Therewolf Media - "A World With No Kings" | Pixy vs Crimson 1

  • Опубліковано 22 бер 2023
  • Therewolf Media vs commission track for ‪@StofenThe1st‬. This dogfighting death battle-style score features inspiration from Pixy vs Crimson 1 (Ace Combat Zero vs Project Wingman).
    -Music by Aaron Caruthers
    -Album art by @theASTARart on twitter
    -Click to SUBSCRIBE:
    -Commission info:


  • @mrmolotok5934
    @mrmolotok5934 Рік тому +69

  • @joshmccalip6053
    @joshmccalip6053 3 місяці тому +12

    Pixy: "Fire away, coward!"
    Crimson 1: "Die, mercenary!"

  • @williamts9422
    @williamts9422 Рік тому +66

    Max0r (fans) about to have a fucking field day with this one

  • @theelderscout0314
    @theelderscout0314 Рік тому +177

    “Their squadron is lead by the infamous and powerful Crimson 1, who was elected the whitest among all Oregonians.”

  • @ForgottenSon_
    @ForgottenSon_ Рік тому +45

    A world With No Kings has gotta be the COLDEST song title you ever made

  • @openinginawe5518
    @openinginawe5518 Рік тому +85

    This sounds like a tragic boss fight and I really like that feeling

    • @DickerMax18
      @DickerMax18 Рік тому +10

      Probably because It is tragic
      On Ace Combat Zero you fought against your own friend while on Project Wingman you fight over a city under a burning sky

  • @BBlader
    @BBlader Рік тому +51

    Pixy: Cipher, what the fuck is this guy saying?
    Gelb 1: They are memes! They are funny memes!
    Pixy: What the fuck is a meme?

  • @daflauschige4826
    @daflauschige4826 Рік тому +77

    The best part of this matchup is the potential banter since both have opposing ideologies which would lead to a heated political debate over the comm lines with crimson 1 getting more and more aggravated until he is screaming into the radio.

    • @CreeTheChroma
      @CreeTheChroma 11 місяців тому +40

      Crimson 1: How Does it feel to not have a Country? To not have borders to define yourself against the world?!

    • @GeistDrachen
      @GeistDrachen 9 місяців тому +25

      Crimson 1: The Federation fought for peace in this war, and you denied them that!
      Pixy: While you're up here fighting for peace, tons of blood is being shed on the ground. Some "peace", kid.
      Crimson 1: How dare-!
      Pixy: You're still yapping, aren't you? That tells me you're fine.

    • @keksecutioner8847
      @keksecutioner8847 4 місяці тому +6

      "Die, mercenary!"
      "Fire away, coward!"

    • @somedudethatripsplanetinha4221
      @somedudethatripsplanetinha4221 4 місяці тому +2

      @@GeistDrachen That was a golden moment

    • @BuckingBadger
      @BuckingBadger 4 місяці тому

      *V2 missle launches at federation held Prospero*
      Pixy: too bad buddy this twisted needs to be reset we'll start over from zero with this V2 and entrust the future to the next generation

  • @HorizonSniper__
    @HorizonSniper__ Рік тому +31

    The buildup and the flamenco bit at 2:47 invoked a surreal feeling. Holy shit, this is crazy good.

  • @edgarlozada3858
    @edgarlozada3858 Рік тому +55

    Whoever came with this commision is a genius.

    • @mill2712
      @mill2712 Рік тому +8

      Honestly, I'd love for more PW remixes to be done and with the lesser known songs as well.

  • @liamfalvey5142
    @liamfalvey5142 Рік тому +28

    *Borders, solely, are responsible for this*

  • @ju5t1ce33
    @ju5t1ce33 Рік тому +30

    This was AWESOME! I always wondered what Pixy and Crimson 1’s battle theme would sound like.
    I gotta tell ya though. At 2:48 I froze. The hours I spent in area B76 (The Round Table) and the many jousting matches with Pixy all came back to me in a flash. I haven’t played Ace Combat: Zero in years, not since I was a kid on my old PS2. Now I’m 28. Thank you for making me feel that.

