Please tell Niantic that the app needs to notify all nearby trainers of the flare, not just people on your friends list! Maybe it could have a visual indicator above the gym.
It shouldn't be default to notify all my friend since I have friends from all around the world. It should however notify all trainers within a certain radius
Notify all “strangers/weirdos that you know nothing about to your exact location and time”? I don’t think that’s a good idea, consider the safety risks present from alerting a criminal to your location
Since changing the 1 pokecoin box from a remote raid pass, we’ve got the following: Week 1 - 3 super incubators Week 2 - 3 premium battle passes Week 3 - random berries Week 4 - 10 ultra balls, 5 hyper potions, and 1 charged TM New for week 5: 1 poffin, 1 charged tm Just bringing some attention to this because no one is talking about it. Niantic takes away your free remote pass, gives you incubators and premium battle passes weeks 1 and 2 to prop trainers up by thinking the change wasn’t that bad. Slowing giving us garbage every week since
yup the super incubators and passes were nice now its garbage. 1 poffin is fine for me since its like a discount but nobody needs pokeballs, berrys and tm's
Definitely been underwhelming since week 3. Berries or Tms and balls aren't premium items to my knowledge. You'd think Star Pieces, incense(even though it's trash now basically), rocket radars possibly. Just something more than basic items.
Campfire actually looks amazing, now you don't have to use an external website/app to see where we can find what Raids. Thanks for the video Billy, hope you enjoyed the go fest this weekend.
I do like the feature to see the raid in the area. At home I can barely see 1 gym and it’s usually something I don’t want. But if I could see the other gyms that are in town from my house then I can determine if I want to go into town to play some knowing there’s a raid or 2 that I would like to do as well. Just helps out knowing if it’s worth it to go into town
Understanding the privacy concerns but limiting this to friends makes this almost useless for the average player. The majority of times you are not doing raids in person with a bunch of your friends. When I am raiding downtown it is usually with random people. We need a way to communicate with them.
Maybe 2 kinds of flares: one for your friend list and an anonymous one for all trainers within a certain range. (Like it will say "A trainer lit a flare at this gym" but not show your username).
Perhaps a communal flare where non-friends could then communicate with preset messages i.e. I'm in, will be there in 5 minutes. Or similar. Being said, children's accounts should not be allowed non-friend communication without parental consent. I think they ought to but the world isn't the place it ought to be yet.
Yes,.... And for the gyms! Some gyms are easier for me to get to than others... especially if I'm busy or don't see a flare in time. I personally don't want to get a ton of flare spam.
7:38. Amazing idea came to me! Please pass it along If it shows on your friends list if that person has a lucky egg active and how long left, then you wouldn’t need to wait and could pop the friendship level-up right there (just a lucky egg icon with a countdown timer would work great)
Hear me out, there should be two different flares. A red flare for friends to be notified and a green flare for the whole public/ community to see what raids people are attending. This will help with a lot of new experiences, especially meeting new people around the area and making it way more convenient for everyone.
This so obvious and would be awesome, but I think they're concerned for privacy and safety. Gotta remember this is and always will be a kids game, even if prob 80% of the player base are adults lol.
I live in a rural area. I got a park 10 mins up the road or my countys capital 20 mins up the road. Its always hit or miss with raids. I am so excited for this new raid map! Its literally the one thing I have wanted the longest!
I mean it's years and years too late. Before remote raiding my husband and I used to drive around for an hr in our area looking for raids. Usually coming away empty handed and wasted time energy gas etc. How badly this was needed! NOW I use remote raiding on poke genie just sit in a que for the specific pokemon I want and someone sends me an invite. Sorry niantic but this ship has sailed.
The 3x limit on remote raid passes is also nonsensical, as is the fact that you cannot get them from anywhere but the shop anymore, even going as far as to take away the 1 coin bundle with a remote raid pass every Monday. This potentially fell on the start of a new raid rotation, giving far more trainers an incentive to raid and invite others on day 1 of the raids. And after they turned that bundle into seeping garbage every week, NOW is when they add the incentivizing of remote raiding? NOW is when they promote their version of spoofing for raids after demonizing spoofing last week? I agree 100% with you. Poke Genie's system of remote raid matchups was technically considered cheating, even though they pioneered this system and are receiving absolute zero-credit for it whatsoever. Not to mention the countless other features like the Nearby PokeStop Map, Raid Map, viewing global areas and what is available?? All of those came from spoofing. All. Of. Them. If they show the Fast and Charge Move of the raid boss as well? Just know that's _also_ from spoofing. If they cared to begin with, they wouldn't have lost so many players to these other apps and spoo... wait what's that... OHHHHH we also still pay Niantic for every ticket, item, and event? Word lol I've spent far, far more money on a vile and wicked account of *gasp* device feature debauchery than I ever would have on my legit account through Niantic's legitimate services, even though all of this money went to Niantic. And now, Niantic's decided to take half the features from it and leave all the functions that make it work to the wayside. Let's say that I pay $5 or $6 a month now... I'd pay Niantic $12 to $15 a month for these same features protected via their application and security if they bought out the spoofing devs to work for the company and these new features to make it a legitimate feature of the game. Even moreso, they could ban any non-local catches of perfect pokemon from PVP and solve 99% of the problem then and there, but that's not the issue... It's their PVP servers and all of the errors and bugs. But no, Niantic cares more about raking data and AR Scans/Geolocation than they do about their playerbase or their money. I just really do not understand them sometimes.
