I heard the paraphrase from Bishop Barron, but just looked for the true source and apparently it was a Bavarian television interview… pope Benedict’s comments are wordier but identical idea.
While still Cardinal Ratzinger, he was asked by Bavarian television in 1997 if the Holy Spirit is responsible for the election of a pope. His answer: “I would not say so, in the sense that the Holy Spirit picks out the Pope. . . . I would say that the Spirit does not exactly take control of the affair, but rather like a good educator, as it were, leaves us much space, much freedom, without entirely abandoning us. Thus the Spirit’s role should be understood in a much more elastic sense, not that he dictates the candidate for whom one must vote. Probably the only assurance he offers is that the thing cannot be totally ruined. . . . There are too many contrary instances of popes the Holy Spirit obviously would not have picked!”
You are right. But let us put the blame where it belongs -- on the way the words of the pope are being constantly twisted and misrepresented and misunderstood. This is not entirely the work of human beings. Though we should all go to the sources and discover for ourselves that Pope Francis is totally orthodox, it is a trick of the devil to make us look again at the words, and say, "but maybe he means it another way... maybe he is 'opening a door'..." Just look at the way the devil used the words of the Psalms to suggest that Jesus should do something spectacular -- leaping off the Temple tower, as I recall... Something is terribly wrong! So, let us pray!! We are entering a new Church year! Let it be one of fasting and repentance!
What exactly is the Church facing? Not one dogma has changed. Pope only said he hoped no one was in hell. He appoints a wide range of people and never just one type. Those he has chastised, needed to be chastised, and maybe there will be more from an even wider range of prideful people. Isn't there an old saying to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Whenever we prayer the prayer of Fatima that is what we are praying for/to lead all souls to heaven. Is that now a lie? Ralph talks around in circles and seems sincere, but I am beginning to question him. His books have helped me a lot, but this recent entrance into judging the Pope is worrisome. It's time to step back and do a really deep dive into discernment about what we are really up against - and it isn't the Pope, the Church, and our faith! We were promised that nothing will destroy our Church. Is that a lie? I'm concerned that Mr. Martin will become another Fr. Altman., a hateful man who believes he only knows the truth. Just my opinion - just like others have their opinions. So, now I'll go and pray for all of us.
Im a recent convert, baptized two years ago, and this is EXACTLY my experience. When I heard Catholics criticize the Church from the inside much harsher than the people outside, I thought to myself "wow, this is what moral fiber looks like. These people are really indignant, yet they remain faithful". It definitely changed the way I saw the church.
There will come a time to go into exile ... and to go back to the catacombs. This is not leaving the Church, but it is a necessary step in the interim given everything evil and satanic that is happening.
I agree 100% - yes,look at the appointments. Those men should never have been chosen. This papacy is full of confusion and it has been bearing rotten fruit.
Ralph martin was one of the most important reasons My catholic faith came alive 50 years ago. His calm, rational, reasoned and yet joyful voice Has been a guiding light. When the Holy Father loses Ralph Martin, he has lost the church.
Realy? Ralph Martin is but a man. Many people today will grow and become saints in the catholic church without even knowing Ralph Martin ever existed. So the pope does not need Ralph Martin
Ralph Martin damaged me spiritually by convincing others that his way was the only way to study and learn from the great saints. You are just as incompetent as any of those you are criticizing. You all seem to forget the words spoken to Catherine of Siena. When you criticize, disrespect or harm a priest, you do it to Christ Himself. Of course, Ralph Martin, left that out of his book because he would have to live by it and could not be saying what he is saying about the Pope and others in authority. None of you have any authority within the governing of the Catholic Church. We are the sheep and you, a sheep, are trying to lead us to try to be the Shepherd. The Holy Spirit will not allow this to happen. Pray that once again, we will let the True Shepherd lead, listen to the Holy Spirit. And you will hear Him in the silence of the empty Church where Jesus is waiting for all of us.
@@patriciagrande311 Is telling the truth about Father Marko Rupnik, rapist of nuns, the same as "disrespecting and harming Christ"? Absolutely not! The same about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, rapist of seminarians, and Pope Francis, rapist of the Church. We are sheep of Jesus-God, the Good Sheperd, not of mere humans. When we follow mere humans in dumb complicit naivete, we help Satan push those mere humans we worship deeper into sin, and deeper into becoming rapists of souls! We totally disrespect and harm Christ when we do not expose his satanic impersonators, in the Clergy, Laity or any anti-Catholic. God does not accompany, include or dialogue with sin, that's what Satan does!
I’m not even Catholic, but Pope Francis is always making choices that are loved by atheists & anti-Christian bigots. I miss Pope Benedict & hope there will be a more Holy Pope soon. The longer Pope Francis is Pope the more work he seems to do for the devil. Everyone, including me, has been cringing & making excuses for Francis terrible behavior almost from the beginning of his Pontificate.
Actually they love what they think Pope Francis is about because they are basing their misconception on the false information propagated by the radical anti-Francites within the catholic church who have spent the last ten or so years lying about him..
This is 100% correct in my experience as well. I'm a former atheist, and I've known MANY atheists and unbelievers who praise Pope Francis for "trying to drag the Catholic Church into the 21st century". Now that I'm a Christian that gives me pause.
@@NMemone You have knowledge of what 'the other side' is all about; a knowledge that many cradle Catholics and many who are in denial do not possess. Use that knowledge to educate others and help them to recognize this truth. God put us on this earth, at this very time, to deal with this challenge in His Church. Be His warrior and see it through...be the hope for those who have lost it.
Thank you, Mr Martin. More and more Catholics in leadership positions need to speak out about the profound problems arising from this pontificate. Catholics need leadership, especially when 99.9% of bishops are still acting as if nothing is wrong.
Thank you Ralph. I use to think I was being uncharitable and then made up excuses for the Holy Father. I will never leave the Catholic Faith by the grace of God.
I’m not sure I can bring myself to refer to the present pope as “the Holy Father”. I understand that his office merits respect but isn’t it less than honest to call Pope Francis “holy”? He consistently rebukes and undermines both religious and lay Catholics who are truly faithful to Christ and His teachings while sowing great confusion about one important matter after another. Is it alright for me to just call him “Pope Francis”?
@@Featherfinder : It does not matter what we call him. What matters is that we are receptive to what the Spirit is saying through him, even when it does not mirror our own agenda and priorities, and that we avoid mortal sin by libeling, gossiping and spreading false witness about him. For example that he "constantly rebukes" is simply a lie, isn't it?
@@rickjelliffe1580 I take your point and welcome your clarification, which I’m going to assume is correct. But actually you misquoted me. I didn’t say that Pope Francis “constantly’ rebukes and undermines …”. I said that he “consistently” does those things to both religious and lay Catholics who are faithful to Christ and His teachings. I’m not sure that I was inaccurate there and certainly had no intention to deceive or defame (as the word “lie” would suggest). Perhaps it would be even more accurate to say that the pope “continually” does these things. I think it is sadly necessary for soundly formed, faithful Catholics to make it clear whenever this happens because of the profound confusion (and let’s be real, the profound injury) that it causes. I know that I have certainly needed such guidance.
@@Featherfinder Ah, all his fault: not those who made up the Pachamama lies, or the "faith is dangerous" lies, or the "allowing gay marriage" lies, or "Bergolio is not really pope" lies, etc etc etc. I find him quite clear, especially in his official writings: as far as I can see, the people who are getting confused are those who want to be confused, those who twist his words suspiciously into ludicrous interpretstions, and their naive victims. I welcome having a "ratbag" pope with a pastoral focus, trying to communucate in terms lay people understand rather than the tortured theologisms some people want: we are not that branch of Calvinism that says we only need to preach to the chosen. Down with the panic merchants!
Thank you Ralph Martin for your truthful courage. It would be easier to ignore things. But it would be cruel to ignore things. You are correct. We need to prepare with the full armor of God. FOLLOW JESUS !
This is terrible calumny. That's all I have to say about it. I hope bishops like Most Rev. McCaig avoid any repeat visits, because this sort of gossipy take on the present Pope is not only unnecessary and uncharitable, but deeply harms the faith.
All I will say about the pope’s advisors is “Birds of a feather flock together.” the German magazine Der Spiegel wrote,”He surrounds himself with morally compromised men.” In other words,”Birds of a feather ….”
Did Der Spiegel publish this accusation before or after Pope Francis *shut down* the German Synodal Way's intentions to bless same sex UNIONS, and to attempt women's ordinations? Jesus is Lord. There is no need to fear.
A false sense of piety will defend every bad action of our Pope. I pray for Pope Francis every day, but it is wrong to wipe away all culpability for every bad choice he makes. That doesn’t mean we hate him, but it does mean we need to have a balanced sense of reality so that we can pray and act accordingly. I think that having overall very excellent Popes like St. JPII and Benedict have made dealing virtuously with the challenges of Pope Francis’ papacy difficult since his has gone in a very different direction.
That the point neither St John Paul II nor Benedict XVI have been perfect. Especially when it comes to abuse in the church. Sad topic. But they sure made some mistakes.
This is neither here nor there because I don’t see people who defend him saying the Pope can do no wrong or never does anything wrong. I see the opposite, with his critics criticizing him based on falsehoods or outright maligning him with the most disgusting vitriol. Saying Pope Francis could’ve done a little better on a particular matter is far removed from slandering him or outright speaking heresy in your critique.
There's a profound lack of faith in Jesus' statement where he declared that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church. Pope Francis has made it very clear that the doctrine is not changing but that a lot of love is required here. Not too hard to understand.
@@blessedvirginmaryisqueen8448 first off it’s the church that can’t defect, not Peter. Second, do you think divorces persons can remarry and receive communion?
I'm not Catholic but I'm praying my brethren during this difficult time and pray one day getting a new Pope of the same wisdom and character as Pope John Paul II
I believed this for a long time, but the fear now is the papacy is becoming much like that of Paul IV, who was totally paranoid, and advisors were afraid to advise!!! Love the office of Peter YES but many of the decisions since 2013, have confused and hurt many good Catholics.
@@jamesetal7088 PErhaps you should inform yourself about the inquisition from good sources, like the annals of the congress on the Inquisition, which were based upon the actual files of the Vatican Archive.
The attacks against the Catholic Church almost always are targeted at " unholy" members.There have been " black sheep" since Judas Iscariot. More emphasis needs to be stressed on the gospel and to show that those black sheep among us can change, of which many examples exist in the bible.
The attacks against the Catholic Church have not just been targeted at "unholy" members and "black sheep," but at how the leadership---up to and including the Pope---have enable and protected the unholy members and the black sheep at the expense of the laity. The sexual abuse scandal got to be as bad as it was because the clergy were protected by their superiors. If the leadership had loved the Church the way Christ loves it, they would not have tolerated a single molestation without decisive justice. The fact that *thousands* have been abused should be an offense to all Christians, and that fact that the leadership---again, up to and including Popes---enabled it, is nothing less than an abomination. If the leaders of a denomination that claims their leaders are the ultimate authority on earth cannot be trusted, then criticisms are valid. One reasons these same criticisms keep coming up is because every so often we get another story of it continuing, and not just in America, but globally. This would suggest that despite the harm to the victims, despite the damage to reputation, despite the outcry of the faithful laity and clergy, the upper echelons are unrepentant in sacrificing the faithful of God to the sexual desires of sinners. May God change their hearts and redeem His church.
100% agree. I was a huge critic of the Pope years ago, but then I realised I was wrong, as I can't be a real Catholic by dividing the Church. So even if i do not agree with many things Pope Francis does, I pray for him because as St John Bosco said: “No priest goes either to heaven or to hell alone. Faithful or unfaithful, he carries many with him."
@JGoya-ic2nz You contradict yourself with a quote from Don Bosco that contradicts you. Following the Saints words, there will be less Clergy (or Laity) taking huge crowds with them to Hell if we speak up about their wrongs, properly, loud and clear and not watered down. That will be the result of a holy True Catholic life. Continuous complicit silence looks great on a Buddhist, which is why Jesus-God while on Earth was holy blunt not Buddhist. So should we be.
The Church also teaches us to use reason and not follow blindly. Look at Joan of Arc. She followed her heart and conscience and the will of God even to the point of death. Centuries later the Church canonized her. God gave us a mind, free will, and the use of reason for a purpose.
With all due respect but now we say that Pope Francis has "bad advisors" when he chooses to assign the "progressive" priests, but didn't speak about John Paul's bad choices when choosing the advisors who swept mass paedophilia under the carpet and silenced the allegations against hundreds of priests for over 3 decades!
There's a clear difference: Today's ones are doing it for everyone to see. And if they're doing that in broad daylight, it begs the question of what they're doing behind the curtains.
Dear @ania1642, you are right, even saints can make mistakes. So, if what you say is correct, and the pope is making mistakes, and listening to "bad advisors", it does not mean that he is wicked. But i would hesitate to correct him about his choices in personnel. No one has given me the authority -- nor given Dr. Martin the authority -- to correct him. Things are happening that we are simply not privy to. Look at the slap-down of the German Synodal Way that just happened last week. "Be angry, and sin not" Jesus tells us in His Holy Word. And "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." My dear, let us pray for healing. God is good. He will hear us.
Yep…exactly. And, how is pope Francis supposed to trust news reports about his advisers being “progressive” when the same media slanders him on a weekly basis? I doubt someone with that kind of agenda openly expresses those opinions around the pope.
@@FrancoJ-c7punless you’re God, who are you to judge the reality of the pope’s personal beliefs. If he really was progressive, wouldn’t the vast majority of his appointees be “liberal.” The bad picks are in the overwhelming minority. That’s reality.
It’s sad but I’m just turned off from Catholic UA-cam it’s gossip it’s uncharitable and it’s not good at all, too much confusion. God bless you all and Viva Cristo Rey! Pray for me! 🥰✝️❤️
It would be great if you did a show on who these appointments are, what they stand for in terms of their behavior and expressions, and why Francis says this is why he appointed them to those particular powerful positions.
