We have used a home made dyneema "dog bone" to replace the chain hook for over 5 years. We attach long snubbers to the loops. It has held us in 64 knot winds, it will work great for you.
Hi Mads, Sv Helacious here! By now you know that dyneema doesn't stretch, which is the whole point of a snubber- providng elasticty into the chain system. We have been using a "deck snubber" for the past year and it has worked really well. Our boat is 18T so I use a 3/4" Nystron line, which is an arborist rope -nylon core for stretch and a super-tough poly cover. It has a spliced in thimble eye on the business end, which I attached to the chain with a dyneema soft shackle/klemheist arrangement. Never slips, easy on and off, no threading through a link. The "deck" part comes next: we run the snubber back to a mid-ship cleat, giving us about 22'/6.5m of line, then over the bow roller and the connection to the chain is about 5'/1.5m away, but still out of the water. This way it doesn't get all slimey and we can keep an eye on the connection. So essentially we have 30'/9m of snubber which makes us ride very easily even in a severe chop. If it really kicks up big waves I can ease out another 10'/3m from mid-ship. Highly recommended, learned from an Aussie, SV Razorbill.
I got a good little laugh at the Nanny part. My daughters degree is World History with a Masters as well. She was teaching High School, but she is now a Nanny. She is making almost 30k more as a Nanny than as a teach. Less headaches and better benefits. Nuts honestly. Another great video.
I've stopped using stainless snubber hooks because of the galvanic corrosion. But a galvanised chain grabber hook is really cheap! Now I just use a loop of stretchy climbing rope tied to the chain hook with 2 tails, use one tail if its light weather, both tails either side of the anchor roller if its neavy weather. Only 1 snubber required!
My snubber is a length of three strand nylon with an eye spliced in one end and a chain hook spliced onto the other end. It seems to work OK, but so far I have only been using that style of snubber for 28 years.I say that style because I have had to replace the galvanized chain hook a couple of times. Time will tell if it is adequate.
I use a 48" long Dyneema soft shackle attached to the chain with a Prusik hitch. The soft shackle is closed through an eye on the nylon snubber line. The Priusik hitch is easily removed after heavy loading. A Klemhiest hitch can be used or a simple cow hitch in light weather. I actually use two soft shackles each attached to a nylon snubber forming a "bridle". No single point of failure.
Last time I was in the BVI I ended up anchoring late in Low Bay opposite Beef. Got HAMMERED by the BEEF/VG ferry wake the next morning as I was contemplating making coffee. I'd run to Gorda sound same as you did.
WRT attaching the snubber to the chain. We use a 5mm soft shackle to a bridle and done so for the last two seasons in the Med. This was done after multiple shackle and chain hook failures. We are a 44ft cat and have sat through 40 knot winds and are always on anchor. Will now always use The soft shackle. Cheers
Hey Mads, a good project boat in the States could be a Morgan Outisland 51. They are a mids 70- mid 80 design. 51ft with a semi long keel and a good stability ratio. (Same as an Oyster) There one just come up in the face book group for 25k. Would be lots of video content :)
Two things that I find invaluable for anchoring. 1) anchor stopper 2) soft shackle for attaching the lightweight snubber to chain. I use a very lightweight snubber because it stretches better (which is the whole idea). If I am worried that we might have to leave in the middle of the night I won’t put any snubber on. The chain stopper is sure beefy and can handle almost any load that the 1/2” chain can. If we have to leave quickly for whatever reason. It is only a matter of starting the engine, and start winching in the chain even with the stopper engaged, the chain can be retrieved ie one way so no load on the windlass. Hope you find this interesting. I have always been interested in ABYC. I have two European aluminum boats so they are built with a slightly different take on grounding, corrosion and electrolysis.
You’re actually spot on 😀 That is where she (or he) got the name from. The original owner was a big fan of the comics. I found a bunch of old drawings on the boat 🙂
Have picked up a mooring ball off of Beef Island a couple of times. The dingy dock is a very short walk to the airport, fun to watch the planes take off and land from the comfort of the sailboat
fun video. In an earlier video you secured a shackle using lashing wire. Twenty years ago, an old salt showed me a better easier way. Now I only use 1/8" twine to secure the shackle screw pin. A six inch long piece of twine is fed through the eye in the pin and then through the shackle itself and tied in a square knot. It's reusable and I secure all the blocks on my boat and the sail shackles, this way. Most of these ties last for years as they are reusable. Better on the hands and better for the sails. I have pictures I can share.
Hi Mads, I like the snubber setup we have for everyday use: 30' 5/8" nylon dock line with an eye splice, attached to the chain with a home made dyneema soft shackle. I believe the dyneema is 1/4" and as big as will fit through the 3/8" chain. Very easy to attach and vice versa. If we are expecting weather we also have the big Mantus snubber and chainhook that my dad gifted when we left to go cruising.