I thought flares would be visible to everyone, I want to light a flare to meet people who want to trade, or light a flare to make friends to raid with. Going to be pretty bummed if it's just for already established friends.
One more thing. Watching this I thought I recognized the location. Between 2012 and 2016 I had a job which took me to Berlin at least once a month and our meeting locations were in a loft office at the corner. Whenever possible I would stay at the Westin Grand! Most amazing building and staircase :-) Loved the "currywurst and English style chips" in the lobby :-) I took my kids when they were just 5 and 2 years old and now they are playing Pokemon GO with me. Great memories. Thank you.
I know quite a few people who use a flyer to check the local raids, so that will be a massive benefit to have without a flyer app. Next step - global trades with lucky friends.
They could never do that. They give us that, even once, for any event and it will upset the natural order. But more seriously, they should just get rid of the close proximity trade requirement. If you want to put it on a stipend, you could say you have have 5 foreign trades a day for a seàson. Would be very helpful.
@@omarholder9036 only 1 trade with only a lucky friend would be plenty. It would incentivize people to keep interacting after becoming best friends. Majority of players now, if they are not local, reach best friends and unfriend that trainer.
One of the most important features in my opinion would be that the map (and the raid overview page with all raids nearby) shows when people are waiting in a raid lobby, so you don't have to click on a gym to see if people are in queue. This would help so much during events like raid hour!
Finally! Why did Niantic take so loooooooooooooooooong to develop this? They should've brought this around years ago. It makes sense to add the timer for all the raids. There's no point of going to the raid not knowing how much time is left only to arrive and the raid expires. This is so loooooooooooooooooooooong overdue. The sooner Niantic makes this live for use the better. Can't wait to use it. No need to rely on Discord for other trainers when you can see it live. Definitely a must have for local raiders.
I am excited for this, although I'm very cautious about it too. I don't want this to be used as an excuse to kill off the remote raid passes. I love raiding with people in person in my city, but I also like remote raiding with others in Japan too. just hope Niantic doesn't forget/sacrifice the Global Community in an ill attempt to push local only.
This is my only fear. My irl friends and I can play events on weekends together, but during the week and especially during raids hours I have literally no one, and I really rely on getting remote raiders to help me. If they get rid of it I'd be screwed. And the sad part is that in my gut I know that they will be soon. We always said they care about money, but look at incense. I'm sure those dropped in sales. I know I don't use them unless I'm playing an event. Can't even remember the last time I bought one since you always get some from research anyways.
that is EXACTLY what they plan on DOING! that's what all this has been leading up to...can't you see it? they are trying to take apps like poke genie, poke raid & poke battler out. but if they had just been smart about everything and worked with those apps everyone could have been so happy. Niantic only wants things one way...their way.
@@ksea6565 yes and their way = money. If they destroy remote raids i will stop playing. it's the best thing they aver added. i don't have enough people around me that play pokemen go. so no remaote raid = -1 player
Very cool to see outside of your nearby area to plan out walks and maybe a new area to go check out. If the flares aren’t public there’s not really a use for them since you can already text anyone who’s a friend of yours and we’re really just trying to get as many nearby players to a raid spot as possible. Also a 100% iv flare would be awesome if there was some way to confirm it so people don’t mess with it. Cool ideas but so far it’s just a zoomed out raid map.
This looks really clean for a demo/beta atm, tho part from the timers what I would also suggest is if the friend flare alerts can be turned on like all other notications in settings (but that's likey to happen) but also if it could also be a "open" or public flare like, I'm sitting/in range at the gym where the raid is& want to see it any others want to do the raid too, that would be great overall too
it looks amazing!! but another thing that they should add is a way to filter the raid bosses idk only shows legendary raids or one specific Pokemon that you are raid hunting
Suggestion: Search Features. 1. A search feature for mons would be awesome. Like you could search for the mon you want to raid like "MewTwo" and the app will highlight all the active MewTwo raids. 2. Or you could search by raid level, like if you only want to raid Legendaries or you only want 1-star raids. ☆Aside from that: I love we'll be able to coordinate friendship level-ups w/ lucky eggs & to coordinate lucky trades. ☆Checking out the gym/stop locations is freaking awesome. Like the 1st thing my husband & I do when we check into a hotel is see if there's gyms/ stops nearby!
This is great for areas that aren't as populated and/or walkable by foot without having to visit designated parks. My town has a lot of gyms spread out and I'm forced to drive between them, so being able to know when and where a raid is gonna pop up (and if people will actually be there or not) is extremely useful.
This looks great. I'm really hoping Niantic will allow long distance trades for lucky friends. This app could be used to coordinate the trades. I have lucky friends in several different countries and in other states and it's not like I'm ever going to travel that far just for a lucky trade.
I was ready to throw in the towel but not anymore; Niantic was holding off on this great news! Thank you for the demo Phoenix AZ has always had a really good community/stops/gyms/resources, I think this will help form a stronger bond with all local communities
im looking forward to this. I just hope Ill be able to find a community of PoGo players when launched. Played since day 1 release and never met anyone else playing, so this gives me hope
Here in Morgantown, WV. We have a raid map _very similar_ to this, and it is real useful. Further improvements to the campfire app, on Pokemon go, I would hope Niantic jumps on, that's similar to our raid map's capabilities, would be to show all spawns across a large area like a city or a small town. As well as have the ability to customize your searches so you can be alerted whenever something like a hundo spawns in the wild and know exactly where it is and how long it is until it despawns. Like ours can.
