As the BBC will always tell you, there are other companies that provide cheap overnight power. With my old charger I simply plug in and leave the timers in the car to manage the charge. no Apps needed. Simplicity itself. Or I could take your ICE to the local petrol station and spend several minutes holding a cold nozzle as I put fuel into the car, then pay a lot of money for the priviledge.
I’ve been very happy with my Indra, but work colleagues have had internet connection issues with theirs. I’d recommend an Ohme. Gives access to OVO and Octopus smart tariffs regardless of which car you buy. Also compatible with home solar. Doesn’t normally need an earth rod fitting either.
As the BBC will always tell you, there are other companies that provide cheap overnight power. With my old charger I simply plug in and leave the timers in the car to manage the charge. no Apps needed. Simplicity itself.
Or I could take your ICE to the local petrol station and spend several minutes holding a cold nozzle as I put fuel into the car, then pay a lot of money for the priviledge.
What ev home charge is the best to buy? I'm new to ev and need to get a home charger. Thanks
I’ve been very happy with my Indra, but work colleagues have had internet connection issues with theirs. I’d recommend an Ohme. Gives access to OVO and Octopus smart tariffs regardless of which car you buy. Also compatible with home solar. Doesn’t normally need an earth rod fitting either.