Thanks Dr Campbell Wishing you well Thanks for your efforts to inform us and help save lives Always a pleasure to see you every day in this a really strange time to be alive
Keep it up please. As a retired public health professional I have more faith in Dr Johns analyses than much of the vague advice from PHE. When I look at home made masks I think of the masks and leather aprons issued to the fire fighters clearing radio active waste at Chernobyl after the explosion. As far as I know Dr John is the only person to explain the limited benefits of masks and what these are. Get your act together PHE
@@tonymonk8718 now Dido Harding has been put in charge there is little hope of any tangible change for the better . Dr Campbell's channel is a more reliable source than public health england- if that even exists anymore?
Thank you for continuing to perform this public service. I appreciate your thoroughness, objectivity, and the calm manner in which you deliver the information. You've been a port in the storm.
Thank you for all your hard work in collating so much material for us, Dr John. What you say makes more sense than all the media and governments worldwide. I wouldn't miss your updates.
As always, I appreciate you creating these reports and sharing. Thank you for taking the time, effort and diligence in acquiring, reviewing and conveying what can be dismal information. As hard it is to hear, it must be distressing to do all you have done, and continue to do. You are providing sanity in these unpredictable and disturbing times.
Sorry but how can you take it seriously when you don't anybody in your life who has been infected, even potential people at risk, and for instance myself, I was abroad during lockdown, travelled around when lockdown was lifted, was probably in multiple risky situations where I could infect people or get infected ( 24 hours inside a bus, in planes, in situations where I could literally see droplets spat towards me when another person was talking to me... ), same for my partner, and I am a smoker. I am not saying we shouldn't believe in covid 19 but I think a lot of it can be combatted with the right nutrients, the immune system will quickly improve with the right food, exercise, and as much air and sun as you can. It's hard to be an advocate for something when you can't see it
The time Dr. John spent thinking on whether or not Sturgis is a super-spreader event was probably longer than any of the organizers thought on whether it was safe to hold the event.
Thank you once again Dr. Campbell. Making these videos for all to learn from is probably taking its toll on you emotionally. We really appreciate your efforts - I feel that your videos are the best source of reliable information on a daily basis out there (see also from the U.S.).
Dr John you mentioned you used to teach about Spanish flue to nurses. Would it be possible for you to do one for UA-cam. It gives the covid 19 more context. Thank you so much for what you do. Anna x
Yes Dr. John. Do a Spanish Flu video! Make sure to mention that MOST deaths, BY FAR, were due to "treatment"; that groups "treated" by doctors with _toxic doses_ of Aspirin had ---> 30X
My heart goes out to all of my fellow human beings around the world who suffer the direct or indirect results of the pandemic but have no way of bettering their situation in any substantial way. I hope they are oblivious of the stupidity of some other human beings in the western world who are ignoring simple guidelines because they feel their freedom is taken away or because partying is more important somehow.
The problem is that it is the acts or lack of acts of others than endanger people with this particular disease. Being oblivious of the inconsideration of others are of no benefit.
@Paul Taylor? 😂 Are you not special , now let us see you reply to Mr Wang in his language. Please. Then we can judge you. Don't bother i already have. Good luck and best wishes. I totally understood John Wang. FYI.
27:10 As someone who has suffered from atrial fibrillation (AF) with another heart condition since the age of 20, this listener's email confirms that I was right to be afraid of this disease. This thing damages the heart and there is an ever increasing body of evidence for it. AF and other cardiac arrhythmias are nasty and miserable things to experience at the best of times and have long been ignored by GPs etc until recent years. I hope the correspondent gets better and it goes away. It might in time.
No reasonable man demands to shut down western economies - the results of that will go on to kill billions of people from starvation and unpoliced tribal ambitions.
I am a gamer and a cyclist. Both of those hobbies have many large conventions to look forward to every year. And they all switched to virtual or were canceled. A friend of mine has been to RAGBRAI and was looking forward to this year. My wife wanted to do RamRod (Mt Ranier in Washington). My friends and I usually head to GenCon every year. We live near Phoenix and often do Tour de Scottsdale. Those were all canceled. And that's fine. My wife and I can look at doing some sportives next year. My friends can play Pathfinder or some board games (many have virtual adaptations now or Board Game Simulator on PC can be used to "port" many board/card games to virtual) and have some drinks on Zoom. And we can look forward to our big in person events in future years. A shame the Sturgis organizers couldn't just wait 6, 12, 18 whatever months and do this when things are under better control (probably with a vaccine)
Our Chief Medical Officer in Canada is saying that even with 2 doses a vaccine will unlikely stop the spread because people will still be infectious. They're anticipating only a reduction in symptoms given what the trial data is showing to date. They also anticipate only a 50% uptake of a Covid vaccine. I'd be surprised if it's that high given that it also will be even less effective in those over 60.
You are more brainy than the average Sturgis attendee. I was looking at pics of the crowd in a bar. Overweight, obvious health problems, visibly dirty with dirty hair, average age 50 or older. None of them looked too bright. I consider myself reasonably well-informed and inquisitive but most of your nouns i would need to google to decipher.🤣😂🤣
@{// WTF! //} He's right up there with that idiot Ferguson and his models. The aren't looking at the data that's killing our livelihoods to ensure everyone over 70 lives a few extra months. Were sleepwalking into disaster and this guy's cheerleading us on. We've gone mad.
The virus isn't deadly enough to do a good cleansing of the genome unfortunately. Less than 1% is not enough. It has shown that if we get a deadlier virus in the future though that it has a good chance of killing off all the idiots though.
Dr John. Our Dad lives in a care home. He broke his hip in April and was admitted to hospital to get it repaired, there he tested positive for Covid-19... had barely any symptoms apart from a sore throat and a high temp. After his hip surgery he returned to the home and since then he’s had 3 positives 2 negatives and he’s tested positive again today. Can you shed any light on this for us? Many thanks in advance. Your channel has been an absolute staple for us since we discovered you. We watch you every day x
JM:: The present detection methods are very sensitive to any hint of the virus. They can even detect remnants of the virus that remain in the body, even after the virus has been cleared. This leads to higher rate of false positives. A similar effect happens with Tuberculosis tests. You can test positive, but not have the disease. Remember the small injection bump on the arm?
The biggest problem with this entire thing....the PCR tests are TOO sensitive. After clearing a virus, there are often fragments of RNA particles left in the body for quite some time afterwards. The test will pick up these INACTIVE fragments and you will get a positive because of it. Look on Medcram this past week. They interviewed Dr. Michael Mina from Harvard, who talks about a saliva, at home test in lieu of this overly sensitive test. He feels that the oversensitivity of the test is actually hindering the response to the pandemic. Likely many people are being put in isolation for weeks who are not even infectious anymore.
So,if gene sequence calibration electron micrographs do NOT show purified particles claimed to be viral. And "alleged" mutations NOT isolated How can a vaccine even be produced? The very definitions criteria prepared from the causative agent synthetic substitute -can NOT be met- - Exemption claim Violates the Nuremberg Code (1948) and the Declaration of Geneva (Physician’s oath) that are adopted in the Australian Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics. It also violates the International Covenant on Economic and Cultural and Social Rights (ICECSR) - Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ,states that “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” The International Covenant on Economic and Cultural and Social Rights (ICECSR) protects the individual’s right to autonomy over their own body (bodily integrity) as well as the community’s right to non-discriminatory social welfare policies. - Article 17 of this covenant is the Right to Privacy that includes ‘the right to personal autonomy and physical and psychological integrity over one’s own body’ (AG APb p58) - The implementation of mandatory and coercive vaccination into social welfare policies also requires that all conflicts of interest in the development of the vaccination program be presented to the public The use of financial incentives and employment to encourage the uptake of vaccines effectively removes free and informed consent to vaccination because people’s livelihoods are affected by this decision. We The People Declare Providing a full coverage compensation program for those damaged or affected by vaccine inoculation. (Not a no-fault compensation scheme, as this puts the responsibility on the tax payer to pay.) 0 virus Millions are AWAKE
Only Spútnik 1 went "ping, ping, ping". Spútnik 2 went "ping, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, - ping, tu, tu, tu, tu ,tu". Spútnik 3 transmitted computer packet data. Spútnik 4 is a codename for Vostok 1 spacecraft with test dummy of a man. Now Spútnik 5. maybe it will work.
Latest from NZ is that the source is possibly contaminated packaging on imported goods, the Dad works at an import coldstore, and freezing prolongs virus viability on surfaces. Other staff at the same coldstore have now tested positive.
@@bentree1122 the Americold cluster is probably associate with contaminated goods, but there is a second possible cluster in the north of Auckland with no obvious link to Americold which is likely to be a quarantine breach by an international passenger.
"schools are super spreader events", thank you for speaking the truth dr john, your videos are always backed by science and your predictions have proved to be (sadly) true. The school re-opening in september feels like driving towards a brick wall and with no time to stop. Teachers and support staff are not even going to wear face coverings, the unions are dealing with the matter, but with only 3 weeks away, not much is going to change...All we can do is pray for a miracle!
South Efrikan what if you have babies and young children aswell as older children. Even if you don’t work, hard to fit in every age group’s learning with only one of you.
They don’t need a study about if kids in schools, especially early grades, are super spreaders. Just ask a Gramma with grandchildren in the early school years. We know young children are spreaders because we have experienced this with every grandchild and know that the grandparents usually get the cold, flu, etc. but much worse than the kids.
Too right! When the children in our family were all under about 8, we all used to get whatever was going round in their schools after a family gathering. I used to refer to them as "the little germ bags". You can't blame them for it.
As a grandma looking after grandchildren for the last 8 years I can quite honestly say I have never been so sickly, every winter since the first one was born I’ve been ill with numerous colds/chest infections/ear infections/stomach bugs etc etc. I take vitamins to try and ward these bugs off but every winter is worse than the last and no amount of healthy living and hygiene practices on my part has had any effect on protecting me from all of their childhood bugs😞 add COVID-19 into the mix and my fear of winter illness has now intensified to terror levels!!
Australia here. Freight is still arriving. Plane and ship crew are are handling hard surfaces that are being picked up by NZ employees almost straight away. That would be one vector for infection spread. Ship crew and plane crew are not being tested on arrival as they leaving within days again.
