imo the tinted brown water of the crash site is what makes it stand out... Limiting your vision is kind of the whole point. It gives it an atmosphere of decay. The metal debris poking through the dust is unsettling, and seeing a reaper leviathan swimming through the fog is one of the scariest things in the game.
and it also makes sense in terms of actual physics seeing the aurora crashing would cause tons of sand to go flying into the water making it much harder to see
I honestly love the blood kelp trench, it's actually very peaceful compared to the northern one as it lacks the leviathan to boot. Along with a ridiculous amount of resources, and the large wreak planted in it. One of my favorite biomes, and arguably the best entrance to the lost river.
@@thebutterlegion9263 I did the exact same thing. The grassy plateau is perfectly safe and nice to look at, with instant access to the blood kelp trench. The trench is full of resources and you can enter the lost river almost effortless.
Wow you really forgot the best place in the list river. The big tree. When the water becomes light blue in the area and all the pretty (animals) swim around. I love this place. ❤
@@Sonic_K The Cove Tree has different lighting, different flora, different water, it's more like a lake at the end of the river, not part of the river itself. Certainly if he was counting it as part of the Lost River you'd think he'd talk about and show it while talking about the Lost River, this feels like he just forgot about it.
When i played hardcore sab i never was really scared after stasis gun until i was always carefull when traveling around aurora but without seamoth i did a whole lap around aurora and got attack only at the end then got stasis and made crash zone safe biome
My first base in any playthrough always goes right above one of the entrances to the Jellyshroom caves where there are 100 degree thermal vents for easy thermal power. Great way to get lithium, diamond, and magnetite early game and you’re still right next to safety in the grassy plateaus. Great to see my fav spots represented
Built my first base there without any videos or anything purely out of luck, looking for a big not rocky space and just some thinking. While I didnt use the base much end game I never felt the same welcoming sensation that I felt there. Not even when I built in the ghost tree. Overall its a great location.
Currently what I did in my current playthrough, with the essentials in the the plateau and the fun stuff in the jellyshrooms. Jellyshoom will always be my favorite biome ngl
I think the silty water around the crash site is what makes it so cool and scary. There's a lot of water like that irl too. It's rarely as clear as the shallows unless you're in the Bahamas.
I have to agree on the Blood Kelp Zone vs Trench, the few changes the Trench makes elevate it above its more surface-ward companion in atmosphere, and I never truly feel welcome while I'm down there.
I love the sparse reef, the weird nature of not knowing what happened to this dead biome, even though it’s beside two biomes full of life, it’s just dead, nothing.
Yeah It's honestly one of my favourites, partly because of what you said but also because of its incredible atmosphere from the ost and bone crushing droning ambience which plays in the background too, which tricks you into thinking that it's a dangerous area but it's actually not, it's a great use of deception from the devs
@@Cut-Short I also like how it has this "why has nothing happened" feeling, making you think you're about to get jumpscared by something huge. It's just creepy despite being completely safe.
Yep, first time you go exploring there, you definitely expect something big to pop out somewhere. The place annoys me, but not for any like, gameplay reasons. But because of the region boundaries. The caves under the far end of that plateau are technically not part of the sparse reef biome. The caves around that wreck are considered a part of a different biome by the game. So, the important vertical wreck isn't a "sparse reef" wreck, even though most people find it while exploring the sparse reef, and not because they came up from seatreader caves. There are annoying people out there that will correct you if you say it's a sparse reef wreck, or will call it something else to a new player, thoroughly confusing them. Like, you describe it the way those people describe it, you'd have to check the console biome name to know you are in the right place. Super annoying. Edit - ok, there IS one way you can tell it's not sparse reef, game wise. Though the landscape is the same... the water changes hue and the plants in those caves are obviously not sparse reef plants. But generally, newer players aren't going to notice this as entering a separate biome (yet), which usually entails a sharp change in landscape.
I always build an outpost by the Ghost Leviathan egg in the Lost River. There are plenty of resources around to build it, plenty of thermal vents and uranium around to power it, and it is the perfect spot to rest and recharge your power cells to go deeper or return back up with a Cyclops full of resources from the inactive lava zone. There are even Regi fish around that you can catch and store in a containment if you need food.
Just built a base down there, it's fantastic!! Gorgeous/safe place to build your base, tons of resources around, right in the middle between the rest of the Lost River and ILZ/Lava Lakes, and easy to get power from the thermal vents. I'm working on a base in every biome but I think my tree cove one is my fave
I love the crash zone because you KNOW from the water and fog, and roars, that your living on borrowed time. 2nd place, the Lost River is the best though!
Lost River honestly ranks as one of my favorite biomes in the entire game as well. This map legit was the thing that made me fall in love brine rivers and brine pools, because the idea of a river that was underwater was and still is SO FRICKING COOL! And when I found out that these things actually exist in real life, I was like "THAT'S EVEN MORE AWESOME!" And to me that giddiness will always have its roots in discovering this biome for the first time all those years ago
The Sparse Reef is my go-to place to go for rubies and gel sacs, as well as Cyclops parts you find in the two wrecks. In my opinion it's a deep and barren biome done right
The grand reef is my pick, It looks cool, beautiful and terrifying at the same time, and its also a good way to locate other biomes, and also the floating island is above it
Personally my favorite biome is the sparse reef, there's something so calm and seren about it, yet it's also creepy with the rock spires and how its generally the first deep drop off you'll come across. It's safer than the safe shallows but it's got that eerie atmosphere to it that I love. It's nice cave system and its connections to useful areas like the bloodkelp trench, sea treader path, grand reef, and grassy plateaus just make it such a perfect area for a base. It's imo the most underrated area in the game, so I hope it ranks pretty highly here.
