Channel Lock is Now 'Infallible'

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @ronniehazelwood7356
    @ronniehazelwood7356 5 місяців тому

    Hi JH, hope you are doing well. I just finished a back yard range session using only the CL swing. My worse shot was probably about 20 yards left of my target because I stayed too open. All the rest were just a few yards left or right of target. A lot of them were right on target. Channel lock with a narrow stance and slightly pulled back flared trail foot is truly infallible.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 місяців тому

      Hi Ronnie,
      I think with some real commitment to learning the CL swing process most players will improve the consistency of their ball striking and starting direction ball flight.
      The advantage of the CL swing methodology is that it gets the club tracking from in to out virtually automatically at impact.. which will ensure a consistent 'starting' direction for all shots.
      How you are applying CL is a good simplistic way to apply the swing process.
      Cheers JH

  • @bvhaggle
    @bvhaggle 5 років тому

    Hi JH BH here:) Im a beginner golfer at 56- tried conventional then single plane mo norman style and even c motion with davinci bits thrown in with no success. Channel lock has got me more excited than ever. I will keep you updated with my progress and I keep looking forward to your videos and want to thank you for your enthusiasm and joy in this wonderful sport of golf

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Benjamin,
      That's why I have developed and experimented with so 'many' different variations of the Golf Swing.. we are all different and some things suit some people and not others .. glad that Channel Lock has shown some potential for you at this time ..
      cheers JH

  • @Tm-eg2lx
    @Tm-eg2lx 2 роки тому

    Loving the videos
    You don't have to see the ball
    The sound of connection is so pure,you only get that sound with perfect strikes.
    Brilliant thank you for sharing.👏

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  2 роки тому +1

      Hi TM,
      When I look back at that video it just reinforces how much when do not need to have excessive body rotation and overall body involvement in the golf swing.
      The ball contact and flight I get with that swing .. which is really just a process where I connect my arms to my upper body and then just eliminate any extraneous hip drive/rotation .. or trail leg/foot drive in the swing .. I just try to keep both feet planted on the ground at impact and just let the arms have a free tracking down to the ball at impact..
      Its virtually just stand 'still' and swing your arms down to the ball .. the rest of the body only supports the swinging of the arms.. it doesn't 'cause' the swinging of the arms/hands.... just stand still and swing your arms 'past' the body..
      cheers JH

  • @Spudroe
    @Spudroe 5 років тому +1

    You even sound like Moe now JH! Now you know how he felt when he struck a golf ball...must be an amazing feeling. We've all had brushes with that feeling at some point in our golfing lives and once you have that feeling, it's addicting. Congratulations and thank you for all you do!

  • @terenceschaeffer246
    @terenceschaeffer246 3 роки тому

    Great video JH. I'm back using CL after exploring the square to square swing ( great swing, very accurate, but difficult for me, as I get older, to get the distance I would like as it depends on body turn) I realise now what was causing me problems with CL was my lack of understanding and willingness to stay back on the trail axis through impact, such a foreign concept. I remember you saying to keep your head over the trail foot and once I started doing that the swing clicked. So much more room for the arms to accelerate through impact. I am working to ingrain that feeling because I can see how it works, even though it is counterintuitive after a lifetime of shifting weight forward. Since coming back to CL I'm hitting the driver 30 yards longer than I was before. The last two 9-hole-rounds I have had 2 birdies per round because of the extra distance. This idea of arms on the chest for connection feels great, to get more consistency in the backswing. Thanks so much for your willingness to share your insights about the swing so freely. Much appreciated.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  3 роки тому

      Hi Terrence,
      I think getting the weight transferring to the lead side quickly in the downswing gets the body blocking the free swinging of the arms through impact.. if you just stand still and load your weight into your trail side .. and stay there.. and then just swing your arms back and through.. you will find they swing effortlessly off the shoulder joints .. then move your hips laterally with the weight moving into the lead side and you will feel how the arms lose their freedom of swing.. it will feel like the arms have to get around the body somehow.. you don't realize that until you do the free arm swinging drill staying in the trail side .
      CL is a very consistent swing when you understand staying in the trail side coming into impact.. its not easy because we have dome millions of swings driving into the lead side in the downswing.. but it can be changed with some significant repetitions of that actions of the free arm swinging drill.
      cheers JH

