They don't read out of the KJV Bible you know that it's fake because Satan is changed all the Bibles..... accept the KJV read Ezekiel 13 verses 18 through 21 where God speaks of hating fake teachers that hunt souls to make people fly in the fake Rapture Theory. Then read of the same verses in the NIV or the new King James version and it doesn't talk about hunting souls to make people fly it talks about birds flying in charms because Satan's Children in Matthew 13 verse 38 and 39 have changed the Bible's they're called kenites
It's not useful because nobody is supposed to interpret the Bible. The Bible is supposed to be allowed to speak for itself. Denominations exist because ppl try to interpret the Bible, and they never get any closer to the truth by doing so.
Now compare Mark 4:35-41, Jesus asleep in the boat. Notice the similar words…great windstorm, fear of sailors, asking for help when perishing, divine end to storm. Mark is portraying Jesus as both a better prophet (messenger from God) than Jonah AND as God himself who controls the waters. The patterns carry from the first to the last page. Understanding this has radically changed my life and my understanding of scripture.
All praise to King Jesus for working his Spirit through Brother Tim, I went astray from God due to dogmatic traditional interpretation. Tim has helped me beyond measure on allowing the Spirit to flow through me to my neighbor. Thank you Brother Tim for submitting to our King and letting him use you as a vessel for the Gospel
Amazing the ways God comes to us. If you feel discouraged, depressed, down in the lowest part of a ship, He gets someone to remind you who you are, what you have to do, who your God is. He is the one that says: Arise! Praise the Lord!😊
Today I was reading Rev 21 and verse 9 sounded familiar. So I went back to chapter 17 and found the same phrase. So for the first time in my life I saw the contrasting parallels between Babylon (the woman) and the New Jerusalem (the bride). It was an amazing moment! And now I am watching this video and Tim's emphasis on repetition :)
Could it be that the woman in Revelation i17 is jealous of the woman (the bride) in Revelation 21 because of her relationship with Christ, which is probably why the former hates the latter so much? That being the case, is there any wonder that the harlot pursues the bride or body of Christ so ardently in an attempt to spite the Bridegroom? It is said that hell knows no fury like a woman scorned. She was expelled from heaven because she didn't know her place and her tale (false teachings) managed to draw a third of the heavenly host away from the Groom's side to support her. Isn't that something? And we in our sinful independence think we can resist him unaided.
Love this bible study, its calm and pleasant and easy to follow. They are walking through the bible and teaching others as they walk through scripture. I've sat in bible studies where your going 100mph through a bible study and not walking and learning but rushing and panicking. God bless the Bible project team.
God bless you guys @ bible project. The reverence and fire of your love and passion for the Lord and His holy word is beautiful and much appreciated! God bless you all 💛💐🙏
Thank you, brother Tim! This session has taught me a LOT about the importance of evaluating the scripture narratives with these considerations at hand. May the Lord bless you!
Terimakasih, sangat memperkaya. 3 minggu lalu mengupas lebih dalam mengenai kitab suci, dengan menuliskan ulang setiap kata di buku tulis (terjemahan bahasa Indonesia), dan setiap baris satu pokok pikiran dan kitab yang di pilih adalah kitab Yunus. Hari ini, melihat UA-cam ini memperdalam cara untuk melihat kitab suci kususnya yang berbentuk narrative. Beberapa sudah seperti yang telah saya dapatkan. Tidak ada yang kebetulan dalam Tuhan. Saya sangat menyukai cara mengajarnya. Membuat menemukan sesuatu yang indah dan luarbiasa dalam kitab suci. Dan memberikan penyadaran... Yang terakhir akan menjadi yang terdahulu.
LOL I'm about to take Ray Lubeck's class next week and was informed that we're going to go through Jonah from other people who took the class hahaha. Hope I'm not cheating listening to this lol.
Beutiful job.Thank you for delving into book. In my experience most believers aren't motivated to dig any deeper than a surface reading.The takeaway for most has something to do with Jonah's disobedience.
