I started pain in my butt very sharp .2ys on vibrating down mostly left side pins and needles . This came on after the AV covid never been well since . I know my body well as i am a ballet dancer . I do most of these exercises . Some days better than others ....??? I wish my life could get back to normal doctors usless. Love your platform it really helps .thankyou.
Mine came from smashing my ass on a ramp while skating. My life is ruined. It's been 3 years and my toes are numb and I can barely walk. Makes me just want to die.
Sorry for you 2. I feel your pain. This kind of pain is crazy intense and people who have never dealt with it will never understand. Please though don't wish for death and I hope you are joking about that. Maybe check for herniated discs as well. I ruptured 3 from SI up. It's been 20yrs now and I still get crazy tightness at times that cause this insane pain. Myofascial release helps me more than anything and you can do at home. Some good videos on here about what to do. Best wishes to you 2
Thank you so much. I am tired of reading about pyriformis syndrome & it's exercises. I will definitely try doing these exercises. You really solved my querry .
After 5 years of pain and trying every treatment imaginable, I was finally properly diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. I still need daily meds but the pain has improved significantly
Im having a very tough time, barely can move because of my pain in the butt and back of leg. Unable to even stand properly. Its been 3 days with painkillers but no improvements ! Thank you for sharing and best wishes to you 🙏
У меня была такая же проблема,простите,я не иогла дойти до ванной комнаты,пришлось уколоть тр укола гармонального лекарства,если бы не это лекарство,я бы умерла💯😭
You forgot that tight muscles or lack of mobility in the myofascial parts are able to reduce the blood supply of the nerves (vasa privata). Not a Kompression of the nerves themselves but of the blood vessels that are doing the 'catering service' to the glia cells, so that the nutrition of the nerves is reduced. In this case you also can have tingling or pain at the backside of the leg. Pain at the side of the leg is rather a myofascial problem.
Очень прошу совета...у меня адские боли в позвоночнике, ходить почти не могу - немеют ноги, начинается адское жжение и боль в анусе и влагалище...в этот момент я не чувствую ягодиц, они становятся не чувствительными...мне приходится сесть куда придется...чуть отпускает.
At worst, I have referred pain going from si joint area to the glute to the side of the leg down to the knee. I seldom get actual sciatica. It's not referring from my spine. It doesnt go down the back of the leg. So you're saying the pain is related to myofascial which can compress nerve. In this case, for me, its be the cluneal nerves for sure,at minimum.
My butt and hip pain wake me up screaming after two hours of sleep and panicking. Not sleeping is making the pain feel more intense. 2 hours of sleep is better than no hours. This too shall pass.
I feel so grateful that this channel exists. You both are so clear and your content is of utter most pertinence, backed up by articles, critically analysed. Thank you !
I agree and studied this deeply, although the piriformid may be tight and those stretch exercises help. I believe the glut medius was the most affected area and some stenosis.
Hi, please find a normal neurologist which can send you to get MRI and blood test. Don't waste time as I did, physical therapy may help feel better but don't solve your problem. I may send you some PRI exercises for sciatica symptoms on mail if you need (it helped me to reduce my pain symptoms about 40%). But first get MRI and find good PT
I don't care what terminology you use. My butt still hurts and the pain makes its way to my ankles. I do all the exercises and work out 3-4 times weekly. It hurts when I continually walk around a table or stand (part of my work). I have been to PT. The irritation has been going on for 4+ years. Doctors get hung up on terms. What I seek is results.
I understand that you are suffering and that it's really frustrating. I'm in the same boat. However terminology matters because diagnosis matters ...and if you don't get the right diagnosis then you can't get the right treatment. And you can't get the right diagnosis if your doctor or physical therapist doesn't understand the difference between one condition versus another; and they have to know and use the correct and precise terminology to do that.
Apart from pain in the glutes there are other neurological symptoms. While sitting pain hugely grows and gas incontinence due to sudden loss of muscles control appears (it is not mentioned by anyone but it is worse than any pain).
It sounds like you have nerve damage. Ideal would be an MRI read by a competent person. A good physiotherapist could perform tests to confirm which nerve has been damaged, and perhaps offer manipulation treatment to relieve it. Deep tissue or Thai massage might help. If you could do plenty of modified lunges and squats, that might help.
I ruptured L5 and L6, I have shooting pain in my butt and down my left leg to my ankle. My Neurologist tells me its not Piriformis but I have 4 different Physicals Therapist who says it is.
Update. After years of pain, they did a CT guided injection into the SI joint. The anaesthesia killled the pain completely for up to 3 hours post injection. The steroid has helped somewhat but it was mainly a diagnostic tool. It all indicates to the fact that we’re barking up the right tree. I’m trying not to get my hopes up but this is excellent progress after years of ambiguity and negative testing. I believe I have chronic inflammatory sacroiliitis. I’ve done my research and it’s common not to show up in CT and MRI scans, of which I’ve had several. I’m preying that they will burn the nerve off so I can get my life back. I’m fully functional, full strength and range of motion, it’s just the pain and the consequences of movement that is so horrendous and debilitating. If the would go away, I’d be fine. Sometimes things are hard to pin down but it doesn’t mean there isn’t something legitimately wrong . FIGHT for your treatment. Fight for yourself. I wish the very best for anyone reading this who is struggling with this stuff.