Now I won't have to bother a friend who plays ingress to check out my vacation destinations and find me close places to play. This map will be SO helpful!
I have wanted this FOREVER! I cannot believe this is coming true! I hope they hurry up and get this going because it's literally the best thing the game has ever done.
I really hope they change the flares to global not just friends. It’s annoying joining and leaving to stay in lobby for others to find us. It should just show the number of nearby trainers or in lobby above the gym tbh.
Dude this is so useful I can plan when to start walking into town to use up those free passes without having to wait around bit late but it's an improvement :)
I can’t wait to download this. The raid map looks really good & will help me in my local area as I can’t see all gyms & will also help when I play in town.
The whole concept and idea and the way the beta already looks is amazing, there’s a possible concern that I have which is, about the Younger players in the Pokémon GO community. If a younger player has a “Stranger” added from a third party source such as PokeGenie wouldn’t this Application aka ”Campfire” Reveal the location and possible home of the younger player which is a obvious negative factor. Another concern I have which also relates to the Younger players in the Pokémon GO community, is that If a younger player has a “Stranger” added from a third party source such as PokeGenie wouldn’t this Application aka ”Campfire” allow the “Stranger” to directly talk to the younger players which may lead to issues of harassment or cyber bullying or worse. Overall to sum it up, unless some major privacy or security options or actions are implemented into “Campfire” this application is only creating more problems. I completely understand this is only the beta and my concern may have already been thought of and resolved in the final release of “Campfire”.
@@hayaschu626 Yeah I am sure of that as well, maybe a toggle for showing your location to others or maybe you can select what friends you want to notify when a flare is set off and what friends can message you but, Im sure the privacy section and all that is thought of already as well.
It would be really amazing to be able to see a little bubble on each active raid with the number of plyers that have joined the lobby. Especially for raid nights when you are in an unfamiliar place, there may be 12 raids and to see which one people are joining without having to click on them all would be fantastic..... Does anyone else want this?
For raids it looks like there's def A LOT of room for improvement... considering 90% of trainers in my friend's list are randoms that I don't know irl. However, being able to chat with them to coordinate eggs is much appreciated, and at least the map is useful because as long as they don't remove remote raid passes then you can still host raids in via the usual apps/discords.
The cool feature will be if it automatically displays the friends from the game to campfire.. Means if you add someone in pokemon go.. Then that person will be also be added in campfire.. That would be great
Would be great if everyone that has campfire can see the flares. so we can actually meet eachother over at places, meet new people and stuff instead of just your friends.
would be so helpful to have an official stop map as well integrated into this. A lot of the 3rd party ones are user submitted only and finding a great place to play where you've never been before can be tough, would be a great addition to the campfire app to find some hidden gems around an area.
I just need them to get some global trading available, sooo many lucky friends on my list that are international. If we're getting an app that can chat with friends, in theory they should be able to figure out long distance trading at some point?
A different color around the gym or raid symbol would be excellent to show if there are people in or a ping that allows others to know someone is looking for others to join
Can you tell niantic to let us be able to mute campfire notifications from friends. I don’t want to be blasted with notifications from friends in Japan when I live in Florida
I think there should be a search feature for gyms in the app. Like if I type the name of the gym, the app navigates me towards it if there's a gym of that name at all.
It would be helpful if the raid alert would also notify players who are not on your friends list, but still in the area. It would make it more likely that you find a raid group, otherwiser you would have to add all local players beforehand for this to work
I think the raid map is a very nice feature. It would be nice to see the moves of the raid boss. That way we can prepare counters better than before. Kind of like the old maps that have now become private.
3rd-party apps that everyone hate apparently already do this, and to a very, very high degree of accuracy. Every Tier 1, 3, 5, and Mega listed with both Fast and Charge Move displayed. Niantic *could* take note instead of demonizing it and trying to trashpile quite competent developers who clearly have already made these functions work. If, by some miracle, Niantic decided to get these developers on-board and allow them to sideload their version of the application as a paid premium subscription version of the game, they would effectively kill third-party apps by proxy and make a fortune in the process. *ahem* _bUt tHaT'S nOt WhAt MiChAeL StErAnKa tHiNkS iS gUd aS NiAnTiC'S mEsSaGe_ Niantic: "Anyways, here's three razz berries and a pinap berry, go touch grass and kick rocks." Sure does make it easier to do raids with the option to pay in razz berries to join a remote raid lmao Meanwhile, I buy the bundle with 18 regular passes and go about my merry business inviting multiple people to raids that they otherwise would not normally be able to reach and non-maliciously helping other Trainers to get their rare Pokemon and their Shinies. But, hey, ain't I just the worst?
If the flare works for people nearby would be great. Otherwise the app is worthless. All my friends are from Reddit. Only good to see raids far away without goin randomly
The app doesn't work for me, it still tells me there's an issue when logging in or registering, no matter if I try Facebook login or Google login... Anyone who had the same problem and found a solution?
I added Campfire right after this video was posted. At first I would get the message, sorry the app is not currently available in your area. Now I get the message, “Please have a friend invite you to Campfire”! Have yet to find a friend who is already using the app.
With the chat function will there be a translation for different languages? Or can you make that a suggestion? I guess we could always copy text and paste to google translate? Would be convenient to have it all one place.