With all your professional years, it must be incredibly frustrating to see the basic mass failures in pandemic control. It certainly has been the same for many of us mere mortals.
I’ve spent a lot of time doing business and visiting Russia. Even lived there for many months. Visited Russian health care facilities on about five occasions and received respect, perfectly good treatment and kind attention. In all my time socializing there I never heard one bad word said about other countries. If Britain or America found a virus I’m sure Russia would applaud it. Why is the opposite not the case? Russians are not mean people. In fact very generous of spirit. And I don’t mean vodka in case you are confused. But it must be understood that after the years of propaganda against them Russians regard Americans, not so much Brits with a degree of well deserved contempt. I feel obliged to go along with them in gratitude for their many kindnesses.
Roger G i think the same is true of most countries. Ordinary people are not the problem. The ones who rise to the top under every political system tend to require shall we say unpleasant qualities in order to get there. The older i get the more cynical and disillusioned i become with all politicians.
Being critical of rolling out a vaccine before it has been demonstrated in a conclusive Phase 3 trial to be safe and effective has nothing to do with some perception of Russia or Russians -- it just is an imprudent thing to do, which could very well end with thousands of people being harmed and a public hesitant to accept any further vaccine, even a safe and effective one.
Sharon R - I wonder how much you really know about Putin. Why do you think he has the support of an overwhelming number of Russian citizens? Can they not be trusted? If you are not Russian, or speak the language, you probably don’t know enough to qualify to comment on the man. That’s not intended to be rude. He has done a great deal for the upliftment of Russian people. Just because he won’t buckle to American demands does not make him bad. He’ll likely go down in history as Vladimir The Great. If a real poll were conducted world wide he would probably be recognized as the best president in the world right now. It’s only the constant propaganda espoused by the so-called West that impinges on his reputation. Where Trump wants to make America great again, Putin has already done it for Russia.
Hi John, New Zealander here. 102 days without community transmission, but we do have cases in managed isolation and quarantine hotels. Likely to have escaped from there
Dr. Campbell. I enjoyed hearing you were a motorcyclist. I am located in Portland, Oregon, USA and love motorcycling. However, I am extremely upset and disappointed in the Sturgis Rally and the big attendance this year. It is absolutely a spreader event. The people are packed together, they get drunk and do dumb things. Then they'll bring it back to all parts of the USA (and beyond). Motorcyclists are generally good-hearted people who understand that safety depends on others. Yet then they turn around and do an idiotic thing like Sturgis! Many are fat, older Harley Davidson riders, who are especially at risk. Thanks for your great video's. We appreciate it. What do you ride?
Vietnam Cases 880 Deaths 17 An additional 17 cases reported today, 14 of which are local cases. Patient 867 has had no known connection to the Da Nang area, so the source of infection is still unknown.
ChillPill365 it really depends on the country and those infected. Vietnam was at 0 deaths until a few weeks ago since a majority of the deaths were at a hospital with dialysis patients. Similarly Singapore has a very low rate (55,000 cases 27 deaths) due to age and health of those infected.
My American friend who is a cancer patient is stuck in Viet Nam. They recently went into lockdown in the small sea side village she is staying in. I look forward to her reports.
Thankfully our school district in Oregon gave us the option of going full online classes or a virtual learning with the opportunity for hybrid classes IF the opportunity presents itself this school year.
Regarding the schools in Cherokee County GA. I am surprised you didn’t look up the denominator! The 59 positive cases are from 41,000 students in 42 schools. A case rate of 59/41,000= 0.14 percent. They are doing contact tracing and that’s where the number 900 in quarantine comes from.
Again, thank you so much for hard work dear sir. So appreciated by so many. Reliable, honest and straightforward information we all need so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Singapore is back to school since 7 weeks. 100 % mask wearing policy, staggered starting and ending times are the norm. So far there is no case. Bus drivers, gym instructors, food preparers/cooks, people who participate on private functions - yes. But not pupils.
It's already established children are't affected the same way as adults, but they can spread the virus by infecting adults. Schools and children are a perfect place to incubate and spread sickness for colds. flu and now covid 19
Peter Kroll unfortunately in the UK there won’t be a mask wearing policy or at least at my sons school there isn’t. If that was made the case I wouldn’t have a problem sending him back. The UK has no clue how to deal with this virus!
Sadly, because children often don't show symptoms when they have covid-19, this makes them the perfect carrier for this virus. They pass the virus among classes and bring it home to parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. All of whom can be more susceptible to worse symptoms, or even requiring hospitalization and possibly fatality. This is why in person learning isn't a good idea until we as the human race has achieved herd immunity through a vaccine.
@Dermot Fitzpatrick All children above 3 years old wear masks here. Those below 3 yo wear face shield or are kept home. Very few children are infected at all. I hope Singapore can keep it that way. In the beginning people tried to bypass but later the wearing rate became almost 100 %. I do not know if children brought the virus into families, but since Singapore does meticulous tracing, it does not seem so. There are simply only very few infected children.
Keep in mind that Singapore reacted early and hence there is less viral load in the community and also are taking preventive measures while the US were reticent to react and are reluctant to take preventive measures in reopening the schools.
The UK has been told that children in schools will be taught in "bubbles". Nice in theory because any infection will be contained within that "bubble". Except: * If somebody in a bubble shows symptoms we need to assume that everybody in that bubble is also infected * Each will go home to their family. If they are infected they will pass it onto their siblings (or at least we shoiuld assume they will. * If those siblings went back into school, we should assume each of that sibling's bubble members are infected. * School buses are effectively another crucible for infections to transmit. * Secondary school students do not learn all subjects in a single "bubble". So they move from one bubble to one another as they change subject lessons.
@S Anderson An intelligent correspondent would recognise that many families are not as privileged as his/her own and do not have a room in which to isolate on individual. An intellegent correspondent would even recognise that some families have no option but for siblings to share bedrooms. And an intelligent person would recognise that privilege is not the same thing as intellegence. I can always benefit from more reading but I will allow others to judge which of us has the greater need to do so.
Dr. John, thank you for the wonderful report today. Here in the U.S., teachers are expressing that they feel like "guinea pigs" in the government's experiment. Of course, the kids are also. RE: Sturgis, S. Dakota, Sturgis is a town of 6,OOO people. I'm guessing that a reason the rally was allowed to go on is partly financial. But the other reason is that the U.S. is a "free country". The logistics of quarantining a quarter of a million in a town of less than 7,000 may have proved too problematic for the officials Knowing how small towns work, I'm sure the locals were just determined to wear their masks as they made money off of the bikers. Personally, I would have left town! I'm happy to report that the county I live in in Georgia did not open the schools to students. It is open to teachers, and the student's are doing their lessons on line. My next door neighbor has planned to take her son on a once a week field trip of an educational nature.
I'm from South Africa Dr John. Your source is very correct. Government here doesn't have a clue as to what's happening with the pandemic, all that they are interested in is stealing as much as possible of the relief monies sent to us.
The whole vaccine thing has me terrified because they are trying to get this out so fast. I have Lupus, therefore my immune system is already compromised. I look after myself though & am being very careful. I’m unsure whether I want a vaccine at all at this point, I’m not sure if it will be safe for me as there are some vaccines I can’t have, those with a live attenuated virus.
I have rheumatoid arthritis, because of my medications some vaccines (live ones) are already forbidden for me. I understand your frustration and I share your thoughts. Stay safe.
My 92 yr old father with no co-morbidities , no cold, no flu, etc, died 4 hrs after a flu shot in April. How many people have died in Yemen from war since 2017? How are Sweden, Holland and Denmark faring? Any updates from Switzerland?
Thank you Dr. Campbell. Your videos are always so informative, but the data on NZ is curious, and I can't stop thinking about it. I hope the puzzle gets solved at some point.
Kat M We hope so too... 🙁😳 It’s a mystery. Person to person would be okay but ... what if it’s come in via frozen product from overseas, or a person released after our strict 14 day quarantine (tested negative before they left) was actually positive after 14 days? Would be a shocker to the world!
@@KiwiGirl1111 we're probably going to have to learn to live with this virus. Sweden seem to be doing okay and they never had a lockdown. Most people recover okay. We just need to protect the vulnerable I reckon. 🙂
@@KiwiGirl1111 I know! I keep having all kinds of thoughts as to how it could happen, and being that I'm not a scientist or doctor my thoughts about it are crazy. But I keep thinking that the experts probably don't know everything about the virus yet, so maybe they are missing something about it's behavior. I'm hoping for the best for NZ and the world! Stay safe.
I’m in NZ - we do have cases here in quarantine at the border - so they are almost 100% sure it has spread from there. Let’s hope they find the source and get it contained quickly✌️
Almost 100% what about the American coldstore, the same as the Victorian one, by the same American Co., also producing victims of the virus???
Let's not forget about China. Granted, every monsoon season in China sees flooding. [Chinese cities are built without sewers for rain water]. This year was bad and there was great concern about the integrity of the Three Gorges Dam and would it hold up. A lot of sites seemed to be cheering for the collapse of the dam and subsequent harm to the CCP. The CCP looses face while many drown or are homeless. The point about the Yangtze is that there are over 30 nuclear power plants downstream as you near the coast. Think Fukushima. Now multiply by 30.
Though Putin's government has proven untrustworthy in the past and only time can show what long term effects will be, remember that phase 1 trials are for safety, phase 2 trials are to titrate safe maximum dosing and phase 3 trials is for efficacy. Russia's approval early during phase 3 only means they are desperate enough to accept any efficacy no matter how marginal they may be. Though some health risks have been discovered during phase 3 trials in the past, in theory the safety should be more or less the same as when the phase 3 trials are completed. It shouldn't be a potential Chernobyl anymore than had it completed the trials but it may be a waste of money and may cause a false sense of security that may lead to an increase in cases before being noted. For the rest of the world, it's just an expanded phase 3 trial provided that accurate reporting can be gathered, of course strict adherence to control studies would not exist but at least the effective trial will be large.
@@LondonSteveLee its a virus reckless, it doesn't care. About where you are or what you are doing. Mushrooms, enlightenment experiences, loud music ... doesn't matter. Receptors. Yes no move on. Thats it.