I am 19 and run track and thought I had hamstring tendinopthy, 5 months after injury I get two MRIs and they found nothing I still have pain in the upper buttocks hamstring area and it travels from private area to mid hamstring. MRIs found no sciatic problem
I am a 65 year old female and was first diagnosed with myofascial syndrome until the pain had spread on both sides equally, back of neck downward to scapula to under and sides of my arms and my buttocks where you show this In your video. Now I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia since 2020. I am so afraid to stretch because it can make my symptoms worse the next day. I am wondering if PT would help me to ease in to stretching exercises to show me how to do it correctly? Thank you sir for your wonderful video!
What can be the reason for repeated spasms in that area? I get 10+ a day and it is not related to posture, it just comes out of the blue, even when I've not moved. I'm really fed up.
I really want to THANK YOU and your channel for sharing such in depth information that I've frankly, not seen some of before, regarding this subject! EDUCATION is SO IMPORTANT when we're suffering from unresolved pain! If we're PROACTIVE in learning about our condition, we're more likely to help professionals HELP US! 🎉❤❤❤ I just wish you also would consider Nutritional imbalances that CAN & DO CONTRIBUTE to UNRESOLVED PAIN CONDITIONS.
Thank you very much. May i add smth. Acupuncture! When a pain-locus was settled you HAVE to ruin it. Your movements are very painful, and it will not diminish by itself unless you will diminish it with needles.
my above-buttocks pain goes into lateral thighs and calves. Clam shells exercise with some resistance aggravates symptoms. MRI showed lumbar anatomical stenosis but with no nerve compression. Can I assume it is piriformis or gluteal muscles causing the problem then?
I watched many videos before finding this one that provides excellent detail and progressive exercises that I'm sure will help and even eliminate my pain. Thank you!
I sit with a ball under my butt with a heating pad, usually I had a shot on my butt on the right side It helped, but now the pain is excruciating on the left. Tried tens unit and it didn't really work
Started down my left leg with sciatica pain. Over time became worse and developed weakness in both legs, deep butt.pain , lower back pain and pain down both legs. Now in constant pain, and live on pain relief medication
If they are prescription pain meds, you’re doing your body a world of hurt and it will be very difficult to come off of opioids. Your calf needs stretching, the back of your knee, your quads, and hamstrings all need to be stretched in addition to the piriformis muscle. Try doing them several times a day.
Did mine pushing my stalled car up an incline and then pushed car a few blocks. Injury went away after few months; now month ago Frigid air made this injury Flair up. Will cortisone shot help? Thanks
7 dats ago I had horrible pain in my buttocks where m. piriformis is located. I was groaning in my bed. When I stood or walked no pain. When I touched m. piriformis the same pain. Thank Gid it went away. Maybe the cause was sitting/half laying on a hard/broken couch. Contact point was m. piriformis. So I presume ischaemic damage or contusion of m. piriformis on both sides. I am 40 years MD in the Netherlands.
My PT has mentioned my Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome interchangeably. It is sharp burning only in my left buttock. I found it can be replicated by right hip flexion stretch. Stretching the right hip, elicits pain in the left but stretching the left does not elicit pain in the right. I had L3/L4 fusion 7 months ago and had never experienced sciatica issues before. Following surgery, I have had a lot of numbness across the top buttocks, both left and right. Wonder what happened with adding hardware creating new problems.
ATTN: it is possible to have more than one thing going on. So many times experts try to pinpoint one thing, but it is very possible to have 2 or even 3 issues.
I have a spinal cord inury at L2/L3. Trust me for 16 years ive dealt with Nerve compression as im addicted to working out. I have tried to strengthen certian muscles however nerve damage is just there and Ive had to accept this. Sitting is the worst thing I can do so I tend to walk more. Salt baths greatly help and I mean I OD on salts and use more than recommended. 😅. Thanks for this video.
I had that deep pain in the butt and other horrible, painful symptoms. So, I could no longer run for exercise. Walking was painful. I put on weight. I was in denial. The belt was long before on its last belt hole. I had trouble admitting to myself that I needed to start buying "extra-large" underwear. After I realized that the light clothes was causing me horrible extra pain in the hip and down the leg, and I started wearing larger size clothes, and now that deep pain in the butt has become quite rare.
