Suomi, Finland Had We Not Fought

  • Опубліковано 5 гру 2008
  • For Finland forever!
    Finland gained independence from Russia on 6 December 1917 when the Finnish Declaration of Independence was signed changing its status from an autonomous Russian Grand Duchy to an independent sovereign nation state. Independence Day is a national holiday and is marked by a series of celebrations which take place throughout the country and particularly in the bigger towns and cities. Traditionally, events used to be quite a sombre affair when candles would be lit and placed in windows to symbolise the light of freedom. Nowadays celebrations are a bit more lively with parades, music concerts and some festivals.
    A special HONOUR to the Finnish war veterans, who fought to preserve Finland's independence in 1939- 1945 against the Soviet Union and "Germany"!


  • @FINdestinymaker
    @FINdestinymaker 15 років тому +7

    I'm so proud to live in a country like Finland. We will never let you down. Long live Finland!
    Onpa muuten hyvä video, kiitän. :) Suosikeihin menee.

  • @auvoryynanen6366
    @auvoryynanen6366 9 років тому +7

    Tämä on ihan huippuhyvä, kiitos. Voisi olla myös suomeksi.

  • @jopomeni
    @jopomeni 15 років тому

    i agree wholeheartedly. `a friend in need is a friend indeed`.

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  15 років тому

    totally agree, you couldn't say it better!

  • @Feedi112
    @Feedi112 14 років тому +1

    Without Finland, Sweden and Norway would be overrun so show some respect for our veterans and our country!!

  • @eltouni
    @eltouni 10 років тому +13

    Goosegumbs at the last sentence.. ".. are the finnish people" I'm ready. I'll defend this land till last breath gasps out of my mouth.

  • @wovaapeli
    @wovaapeli 15 років тому

    Video hienoimmasta päästä; tässä ovat lyhyesti ne asiat mitkä meidän suomalaisten olisi syytä muistaa myös vastaisuudessa. Kiitos finnfellow!

  • @FulmenTheFinn
    @FulmenTheFinn 14 років тому +1

    And had Finland lost the Winter War and therefore had it been occupied by the Soviet Union, Hitler would've never so greatly underestimated the USSR, which was a major reason behind the failure of Operation Barbarossa and the eventual German defeat in WWII.

  • @civ81
    @civ81 15 років тому +1

    Hienoa! Kiitos tästä.

  • @grantid5
    @grantid5 15 років тому +1

    Todella upea video!

  • @12bajbajbaj
    @12bajbajbaj 15 років тому

    helvetin hyvä video!! : D

  • @FulmenTheFinn
    @FulmenTheFinn 14 років тому +1

    So thank the Finns for saving the West in 1939-40 (and plausibly 1944, though the situation was a bit different by then).

  • @kaz4334
    @kaz4334 15 років тому +2

    No country in Europe deserves it's freedom and respect than Finland and finnish people.!

  • @mormonitvastaavat
    @mormonitvastaavat 11 років тому +1

    Very nice video! Thank you for sharing!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 15 років тому +2

    Happy Independence Day Finland!!! May your courage be remembered by all future generations of not just the Finnish people, but by all people of the Free World! Greetings from the United States!!

  • @MikeyMcCrashCap
    @MikeyMcCrashCap 13 років тому +2

    I am very proud of being an American-Finn. Our country, our culture, our history is unique and unlike that of any other. Therefore, we have every right in God's name to defend it at all costs!!!!!

  • @Skalmans750
    @Skalmans750 13 років тому

    @dimapez back in the 11-12th century "Finland" was not yet a country, it was just a landmass. Thru this land a very important tradingroute ran . The Swedes and the Novgorods(Russians) fought to gain control over this important trail, after years of war sweden won.
    In the tracks of the army swedish settlers came to found several citys, and mixing with imigrants from southeastern countrys the finnish poeple was born.
    So we share blood for sure :)

  • @Joonavainio
    @Joonavainio 14 років тому

    Is that you narrating there? Sounds pretty much like the guy in Rare Exports and Star Wreck. Whoever, love the "deep throat" British accent.
    En oo yltiöisänmaallinen, mut hyvää settii. Joskus on aika rauhallisemmankin miehen tajuta tosiasiat naapurin mesoamisen edessä ja suoristaa selkänsä.