@Mark Sharman. Fine - carry on hiding - but no western economy? No modern world - if the food and medicine supply chain collapses from the collapse of the west, at least half the third world's population will die within 6 months and half again a short time after that. Do you really think China will be as generous and magnanimous as the west? It’s not trendy to point it out - actually it’s a hate crime in some circles - but the “nasty” dwindling “white” west and the money and technology that flows from it feeds and heals the world. The lockdowners, Soros puppets, trouble-makers, identity warriors, misfits and useful idiots being lead by the nose are playing with fire - they really think they’ll be spared from the collapse of the west - only Trump supporters or Tea Party members will suffer - the “protester types, after scraping an appalling 2-3 years of lord-of-the-flies type existence, will die along with the rest of us as the west burns. Be careful of what you wish for while you hide from a virus barely deadlier than ‘flu - or plot and campaign to crash the economy in order to kick a wrongthink orange man out of office - like COVID-19, the cure will be far worse than the disease. Get the schools open, get people back to work and put the wheels of the flawed but incredibly mutually-beneficial capitalist economy back in motion - the system that has taken more people out of subsistant-grinding-poverty than have ever existed previously! You do not realise how close we are to going over the edge.
@@LondonSteveLee woah buddy! A lot to unpack there. Viruses are real; they can kill humans; they are very difficult to contain. There is a recommended process to deal with them, this has been around for a number of years. Some world leaders chose to adopt these practices and some did not. Those that did not follow the known protocol have caused a huge amount of suffering. The American President is just one of many. I do not think anything in this global pandemic has been purposefully aligned to specifically end his time in office. Many people hope for this; and others are proactively campaigning to remove him, true. But that is a political process in one country and does not relate directly to discussion and process for dealing with this pandemic world wide. So many people have died now, in so many countries, that the danger of this virus is now: beyond dispute; and clearly not a conspiracy. It is happening, like that or not. Is it damaging western economies? Yes. Will some of these economies collapse? Quite possibly, but that depends on how long it takes to get this virus under control. The more people are unwilling to accept the long term effects of the virus, on their economy, the worse that effect will be. To say nothing of the enormous loss of life it will surely cause. The potential for deaths in the USA, in the many millions, is very real. That would be a huge drain on an already fragile economy: the loss of experience and knowledge of people who are great contributors; the loss of millions in a labour force; the huge/impossible effort to re-grow an economy to what it once was .... This is potentially a world changing event, whether a political power struggle is underway or not. The virus is one of the most simple forms of life, and yet it is proving to be more intelligent in it's claim on life than many humans. Yes it will leave countries more vulnerable - globally, economically, technologically, socially, medically ... The only way to mitigate the damage is to do what is required to stop spread. If you, and so many others, HIDE from that fact - the problem for EVERYONE is so much greater. The outcome will be so much worse. Will we need to re-factor the way we live our life due to economic hardship? Quite likely. But that might not be a bad thing. Good talk. I am off for a hill walk now, it is a glorious day as my country transitions from Winter to Summer. I am recovering from a double surgery earlier in the year, prostate removal (Cancer) and a triple bypass Cardiovascular surgery... which incidentally my government paid for. I am approaching my 65th birthday and feel that perhaps I have a couple more decades in front of me. I'm sorry you are going through this suffering, I really am. I too await a change to my circumstances, due to financial hardship. But I intend to recover as much of my previous fitness as I can ... to be more prepared for what is coming. And I intend to enjoy every day I have ... rather than hide in my room I will obey distancing requirements and get on with my life.
@@Rarediel But, if everyone they come in contact with protected themselves, the only people who will get the virus is the bikers. I'm certain that most of the people who died of the virus so far did not whatsoever protect themselves.
Children are 23.1 percent of the United States population, yet they account for 1 out of every 11.4 coronavirus cases, 1 out of every 50 hospitalizations, and 1 out of every 3,333 deaths. The idea that kids catch or spread or suffer from coronavirus at the same rate as adults is flatly untrue.
I understand his reasoning, but to say they are when we have no evidence that they are in reality is a bit disingenuous. Like he says, sometimes things that work in vitro do not work in vivo.
As a retired County EHO it is so refreshing to see some sensible comment from John. I cannot believe the semi-tripe Govt SAGE Group etc. Bring back the old Public Health Laboratory Service that I used to rely on for clear unbiased advice
I was out shopping yesterday. McDonalds mum with her 5 uncontrolled kids running a mock. McDonalds mum unmasked of course. 2 of the children, maybe 3 and 4 coughing their little hearts up bless them. With parents that stupid & self centered I pity the children.
This MacDonald’s Mum’s children will be fitter and healthier than those locked away in over-sanitised boxes laughingly called homes with their unchallenged immune systems storing up future allergies and cytokine storms from trivial infections. The “good mum’s“ children will be big-pharma-dependant weaklings with shortened life-expectancies and mental-health issues from isolation - we are social creatures who psychologically and physically wither and die without interaction with the world around us.
Yes, but someone just mentioned the fact that nurseries and childminding facilities have been open for several weeks now and we haven't heard of any explosion in cases in or via these tots. Got to be an encouraging sign surely?
It is astonishing that it can be common knowledge before the virus was common knowledge. Are you sure he/she wasn't just extrapolating how flu's normally behave?
Erland Lestander She was talking about the common cold really which is part of the same family of coronavirus, that said, flu is another one that children can transmit too!
Schools: In policy, acting based on a lack of evidence ('schools don't spread Sars-CoV-2') is as bad as failing to act in spite of evidence. Politicians continue to do this and continue to make disastrous policies.
Outside Montreal, Quebec, ca, elementary schools re-opened in May with about 50% student body; 50 of students and staff tested +ve but none became seriously ill. They continue on. There seems to be no real solution but a sequence of interventions will get us to a better place. (Dr. Petrosoniak, Trauma physician).
Hey John, the picture intended to visualise the social distansing is misleading. If you have 2 meters between the people illustrated by the dotted line you have only 1,414 meters between the people in the corners. Egyptian triangle.
I can see that all this has been very hard on you but as an ex counselor please note that, there is you! then there is the client's issues and problems then thair are your skills (training), then the clients problems and then the client themselves. Your a good bloke and I love your postings but indulge yourself in that professional distance. Take care mate.
Thanks John, quick question..... under the UK section, when you were talking about infectivity of children you had a written note that said 70% people worried, was that regarding return to school, was there a study or poll for that? I'm just sharing with my pals and wanted to be clear in my own mind what you meant. Thanks and have a good day everyone.
@@Campbellteaching Just in case you didn’t see my other post, a direct link to the UA-cam Australia 7news report of woman choked and assaulted by the police for the crime of not wearing a mask: Do you condone this sort of enforcement action?
@@givepeaceachantcommunity just getting out of my UV stand up sun bed now. 38 minutes per day on full power. Getting brown spots on my neck recently though.
Thank you for your tireless efforts to inform the public about this pandemic. I do genuinely appreciate the time and labor that you devote to this work. Thanks to you, I take vitamin D daily. :)
Here in NZ authorities are investigating the possibility the virus came from the USA on imported chilled and frozen goods, as the main outbreak is at a cold storage company called Americold that imports frozen goods. The response has been swift and efficient so far. Massive testing - with some people having waited six hours at huge queues yesterday, but more testing centres are opening all the time. Mask are strongly advised, probably mandatory by Monday. The national alert system (designed with earthquakes and volcanoes in mind) has been deployed to alert people. So far, to me it looks like the government is doing everything in it's power to quickly track and trace and isolate all cases.
i've seen masks for sale that have a window to see person's mouth. teachers should have those so kids can see their smiles and expressions which are all hidden with faces covered. my grands have always been home schooled so this hasn't affected them much, but i worry about the schools and the teachers.
Since my daughter started school 3 years ago, weve been sick way more. Kids coughing everywhere, parents just drop them off like its childcare. Home school for us.
I have a couple of family members who are anxious about leaving their under 1 year olds in nursery but since they both have front line jobs (nurse and social worker) there's no option - other than to leave them with grandma of course. VERY few families in England now have a stay at home parent.
@@essanjay8604 In Toronto Daycare Centres have been open for over 6 weeks without any problem and no outbreaks. Only one staff member developed Covid but she got it elsewhere, not from the centre. And there are thousands of preschoolers in these programs. In South Korea the results are the same. Daycare is no problem.
Building up their immune systems at school - the perfect environment for children emotionally and physically - with other children. Isolating them will turn them into immune-compromised, allergy-infested, big-pharma-dependant weaklings - just where Fauci and Gates wants them. Get them out there playing in the dirt - taking in the sun’s rays.
@@LondonSteveLee Really? I was homeschooled, and I turned into a realistic, logical person that doesn't believe in conspiracies or other made-up bullcrap. Cool story bro.
I was stunned and amazed after seeing photos and videos taken in Sturgis, South Dakota at the biker rally. 😳😑Natural selection open to the Coronavirus now. 💀
Yep - Darwinism at its best - a bunch of people filling themselves with endorphins fighting off mental illness, boosting their immune systems with sunshine and contact with new bacteria and viruses, getting some exercise and perhaps passing on their geneset to another generation of life-lovers - if they get lucky. Meanwhile the petrified, oxygen depleted mask-wearing patsies are cowering in their over-sanitised boxes, running down their already depleted Vitamin D levels, under-exercising themselves and their immune systems - storing up allergies and cytokine storms for the future - too scared and neurotic to even procreate. The genepool will indeed get stronger.
I'm in the US and after 6 months of this you'd think people would get some smarts? NO,NO,NO! it's there right to spread Covid to millions. Even if millions die. Just ask Trump. We have the best numbers, the absolute best of the BEST. WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST AND THE MOST, ALWAYS ! WE HAVE THE MOST AND THE BEST NUMBERS, THE BEST NUMBERS BECAUSE WE HAVE THE NUMBERS THANKS TOO ME. I KNOW MORE THAN EXPERTS ON THIS CHINA THING, WE KNOW IT CAME FROM CHINA AND BECAUSE OF ME WE HAVE THE BEST NUMBERS.