@@mimi-dq1tx Loose fitting clothes...the larger point is that the pain in the butt is apparently a tendon strain, because is starts and stops hurting quickly. It doesn't have the weird symptoms of a nerve problem. It doesn't get better with I take a nutritional supplement called "Nerve Regen Formula." And, it doesn't hurt like a muscle strain, where it gets more acute for about 40+ hours and then gradually becomes less severe for about ten days. I can deliberately cause that pain by straining against the blockage of the internal rotation of my left leg. I can deliberately not cause that pain. See second reply.
Any part of range of motion that is not used for weeks or months accumulates a bad molecule that causes pain and stiffness. Apparently, too much of that lack of motion cause a part of the range of motion to become 'frozen' due to points of adhesion. My remedy plan is to do seven or more repetitions of moving through that range of motion. At the apparent end of the range of motion, pause, and move a little farther. Don't strain. Do those repetitions three or more times a day every day.
I don’t get pins and needles or anything, but my knee wants to “give out “. Which would that be? It’s only when I have the deep ache in my butt an thigh
I have painful hip to my foot severe pain unable to for than five months. Doctor's have suggested surgery do you think surgery is necessary? Please advice me. My pain are terrible. 😢
My pain is mostly in 1 and 8 but when I stand up after sitting it also hurts in 2, 3, 4, and 7 😩 Laying on my back or stomach is literally the ONLY relief. Going to try these workouts to see if any of it helps. Thanks for sharing 😊
Depending on the small amount of information I have I would advice you to let someone do the straight leg raise test on you and see if that is painfull as well. There might be more going on because of the 'laying on my back or stomach is the only relief'. If positive, seeing a doctor might be good if negative try these exercises.
I have disc bulges and herniations, but no back pain… just butt pain and left leg weakness. .. does it mean it’s from my back?.. without back pain? Thanks
I think this explains what my pain is. I know I need to exercise, but... old/lazy/weak/tired blah blah blah. Thank you for this. It explains a lot and I will try to spend more time walking. I've gone from thinking it was sciatica to piriformis syndrome and this sounds like the end of the line, the actual reason for my pain. I've been in tears a lot over the past months the pain is so intense/radiating to and fromthe top/bottom of my butt but never down the leg. Actually the top usually has be say it's the hip, and further below I was guessing the end of the piriformis. Hard to move in bed, that's when it hurts the most. Right side only. Only started a year ago which is why it's probably related to my now mostly sedentary lifestyle (loss of loved one).Taking some supplements and now sit with a cushion under the outside edge of that side of the butt (right) when sitting watching TV and while driving. Q: Could me getting a hernia in the right front side be cause for back pain? I haven't had hernia diagnosed as yet, but if I hold that area in when walking around, it seems to relieve butt pain for a while. Thanks for letting me share this crazy information and for you sharing this very informative video. -kate
I've had the pain yes in the butt cheek and underneath and down the leg AFTER a lot if research on my end I figured out its inflammation. So I researched what to do for inflammation I watch my sugar intake & sodium I drink a shot of fresh tumeric & ginger every day and eat a lot of pineapple It subsided a lot and for some reason it's back I know I need to cut back more on the sweets
Now I have shooting pain in my right butt and down my right leg after a fall. This might be due to Bursitis in my hip due to favoring my left leg that was damaged in the fall. An MGI tells me I did damage to my L3 and L4 this time.
Hi. My nephew got an injection on his butt, his only 5 years old.., and since then his having trouble moving his leg, please what exercise can he do to release his leg muscles,. We already went to the hospital they said he only needs some exercise to solve it. ,🙏
Besides the pain in both glutes I also have pain on my hips all the way to my feet I really don’t know what to do because if I do something then another area got pain is the whole area hips, glutes and pelvic floor pain everywhere, cold and heat doesn’t helped either
Yes, but I had spinal stenosis. As a result I had to have spinal fusion. Vertebrae worn down, pinching nerves. Now nerve pain gone, but have extreme tight hip flexor and piriformis.
I have the same thing as you do, I have bilateral sciatica that goes down both legs to the foot and is real bad around my knees. How are you doing/feeling?
Mine gets tighten up with so much pain . It takes me about an hour of walking to get to normal . I don’t know why ? Any advice will be appreciated it !
I had my 1st literal pain in the arse from a recent job due to heavy lifting.. made me very immobile and took about 3 weeks to go, its still niggling but i can walk much better.. worst injury ive had.
Thanks for video! When problem solved it is possibile to do regular deadlift? It is a good exercises or not and can cause that problem? Deadlift i think it is best exercises exisisting for all body! Also i asked if leg extension end lying leg curl ar good or not for this problem?
So why do all the Orthopaedic surgeons do not acknowledge or recognise this condition ?? I have had this since an accident at work in 1996 disc problems have been ruled out
Orthopedic surgeons are looking for an obvious mechanical defect that has a proven surgical solution. Preferably a diagnosis that is written by a radiologist in an MRI report. Surgeons are looking to do surgery that they have practised and are good at or want to do research on. Surgeons aren't really interested in solving your pain in general, they are interested in if your pain is related to a surgery they are proficient in providing a good outcome to, or a research project they are doing. Took me a while to figure that one out, but helped me be less offended by what seemed like lack of care. Once I figured it out it's radiologists that diagnose, I got lots of imaging with detailed reports. Then sought out surgeons that are good at doing surgery on that diagnosis. Get yourself good 3D MRIs that show the nerves, vascular, soft tissue and bone. There are better options than surgery if it's small and something your body can heal on its own with a little help. If you have already done physio, look into biologics.