Even Christ Himself had one guy who didn’t get the message (Judas). So what could we possibly expect to happen with mere humans running things here on earth?
@@freda7961 not the first time in church history that there has been a bad pope, not by a long stretch. But through it all the catechism has not changed. We follow Christ and we’ll let him deal with the bad clergy.
@@cyrustaylor9240 I’m not saying that there are no bad popes in history, but your initial statement is very misleading, and wording similar to it has been used by Protestants to their detriment.
I have to say, as a non catholic looking in, one of my biggest concerns would be the pope at this time. If i were considering being catholic, this pope would give me serious pause. To Matt, nevertheless i Love your channel and find it informative and inspiring. I love Gregorian Chant...the old ones...and i think that is why the ai brought up your channel on my feed. Pretty amazing.
Whether the Pope is a virtuous and holy man or not shouldn't have any influence in your decision, there has been plenty of good and bad Popes throughout the ages. The only thing that you should consider is whether the Church that Christ founded is the Catholic Church. If it is, the fact that there are sinners in the Church doesn't change anything, of course there are! Peter denied Jesus three times, Peter was called out as hypocrite by Paul in the Acts of the Apostles, but our faith is not in the virtues of the Pope, is in the promise of Christ that "the gates of hell won't prevail against her". God bless you brother and don't hesitate any longer!
@@joshuatrott193 I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but... hasn't Anglicanism already gone mad, accepting gender ideology and all the bunch? At least Catholics can hold to the Doctrine of the Church (that not even the Pope can change!).
How many of the comments on these videos need to reject the Papacy and call for schism before you reconsider what you are publishing? @PintswithAquinas
Matt you are also complicit in sewing seeds of division by giving air time to people like Ralph Martin who in recent interviews on your videos is simply obsessed with his negative message regarding Pope Francis.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this. We need truthful and sober reality not outlandish defenses of every word or action Pope Francis speaks or does. The ridiculous defenses of the Pope is doing more harm to the faith then those who are calling a spade a spade. Truth and light is always better then sticking our heads in the sand and pretending everything is going to be alright.
You say that the pope chooses his advisers....well Jesus chose Peter and he denied him three times; but he never the less kept him in the position of head of the church... The reality is that the pope can,t be responsible for what thousands of bishop, priests and 1.3 trillion baptized Catholics do or say around the world.
I think that argument fails when we see the Pope personally take action against bishops like Bishop Strickland but allows public scandal from advisors he has personally appointed or bishops in other countries to profess heresy.
Only he "fires" the good ones and protects and promotes heretics (Rupnik, that Spanish guy). How about the time he congratuleted the blasphemer witch put crucifix in urin and said it was a virtue of sarkazm to do so. Pope is sertinly one of the worst prelats in the Church right now.
Oh; but if the pope had taken the same action with his advisors as he took with the bishops; the same people who are complaining now; would probably be complaining and backing the appointees... The truth is that we all come from a dysfunctional family...Adam and Eve. Cain murdered Abel, and there will always be wars. It did not start good. We got what we deserve. Let us all be humble since we are (dust) and that we are all going to turn to dust. Meanwhile; let us all be glad that we have for a friend someone who died for us, so we may live forever with Him in eternity. God bless you, and yours.
Matt, you should always be on the look out for humble guests. I especially liked Dr. Declue. The world needs more charitable and kind role models in this time. Less children complaining about their fathers.
1. What is wrong with the Second Vatican Council? The Second Vatican Council taught doctrines which had been already condemned by the Church, and enacted disciplines which are contrary to the Church's teaching and constant practice. 2. What doctrines did it teach which were already condemned? There are four major errors concerning: (1) the unity of the Church; (2) ecumenism; (3) religious liberty; (4) collegiality. 3. What false doctrine does it teach concerning the unity of the Church? Vatican II teaches heresy concerning the unity of the Church, namely that the Church of Christ is not exclusively identified with the Catholic Church, but merely subsists in it. This heretical doctrine is contained principally in Lumen Gentium, and its heretical meaning is confirmed in statements of Paul VI and his successors, particularly in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, in the 1992 Statement concerning Church and Communion, and in the Ecumenical Directory. It is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church, contained principally in Satis Cognitum of Pope Leo XIII, Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI, Mystici Corporis of Pope Pius XII, and in the condemnations of the "Branch Theory" made by the Holy Office under Pope Pius IX. 4. What false doctrine does it teach concerning ecumenism? The teaching of Vatican II concerning ecumenism, which states that non-Catholic religions are a "means of salvation," is overtly heretical. This doctrine directly contradicts the teaching of the Church that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, called by Pope Pius IX "a most well-known Catholic dogma." In addition, the ecumenical practices which have resulted from this heretical doctrine are directly contrary to Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI. 5. What false doctrine does it teach concerning religious liberty? The teaching of Vatican II on religious liberty, contained in Dignitatis Humanae, nearly word for word asserts the very doctrine which was condemned by Pope Pius VII in Post Tam Diuturnas, by Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos, by Pope Pius IX in Quanta Cura, and by Pope Leo XIII in Libertas Praestantissimum. The teaching of Vatican II on religious liberty also contradicts the royalty of Jesus Christ in society as expressed in Quas Primas of Pope Pius XI, and the constant attitude and practice of the Church with regard to civil society. 6. What false doctrine does it teach concerning collegiality? The teaching of Vatican II concerning collegiality alters the monarchical constitution of the Catholic Church, with which she was endowed by the Divine Savior. The doctrine of Vatican II, confirmed by the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which states that the subject (the possessor) of the supreme authority of the Church is the college of bishops together with the pope, is contrary to the defined doctrine of the Council of Florence and of Vatican I. 7. What is wrong with the disciplines which have emanated from Vatican II? The 1983 Code of Canon Law contains the heresy of Vatican II concerning the Church, mentioned above. It also permits sacrilege to the Blessed Sacrament, by approving of its reception by non-Catholics, which is a mortal sin, and permits communicatio in sacris (common public worship) with non-Catholics, which is a mortal sin. In addition, the Ecumenical Directory of 1993 permits ecumenical practices which have always been taught by the Church to be mortally sinful. 8. What does all this mean? It means that Vatican II and its subsequent reforms have given us a new religion, a religion which is substantially different from the Roman Catholic Faith founded by Christ. The reformers have substantially altered the three main components of religion: doctrine, worship, and discipline. The result is that the reformers are promoting a religion of ecumenism in place of the Roman Catholic religion, which has always taught that it alone is the one, true Faith, and that all other religions are false. The Vatican II religion teaches doctrines which have been condemned by the Church in the past. It has instituted rites and disciplines which are Protestant in nature. As a result, the religion which Catholics find in their local parishes and schools, although in name Catholic, is a new, non-Catholic religion already condemned by the Catholic Church. 9. Could it be that you are merely giving a bad interpretation to Vatican II? No. The heretical nature of this council is confirmed by: the doctrinal interpretation given to Vatican II by Paul VI and his successors in their decrees, encyclicals, catechisms, etc.; the series of abominations perpetrated by John Paul II against the First Commandment of God, in the form of ecumenical ceremonies which constitute false worship, even to pagan deities in some cases; the alteration of the Sacred Liturgy in such a way that the Catholic Mass has been replaced by a Protestant supper service; the tampering with the matter and form of the sacraments so that many of them, but most notably the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders, labor under doubt or invalidity; the promulgation of disciplines, especially the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Ecumenical Directory, which approve of sacrilege against the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Matrimony, and which demonstrate heresies concerning the unity of the Church as their theoretical basis; the scandalous mockery made of the Sacrament of Matrimony by the granting of annulments for spurious reasons, constituting an abandonment of the sacred doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage; the fact that John Paul II is in communion with manifest heretics, has openly declared himself to be in communion with non-Catholic sects, and has recognized an apostolic mission in schismatic and Lutheran bishops, all of which destroys the unity of faith. He has even kissed the Koran, which explicitly denies the Incarnation and the Trinity. He has also publicly prayed that St. John the Baptist protect Islam.
Sound advice, and the problems with this pope is obvious! The secular world has it's views which are fine, however, you can't make what is acceptable in the secular world acceptable in the Catholic world, or you don't have a Catholic world view; you don't have to accept it but thats why there is a secular and a Catholic view, the two are different.
Got to disagree with the people on here (Potential Ralph Martin as well - got to hear more about his views first.) claiming that Pope Francis is some kind of gay liberal or something. He's condemned the bishops in Germany multiple times and even ordered them to come to Rome recently to be scolded about it. Am I praising him? No. I think he could handle liberalism in the church much better. But to call him a liberal is to solely get your news from mad trads and mainstream media - both of which try to make the pope look as liberal as possible, sometimes even by just lying.
I wish "Reason & Theology" could understand the very basic Christian principles in play here.. rather than running interference for error, and dragging unsuspecting faithful along with them. This concern by Ralph Martin is very well and simply argued.
The Cardinals who issued the sets of Dubia questions have been really unfair to Pope Francis and have stoked the confusion. Some Catholic media outlets have been guilty of slander/libel against the Pope as well.
@@charmelbolster67 Not only did Pope Francis give adequate answers to the Cardinals multiple times but the Cardinals did not bother to share the Pope’s answers with the public at all. The Vatican anticipated they would only share their side of the story so they put up the Pope’s Dubia answers themselves. There’s more that can be said there but in regards to Strickland it was a straightforward situation. He publicly accused Pope Francis of heresy. Among other concerns it was the right call to remove him.
Hello Matt, love your channel and contents! Regarding issues emanating from Pope Francis, would it be doable to come up with discussions(in-depth if possible) touching on the specifics(documentations, official pronouncements and others) on both side of the issues, instead of catering to ad hominem generalizations absent of proper qualification of the facts and context on these concerns/issues? If you have, mabye you can point out on which videos(links) were it discussed. I've been trying to listen to both sides of the issues, but usually on their own platforms. A dialogue between all sides touching on specific issues would be clarifying instead of just characterizing each other with labels. Really appreciate your channel, helps a lot of cradle catholics. God Bless!!
Yes, vague statements like "the pope is making bad appointments" don't help. WE have to guess what you are talking about. Cardinal Fernandez, for instance, who has done quite well in the few months since his appointment, might be a "bad appointment" because of a rather miserable attempt to teach teens about Catholic Spirituality -- about St. John of the Cross and the Song of Songs... "Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His Mouth..." Reading papal pronouncements carefully, and seeing that the accusations of heresy and deviations from orthodoxy are unsupported by the actual words of the pope -- that is helpful. Looking below the "visuals" of culturally diverse papal ceremonies (like when the pitiful Our Lady of the Amazon was given the name of a proud and beautiful goddess, or when native people honored the pope in Canada with a ceremony of welcome) ... that would be useful. But, accusing the pope of making mistakes in his appointments? That's not so useful, because people are not documents or even one-time-only ceremonies, which can be explained. People have dimensions. People have their talents and can surprise us with flashes of the Face of God in Whose Image we are all made.
The usual statements I’ve been hearing are usually prefaced with these - "I believe"; "I think"; "I thought"; "I feel"; "I heard"; "I perceived it"; "In my experience" - and then continues to make the declaration as if it is a fact, sans any thorough exploration of said issues. Emotional, experiential and cultural biases (to name some) do exist in how one approaches a topic of contention, hence should be limited, if not identified during interviews. Promulgating partial, insufficient and equivocal information (as well as opinions) can be avoided with the help and guidance of a responsibly cognizant interlocutor.
Popes have made bad appointments before, for centuries, both before and after the V2 Council, including John Paul II and Benedict XVI. We don't understand thoroughly how appointments work in the Church. It has its quite own way, not comparable to other social realities, like in politics. As much as I appreciate Ralph Martin, I'm astonished at this level of unbalanced statements. Besides, delivered in the internet, where you don't know how much each person who hears you is prepared to take it. Saint Paul says we can eat food sacrificed to the idols, but that we shouldn't if there's a risk of leading astray those whose conscience is not yet entirely formed in the truth. See 1 Corinthians 8, especially v. 11-12. So, we should mind who is hearing us when we say something that might disturb someone's faith. Moreover, I really think he's wrong in his judgement.
Guys, lets all acknowledge that how much ever wrong decisions and teachings a Pope can do. He can never make a false ex-Cathedra teaching. So though certain aspects of our Catholic faith can get affected the ultimate core of the Papacy will remain secure. Lets pray for the same.
Let's also remember that we are *morally* bound to give *religious assent and submission* of our mind and will to *even the non-infallible teachings*, as Vatican II (among other Magisterial sources) taught. For some reason, many in the Church are forgetting this extremely important practice and teaching of our Holy Faith!
The Vicar of Christ doing what Jesus Himself did when He walked among us (blessing sinners). It was clear that Jesus came for the sinner wanting to be close to Him and they didn't have to be sinless to be healed or for them to begin to convert. Jesus came for those in a STATE of sin! Just like Pope Francis is doing! "Jesus answered, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.” --Luke 5:31-32
No, Francis is not "doing what Jesus did". He has said publically (during one of his in-flight sessions with reporters) that "the Ten Commandments are optional." He is attempting to make the Church more acceptable to sinners. Jesus never did that.
@@anng.4542 That story is a lie. The Holy Father NEVER said that the 10 Commandments are optional. It was debunked and now you are engaging in calumny. Show me the video of him saying this please?
Love your channel and downloaded Hallow sadly had to cancel it today due to them having Liam Neeson read stories on it who is pro abortion? I’m in RCIA and trying to find authentic Catholic resources. Is this okay? Or should I have kept the Hallow app?
It's understandable to have concerns about contributors to an app based on their personal views. However, it's important to consider the content and purpose of the Hallow app itself, which is focused on faith and spirituality. The presence of a narrator like Liam Neeson, despite his personal beliefs, does not necessarily detract from the app's spiritual value or its alignment with Catholic teachings. It might be more beneficial to focus on the app's content and how it supports your faith journey, rather than the personal views of individual contributors.
