HOW is Palpatine ALIVE in Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker?

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • TRY VRV: | Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Palpatine Theories. PALPATINE LIVES Theories!! DID Palpatine survive Return of the Jedi? Is Palpatine in the Death Star? Did Palpatine clone himself? Did Palpatine hide? We discuss all the theories and more!
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  • @SaltiestGaming
    @SaltiestGaming 5 років тому +78

    It's an ancient sith alchemy called fan service... from Sith Lord Make Moneyius

    • @uncommonamerican
      @uncommonamerican 5 років тому +3

      Truly sad new starwars movie's are

    • @maggoli67
      @maggoli67 5 років тому +1

      Darth Arya...slay that one!

  • @NovaBushido
    @NovaBushido 5 років тому +3

    The same thing I felt. We all love Palpatine, but this really takes away from what episode 1-6 meant and the redemption of Anakin. It's the ultimate fan service which undoes what came before it.

  • @alid7797
    @alid7797 5 років тому +9

    Did anyone else notice the Screen Rant logo on the bottom right corner???

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +6

    Is Revenge of the Sith better than The Force Awakens?

  • @Landon11195
    @Landon11195 5 років тому +23

    I think Snoke was a pawn for Palpetine.

    • @Marc_0v0
      @Marc_0v0 5 років тому

      Saberian Dream yeah they’ve teased it too much to not be the case

  • @ArticTiger
    @ArticTiger 5 років тому +6

    Rey is the clone and memories return to her when in proximity of the death star core which is a force artifact Sidious enchanted.
    The rise of Skywalker is a misdirect in the sense that Kylo Ren needs to channel Darth Vader's redemption force ghost to lead to a Kylo (son of Leia SKYWALKER) to fight Rey Palpatine in a Emperor vs Vader esque moment. Potentially keeping Ben Skywalker with the knights of Ren as his desciples (now the knights of Skywalker, the new Grey Jedi) as the ones hunting Sidious clones down for sequel sequels. Or books. Or animated TV shows.
    This is a fanfic by me I would support.

  • @mikeDK313
    @mikeDK313 5 років тому +2

    Maul survived being cut in half with only hatred

  • @ericcox3879
    @ericcox3879 5 років тому +2

    Bro this is a subject that cannot be discussed in a 12 min video. Live stream!!!! This can be done without retcon. Remember the opera scene in III. He could stop people dying but in the end he couldn’t save himself. This has possibilities to not be cheap fan service.
    I love Star Wars and yes the sequel trilogy lacks direction but I’m optimistic. This is the end of the Skywalker saga it should all be fan service. Next I’m hoping for an old republic movie or tv series.
    Love ya buddy been following you for years on geekdom101 never commented until now

  • @Xemnion
    @Xemnion 5 років тому

    Kinda think the idea behind him having learned how to cheat death would be a pay off by itself, actually. Finally seeing what he had promised Vader they would discover together come into light in some manner could be satisfying. The problem is if they can do it well and how it retroactively affects Vader's actions against him.

  • @robertsilvermyst7325
    @robertsilvermyst7325 5 років тому +4

    It wouldn't be the first time Disney betrayed the canon of a character *cough Luke cough*

  • @michellesmith3837
    @michellesmith3837 5 років тому +1

    I think they can do it in a way that doesn’t take away from Vader’s sacrifice! Regardless of how he comes back, I think he died when Vader threw him down.

  • @Hunter-vz6ur
    @Hunter-vz6ur 5 років тому +1

    Here's how I see it:
    Rian Johnson screwed episode IX from the beginning. He went in and did what he wanted to and had no regard for the fans or preserving a legacy or securing a future film. Whatever JJ has to do, fan service, retcons, resurrections, etc, I'll hold my judgement until I see the film. JJ is a fantastic director and he's had a good track record lately so I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt regarding IX. Really, we can only go up from TLJ so I'm holding out hope.