Dyneema soft shackles with chafe protection through chain links to an eye in a nylon line. Use two shackles through non adjacent links to the single nylon line. A multi-day tropical storm would see me seeking alternatives.
Great, always! I thought you were going to pause at the end and look to the side waiting for Ava's part, realize she was gone and be unable to finish it alone! 😉
I have the Mantus anchor bridle and snubber but don’t use either of them. They are both overkill. I use a short (~6’) dyneema line with a large eye on one end to go around the bow cleat and a small eye on the other end with a thimble. I attach the thimble to my chain with a soft shackle and use this short snubber to set the anchor. The soft shackle is easy to attach and remove. It has never failed in five years of cruising. After the anchor is set, I remove the short snubber let out any additional scope, then attach my 20’ long snubber which is 1/2” three strand nylon with a rolling hitch. The rolling hitch is easy to tie and untie day or night and has never slipped. The three strand nylon line provides good stretch and strength for my 30,000 lbs boat. I much prefer using a rolling hitch over a chain hook because it’s easier on the galvanized finish of the chain, less risk of damaging a chain link, less risk of damaging my boat or hurting me when deploying or retrieving. Those Mantus chain hooks are big, heavy, and can do a lot of damage if dropped!
Instead of 'Screw Shackles' or a costly Mantus version for what is likely going to be 'light condition' uses, you could pick up a climber's SS snap carabiner to use on both ends of the snubber for $10 to 15 US. They're rated from 2 to 4 tons of vertical breaking strength, so I don't think you'll have a problem in some calm anchorage...
Welcome to the BVI. I've lived there for 14 years, and have recently returned with my recently acquired Contest 38s. There has been a profound change in the BVI during the last 20 years and that has been cause by two factors. First, the explosion of the charter boat fleet. One operator alone has over 900 boats under contract. For the most part the people who charter have some boating experience but would rather tie to a mooring ball than trust an anchor. Hence the filling of nearly every good anchorage with mooring balls which cost $40 to $60/ night. For cruisers that is an impossible burden but for those there for a week, well what hey, it's only money. The second reason is the influx and influence of the mega money people. Not only do they come but also build huge estates, they have large staffs which need housing, and other living factors. That in turn drives the price of apartments, food, and services up. You have found an excellent place in the North Sound or Gorda sound. On the western end there is Leverick Bay which has a well supplied market, two decent restaurants and a fuel dock. The staff is very nice and most helpful. Cab service is available to Spanish Town but the cost is $40 each way. In spite of the cost the BVI remains a very special place due to its natural beauty and the nature of its people. Kinder folks you will be hard press to meet.
Mads, Once Dyneema has undergone it's Initial stretch it has as much shock absorption value as the anchor chain it's connected to. Which is Zero. The only way to turn Dyneema into Snubber Capable is to Thread as large of a diameter piece of Surgical or soft rubber hose down the core of the braided strand Dyneema using your largest fid. (or any other braided rope) Once the hose is inside it will compress when tension is put on the rope. Thanks, Joachim Olsen.
I’ve made forged carbon motorcycle parts and I can’t recommend glossy petg enough. But it can be quite tricky to design a 3-5 parts mould for more complicated shapes. With 3d printed moulds you’re limited to mainly flat shapes, with maybe one extrusion because the prints are only strong along one axis. Even with a vice, it’s not possible to get to the pressure needed to get all the properties of forged carbon. It’s still a fun project and proof of concept though. If the moulds work, you can always order them from aluminium
I've never been sailing, but I have been camping in a soft hammock a lot. You will want to put a "ridge" line connecting both ends of the hammock so that you have the same droop every time, regardless of what you attach it too. There are a bunch of resources online about how to figure out what that droop should be, and it will be easier and clearer for you to watch a video, rather than me explain it via text. You also want to try to lie diagonally in the hammock. It helps keep you from turning into a banana.
full time on the hook I use a big long softshackle made from 5mm d12 dyneema, must be many years old now. Snubber is on deck, about 12m of 10mm nylon through some pulleys so you can let out more chain without having to pull it all in & it stays clean!
I’m not fusion 360 user but I’m a rhino user for over a decade and use primary for architecture and also 3d modeling for race cars and jewelry as freelance and works great for that, even on complex surface molding I never had a problem, it adapts more into my process parting from technical drawings or reference photos in most cases, I think fusion over complicate some things, it’s “parametric” constraint tools are the better solution if you gonna replicate things on different sizes like boxes, or need to preview how complex designs work or move, but for design on nurbs curves, complex non planar surfaces (like the ones in a boat and a car) and single non repetitive elements rhino it’s perfect.