@freda7961 I think it's legitimate to be concerned about the content of the app if the ones who run the app are unable to filter out well known bad apples from their platform. What else might be compromised in their content? I would suggest getting good solid approved prayer books and books on the Saints instead of relying on an app.
@@gee9099 I see where you're coming from, but it seems there might be an assumption that the content is already “compromised” due to the involvement of well-known figures like Liam Neeson, who, in fact, had nothing to do with the app’s content. It's important to note that his role in the app is limited to voice acting, a field in which he has notable expertise. Had he contributed to the content itself, it would have been an entirely different story. The core content, designed to nurture faith and spirituality, remains unaffected by his personal views (and who knows, with such exposure, he might come to know the truth and change his views). If the content itself stays true to the teachings and spirit of the faith, then the personal views of a narrator shouldn't impact at all the spiritual guidance the app provides. I also get the impression that you may not have had the chance to try the app yourself. I’d recommend giving it a try - it's incredibly helpful and could be a valuable addition to your spiritual practices, alongside traditional texts.
@@freda7961 Of course Liam Neeson had nothing to do with the content. I was pointing out that the ones who run the app, may have already created questionable content if they think that having Liam Neeson be a narrator is a good idea. I think it would make any good Catholic question the reliability of the app's content. I have in fact been curious about Hallow but now I'm no longer inclined to try it. There are too many church approved things out there that I don't have to wonder about being valid or not.
Maybe being smart of the app will help him change his mind on such things. It's unfortunate of course to hear this, I did not know that about Liam Neeson. I'm hoping people like him who contribute will be enlightened and have a change of heart. I also do agree that maybe they should have chosen someone who had more conservative views? But then again Christ ate with sinners and sat at their tables, so we'll see...prayers for Liam. Hopefully his mind will change!!
It is bad! He just came out and say people can bless SSA unions and they can be Godparents. He brought in the Pachamama demon godess to be worshipped. They even had a giant banner of a woman breast feeding a dog. What do youean??? He keeps promoting pedophiles and firing the priests loyal to Christ. Abandoned the Chinese completely. Things are so bad!!!!
@@sweetmary3233He never said anything about blessing same-sex unions. He said it’s licit to bless same-sex-attracted individuals. That isn’t controversial.
Rad trads pit truth against leadership. You cannot. Catholicism is not like Protestantism. Catholicism is holistic. If you go after the Pope, you go after Catholicism.
The Catholic Church is here to stay. What we need is prayers for the Pope, we have had disheartening Popes in the past. Sadly, I'm sure this wont be the last as we continie this spirtual battle.
Disheartening? That's a gross understatement. Pope Damascus I. Murdered 160 of his adversaries. Pope Sixtus III. Debauched a virgin girl. Pope John XII. Turned the Vatican into a "Whorehouse". Drank toasts to Satan. Invoked Pagan gods and goddesses when gambling. Murdered. Mutilated people. Gambled. Committed adultery with numerous women including two widows and his own niece, as well as his own fathers long-term girlfriend. Was killed by an aggrieved husband while engaging in adultery with the mans wife. Pope Benedict VIII. Murdered his predecessor by poisoning. Had a private force of men who would engage in horrific acts of torture, maiming and murder. Ordered assassinations. Cut out the tongues of men. Had a reputation for blood lust. Pope John IX. Ordained a priest and consecrated him as a bishop and was crowned pope by the same bishop in the same day. Pope Benedict IX. Ordained through bribery. Had sexual relations with men, women and animals. Ordered murders. Practiced witchcraft and Satanism. Filled the palace with prostitutes. Sponsored orgies. Partook in beastiality. Sold the Papacy to Pope Gregory VI. Was so widely detested by Rome that he had to leave twice out of danger of retaliation. Pope Alexander VI. Murder. Bribery. Simony (selling of church offices). Highly promiscuous; once purchased the services of 50 prostitutes. Had cardinals murdered to confiscate and sell their property. Committed incest with his own daughter and her two brothers. Had four children, multiple mistresses and a 15 year old girl he impregnated. And that's only some. You really believe God would ordain these men to lead His church? The Apostle Peter explicitly stated that he was nothing more than a fellow elder. And elder; of which there are many, so there should be many popes. And as a fellow, means he is above no one but equal to everyone. There is not Catholicism in Christianity and no Christianity in Catholicism.
confusion: When Catholics don't want to obey what The Holy Father teaches because they can't accept it. Either conform or get out and go be a Sed or a Trad or another faction of Protestantism.
It's funny to me to hear him say this and address the laity, as if I'll have any impact in the Church, even in a democracy is a quasi-impossible task, and the Church is not a democracy. And he also seems to forget who is running the Church.
@@bethmcmullan7686 I think you believe we have more responsibility and changing power than we actually have. The only way you and I can truly make a change ,not only in our life but in the world is by living a saintly life, which means, humility, constant prayer, penance and alms giving. In all instances God used saintly people to steer his Church back to his Holy Will. It was never people like us, unrepentant and prideful sinners. So if you want to make a change be perfect as our Father who is in Heaven is perfect.
We don’t, but Christ Does, and he can do that through us if we let him. Don’t underestimate Christ’s work through us seemingly unimportant ones. Remember he made apostles out of fishermen. We clearly have a part to play, and a place in a Church He wants very much alive.
@@TuNomAmi007 You have spoken words of truth. Christ can, “if” we let him, and that means we submit to him and His Holy Will in humble submission. Only when we give up ourselves and our worldly attachments and let His Grace work through us as living sacrifices. And He has done that in the past, with saintly people like Saint Francis of Asissi and St. Catherine of Siena. I don't see that in these critics, there is no humility but fear and distrust. Ask yourself? What do they gain in going to a public and internationally broadcasted podcast? Are the proper authorities aware of this? Do they even know the podcast? What can the laity do, from a different country to change something in the Church in Rome? These are not charitable and lovely corrections but acts of fear and arrogance. God will use His saintly people to change His Church, but it will not be someone anyone has heard of, because they are not appearing in interviews on the internet, but doing God's work and striving to be perfect jus as the Father is perfect. God bless you brother
Gaslighting is far worse. I can deal with the truth, I can deal with the reality of evil. What I cannot deal with is trying to tell me up is down and down is up.
Ralph Martin was a disaster on this show sowing doubt and confusion. Give him six months and he will be talking like Altman and Vigano. Do not have him back on because you Matt Fradd are accountable for giving him a platform to spew his divisive nonsense! Have you read your comments section? It’s full of hate for Pope Francis and disdain for the Magisterium!
The American sex scandal in the Catholic Church? Are you joking? The Catholic Church sex scandal starts in Rome and is throughout the world. And it continues.
Please work out your own salvation with trembling, than worrying about Pope Francis and the state of the catholic church. Christ entrusted His Church affairs, not to you, but to the Pope. He does entrust the salvation of those whom you influence as your Christian duty, kindly do that work which God demands of you.
Yes I was aware of the Ottenweller report. I will focus on his recent interviews which have, at times, been distorted, inaccurate and very negative. Yet he is like Luther very sincere and sure that his version of the truth is absolute. This is very worrying as he has a large following.
This is just sad. What Ralph Martin said in this interview is giving shelter to dissent, leading people out of the Church and keeping others from coming. He clearly is misinformed on many of the issues he talked about and yet people often trust him at his word. Read the comments here and try to tell me what he’s doing is helping the Church, not dividing it, not scaring people away on false pretenses.
That's because there are most 'popesplainers' commenting. There is a monumental problem with the current Pope and anyone who is refusing to acknowledge the reality, has to ask themselves why they cannot or refuse to acknowledge the 'elephant in the room'. The person scaring people away or causing division is certainly not Ralph Martin.
Pope Francis is dividing the church every day with his decisions based on relativism and what appeals to the modernists and liberals instead of what was taught by Saints and former Popes for thousands of years.
@@sleepinglioness5754 have you read Pope Francis’ documents? Or are you letting someone else tell you what they say? Are you listening to his speeches, or are you reading a news article about them? I’m not going to pretend I’m perfectly informed about everything, but why should people be Catholic if Ralph Martin is right? It’s cognitive dissonance. And please don’t give me the “we can’t leave the Church” line that he uses. If you think Pope Francis has a “program to undermine the deposit of the faith” as a certain former bishop said, how can you claim that the gates of hell haven’t prevailed against the church? I’m not trying to misrepresent your position - I don’t know what you personally think, but this is a dangerous line of thinking: to believe that Pope Francis has some sinister agenda to undermine the Church goes directly against what we believe about the Papacy. Are we Catholics? Are we in communion with the Pope? Then we should act like it. Ralph Martin seems to be carving out this safe space for him and others to dissent from the Pope while claiming they aren’t, and it’s just sickening. And it’s wrong for faithful Catholics to do so. Worse yet, again, look at this comment section and tell me that this interview is helping the Church. People are leaving and others are staying away - because of what Ralph Martin said about Pope Francis.
Pachamama misinformation is the most ridiculous of them all. I suggest for you to honestly look into the materials of Michael Lofton, Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Dave Armstrong then get back to us about it. Think Trent Horn is leaning towards that as well.
@@freda7961 Michael Lofton and company are completely disingenuous in their reporting and analysis. I have pictures of Bergoglio and his prelates processing the abomination into St. Peter’s Basilica and Bergoglio leading prayers to it. Did Mr. Lofton mention that, show the pictures, and explain how it wasn’t open, public apostasy? I saw a video of Bergoglio shoveling the dirt to plant a tree with pagan tokens hanging from it. Did they mention that? I saw the published prayers to the demon. Did they address that? And Bergoglio, rather than apologizing to the people of God for publicly breaking the first commandment, apologized to the pagans because a true Catholic threw the idols into the Tiber. Outrageous! Did they address all the public acts of apostasy? Or did they only address the one, more widely reported episode in the Vatican Gardens where Bergoglio sat on his butt while others apostatized, and said the Lord’s Prayer rather than whatever horrendous remarks he had prepared? The misinformation about these events come from the popesplainers, not me. You need to do better than citing clowns like Michael Lofton, who has jumped between several heretical sects over the past decade and now does all he can to defend the apostate, heretic Bergoglio.
I was one getting frustrated because it took Church personalities all to long to realize what was going on. Day by day, one Pope explainer at a time dropping off and coming to realization. All the Catholic minded need to stop the bickering amongst each other and hold to the deposit of faith.
I think that Ralph Martin grew up and came of age at a particular time in American [1940's to 1990's] and ecclesiastical history [during the pontificate of two popes who have been canonised, St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II], and the world and the Church are in a different place. The world won the war against the totalitarian dictatorship's of Nazi socialism and atheist communism. The post war affluency for the middle class of the 1950's is long gone. The civil rights movement, thankfully, is enshrined in federal law. The first Catholic President of the U. S. was elected. And the Church played a major role in all of these things. People's lives have been destroyed by and the laity have become disillusioned by the clergy sex abuse scandals, the falling off of vocations, heresy and schisms on the right (Fr. Feeney, the SSPX), dissent and the embrace of secular ideologies on the left. During Benedict XVI's pontificate FOCUS and Mr. Martin's apostolate were held out in the U.S. as models of the new evangelization. Mr. Martin and his apostolate faithfully proclaimed the Gospel during the time of Bishop Barron's "beige Catholicism". People were starving for orthodox theology in the midst of so much heterodoxy. God bless him!!! Now what people need to see is something VISIBLE / Incarnate that creates faith, hope and love IN people. Pope Paul VI stated, in effect, people don't want pious platitudes, they want credible witnesses. Mr. Martin and his apostolate were that with regards to spiritual direction and literature. During Pope Francis's pontificate, who seems to want to see the Gospel of Mercy taken to the most marginalized members of society, it would seem natural for someone with Mr. Martin's apostolate to be perhaps tempted by a millenarian / apocalyptic approach. Perhaps it is time to pass the baton to Mr. Herbeck and the next generation. Where are the Catholic John F. Kennedy's? Where are the Catholic Dr. Martin Luther King's? Where are the Catholic Cesar Chavez's? Where are the Catholic captains of industry? Where are the Catholic lawyers and judges? Where are the Catholic doctors and nurses? Where are the Catholic educators? The philosophy and theology for the "culture of life" is intact. BUILDING that culture one family at a time, one generation at a time is the work that needs to be done. How else to explain the rise of disaffiliation? I love the maxim of St. John of the Cross, "Where there is no love, put love; and you will draw out love". Its not like Pope Francis is another Borgia or another Alexander VI. I really don't know why there are so many voices rising against him EXCEPT he is being and doing EXACTLY what Jesus Christ did in His own time. I don't remember who said it, but the saying goes, something to the effect, that if BOTH the right AND the left are upset, you're probably doing something right. BOTH the Pharisees (the 'right' of His time), AND the Sadducees (the 'left' of His time) were both equally offended at Jesus's ministry. As an American who tends to be a centrist conservative politically, who has benefitted from reading some of Mr. Ralph Martin's books, who loves Bishop Barron and Word on Fire, who has read First Things, but who also has volunteered with Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity at their AIDS hospices, and who also reads Commonweal and the National Catholic Register, but who abhorrently refrains from the viscious, derisive vitriol of Church Militant, Taylor Marshall, I think Pope Francis is a wonderful pope. I see him as fully in line with St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict. I think, magisterially speaking, at the beginning of the third millenium, God had us recapitulate the apostolic/post-apostolic early Church through the pontificate of John Paul, had us enter the "fall of the Roman empire" and the "rise of monasticism" with the pontificate of Benedict XVI, has us in the "middle ages" with Pope Francis, and we may see, unfortunately, another "Protestant revolt" with all of these dissenting voices clamoring for blood on the internet and influencing others to do the same. It sickens me, really, to listen to everyone acting as if they are more "Catholic" than the pope, rather than trusting in the providence of God. The faith first came to the Americas in the SOUTHERN hemisphere (for the parochial Americans who will bother to read this), people. John Paul II himself pointed to Puebla and Aperecida (documents from the bishop's conferences of South America) as MODELS for the new evangelization. If you read Phillip Jenkin's books, demographically, the preponderence of the faithful has shifted to the southern and eastern hemispheres. There are more Catholics in South America and in the Phillipines than there are in the United States. The greatest growth in the faith is in Africa and in Korea. The only reason there is so much weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth from sectors of Catholicism in the U. S. is we think because we live in a country with one of the largest economies in the world, that should equate to the level of importance we should have in the Church. Wasn't it John Paul II who warned his native Poland, with the fall of communism and the rise of affluence by embracing free enterprise and free markers, don't let materialism and secularism cause you to jettison the Faith or the Church? People have their OWN, PRIVATE MEDIA EMPIRES in their very own homes, but are they filling the Church's pews, or are they sowing doubt and division? Are they encouraging unity or criticizing and complaining? Are they encouraging support of the bishops, praying for our priests, supporting the pope or expressing dissatisfaction and questioning every phrase, every action? Come on brothers and sisters. Let's get it together. I think too many people are trusting in Timothy Gordon's, and Michael Voris's, and Taylor Marshall's PRIVATE OPINIONS, instead of in the Pope and the Teaching Magisterium of the episcopacy. For heaven's sakes, there were NO SEMINARIES prior to the Protestant Reformation, Alexander VI fathered children from concubines, and, it seems, the worst of the clergy sex abuse scandals are behind us. This man stood athwart the right junta executions of Catholics in his country, decried the disparity between the rich and the poor in the favellas, has lived a life of ascetism his entire life in solidarity with the poor, and was very nearly elected pooe instead of Benedict XVI after John Paul II's death. His brother bishops hold him in that high of a regard. Somehow, this isn't good enough for people anymore. I really think people's personal political commitments are influencing their ecclesiastical ones, instead of their faith informing their personal lives and their politics. Long live Pope Francis. May God continue to bless him and his pontificate ("Blessed are you when you are hated and reviled, and persecuted for My name's sake").
