That effect where you could see through the bridge from the outside to the other side, was totally awesome. even Gordon in the one man fighter, they used a moving model with green screen background, big movie special effects on this show. lets not forget that Isaac's head cannon looks very real, we just take it for granted.
And these guys are making around 14 episodes this year, roughly 7 features of big screen adventure with so much character development.. it's a dream come true. All hail Seth and his production crew. See what I mean CBS! How much bigger and better is the Orville compared to STD and. Nebulous Picard series we may see sometime in 2020.
The Orville is really an amazing ship design. Unlike _other_ shows that have a large window as a viewscreen, The Orville's window doesn't just look like a viewscreen. It wraps around like a cockpit. You can see ships and action from the sides. In an action scene like this, it really conveys a sense of movement & adds to the tension of the scene.
I also like the differences between designs and how that reflects on the cultures that produced them. The Kalons have these round spherical ships without any artistic quality, very functional but without much form, while the Krill have these blocky geometric ships reflective of their rigid and highly unified society, while the union ships have soft curves which divide out into parts, not the best militarily but very pleasing to look at visually and reflective of how they may have common goals but each has a different approach to it.
@@johnmcauliffe8824 additionally the kalons ships act almost like gyroscopes and they’re meant to quickly flip around if need be, highly practical and efficient (and since they’re robots, they don’t have to worry about whiplash or being disoriented from said rotation)
I've not seen The Orville apart from various clips like this but it also unfortunately suffers from the producers thinking that ships swoop and bank in space like aircraft in an atmosphere. Although I get the impression from the the characters I've seen so far and the overwhelming neon technicolors that it's well aware that it's a Trek parody and not trying to be particularly serious. But that's only from about a dozen clips so far. Basically it looks fun but frivolous.
It still makes no sense at all. Who in their right mind would put the leading officers into a space that could be so easily damaged from the outside? A spaceship is basically like a submarine. You'd hide the the most vital parts of it behind as much metal as you can. Although with the window at least it makes sense from the window point of view. Putting the bridge on top if it doesn't even have a window, as in Star Strek, was just dumb.
If you watched the series... Well they do explode and catch fire, especially when automatic fire suppressors... catch on fire. Yes, they joked about that trope :)
@Crom the Wise you do realize that star trek has been "woke" since it's inception right Gene was a SJW by today's standards but think what you want there is feminism all over star trek from a Woman on the bridge of the Enterprise as fist officer in the pilot episode The Cage not to mention it broke standards in real life having a woman at a very high position at that time in the 60's and then having Nichelle Nichols in a role unheard of at that time to Janeway getting her way and now with Micheal you should really look into it Gene would of loved Micheal as she is the strong woman that gets her way like so many characters in star trek before her if you don't believe me you should look at how Admiral Nechayev dresses down Picard when Picard was right on many issues The writing could be better for New Trek but it's not just all of a sudden Woke Trek when Trek has been woke forever.
TNG was different from OS. Discovery is about reaching new fans for a new generation. All is Seth is doing is making money by copying TNG. It is always bizarre fans think they own ST, and it isn’t allowed to change from stand alone episodes.
Crom the Wise Star Trek has always been woke. It has the first interracial kiss on television, one of first black main characters in sci fi and has always preached equality and social justice. But I like the Orville much more because it isnt ‘in your face’ with it. But your claim is just ridiculous
It's just like the Battle of the Binary Stars! Only no lens flare, no stupid dutch angles, and I can make out what's happening in the shots. And I'm not getting dizzy. Oh and I care who wins!
"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
The Orville is clearly an homage to the best of the sci fi classics. It is far better than Discovery. I like the characters of the Orville. I like the subtle humor sprinkled in. It feels more natural, like everyday joking rather than made for TV laughs. I loved the "We are so fired." joke as it was an appropriately timed and relevant to context. Just so well done.
The humor can sometimes feel out of place. But it never distracts from the larger stories being told. It works for me. Also, and I can't claim to have noticed this, but the characters feel more real because we actually see them in their down time often. So we see them just hanging out, being friends. That's largely missing from Trek, even the best of it. Sure, there are some episodes that have it, I'm thinking of DS9 and the baseball game, but the Orville just has frequent snippets of these characters just living their lives. It is appreciated.
The union has 3500 ships, the Kaylon had like 10,000, the Krill might have something in between the 2 extremes, since they're a warrior race but nowhere near the genocidal robots like the Kaylon, so I'd say that's not a lot compared to the respective fleet sizes of the parties involved in the Battle of Earth. That said, you'd think the Union would've had more than 100 ships to guard their base of operations
@@RealCheese15 it’s what they could assemble on short Ey never expected someone to make a beeline for Earth in a attack. They probably planned on a conflict on the frontiers of the Union.
It is extremely refreshing to see a space battle that’s smoothly edited and shot. None of that jumpy editing of Discovery! Reminds me of the fleet battles in DS-9!
@@crgkevin6542 You are right - and you have not worded it strongly enough. Many of Hollywood's special effects movies are edited in a visually confusing way (the Batman movies come to mind). The team that edited these Orville sequences (and the ones who did the color design to make it easy to see who was doing what) should be teaching classes for the rest of the industry.
Yes, this battle was a true eye opener. I used to think I was getting old and no longer able to follow space battles, turns out most new space battles are just bad cinematography!
@@AllyMonsters Its the most evonomical way to build ships. In spacer there is no need for diference clases of ships. Krill have only warships, Federation cruisers and science ships.
@zaqwerty22 1 design doesn't fill all rolls. Old star trek did this in the 60s. I mean don't get me wrong it's much faster/easier when all the ship look the same so I get it. The battle was still awesome. It was just a minor criticism that stuck out to me. Show is still great.
@AllyMonsters If you look carefully in the show, and google Union ships, there are actually quite a few different ones even though they have the same design style.
I have been avoiding this show because it seemed really cheesy. Thanks to covid and running out of shows to watch, I watched it and it is so underrated. This is so well crafted on various levels. Nice job!
And for the people who think the Orville took WAY more hits than it should have been able too, Primary did Instruct Issac to upgrade the shields with Kalon advancements, giving the Orville a defensive boost.
And that was after they had just had their deflectors upgraded a few weeks ago. An upgrade on top of an upgrade... they pretty much had the strongest deflectors in the fleet.
Additionally, unlike the Voyager, the Orville isn't wired up like Christmas Tree Lights and thus is unlikely to be completely disabled by a single hit to a sensitive spot.
Why is this so great: because the show made us care about these characters! That moment when Gordon sees his beloved ship streaming plasma fire we feel his pain, we wince at the loss of the other ships, we cheer when their most hated enemy becomes a friend. Any show can give us flashy explosions, but the Orville made us care.
Exactly this I love Orville and it's much better than star trek in many ways. I do wonder what Ed wanted to accomplish by overloading the quantum drive. Would the resulting blast be big enough to take out those Kaylon ships? How would the crew react? Would Kelly see it happen from the Krill ship?
The best space battle I've seen on television since Star Trek: Voyager and Deep Space Nine. Exciting and technically perfect. There is no doubt that The Orville is the best thing that has happened to science fiction fans in many years.
You should watch Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. The Battle of Dakkara, the Battle of Asuras, and the Battle of the Omega Gate were all pretty epic.
@Michael Colapietro False. I have seen all those series, Galactica is one of my favorites from the 2000s. Babylon 5 also seemed great to me, but I think the final battle of the double episode "What We Left Behind" of DS9 is one of the best in memory seen on television . I do not detract from any of the others.
