RADELAIDE, MELBOURNE, PERTH: IF YOU WANT TO COME SEE MY SHOW BRING A NOTEBOOK - jordanshanksgetconfidentstupid.eventbrite.com.au WANT MORE VIDS? Jim Rohn tier - 1 extra vid Wayne Dyer tier 2 extra vids Tony Robbins 3 extra vids - see you there - www.patreon.com/jordanshanks
i saw this coming over a decade ago & retired at 26/got myself sectioned. Gig work is just slave labour without the masters having to feed cloth or house you. id prefer to starve than be a slave while i appreciate the value in contributing to the species. einstein was known to say in his later days he wished hed been a plumber. humans are already more technologically advanced than their culture & emotional development can handle. almost everything i look at's efficiency can be improved but i dont want to have my name attached to it when its used to blow up some city in future or speed up our carbon emissions ext
Thanks for posting this. As a 30 year old I needed to get out of my field of work earlier this year as I was losing my mind. I found what I thought was my dream job but the managers and owner turned out to be C*NTS and I left. Now I am looking for a new job and I am currently applying for jobs listening to this video. This really helped me boost my attitude and not seem like a complete failure.
Keep going! Remember, it takes time at a few different organisations sometimes to realise how different they can be culture wise and ultimately how awful some jobs / managers are versus others. People work for people and you get a wrongun in the works and the whole experience can be simply awful. You are not alone and you are choosing life by not putting up with aholes. Good for you, chin up and be lucky!!!
@@patrickcarey2825 I went to school for Firefighing but finding a paid job in that field is very difficult as it's very competitive. I did landscaping for 7 years and I was slowly losing my mind. The job I had found was in sales selling Fire trucks but the company and companies I worked with like dealerships were absolute dicks so I resigned as I felt as a non pushy salesman as that's what I look for as a volunteer firefighter.
Dead set! Most of my friends are support workers now and there's a massive need for them - so many people just struggle to even do basic household things, if you can clean a kitchen really well then you'll always be able to get paid. Same for bathrooms or flooring.
a lot of opportunities in the Community Service Sector for sure, Mental Health, Disability, Age care are all in need of a work force but people just don't seem to want the jobs.
@@mattsmith1433 I think in some cases, a lot of people don't feel capable of doing the work. Personally I know my limits (I have physical disabilities that are pushing me out of my current job), so I know I can't do that kind of work. It sucks, because the way we've set up our society we are very individual and rely on individual care rather than utilising our in-born tribal/community nature. But restructuring the system to suit that would mean a full societal overhaul.
This Shanks, this is how i upgraded my Job and got myself into a career path with a company I am enjoying being in and a career path with tonnes of work and opportunity. The advice you said during your interview was exactly how i approached mine. I was told that was a huge reason the pushed me ahead of others on first round. Tonnes of great advice in this and raw honesty rather then just patting on the head and saying everything is okay.
that’s not how that would work if every employer expects that level of effort. we need to unionize and put pressure on employers who abuse workers like that.
I basically got guilted by my former employer to be a support worker. so much so that they ruined an office admin job in a disability support provider, that I was SUPPOSED to get back in July. I'm 27/28. I even got promoted in the interview stage from trainee to an admin assistant. so I've been job searching for 6 months, since I left the social/community work sector (social housing) in march bc I was so burnt out at the end of my cadetship over the past year. it was my first ever real adult job.... I bought my first car. but now I've applied for centrelink.... but they're refusing to pay me jobseeker. instead they told me to: "just live off of your savings and remember other people aren't as lucky as you to have savings. think about that." I have no idea what the fuck I'm interested in, but I know even though I'm desperate, I'm not going back to social and community work. it was too guilt trippy.... I was constantly blamed for things and also constantly refused training that I actually needed. I have a load of qualifications, but have no idea what im good for lmao 😂. I fucking hate it.
If you're literally at ground zero when it comes to not knowing what to do, try teaching/tutoring. Could be in swimming, teaching English as a second language, etc if you're not strictly academic.
My brother and I perform specialty machining services on commercial sawmill bandsaws around the country. The extremely niche work and production-based paychecks rather than hourly has made a wild improvement in my financial success. It has taken a lot of work, odd hours, and time apprenticing to get here but I would not prefer to go back to punching a timeclock.
The jobs you can find depend on the type of work you're willing to do. I worked my way up to a position as a middle manager at a factory, that suddenly closed when the parent company ran out of money. After a few months I found a job at the bottom rung of a manual labour manufacturing team in a timber factory. Dirty, hard, back-breaking work. I worked there for about a year before I'd saved up enough to go back to TAFE and up-skill into a new career in the community support/customer service industry. Sometimes you have to accept a shit job or two until you can get your dream job.
THIS. I'm contacted nearly every day with job offers, companies have jobs to fill so to say it's 'tough' seems so unrealistic. Getting a GOOD job on the other hand, that's a different problem
I have a Job, I have an ultimate Job I'm working towards, and I still found this information invaluable. Right now I'm just in a paid-internship but I'm working on earning a Private Pilot License to work up into the Airlines. But the bit about carving a niche you-sized hole is such good advice. Because every job has it's own branching path, and you can get paid more if you look for those demands that need to be filled.