This was great! ... Really enjoyed it ... I've always felt that the Bible is masterfully written and was masterfully created, but Bible Project, your videos and teachings are taking my initial thoughts to a whole new level where that is concerned ... amazing stuff ... just endlessly meaningful ... obviously a whole eternity would not suffice to plumb the depths of all of the interwoven threads! ... btw I was thinking: while Jonah was going *down*, the sailors were sending vows *up* ... Jonah was moving further and further away *from* God while his pagan companions were moving closer and closer *to* God ... wow, so many lessons here but one thing that stands out to me is that we believers have to be so careful about how we outwork our faith ... so often unbelievers and so-called 'heathens' just 'get it' way better than we do ... Jonah was slumbering spiritually when he probably considered himself a 'woke' prophet of God ... case in point: non-Christians know that Christianity is primarily about love - i.e. that love is supposed to be central to the Christian walk (not just talk), but a lot of believers walk in harshness and judgementalism, hating both the sin *and* the sinner ... ... finally, I would just *love* to see Jonah chapter 1 juxtaposed with the gospel account of the storm on the Sea of Galilee ... again, wonderful information and insight here! ... Tim, thank you so much and thanks too to your students and their perspectives as well!
It’s kinda crazy I remember falling in love w the Bible project cuz I’m an illustrator and it’s just amazing but I seriously love coming back after years and years and the guys are looking a little grey and white and old!!!!! Love it
This is a very good study by which we are blessed. In Jonah 2:10, we learn that the fish "vomited Jonah out upon the dry land." I offer that in the modern American English vernacular, the word, "hurl," also means "to vomit;" again, in the modern American English vernacular. While in conventional modern American English, "to hurl" means "to throw an object with force," as did so the hurled Jonah. In the end of the humbling descention, God hurled the penitent Jonah back into the world and restored him for service. Thus, I offer that there are five "hurls" all total in chapters one and two. Interesting...
@@soundpreacher Well, both. These repetitive words or ideas, making parallels with each other, are often chiastic. They point to a centre point between them which is the whole purpose of the narrative. They say, “look deeper.” The ‘story’ in which it is hidden is merely the vehicle for a more foundational truth.
In Mathematics one equation can lead to thousands of equations in its application. For example, look up the equation for General Relativity, or Schrodinger’s wave equation, or Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations, even Newton’s equations for the laws of motion. Think of what we have been able to predict about nature from these seemingly small succinct mathematical statements? IMHO The Bible is deeper and much more than our equations do, in attempting to describe God’s creation. We haven’t even scratched the surface, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg!
I’m amazed at how this story of Jonah has opened my eyes as to taught your class. Thank you! This was an amazing lesson on juxtaposition and contrast and paralleling chapters. I’ve never seen this before. And another thing an I like Jonah where I’m words but no fear or am I like the sailors that fear God? Also thank you for letting us know about the scammer
Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rom 15.6, Rom 16.27, I Cor 8.6, II Cor 11.31, I Tim 2.5, Rev 3.2, Rev 3.12, and many other scriptures.
Jonah is a type of Israel, not a type of unbeliever. The story of Jonah (a prophet) is the story of Israel. Israel rejects her calling of being a light to the nations (Jonah runs away). God's election for Israel does not fail. Israel is plunged into the deep (fulfilled in Christ being crucified as the king of the Jews on the cross). Once resurrected, the gospel is then preached to the nations (Christ's commissioning of Paul to preach the gospel to the Gentiles). The end of Jonah (the "gourd") deals with the temporary nature of the law, how it was put in place until "the faith could come."
0:20: ! The video discusses the literary techniques used in the Book of Jonah, focusing on the repetition of the word 'hurl'. 4:20: 📚 The speaker discusses the significance of the repeated theme of hurling in Jonah chapter one, and how it highlights Yahweh's role as the ultimate hurler. 8:03: 🔑 The sailors in the story of Jonah show more fear and understanding than Jonah himself. 12:36: 📚 The video discusses the use of minimal technique in biblical narrative to create maximal characterization. 15:56: 🔁 The video discusses the use of repetition and juxtaposition in the Book of Jonah. 20:10: 📖 The speaker discusses the importance of reading the Bible in translation and the need for a solid commentary to understand certain nuances. 24:13: 📚 The video discusses the relationship between different characters in the story of Jonah and highlights the concept of hyperlinking in biblical texts. Recap by Tammy AI
I think Jonah stands in here for Israel / God’s people over all. They’re running from God / spiritually asleep, while *professing* the true faith. Meanwhile the nations around them are “in the storm of God’s wrath” but ready to respond positively to the witness of Israel if they will only stand up and do what God has called them to do.