@@peterk7428 Omega Gate (presume you mean Battle of P3Y-229) wasn't a battle... it was a slaughter lol. I damned near cried as a kid watching that one.
"Avis united our paths for a reason, but only he truly knows why. We shall see where that path leads." Might be just me, but coming from the Krill, that quote sound very hopeful. Funny. They originally went to Kaylon to find ally against the Krill. They end up ally with the Krill to fight the Kaylon.
The dogma that other biological sentient species do not have souls have always been a hard sell, I think. Now, in the Kaylon, the Krill have potentially a foe that is indisputably soulless and an existential threat to their survival. Suddenly, the Union doesn't look quite as bad as it used to. That said, I considered that statement a threat rather than words of hope. The Krill captain was reminding Mercer that any alliance would be one of convenience and one on the Krill's terms. So long as they, as a culture, maintain their position that they are the natural and God-appointed rulers of physical creation, there can be no real common ground.
The Fleet took pretty substantial losses, but they will rebuild and fortify around Earth. That said, I worry about other species within the Union. The Moclans will be fine with their advanced weaponry, but the Xelayans may be vulnerable.
@@Agent_1701-D I see the Xeleyans as the Vulcans within the Federation. They'll be protected by the Union fleet (though given the huge losses of the Union fleet, the Kaylons may stomp some systems like the Dominion did in Deep Space Nine).
Roosevelt: U.S. president during WW2... Hawking: English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author... Quimby: Joe Quimby Mayor of Springfield on The Simpsons? I guess it's Edith Quimby one of the early researchers in nuclear medicine.
Probably a Simpsons reference. I'd be disappointed if it wasn't. There's always the possibility that somebody named Quimby makes great strides in science between now and the year this is set.
@@Wilco1972 Might be named after Harriet Quimby, first female US pilot to cross the English Channel all alone. Given that other ships in the show (such as the USS Orville itself) have been named after historical figures, I'd say that sounds most reasonable. But I would totally welcome it if it was an intentional Simpsons reference.
@@adaster98 Seth mcfarlane is a huge star trek and star wars fan himself, he was even a redshirt once. I think he is torn as a liberal himself over the "woke" direction of nuTrek between supporting diverse cast and producers, and also actually being true to the essence of star trek.
@@adaster98 why is that shocking to you? he is a big star trek fan and was in two epsiodes of Enterprise(NX-01) first during the mission to find the zindie where tucker shouts at him for not checking something properly just after a relay explosion/just before flox demands he takes a break and gets some sleep and secound when tucker scolds him on the columbia when tucker first transfers over, he is a true treky and the oville shows this, he has no love for the new movies or the new show discovery he was already working on the orville after the second remake/rehash star trek movie the guy is a true treky through and through
@@adaster98 He still hasn't saved it unfortunately...he isn't continuing this show after the 3rd season, and CBS is still pushing forward with more and more Trek. This was an excellent homage with some light hearted humor thrown in...but it still isn't a substitute for DS9 and TNG.
@@adaster98 except that it's been reported that hulu has offered him more seasons and he hasn't signed yet. He has signed onto multiple other projects with other networks, and when asked if there was more orville coming after season three his response was "we are definitely finishing season 3". Not "sure" or "I hope so". There are also rumors from the set that he is checked out on the show and looking towards other projects more. While I admit this isn't ironclad evidence there will be no more, but it is some evidence. Typically if someone loves doing something and they are offered money and a contract to keep doing it they accept, not sign a bunch of other projects with other networks...
The way the krill came in at the last second reminded me of the DS9 sacrifice of angel battle (aka operation return) and I loved it! The way the Orville is influenced by trek and makes it it's own franchise is what makes it so good!
Exactly... The battles of the joint Federation, Klingon and Romulan fleet against the Dominion and Kardasian fleet... Good times... Omfg... 20 years already?
Int. Fox Studios Orville Pitch Meeting - Day Fox Executive: So Seth, what you're describing here sounds a lot like a traditional Star Trek series. Exactly how different is your show going to be? MacFarlane: The way I like to think about it is that if a traditional Star Trek series was like Enterprise Rent-A-Car, we'd be something along the lines of Avis. Fox Executive: Avis is the funnier one? MacFarlane: Avis is the funnier one. Fox Executive: Alright, we'll pick you up!
Me in 1990: wow the wrekage of Wolf 359 is scary, it must have been quite the battle. Wish we could have seen it! Me now watching The Orville: oh, that's what it was supposed to look like
I was also thinking that this is going to be the Union's Wolf-359 - The impetus for re-armament and possibly becoming more militaristic. I wonder if we're going to see any super-ships like Trek's Prometheus- Intrepid- Akira- and Sovereign-class warships?
@Zerebrat Eightyseven It still had powerful weapons. more so when it was outfitted with anti-borg weaponry and defences. By which I mean end game and the episode with the Borg, that was made from the doctors Holo emitter.
I've never watched The Orville (though I've heard good things about it) and just clicked this clip because it looked interesting. ...What I didn't expect was to get misty-eyed as the clip ended. This is Star Trek... the Star Trek I remember as a kid, the Star Trek that I thought would never see again... Thank-you. That's all I can say ^_^
So glad that The Orville isn't Star Trek. The universe that Seth and friends have created has so much to love, and the stories are so heartfelt. It's so obvious that every moment of this show is made with love. The Orville has so much that is better than anything CBS would ever approve. Case in point: This awesome epic space battle. So much led up to this. All those character moments that were ostensibly for budget reasons actually make every moment more impactful. And the whole battle sequence is brilliantly choreographed, with all the focus on the action and characters, not jittery camera tricks and blinding lens flares. Good job to the whole Orville team! Can't wait to see more from this amazing show!
I'd very much argue that Star Trek still does this, it just hasn't had a battle on this scale yet. But Otherwise, yes, Orville also does an awesome job at building up it's characters for a big payoff.
@@paulscott2037 Oh, there was a HUGE space battle in the 2nd episode of STD. But nobody remembers because STD isn't a very memorable show and most of the characters aren't very likable.
@@AllyMonsters there is variation, we only seen the backbone ships of each race, and using one frame for each type is more efficient overall than designing a completely new type unless something comes up that makes the other ships outdated, then there's the fact that we don't follow the flagship of the series we follow an explorer of the series, so whos to saw those are the only 3 classes of ships the humans have, yes I said because we've only seen mocklan's ships out of their alliance
We need more Orville. I'm enjoying the show, the comics, and more. If we can't get a new season of the show, I hope that a full cast audiobook can be recorded to tide us over.
It could also be a reference to the mayor of Springfield in The Simpsons. However, I'm hoping that it is named for Constable Darius Quimby of Albany County. He is widely regarded as the first formally-appointed peace officer in the modern understanding of the term to die in the line of duty to protect his fellow citizens.
@@benrussell-gough1201 or Harriet Quimby, first woman to fly the English channel and First American woman to earn a pilots license. She died in an aircraft accident in 1912.
Haven't enjoyed a space battle like this since The Battle of Wolf 359. Well done Orville, You now have great balance of humour and drama, switching between the two as you do gives everything more impact.
I think the series was marketed completely wrong,it was marketed as some Family Guy in space kind of adventure but its much much more than this,this was the greatest 2 part episode I have ever seen in life and will take some beating,they need to do a part 3/4 in season 3,Family Guy do a special every now and again The Orville could do one every season it would be great.
One of the top 5 space battles of all time. Possibly #1. This was epic, and unexpected. Showing off how good this show really is. Callbacks to Star Trek with the ship battle, and SW Rouge Leader with Gordon in the Krill ship made it truly what fans have been asking for. Beautifully done.