👏👏👏 spoken out of my heart! Jesus criticized those who condemned His disciples eating graines from the fields on a Sabath. The laws are made for the benefit of the people and not for the letters. Without a loving attitude they are cold and destructive without meaning. Pope Francis reminds us of the Good Shepherd looking after the stray sheep.
Another thought if Pope Francis can be condemned regarding his appointments then you must use the same logic to condemn Jesus for picking Judas. Obviously this logic is terribly flawed.
Christ is the Head of the Church. He gave the keys to St Peter. Francis stands in that line of succession and therefore I stand with him united with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is continuously (even more so these days than ever) moving in the Church so anything that does happen is the work of the Spirit. We can say that that doesn't make excuses for the bad choices. No. However, God's power is made perfect in weakness, and as of currently everything that has been in the shadows is coming to light, which means we're heading to the greatest revival in the history of the world.
Ralph martin is usually on point but in this particular interview it seems rather clear that he’s spent too much time on tour and not even time studying the material he discussed.
lol what? He knows exactly what he’s talking about. Modernism and relativism has taken a hold of our Pope, leading him to decisions that have not benefitted the church in any way and have only continued to lead us down a path of confusion and contradiction to thousands of years of teachings
@@Chris-yr8wb if you go to the original interview and start from the 26:00 mark and listen to about 27:00 or so, you’ll hear Ralph read from the english translation of the Dicastery response on whether trans-sexual people can be baptized. Here what is problematic about RM’s statement: When asked what the document says, he reads off the following quote RM: …”if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or disorientation among the faithful. In the case of children or adolescents with transgender issues, if well prepared and willing, they can receive Baptism.” Here’s the part Ralph conveniently left out, from the same paragraph: “A transsexual-who had also undergone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery-can receive baptism, under the same conditions as other believers…” To anyone who judges with Charity, “under the same conditions as other believers” means they ought to be baptized just as you and I were, by renouncing satan and all his evil works (i.e. repentance), and professing their faith in Christ. I love ralph, but not mentioning the most vital part of the paragraph he read from makes me question his sincerity with the issue.
@@andy41417 feel free to read my response to Chris and tell me how Ralph didn’t leave important context out of the original interview. I’ll be waiting 😊
St. Francis of Assissi saw the failings in his time, and yet stayed in the Chuch Christ founded, while giving it an example of how to be a true christian. He was regarded as a saint while still living. Luther despaired of salvation and sainthood while seeing the same failings in people on the Church, decided to initiate a revolution, and is now chained in hell with many of his followers.
@@littlerock5256 Ralph Martin in the main video accused the DDF head Cardinal Fernandez of saying sin can be blessed. Lofton shows from a 9/30/23 interview Cardinal Fernandez did with LSN that Pope Francis teaches sin cannot be blessed. He was totally wrong. LSN btw held that interview and didn’t release it until 10/19/23. Fake news
Dear Matt, as you will see in the comments section here, Dr. Martin's negativity is contributing to the walls that are being raised against non-Catholics considering entering the Church. If even one person states that they are not coming to Christ in the Sacraments of the Church because of the negative gossipy reports about the pope, it is too much. I have loved Dr. Martin many years. He is one of my heroes. So his hopeless remarks about the pope break my heart. What has happened to the joy of the Lord? let us hear about the Hope of Heaven and the Victory of the Risen Christ!! Please!!
Dear@@truthfighter3402, are you real? If so, I am praying for you. I cannot imagine that you are a happy person. Of course, if you are a joke, I am glad to be adding to the algorithm, and adding to Matt Fradd's presence on the Internet!
I am floored with the fact that Dr. Ralph Martin considers himself a better Catholic than Pope Francis. It shows he does not have the gift of discernment. He should not be giving his opinion on things that he truly does not understand. God’s ways are higher than our way but they don’t involve gossiping and lying about the Pope.
It is very clear where the Church is being led. It would be foolish to ignore what is right in front of our eyes. I pray for Pope Francis, his advisors and the entire hierarchy, for their conversions and that our Mother will protect them. I converted to Catholicism because of the Eucharist, and as long as I can receive the Eucharist, I’ll stay with it.
Protestants and Orthodox alike need to know and see what their relationship with a Pope looks like. This is what we stand to gain, questions like is my Baptism my own or can the Pope nullify my baptism (over stated I know), can I deemed a confessor from the Church who will support the Church’s Teachings in the Confessional, Can I demand my right to receive communion if I am in a state of grace, can a Priest and Bishop Minister to their flocks according to the truth of the faith without being defrocked.
Wouldn’t it be a credible argument to say that Ralph Martin is still here because no one decided to use the canons against him to excommunicate him for his criticism of the Pope who is infallible? And if one is to hold the views Ralph does, it makes no sense to continue being in the Catholic Church. It’s like saying I trust in papal infallibility, except when it comes to Pope Francis. Sounds a bit ridiculous to me.
It’s each person’s responsibility to know dogma/doctrine. One must be obedient to the faith and resist those speaking or creating false ideas. This isn’t the first time the church has had to endure a pope like this.
Papal infallibility is not “everything the Pope says is infallible”, it’s only applicable when he is speaking from the seat of Peter as the Shepard of the church and a couple of other prerequisites. It’s complicated, I don’t fully understand it and i think that’s the problem. These words are thrown around that we only have a partial understanding (or no understanding) of and then the Pope does something ridiculous and we all get scared because “the pope is infallible but he just said something completely wrong so what do we do?”
@@Tony-cm8lg then if you don’t understand it, study it like Michael Lofton has rather than act like a bunch of teens whose angry about their curfew because you heard something the infallible pope said you didn’t like The fact that you all feel entitled to criticize your own pope when your own canons say that when you do so you deserve excommunication shows much you all don’t know anything about papal infallibility
As far as I know, Pints team said that they already had Michael Lofton on the show (as if that by itself is a reason to disqualify someone from being a guest, and as if they haven’t had someone come over again, say someone like Ralph Martin). They’d rather have Ralph Martin again and again and again. But I wonder, why stop there? Pints should have TM and Altman next. If Luther is still alive, they probably would have him as guest too.
I doubt Matt Fradd has the courage to risk his audience by having Michael Lofton come on again to give good information. People love to hate Michael almost as much as they love to hate Pope Francis! But I completely agree! I wish they would!
@@thetruthbrigade007 I’m not sure if Dave Armstrong is open to being a guest in live interviews, but he’s quite knowledgeable too. Dr. Fastiggi too, obviously.
In all charity, it is quite clear, that Pope Francis himself is the auctor of said confusion. If the Pope has shown one thing in the past ten years then that he doesn't care for advice. He was elected to execute a certain agenda and will do so, as I fear, till his last breath. I pray for the conversion of Pope Francis everyday for years!
St Benedict went and lived in a cave for three years after the fall of Rome. We have seen this nonsense before. We must study our faith and become true followers of Christ and exceptional Catholics. Keep it simple, almost monastic.
@@littlerock5256 we have seen massive corruption within the institution of the church before. St. Benedict left Rome because of the behavior he witnessed. I’m sure that included some of the “Catholics” in church.
@@williamofdallas I believe it was in Pints video response to Fr. Altman’s “Bergoglio is not the Pope” video, he made a reference to The Church being a dung hill, and how we should stay on the dung hill. Obviously he was just using an analogy of some sorts, however, The Holy Catholic Church is not a dung hill.
My wife and I grew up in Protestant churches, have been attending a local Catholic parish for the first time in our entire lives, but I don't think I can ever join because of this issue. I hear Catholic Parishes fly gay and trans flags, and this is allowed? (This is certainly not true of any of the Parishes in this area), and Pope Francis will practically excommunicate "conservative" bishops but is perfectly fine with those Catholics who support abortion? This Pope truly seems to care about an irrational social ideology that was formulated in the 1960s, and global climate change than he cares about the gospel of Jesus Christ or 2000 years of Catholic Church Tradition. I feel like this is infiltration. As an American outsider, this is how I see it. St Aquinas, pray for your Church.
Pope Benedict was quoted as saying the “Holy Spirit doesn’t choose popes. The Holy Spirit protects the church.”
Original source of statement please. +
In that, God permits all things according to His Will, whether wonderful or destructive to get our attention, to repent and grow closer to Him.
I heard the paraphrase from Bishop Barron, but just looked for the true source and apparently it was a Bavarian television interview… pope Benedict’s comments are wordier but identical idea.
While still Cardinal Ratzinger, he was asked by Bavarian television in 1997 if the Holy Spirit is responsible for the election of a pope. His answer:
“I would not say so, in the sense that the Holy Spirit picks out the Pope. . . . I would say that the Spirit does not exactly take control of the affair, but rather like a good educator, as it were, leaves us much space, much freedom, without entirely abandoning us. Thus the Spirit’s role should be understood in a much more elastic sense, not that he dictates the candidate for whom one must vote. Probably the only assurance he offers is that the thing cannot be totally ruined. . . . There are too many contrary instances of popes the Holy Spirit obviously would not have picked!”
False! The Holy Spirit is God and He most definitely chooses who leads His Church, just like He chose St Peter.
It does not benefit the Church to pretend as though nothing is wrong.
You are right. But let us put the blame where it belongs -- on the way the words of the pope are being constantly twisted and misrepresented and misunderstood.
This is not entirely the work of human beings. Though we should all go to the sources and discover for ourselves that Pope Francis is totally orthodox, it is a trick of the devil to make us look again at the words, and say, "but maybe he means it another way... maybe he is 'opening a door'..." Just look at the way the devil used the words of the Psalms to suggest that Jesus should do something spectacular -- leaping off the Temple tower, as I recall...
Something is terribly wrong! So, let us pray!! We are entering a new Church year! Let it be one of fasting and repentance!
Some youtubers are making a carreer out of keeping naive faithful thoroughly asleep
We are human, so sadly something is always wrong, and always will be.
Thank you for speaking the Truth, Ralph Martin. I will never jump ship but I want always to hear the Truth.
What exactly is the Church facing? Not one dogma has changed. Pope only said he hoped no one was in hell. He appoints a wide range of people and never just one type. Those he has chastised, needed to be chastised, and maybe there will be more from an even wider range of prideful people. Isn't there an old saying to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Whenever we prayer the prayer of Fatima that is what we are praying for/to lead all souls to heaven. Is that now a lie? Ralph talks around in circles and seems sincere, but I am beginning to question him. His books have helped me a lot, but this recent entrance into judging the Pope is worrisome. It's time to step back and do a really deep dive into discernment about what we are really up against - and it isn't the Pope, the Church, and our faith! We were promised that nothing will destroy our Church. Is that a lie? I'm concerned that Mr. Martin will become another Fr. Altman., a hateful man who believes he only knows the truth. Just my opinion - just like others have their opinions. So, now I'll go and pray for all of us.
Amen Thank you Ralph Martin🙏✨✝️✨🕊️🙏
"Don't deny reality" - Ralph Martin. - Nailed it!
Totally agree with Ralph! Courageous of him to speak up!
Im a recent convert, baptized two years ago, and this is EXACTLY my experience. When I heard Catholics criticize the Church from the inside much harsher than the people outside, I thought to myself "wow, this is what moral fiber looks like. These people are really indignant, yet they remain faithful". It definitely changed the way I saw the church.
fighting for the soul of the church?
That is because there is only one true church and one truth. There is nowhere else to go, only to steer the church back on course.
Yep.. we're the ones who actually see things that aren't in line with true CATHOLICISM... that's the difference..Rosaries!.🙏✝️🕊️🤱🩸.
No faithful Catholic will leave Christ's Church. We stay, pray, and resist progressive innovations.
There will come a time to go into exile ... and to go back to the catacombs. This is not leaving the Church, but it is a necessary step in the interim given everything evil and satanic that is happening.
OMG you sound like a Luddite.
No faithful Catholic will or has ever been a part of the True Church of Jesus Christ. They do not know Him, nor do they want to know.
@@markmeyer4532 then which is the true church?
The ark was stinky but no one left it! Pray for the pope!
There was no modernism on the ark.
Firstly, he's not the pope! Secondly, don't pray for a heretic unless for his conversion to Christ Jesus.