This is kind of related to the old survivorship bias. I did X, so can you. People aren't stamped out of a die, or cookie cutter. Not everyone can do the same thing and succeed, be happy, stay sane.
I've known most of this... definitely helps hearing it from someone outside of your "BUBBLE" I've felt stagnant for a while now and just don't know what to do in order to keep moving forward... well thanks anyway dunno where I was going with this now😂 Jordan needs and American correspondent 👋
I got laid off recently along with a few others including my dad, a week later, they called back almost everyone except my dad and I. Someothers recently quit over the miss management. I know we wont get called back but its good to see the place go downhill with out us sort of. I just dont understand how they can keep sabotaging them selfs despite having employees that cared and knew what theyer doing. You cant just hire anybody to run cnc machines
Hi Jordan i would love to see an online seminar on zoom or some shit that you have to pay to get into. I would happily pay some coin to learn some new shit. thnx
Hey brother! Keen to see you put forward your position on the referendum through a video post, particularly if you are in support of the yes vote, I think your influence could really impact on the vote! Cheers brother ✌🏼
Create a tech support booth franchise that goes into malls. Walk up no appointment. Sooo many elderly and un tech savvy people out there will thank you. It's an untapped model with lots of potential.
The traditional job market is going, the pay is less than when it was a standard role. Australia is not doing a good job at all in moving to the new way, unions won't help keeping us in the past of making conditions as we changed to a service industry. Australia is very bad for entrepreneurship now. Small businesses are closing more than ever.
What if I just want to chill for my whole life? I don't want to work, who cares. I want to enjoy my time and do whatever the fck I want to do. I'm going to go live in the bush and die.
Hey Jordan, have you read Carlos Castenadas "The Teaching of Don Juan", and his discussion on becoming a 'Man of Knowledge'? I found it extremely helpful as a young man and it has shaped my outlook on life to this day.
The service industry is the answer. Work flexible hours, choose your jobs, set your own pay and there's a never ending stream of work. AI already destroyed my online income. Now I mow lawns. It is enjoyable and rewarding work and I don't have to slog my guts out 40 hours a week working for the man. I just do a few a week, as I am happy with a modest/low cost lifestyle and would rather have plenty of free time.
Have one for you I’d like to hear a response. What about someone struggling from moping, intense tears, in bed all day feeling like they’ve missed out on an entire time in their 20s of having sex. Feeling unloved, and struggling to focus on all your self help because in the end they are just moping about not having a partner and just being frustrated that no one will have become their lover. This is despite actually taking action on some of your advice several times a week, they still spend 60% of their waking time in bed on their phone. Clearly the phone has got to go but it also seems like the only way to meet up with people of the opposite gender is on these apps (actually tall good looking guy who works in a supermarket and lives with their mum, despite skills in data analysis and marketing) Meeting people in workplace leads to all sorts of problems.
Surprised you didn’t mention trade skills. I’ve never had trouble finding work as a machinist and I sincerely doubt I ever will. It’s a cool trade and it’s not that difficult to get into. Easy transition to self employment too.
If at the end of the video I'd seen a promo for the "Church of Jeebus Cripes of Latter Day Shanks" I wouldn't have been surprised. I'd have been backing towards the door, shocked, bemused, but not surprised. You can use that if you want it, but I get a 10% commission. A tithe if you like.
Scratch the surface of any hobby where people have turned that hobby into a business and there's an entire financial eco-system underneath. Even knitting.
Fun fact. I work for a pretty good company that will pay me a week's wages for doing nothing as I'm on work cover. I ask for as many shifts as possible because I'd rather be doing something than getting paid to do nothing. The best part is they see I want to work even if I don't need to in order to survive. And they're in the habit of giving me shifts.
@Diddydudat I do need to be on work cover. My injury means I'm not capable of performing my full normal duties. I can still do light work which is preferable to no work at all.
Oh yeah, another scammer is Patreon, for cancelling everyone’s subscription to FriendlyJordies for no reason, so then everyone signs up again, then Patreon reinstates our original accounts, so then charge us twice. So we have to contact them to get our $10 back, or $120 per year. Can you do a PSA Jordan?!!
Jorden this is very similar to my entire economic policy of the 2nd containerization, lower youth costs by offering genuinely affordable housing i.e. caravans and shipping containers (20k-30k for a nice shipping container house) allowing them to start businesses that have massively reduced rent costs. how much would you business need to make if you were able to skip rent. My long term goal is to have a network of small businesses that are able to scale by adding another container+employee imagine franchise model but co-op owned. By utilising the scale benefits to manufacture these container home/businesses it should not be impossible to have a home/business combo that earns 50k a year for 40k purchase price. You dont need to be v smart to come up with a viable business if your costs are at a minimum halved compared to traditional businesses, allowing you more time to upskill or take care of your self. Pick a simple part of an existing business (oil change, window replacement, home maintenance, small food enterprises, arts and craft, music, teaching etc) and do it for less as you have massively reduced rent and limited maximum responsibilities.
wonder if this downturn will actually bring change or we'll just keep kicking this can of shite down the road. Milking a dead cow at this point :/ sadly there are alot of people who can't fit into a world where you create your own jobs and need a visionary mindset just to live. The hustler grind mindset isn't it for most people
What economic crisis? There is no economic crisis at this time. The labor market is extremely strong at the moment unemployment is at historic lows while wages are growing fairly well. To the extent that there is a crisis it is in housing.
