Spoilers for ultrakill think the most interesting part of ultrakill depiction of hell is how unfair the idea is in the first place God created heaven to punish the sinners but he realizes that cruel infinite punishment is for finite being is inherently unfair. But when he tries to unmake hell he realizes he can’t. After this god spires into a deep loathing after realizing he cannot undo the suffering he caused. Ultrakill points out the absurdity of hell and that eternal punishment is only fit for someone who causes infinite suffering. So the only one who belongs in hell is its creator. That’s my take
The idea that god was so dissapointed in his own creation and every attempt at creation after so much so that he created hell just to punish humanity, also regretted that decision when he couldnt't unmake it, and then just leaves. Is what makes ultrakill incredible.
I don’t know if Berserk’s hell has enough content and time dedicated to it for it to work for one of these videos, but it would be cool to see regardless
We all have something that we've watched and failed to engage with and it's felt like our failing rather than the thing we're watching. Like what we're watching is clearly good, and to our taste and yet for some reason we just don't enjoy it the way others do. For me that's happened twice, Over the Garden Wall and The Big Lebowski.
@@StKildaFan Taste are subjective that's why. And nothing will ever change that some people just don't like certain things and that's perfectly acceptable I just wish we lived in a world where differing taste were respected
2:29 I'm agnostic but I also do feel weirdly comforted by it, ethical dillemas around eternal punishment aside, a world where Henry Kissinger gets to die at 100 having lived a peaceful life and never answering for his crimes just seems unbearably cruel. Also if I'm wrong and there is no afterlife I wouldn't be around to care
To quote the late great Anthony Bourdain “Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands.”
I too finally checked out Chainsaw Man this year, and seeing the astronaut panel is what convinced me to do so. Went in desperate to find out the context, and I got it but not really. Nothing about Chainsaw Man’s hell is explained and it’s all the more terrifying for it. Why is the sky made of doors? Why is the ground pleasant rolling hills of grass? Why are there scattered fingers all over the ground? What‘s up with the frog? The human characters have no idea what’s going on and the fiends who do are too terrified to form sentences. Then the Darkness Devil shows up and everything happens too fast for words. And I think there’s an extra layer of unease in the fact that so much of manga, especially action shounen like Chainsaw Man, is built on exposition. Explaining magic systems, special attacks, strategies, character backstories and philosophies, it’s part of the medium so you come to expect it. Then Chainsaw Man’s hell happens and there’s very little dialogue at all. I’m further into the manga and where I’m at it still hasn’t been explained, and part of me hopes it never is.
Yes! Yes!!! The esotericism! That’s what makes chainsaw man so special. Couldn’t agree more the brilliance is in the setting, the vibe, the mood that it brings not any sort of easy explanation because the abstract feeling it gives is worth a million times more than any explanation. You can’t explain “darkness” or “death” because it’s unknowable and that’s the scariest part about it. That fear of the unknown, the only way to process it is to feel how you feel about it. The recent use of the esoteric writing on the mirrors really did it for me I just love how I have no idea what the fuck is going on but it’s got such an energy. Like I don’t know what it means but it probably means something very important and very big. And very scary.
I want to add a bit of an odd choice - Hadestown. Probably my favourite musical and its depiction of Hades as an industrialist nightmare where its residents slowly lose themselves and their memories until they are left mindless workers mining for eternity is incredible. Add in the train that takes you down and how it frames the relationship between Hades and Persephone (and by extension Orpheus and Eurydice) and 👌🏼 Would recommend
Doom's depiction of Hell is very interesting too. Aesthetically, fire and brimstone. But the actual civilisation and the lore regarding the emergence of demons is very interesting. Especially considering that Satan is actually an echo of the player (who's also God).