  • @socialaccount0000
    @socialaccount0000 Рік тому +20

    Never played either franchise, nor do I understand the name. But the idea of a dogfight death battle is pretty original, and it helps that the track is cool too.

    • @CreeTheChroma
      @CreeTheChroma Рік тому +10

      Pixy was part of a faction called "a world without boundaries," whose goal was to have no borders. Crimson 1 fights an ace pilot named Monarch, and his soundtrack is called Kings in the final mission. They're often compared being the opposite sides of the same coin. So "A world with no Kings" is a nice combination

  • @thedino27fr
    @thedino27fr Рік тому +37

    Oh now that's an original matchup, wouldn't mind seeing more like it at all. Also, this track proves that "vehicle" MUs such as this one can work quite well (which means that there is a non-zero chance that we're getting a Space Battleship Yamato and I'm all for it). Also damn that's an epic track name.
    And it's most definitely followed by an epic track too. Just like the matchup, the track itself is extremely unique and original. I really love how it just *feels* like an actual dogfight to listen to. The smooth and fluid melodies that truly give the song this "soaring" feeling perfectly fitting of such a fight along with the intense and electronic background percussions that get it across too that it's an extremely tense battle where a single hit would result in the death of one character both fit the thematic of the matchup perfectly to give out something wonderful.
    I must also mention the progression of the song there as it's one that is quite nice too. It's great how the song starts with smooth and calm-ish violin melodies to showcase how both character don't take this fight seriously at first, as if they'd think that it'd just be another kill to add to their counter. And only at 0:49 do we get the first higher energy segment as the first would likely engage in their first aerial duel, the song picking up as the both of them would start taking the engagement more seriously. Also, It may be me hearing things that aren't there but I think I can hear some small "pings" in the instrumental there which I think is a wonderful detail because of how it can represent either the radar pings that both characters would hear when dogfight, their focus on destroying the other giving them tunnel vision/hearing to hear everything around in their cockpit or it could also represent the missile alarms going off from their enemy's lock onto their craft, and the fact that the pings stop with the melody at 1:19, hinting at either the dodge of a missile or the use of their flares emphasizes this.
    Then after this segment we once again get a pretty slow melody that slowly picks up in energy, altho not in intensity which is yet again a great detail as, even if both characters were to give it their absolute best in piloting, from outside of their cockpit the fight wouldn't be brutal nor violent as it'd just be two planes doing their damn best to get on the other's six to nail it with a missile.
    Then at 2:03 we get a total change in atmosphere to the song as we shift away from this epic feeling to a much darker and "crazed" one, as if both characters are starting to get frustrated at that pilot that *dares* challenge them and just refuses to die to *them*, the best pilot on this planet. The way the song starts picking up in intensity as the characters' frustration grows, some violin bits even sounding completely maddened with speed as both characters would get more and more reckless completes this perfectly too.
    Now after this we get something that completely stumped me the first time I heard the song, that being the 2:47-3:17 Spanish Guitar segment. Even if it is "teased" a few seconds before it begins with the "pings" of the guitar being heard, I never expected a full on segment of that in the song. And honestly I'm not disappointed as it sounds great. It keeps that same energy and intensity with the percussions and heavy strums keeping the listener on the edge of their toes while giving the song a much more "festive" side, as if both characters got past their frustration at not being able to shoot down their opponent and instead start having *fun* , having met a worthy opponent for them to face as they lose themselves in the dogfight, paying attention to nothing but their piloting in the hopes of defeating this worthy foe.
    Soon after we get another dramatic shift as the song goes back to its "normal" pace 3:18 at 3:18, the Spanish guitar still staying in the background for a bit to tell that, even if both fighters are once again going in as seriously as they can, they're still having fun.
    This is broken, however, as we reach the climax of the song at 3:25, the two characters readying everything they've got left as alarms ring out all around them in their cockpit, their aircraft being pushed as far as they were themselves. This quick build up fully breaks down at 3:32 when we get back with another "stable" melody similar to the beginning of the song but this time with the intensity of the second arc of the track to fully showcase how, while those two are giving everything they've got, they've regained their focus and are ready to end this fight, regardless of if they are to die or win.
    And that's reflected by how just unbelievably awesome the climax is, the way it just combines all the amazing segments of the song I've mentioned until now with an increase in intensity as both aircrafts circle around another in the hopes of getting that one missile lock that'll grant them the win is wonderful. Especially when it finally comes at 3:48 and we get a shrieking increase in intensity, one of the planes now being locked on and a missile towards them as its pilots realizes that they can't dodge this one, before finally completely crashing down at 3:54 when said plane is blown to smithereens by the ordinance , only leaving the winner to head into the sunset with their damaged aircraft, they themselves being on the brink of unconsciousness after this fight.
    Overall I fully expected this track to be completely amazing as soon as I saw the matchup's franchises. And I most definitely wasn't disappointed. I know very little of both franchises, much less the characters themselves. But I can say with certitude that this song does perfect justice to both characters and both franchises because of how awesome it is. It may sound a bit dumb given that it wasn't that long ago, but the last time I was that rejoiced to listen to a song was with ULTIMA MACHINA and given my opinion on that song as can be read in my review of it, I think you can guess how much I liked this track. And I must also once again bring up how wonderfully written the track itself is in terms of storytelling. Even while knowing barely anything of both characters or franchises I managed to come up with a relatively full scenario to go with the song so that shows how masterfully done it is. And I think I didn't emphasize just how great the climax at 3:32 really is because I find it simply grandiose. Truly, this is wonderful work done there.
    *PS: I'm only voicing it now but I find it funny how each description has a certain adjective fitting of the track. And this one in particular is quite comical as I'd never have imagined reading "dogfighting" as an adjective for a song. Wonder if Therewolf'll run out of them eventually, eh.*