@@xer0 Nah I felt that The Orville's battle felt more intense and the special effects sounded simply great while in discovery i will admit the special effects were decent i would take The Orville over it any day
@@xer0 Disco is all about weird camera angles, soap opera style whispering actors, and bloody background music so loud it's hard to hear anything. Even so I liked it up until S1 finale. TO is so much better.
I cannot find a counterpart in ST for Gordo. The rest have some counterpart or feel like a mix of two ST characters, but done well enough that it works out fine. (Let's be honest, much of the ST:TNG ensemble was a rehash of ST:TOS characters. It happens.) Gordo is the basic "guy". He talks about the "pee corner" and plays practical jokes. He didn't come completely unglued when Isaac cut off one of his legs as a joke. He is qualified and interesting and motivated, certainly, but he's the guy in the dorm who would come up with or support the weird ideas like seeing if you could pass a slice of salami out your nose. The actor inhabiting the character, Scott Grimes, is consistently watchable. I do not know where the writers stop and the actor starts, in making Gordo such a great guy.
The build to this whole angle and point in the series was so incredibly done. What a phenomenal show. Tremendous sequence here, writing, acting, direction, effects, music, all the bases covered brilliantly.
@@Matt561 It does look like one at the start (The first episode feel like a 100% space comedy to me), but it get better and better as time passed. Now, no one will argue that this is one of the best Sci-fi show up to date. :)
Helping you warm to the characters is a master stroke .I can honestly say there’s not 1 member of the putrid STD I care about therefore who cares what they do or what happens to them.....lovin your work Seth 👍🏻
Bad Robot, Secret Hideout, CBS, you had one job. Yet here you are, being utterly trounced by what effective is a comedy show. I've never seen The Orville, but Mr. McFarlane and crew, well done. I can't wait to watch.
This battle took the best of Start Trek and Star Wars and meshed it exceptionally well. I was pleasantly surprised at how serious the show turned for this, and made you sit on the edge of your seat. I was NOT expecting this level from The Orville just yet. BRAVO!!
I had high hopes for this episode, and not only were they met they were exceeded! The effect alone are way better than what I was expecting, and this space battle, wow. The Orville has become my favorite show.
That is when Brannon Braga, the showrunner for Star Trek The Next Generation, bought some of his star trek writers over when he became the showrunner for the Orville. They even got Jonathan Frankes, Riker from Star Trek The Next Generation, to direct a couple of episodes. So, now on Star Trek Discovery, they got some writers who actually watched star trek shows and movies since they do make references to other star trek shows and movies,
Honestly I feel like Orville is more star trek than discovery is, absolutely love this show, it's serious at times and genuinely hits the feels but then it'll pick you up with it's humour. Can't wait for the next season!
From an ol Trekker, this show is fantastic. I finally have a reason to watch TV again and actually have something good to look forward to (like the days of B5 or Xfiles). Finally good sifi that is just good sifi and not some dark dreary depressing future with some stupid message hidden in the show. Just good TV. Love it. Please Please Please keep this show going. I also bought the first season DVD to show support.
Comparing this to the final Battle in Discovery's second Season is like... there is no comparsion, really. This is an entirely different league: Orville wins easily. I care about the ships, about the backstory and, most importantly, about the Characters involved far, FAR more. Plus, you can actually SEE whats going on, despite the flurry of activity. The effects are fantastic. And the Music is bloody AMAZING!
I don't think its fair to compare the two battles, as in Discovery, it was just the Discovery and Enterprise vs the section 31 ships (also the klingons who joined in, which tbh was a badass moment for me). The orville had many more ships involved. I was equally impressed with both, was on the edge of my seat with both of them.
Your better off comparing this epic battle of The Union & Krill against The Kaylon to TNG The Best of Both Worlds (Federation vs the Borg) and/or DS9 Improbable Cause & The Die is Cast (Obsidian Order & Tal Shias vs The Dominion)
Man these two episodes about the kaylon where the best Star trek thing we got since TNG. I really hope we will get some more seasons of it. Such a good show.
Avis be praised! A show that is fun, optimistic and can do "dark" properly when it needs to. When you can make a minor crew-member - a green animated slimeball, more sympathetic and genuinely heroic than the lead of the current incarnation of Trek (I'm looking at you Discovery) you have done a great job. Looking forwards to S3 - however being as I live in the UK - I'm not sure how I will be able to see it.
@@mustarddoctor And a wonderful way to kill off a scifi show with a niche audience that needs every viewer to pay their dues and be counted. Hopefully it will come to one of the streaming networks in UK, I don't see why it wouldn't.
@@Nine-Signs I believe its available on a Fox streaming service in the UK but I already pay for like 3 streaming services, Im not paying for another for one show. I'll pay for the bluray though
¡¡Epico!! La mejor batalla espacial que he visto desde Babylon 5. ¡Gracias Fox! Epic!!! The best space Battle I have watch since Babylon 5. Thanks Fox!!
I watched both the orville and discovery and honestly I felt forced watching star trek discovery I couldn't finish the first season, I will comeback and watch it again eventually but I'm more excited for the orville season 3 more than anything.
Because as we saw in Babylon 5, it's entirely possible for the organization that controls such weaponry to be subverted and turn such weapons on the Earth itself.
This is the only show I watch live, Identity parts 1 and 2 are some of the BEST television I have EVER seen. Please.... Please announce Season 3 soon. Pulling off this level of excellence takes time, give them the green light and let's get even more absolutely brilliant Sci Fi!
I haven't seen such an entertaining space battle in quite some time now. Everything was very well made with quality visuals and no lens flares, very clear and defined, plus the music reminded me of the Star Wars prequels.
It was only this past Summer (of 2022) that I got Gordon’s “Top Gun” references…because I watched the movie for the first time ever, prior to the new sequel! After putting the DVD away, I kept pondering. I knew I’d seen that biting thing, and heard the “walk in the park” quote somewhere else, so I looked it up and finally understood what Gordon was saying/doing.
@@vomErsten So the time I said Abrams should just go do Star Wars and leave trek to others, though I do really enjoy the casting of the Kelvan timeline. Now I'm regretting wanting Abrams in Star Wars too..... I would love for Ron Moore to write a Kelvan Timeline TV mini-series with that cast though. That could be epic.
@@Jake-cm9jj Who you REALLY want to write a Kelvin timeline series is J. Michael Straczinsky. He has even expressed interest, if I recall, in writing a darker version of the Enterprise's 5-year mission. Something along the lines of searching for a suitable world to replace the destroyed Vulcan homeworld. That would be rad.
Know what I like best about this compared to the big space battles in STD and Picard? Energy shots, three different factions of ships shooting, smoke, debris, and then fighters were added. And not once in this five minute clip did it feel like I was watching just a blurred mess of CGI. I could tell who was who, and I haven't even seen this episode yet. Well done.
And they use music appropriately! Discovery is blasting us constantly with background music my brain just craves the 2 seconds a show where they forget to ruin a scene
This show seriously is very well done and I am actually getting into the Lore/Story of the show quite a bit. I am at the end of season 2 and WOW, WOW AND WOW its been incredible! Thank you Seth Mcfarland, I am to weak, dumb, ugly, and poor to make a show. This guy makes millions if individuals feel comfort every night or day when they watch the shows and I think thats awesome to do. Hopefully one day I can have an impact on earth in a positive way more than I do and help myself family and others more and am allowed better opportunities.