There are jobs out there, it's just not the ideal jobs that people want to do. People always need more nurses, more aged care workers, more cleaners, more trash collectors, more delivery drivers, more plumbers.. but nah let's just ignore all those jobs people actually have to do until it becomes a problem, because I want a job that lets me live at home and not interact with the world.
I was an aged care worker for 5 years. I can say pretty confidently that most people should never be carers. It is emotionally taxing, you work with awful people and you work in crap conditions. It's not this slam dunk job that every unemployed person in the country should just go out and get the way people seem to think it is. Plumber is a well paid and skilled job. I don't think there is a shortage of plumbers in most parts of the nation.
@@judgejudyandexecutioner.5223 There isn't any slam dunk job, and I'm not going to say or pretend there is. What I did say was there are always jobs out there - and people for a multitude of different reasons, don't want to do them.
You forgot to point out the part where you're constantly overworked and paid a pittance to ultimately fill the coffers of a few rent seeking billionaires. Nobody is denying there is jobs available, but the vast majority of these jobs will treat you bad and pay you scarcely. Not only that I would say that all people are better off learning marketable skills instead of working service jobs. There would be less supply of labor in service jobs which would force wages to raise in the notoriously miserly industries you mentioned. You also neglected to consider that people can start companies that contract services like cleaning, plumbing, labor and trash collection. If there's more competition, the consumer and the employee have more freedom to choose where they spend their labor and money. For these reasons, self employment is beneficial.
What’s true for real estate, creative industries and some professions isn’t for the jobs most people work. Most people do jobs like like nursing, manufacturing/pick packing, administration, construction etc. These jobs aren’t going away anytime soon don’t work like an Olympic race to the top.
it also doesnt help that they know alot of people lost jobs in highly skilled rolls and now jobs asking for alot less know its like a discount store and they can get a bargain deal on super skilled employees in shit paying jobs I am an Ex defence IT analyst, worked for various government departments and various areas so much so i burnt myself out now i find myself working in a concierge roll getting paid a fraction of what those other jobs paid all because i wanted to take a break from government, with that said I also run a business, photography and videography.... im like 20 skills in one for that job and the navigating the australian legal and tax laws its just fun times.... with this all said ive now become to understand jobs a as worthless as employers treat their workers like replaceable workers
I wuv u Jordy lmfao i'm like oh what can i watch on YT whild i do my UNI shit and here i am watching ur shit while i got loats of uni shity assessmets due and i love it lol you'll do
I wish here in Flanders, Belgium, we had an independent UA-cam channel like yours. But while there is a need for it, I'm afraid the market is just too tiny. 6-ish million people, a fraction of which would tune in?
get a cleaning job if you're Vic, maid to clean is good, $37 an hr. You can take on as little or as much work as you like, a good way to supplement income if you're studying or doing some other part time work.
Call me a sooky idealistic socialist but like the chance of your start up business actually being providing yourself with enough money to live is rare (not to mention you need a bit of capital to even start one). Most needs have been filled either by small businesses or huge corporations. The needs that remain are way too niche for the millions who are unemployed and theres no way they could make a living wage off of it. I dont think getting on your "grind set" is the answer to me the whole system is flawed. There is wealth and its being produced so where is it going if not into the hands of the people who create the wealth? It doesnt go to them it goes to the oligarchs and the politicians who are payed by those oligarchs. Poverty is not an accident, its the most important cog of the machine that is eating you and that will eat your children and that has eaten our futures. but system isnt even flawed or broken it is working exactly as intended so i reckon we should change it.
just spend a year learning a trade and you'll find endless jobs, then diversify your skills so that when your feet are tired from your tradework you can go do some sihtty office job
Anyone who needs a job, look towards cybersecurity. It's an industry where you can act as though you are self employed because the skills you learn are so transferable. That said there are places which take people with low level IT knowledge and will help upskill you to work with their customers. It's becoming like what IT was 10 years ago, the demand is there and they will take anyone that has the capacity to learn it.
I was talking to a Sargent he said when he did 10 years they gave him 100 grand cash in hand. Thats better than a cake for doing 10 years at every other job
You can easily find jobs today; the problem is is they don’t pay enough to actually get by. They are also mostly boring and lack any depth of meaning. I’m a high school relief teacher, and I also had two other jobs in the holidays, and I was still counted as a ‘lower income earner’? Oh? I suppose I’ll just give up then?