Didn't really see it but a raid filter would be nice so you can only show raids you are wanting to do. Other than that, it looks like the map I use for raiding. Also maybe a push notification feature for raiders in the nearby. Not everyone on my friends list is from the same place so it seems redundant if I spark a flare and it's sent to my friends in my area but also my friends 1000+ miles away lol.
Will you suggest that after you do a raid that it marks it off on campfire?? Right now when you defeat it the icon stays up. So when out looking sometimes you end up back at the same gym hoping to do th raid again.
This is something I have been wanting for years and years. I know I will be using it. Hope that it wont be too full of flawes (is that the correct spelling?) 🤣
This is awesome...for lvl 1 players. For me this stuff is crazy outdated, if it requires a separate app I would not even install it. Nia is receiving constant feedback from players and content creators like yourself and the stuff that campfire does has been requested for years. And the community has had solutions in 1000 times faster. Lighting a flare would mean I have to sit in that spot for 15 minutes and hope to have a friend nearby just for a single raid. Why, when I can use Poke Gene and get guaranteed 6 player strong levels lobby in 5 mins. And you know, lately I won't even do that. I just go in lobby with my wife, we both invite random people and we usually get at least 6 players lobby and honestly 90% of the raids this would be more than enough and takes only the time of the lobby itself. Having in mind what I wrote above, why would I even waste 15 mins of my life? and we are talking here about a flare for people from my friend list...80% of my friend list are people from outside my country. This app would only be useful if they enable trading between players for longer distance at certain periods. Otherwise for my locals I have discord, I don't need an extra app.
Is this app going to be accessible with voiceover or talk about?? I am a visually impaired player and unless it is compatible I won’t be able to use it. It would be cool if you could make a video dedicated to possible accessibility options Niantic could implement to improve the game for players who have disabilities. I have been playing since day one I am visually impaired and could give you multiple options such as a dark mode, Enabling screen readers to work correctly, big bold text and so much more. It would really go a long way if a constant creator would pay attention to the neglected portion of the community. It just boggles my mind how people understand the word accessibility only in terms in how to access a Pokémon but the real word accessibility term is meant for those who have disabilities and able to access the same information or application The rest of decide community can see. Players have hijacked the word accessible just to refer to pay walls it would be nice if you trainer tips or another creator could explain what accessibility actually is which is granting equal access for those who have disabilities to play the same as those who do not, not just powdero
I'd like to see a flare for gym flipping. Say I have 1'm only defending 1 gym today... My Pokemon's been stuck there for 20 hours... It's 11:30 pm, and I have 0 PokeCoins earned I want to be able to send up a flare that signals", "someone please come and kick me out!!" This would also help players that are frustrated by all the gyms being full in an area, and they don't know which ones they can safely flip.
Depending on how they use the flare data this may end up hurting more players than help because it may end up reducing the gyms or just the raids at said gyms because not enough interest in them
This looks excellent for people in medium to dense population centres with active PoGo communities. Using it as an excuse to eliminate remote raids will hurt the gameplay of rural trainers and those who lack mobility; hopefully Niantic will allow both to exist.
Please tell Niantic that the app needs to notify all nearby trainers of the flare, not just people on your friends list! Maybe it could have a visual indicator above the gym.
My thought when I first heard about the flares was they'd show for everyone. You want to get people out and meeting up that's what you do.
It shouldn't be default to notify all my friend since I have friends from all around the world. It should however notify all trainers within a certain radius
Name apps
Notify all “strangers/weirdos that you know nothing about to your exact location and time”? I don’t think that’s a good idea, consider the safety risks present from alerting a criminal to your location
Since changing the 1 pokecoin box from a remote raid pass, we’ve got the following:
Week 1 - 3 super incubators
Week 2 - 3 premium battle passes
Week 3 - random berries
Week 4 - 10 ultra balls, 5 hyper potions, and 1 charged TM
New for week 5: 1 poffin, 1 charged tm
Just bringing some attention to this because no one is talking about it. Niantic takes away your free remote pass, gives you incubators and premium battle passes weeks 1 and 2 to prop trainers up by thinking the change wasn’t that bad. Slowing giving us garbage every week since
yup the super incubators and passes were nice now its garbage.
1 poffin is fine for me since its like a discount but nobody needs pokeballs, berrys and tm's
Definitely been underwhelming since week 3. Berries or Tms and balls aren't premium items to my knowledge. You'd think Star Pieces, incense(even though it's trash now basically), rocket radars possibly. Just something more than basic items.
This is why I never expect things. I’m just happy to get anything
Agreed I have taken notice as well. Also the raid box is gone as well as the special boxes will keep getting worse.
Noticed this today too. Speaking my mind for me.
Niantic with the if you can’t beat them join them strategy. Love it!
It was about time though give us better we deserve it
Oh yes Niantic always a day late but never a dollar short... 🤣🤣
Finally they 👏 back.
Do raid maps even exist anymore (outside the major cities).
@@rickyst3120 I have no idea. I haven’t played much lately
Campfire actually looks amazing, now you don't have to use an external website/app to see where we can find what Raids. Thanks for the video Billy, hope you enjoyed the go fest this weekend.
Do you have an external website/app that shows nearby raids? 🙃 What's the name
Campfire is an external app….
@@MrYouarethecancer oops xd
I do like the feature to see the raid in the area. At home I can barely see 1 gym and it’s usually something I don’t want. But if I could see the other gyms that are in town from my house then I can determine if I want to go into town to play some knowing there’s a raid or 2 that I would like to do as well. Just helps out knowing if it’s worth it to go into town
Understanding the privacy concerns but limiting this to friends makes this almost useless for the average player. The majority of times you are not doing raids in person with a bunch of your friends. When I am raiding downtown it is usually with random people. We need a way to communicate with them.