Wayne Barlowe was in charge of the creature designs for Dante's Inferno. If you haven't checked out his depictions of hell you should really check out his paintings asap
YESSS, that's a great one. the devil is so busy in that song he doesn't even bother making a deal with the narrator. he hears them out then gives harsh but necessary advice. i love that it's the devil who helps the narrator by not being "kind" and enabling them, but what he says is what the narrator actually needed to hear. that was my interpretation at least then from the devil's perspective, he just wants rid of this annoying person who keeps trying to sell their soul, lmao
There are 2 pieces of media I’m overwhelmed by, because they’re so deeply perfect and beautiful: OTGW and Spirited Away. I’m a very unemotional person and am not full of wonder and whimsy, so the rare things that make me feel something REALLY make me feel something. I’m covered in tattoos of both of these 💖
That panel for the darkness devil is one of the coolest panels i’ve ever seen ever. The design of it, the astronauts displayed in front of him, all of it is just so perfect
One of my favorite depictions of hell is from the Hellboy run of comics fittingly called “hellboy in hell”. It works as a perfect wrap up to his story and some of the imagery is stunning.
Strange that for in the games category,you didn't include Metal: Hellsinger. Superb game with a very unique approach on the Christian hell. Worth looking into
My favorite depiction of hell is from the web novel Unsong, because it’s just so UNFAIR. Some of the people who go to hell are Holocaust victims and children. Nobody knows what sin they were sent to Hell for and the punishments aren’t designed to fit the crime remotely, simply to cause as much agony as possible. In fact, it’s the worst of the worst who actually receive the best treatment, in order to encourage sinners to commit as much evil as possible in the living world. Everyone else gets burned alive, flayed, starved, violated, and even forced to torture their former friends and family. It’s a place designed to mimic and bring out the worst of humanity. Why would it be anything else? It’s a place run by demons, entities of pure evil and sin. They don’t care about justice or punishment or karma or facing your flaws. They want to rip off your skin or lock you into a burning cage with 100 other people or stab your eyes out for a million years.
Written this elsewhere. I watch/play with a lot of meria, and something I've noticed in the depictions of hell is the lack of a counterpart, a depiction of heaven. I believe this is partly due to the fact we know as humans what we don't want and wouldn't want to happen with fire and brimstone etc. But imagining a place of perfection and pure contentment and then depicting that is far more difficult and probably costly.
An eternal line would, indeed, suck. No fathom of how much time has passed, the hum of the lights, unable to see the beginning or end of the line since you've been there for just so long with no real bearing to judge how far youve traveled, feet and legs and back burning and aching for relief, a water cooler which never seems to get any closer or farther away, only knowing which way to occasionally step because you stare forward at the back of the person in front of you until you know and recognize every stitch in their clothing intimately, knowing the one behind you does the same upon your features. One big unanimous step. Step. Step. To nothing. Forever. Anyone wanna go to the DMV?
It’s not nearly as serious as the ones in the video, but i enjoy Smiling Friends’ interpretation of Hell. The idea that the torture of hell is it’s stupidity and unprofessionalism is very interesting.
The frog in chainsaw man is a depiction of the darkness devil doing...something.. Its so powerful, so alien that the only way we can depict its actions is as drawings of frogs in a black void. Least thats my interpritation, maybe hell just has frogs?
As much as I do love this series I feel like there should be more disambiguation/separation between the depictions of hell as 1) their punishment or 2) their aesthetic. As far as the aesthetic form goes media like Constantine, the Eclipse in Berserk and bits of the Warp in Warhammer (particularly the final moments in the short film Astarties) or Laviathan's realm in Hellraiser. While on the punishment level I feel that something incredibly Sisyphan but on a scale you can not conceptualize is an ultimate punishment. Every mistake you are forced to relive, every bit of knowledge you have to relearn, shards of every second followed by every drop of time forced to feel accept and redo every moment in painstakingly detail. Following Dante's inferno logic, being forced to endure the thing you loved in your life until the end of eternity itself is a certainly a punishment.