I also have a bit of a snubber collection, but they ALL have some elasticity in them. I would have thought that Dyneema is a poor choice, because it has no stretch in it.
Hey Mads, I will be flying into the BVI's on 8 May to join the Homeward Bound rally. Should be there a day or two. Will you guys still be in the BVI's at that time? Love to meet up for a drink or two!
Great video, just be careful with the heat gun around dyneema - I've heard rumours that it loses quite a bit of strength at quite low temperatures (not much above that at which most heat shrinks shrink)
Our rule onboard is that nothing on the boat has only one job. I like that you can use this to take load off a fouled line... but you can use any line for that (sometimes even the tail of the same line that's fouled if it's long enough). Also, I'm not sure how this is an improvement on your snubber... either of them. When we need a snubber, we use a dock line: most dock lines have a loop spliced into them. If you use that to make a lark's head knot around the chain (same knot as your new dynema thingy) it holds well on the chain, loosens easily, as you mentioned, and has spring in it the same as a dock line or snubber should have. Just run it over the anchor roller next to the chain, and you're all set (no bridal). After all the above, it means we don't carry anything additional. We'd need to carry the dock line either way, but now it's doing more than one job.
Mads, As you know rolling hitches on a snubber can jam after a big blow and it takes several minutes with a marlinspike or screwdriver to unjam them. Clifford Ashley has a variant on a rolling hitch in his "Ashley's book of knots" that has never jammed under any condition. Specifically, knot #1735. I currently am using a mountain climbing tape loop tied with an asymmetrical Prusik knot to the chain rode and then a 1/2" Dyneema soft shackle from the tape to 1/2" 3-braid nylon snubber cleated off to the forward bow cleats. With long tails of Nylon 3-braid I can keep the snubber short under light conditions and under bad conditions can let a good bit out to increase the stretch. I don't like the metal connectors sold for connecting to the chain as most of them asymmetrically load the chain rode making it the weak point. The Mantus "claw" loads the rode evenly but wow is it clunky. BTW, you mention concern over a soft shackle coming undone. Never had the problem. Finally, I am a bit puzzled by Dyneema snubbers since Dyneema has very little stretch. To my thinking it is like using a steel cable for a snubber which could cause the anchor to trip out
Thanks for the knot recommendation :) I know stretch is important in a snubber if it's used in high winds but 99% of the time we don't need stretch and I'd rather have the easy of use (saving the big snubber for the last 1%) :)
I'm sure many of your followers have taken some of the ABYC course.....doubt you will have any issues getting through the electrical test.. I have the "electrical" and "systems" courses done....though I did the live versions... ...the standards course , after seeing the size of the study guide is not going to be my next one....lol....
Long Bay and Trellis Bay are indeed very convenient for a yachtie to get airborne - another contender though the airport is small is the Anchorage Yacht Club on Union Island in the Grenadines. Their luggage carousel is a low brick wall!!
Hi! As always best movie to watch on the Sunday evening :) Always waiting for it, thanks. Meantime I got a question, what shampoo, or any other liquids do you use to clean the hull. I dug thru your videos and found Renskib products. Is this it, or do you have any other recommendations?
Hi Mads the bachelor. I was wondering about which Richard you were talking until it dawned to me that you were talking about french Wichard brand which I always pronounced like "Wishaaar" lol. As for that Dyneema bridle it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. A bridle needs to stretch that is the whole idea with it. That Dyneema length 'steals' quite a bit of the stretch distance which means it has to be under water iot still offer enough elasticity to the whole arrangement and therefore will put on marine growth very soon.
Awesome content this week! Keep flying your nerd flags high! I received my Sail Life rash guard and am really looking forward to my octoMads and parakeet of Ava’s crochet creations.
Sounds like it might take yanking the thing right out and plopping it down on the counter at a dealership somewhere in the US to get any hope of a definite cure under warranty.
3 strand nylon is better as a snubber. One of the jobs of the snubber is to absorb shock which dynema does not. Under extreme conditions you want the nylon.
That hammock is the perfect nap station. Does the hammock manual include a section on how to best apply lotion so you don't wake up with a horrible sunburn? Sweet dreams Mads! "…) Webhead USA
Saw your comments about Fusion 360 problems... I've been involved with Fusion in a semi- official consulting and support capacity since well before it was called Fusion. I'd be happy to offer any help I can, or put you in touch with someone who can help if it's an issue outside my wheelhouse. I've been using it to- among other things- design the mechanical parts of instrumentation (computers) for scuba diving. It's a great package, and highly capable, but no 3D CAD system is particularly easy to get a toehold with, especially if you haven't previously used 3D CAD. And Fusion now does so many things- there are pros and cons to being a Swiss Army knife tool.
