have more convenient working hours.
I at times cried when I did not get enough sleep.
My wife fights sleep like a 5 year old. She will stay awake for days at a time mostly on the weekends, and won’t go to bed until I go to work. I often wake up to find her asleep while standing, hunched over and swaying. She has broken things by dropping them and has also dropped lit cigarettes. After about three days communication is all but impossible. Her sentences don’t make any sense. She gets belligerent if I bring this up. She denies falling asleep. If I can get her to lay down in bed then she is out like a light. I often find myself staying up to make sure she doesn’t injure herself or set the house on fire. What am I supposed to do?
Empathy is a muscle. It needs to be rested and given time to recover. This is a downfall of many caregivers in that, at any one time, it is clear that one person in the relationship needs care, and one person provides care. What is often forgotten is that nobody is ever a caregiver for only a moment, and that empathy, alertness, and the subsequent quality of care will diminish.
Can you talk about circadian rhythm, and whether WHEN you get your sleep matters? Also, if each person has different sleep needs, how do we know if we're getting enough?
Also a comment...sleep deprivation is a major issue in Canada right now in relation to train engineers and conductors, being expected to be 'on call' and being unable to plan their sleep so that they will get enough to do their jobs safely, or being expected to work more hours than is safe.
I remember as a kid, I’d wake up and hallucinate people in my room. But they were friendly but I cannot remember the stories. I remember getting these when I had the fever.
Not to brag or something, I wake up at 4am everyday (I'm in college). My class starts 7:30 everyday. Why do I have to wake up so early? Freaking heavy traffic jam!
Is it any different now? I'm in a similar boat
This is failing to even consider the development and worsening of mood disorders due to insufficient sleep.
I really enjoy your videos. I use lots of them, and the studies you include for debates in some college classes. Great job! Keep it up.
Sleep is such a huge thing because has a direct effect on your hormones - specifically your ability to produce cortisol which is a hormone that does things like manage your blood pressure. It also can affect your mental health in other ways such as causing hallucinations (both visual and auditory). When I hear people saying they don't need to sleep more than 5 hours it makes me cringe because I used to be like that and now my cortisol is super low and the rest of my health has suffered greatly. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT KIDS
The whole "push school start times back to a more civilized hour" thing doesn't really address the problem. There are 24hrs in a day, regardless of when you start it. The real issue is pushing kids to be in sports & clubs, being stuck at school for 8+hrs a day, then sending them home with hours more homework to do. Something has to give, and it's usually sleep.
I will say my high school started later than any school in the area, which I certainly didn't mind.
The problem is medication doesn't actually allow for REM, which to my knowledge is when the Human brain tends to process things more deeply... Or something like that. But the medical field ignores this and just keeps prescribing meds for sleep instead of trying to help. Just pointing out a major flaw...
I learned a lot from this video. Last year, I went through a time where I got about 3-4 hours of sleep every night. I noticed my body going through changes such as aching and pains. I also noticed my lack of caring about others, myself, and not caring how my academic performance was not good. From this video, I learned that being sleep deprived can have much more negative outcomes such as an increase of obesity, diabetes, and getting into car accidents. It is very important to get an adequate amount of sleep every night!
How to overcame your sleep deprivation
As soon as I watch the health triage video titled “Are You Getting Enough Sleep?” I was instantly eager to learn more. Coincidentally I suffered from sleep deprivation, so I was exceptionally curious to watch the video all about it. I knew there were side effects, but I did not necessarily know all of them. I did not know that sleep deprivation could lead to being more sensitive to pain. Not a lot of individuals like pain, so I would advise people to try and get more sleep. I am definitely going to try and start sleeping away my pain. I knew sleep played a big part of emotions, but I did not know it had anything to do with empathy, but I guess it makes sense.
I realised I was sleep deprived when I poured milk before cereal
I had a total of 4 hours interupted sleep the last two days. then last night only a 30 minutes doze. I have severe chronic pain that makes it difficult, anyways Yesterday I was talking to my friend on the home phone and my mind was clouded. I was dead serious and asked my son if he knew where the phone was so i could call my mom! I did'nt even realize it for a minute. I told her i needed to get off the phone and sleep immediately. that has happened before but i caught it much quicker. I ve had hallucinations before as well. i feel like im in some kind of danger zone to myself and others. lol. im going back to sleep now.