I did lol and these problems make me so sad. But I promise no matter how stinky I’m staying. Catholic to the end.
I agree 100% - yes,look at the appointments. Those men should never have been chosen. This papacy is full of confusion and it has been bearing rotten fruit.
Finally…this made me feel at peace. So sad we are in these times and yet so thankful to God for his hand. God bless you for this clarity.
Ralph martin was one of the most important reasons My catholic faith came alive 50 years ago. His calm, rational, reasoned and yet joyful voice Has been a guiding light. When the Holy Father loses Ralph Martin, he has lost the church.
Realy? Ralph Martin is but a man. Many people today will grow and become saints in the catholic church without even knowing Ralph Martin ever existed. So the pope does not need Ralph Martin
The last line of your post is frightening.
Ralph Martin damaged me spiritually by convincing others that his way was the only way to study and learn from the great saints. You are just as incompetent as any of those you are criticizing. You all seem to forget the words spoken to Catherine of Siena. When you criticize, disrespect or harm a priest, you do it to Christ Himself. Of course, Ralph Martin, left that out of his book because he would have to live by it and could not be saying what he is saying about the Pope and others in authority. None of you have any authority within the governing of the Catholic Church. We are the sheep and you, a sheep, are trying to lead us to try to be the Shepherd. The Holy Spirit will not allow this to happen. Pray that once again, we will let the True Shepherd lead, listen to the Holy Spirit. And you will hear Him in the silence of the empty Church where Jesus is waiting for all of us.
You are that influenced by one person? Yikes. How about Matthew 16:18?
@@patriciagrande311 Is telling the truth about Father Marko Rupnik, rapist of nuns, the same as "disrespecting and harming Christ"? Absolutely not! The same about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, rapist of seminarians, and Pope Francis, rapist of the Church. We are sheep of Jesus-God, the Good Sheperd, not of mere humans.
When we follow mere humans in dumb complicit naivete, we help Satan push those mere humans we worship deeper into sin, and deeper into becoming rapists of souls! We totally disrespect and harm Christ when we do not expose his satanic impersonators, in the Clergy, Laity or any anti-Catholic. God does not accompany, include or dialogue with sin, that's what Satan does!
I’m not even Catholic, but Pope Francis is always making choices that are loved by atheists & anti-Christian bigots. I miss Pope Benedict & hope there will be a more Holy Pope soon. The longer Pope Francis is Pope the more work he seems to do for the devil. Everyone, including me, has been cringing & making excuses for Francis terrible behavior almost from the beginning of his Pontificate.
Actually they love what they think Pope Francis is about because they are basing their misconception on the false information propagated by the radical anti-Francites within the catholic church who have spent the last ten or so years lying about him..
This is 100% correct in my experience as well. I'm a former atheist, and I've known MANY atheists and unbelievers who praise Pope Francis for "trying to drag the Catholic Church into the 21st century". Now that I'm a Christian that gives me pause.
@@NMemone You have knowledge of what 'the other side' is all about; a knowledge that many cradle Catholics and many who are in denial do not possess. Use that knowledge to educate others and help them to recognize this truth.
God put us on this earth, at this very time, to deal with this challenge in His Church. Be His warrior and see it through...be the hope for those who have lost it.
@@paulywauly6063Perhaps they missed your comment. Can you post it again, especially for @NMemone’s benefit?
@@freda7961 i think he got it
Thank you, Mr Martin. More and more Catholics in leadership positions need to speak out about the profound problems arising from this pontificate. Catholics need leadership, especially when 99.9% of bishops are still acting as if nothing is wrong.
Thank you
Ralph. I use to think I was being uncharitable and then made up excuses for the Holy Father. I will never leave the Catholic Faith by the grace of God.
I’m not sure I can bring myself to refer to the present pope as “the Holy Father”. I understand that his office merits respect but isn’t it less than honest to call Pope Francis “holy”? He consistently rebukes and undermines both religious and lay Catholics who are truly faithful to Christ and His teachings while sowing great confusion about one important matter after another. Is it alright for me to just call him “Pope Francis”?
Yeah it’s leaving us.
@@Featherfinder : It does not matter what we call him. What matters is that we are receptive to what the Spirit is saying through him, even when it does not mirror our own agenda and priorities, and that we avoid mortal sin by libeling, gossiping and spreading false witness about him. For example that he "constantly rebukes" is simply a lie, isn't it?
@@rickjelliffe1580 I take your point and welcome your clarification, which I’m going to assume is correct. But actually you misquoted me. I didn’t say that Pope Francis “constantly’ rebukes and undermines …”. I said that he “consistently” does those things to both religious and lay Catholics who are faithful to Christ and His teachings. I’m not sure that I was inaccurate there and certainly had no intention to deceive or defame (as the word “lie” would suggest). Perhaps it would be even more accurate to say that the pope “continually” does these things. I think it is sadly necessary for soundly formed, faithful Catholics to make it clear whenever this happens because of the profound confusion (and let’s be real, the profound injury) that it causes. I know that I have certainly needed such guidance.
@@Featherfinder Ah, all his fault: not those who made up the Pachamama lies, or the "faith is dangerous" lies, or the "allowing gay marriage" lies, or "Bergolio is not really pope" lies, etc etc etc. I find him quite clear, especially in his official writings: as far as I can see, the people who are getting confused are those who want to be confused, those who twist his words suspiciously into ludicrous interpretstions, and their naive victims. I welcome having a "ratbag" pope with a pastoral focus, trying to communucate in terms lay people understand rather than the tortured theologisms some people want: we are not that branch of Calvinism that says we only need to preach to the chosen. Down with the panic merchants!
Thank you Ralph Martin for your truthful courage. It would be easier to ignore things. But it would be cruel to ignore things. You are correct. We need to prepare with the full armor of God. FOLLOW JESUS !
Martin literally miss quotes Francis, which means that Martin is the one confusing you, not the pope.
Sticking up for the Anti-Pope are we?
This is terrible calumny. That's all I have to say about it. I hope bishops like Most Rev. McCaig avoid any repeat visits, because this sort of gossipy take on the present Pope is not only unnecessary and uncharitable, but deeply harms the faith.
That's what Francis does.
@admiralbob7797 Lord Jesus Christ is the HEAD of the Body, the Church. Pope Francis will bend his knees to Him
Keep your head in the sand, if you must.
All I will say about the pope’s advisors is “Birds of a feather flock together.” the German magazine Der Spiegel wrote,”He surrounds himself with morally compromised men.” In other words,”Birds of a feather ….”
Did Der Spiegel publish this accusation before or after Pope Francis *shut down* the German Synodal Way's intentions to bless same sex UNIONS, and to attempt women's ordinations?
Jesus is Lord. There is no need to fear.
A false sense of piety will defend every bad action of our Pope. I pray for Pope Francis every day, but it is wrong to wipe away all culpability for every bad choice he makes.
That doesn’t mean we hate him, but it does mean we need to have a balanced sense of reality so that we can pray and act accordingly.
I think that having overall very excellent Popes like St. JPII and Benedict have made dealing virtuously with the challenges of Pope Francis’ papacy difficult since his has gone in a very different direction.
That the point neither St John Paul II nor Benedict XVI have been perfect. Especially when it comes to abuse in the church. Sad topic. But they sure made some mistakes.
Lying about him isn't good either.
This is neither here nor there because I don’t see people who defend him saying the Pope can do no wrong or never does anything wrong. I see the opposite, with his critics criticizing him based on falsehoods or outright maligning him with the most disgusting vitriol. Saying Pope Francis could’ve done a little better on a particular matter is far removed from slandering him or outright speaking heresy in your critique.
He is not the pope! He is the Great imposter and False Teacher. Open your eyes and ears!
@@ponti5882 Amen
There's a profound lack of faith in Jesus' statement where he declared that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church. Pope Francis has made it very clear that the doctrine is not changing but that a lot of love is required here. Not too hard to understand.
Well I know you clearly can’t read
@@sleepystar1638Do explain that comment...
Your point?
@@blessedvirginmaryisqueen8448 first off it’s the church that can’t defect, not Peter. Second, do you think divorces persons can remarry and receive communion?
What does that mean?@@sleepystar1638
I'm not Catholic but I'm praying my brethren during this difficult time and pray one day getting a new Pope of the same wisdom and character as Pope John Paul II
like worshipping together with pagans at the Assisi prayer meeting?
@bradley… thank you.
I believed this for a long time, but the fear now is the papacy is becoming much like that of Paul IV, who was totally paranoid, and advisors were afraid to advise!!! Love the office of Peter YES but many of the decisions since 2013, have confused and hurt many good Catholics.
"This pontificate is a disaster in many or most respects." Cardinal Pell
So was the Inquisition.
Actually, the inquisition was largely a success.@@jamesetal7088
@@jamesetal7088 PErhaps you should inform yourself about the inquisition from good sources, like the annals of the congress on the Inquisition, which were based upon the actual files of the Vatican Archive.
Ahhh yes. Trust the records of those who committed the crimes. @@daishoo
The attacks against the Catholic Church almost always are targeted at " unholy" members.There have been " black sheep" since Judas Iscariot.
More emphasis needs to be stressed on the gospel and to show that those black sheep among us can change, of which many examples exist in the bible.
The attacks against the Catholic Church have not just been targeted at "unholy" members and "black sheep," but at how the leadership---up to and including the Pope---have enable and protected the unholy members and the black sheep at the expense of the laity. The sexual abuse scandal got to be as bad as it was because the clergy were protected by their superiors. If the leadership had loved the Church the way Christ loves it, they would not have tolerated a single molestation without decisive justice. The fact that *thousands* have been abused should be an offense to all Christians, and that fact that the leadership---again, up to and including Popes---enabled it, is nothing less than an abomination. If the leaders of a denomination that claims their leaders are the ultimate authority on earth cannot be trusted, then criticisms are valid.
One reasons these same criticisms keep coming up is because every so often we get another story of it continuing, and not just in America, but globally. This would suggest that despite the harm to the victims, despite the damage to reputation, despite the outcry of the faithful laity and clergy, the upper echelons are unrepentant in sacrificing the faithful of God to the sexual desires of sinners.
May God change their hearts and redeem His church.
100% agree. I was a huge critic of the Pope years ago, but then I realised I was wrong, as I can't be a real Catholic by dividing the Church. So even if i do not agree with many things Pope Francis does, I pray for him because as St John Bosco said: “No priest goes either to heaven or to hell alone. Faithful or unfaithful, he carries many with him."
@JGoya-ic2nz You contradict yourself with a quote from Don Bosco that contradicts you. Following the Saints words, there will be less Clergy (or Laity) taking huge crowds with them to Hell if we speak up about their wrongs, properly, loud and clear and not watered down.
That will be the result of a holy True Catholic life. Continuous complicit silence looks great on a Buddhist, which is why Jesus-God while on Earth was holy blunt not Buddhist. So should we be.
The Church also teaches us to use reason and not follow blindly. Look at Joan of Arc. She followed her heart and conscience and the will of God even to the point of death. Centuries later the Church canonized her. God gave us a mind, free will, and the use of reason for a purpose.
With all due respect but now we say that Pope Francis has "bad advisors" when he chooses to assign the "progressive" priests, but didn't speak about John Paul's bad choices when choosing the advisors who swept mass paedophilia under the carpet and silenced the allegations against hundreds of priests for over 3 decades!
There's a clear difference: Today's ones are doing it for everyone to see.
And if they're doing that in broad daylight, it begs the question of what they're doing behind the curtains.
Dear @ania1642, you are right, even saints can make mistakes.
So, if what you say is correct, and the pope is making mistakes, and listening to "bad advisors", it does not mean that he is wicked.
But i would hesitate to correct him about his choices in personnel. No one has given me the authority -- nor given Dr. Martin the authority -- to correct him. Things are happening that we are simply not privy to. Look at the slap-down of the German Synodal Way that just happened last week.
"Be angry, and sin not" Jesus tells us in His Holy Word. And "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." My dear, let us pray for healing. God is good. He will hear us.
Yep…exactly. And, how is pope Francis supposed to trust news reports about his advisers being “progressive” when the same media slanders him on a weekly basis? I doubt someone with that kind of agenda openly expresses those opinions around the pope.
One would have to be blind to interpret the Pope's appointments other than from a negative way.
Nope. You have to be blind to interprete the Pope only in a negative way.
@@ndumferdy2545fool. This negation of reality is so toxic.
@@FrancoJ-c7punless you’re God, who are you to judge the reality of the pope’s personal beliefs. If he really was progressive, wouldn’t the vast majority of his appointees be “liberal.” The bad picks are in the overwhelming minority. That’s reality.
@@FrancoJ-c7p who are you calling fool? Are you even Christian?
Are you referring to anyone in particular?
“Personality is policy,” and as the Master said: you can judge a tree by its fruit.
Jesus appointed Judas. Was Jesus up to something nefarious?
Thank you, Pints, for your interviews. Good to learn and discern.
What is causing confusion is all of you who think they know more then the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for apeaking the Truth Mr. Martin! God Bless you!!
It’s sad but I’m just turned off from Catholic UA-cam it’s gossip it’s uncharitable and it’s not good at all, too much confusion. God bless you all and Viva Cristo Rey! Pray for me! 🥰✝️❤️
Thank you both and saying that Jesus is Lord and we trust in Him. Ralph Martin is one of my favorite Catholic theologians.
It would be great if you did a show on who these appointments are, what they stand for in terms of their behavior and expressions, and why Francis says this is why he appointed them to those particular powerful positions.
Yes - the specifics would be helpful versus gossip and/or innuendo.
A Marxist in Rome. What could go wrong?
Pray for the Holy Father as our Blessed Mother instructed us to do
The Devil.
Yep, hit the nail on the head...
Even Christ Himself had one guy who didn’t get the message (Judas). So what could we possibly expect to happen with mere humans running things here on earth?
Tell that to Jesus Christ for handing over the keys of the kingdom of heaven, among others indicating conferment of authority.