For the motorcycle rally: I hope no one gets infected. I hope none of their loved ones get infected. I hope no one gets a severe disease if they are infected. I hope they don't have to be put on ventilator. I hope they get the medical attention required on time. I hope no one has stroke. I hope no one gets MI. I hope no one dies. I hope no one has long term complications. ☺️
Motorcycling is very dangerous - therefore motorcyclists are usually people capable of assessing risk for themselves without being nannied by the state. They are less likely to hide from the nasty virus giving up all their freedoms and help destroy the economy in the process - That’s why it surprises me Triumph-riding Dr Campbell is so scared of the scamdemic.
I don't own a motorcycle and not part of that culture but I see how it is important for all of us for our mental health to do the things we love and keep our life on track even during a pandemic. We cant really just shut down everything for years to come. Unfortunately they do have the risk of infecting others it isn't just the risk to them salves, if I took part in that event I would isolate myself for 2 weeks afterwards and I hope they do so.
I got news for you - many will die and these idiots traveled from all over the country - then they go back home spreading it everywhere. All these bikers are Trump supporters - so I really don't care if they die - in fact they damn well deserve it!! #VOTEBLUE2020
Thank you always for your updates! You've been a resource of information and a great perspective on the situation globally. I just wanted to bring up the situation in Hawaii. Over the last 10-13 days, active cases have nearly doubled and it's trending to get out of hand very quickly. I also think the rise in cases here has been the worst in the US.
John, thank you for the outro. A good ending to a well researched informative message. Thank you so much for keeping me and I assume many others, on track with this frightening time. I have AF and this heatwave is adding to my symptoms. My temp has been 37. + since December. The NHS has kind of ground to a halt if you’re not Covid. Instead of deleting numbers of deaths from COVID they should add those that occurred due to not believing there was access to medical aid. I cannot access the NHS because I am in London and my home is Northumberland. When I asked to be a guest patient at my sisters medical centre they refused me unless I transferred as a registered patient, losing my home Doctor and heart consultant. Sadly the NHS is on it’s knees through gross underfunding .
Thank you as always! This must have been a difficult video to make on many levels, much gratitude to be as balanced as possible in your analysis of these issues. I beleive that there are some serious implications of the transmission vectors arising from children under six years of age which should be considered now. There will likely be a surge in the number of births starting around November of this year compared to prior years in certain countries. Those countries that used lockdown strategies for extended periods earlier in the year, as you mentioned in one of your March or April videos, will probably have a mini baby boom. These countries should be prepared for both the usual medical care that may be required as well as the beginning of a second wave due to high viral loads in that age cohort. We should be proactive about this potential situation and I suggest starting this now. 1. Parents of children in that age group should be educated about transmission vectors of SARS-COV-2. 2. Parents should be advised to minimize taking their children that are under 5 years of age to public places as much as possible. Preferably they shouldn't be in public places, especially mass transit, grocery stores and other retail shops that are not ventilated properly. 3. Parents should minimize the number of people in their children's social networks, and to exclude any contacts that are at high risk of developing serious COVID-19 disease. 3. Ke
I saw a teen girl no mask intentionally coughing loudly in all directions just to see everyone’s reaction in the produce section. Her and her mother laughed when people would look.
Masks aren't mandatory or even encouraged in my country, only in public transport and protests. When I do my shopping I usually see only one or two other people using a mask.
@Lurking Grue They have Dr. John in their sights for some time now. There has been persistent, fairly obvious, troll farm activity in the comments for about six weeks. They're irritating, and should be flagged, and ignored.
@@1mobetter99 Masks help, they are not a silver bullet that just stops spread completely though, unless they all had N95 masks with no valves, which are the only ones that would almost completely stop droplets coming out of their mouths. They were also screaming, shouting, and removing their masks to yell.
@44444 777 Total BS. It is an issue, but not more dangerous than Covid. 1000 total police shootings in a bad year, a smaller percentage black, and even smaller unjustified, maybe a handful of deaths, vs 160,000 dead by Covid and growing. You make a nice emotional argument, but the numbers aren't even close.
@44444 777 Dumb argument. You can't back it up with logic so tell me to go face the dumb crowds gathering in a pandemic, claiming a handful of deaths is more important than hundreds of thousands. No I'm staying at home thanks, like smart people should be doing. 🙄
@44444 777 BTW I didn't say police brutality is a non issue, I refuted your baseless claim that it is more dangerous than Covid-19. Emotional irrational nutcases on both the far left and right
Because it has gone away - burned itself out as a leading Israeli epidemiologist said it would after 60-90 days. Most of the positive "cases" are existing or historical common colds being picked up by the flawed low-resolution PCR tests.
Thanks Dr Campbell
Wishing you well
Thanks for your efforts to inform us and help save lives
Always a pleasure to see you every day in this a really strange time to be alive
@@karlhawkes fool
Keep it up please. As a retired public health professional I have more faith in Dr Johns analyses than much of the vague advice from PHE. When I look at home made masks I think of the masks and leather aprons issued to the fire fighters clearing radio active waste at Chernobyl after the explosion. As far as I know Dr John is the only person to explain the limited benefits of masks and what these are. Get your act together PHE
@@tonymonk8718 now Dido Harding has been put in charge there is little hope of any tangible change for the better . Dr Campbell's channel is a more reliable source than public health england- if that even exists anymore?
Thank you for continuing to perform this public service. I appreciate your thoroughness, objectivity, and the calm manner in which you deliver the information. You've been a port in the storm.
Thank you for all your hard work in collating so much material for us, Dr John. What you say makes more sense than all the media and governments worldwide. I wouldn't miss your updates.
As always, I appreciate you creating these reports and sharing.
Thank you for taking the time, effort and diligence in acquiring, reviewing and conveying what can be dismal information. As hard it is to hear, it must be distressing to do all you have done, and continue to do. You are providing sanity in these unpredictable and disturbing times.
Thanks Dr John, your honest, objective and well-informed videos have helped me through this crisis. Good health to all
I am very worried about how some people don’t take this virus seriously ! Amazing update, your presence during these hard times reassures me!
It will be next year at this time and this virus will still be going strong because folks will still not take it seriously. They never will.
Sorry but how can you take it seriously when you don't anybody in your life who has been infected, even potential people at risk, and for instance myself, I was abroad during lockdown, travelled around when lockdown was lifted, was probably in multiple risky situations where I could infect people or get infected ( 24 hours inside a bus, in planes, in situations where I could literally see droplets spat towards me when another person was talking to me... ), same for my partner, and I am a smoker.
I am not saying we shouldn't believe in covid 19 but I think a lot of it can be combatted with the right nutrients, the immune system will quickly improve with the right food, exercise, and as much air and sun as you can.
It's hard to be an advocate for something when you can't see it
Are you still feeling the same 😆😆😆😆
I bet you took the ja.b toooo
Thank you for all your kindnesses with us sharing your knowledge and your patience.
Thank you for all your information, you seem like such a kind soul🙏🏻
The time Dr. John spent thinking on whether or not Sturgis is a super-spreader event was probably longer than any of the organizers thought on whether it was safe to hold the event.
@MikeN That’s the Truth! All they were thinking about was making money!!!
Can’t live in fear
@@tarkansas2788 Nobody is asking you to live in fear, we're just asking you to not be an accessory to murder.
@@themoneymastery1 You forgot the sarcasm emoji. You had me going for a minute!
I have relatives living in South Dakota. I hope they stay away from a definitely stupid super-spreader such as this.
Thanks Dr Campbell much appreciated 👍
Thank you once again Dr. Campbell. Making these videos for all to learn from is probably taking its toll on you emotionally. We really appreciate your efforts - I feel that your videos are the best source of reliable information on a daily basis out there (see also from the U.S.).
Dr John you mentioned you used to teach about Spanish flue to nurses. Would it be possible for you to do one for UA-cam. It gives the covid 19 more context. Thank you so much for what you do. Anna x
There's a ton of stuff out there on the Spanish Influenza of 1918-19. Why not seek it out?
This sounds very interesting and an opportunity to learn from history.
Yes Dr. John. Do a Spanish Flu video! Make sure to mention that MOST deaths, BY FAR, were due to "treatment";
that groups "treated" by doctors with _toxic doses_ of Aspirin had ---> 30X
Dave Cockayne Influenza IS NOT A Coronavirus.... it is entirely different. The similarity is that it is airborne.
Aerin Deaths with a LOCKDOWN were 10,000. COVID-19 kills 1.5% to 2% of all patients. More infections equals more deaths.
Thank you, again Dr Campbell. Keeping up and feeling it in Vancouver BC 🇨🇦
Dear Dr. Campbell, words are not enough to express how much I respect you.
In this video, your manner of speaking is (as always) so admirable. 🖖😷👍
My heart goes out to all of my fellow human beings around the world who suffer the direct or indirect results of the pandemic but have no way of bettering their situation in any substantial way. I hope they are oblivious of the stupidity of some other human beings in the western world who are ignoring simple guidelines because they feel their freedom is taken away or because partying is more important somehow.
Its mostly a public health debacle. You have to drill this stuff for years.
But public health did know.
The problem is that it is the acts or lack of acts of others than endanger people with this particular disease. Being oblivious of the inconsideration of others are of no benefit.
@Paul Taylor I understood John Wang. education is paramount. ☺
@Paul Taylor? 😂 Are you not special , now let us see you reply to Mr Wang in his language. Please. Then we can judge you. Don't bother i already have. Good luck and best wishes. I totally understood John Wang. FYI.
So the Dr. is a motorcyclist too ! ... What a top man !!
A Triumph of course - like me. (edit bah! a Honda! - spits the word out!)
Royal Enfield?
Yes in fact he was one of the original 8 members of the Mongols MC in the United Kingdom
motorcyclists are the salt of the earth.
@@Kerrison01_01 Honad 500
Thank you so much John, great video..Eric from New Jersey.