@@m.bird. It has been with me since the day of my accident I damaged something deep inside the glute/piriformis area scar tissue is so deep that no treatments have helped there is only one solution that is piriformis release surgery I have been messed around and told lies for so long now they cant back track.
Because there is no money in it??? I've had 2 failed back surgeries my last being a fusion. Still same pain as before only now dealing with new pain. This DGS is exactly what I feel. I've done everything from steroid injections physical therapy pain medications as well as nerve burning nothing has worked thus far I believe I have been wrongly diagnosed I also mentioned to my orthopedic surgeon that they are paying too much attention to the wrong spot and I feel that they are going by the MRI results and not listening to what my pain is they are solely focused on one area I believe I have multiple issues but they are only focused on the low back problem it's really sad and I feel very traumatized by a few doctor visits now I don't know where to go because I don't trust him
@@sharonlear2097 well like you I have had enough mine is definitely a NHS cover up to protect their paymasters (insurance companies) I have no choice now but to take legal action maybe you should too
I've been to a chiropractor first for some treatments. They have a stretching table. The pain moved from my back and left leg to the right buttocks and down the leg. Went to 1 PT guy but he didn't have an opening for 2 weeks. I went to a different PT. Both use stretching and massage. I can drive with little or no pain. The pain hit when I get out of the car.
I started pain in my butt very sharp .2ys on vibrating down mostly left side pins and needles . This came on after the AV covid never been well since . I know my body well as i am a ballet dancer . I do most of these exercises . Some days better than others ....??? I wish my life could get back to normal doctors usless. Love your platform it really helps .thankyou.
Mine came from smashing my ass on a ramp while skating. My life is ruined. It's been 3 years and my toes are numb and I can barely walk. Makes me just want to die.
Sorry for you 2. I feel your pain. This kind of pain is crazy intense and people who have never dealt with it will never understand. Please though don't wish for death and I hope you are joking about that. Maybe check for herniated discs as well. I ruptured 3 from SI up. It's been 20yrs now and I still get crazy tightness at times that cause this insane pain. Myofascial release helps me more than anything and you can do at home. Some good videos on here about what to do. Best wishes to you 2
@@soundmind69 I hear you, I've had spasms and pain. at the bottom my butt for about a year, it's terrible and crippling. Very hard to function.
@@soundmind69been on 2.3 year. Life sucks 😢
@@soundmind69try a tens unit
I got mine on amazon. I also do Pt and go to a chiropractor. Hope you are doing better.
Thank you so much. I am tired of reading about pyriformis syndrome & it's exercises.
I will definitely try doing these exercises. You really solved my querry .
After 5 years of pain and trying every treatment imaginable, I was finally properly diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. I still need daily meds but the pain has improved significantly
Hi can you share what meds are you taking? I'm in pain for almost 6mos now
Thank you for sharing this video❣
It's almost a month that i'm suffering pain from my left buttock down to my left leg
Has it healed?
Im having a very tough time, barely can move because of my pain in the butt and back of leg. Unable to even stand properly. Its been 3 days with painkillers but no improvements ! Thank you for sharing and best wishes to you 🙏
У меня была такая же проблема,простите,я не иогла дойти до ванной комнаты,пришлось уколоть тр укола гармонального лекарства,если бы не это лекарство,я бы умерла💯😭
I had sciatica in 2017. Not gonna forget it :) ! I did a lot of stretching and it is gone for 6-7 years now!
What type of stretches?
please share
Update please?
Yes - PLEASE tell us specifically which stretches you used!!
I stretch for hours and nothing x(
Wet and cold weather really works mine up! I get terrible thoracic and butt pain on left of body, neck pain, and lower back, often upper back.
This type of weather affects me too. It stiffens any spot that is troublesome and brings out more pain and discomfort.
Hi, I´ve actually that pain for almost 10 months, been to 4 doctors and NO one have taken that pain away. Stoped trainning. I´ll try this! Thxs
So, 3 weeks later, what are your results?
and Now > How u feeling?
Thanks , at 6.40 the glute streches really helped man.
You forgot that tight muscles or lack of mobility in the myofascial parts are able to reduce the blood supply of the nerves (vasa privata). Not a Kompression of the nerves themselves but of the blood vessels that are doing the 'catering service' to the glia cells, so that the nutrition of the nerves is reduced.
In this case you also can have tingling or pain at the backside of the leg.
Pain at the side of the leg is rather a myofascial problem.