Not sure about Dyneema as a snubber material because there is no flex to absorb the shock of the chain. I use (heavier gauge) nylon because it is strong but stretchy.
I'm starting to think there may be a little snubber OCD at play here. But that being said I am enjoying learning about the plethora of different types of snubbers out there.😁👍👍
Webster's definition of a Vegetable: "a usually herbaceous plant (such as the cabbage, bean, or potato) grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal". I think this means all clear on the potato.
As I always say, cacao is a plant, therefore its seeds (however processed) are, by definition, vegetables! Enjoy your daily Nutella spoon(s) without regrets!
Probably has enough electricity production on engine power to supply AC current from the inverter. I did that on my boat by selecting a lower wattage element in the water heater. My boat only has two 15 amp circuits so a 500 watt element was ideal. But, yes, I do have a coolant loop supplying water from the engine. Don’t recall whether Mads installed one. 😮
Not aboard Athena. We have our hydronic diesel heater hooked up to the water-heater instead. That way we have two options. When we run the engine the high output alternator provides around 4000W - the heater only draws 600W. When we're in a cold climate the hydronic heater is on constantly. I did add a "summer loop" to the heating system so we do have the option of just heating the water-heater with the hydronic heater (and not the rest of the boat) if we want to.
We have used a home made dyneema "dog bone" to replace the chain hook for over 5 years. We attach long snubbers to the loops. It has held us in 64 knot winds, it will work great for you.
I admire Mads so much he is humble and wicked smart!
Hi Mads, Sv Helacious here! By now you know that dyneema doesn't stretch, which is the whole point of a snubber- providng elasticty into the chain system. We have been using a "deck snubber" for the past year and it has worked really well. Our boat is 18T so I use a 3/4" Nystron line, which is an arborist rope -nylon core for stretch and a super-tough poly cover. It has a spliced in thimble eye on the business end, which I attached to the chain with a dyneema soft shackle/klemheist arrangement. Never slips, easy on and off, no threading through a link. The "deck" part comes next: we run the snubber back to a mid-ship cleat, giving us about 22'/6.5m of line, then over the bow roller and the connection to the chain is about 5'/1.5m away, but still out of the water. This way it doesn't get all slimey and we can keep an eye on the connection. So essentially we have 30'/9m of snubber which makes us ride very easily even in a severe chop. If it really kicks up big waves I can ease out another 10'/3m from mid-ship. Highly recommended, learned from an Aussie, SV Razorbill.
I got a good little laugh at the Nanny part. My daughters degree is World History with a Masters as well. She was teaching High School, but she is now a Nanny. She is making almost 30k more as a Nanny than as a teach. Less headaches and better benefits. Nuts honestly.
Another great video.
That is a bit nuts. I thought teachers where under-appreciated (in terms of compensation) back in Denmark but it seems much worse in the US.
@@SailLife When I read of teachers using their own incomes to buy essential, regular supplies for their classes, because the school can't, I despair.
I've stopped using stainless snubber hooks because of the galvanic corrosion. But a galvanised chain grabber hook is really cheap!
Now I just use a loop of stretchy climbing rope tied to the chain hook with 2 tails, use one tail if its light weather, both tails either side of the anchor roller if its neavy weather. Only 1 snubber required!
Mads so excited about adding to his "snubber collection", is hilarious
My snubber is a length of three strand nylon with an eye spliced in one end and a chain hook spliced onto the other end. It seems to work OK, but so far I have only been using that style of snubber for 28 years.I say that style because I have had to replace the galvanized chain hook a couple of times. Time will tell if it is adequate.
I use a 48" long Dyneema soft shackle attached to the chain with a Prusik hitch. The soft shackle is closed through an eye on the nylon snubber line. The Priusik hitch is easily removed after heavy loading. A Klemhiest hitch can be used or a simple cow hitch in light weather. I actually use two soft shackles each attached to a nylon snubber forming a "bridle". No single point of failure.
Last time I was in the BVI I ended up anchoring late in Low Bay opposite Beef. Got HAMMERED by the BEEF/VG ferry wake the next morning as I was contemplating making coffee. I'd run to Gorda sound same as you did.
Cool fish jump at 16:45!
WRT attaching the snubber to the chain. We use a 5mm soft shackle to a bridle and done so for the last two seasons in the Med. This was done after multiple shackle and chain hook failures. We are a 44ft cat and have sat through 40 knot winds and are always on anchor. Will now always use The soft shackle. Cheers
Yup, 5 years on soft shackles. Super simple solution.
