'Good luck, you're on your own,' Cooper reacts to US virus strategy

  • Опубліковано 29 чер 2020
  • CNN's Anderson Cooper reacts to the White House's strategy to combat the coronavirus pandemic, chastising President Donald Trump for not leading by example and wearing a mask. #CNN #News

КОМЕНТАРІ • 7 тис.

  • @ChristmasLore
    @ChristmasLore 4 роки тому +1576

    Americans have been on their own on this since it began. There never was a strategy.

    • @RexerYTRexer
      @RexerYTRexer 4 роки тому +53

      The strategy was ignore it and let it "wash through" the country and get rid of the vulnerable! And easy to blame chine and the President afterwards

    • @governorphilmurphy5444
      @governorphilmurphy5444 4 роки тому +6

      Orange Man bad riot good CHOP good police bad Orange Man bad Biden 2020

    • @ccptroll1966
      @ccptroll1966 4 роки тому +24

      Blaming China is a strategy

    • @rezadaneshi
      @rezadaneshi 4 роки тому

      @Brett Harris Trump has been wearing a mask and is no longer Donald Trump...

    • @perrywalton2464
      @perrywalton2464 4 роки тому +23

      @Don Hardcastle well the last President was blamed for everything so....why not blame the current president 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @elmosweed4985
    @elmosweed4985 4 роки тому +347

    This is getting so sad it is hard to even make a joke about it anymore

    • @azadforever988
      @azadforever988 4 роки тому +6

      "because" some people joked about this, it has become so sad/hard!!!!

    • @EnchantedEther
      @EnchantedEther 4 роки тому +11

      I was making jokes to sort of "laugh off" the fear and anxiety but it's never been a laughing matter and I no longer joke about the virus. Now I'm just anxious and scared.

    • @pfpublius
      @pfpublius 4 роки тому

      @Jeffrey Dahmer this is George Carlin level comedic genius...
      This joke is possibly offensive yet, definitely not, at the same time.
      I mean, the ritual is sad, but this joke...this joke is absolutely magnificent!

    • @chimakalu41
      @chimakalu41 4 роки тому

      I am there with you,man.

    • @chimakalu41
      @chimakalu41 4 роки тому

      @@EnchantedEther good point .exactly.

  • @SkyRiver1
    @SkyRiver1 4 роки тому +221

    A mask is not a political statement -- it's an intelligence test.

    • @pm6613
      @pm6613 4 роки тому +8

      Wearing the mask means you are uneducated and afraid.

    • @Skus0
      @Skus0 4 роки тому +32

      @@pm6613 you failed

    • @vfta7906
      @vfta7906 4 роки тому +11

      @@pm6613 better to not comment and be thought a fool, than to comment and remove all doubt.

    • @jeremythegee5428
      @jeremythegee5428 4 роки тому +12

      ​@@pm6613 "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear"
      Those who know the true societal and economical consequences that covid can cause, and chose to self impose protective measures (since the government won't) are the ones showing courage. Ever single person who chooses to buy into the story that "it's just a flu" "you don't need to change your behavior" are the ones choosing to be afraid. They have decided it isn't worth protecting others, so they can keep the lie in their head that everything is fine.

    • @bigmike6461
      @bigmike6461 4 роки тому +1

      @@jeremythegee5428 shit!!! One the best worded comment to an anti-masker, that I have seen yet. Very well spoken and educated response. Stay safe out there.

  • @BengHafner
    @BengHafner 4 роки тому +540

    Why is wearing a mask such a big issue? People, you don‘t need a president to decide if you should wear it or not. Just do it!

    • @danyf3116
      @danyf3116 4 роки тому +47

      Those who say it is harder to breathe, thank goodness they didn't serve with me when we'd have to go around all day in a NBCW suit and gas mask on, in unbelievable heat.

    • @zippySquirrelface
      @zippySquirrelface 4 роки тому +90

      If Trump said he didn't wipe his ass. Half of America would stop buying toilet paper

    • @debraderoos5225
      @debraderoos5225 4 роки тому +16

      Republicans need it. I thought they were the party of free thinkers. They look like deer in headlights. Lost without their president. president with a small p. It matches Trump. small.

    • @shawncorbin1933
      @shawncorbin1933 4 роки тому +1

      @@zippySquirrelface Thanks to fake news pushing fear porn, we couldn't get a hold of it anyway, so what's the difference?

    • @MercedesE63S-AMG
      @MercedesE63S-AMG 4 роки тому +7

      Just don't do it you mean. It's all just bs. Blown up numbers by media trying to down Trump & local governments trying to get more funding from federal government. Everyone who dies are all dying of covid 19. Numbers are through the roof! But yet the deaths from influenza, cancer, diabetes, heart disease & etc are on record low this year. Hmmm why is this? They even threw on George Floyd's autopsy that he had coronavirus & if it wasn't for the 9 minute cell phone video his cause of death would have been covid 19 too. Here locally there is a small county called Gloucester. They have the lowest number of coronavirus here. So what did they do last week? Free covid 19 testing even if you don't have any symptoms. Why? Because they are missing out of the federal money that the other cities here are receiving. You don't die from covid 19 by itself. It is from something else with complications from covid 19. They do not even word it correctly. They want you to be scared. It is less deadlier than influenza but more contiguous is all. I believe most of the covid assisted deaths are really influenza being mislabeled as covid. You people do what you want & I am going to do what I want. You can believe the bs media feeds you or do some research yourself & look at the numbers of everything across the board.

  • @MartinMcMartin
    @MartinMcMartin 4 роки тому +540

    I'm in New Zealand, we have that strange concept of wearing a mask to look after other people's health.. And would you believe it? Our only few cases are those quarantined at the border before being allowed back in. it doesn't cripple our economy, our country is fully opened up again. It's not about smart, it's about logic.

    • @governorphilmurphy5444
      @governorphilmurphy5444 4 роки тому +10

      Orange Man Bad "I am brainwashed by CNN in a foreign country" Orange Man bad Covid

    • @jezarooo
      @jezarooo 4 роки тому +34

      @@governorphilmurphy5444 OK bot bot. Care to respond with anything relevant? Like how the impact of Covid compares to other developed countries in terms deaths, infections, critical care capacity being impacted, economic recovery, support for the most vulnerable?

    • @jezarooo
      @jezarooo 4 роки тому +27

      @@governorphilmurphy5444 PS Orange Man is bad lol

    • @deboratracz7005
      @deboratracz7005 4 роки тому +44

      It's a shame we in the US have such a incompetent person in leadership. please pray for us. If only we had leadership like yours

    • @moewilson4605
      @moewilson4605 4 роки тому +31

      Andy yep and Europe does not want Americans visiting anymore than we do in Canada. Travel ban lifted on Canada to Europe, USA not included.

  • @aadeyemi5767
    @aadeyemi5767 4 роки тому +486

    'We went to the moon and back but can't even go to Paris' that hits hard

    • @plutotech
      @plutotech 4 роки тому +1

      @Jeff Woods - never been to paris..

    • @orrettpalmer9590
      @orrettpalmer9590 4 роки тому

      Wow! American don't realise that. But i think this is what is happening now....China and its counter part it doing it

    • @Teejsfolly1929
      @Teejsfolly1929 4 роки тому +2

      "I have a friend who says he doesn't even go to Paris anymore". D trump

    • @NicolasMendoula
      @NicolasMendoula 4 роки тому +8

      @D Paris (France) isn't a socialist shithole. We have free or affordable Healthcare, free ambulance, free hospitals... and Waaaaay less Coronavirus case than you.

    • @deepblue64
      @deepblue64 4 роки тому +1

      good so.

  • @charanjitsidhu4733
    @charanjitsidhu4733 4 роки тому +81


    • @z_.5557
      @z_.5557 4 роки тому +2

      Pretty much.

    • @IrradioMan
      @IrradioMan 4 роки тому +1

      i wish that was true.

    • @someguy4512
      @someguy4512 4 роки тому +7

      hay welcome to capitalism your life is useless when you don't serve the system

    • @IrradioMan
      @IrradioMan 4 роки тому +4

      ​@@someguy4512 it's more like, the more money you have (legally), the more useful you have been in society. so it's true that if you don't have money, you've shown yourself to be someone who doesn't contribute to society.

    • @truthbrothers9460
      @truthbrothers9460 4 роки тому +4

      There are “classes” for a reason. Middle class, lower class, and higher class or the elite. Without the lower class and the middle class the “elite” wouldn’t be elite. I’ve worked my ass off for 20 years and I’m barely middle class. They have ways of keeping you where you are. Given this is the land of the free and you can build an empire of millions even billions. Your chance of living a life like that are 1 in 1,000,000 and even then you would make your millions from the hands of the middle class or lower class population. You have a better chance of winning the lottery. So lives are important to the rich. The government. Because without the rest to make their money for them. They too would be lower and middle class.

  • @bigjuando
    @bigjuando 4 роки тому +125

    He's so nauseatingly narcissistic. I have lost all faith in our government. They don't care about people's lives.

    • @Curbification
      @Curbification 4 роки тому +3

      congratulations, it only took you a couple of years to understand that. now you might wanna try to focus on the next topic at hand. don´t overdo it though, one step at a time, your people don´t seem to be the smartest. here are some hints though: it has something to do with a virus, thousands of deaths and masks. focus, america, you can do this! if not, turn to the rest of the world. literalley EVERYONE in the whole wide world has understood by now, which mesures need to be taken. ´till you do so, stay in your country and keep killing yourselves.

    • @monikamir
      @monikamir 4 роки тому

      Please move out, there are plenty of countries , like hundreds that you can pick from. Just leave!!