@@freda7961 not the first time in church history that there has been a bad pope, not by a long stretch. But through it all the catechism has not changed. We follow Christ and we’ll let him deal with the bad clergy.
@@cyrustaylor9240 I’m not saying that there are no bad popes in history, but your initial statement is very misleading, and wording similar to it has been used by Protestants to their detriment.
I have to say, as a non catholic looking in, one of my biggest concerns would be the pope at this time.
If i were considering being catholic, this pope would give me serious pause.
To Matt, nevertheless i Love your channel and find it informative and inspiring.
I love Gregorian Chant...the old ones...and i think that is why the ai brought up your channel on my feed.
Pretty amazing.
I was considering Catholicism, but recent issues, I'll stick with Anglicanism
Whether the Pope is a virtuous and holy man or not shouldn't have any influence in your decision, there has been plenty of good and bad Popes throughout the ages. The only thing that you should consider is whether the Church that Christ founded is the Catholic Church.
If it is, the fact that there are sinners in the Church doesn't change anything, of course there are! Peter denied Jesus three times, Peter was called out as hypocrite by Paul in the Acts of the Apostles, but our faith is not in the virtues of the Pope, is in the promise of Christ that "the gates of hell won't prevail against her".
God bless you brother and don't hesitate any longer!
Thanks for the responses to my comment.
@@joshuatrott193 I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but... hasn't Anglicanism already gone mad, accepting gender ideology and all the bunch?
At least Catholics can hold to the Doctrine of the Church (that not even the Pope can change!).
@@joshuatrott193thank you Taylor Marshall!
Who causing the confusion around Pope Francis? Surely you jest.
I will never walk away from the Eucharist again.
How many of the comments on these videos need to reject the Papacy and call for schism before you reconsider what you are publishing? @PintswithAquinas
Matt you are also complicit in sewing seeds of division by giving air time to people like Ralph Martin who in recent interviews on your videos is simply obsessed with his negative message regarding Pope Francis.
Martin himself has a blemished record. Read the Ottenweller Report in 1991. In his zeal for holiness he ended up going off the rails back then.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this. We need truthful and sober reality not outlandish defenses of every word or action Pope Francis speaks or does. The ridiculous defenses of the Pope is doing more harm to the faith then those who are calling a spade a spade. Truth and light is always better then sticking our heads in the sand and pretending everything is going to be alright.
Ralph Martin is my favorite guest of yours
You say that the pope chooses his advisers....well Jesus chose Peter and he denied him three times; but he never the less kept him in the position of head of the church...
The reality is that the pope can,t be responsible for what thousands of bishop, priests and 1.3 trillion baptized Catholics do or say around the world.
I think that argument fails when we see the Pope personally take action against bishops like Bishop Strickland but allows public scandal from advisors he has personally appointed or bishops in other countries to profess heresy.
Only he "fires" the good ones and protects and promotes heretics (Rupnik, that Spanish guy). How about the time he congratuleted the blasphemer witch put crucifix in urin and said it was a virtue of sarkazm to do so. Pope is sertinly one of the worst prelats in the Church right now.
Oh; but if the pope had taken the same action with his advisors as he took with the bishops; the same people who are complaining now; would probably be complaining and backing the appointees...
The truth is that we all come from a dysfunctional family...Adam and Eve.
Cain murdered Abel, and there will always be wars. It did not start good.
We got what we deserve.
Let us all be humble since we are (dust) and that we are all going to turn to dust.
Meanwhile; let us all be glad that we have for a friend someone who died for us, so we may live forever with Him in eternity.
God bless you, and yours.
God bless you@@catholicintoeternity5679 !!!
Peter was not yet the Vicar of Christ when he denied knowing Jesus.
Why wouldn't the pope be responsible for his cardinals and bishops?
Matt, you should always be on the look out for humble guests. I especially liked Dr. Declue. The world needs more charitable and kind role models in this time. Less children complaining about their fathers.
Everybody in the Vatican needs to get on their knees right now, and pray constantly to God
1. What is wrong with the Second Vatican Council?
The Second Vatican Council taught doctrines which had been already condemned by the Church, and enacted disciplines which are contrary to the Church's teaching and constant practice.
2. What doctrines did it teach which were already condemned?
There are four major errors concerning: (1) the unity of the Church; (2) ecumenism; (3) religious liberty; (4) collegiality.
3. What false doctrine does it teach concerning the unity of the Church?
Vatican II teaches heresy concerning the unity of the Church, namely that the Church of Christ is not exclusively identified with the Catholic Church, but merely subsists in it. This heretical doctrine is contained principally in Lumen Gentium, and its heretical meaning is confirmed in statements of Paul VI and his successors, particularly in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, in the 1992 Statement concerning Church and Communion, and in the Ecumenical Directory.
It is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church, contained principally in Satis Cognitum of Pope Leo XIII, Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI, Mystici Corporis of Pope Pius XII, and in the condemnations of the "Branch Theory" made by the Holy Office under Pope Pius IX.
4. What false doctrine does it teach concerning ecumenism?
The teaching of Vatican II concerning ecumenism, which states that non-Catholic religions are a "means of salvation," is overtly heretical. This doctrine directly contradicts the teaching of the Church that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, called by Pope Pius IX "a most well-known Catholic dogma." In addition, the ecumenical practices which have resulted from this heretical doctrine are directly contrary to Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI.
5. What false doctrine does it teach concerning religious liberty?
The teaching of Vatican II on religious liberty, contained in Dignitatis Humanae, nearly word for word asserts the very doctrine which was condemned by Pope Pius VII in Post Tam Diuturnas, by Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos, by Pope Pius IX in Quanta Cura, and by Pope Leo XIII in Libertas Praestantissimum. The teaching of Vatican II on religious liberty also contradicts the royalty of Jesus Christ in society as expressed in Quas Primas of Pope Pius XI, and the constant attitude and practice of the Church with regard to civil society.
6. What false doctrine does it teach concerning collegiality?
The teaching of Vatican II concerning collegiality alters the monarchical constitution of the Catholic Church, with which she was endowed by the Divine Savior. The doctrine of Vatican II, confirmed by the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which states that the subject (the possessor) of the supreme authority of the Church is the college of bishops together with the pope, is contrary to the defined doctrine of the Council of Florence and of Vatican I.
7. What is wrong with the disciplines which have emanated from Vatican II?
The 1983 Code of Canon Law contains the heresy of Vatican II concerning the Church, mentioned above. It also permits sacrilege to the Blessed Sacrament, by approving of its reception by non-Catholics, which is a mortal sin, and permits communicatio in sacris (common public worship) with non-Catholics, which is a mortal sin. In addition, the Ecumenical Directory of 1993 permits ecumenical practices which have always been taught by the Church to be mortally sinful.
8. What does all this mean?
It means that Vatican II and its subsequent reforms have given us a new religion, a religion which is substantially different from the Roman Catholic Faith founded by Christ.
The reformers have substantially altered the three main components of religion: doctrine, worship, and discipline. The result is that the reformers are promoting a religion of ecumenism in place of the Roman Catholic religion, which has always taught that it alone is the one, true Faith, and that all other religions are false. The Vatican II religion teaches doctrines which have been condemned by the Church in the past. It has instituted rites and disciplines which are Protestant in nature.
As a result, the religion which Catholics find in their local parishes and schools, although in name Catholic, is a new, non-Catholic religion already condemned by the Catholic Church.
9. Could it be that you are merely giving a bad interpretation to Vatican II?
No. The heretical nature of this council is confirmed by:
the doctrinal interpretation given to Vatican II by Paul VI and his successors in their decrees, encyclicals, catechisms, etc.;
the series of abominations perpetrated by John Paul II against the First Commandment of God, in the form of ecumenical ceremonies which constitute false worship, even to pagan deities in some cases;
the alteration of the Sacred Liturgy in such a way that the Catholic Mass has been replaced by a Protestant supper service;
the tampering with the matter and form of the sacraments so that many of them, but most notably the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders, labor under doubt or invalidity;
the promulgation of disciplines, especially the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Ecumenical Directory, which approve of sacrilege against the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Matrimony, and which demonstrate heresies concerning the unity of the Church as their theoretical basis;
the scandalous mockery made of the Sacrament of Matrimony by the granting of annulments for spurious reasons, constituting an abandonment of the sacred doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage;
the fact that John Paul II is in communion with manifest heretics, has openly declared himself to be in communion with non-Catholic sects, and has recognized an apostolic mission in schismatic and Lutheran bishops, all of which destroys the unity of faith. He has even kissed the Koran, which explicitly denies the Incarnation and the Trinity. He has also publicly prayed that St. John the Baptist protect Islam.
We're all sinners and we go to Jesus.
Sound advice, and the problems with this pope is obvious! The secular world has it's views which are fine, however, you can't make what is acceptable in the secular world acceptable in the Catholic world, or you don't have a Catholic world view; you don't have to accept it but thats why there is a secular and a Catholic view, the two are different.
I think this got answered very well today with the approval to bless gay unions
Got to disagree with the people on here (Potential Ralph Martin as well - got to hear more about his views first.) claiming that Pope Francis is some kind of gay liberal or something. He's condemned the bishops in Germany multiple times and even ordered them to come to Rome recently to be scolded about it.
Am I praising him? No. I think he could handle liberalism in the church much better. But to call him a liberal is to solely get your news from mad trads and mainstream media - both of which try to make the pope look as liberal as possible, sometimes even by just lying.
I wish "Reason & Theology" could understand the very basic Christian principles in play here.. rather than running interference for error, and dragging unsuspecting faithful along with them. This concern by Ralph Martin is very well and simply argued.
The Cardinals who issued the sets of Dubia questions have been really unfair to Pope Francis and have stoked the confusion. Some Catholic media outlets have been guilty of slander/libel against the Pope as well.
How can you say they are unfair? And, how do you explain removing Bishop Strictland?
@@charmelbolster67 Not only did Pope Francis give adequate answers to the Cardinals multiple times but the Cardinals did not bother to share the Pope’s answers with the public at all. The Vatican anticipated they would only share their side of the story so they put up the Pope’s Dubia answers themselves. There’s more that can be said there but in regards to Strickland it was a straightforward situation. He publicly accused Pope Francis of heresy. Among other concerns it was the right call to remove him.
This interview is causing confusion. Just sayin'.
Love Ralph Martin
Hello Matt, love your channel and contents! Regarding issues emanating from Pope Francis, would it be doable to come up with discussions(in-depth if possible) touching on the specifics(documentations, official pronouncements and others) on both side of the issues, instead of catering to ad hominem generalizations absent of proper qualification of the facts and context on these concerns/issues?
If you have, mabye you can point out on which videos(links) were it discussed.
I've been trying to listen to both sides of the issues, but usually on their own platforms. A dialogue between all sides touching on specific issues would be clarifying instead of just characterizing each other with labels. Really appreciate your channel, helps a lot of cradle catholics. God Bless!!
Yes, vague statements like "the pope is making bad appointments" don't help. WE have to guess what you are talking about. Cardinal Fernandez, for instance, who has done quite well in the few months since his appointment, might be a "bad appointment" because of a rather miserable attempt to teach teens about Catholic Spirituality -- about St. John of the Cross and the Song of Songs... "Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His Mouth..."
Reading papal pronouncements carefully, and seeing that the accusations of heresy and deviations from orthodoxy are unsupported by the actual words of the pope -- that is helpful.
Looking below the "visuals" of culturally diverse papal ceremonies (like when the pitiful Our Lady of the Amazon was given the name of a proud and beautiful goddess, or when native people honored the pope in Canada with a ceremony of welcome) ... that would be useful.
But, accusing the pope of making mistakes in his appointments? That's not so useful, because people are not documents or even one-time-only ceremonies, which can be explained. People have dimensions. People have their talents and can surprise us with flashes of the Face of God in Whose Image we are all made.
The usual statements I’ve been hearing are usually prefaced with these - "I believe"; "I think"; "I thought"; "I feel"; "I heard"; "I perceived it"; "In my experience" - and then continues to make the declaration as if it is a fact, sans any thorough exploration of said issues.
Emotional, experiential and cultural biases (to name some) do exist in how one approaches a topic of contention, hence should be limited, if not identified during interviews.
Promulgating partial, insufficient and equivocal information (as well as opinions) can be avoided with the help and guidance of a responsibly cognizant interlocutor.
Popes have made bad appointments before, for centuries, both before and after the V2 Council, including John Paul II and Benedict XVI. We don't understand thoroughly how appointments work in the Church. It has its quite own way, not comparable to other social realities, like in politics. As much as I appreciate Ralph Martin, I'm astonished at this level of unbalanced statements. Besides, delivered in the internet, where you don't know how much each person who hears you is prepared to take it. Saint Paul says we can eat food sacrificed to the idols, but that we shouldn't if there's a risk of leading astray those whose conscience is not yet entirely formed in the truth. See 1 Corinthians 8, especially v. 11-12. So, we should mind who is hearing us when we say something that might disturb someone's faith. Moreover, I really think he's wrong in his judgement.
@@susand3668 Thank you for putting this so well. I agree so very much with you. Blessings⚘
@@joaodebrito3711 Agreed!
Guys, lets all acknowledge that how much ever wrong decisions and teachings a Pope can do. He can never make a false ex-Cathedra teaching. So though certain aspects of our Catholic faith can get affected the ultimate core of the Papacy will remain secure. Lets pray for the same.
Let's also remember that we are *morally* bound to give *religious assent and submission* of our mind and will to *even the non-infallible teachings*, as Vatican II (among other Magisterial sources) taught. For some reason, many in the Church are forgetting this extremely important practice and teaching of our Holy Faith!
The Vicar of Christ doing what Jesus Himself did when He walked among us (blessing sinners). It was clear that Jesus came for the sinner wanting to be close to Him and they didn't have to be sinless to be healed or for them to begin to convert.
Jesus came for those in a STATE of sin! Just like Pope Francis is doing! "Jesus answered, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.” --Luke 5:31-32
No, Francis is not "doing what Jesus did". He has said publically (during one of his in-flight sessions with reporters) that "the Ten Commandments are optional." He is attempting to make the Church more acceptable to sinners. Jesus never did that.