Thank you Dr Campbell, you are the only one I listen to for all information the good and the bad. From Southern California
Thank you for sharing the emails with us.........God Bless Them All 😢😢😢
Thank u for all the work u do to explain the info to us. I appreciate it so much 😊
27:10 As someone who has suffered from atrial fibrillation (AF) with another heart condition since the age of 20, this listener's email confirms that I was right to be afraid of this disease. This thing damages the heart and there is an ever increasing body of evidence for it. AF and other cardiac arrhythmias are nasty and miserable things to experience at the best of times and have long been ignored by GPs etc until recent years. I hope the correspondent gets better and it goes away. It might in time.
You are a voice of reason and calm in this COVID 19 health crisis. Thank you
No reasonable man demands to shut down western economies - the results of that will go on to kill billions of people from starvation and unpoliced tribal ambitions.
I am a gamer and a cyclist. Both of those hobbies have many large conventions to look forward to every year. And they all switched to virtual or were canceled. A friend of mine has been to RAGBRAI and was looking forward to this year. My wife wanted to do RamRod (Mt Ranier in Washington). My friends and I usually head to GenCon every year. We live near Phoenix and often do Tour de Scottsdale. Those were all canceled. And that's fine. My wife and I can look at doing some sportives next year. My friends can play Pathfinder or some board games (many have virtual adaptations now or Board Game Simulator on PC can be used to "port" many board/card games to virtual) and have some drinks on Zoom. And we can look forward to our big in person events in future years.
A shame the Sturgis organizers couldn't just wait 6, 12, 18 whatever months and do this when things are under better control (probably with a vaccine)
Our Chief Medical Officer in Canada is saying that even with 2 doses a vaccine will unlikely stop the spread because people will still be infectious. They're anticipating only a reduction in symptoms given what the trial data is showing to date. They also anticipate only a 50% uptake of a Covid vaccine. I'd be surprised if it's that high given that it also will be even less effective in those over 60.
You are more brainy than the average Sturgis attendee. I was looking at pics of the crowd in a bar. Overweight, obvious health problems, visibly dirty with dirty hair, average age 50 or older. None of them looked too bright.
I consider myself reasonably well-informed and inquisitive but most of your nouns i would need to google to decipher.🤣😂🤣
Thank you once more Dr. John for all the effort you’ve put in this. Most valuable.
Just looking through the comments I have come to the conclusion that this is not a pandemic but an IQ test.
And your IQ might not b3 high enough to understand? It doesn’t take a high IQ to understand what Dr. Campbell’s info implies.
An IQ test administered by natural selection.
@{// WTF! //} He's right up there with that idiot Ferguson and his models. The aren't looking at the data that's killing our livelihoods to ensure everyone over 70 lives a few extra months. Were sleepwalking into disaster and this guy's cheerleading us on. We've gone mad.
The virus isn't deadly enough to do a good cleansing of the genome unfortunately. Less than 1% is not enough.
It has shown that if we get a deadlier virus in the future though that it has a good chance of killing off all the idiots though.
Pak De Darwinian selection while we watch.
Dr John. Our Dad lives in a care home. He broke his hip in April and was admitted to hospital to get it repaired, there he tested positive for Covid-19... had barely any symptoms apart from a sore throat and a high temp. After his hip surgery he returned to the home and since then he’s had 3 positives 2 negatives and he’s tested positive again today. Can you shed any light on this for us? Many thanks in advance. Your channel has been an absolute staple for us since we discovered you. We watch you every day x
I hope he recovers very quickly.
I hope your Dad makes a full recovery. Keep well.
JM:: The present detection methods are very sensitive to any hint of the virus. They can even detect remnants of the virus that remain in the body, even after the virus has been cleared. This leads to higher rate of false positives. A similar effect happens with Tuberculosis tests. You can test positive, but not have the disease. Remember the small injection bump on the arm?
Healing thoughts headed your way for your dad! Best of luck!😊💖🍀
The biggest problem with this entire thing....the PCR tests are TOO sensitive. After clearing a virus, there are often fragments of RNA particles left in the body for quite some time afterwards. The test will pick up these INACTIVE fragments and you will get a positive because of it. Look on Medcram this past week. They interviewed Dr. Michael Mina from Harvard, who talks about a saliva, at home test in lieu of this overly sensitive test. He feels that the oversensitivity of the test is actually hindering the response to the pandemic. Likely many people are being put in isolation for weeks who are not even infectious anymore.
“Basically a silver ball that went ping, ping, ping....” 😂 🤣 🤣😂
@Kwiene Makeda pinball wizard
So,if gene sequence calibration electron micrographs do NOT show purified particles claimed to be viral.
And "alleged" mutations NOT isolated
How can a vaccine even be produced?
The very definitions criteria
prepared from the causative agent
synthetic substitute
-can NOT be met-
- Exemption claim Violates the Nuremberg Code (1948) and the Declaration of Geneva (Physician’s oath) that are adopted in the Australian Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics. It also violates the International Covenant on Economic and Cultural and Social Rights (ICECSR)
- Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ,states that “No one shall be
subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no
one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”
The International Covenant on Economic and Cultural and Social Rights (ICECSR) protects the
individual’s right to autonomy over their own body (bodily integrity) as well as the community’s right
to non-discriminatory social welfare policies.
- Article 17 of this covenant is the Right to Privacy that includes ‘the right to personal autonomy and
physical and psychological integrity over one’s own body’ (AG APb p58)
- The implementation of mandatory and coercive vaccination into social welfare policies also requires
that all conflicts of interest in the development of the vaccination program be presented to the
The use of financial incentives and employment to encourage the uptake of vaccines effectively
removes free and informed consent to vaccination because people’s livelihoods are affected by this
We The People Declare
Providing a full coverage compensation program for those damaged or affected by vaccine
inoculation. (Not a no-fault compensation scheme, as this puts the responsibility on the tax
payer to pay.)
0 virus
Millions are AWAKE
He says it as it is 😂
@@mysteryteacher9 exactly as it reads to me the world should wake up to the manipulation say no to rushed vaccination who's with me #Plandemic
Only Spútnik 1 went "ping, ping, ping". Spútnik 2 went "ping, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, - ping, tu, tu, tu, tu ,tu". Spútnik 3 transmitted computer packet data. Spútnik 4 is a codename for Vostok 1 spacecraft with test dummy of a man. Now Spútnik 5. maybe it will work.
Contact tracer: "So where have you been the last seven days?"
COVID-19 positive person: "Sturgis"
Contact tracer: "Never mind then"
@@gferraro8353 of course they could stop these gatherings from happening. They choose not to
My cousin is at Sturgis.
Next week Laconia Rally starts here in NH...
Let them die, I'm beyond caring for those that don't care for themselves or others. I have compassion for those they'll unwittingly pass it onto to.
@@jaysmith9683 wow thats just a terrible thing to say. Covid is fake
Dr Campbell we Thank You for your dedication at this trying time with COVID-19.
Blessings To All Worthy Of Being Blessed
Thank you Dr. Campbell.
Latest from NZ is that the source is possibly contaminated packaging on imported goods, the Dad works at an import coldstore, and freezing prolongs virus viability on surfaces. Other staff at the same coldstore have now tested positive.
I read it was likely to be a quarantine breach from an international traveller. Not sure how accurate that is either.
@@bentree1122 the Americold cluster is probably associate with contaminated goods, but there is a second possible cluster in the north of Auckland with no obvious link to Americold which is likely to be a quarantine breach by an international passenger.
@@bentree1122 they were both possibilities, although the American coldstore is more of a possibility according to genomic testing...
@@gregs3845 have heard NOTHING of a separate cluster
"schools are super spreader events", thank you for speaking the truth dr john, your videos are always backed by science and your predictions have proved to be (sadly) true. The school re-opening in september feels like driving towards a brick wall and with no time to stop. Teachers and support staff are not even going to wear face coverings, the unions are dealing with the matter, but with only 3 weeks away, not much is going to change...All we can do is pray for a miracle!
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits some people have to work
What would your solution be to the small matter of parents needing to go to work then Lilly Anna. A further indefinite furlough scheme perhaps?
@@essanjay8604 As between increased deaths, and anything else, the choice is simple.
don't bother answering to @South Efrikan , he is a troll !!
South Efrikan what if you have babies and young children aswell as older children. Even if you don’t work, hard to fit in every age group’s learning with only one of you.
They don’t need a study about if kids in schools, especially early grades, are super spreaders. Just ask a Gramma with grandchildren in the early school years. We know young children are spreaders because we have experienced this with every grandchild and know that the grandparents usually get the cold, flu, etc. but much worse than the kids.
Too right! When the children in our family were all under about 8, we all used to get whatever was going round in their schools after a family gathering. I used to refer to them as "the little germ bags". You can't blame them for it.
As a grandma looking after grandchildren for the last 8 years I can quite honestly say I have never been so sickly, every winter since the first one was born I’ve been ill with numerous colds/chest infections/ear infections/stomach bugs etc etc. I take vitamins to try and ward these bugs off but every winter is worse than the last and no amount of healthy living and hygiene practices on my part has had any effect on protecting me from all of their childhood bugs😞 add COVID-19 into the mix and my fear of winter illness has now intensified to terror levels!!
But it is not very scientific to just go around asking grandparents, we have to have reliable data that cannot be doubted
@Sweet Science! what a surprise you are an anti-vaccines
Sweet Science! What, you would doubt your gramma! Lol.
Australia here. Freight is still arriving. Plane and ship crew are are handling hard surfaces that are being picked up by NZ employees almost straight away. That would be one vector for infection spread. Ship crew and plane crew are not being tested on arrival as they leaving within days again.
With all your professional years, it must be incredibly frustrating to see the basic mass failures in pandemic control. It certainly has been the same for many of us mere mortals.
I’ve spent a lot of time doing business and visiting Russia. Even lived there for many months. Visited Russian health care facilities on about five occasions and received respect, perfectly good treatment and kind attention. In all my time socializing there I never heard one bad word said about other countries. If Britain or America found a virus I’m sure Russia would applaud it. Why is the opposite not the case? Russians are not mean people. In fact very generous of spirit. And I don’t mean vodka in case you are confused.
But it must be understood that after the years of propaganda against them Russians regard Americans, not so much Brits with a degree of well deserved contempt.
I feel obliged to go along with them in gratitude for their many kindnesses.