  • @michaeljohnson4613
    @michaeljohnson4613 5 років тому

    In the recent Darth Vader comic a Sith artist Lord Momin could tranfer his essence into a helmet and was able to transport his past self to fight Vader keep up the good work Geekdom

  • @Rockmannzero
    @Rockmannzero 5 років тому +1

    I understand where your coming from but tbh that fact that the emporer is returning is the only reason why I'm hyped for EP9.

  • @ryanmatthew05
    @ryanmatthew05 5 років тому +2

    Sith holocron, probably left it behind on the death star or some kind of hologram of palps, or he left behind some kind of scar in the force and he shows up in their minds

  • @codemonkeyslikeme
    @codemonkeyslikeme 5 років тому +1

    It was the joker’s laugh at the end

  • @TheForhekset
    @TheForhekset 5 років тому +1

    He will probably just be a hologram. If he actually shows up alive or cloned, or in a robot body, ect., I think I would like that better. If hes coming back, he should actually come back, but I think this trailer is setting everyone up for disapointment.

  • @sayheyguy
    @sayheyguy 5 років тому

    I'm thinking he'll be a force ghost that's attached to a relic in the remains of the Death Star. They established that Sith can do that in Clone Wars when Yoda encounters Darth Bane's ghost.

  • @seanfitzgerald8917
    @seanfitzgerald8917 5 років тому

    Part of me feels is that his essence is gonna be stored in a tube of some sort and he'll be a talking head kinda like the one guy from power rangers's early days

  • @Aldiggy2000
    @Aldiggy2000 5 років тому +1

    He's either a clone or he's a ghost

  • @Dovakinskywalker
    @Dovakinskywalker 5 років тому

    Maybe he used essence transfer as he was falling to his death and has been in the void this whole time but now he has found a body to take over.

  • @ReddenFamilyFun
    @ReddenFamilyFun 5 років тому

    If you read the Darth Bane Series. Darth Bane learns how to swap Bodie. I still believe he swapped to his apprentice's body at the end. Who's knows maybe Palpatine did it too!

  • @broseidon2376
    @broseidon2376 5 років тому +1

    Am I the only one who thinks the Expanded Universe was way better than any of the movies?

  • @TheWildfirefab5
    @TheWildfirefab5 5 років тому

    I like the found a way to cheat death idea, but there's the cloning process. Seems more legit because why would they only use that for Fett, but not at least try it on himself? Might as well, what's the worst that could happen lol.

  • @justjen139
    @justjen139 5 років тому +1

    I'm thinking of Force Ghost battle.

    • @justjen139
      @justjen139 5 років тому

      Saberian Dream that seriously would be.

    • @justjen139
      @justjen139 5 років тому

      @@saberiandream316that would be awesome.

  • @profileone5655
    @profileone5655 5 років тому +2

    Snoke is from the beyond .
    Palpatine is returning by possessing another darkside user from the beyond .

  • @scorptarget
    @scorptarget 5 років тому +1

    Let’s pray that they use the original face mold and makeup that they used in the OT instead of the mask they used for the prequels. It made good ol’ Sheev looked like he had a gullet throat and it just looked off overall, even Ian McDiarmid said as much in interviews and how he didn’t prefer it. 🙏🏼😜

  • @jackbamford2579
    @jackbamford2579 5 років тому +1

    Is it possible That plagues Influenced the Midi-chlorians to Create life but this was not Anakin but Palpatine, and what if plagues was going to transfer himself into palpatine and that’s why palpatine killed plagues. Palpatine has done the same with Anakin but his plans where ruined when he lost to obi one. he survived episode 6 and influenced the Midi-chlorians to create Ray, to use as a new body

  • @MrReese8732
    @MrReese8732 5 років тому +1

    He could be a force ghost.

  • @spedman56
    @spedman56 5 років тому

    Maybe Snoke dying brought Palpatine back. Since there the same character someone has to be around to fill that hole

  • @maggoli67
    @maggoli67 5 років тому +2

    ...He isn't? I'm still holding out for a dumb recording...

  • @brandenrangel2000
    @brandenrangel2000 5 років тому

    I think it's either a clone or a hallucination that kylo ren sees a bunch of times.