Maybe 2 kinds of flares: one for your friend list and an anonymous one for all trainers within a certain range. (Like it will say "A trainer lit a flare at this gym" but not show your username).
@@GreyMailMare33 that would be good
Perhaps a communal flare where non-friends could then communicate with preset messages i.e. I'm in, will be there in 5 minutes. Or similar.
Being said, children's accounts should not be allowed non-friend communication without parental consent.
I think they ought to but the world isn't the place it ought to be yet.
There should be a filter so you can sort by a specific raid boss
YES! Thats a must have for the App
Yes,.... And for the gyms! Some gyms are easier for me to get to than others... especially if I'm busy or don't see a flare in time. I personally don't want to get a ton of flare spam.
7:38. Amazing idea came to me! Please pass it along
If it shows on your friends list if that person has a lucky egg active and how long left, then you wouldn’t need to wait and could pop the friendship level-up right there (just a lucky egg icon with a countdown timer would work great)
Looks soo great! Finally don't have to leave a house just to check if any 5* raids spawned beyond view distance.
Hear me out, there should be two different flares. A red flare for friends to be notified and a green flare for the whole public/ community to see what raids people are attending. This will help with a lot of new experiences, especially meeting new people around the area and making it way more convenient for everyone.
This so obvious and would be awesome, but I think they're concerned for privacy and safety. Gotta remember this is and always will be a kids game, even if prob 80% of the player base are adults lol.
That sounds parallel to having an option to start a public or private raid. If Niantic also sees it that way, I'm sure they'd support your suggestion!
I live in a rural area. I got a park 10 mins up the road or my countys capital 20 mins up the road. Its always hit or miss with raids. I am so excited for this new raid map! Its literally the one thing I have wanted the longest!
I mean it's years and years too late. Before remote raiding my husband and I used to drive around for an hr in our area looking for raids. Usually coming away empty handed and wasted time energy gas etc. How badly this was needed! NOW I use remote raiding on poke genie just sit in a que for the specific pokemon I want and someone sends me an invite. Sorry niantic but this ship has sailed.
The 3x limit on remote raid passes is also nonsensical, as is the fact that you cannot get them from anywhere but the shop anymore, even going as far as to take away the 1 coin bundle with a remote raid pass every Monday. This potentially fell on the start of a new raid rotation, giving far more trainers an incentive to raid and invite others on day 1 of the raids.
And after they turned that bundle into seeping garbage every week, NOW is when they add the incentivizing of remote raiding?
NOW is when they promote their version of spoofing for raids after demonizing spoofing last week?
I agree 100% with you. Poke Genie's system of remote raid matchups was technically considered cheating, even though they pioneered this system and are receiving absolute zero-credit for it whatsoever.
Not to mention the countless other features like the Nearby PokeStop Map, Raid Map, viewing global areas and what is available?? All of those came from spoofing. All. Of. Them.
If they show the Fast and Charge Move of the raid boss as well? Just know that's _also_ from spoofing.
If they cared to begin with, they wouldn't have lost so many players to these other apps and spoo... wait what's that... OHHHHH we also still pay Niantic for every ticket, item, and event? Word lol
I've spent far, far more money on a vile and wicked account of *gasp* device feature debauchery than I ever would have on my legit account through Niantic's legitimate services, even though all of this money went to Niantic. And now, Niantic's decided to take half the features from it and leave all the functions that make it work to the wayside.
Let's say that I pay $5 or $6 a month now...
I'd pay Niantic $12 to $15 a month for these same features protected via their application and security if they bought out the spoofing devs to work for the company and these new features to make it a legitimate feature of the game.
Even moreso, they could ban any non-local catches of perfect pokemon from PVP and solve 99% of the problem then and there, but that's not the issue... It's their PVP servers and all of the errors and bugs.
But no, Niantic cares more about raking data and AR Scans/Geolocation than they do about their playerbase or their money. I just really do not understand them sometimes.
I thought flares would be visible to everyone, I want to light a flare to meet people who want to trade, or light a flare to make friends to raid with.
Going to be pretty bummed if it's just for already established friends.
One more thing. Watching this I thought I recognized the location. Between 2012 and 2016 I had a job which took me to Berlin at least once a month and our meeting locations were in a loft office at the corner. Whenever possible I would stay at the Westin Grand! Most amazing building and staircase :-) Loved the "currywurst and English style chips" in the lobby :-) I took my kids when they were just 5 and 2 years old and now they are playing Pokemon GO with me. Great memories. Thank you.
I know quite a few people who use a flyer to check the local raids, so that will be a massive benefit to have without a flyer app. Next step - global trades with lucky friends.
They could never do that. They give us that, even once, for any event and it will upset the natural order.
But more seriously, they should just get rid of the close proximity trade requirement. If you want to put it on a stipend, you could say you have have 5 foreign trades a day for a seàson. Would be very helpful.
@@omarholder9036 only 1 trade with only a lucky friend would be plenty. It would incentivize people to keep interacting after becoming best friends. Majority of players now, if they are not local, reach best friends and unfriend that trainer.
One of the most important features in my opinion would be that the map (and the raid overview page with all raids nearby) shows when people are waiting in a raid lobby, so you don't have to click on a gym to see if people are in queue. This would help so much during events like raid hour!