You mention a good/solid commentary to support Bible Study....I'm curious which commentary/commentaries you believe fall into that good/solid category.
Yes, a good commentary is helpful (as is this video!)... but there are entire cultures who gladly learn Hebrew and Greek to read and enjoy the original text
Holy crap you guys I just found a hyperlink! The seven days of creation I was matching them up with the Heavenly spheres in Paradiso by Dante and it sure adds up! Forth sphere is the sun. Yeah I didn’t think any further though I’ll get back to ya!
Hmm, how do we invite our brothers and sisters into the depths of this Bible beauty? Maybe we write a song that highlights the down-down-down, or contrasts the vow words-vs-actions?
I'm still having a hard time understanding the word "fear" of the Lord when we're supposed to LOVE God and God supposedly IS Love, according to I John. How can you both LOVE and FEAR the same person? I can't figure out how to do BOTH. As John wrote in I John 4:18 (NASB), "There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." Also, in 4:7-8 (NASB, the preferred translation here), John wrote: "Beloved, let’s love one another; for love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love." So it seems that John agrees with me that love and fear are in conflict. Is there anyplace where Tim Mackie explains this contradiction where God has to TERRIFY people into loving Him? I can understand the pagans being afraid of Yahweh because they have lots of gods, many of whom aren't very nice. But it doesn't say here that this experience caused them to LOVE the God who brought the storm over their ship and caused them to lose their cargo before they figured out God's own "chosen" people He was attacking, while they were just collateral damage. Doesn't God love EVERYONE? So are we to assume that all natural disasters and bad things that befall people are God's wrath being carried out? Because that's sure what this story of Jonah sounds kike to me. This is a MASSIVE stumbling block for me. Also, is it possible to get a copy of the "Instructor's Translation" being used for these classroom lessons? (I'm signed up for the class, but there is SO much reading for every week's lesson, I haven't even gotten up to the first CLASSROOM lesson after about 12 weeks; keeping the weekly assignments in an e-mail folder to I can do them when I catch up. I have a congenital reading disability. And having to interpret EVERY SINGLE WORD of the Bible individually in order to "interpret" & understand it ... I'm 61 years old & have been trying my whole life to read the Bible, but I just CAN'T finish it because I can't understand it! And, yes, I DO pray for the Holy Spirit to help me understand and have study Bibles & read all the footnotes, & the more I read, the more I feel like I'm going BACKWARDS. It feels like I've been punished all my life just for being BORN! I certainly didn't ask to be born and honestly wish I HADN'T been. I would NEVER wish all my hereditary health & neurodevelopmental conditions on ANYONE else, ESPECIALLY someone I loved, which is why I have no children. As far as my part of the family line goes, this cruel syndrome ends with me.) Thank you.
Hi, you mentioned the NASB bible that is great for this quilt design can you give me another Bible that is also good for this? Btw, I enjoyed immensely your class. Thank you for all the hard work you do. God bless!! ❤
NRSV or RSV are solid. ESV and ASB are good too. I personally like the word-for-word priority over the smooth English priority (like NIV or NKJV.) As always, the best translation is the one you read!❤
Very good and beautiful. It blessed me. Who separated the books into chapters? Was it the Hebrew original authors, or the people who canonized the Word of God? Are these literary methods and the division of chapters intentional by whoever divided them in the chapters we have?