    • @wnose
      @wnose 4 роки тому +4

      @@monikamir LOL, no country is going to accept American visitors. Nobody wants the virus.

    • @sandeshjadhav8804
      @sandeshjadhav8804 4 роки тому

      The government tells people to care about each other, wear masks, keep safe distance, till a vaccine is made Meanwhille
      "tHeY dOn'T cArE aBoUt PeOpLe'S LiVeS"

    • @kathyh1251
      @kathyh1251 4 роки тому

      never mind that the senate is going on a couple of vacations rather than postpone those to make decisions over more important issues

  • @noahoreilly6318
    @noahoreilly6318 4 роки тому +1142

    I really feel sorry for you Americans.
    Do what you can and stay safe guys, distance - mask - washing hands every chance you get.
    Love and prayers from Ireland.

    • @maggiehogland1891
      @maggiehogland1891 4 роки тому +41

      Thank you!

    • @kevinskiles2033
      @kevinskiles2033 4 роки тому +28


    • @rdh8452
      @rdh8452 4 роки тому +56

      why do you feel sorry for them? they are choosing to be stupid!

    • @noahoreilly6318
      @noahoreilly6318 4 роки тому +141

      @@rdh8452 do they? Do healthcare workers choose that fate? Do small business owners deserve bankruptcy? Serious man, no nation deserves this shit

    • @governorphilmurphy857
      @governorphilmurphy857 4 роки тому +3

      loyalists love liberals

  • @beangie
    @beangie 4 роки тому +140

    "It will magically disappear ... " I hate how magical thinking cant fix real life issues😕

    • @cristinathai543
      @cristinathai543 4 роки тому +5

      "Magic" is when skill and hard work are applied, but done so effortlessly that it looks simple. Coronavirus hasn't gone away like magic because no skill was put to use, no hard work done.

    • @Red-Eagle
      @Red-Eagle 4 роки тому +1

      Wingardium Leviosa!!!!.
      Didn't work😔

    • @kriptikful
      @kriptikful 4 роки тому +3

      AOC - "Its vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency." 🙊🙊🧐🧐🤦🤦
      she deleted the tweet of course but not before it was shared over 20,000 times. U don't matter to them America! Only pones in a power-grab game

    • @ybmb7637
      @ybmb7637 4 роки тому +1


    • @guatanamabuddha754
      @guatanamabuddha754 4 роки тому

      He didn't mean that literally, don't let cooper feed you shit like this

  • @squamish4244
    @squamish4244 4 роки тому +80

    The fact that the overwhelming majority of people in the protests wore masks was a major factor in the reason they did not trigger a surge in infections.

    • @Player_Zhirow
      @Player_Zhirow 4 роки тому +8

      @AuntieS412 hm, that's interesting, since your tracking, what sources have you been using to track the spread specifically by protestors in masks? Also, agreed, yes masks work and people should stay home when possible.

    • @RebeccaOre
      @RebeccaOre 4 роки тому +2

      One factor besides the masks is open air and sunlight tend to thin and kill the virus.

    • @jairichie9052
      @jairichie9052 4 роки тому +2

      AuntieS412 lmao or are you just mad we’re protesting for a change? Which is it

    • @lefthanded5473
      @lefthanded5473 4 роки тому +3

      They wore masks to hide there identity while they set cars and buildings on fire and looting stores.

    • @Player_Zhirow
      @Player_Zhirow 4 роки тому +4

      RG uhhuh, theres a lot of looped video of the same looters and rioters for outrage purposes against actual protestors, there are a lot of individual videos of police abusing protestors and basically being thugs, but whatever helps you sleep. When “they” come for you, it won’t be protestors, it’ll be the cops but I’m sure you won’t have done anything so it’ll be ok.
      I’m sure it’s hard to keep track because there are a whole 5 groups at play: Protestors, cops, looters, rioters and provocateurs. That’s like an entire hand full of fingers of counting for you.

  • @gabrieldittmar1459
    @gabrieldittmar1459 4 роки тому +22

    While other countries are pass the quaratine phase, america is still learning to wear mask lol

  • @mannyamato3421
    @mannyamato3421 4 роки тому +290

    "Sprays a mask on his face everyday for vanity , but cant wear one for vanities sake" BURN!!

    • @longlegs9789
      @longlegs9789 4 роки тому +5

      I literally said the same thing!!!

    • @jgroovy1973
      @jgroovy1973 4 роки тому +5

      Fun fact: Trump has a "rider" of sorts, as if he's some pop diva, where he requires two full jars and one half jar of makeup on his dresser every day. The color has the word "orange" in it.

    • @moose6784
      @moose6784 4 роки тому +1

      Everyone around him, and he himself is tested daily, there is no point in him wearing a mask

    • @MSBLS721
      @MSBLS721 4 роки тому +12

      @@moose6784 did you forget the staffer who tested negative one day and positive the next? Do you grasp how many people he shakes hands with every day because of his ego? Do you fucking grasp what ASYMPTOMATIC means? Shut up about he's tested every day.

    • @contenderbp
      @contenderbp 4 роки тому +5

      That is by far is one of the most cut to the chase comments I’ve ever read. This is The Twilight Zone. Painfully real.

  • @ivahos
    @ivahos 4 роки тому +76

    20 Years ago I had a choice of resettling in the US or Australia. Coming from Norway none of these moves would be for financial reasons. But looking at the US'es complete lack of a social safety net made the choice easy. I have now been living in Australia for the last 20 years and every day my choice of residence is validated just by looking at the news.

    • @governorphilmurphy5444
      @governorphilmurphy5444 4 роки тому +8

      no one asked or cares

    • @robertescobar7781
      @robertescobar7781 4 роки тому +27

      I care. Thank you for your view point

    • @mckensyq
      @mckensyq 4 роки тому +18

      I care too. Thank you for your perspective

    • @jogillett8518
      @jogillett8518 4 роки тому +11

      Great to have you and glad you're happy!!! ❤🇦🇺👍

    • @scrumtrellecent
      @scrumtrellecent 4 роки тому +7

      Pay attention to this part Americans,
      "But looking at the US'es complete lack of a social safety net made the choice easy."
      Kudos from Canada

  • @blorax5179
    @blorax5179 4 роки тому +23

    Wearing a mask would be a tacit admission that he was wrong before and he NEVER admits any mistakes. He also doesn't want that orange foundation rubbing off onto the mask. These are personal embarrassments to be avoided even if it means thousands of additional deaths. Every decision he makes is about him first.

  • @drsuffcatr8319
    @drsuffcatr8319 4 роки тому +2

    Ok. We've been on our own for a while.

  • @AlexH-nt1gg
    @AlexH-nt1gg 4 роки тому +182

    Most countries have a coordinated national strategy to combat the pandemic. But for Trump administration, the stratege is " each state should do whatever they want, I will take credit when things go well or I will blame them when things go bad." Not a fan of Bolton, but he is right, we have a empty chair in the White House.

    • @CurbsideChat
      @CurbsideChat 4 роки тому +5

      You're an idiot. Stop listening to CNN it warping your weak brain. Here is some real useful knowledge for you: The risk of death for the general population of school and working age is typically in the range of a daily car ride to work. Your better off just wearing your seatbelt than a mask. You're welcome.

    • @losting3700
      @losting3700 4 роки тому +8

      TJ we are all seeing how is American Constitution failing during the national crisis. And you don’t own America, stop calling out people to leave.

    • @nortz88
      @nortz88 4 роки тому +12

      ​@TJ you're completely missing the point. Given it is the UNITED States of America, the president has the duty to bring country together and ensure there is a consistent message on NATIONAL issues, especially during a nation wide health crisis. The president should set the example on how to deal with this and the other states will naturally follow, no one is saying the president should force that states to make their own decisions......... instead the president has essentially walked away from taking the lead in tackling this issue and look at what has happened as a result

    • @CurbsideChat
      @CurbsideChat 4 роки тому

      @Matthew Schultz its worth repeating.

    • @phollywood9650
      @phollywood9650 4 роки тому +1

      Alex H You democrats really are the most ignorant human beings on this planet. When Trump wanted control over the reopening, the media and the governers fought back and wanted the task. Now YOU are complaining that he is not micromanaging. FOOL.

  • @rvpstudioscanada3991
    @rvpstudioscanada3991 4 роки тому +355

    And that is why a travel ban is still imposed on the United States.

    • @jacksoxman9000
      @jacksoxman9000 4 роки тому +10

      For some dumb reason you liberal kids want to make this virus POLITICAL.
      Then again, you kids have been brainwashed by our liberal education system.

    • @d.howsermd2978
      @d.howsermd2978 4 роки тому +59

      This makes no sense. The travel ban isn’t political. The EU did it to the US to protect themselves. And btw, liberals want the masks to be worn to protect people.

    • @alldaymori1
      @alldaymori1 4 роки тому +19

      @@jacksoxman9000 they are closing the borders on your face, no Euro trips for you hahah

    • @patrickvangelder3349
      @patrickvangelder3349 4 роки тому +45

      @@jacksoxman9000 liberal or not liberal it would be better if you had some education my god what a bunch of rubbish, the ONLY ones that have made this virus political are the Republicans, refusing to wear protective masks, now they are back tracking when it is too late

    • @ratedr9672
      @ratedr9672 4 роки тому +1

      D. Howser MD Exactly! So folks a just dumb and can’t be helped.

  • @kbstrong429
    @kbstrong429 4 роки тому +25

    Wouldn’t it be a tragedy if he Got other Presidents, Prime Minister, and Kings and Queens sick?!