Whenever I hear people complain about not being able to find a job I remember what it was like for me when I was a teenager living in a town with an unemployment rate of 40% 45 years ago, yet I was always able to find a job when I wanted one. The current national unemployment rate is 3.7%, which has climbed from 3.2% in 2022, however it is still much lower than the previous 5 years 2019: 5.27%; 2018: 5.30%; 2017: 5.59%; 2016: 5.71%; 2015: 6.05% So when I hear people say that they can't find a job these days, I just assume that they aren't really looking for one.
a lot of people just plain dont know where to look or dont have the connections or perseverance to properly secure a job without smashing your head against a wall trying out nearly 100 job applications for jobs you’ll probably hate but its whatever. If you’re a younger bloke who has never had a job and isnt best friends with an employee in a certain job it can be nearly impossible to get your foot in the door with plenty more qualified people vying for the same position. Not everyone has 20 years of experience to pad out a resume and not everyone has the mental to face constant rejection, just because you could doesnt mean joe schmoe can
LOL, the first job I got was straight out of high school with no experience at all. I didn't have a resume, so I just door knocked and asked for a job until the local supermarket said OK we will give you a trial. It was a shit job but it was better than being on the dole. After that I had people offering me jobs because they knew that I actually wanted to work. Then when I was more established I went to University and studied computing science and joined the Army reserve. I got several part time job offers through the Army reserve which I took on despite not really having the time to do them. Then when I completed my degree I received a full time IT job offer through someone I knew in the Army reserve. People offered me jobs because people could see that I was very motivated and wanted to work.
i can’t find a job that accommodates to my schedule and needs.. mainly cause a lot of jobs require a drivers license to get to and from the workplace, and this dummy has epilepsy haha. like, when everyone else is just as desperate , there’s no wonder even woolies wouldn’t take me lmao.
@@WafflesX3XD Back in the early 00's I had a crazy girlfriend who was an epileptic, who was a chef. She was fun crazy, not insane crazy. Even though she had a license and owned a car she would catch buses to work and back. She would only use the car to travel when she was visiting friends or going shopping. I have a friend who works at the local hospital as a security guard who is also an epileptic that drives to work and back. He previously worked as a bouncer at a night club. Both of them used medication to manage their epilepsy so that they could get on with living their lives. Why haven't you?
11:47 makes me feel like this is some kind of grift. The whole of this is how you get ahead and if you want to learn more sighn up to my online course gives me strong Andrew tate vibes. idk if you are a grifter but i sounds sus
Yeah well if my brain was an absolute soup mush from spending my life watching twitch streamers say the words "vibes" "suss" "grift" "Andrew Tate" I too would think everything's a "grift" - here's my advice, fuck off and don't listen to my advice, I'm sure you'll do very well with your streamers who aren't "sussy" at all
The price is so low its negligible even if you don't like what you get access to. I reckon the reason they charge is actually an attempt at introduce some "sunk cost" and to break through and get/have people invest in following through with the advise. (People are more likely to follow through / take on / action things if they have paid for them in some way)
100 percent accurate thumbnail it upside down. Wait a minute, the thumbnail was upside-down, but the video was right side up. 100 percent not filmed in Australia
RADELAIDE, MELBOURNE, PERTH: IF YOU WANT TO COME SEE MY SHOW BRING A NOTEBOOK - jordanshanksgetconfidentstupid.eventbrite.com.au
WANT MORE VIDS? Jim Rohn tier - 1 extra vid Wayne Dyer tier 2 extra vids Tony Robbins 3 extra vids - see you there - www.patreon.com/jordanshanks
i saw this coming over a decade ago & retired at 26/got myself sectioned.
Gig work is just slave labour without the masters having to feed cloth or house you.
id prefer to starve than be a slave
while i appreciate the value in contributing to the species. einstein was known to say in his later days he wished hed been a plumber.
humans are already more technologically advanced than their culture & emotional development can handle. almost everything i look at's efficiency can be improved but i dont want to have my name attached to it when its used to blow up some city in future or speed up our carbon emissions ext
"I was looking for a job, and then I found a job, and heaven knows I'm miserable now"
based af
14 minutes for the man who turned pissing off his state government into a career to tell me "get on that hustle grindset"
Thanks for posting this. As a 30 year old I needed to get out of my field of work earlier this year as I was losing my mind. I found what I thought was my dream job but the managers and owner turned out to be C*NTS and I left. Now I am looking for a new job and I am currently applying for jobs listening to this video. This really helped me boost my attitude and not seem like a complete failure.
Exact same situation here
Which field?
Keep going!
Remember, it takes time at a few different organisations sometimes to realise how different they can be culture wise and ultimately how awful some jobs / managers are versus others.
People work for people and you get a wrongun in the works and the whole experience can be simply awful.
You are not alone and you are choosing life by not putting up with aholes. Good for you, chin up and be lucky!!!
@@patrickcarey2825 I went to school for Firefighing but finding a paid job in that field is very difficult as it's very competitive. I did landscaping for 7 years and I was slowly losing my mind. The job I had found was in sales selling Fire trucks but the company and companies I worked with like dealerships were absolute dicks so I resigned as I felt as a non pushy salesman as that's what I look for as a volunteer firefighter.