Finally! Why did Niantic take so loooooooooooooooooong to develop this? They should've brought this around years ago. It makes sense to add the timer for all the raids. There's no point of going to the raid not knowing how much time is left only to arrive and the raid expires. This is so loooooooooooooooooooooong overdue. The sooner Niantic makes this live for use the better. Can't wait to use it. No need to rely on Discord for other trainers when you can see it live. Definitely a must have for local raiders.
I am excited for this, although I'm very cautious about it too. I don't want this to be used as an excuse to kill off the remote raid passes. I love raiding with people in person in my city, but I also like remote raiding with others in Japan too. just hope Niantic doesn't forget/sacrifice the Global Community in an ill attempt to push local only.
This is my only fear. My irl friends and I can play events on weekends together, but during the week and especially during raids hours I have literally no one, and I really rely on getting remote raiders to help me. If they get rid of it I'd be screwed. And the sad part is that in my gut I know that they will be soon. We always said they care about money, but look at incense. I'm sure those dropped in sales. I know I don't use them unless I'm playing an event. Can't even remember the last time I bought one since you always get some from research anyways.
that is EXACTLY what they plan on DOING! that's what all this has been leading up to...can't you see it? they are trying to take apps like poke genie, poke raid & poke battler out. but if they had just been smart about everything and worked with those apps everyone could have been so happy. Niantic only wants things one way...their way.
@@ksea6565 yes and their way = money. If they destroy remote raids i will stop playing. it's the best thing they aver added. i don't have enough people around me that play pokemen go. so no remaote raid = -1 player
Very cool to see outside of your nearby area to plan out walks and maybe a new area to go check out. If the flares aren’t public there’s not really a use for them since you can already text anyone who’s a friend of yours and we’re really just trying to get as many nearby players to a raid spot as possible. Also a 100% iv flare would be awesome if there was some way to confirm it so people don’t mess with it. Cool ideas but so far it’s just a zoomed out raid map.
This looks really clean for a demo/beta atm, tho part from the timers what I would also suggest is if the friend flare alerts can be turned on like all other notications in settings (but that's likey to happen) but also if it could also be a "open" or public flare like, I'm sitting/in range at the gym where the raid is& want to see it any others want to do the raid too, that would be great overall too
Definitely want a public flare, especially for 5-star & mega raids! Great suggestion!
it looks amazing!! but another thing that they should add is a way to filter the raid bosses idk only shows legendary raids or one specific Pokemon that you are raid hunting
It would be cool to have different flares. Maybe one for 'looking for trade' or 'looking for raid' or 'looking to adventure'
Suggestion: Search Features.
1. A search feature for mons would be awesome. Like you could search for the mon you want to raid like "MewTwo" and the app will highlight all the active MewTwo raids.
2. Or you could search by raid level, like if you only want to raid Legendaries or you only want 1-star raids.
☆Aside from that: I love we'll be able to coordinate friendship level-ups w/ lucky eggs & to coordinate lucky trades.
☆Checking out the gym/stop locations is freaking awesome. Like the 1st thing my husband & I do when we check into a hotel is see if there's gyms/ stops nearby!
This is great for areas that aren't as populated and/or walkable by foot without having to visit designated parks. My town has a lot of gyms spread out and I'm forced to drive between them, so being able to know when and where a raid is gonna pop up (and if people will actually be there or not) is extremely useful.
This looks great. I'm really hoping Niantic will allow long distance trades for lucky friends. This app could be used to coordinate the trades. I have lucky friends in several different countries and in other states and it's not like I'm ever going to travel that far just for a lucky trade.
I was ready to throw in the towel but not anymore; Niantic was holding off on this great news! Thank you for the demo
Phoenix AZ has always had a really good community/stops/gyms/resources, I think this will help form a stronger bond with all local communities
im looking forward to this. I just hope Ill be able to find a community of PoGo players when launched. Played since day 1 release and never met anyone else playing, so this gives me hope
At least we can message our friends now, got 35+ lucky friends and some aren’t on discord and that 1 coin box was trash trash today
Here in Morgantown, WV. We have a raid map _very similar_ to this, and it is real useful. Further improvements to the campfire app, on Pokemon go, I would hope Niantic jumps on, that's similar to our raid map's capabilities, would be to show all spawns across a large area like a city or a small town. As well as have the ability to customize your searches so you can be alerted whenever something like a hundo spawns in the wild and know exactly where it is and how long it is until it despawns. Like ours can.
Now I won't have to bother a friend who plays ingress to check out my vacation destinations and find me close places to play. This map will be SO helpful!
I have wanted this FOREVER! I cannot believe this is coming true! I hope they hurry up and get this going because it's literally the best thing the game has ever done.
Nice instruction 😃😃
It'd be cool if they added a filter for the raid map, like not showing gyms or 1-star raids.
Thanks for virtually visiting O’ahu, Honolulu, Hawai’i in the new mapping in the app. 😉😊
I really hope they change the flares to global not just friends. It’s annoying joining and leaving to stay in lobby for others to find us. It should just show the number of nearby trainers or in lobby above the gym tbh.
Dude this is so useful I can plan when to start walking into town to use up those free passes without having to wait around bit late but it's an improvement :)
I can’t wait to download this. The raid map looks really good & will help me in my local area as I can’t see all gyms & will also help when I play in town.