Очень прошу совета...у меня адские боли в позвоночнике, ходить почти не могу - немеют ноги, начинается адское жжение и боль в анусе и влагалище...в этот момент я не чувствую ягодиц, они становятся не чувствительными...мне приходится сесть куда придется...чуть отпускает.
@@АмираЛорsearch for neuro surgeon. It is saddle area pain which needs to be treated early.
At worst, I have referred pain going from si joint area to the glute to the side of the leg down to the knee. I seldom get actual sciatica. It's not referring from my spine. It doesnt go down the back of the leg. So you're saying the pain is related to myofascial which can compress nerve. In this case, for me, its be the cluneal nerves for sure,at minimum.
My butt and hip pain wake me up screaming after two hours of sleep and panicking. Not sleeping is making the pain feel more intense. 2 hours of sleep is better than no hours. This too shall pass.
My friend you out did yourself on this video top notch my man 👍🏼
I feel so grateful that this channel exists. You both are so clear and your content is of utter most pertinence, backed up by articles, critically analysed. Thank you !
Much appreciated 💜
Appreciate the current research and visual aids showing different causes of pain. You guys are the best.
Thanks a lot 💜
Can a 80 yrs person do this excercise this eexercise who is affectef hip pain.😊
I think i got this from sitting in a bad pasture
you mean in a meadow with cows etc.? i.e. in a 'pasture' or do you mean posture?
excellent diagnosis ....is the most important in therapy....
Healing is most important
I agree and studied this deeply, although the piriformid may be tight and those stretch exercises help. I believe the glut medius was the most affected area and some stenosis.
More of these please! Awesome
Super professionell, strukturiert und hilfreich! Danke!
The sciatic nerve makes me feel like I want to take my leg off
Hi, please find a normal neurologist which can send you to get MRI and blood test. Don't waste time as I did, physical therapy may help feel better but don't solve your problem. I may send you some PRI exercises for sciatica symptoms on mail if you need (it helped me to reduce my pain symptoms about 40%). But first get MRI and find good PT
I don't care what terminology you use. My butt still hurts and the pain makes its way to my ankles. I do all the exercises and work out 3-4 times weekly. It hurts when I continually walk around a table or stand (part of my work). I have been to PT. The irritation has been going on for 4+ years. Doctors get hung up on terms. What I seek is results.
I understand that you are suffering and that it's really frustrating. I'm in the same boat. However terminology matters because diagnosis matters ...and if you don't get the right diagnosis then you can't get the right treatment. And you can't get the right diagnosis if your doctor or physical therapist doesn't understand the difference between one condition versus another; and they have to know and use the correct and precise terminology to do that.
Go to a chiropractor and get adjusted. You'll feel so much better
My mine too!!
Bilkul be ni@@lisag18
Keep spreading the good news and share the love towards others
Finalmente un video con una spiegazione semplice, chiara e concisa. Grazie, ti sei guadagnato un iscritto!
Thank you ….. you explain things so simply which makes it easier for us to understand xx
Thank you so much.
Could that be a rheumatoid arthritis?
Apart from pain in the glutes there are other neurological symptoms. While sitting pain hugely grows and gas incontinence due to sudden loss of muscles control appears (it is not mentioned by anyone but it is worse than any pain).
It sounds like you have nerve damage. Ideal would be an MRI read by a competent person. A good physiotherapist could perform tests to confirm which nerve has been damaged, and perhaps offer manipulation treatment to relieve it. Deep tissue or Thai massage might help.
If you could do plenty of modified lunges and squats, that might help.
@@irenemax3574 Thank you👍
I ruptured L5 and L6, I have shooting pain in my butt and down my left leg to my ankle. My Neurologist tells me its not Piriformis but I have 4 different Physicals Therapist who says it is.
Everything aggravates the pain. I used to be really fit. I can’t seem to find any solution and can’t really seem to find a diagnosis.
Same :c
Update. After years of pain, they did a CT guided injection into the SI joint. The anaesthesia killled the pain completely for up to 3 hours post injection. The steroid has helped somewhat but it was mainly a diagnostic tool. It all indicates to the fact that we’re barking up the right tree.
I’m trying not to get my hopes up but this is excellent progress after years of ambiguity and negative testing.
I believe I have chronic inflammatory sacroiliitis. I’ve done my research and it’s common not to show up in CT and MRI scans, of which I’ve had several.
I’m preying that they will burn the nerve off so I can get my life back.
I’m fully functional, full strength and range of motion, it’s just the pain and the consequences of movement that is so horrendous and debilitating. If the would go away, I’d be fine.
Sometimes things are hard to pin down but it doesn’t mean there isn’t something legitimately wrong .
FIGHT for your treatment. Fight for yourself. I wish the very best for anyone reading this who is struggling with this stuff.