Dead set! Most of my friends are support workers now and there's a massive need for them - so many people just struggle to even do basic household things, if you can clean a kitchen really well then you'll always be able to get paid. Same for bathrooms or flooring.
Thats what I'm gonna become and i have life experience with many mental illnesses.
a lot of opportunities in the Community Service Sector for sure, Mental Health, Disability, Age care are all in need of a work force but people just don't seem to want the jobs.
@@mattsmith1433 I think in some cases, a lot of people don't feel capable of doing the work. Personally I know my limits (I have physical disabilities that are pushing me out of my current job), so I know I can't do that kind of work. It sucks, because the way we've set up our society we are very individual and rely on individual care rather than utilising our in-born tribal/community nature. But restructuring the system to suit that would mean a full societal overhaul.
Dyk3 vibes
Paid/exploited, same thing.
I watch so many UA-cam clips each week. This one was the best one for the last year at least!
This Shanks, this is how i upgraded my Job and got myself into a career path with a company I am enjoying being in and a career path with tonnes of work and opportunity.
The advice you said during your interview was exactly how i approached mine. I was told that was a huge reason the pushed me ahead of others on first round.
Tonnes of great advice in this and raw honesty rather then just patting on the head and saying everything is okay.
5:05 Don't fall for this trap. Don't do more jobs for your overlords than you're paid for.
so go somewhere you’re paid more?
that’s not how that would work if every employer expects that level of effort. we need to unionize and put pressure on employers who abuse workers like that.
I basically got guilted by my former employer to be a support worker. so much so that they ruined an office admin job in a disability support provider, that I was SUPPOSED to get back in July. I'm 27/28. I even got promoted in the interview stage from trainee to an admin assistant.
so I've been job searching for 6 months, since I left the social/community work sector (social housing) in march bc I was so burnt out at the end of my cadetship over the past year. it was my first ever real adult job.... I bought my first car.
but now I've applied for centrelink.... but they're refusing to pay me jobseeker. instead they told me to: "just live off of your savings and remember other people aren't as lucky as you to have savings. think about that."
I have no idea what the fuck I'm interested in, but I know even though I'm desperate, I'm not going back to social and community work. it was too guilt trippy.... I was constantly blamed for things and also constantly refused training that I actually needed.
I have a load of qualifications, but have no idea what im good for lmao 😂. I fucking hate it.
If you're literally at ground zero when it comes to not knowing what to do, try teaching/tutoring. Could be in swimming, teaching English as a second language, etc if you're not strictly academic.
Limitless needs that need to be filled - best observation I've heard for a long time. Thank you.
My brother and I perform specialty machining services on commercial sawmill bandsaws around the country. The extremely niche work and production-based paychecks rather than hourly has made a wild improvement in my financial success.
It has taken a lot of work, odd hours, and time apprenticing to get here but I would not prefer to go back to punching a timeclock.
The jobs you can find depend on the type of work you're willing to do. I worked my way up to a position as a middle manager at a factory, that suddenly closed when the parent company ran out of money. After a few months I found a job at the bottom rung of a manual labour manufacturing team in a timber factory. Dirty, hard, back-breaking work. I worked there for about a year before I'd saved up enough to go back to TAFE and up-skill into a new career in the community support/customer service industry. Sometimes you have to accept a shit job or two until you can get your dream job.
THIS. I'm contacted nearly every day with job offers, companies have jobs to fill so to say it's 'tough' seems so unrealistic. Getting a GOOD job on the other hand, that's a different problem
Your advice is great for young people who may be in a rut. Good on you Jordie
When is the Sydney show, ill make my way down from Woy Woy for sure bruz 🎉❤
I have a Job, I have an ultimate Job I'm working towards, and I still found this information invaluable.
Right now I'm just in a paid-internship but I'm working on earning a Private Pilot License to work up into the Airlines.
But the bit about carving a niche you-sized hole is such good advice. Because every job has it's own branching path, and you can get paid more if you look for those demands that need to be filled.
This is kind of related to the old survivorship bias. I did X, so can you. People aren't stamped out of a die, or cookie cutter. Not everyone can do the same thing and succeed, be happy, stay sane.
i got out of uni in the early 2000s and it was still impossible back then to get a grad job. applied to hundreds of roles.
@11:33 I thought he said "down with The Corrs", which with the way he said it actually made it seem like a huge flex.
As a current bookkeeper... I also do payroll, and customer service, and marketing. It sucks
Damn. You should only do payroll, journal entries and statement. A/R and A/P.
@jasonkurtrix357 I would if I could
@@bradleypalmer9953 feel sorry for you. You want to CA or CPA maybe it better
@@jasonkurtrix357 Yeah, CPA is the goal, but I'm a few years out yet
I've known most of this... definitely helps hearing it from someone outside of your "BUBBLE"
I've felt stagnant for a while now and just don't know what to do in order to keep moving forward... well thanks anyway dunno where I was going with this now😂
Jordan needs and American correspondent 👋
I got laid off recently along with a few others including my dad, a week later, they called back almost everyone except my dad and I. Someothers recently quit over the miss management. I know we wont get called back but its good to see the place go downhill with out us sort of. I just dont understand how they can keep sabotaging them selfs despite having employees that cared and knew what theyer doing. You cant just hire anybody to run cnc machines
Agreed "YOU" are an asset to invest in. Skills need to marketable.