Jeez, I'd never seen any of this show, not even a single second, until seeing this clip. I'd always heard it was good, but when I saw an image of such a clean and brightly-lit ship, Seth standing there smiling so big; I assumed it was going to be a comedy. I could enjoy this.
this has better effects than most Hollywood movies, what a great show
@@frankreynolds445 what's even more interesting is that the Orville has a budget of a typical network show!
There's a reason television scifi hit it's peak in the 90s and early 00s. Massive space battles like this were part of it.
That effect where you could see through the bridge from the outside to the other side, was totally awesome. even Gordon in the one man fighter, they used a moving model with green screen background, big movie special effects on this show.
lets not forget that Isaac's head cannon looks very real, we just take it for granted.
And these guys are making around 14 episodes this year, roughly 7 features of big screen adventure with so much character development.. it's a dream come true. All hail Seth and his production crew. See what I mean CBS! How much bigger and better is the Orville compared to STD and. Nebulous Picard series we may see sometime in 2020.
Darwin Xavier true this is about the same quality of sfx found in a Babylon 5 big style scene
Was, no joke, on the edge of my seat during this battle.
I didnt blink very much during that battle!my contact lenses became quite dry and I had to rewind at least 2 times!
Me too, so great!!!
It is as a vicious battle well worth the wait.
Same! It was like the Dominion Wars in HD!
I had this huge dumb grin with my mouth hanging open in amazement. Truly riveting.
The Orville is really an amazing ship design. Unlike _other_ shows that have a large window as a viewscreen, The Orville's window doesn't just look like a viewscreen. It wraps around like a cockpit. You can see ships and action from the sides. In an action scene like this, it really conveys a sense of movement & adds to the tension of the scene.
I also like the differences between designs and how that reflects on the cultures that produced them. The Kalons have these round spherical ships without any artistic quality, very functional but without much form, while the Krill have these blocky geometric ships reflective of their rigid and highly unified society, while the union ships have soft curves which divide out into parts, not the best militarily but very pleasing to look at visually and reflective of how they may have common goals but each has a different approach to it.
@@johnmcauliffe8824 additionally the kalons ships act almost like gyroscopes and they’re meant to quickly flip around if need be, highly practical and efficient (and since they’re robots, they don’t have to worry about whiplash or being disoriented from said rotation)
I've not seen The Orville apart from various clips like this but it also unfortunately suffers from the producers thinking that ships swoop and bank in space like aircraft in an atmosphere.
Although I get the impression from the the characters I've seen so far and the overwhelming neon technicolors that it's well aware that it's a Trek parody and not trying to be particularly serious.
But that's only from about a dozen clips so far.
Basically it looks fun but frivolous.
Plus it makes sense in an engineering standpoint
It still makes no sense at all. Who in their right mind would put the leading officers into a space that could be so easily damaged from the outside? A spaceship is basically like a submarine. You'd hide the the most vital parts of it behind as much metal as you can. Although with the window at least it makes sense from the window point of view. Putting the bridge on top if it doesn't even have a window, as in Star Strek, was just dumb.
It's nice that the Orville engineers figured out how to design control panels with less explodium than the Enterprise-D used.
And rocks behind the consoles.
No explodium ? How boring !
If you watched the series... Well they do explode and catch fire, especially when automatic fire suppressors... catch on fire. Yes, they joked about that trope :)
Mercer: What happened to automatic fire suppression?
Alara: That's the panel on fire!
The consoles aren’t made of rocks!
Seth, you've saved Star Trek. Not the franchise, but the idea.
Lol cringe.
@Crom the Wise you do realize that star trek has been "woke" since it's inception right Gene was a SJW by today's standards but think what you want there is feminism all over star trek from a Woman on the bridge of the Enterprise as fist officer in the pilot episode The Cage not to mention it broke standards in real life having a woman at a very high position at that time in the 60's and then having Nichelle Nichols in a role unheard of at that time to Janeway getting her way and now with Micheal you should really look into it Gene would of loved Micheal as she is the strong woman that gets her way like so many characters in star trek before her if you don't believe me you should look at how Admiral Nechayev dresses down Picard when Picard was right on many issues The writing could be better for New Trek but it's not just all of a sudden Woke Trek when Trek has been woke forever.
TNG was different from OS. Discovery is about reaching new fans for a new generation. All is Seth is doing is making money by copying TNG. It is always bizarre fans think they own ST, and it isn’t allowed to change from stand alone episodes.
Crom the Wise Star Trek has always been woke.
It has the first interracial kiss on television, one of first black main characters in sci fi and has always preached equality and social justice.
But I like the Orville much more because it isnt ‘in your face’ with it.
But your claim is just ridiculous
@Sky Commander I agree Commander, should i throw him out the airlock? sir
Krill: "Try to stay out of our way"
Orville: Flies directly in front of the entire Krill fleet
Such subtle humour in this show
I believe the technical term is "assuming formation"
A big 🖕 u
"Try to keep up!!"
I like the show. Roll on season 3.
No lens flares the entire time!! Excellently done!
Also, no soft focus and blown-out lighting.
Wtf do you think this is? That STD they call a star trek show? Pffft!
It's just like the Battle of the Binary Stars! Only no lens flare, no stupid dutch angles, and I can make out what's happening in the shots. And I'm not getting dizzy. Oh and I care who wins!
There was however a lot of lens dust. Don't know why they added that.
"Only one human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
LOL. I love it.
I will randomly think of this line of dialogue at the most random times. Such a powerful line expertly delivered.
Happy to see more B5 fans are loving The Orville.
Yes. That was probably my favourite quote from Delenn. Ivanova had several great quotes too.
@@theguyfromsaturn her message right before attacking the Shadow Omega fleet...
The Orville is clearly an homage to the best of the sci fi classics. It is far better than Discovery. I like the characters of the Orville. I like the subtle humor sprinkled in. It feels more natural, like everyday joking rather than made for TV laughs. I loved the "We are so fired." joke as it was an appropriately timed and relevant to context. Just so well done.
The humor can sometimes feel out of place. But it never distracts from the larger stories being told. It works for me.
Also, and I can't claim to have noticed this, but the characters feel more real because we actually see them in their down time often. So we see them just hanging out, being friends. That's largely missing from Trek, even the best of it. Sure, there are some episodes that have it, I'm thinking of DS9 and the baseball game, but the Orville just has frequent snippets of these characters just living their lives. It is appreciated.
Fox: How many ships do you want on screen at once?
Seth: Yes.
Seth: Not as much as STD/STP, that’s for sure!
This joke is not at all tired.
10 billion laser shots and we're barely scratched. Didn't I tell you that the Krill recruited Storm Troopers for their gunners?
The union has 3500 ships, the Kaylon had like 10,000, the Krill might have something in between the 2 extremes, since they're a warrior race but nowhere near the genocidal robots like the Kaylon, so I'd say that's not a lot compared to the respective fleet sizes of the parties involved in the Battle of Earth. That said, you'd think the Union would've had more than 100 ships to guard their base of operations
@@RealCheese15 it’s what they could assemble on short Ey never expected someone to make a beeline for Earth in a attack. They probably planned on a conflict on the frontiers of the Union.
It is extremely refreshing to see a space battle that’s smoothly edited and shot. None of that jumpy editing of Discovery! Reminds me of the fleet battles in DS-9!
@@crgkevin6542 You are right - and you have not worded it strongly enough. Many of Hollywood's special effects movies are edited in a visually confusing way (the Batman movies come to mind).
The team that edited these Orville sequences (and the ones who did the color design to make it easy to see who was doing what) should be teaching classes for the rest of the industry.
Yes, this battle was a true eye opener. I used to think I was getting old and no longer able to follow space battles, turns out most new space battles are just bad cinematography!
