attingit means also touch, come into contact and profunda can be also depth (profundity)... so then the lyrics: Unda attingit Te et abducit Te in profunda Sicut es unda is something as: Water touches you and takes you into depth because it is water
simbolurile deschid mintea ce te minte alternanta creand perspective eronate.transhumanta ,concept preconceput, realitate distorsionata relatiile metrice devenind necunoscute iar simbolurile luand insusiri abstracte limbajul fiind creat sa elimine necunoscutele cu caracter abstract, ceva ca o unda profunda intr-un ocean abissal, traducerea fiind ca un vant ce aduce un cuvant sau un suer glacial atractia fiind tot un contrast.
To continue ^^ In this film she's human and the queen of Iceland, blesset with a belt, she have been given by the goddes Freyr, that give it's beholder the strengh of "5 warrior men". So she's that what once was called a Berzerk. In mythological manner.
@Tetrarchos bedaure in der Faun-Übersetzung steht unter dem Text: Die Welle erreicht dich Und führt dich hinab in die Tiefe Gleichsam bist du die Welle Habe mir sämtliche Faun übersetzungen vor 2 Jahren geholt, wo dieses Lied ebenfalls übersetz internet steht ebenfalls diese übersetzung.
Gutes Video - ich lebe in der Stadt, in der die Nibelungensage mitunter stattfand. Jede Straße, jeder Stadtteil, jedes alte Gebäude trägt den Namen eines Namens, der in der Nibelungensage vorkommt, wie z.B. Siegfriedstraße, brunhildenbrücke ect... war also interessant den Film zu sehen. Schade das der Name meiner Stadt nie gefallen ist :(
Oha jetzt weiß ich welches Lied ich gerne bei meiner Hochzeit gespielt haben möchte..sofern ich in diesem Leben noch den richtigen Mann finden sollte ^^
" Mein Gemahl, König ! Zeuge einen Prinzen, stark wie der Donner, strahlend wie die Sonne!" Altnordisches Brautlied, etwa um 600 nach Christus. Das Lied wurde von der Braut tanzend vorgetragen, vor Beginn der Hochzeitsnacht.
Guys you can literally draw this song. Draw a line from the bottom left to the top right (the wave approaches you - _unda attingit te_ ), now add a half circle going downwards (it pulls you - _et abducit te_ ) and when you are at the deepest point, go straight down ( _in profunda_ ) and then repeat from the first step ( _sicut es unda_ ). If you do it smoothly and a bit more curved, you'll literally get waves ( _unda_ ). 🌊 Good luck 😉
i'm sure that the 11 "dislike" ratings was by mistake, the people who did them probably slipped their mouse.there is no other explanation, this song is marvelous there is no way sb not like it
But the Song of the Nibelungs is also a mixture of Historical Background (Siegfried=Arminius, Dragon= the Romains in the teutoburger forest. And then, between the Centuries, it was mixed up with the Edda. So you cannot say that this is wrong...
2:58..........wanna do that broadsword bit too? take up Historical Fencing! no, not that fancy fencing on tv, but fencing based on very old manuals written by masters! with a variety of weapons! :)
well, not quite right. The Nibelungen were, according to a Germanic heroic saga, a folk of dwarfs. The tale (or song) about the Nibelungen Nardarath mentioned above is this heroic saga written at the beginning of the 13th century. Well it is indeed an interesting old tale :-)
I somehow have the feeling that the lyrics don't just tell us about the dangerous waves and water, but also about women being dangerous. Water was connected to being female in former times. I thought this movie a bit.. uhm... "not so well done". But I liked the way Brunhild was described and shown. Because of her I would watch the movie a second time.
@xooripper So the most important thing you look for in a film is lots of money having been spent on it? Not think the plot or characterisation for example might matter? Or how good it is at being its particular genre?
The soundtrack includes many different pieces! This one is probably the most 'authentic' sounding ^.^ Btw the movie is currently on YT /watch?v=X6ECYKlwDAk
@sylvanllewelyn I agree a hundred percent. It's not only important to keep historical facts straight but I often feel that the real stories are far more interesting.
A *very good* movie (so much the more given that it's actually a German TV program) synthetizing the Icelandic story of Sigurd and the Germanic Niebelungenlied (though corresponding only to the first of Fritz Lang's two movies, 'Die Nibelungen: Siegfried' : with their limited budget rather than making a 'cheap' version of the entire story they dropped the second part 'Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache' and killed Gunther and Hagen just after the murder of Siegfried - Gunter, appropriately, behaded by Brunhild before she commits suicide in Siegfried's pyre Probably the most 'medieval sounding' part of the entire soundtrack.