    • @Mo-oz6ed
      @Mo-oz6ed 4 роки тому

      There don't want to see him Canada prime minister say he will not come here

    • @mahdihigaze342
      @mahdihigaze342 4 роки тому

      Actually that would be awesome

    • @ricci8497
      @ricci8497 4 роки тому +2

      He's never going to be allowed near any of them ever again until there is a cure and vaccine and he's more likely to land in a jail cell before we get there

  • @Skippy2k33
    @Skippy2k33 4 роки тому +9

    I'm always left speechless after listening to Trump's comments. Literally! 😶 Dem, Repub, or Inde....this is beyond sad.

  • @melissasaint3283
    @melissasaint3283 4 роки тому +115

    The quote at the end about how he cant imagine himself wearing a mask...everyone focused on being angry about the mask rejection, or about how vain it was.
    But I couldn't help but notice, when he said it, that he visualizes himself regularly hosting "dictators" in the oval office itself.

    • @lisinbondi1240
      @lisinbondi1240 4 роки тому +3

      great point

    • @greenleader138
      @greenleader138 4 роки тому +1

      If you believe masks work than put one on. I don't so I won't. But your mask will keep you safe.

    • @stop3690
      @stop3690 4 роки тому

      @The Wraith I certainly will.

    • @kiriakoz
      @kiriakoz 4 роки тому

      @The Wraith you guys voted Bush back in for his stupidity.

    • @SorbusAucubaria
      @SorbusAucubaria 4 роки тому +2

      @@greenleader138 wearing mask is important to help protect others, from your infection - not you from other infected. Most masks protects the one wearing them poorly from other infected, but are effective in preventing the infected spreading the virus. That is why it is important that everyone wear a mask when meeting people outside of family, especially indoors. So that if a person is infected, he/she doesn't spread the infection to others. And so you know, people can infect others even though they don't present any symptoms. Most , but not all, will develop symptoms two or three days after being infectious. So don't wear a mask, become infectious and spread the disease to all your loved ones. Most wont get seriously ill, about 20% gets worst disease of their lifetime, most of whom will have long time neurological symptoms and lung damage. Then there is a group of people, especially the elderly, that will be dead.

  • @hughjanus1942
    @hughjanus1942 4 роки тому +55

    For a country that has the word 'United' its not quite united🤨

    • @artwithasparkle1691
      @artwithasparkle1691 4 роки тому +2


    • @roberthardesty6507
      @roberthardesty6507 4 роки тому +2

      It wouldn't be the first time, we've already had one civil war. And it really wasn't that long ago, when my grandmother was 6 there was still civil war veterans parades.

    • @hughjanus1942
      @hughjanus1942 4 роки тому +1

      @@roberthardesty6507 wow short time

  • @capricornben9556
    @capricornben9556 4 роки тому +8

    Don’t forget to congratulate all “Karens and Kevins” for having tantrums and protesting their freewill for not wearing a mask.. And lets not forget to congratulate this people being “Entitled” for not following social distancing. They did a good job. 📈👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤦‍♀️

  • @jomac2046
    @jomac2046 4 роки тому +7

    Trump says he doesn't want to wear a mask while behind the resolute desk in the oval office, he has no problem hawking beans from behind the desk though.

  • @dreaw.7108
    @dreaw.7108 4 роки тому +174

    Did he just say "He sprays a mask on his face every day for vanity..."? OMG LOL

    • @OldieBones
      @OldieBones 4 роки тому +16

      The bad spray tan is the new uniform of the Republican party.

    • @thobbit60
      @thobbit60 4 роки тому +10

      Yeah, spray on tan. It's obvious. Trump's eyes are white circles where the eye protection is placed during the spraying process.

    • @incognitro7634
      @incognitro7634 4 роки тому +11

      Love it. Because it's true.

    • @MartinMcMartin
      @MartinMcMartin 4 роки тому +8

      Yes, Nailed it Anderson.

    • @seanlakey181
      @seanlakey181 4 роки тому +4

      So good lol 😂

  • @antgonz4436
    @antgonz4436 4 роки тому +93

    The fall of Rome started from the inside.

    • @olika9076
      @olika9076 4 роки тому +4

      And the faltering of the Soviet Union as well...

    • @justinianthegreat4696
      @justinianthegreat4696 4 роки тому +4

      @@patrickmclean9796 China is indeed at fault for that however this pandemic exposed many flaws of many different countries, showed us how fragile and scattered the EU is, showed us how much war, conflict and neo imperialism has affected African and middle eastern countries to the point that today many of countries from these regions can't properly fight the pandemic because of how dead their economy is after years and years of turmoil and civil unrest, it unveiled how ignorant many south American countries are due to massive corruption going on in there(basically Brazil and Venezuela), and then there's US, this pandemic showed to the entire world just how fragile the world's sole super power is, US is a country with a very big class divide due to the ideals of capitalism for we have these major corporations these billionaires who care not for the welfare of the people but only for themselves and add to this the incompetency of the US government (not just Trump) and the misunderstanding of freedom by it's people to the point that others find it wrong to even wear a mask.
      To conclude it unraveled the many flaws of every single country and that no country is perfect or safe from internal or external turmoil. This pandemic has also exposed the many hidden agendas of countries such as the clear act of China to try and spread Chinese hegemony around the world(border and territorial issues with nearly 30 countries look it up if u don't believe me). Trust me when I say this that this relatively general peace we live in today is a major blessing that we might lose any time soon. Our fragile globalized society and international relations will soon fall together with our environmental problems, all crashing down on us all at once.
      To those whom have read this far help me pray that we can guide our generation into giving future generations a world they can live in and be proud of.

    • @justinianthegreat4696
      @justinianthegreat4696 4 роки тому +1

      We people of Byzantium survived the plague of 536, hopefully you people of the world survive this pandemic as well❤️

    • @noonehere4332
      @noonehere4332 4 роки тому

      The stupidity of America is biting us in the ass.

  • @LindseyObrooke
    @LindseyObrooke 4 роки тому +6

    Damn he truly tanked this country. We were warned, but they still voted!!

  • @nickri7352
    @nickri7352 4 роки тому +7

    This is getting outta control. I know I wasn’t the only one wondering “Who just coughed?” at the beginning of the video.

  • @HaroutDSDZ
    @HaroutDSDZ 4 роки тому +66

    8:30 I had to do a triple-take on this one. Instead of leading by example to save American lives he wants to greet dictators in the oval office... GREET DICTATORS IN THE OVAL OFFICE... Is this the type of disruption he was elected for? This presidency's plug should have been pulled a long time ago.

    • @legion999
      @legion999 4 роки тому +2

      Dictators are the only people he respects

    • @Heather11268
      @Heather11268 4 роки тому +1


    • @daugpileproductions
      @daugpileproductions 4 роки тому

      @fran bran He did not stand up to China. His dealings with China have been very wishy washy. How do you feel about Trump selling out US soldiers so he can keep his favorite dictator Putin as a personal friend? He is a great guy, right? Trump only cares about Trump. He is willing to destroy our country to become like his idols, The Dictators. Trump told China he was fine with them constructing concentration camps. One would even imagine Trump would like some of those here too. Do you? Hows the economy doing now that Trump's reopening gamble is completely failing? The lord god dr trump is NOT making America Great Again. He is destroying this country's world standing and trying to kill as many Americans as humanly possible, simply because he is incompetent and possibly even a traitor. I am very upset by this. Imagine a US President choosing Russia over the United States. Imagine a US President denying a worldwide pandemic. Imagine a US President politicizing wearing masks, when that simple thing has been shown to help reduce transmission. Then imagine what this country would look like with a Real President, a real leader, a capable and decent human being, who would Unite instead of Divide our country. I see 2 very different worlds. In one world the US is a world leader in all things. In the other world? The US is a third world dictatorship that leads he world in nothing. Which world do you want?

    • @catherine7147
      @catherine7147 4 роки тому

      A dictator wannabe

    • @joyphillips1821
      @joyphillips1821 4 роки тому

      The liberal media has trained you well... Living in NY, I have seen that the rise in cases means nothing.... this is FEAR MONGERING..... Maybe you should remember that we were hit harder and we know more now about this disease than you realize.... Another thing, a lot of people in NY wasn't tested.... that doesn't mean that NY still doesn't have new cases... it just means people are tired of quarantine and don't want to be tested.... Has nothing to do with how good Cuomo did as gov. or how much Trump did or didn't do. USE YOUR HEADS....

  • @spartacusforlife1508
    @spartacusforlife1508 4 роки тому +348

    America is getting more like the movie " idiocracy" every day

    • @AlexisMitchell87
      @AlexisMitchell87 4 роки тому +5

      Spartacus Forlife that movie was prophetic. We’re just headed to that dark period at an extraordinarily accelerated rate.

    • @choblgobblrr1074
      @choblgobblrr1074 4 роки тому +24

      Floyd George says the one who thinks it’s funny to have that username

    • @VelcroKittie
      @VelcroKittie 4 роки тому +6

      @Spartacus God this is so fucking true

    • @brianmcintyre6132
      @brianmcintyre6132 4 роки тому +5

      Or the movie Stupidity. The movie poster had a picture of Bush wearing a dunce cap, the sequel should have a picture of Trump wearing a dunce cap.

    • @steveandrews7434
      @steveandrews7434 4 роки тому +7

      More like it? This Prequel is crazier, stupider and insaner than Idiocracy (the documentary) ever was...

  • @jaydenp4975
    @jaydenp4975 4 роки тому +12

    People need to wear masks. Why is that so hard for them to do?