It's my farorite biome, because there are a whole load of wrecks and cargo crates, every single harvesting node, a good entrance to every important biome, and a lot of space. Hate when people say it's boring, go build your base at the egde if it's better there
@Light......... no he said that was his favorite. Yeah there's better biomes, but you can't deny someone's opinion when they only state that they like that one the most. They didn't even say "this one is the best", no, they just said it was their favorite. Stop hating on people's opinions just because you're generalizing them to only be there to be the opposite of someone elses
@@Silver-4kk buddy that was a joke. He said it ironically. He literally ended it with I sure hope it ranks high here. Blud, you're the one causing him like a nerd "we know you just saying that because he gave it last place." Yeah what did you expect?
I guess the Cove Tree isn’t really a biome, but it is by FAR my favorite spot in subnautica. Any time I go there in game it’s breathtaking, and it’s one of two places I show anyone who I’m convincing to play the game
The void is my personal favorite because of the uncomfortable feeling of whats beyond it, just the hollowness and dead sea ahead really itches that fear in me, but it's also why i can't wait for that fan made DLC mod "Call to the void" Where you actually get to go into the void, which just sounds incredible
I think the crash zone mesas are my favorite biomes in the game. They are a bunch of little “islands” in the deeper part of the crash zone with a greenish tint. They’re full of life like hover fish, gasopods, and bone sharks, and are patrolled by 2 reaper leviathans. Honestly super underrated base locations.
Ayy the funny underwater man has a sponsor, congrats! Also I am very happy you ranked the lost river first just like I do, the perfect blend of creepiness and alien nature, but also strange comfort when finding a safe spot (cough cough, Cove tree) is unmatched throughout the entire game. Looking forward to the next video!
my fav biome is the blood kelp trench. The first time i went to the blood kelp trench was with my seamoth i almost shat my pants but then I started going back each time i warmed up to the biome and now it reminds me of home. it was also the first access to the lost river for me.
Can't deny the Lost River, when I was making guesses for the top five, the Cove Tree wormed its way into my head since I thought it was its own biome. Kinda goes to show that Lost River is so neat, I ranked it twice. For me, I'll be kicking back in the Grassy Plateaus, a good midway between the Safe Shallows and the Everywhere Else with enough open space to set down roots for my base, and only a stone's throw from Mushroom Trees and Blood Kelp/Lost River, it's good real estate.
A little late but congrats on your first sponsor. I discovered your channel today and binge through your entire fauna series. Great stuff, can't wait for subnautica 2 content!
I enjoy the atmosphere of the sparse reef a lot. It's pure emptiness unlike the craig field, dunes and mountains. It feels safe and a like a checkpoint before you head into the deep. Great place for a base.
I have ptsd from the dunes - I wanted to go to the wreck but didnt want to risk my seamoth, so I left it on the periphery of the mushroom trees, swimming to the wreck was no problem, minimal poop in my pants, and scanning was also, but the way back i caught the attention of the reaper and it was gaining. There was a warper that brought me down to 1hp out of nowhere. Lots of poop in my pants. But it was ok
great tier list, only things id change is id bump up the kelp zone a few places and drop the bulb zone down to like 13th cause I dont see the apeal in that place
ill never forget the moment i accidentally fell into the lost river through a small connecting cave when i was looking for deep shrooms. instantly felt like the Rotten Vale from monster hunter world which is my favorite locale in that game. the silent ominous decay all around you, the unseen microscopic life brimming with energy while the larger life dies and rots away
The Amount of time and effort you put into editing your videos is insane. I don’t even know how you do half the stuff in your videos and it’s just a type of editing that takes a long time and effort to for right.
My personal Top 3 biomes are: 1. Lost River (Nothing really to say here, it's just GOAT) 2. Mushroom Forest (It feels so peaceful and calm. I've built several bases there just to look at those beautiful mushroom trees. Also, when I think about Subnautica, the first thing that comes to mind is Mushroom Forest) 3.Grassy Plateaus (Just as said in the video, it's very bright and gives a feeling of vast ocean, but for me there is one thing why I put it that high: I just love the sight of the Reefbacks swimming against the red grass and stone pillars. :) )
I love the kelp forest... I felt always really sad that this biome is so small when it could have sprawled on a large area. Usually in my bases I try to emulate the kelp forest by planting vines all around... Can be quite cool but it's doesn't give that green kelpy feeling. Then, the mushroom forest is my number one, best biome ever. First time I saw, it was an amazing feeling, my heart was devastated when I realized I couldn't reach it yet because of the lack of oxygen. I really miss that feeling. The blue balls biome (grand reef) is also a favorite of mine, it's fantastic, it's weird and I wish there were some kind of interraction with those balls. Then, the lost river, fully agrees with the gold medal there, it's so weird, eerie and alien... There's also that giant tree further down. The brine really adds a unique atmosphere, unfortunately, there's really nothing down there, I hope we will have an area with a brine similar to the movie "the meg" in Subnautica 2 or 3... Well, the sequel !
My number 1 is Mushroom tree biome, specifically the (what i call) Grand Mushroom Tree biome by the dunes. I always build a large and beautiful base at the base of the Grand Mushroom Tree because it feels protected and safe. You also have Reefbacks who swim around the area, regularly calling out and when you build a scanner room, it looks SO COOL to see this entire forest surrounding a huge tree inside of this half-pit.
As someone currently building their base in the mountains, I actually quite like the area. One thing I feel you neglected to mention are the caves that you can get into deeper in the biome which have neat volcanic features and *tons* of highly valuable ore. Not to mention the "barren" look outside of those caves makes the views of the reapers while you're there a lot more eerie. Also, the crash zone being as murky as it is really goes in its favor more than anything, and it pairs with the reapers really well since they hunt on echolocation. You often won't see the reaper until it's right on you, which makes it one of the scariest places in the whole game.
My absolute favorite spot to build a base is right on the edge of the more western section of the safe shallows. Like right up to the border with the dunes, to the point that you can accidentally aggro the reaper in just the right way so that they get stuck in the safe shallows.