I am so glad a syfy show like this is on regular tv, enjoy it so much. Thanks for fun tv viewing again.
@@12xenn45 right, syfy is a channel not a genre,
Heh, Syfy wishes it still had shows this good. That ended when they cancelled The Expanse.
I fell asleep watching the pilot of the expanse twice.
I'm not sure i want to revisit that show because of this reason alone.
its on regular tv coz no one would pay to watch it, lol
The first season was great with all the anticipation and build-up. Then it got stale and predictable.
one of the best space battles ive seen in a long time, bravo! absolutely loved the 2 identity episodes
It was good but I dunno bout that. All the ships from the same species look the same.
Better than the New Trek movies
@@AllyMonsters Its the most evonomical way to build ships. In spacer there is no need for diference clases of ships. Krill have only warships, Federation cruisers and science ships.
@zaqwerty22 1 design doesn't fill all rolls. Old star trek did this in the 60s. I mean don't get me wrong it's much faster/easier when all the ship look the same so I get it. The battle was still awesome. It was just a minor criticism that stuck out to me. Show is still great.
@AllyMonsters If you look carefully in the show, and google Union ships, there are actually quite a few different ones even though they have the same design style.
I have been avoiding this show because it seemed really cheesy. Thanks to covid and running out of shows to watch, I watched it and it is so underrated. This is so well crafted on various levels. Nice job!
A ton of angry neck beards decided to badmouth this fantastic show and people believed them
Indeed, first season is very hit and miss, but the show really found its stride in the second season.
love this show. not much on Discovery nor Picard... signed, a huge Star Trek fan!!!
@@rav3style Most are influencers/shrills paid by Paramount I suppose :(
It has a lot of cheese indeed but very much to like.
"Sir, there's another ship coming in... It's the Enter... A fleet of Krill!"
And for the people who think the Orville took WAY more hits than it should have been able too, Primary did Instruct Issac to upgrade the shields with Kalon advancements, giving the Orville a defensive boost.
And that was after they had just had their deflectors upgraded a few weeks ago. An upgrade on top of an upgrade... they pretty much had the strongest deflectors in the fleet.
@@brch2 Makes sense to me.
Now they only need to upgrade weapons!!!!
Additionally, unlike the Voyager, the Orville isn't wired up like Christmas Tree Lights and thus is unlikely to be completely disabled by a single hit to a sensitive spot.
@@benrussell-gough1201 ...or, for that matter, someone making cheese in the galley.
Why is this so great: because the show made us care about these characters! That moment when Gordon sees his beloved ship streaming plasma fire we feel his pain, we wince at the loss of the other ships, we cheer when their most hated enemy becomes a friend. Any show can give us flashy explosions, but the Orville made us care.
Well put.
and that's the soul of a show that Orville remember to have
and them taking more hits makes sense because they got upgrade to their defectors last time!!!! in previous episodes.
The feels man, The Feels!!
Exactly this
I love Orville and it's much better than star trek in many ways. I do wonder what Ed wanted to accomplish by overloading the quantum drive. Would the resulting blast be big enough to take out those Kaylon ships?
How would the crew react? Would Kelly see it happen from the Krill ship?
THIS! THIS is how you do a space battle! No wonky camera angles, no lens flare, nice clear visuals! Beautiful!
The best space battle I've seen on television since Star Trek: Voyager and Deep Space Nine. Exciting and technically perfect. There is no doubt that The Orville is the best thing that has happened to science fiction fans in many years.
You should watch Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. The Battle of Dakkara, the Battle of Asuras, and the Battle of the Omega Gate were all pretty epic.
There's a couple of shows which are at least as good for space battles: Babylon 5 and The Expanse.
Watch The Expanse. Much better than Orville.
@Michael Colapietro False. I have seen all those series, Galactica is one of my favorites from the 2000s. Babylon 5 also seemed great to me, but I think the final battle of the double episode "What We Left Behind" of DS9 is one of the best in memory seen on television . I do not detract from any of the others.
@@peterk7428 Omega Gate (presume you mean Battle of P3Y-229) wasn't a battle... it was a slaughter lol. I damned near cried as a kid watching that one.
This episode has cemented the Orville as one of the sci fi greats.
"Avis united our paths for a reason, but only he truly knows why. We shall see where that path leads."
Might be just me, but coming from the Krill, that quote sound very hopeful.
Funny. They originally went to Kaylon to find ally against the Krill. They end up ally with the Krill to fight the Kaylon.
Avis works in mysterious ways...
The dogma that other biological sentient species do not have souls have always been a hard sell, I think. Now, in the Kaylon, the Krill have potentially a foe that is indisputably soulless and an existential threat to their survival. Suddenly, the Union doesn't look quite as bad as it used to.
That said, I considered that statement a threat rather than words of hope. The Krill captain was reminding Mercer that any alliance would be one of convenience and one on the Krill's terms. So long as they, as a culture, maintain their position that they are the natural and God-appointed rulers of physical creation, there can be no real common ground.
@J Can du Krill exchange officer on the Orville? Sign me up!
Avis the car rental...krill shrimp...
@J Can du I ship it so much you have no idea
A moment of silence for USS Roosevelt, USS Hawking, USS Quimby, etc, etc, etc.... Their crews served in the highest tradition of the Union.
The Fleet took pretty substantial losses, but they will rebuild and fortify around Earth. That said, I worry about other species within the Union. The Moclans will be fine with their advanced weaponry, but the Xelayans may be vulnerable.
@@Agent_1701-D I see the Xeleyans as the Vulcans within the Federation. They'll be protected by the Union fleet (though given the huge losses of the Union fleet, the Kaylons may stomp some systems like the Dominion did in Deep Space Nine).
Roosevelt: U.S. president during WW2... Hawking: English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author... Quimby: Joe Quimby Mayor of Springfield on The Simpsons? I guess it's Edith Quimby one of the early researchers in nuclear medicine.
Probably a Simpsons reference. I'd be disappointed if it wasn't. There's always the possibility that somebody named Quimby makes great strides in science between now and the year this is set.
@@Wilco1972 Might be named after Harriet Quimby, first female US pilot to cross the English Channel all alone. Given that other ships in the show (such as the USS Orville itself) have been named after historical figures, I'd say that sounds most reasonable. But I would totally welcome it if it was an intentional Simpsons reference.
Praise Avis... he tries harder!
I said the same thing! You're on your toes.
BAHAA i've found myself saying Avis lately too
He also has decent cars to rent.
Glory to Budget!
Orville is my favourite Star Trek show
CBS: We're going to make a new Star Trek series that will make you nostalgic for the days of Next Generation and DS9
Seth MacFarlane: Hold my scotch
@@adaster98 Seth mcfarlane is a huge star trek and star wars fan himself, he was even a redshirt once. I think he is torn as a liberal himself over the "woke" direction of nuTrek between supporting diverse cast and producers, and also actually being true to the essence of star trek.
They succeeded, I want old trek back
@@adaster98 why is that shocking to you? he is a big star trek fan and was in two epsiodes of Enterprise(NX-01) first during the mission to find the zindie where tucker shouts at him for not checking something properly just after a relay explosion/just before flox demands he takes a break and gets some sleep and secound when tucker scolds him on the columbia when tucker first transfers over, he is a true treky and the oville shows this, he has no love for the new movies or the new show discovery he was already working on the orville after the second remake/rehash star trek movie the guy is a true treky through and through
@@adaster98 He still hasn't saved it unfortunately...he isn't continuing this show after the 3rd season, and CBS is still pushing forward with more and more Trek.
This was an excellent homage with some light hearted humor thrown in...but it still isn't a substitute for DS9 and TNG.