  • @craigguthrie3400
    @craigguthrie3400 5 років тому +2

    It’s been a journey for sure but if you really take a step back and think about it, JH, you were really so close from day 1!!!! It’s just than the human condition has to go through a process of trial and error or experimentation or tinkering to become satisfied. You try certain bits and certain angles and alignments and some become more
    important bits and some you discard. What’s interesting tho is the bits that I might discard might be just the missing bits that someone else may require. I’ve enjoyed this process so sooo much. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It’s been so much fun!
    I’m pretty sure I’m almost to my final channel lock comfort zone as well. Before Channel Lock I didn’t even know where the dial was located. With Channel Lock Ive found the dial and I’ve been dialing it in. Now I’m using the smaller dial up top of the main dial and just fine tuning. The focus is clean and it’s in HD!!!
    Wishing all the lockers the very best this holiday season. And special thanks to our teachers!

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Craig,
      I agree a lot of the things we have explored in the CL journey to date will be things that individuals will need to incorporate in their own particular swings for individual requirements.. and as long as they have the base tenets in place those other things will just be personal comfort requirement additions ..
      Have a nice Xmas ..
      cheers JH

  • @brexitwinnerme8674
    @brexitwinnerme8674 5 років тому +2

    I’ve only been following you for a short time JH and during that period I’ve watched you adding bits and discarding bits to CL some of the things you added were so important that they became part of the protocol set up and sometimes I thought this is the final piece of the jigsaw
    Today I feel certain that I’m right this is the final piece Cl has evolved to a repeatable swing perfection and its a thing of beauty
    Hats of to you JH i don’t need to see the ball flight i can tell by the look on your face that all you set out to achieve has been accomplished

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      Hi Gordon,
      I have at last convinced myself that I don't need to develop the CL Protocol to any further level of efficiency.. the level of ball striking it is now giving me has exceeded anything I ever thought I could have achieved .. no point now in trying to 'over develop' the swing will provide for me now everything I need to at last have true control over my ball flight...mission accomplished I guess..
      cheers JH

  • @ronniehazelwood7356
    @ronniehazelwood7356 4 роки тому

    That was a very quick reply JH! I thing I do best with channel lock when I setup square or just ever so slightly open. For some reason I tend to hit left on long par 3 holes, but out in the fairways when I’m hitting into a green I do not hit to the the left. I guess on those par 3 holes I’m letting my shoulders open up a little bit.

  • @ronniehazelwood7356
    @ronniehazelwood7356 4 роки тому

    Hi JH, I played a round of golf today and I hit some of the most beautiful golf shots that I have ever hit. I was smashing my Frankenstein TaylorMade R15, great distance & accuracy with the irons and I putted the ball pretty good too. I missed a few shots that cost me several strokes but overall it was a good day using your channel lock swing mechanics and protocols.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  4 роки тому

      -Hi Ronnie,
      Tha'ts a great report on CL .. keep working diligently on the 'absolute' sameness of what you do 'every' swing .. the reality is that the 'only' difference between your great shots and the indifferent shots.. is simply that you didn't do the 'same' thing in your indifferent swing as you did in your great shot swing ..'
      You have to 'know' precisely what you are doing in your swing when you do hit the ball great ..
      So many people say that they just don't have the proper 'feeling' when they are hitting the ball indiferently .. the secret is to 'know' exactly what 'creates' that ' good feeling' .. the intrinsic mechanics of that 'good feeling''..
      Feelings are something that just happens.. the reality is that you need to know 'why' that feeling happens .. so many people will hit a good shot when getting a lesson from me and I ask them what they 'did' to get that good shot with their swing .. invariably the reply will be .. 'Oh it just felt right' .. they really have no idea what they, in fact, did to get the 'right feeling' ..
      cheers JH

  • @mattgray6587
    @mattgray6587 5 років тому

    Hi JH , I would have to say your backswing looks really connected with a steady smooth takeaway. All the swings now are identical and that’s a big deal Jh. You’ve broken new ground with your swing mechanics and my hats off to u!

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      Hi Matty,
      I have to say that the connection is a very big facet of my Protocol application requirements .. it just gets my backswing phasing so consistent in its timing from shot to shot ... its just nearly impossible to swing at a different rate if you take the club away in the backswing with a shoulder quadrant .. lead or trail shoulder doesn't really matter .. just so long as the hands are isolated in the initial stage of the backswing ..
      I am very happy where I am right now with my personal CL protocol .. I think generally it's the correct protocol application for everyone to 'try' and implement ..
      cheers JH

  • @bobgaudreau9860
    @bobgaudreau9860 5 років тому +1

    Have you reached PEACE! I think the connection you illustrated acts in perfect sync to the protocols, thereby producing perfect shots everytime. Can we all achieve it...absolutely with BELIEF!