Lost river is THE BEST place to build your base. Reasons: 1) geysers + uranitite ( no lack of energy ) 2) it may be not very bright, but it will never be dark and I think that there is enough light 3) Almost ALL recources in big amounts 4) some places where leviathans won’t disturb you + ghost leviathan isn’t so scary/aggressive. 1 reaper for me is more scary than 5 ghost leviathans 5) it has paths to many biomes and an Arch to Main Research Complex from where you can get to another places by another archs The ONLY minus I see here is that it’s not so easy to get cyclops into lost river, but if you’re not a fan of cyclops and you just use your exosuit ypu can forget about that.
Grassy plateaus is my favourite. I usually put my base on entrance of jelly mushroom cave which located on grassy plateaus. It has borders with small safe shallow part where I get my coral supplies and near to kelp forest if I need stalker teeth. It's easy to go to grand reef and dunes from there
Norht= Safe shallows>dunes if west and blood kelp if east East= kelp forest>safe shallows>crash zone it's either crag fields on south or mountains on north West=dunes>sea treader path, dunes or grand reef South= grand reef mostly
Completely agree on the kelp forest base. One of my favorite bases is one I built just far enough in the kelp forest to be surrounded by the glowing bulbs at night but near enough to the grand reef that I can have a good view of the reefbacks swimming in the morning. And occasionally hear their rumbles. Felt like having "beach-front" property 😂
The coolest part of the crash zone is how in the south east, near the crag field, there are these round mesa-like rock formations, which might be a remnant of what the terrain in the crash zone looked like before it was squashed by a giant starship
What about the ghost leviathan right next to that alien portal? I always go out of the portal without a prawn to get ghost weed and it always attacks me.
@IAmTheRealHost honestly I don’t find ghosts to be scary at all anymore (unlike reapers). They’re honestly just cool to look at and are actually not much of a threat in a prawn suit. You can basically just ignore them and go right past them in the prawn since they (juveniles at least) only do 9 damage to it.
Absolutely agree with number one, lost river is definitely my favourite aesthetically. It a massive cavern, it has many giant fossils in it, the misty and sort of dead but still alive look of the place and ghost leviathans being one of my favourite creature designs.
Sparse reef is so underrated. Ye kinda forgetable but so much easy Access minerals and a good spot to enter the trench - Lost river. In term of a survival run easily in the top 3 best biomes
5:10 fun fact: this cave won me a Subnautica race this weekend because my friend got stuck in there while trying to find the wreck (he needed shield gen blueprint)
I really love the sparse reef because its just something about it so beutiful and mysterious. And the cherry on top is the amount of resources and biomes that it connects to.
I like the mountains for its proximity to the mountain island and the redgrass field. The eastern side of the mountain island has a wreck on it and a good amount of magnetite for the early game while being fairly close in proximity to my fave base location.
I build bases everywhere, I have one large base in the safe shallows my first base, one large base in the sparse reef overlooking the drop off into the grand reef, one small lost river base, a large base by the big tree in the blue cave which is my main base, a small outpost in the inactive lava zone, a base in the sea threaders path, a base in the mushroom forest, and a large base in the mushroom cave.
Sparse Reef trash talk You made an enemy today The only biome you are allowed to forget is the crag field Edit: seriously tho saying that the crag field is memorable is probably the best joke I've heard in a while, I wake up every day not remembering that that place exists.
I will say, I remember the crag field a lot more after learning from the wiki that it and the crash zone (technically in the crash zone) share a cool set of mesas that have corals and reapers That, and finding the Markiplier bobblehead, but I doubt most players go for that unless they're completionists.
Just started playing recently. The reefbacks used to scare me with their hums and tunes. Now it feels like a safe barrier. If I can hear them and see them I’m not in pure danger yet
The sparse reef may not be very interesting to look at, but it's a great place for a base. There are no big predators that will try to take chunks out of your base. The caves and wrecks below are a great source of minerals. There are spadefish in the area that you can catch and breed for an excellent food source, and I think that there are a few bladderfish swimming around as well that you can use for water. It also borders several more plentiful biomes where you can get other resources without having to travel too far. I always build an outpost in the sparse reef.
In my very first playthrough of Subnautica (unfortunately no longer accessible due to switching computers), I somehow managed to set up a base on the edge of the Dunes (one of the few safe parts) and the Blood Kelp Trench. I could always hear a reaper roaring in the distance and I was just a walk away from a 400m drop into the trench. Sure, it wasn't a good idea, but looking back, that outpost has made me love both of those biomes a little more. Maybe I'll recreate that base in my hardcore world. I also really love where the Grassy Plateaus opens up into the Blood Kelp Trench. Newer players don't expect such a harsh and unforgiving drop and old players might not know it exists. I know that the worst thing in the trench is crabsquids, but even the knowledge that it borders the Dunes is terrifying. I think I've gotten more scared of reapers the more I've played the game. I don't know how I managed that... for most people it's the opposite.
As a proud owner of a semi-giant sea trader research base at the Sea Trader's Path, I can say it's one of the most immersive places to live in Subnautica. On one side we have constantly moving sea traders, while on the other side we have a deadzone with ghost leviathans
I actually really like the sparse reef, the fact that there is so little going on there makes it a really peaceful place. It reminds me of the time I built a base on the edge of the dunes because I wanted to see reapers swimming around in the distance while I was sitting in my base, didn't ever get to see any reapers but it made for a really nice view of the landscape
My favourite Biome is both the Blood Kelp areas, favourite one being the one with the Ghostie. Lost River is a very close 2nd place and usually the biome where I set up my final base, near the entrance of one of the Blood Kelps of course
Man I have got to get this game, I remember watching videos of it back when the Beta version of Subnautica was making its rounds on UA-cam and've been plotting what I'd like my base to look like. All of these biomes look so cool, yes even the three bottom ones, and I do enjoy myself some good story telling. . . . Um, speaking of Subnautica bases; if you're interested Aletho, maybe you could do either a video on a WORST to FIRST Subnautica bases players have made or a general rundown of the many base pieces so that the new players who just want to build bases can have a basic understanding of what's in the game so that their imagination can run wild? Anyways, have a nice day Aletho. =)
The lost river tree will be my eternal home, its completly safe to get there through the Blood Kelp Trench and stick to the left until you pass the distant Ghost and find the tree. Its so beautiful too with all the rays
i know the cove tree isn't considered a separate biome, but i always build my engame stuff there, it's just so pretty, safe and sustainable, how coild you not build there, at least to enjoy the view
Before watching, lost river for me is the coolest, and I remember that first time feeling discovering the floating island and the enforcement platform island. Lost river with the crabsquids is coolest for the sound effects and Jellyshroom cave is also cool
Blood Kelp Trench is so good, you only need to worry about the warpers teleporting you out of your vehicles, but there's almost everything you need to progress in the game, like lots of ores and easy access to the Lost River
I agree with you a lot of times, but i love the sparse biomes, just because of the vibe. Fr, i built a reaper observatory where the grassy plateus meet the dunes and still i always take a deep breath when i go into one of these. I just feel so... lost. And like this lonelyness is wierdly unstable even tho i know that there IS nothing.