***** Every good indeed, so much the more as it didn't have a budget of Hollywood scale : it was initially intend for TV. Some regret it corresponds only to Fritz Lang's first movie 'Siegfried' and ignore the second half of the story 'Kriemhild's Revenge' - and so had to kill Gunther and Hagen before Brunhild's suicide (and they did it in perfectly appropriate ways) : better with a given budget to make one very good movie than two cheap ones. I was initially disturbed by the total lack of charisma of the actor playing Siegfried, but actually it fits : Siegfried is not a hero but an unfortunate pawn.
Ich glaube es war "Der Schatz der Nibelungen".. probier es mal damit. ;) Und an alle Anderen: Der Film entspricht nicht haargenau der Nibelungensage. Da wurde viel verändert, weggelassen ect...
the director is german...the ring ofthe niebelungen is an German(ic) legend/saga and exept for the part in Iceland and the end..the whole Story takes place in Germany...Places along the rhine..that Region is still called "nibelungenland"...hence,,,the Only western Germanic saga that made it into the nordic saga´s...the movie just display´s the directors interpretation of that saga ,and is by far not an the the German version he also places a sword between them...
@wolfsblut1 Ich weiss nicht, drücke ich mich unklar aus? ICH bezeichne sie als Odinsleute. Nenn sie wie du willst, von mir aus auch Thorsmänner oder irgendwie, ich habe damit kein Problem. Die allgemein anerkannte und am Weitesten verbreitete Bezeichnung HEUTIGER Anhänger Odins, ist aber Asatru (die Asentreuen).
@wolfsblut1 Wenn Schliemann sich nicht auf die Lyrik verlassen hätte, hätte er nicht Troja gefunden. Mangels einer Schriftkultur wurde damals Wissen (im Norden, aber auch anderswo auf der Welt) in lyrische Form gebracht, um so erhalten werden zu können und von Generation zu Generation weiterzugeben (Fahrenheit 451 !!!) Ob du jetzt sie jetzt Odinsleute nennst oder Asatru (eine anerkannte Religionsgemeinschaft mittlerweile) ist sekundär für mich. Odinsleute aber gefällt mir persönlich besser.
@Camillus85 The story actually originates in pre Christian times. Where is the Christian influence in the Edda poems about Sigurd? I would really like to know.
No, unda means wave, too. And in this case wave fits better, or does it not? ^.^ The wave touches/reaches you and drags you under (pulls you down?) in Depths, like this is a wave. (Sry my english isnt that proof ;P)
@sylvanllewelyn I know but its just something that works great in a book but just wouldn't fit in the reality of film that confronts you with the story as though it was real life :)
there was a video on youtube, that queen brunhild appeared, and with the music of evanescence - imaginary! it disappeared.. if someone could help me to find this video! i love it! hug*
@TheLu8Fu @TheLu8Fu Vieles könnte es gewesen sein, in jenen Zeiten, die so dunkel waren. Kometen, unerklärbare Funde aus uralten Zeiten, Einhornzähne an Meeresstränden, Irrlichter über Mooren, rätselhaft verendetes Vieh, Sonnenfinsternisse, Kornkreise, Blitz und Donner und Geräusche in der Nacht.
Der Film war meiner Meinung nach sogar sehr gut. Es geht dabei allerdings mehr um das Intrigenspiel um den Nibelungenschatz als das actionreiche Gemetzel und Sex mit Wikingerfrauen(hrhr ^^). Deswegen kann der Film manchmal etwas... unspektakulär wirken. Trotzdem fand ich ihn die Zeit wert, die ich still sitzen musste um ihn anzuschauen :D
@CaoilteMacRonan I have read both versions, the Saga of the Volsungs and the Nibelungenlied. Granted There is a Christian setting in the latter because of it's High Middle ages origin. There are a lot of dying god myths, and the story of Odin's sacrifice is probably older than Chrisitanity. As a Heathen, I would like to see a purely Heathen version. That is the only point I was trying to make. This movie seems to be a funeral of the Old Ways, I would like to see a CELEBRATION of the Old Ways.
The more I listen to this song, the better it gets. It really soothes me. Perfect music to listen to if you have a hangover ^^
ISt eins der ersten Lieder die ich von Faun höre. Muss sagen es gefällt mir sehr.