@@adaster98 except that it's been reported that hulu has offered him more seasons and he hasn't signed yet. He has signed onto multiple other projects with other networks, and when asked if there was more orville coming after season three his response was "we are definitely finishing season 3". Not "sure" or "I hope so". There are also rumors from the set that he is checked out on the show and looking towards other projects more.
While I admit this isn't ironclad evidence there will be no more, but it is some evidence. Typically if someone loves doing something and they are offered money and a contract to keep doing it they accept, not sign a bunch of other projects with other networks...
Reminded me so much of Ds9 battles..and Star Wars when Wedge goes right through a Tie explosion.
The way the krill came in at the last second reminded me of the DS9 sacrifice of angel battle (aka operation return) and I loved it! The way the Orville is influenced by trek and makes it it's own franchise is what makes it so good!
I was just thinking about the space battles in DS9. I was rooting for the Orville almost as much as I did for the Defiant.
And B5 and SG1 battles.
Exactly... The battles of the joint Federation, Klingon and Romulan fleet against the Dominion and Kardasian fleet... Good times... Omfg... 20 years already?
This was better than any of the Star trek battles let alone Battlestar Galactica. I'd say it was even better than some of the Babylon 5 space action
I wonder whether naming the alien's god Avis is an inside joke regarding another rent-a-car company, Enterprise.
Int. Fox Studios Orville Pitch Meeting - Day
Fox Executive: So Seth, what you're describing here sounds a lot like a traditional Star Trek series. Exactly how different is your show going to be?
MacFarlane: The way I like to think about it is that if a traditional Star Trek series was like Enterprise Rent-A-Car, we'd be something along the lines of Avis.
Fox Executive: Avis is the funnier one?
MacFarlane: Avis is the funnier one.
Fox Executive: Alright, we'll pick you up!
It's Seth McFarland, for all we know he got stiffed by them a week before filming and there we go..
In the episode, "Krill" Gordon tells the Krill kids that the humans worship another god called "Hertz."
Catzilla, I remember that only too well. And I found it all too amusing.
What is even more amusing is the fact that Avis spelled backwards is a God......Siva 🤔
Dam epic space battle!!!! From now on that's how you do space battles!!!!! Thats what Iam talking about!!!!!! Seth keep it awesome!!!
These may have been the 2 most epic episodes of the series thus far. Amazing stuff Seth McFarlane. Season 3 here we come baby
Brilliant evolution of a series! Thank you Seth for bringing back the real "Star Trek". Let's keep this great series on the air by all watching!
So unbelievably good, if this show doesn’t have a minimum of at least 6 series I’m gonna be annoyed!
I'm hoping for the full 7 season TNG treatment
@@Maurcusj777 Or the 10 season Stargate: SG-1 treatment. :-)
10 seasons with 1 or 2 spin offs. Come on! This is Star trek in an alternate universe. We need this!
@@Maurcusj777 YAAAAAAAASSSS god i can only imagine what the "all good things" orville equivalent would be like.
Six seasons and a movie!
Me in 1990: wow the wrekage of Wolf 359 is scary, it must have been quite the battle. Wish we could have seen it!
Me now watching The Orville: oh, that's what it was supposed to look like
I was also thinking that this is going to be the Union's Wolf-359 - The impetus for re-armament and possibly becoming more militaristic. I wonder if we're going to see any super-ships like Trek's Prometheus- Intrepid- Akira- and Sovereign-class warships?
You know you could see a good portion of the battle of Wolf359 in the very first episode of DS9.
@@benrussell-gough1201 The defiant as-well. The kaylon are the geth/cylons.
@Zerebrat Eightyseven It still had powerful weapons. more so when it was outfitted with anti-borg weaponry and defences. By which I mean end game and the episode with the Borg, that was made from the doctors Holo emitter.
@@jameswatsonatheistgamer and also the Kaylons are the Orvilles version of the Borg XD
This sequence was fking sick, the two episodes were fking sick. Well done Seth, well done.
I've never watched The Orville (though I've heard good things about it) and just clicked this clip because it looked interesting.
...What I didn't expect was to get misty-eyed as the clip ended. This is Star Trek... the Star Trek I remember as a kid, the Star Trek that I thought would never see again... Thank-you. That's all I can say ^_^
And it suddenly got really dark!
Just an FYI, the comments above are a scam if it wasn't obvious lol
@@why9541 Seeing them appear a lot recently. You probably at some point have to log into your account on their site. This is how "hacking" happens.
Awesome effects, awesome orchestrals, THAT is a good ol' fashioned space battle.
This will go down as one of the greatest moments of TV history........all hail Avis.
3 8 We try harder
show no mercy we fight for the glory of AVIS!
@@skepticalfaith5201 Ouch. Your comment really hertz.
@@rcnelson Man! You should really wash your mouth out with Gordon!
So glad that The Orville isn't Star Trek. The universe that Seth and friends have created has so much to love, and the stories are so heartfelt. It's so obvious that every moment of this show is made with love. The Orville has so much that is better than anything CBS would ever approve.
Case in point: This awesome epic space battle. So much led up to this. All those character moments that were ostensibly for budget reasons actually make every moment more impactful. And the whole battle sequence is brilliantly choreographed, with all the focus on the action and characters, not jittery camera tricks and blinding lens flares.
Good job to the whole Orville team! Can't wait to see more from this amazing show!
A minor thing for me is all the ships look alike. At least star trek had variations to their species ships.
@@AllyMonsters Give it time, long ago Star Trek only had the constitution class after all ^^
I'd very much argue that Star Trek still does this, it just hasn't had a battle on this scale yet. But Otherwise, yes, Orville also does an awesome job at building up it's characters for a big payoff.
@@paulscott2037 Oh, there was a HUGE space battle in the 2nd episode of STD. But nobody remembers because STD isn't a very memorable show and most of the characters aren't very likable.
@@AllyMonsters there is variation, we only seen the backbone ships of each race, and using one frame for each type is more efficient overall than designing a completely new type unless something comes up that makes the other ships outdated, then there's the fact that we don't follow the flagship of the series we follow an explorer of the series, so whos to saw those are the only 3 classes of ships the humans have, yes I said because we've only seen mocklan's ships out of their alliance
We need more Orville. I'm enjoying the show, the comics, and more. If we can't get a new season of the show, I hope that a full cast audiobook can be recorded to tide us over.
One of the greatest Sci-fi telivision series of all Time
This was epic! Amazing visual effects!
"We have lost the USS Quimby." -- Fred Quimby was an animator on some of the classic cartoons back in the day. Nice shoutout.
Don't Forget the Hawking.
It could also be a reference to the mayor of Springfield in The Simpsons.
However, I'm hoping that it is named for Constable Darius Quimby of Albany County. He is widely regarded as the first formally-appointed peace officer in the modern understanding of the term to die in the line of duty to protect his fellow citizens.
@@benrussell-gough1201 or Harriet Quimby, first woman to fly the English channel and First American woman to earn a pilots license. She died in an aircraft accident in 1912.
@Leo Peridot- "sick" sense of humor? What have you created that could be judged as better?
Nobody is forcing you to passively watch MacFarland's work.
Wasn't there also a Chief Quimby, from the old Inspector Gadget cartoon? :)
Haven't enjoyed a space battle like this since The Battle of Wolf 359. Well done Orville, You now have great balance of humour and drama, switching between the two as you do gives everything more impact.
The battle of Wolf 359 was only 2 minutes long. This is a lot more battle than that.