  • @Ravenlord79
    @Ravenlord79 14 років тому +2

    piti ryssän marssia ouluun. Suomusalmen näkivät. Kollaa kestää, ja Kollaa kesti. Tali-ihantalan lohkolla tapahtui todellakin ihme...."Suomalainen kenttätykistö ampui kahdessa viikossa noin 120 000 laukausta"

  • @Szabo517
    @Szabo517 14 років тому

    Well, Soviet army was in such a terrible condition at the time that defeating Hitler in offensive would be just impossible (in 1940), and getting to Germany through Scandinavia was not necessary, as after joint partition of Poland they shared a lot of common border. Germans actually agreed for extension of Soviet rule over Finland and the Baltic, because they didn't feel threatened by that. But Winter War was still an amazing achievement, even with wrecked Soviet armies and surely no miracle.

  • @ilpopulu596
    @ilpopulu596 6 років тому +2

    Still good at 2018.
    Love this vid!
    Only today, our learders say, african engineers are our last hope for defence :D

  • @YandT1985
    @YandT1985 15 років тому +1

    we dont foget. from my father and me i finnish i borne in sweden but I from Finland In I love finland......

  • @wischi666
    @wischi666 15 років тому +1

    Happy indepence day, Suomi!
    Next year I will spend this day with you :)

  • @finnfellow1
    @finnfellow1  14 років тому

    yes a good looking church because of Carl Ludvig Engel! It's only as a tribute to the Nicholas I, not more. Nowadays, the official name is an Evangelical Lutheran cathedral of the Diocese of Helsinki!

  • @alexejII
    @alexejII 14 років тому

    Finnland would have got its independent of Imperial Russia where the revolution had not occurred, Finnland is a suveränt country but with good connections to both its past rulers of Russia and Sweden

  • @Skalmans750
    @Skalmans750 13 років тому

    @dimapez I never said that they didnt exist? I never said that sweden "discovered" finland? what i said was that Finland was not yet a country until borders was set after the Swedish/Novgorods war. Swedes mixed with these southern imigrants (or the poeple/tribes you are referring to) we are talking about the same thing.
    Dont be so defensive ;) i like finland and the finns, its a greate people with alot of SISU, we still share blood ;)

  • @FulmenTheFinn
    @FulmenTheFinn 14 років тому

    On the other hand, Stalin would've probably continued to advance into Scandinavia and thus be in a serious position to conquer Germany and thereafter the world (the Allies would've been no match to the Soviets in 1940-41 - the common Russian may be a poor quality soldier, but that's something the USSR had an infinite supply of, and could easily overwhelm the poorly-equipped Allies like it did Germany in 1941-45).

  • @lintu25
    @lintu25 13 років тому

    Kyllä kyynel lattiaan tipahti. Mutta nämä on näitä mitä jos...
    Suomi laitto äijät kentälle. Toivon mukaan jatkossakin on lähtiöitä, jos tarve niin vaatii.

  • @Skalmans750
    @Skalmans750 13 років тому

    @dimapez i give up.. no problem allthough that was not what i ment, but if you want to mark words its up to you.
    Have a nice day, sourpuss Finn! ;)

  • @ParviPaparazzi
    @ParviPaparazzi 14 років тому

    @baldurus1 Whoa. I'd say hundreds of years will do, considering the country's age as a sovereign entity.

  • @P45K141N3N
    @P45K141N3N 15 років тому

    Norway, as Finland's friend? I think not because they want to move Finnish airforces to Norwegiansea just because some Russian private jet flies in international airway between Iceland and Norway.

  • @0101212
    @0101212 15 років тому

    No jaa, vähän yltiöisänmaalinen, mutta asiasta olen samaa mieltä. Erinomainen video, eli siitä suuret kiitokset.