Love that fix for the tangled winch so much better than going nuts and slicing off expensive sheets
Hey Mads, a good project boat in the States could be a Morgan Outisland 51. They are a mids 70- mid 80 design. 51ft with a semi long keel and a good stability ratio. (Same as an Oyster) There one just come up in the face book group for 25k. Would be lots of video content :)
Two things that I find invaluable for anchoring. 1) anchor stopper 2) soft shackle for attaching the lightweight snubber to chain. I use a very lightweight snubber because it stretches better (which is the whole idea). If I am worried that we might have to leave in the middle of the night I won’t put any snubber on. The chain stopper is sure beefy and can handle almost any load that the 1/2” chain can. If we have to leave quickly for whatever reason. It is only a matter of starting the engine, and start winching in the chain even with the stopper engaged, the chain can be retrieved ie one way so no load on the windlass. Hope you find this interesting.
I have always been interested in ABYC. I have two European aluminum boats so they are built with a slightly different take on grounding, corrosion and electrolysis.
Every time you mention the name of your old boat I think of Obelisk from the "Asterix the Gaul" books that I enjoyed as a child, lol.
You’re actually spot on 😀 That is where she (or he) got the name from. The original owner was a big fan of the comics. I found a bunch of old drawings on the boat 🙂
plenty of hitches that are easy to untie. Icicle hitch for example. Or could use a klemmheist/prusik. much simpler than a chain hook...
Have picked up a mooring ball off of Beef Island a couple of times. The dingy dock is a very short walk to the airport, fun to watch the planes take off and land from the comfort of the sailboat
Flight 571 made me spit my tea! Bravo for the deep dry joke pull.
fun video. In an earlier video you secured a shackle using lashing wire. Twenty years ago, an old salt showed me a better easier way. Now I only use 1/8" twine to secure the shackle screw pin. A six inch long piece of twine is fed through the eye in the pin and then through the shackle itself and tied in a square knot. It's reusable and I secure all the blocks on my boat and the sail shackles, this way. Most of these ties last for years as they are reusable. Better on the hands and better for the sails. I have pictures I can share.
Here in UK I use the traditional rolling hitch on a snubbing line. Never had a problem even in ‘mixed’ conditions (up to about F6).
Hi Mads, I like the snubber setup we have for everyday use: 30' 5/8" nylon dock line with an eye splice, attached to the chain with a home made dyneema soft shackle. I believe the dyneema is 1/4" and as big as will fit through the 3/8" chain. Very easy to attach and vice versa. If we are expecting weather we also have the big Mantus snubber and chainhook that my dad gifted when we left to go cruising.
Dyneema soft shackles with chafe protection through chain links to an eye in a nylon line. Use two shackles through non adjacent links to the single nylon line.
A multi-day tropical storm would see me seeking alternatives.
@@TimAch-p2c like I said in my comment, I have a bigger snubber with a chainhook if I'm expecting a blow
Great, always! I thought you were going to pause at the end and look to the side waiting for Ava's part, realize she was gone and be unable to finish it alone! 😉
I have the Mantus anchor bridle and snubber but don’t use either of them. They are both overkill. I use a short (~6’) dyneema line with a large eye on one end to go around the bow cleat and a small eye on the other end with a thimble. I attach the thimble to my chain with a soft shackle and use this short snubber to set the anchor. The soft shackle is easy to attach and remove. It has never failed in five years of cruising.
After the anchor is set, I remove the short snubber let out any additional scope, then attach my 20’ long snubber which is 1/2” three strand nylon with a rolling hitch. The rolling hitch is easy to tie and untie day or night and has never slipped. The three strand nylon line provides good stretch and strength for my 30,000 lbs boat. I much prefer using a rolling hitch over a chain hook because it’s easier on the galvanized finish of the chain, less risk of damaging a chain link, less risk of damaging my boat or hurting me when deploying or retrieving. Those Mantus chain hooks are big, heavy, and can do a lot of damage if dropped!
Great team work, awesome job in keeping yourself practiced at learning. Never stop.
Thank you! Stopping to learn sounds very boring :)
You really know the lines and knots by now...great job on that DIY thing...
Happy studying!
Thanks :D
Instead of 'Screw Shackles' or a costly Mantus version for what is likely going to be 'light condition' uses, you could pick up a climber's SS snap carabiner to use on both ends of the snubber for $10 to 15 US. They're rated from 2 to 4 tons of vertical breaking strength, so I don't think you'll have a problem in some calm anchorage...
Great video. loved the part of Vegetables not actually existing as a classification. Mads where did you get your blue sailing hat from?