Roger G i think the same is true of most countries. Ordinary people are not the problem. The ones who rise to the top under every political system tend to require shall we say unpleasant qualities in order to get there. The older i get the more cynical and disillusioned i become with all politicians.
Paul G - some truth in that.
Less worried about the kind people in Russia as we are about Putin.
Being critical of rolling out a vaccine before it has been demonstrated in a conclusive Phase 3 trial to be safe and effective has nothing to do with some perception of Russia or Russians -- it just is an imprudent thing to do, which could very well end with thousands of people being harmed and a public hesitant to accept any further vaccine, even a safe and effective one.
Sharon R - I wonder how much you really know about Putin. Why do you think he has the support of an overwhelming number of Russian citizens? Can they not be trusted? If you are not Russian, or speak the language, you probably don’t know enough to qualify to comment on the man. That’s not intended to be rude. He has done a great deal for the upliftment of Russian people. Just because he won’t buckle to American demands does not make him bad. He’ll likely go down in history as Vladimir The Great. If a real poll were conducted world wide he would probably be recognized as the best president in the world right now. It’s only the constant propaganda espoused by the so-called West that impinges on his reputation. Where Trump wants to make America great again, Putin has already done it for Russia.
One of the people with Covid in New Zealand worked a place that is refrigerated. Could it have survived there?
South Dakota motor cycle event "Could this be a super spreader event... let me think... let you think😂😂😂😂 enjoying the cynicism Stay Blessed 🙏
Hi John, New Zealander here. 102 days without community transmission, but we do have cases in managed isolation and quarantine hotels. Likely to have escaped from there
Dr. Campbell. I enjoyed hearing you were a motorcyclist. I am located in Portland, Oregon, USA and love motorcycling. However, I am extremely upset and disappointed in the Sturgis Rally and the big attendance this year. It is absolutely a spreader event. The people are packed together, they get drunk and do dumb things. Then they'll bring it back to all parts of the USA (and beyond). Motorcyclists are generally good-hearted people who understand that safety depends on others. Yet then they turn around and do an idiotic thing like Sturgis! Many are fat, older Harley Davidson riders, who are especially at risk. Thanks for your great video's. We appreciate it. What do you ride?
Cases 880
Deaths 17
An additional 17 cases reported today, 14 of which are local cases.
Patient 867 has had no known connection to the Da Nang area, so the source of infection is still unknown.
Very few deaths... looks like it might be closer to the true IFR than any other country.
ChillPill365 it really depends on the country and those infected. Vietnam was at 0 deaths until a few weeks ago since a majority of the deaths were at a hospital with dialysis patients. Similarly Singapore has a very low rate (55,000 cases 27 deaths) due to age and health of those infected.
@Priscilla Falzirolli Hmm.... interesting. I will look into it!
My American friend who is a cancer patient is stuck in Viet Nam. They recently went into lockdown in the small sea side village she is staying in. I look forward to her reports.
kat russell your friend is quite lucky to be stuck in Vietnam and not the US
❤️🇺🇸❤️🇬🇧❤️🇺🇸❤️🇬🇧❤️ I love you Dr. John...I’m in good hands.
Thankfully our school district in Oregon gave us the option of going full online classes or a virtual learning with the opportunity for hybrid classes IF the opportunity presents itself this school year.
Regarding the schools in Cherokee County GA. I am surprised you didn’t look up the denominator! The 59 positive cases are from 41,000 students in 42 schools. A case rate of 59/41,000= 0.14 percent. They are doing contact tracing and that’s where the number 900 in quarantine comes from.
Again, thank you so much for hard work dear sir. So appreciated by so many. Reliable, honest and straightforward information we all need so much.
Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Good afternoon Dr Campbell. Dreading the updates more each day. Thanks for your effort and continued help. ✌🏻🏴
Singapore is back to school since 7 weeks. 100 % mask wearing policy, staggered starting and ending times are the norm.
So far there is no case. Bus drivers, gym instructors, food preparers/cooks, people who participate on private functions - yes. But not pupils.
It's already established children are't affected the same way as adults, but they can spread the virus by infecting adults. Schools and children are a perfect place to incubate and spread sickness for colds. flu and now covid 19
Peter Kroll unfortunately in the UK there won’t be a mask wearing policy or at least at my sons school there isn’t. If that was made the case I wouldn’t have a problem sending him back. The UK has no clue how to deal with this virus!
Sadly, because children often don't show symptoms when they have covid-19, this makes them the perfect carrier for this virus. They pass the virus among classes and bring it home to parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. All of whom can be more susceptible to worse symptoms, or even requiring hospitalization and possibly fatality. This is why in person learning isn't a good idea until we as the human race has achieved herd immunity through a vaccine.
@Dermot Fitzpatrick All children above 3 years old wear masks here. Those below 3 yo wear face shield or are kept home. Very few children are infected at all. I hope Singapore can keep it that way.
In the beginning people tried to bypass but later the wearing rate became almost 100 %. I do not know if children brought the virus into families, but since Singapore does meticulous tracing, it does not seem so. There are simply only very few infected children.
Keep in mind that Singapore reacted early and hence there is less viral load in the community and also are taking preventive measures while the US were reticent to react and are reluctant to take preventive measures in reopening the schools.
The UK has been told that children in schools will be taught in "bubbles".
Nice in theory because any infection will be contained within that "bubble".
* If somebody in a bubble shows symptoms we need to assume that everybody in that bubble is also infected
* Each will go home to their family. If they are infected they will pass it onto their siblings (or at least we shoiuld assume they will.
* If those siblings went back into school, we should assume each of that sibling's bubble members are infected.
* School buses are effectively another crucible for infections to transmit.
* Secondary school students do not learn all subjects in a single "bubble". So they move from one bubble to one another as they change subject lessons.
The problem with bubbles is that they burst very easily.
@S Anderson An intelligent correspondent would recognise that many families are not as privileged as his/her own and do not have a room in which to isolate on individual.
An intellegent correspondent would even recognise that some families have no option but for siblings to share bedrooms.
And an intelligent person would recognise that privilege is not the same thing as intellegence.
I can always benefit from more reading but I will allow others to judge which of us has the greater need to do so.
Dr. John, thank you for the wonderful report today.
Here in the U.S., teachers are expressing that they feel like "guinea pigs" in the government's experiment.
Of course, the kids are also.
RE: Sturgis, S. Dakota,
Sturgis is a town of 6,OOO people.
I'm guessing that a reason the rally was allowed to go on is partly financial.
But the other reason is that the U.S. is a "free country".
The logistics of quarantining a quarter of a million in a town of less than 7,000 may have proved too problematic for the officials
Knowing how small towns work, I'm sure the locals were just determined to wear their masks as they made money off of the bikers.
Personally, I would have left town!
I'm happy to report that the county I live in in Georgia did not open the schools to students. It is open to teachers, and the student's are doing their lessons on line.
My next door neighbor has planned to take her son on a once a week field trip of an educational nature.
Good blog John were understandably a bit off form yesterday but back to your best today ...
I believe you make a difference, Dr. Campbell. Thank you, again!
I'm from South Africa Dr John.
Your source is very correct. Government here doesn't have a clue as to what's happening with the pandemic, all that they are interested in is stealing as much as possible of the relief monies sent to us.
The whole vaccine thing has me terrified because they are trying to get this out so fast. I have Lupus, therefore my immune system is already compromised. I look after myself though & am being very careful. I’m unsure whether I want a vaccine at all at this point, I’m not sure if it will be safe for me as there are some vaccines I can’t have, those with a live attenuated virus.
If you're being treated for lupis i am pretty sure that treatment makes you LESS likely to get real sick from it
dirtyskies CHEMIFORNIA I’m not on hydroxychloroquine anymore, just Prednisolone now, so I’m not sure that will help me.
@@Norcalchoom yes with hydroxychloroquine but don't forget the zinc!
I have rheumatoid arthritis, because of my medications some vaccines (live ones) are already forbidden for me. I understand your frustration and I share your thoughts. Stay safe.
Advocatus Diaboli thank you, I thought that was the case with Prednisolone, I’ve been barely leaving the house
My 92 yr old father with no co-morbidities , no cold, no flu, etc, died 4 hrs after a flu shot in April.
How many people have died in Yemen from war since 2017?
How are Sweden, Holland and Denmark faring? Any updates from Switzerland?
Thank you Dr. Campbell. Your videos are always so informative, but the data on NZ is curious, and I can't stop thinking about it. I hope the puzzle gets solved at some point.
Kat M We hope so too... 🙁😳 It’s a mystery. Person to person would be okay but ... what if it’s come in via frozen product from overseas, or a person released after our strict 14 day quarantine (tested negative before they left) was actually positive after 14 days? Would be a shocker to the world!
@@KiwiGirl1111 we're probably going to have to learn to live with this virus. Sweden seem to be doing okay and they never had a lockdown. Most people recover okay. We just need to protect the vulnerable I reckon. 🙂
@@KiwiGirl1111 I know! I keep having all kinds of thoughts as to how it could happen, and being that I'm not a scientist or doctor my thoughts about it are crazy. But I keep thinking that the experts probably don't know everything about the virus yet, so maybe they are missing something about it's behavior. I'm hoping for the best for NZ and the world! Stay safe.
I’m in NZ - we do have cases here in quarantine at the border - so they are almost 100% sure it has spread from there. Let’s hope they find the source and get it contained quickly✌️
We supposedly have cases , caused by vaccines!!
Almost 100% what about the American coldstore, the same as the Victorian one, by the same American Co., also producing victims of the virus???
Perhaps a better name than Sputnik 5 will turn out to be Chernobyl 2.
I don't believe anything that comes out of Puton's mouth.
Let's not forget about China. Granted, every monsoon season in China sees flooding. [Chinese cities are built without sewers for rain water]. This year was bad and there was great concern about the integrity of the Three Gorges Dam and would it hold up. A lot of sites seemed to be cheering for the collapse of the dam and subsequent harm to the CCP. The CCP looses face while many drown or are homeless.
The point about the Yangtze is that there are over 30 nuclear power plants downstream as you near the coast.
Think Fukushima. Now multiply by 30.