Hi Jordan
i would love to see an online seminar on zoom or some shit that you have to pay to get into. I would happily pay some coin to learn some new shit.
Hey brother! Keen to see you put forward your position on the referendum through a video post, particularly if you are in support of the yes vote, I think your influence could really impact on the vote!
Cheers brother ✌🏼
Create a tech support booth franchise that goes into malls. Walk up no appointment. Sooo many elderly and un tech savvy people out there will thank you. It's an untapped model with lots of potential.
The traditional job market is going, the pay is less than when it was a standard role. Australia is not doing a good job at all in moving to the new way, unions won't help keeping us in the past of making conditions as we changed to a service industry.
Australia is very bad for entrepreneurship now. Small businesses are closing more than ever.
What if I just want to chill for my whole life? I don't want to work, who cares. I want to enjoy my time and do whatever the fck I want to do. I'm going to go live in the bush and die.
I just want my work to be valued
Do it then
@@WaddupBoi I am. I'm moving to Japan in 15 days because fuck it.
i think you'd have quite a bit of regret when you're on your deathbed
Hey Jordan, have you read Carlos Castenadas "The Teaching of Don Juan", and his discussion on becoming a 'Man of Knowledge'? I found it extremely helpful as a young man and it has shaped my outlook on life to this day.
The service industry is the answer. Work flexible hours, choose your jobs, set your own pay and there's a never ending stream of work. AI already destroyed my online income. Now I mow lawns. It is enjoyable and rewarding work and I don't have to slog my guts out 40 hours a week working for the man. I just do a few a week, as I am happy with a modest/low cost lifestyle and would rather have plenty of free time.
Have one for you I’d like to hear a response.
What about someone struggling from moping, intense tears, in bed all day feeling like they’ve missed out on an entire time in their 20s of having sex. Feeling unloved, and struggling to focus on all your self help because in the end they are just moping about not having a partner and just being frustrated that no one will have become their lover. This is despite actually taking action on some of your advice several times a week, they still spend 60% of their waking time in bed on their phone.
Clearly the phone has got to go but it also seems like the only way to meet up with people of the opposite gender is on these apps (actually tall good looking guy who works in a supermarket and lives with their mum, despite skills in data analysis and marketing)
Meeting people in workplace leads to all sorts of problems.
Unlike most things...It gets easier as you age
We are already there in some American cities.
Surprised you didn’t mention trade skills. I’ve never had trouble finding work as a machinist and I sincerely doubt I ever will. It’s a cool trade and it’s not that difficult to get into. Easy transition to self employment too.
this boy just moisturised
The next job interview I go to I’m telling them I’m quite flexible I can do hand stands and cartwheels.
If at the end of the video I'd seen a promo for the "Church of Jeebus Cripes of Latter Day Shanks" I wouldn't have been surprised. I'd have been backing towards the door, shocked, bemused, but not surprised. You can use that if you want it, but I get a 10% commission. A tithe if you like.
COMPLETELY unrelated to the video, but there was a journalist who got their child approved to be named "meth rules" Absolute Australian champion.
Scratch the surface of any hobby where people have turned that hobby into a business and there's an entire financial eco-system underneath. Even knitting.
Fun fact. I work for a pretty good company that will pay me a week's wages for doing nothing as I'm on work cover. I ask for as many shifts as possible because I'd rather be doing something than getting paid to do nothing. The best part is they see I want to work even if I don't need to in order to survive. And they're in the habit of giving me shifts.
@Diddydudat I do need to be on work cover. My injury means I'm not capable of performing my full normal duties. I can still do light work which is preferable to no work at all.
Oh yeah, another scammer is Patreon, for cancelling everyone’s subscription to FriendlyJordies for no reason, so then everyone signs up again, then Patreon reinstates our original accounts, so then charge us twice. So we have to contact them to get our $10 back, or $120 per year. Can you do a PSA Jordan?!!
Jorden this is very similar to my entire economic policy of the 2nd containerization, lower youth costs by offering genuinely affordable housing i.e. caravans and shipping containers (20k-30k for a nice shipping container house) allowing them to start businesses that have massively reduced rent costs. how much would you business need to make if you were able to skip rent. My long term goal is to have a network of small businesses that are able to scale by adding another container+employee imagine franchise model but co-op owned. By utilising the scale benefits to manufacture these container home/businesses it should not be impossible to have a home/business combo that earns 50k a year for 40k purchase price.
You dont need to be v smart to come up with a viable business if your costs are at a minimum halved compared to traditional businesses, allowing you more time to upskill or take care of your self. Pick a simple part of an existing business (oil change, window replacement, home maintenance, small food enterprises, arts and craft, music, teaching etc) and do it for less as you have massively reduced rent and limited maximum responsibilities.
im nz aspiring politician and long term fan
we pay youth rent in nz though winz why cant we just house them on the cheep? (im youth and have lived in containers)
Good advice on the rejection as a positive, the old “it’s something” meme.