    • @tempusfugit6820
      @tempusfugit6820 4 роки тому +2

      Because they are American and they believe their God's given perceived right to spread their viruses anywhere is untouchable. Also because they are narcissistic egocentric and arrogant and simply don't care about anyone else than themselves.

    • @jimstunkel5446
      @jimstunkel5446 4 роки тому +2

      Good question. Here's my assessment. 1. Conspiracy thinking tells them covid-19 is greatly exaggerated or completely fake; 2). they are motivated by belligerent defiance of authority; 3). they love to make libtards cry, and this is a great opportunity; 4). they turn any government mandate they don't like into a violation of their constitutional rights; 5). Trump and Fox News eggs them on at every opportunity, converting them into brainwashed anti-mask cult members.

    • @monikamir
      @monikamir 4 роки тому

      You wear it, I won't. Why is that so hard to be FREE and defend your rights??

    • @jimstunkel5446
      @jimstunkel5446 4 роки тому +1

      @@monikamir I wear a mask every day at work and in other public places. It's a minor inconvenience that helps protect my fellow Americans and me. It's actually the patriotic thing to do and requires almost no effort.

    • @jojoe4205
      @jojoe4205 4 роки тому

      Its a personal choice ppl. Its not a law

  • @poornimahomemadekitchen
    @poornimahomemadekitchen 4 роки тому

    My prayers and appreciations towards all the doctors and health workers for all of ur support in this situation , each time I go out n come back home my heart beat will go higher than normal and feel more anxiety 😩

  • @chopstoon9868
    @chopstoon9868 4 роки тому +53

    When I see all this happening in the U.S.A. it makes me appreciate living in little old New Zealand so much more.

    • @Bassen97
      @Bassen97 4 роки тому

      The us has better numbers than Sweden, Italy, the uk, France, Italy and the Netherlands on deaths per capita. Total cases is not relevant. The media is blowing this out of proportion

    • @heyaisdabomb
      @heyaisdabomb 4 роки тому +13

      @@Bassen97 But we have a almost a third of the deaths total, and out new case rate is more than 10x that of all of the EU combined right now. You don't seem to understand what the death per capita means. And that Europe took the brunt early on when we didn't know anything about it, so they got overwhelmed like NYC did and people died left and right cause they couldn't get treated. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if people just wore a face mask, but it seems like republicans are ensuring we will shut down again.

    • @annypenny8621
      @annypenny8621 4 роки тому +7

      Every dead person is one too many‼️ If Trump continues with his strategy, you Americans won't have to worry about the next elections, because his supporters will die off...

    • @dalenedaylean3555
      @dalenedaylean3555 4 роки тому

      I'm jealous

    • @dalenedaylean3555
      @dalenedaylean3555 4 роки тому

      @@annypenny8621 if only

  • @adminbusinessdevelopment6220
    @adminbusinessdevelopment6220 4 роки тому +423

    “He sprays a mask on his face every day for vanity but an actual mask to protect people, that, that he just can’t do”- AC cold blooded lol

  • @carolynkelly8366
    @carolynkelly8366 4 роки тому +2

    We are upset yesterday with 0 deaths 17 new cases in ireland and this number makes our country worried about further restrictions America dont wait for politicians to tell you what to do make the right choices yourself .

  • @suzanneadamson1306
    @suzanneadamson1306 4 роки тому +8

    "The most powerful" reality TV star in the world...

  • @PaulSmith-mh2yq
    @PaulSmith-mh2yq 4 роки тому +97

    Whenever I think Boris Johnson is handling Covid-19 badly here in the UK, I just look across the water and realise things could be so much worse.

    • @alanpattinson6211
      @alanpattinson6211 4 роки тому +3

      Paul that is a very poor yardstick to judge UK performance.Why not compare the UK with supposedly 3rd world countries bordering China that have had very low number of cases and deaths.They achieved it not by high technology but by fundamentals, curfews, lockdowns,mask wearing and checks at points of entry.
      And not shaking hands with suspected cases and bragging about it.
      The Thai medical website say there is no substance in the 2 mtr rule, a minumum of 3 and ideally 6.
      Now it is one.

    • @soiledhalo2296
      @soiledhalo2296 4 роки тому +8

      @@alanpattinson6211 yup! We are at 0, peaked at 23. We kept our ass inside for weeks, and when we went out, it was structured and for sure we all wore masks. The government didn't have to mandate it, we knew it was A WISE CHOICE.

    • @ziploc2000
      @ziploc2000 4 роки тому +6

      @@patrickmclean9796 Not pertinent to the discussion right now.

    • @alanpattinson6211
      @alanpattinson6211 4 роки тому +1

      @@patrickmclean9796 Do you think China have a monopoly on cover ups.Suggest you look at the UK with mad cows, that was 12 months.

    • @i.m.7710
      @i.m.7710 4 роки тому

      @@alanpattinson6211 6 meters is what in feet? If you remember the thai website please share. I'll google it. Thanks for this info!
      The most ignorant people are commenting on youtube videos or broadcasting on livestream. Young people scare me with their nonchalance. They are influencing others which is even worse. Human nature is very strange.

  • @majinvegeta6364
    @majinvegeta6364 4 роки тому +56

    I will never forgive the people who refuse to do something as small and simple as wearing a mask.

    • @DogHairDontCare
      @DogHairDontCare 4 роки тому +8

      @Esmour Mayne "some applications go back nearly 2 decades." yikes. Age old problem. Important, yes. Relevant to this discussion, no. You can wear a mask and work on that problem simultaneously.

    • @regina_filange2.0
      @regina_filange2.0 4 роки тому +4

      Agreed. History will look back on us during this time. Either us mask wearers will be like "oh wow, the masks didn't help, but at least we did what we could in hopes to save lives" OR we will say "look, the masks did work, and I proudly did my part to save lives." Those who didn't wear masks will look back and say "oh wow, the masks didn't help, but I didn't really do a damn thing in hopes to save lives anyway. Thank goodness that worked out, that could have been awkward" or "oh wow, turns out the masks did work, and I contributed toward the deaths of many, prolonged the restart of the economy, and made the country look shameful. What an asshole I used to be."

    • @travismcclain7403
      @travismcclain7403 4 роки тому

      next will you take the vaccines that are made for depopulation?

    • @saminabrar1264
      @saminabrar1264 4 роки тому

      @@travismcclain7403 antivaxxer eh? Jesus you're way behind

    • @ruth80809
      @ruth80809 4 роки тому

      Same here. I always wear mine.

  • @SnowyNightFlyer
    @SnowyNightFlyer 4 роки тому +40

    If we’d only employed BASIC MIDDLE SCHOOL-LEVEL science in our approach and response to this pandemic.

    • @sherriemac
      @sherriemac 4 роки тому +4

      We could've gotten middle school teachers to lead this pandemic and get America back on track!

    • @Balanced-Miracles
      @Balanced-Miracles 4 роки тому +1

      do you have any money to help me I want to fix our problem everyone seems broke or something here I have still NOT received donations to make the mask that we needed for this pandemic and nobody has made. thermoplastic rubber material compression molded waterproof disinfect daily with soap and water rinsing easy easy easy easy its the mask we want believe me better protection. well maybe you can donate to me so I can make our life saving mask. so far no donations asking since April so I can make the best life saving mask to potentially stop transmissions and cases. cofee filter paper cutouts and paper towel cutout strips to be your filters. so easy so cheap and very effective. I think I've planned it well but I need funded. www.gofundme.com/f/masks-thermoplastic-rubber-covid-protection?+share-flow-1
      I need your help. I hit nos button about 10 times and run about 50 lbs of boost (figureatively) I need nitro because people didn't donate to me so my plans with this extremely important project have been on pause since april. please donate so I can do it.
      I also want to produce youtube how to content on exactly how to do this so that people staying at home will have something to do and can do same exact t hing in their garages producing same exact mask all over country to put out this coronavirus pandemic. {I feel ignored and I'm stupidfied if I'm being honest by one fact no donations to me to do this yet I'm baffled I've been asking and asking}

  • @alexbarclay3918
    @alexbarclay3918 4 роки тому +1

    We have constitutional rights, not privileges

  • @noodlesfoodles5325
    @noodlesfoodles5325 4 роки тому +189

    This part: "he sprays a mask on his face every day for vanity, but a mask to protect people that he can't do."

    • @extradimension7356
      @extradimension7356 4 роки тому +3

      Carpe Orangutan

    • @jaikanths875
      @jaikanths875 4 роки тому +1

      LOL! I'm surprised that he could say fuzzy without laughing! 🤣

    • @The_Notorious_N.O.E.
      @The_Notorious_N.O.E. 4 роки тому +3

      Took me a second to catch that joke the LOL 😂😂🤣

    • @PCtransplant
      @PCtransplant 4 роки тому +8

      @Bear Bear It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.

    • @GeorgeKamau
      @GeorgeKamau 4 роки тому +1

      That hit hard!!!

  • @kidjewel1468
    @kidjewel1468 4 роки тому +135

    These guys are begging Americans to save their own lives. 😂😂😂. Some American behave like young children you beg to put on a jacket when it -10 degrees C. Unbelievable!!

    • @ziploc2000
      @ziploc2000 4 роки тому +17

      @@patrickmclean9796 Regardless, we now need to deal with it, so your comment is irrelevant.

    • @ashonuff3476
      @ashonuff3476 4 роки тому +5

      @@patrickmclean9796 while u or someone u know is in the hospital make sure u tell em "China did it"

    • @ashonuff3476
      @ashonuff3476 4 роки тому +3

      @@patrickmclean9796 the administration is the only ppl to blame here..whether u take it as one person or not. Trumps administration is the whole reason for all this damage.