I think the series was marketed completely wrong,it was marketed as some Family Guy in space kind of adventure but its much much more than this,this was the greatest 2 part episode I have ever seen in life and will take some beating,they need to do a part 3/4 in season 3,Family Guy do a special every now and again The Orville could do one every season it would be great.
It never ceases to amaze me how well sound travels through the vacuum of space.
Yeah, only 3 films I'm aware of do no sound in space-"2001 A Space Odyssey," "Serenity" and "Gravity."
It's dramatic license.
One of the top 5 space battles of all time. Possibly #1. This was epic, and unexpected. Showing off how good this show really is. Callbacks to Star Trek with the ship battle, and SW Rouge Leader with Gordon in the Krill ship made it truly what fans have been asking for. Beautifully done.
"just a walk in the park kazansky" LOL
That took me by so much surprise. The action was superb. No complaint.
Asami Hara, I agree with you only too well. As you may recall, that line is from the movie “Top Gun”. My brother is a big fan of that movie!
This is greatest space battle I’ve seen in a long time
Star Trek Discovery had a better fight in season one.
@@xer0 Nah I felt that The Orville's battle felt more intense and the special effects sounded simply great while in discovery i will admit the special effects were decent i would take The Orville over it any day
Nulo Vacio Discovery is dreadful
@@mtr801 Yep got through 3 episodes before a pulled the plug with pride
@@xer0 Disco is all about weird camera angles, soap opera style whispering actors, and bloody background music so loud it's hard to hear anything. Even so I liked it up until S1 finale. TO is so much better.
"Alright buddy, time to wash your mouth out with Gordon!"
His best line yet.
🤔 I don't know. I like hugging the donkey.
What does that even mean?
I cannot find a counterpart in ST for Gordo. The rest have some counterpart or feel like a mix of two ST characters, but done well enough that it works out fine. (Let's be honest, much of the ST:TNG ensemble was a rehash of ST:TOS characters. It happens.)
Gordo is the basic "guy". He talks about the "pee corner" and plays practical jokes. He didn't come completely unglued when Isaac cut off one of his legs as a joke. He is qualified and interesting and motivated, certainly, but he's the guy in the dorm who would come up with or support the weird ideas like seeing if you could pass a slice of salami out your nose.
The actor inhabiting the character, Scott Grimes, is consistently watchable. I do not know where the writers stop and the actor starts, in making Gordo such a great guy.
@@jabpoke Tom Paris plus a bit of Quark, Rom and Pavel Chekov.
Mainly Tom Paris though, IMO.
Seriously, do they not use phrasing in the future? :p
The build to this whole angle and point in the series was so incredibly done. What a phenomenal show. Tremendous sequence here, writing, acting, direction, effects, music, all the bases covered brilliantly.
Best ‘Star Trek’ battle, EVER.
The Orville is EPIC.
Take note, STD.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
*laughs in "Sacrifice of Angels"*
The Orville is a big joke.
@@masterk6571 Not as big as Star Trek. It because a non-laughable joke it so bad.
Suddenly, a spoof show got better than anything it suppose to ripped off.
Not a spoof... an homage with comedic elements
YoyoTanya Right? Lol
It was never a spoof, fox messed up the marketing
@@Matt561 It does look like one at the start (The first episode feel like a 100% space comedy to me), but it get better and better as time passed. Now, no one will argue that this is one of the best Sci-fi show up to date. :)
@@YoyoTanya I agree. It has turned from what I initialy perceived as parody to be among the classics like Star Trek ( the good ones ).
Helping you warm to the characters is a master stroke .I can honestly say there’s not 1 member of the putrid STD I care about therefore who cares what they do or what happens to them.....lovin your work Seth 👍🏻
The best space battle I’ve ever seen on TV
Bad Robot, Secret Hideout, CBS, you had one job. Yet here you are, being utterly trounced by what effective is a comedy show. I've never seen The Orville, but Mr. McFarlane and crew, well done. I can't wait to watch.
Man, the musical score is utterly fantastic!
This battle took the best of Start Trek and Star Wars and meshed it exceptionally well. I was pleasantly surprised at how serious the show turned for this, and made you sit on the edge of your seat. I was NOT expecting this level from The Orville just yet. BRAVO!!
I had high hopes for this episode, and not only were they met they were exceeded! The effect alone are way better than what I was expecting, and this space battle, wow. The Orville has become my favorite show.
So many 'splosions! Best space battle I've seen in the longest time, perhaps ever! It's great when geeks are allowed to do what they do best!
When the Orville is more Star Trek than Star Trek discovery. Lol
When was discovery start trek
Actually if you see the last episode and the trailer for the next episode of Discovery, it looks like Identity Part 1 and 2.
That is when Brannon Braga, the showrunner for Star Trek The Next Generation, bought some of his star trek writers over when he became the showrunner for the Orville. They even got Jonathan Frankes, Riker from Star Trek The Next Generation, to direct a couple of episodes. So, now on Star Trek Discovery, they got some writers who actually watched star trek shows and movies since they do make references to other star trek shows and movies,
When haters gotta hate on Star Trek. Oh and The Orville is not Star Trek. Now go cry in your pillow! Lol
@@Moondog2010A STD sucks butt.
Makes Wolf 359 look like a walk in the park. Well done!!
This episode was so epic. I love The Orville!!!
Show got completely turned around krill went from enemies to potential allies kaylon went from potential allies to enemies
well i dont have to post those same words now lol. epic indeed
Honestly I feel like Orville is more star trek than discovery is, absolutely love this show, it's serious at times and genuinely hits the feels but then it'll pick you up with it's humour. Can't wait for the next season!
From an ol Trekker, this show is fantastic. I finally have a reason to watch TV again and actually have something good to look forward to (like the days of B5 or Xfiles). Finally good sifi that is just good sifi and not some dark dreary depressing future with some stupid message hidden in the show. Just good TV. Love it. Please Please Please keep this show going.
I also bought the first season DVD to show support.
I am (WAS) a Trek fan.. BUT I also bought the first season DVD to show support!!!!
Comparing this to the final Battle in Discovery's second Season is like... there is no comparsion, really. This is an entirely different league: Orville wins easily. I care about the ships, about the backstory and, most importantly, about the Characters involved far, FAR more. Plus, you can actually SEE whats going on, despite the flurry of activity. The effects are fantastic. And the Music is bloody AMAZING!
I don't think its fair to compare the two battles, as in Discovery, it was just the Discovery and Enterprise vs the section 31 ships (also the klingons who joined in, which tbh was a badass moment for me). The orville had many more ships involved. I was equally impressed with both, was on the edge of my seat with both of them.
Well you should at least care about the enterprise, even if it is not THE enterprise, I mean Season 2 of Discovery gave us one good thing: Pike.
@@lykan2 And love it that they are giving us more Enterprise and Pike!
@@lykan2 The Orville is the NEW Enterprise.
Your better off comparing this epic battle of The Union & Krill against The Kaylon to TNG The Best of Both Worlds (Federation vs the Borg) and/or DS9 Improbable Cause & The Die is Cast (Obsidian Order & Tal Shias vs The Dominion)
Man these two episodes about the kaylon where the best Star trek thing we got since TNG. I really hope we will get some more seasons of it. Such a good show.
Gene Roddenberry would be proud of The Orville Universe
Andy Spark I love that The Orville writers follow Roddenberry’s script guidelines so strictly
Stephen Hawking would be honored to know he had a ship named after him that sacrificed itself to save Earth.
He is smiling in heaven.
It has a lot of star trek actors in it and some even direct it. Very good.
There's no rocks on the bridge though.
I am sooooo loving this show!
That battle was epic and the closing message was very touching.