Sea treaders were always my favorite creatures in the first Subnautica, because I love how they're just a chance run in kind of creature roaming in both safe and hostile waters, just going about their business. Making the world feel more alive as you say as they look and act like real world animals. Passive at first but can get aggressive of agitated and walking in defensive formations to protect their young.
That hidden central entrance on the floating island turns into a death trap with the de-extinction mod, since it's home to a resident Gulper (with eggs in the area to boot). I almost always used to jump into that hole in vanilla, but now that hole gave me ptsd. 😅
So, Below Zero biomes when? I think my favorite out of those is the Deep Lilypads Cave, the glowing anemones make it feel so warm and inviting (ignoring the spiketraps and squidsharks)
I'm surprised you didn't mention the deeper, slightly lusher area of the Crash Site with the mesas at the back of fhe Aurora, it feels fairly unique yet has little reason to be visited sadly
The sparse reef is actually great imo. Yeah it’s a little bit boring, but there’s no hostile creatures, PLENTY of resources that are really annoying to find elsewhere, and it’s close to a lot of important places
I actually agree with most of your rankings. Are you counting the Cove Tree as part of the Lost River? Cuz that place is beautiful, I'd rank it number one. I remember the wonder I felt when I first found it. Also I think the Blood Kelp Trench is actually pretty cool. I knew it was significant when I found it (and I thought it looked cool too) so I built a big base there and then sure enough when I went further I discovered the Lost River. (Played the game without looking anything up)
I thought you will separate lava zone a bit. I totally agree with its placement but castle area is absolutely great. You slowly discovering that big moutain and hear dragon in the distance... great zone.
Play War Thunder now with my link, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more ➡
Tbh idc about war thunder but happy aletho got a sponsor
1 day ago was this comment, so real. And....
Where is cove tree?
sadly I've already sold my soul to the snail...
Another day.. and war thunder claims more victims
imo the tinted brown water of the crash site is what makes it stand out... Limiting your vision is kind of the whole point. It gives it an atmosphere of decay. The metal debris poking through the dust is unsettling, and seeing a reaper leviathan swimming through the fog is one of the scariest things in the game.
and it also makes sense in terms of actual physics seeing the aurora crashing would cause tons of sand to go flying into the water making it much harder to see
Until you escape it by seaglide
But why is the water tinted brown… coughReaperFecalMattercough
Honestly it might be tinted brown because of new players seeing reapers
And the metal through the fog often makes you think it’s a reaper. It’s awesome design imo
I honestly love the blood kelp trench, it's actually very peaceful compared to the northern one as it lacks the leviathan to boot. Along with a ridiculous amount of resources, and the large wreak planted in it. One of my favorite biomes, and arguably the best entrance to the lost river.
Thats fair enough purple! Personally I just never find myself there to often!
@@iAletho i built my base on the grassy plateau in the area, i find myself there often due to it entrance to the lost river.
i built my base in the sparse reef for easy access to plenty of resources and the blood kelp trench
@@iAletho I think you missed the kooshzone!
@@thebutterlegion9263 I did the exact same thing.
The grassy plateau is perfectly safe and nice to look at, with instant access to the blood kelp trench.
The trench is full of resources and you can enter the lost river almost effortless.
Wow you really forgot the best place in the list river. The big tree. When the water becomes light blue in the area and all the pretty (animals) swim around. I love this place. ❤
It's technically not a separate biome, just a part of the lost river, but since the lost river is top 1, the cove tree is too
And the lava zones
@@Sonic_K if we can have the migration path on the list we can have the tree!
@@Sonic_K The Cove Tree has different lighting, different flora, different water, it's more like a lake at the end of the river, not part of the river itself. Certainly if he was counting it as part of the Lost River you'd think he'd talk about and show it while talking about the Lost River, this feels like he just forgot about it.
Always my endgame base location using the thermal vents at the back for power with an observatory facing the magnificent tree
I consider the other side of the aroura a whole new biome called “hellhole”
Honestly, just thinking about exploring behind the Aurora makes me sick, dizzy and scared.
@@Yusufoh8 And makes me not know wat behind it
When i played hardcore sab i never was really scared after stasis gun until i was always carefull when traveling around aurora but without seamoth i did a whole lap around aurora and got attack only at the end then got stasis and made crash zone safe biome
Sometimes I travel through there just for the thrill of it lol
My first base in any playthrough always goes right above one of the entrances to the Jellyshroom caves where there are 100 degree thermal vents for easy thermal power. Great way to get lithium, diamond, and magnetite early game and you’re still right next to safety in the grassy plateaus. Great to see my fav spots represented
@@capnkraken1514 an expertly thought out plan kraken!
Built my first base there without any videos or anything purely out of luck, looking for a big not rocky space and just some thinking. While I didnt use the base much end game I never felt the same welcoming sensation that I felt there. Not even when I built in the ghost tree.
Overall its a great location.