Though Putin's government has proven untrustworthy in the past and only time can show what long term effects will be, remember that phase 1 trials are for safety, phase 2 trials are to titrate safe maximum dosing and phase 3 trials is for efficacy. Russia's approval early during phase 3 only means they are desperate enough to accept any efficacy no matter how marginal they may be. Though some health risks have been discovered during phase 3 trials in the past, in theory the safety should be more or less the same as when the phase 3 trials are completed. It shouldn't be a potential Chernobyl anymore than had it completed the trials but it may be a waste of money and may cause a false sense of security that may lead to an increase in cases before being noted. For the rest of the world, it's just an expanded phase 3 trial provided that accurate reporting can be gathered, of course strict adherence to control studies would not exist but at least the effective trial will be large.
Trump will want in on it, especially if it kills blacks/ browns and powerful women.
Sturgis. Good grief. That is such a bad idea.
Yes it would be much better to lock yourself away like a mushroom in a dark safe room.
@@LondonSteveLee its a virus reckless, it doesn't care. About where you are or what you are doing. Mushrooms, enlightenment experiences, loud music ... doesn't matter. Receptors. Yes no move on. Thats it.
@@LondonSteveLee do Sturgis another time bro.
@Mark Sharman. Fine - carry on hiding - but no western economy? No modern world - if the food and medicine supply chain collapses from the collapse of the west, at least half the third world's population will die within 6 months and half again a short time after that. Do you really think China will be as generous and magnanimous as the west? It’s not trendy to point it out - actually it’s a hate crime in some circles - but the “nasty” dwindling “white” west and the money and technology that flows from it feeds and heals the world. The lockdowners, Soros puppets, trouble-makers, identity warriors, misfits and useful idiots being lead by the nose are playing with fire - they really think they’ll be spared from the collapse of the west - only Trump supporters or Tea Party members will suffer - the “protester types, after scraping an appalling 2-3 years of lord-of-the-flies type existence, will die along with the rest of us as the west burns. Be careful of what you wish for while you hide from a virus barely deadlier than ‘flu - or plot and campaign to crash the economy in order to kick a wrongthink orange man out of office - like COVID-19, the cure will be far worse than the disease.
Get the schools open, get people back to work and put the wheels of the flawed but incredibly mutually-beneficial capitalist economy back in motion - the system that has taken more people out of subsistant-grinding-poverty than have ever existed previously! You do not realise how close we are to going over the edge.
@@LondonSteveLee woah buddy! A lot to unpack there. Viruses are real; they can kill humans; they are very difficult to contain. There is a recommended process to deal with them, this has been around for a number of years. Some world leaders chose to adopt these practices and some did not.
Those that did not follow the known protocol have caused a huge amount of suffering. The American President is just one of many. I do not think anything in this global pandemic has been purposefully aligned to specifically end his time in office. Many people hope for this; and others are proactively campaigning to remove him, true. But that is a political process in one country and does not relate directly to discussion and process for dealing with this pandemic world wide.
So many people have died now, in so many countries, that the danger of this virus is now: beyond dispute; and clearly not a conspiracy. It is happening, like that or not. Is it damaging western economies? Yes. Will some of these economies collapse? Quite possibly, but that depends on how long it takes to get this virus under control. The more people are unwilling to accept the long term effects of the virus, on their economy, the worse that effect will be. To say nothing of the enormous loss of life it will surely cause. The potential for deaths in the USA, in the many millions, is very real. That would be a huge drain on an already fragile economy: the loss of experience and knowledge of people who are great contributors; the loss of millions in a labour force; the huge/impossible effort to re-grow an economy to what it once was ....
This is potentially a world changing event, whether a political power struggle is underway or not. The virus is one of the most simple forms of life, and yet it is proving to be more intelligent in it's claim on life than many humans. Yes it will leave countries more vulnerable - globally, economically, technologically, socially, medically ...
The only way to mitigate the damage is to do what is required to stop spread. If you, and so many others, HIDE from that fact - the problem for EVERYONE is so much greater. The outcome will be so much worse. Will we need to re-factor the way we live our life due to economic hardship? Quite likely. But that might not be a bad thing.
Good talk. I am off for a hill walk now, it is a glorious day as my country transitions from Winter to Summer. I am recovering from a double surgery earlier in the year, prostate removal (Cancer) and a triple bypass Cardiovascular surgery... which incidentally my government paid for. I am approaching my 65th birthday and feel that perhaps I have a couple more decades in front of me. I'm sorry you are going through this suffering, I really am. I too await a change to my circumstances, due to financial hardship. But I intend to recover as much of my previous fitness as I can ... to be more prepared for what is coming. And I intend to enjoy every day I have ... rather than hide in my room I will obey distancing requirements and get on with my life.
Efficacy, Tolerability and Safety is extremely important. May be Mr. P can volunteer to have it first since he declared it safe.
Thank you as always I never skip the Chanel ✨👍💫💫
A sad note to the Sturgis MC rally is that many attending are over 50 years of age, I dare say most.
if they die its their fault. I only feel bad for the innocent people they infect
correct and also most carrying a bit of timber, maybe not good for Harley Davidsons sales
Sheer stupidity. Even worse, it may overwhelme ICU's and kill people that acted responsibly but had some bad luck.
A similar rally is scheduled for Laconia, NH in a few weeks! 😔
@@Rarediel But, if everyone they come in contact with protected themselves, the only people who will get the virus is the bikers. I'm certain that most of the people who died of the virus so far did not whatsoever protect themselves.
My thoughts are with the Scottish train crash...
Hope for the best possible outcomes
Train wreck of a situation
Baz Strutt.....very commendable, but what the fuck has this got to do with the virus?
2eleven48 good point
@@2eleven48 well put
I wonder how many of them will be marked of dying from COVID-19?
Outstanding vid once again thanks for all the effort you make DR Cambell:)
Children are 23.1 percent of the United States population, yet they account for 1 out of every 11.4 coronavirus cases, 1 out of every 50 hospitalizations, and 1 out of every 3,333 deaths. The idea that kids catch or spread or suffer from coronavirus at the same rate as adults is flatly untrue.
@Andrew Ongais Dr JC said 0-5 YOs are super-spreaders.
I understand his reasoning, but to say they are when we have no evidence that they are in reality is a bit disingenuous. Like he says, sometimes things that work in vitro do not work in vivo.
As a retired County EHO it is so refreshing to see some sensible comment from John. I cannot believe the semi-tripe Govt SAGE Group etc. Bring back the old Public Health Laboratory Service that I used to rely on for clear unbiased advice
I was out shopping yesterday. McDonalds mum with her 5 uncontrolled kids running a mock. McDonalds mum unmasked of course. 2 of the children, maybe 3 and 4 coughing their little hearts up bless them. With parents that stupid & self centered I pity the children.
@@karlhawkes speaking of pathetic fools here you are spouting nonsense throughout the comments section. Nuff said.
This MacDonald’s Mum’s children will be fitter and healthier than those locked away in over-sanitised boxes laughingly called homes with their unchallenged immune systems storing up future allergies and cytokine storms from trivial infections. The “good mum’s“ children will be big-pharma-dependant weaklings with shortened life-expectancies and mental-health issues from isolation - we are social creatures who psychologically and physically wither and die without interaction with the world around us.
@@basilbrush3238 Children should not be masked - this is common knowledge.
you were at McDonalds; why were you expecting anything but disgusting people there?
Hopefully mum won't catch anything from her kids, and lives to raise them!
My niece who’s a doctor said kids are super spreaders of Covid just like they are with colds, this was in January 2020
Yes, but someone just mentioned the fact that nurseries and childminding facilities have been open for several weeks now and we haven't heard of any explosion in cases in or via these tots. Got to be an encouraging sign surely?
@basil fawlty You're not blessed with that tRump light.
jayaness Who was it? Trump!
It is astonishing that it can be common knowledge before the virus was common knowledge.
Are you sure he/she wasn't just extrapolating how flu's normally behave?
Erland Lestander She was talking about the common cold really which is part of the same family of coronavirus, that said, flu is another one that children can transmit too!
Schools: In policy, acting based on a lack of evidence ('schools don't spread Sars-CoV-2') is as bad as failing to act in spite of evidence. Politicians continue to do this and continue to make disastrous policies.
Outside Montreal, Quebec, ca, elementary schools re-opened in May with about 50% student body; 50 of students and staff tested +ve but none became seriously ill. They continue on. There seems to be no real solution but a sequence of interventions will get us to a better place. (Dr. Petrosoniak, Trauma physician).
Hey John, the picture intended to visualise the social distansing is misleading. If you have 2 meters between the people illustrated by the dotted line you have only 1,414 meters between the people in the corners. Egyptian triangle.
Hello Dr John hello everyone 🦖✌️🌈😷NHS 👍
I can see that all this has been very hard on you but as an ex counselor please note that, there is you! then there is the client's issues and problems then thair are your skills (training), then the clients problems and then the client themselves.
Your a good bloke and I love your postings but indulge yourself in that professional distance.
Take care mate.
Thank you Dr
I thought the vaccine in Russia is called Sputnik V, with the v standing for vaccine, not 5...?
Thanks for helping us prepare for what is to come.
Always factual and diplomatic
Thanks John, quick question..... under the UK section, when you were talking about infectivity of children you had a written note that said 70% people worried, was that regarding return to school, was there a study or poll for that? I'm just sharing with my pals and wanted to be clear in my own mind what you meant. Thanks and have a good day everyone.
this was about the virus in general, sorry
@@Campbellteaching hello, and thanks for your kind reply. I just wanted to check. Have a good afternoon. All the best from South London. X
@@Campbellteaching Just in case you didn’t see my other post, a direct link to the UA-cam Australia 7news report of woman choked and assaulted by the police for the crime of not wearing a mask: Do you condone this sort of enforcement action?
Everyone remember to take your Vitamin D. Please do it now.
Combat Archery America that’s not enough to get vit d mate. Get some sun shine 👍
Yes, plus get some SUN ☀️
@@givepeaceachantcommunity just getting out of my UV stand up sun bed now. 38 minutes per day on full power. Getting brown spots on my neck recently though.
@basil fawlty uh, your stomach is normally full of acid which will curdle milk
Thank you for your tireless efforts to inform the public about this pandemic.