Good question! I wondered this for years😂 Our chapter/verse numbers were added in later. The Hebrew authors have ways of breaking up sections in the scrolls, it's just not with numbers like our modern Bibles. The Hebrew authors also tended to repeat phrases/ideas at the end or the beginning of scrolls. One example is Joshua (which starts the prophets section) being connected to Psalm 1 (which starts the writings section). So they connected the TaNaK together with things like these. Took me till college to learn that stuff but it's awesome!! God bless❤ Hope that's helpful.
as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth... "Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit." And when He had said this, He breathed His last. “I called out to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me; out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and you heard my voice. For you cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the flood surrounded me; all your waves and your billows passed over me. Then I said, ‘I am driven away from your sight; yet I shall again look upon your holy temple.’ The waters closed in over me to take my life; the deep surrounded me; weeds were wrapped about my head at the roots of the mountains. I went down to the land whose bars closed upon me forever; yet you brought up my life from the pit, O Lord my God. When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple. Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their own mercy. But I, with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to the Lord!” And the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out upon the dry land. “Woman, why are you weeping?” Jesus asked. “Whom are you seeking?” Thinking He was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried Him off, tell me where you have put Him, and I will get Him.”...Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”). “Do not cling to Me,” Jesus said, “for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go and tell My brothers, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.’
Maybe writing something down back then costs a lot of money.. so you had to make every word count. The same goes with translation, too. How blessed are we to have Google translate. Lol. 😮
Why isn’t there a video yet on the important of water baptism and if it’s needed for salvation. Does the Bible project / time mackie avoid touchy subjects like this?
I ❤ Bible nerds
Me too
SAME!! 😁😁
They don't read out of the KJV Bible you know that it's fake because Satan is changed all the Bibles..... accept the KJV read Ezekiel 13 verses 18 through 21 where God speaks of hating fake teachers that hunt souls to make people fly in the fake Rapture Theory.
Then read of the same verses in the NIV or the new King James version and it doesn't talk about hunting souls to make people fly it talks about birds flying in charms because Satan's Children in Matthew 13 verse 38 and 39 have changed the Bible's they're called kenites
Me too🌿
Tim is such a gift. His work is going to long outlast his life.
Yes a true gift to the Church and the world too..
This is so useful. Its like a searchlight for finding the intended meaning of a Biblical narrative.
Well said
It's not useful because nobody is supposed to interpret the Bible. The Bible is supposed to be allowed to speak for itself. Denominations exist because ppl try to interpret the Bible, and they never get any closer to the truth by doing so.
Now compare Mark 4:35-41, Jesus asleep in the boat. Notice the similar words…great windstorm, fear of sailors, asking for help when perishing, divine end to storm. Mark is portraying Jesus as both a better prophet (messenger from God) than Jonah AND as God himself who controls the waters. The patterns carry from the first to the last page. Understanding this has radically changed my life and my understanding of scripture.
And in some versions of the story, a guy exiting the boat and sinking for his disbelief!
All praise to King Jesus for working his Spirit through Brother Tim, I went astray from God due to dogmatic traditional interpretation. Tim has helped me beyond measure on allowing the Spirit to flow through me to my neighbor. Thank you Brother Tim for submitting to our King and letting him use you as a vessel for the Gospel
I’ve been looking for sophisticated Bible study for a while, this is truly amazing. Thank you. Jesus is King!
Amazing the ways God comes to us.
If you feel discouraged, depressed, down in the lowest part of a ship, He gets someone to remind you who you are, what you have to do, who your God is. He is the one that says: Arise!
Praise the Lord!😊
Amen to that! I just had it happen multiple times myself. God is good ❤ peace be with you
@@NealBones 🙏
The most useful channel on UA-cam
Loved the course! It gave me so much insight into the story of Jonah! Loving it more now!
Today I was reading Rev 21 and verse 9 sounded familiar. So I went back to chapter 17 and found the same phrase. So for the first time in my life I saw the contrasting parallels between Babylon (the woman) and the New Jerusalem (the bride). It was an amazing moment! And now I am watching this video and Tim's emphasis on repetition :)
Could it be that the woman in Revelation i17 is jealous of the woman (the bride) in Revelation 21 because of her relationship with Christ, which is probably why the former hates the latter so much? That being the case, is there any wonder that the harlot pursues the bride or body of Christ so ardently in an attempt to spite the Bridegroom? It is said that hell knows no fury like a woman scorned. She was expelled from heaven because she didn't know her place and her tale (false teachings) managed to draw a third of the heavenly host away from the Groom's side to support her. Isn't that something? And we in our sinful independence think we can resist him unaided.