Currently what I did in my current playthrough, with the essentials in the the plateau and the fun stuff in the jellyshrooms. Jellyshoom will always be my favorite biome ngl
I accidentally built my base over the entrance to the degasi base in the jellyshroom caves
14:51 “with its rib cage lining the route to its skull like strange monoliths honoring a long-dead god” is such an incredible line bravo Aletho 👏👏
bro sounds like he threw his script in gemini
I like the sparse reef purely because it’s a good highway to so many biomes
I use it to farm mid game blueprints because I’m too scared of big fish
sparse reef is like a flyover country
I use it for all the great resources!
What I saw the grassy plateaus at first, that was the first “deep”water I got to and was scared shitless
It’s a great place for a scanner room too.
I always shit myself when i hear a ghost leviathan
It's coming for you raihanali!
@@iAletho dirbdbdjdndbrvrh
Ong, my friend sound boarded it in a discord server and randomly plays it when I’m in the grand reef
@@Gromudyour friend is a devil
10:19 fun fact! The color of the grass is a representation of all the sand sharks I’ve killed in that area because they attacked my seamoth!
Their blood is green but ok
I think the silty water around the crash site is what makes it so cool and scary. There's a lot of water like that irl too. It's rarely as clear as the shallows unless you're in the Bahamas.
I have to agree on the Blood Kelp Zone vs Trench, the few changes the Trench makes elevate it above its more surface-ward companion in atmosphere, and I never truly feel welcome while I'm down there.
They do not want us down there!
...oddly enough, with enough time in the game, you eventually learn it's far less dangerous than the northern blood keep forest.
I love the sparse reef, the weird nature of not knowing what happened to this dead biome, even though it’s beside two biomes full of life, it’s just dead, nothing.
Yeah It's honestly one of my favourites, partly because of what you said but also because of its incredible atmosphere from the ost and bone crushing droning ambience which plays in the background too, which tricks you into thinking that it's a dangerous area but it's actually not, it's a great use of deception from the devs
@@Cut-Short I also like how it has this "why has nothing happened" feeling, making you think you're about to get jumpscared by something huge. It's just creepy despite being completely safe.
Yep, first time you go exploring there, you definitely expect something big to pop out somewhere.
The place annoys me, but not for any like, gameplay reasons. But because of the region boundaries. The caves under the far end of that plateau are technically not part of the sparse reef biome. The caves around that wreck are considered a part of a different biome by the game. So, the important vertical wreck isn't a "sparse reef" wreck, even though most people find it while exploring the sparse reef, and not because they came up from seatreader caves. There are annoying people out there that will correct you if you say it's a sparse reef wreck, or will call it something else to a new player, thoroughly confusing them. Like, you describe it the way those people describe it, you'd have to check the console biome name to know you are in the right place. Super annoying.
Edit - ok, there IS one way you can tell it's not sparse reef, game wise. Though the landscape is the same... the water changes hue and the plants in those caves are obviously not sparse reef plants. But generally, newer players aren't going to notice this as entering a separate biome (yet), which usually entails a sharp change in landscape.
I always build an outpost by the Ghost Leviathan egg in the Lost River. There are plenty of resources around to build it, plenty of thermal vents and uranium around to power it, and it is the perfect spot to rest and recharge your power cells to go deeper or return back up with a Cyclops full of resources from the inactive lava zone. There are even Regi fish around that you can catch and store in a containment if you need food.
Just built a base down there, it's fantastic!! Gorgeous/safe place to build your base, tons of resources around, right in the middle between the rest of the Lost River and ILZ/Lava Lakes, and easy to get power from the thermal vents. I'm working on a base in every biome but I think my tree cove one is my fave
I love the crash zone because you KNOW from the water and fog, and roars, that your living on borrowed time. 2nd place, the Lost River is the best though!
Lost River honestly ranks as one of my favorite biomes in the entire game as well. This map legit was the thing that made me fall in love brine rivers and brine pools, because the idea of a river that was underwater was and still is SO FRICKING COOL! And when I found out that these things actually exist in real life, I was like "THAT'S EVEN MORE AWESOME!" And to me that giddiness will always have its roots in discovering this biome for the first time all those years ago
I agree, there’s just something inherently wholesome and wonderful about the Safe Shallows. I can never get tired of it.
The Sparse reef is so underrated. You get SO MUCH shale outcrops, and rubies pretty early.
The Sparse Reef is my go-to place to go for rubies and gel sacs, as well as Cyclops parts you find in the two wrecks. In my opinion it's a deep and barren biome done right
Agreed, can’t see how the crag fields are better than the sparse reef in any way
I like it there. I build base there.
@@KaiTheMemeKingugh if only I could get to one of the wrecks. Place was crawling with warpers.
The grand reef is my pick, It looks cool, beautiful and terrifying at the same time, and its also a good way to locate other biomes, and also the floating island is above it
A worthy winner teme!
Can I just say that I love your thumbnails, they're really nice!
Thanks Bird!
@@iAletho he responded !!!!
5:19 this biome has 7 out of the 9 requirements to stimulate fear in humans.
Personally my favorite biome is the sparse reef, there's something so calm and seren about it, yet it's also creepy with the rock spires and how its generally the first deep drop off you'll come across. It's safer than the safe shallows but it's got that eerie atmosphere to it that I love. It's nice cave system and its connections to useful areas like the bloodkelp trench, sea treader path, grand reef, and grassy plateaus just make it such a perfect area for a base. It's imo the most underrated area in the game, so I hope it ranks pretty highly here.
I just went there today in creative mode, and discovered those rock spires
It's my farorite biome, because there are a whole load of wrecks and cargo crates, every single harvesting node, a good entrance to every important biome, and a lot of space. Hate when people say it's boring, go build your base at the egde if it's better there
@Light......... no he said that was his favorite. Yeah there's better biomes, but you can't deny someone's opinion when they only state that they like that one the most. They didn't even say "this one is the best", no, they just said it was their favorite. Stop hating on people's opinions just because you're generalizing them to only be there to be the opposite of someone elses
@@Silver-4kk buddy that was a joke. He said it ironically. He literally ended it with I sure hope it ranks high here. Blud, you're the one causing him like a nerd "we know you just saying that because he gave it last place." Yeah what did you expect?