  • @mattatk92
    @mattatk92 5 років тому +1

    There was a leak in February that I'm pretty sure is accurate. It's a copy of his mind or something...and he posses Matt Smith's character at the end and Kylo and Rey kill him

    • @mattatk92
      @mattatk92 5 років тому +1

      @@saberiandream316 yes. He's playing an unkown character. Leaks have said that for a few months he is playing Palpatines new vessel. He was seen in black robes with a red lightsaber. I think he's one of the Knights of Ren

    • @mattatk92
      @mattatk92 5 років тому +1

      @@saberiandream316 yeah star wars UK officially confirmed he's in the movie. That leak was 2 months before celebration. I don't think it's fake .

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +1

    Is The Death Star II better than The Starkiller base?

    • @fffx2
      @fffx2 5 років тому

      God, you're very gay

  • @paulthomas7243
    @paulthomas7243 5 років тому

    Roll it again, Do it! He is back tru Dark side Force essence transfer, and that is the key to his survival Snoke was just a puppet or Figure head put in place while the True Master ran the show from a far?

  • @marioozuna2168
    @marioozuna2168 5 років тому

    Maybe he's alive through the negative energy that was floating around the Death Star and he somehow integrated himself into the Darth Vader helmet that Kylo Ren has.

  • @LP3Customs
    @LP3Customs 5 років тому +1

    JJ said Palatine isn't alive

    • @DigiPen92
      @DigiPen92 5 років тому

      Lego Pete 3 Do you have a source? I did heard Palpatine is coming back in the flesh.

  • @patmcgowan5143
    @patmcgowan5143 5 років тому

    Hope it’s through Sith alchemy, I heard something like this was part of a prophecy

  • @toosavagegamingx
    @toosavagegamingx 5 років тому

    Palpatine could just be a force ghost like Exar Kun pulling strings behind the scenes like a Snoke or maybe full on posesion.

  • @Sir_Billions
    @Sir_Billions 5 років тому +1

    New droid's name is DIO, NANI?!

    • @Sir_Billions
      @Sir_Billions 5 років тому +1

      @@saberiandream316 you spelt Jojo Abrams wrong.

  • @TheoJay615
    @TheoJay615 5 років тому

    Real World: "bring in the old and new fans"
    My guess for the movie: He's not actually alive but has a secret that both sides are chasing after.

  • @christianastorga4555
    @christianastorga4555 5 років тому

    One of the things I didn't like about this new Trilogy was the fact that they failed to explain Snoke's backstory. Like where and how did he learn to use the dark side of the force?

    • @christianastorga4555
      @christianastorga4555 5 років тому

      @@saberiandream316 yeah I know. I just wanna know his backstory a little more, even if it's in book form lol

  • @derekhonkus8717
    @derekhonkus8717 5 років тому

    There's a lot of things in the new Darth Vader comics that talks about resurrecting the dead. Vader even tried to resurrect Padme, but failed. Also there is showings in the comics, of an old sith lord who is dead but his essence still resides in his helmet, and if people get too close they become corrupt and he can control them or communicate with others. He was the one who told Vader about resurrecting the dead. And in the novel Aftermath I believe someone even tried to do a sith ritual to resurrect Palpatine. So it could even be that. My guess its just gonna be his essence on the Death Star II. There were always plans of having him in this trilogy from the very beginning. He is going to tie the whole thing together as the big BIG bad.

  • @redjirachi1
    @redjirachi1 5 років тому

    I think Palpatine came back, but incomplete. His spirit is stuck in the ruins of the Death Star, and needs Snoke to rule the Empire's successor in person while he dictates orders from afar. Like how Voldemort spent over a decade as a disembodied spirit, but still shaped the plot. He's alive, but not what you'd call life

  • @yurisghost9107
    @yurisghost9107 5 років тому

    Force ghost? Or is that a light side ability?

  • @NovaGN
    @NovaGN 5 років тому

    If there was one thing I didn't want for the new trilogy, it was for Palpatine to come back. They are going to have to pull of some crazy bullshit for me to like this idea.