I am 19 and run track and thought I had hamstring tendinopthy, 5 months after injury I get two MRIs and they found nothing I still have pain in the upper buttocks hamstring area and it travels from private area to mid hamstring. MRIs found no sciatic problem
have you try squat university exercise? try searching it on youtube, hope it help
@@RichRobinson did you get further treatment in that area?
Great examples of exercises...please pop round nd fix the chronic pain in my butt hip and leg!❤
I am a 65 year old female and was first diagnosed with myofascial syndrome until the pain had spread on both sides equally, back of neck downward to scapula to under and sides of my arms and my buttocks where you show this In your video. Now I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia since 2020. I am so afraid to stretch because it can make my symptoms worse the next day. I am wondering if PT would help me to ease in to stretching exercises to show me how to do it correctly? Thank you sir for your wonderful video!
This makes since.
What can be the reason for repeated spasms in that area? I get 10+ a day and it is not related to posture, it just comes out of the blue, even when I've not moved. I'm really fed up.
I'm going to see a doctor about this problem
I got this and it travels down to behind of knee is this sciatica?
I really want to THANK YOU and your channel for sharing such in depth information that I've frankly, not seen some of before, regarding this subject!
EDUCATION is SO IMPORTANT when we're suffering from unresolved pain! If we're PROACTIVE in learning about our condition, we're more likely to help professionals HELP US! 🎉❤❤❤ I just wish you also would consider Nutritional imbalances that CAN & DO CONTRIBUTE to UNRESOLVED PAIN CONDITIONS.
Great information, thank you!
I give up. 25yrs of pain in the butt. Spent perhaps $2.5m and still no relief. Just now i am trying to live with it but this is very difficult.
Did you get a diagnosis?
I dunno if you tried it but this has worked for me cats claw capsules. I was experiencing such butt pain and it has helped tremendously
It could be another problem
2.5 million???
Thank you very much.
May i add smth.
When a pain-locus was settled you HAVE to ruin it. Your movements are very painful, and it will not diminish by itself unless you will diminish it with needles.
my above-buttocks pain goes into lateral thighs and calves. Clam shells exercise with some resistance aggravates symptoms. MRI showed lumbar anatomical stenosis but with no nerve compression. Can I assume it is piriformis or gluteal muscles causing the problem then?
Thank you for this video and knowledgeable content
Glad it was helpful!
Can using zeolite, magnesium, turmeric reduce such pain?
I watched many videos before finding this one that provides excellent detail and progressive exercises that I'm sure will help and even eliminate my pain. Thank you!
I have had butt pain to. It is caused by a pinched nerve in the spine.
So how does this go away or get better???? A pillow between the knees in bed really helps.
I sit with a ball under my butt with a heating pad, usually
I had a shot on my butt on the right side
It helped, but now the pain is excruciating on the left.
Tried tens unit and it didn't really work
Your arms and chest look great. They add to your credibility. This program was just what i needed. Thx so much.
Started down my left leg with sciatica pain. Over time became worse and developed weakness in both legs, deep butt.pain , lower back pain and pain down both legs.
Now in constant pain, and live on pain relief medication
If they are prescription pain meds, you’re doing your body a world of hurt and it will be very difficult to come off of opioids. Your calf needs stretching, the back of your knee, your quads, and hamstrings all need to be stretched in addition to the piriformis muscle. Try doing them several times a day.
how often to do these exercises?
Good information,thank you so much ,God bless you. 👍
It hurt when im sitting in the truck and driving long time
Excellent presentation
Thank you 🙏🏼
Did mine pushing my stalled car up an incline and then pushed car a few blocks. Injury went away after few months; now month ago Frigid air made this injury Flair up. Will cortisone shot help? Thanks
7 dats ago I had horrible pain in my buttocks where m. piriformis is located. I was groaning in my bed. When I stood or walked no pain. When I touched m. piriformis the same pain. Thank Gid it went away. Maybe the cause was sitting/half laying on a hard/broken couch. Contact point was m. piriformis. So I presume ischaemic damage or contusion of m. piriformis on both sides. I am 40 years MD in the Netherlands.
My PT has mentioned my Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome interchangeably. It is sharp burning only in my left buttock. I found it can be replicated by right hip flexion stretch. Stretching the right hip, elicits pain in the left but stretching the left does not elicit pain in the right.
I had L3/L4 fusion 7 months ago and had never experienced sciatica issues before. Following surgery, I have had a lot of numbness across the top buttocks, both left and right. Wonder what happened with adding hardware creating new problems.
ATTN: it is possible to have more than one thing going on. So many times experts try to pinpoint one thing, but it is very possible to have 2 or even 3 issues.
Thanks so much for sharing !
you're welcome!
I have a spinal cord inury at L2/L3. Trust me for 16 years ive dealt with Nerve compression as im addicted to working out. I have tried to strengthen certian muscles however nerve damage is just there and Ive had to accept this. Sitting is the worst thing I can do so I tend to walk more. Salt baths greatly help and I mean I OD on salts and use more than recommended. 😅. Thanks for this video.