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Bob,
      The 'Base Platform' for the CL swing is now perfected.. everyone as long as they apply the base tenets of the Protocol to themselves 'correctly' they should get a consistent swing result performance ...the secret to getting the Protocol correctly applied every time is really just down to committed diligence of application 'every' swing setup ..
      You just have to drill yourself into the 'same' sequencing of the swing setup every swing .. and just keep doing it until it basically wants to do it automatically by itself .. the good thing is because the CL protocol is an 'absolute' set of requirements you really can't get distracted by day to day mental pickup of other constant normal swing 'Secrets Of The day' that is spruiked by the establishment of conventional swing mechanics ..
      The CL Protocol is just like punching a specific set of numbers into your safe deposit box .. the box will just not open if the 'wrong' numbers are punched in .. the CL Protocol should be the same in that it won't want to start the swing unless you have sequenced it correctly with your protocols .. I think its that simple ..
      cheers JH

    • @robertgaudreau7026
      @robertgaudreau7026 5 років тому

      @@1atomicgolf This video is my new Pearl Harbor strike...a day and vid that will go down in infamy! I plan to watch this everyday until I reach "infallibility"!

  • @bayougolf7524
    @bayougolf7524 5 років тому +3

    There’s always room for a new pyramid and the Channel Lock pyramid will stand for ever
    If you could only put that swing in a smooth and under control and connected
    Hit some balls yesterday for the first time in awhile with the new stuff you and Bill have come out with lately and felt good
    Next time out the one peace turned will be applied
    I hope this doesn’t mean your vids will be coming to an end
    You and Bill have helped so many and I for one thank you both

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Wow.. hitting balls this early after your knee operation.. seems 'early' for that .. but I know these days Rehab is so different from the old days .. just be very careful.. least with the 'new' CL update feet down application you won't be loading the lead knee with twisting torque rotation ..
      cheers JH

  • @robertarthur2482
    @robertarthur2482 5 років тому +1

    Swing of Swings. Congratulations on all the dedication you put in. Can I buy the book when it comes out. You bloody legend .When will the film be made. thanks

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      Hi Robert,
      The 'Swing of Swings' We may have to use that in out advertising when we go commercial .... I think that description says it all as far as I am concerned .. I will give it a plug in my next video .. ...The Film.. what would we call it ..what do 'you' think ..
      Have a nice Xmas Robert...
      cheers JH

    • @robertarthur2482
      @robertarthur2482 5 років тому

      I would call the film " SHAKING HANDS WITH THE FLAG STICK" All the very best for Christmas and the New Year thank you JH.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      @@robertarthur2482 Hi Robert,
      'Shaking Hands With The Flagstick' would be a good name for the book for sure have a nice Xmas and New Year as well... great things coming next year for us Golfers ..
      cheers JH

  • @hallgd49
    @hallgd49 4 роки тому

    What swing are you promoting i.e. Bruen, Plane Truth, or Channel Lock?

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  4 роки тому

      Im not 'promoting' any of those swings.. they are all just swings that I have chosen to look at relative to their differences compared to traditional golf swings..
      There will be other swings down the road no doubt that I will choose to look at as well .. I am a swing 'investigator'.. not a swing promoter..
      OK.. I do say on occasions that a particular swing works better than other type swings.. but that is how it work's for 'me' at that time .. it may not do the same for other people .. I just try to give options of swing types to 'try' for other people ..
      cheers JH

  • @brianhershberger2044
    @brianhershberger2044 5 років тому

    Hey JH. I've been watching you for a couple years and love the videos. Would you be able to shoot a video using a couple alignment sticks to show how your stance aligns to the target? You mentioned you were closed to the target, but I'd like to see the visual comparison. Cheers.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      Hi Brian,
      Just as an aside .. there is a guy that practices at my range that could be your twin brother (if the photo you show is you of course).. I really mean your 'Twin Brother' .. next time he comes I will try and get a video shot of him for you .. its uncanny the resemblance .. he is a big dude .. probably 6.2 .. 200+bs .. and just kills the ball like 320 +..
      I will do a video update on my alignment and that of Mr X as well we both set up a bit differently so it will be of benefit to see the two differences of alignment ..
      cheers JH

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      Hi Brian ,
      Have a look at today's latest video .. I talk about alignment...
      cheers JH

  • @ronwikholm537
    @ronwikholm537 5 років тому

    Hi J.H. 8 months ago you did a couple of vids on the slap release. You’ve also talked about releasing the club by rolling your forearms. Which release are you doing now, or are you doing both at the same time? Thanks. And again, happy new year!