One of the best movies I've ever seen. And the song? Enchanting!
Immer wieder schön diese Band anzuhören und das Feeling zu spühren...Klasse! :-) Like this music and she reminds me to the Man i loved...
das ist ein super schönes Lied. Eines der ersten die ich je in dieser Sprache gehört habe. Wow! Absolut ergreifend.
I love this !!!!! More Faun's songs here please !! ;)
i listened a lot to this song as a little kid. time passes so fast
One of my favourite movie!
Loved the movie. a true love story.
Schöööööööööööööööön diesem Lied kann man einfach nicht wiederstehen !
Wonderfull Magic Music:))))
This Video is perfect^^
This was a great movie, amazing song, and an awesome band =) all three are truly beautiful ^^ ein ausgezeichnetes Lied. Es macht mir tanzen wollen!
hab einige zeit am rhein gelebt..und ich schwöre man hört noch heute siegfrieds klinge singen...
faun und die nibelungen...wunderschööön
Can't stop loving this song and video...
just loving the vid and music - perfect
I didn't know there was ever a movie made of this story. Want to see!
beautiful song. love it. i'm glad that i found it.
im addicted to this song and i love it
There are just so few movies about the ancient Germans and Norse. I can count them all on one hand!
Such an amazing movie!
The english translation is:
The wave reaches you
and leads you
down into the dephts.
Likewise you are the wave.
this song is amazing
I love this music! And this video... beautiful film based on a story amazing legends... with rly cool and HOT Kristanna Loken ;)
Schönes Lied und Super Video!
attingit means also touch, come into contact and profunda can be also depth (profundity)... so then the lyrics:
Unda attingit
Te et abducit
Te in profunda
Sicut es unda
is something as:
Water touches you
and takes you
into depth
because it is water
Tenhle film mám vážně rád ;)
wow.. awsame. i love this song...
simbolurile deschid mintea ce te minte alternanta creand perspective eronate.transhumanta ,concept preconceput, realitate distorsionata relatiile metrice devenind necunoscute iar simbolurile luand insusiri abstracte limbajul fiind creat sa elimine necunoscutele cu caracter abstract, ceva ca o unda profunda intr-un ocean abissal, traducerea fiind ca un vant ce aduce un cuvant sau un suer glacial atractia fiind tot un contrast.
great story, great movie, great song
hey ..danke fuer die uebersetzung....
grussen jr
Thanks for the translation ;)
To continue ^^ In this film she's human and the queen of Iceland, blesset with a belt, she have been given by the goddes Freyr, that give it's beholder the strengh of "5 warrior men". So she's that what once was called a Berzerk. In mythological manner.
das Lied ist klasse!!!
der Film ist.... Geschmackssache, aber prinzipiell nicht allzu schlecht gemacht ;-)
good movie and good song :) its amazing ^^
Thanks a lot ;)
great production!!
Actually the soundtrack of the movie "The Rings of Nibelungs" is Riding on Rocks by Katie Knight Adams
From "The Curse of the ring" a german film about the tale about the nibelungen. You know it? Very interessting old tale ;)
@Tetrarchos bedaure in der Faun-Übersetzung steht unter dem Text:
Die Welle erreicht dich
Und führt dich
hinab in die Tiefe
Gleichsam bist du die Welle
Habe mir sämtliche Faun übersetzungen vor 2 Jahren geholt, wo dieses Lied ebenfalls übersetz internet steht ebenfalls diese übersetzung.
I didn't know that at all ;). Have to watch that movie again. Pretty girl indeed :)
Gutes Video - ich lebe in der Stadt, in der die Nibelungensage mitunter stattfand. Jede Straße, jeder Stadtteil, jedes alte Gebäude trägt den Namen eines Namens, der in der Nibelungensage vorkommt, wie z.B. Siegfriedstraße, brunhildenbrücke ect... war also interessant den Film zu sehen. Schade das der Name meiner Stadt nie gefallen ist :(
Damn I love this song!!
Yeah, you're right. Never really listened to the words. ^^
Liebe es sehr!!
I agree!! Love this song soooo much
Ein starkes Stück Eddar
Oha jetzt weiß ich welches Lied ich gerne bei meiner Hochzeit gespielt haben möchte..sofern ich in diesem Leben noch den richtigen Mann finden sollte ^^
" Mein Gemahl, König ! Zeuge einen Prinzen, stark wie der Donner, strahlend wie die Sonne!"