    • @Annihilate0405
      @Annihilate0405 Рік тому +3

      Script idea ( I don't know the personalities of either pilot, and I'm just following the "music description" of this track: From the beginning to 0:49, both pilots see each other, not really caring as they "know" that the other will be easy to take down. (If they both have a squadron, involve them, but have the fight focus on the two main pilots. If one team has a squadron, have the other gun down everyone else, leaving the fight as a one-on-one) From 0:50 to 1:19, have them confront each other, skillfully dodging the other's bullets and missles, with both of them trying to hand good hits on the other. From 1:20 to 2:02, continue to have them struggle to land good hits on each other, with both of them getting more impatient the longer the other doesn't die. From 2:03 to 2:46, both of the pilots are furious with each other (either a Genos vs. War Machine with Genos saying, "Come on, die already!", or Raiden vs. Armstrong with Raiden saying, "Why won't you die?") because neither of them are dying to the other, and are throwing caution to the wind as they are furiously trying to kill the other. At 2:47 to 3:17, both of them fly into a giant cloud, with both of them unable to see the other, giving them a moment to reflect and appreciate the skill of their worthy opponent. From 3:18 to 3:25, they return to battle, but with a smile on their face to show their appreciation for the other. From 3:26 to 3:32, they are preparing themselves for one final showdown, with themselves and their ships reaching their limits (the pilots with trying to keep up with each other and the ships with the strain of the extremely fast turns during their furious section at 2:03 to 2:46). From 3:33 to 3:47, they are flying and trying to keep up with each other as best as they can in order to find an opening on the other. From 3:48 to 3:54, the loser leaves a SMALL opening that the winner is BARLEY able to capitilize on, with them firing the missile. The loser tries to lose it, but they fail, and as the missle is about to hit, they smile and think to themselves "Well played", having respect for the winner for being able to gun them down. From 3:55 to the ending, the loser and their ship blow up, with the winner being able to win by the skin of their teeth, as they fly away while the screen turns to black. (If you go with the squadron idea, assuming both squadrons have them, have the winner be the only survivor)

  • @kabob0077
    @kabob0077 Місяць тому +1

  • @thesaviourfromheavensunwuk9639
    @thesaviourfromheavensunwuk9639 Рік тому +13

    This sounds like a boss battle and this track music is spot on

  • @edgarlozada3858
    @edgarlozada3858 Рік тому +13

    Sad that I couldn't be here in the premiere, but no problem. This song is not short in quality. When 0:50 kicks, is something spectacular. More violín heavy songs are welcome.