    • @johnscott2849
      @johnscott2849 4 роки тому

      @@patrickmclean9796 Trump knew about it last year. Plain and simple. Just like the bounties on US soldiers. And he does nothing but impead testing for it and deny everything. No help at all just a hindrance. This just makes everything worse. No leadership. His stupid supporters think it's fake. Do you not understand this?

    • @sksbc3895
      @sksbc3895 4 роки тому

      ​@@patrickmclean9796 Don't blame China for the US's inability to act like responsible, well-informed citizens/adults. Diseases happen and when they do, you manage them, starting at home. The US is an adjacent country to Canada... take a look at the COVID stats to see that what's happening in the US didn't /doesn't need to happen. We Canadians were told to go home, so we did. We were told to wear a mask, so we did. We didn't do this to be pushovers but to save our lives... and so far we've done a pretty good job of that in comparison to other countries, especially our neighbour, the US. Our biggest threat at the moment is US tourists crossing the border under false pretences ("Honestly officer, I'm heading to Alaska!"), threatening to undo all the hard work we've done to contain this disease. I live on a small Gulf Island in BC and we've been getting private boatloads of American tourists arriving in our marina, wanting to vacation from who knows where. American's need to get their act together because right now they are the biggest threat to the world, not the Chinese.

  • @IrradioMan
    @IrradioMan 4 роки тому +1

    "you're on your own" is the way things should be for everything. i prefer it that way.

  • @debbiemillerwalsh2085
    @debbiemillerwalsh2085 4 роки тому +14

    In NY every place we go as we leave our car, we out on a mask. No complaining no fighting. These egoistic people that refuse are wrong on every level. Ego, low vibe, selfish people

    • @monikamir
      @monikamir 4 роки тому +1

      You are sheep, that is why everyone with a brain is leaving New York. You keep obeying the tyrant governor and mayor who had killed hundreds of people already.

  • @coach_yo
    @coach_yo 4 роки тому +103

    His approach was “let the states handle it” so if cases rose then he could blame the states not himself, then if they started doing well see how fast he started taking credit for it “it was the federal government that helped with ventilators, ships, army hospitals”

    • @Fuzzybeanerizer
      @Fuzzybeanerizer 4 роки тому +8

      Yeah. I'm all for federalism myself, but Trump just wanted to make no effort, then if things turned out OK he could say "See, federalism works" while if things went bad he could blame the state governors. The key was, making no effort. It is a big selling point for Trump, as he needs time for tweeting and golfing.

    • @TheInroad
      @TheInroad 4 роки тому +4

      Liberals: “Trumps an authoritarian!”
      *trump has a chance to be an authoritarian and doesn’t take it
      Liberals: “Trump is irresponsible!”

    • @plantbased4430
      @plantbased4430 4 роки тому +3

      @@TheInroad you're 100% on the money. The blue states have been shown to utterly incompetent when it comes to major issues like a virus and rioting in the streets.

    • @manasakaguchi
      @manasakaguchi 4 роки тому +2

      @@Fuzzybeanerizer ah good ol' scapegoating :/

    • @TheInroad
      @TheInroad 4 роки тому +1

      Plant Based exactly! These governors, many of whom have taken a tyrannical approach, should be seeing the end of Covid...but they are not. So it’s easier to blame the fed.

  • @mrdoja4204
    @mrdoja4204 4 роки тому +174

    10 yrs in prison for painting a statue? Ya tht sounds like a free country.

    • @williethomas2628
      @williethomas2628 4 роки тому +9

      The Gestapo is in AMERICA. Expect anything. SAD

    • @phollywood9650
      @phollywood9650 4 роки тому +4

      Why don’t you knock down the Che Guevara statue in New York, the most racist man to have lived in Latin America.

    • @JustBRett69
      @JustBRett69 4 роки тому +1

      Actually they should get worse. To many people on this planet for agitators.

    • @Nava9380
      @Nava9380 4 роки тому +3

      sounds like China or south korea ironically.

    • @jlbueno0611
      @jlbueno0611 4 роки тому +1

      @@phollywood9650 we will get to that one eventually 🤷🏻‍♂️ ...we gotta deal with the ones from back in the 1800s , when we finish with those we will catch up to it, give it time .✌

  • @alextanner3500
    @alextanner3500 4 роки тому +1

    The fact that in USA. A frickin mask is a political position just disgusting. Here in Hong Kong you aren't allowed anywhere without a mask. And the fact that they have to explain to the people that it isn't a political point is just childish. Wear a mask people it's not a political position. It's a tool to minimize the spread. For your own safety and the safety of others. Please wear a mask

  • @dav0n
    @dav0n 4 роки тому +1

    This is sad! Why isn’t he at the coronavirus briefings anymore?!? Is it because he actually cares enough to tell the truth. We need more like him to keep us safe!

  • @stephr9859
    @stephr9859 4 роки тому +206

    I used to teach science in this country and none of this surprises
    Me. Sorry, I tried!

    • @juliaacer3930
      @juliaacer3930 4 роки тому +20

      Hey Jamie. Knock knock... Who's there?... The grim reaper... Grim reaper who?.... The GRIM REAPER you idiot.

    • @Tony29103
      @Tony29103 4 роки тому +23

      @Jamie Ford The Southern states require a doctorate" Not even close to reality! Hell most of those teachers don't even have a license themselves Look at their scores. The South is the WORST in education. States like Minnesota, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, all have far higher scores.
      Considering I actually work in education unlike you probably. I think I actually know what I'm talking about.

    • @heatherstahlnecker9270
      @heatherstahlnecker9270 4 роки тому +8

      thanks for teaching. *I used to be an operator for a hospital - watched the movie "IDIOCRACY" and realized we're living it. "SAD" in the word of Our "stable genius".

    • @MB-rd2by
      @MB-rd2by 4 роки тому +15

      Jamie Ford you do not require a science doctorate to teach science in elementary first of all. Secondly, I’m sure it was primarily the southern cities that argue creationism should be taught as part of science. Absolutely laughable

    • @anaaahat
      @anaaahat 4 роки тому +9

      Jamie Ford *Me chillin’ up here in Canada

  • @sherry3146
    @sherry3146 4 роки тому +67

    Statues are concrete and dead, let’s work on saving Americans

    • @Itachipwnsnubcakes
      @Itachipwnsnubcakes 4 роки тому +2

      Telling that to New York governor Como who stuck sick people in nursing homes and 30,000 are dead in New York because of it by comparison California has about 4000 dead Texas has about 3000 so for all your Bitchin blame it on your governor in New York this new uptake is in a bunch of young people who by the way don’t get killed by this virus

    • @wendyknoxleet
      @wendyknoxleet 4 роки тому

      sla armitage bronze usually my friend. Not concrete. This is why we know a cans are ignorant

    • @Itachipwnsnubcakes
      @Itachipwnsnubcakes 4 роки тому

      He did do something he listened to Dr. Fauci lie about how we didn’t need masks so that there wouldn’t be a shortage. Now telling everybody we need to wear a mask by the way the death rate of this hasn’t skyrocketed with a case number going up. So who cares that the case numbers going up we don’t have a vaccine all we can do is hope people don’t die and keep Hospitals from being overwhelmed. Again this doesn’t kill young people after having two weeks of nothing but protest and riot you don’t think the case number is going to go up where the hell of you been?

    • @blowc1612
      @blowc1612 4 роки тому

      Trump likes dead Americans more....

    • @blowc1612
      @blowc1612 4 роки тому

      Robert Clawson they were all conservatives. While Liberals fought against them.

  • @carrolle7101
    @carrolle7101 4 роки тому +20

    He doesn't greet queens, kings, behind this big, beautiful desk - etc. - who is he trying to fool? We all know he doesn't wear a mask because his makeup will come off on it.

  • @ericmeijers160
    @ericmeijers160 4 роки тому

    Lookout people, prayers to you all! Love from the netherlands.

  • @RonaldAArias
    @RonaldAArias 4 роки тому +76

    this is a bad time to be a nurse and a medical doctor I can imagine the stress levels

    • @web3036
      @web3036 4 роки тому +1

      I know two people that work in Hospitals, they have 1 covid patient dying in two months. It's the same death rate as the flu.

    • @michaellopez5437
      @michaellopez5437 4 роки тому

      WEB "Same death rate as the flu"
      According to you how many folks in the U.S. die from the flu annually!? versus the current death toll of COVID-19?

    • @MyMomo17
      @MyMomo17 4 роки тому +1

      @@thewillofus.defend1351 I bet she isnt working in a Hospital that has every bed full of dying people. Probably a small town that is not impacted yet.

    • @TreasureX7
      @TreasureX7 4 роки тому

      I met two nurses from my neighborhood, who are walking in the park with kids every day, they are laid off.

    • @michaellopez5437
      @michaellopez5437 4 роки тому

      kungflu confederate "Trump is helping them though"
      Nah, to busy being the second President of the confederacy protecting confederate monuments and flags but you already know that, don't ya

  • @asgard5612
    @asgard5612 4 роки тому +89

    "This will pass and pass quickly" . Yes, this insane Presidency will pass quickly by Nov. VOTE PEOPLE, VOTE. We can fix this.

    • @josephcartaphilus9433
      @josephcartaphilus9433 4 роки тому +5

      Take a look at what's going on around the country. Those are democrats burning it down.

    • @josephcartaphilus9433
      @josephcartaphilus9433 4 роки тому +1

      @ki0ng no honestly you'd be fucking grunting and snoring but well fucking rested.