@Light......... no, I'm saying the original comment was ironic. Use common sense.
Too bad most of them make my heart race and summons a almost lovecraftian fear of the deep.
Subnautica new tags: Horror
I guess the Cove Tree isn’t really a biome, but it is by FAR my favorite spot in subnautica. Any time I go there in game it’s breathtaking, and it’s one of two places I show anyone who I’m convincing to play the game
YES!!!! I always build my second base there, and even seeing this place for the 100th time, it still feels like i'm seeing it for the first time
The void is my personal favorite because of the uncomfortable feeling of whats beyond it, just the hollowness and dead sea ahead really itches that fear in me, but it's also why i can't wait for that fan made DLC mod "Call to the void" Where you actually get to go into the void, which just sounds incredible
I think the crash zone mesas are my favorite biomes in the game. They are a bunch of little “islands” in the deeper part of the crash zone with a greenish tint. They’re full of life like hover fish, gasopods, and bone sharks, and are patrolled by 2 reaper leviathans. Honestly super underrated base locations.
Most people have never even found the Mesas, and i love them too. Only 1 Reaper to boot too
Well, 2 *kinda*, but 1 that's def the main one
Ayy the funny underwater man has a sponsor, congrats!
Also I am very happy you ranked the lost river first just like I do, the perfect blend of creepiness and alien nature, but also strange comfort when finding a safe spot (cough cough, Cove tree) is unmatched throughout the entire game. Looking forward to the next video!
Man, i really can't escape war thunder💀
Always he snail 🐌
i got off not even 30 mins ago
my fav biome is the blood kelp trench. The first time i went to the blood kelp trench was with my seamoth i almost shat my pants but then I started going back each time i warmed up to the biome and now it reminds me of home. it was also the first access to the lost river for me.
Can't deny the Lost River, when I was making guesses for the top five, the Cove Tree wormed its way into my head since I thought it was its own biome. Kinda goes to show that Lost River is so neat, I ranked it twice.
For me, I'll be kicking back in the Grassy Plateaus, a good midway between the Safe Shallows and the Everywhere Else with enough open space to set down roots for my base, and only a stone's throw from Mushroom Trees and Blood Kelp/Lost River, it's good real estate.
A little late but congrats on your first sponsor. I discovered your channel today and binge through your entire fauna series. Great stuff, can't wait for subnautica 2 content!
I enjoy the atmosphere of the sparse reef a lot. It's pure emptiness unlike the craig field, dunes and mountains. It feels safe and a like a checkpoint before you head into the deep. Great place for a base.
I have ptsd from the dunes - I wanted to go to the wreck but didnt want to risk my seamoth, so I left it on the periphery of the mushroom trees, swimming to the wreck was no problem, minimal poop in my pants, and scanning was also, but the way back i caught the attention of the reaper and it was gaining. There was a warper that brought me down to 1hp out of nowhere. Lots of poop in my pants. But it was ok
7:19 Kelp forests actually do exist in Earth's oceans!
great tier list, only things id change is id bump up the kelp zone a few places and drop the bulb zone down to like 13th cause I dont see the apeal in that place
ill never forget the moment i accidentally fell into the lost river through a small connecting cave when i was looking for deep shrooms. instantly felt like the Rotten Vale from monster hunter world which is my favorite locale in that game. the silent ominous decay all around you, the unseen microscopic life brimming with energy while the larger life dies and rots away
The Amount of time and effort you put into editing your videos is insane. I don’t even know how you do half the stuff in your videos and it’s just a type of editing that takes a long time and effort to for right.
mate your too underrated! hope you get the very most attention you've deserved
@@Ahad-and-muffin thanks cosmic-salad!
My personal Top 3 biomes are:
1. Lost River (Nothing really to say here, it's just GOAT)
2. Mushroom Forest (It feels so peaceful and calm. I've built several bases there just to look at those beautiful mushroom trees. Also, when I think about Subnautica, the first thing that comes to mind is Mushroom Forest)
3.Grassy Plateaus (Just as said in the video, it's very bright and gives a feeling of vast ocean, but for me there is one thing why I put it that high: I just love the sight of the Reefbacks swimming against the red grass and stone pillars. :) )
I love the kelp forest... I felt always really sad that this biome is so small when it could have sprawled on a large area.
Usually in my bases I try to emulate the kelp forest by planting vines all around... Can be quite cool but it's doesn't give that green kelpy feeling.
Then, the mushroom forest is my number one, best biome ever. First time I saw, it was an amazing feeling, my heart was devastated when I realized I couldn't reach it yet because of the lack of oxygen. I really miss that feeling.
The blue balls biome (grand reef) is also a favorite of mine, it's fantastic, it's weird and I wish there were some kind of interraction with those balls.
Then, the lost river, fully agrees with the gold medal there, it's so weird, eerie and alien... There's also that giant tree further down.
The brine really adds a unique atmosphere, unfortunately, there's really nothing down there, I hope we will have an area with a brine similar to the movie "the meg" in Subnautica 2 or 3... Well, the sequel !
My number 1 is Mushroom tree biome, specifically the (what i call) Grand Mushroom Tree biome by the dunes. I always build a large and beautiful base at the base of the Grand Mushroom Tree because it feels protected and safe. You also have Reefbacks who swim around the area, regularly calling out and when you build a scanner room, it looks SO COOL to see this entire forest surrounding a huge tree inside of this half-pit.
Did you get the cuddle fish egg in the tree?
@thered1videos801 yup. Always do. I got all 4 eggs, in fact.
As someone currently building their base in the mountains, I actually quite like the area. One thing I feel you neglected to mention are the caves that you can get into deeper in the biome which have neat volcanic features and *tons* of highly valuable ore. Not to mention the "barren" look outside of those caves makes the views of the reapers while you're there a lot more eerie.
Also, the crash zone being as murky as it is really goes in its favor more than anything, and it pairs with the reapers really well since they hunt on echolocation. You often won't see the reaper until it's right on you, which makes it one of the scariest places in the whole game.