  • @moonknight96
    @moonknight96 Рік тому +11

    Well know Therewolfs 2nd non powered vs track. This shall be a spectacle.

  • @StofenThe1st
    @StofenThe1st Рік тому +29

    Oh man I hope you guys like this track as much as I loved it! Therewolf really knocked it out of the park in my opinion.
    As for the match up I think it’s pretty self explanatory: 2 final bosses from funny plane games that want to destroy the world using Gundam class jets. But yes, I loved the Ace Combat series and to see a few fans manage to make a whole ass game that perfectly pays tribute to the series with Project Wingman had me super excited. Then when I finally reached the final mission of the game and got hit with musical excellence of Kings really made me want a crossover track. Finally after all these years I managed to get it made.
    PS: You guys should definitely look up the videos where people have modded in Pixie’s dialogue for the Project Wingman final mission.

  • @thekingzhaul5914
    @thekingzhaul5914 22 дні тому +1

    I hope someone one days commissions you for another PW vs AC track.
    There is a certain duel I'm really interested to see someday after PW's frontline 59 campaing came out.
    Captain Torres vs General Faust; The Alicorn vs The Roosevelt. I'd call it, "Salvation or Calamity".

  • @aidenreed680
    @aidenreed680 Рік тому +15


  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro 11 місяців тому +3

    this is a fantastic idea for a match up and the song came out as great as it should have

  • @jokslikter9746
    @jokslikter9746 Рік тому +8

    ace combat zero therewolf track this is gonna go crazy

  • @chaisonpeyton
    @chaisonpeyton Рік тому +8

    A Bad Day in Fairyland (Conker Vs Gertrude) [Conker’s Bad Fur Day vs I Hate Fairyland]

    • @lolstalgic9602
      @lolstalgic9602 Рік тому +2


  • @charlesnguyen9272
    @charlesnguyen9272 Рік тому +4

    Airplanes? Cool beans.

  • @jonathanpete7433
    @jonathanpete7433 Рік тому +4

    "Despicable Villains" (Vetor Vs El Macho Vs Scarlett Overkill Vs Balvazar Brat) (Despicable Me Villain Battle Royale)

  • @starmaneli7711
    @starmaneli7711 Рік тому +5

    This one is really unique, great job on this one!

  • @triplestarplushtheplushana6840
    @triplestarplushtheplushana6840 Рік тому +10

    *Perfectly Undefeatable*
    Giganto vs Cell Max
    (Sonic Frontiers vs Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero)
    *Grimm Shadows Of Our Forgo Selves*
    Negative Weiss vs Forgo Dedede
    (RWBY Ice Queendom vs Kirby And The Forgotten Land)
    *Titans Regime*
    Thanos vs Superman
    (Marvel Cinematic Universe vs Injustice)
    *Stupidly Perfect*
    Stupid Mario vs Kermit
    (SMG4 vs Devilartemis)

    • @joaquincarloshernandez9651
      @joaquincarloshernandez9651 Рік тому

      Forgo Vigilante
      (Forgo Dedede VS Vigilante Deku)
      [Kirby & The Forgotten Land VS My Hero Academia]

  • @supernovadiyamond5742
    @supernovadiyamond5742 Рік тому +4

    Esto es lo más cercano que tendremos a un con temática de Top Gun para death battle. Asique por mi feliz de tener un enfrentamiento de combate aéreo.
    Ahora necesitamos:
    Caballeros vs Ninjas vs Robots
    Tanques vs Aviones
    Dinosaurios vs Dragones
    El verdadero peak de enfrentamientos

  • @Stratoblast
    @Stratoblast Рік тому +4

    Who wants to see/hear a Penny Fitzgerald (The amazing world of Gumball) Vs The Shape-shifter (Gravity Falls) track? Think about the name could be. Any ideas?