Altnordisches Brautlied, etwa um 600 nach Christus. Das Lied wurde von der Braut tanzend vorgetragen, vor Beginn der Hochzeitsnacht.
кольцо нибелунгов отличная сага но очень печальная к сожилению(
Hy danke das hat mich nämlich sehr interessiert.....
Viele Grüße aus Österreich
Guys you can literally draw this song. Draw a line from the bottom left to the top right (the wave approaches you - _unda attingit te_ ), now add a half circle going downwards (it pulls you - _et abducit te_ ) and when you are at the deepest point, go straight down ( _in profunda_ ) and then repeat from the first step ( _sicut es unda_ ). If you do it smoothly and a bit more curved, you'll literally get waves ( _unda_ ). 🌊
Good luck 😉
very nice video :)
i'm sure that the 11 "dislike" ratings was by mistake, the people who did them probably slipped their mouse.there is no other explanation, this song is marvelous there is no way sb not like it
OMG this is the rockinest' shit ever! LOVE IT!
the best
you can BE what you can SEE and you can SEE what you can BE!
Saudações a todos, agradecia estrela o filme completo de maldição do anel, gosto muito.
But the Song of the Nibelungs is also a mixture of Historical Background (Siegfried=Arminius, Dragon= the Romains in the teutoburger forest. And then, between the Centuries, it was mixed up with the Edda. So you cannot say that this is wrong...
Liebe Grüße aus der Oberlausitz!
2:58..........wanna do that broadsword bit too? take up Historical Fencing! no, not that fancy fencing on tv, but fencing based on very old manuals written by masters! with a variety of weapons! :)
well, not quite right.
The Nibelungen were, according to a Germanic heroic saga, a folk of dwarfs. The tale (or song) about the Nibelungen Nardarath mentioned above is this heroic saga written at the beginning of the 13th century.
Well it is indeed an interesting old tale :-)
o lacrima trista dintr-un spectru
I somehow have the feeling that the lyrics don't just tell us about the dangerous waves and water, but also about women being dangerous. Water was connected to being female in former times.
I thought this movie a bit.. uhm... "not so well done". But I liked the way Brunhild was described and shown. Because of her I would watch the movie a second time.
Unda means water
well a fast translaction its...
Water reaches
and cover
in Depths
like water
@xooripper So the most important thing you look for in a film is lots of money having been spent on it? Not think the plot or characterisation for example might matter? Or how good it is at being its particular genre?
The soundtrack includes many different pieces! This one is probably the most 'authentic' sounding ^.^
Btw the movie is currently on YT /watch?v=X6ECYKlwDAk
@sylvanllewelyn I agree a hundred percent. It's not only important to keep historical facts straight but I often feel that the real stories are far more interesting.
A *very good* movie (so much the more given that it's actually a German TV program) synthetizing the Icelandic story of Sigurd and the Germanic Niebelungenlied (though corresponding only to the first of Fritz Lang's two movies, 'Die Nibelungen: Siegfried' : with their limited budget rather than making a 'cheap' version of the entire story they dropped the second part 'Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache' and killed Gunther and Hagen just after the murder of Siegfried - Gunter, appropriately, behaded by Brunhild before she commits suicide in Siegfried's pyre
Probably the most 'medieval sounding' part of the entire soundtrack.
Compare it with Hollywood blockbusters.
Every good indeed, so much the more as it didn't have a budget of Hollywood scale : it was initially intend for TV. Some regret it corresponds only to Fritz Lang's first movie 'Siegfried' and ignore the second half of the story 'Kriemhild's Revenge' - and so had to kill Gunther and Hagen before Brunhild's suicide (and they did it in perfectly appropriate ways) : better with a given budget to make one very good movie than two cheap ones. I was initially disturbed by the total lack of charisma of the actor playing Siegfried, but actually it fits : Siegfried is not a hero but an unfortunate pawn.
The ring of Nibelungen
Ich glaube es war "Der Schatz der Nibelungen".. probier es mal damit. ;)
Und an alle Anderen: Der Film entspricht nicht haargenau der Nibelungensage. Da wurde viel verändert, weggelassen ect...
the director is german...the ring ofthe niebelungen is an German(ic) legend/saga and exept for the part in Iceland and the end..the whole Story takes place in Germany...Places along the rhine..that Region is still called "nibelungenland"...hence,,,the Only western Germanic saga that made it into the nordic saga´s...the movie just display´s the directors interpretation of that saga ,and is by far not an the the German version he also places a sword between them...