@@LornaDrysdale Good observation! Kind of an "If I can't have it, no one should have it" approach.
repetition is the key to memory
Love this bible study, its calm and pleasant and easy to follow. They are walking through the bible and teaching others as they walk through scripture. I've sat in bible studies where your going 100mph through a bible study and not walking and learning but rushing and panicking. God bless the Bible project team.
You all's bible studies are so important!!! Thank you for your consistency and wisdom and sharing! -Portsmouth, VA
Hi everyone, may the Lord bless you from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Thanks for sharing this episode!
This is amazing. I have been looking for this kind of guidance with the bible since i was a little girl. Thank you so much for your work
Thank you for this, Dr. Tim!
may we admire Lord how well written your word is and may it impact how we live our lives!
I am AJ from Ghana,Africa, and I am really enjoying the classroom videos... Keep em coming...
This is so amazing!!! I absolutely love the Revelations being brought forth. Thank you for your anointing, your willingness, and your obedience!
God bless you guys @ bible project. The reverence and fire of your love and passion for the Lord and His holy word is beautiful and much appreciated! God bless you all 💛💐🙏
I love this so much. Book of Jonah is one of my favorites and I feel a lot of my thoughts and opinions were perfectly articulated ❤️
This was amazing and eye-opening. Keep it up! You all are doing good work I love it! God bless you
Thank you for your kind words! We appreciate you and your encouragement today.
this is beyond amazing, this is from someone who doesnt like reading book or literature. the Bible is indeed interesting
I can feel the growth as I listen. It’s amazing .
I loved this class. Gods love is incredible ❤
Thank you for your channel. A fantastic tool for teaching teens and beginners to the faith get an overview of the bible in a fun way.
Stunning and profoundly beautiful literature ❤️🙏🏽
I am thankful that God opened my eyes to see clearly. ✨
These classroom lessons are FANTASTIC. Thank you!
Thank you, brother Tim! This session has taught me a LOT about the importance of evaluating the scripture narratives with these considerations at hand. May the Lord bless you!
I appreciate the articulation, observation and teaching SO much! This episode is amazing!
This is SO interesting!! I love these so much! THANK YOU for doing these classes. Please keep them coming.
I love bow nerds that stay humble. Don't let knowledge inflate your ego. God bless you guys
*Bible nerds....
BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for these "classrooms"
Terimakasih, sangat memperkaya.
3 minggu lalu mengupas lebih dalam mengenai kitab suci, dengan menuliskan ulang setiap kata di buku tulis (terjemahan bahasa Indonesia), dan setiap baris satu pokok pikiran dan kitab yang di pilih adalah kitab Yunus. Hari ini, melihat UA-cam ini memperdalam cara untuk melihat kitab suci kususnya yang berbentuk narrative. Beberapa sudah seperti yang telah saya dapatkan.
Tidak ada yang kebetulan dalam Tuhan.
Saya sangat menyukai cara mengajarnya. Membuat menemukan sesuatu yang indah dan luarbiasa dalam kitab suci.
Dan memberikan penyadaran...
Yang terakhir akan menjadi yang terdahulu.
LOL I'm about to take Ray Lubeck's class next week and was informed that we're going to go through Jonah from other people who took the class hahaha. Hope I'm not cheating listening to this lol.
Beutiful job.Thank you for delving into book. In my experience most believers aren't motivated to dig any deeper than a surface reading.The takeaway for most has something to do with Jonah's disobedience.