Yoooo. I binged all of Chainsawman part 1 a couple years ago. So good. Actually just ordered the box set of it on black Friday. People give Denji too much shit. Not his fault he had such a shoddy childhood and is so low on the hierarchy of nerds pyramid.
Ohhh and Fujimoto is a genius mangaka. His illustrations aren't top tier but he uses the medium to its fullest! Firepunch is a wild ride as well. You'd probably get a kick out of its weirdness
I've always thought Hell was just about the most evil concept imaginable. Nothing you can do in a finite lifetime could deserve infinite punishment by definition.
With a title like this, I was hoping to see Dante's Inferno among here! The hack-and-slash/character action/whatever-the-fup-the-genre-name-is genre has quite an affinity for depictions of Hell. Notably, there's Darksiders, Bayonetta and DMC-- though Bayonetta is stronger on the side of the angels. That said, these Hells may be more interesting for their demons and structures and what they mean for the world and narrative. You may get more out of them if you engage yourself more with their respective universes. Bayonetta has the "place of doom and torment" down, and the demons are a key part to the main character's status as a witch. She can summon various demons to aid her, but her soul is theirs when she properly dies. Like all Umbra Witches before her. Not unlike Dante, she travels into Inferno to save a loved one. Although unlike Dante, Jeanne isn't the only piece of morality to Bayonetta. In DMC, there exists no heaven (as far as I know) and the Demon World is a sort of alternative dimension. There are implications of many different Hells existing, all with backgrounds of their own and what they represent or how they originate. Most of note are the greater demons, the Bosses, which can turn into "Devil Arms" upon defeat or submission. That said, in DMC we don't really get to see much of the Demon World. Mainly its inhabitants. Closest we get is the end parts of DMC1, 3 and 5. The Temen-Ni-Gru tower in 3 may count, to some degree. Darksiders for me is the most interesting. Darksiders 2 and Genesis elaborate the most on extended lore. In this setting, neither Heaven nor Hell are a final resting place for the deceased. Instead, they are the two most prominent kingdoms in all of Creation, although not the oldest. Races like the Makers, who seem to have their inspirations more with Celtic and Nordic mythology, existed before them, exist to this day, and helped make both the strongholds of Hell and the spires of Heaven. Both the Angels and Demons have realms and domains that extend beyond Heaven and Hell, in lands far away. Darksiders 2 shows us the Black Stone, the palace of Samael, and Genesis shows us some of Hell's farther domains, such as a forge amidst frigid snowy mountains or a dam built for poisoning a great river. The Kingdom of the Dead is a separate world within Creation that all dead souls are drawn towards. in Darksiders 2 we mainly see humanoid skeletons as well as the occaional lich, wraith and creatures that *seem* human but may be something else. Such as the Lord of Bones, the Three Dead Lords and the Chancellors. Heaven is, from what extended material tells us, very strict and organized. Listening to the rules may be considered a greater virtue than acting on your own, for better or worse. If I remember correctly, at least. I know for a fact they're quite technologically advanced too, employing griffinoid creatures alongside glaives with laser cannons in them. Where Heaven is ordered, Hell is... not necessarily chaos. It is a brutal meritocracy with a cruder grasp of technology, demonic lords ever warring and vying with one another for power and status. However, there is a singular king, a cunning Prince of Lies that nobody would face. That being Lucifer. Lucifer's power seems to be waning, however, and the grotesque, intelligent Samael is next in line for the throne. I fuppin' love it. Hope you found this interesting!