@wolfsblut1 Ich weiss nicht, drücke ich mich unklar aus? ICH bezeichne sie als Odinsleute. Nenn sie wie du willst, von mir aus auch Thorsmänner oder irgendwie, ich habe damit kein Problem.
Die allgemein anerkannte und am Weitesten verbreitete Bezeichnung HEUTIGER Anhänger Odins, ist aber Asatru (die Asentreuen).
What is the music on end movie when burning the bodies on boat ?
@wolfsblut1 Wenn Schliemann sich nicht auf die Lyrik verlassen hätte, hätte er nicht Troja gefunden. Mangels einer Schriftkultur wurde damals Wissen (im Norden, aber auch anderswo auf der Welt) in lyrische Form gebracht, um so erhalten werden zu können und von Generation zu Generation weiterzugeben (Fahrenheit 451 !!!)
Ob du jetzt sie jetzt Odinsleute nennst oder Asatru (eine anerkannte Religionsgemeinschaft mittlerweile) ist sekundär für mich. Odinsleute aber gefällt mir persönlich besser.
mir gefällt es sehr gut. das lied meine ich. kann mir jemand etwas über den film sagen? war er gut?
@Camillus85 The story actually originates in pre Christian times. Where is the Christian influence in the Edda poems about Sigurd? I would really like to know.
The wave touches
you and takes
you into the depths
as though you are a wave
No, unda means wave, too. And in this case wave fits better, or does it not? ^.^
The wave touches/reaches
you and drags you under (pulls you down?)
in Depths,
like this is a wave.
(Sry my english isnt that proof ;P)
@sylvanllewelyn I know but its just something that works great in a book but just wouldn't fit in the reality of film that confronts you with the story as though it was real life :)
@CaoilteMacRonan Yeah, you have a point.I do like the movie ;)
why does the video freeze right in the middle of a song? I have 100 mbps. all the trash has been eliminated and memory cleared.
there was a video on youtube, that queen brunhild appeared, and with the music of evanescence - imaginary! it disappeared.. if someone could help me to find this video! i love it! hug*
are they singing in Faroese, or Icelandic? i thought they are German?
@TheLu8Fu @TheLu8Fu Vieles könnte es gewesen sein, in jenen Zeiten, die so dunkel waren. Kometen, unerklärbare Funde aus uralten Zeiten, Einhornzähne an Meeresstränden, Irrlichter über Mooren, rätselhaft verendetes Vieh, Sonnenfinsternisse, Kornkreise, Blitz und Donner und Geräusche in der Nacht.
Die Welle erreicht dich
Und führt dich
Hinab in die Tiefen
Gleichsam bist du die Welle
Der Film war meiner Meinung nach sogar sehr gut. Es geht dabei allerdings mehr um das Intrigenspiel um den Nibelungenschatz als das actionreiche Gemetzel und Sex mit Wikingerfrauen(hrhr ^^). Deswegen kann der Film manchmal etwas... unspektakulär wirken. Trotzdem fand ich ihn die Zeit wert, die ich still sitzen musste um ihn anzuschauen :D
Ja, ist irisch.
Ja ich find am schluss steth uberschrift danke alt und brunhild ihn noch heul schon das ist.
Welche Sprache spricht die Sängerin da?
Hört sich gut an......
Liebe Grüße
@Tetrarchos irre ich mich oder handelt es sich hier um altes germanisch... bin noch dabei zu lernen die sptrachen zu unterscheiden desshalb frag ich
@TheLu8Fu Danke für deine Worte.
Ach, die alten Isländer haben also Latein gesprochen , sehr interessant :)
Anyone know where to get the soundtrack for this movie?
@CaoilteMacRonan And actually don't get me started on the misunderstandings of Heathen beliefs on the afterlife!
@CaoilteMacRonan I have read both versions, the Saga of the Volsungs and the Nibelungenlied. Granted There is a Christian setting in the latter because of it's High Middle ages origin.
There are a lot of dying god myths, and the story of Odin's sacrifice is probably older than Chrisitanity.
As a Heathen, I would like to see a purely Heathen version. That is the only point I was trying to make. This movie seems to be a funeral of the Old Ways, I would like to see a CELEBRATION of the Old Ways.
kann mir irgendjemand sagen , ob ich den film runterladen kann ?
fals ja , wo ? bitte antworten :P
what movie is that?