Pretty much the same thing for me. Going to bed and starting a marathon of watching youtube for over an hour. That ruins my sleep and my focus in the next day is diminished.
It's a hard habit to break! If you don't want to leave your phone in a diifferent room, you can also try to replace it with something less bad, e.g. you allow yourself to watch youtube but only certain channel - e.g. Ted Talks. Or you allow yourself to have your phone but will only listen to podcasts instead of watching youtube. Or listen to an audiobook... The hard thing here is that it is always easy to go back to mindless watching. It's a constant battle.
What kind of bad habit are you currently trying to get rid of?
Pretty much the same thing for me. Going to bed and starting a marathon of watching youtube for over an hour. That ruins my sleep and my focus in the next day is diminished.
It's a hard habit to break! If you don't want to leave your phone in a diifferent room, you can also try to replace it with something less bad, e.g. you allow yourself to watch youtube but only certain channel - e.g. Ted Talks. Or you allow yourself to have your phone but will only listen to podcasts instead of watching youtube. Or listen to an audiobook...
The hard thing here is that it is always easy to go back to mindless watching. It's a constant battle.