Welcome to the BVI. I've lived there for 14 years, and have recently returned with my recently acquired Contest 38s. There has been a profound change in the BVI during the last 20 years and that has been cause by two factors. First, the explosion of the charter boat fleet. One operator alone has over 900 boats under contract. For the most part the people who charter have some boating experience but would rather tie to a mooring ball than trust an anchor. Hence the filling of nearly every good anchorage with mooring balls which cost $40 to $60/ night. For cruisers that is an impossible burden but for those there for a week, well what hey, it's only money. The second reason is the influx and influence of the mega money people. Not only do they come but also build huge estates, they have large staffs which need housing, and other living factors. That in turn drives the price of apartments, food, and services up.
You have found an excellent place in the North Sound or Gorda sound. On the western end there is Leverick Bay which has a well supplied market, two decent restaurants and a fuel dock. The staff is very nice and most helpful. Cab service is available to Spanish Town but the cost is $40 each way. In spite of the cost the BVI remains a very special place due to its natural beauty and the nature of its people. Kinder folks you will be hard press to meet.
Mads, Once Dyneema has undergone it's Initial stretch it has as much shock absorption value as the anchor chain it's connected to. Which is Zero. The only way to turn Dyneema into Snubber Capable is to Thread as large of a diameter piece of Surgical or soft rubber hose down the core of the braided strand Dyneema using your largest fid. (or any other braided rope) Once the hose is inside it will compress when tension is put on the rope.
Thanks, Joachim Olsen.
I’ve made forged carbon motorcycle parts and I can’t recommend glossy petg enough. But it can be quite tricky to design a 3-5 parts mould for more complicated shapes. With 3d printed moulds you’re limited to mainly flat shapes, with maybe one extrusion because the prints are only strong along one axis. Even with a vice, it’s not possible to get to the pressure needed to get all the properties of forged carbon. It’s still a fun project and proof of concept though. If the moulds work, you can always order them from aluminium
I've never been sailing, but I have been camping in a soft hammock a lot. You will want to put a "ridge" line connecting both ends of the hammock so that you have the same droop every time, regardless of what you attach it too. There are a bunch of resources online about how to figure out what that droop should be, and it will be easier and clearer for you to watch a video, rather than me explain it via text. You also want to try to lie diagonally in the hammock. It helps keep you from turning into a banana.
full time on the hook I use a big long softshackle made from 5mm d12 dyneema, must be many years old now. Snubber is on deck, about 12m of 10mm nylon through some pulleys so you can let out more chain without having to pull it all in & it stays clean!
I’m not fusion 360 user but I’m a rhino user for over a decade and use primary for architecture and also 3d modeling for race cars and jewelry as freelance and works great for that, even on complex surface molding I never had a problem, it adapts more into my process parting from technical drawings or reference photos in most cases, I think fusion over complicate some things, it’s “parametric” constraint tools are the better solution if you gonna replicate things on different sizes like boxes, or need to preview how complex designs work or move, but for design on nurbs curves, complex non planar surfaces (like the ones in a boat and a car) and single non repetitive elements rhino it’s perfect.
That hammock seems more like snoozing than studying to me. ha ha, thanks for sharing. Charles
Ava enjoy!! Mads all the best with the studies! don't sleep to much in that hammock !
I also have a bit of a snubber collection, but they ALL have some elasticity in them. I would have thought that Dyneema is a poor choice, because it has no stretch in it.
Yes but the Dyneema pendent is used in combination with nylon :) The pendent just takes the place of a stainless doohickey to attach to the chain :)
I have had good experiences with freecad, open source and spealice in parts from measurements
Hey Mads, I will be flying into the BVI's on 8 May to join the Homeward Bound rally. Should be there a day or two. Will you guys still be in the BVI's at that time? Love to meet up for a drink or two!
Great video, just be careful with the heat gun around dyneema - I've heard rumours that it loses quite a bit of strength at quite low temperatures (not much above that at which most heat shrinks shrink)
Our rule onboard is that nothing on the boat has only one job. I like that you can use this to take load off a fouled line... but you can use any line for that (sometimes even the tail of the same line that's fouled if it's long enough). Also, I'm not sure how this is an improvement on your snubber... either of them.
When we need a snubber, we use a dock line: most dock lines have a loop spliced into them. If you use that to make a lark's head knot around the chain (same knot as your new dynema thingy) it holds well on the chain, loosens easily, as you mentioned, and has spring in it the same as a dock line or snubber should have. Just run it over the anchor roller next to the chain, and you're all set (no bridal). After all the above, it means we don't carry anything additional. We'd need to carry the dock line either way, but now it's doing more than one job.