Me too ,I feel like I am losing my mind from lack of sleep
I’m only here cause I’m so scared about sleep paralysis
I found that sleep does in fact get rid of/reduces pain-I suffer from bad headaches and migraines and I find that taking myself off to bed and having a quick nap or properly going to sleep gets rid of the headache most of the time but always at least reduces the pain
@2:00"It's hard to do studies on kids, they have to go to school after all" Gee if only kids got like 2 months off each summer :p
When you sleep your cells like to rebuild rapidly during this period. So when it says that when you are sleep-deprived pain is worse, it makes sense. Your cells are also tired to they can’t protect themselves because the cell itself is also tired. Also with the school subject, there are data findings that the brain cannot fully function until after 10 A.M so not only are the students sleep-deprived, but their brains are not fully awake either.
When you work a 12-hour shift driving back home is equal to driving a bit buzzed, so know wonder why there are so many car accidents!
Sleep Deprived while watching this thank you Army!
You should just do a study on long time sleep Deprivation on Soliders im sure it will tell you alot i just worked 5 days with 12 hour shift 3 from 8pm to 8am and 2 8am to 8pm i got a total of i would say 16 hours of sleep but im used to it 😴
I completely agree that starting school later will allow kids to get more sleep but the problem arises for the working parents of young kids that will have to get babysitters in the morning AND after-school so that they can make it in to work for 8 or 9 am. The benefits of healthier happier kids could be counteracted by having extra stressed out parents who would create a negative feedback loop leading to a net increase in stress in the family. I propose nap-time in schools (and work).
Dang it it’s 3 hours past my bed time last time I was sleep deprived I almost went insane I’m too lazy to turn the light back on
Part of the problem with school starting later is the busing system, they start at staggered times to cut down on those costs (and given how we scrimp on education budgets I don't see that changing anytime soon). Also, I was in band in high school and we had 2 hour practices at least twice a week after school (sports teams practiced more often than we did, but we also had a class period for our activity and they didn't). Those days I'd get home around 5:30, something that was only possible because school ended at 2:25. What happens to those after school activities, be it academic, artistic, or sports related, if the end time gets pushed back? They'd either shift to before school or cut into a kid's after school time even more.
Whenever I'm sleep deprived, I'm hyper
Same. I get chills that only go away when I move around.
But everytime I try to go to sleep my leg twitch's or kicks and I just wake up, and don't got to sleep after, but then I'll fall to sleep and forget when I went to sleep and what I was doing before I went to sleep.
God bless not living in the USA.. My school is less than two minutes away from me and it starts at 8.20. The students living furthest away only have to travel 30 minutes by bike max. And we're still done, at the latest, by 16.00. It's about quality, not quantity of school and if you're not even half awake the first few classes, then why even have them in the first place..
TMO I live in the US and it sucks because I wake up at 5:00 in the morning, get on the bus at 6:30 and arrive at school around 8:00. At 8:30 is my first class, algebra. I had it so fucking much. I'm pretty sure no one is even awake during those times lmao. Then I get off school at 4:00 and it starts all over.
hate* not had, autocorrect.
I’m really weak and shaky after not sleeping well the last 4 weeks … not sure if something else is going on but if lack of sleep can make me feel this way
The funny thing is 32hour shifts are a common thing among medical interns. The same people making those studies.
Ive been awake for almost 3 days now and sometimes i will close my eyes and im 100% conscious of my surroundings but ill like dream or hallucinate that im somewhere else walking ,talking and interacting with my environment. I was doing this and in my weird state i held my hand out to touch something and i reached out with my hand in real life my roommate told me he thought i was asleep on the coach and then i just started raising my arm out in front of me. He got weirded out and called out to me, then i just opened my eyes and i was in my living room fully awake.
great video as would be interesting to see a video about low sugar diets... are they really necesary?
Jose Nagel There was one on low carb vs low fat diets