It should also show which team is running the gym in case people are looking to put pokemon in gyms
After the big announcement that Niantic is cracking down more on spoofers this seems like the perfect tol to find where to go spoof.
Bro I can't wait, I have so much hope and I see great potential in campfire 🔥
The whole concept and idea and the way the beta already looks is amazing, there’s a possible concern that I have which is, about the Younger players in the Pokémon GO community. If a younger player has a “Stranger” added from a third party source such as PokeGenie wouldn’t this Application aka ”Campfire” Reveal the location and possible home of the younger player which is a obvious negative factor. Another concern I have which also relates to the Younger players in the Pokémon GO community, is that If a younger player has a “Stranger” added from a third party source such as PokeGenie wouldn’t this Application aka ”Campfire” allow the “Stranger” to directly talk to the younger players which may lead to issues of harassment or cyber bullying or worse.
Overall to sum it up, unless some major privacy or security options or actions are implemented into “Campfire” this application is only creating more problems.
I completely understand this is only the beta and my concern may have already been thought of and resolved in the final release of “Campfire”.
Won't be exact location.
And will censor swear words I assume
@@hayaschu626 Yeah I am sure of that as well, maybe a toggle for showing your location to others or maybe you can select what friends you want to notify when a flare is set off and what friends can message you but, Im sure the privacy section and all that is thought of already as well.
Can’t wait for the campfire app to come out🔥🔥🔥
You can already download it but when I tried to sign up it just said access is currently limited. The app itself is available now though.
It would be really amazing to be able to see a little bubble on each active raid with the number of plyers that have joined the lobby. Especially for raid nights when you are in an unfamiliar place, there may be 12 raids and to see which one people are joining without having to click on them all would be fantastic..... Does anyone else want this?
So before I drive into town I could use this to see what raids are currently happening in the area!
One step away from having a live Pokémon nest locator
Hopefully they restrict the distance you can ignite flares because if you’re in Berlin you shouldn’t be able to light a flare in Honolulu
I love the sound of it. It's leveling up in the best way
For raids it looks like there's def A LOT of room for improvement... considering 90% of trainers in my friend's list are randoms that I don't know irl. However, being able to chat with them to coordinate eggs is much appreciated, and at least the map is useful because as long as they don't remove remote raid passes then you can still host raids in via the usual apps/discords.
I'm quite sure that you are very good beta tester and can suggest a lot of things to improve. Start looks promising. :)
campfire is really great for spoofing! well done Niantic!!!
The cool feature will be if it automatically displays the friends from the game to campfire..
Means if you add someone in pokemon go.. Then that person will be also be added in campfire.. That would be great
Another item for the wishlist is to be able to filter the map so you can have it play only certain kinds of raids.
1:29 bro saw the opportunity and didn't miss
Would be great if everyone that has campfire can see the flares. so we can actually meet eachother over at places, meet new people and stuff instead of just your friends.
would be so helpful to have an official stop map as well integrated into this. A lot of the 3rd party ones are user submitted only and finding a great place to play where you've never been before can be tough, would be a great addition to the campfire app to find some hidden gems around an area.
I just need them to get some global trading available, sooo many lucky friends on my list that are international. If we're getting an app that can chat with friends, in theory they should be able to figure out long distance trading at some point?
A different color around the gym or raid symbol would be excellent to show if there are people in or a ping that allows others to know someone is looking for others to join
Looks pretty cool!!! Another great video!!!!!
I love this! So now when I rent and airbnb, will be able to make sure I have pokemon stops/gyms near me.
Like this will help us. There is one other person playing in my town and I still have to send him a text to hit some raids
Can you tell niantic to let us be able to mute campfire notifications from friends. I don’t want to be blasted with notifications from friends in Japan when I live in Florida
I think there should be a search feature for gyms in the app. Like if I type the name of the gym, the app navigates me towards it if there's a gym of that name at all.
It would be helpful if the raid alert would also notify players who are not on your friends list, but still in the area. It would make it more likely that you find a raid group, otherwiser you would have to add all local players beforehand for this to work
Flares need to be shown to everyone in your area
That's what I needed i can't travel just like that and so it's always luck or guess if i wanna find a raid of Pokemon i want.
I think the raid map is a very nice feature. It would be nice to see the moves of the raid boss. That way we can prepare counters better than before. Kind of like the old maps that have now become private.
3rd-party apps that everyone hate apparently already do this, and to a very, very high degree of accuracy.
Every Tier 1, 3, 5, and Mega listed with both Fast and Charge Move displayed.
Niantic *could* take note instead of demonizing it and trying to trashpile quite competent developers who clearly have already made these functions work.
If, by some miracle, Niantic decided to get these developers on-board and allow them to sideload their version of the application as a paid premium subscription version of the game, they would effectively kill third-party apps by proxy and make a fortune in the process.
*ahem* _bUt tHaT'S nOt WhAt MiChAeL StErAnKa tHiNkS iS gUd aS NiAnTiC'S mEsSaGe_
Niantic: "Anyways, here's three razz berries and a pinap berry, go touch grass and kick rocks."
Sure does make it easier to do raids with the option to pay in razz berries to join a remote raid lmao
Meanwhile, I buy the bundle with 18 regular passes and go about my merry business inviting multiple people to raids that they otherwise would not normally be able to reach and non-maliciously helping other Trainers to get their rare Pokemon and their Shinies.
But, hey, ain't I just the worst?
Whenever I try to sign up, it says “Access is Limited” how are people already logged in??