My absolute favorite spot to build a base is right on the edge of the more western section of the safe shallows. Like right up to the border with the dunes, to the point that you can accidentally aggro the reaper in just the right way so that they get stuck in the safe shallows.
I love the kelp forest warm glow emanated from the vines pods making a beautiful contrast between dark and bright.
Lost river is THE BEST place to build your base.
1) geysers + uranitite ( no lack of energy )
2) it may be not very bright, but it will never be dark and I think that there is enough light
3) Almost ALL recources in big amounts
4) some places where leviathans won’t disturb you + ghost leviathan isn’t so scary/aggressive. 1 reaper for me is more scary than 5 ghost leviathans
5) it has paths to many biomes and an Arch to Main Research Complex from where you can get to another places by another archs
The ONLY minus I see here is that it’s not so easy to get cyclops into lost river, but if you’re not a fan of cyclops and you just use your exosuit ypu can forget about that.
Interested to see how it would look if you ranked the trench and the northern blood kelp separately
Yes! Lost River my beloved! When I first played this game that area made me think I was flying instead of underwater, so cool!
Grassy plateaus is my favourite. I usually put my base on entrance of jelly mushroom cave which located on grassy plateaus. It has borders with small safe shallow part where I get my coral supplies and near to kelp forest if I need stalker teeth. It's easy to go to grand reef and dunes from there
Norht= Safe
shallows>dunes if west and blood kelp if east
East= kelp forest>safe shallows>crash zone
it's either crag fields on south or mountains on north
West=dunes>sea treader path, dunes or grand reef
South= grand reef mostly
Completely agree on the kelp forest base. One of my favorite bases is one I built just far enough in the kelp forest to be surrounded by the glowing bulbs at night but near enough to the grand reef that I can have a good view of the reefbacks swimming in the morning. And occasionally hear their rumbles.
Felt like having "beach-front" property 😂
The coolest part of the crash zone is how in the south east, near the crag field, there are these round mesa-like rock formations, which might be a remnant of what the terrain in the crash zone looked like before it was squashed by a giant starship
Dude love the channel keep it up
Thanks Brendan!
Reapers are more scary then anything in normal subnautica
What about the ghost leviathan right next to that alien portal? I always go out of the portal without a prawn to get ghost weed and it always attacks me.
@@IAmTheRealHost I beat the shit out of it with a Prawn Suit. Also they are barely dangerous with a reinforced suit.
@IAmTheRealHost honestly I don’t find ghosts to be scary at all anymore (unlike reapers). They’re honestly just cool to look at and are actually not much of a threat in a prawn suit. You can basically just ignore them and go right past them in the prawn since they (juveniles at least) only do 9 damage to it.
Absolutely agree with number one, lost river is definitely my favourite aesthetically. It a massive cavern, it has many giant fossils in it, the misty and sort of dead but still alive look of the place and ghost leviathans being one of my favourite creature designs.
You know it is a good day when a Aletho vid drops. (my favorite "biome" is the big blue tree in the lost river, I put my end game base there.) : )
Damn I didn't consider that its own biome! Maybe I should have ranked that seperately
Sparse reef is so underrated.
Ye kinda forgetable but so much easy Access minerals and a good spot to enter the trench - Lost river.
In term of a survival run easily in the top 3 best biomes
I have the blip that plays when you're low on oxygen set as my text notification sound, and I had to rewind immediately at the start of the video
5:10 fun fact: this cave won me a Subnautica race this weekend because my friend got stuck in there while trying to find the wreck (he needed shield gen blueprint)
I really love the sparse reef because its just something about it so beutiful and mysterious. And the cherry on top is the amount of resources and biomes that it connects to.
Awesome video and interesting opinions and congratulations on the sponsor!
Thanks Shiny!
@@iAletho you're welcome!
Building a base near the ghost leviathan egg is beautiful, the blue hue ia so calming, I'm suprised it wasn't mentioned it in the video
I like the mountains for its proximity to the mountain island and the redgrass field. The eastern side of the mountain island has a wreck on it and a good amount of magnetite for the early game while being fairly close in proximity to my fave base location.
I build bases everywhere, I have one large base in the safe shallows my first base, one large base in the sparse reef overlooking the drop off into the grand reef, one small lost river base, a large base by the big tree in the blue cave which is my main base, a small outpost in the inactive lava zone, a base in the sea threaders path, a base in the mushroom forest, and a large base in the mushroom cave.
Sparse Reef trash talk
You made an enemy today
The only biome you are allowed to forget is the crag field
Edit: seriously tho saying that the crag field is memorable is probably the best joke I've heard in a while, I wake up every day not remembering that that place exists.
Crag field is memorable. I remember hating the damn bonesharks constantly attacking my seamoth in there
I will say, I remember the crag field a lot more after learning from the wiki that it and the crash zone (technically in the crash zone) share a cool set of mesas that have corals and reapers
That, and finding the Markiplier bobblehead, but I doubt most players go for that unless they're completionists.
Ye, the mesas are great for making a remote leisure base for reaper viewing :)
One of the sea emperor babies like to go by there too
@@SimonPetrikov12 why whould anyone ever visit the crag field there's nothing in there
FIRST EVER sponsor!! crazy achievement 💪 good job
When rated based on Vibes, i agree with the Lost River, especially the Tree Cove. BEAUTIFUL place
Just started playing recently. The reefbacks used to scare me with their hums and tunes. Now it feels like a safe barrier. If I can hear them and see them I’m not in pure danger yet
The sparse reef may not be very interesting to look at, but it's a great place for a base. There are no big predators that will try to take chunks out of your base. The caves and wrecks below are a great source of minerals. There are spadefish in the area that you can catch and breed for an excellent food source, and I think that there are a few bladderfish swimming around as well that you can use for water. It also borders several more plentiful biomes where you can get other resources without having to travel too far. I always build an outpost in the sparse reef.