… I have a similar issue and wondering if a filtration would have prevented the nerve damage
Thank you
Very interesting information. Thanks for the details.
If this area is damaged, will there be swelling and pain?
Really appreciate your channel, helps staying up to date as a therapist. Thank you!
Very helpful channel
Tb he descubierto dolor en la nalga a nivel de nervio ciatico, compresion dolorosa por herpes.
I had that deep pain in the butt and other horrible, painful symptoms. So, I could no longer run for exercise. Walking was painful. I put on weight. I was in denial. The belt was long before on its last belt hole. I had trouble admitting to myself that I needed to start buying "extra-large" underwear. After I realized that the light clothes was causing me horrible extra pain in the hip and down the leg, and I started wearing larger size clothes, and now that deep pain in the butt has become quite rare.
My clothes becomes tighter around the waist when I sit.
Please tel me what did you do to feel better
@@mimi-dq1tx I comment became way too long. I would not post. I will try something else.
@@mimi-dq1tx Loose fitting clothes...the larger point is that the pain in the butt is apparently a tendon strain, because is starts and stops hurting quickly. It doesn't have the weird symptoms of a nerve problem. It doesn't get better with I take a nutritional supplement called "Nerve Regen Formula." And, it doesn't hurt like a muscle strain, where it gets more acute for about 40+ hours and then gradually becomes less severe for about ten days. I can deliberately cause that pain by straining against the blockage of the internal rotation of my left leg. I can deliberately not cause that pain. See second reply.
Any part of range of motion that is not used for weeks or months accumulates a bad molecule that causes pain and stiffness. Apparently, too much of that lack of motion cause a part of the range of motion to become 'frozen' due to points of adhesion. My remedy plan is to do seven or more repetitions of moving through that range of motion. At the apparent end of the range of motion, pause, and move a little farther. Don't strain. Do those repetitions three or more times a day every day.
I am exercising few years but goting worse ann worse.
Same to me
I don’t get pins and needles or anything, but my knee wants to “give out “. Which would that be? It’s only when I have the deep ache in my butt an thigh
Thank you❤
I have painful hip to my foot severe pain unable to for than five months. Doctor's have suggested surgery do you think surgery is necessary? Please advice me. My pain are terrible. 😢
Have you tried walking in a swimming pool?
My pain is mostly in 1 and 8 but when I stand up after sitting it also hurts in 2, 3, 4, and 7 😩 Laying on my back or stomach is literally the ONLY relief. Going to try these workouts to see if any of it helps. Thanks for sharing 😊
Depending on the small amount of information I have I would advice you to let someone do the straight leg raise test on you and see if that is painfull as well. There might be more going on because of the 'laying on my back or stomach is the only relief'. If positive, seeing a doctor might be good if negative try these exercises.
I have disc bulges and herniations, but no back pain… just butt pain and left leg weakness. .. does it mean it’s from my back?.. without back pain? Thanks
Solutions please!
Thank you very much 😊
Расскажите о трохантерите и способах лечения .
Grazie mille video molto chiaro.Tutti problemi che mi interessano e che non non ho mai risolto ho provato di tutto.
Very helpful!
Do you anything for a torn gluteus Maximus
I have a back spams
And it hurts in
My butt
What kind I do about it
And the for the pain I take ibuprofen
I think this explains what my pain is. I know I need to exercise, but... old/lazy/weak/tired blah blah blah. Thank you for this. It explains a lot and I will try to spend more time walking. I've gone from thinking it was sciatica to piriformis syndrome and this sounds like the end of the line, the actual reason for my pain. I've been in tears a lot over the past months the pain is so intense/radiating to and fromthe top/bottom of my butt but never down the leg. Actually the top usually has be say it's the hip, and further below I was guessing the end of the piriformis. Hard to move in bed, that's when it hurts the most. Right side only. Only started a year ago which is why it's probably related to my now mostly sedentary lifestyle (loss of loved one).Taking some supplements and now sit with a cushion under the outside edge of that side of the butt (right) when sitting watching TV and while driving. Q: Could me getting a hernia in the right front side be cause for back pain? I haven't had hernia diagnosed as yet, but if I hold that area in when walking around, it seems to relieve butt pain for a while. Thanks for letting me share this crazy information and for you sharing this very informative video. -kate
Yıllardır bu ağrıyı çekiyorum ve sizi çok iyi anlıyorum 😢
I've had the pain yes in the butt cheek and underneath and down the leg
AFTER a lot if research on my end I figured out its inflammation. So I researched what to do for inflammation
I watch my sugar intake & sodium
I drink a shot of fresh tumeric & ginger every day and eat a lot of pineapple
It subsided a lot and for some reason it's back
I know I need to cut back more on the sweets
Nice video , thanks
Now I have shooting pain in my right butt and down my right leg after a fall. This might be due to Bursitis in my hip due to favoring my left leg that was damaged in the fall. An MGI tells me I did damage to my L3 and L4 this time.