  • @PokeHokage
    @PokeHokage 5 років тому

    We also didn't likebthem bringing freeza back in dbs but hey it worked well

  • @Grimlock2183
    @Grimlock2183 5 років тому

    IIRC, during that Clone Emperor saga in the EU, didn’t Luke turn to the Dark Side?

  • @DSIrocker
    @DSIrocker 5 років тому +1

    I don’t think he’s coming back in the flesh at least actually in universe

    • @DSIrocker
      @DSIrocker 5 років тому

      SacriTumble but like, I’m saying he will be shot and be preforming “in the flesh” but nah ima have to see it to believe it

  • @RealCornbreadEnjoyer
    @RealCornbreadEnjoyer 5 років тому

    This, does put a smile on my face

  • @benspeer3075
    @benspeer3075 5 років тому

    you know, it could just be a vision/flashback with him cackling -_-

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +2

    Do you think that, the original trilogy is better than sequel trilogy?

  • @AviPFine
    @AviPFine 5 років тому

    possession theory might work, seems weak though. world between worlds, maaaybe. blue sith magic fake-out of luke , eveyrone thinks sidious is dead, via darkside burst but really whisks away into a force time travel thing. time travels pretty popular in fantasy sci-fi hero movies lately, so im betting theyll go with this. and i think luke rises hence the title. everything points to 'well, no more luke, his times up yadayadayada. thisd be a great way to surprise fans, if it works that is. only problem may be will the story work and stand on its own??

  • @Theredgodleo
    @Theredgodleo 5 років тому

    Matt Smith is a Clone of Palpatine and they did a voice over for Matt Smith.

    • @Theredgodleo
      @Theredgodleo 5 років тому

      @@saberiandream316 didn't say I wanted that but I believe that to be the case hence why his role is under wraps.

  • @stevendelisle6052
    @stevendelisle6052 5 років тому

    Hes just in flashbacks with young snoke(Matt Smith)

    • @stevendelisle6052
      @stevendelisle6052 5 років тому

      @@saberiandream316 it's pretty damn clear they modeled snoke after him

    • @stevendelisle6052
      @stevendelisle6052 5 років тому

      @@saberiandream316 they overhyped Max von whatever that's my whole point

  • @toasterbath2069
    @toasterbath2069 5 років тому +1

    I wouldn’t consider this fan service only because I don’t think anyone wanted this.

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +1

    Do you think that, Star Wars Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker will be better than Bumblebee?

  • @wiezel16204
    @wiezel16204 5 років тому

    palpatine talked about seeking to undo death and that his master knew how to but wouldnt teach him.... guess ur self what happens

    @JDOGGOKUSSJ2 5 років тому

    if you are one with the force you never truly die

  • @gollum475dejong3
    @gollum475dejong3 5 років тому +3

    I don't mind that emperor palpatine is coming back. Because this is the best way to tie all 9 movies together.

  • @fffx2
    @fffx2 5 років тому +1

    If he's a force ghost bound to the remains a la the Sith Lords of Korriban, it'll be okay

    • @fffx2
      @fffx2 5 років тому

      @@saberiandream316 That's part of old canon.
      Clone Wars seemed to debunk that as illusions in the new canon

  • @thomascheatham-brooks4906
    @thomascheatham-brooks4906 4 роки тому

    I dont know how Palpatine is still alive but I think Anakin is a much better Sith Lord

  • @seanakima50515e
    @seanakima50515e 5 років тому

    I think that he will return via the dark force and possible take over kylos body and be in control.
    Kylo falls so far that he begins searching for a new master, he learns of emperor palpatine learns he was killed, and discovers a way to bring him back via the women on the planet that asaj ventress was from.

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +1

    Is Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker released after Solo: A Star Wars story

  • @raccoonstarsmember
    @raccoonstarsmember 5 років тому

    Do you know about the EU? He's been alive-ish in those books for a long time. Honestly, the EU is waaaaaay better than anything in these movies.