    • @bobtube58
      @bobtube58 4 роки тому +7

      Yeah, take a look. Who's in charge, a republican president with a Republican-controlled Senate and the economy is shot, the virus is uncontrolled, the president is golfing and tweeting. The EU has banned Americans from traveling to Europe because Trump failed miserably to put an action plan in place to control the virus. Putin has put a bounty on American military personnel and the president doesn't know anything about it. This makes you proud "common-sense conservative" ? The Democrats want equality, not police killing citizens because of the color of their skin, but it really seems the Republican party is just a bunch of racists who are unable to adjust to changing times. History will not be kind to you, just look at what happened to the Germans who backed Hitler.

    • @josephcartaphilus9433
      @josephcartaphilus9433 4 роки тому

      @@bobtube58 ua-cam.com/video/k2xMfKJUVjU/v-deo.html
      You better start looking at the whole narrative if you call your self intelligent other wise your just looking at one narrative and being biased. Are you smart enough to know when your right, or are you smart enough to know when your wrong.

    • @josephcartaphilus9433
      @josephcartaphilus9433 4 роки тому

      @@bobtube58 timcast is a centrist neither right or left he is neutral listen to his point of view.

  • @edubfiness
    @edubfiness 4 роки тому +2

    Sad 😞sad, that we have came this far and our leaders gave up ...

  • @WBBClips
    @WBBClips 4 роки тому

    All the experts flip-flopped on wearing masks.

  • @sionnachmacbradaigh1010
    @sionnachmacbradaigh1010 4 роки тому +63

    The US is in speedy decline. That's what happens when you create a nation of poorly educated debt slaves with no hope of improvement.

    • @Benz2020
      @Benz2020 4 роки тому

      You should move to mars bring all the educated people with you.

    • @YumeMegami
      @YumeMegami 4 роки тому

      Don't worry in the case its true and happens another one will just take its place. Namely, Russia or China then we can all welcome our new overlords of speak out and die.

    • @ABCblahblahblah
      @ABCblahblahblah 4 роки тому +3

      Thank you! Most of these sheep don't even know they're debt slaves...talking about masks infringing on their "freedom" when they can't even go a few weeks without being on the plantation, without risking being on the verge of financial ruin. The greatest slave is the slave who doesn't know he's a slave. Wear a mask, idiots!

    • @alphonsusho8962
      @alphonsusho8962 4 роки тому +2

      @@Benz2020 That's literally probably what's gonna happen if Musk is able to successfully establish a colony on Mars, all the politicians and scientist will be the ones moving there.

    • @not-so-smartaleck8987
      @not-so-smartaleck8987 4 роки тому +2

      That's what happens when roughly half the country sees fit to elect as president, a moron like Donald Trump (with no prior political experience, BTW). Make America Sane Again 2020

  • @jazzy_8468
    @jazzy_8468 4 роки тому +207

    "Sprays a mask on his face everyday for vanity..."
    Anderson got me with that one. 😂😂

    • @terenceplease180
      @terenceplease180 4 роки тому +3


    • @JenA2145
      @JenA2145 4 роки тому +8

      @John Kevin why do heterosexual males always think about explicit details of sexual acts of male gay couples?

    • @Mr_Hassell
      @Mr_Hassell 4 роки тому +6

      @@JenA2145 He is clearly very sexualy insecure

    • @carolynrogers5762
      @carolynrogers5762 4 роки тому +1

      @John Kevin DOH !!!

    • @xiaoka
      @xiaoka 4 роки тому +1

      John Kevin = incel loser.

  • @el6178
    @el6178 4 роки тому +4

    Nobody ever imagined this horrific mess. That's what happens when you don't go to vote.

    • @boop4904
      @boop4904 4 роки тому +1

      Actually, everyone who knew chump was going to be a disaster (and why) isn’t really so surprised.
      “American carnage”, indeed.

    • @Eternalwarpuppy
      @Eternalwarpuppy 4 роки тому

      Exactly! I mean, if we didn't vote we could have ended up with Hillary Clinton trying to lead us through this disaster. If that happened there never would have been any travel bans so there would probably be more American lives lost, the stock market would probably still be falling, the unemployment rate would probably still be growing, and if Seattle is any indication of what democratic leadership looks like the entire country would be full of crime and chaos.

  • @hypers8637
    @hypers8637 4 роки тому +2

    Death is inevitable, honestly most people I know are ready to go on to the next life with great embrace.

    • @jtriplej4901
      @jtriplej4901 4 роки тому

      You won't be so blase about it if your child passed away from the virus..if that is how you feel any don't you jump in front of a moving vehicle...

  • @atheamarcosamir5633
    @atheamarcosamir5633 4 роки тому +67

    Was anyone ever stupid enough to think that Trump was capable of "leading the way"? C'mon...

    • @Adam-vo6tv
      @Adam-vo6tv 4 роки тому +4

      The south did

    • @itzzzsss
      @itzzzsss 4 роки тому +3

      I have never complained about leadership, but it is starting to falter. Further future, when other countries overcome Covid-19 and start to flourish in their country's economy, USA will still be behind trying to eliminate all Covid-19 in their states

    • @rjreuocs1208
      @rjreuocs1208 4 роки тому +1

      500,000 tests per day. Lowest death rate in the world. Sounds like we ARE winning. Yall can say we have more positive tests, well yeah, we are one of the biggest in the world.

    • @kenloft6826
      @kenloft6826 4 роки тому +4

      Lowest death rate in the world?

    • @povilask3761
      @povilask3761 4 роки тому +4

      @@rjreuocs1208 "Lowest death rate in the world" not even close www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/

  • @greaseman6387
    @greaseman6387 4 роки тому +95

    The fact we are even arguing/debating face masks 6 months into this explains exactly why we are in this situation. It’s insanity but what do you expect when we have a president who is, literally, insane.
    Go ahead, look up the definition of insane. Spot on.

    • @paulyt5159
      @paulyt5159 4 роки тому +10

      He's insane, he's a moron and he has no empathy for anyone, there literally could not be a worse leader than what America has right now.

    • @bocram523
      @bocram523 4 роки тому +2

      Thank god obama isn’t our president, he wouldn’t have done shit. China would still be flying in

    • @Mythraen
      @Mythraen 4 роки тому +7

      @@bocram523 Yeah, he wouldn't have done shit...
      Other than implement the pandemic plan that his administration came up with.
      Also, Obama was literally doing something all the goddamn time. He could and did explain what his administration was doing at a moment's notice.

    • @fetch7312
      @fetch7312 4 роки тому +13

      @Lamont Jackson how come everything has to be a mass conspiracy that all links back to Obama? Why can't it be that a deadly virus has emerged, and America was unprepared? Or are you too busy trying to deflect your idol's blame

    • @d.howsermd2978
      @d.howsermd2978 4 роки тому +7

      Lamont Jackson
      trump gutted the pandemic response team

  • @ericajoystyle
    @ericajoystyle 4 роки тому

    Damn. I have no words. well just that one.

  • @JosePena-oe3be
    @JosePena-oe3be 4 роки тому +1

    America voted for this man. America shall deal with this man. You reap what you sow

  • @elizabethfitgerald9775
    @elizabethfitgerald9775 4 роки тому +76

    We are a ship in the perfect storm with no one at the helm of the ship.

    • @steveknack8123
      @steveknack8123 4 роки тому

      Sounds gay keep the belief inward loser

    • @alalalala57
      @alalalala57 4 роки тому

      @@steveknack8123 drumpf is that you?

    • @scoobycarr5558
      @scoobycarr5558 4 роки тому

      I'd say we're a modern day Titanic

    • @nebojsaborkovich9196
      @nebojsaborkovich9196 4 роки тому

      Ships in storm can take care of themselves.No..we have a Curly Stooge drilling holes in the boat's hull.With the "waterletteroutter" n]yak..nyak..nyak.An imbecile.

    • @not-so-smartaleck8987
      @not-so-smartaleck8987 4 роки тому

      @@scoobycarr5558 And Trump is the iceberg.

  • @kingdelledroghe1957
    @kingdelledroghe1957 4 роки тому +69

    In the EU we are still complaining how poorly the pandemic was handled
    Meanwhile President Trump praising himself about how he heroically handled the situation
    Like wtf, Americans please wake up

    • @joyphillips1821
      @joyphillips1821 4 роки тому +1

      The liberal media has trained you well... Living in NY, I have seen that the rise in cases means nothing.... this is FEAR MONGERING..... Maybe you should remember that we were hit harder and we know more now about this disease than you realize.... Another thing, a lot of people in NY wasn't tested.... that doesn't mean that NY still doesn't have new cases... it just means people are tired of quarantine and don't want to be tested.... Has nothing to do with how good Cuomo did as gov. or how much Trump did or didn't do. USE YOUR HEADS....

    • @orlando3.0
      @orlando3.0 4 роки тому +3

      XWriter100 he didn’t stop flights until January first, by that time more than 50,000 Chinese people already were in the country, the virus was already here, so no, he didn’t still do shit🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @orlando3.0
      @orlando3.0 4 роки тому +2

      Joy Phillips hmm if only there was a person in a so called Oval Office whom has all the power over the states and has divine leadership to lead them through such a crisis, oh wait that’s called the president of the United states🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @nylawallace5507
      @nylawallace5507 4 роки тому +3

      RedKidOrlando not just that, he didn’t close borders to Europe and that’s why New York had such a bad outbreak, millions from Europe came in when they were having a big spike

    • @kingdelledroghe1957
      @kingdelledroghe1957 4 роки тому +1

      Joy Phillips wtf I’m not even American, but I do think that the democrats are a corrupt circus and joe biden have dementia
      But i also think trump is incompetent and dangerous for everyone in the world, especially Americans

  • @whattheflyingfuck...
    @whattheflyingfuck... 4 роки тому

    DANG!... Those last lines from Anderson 🤣🤣

  • @ThePaintFrenzy
    @ThePaintFrenzy 4 роки тому

    Disease... The Great Equalizer... sending health and love to you, America... 🙏🏻💕

  • @zacharywimer6708
    @zacharywimer6708 4 роки тому +28

    You can feel the exasperated fatigue Fauci is wearing in this video.