Leo Peridot you can be friends with anybody as long as you’ve got a common enemy
Avis be praised! A show that is fun, optimistic and can do "dark" properly when it needs to. When you can make a minor crew-member - a green animated slimeball, more sympathetic and genuinely heroic than the lead of the current incarnation of Trek (I'm looking at you Discovery) you have done a great job. Looking forwards to S3 - however being as I live in the UK - I'm not sure how I will be able to see it.
The wonderful world of torrenting. Either that or Sky might make it available here.
@@mustarddoctor And a wonderful way to kill off a scifi show with a niche audience that needs every viewer to pay their dues and be counted. Hopefully it will come to one of the streaming networks in UK, I don't see why it wouldn't.
@@Nine-Signs I believe its available on a Fox streaming service in the UK but I already pay for like 3 streaming services, Im not paying for another for one show. I'll pay for the bluray though
Express vpn
@@calebbanta4395 Heretic!
Best space battle since Deep Space Nine.
Reminds me a lot of the battles of DS9, And TNG Wolf 359, well done the Orville, Fabulous!
I like the retro feel of the battle looked like something we would see in the 90's not in 2019
Please renew The Orville for multiple seasons immediately. I look forward to Orville night all week long. 🤞🏼
¡¡Epico!! La mejor batalla espacial que he visto desde Babylon 5. ¡Gracias Fox!
Epic!!! The best space Battle I have watch since Babylon 5.
Thanks Fox!!
probably the only known time a spanish speaker has uttered the words 'thanks fox' not sarcastically :P
@@erikjohnson9075 lol ;)
"we fight for the glory of Avis"
me: ... "they're fighting for a car rental?"
That what I thought of when I first heard Avis
I was like isn’t that a car rental place
that's not how you spell Kahless!
"Oh mighty Avis, we try harder!" 😂
Hertz, doesn't it?
Luckily, the ship of the heroes in this show is not called Enterprise. 😂
Wow ... The Orville has come such a long way from the first few episodes. Even the special effects are so much better now.
The Orville: The new home of Star Trek fans!
The new home of those that want mocking comedy of Star Trek.
@@masterk6571 They dont mock star trek at all. Just another clueless STD fan. Discover sucks butt. Ha ha.
I watched both the orville and discovery and honestly I felt forced watching star trek discovery I couldn't finish the first season, I will comeback and watch it again eventually but I'm more excited for the orville season 3 more than anything.
You made me sad. I would have assumed it's been renewed for 10 more seasons by now.
There's supposed to be a season 3 on Hulu coming in late 2020
@@spacey_432 Yeah it wasn't when I wrote that.
Harrix i can’t waitttt
They are
This is, without doubt ,better than all spaceship battle in all 3 Star Wars Sequel combined
Why does Earth never have Automated Defences to protect our beautiful marble in these shows? C'mon Federations!
Because as we saw in Babylon 5, it's entirely possible for the organization that controls such weaponry to be subverted and turn such weapons on the Earth itself.
Yeah really I mean they don't really need to be automated but come on somebody should be shooting back
@@lorzon it's really hard to point an anti-aircraft gun at the ground
@@tolfan4438 An orbital defense system can point in any direction it wants. Space is in three dimensions.
so that people who operate under the pretense of "the guns might be used on us instead" can sit in your comments pretending to be SMRT.
This is the only show I watch live, Identity parts 1 and 2 are some of the BEST television I have EVER seen. Please.... Please announce Season 3 soon. Pulling off this level of excellence takes time, give them the green light and let's get even more absolutely brilliant Sci Fi!
This is certainly no Sci Fi ! It is comedic, at best.
I haven't seen such an entertaining space battle in quite some time now. Everything was very well made with quality visuals and no lens flares, very clear and defined, plus the music reminded me of the Star Wars prequels.
"Who says theirs never a Krill around when you need one" XD
the last part feels like old trek to me. esp. the "one day" speach seth delivered.
It was only this past Summer (of 2022) that I got Gordon’s “Top Gun” references…because I watched the movie for the first time ever, prior to the new sequel! After putting the DVD away, I kept pondering. I knew I’d seen that biting thing, and heard the “walk in the park” quote somewhere else, so I looked it up and finally understood what Gordon was saying/doing.
It went from being more Star Trek than Star Trek to being more Star Wars than Star Wars.
To be fair, even Star Trek 2009 is more Star Wars than Star Wars.
Both franchise. Destined to fall.
@@vomErsten So the time I said Abrams should just go do Star Wars and leave trek to others, though I do really enjoy the casting of the Kelvan timeline.
Now I'm regretting wanting Abrams in Star Wars too.....
I would love for Ron Moore to write a Kelvan Timeline TV mini-series with that cast though. That could be epic.
@@Jake-cm9jj Who you REALLY want to write a Kelvin timeline series is J. Michael Straczinsky. He has even expressed interest, if I recall, in writing a darker version of the Enterprise's 5-year mission. Something along the lines of searching for a suitable world to replace the destroyed Vulcan homeworld. That would be rad.
Now THIS is a space battle!
Now this is sci-fi!!!!!!!!
Now this is Star Trek!!
More like Star Wars.
That was truly epic. Best episode in the series. I was happier than a kid in a chocolate factory
These people HAVE to get Jeffrey Combs in this show as a recurring character.
Or better, have him play like 5 different aliens in the same episode (he actually played multiple once in DS9)
if you look at the credits: brannon bragga, frakes, sirtis, Robert Ducan, picardo, phlox. there is so much star trek love in this.
My first thought was that the Krill commander was Shran...
@@Fletchman1313 Same.
@@valleyforgeproductions Liqiudator Brunt of the Ferengi and Weyun of the Vorta.
Know what I like best about this compared to the big space battles in STD and Picard? Energy shots, three different factions of ships shooting, smoke, debris, and then fighters were added.
And not once in this five minute clip did it feel like I was watching just a blurred mess of CGI. I could tell who was who, and I haven't even seen this episode yet.
Well done.
Awesome!!! This music sounds just like John Williams. Bravo to who ever composed the score!!! It has a very StarWars feel to it! Excellent!!!!
Perfect! Amazing space battle. And here's a shout-out to the composer. Great job as well.
I love the musical score, it sounds so epic and exciting and huge!
And they use music appropriately! Discovery is blasting us constantly with background music my brain just craves the 2 seconds a show where they forget to ruin a scene
Reminded me of the music from the asteroid field scene in Empire Strikes Back.
@@stephenkoehler4051 Was thinking the same thing.
This little boy is so cute! Awe. Go, Isaac!
Hurry up with season 3 already. Been waiting forever !!!!!
These two episodes sealed it for me. I haven't watched a show like this since I was 10 and star trek voyager lol
Thank you! Our favorite part. Beats that other space adventure.
The amount of space debris from that kind of battle must've been horrific :D
Yes, but it's not hard to sweep up with 2500's technology.
This show seriously is very well done and I am actually getting into the Lore/Story of the show quite a bit. I am at the end of season 2 and WOW, WOW AND WOW its been incredible! Thank you Seth Mcfarland, I am to weak, dumb, ugly, and poor to make a show. This guy makes millions if individuals feel comfort every night or day when they watch the shows and I think thats awesome to do. Hopefully one day I can have an impact on earth in a positive way more than I do and help myself family and others more and am allowed better opportunities.
Jeez, I'd never seen any of this show, not even a single second, until seeing this clip. I'd always heard it was good, but when I saw an image of such a clean and brightly-lit ship, Seth standing there smiling so big; I assumed it was going to be a comedy. I could enjoy this.