@@anng.4542 That story is a lie. The Holy Father NEVER said that the 10 Commandments are optional. It was debunked and now you are engaging in calumny.
Show me the video of him saying this please?
Love your channel and downloaded Hallow sadly had to cancel it today due to them having Liam Neeson read stories on it who is pro abortion? I’m in RCIA and trying to find authentic Catholic resources. Is this okay? Or should I have kept the Hallow app?
It's understandable to have concerns about contributors to an app based on their personal views. However, it's important to consider the content and purpose of the Hallow app itself, which is focused on faith and spirituality. The presence of a narrator like Liam Neeson, despite his personal beliefs, does not necessarily detract from the app's spiritual value or its alignment with Catholic teachings. It might be more beneficial to focus on the app's content and how it supports your faith journey, rather than the personal views of individual contributors.
@freda7961 I think it's legitimate to be concerned about the content of the app if the ones who run the app are unable to filter out well known bad apples from their platform. What else might be compromised in their content? I would suggest getting good solid approved prayer books and books on the Saints instead of relying on an app.
@@gee9099 I see where you're coming from, but it seems there might be an assumption that the content is already “compromised” due to the involvement of well-known figures like Liam Neeson, who, in fact, had nothing to do with the app’s content. It's important to note that his role in the app is limited to voice acting, a field in which he has notable expertise. Had he contributed to the content itself, it would have been an entirely different story. The core content, designed to nurture faith and spirituality, remains unaffected by his personal views (and who knows, with such exposure, he might come to know the truth and change his views). If the content itself stays true to the teachings and spirit of the faith, then the personal views of a narrator shouldn't impact at all the spiritual guidance the app provides. I also get the impression that you may not have had the chance to try the app yourself. I’d recommend giving it a try - it's incredibly helpful and could be a valuable addition to your spiritual practices, alongside traditional texts.
@@freda7961 Of course Liam Neeson had nothing to do with the content. I was pointing out that the ones who run the app, may have already created questionable content if they think that having Liam Neeson be a narrator is a good idea. I think it would make any good Catholic question the reliability of the app's content. I have in fact been curious about Hallow but now I'm no longer inclined to try it. There are too many church approved things out there that I don't have to wonder about being valid or not.
Maybe being smart of the app will help him change his mind on such things. It's unfortunate of course to hear this, I did not know that about Liam Neeson. I'm hoping people like him who contribute will be enlightened and have a change of heart. I also do agree that maybe they should have chosen someone who had more conservative views? But then again Christ ate with sinners and sat at their tables, so we'll see...prayers for Liam. Hopefully his mind will change!!
After 10 years of "just wait it's going to get so bad" at what point do you just acknowledge you were wrong?
It is bad! He just came out and say people can bless SSA unions and they can be Godparents. He brought in the Pachamama demon godess to be worshipped. They even had a giant banner of a woman breast feeding a dog. What do youean??? He keeps promoting pedophiles and firing the priests loyal to Christ. Abandoned the Chinese completely. Things are so bad!!!!
@@sweetmary3233He never said anything about blessing same-sex unions. He said it’s licit to bless same-sex-attracted individuals. That isn’t controversial.
'Keeps from seeing reality' . Whose reality , oh you mean your reality ? How do you know your 'reality ' ( meaningless word ) is the right one ? .
Aren’t we supposed to be people of the TRUTH ? They’d rather we play pretend.
Rad trads pit truth against leadership. You cannot. Catholicism is not like Protestantism. Catholicism is holistic. If you go after the Pope, you go after Catholicism.
The Catholic Church is here to stay. What we need is prayers for the Pope, we have had disheartening Popes in the past. Sadly, I'm sure this wont be the last as we continie this spirtual battle.
Disheartening? That's a gross understatement.
Pope Damascus I.
Murdered 160 of his adversaries.
Pope Sixtus III.
Debauched a virgin girl.
Pope John XII.
Turned the Vatican into a "Whorehouse".
Drank toasts to Satan.
Invoked Pagan gods and goddesses when gambling.
Mutilated people.
Committed adultery with numerous women including two widows and his own niece, as well as his own fathers long-term girlfriend.
Was killed by an aggrieved husband while engaging in adultery with the mans wife.
Pope Benedict VIII.
Murdered his predecessor by poisoning.
Had a private force of men who would engage in horrific acts of torture, maiming and murder.
Ordered assassinations.
Cut out the tongues of men.
Had a reputation for blood lust.
Pope John IX.
Ordained a priest and consecrated him as a bishop and was crowned pope by the same bishop in the same day.
Pope Benedict IX.
Ordained through bribery.
Had sexual relations with men, women and animals.
Ordered murders.
Practiced witchcraft and Satanism.
Filled the palace with prostitutes.
Sponsored orgies.
Partook in beastiality.
Sold the Papacy to Pope Gregory VI.
Was so widely detested by Rome that he had to leave twice out of danger of retaliation.
Pope Alexander VI.
Simony (selling of church offices).
Highly promiscuous; once purchased the services of 50 prostitutes.
Had cardinals murdered to confiscate and sell their property.
Committed incest with his own daughter and her two brothers.
Had four children, multiple mistresses and a 15 year old girl he impregnated.
And that's only some.
You really believe God would ordain these men to lead His church?
The Apostle Peter explicitly stated that he was nothing more than a fellow elder. And elder; of which there are many, so there should be many popes. And as a fellow, means he is above no one but equal to everyone.
There is not Catholicism in Christianity and no Christianity in Catholicism.
confusion: When Catholics don't want to obey what The Holy Father teaches because they can't accept it.
Either conform or get out and go be a Sed or a Trad or another faction of Protestantism.
Ironic you mention Protestantism when that is literally where Pope Francis and his modernist liberal contingent is taking us
I’m personally looking forward to whenever Catholic personalities are no longer gaining notoriety through the “confusion” we’re in.
You'll be waiting a long time.
Wasn't it JPII who appointed McCarrick against the counsel of his advisors?
“You shall know them [false prophets] by their fruit.”
It's funny to me to hear him say this and address the laity, as if I'll have any impact in the Church, even in a democracy is a quasi-impossible task, and the Church is not a democracy. And he also seems to forget who is running the Church.
@@bethmcmullan7686 I think you believe we have more responsibility and changing power than we actually have. The only way you and I can truly make a change ,not only in our life but in the world is by living a saintly life, which means, humility, constant prayer, penance and alms giving.
In all instances God used saintly people to steer his Church back to his Holy Will. It was never people like us, unrepentant and prideful sinners.
So if you want to make a change be perfect as our Father who is in Heaven is perfect.
We don’t, but Christ Does, and he can do that through us if we let him. Don’t underestimate Christ’s work through us seemingly unimportant ones. Remember he made apostles out of fishermen. We clearly have a part to play, and a place in a Church He wants very much alive.
A, argentine heretic is running the Church, using the levers of power to satisfy his master who is Satan.
@@TuNomAmi007 You have spoken words of truth. Christ can, “if” we let him, and that means we submit to him and His Holy Will in humble submission. Only when we give up ourselves and our worldly attachments and let His Grace work through us as living sacrifices. And He has done that in the past, with saintly people like Saint Francis of Asissi and St. Catherine of Siena. I don't see that in these critics, there is no humility but fear and distrust. Ask yourself? What do they gain in going to a public and internationally broadcasted podcast? Are the proper authorities aware of this? Do they even know the podcast? What can the laity do, from a different country to change something in the Church in Rome? These are not charitable and lovely corrections but acts of fear and arrogance.
God will use His saintly people to change His Church, but it will not be someone anyone has heard of, because they are not appearing in interviews on the internet, but doing God's work and striving to be perfect jus as the Father is perfect.
God bless you brother
Gaslighting is far worse. I can deal with the truth, I can deal with the reality of evil. What I cannot deal with is trying to tell me up is down and down is up.
Thank you God for our holy father
Thank you, Dr Martin!
Ralph Martin was a disaster on this show sowing doubt and confusion. Give him six months and he will be talking like Altman and Vigano. Do not have him back on because you Matt Fradd are accountable for giving him a platform to spew his divisive nonsense! Have you read your comments section? It’s full of hate for Pope Francis and disdain for the Magisterium!
The American sex scandal in the Catholic Church? Are you joking? The Catholic Church sex scandal starts in Rome and is throughout the world. And it continues.
Please work out your own salvation with trembling, than worrying about Pope Francis and the state of the catholic church. Christ entrusted His Church affairs, not to you, but to the Pope. He does entrust the salvation of those whom you influence as your Christian duty, kindly do that work which God demands of you.
Attempting motives? The evidence speaks for itself.
Yes I was aware of the Ottenweller report. I will focus on his recent interviews which have, at times, been distorted, inaccurate and very negative. Yet he is like Luther very sincere and sure that his version of the truth is absolute. This is very worrying as he has a large following.
This is just sad. What Ralph Martin said in this interview is giving shelter to dissent, leading people out of the Church and keeping others from coming. He clearly is misinformed on many of the issues he talked about and yet people often trust him at his word. Read the comments here and try to tell me what he’s doing is helping the Church, not dividing it, not scaring people away on false pretenses.
That's because there are most 'popesplainers' commenting.
There is a monumental problem with the current Pope and anyone who is refusing to acknowledge the reality, has to ask themselves why they cannot or refuse to acknowledge the 'elephant in the room'.
The person scaring people away or causing division is certainly not Ralph Martin.
Wake Up!
Pope Francis is dividing the church every day with his decisions based on relativism and what appeals to the modernists and liberals instead of what was taught by Saints and former Popes for thousands of years.
@@sleepinglioness5754 have you read Pope Francis’ documents? Or are you letting someone else tell you what they say? Are you listening to his speeches, or are you reading a news article about them?
I’m not going to pretend I’m perfectly informed about everything, but why should people be Catholic if Ralph Martin is right? It’s cognitive dissonance. And please don’t give me the “we can’t leave the Church” line that he uses. If you think Pope Francis has a “program to undermine the deposit of the faith” as a certain former bishop said, how can you claim that the gates of hell haven’t prevailed against the church? I’m not trying to misrepresent your position - I don’t know what you personally think, but this is a dangerous line of thinking: to believe that Pope Francis has some sinister agenda to undermine the Church goes directly against what we believe about the Papacy. Are we Catholics? Are we in communion with the Pope? Then we should act like it.
Ralph Martin seems to be carving out this safe space for him and others to dissent from the Pope while claiming they aren’t, and it’s just sickening. And it’s wrong for faithful Catholics to do so. Worse yet, again, look at this comment section and tell me that this interview is helping the Church. People are leaving and others are staying away - because of what Ralph Martin said about Pope Francis.
I feel like Ralph Martin is causing confusion around the pope. Especially now that the letters have come out about the German bishops.
The source of confusion is the Pope, himself, who processed a pagan idol into St. Peter’s Basilica and led prayers to it.
Pachamama misinformation is the most ridiculous of them all. I suggest for you to honestly look into the materials of Michael Lofton, Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Dave Armstrong then get back to us about it. Think Trent Horn is leaning towards that as well.
Michael Lofton and company are completely disingenuous in their reporting and analysis. I have pictures of Bergoglio and his prelates processing the abomination into St. Peter’s Basilica and Bergoglio leading prayers to it. Did Mr. Lofton mention that, show the pictures, and explain how it wasn’t open, public apostasy? I saw a video of Bergoglio shoveling the dirt to plant a tree with pagan tokens hanging from it. Did they mention that? I saw the published prayers to the demon. Did they address that? And Bergoglio, rather than apologizing to the people of God for publicly breaking the first commandment, apologized to the pagans because a true Catholic threw the idols into the Tiber. Outrageous!
Did they address all the public acts of apostasy? Or did they only address the one, more widely reported episode in the Vatican Gardens where Bergoglio sat on his butt while others apostatized, and said the Lord’s Prayer rather than whatever horrendous remarks he had prepared?
The misinformation about these events come from the popesplainers, not me. You need to do better than citing clowns like Michael Lofton, who has jumped between several heretical sects over the past decade and now does all he can to defend the apostate, heretic Bergoglio.
You shall know them by their fruits. Choosing types is a fruit.
The hierarchy is certainly full of fruits.
I was one getting frustrated because it took Church personalities all to long to realize what was going on.
Day by day, one Pope explainer at a time dropping off and coming to realization.
All the Catholic minded need to stop the bickering amongst each other and hold to the deposit of faith.