Having learned from the immortal tylechr, and this video: Where is my job jordies? I can't do reading good but I can learn to do other stuff good.
I've got no references
Will you put seminars online for those of us who aren't luck enough to live in 'strailia ?
Care providing is a field that's constantly underemployed. Say what it will.
wonder if this downturn will actually bring change or we'll just keep kicking this can of shite down the road. Milking a dead cow at this point :/
sadly there are alot of people who can't fit into a world where you create your own jobs and need a visionary mindset just to live. The hustler grind mindset isn't it for most people
just bought a house and 30hours of night shift ain’t enough to pay it off and live
Always love the Simpsons reference 👌
What economic crisis? There is no economic crisis at this time. The labor market is extremely strong at the moment unemployment is at historic lows while wages are growing fairly well. To the extent that there is a crisis it is in housing.
Cost of living don't help either
There are jobs out there, it's just not the ideal jobs that people want to do. People always need more nurses, more aged care workers, more cleaners, more trash collectors, more delivery drivers, more plumbers.. but nah let's just ignore all those jobs people actually have to do until it becomes a problem, because I want a job that lets me live at home and not interact with the world.
I was an aged care worker for 5 years. I can say pretty confidently that most people should never be carers. It is emotionally taxing, you work with awful people and you work in crap conditions. It's not this slam dunk job that every unemployed person in the country should just go out and get the way people seem to think it is.
Plumber is a well paid and skilled job. I don't think there is a shortage of plumbers in most parts of the nation.
@@judgejudyandexecutioner.5223 There isn't any slam dunk job, and I'm not going to say or pretend there is. What I did say was there are always jobs out there - and people for a multitude of different reasons, don't want to do them.
You forgot to point out the part where you're constantly overworked and paid a pittance to ultimately fill the coffers of a few rent seeking billionaires. Nobody is denying there is jobs available, but the vast majority of these jobs will treat you bad and pay you scarcely. Not only that
I would say that all people are better off learning marketable skills instead of working service jobs. There would be less supply of labor in service jobs which would force wages to raise in the notoriously miserly industries you mentioned.
You also neglected to consider that people can start companies that contract services like cleaning, plumbing, labor and trash collection. If there's more competition, the consumer and the employee have more freedom to choose where they spend their labor and money. For these reasons, self employment is beneficial.
"You forgot, you neglected" Jeez everyone's a critic aren't they? Trying to look for points that aren't even there. @@isaiahc1576
The jobs you listed apart from driving and rubbish collection require skill and appitude and require the right kind of person and mindset.
What’s true for real estate, creative industries and some professions isn’t for the jobs most people work. Most people do jobs like like nursing, manufacturing/pick packing, administration, construction etc. These jobs aren’t going away anytime soon don’t work like an Olympic race to the top.
it also doesnt help that they know alot of people lost jobs in highly skilled rolls and now jobs asking for alot less know its like a discount store and they can get a bargain deal on super skilled employees in shit paying jobs
I am an Ex defence IT analyst, worked for various government departments and various areas so much so i burnt myself out now i find myself working in a concierge roll getting paid a fraction of what those other jobs paid all because i wanted to take a break from government, with that said I also run a business, photography and videography.... im like 20 skills in one for that job and the navigating the australian legal and tax laws its just fun times....
with this all said ive now become to understand jobs a as worthless as employers treat their workers like replaceable workers
I wuv u Jordy lmfao i'm like oh what can i watch on YT whild i do my UNI shit and here i am watching ur shit while i got loats of uni shity assessmets due and i love it lol you'll do
I wish here in Flanders, Belgium, we had an independent UA-cam channel like yours. But while there is a need for it, I'm afraid the market is just too tiny. 6-ish million people, a fraction of which would tune in?
wow, what are the odds you talk about jobs. thanks jordan
Yo, can I have a job?
Sounds like hell
I made my own job 😁
7:55 Shoutouts to that one dude in that “Reddit is F**ked” video.
limitless wants*
Are they going to fuck me over 😂😂😂 so true
get a cleaning job if you're Vic, maid to clean is good, $37 an hr. You can take on as little or as much work as you like, a good way to supplement income if you're studying or doing some other part time work.
Call me a sooky idealistic socialist but like the chance of your start up business actually being providing yourself with enough money to live is rare (not to mention you need a bit of capital to even start one). Most needs have been filled either by small businesses or huge corporations. The needs that remain are way too niche for the millions who are unemployed and theres no way they could make a living wage off of it. I dont think getting on your "grind set" is the answer to me the whole system is flawed. There is wealth and its being produced so where is it going if not into the hands of the people who create the wealth? It doesnt go to them it goes to the oligarchs and the politicians who are payed by those oligarchs. Poverty is not an accident, its the most important cog of the machine that is eating you and that will eat your children and that has eaten our futures. but system isnt even flawed or broken it is working exactly as intended so i reckon we should change it.