What a blessing this is. Thank you ♥️
You are amazing! May God continue to bless the work of tour hands and spread the Gospel like never before ❤
This was great! ... Really enjoyed it ... I've always felt that the Bible is masterfully written and was masterfully created, but Bible Project, your videos and teachings are taking my initial thoughts to a whole new level where that is concerned ... amazing stuff ... just endlessly meaningful ... obviously a whole eternity would not suffice to plumb the depths of all of the interwoven threads! ... btw I was thinking: while Jonah was going *down*, the sailors were sending vows *up* ... Jonah was moving further and further away *from* God while his pagan companions were moving closer and closer *to* God ... wow, so many lessons here but one thing that stands out to me is that we believers have to be so careful about how we outwork our faith ... so often unbelievers and so-called 'heathens' just 'get it' way better than we do ... Jonah was slumbering spiritually when he probably considered himself a 'woke' prophet of God ... case in point: non-Christians know that Christianity is primarily about love - i.e. that love is supposed to be central to the Christian walk (not just talk), but a lot of believers walk in harshness and judgementalism, hating both the sin *and* the sinner ... ... finally, I would just *love* to see Jonah chapter 1 juxtaposed with the gospel account of the storm on the Sea of Galilee ... again, wonderful information and insight here! ... Tim, thank you so much and thanks too to your students and their perspectives as well!
It’s kinda crazy I remember falling in love w the Bible project cuz I’m an illustrator and it’s just amazing but I seriously love coming back after years and years and the guys are looking a little grey and white and old!!!!! Love it
Praise The Lord, everyone And God Bless you all
This is a very good study by which we are blessed. In Jonah 2:10, we learn that the fish "vomited Jonah out upon the dry land." I offer that in the modern American English vernacular, the word, "hurl," also means "to vomit;" again, in the modern American English vernacular. While in conventional modern American English, "to hurl" means "to throw an object with force," as did so the hurled Jonah. In the end of the humbling descention, God hurled the penitent Jonah back into the world and restored him for service. Thus, I offer that there are five "hurls" all total in chapters one and two. Interesting...
Also, the worm hurls Jonah out from under his shelter from the heat by destroying the vine!
Should you be seeing how many places you can shove a word, or should you see what the Bible actually says?
@@soundpreacher Well, both. These repetitive words or ideas, making parallels with each other, are often chiastic. They point to a centre point between them which is the whole purpose of the narrative. They say, “look deeper.” The ‘story’ in which it is hidden is merely the vehicle for a more foundational truth.
Very simple to understand instruction. Thanks!
In Mathematics one equation can lead to thousands of equations in its application. For example, look up the equation for General Relativity, or Schrodinger’s wave equation, or Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations, even Newton’s equations for the laws of motion. Think of what we have been able to predict about nature from these seemingly small succinct mathematical statements? IMHO The Bible is deeper and much more than our equations do, in attempting to describe God’s creation. We haven’t even scratched the surface, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg!
I’m most excited that in Heaven, We will never come to the end of learning of the depth of our God
I’m amazed at how this story of Jonah has opened my eyes as to taught your class. Thank you! This was an amazing lesson on juxtaposition and contrast and paralleling chapters. I’ve never seen this before. And another thing an I like Jonah where I’m words but no fear or am I like the sailors that fear God?
Also thank you for letting us know about the scammer
Stumbled upon this while I was shirking my responsibilities. Now I'm going to finish everything before my time runs out😅
WOW! Biblical brilliance!
Wow!! I needed this. So useful.🙏🏽
Great stuff this should be going generations and across community.
Loved every bit of this
Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rom 15.6, Rom 16.27, I Cor 8.6, II Cor 11.31, I Tim 2.5, Rev 3.2, Rev 3.12, and many other scriptures.
This is incredible and helped me a lot! Thanks guys!
I identify as a Bible nerd. I love content like this!
Fasinating! Thank you.
Excellent! Thank you so much for this
Nice lesson Dr. Tim.
Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God❤❤
Very good! This will help me tremendously... thx 😊🙏
Ohhhhhh wow………where have you guys been?!?!! 💙💙💙💙💐💐💐💐💐
God bless you tim❤❤❤
Jonah is a type of Israel, not a type of unbeliever. The story of Jonah (a prophet) is the story of Israel. Israel rejects her calling of being a light to the nations (Jonah runs away). God's election for Israel does not fail. Israel is plunged into the deep (fulfilled in Christ being crucified as the king of the Jews on the cross). Once resurrected, the gospel is then preached to the nations (Christ's commissioning of Paul to preach the gospel to the Gentiles). The end of Jonah (the "gourd") deals with the temporary nature of the law, how it was put in place until "the faith could come."