    • @bryangriffin2850
      @bryangriffin2850 4 роки тому +2

      Of course. He doesn't want anyone getting in the way of the vaccine him and Gates have invested billions into. Its not cheap to pay off every government medical advisor throughout the world, all mainstream outlets and shutting down economies.

    • @jessickagee1767
      @jessickagee1767 4 роки тому +1

      @@bryangriffin2850 sit down conspiracy theory floater and drink your cool aid 😳

    • @thomasgormly6941
      @thomasgormly6941 4 роки тому

      @@bryangriffin2850 remember Gates is just a surrogate for the Grey in an ongoing war with the Ancients with weapons of war that includes nanobotic self replicating locusts, but the mole people NPCs have figured out we are but a 3D rendered flat earth projected on Loki's television screen whose AOE attack is a virus in our matrix via vaccination tagging our species for deletion. We must wield our quartz staffs and tin foil armor in harmonics with Gaea's life force to magnetize the God's server erasing the termination protocols. Bill Gates knew about this from the prophecy of the Illuminati and a promised part of the new world order. All he had to due was developed the computer technology and create a dependency on it.

    • @cryptoenthusiast4999
      @cryptoenthusiast4999 4 роки тому

      I feel so sorry for Dr. Fauci.

    • @bryangriffin2850
      @bryangriffin2850 4 роки тому

      @@cryptoenthusiast4999 you should feel sorry for the people he killed in Africa.

  • @FakingANerve
    @FakingANerve 4 роки тому +137

    I love how the administration and other GOP members are JUST NOW going on about wearing a mask. 😂🖕
    O, the hypocrisy!

    • @michaelschweigart3517
      @michaelschweigart3517 4 роки тому +6

      They must have friends and/or family now infected.Too bad they, and the Trump supporters, hafta wait 'til they "see" it in them or their loved ones before they take action. Otherwise it's "fake news"

    • @not-so-smartaleck8987
      @not-so-smartaleck8987 4 роки тому +4

      @John Kevin When did Fauci or the CDC ever say to NOT wear masks?? Must've been in the very early going, when it was unclear how many infections the US had (certainly before Trump pulled his head out of his a** in mid-March).

    • @michaelschweigart3517
      @michaelschweigart3517 4 роки тому +2

      @John Kevin the CDC would've never of said to not wear masks. Let me guess, your a Trump supporter? I know one of your guy's tactics are to accuse the dems for the exact same thing that the dems are accusing the repubs for

    • @mylittlekittens
      @mylittlekittens 4 роки тому +1

      @@michaelschweigart3517 Not Trump. No one in his family will touch him with a ten foot pole.

    • @armchairactivist8585
      @armchairactivist8585 4 роки тому +1

      Oh, the STUPIDITY! Better late than NEVER it only took 130,000 deaths and rapidly rising. I feel for you.

  • @baristaboisoccer1949
    @baristaboisoccer1949 4 роки тому +1

    Did anyone else think of Hamilton when reading this title??

  • @fractal_3
    @fractal_3 4 роки тому +1

    130k dead. And we're about to hit 3million infected pretty quick here.

  • @elsamacias7015
    @elsamacias7015 4 роки тому +192

    "He sprays a mask on his face everyday for vanity", lololololol.

    • @vaderthekittenchannel1979
      @vaderthekittenchannel1979 4 роки тому +11

      FACTS 💯 an orange one

    • @curbmassa
      @curbmassa 4 роки тому +10

      "Putty and paint makes the devil a saint" - old carpenter's saying.

    • @justsaying3729
      @justsaying3729 4 роки тому +8

      What is Trump protecting.....He's Ugly....so the mask can only help.

    • @trapezoidbeauty
      @trapezoidbeauty 4 роки тому +2


    • @ybmb7637
      @ybmb7637 4 роки тому +1


  • @aaronclay79
    @aaronclay79 4 роки тому +103

    "he sprays a mask on his face everyday* 🤣🤣🤣🤣👀👀😭😭😭😭👀

    • @cheezenip2737
      @cheezenip2737 4 роки тому +1

      These people don't understand the numbers. Containment is still possible within the counties. An average individual goes to work and gathers essential goods within their county. He or she does not travel outside of the county often during the week day. For example Charleston county in South Carolina only has 1,264 cases and average individuals that live and work there only have to consider this number. Not the entire state! This is why we have Mayors.

    • @cheezenip2737
      @cheezenip2737 4 роки тому +1

      The president's treatment is different in case the rest of you have not figured it out. Everyone that makes contact with the president at the White house gets tested, which means they are certain the virus won't spread there. They even take other precautions. They just don't give out the details.

    • @linnyt03
      @linnyt03 4 роки тому +1

      @@cheezenip2737 OP 9ⁿ OP OP oil

  • @bonbonjovi5606
    @bonbonjovi5606 4 роки тому +4

    Watching America right now is like watching game of thrones season 7.. Wtf

  • @derick2188
    @derick2188 4 роки тому +1

    We,ve been on our own for decades now, but thanks for your " official " announcement Cooper.

  • @robertpoen5383
    @robertpoen5383 4 роки тому +114

    "As I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators..." I like how he lumps them all together.

    • @jalexb503
      @jalexb503 4 роки тому +3

      Its called an agenda.

    • @MrManfly
      @MrManfly 4 роки тому

      @@jalexb503 but....but....CNN is unbiased !!! LOL

    • @violetviolet888
      @violetviolet888 4 роки тому

      They are unbiased, it's equal opportunity for leaders of all types for airtime on the same network.

    • @lainalopez3212
      @lainalopez3212 4 роки тому +1

      .... that’s because he simply doesn’t know the difference in each to the other...the man truly does blows my mind...

  • @g4training
    @g4training 4 роки тому +77

    Me as a grandparent: "Grandkids, I am old enough to remember when the US was the most powerful country in the world. Hard to believe now."

    • @bettysmith4641
      @bettysmith4641 4 роки тому +1

      Same here David John☹️

    • @stewcountrysongsstew4980
      @stewcountrysongsstew4980 4 роки тому +15

      @@patrickmclean9796 yeah maybe they did..but every other country actually did something about it...and now can worry about how it spread...meanwhile the US is still the only one that is growing rapidly with no end in sight...so now its the US that is worrisome to the world...

    • @plutotech
      @plutotech 4 роки тому +1

      @Jeff Woods as in what?

    • @plutotech
      @plutotech 4 роки тому +3

      @Jeff Woods which protests? I recall fox news calling the protester protesting because they couldn't go to the beach "heroes" and none of them were wearing mask. That dont count though right?

    • @plutotech
      @plutotech 4 роки тому +3

      @Penny Liqueur still blaming Obama. 4 years later.

  • @shimmer8289
    @shimmer8289 4 роки тому

    Love the last line. Great commentary can we have Anderson for Prez please?

  • @chickenmomma9239
    @chickenmomma9239 4 роки тому +12

    Everyone around him is getting Covid, but not him. Sure makes us wonder.

  • @wylieroth3145
    @wylieroth3145 4 роки тому +22

    He, The Child in Chief, continues to be referred to as "the most powerful person in the world." Nah. We lost that distinction a few years ago.

    • @anneanne9009
      @anneanne9009 4 роки тому

      Even Fauci is more powerful than him right now. So is Merkel. Trump is just an ignored joke. The world is united is this with a few exceptions. The exceptions happen to be idiotic, autocratic, racist and xenophobic leaders.

    • @berndschuster7153
      @berndschuster7153 4 роки тому

      Isn't it weird how that changed once they tried to "make america great again". It didn't even take a single period of governance to change the entire worlds perception of that position.

    • @gerardacronin334
      @gerardacronin334 4 роки тому

      If I hear once more that the US is the leader of the free world, I will puke.

    • @jkjkk5819
      @jkjkk5819 4 роки тому

      @@anneanne9009 save some rage for November, you are going to need it for your Meltdown 2.0

  • @dannybagley9424
    @dannybagley9424 4 роки тому +73

    Quit calling Trump the President. He defaulted on that job and responsibility.

    • @LB-dm1zy
      @LB-dm1zy 4 роки тому +4

      J P It’s like they forgot how to think on their own. Danny Go back to Chaz of Chop, bet you’ll like it there more :)

    • @lordsoffilm5459
      @lordsoffilm5459 4 роки тому

      J P Спасибо за помощь России с вашими комментариями. Я благодарю вас, а Путин благодарит вас.

    • @innismor11
      @innismor11 4 роки тому

      Send the 25th after him .... before it is too late. He'll burn the whole country down with him -- he'll have no issues with that. He'll be able to live in Russia with Putin and Snowden. Heck, even China would take him in. They would idolize him there for wrecking America.

    • @neonshadow5005
      @neonshadow5005 4 роки тому

      He never accepted it in the first place. It was just about his ego.