  • @countrymusicsinger21
    @countrymusicsinger21 5 років тому

    Thanks Geekdom 101

    • @purplepawn5336
      @purplepawn5336 5 років тому

      Wrong person. This is WorldOfGeekdom

  • @Engravingsful
    @Engravingsful 5 років тому

    Maybe he teleport out.

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +1

    Do you want to see a a palpatine movie?

  • @brettcarlson5450
    @brettcarlson5450 5 років тому +1

    It's not cheap fan service. In no way does it cheapen Return of the Jedi. This is canon anyway. Palpatine knowing a technique to tether his spirit to something is a cool idea. It's not fan service if they tie it in intelligently. Fan service isnt inherently bad. The only people who think that are douchebags lmfao. Avengers Endgame is 3 hours of fan service, but it's done well so who cares. Dragon Ball Super Broly was fan service the movie and it was the best product Toei ever put out. So why dont we wait and see the plot.

  • @brandong7675
    @brandong7675 5 років тому

    7:34 because they need asses in seats after the disaster of tlj

  • @vergildelgado1757
    @vergildelgado1757 5 років тому

    What if this happens. Since the dark side can't be force ghost then they do something like since Kylo has the darkness in him Palpatine can tap into it and possess Kylo's body.

  • @darthgoku1580
    @darthgoku1580 5 років тому

    If Palpatine does return in Episode 9, then all the people who bash Legends and call it fan-fiction for doing crazy stuff like bringing the Emperor back will no longer have any room to talk.

  • @gogetoanks3487
    @gogetoanks3487 5 років тому

    If Palatine was Snoke he fucked up getting rid of the Skywalkers also why take Kylo if he could potentially just be another Vader and betray him
    (Also just to many plot holes)

  • @maybetoby
    @maybetoby 5 років тому

    He used a force bubble to survive the second Death Star's destruction (like Leia in Last Jedi) 😜
    Or he conquered death like Darth Plagueis.

    • @maybetoby
      @maybetoby 5 років тому

      @@saberiandream316 I didn't complain coz I didn't really care one way or another

  • @supersaiyanshonathan
    @supersaiyanshonathan 5 років тому

    If they go by the books & comics after the original trilogy, he has clones of himself

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +1

    Do you think that, The Emperor Palpatine is a better villain than snoke?

    • @rdc4461
      @rdc4461 5 років тому +1

      Yes we only saw snoke for about 10 mins in total

  • @lengland521
    @lengland521 5 років тому

    You are close and it could work . If you remember return of the Jedi dearth Vader was on board talking to one of his superior officer and he told him that he was more forgiving than the emperor well before he said that he mentioned that the emperor was on his way back to the second Death Star and he won’t be as forgiving as he would now do your homework on how many years from the empire strikes back leading up to that conversation with darth Vader and that superior I believe it was 5 years by the time return of the Jedi Luke was a full master Jedi what do you think the Sith Lord was doing ???

  • @philosopher9672
    @philosopher9672 5 років тому

    I still think it'll be a force strain or remnant of Palpatine, not necessarily a living palpatine.
    I just hope to God its not the rumoured Mecha-Palp made w/ Grevious' cybernetics.

  • @TheRabbitRonin
    @TheRabbitRonin 5 років тому

    What if he created a AI program of himself with his thoughts, experiences and his personality long time ago and he kept adding to it like a dairy? It could be a computer running the AI program with a hologram projector of his body. Or the AI program was put into an android/robot body. Just my Science fiction take on it.

  • @mysticm1736
    @mysticm1736 5 років тому

    I wouldn’t like if he came back to life, if they did use time travel and go back in time to learn about him or about force powers sure I can ride with that if done well, if j j does use legend ideas then he really is copy paste. I prefer new villains, dark side force users always were my personal favorite

  • @GCGeekArmy
    @GCGeekArmy 5 років тому

    It's simple. Palp is alive because of 1 thing when the death star blew up. Muffin button

  • @jasonenglish3713
    @jasonenglish3713 5 років тому

    Maybe be part robot just like Darth Vader

  • @thomaslyons565
    @thomaslyons565 5 років тому

    Cloning might be considered " cheating death" ....from a certain point of view. ....