Have you heard of a game called "Muramase" (2009)? One of the storylines involes you going from hell all the way to heaven (in the Shinto belief). I like how to go to hell, you jump down a well and fall for way longer than possibls. It's cool to fight the oni in hell. Then you contrast descent down into hell to the climb to heaven. Even heaven is a scary place, unsafe and full of angry shinto gods
the darkness devil is accompenied by frogs because in egyptian mythology kek is the god of darkness and has a frog head. (CSM spoilers from here) theres also a chance that its makima listening through the frog but thats fan theory
I can see your love for the Chsinsaw Man Manga over the anime. I prefer Junji Ito Manga over the anime. Something about the black and white makes it better, but worse as far as the situations go, it seems creepier, and I hope when I say "worse" it's understood how I enjoy it more and the dread translates better in the black and white of the Manga. I don't mean "worse" in quality or my enjoyment. "Worse" as in the dread, the fear, and the anxiety are more.. tangible in the black and white of the Manga.
I've not played Ultrakill. I want to tho. I have played Doom 2016, not Eternal, again, I would very much like to. I LOVED Doom 2016, still have it and download it every other year or so and rip and tear thru it all again. I need a good PC really.. consoles are great, love em, but a good computer would be amazing...
Not a depiction of Hell but have you seen Suspiria (2018). It's something I could see you talking about on here even though you can't show much of the Sabbath because of a room full of nudity.
Hi pancake! Big fan , i don’t know if you’ll read this but some thing I noticed about this Video, the pacing seemed different? I think you used more songs to Segway into sections in this vid more than normal
Spoilers for ultrakill
think the most interesting part of ultrakill depiction of hell is how unfair the idea is in the first place
God created heaven to punish the sinners but he realizes that cruel infinite punishment is for finite being is inherently unfair.
But when he tries to unmake hell he realizes he can’t. After this god spires into a deep loathing after realizing he cannot undo the suffering he caused.
Ultrakill points out the absurdity of hell and that eternal punishment is only fit for someone who causes infinite suffering. So the only one who belongs in hell is its creator.
That’s my take
every time I see content about ultrakill I get more intrigued
eventually I will play this game
@@grayanddevpdx I'd highly recommend, but be warned it does have a steep learning curve
that is a really interesting take. :)) I really like how you worded that
Best depictions of The Devil pt3: Snapcube's Real Time Fandub Shadow The Hedgehog
The devil from DA BIBBLE
bing bong hey what’s up you’re doing a bad job
Your gonna beat me with the “power of friendship” but i am THE DEVIL FROM THE BIBLE
The idea that god was so dissapointed in his own creation and every attempt at creation after so much so that he created hell just to punish humanity, also regretted that decision when he couldnt't unmake it, and then just leaves. Is what makes ultrakill incredible.
I don’t know if Berserk’s hell has enough content and time dedicated to it for it to work for one of these videos, but it would be cool to see regardless
I’ve been on dates and tried to show Over the Garden Wall and it never seems to land. Blows my mind.
As a huge fan of Over the Garden Wall, this is pretty strange
We all have something that we've watched and failed to engage with and it's felt like our failing rather than the thing we're watching. Like what we're watching is clearly good, and to our taste and yet for some reason we just don't enjoy it the way others do. For me that's happened twice, Over the Garden Wall and The Big Lebowski.
They not the one
@@StKildaFan Taste are subjective that's why. And nothing will ever change that some people just don't like certain things and that's perfectly acceptable I just wish we lived in a world where differing taste were respected
2:29 I'm agnostic but I also do feel weirdly comforted by it, ethical dillemas around eternal punishment aside, a world where Henry Kissinger gets to die at 100 having lived a peaceful life and never answering for his crimes just seems unbearably cruel. Also if I'm wrong and there is no afterlife I wouldn't be around to care
John Oliver said it best, "Henry Kissinger has died at the ripe old age of Not Soon Enough"
Kissinger ain’t commited crimes, he did what he hadda do
To quote the late great Anthony Bourdain “Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands.”