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      Hi Ron,
      My release now is lead thumb to the ground ...and slap releasing the clubface sideways at the target ... hands/arms go out across the target line while the wrists slap release clubface sideways at the target ..
      cheers JH

  • @James_Vaughn
    @James_Vaughn 5 років тому

    Hi JH. Congrats on finding your forever swing! I'm not there yet. I mean, I'm pretty settled in what I need to practice, but I don't have it down completely yet. I still hit some bad shots. I'm also stuck with hitting off mats till spring. I will keep at it though, there is a covered bay where I can hit balls out into the snow all winter. Do you guys ever hit off mats down there? I always have to adjust once I get back to hitting off turf because the ball just doesn't sit up as high on grass as it does on a mat.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      Hi James,
      You will eliminate a big part of inconsistency in your CL endeavours if you just key in on keeping by our trail foot down at impact .. it just has such a knock on effect in curtailing the excess body drive component in the downswing which interferes so much with the arms tracking capabilities .. just hit some half shots and really key on jamming the trail foot to China at impact .. you will be pleasantly surprised with the shot consistency level increase ..
      There are mats to hit off at all ranges here in Australia .. but they are for the most part only for the social type golfers .. or for when it's really raining hard..
      cheers JH

    • @bobcunninghamgolf
      @bobcunninghamgolf 5 років тому +1

      I hit balls everyday mostly inside in our golf Shop net...I
      believe repititions are the “mother” of all learning.
      The correct reps !
      I’m told that it takes a violin player 7 years to get their stroke ingrained in their many reps have Bill and JH and Moe
      used to achieve their high level of play ?
      These videos are invaluable to shortcut the learning process !
      Thanks mentors and Merry Christmas ☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️

  • @luisluis283
    @luisluis283 5 років тому +2

    Is possible for you to do a aerial view with a dron as you did some time ago?. If it is possible, can you put some alignment sticks to see clearly your stand you are using today? For it will be very usefull. Thanks for your dedication and for this CL SWING

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      I will try to give more information on my stance alignment incoming videos ..
      cheers JH

  • @koreansparkleify
    @koreansparkleify 4 роки тому

    I used CL down the range for the 1st time yesterday and I must say it felt so natural for me. Roughly 10 bad shots out of 100 balls and they were mainly thins as I didn't position my head correct or close my shoulders

    • @koreansparkleify
      @koreansparkleify 4 роки тому

      Also had a lovely draw shape to my ball flight

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Patrick,
      The original Channel Lock swing is without doubt a great set of swing mechanics .. the keeping of the shoulders significantly closed as a 'feeling' at impact is vital to the swing result.. hitting'out' and 'away' from the actual target line is also critical for this swing .. there are lots of videos on this channel explaining all the critical aspects of the Channel Lock swing geometry/mechanics..the STD ball flight shape is usually a small power draw .. at worst a 'straight push'.. never a drag/pull or cut spin flight ..
      cheers JH

  • @dannymillard2732
    @dannymillard2732 5 років тому

    Exellent jh.just along for the ride now!cheers

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Yep .. its 'All Aboard' ...the CL Express is leaving the Station ..
      cheers Jh

  • @5wisher5weet
    @5wisher5weet 5 років тому

    Stenson made that 3 wood famous. I might look out for one, they still look nice

  • @craigguthrie3400
    @craigguthrie3400 5 років тому +1

    Capstone Channel Lock. I like it. Has a nice ring to it! 👍🏼 Connected. Consistent. Capstoned. Infallible. What’s not to like?