I think that Ralph Martin grew up and came of age at a particular time in American [1940's to 1990's] and ecclesiastical history [during the pontificate of two popes who have been canonised, St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II], and the world and the Church are in a different place. The world won the war against the totalitarian dictatorship's of Nazi socialism and atheist communism. The post war affluency for the middle class of the 1950's is long gone. The civil rights movement, thankfully, is enshrined in federal law. The first Catholic President of the U. S. was elected. And the Church played a major role in all of these things. People's lives have been destroyed by and the laity have become disillusioned by the clergy sex abuse scandals, the falling off of vocations, heresy and schisms on the right (Fr. Feeney, the SSPX), dissent and the embrace of secular ideologies on the left. During Benedict XVI's pontificate FOCUS and Mr. Martin's apostolate were held out in the U.S. as models of the new evangelization. Mr. Martin and his apostolate faithfully proclaimed the Gospel during the time of Bishop Barron's "beige Catholicism". People were starving for orthodox theology in the midst of so much heterodoxy. God bless him!!! Now what people need to see is something VISIBLE / Incarnate that creates faith, hope and love IN people. Pope Paul VI stated, in effect, people don't want pious platitudes, they want credible witnesses. Mr. Martin and his apostolate were that with regards to spiritual direction and literature. During Pope Francis's pontificate, who seems to want to see the Gospel of Mercy taken to the most marginalized members of society, it would seem natural for someone with Mr. Martin's apostolate to be perhaps tempted by a millenarian / apocalyptic approach. Perhaps it is time to pass the baton to Mr. Herbeck and the next generation. Where are the Catholic John F. Kennedy's? Where are the Catholic Dr. Martin Luther King's? Where are the Catholic Cesar Chavez's? Where are the Catholic captains of industry? Where are the Catholic lawyers and judges? Where are the Catholic doctors and nurses? Where are the Catholic educators? The philosophy and theology for the "culture of life" is intact. BUILDING that culture one family at a time, one generation at a time is the work that needs to be done. How else to explain the rise of disaffiliation? I love the maxim of St. John of the Cross, "Where there is no love, put love; and you will draw out love". Its not like Pope Francis is another Borgia or another Alexander VI. I really don't know why there are so many voices rising against him EXCEPT he is being and doing EXACTLY what Jesus Christ did in His own time. I don't remember who said it, but the saying goes, something to the effect, that if BOTH the right AND the left are upset, you're probably doing something right. BOTH the Pharisees (the 'right' of His time), AND the Sadducees (the 'left' of His time) were both equally offended at Jesus's ministry. As an American who tends to be a centrist conservative politically, who has benefitted from reading some of Mr. Ralph Martin's books, who loves Bishop Barron and Word on Fire, who has read First Things, but who also has volunteered with Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity at their AIDS hospices, and who also reads Commonweal and the National Catholic Register, but who abhorrently refrains from the viscious, derisive vitriol of Church Militant, Taylor Marshall, I think Pope Francis is a wonderful pope. I see him as fully in line with St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict. I think, magisterially speaking, at the beginning of the third millenium, God had us recapitulate the apostolic/post-apostolic early Church through the pontificate of John Paul, had us enter the "fall of the Roman empire" and the "rise of monasticism" with the pontificate of Benedict XVI, has us in the "middle ages" with Pope Francis, and we may see, unfortunately, another "Protestant revolt" with all of these dissenting voices clamoring for blood on the internet and influencing others to do the same. It sickens me, really, to listen to everyone acting as if they are more "Catholic" than the pope, rather than trusting in the providence of God. The faith first came to the Americas in the SOUTHERN hemisphere (for the parochial Americans who will bother to read this), people. John Paul II himself pointed to Puebla and Aperecida (documents from the bishop's conferences of South America) as MODELS for the new evangelization. If you read Phillip Jenkin's books, demographically, the preponderence of the faithful has shifted to the southern and eastern hemispheres. There are more Catholics in South America and in the Phillipines than there are in the United States. The greatest growth in the faith is in Africa and in Korea. The only reason there is so much weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth from sectors of Catholicism in the U. S. is we think because we live in a country with one of the largest economies in the world, that should equate to the level of importance we should have in the Church. Wasn't it John Paul II who warned his native Poland, with the fall of communism and the rise of affluence by embracing free enterprise and free markers, don't let materialism and secularism cause you to jettison the Faith or the Church? People have their OWN, PRIVATE MEDIA EMPIRES in their very own homes, but are they filling the Church's pews, or are they sowing doubt and division? Are they encouraging unity or criticizing and complaining? Are they encouraging support of the bishops, praying for our priests, supporting the pope or expressing dissatisfaction and questioning every phrase, every action? Come on brothers and sisters. Let's get it together. I think too many people are trusting in Timothy Gordon's, and Michael Voris's, and Taylor Marshall's PRIVATE OPINIONS, instead of in the Pope and the Teaching Magisterium of the episcopacy. For heaven's sakes, there were NO SEMINARIES prior to the Protestant Reformation, Alexander VI fathered children from concubines, and, it seems, the worst of the clergy sex abuse scandals are behind us. This man stood athwart the right junta executions of Catholics in his country, decried the disparity between the rich and the poor in the favellas, has lived a life of ascetism his entire life in solidarity with the poor, and was very nearly elected pooe instead of Benedict XVI after John Paul II's death. His brother bishops hold him in that high of a regard. Somehow, this isn't good enough for people anymore. I really think people's personal political commitments are influencing their ecclesiastical ones, instead of their faith informing their personal lives and their politics. Long live Pope Francis. May God continue to bless him and his pontificate ("Blessed are you when you are hated and reviled, and persecuted for My name's sake").
This comment captures how I’ve been feeling for a while now. So glad to have someone articulate it in a way I could never. Can you teach me lol
Great read!
👏👏👏 spoken out of my heart!
Jesus criticized those who condemned His disciples eating graines from the fields on a Sabath.
The laws are made for the benefit of the people and not for the letters.
Without a loving attitude they are cold and destructive without meaning. Pope Francis reminds us of the Good Shepherd looking after the stray sheep.
Another thought if Pope Francis can be condemned regarding his appointments then you must use the same logic to condemn Jesus for picking Judas. Obviously this logic is terribly flawed.
Christ is the Head of the Church. He gave the keys to St Peter. Francis stands in that line of succession and therefore I stand with him united with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is continuously (even more so these days than ever) moving in the Church so anything that does happen is the work of the Spirit. We can say that that doesn't make excuses for the bad choices. No. However, God's power is made perfect in weakness, and as of currently everything that has been in the shadows is coming to light, which means we're heading to the greatest revival in the history of the world.
If the Pope does blatantly heretical things, then de facto, he renounces his seat.
Ralph martin is usually on point but in this particular interview it seems rather clear that he’s spent too much time on tour and not even time studying the material he discussed.
lol what? He knows exactly what he’s talking about. Modernism and relativism has taken a hold of our Pope, leading him to decisions that have not benefitted the church in any way and have only continued to lead us down a path of confusion and contradiction to thousands of years of teachings
Can you be clear? What error has he spoken?
@@Chris-yr8wb if you go to the original interview and start from the 26:00 mark and listen to about 27:00 or so, you’ll hear Ralph read from the english translation of the Dicastery response on whether trans-sexual people can be baptized. Here what is problematic about RM’s statement:
When asked what the document says, he reads off the following quote
RM: …”if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or disorientation among the faithful. In the case of children or adolescents with transgender issues, if well prepared and willing, they can receive Baptism.”
Here’s the part Ralph conveniently left out, from the same paragraph:
“A transsexual-who had also undergone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery-can receive baptism, under the same conditions as other believers…”
To anyone who judges with Charity, “under the same conditions as other believers” means they ought to be baptized just as you and I were, by renouncing satan and all his evil works (i.e. repentance), and professing their faith in Christ.
I love ralph, but not mentioning the most vital part of the paragraph he read from makes me question his sincerity with the issue.
@@andy41417 feel free to read my response to Chris and tell me how Ralph didn’t leave important context out of the original interview. I’ll be waiting 😊
“Our reverence for the office keeps us from seeing what we’re really facing!”
Welcome to classical Protestantism!
St. Francis of Assissi saw the failings in his time, and yet stayed in the Chuch Christ founded, while giving it an example of how to be a true christian. He was regarded as a saint while still living. Luther despaired of salvation and sainthood while seeing the same failings in people on the Church, decided to initiate a revolution, and is now chained in hell with many of his followers.
Pope Francis, I Love You! Thank you for protecting us from radical right and left wing ideology!
Are you serious?
Nobody can destroy the Catholic church.Those who don't understand the scriptures can leave the church.
I'd say get OUT of the dirty bathwater
Reason and Theology has a video two weeks ago on Ralph Martin’s errors
When Lofton got corrected he blocked those people!
How does anyone know that loftin wasn’t placed by Vatican liberals think about it
@@littlerock5256 He only blocks people that are engaging in sin. He gets plenty of people saying things they never fact checked
@@littlerock5256 Ralph Martin in the main video accused the DDF head Cardinal Fernandez of saying sin can be blessed. Lofton shows from a 9/30/23 interview Cardinal Fernandez did with LSN that Pope Francis teaches sin cannot be blessed. He was totally wrong. LSN btw held that interview and didn’t release it until 10/19/23. Fake news
@@paulmualdeave5063 I saw the exchange. Lofton was wrong and those correcting him were presenting Church teaching.
Dear Matt, as you will see in the comments section here, Dr. Martin's negativity is contributing to the walls that are being raised against non-Catholics considering entering the Church. If even one person states that they are not coming to Christ in the Sacraments of the Church because of the negative gossipy reports about the pope, it is too much.
I have loved Dr. Martin many years. He is one of my heroes. So his hopeless remarks about the pope break my heart. What has happened to the joy of the Lord?
let us hear about the Hope of Heaven and the Victory of the Risen Christ!!
He is not a real pope. Jesus will react soon. Just wait and see
Dear@@truthfighter3402, are you real? If so, I am praying for you. I cannot imagine that you are a happy person.
Of course, if you are a joke, I am glad to be adding to the algorithm, and adding to Matt Fradd's presence on the Internet!
@@susand3668Don’t worry, his comment proves your point even more.
But ... Matt is getting clicks and views. It is very clear that Pope bashing makes money.
I am floored with the fact that
Dr. Ralph Martin considers himself a better Catholic than Pope Francis.
It shows he does not have the gift of discernment. He should not be giving his opinion on things that he truly does not understand. God’s ways are higher than our way but they don’t involve gossiping and lying about the Pope.
It is very clear where the Church is being led. It would be foolish to ignore what is right in front of our eyes. I pray for Pope Francis, his advisors and the entire hierarchy, for their conversions and that our Mother will protect them. I converted to Catholicism because of the Eucharist, and as long as I can receive the Eucharist, I’ll stay with it.
Protestants and Orthodox alike need to know and see what their relationship with a Pope looks like. This is what we stand to gain, questions like is my Baptism my own or can the Pope nullify my baptism (over stated I know), can I deemed a confessor from the Church who will support the Church’s Teachings in the Confessional, Can I demand my right to receive communion if I am in a state of grace, can a Priest and Bishop Minister to their flocks according to the truth of the faith without being defrocked.
Wouldn’t it be a credible argument to say that Ralph Martin is still here because no one decided to use the canons against him to excommunicate him for his criticism of the Pope who is infallible? And if one is to hold the views Ralph does, it makes no sense to continue being in the Catholic Church. It’s like saying I trust in papal infallibility, except when it comes to Pope Francis. Sounds a bit ridiculous to me.
It’s each person’s responsibility to know dogma/doctrine. One must be obedient to the faith and resist those speaking or creating false ideas. This isn’t the first time the church has had to endure a pope like this.
Infallible only on church dogma. We are NOT required to say infallible on his opinions or his sometimes bizarre actions (such as Pachamama).
The pope is not infallible, except in a very narrow and strict set of occasions.
Papal infallibility is not “everything the Pope says is infallible”, it’s only applicable when he is speaking from the seat of Peter as the Shepard of the church and a couple of other prerequisites. It’s complicated, I don’t fully understand it and i think that’s the problem.
These words are thrown around that we only have a partial understanding (or no understanding) of and then the Pope does something ridiculous and we all get scared because “the pope is infallible but he just said something completely wrong so what do we do?”
@@Tony-cm8lg then if you don’t understand it, study it like Michael Lofton has rather than act like a bunch of teens whose angry about their curfew because you heard something the infallible pope said you didn’t like
The fact that you all feel entitled to criticize your own pope when your own canons say that when you do so you deserve excommunication shows much you all don’t know anything about papal infallibility
You should have Michael Lofton on to talk about this subject.
As far as I know, Pints team said that they already had Michael Lofton on the show (as if that by itself is a reason to disqualify someone from being a guest, and as if they haven’t had someone come over again, say someone like Ralph Martin). They’d rather have Ralph Martin again and again and again. But I wonder, why stop there? Pints should have TM and Altman next. If Luther is still alive, they probably would have him as guest too.
I doubt Matt Fradd has the courage to risk his audience by having Michael Lofton come on again to give good information. People love to hate Michael almost as much as they love to hate Pope Francis! But I completely agree! I wish they would!
@@thetruthbrigade007 I’m not sure if Dave Armstrong is open to being a guest in live interviews, but he’s quite knowledgeable too. Dr. Fastiggi too, obviously.
Lofton is, at best, a fool.
@@NPC999 that’s just malicious slander! You do know that in addition to the sexually immoral being turned away from heaven, slanderers go to hell too?
In all charity, it is quite clear, that Pope Francis himself is the auctor of said confusion. If the Pope has shown one thing in the past ten years then that he doesn't care for advice. He was elected to execute a certain agenda and will do so, as I fear, till his last breath.
I pray for the conversion of Pope Francis everyday for years!
He is the Great Imposter, a False Teacher.
St Benedict went and lived in a cave for three years after the fall of Rome. We have seen this nonsense before. We must study our faith and become true followers of Christ and exceptional Catholics. Keep it simple, almost monastic.
Stop giving them money and your wish will come true.
What happened at Vatican II and since has not been seen before.
@@littlerock5256 we have seen massive corruption within the institution of the church before. St. Benedict left Rome because of the behavior he witnessed. I’m sure that included some of the “Catholics” in church.
Looks like you’re finally growing a backbone Pints, way to go!
If you can recant your statement about the dung hill, that would be great.
What statement
@@williamofdallas I believe it was in Pints video response to Fr. Altman’s “Bergoglio is not the Pope” video, he made a reference to The Church being a dung hill, and how we should stay on the dung hill. Obviously he was just using an analogy of some sorts, however, The Holy Catholic Church is not a dung hill.
My wife and I grew up in Protestant churches, have been attending a local Catholic parish for the first time in our entire lives, but I don't think I can ever join because of this issue.
I hear Catholic Parishes fly gay and trans flags, and this is allowed? (This is certainly not true of any of the Parishes in this area), and Pope Francis will practically excommunicate "conservative" bishops but is perfectly fine with those Catholics who support abortion?
This Pope truly seems to care about an irrational social ideology that was formulated in the 1960s, and global climate change than he cares about the gospel of Jesus Christ or 2000 years of Catholic Church Tradition.
I feel like this is infiltration. As an American outsider, this is how I see it.
St Aquinas, pray for your Church.
Dr. Martin, you are the one causing the confusion and denying reality. It’s time to stop these attacks on the Holy Father.