In my very first playthrough of Subnautica (unfortunately no longer accessible due to switching computers), I somehow managed to set up a base on the edge of the Dunes (one of the few safe parts) and the Blood Kelp Trench. I could always hear a reaper roaring in the distance and I was just a walk away from a 400m drop into the trench. Sure, it wasn't a good idea, but looking back, that outpost has made me love both of those biomes a little more. Maybe I'll recreate that base in my hardcore world.
I also really love where the Grassy Plateaus opens up into the Blood Kelp Trench. Newer players don't expect such a harsh and unforgiving drop and old players might not know it exists. I know that the worst thing in the trench is crabsquids, but even the knowledge that it borders the Dunes is terrifying.
I think I've gotten more scared of reapers the more I've played the game. I don't know how I managed that... for most people it's the opposite.
You don't upload often and you're a small channel but your awesome!
Thanks Ender! Qaulity over quantity and all that!
The blood kelp biome is one if my favorite biomes. Really the trench one where there is zero light it just feels mysterious
As a proud owner of a semi-giant sea trader research base at the Sea Trader's Path, I can say it's one of the most immersive places to live in Subnautica. On one side we have constantly moving sea traders, while on the other side we have a deadzone with ghost leviathans
I actually really like the sparse reef, the fact that there is so little going on there makes it a really peaceful place. It reminds me of the time I built a base on the edge of the dunes because I wanted to see reapers swimming around in the distance while I was sitting in my base, didn't ever get to see any reapers but it made for a really nice view of the landscape
My favourite Biome is both the Blood Kelp areas, favourite one being the one with the Ghostie. Lost River is a very close 2nd place and usually the biome where I set up my final base, near the entrance of one of the Blood Kelps of course
Man I have got to get this game, I remember watching videos of it back when the Beta version of Subnautica was making its rounds on UA-cam and've been plotting what I'd like my base to look like. All of these biomes look so cool, yes even the three bottom ones, and I do enjoy myself some good story telling.
. . . Um, speaking of Subnautica bases; if you're interested Aletho, maybe you could do either a video on a WORST to FIRST Subnautica bases players have made or a general rundown of the many base pieces so that the new players who just want to build bases can have a basic understanding of what's in the game so that their imagination can run wild? Anyways, have a nice day Aletho. =)
putting the crash zone, safe shallows, and bulb zone over the blood kelp trench is crazy
"Wait, how far did we travel?" Proceeds to get hit in the back of the head by a torpedo, given he landed in a battlefield
you forgot the Giant Cove Tree and its my no.1 favorite, it looks so good the fog and the ghost rays is so beautiful and safe.
The lost river tree will be my eternal home, its completly safe to get there through the Blood Kelp Trench and stick to the left until you pass the distant Ghost and find the tree. Its so beautiful too with all the rays
i know the cove tree isn't considered a separate biome, but i always build my engame stuff there, it's just so pretty, safe and sustainable, how coild you not build there, at least to enjoy the view
Before watching, lost river for me is the coolest, and I remember that first time feeling discovering the floating island and the enforcement platform island.
Lost river with the crabsquids is coolest for the sound effects and Jellyshroom cave is also cool
Blood Kelp Trench is so good, you only need to worry about the warpers teleporting you out of your vehicles, but there's almost everything you need to progress in the game, like lots of ores and easy access to the Lost River
I made my first playthroughs base in the grassy meadows above the trench, deep enough too move vehicles with enough sunlight to use solar
I agree with you a lot of times, but i love the sparse biomes, just because of the vibe. Fr, i built a reaper observatory where the grassy plateus meet the dunes and still i always take a deep breath when i go into one of these. I just feel so... lost. And like this lonelyness is wierdly unstable even tho i know that there IS nothing.
Sea treaders were always my favorite creatures in the first Subnautica, because I love how they're just a chance run in kind of creature roaming in both safe and hostile waters, just going about their business. Making the world feel more alive as you say as they look and act like real world animals. Passive at first but can get aggressive of agitated and walking in defensive formations to protect their young.
That hidden central entrance on the floating island turns into a death trap with the de-extinction mod, since it's home to a resident Gulper (with eggs in the area to boot).
I almost always used to jump into that hole in vanilla, but now that hole gave me ptsd. 😅
Congrats on your first sponsor!!!!
You know its a good day when aletho uploads
So, Below Zero biomes when? I think my favorite out of those is the Deep Lilypads Cave, the glowing anemones make it feel so warm and inviting (ignoring the spiketraps and squidsharks)
As a safe shallow enjoyer myself,I really really the way to explain it in your words. Great video Aletho🔥
I'm surprised you didn't mention the deeper, slightly lusher area of the Crash Site with the mesas at the back of fhe Aurora, it feels fairly unique yet has little reason to be visited sadly
Dude, the fraking drawing of the reaper scared me😂. The dunes have left me traimatized and I havent even really finished much of subnautica.
perfect rewiev of the biomes .
The sparse reef is actually great imo. Yeah it’s a little bit boring, but there’s no hostile creatures, PLENTY of resources that are really annoying to find elsewhere, and it’s close to a lot of important places
I actually agree with most of your rankings. Are you counting the Cove Tree as part of the Lost River? Cuz that place is beautiful, I'd rank it number one. I remember the wonder I felt when I first found it.
Also I think the Blood Kelp Trench is actually pretty cool. I knew it was significant when I found it (and I thought it looked cool too) so I built a big base there and then sure enough when I went further I discovered the Lost River. (Played the game without looking anything up)
I think the foggy water in the crash zone is to make the reapers more scary because you can hear them but not see them
I AM AWAKE!!!!!!!!!
For real XD
Good video, I always watch your videos when I am eating.
i always feel like i forget the bulb zone exists
Man, the lava geezers in the Bulb Zone are awesome.
Thanks to this video I know where I would like to make my base in my newest playtrough I am definetely making it in the jellyshroom caves
I thought you will separate lava zone a bit. I totally agree with its placement but castle area is absolutely great. You slowly discovering that big moutain and hear dragon in the distance... great zone.