"What Dreams May Come" Shows both Heaven and Hell In beautiful depictions. RIP Robin Williams
I too finally checked out Chainsaw Man this year, and seeing the astronaut panel is what convinced me to do so. Went in desperate to find out the context, and I got it but not really. Nothing about Chainsaw Man’s hell is explained and it’s all the more terrifying for it. Why is the sky made of doors? Why is the ground pleasant rolling hills of grass? Why are there scattered fingers all over the ground? What‘s up with the frog? The human characters have no idea what’s going on and the fiends who do are too terrified to form sentences. Then the Darkness Devil shows up and everything happens too fast for words. And I think there’s an extra layer of unease in the fact that so much of manga, especially action shounen like Chainsaw Man, is built on exposition. Explaining magic systems, special attacks, strategies, character backstories and philosophies, it’s part of the medium so you come to expect it. Then Chainsaw Man’s hell happens and there’s very little dialogue at all. I’m further into the manga and where I’m at it still hasn’t been explained, and part of me hopes it never is.
Yes! Yes!!! The esotericism! That’s what makes chainsaw man so special. Couldn’t agree more the brilliance is in the setting, the vibe, the mood that it brings not any sort of easy explanation because the abstract feeling it gives is worth a million times more than any explanation. You can’t explain “darkness” or “death” because it’s unknowable and that’s the scariest part about it. That fear of the unknown, the only way to process it is to feel how you feel about it. The recent use of the esoteric writing on the mirrors really did it for me I just love how I have no idea what the fuck is going on but it’s got such an energy. Like I don’t know what it means but it probably means something very important and very big. And very scary.
Yippee I love chainsaw man! Never seen someone who doesn’t find the Hell chapter intriguing and/or awesome. Happy birthday broski
I want to add a bit of an odd choice - Hadestown.
Probably my favourite musical and its depiction of Hades as an industrialist nightmare where its residents slowly lose themselves and their memories until they are left mindless workers mining for eternity is incredible. Add in the train that takes you down and how it frames the relationship between Hades and Persephone (and by extension Orpheus and Eurydice) and 👌🏼
Would recommend
19:21 fun fact about this panel, the arms actually spell Makima.
Doom's depiction of Hell is very interesting too. Aesthetically, fire and brimstone. But the actual civilisation and the lore regarding the emergence of demons is very interesting. Especially considering that Satan is actually an echo of the player (who's also God).
Wayne Barlowe was in charge of the creature designs for Dante's Inferno. If you haven't checked out his depictions of hell you should really check out his paintings asap
11:00 someone here has a dropout account
Love the use of Story of Sisyphus by Tom Waits.
I love a song "it's called: freefall", it has a funny depiction of hell. Great song.
YESSS, that's a great one. the devil is so busy in that song he doesn't even bother making a deal with the narrator. he hears them out then gives harsh but necessary advice. i love that it's the devil who helps the narrator by not being "kind" and enabling them, but what he says is what the narrator actually needed to hear. that was my interpretation at least
then from the devil's perspective, he just wants rid of this annoying person who keeps trying to sell their soul, lmao
American horror story coven has such a great episode on each of the characters personal hells it’s so good
AHS immediately came to mind for me!
10:55 Ayyyy Ross Bryant reference
I guess they
made some noise
There are 2 pieces of media I’m overwhelmed by, because they’re so deeply perfect and beautiful: OTGW and Spirited Away. I’m a very unemotional person and am not full of wonder and whimsy, so the rare things that make me feel something REALLY make me feel something. I’m covered in tattoos of both of these 💖
Another GOATED video..
Using Ross's Tom Waits' story of Sisyphus and the crowd goes wild with recognition!!
The way you fell about Over the Garden Wall is akin to me and Mr. Robot. It transcends for me.
That panel for the darkness devil is one of the coolest panels i’ve ever seen ever. The design of it, the astronauts displayed in front of him, all of it is just so perfect
One of my favorite depictions of hell is from the Hellboy run of comics fittingly called “hellboy in hell”. It works as a perfect wrap up to his story and some of the imagery is stunning.