Hi. My nephew got an injection on his butt, his only 5 years old.., and since then his having trouble moving his leg, please what exercise can he do to release his leg muscles,. We already went to the hospital they said he only needs some exercise to solve it. ,🙏
I read another comment that said an injection did the same thing. Do you know what it was?
Besides the pain in both glutes I also have pain on my hips all the way to my feet I really don’t know what to do because if I do something then another area got pain is the whole area hips, glutes and pelvic floor pain everywhere, cold and heat doesn’t helped either
I used to walk more than a mile. Now, I can hardly walk less than 1000 steps due to pain in my right butt.
Did you get any relief? Any pills? Or exercises ?
Currently me. Been dealing with it for six months
After undergoing physical therapy, I started to feel some relief, which motivated me to persist in walking despite the difficulties.
I have bilateral sciatica that goes down both legs to the foot and is real bad around my knees. I was just wondering if anyone else has this?
I have it in my right leg. The worst time is at night. It is very hard to find a comfortable position to sleep in.
I have it down both legs continuously
I have lower back and butt pain down the side of my hip to my knee going numb
Yes, but I had spinal stenosis. As a result I had to have spinal fusion. Vertebrae worn down, pinching nerves. Now nerve pain gone, but have extreme tight hip flexor and piriformis.
Great Video..... Thank You❤❤❤
Thanks for the exercises but the more I exercise the more the pain increase.
Both butts and legs , it's now eight months
For any personal health or rehab questions we recommend to consult with our partners at yourphysio.online for a remote physiotherapy consultation.
I have the same thing as you do, I have bilateral sciatica that goes down both legs to the foot and is real bad around my knees. How are you doing/feeling?
Thank you so much!
, looking for good physical therapy, wedges any recommendation?
Mine gets tighten up with so much pain . It takes me about an hour of walking to get to normal . I don’t know why ? Any advice will be appreciated it !
Try icing and hot bag/ heat
I had my 1st literal pain in the arse from a recent job due to heavy lifting.. made me very immobile and took about 3 weeks to go, its still niggling but i can walk much better.. worst injury ive had.
Thanks for video! When problem solved it is possibile to do regular deadlift? It is a good exercises or not and can cause that problem? Deadlift i think it is best exercises exisisting for all body! Also i asked if leg extension end lying leg curl ar good or not for this problem?
So why do all the Orthopaedic surgeons do not acknowledge or recognise this condition ?? I have had this since an accident at work in 1996 disc problems have been ruled out
Orthopedic surgeons are looking for an obvious mechanical defect that has a proven surgical solution. Preferably a diagnosis that is written by a radiologist in an MRI report.
Surgeons are looking to do surgery that they have practised and are good at or want to do research on. Surgeons aren't really interested in solving your pain in general, they are interested in if your pain is related to a surgery they are proficient in providing a good outcome to, or a research project they are doing.
Took me a while to figure that one out, but helped me be less offended by what seemed like lack of care. Once I figured it out it's radiologists that diagnose, I got lots of imaging with detailed reports. Then sought out surgeons that are good at doing surgery on that diagnosis.
Get yourself good 3D MRIs that show the nerves, vascular, soft tissue and bone.
There are better options than surgery if it's small and something your body can heal on its own with a little help. If you have already done physio, look into biologics.
@@m.bird. It has been with me since the day of my accident I damaged something deep inside the glute/piriformis area scar tissue is so deep that no treatments have helped there is only one solution that is piriformis release surgery I have been messed around and told lies for so long now they cant back track.
Because there is no money in it??? I've had 2 failed back surgeries my last being a fusion. Still same pain as before only now dealing with new pain. This DGS is exactly what I feel. I've done everything from steroid injections physical therapy pain medications as well as nerve burning nothing has worked thus far I believe I have been wrongly diagnosed I also mentioned to my orthopedic surgeon that they are paying too much attention to the wrong spot and I feel that they are going by the MRI results and not listening to what my pain is they are solely focused on one area I believe I have multiple issues but they are only focused on the low back problem it's really sad and I feel very traumatized by a few doctor visits now I don't know where to go because I don't trust him
@@sharonlear2097 well like you I have had enough mine is definitely a NHS cover up to protect their paymasters (insurance companies) I have no choice now but to take legal action maybe you should too
Thank you Google for reading my mind and sending this to me. This is the 10th time this year this has happened with different products!
Merci très intéressant 🫶💚
Yes I have pain in my butt and I can barely walk sometimes I do have arthritis so maybe it's that.
Thx a lot looking useful
I've been to a chiropractor first for some treatments. They have a stretching table. The pain moved from my back and left leg to the right buttocks and down the leg.
Went to 1 PT guy but he didn't have an opening for 2 weeks. I went to a different PT. Both use stretching and massage. I can drive with little or no pain. The pain hit when I get out of the car.
I have pain in right glute when doing lockouts on sumo deadlifts