I'm a beekeeper. Muhahahaha
just spend a year learning a trade and you'll find endless jobs, then diversify your skills so that when your feet are tired from your tradework you can go do some sihtty office job
My journey into madness is the fact that im about to go jail for something I didn't do. Wish I could could be a jobless fuck instead
Only good advice was after 10 minutes - don't sell your features and benefits, find out what they want
Anyone who needs a job, look towards cybersecurity. It's an industry where you can act as though you are self employed because the skills you learn are so transferable.
That said there are places which take people with low level IT knowledge and will help upskill you to work with their customers. It's becoming like what IT was 10 years ago, the demand is there and they will take anyone that has the capacity to learn it.
Just join the army. Best career
I was talking to a Sargent he said when he did 10 years they gave him 100 grand cash in hand. Thats better than a cake for doing 10 years at every other job
Theme song for this video: ua-cam.com/video/RhUzkUlroCA/v-deo.html
Population rising, A.I. gradually taking jobs...exponentially. Hmmmmmmm, what could possibly go wrong?
Become a teacher...... I want to be part time.....but there is too much work!
You can easily find jobs today; the problem is is they don’t pay enough to actually get by. They are also mostly boring and lack any depth of meaning.
I’m a high school relief teacher, and I also had two other jobs in the holidays, and I was still counted as a ‘lower income earner’?
Oh? I suppose I’ll just give up then?
Whenever I hear people complain about not being able to find a job I remember what it was like for me when I was a teenager living in a town with an unemployment rate of 40% 45 years ago, yet I was always able to find a job when I wanted one.
The current national unemployment rate is 3.7%, which has climbed from 3.2% in 2022, however it is still much lower than the previous 5 years 2019: 5.27%; 2018: 5.30%; 2017: 5.59%; 2016: 5.71%; 2015: 6.05%
So when I hear people say that they can't find a job these days, I just assume that they aren't really looking for one.
a lot of people just plain dont know where to look or dont have the connections or perseverance to properly secure a job without smashing your head against a wall trying out nearly 100 job applications for jobs you’ll probably hate but its whatever. If you’re a younger bloke who has never had a job and isnt best friends with an employee in a certain job it can be nearly impossible to get your foot in the door with plenty more qualified people vying for the same position. Not everyone has 20 years of experience to pad out a resume and not everyone has the mental to face constant rejection, just because you could doesnt mean joe schmoe can
LOL, the first job I got was straight out of high school with no experience at all.
I didn't have a resume, so I just door knocked and asked for a job until the local supermarket said OK we will give you a trial. It was a shit job but it was better than being on the dole.
After that I had people offering me jobs because they knew that I actually wanted to work.
Then when I was more established I went to University and studied computing science and joined the Army reserve. I got several part time job offers through the Army reserve which I took on despite not really having the time to do them.
Then when I completed my degree I received a full time IT job offer through someone I knew in the Army reserve.
People offered me jobs because people could see that I was very motivated and wanted to work.
i can’t find a job that accommodates to my schedule and needs.. mainly cause a lot of jobs require a drivers license to get to and from the workplace, and this dummy has epilepsy haha. like, when everyone else is just as desperate , there’s no wonder even woolies wouldn’t take me lmao.
@@WafflesX3XD Back in the early 00's I had a crazy girlfriend who was an epileptic, who was a chef. She was fun crazy, not insane crazy.
Even though she had a license and owned a car she would catch buses to work and back. She would only use the car to travel when she was visiting friends or going shopping.
I have a friend who works at the local hospital as a security guard who is also an epileptic that drives to work and back. He previously worked as a bouncer at a night club.
Both of them used medication to manage their epilepsy so that they could get on with living their lives. Why haven't you?
Get a job at dominos, they are literally always hiring
Pest Control.
Always hiring.
Vote for albo!
Nek minit.. Eat your own leg
Same old story, workers are blamed for Capitilisms' failure to provide stable well paid employment to everyone who wants it.
11:47 makes me feel like this is some kind of grift. The whole of this is how you get ahead and if you want to learn more sighn up to my online course gives me strong Andrew tate vibes. idk if you are a grifter but i sounds sus
Yeah well if my brain was an absolute soup mush from spending my life watching twitch streamers say the words "vibes" "suss" "grift" "Andrew Tate" I too would think everything's a "grift" - here's my advice, fuck off and don't listen to my advice, I'm sure you'll do very well with your streamers who aren't "sussy" at all
The price is so low its negligible even if you don't like what you get access to. I reckon the reason they charge is actually an attempt at introduce some "sunk cost" and to break through and get/have people invest in following through with the advise. (People are more likely to follow through / take on / action things if they have paid for them in some way)
@@jordanshanks5340fucking destroyed him lmao
you all need a job to buy a house, yep, I dont because Im a loser but you do, so yeah sucks to be you..
Can you accpet tHE CHALLENGE?????????
100 percent accurate thumbnail it upside down. Wait a minute, the thumbnail was upside-down, but the video was right side up. 100 percent not filmed in Australia