    • @anonymous4213
      @anonymous4213 5 років тому

      That how he came back in the 📚

  • @monkeyman5477
    @monkeyman5477 5 років тому

    red force ghost

  • @keno756
    @keno756 5 років тому

    It's Sith Emperor Frieza after he killed the Z fighters and the gods. LOL

  • @stephenmartinez1471
    @stephenmartinez1471 5 років тому +1

    Are you a fan of Solo: A Star Wars Story?

    • @kaionova5379
      @kaionova5379 5 років тому +1

      I was an extra in that movie 😅

  • @coreyvondracek89
    @coreyvondracek89 5 років тому

    He is alive because..he is the Senate

  • @tonyyoung5699
    @tonyyoung5699 5 років тому

    No Darth plageuis mentions or flashback scenes? If he didn't create Anakin there would be no star wars

  • @miketownsend9317
    @miketownsend9317 5 років тому

    Vaders purpose was to turn back to the light side that was the overall thing of return of the jedi. it wasn't to killing Palpatine. He was a Threat to the Galaxy. It wont kill the Story of Return of the Jedi for me if he come back in a great way. I just will replace Episode 8 with Rogue 1🤣🤣🤣

  • @3VOLdude
    @3VOLdude 5 років тому

    Luke survived that fall

  • @onemancomics
    @onemancomics 5 років тому

    its just a projection

  • @rensseman11
    @rensseman11 5 років тому

    Is palpatine a skywalker. Rising would bring him back. Perhaps this is wat palpatine returning and we see rey at end have a baby but no father. Palpatine tries again

  • @user-sl6ou3qb9l
    @user-sl6ou3qb9l 5 років тому

    Imagine snoke is actually Vaders flesh possessed by palpatine
    That's why it's so fucked and gross.
    And snoke(vaders flesh) died (once again) but not palpatine
    So palpatine now possesses his own clone that wasn't ready until snoke died
    That's why he let snoke(himself in vaders dead flesh being preserved by his force) die in that movie because he knew it was ready at that moment and he can now host his own fresh [cloned] body
    I like my theory
    Why not
    Why palpatine can't find and do what snoke (himself in the flesh of Vader) did?
    Why not?
    It's what he had to do for this moment.
    We can say that.
    When he fell to that engine his flesh died but not his spirit?
    Why not
    It's Star Wars
    He obviously can now escape death and come back
    Closest body to host that was dead and "empty" was Vader at that moment
    If Vader was cremated but he can trick death
    The flesh's death too
    Maybe he had to reconstruct it the best he can with his power for temporary use until he gets his clone which took till now

  • @roadkillz78
    @roadkillz78 5 років тому

    He's "alive"....via hologram.

  • @Zetaforce-uv8el
    @Zetaforce-uv8el 5 років тому +1

    That is an easy answer,terrible writing and fan service

  • @chaz9808
    @chaz9808 5 років тому

    It’s going to be a Sith holocron I guarantee you because that is the laziest and most boring explanation which is the route Disney goes every time.

    • @Arander92
      @Arander92 5 років тому

      Nope, the dumbest, laziest thing they could possibly do is to force a way to bring him back in the flesh or as a ghost. Palpatine being still alive is TERRIBLE storytelling. A Sith holocron is the wisest option they could choose. It gives Kylo and opportunity to fall further into the dark side

  • @Sir_Billions
    @Sir_Billions 5 років тому

    Was that intro a Jojo reference?

  • @trollof229antthevariable9
    @trollof229antthevariable9 5 років тому

    He embraced the dark side power by saying the N word lol

  • @RetroExhibitCollective
    @RetroExhibitCollective 5 років тому

    You know J.J. abrams and Ian (actor of Palpatine) confirmed themselfs he’s in the film. You don’t need to just confirm by saying because of the laugh or because Ian showed up on stage. THEY confirmed it themselfs. So I wish you would research further on the subject before making a video next time.

  • @Jordzyi1
    @Jordzyi1 5 років тому

    Idc, Star Wars is overrated!.