    • @mdnnamartin
      @mdnnamartin 4 роки тому

      You are so right. He holds the whole fault for this for his attitude and for what he tells the idiots tha follow his dictatorship. Get hin out of that office now. Pence would not be as bad for the remainder. Call a Court Marshall and get him out. It can be and should be done.

  • @alexng824
    @alexng824 4 роки тому


  • @susanduckett7982
    @susanduckett7982 4 роки тому

    I'm so sorry for America...Good luck lovely humans ,and keep safe as you can.💙🙏🏼

  • @homemadejesus
    @homemadejesus 4 роки тому +81

    The way he handles foreign relations alone should have gotten FIRED.

    • @megandunklin6147
      @megandunklin6147 4 роки тому +3

      Sadly he threaten Republican lawmakers their jobs and lives to keep him in office.

    • @homemadejesus
      @homemadejesus 4 роки тому

      @@megandunklin6147 well then all the better reason for Republicans to impeach, also if they have proof then they should present that and impeach

  • @fredrickroll06
    @fredrickroll06 4 роки тому +79

    "He sprays a mask on his face every day for vanity" - an OUTSTANDING comment!! Doesn't he put a mask over his eyes while he's spraying? I'm sure he doesn't want to get whatever-it-is in his eyes!

    • @lanswipe
      @lanswipe 4 роки тому +3

      He frequently puts a mask over his eyes every time he looks at all the people dying. Can't have that nasty reality getting in.

    • @marymdavis3189
      @marymdavis3189 4 роки тому +1

      @WTF ZIGGY BFD! What he and the REST of them won't admit, but it leaked, The U.S. HAD ALREADY RESCUED 2 Expats, or someone, FROM WUHAN TO AN AFB HERE IN Northern CA JAN. 1 & 3rd. Check the revised NATIONAL 1ST DEATHS IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY in January and February. Then we had the 1st Community Spread case from a nail Salon. She had been in a hospital 3-4 days before symptoms changed enough to warrant testing, 3-4 more days there till positive results, by the time transferred over to speciality hospital, 100+ people, just in 1st hospital, ambulance, and intern nursing staff that went back to expose 5 or 6 colleges after their shifts. ALL IN EARLY FEBRUARY, as Dump Trump is claiming Hoax, and just ONE case, when WE had already had more than 3 die, and untold cases because only inpatients and medical personal could even dream of testing. They just hadn't got the stick out of WH to furnish what they (T, K & maybe Bolton) probably sold on black market in 2018, when they dismantled everything else that made SENSE because of GOP'S Obsessions with a BLACK MAN as President.
      So just STOP this "head in the sand CHA", HE is an adult that has made his LIVING CONNING, and scamming, people by intimidation, gaslighting/manipulations, and his GIG COVER STARTED CRUMBLING, with 1 honorable military man doing his job reporting corruption.
      My daughter and I were personally affected by his Narcissistic BS, the last week of January, and Feb 7th for me. I WILL HOLD HIS FEET TO THE FIRE, for every lie, and every death, or ruined health, he could have prevented in January right after the 21st when ALL of us here near Sacramento, CA knew this WAS REAL. Just by closing all flights from China and ANY travelers from that part of the country, Italy, Iran, and SO MANY OTHER HOT SPOTS. Our County and the Bay Area were the FIRST to shut down, yet even then, we couldn't get Authorization till March 16. DT LIKES to claim he closed flights from China early, THAT'S TOTALLY BOGUS! THERE WERE STILL 7 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS nation wide ACCEPTING FULL ACCESS FLIGHTS FROM CHINA FOR AT LEAST A MONTH AFTERWARD WITH HIS FULL KNOWLEDGE! BUT true Narc style will NEVER accept responsibility, there will ALWAYS be a fall guy/scapegoat. No more, we must expose every crack in his Lying armor.

  • @souvikmondal3591
    @souvikmondal3591 4 роки тому

    Wow! This guy doesn't mince words!

  • @whale2207
    @whale2207 4 роки тому

    😂Oh, Mr. Cooper thanks for your humor.

  • @williamcardinal4360
    @williamcardinal4360 4 роки тому +75

    I saw a post on FB where the guy said: they used “click it or ticket” to get people to wear seatbelts, how about “mask it or casket” to get them to wear a mask?

    • @juancolon7990
      @juancolon7990 4 роки тому +2


    •  4 роки тому +5

      Meh, I prefer "be smart, or I'll fart" because it applies universally in situations where Republicans don't think, and it works well because it has quantifiable immediate consequences.

    • @bryangriffin2850
      @bryangriffin2850 4 роки тому +1

      Thanks William. You have proudly displayed your stupidity and i thank you for it. Wear your mask like a good little sheep. DO NOT research the ingredients of vaccines. JUST TAKE IT.

    • @lizzieliveshi
      @lizzieliveshi 4 роки тому


    • @not-so-smartaleck8987
      @not-so-smartaleck8987 4 роки тому

      I remember the "click it or ticket" ads. (Do they still run those?)

  • @marcirobins5144
    @marcirobins5144 4 роки тому +37

    Call it the Puerto Rico Plan. He abandoned them at their greatest time of need.

    • @andreswolf114
      @andreswolf114 4 роки тому +1


    • @tazthabarber9287
      @tazthabarber9287 4 роки тому

      Sending more money and supplies than any other POTUS ever did, to bail them out of a disaster is “abandoning them” wow that’s some stupid you caught!!

    • @plutotech
      @plutotech 4 роки тому +3

      @@tazthabarber9287 you mean when he was throwing paper towels at people? That all he did.

    • @tbrewer99
      @tbrewer99 4 роки тому


    • @j.pgoodwin9020
      @j.pgoodwin9020 4 роки тому

      @@tazthabarber9287 Bull

  • @PandaArmy-fy5zh
    @PandaArmy-fy5zh 4 роки тому

    We should definitely look to cooper for sound advise 😀😁🤣🙋‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂

  • @charityelaine448
    @charityelaine448 4 роки тому +1

    Anderson did NOT come to play with us today. okrr.

  • @determineddiva5402
    @determineddiva5402 4 роки тому +113

    “He sprays a mask on his face everyday for vanity, but an actual mask that would protect other people that he just can’t do” 😭 Anderson is so right though! Wearing a mask shouldn’t be political!

    • @spiritual_king2375
      @spiritual_king2375 4 роки тому +2

      Factsthat Hurtfeelings sure

    • @jgroovy1973
      @jgroovy1973 4 роки тому

      Fun fact: Trump has a "rider" of sorts, as if he's some pop diva, where he requires two full jars and one half jar of makeup on his dresser every day. The color has the word "orange" in it.

    • @evan2705
      @evan2705 4 роки тому

      The president has said he has no problem wearing a mask. Anderson is helping make it political. And you say he is so right, masks shouldn't be politcal..? I don't follow

    • @dracg23
      @dracg23 4 роки тому +2

      I just cant wrap my head about this mask thing, why wearing a mask is so tabboo for you americans? Can someone explain to me? Also, how can you be so stupid refusing a vaccine, thinking theres a chip inside?

    • @spiritofr
      @spiritofr 4 роки тому

      Where's Andy's mask? Newsroom Lives Matter

  • @bamse1618
    @bamse1618 4 роки тому +104

    "He sprays a mask on his face everyday for vanity, but an actual mask that would protect other people, that he just cannot do" sums it up perfectly.

  • @j.o.2162
    @j.o.2162 4 роки тому +2

    4:59 ...President of the USA Was the most powerful man in the World now is the most pitiful and idiotic one...God Bless u USA.
    Got U in my prayers...

  • @audiobooksmore3374
    @audiobooksmore3374 4 роки тому

    I am so fearful of what's going on south of the border. Things here in Canada are great - numbers going down everyday and recoveries going up!
    I'm praying for ALL of the American people!

  • @KevinWhitesTimeIsLife
    @KevinWhitesTimeIsLife 4 роки тому +136

    They wanted a "Reality Star" as President and now we are on "Survivor Final Season" SMH. That line at the end was Classic! Thanks Anderson.

    • @LGAussie
      @LGAussie 4 роки тому +2

      Biden is going to be worse.

    • @KevinWhitesTimeIsLife
      @KevinWhitesTimeIsLife 4 роки тому +1

      @Aron Toulouse HAHAHAH! So am i.

    • @KevinWhitesTimeIsLife
      @KevinWhitesTimeIsLife 4 роки тому +6

      @@LGAussie No way he could be worse! He will listen to the people around him to make INFORMED decisions, not just say anything. Biden might not be my first choice. OBAMA would be. But BIDEN is definitely better than 45! No back and forth. No justifying why he does what he does or what he has done. No debating that. It's #Facts!

    • @erik3423
      @erik3423 4 роки тому +8

      @@LGAussie Only thing that can be worse than what we have now, is another four years of Trump.

    • @evermoremystic17
      @evermoremystic17 4 роки тому +1

      Aron Toulouse A crossover to the show Naked and Afraid I assume? 😂 that’s probably one place Trump shouldn’t be.

  • @TheZaius
    @TheZaius 4 роки тому +62

    "Good luck, you're on your own" is basically the social Darwinistic catchphrase of the Republican party.

    • @billgates2581
      @billgates2581 4 роки тому

      #FakeNews The protestets rioters, BoweLMovement and Antifkers with the DemoKKKrats has been going on for over 3 weeks non stop. Wuhan China Virus is a Lie , according to the Libtards.

  • @Asmr-ng8xe
    @Asmr-ng8xe 4 роки тому

    4:14 really and you're not even wearing a mask when speaking 👏👏👏👏👏😂

  • @lisagoss4648
    @lisagoss4648 4 роки тому

    You speak the truth, Anderson Cooper!