Hell as an endless queue? Careful, the British can only get so hard
In Good Omens it’s cannon the m25 was made my demons to maximize suffering. And It worked
Didn't realize how bad i needed to hear patient is the night rn. cheers
happy birthday dude
Since we're talking about video games, the first darkness game has my personal favorite depiction of hell but I just love WW1 as a horror setting
Strange that for in the games category,you didn't include Metal: Hellsinger. Superb game with a very unique approach on the Christian hell. Worth looking into
Today I learned: I share a birthday with one of my favorite youtubers! happy Belated Birthday Bud!
Ha ha happy belated birthday to you too!
Happy birthday!! Great videos as well, very engaging and well edited 😊
everytime I see Pancake in my recommended I click but only now did I think to subscribe, amazing video as always
happy birthday! awesome video, i love this series. it's a good day when i see a new upload from your channel
I've been really bingeing your content lately. Keep up the good work!!!
hey! Happy Birthday!
Yes! A new Pancake video!
The real Hell is the commercial spots at the start of every video presentation...😁
My favorite depiction of hell is from the web novel Unsong, because it’s just so UNFAIR. Some of the people who go to hell are Holocaust victims and children. Nobody knows what sin they were sent to Hell for and the punishments aren’t designed to fit the crime remotely, simply to cause as much agony as possible. In fact, it’s the worst of the worst who actually receive the best treatment, in order to encourage sinners to commit as much evil as possible in the living world. Everyone else gets burned alive, flayed, starved, violated, and even forced to torture their former friends and family. It’s a place designed to mimic and bring out the worst of humanity. Why would it be anything else? It’s a place run by demons, entities of pure evil and sin. They don’t care about justice or punishment or karma or facing your flaws. They want to rip off your skin or lock you into a burning cage with 100 other people or stab your eyes out for a million years.
2:15 I’ve been trying to word this for months now thank you
Did not expect the Game Changer song
If you like the idea of body parts used as a resource, you might find Cruelty Squad...
I’ll check it out!
Written this elsewhere. I watch/play with a lot of meria, and something I've noticed in the depictions of hell is the lack of a counterpart, a depiction of heaven. I believe this is partly due to the fact we know as humans what we don't want and wouldn't want to happen with fire and brimstone etc. But imagining a place of perfection and pure contentment and then depicting that is far more difficult and probably costly.
You rock!!!! This was excellent as usual.
happy birthday, nice vid man
Unsong's description of hell in the broadcast really got to me...
explorers in the further regions of experience, demons to some, angels to others
I'm waiting for a favorite depictions of Death video!
The Dantes Inferno movie changes art style through out
An eternal line would, indeed, suck. No fathom of how much time has passed, the hum of the lights, unable to see the beginning or end of the line since you've been there for just so long with no real bearing to judge how far youve traveled, feet and legs and back burning and aching for relief, a water cooler which never seems to get any closer or farther away, only knowing which way to occasionally step because you stare forward at the back of the person in front of you until you know and recognize every stitch in their clothing intimately, knowing the one behind you does the same upon your features. One big unanimous step. Step. Step. To nothing. Forever. Anyone wanna go to the DMV?
my eyes are itchy so definitely a 4 on the pancake board
idk if it’s just me but can we get a video of just pancake? she deserves the spotlight for a bit, doesn’t she?
Best Depictions of Pancake in media, and it's just clips of Pancake dressed up as movie characters
dude what is the song playing at 4:10 i’m gonna lose it that shit goes hard
Nazi punks fck off by dead Kennedy's, but it's some cover
Nazi punks fuck off by The Dead Kennedys
Not sure who's cover though
Nazi Punks F*ck Off by Dead Kennedys
It's a cover of Dead Kennedys Nazi punks fuck off, at least I think it's a cover and not a live session
Ride of the Valkyries.
Hell yeah. 2 of my jams in a row. Take a guess
The red cross has been reaaaal quiet since ultrakill came out
It’s not nearly as serious as the ones in the video, but i enjoy Smiling Friends’ interpretation of Hell. The idea that the torture of hell is it’s stupidity and unprofessionalism is very interesting.