  • @danielferrieri7434
    @danielferrieri7434 Рік тому +6

    A Spartan's Call to Duty (Halo vs Call of Duty) [343 Industries vs Activision]

  • @hellbot.9666
    @hellbot.9666 Рік тому +4

    Crowned Magolor vs Red King Carnage (Kirby vs Marvel)
    *Inter-Dimensional Carnage*

  • @Brenton338
    @Brenton338 Рік тому +5

    I really like this one Aaron awesome job as always😊😁 what’s the next one?

  • @Neolith_
    @Neolith_ 4 місяці тому +1

    Hello. I quite like this OST and was wondering if you'd allow it to be used within an upcoming project of mine. you will be credited, and the video will be linked of course.

  • @matthewbaddams2302
    @matthewbaddams2302 Рік тому +3

    Once again I have no knowledge of the matchup but the track is great regardless.

  • @Super787B
    @Super787B 8 місяців тому

    This is so cool! Especially when the flamenco bit near the end!
    Do you know when you’re opening commissions again? I’d love to purchase a commission when you do.

  • @somedudethatripsplanetinha4221
    @somedudethatripsplanetinha4221 5 місяців тому +1

    Pixy (Pro-Borders) vs Pixy (Anti-Borders)

  • @Annihilate0405
    @Annihilate0405 Рік тому +6

    Who wins and how?

    • @unauthorized-thing
      @unauthorized-thing Рік тому +3

      From my understanding, crimson 1 takes this with some difficulty
      Crimson is more seceptable to gunfire while pixy can only really be damaged in a head on joust
      Crimson takes destructive ability and has far better maneuvering than pixy he also apparently has better durability

    • @RavenReach
      @RavenReach Рік тому +4

      @@unauthorized-thing yeah the Morgan has some bullshit defenses and its single rockets are very powerful, but Pw.mk1 is just so loaded with bullshit and ability to spam projectiles that I doubt Crimson would lose. Pixy would definitely make him fight for it though because he could keep up with the Demon Lord, but Monarch is very arguably the most OP protagonist when compared to the AC ones just based on the insane battles he goes through on the regular.

    • @CreeTheChroma
      @CreeTheChroma Рік тому +3

      I agree with Crimson 1 winning Pixy is a very skilled pilot even if it's just their default planes. The Morgan still canonical got shot down by an F-15, not a super plane. If it wasn't for the AWACS though Cipher wouldn't have know to joust but that's not enough of a factor to make the call honestly.

    • @mill2712
      @mill2712 Рік тому +5

      There's also a likely possibility that direct hits from cordium railgun rounds, their super heated plasma trails, and the boss exclusive plasma shield bubbles could also render the ECM protective system less than effective compared to other craft it (The ADFX-01: Morgan) was made to destroy.
      Not to mention when the Morgan starts to take damage it starts to lose some of its weapons while the Wingman will start throwing everything it has as the fight goes on.

    • @NuclearFalcon146
      @NuclearFalcon146 11 місяців тому

      Someone already made a Pixy vs Crimson 1 video where they played the final stage in an F-15C painted in Galm-2 colors and edited in Pixy's lines in such a way that he absolutely roasts Crimson 1.

  • @Annihilate0405
    @Annihilate0405 Рік тому +5

    Is the name a reference to something?