Really nice point of view!
0:20: ! The video discusses the literary techniques used in the Book of Jonah, focusing on the repetition of the word 'hurl'.
4:20: 📚 The speaker discusses the significance of the repeated theme of hurling in Jonah chapter one, and how it highlights Yahweh's role as the ultimate hurler.
8:03: 🔑 The sailors in the story of Jonah show more fear and understanding than Jonah himself.
12:36: 📚 The video discusses the use of minimal technique in biblical narrative to create maximal characterization.
15:56: 🔁 The video discusses the use of repetition and juxtaposition in the Book of Jonah.
20:10: 📖 The speaker discusses the importance of reading the Bible in translation and the need for a solid commentary to understand certain nuances.
24:13: 📚 The video discusses the relationship between different characters in the story of Jonah and highlights the concept of hyperlinking in biblical texts.
Recap by Tammy AI
This is what happens when the literature is inspired by God. God gave the original author the words to say.
I've listened to you a lot. I thought you were like a genius teenager.
This is just awesome! 🔥🔥
I think Jonah stands in here for Israel / God’s people over all.
They’re running from God / spiritually asleep, while *professing* the true faith.
Meanwhile the nations around them are “in the storm of God’s wrath” but ready to respond positively to the witness of Israel if they will only stand up and do what God has called them to do.
Also the biblical text starts from an oral tradition so distillation and focus are central
You mention a good/solid commentary to support Bible Study....I'm curious which commentary/commentaries you believe fall into that good/solid category.
Yes, a good commentary is helpful (as is this video!)... but there are entire cultures who gladly learn Hebrew and Greek to read and enjoy the original text
Thank you for this!
It's strange to see the face behind the voice. Your videos have been an enormous help in my studies. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
That's Amazing
what bible translation is this? it says instructor’s translation. would like to read it
Also wanting to know this.
All the ones I use to compare with say "the LORD hurled" not Yahweh in 1:4, so I'm confused which traslation this is :)
Holy crap you guys I just found a hyperlink!
The seven days of creation I was matching them up with the Heavenly spheres in Paradiso by Dante and it sure adds up! Forth sphere is the sun. Yeah I didn’t think any further though I’ll get back to ya!
Hmm, how do we invite our brothers and sisters into the depths of this Bible beauty? Maybe we write a song that highlights the down-down-down, or contrasts the vow words-vs-actions?
"Be imitators of GOD as dear children."
This is great. Thank you. Can you please advise on good commentaries both NT & OT. Thanks
“Prepared.” Consider all of the things that were prepared.
1 Corinthians 2:13, Isaiah 28:10, 13 and 2 Timothy 2:15 hold the key to proper biblical interpretation. KJB
I'm still having a hard time understanding the word "fear" of the Lord when we're supposed to LOVE God and God supposedly IS Love, according to I John. How can you both LOVE and FEAR the same person? I can't figure out how to do BOTH. As John wrote in I John 4:18 (NASB), "There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." Also, in 4:7-8 (NASB, the preferred translation here), John wrote: "Beloved, let’s love one another; for love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love." So it seems that John agrees with me that love and fear are in conflict. Is there anyplace where Tim Mackie explains this contradiction where God has to TERRIFY people into loving Him?
I can understand the pagans being afraid of Yahweh because they have lots of gods, many of whom aren't very nice. But it doesn't say here that this experience caused them to LOVE the God who brought the storm over their ship and caused them to lose their cargo before they figured out God's own "chosen" people He was attacking, while they were just collateral damage. Doesn't God love EVERYONE? So are we to assume that all natural disasters and bad things that befall people are God's wrath being carried out? Because that's sure what this story of Jonah sounds kike to me. This is a MASSIVE stumbling block for me.