  • @TrevinoNo1
    @TrevinoNo1 5 років тому

    JH - the problem now is that with this new found infallibility you will get bored with such perfection and will start fiddling to improve what possibly can’t be improved ☺️ this is just human nature... will interesting if you take it to a Senior tour event. 👍

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Pat,
      I think I have exhausted my 'Fiddling' reserves was always the lingering suspicion that the golf swing was not supposed to be applied as everyone suggested it should be that created the 'Fiddle Factor' within me .. now I have proved my suspicions correct Mr Fiddle can be resigned to retirement ... the Prosection can finally rest its case ..and I know that when the Jury of the Worlds rank and file golfers does reach a final decision it will be in the prosecutions favour ..
      cheers JH

  • @johndonohoe3778
    @johndonohoe3778 5 років тому

    Nice video King Tut, err sorry, JH. I wish the weather here would cooperate so I can practice. I’m getting close to being really comfortable and maybe infallible with my CL swing. Cheers.

  • @TrevinoNo1
    @TrevinoNo1 5 років тому

    Well done JH... but as you only too well know, such a change to the accepted fundamentals currently being taught by the “industry” will be treated as a threat to the status quo and will be dismissively opposed. Looking forward to seeing CL stir the industry up in 2019 😀

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Pat,
      At least I have something 'Different' to bring to golfers relative to Golf Swing mechanics .. the 'establishment' has been peddling the same old stuff for ever.. least I will have something 'New' to promote .. and the story is supportable and demonstration provable .. and it won't take you long to learn the swing ..
      Luckily there are only about 25.000 pro golfers on the planet .. and 100 million plus golfers.. I think I can mobilise that 100 million against the 25,000's historically weak story.. least that's the plan ..
      cheers JH

    • @TrevinoNo1
      @TrevinoNo1 5 років тому

      JH - after further watching your last vid and your comments on the “quiet body” my first thought ( and feeling when I tried it) was that the swing had changed from the traditional “ centrifugal force” to a “ centripetal force” ... and if so, this then is a big departure from the current accepted PGA teaching norms ? Just saying...

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      @@TrevinoNo1 Hi Pat,
      I try to apply 'Parametric Acceleration''.. Count yogi and Mike Austin had that in their swings does Tom Watson .. the PGA teachers have no idea what Parametric Acceleration is just that addition as a mechanics force application will be a massive departure from traditional swing force application .. what you have deduced is correct in effect force resultants in the CL swing ''Infallible Level' development .. I have one more discovery component to apply to the Protocol that will absolutely destroy all traditional PGA doctrine mechanics teaching .. it will be in the next video I do ..
      cheers JH

  • @brotherderek
    @brotherderek 3 роки тому

    This is very similar toJim Venetos swing, i.e. a guy here on UA-cam with many videos, except he plays more off the front.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  3 роки тому

      Veneto's loads left at address and stays left for the entirety of the swing .. and he plays the ball forward of body centre.. you cannot guarantee attacking the ball from an absolute in to out path if the ball is positioned forward of the body centre at impact .. you can still hit drags and pulls with the Veneto's process.. Channel Lock eliminates that potential..
      cheers JH

    • @brotherderek
      @brotherderek 3 роки тому

      @@1atomicgolf I understand. I know he plays it forward. I just meant that he does position the shoulders closed at address. I tried it, but never felt like I could generate enough speed. Anyway, I am playing tomorrow with your thoughts. Wish me luck :)

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  3 роки тому

      @@brotherderek Hi Derek,
      You will get way better contact with the ball off the trail foot at impact.. it just makes it easier to keep the shoulders closed at impact .. just go through the swing protocols 'every' shot and you wont need any 'luck'.. the swing will always perform as you program it to do . ..
      cheers JH

  • @5wisher5weet
    @5wisher5weet 5 років тому

    Can I guess to say you were contemplating asking the other bloke to tell us about the ball flights?

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Jacob,
      You are very perceptive Jacob.. if the guy had not been on his phone I would have conscripted him for a testimonial for the ball flight .. for two reasons .. the ball flight was machine like .. and that guy is a Channel Lock sceptic... I had him for his lesson after my video and I just hit a dozen conversation shots while he was getting ready for his lesson .. and I kept saying . ' I don't understand why you don't want ball flight the same as I am getting with my 'Channel lock' swing' as I despatched shot after perfect shot with Channel lock ..
      He came back with .. ' That would bore me to death knowing 'every' shot was going to do the 'same' thing'.. the Sceptics have all the resistance mechanisms on tap to support their scepticism .. and the guy is a great friend of mine .... just enjoys the adventure of 'not knowing' where his ball is going every swing I guess..
      cheers JH

  • @greatpar
    @greatpar 5 років тому

    Hello JH, congratulations. It must be very satisfying to finally nail your swing. I have played since 71 and have struggled for consistency each and every year. Well done 👍🏌🏼

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      It is incredibly satisfying to finally come up with a golf swing that doesn't have a split personality ... its just a pity I didn't find it when I was 34 when I started playing ... instead of 77 as I am today .. but better late than never I guess..
      cheers Jh

  • @mitchfitzpatrick3539
    @mitchfitzpatrick3539 5 років тому

    JH - In the earlier video you said to pull back the swing, yet in this video you keep saying -Push back. What is the preferred way to swing back?