The frog in chainsaw man is a depiction of the darkness devil doing...something..
Its so powerful, so alien that the only way we can depict its actions is as drawings of frogs in a black void.
Least thats my interpritation, maybe hell just has frogs?
As much as I do love this series I feel like there should be more disambiguation/separation between the depictions of hell as 1) their punishment or 2) their aesthetic.
As far as the aesthetic form goes media like Constantine, the Eclipse in Berserk and bits of the Warp in Warhammer (particularly the final moments in the short film Astarties) or Laviathan's realm in Hellraiser.
While on the punishment level I feel that something incredibly Sisyphan but on a scale you can not conceptualize is an ultimate punishment. Every mistake you are forced to relive, every bit of knowledge you have to relearn, shards of every second followed by every drop of time forced to feel accept and redo every moment in painstakingly detail.
Following Dante's inferno logic, being forced to endure the thing you loved in your life until the end of eternity itself is a certainly a punishment.
Yoooo. I binged all of Chainsawman part 1 a couple years ago. So good. Actually just ordered the box set of it on black Friday. People give Denji too much shit. Not his fault he had such a shoddy childhood and is so low on the hierarchy of nerds pyramid.
Ohhh and Fujimoto is a genius mangaka. His illustrations aren't top tier but he uses the medium to its fullest!
Firepunch is a wild ride as well. You'd probably get a kick out of its weirdness
Im also very into trailers! I thought i was weird for it lol. i would really enjoy a video talking about your favorite ones!
There was a Beowulf game, I remember playing it when I was young.
Dead Kennedys, my beloved
On a scale of 1 to 10 pancakes I'd say...............I'm a solid 6 today.
Happy birthday!
Thank you for the puppy tax.
AWSOME song choice
Happy birthday!!
Was not expecting to see the Portland Timbers in this video
A closed system where we're reincarnating as each other forever. Who'd you pray to to get out of that one?
How the hell you can love the manga and not the anime, which is produced by Mappa, is beyond me.
My favorite Hell is the musical metaphor for the American prison system
You’re a coach? 17:16
beowulf has been adapted into a game its called Skyrim bro deadass look at the simmilarities
you truly got me when you gave the spoiler warning for Dante‘s inferno 🤡
I've always thought Hell was just about the most evil concept imaginable. Nothing you can do in a finite lifetime could deserve infinite punishment by definition.
well some people have proven that wrong
@@naiknaik8812 They really haven't.
i loved the dante's inferno game. it was the first time i bought a game skin...the Disco Inferno outfit
I ❤ Pancake!
EXCELLENT content. Just found your channel. Instant sub. 🛎️
With a title like this, I was hoping to see Dante's Inferno among here!
The hack-and-slash/character action/whatever-the-fup-the-genre-name-is genre has quite an affinity for depictions of Hell. Notably, there's Darksiders, Bayonetta and DMC-- though Bayonetta is stronger on the side of the angels.
That said, these Hells may be more interesting for their demons and structures and what they mean for the world and narrative. You may get more out of them if you engage yourself more with their respective universes.
Bayonetta has the "place of doom and torment" down, and the demons are a key part to the main character's status as a witch. She can summon various demons to aid her, but her soul is theirs when she properly dies. Like all Umbra Witches before her.
Not unlike Dante, she travels into Inferno to save a loved one. Although unlike Dante, Jeanne isn't the only piece of morality to Bayonetta.
In DMC, there exists no heaven (as far as I know) and the Demon World is a sort of alternative dimension. There are implications of many different Hells existing, all with backgrounds of their own and what they represent or how they originate.
Most of note are the greater demons, the Bosses, which can turn into "Devil Arms" upon defeat or submission.
That said, in DMC we don't really get to see much of the Demon World. Mainly its inhabitants.