Mads, As you know rolling hitches on a snubber can jam after a big blow and it takes several minutes with a marlinspike or screwdriver to unjam them. Clifford Ashley has a variant on a rolling hitch in his "Ashley's book of knots" that has never jammed under any condition. Specifically, knot #1735. I currently am using a mountain climbing tape loop tied with an asymmetrical Prusik knot to the chain rode and then a 1/2" Dyneema soft shackle from the tape to 1/2" 3-braid nylon snubber cleated off to the forward bow cleats. With long tails of Nylon 3-braid I can keep the snubber short under light conditions and under bad conditions can let a good bit out to increase the stretch. I don't like the metal connectors sold for connecting to the chain as most of them asymmetrically load the chain rode making it the weak point. The Mantus "claw" loads the rode evenly but wow is it clunky. BTW, you mention concern over a soft shackle coming undone. Never had the problem. Finally, I am a bit puzzled by Dyneema snubbers since Dyneema has very little stretch. To my thinking it is like using a steel cable for a snubber which could cause the anchor to trip out
Thanks for the knot recommendation :) I know stretch is important in a snubber if it's used in high winds but 99% of the time we don't need stretch and I'd rather have the easy of use (saving the big snubber for the last 1%) :)
Excellent video, not sure what it was, but this vlog just seemed to flow really well. Both seem more relaxed, must be that Caribbean air 🙂
Thank you so much :)
I'm sure many of your followers have taken some of the ABYC course.....doubt you will have any issues getting through the electrical test.. I have the "electrical" and "systems" courses done....though I did the live versions... ...the standards course , after seeing the size of the study guide is not going to be my next one....lol....
We have the Mantis soft snubber and love it!
Nice! Good to hear :)
"Earning more as a nanny than as a pre-school teacher". Yes. That is not effed up at all.
Yeah it's not great. Nobody back in Denmark really has a nanny but I do believe teachers are under-appreciated there too.
A 24/7 job of primary caregiver compared to a classroom should be paid more.
Long Bay and Trellis Bay are indeed very convenient for a yachtie to get airborne - another contender though the airport is small is the Anchorage Yacht Club on Union Island in the Grenadines. Their luggage carousel is a low brick wall!!
Thanks for the tips :)
Hi! As always best movie to watch on the Sunday evening :) Always waiting for it, thanks. Meantime I got a question, what shampoo, or any other liquids do you use to clean the hull. I dug thru your videos and found Renskib products. Is this it, or do you have any other recommendations?
Hi Mads the bachelor. I was wondering about which Richard you were talking until it dawned to me that you were talking about french Wichard brand which I always pronounced like "Wishaaar" lol. As for that Dyneema bridle it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. A bridle needs to stretch that is the whole idea with it. That Dyneema length 'steals' quite a bit of the stretch distance which means it has to be under water iot still offer enough elasticity to the whole arrangement and therefore will put on marine growth very soon.
Thanks for another great video. Watching as usual from Queensland, Australia.
Awesome content this week! Keep flying your nerd flags high! I received my Sail Life rash guard and am really looking forward to my octoMads and parakeet of Ava’s crochet creations.
Thank you so much 🤗
You two are a riot...
Thanks :D
What ever happened with the Panda GenSet issue you were having? Was it ever resolved to your satisfaction?
The word Panda is taboo around here. From drips and drabs the gen set is still having issues and Fisher Panda is dragging their feet.
Still very much an issue. We'll resume the hunt for a cure when we get to the US :) It's not an easy thing to fix in the islands.
@@SailLifeCould the parts be sent to your wife for the ride back from New York?
@@manuelve1998 We don't actually know what parts we need yet and when she get's back it'll only takes us a little over a month to get to the US :)
Sounds like it might take yanking the thing right out and plopping it down on the counter at a dealership somewhere in the US to get any hope of a definite cure under warranty.
hawkeye here, Is that the Maltese Falcon upper left at 15:49?
Hi. I love your videos. Could you send me the name of your anchor dinghy?
maybe you can try mach4 instead of fusion 360 i think there's a hobby version of mach 4 i also think it free, might be something to look into
3 strand nylon is better as a snubber. One of the jobs of the snubber is to absorb shock which dynema does not. Under extreme conditions you want the nylon.
You always make my Sunday!
If you can't find anything to do, you could always do some glorious sanding.
So you're just off Prickly Pear.
I loved it there.
Thanks for the new intro, i spent seven years thinking your name was MaDs 😂❤
That hammock is the perfect nap station. Does the hammock manual include a section on how to best apply lotion so you don't wake up with a horrible sunburn? Sweet dreams Mads! "…) Webhead USA
what camera do you use for your videos the quality is impressive !
Very interested to see the Fusion 360, 3D Printer and the DIY molds upcoming videos!
Spoiler alert - I think you'll be happy next Sunday ;)
I think maybe I'm not the only one who has been watching Easy Composites UA-cam Chanel!
True! Did you see the latest one they put out? I could have used that a few weeks back (we're currently a few weeks behind real-time) ;)
@@SailLife yep, I saw the last video. Pretty cool!
Liked. With your skills, you should do fine on the certification.