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      The 'Push Back' of the lead shoulder into the hands 'creates' the 'pullback' in the arms/wrists... you can with regards to the shoulder quadrants either 'push' back with the lead shoulder .. or 'pullback' with the trail shoulder .. there is no 'preferred' way .. its what is easiest for the individual to activate ..
      cheers JH

  • @mikeharford4748
    @mikeharford4748 5 років тому

    Hi JH thanks for another v informative video. One point I'd like clarified please, is the idea to remain totally straight armed (by turning the shoulders) during the back swing and only increase the height of the swing by cocking your wrists after you have reached the full extent of your arms? Thanks again

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Mike,
      The club should only elevate itself by way of the shoulders turning on the backswing .. no conscious effort to lift the club into place with the hands because that will disconnect the upper arms from the chest area .. once the club has got to the top of the swing the general momentum of the club will set the wrist cock ..the arms will 'feel' straight and extended to the top of the swing but the trail arm will fold as it should normally with the help of the clubs momentum ..
      cheers JH

    • @mikeharford4748
      @mikeharford4748 5 років тому

      @@1atomicgolf Thanks JH and Merry Christmas to you and yours

  • @dannymillard2732
    @dannymillard2732 5 років тому

    Good stuff jh.seems to be a pre-wind with arms between getting connected and gripping club powerfull and repeatable.cheers and Merry Christmas

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Danny,
      Merry Xmas to you as well.. the prewind with the arms is ' in towards'' each other ... like you were trying to pinch and push your pecs together with your upper arms if you can get that thought..
      cheers JH

  • @ronwikholm537
    @ronwikholm537 5 років тому

    Sorry to bother you again J.H. Do you really allow the club to fall on the downswing without any pulling or pushing to help gravity accelerate the club? In other words, do you do nothing more on the downswing other than release the club by turning your lead thumb down and slapping sidewise with your right hand? Also, when do you feel you start your release? Thanks.

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому +1

      I don't try to get the clubhead initially going 'outwards' to the ball at the outset of the downswing .. the very first movement is 'backwards/downwards'....just feeling the arms hinging in their shoulder sockets in a free falling motion past a quiet non-moving shoulder girdle .. as soon as my arms are dropped I start the lead thumb turning into the ground and get the clubface firing sideways in the target direction..
      The start of the downswing is very much a 'drop' action of the hands/arms .. not a 'pulling' action .. I do get some pulling in the lead hand./arm after the club has dropped to about waist high ..
      The best way to get the idea of what 'I' feel from the top of the backswing is to just keep the shoulders in place as they are at the top of the backswing and just drop the club straight down with the hands/arms .. just do that maybe 6 times without moving your shoulders and you will get the 'intention' feeling I get in my downswing ..
      cheers JH

    • @ronwikholm537
      @ronwikholm537 5 років тому

      Thanks J.H. for your lengthy, detailed and helpful reply.

  • @ultimatejay
    @ultimatejay 5 років тому

    Ball looks ver far back address? Looks like it’d just in front of your right foot?

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      That's exactly where its 'supposed' to be... this swing is all a trail foot ball position at address .... you would not be familiar with the evolution of this swing type I would think with a query on the back foot ball position this video is an overview of the Channel Lock Swing ..
      cheers JH

    • @ultimatejay
      @ultimatejay 5 років тому

      Why this swing over MOE Normal swing?

  • @steveng8727
    @steveng8727 5 років тому

    Yep JH Jackie Burke said take it back with the right shoulder quadrant & Julius Boros said take it back w/ the shoulders and hit hit the hands...

    • @1atomicgolf
      @1atomicgolf  5 років тому

      Hi Steven,
      How good did those two guys swing a golf club .. they were sensational.. I think Nicklaus did it better than anyone has ever done it .. you can see him tense up his lead shoulder to initiate his backswing.. he was the player that termed the description 'Passive hands' .. no question in my mind now that the elimination of active hands in the backswing is the key to consistent swing tempo ..
      cheers JH