I do genuinely appreciate the time and labor that you devote to this work.
Thanks to you, I take vitamin D daily. :)
Here in NZ authorities are investigating the possibility the virus came from the USA on imported chilled and frozen goods, as the main outbreak is at a cold storage company called Americold that imports frozen goods. The response has been swift and efficient so far. Massive testing - with some people having waited six hours at huge queues yesterday, but more testing centres are opening all the time. Mask are strongly advised, probably mandatory by Monday. The national alert system (designed with earthquakes and volcanoes in mind) has been deployed to alert people. So far, to me it looks like the government is doing everything in it's power to quickly track and trace and isolate all cases.
I've been saying for some time that this virus is highlighting competence and incompetence. NZ is showing a lot of the former, UK/USA the latter.
Russia "sharing" with manufacturers in Latin America will come with strings attached comrade.
Yep!👍👍 Putin is the grand collector of puppets!
It's almost as if Putin generously funded Russia's CDC while he arranged for the US CDC to be maligned and cut off from funding.
@@surelyyoujokemeinfailure7531 More a case of Putin sending out the IP thieves! As China has done in fact on a multitude of other products..
Teachers in Cherokee were supposed to wear masks, but shocking, several of them chose not to. I live in Cherokee County. It is a mess.
So sorry you have to contend with that, please be really safe!
i've seen masks for sale that have a window to see person's mouth. teachers should have those so kids can see their smiles and expressions which are all hidden with faces covered. my grands have always been home schooled so this hasn't affected them much, but i worry about the schools and the teachers.
@@sandy-rr1by Yes and a lot of deaf people read lips and the masks are making it hard on them.
School is like a factory, a lot of people in one building. There will be cases in schools as in factories are.
The vaccine passed all necessary checks. The Kursk passed those as well before it set sail.
Your posts are fascinating. So informative. Thanks for the great service I are doing.
Since my daughter started school 3 years ago, weve been sick way more. Kids coughing everywhere, parents just drop them off like its childcare. Home school for us.
I have a couple of family members who are anxious about leaving their under 1 year olds in nursery but since they both have front line jobs (nurse and social worker) there's no option - other than to leave them with grandma of course. VERY few families in England now have a stay at home parent.
Children develop stronger immune systems when exposed to others, keeping them at home is doing them no favours.
In Toronto Daycare Centres have been open for over 6 weeks without any problem and no outbreaks. Only one staff member developed Covid but she got it elsewhere, not from the centre. And there are thousands of preschoolers in these programs. In South Korea the results are the same. Daycare is no problem.
Building up their immune systems at school - the perfect environment for children emotionally and physically - with other children. Isolating them will turn them into immune-compromised, allergy-infested, big-pharma-dependant weaklings - just where Fauci and Gates wants them.
Get them out there playing in the dirt - taking in the sun’s rays.
@@LondonSteveLee Really? I was homeschooled, and I turned into a realistic, logical person that doesn't believe in conspiracies or other made-up bullcrap. Cool story bro.
I was stunned and amazed after seeing photos and videos taken in Sturgis, South Dakota at the biker rally. 😳😑Natural selection open to the Coronavirus now. 💀
Yep - Darwinism at its best - a bunch of people filling themselves with endorphins fighting off mental illness, boosting their immune systems with sunshine and contact with new bacteria and viruses, getting some exercise and perhaps passing on their geneset to another generation of life-lovers - if they get lucky.
Meanwhile the petrified, oxygen depleted mask-wearing patsies are cowering in their over-sanitised boxes, running down their already depleted Vitamin D levels, under-exercising themselves and their immune systems - storing up allergies and cytokine storms for the future - too scared and neurotic to even procreate.
The genepool will indeed get stronger.
@@LondonSteveLee in the lockdown religion, the soyboys will inherit the earth
I'm in the US and after 6 months of this you'd think people would get some smarts? NO,NO,NO! it's there right to spread Covid to millions. Even if millions die. Just ask Trump. We have the best numbers, the absolute best of the BEST. WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST AND THE MOST, ALWAYS ! WE HAVE THE MOST AND THE BEST NUMBERS, THE BEST NUMBERS BECAUSE WE HAVE THE NUMBERS THANKS TOO ME. I KNOW MORE THAN EXPERTS ON THIS CHINA THING, WE KNOW IT CAME FROM CHINA AND BECAUSE OF ME WE HAVE THE BEST NUMBERS.
@@johngaudet6316 You're losing it dood. Try to relax.
For the motorcycle rally:
I hope no one gets infected.
I hope none of their loved ones get infected.
I hope no one gets a severe disease if they are infected.
I hope they don't have to be put on ventilator.
I hope they get the medical attention required on time.
I hope no one has stroke.
I hope no one gets MI.
I hope no one dies.
I hope no one has long term complications.
Maybe many will just ride outside as God intended😉🙂
I hope, I hope, I hope. Is that virtue signalling?
Motorcycling is very dangerous - therefore motorcyclists are usually people capable of assessing risk for themselves without being nannied by the state. They are less likely to hide from the nasty virus giving up all their freedoms and help destroy the economy in the process - That’s why it surprises me Triumph-riding Dr Campbell is so scared of the scamdemic.
I don't own a motorcycle and not part of that culture but I see how it is important for all of us for our mental health to do the things we love and keep our life on track even during a pandemic. We cant really just shut down everything for years to come. Unfortunately they do have the risk of infecting others it isn't just the risk to them salves, if I took part in that event I would isolate myself for 2 weeks afterwards and I hope they do so.
I got news for you - many will die and these idiots traveled from all over the country - then they go back home spreading it everywhere. All these bikers are Trump supporters - so I really don't care if they die - in fact they damn well deserve it!! #VOTEBLUE2020
Thank you always for your updates! You've been a resource of information and a great perspective on the situation globally. I just wanted to bring up the situation in Hawaii. Over the last 10-13 days, active cases have nearly doubled and it's trending to get out of hand very quickly. I also think the rise in cases here has been the worst in the US.
John, thank you for the outro. A good ending to a well researched informative message. Thank you so much for keeping me and I assume many others, on track with this frightening time. I have AF and this heatwave is adding to my symptoms. My temp has been 37. + since December. The NHS has kind of ground to a halt if you’re not Covid. Instead of deleting numbers of deaths from COVID they should add those that occurred due to not believing there was access to medical aid. I cannot access the NHS because I am in London and my home is Northumberland. When I asked to be a guest patient at my sisters medical centre they refused me unless I transferred as a registered patient, losing my home Doctor and heart consultant. Sadly the NHS is on it’s knees through gross underfunding .
Thank you as always! This must have been a difficult video to make on many levels, much gratitude to be as balanced as possible in your analysis of these issues. I beleive that there are some serious implications of the transmission vectors arising from children under six years of age which should be considered now. There will likely be a surge in the number of births starting around November of this year compared to prior years in certain countries. Those countries that used lockdown strategies for extended periods earlier in the year, as you mentioned in one of your March or April videos, will probably have a mini baby boom. These countries should be prepared for both the usual medical care that may be required as well as the beginning of a second wave due to high viral loads in that age cohort. We should be proactive about this potential situation and I suggest starting this now.
1. Parents of children in that age group should be educated about transmission vectors of SARS-COV-2.
2. Parents should be advised to minimize taking their children that are under 5 years of age to public places as much as possible. Preferably they shouldn't be in public places, especially mass transit, grocery stores and other retail shops that are not ventilated properly.
3. Parents should minimize the number of people in their children's social networks, and to exclude any contacts that are at high risk of developing serious COVID-19 disease.
3. Ke
I have seen young children run around supermarkets no mask and very little supervision !
I saw a teen girl no mask intentionally coughing loudly in all directions just to see everyone’s reaction in the produce section. Her and her mother laughed when people would look.
Masks aren't mandatory or even encouraged in my country, only in public transport and protests. When I do my shopping I usually see only one or two other people using a mask.
Where I'm at they don't allow kids in the supermarket. Only one adult shopper for the family. Others wait outside or at home.
True. They're nearly as bad as their parents.
Where we live, supermarkets are "one person alone", no kids, must wear mask.
Sad, God-bless John
Thank you. 🇨🇦😷👍
No have fun geez. Make sure to stay at home stare at the wall and wear your mask while around anybody even if your by yourself.
Why are all these trolls on here today
I have been flagging them
The word "Russia" was used, so bots arrived.
@@Gonergrat True. Russia, Putin, China, Xi etc. will attract AI led trolls from the state machinery..
Must be Russian trolls
@Lurking Grue They have Dr. John in their sights for some time now. There has been persistent, fairly obvious, troll farm activity in the comments for about six weeks. They're irritating, and should be flagged, and ignored.
there was, according to the media, no superspreading event at those protests and marches.
The majority wore masks, etc.
@@1mobetter99 Masks help, they are not a silver bullet that just stops spread completely though, unless they all had N95 masks with no valves, which are the only ones that would almost completely stop droplets coming out of their mouths. They were also screaming, shouting, and removing their masks to yell.
@44444 777 Total BS. It is an issue, but not more dangerous than Covid.
1000 total police shootings in a bad year, a smaller percentage black, and even smaller unjustified, maybe a handful of deaths, vs 160,000 dead by Covid and growing. You make a nice emotional argument, but the numbers aren't even close.
@44444 777 Dumb argument. You can't back it up with logic so tell me to go face the dumb crowds gathering in a pandemic, claiming a handful of deaths is more important than hundreds of thousands.
No I'm staying at home thanks, like smart people should be doing. 🙄
@44444 777 BTW I didn't say police brutality is a non issue, I refuted your baseless claim that it is more dangerous than Covid-19.
Emotional irrational nutcases on both the far left and right
Human beings seem to be too stupid to survive. There are going to be a lot of cheap motorcycles available. Dr. John you are so fun. Dr. K.
Please talk about the current daily death rate from Covid in the UK. And possible reasons as to why it’s so low now.
Because it has gone away - burned itself out as a leading Israeli epidemiologist said it would after 60-90 days. Most of the positive "cases" are existing or historical common colds being picked up by the flawed low-resolution PCR tests.
Lovely to see you again. Good info, as always.
The wonderful *Dr. John Campbell*.