  • @safiiri
    @safiiri 15 років тому

    Kerroppas tietämättömälle mitä musiikkia käytit

  • @teuvorusina
    @teuvorusina 14 років тому

    "Toisaalta onneksi valkoiset voittivat, mutta ilman punaisten kapinaa olisi kärsimys luultavasti jatkunut."
    Eikös eduskunta ollut suunnitellu jotain torpparivapautta jo ennen sisällissotaa. Jostakin tämä on tullut luettua. Eli kyllä se kärsimys olisi varmaankin hävinnyt, ei ehkä yhtä nopeasti kuin sisällissodan jälkeen.

  • @Joonavainio
    @Joonavainio 14 років тому

    Nice Brit accent there. Is this the same guy who's narrating Rare Exports? Voice sounds familiar.
    As for Swedes, well, I have nothing against those guys. We are friends. Olle, Olle, titta, titta (plays some table tennis and jumps on a trampoline while real men and women fight).

  • @makettaja
    @makettaja 15 років тому

    jep. oikein hyvä video tälläsii jaksaa kattoo. very good video. and all that is said here is true.

  • @omgallusuck
    @omgallusuck 13 років тому

    @eleonik76 its called "hyvinvointivaltio" or in english well fare state. High tax rates... lots of social services like free medical insurance, a government ritirement fund, free school... unlike capitalist states like USA which dont have free education, everybody cant afford a doctor and the old are left unnatended

  • @thiscouldntblowmore
    @thiscouldntblowmore 15 років тому

    Thank god that never happened, but there is still the issue of our 'swedish' overlords and how rights of the FINNS are violated to make these 'swedes' 'equal'..

  • @FulmenTheFinn
    @FulmenTheFinn 13 років тому

    @Joonavainio The guy in Rare Exports is Jonathan Hutchings, but the guy narrating this one is Stanley Richard (I'm 95% sure of the voice).

  • @Skalmans750
    @Skalmans750 13 років тому

    @dimapez sigh..... back then there were no "Finnish" people as finland was not yet "born".. there were tribes and other small groups of poeple sprouting from the east, exactly as you whats the issue?
    I NEVER said that Swedes was the first..never, i can rephrase it so that even you cant missunderstand no matter how hard you try. Im sorry if you somehow feel offended that was not my purpose.
    Im sorry if stepped on ur toes, but i didnt write the book of history.

  • @laskusiiveke
    @laskusiiveke 15 років тому

    Can somebody tell me how we actually got our independence? Didn't it have something to do with the reds and whites???

  • @aivopark
    @aivopark 14 років тому

    Taisteluilla ei ole mitään väliä jos Suomi annetaan ja myydään EUlle.

  • @FulmenTheFinn
    @FulmenTheFinn 13 років тому

    @finnfellow Ei oo Hutchings, vaan Stanley Richard (oon 95% varma).

  • @leksss4
    @leksss4 13 років тому

    @Zpiderbrother u should watch youtube video what Finnish ppls think about swedish on ww2........
    for video comedy: Suomi on sodasa, sillävälin ruotsissa..

  • @otzi1
    @otzi1 12 років тому

    cCc Finlandiya cCc

  • @Joonavainio
    @Joonavainio 13 років тому

    Tä? Huh?

  • @Skalmans750
    @Skalmans750 13 років тому

    @rakkipallo gramps fought with you finns, its amazing..i never heard a negative thing about the finns in the history, only the oposite.
    " i know swedish people and gotta say that now you make them look really bad. what " im sorry but i can´t understand what u mean? Read my posts..ive got respect for the finns and im really sorry but i didnt write the books of history. and i can understand if you feel "stepped on", too bad really.

  • @alexejII
    @alexejII 14 років тому

    Finnland is a pretty good country, the Russian imperial family was very fond of Finnland, the Soviet Union did not, they desired to oppress Finnland like all other peoples within the Soviet. Tzar General Mannerheim fortunately prevented this.