Also, is it possible to get a copy of the "Instructor's Translation" being used for these classroom lessons? (I'm signed up for the class, but there is SO much reading for every week's lesson, I haven't even gotten up to the first CLASSROOM lesson after about 12 weeks; keeping the weekly assignments in an e-mail folder to I can do them when I catch up. I have a congenital reading disability. And having to interpret EVERY SINGLE WORD of the Bible individually in order to "interpret" & understand it ... I'm 61 years old & have been trying my whole life to read the Bible, but I just CAN'T finish it because I can't understand it! And, yes, I DO pray for the Holy Spirit to help me understand and have study Bibles & read all the footnotes, & the more I read, the more I feel like I'm going BACKWARDS. It feels like I've been punished all my life just for being BORN! I certainly didn't ask to be born and honestly wish I HADN'T been. I would NEVER wish all my hereditary health & neurodevelopmental conditions on ANYONE else, ESPECIALLY someone I loved, which is why I have no children. As far as my part of the family line goes, this cruel syndrome ends with me.)
Thank you.
awesome stuff. only curiosity is the inclusion of "chapters" in the analysis.
Hi, you mentioned the NASB bible that is great for this quilt design can you give me another Bible that is also good for this? Btw, I enjoyed immensely your class. Thank you for all the hard work you do. God bless!! ❤
The ESV also does a pretty good job of this, but the NASB is better.
NRSV or RSV are solid. ESV and ASB are good too. I personally like the word-for-word priority over the smooth English priority (like NIV or NKJV.) As always, the best translation is the one you read!❤
Bible is Supernatural, love this teaching
Please does anyone know the Bible translation being used here?
Where can we find the recap Bible books that is shared as we read each Bible book?
Quilt is everywhere ❤
Hey Tim, when are we hanging? You never invited me and I live on the other side of the country. But I just think you’re the coolest dude ever
Very good and beautiful. It blessed me. Who separated the books into chapters? Was it the Hebrew original authors, or the people who canonized the Word of God? Are these literary methods and the division of chapters intentional by whoever divided them in the chapters we have?
Good question! I wondered this for years😂
Our chapter/verse numbers were added in later. The Hebrew authors have ways of breaking up sections in the scrolls, it's just not with numbers like our modern Bibles.
The Hebrew authors also tended to repeat phrases/ideas at the end or the beginning of scrolls. One example is Joshua (which starts the prophets section) being connected to Psalm 1 (which starts the writings section). So they connected the TaNaK together with things like these. Took me till college to learn that stuff but it's awesome!! God bless❤ Hope that's helpful.
The fear of the Lord is profound respect for our God.
Do we know why a lot of the podcast videos have been taken down?
That small Scripture book on the left screen, can anyone please let me know which Version Bible is this?
Thank you
as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth... "Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit." And when He had said this, He breathed His last.
“I called out to the Lord, out of my distress,
and he answered me;
out of the belly of Sheol I cried,
and you heard my voice.
For you cast me into the deep,
into the heart of the seas,
and the flood surrounded me;
all your waves and your billows
passed over me.
Then I said, ‘I am driven away
from your sight;
yet I shall again look
upon your holy temple.’
The waters closed in over me to take my life;
the deep surrounded me;
weeds were wrapped about my head
at the roots of the mountains.
I went down to the land
whose bars closed upon me forever;
yet you brought up my life from the pit,
O Lord my God.
When my life was fainting away,
I remembered the Lord,
and my prayer came to you,
into your holy temple.
Those who pay regard to vain idols
forsake their own mercy.
But I, with the voice of thanksgiving
will sacrifice to you;
what I have vowed I will pay.
Salvation belongs to the Lord!”
And the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out upon the dry land.
“Woman, why are you weeping?” Jesus asked. “Whom are you seeking?” Thinking He was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried Him off, tell me where you have put Him, and I will get Him.”...Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”). “Do not cling to Me,” Jesus said, “for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go and tell My brothers, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.’
Is it the ability to make things up?
I arrived here because I saw the videos on the spanish version!!!
How about Jonahs going the opposite direction.
Jonah? BSM bros! Let’s go!
Bible nerds UNITE ‼️‼️
Did they delete some videos?
Maybe writing something down back then costs a lot of money.. so you had to make every word count. The same goes with translation, too. How blessed are we to have Google translate. Lol. 😮
Why isn’t there a video yet on the important of water baptism and if it’s needed for salvation.
Does the Bible project / time mackie avoid touchy subjects like this?
They are not avoiding it😂 water baptism isn't needed for salvation