Do you have a good supplier for cut lengths of dyneema?
What is a good free cad programme to draw a boat or tiny home on?
Your splicing skills are incredible!
Thanks but I'm nothing special :)
Saw your comments about Fusion 360 problems... I've been involved with Fusion in a semi- official consulting and support capacity since well before it was called Fusion. I'd be happy to offer any help I can, or put you in touch with someone who can help if it's an issue outside my wheelhouse. I've been using it to- among other things- design the mechanical parts of instrumentation (computers) for scuba diving.
It's a great package, and highly capable, but no 3D CAD system is particularly easy to get a toehold with, especially if you haven't previously used 3D CAD. And Fusion now does so many things- there are pros and cons to being a Swiss Army knife tool.
Not sure about Dyneema as a snubber material because there is no flex to absorb the shock of the chain. I use (heavier gauge) nylon because it is strong but stretchy.
The pendent is used in combination with nylon. It’s just an alternative to the stainless steel chain grabber.
I'm starting to think there may be a little snubber OCD at play here. But that being said I am enjoying learning about the plethora of different types of snubbers out there.😁👍👍
It is a bit of an odd topic to dive into 😂
Woah woah woah...what's the tall-ship in there?
Webster's definition of a Vegetable: "a usually herbaceous plant (such as the cabbage, bean, or potato) grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal". I think this means all clear on the potato.
umm. No. Potato was excluded by verbal agreement. (But with fingers crossed behind back, it is not legally binding.)
Hahaha 😂
During the Reagan administration, the USDA declared that Ketchup could be considered to be a vegetable in the school lunch program.
As I always say, cacao is a plant, therefore its seeds (however processed) are, by definition, vegetables! Enjoy your daily Nutella spoon(s) without regrets!
😊Nacho's, Ketchup, Peanutbutter?, Popcorn, Vegetable chips,
I agree that Fusion 360 doesn't feel as intuitive as one would like. I use it and often struggle a little.
I think I'm slowly making headway but there is 100% a learning curve :)
About that hammock... get a hat, a cup holder, and a nice, fluffy pillow for your head, and you'll be sure to flunk your course.
See you👍🏼🥰
2:40 "turn on the water heater". Isn't the egine heating the water boiler with it's cooling water?
I'm sure that was what he was insinuating.
Probably has enough electricity production on engine power to supply AC current from the inverter. I did that on my boat by selecting a lower wattage element in the water heater. My boat only has two 15 amp circuits so a 500 watt element was ideal. But, yes, I do have a coolant loop supplying water from the engine. Don’t recall whether Mads installed one. 😮
Not aboard Athena. We have our hydronic diesel heater hooked up to the water-heater instead. That way we have two options. When we run the engine the high output alternator provides around 4000W - the heater only draws 600W. When we're in a cold climate the hydronic heater is on constantly. I did add a "summer loop" to the heating system so we do have the option of just heating the water-heater with the hydronic heater (and not the rest of the boat) if we want to.
@@SailLife Thanks, Mads. Veryneat system.
We use 3 braid and a clevis hook. Easy peasy
Good simple setup :)
Mads, I'm gonna be cruisin the bvis may 4-11. Maybe I'll run into you. Will be at Leverick Bay May 5 night.
Dyneema does not stretch, i thought the reason for a snubber was to take the shock out of the chain. I like the three brade version
Mads have you Check out Matt redoing Duracell Racing Sailboat ? Be Safe Mads
Stay safe and we'll see you next week.
Thanks! You too :)
Great Video, thanks
What is the pendant for? It's getting very complicated , I understand a snubber but what is this new thing for?
It serves the exact same purpose as the stainless chain grabber. It allows you to easily attach and remove the snubber from the chain.
What camera are you using?
Giant fish jump at the end :D
There is never enough storge on a monohull sailboat.
What is that?
My snubber collection.
Are vegetables even available on Beef Island?😅
No! No vegetables allowed! 7 years in prison if you're caught being in possession of a tomato ;)
Try Rhino 8, much better for shapes like boats
Enjoy you all’s humor.
How has the autopilot been working?
15:20 who is "ANDY"? 😏
@@SailLife I was hoping you'd see my silly comment. 😁
How much longer will the freshwater last with the better half off the boat? The bachelor life requires less fresh water. 😂
Did anyone else see that fish jump out of the water at 16:44 ?
My favourite vegetable is bacon 😊
We might be related ...
The me5re thought of Mads on his own sends shivers down my spine...lol...Ohhh gorious something or other....lol
lol if you're going to study sit somewhere uncomfortable so you won't fall asleep as you will all comfy in a hammock
great update 2x👍
Thanks! :)
A spiffy bachelor's week coming up remember to eat your vegetables 😂
Never! 😉