Closest we get is the end parts of DMC1, 3 and 5. The Temen-Ni-Gru tower in 3 may count, to some degree.
Darksiders for me is the most interesting. Darksiders 2 and Genesis elaborate the most on extended lore.
In this setting, neither Heaven nor Hell are a final resting place for the deceased. Instead, they are the two most prominent kingdoms in all of Creation, although not the oldest. Races like the Makers, who seem to have their inspirations more with Celtic and Nordic mythology, existed before them, exist to this day, and helped make both the strongholds of Hell and the spires of Heaven.
Both the Angels and Demons have realms and domains that extend beyond Heaven and Hell, in lands far away. Darksiders 2 shows us the Black Stone, the palace of Samael, and Genesis shows us some of Hell's farther domains, such as a forge amidst frigid snowy mountains or a dam built for poisoning a great river.
The Kingdom of the Dead is a separate world within Creation that all dead souls are drawn towards. in Darksiders 2 we mainly see humanoid skeletons as well as the occaional lich, wraith and creatures that *seem* human but may be something else. Such as the Lord of Bones, the Three Dead Lords and the Chancellors.
Heaven is, from what extended material tells us, very strict and organized. Listening to the rules may be considered a greater virtue than acting on your own, for better or worse. If I remember correctly, at least. I know for a fact they're quite technologically advanced too, employing griffinoid creatures alongside glaives with laser cannons in them.
Where Heaven is ordered, Hell is... not necessarily chaos. It is a brutal meritocracy with a cruder grasp of technology, demonic lords ever warring and vying with one another for power and status.
However, there is a singular king, a cunning Prince of Lies that nobody would face. That being Lucifer.
Lucifer's power seems to be waning, however, and the grotesque, intelligent Samael is next in line for the throne.
I fuppin' love it.
Hope you found this interesting!
Have you heard of a game called "Muramase" (2009)? One of the storylines involes you going from hell all the way to heaven (in the Shinto belief). I like how to go to hell, you jump down a well and fall for way longer than possibls. It's cool to fight the oni in hell. Then you contrast descent down into hell to the climb to heaven. Even heaven is a scary place, unsafe and full of angry shinto gods
Happy Birthday. Mine was 2 days ago :)
Game Changer mentioned (lowkey i need that song on spotify)
That version of old black train is absolutely beautiful, who's cover is that one?
did u just use dead kennedys for the intro? yeah im subscribing
the darkness devil is accompenied by frogs because in egyptian mythology kek is the god of darkness and has a frog head.
(CSM spoilers from here)
theres also a chance that its makima listening through the frog but thats fan theory
I can see your love for the Chsinsaw Man Manga over the anime. I prefer Junji Ito Manga over the anime. Something about the black and white makes it better, but worse as far as the situations go, it seems creepier, and I hope when I say "worse" it's understood how I enjoy it more and the dread translates better in the black and white of the Manga. I don't mean "worse" in quality or my enjoyment. "Worse" as in the dread, the fear, and the anxiety are more.. tangible in the black and white of the Manga.
I think lower Dead Worlds from Adventure Time is also great
was i just not paying attention and completely missed the part where he talked about In Bruges
I've not played Ultrakill. I want to tho. I have played Doom 2016, not Eternal, again, I would very much like to. I LOVED Doom 2016, still have it and download it every other year or so and rip and tear thru it all again. I need a good PC really.. consoles are great, love em, but a good computer would be amazing...
So so so jazzed about the chainsaw man inclusion, fucking incredible and devastating manga
Not a depiction of Hell but have you seen Suspiria (2018). It's something I could see you talking about on here even though you can't show much of the Sabbath because of a room full of nudity.
Happy Birthday.
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil
Preacher is a good one
Hi pancake! Big fan , i don’t know if you’ll read this but some thing I noticed about this Video, the pacing seemed different? I think you used more songs to Segway into sections in this vid more than normal