I have many lucky friends in places like Australia. I should be able to message them. Also, once and a while, I should be able to trade with them.
If the flare works for people nearby would be great. Otherwise the app is worthless. All my friends are from Reddit. Only good to see raids far away without goin randomly
The app doesn't work for me, it still tells me there's an issue when logging in or registering, no matter if I try Facebook login or Google login... Anyone who had the same problem and found a solution?
w00t w00t. Very glad it is out. great in informative video as usual billy
I added Campfire right after this video was posted. At first I would get the message, sorry the app is not currently available in your area. Now I get the message, “Please have a friend invite you to Campfire”! Have yet to find a friend who is already using the app.
When I can’t find people for raids or raids in general, I just use Poke Genie and it’s been a life saver.
With the chat function will there be a translation for different languages? Or can you make that a suggestion? I guess we could always copy text and paste to google translate? Would be convenient to have it all one place.
Nice. More perks for city players.
Are all existing pogo friends automatically be added to campfire or do we need to send friend requests all over again?
Feedback - send notifications to anyone nearby (even if not a friend) that people are lighting flares to invite players to come raid.
This looks incredible. The game is about to change
Awesome. I haven't dived into it yet. Thanks for this
Didn't really see it but a raid filter would be nice so you can only show raids you are wanting to do. Other than that, it looks like the map I use for raiding. Also maybe a push notification feature for raiders in the nearby. Not everyone on my friends list is from the same place so it seems redundant if I spark a flare and it's sent to my friends in my area but also my friends 1000+ miles away lol.
Would be cool if it told you what the tasks where on the stops with a timer to show how long you had to get that task.
Will you suggest that after you do a raid that it marks it off on campfire?? Right now when you defeat it the icon stays up. So when out looking sometimes you end up back at the same gym hoping to do th raid again.
This is something I have been wanting for years and years. I know I will be using it. Hope that it wont be too full of flawes (is that the correct spelling?) 🤣
I think it's spelled "flaws" with no e. This does seem like it will help many of us.
This is great and the more feedback will only make it better.
I don't know about you but this is just from the page of map scanning apps that were rampart in the 2017/18 timeframe.. with a few upgrades.
The flare only alerts your friends that you are there? Other trainers in the area won't be able to see it?
this is a great addition cant wait for it
I like the in-game texting feature. I have 8 lucky friend but i dont know them in real life. Because of that i Couldn't do the lucky trade 😑
This is awesome...for lvl 1 players. For me this stuff is crazy outdated, if it requires a separate app I would not even install it. Nia is receiving constant feedback from players and content creators like yourself and the stuff that campfire does has been requested for years. And the community has had solutions in 1000 times faster.
Lighting a flare would mean I have to sit in that spot for 15 minutes and hope to have a friend nearby just for a single raid. Why, when I can use Poke Gene and get guaranteed 6 player strong levels lobby in 5 mins. And you know, lately I won't even do that. I just go in lobby with my wife, we both invite random people and we usually get at least 6 players lobby and honestly 90% of the raids this would be more than enough and takes only the time of the lobby itself.
Having in mind what I wrote above, why would I even waste 15 mins of my life? and we are talking here about a flare for people from my friend list...80% of my friend list are people from outside my country. This app would only be useful if they enable trading between players for longer distance at certain periods. Otherwise for my locals I have discord, I don't need an extra app.
I tried using the app yesterday with little success. I guess a lot of people in my area haven’t downloaded or set up the app. But I’m not giving up.
Is this app going to be accessible with voiceover or talk about?? I am a visually impaired player and unless it is compatible I won’t be able to use it. It would be cool if you could make a video dedicated to possible accessibility options Niantic could implement to improve the game for players who have disabilities. I have been playing since day one I am visually impaired and could give you multiple options such as a dark mode, Enabling screen readers to work correctly, big bold text and so much more. It would really go a long way if a constant creator would pay attention to the neglected portion of the community. It just boggles my mind how people understand the word accessibility only in terms in how to access a Pokémon but the real word accessibility term is meant for those who have disabilities and able to access the same information or application The rest of decide community can see. Players have hijacked the word accessible just to refer to pay walls it would be nice if you trainer tips or another creator could explain what accessibility actually is which is granting equal access for those who have disabilities to play the same as those who do not, not just powdero
I really like it!! I agree it needs timers
I'd like to see a flare for gym flipping.
Say I have 1'm only defending 1 gym today... My Pokemon's been stuck there for 20 hours... It's 11:30 pm, and I have 0 PokeCoins earned
I want to be able to send up a flare that signals", "someone please come and kick me out!!"
This would also help players that are frustrated by all the gyms being full in an area, and they don't know which ones they can safely flip.
So is this app completely useless if none of my friends are in my local area?
This app is gonna be a spoofers dream... All that info to squat and crush raids
Can Do you use a remote raid pass for a raid that’s like say 15 miles away from the comfort of my house
Depending on how they use the flare data this may end up hurting more players than help because it may end up reducing the gyms or just the raids at said gyms because not enough interest in them
Niantic already has all the data of who raids what and where.
This looks excellent for people in medium to dense population centres with active PoGo communities. Using it as an excuse to eliminate remote raids will hurt the gameplay of rural trainers and those who lack mobility; hopefully Niantic will allow both to exist.
Thanks so much for this!! Question- can you access the raids from the map so that you can remote raid?
Thanks Billy for this and I will try it if I had it