    • @aidenreed680
      @aidenreed680 Рік тому +3

      Kinda, kings in the name is a reference to the final mission in projectwingman and to the "a world" part of it reference to where both want to (but one successes) in changeling/ destroying the world, and they are both final bosses of their respective games

    • @unauthorized-thing
      @unauthorized-thing Рік тому +2

      possibly, from my understanding the "a world with no" comes from one of the groups pixy was apart of called "A World With No Boundaries" and kings in a referrence to the final mission in project wingman titled "kings"

  • @nightghost1120
    @nightghost1120 Рік тому +2

    Next time on death white rabbit vs Harley Quinn. Marvel vs dc

  • @lolstalgic9602
    @lolstalgic9602 Рік тому +5

    *Here are some ideas for anyone too lazy to brainstorm:*
    “Miraculous Shadows” Blake Belladonna Vs. Cat Noir (RWBY vs Miraculous Ladybug)
    "Emerald Ninjitsu" Alkali Vs. Jade (League of Legends Vs. Mortal Kombat)
    "Legends of the Heart" Tifa Lockhart Vs Chun-Li (Final Fantasy Vs Street Fighter)
    "Tomb of Evil" Jill Valentine Vs. Lara Croft (Resident Evil Vs. Tomb Raider)
    “My Childhood Passion” Amy Rose Vs. Sakura Haruno (Sonic Vs. Naruto)
    "Kold Fighters" Sub-Zero Vs. Kula Diamond (Mortal Kombat Vs. King of Fighters)
    The Dark Moon" Moon Knight Vs. Batman (Marvel Vs. DC)
    "Automated Vengeance" Raiden Vs YoRHa 2B (Metal Gear Rising Vs Nier: Automata)
    "Ultra-Hyper Realistic" Sonic Vs Archie Sonic
    “Widowed Cry” Black Widow Vs. Black Canary (Marvel Vs. DC)
    "At the Side of Darkness" Count Dooku Vs. Saruman (Star Wars Vs. Lord of the Rings)
    "Stretched Out" Jake Vs Plastic Man (Adventure Time Vs DC)
    "Seriously Invincible" Saitama Vs Mark (One Punch Man Vs Invincible)
    "The Faith in Freedom" Kamina Vs. Zack (Gurren Lagann Vs Final Fantasy)
    "TransMorphin Shades of Pink" Arcee Vs Kimberly (Transformers Vs Power Rangers)
    "Point of Extraction" Hunk Vs. Ghost (Resident Evil Vs Call of Duty)
    "Books of Magic" Harry Potter Vs Tim Hunter
    "Hearts of the Planet" Aerith Vs Lucy (Final Fantasy Vs Fairy Tail)
    “Binary Bounty” Samus Aran Vs. Captain Marvel (Nintendo Vs. Marvel)
    “Uncaged Kung-Fu Master” Ken Masters Vs. Johnny Cage (Street Fighter Vs. Mortal Kombat)
    “1000 Demons” Akuma Vs. Kazuya (Street Fighter Vs. Tekken)
    "Souls of the Sword" Katana Vs. Hotsuma (DC Vs. Shinobi)

  • @upcomingperson4098
    @upcomingperson4098 3 місяці тому +1

    Technically speaking, I think Crimson 1 takes this

  • @joaquincarloshernandez9651
    @joaquincarloshernandez9651 Рік тому +2

    AMV Plan
    Buzz Lightyear & Green Lantern - A World With No Kings (Therewolf Media) (Full Version)
    Tagline: "Toy Story's Space Ranger VS DC's Member Of The Green Lantern Corps Battle For A Dogfight In Test-Pilot Superheroes In Pixy VS Crimson 1's Commission Track."
    AMV Between Greatest Test-Pilot Superheroes
    Buzz Lightyear VS Green Lantern (Toy Story VS DC) | A World With No Kings AMV
    Buzz Lightyear: Tim Allen
    Green Lantern: Bradley Gareth
    To Infinity & Beware My Power (Buzz Lightyear VS Green Lantern) [Toy Story VS DC]
    Buzz Lightyear & Toy Story Was Owned By Disney & Pixar
    Green Lantern Was Owned By DC Comics