American in Norway - A Balanced Perspective on Trump and National Healthcare

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • I came to Norway 8 years ago from America and recently became a dual Norwegian and American citizen. Although I consider myself a progressive and have mostly been a pro-green party and democrat, I voted for Donald Trump twice. I explain why America must be first and how we can make health care work in America. - the American way.
    Daily Corona Statistic in Norway
    Mayo Clinic, reasons for doctor visits www.advisory.c...
    Military Recruiting and Obesity www.armytimes....
    Healthcare rankings:


  • @ProfessionalCrook
    @ProfessionalCrook 2 роки тому +5

    I really enjoyed your video. I so happen to be a Trump supporter also but enjoyed your insights on American and Norwegian politics. I’ve always been against big government, part of my conservative ideals but I think you made a fair point with who do you want to be ruled by corporations or cartels. I think America’s biggest problem is that we’re not sure who controls the government more, the corporations or we the people. You are 100% right about all the food issues and supply. At 47 years old I’ve discovered that I’ve become sick of the rat race and the chasing of all things materialistic. I have a woman and 13-year-old daughter that I Feel a sense of responsibility to show a alternative way of life and culture. As a family we’re all on board. I’m 100% committed to selling our house in Florida in an attempt to move our family there. After reviewing in detail the UTI website I was done to find out how difficult it is to move there and I certainly lack the educational requirements. One of the true downsides of being a jack of all trades. However I think my woman has the qualifications to get us there in a long term effort of all of us earning our citizenship. I wake up every morning thinking about Norway my mind is not even in the United States anymore. I’m glad I found your channel and look forward to watching your content

  • @daggad02
    @daggad02 2 роки тому +7

    I get that you are a Trump supporter. I dont understand it but I get it.
    You also have a lot of good things to say about Norway after learning about our country.
    And that makes it even more like a mystery..
    Trump and Norway is so FAR FAR apart. Putin is barely further out.
    The key points in Norway is equality and empathy. How is your hero doing on those ??
    Climate crisis. How is Donald on that ?
    The planet is burning. We see it here too. The only green shift he wants is $ bills..

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  2 роки тому +2

      As I recall, Norway built it's fortune on oil and fish farming. They also hunt whales which are sentient beings. Norway also has a wall in some parts and a secure border with Russia. As an immigrant, seeking citizenship, I had to take 300 hours of Norwegian language and culture class. Trump wanted prospective American citizens to do the same: speak English and know their new home. However, he was branded a fascist.
      Quit with the self righteous BS!
      The world understands now that if America is not first, the civilized world will be last!

    • @wwbuirkle
      @wwbuirkle 2 роки тому +1

      Our economy was a thousand times better under Trump not even close. Today we officially went into a recession

    • @twuthousand
      @twuthousand 2 роки тому +1

      @@AlexinOslo Norway did not succeed because we had oil and fish resources, it's mostly due to good policy and politics. You can see Norway among the Scandinavian countries built on the Nordic Model doing great economically and socially. The only border structure that resembles a "wall" is a 200m stretch of fence 3.5m high along the 200km border with Russia.
      In Norway you need to be able to speak either Norwegian or Sámi, even though the Sámi population is less than 1% of Norway's total population, compare this to the US where over 10% are Spanish speakers. The US doesn't even have an official language, so to force people to learn an arbitrary, but common language chosen by Trump would be a big change.
      Norway has a strict immigration policy, where as in the US over 90% immigrated in the last 200 years. The US was built by immigrants and is branded the country of opportunity. Now Trump is making immigrants the enemy, or atleast immigrants for poorer countries.
      I saw this video was made the 3rd of January and thought maybe you would think twice about Trump after Jan. 6, but judging by your comments i doubt it. Trump is trying to destroy democracy in your country by branding the election as stolen, and many republicans agree with him. There literally is no hope for the US if this direction continues and close to 50% vote for a party that is outlawing abortions and openly rejecting confirmed federal election results, etc.
      The US is far behind the EU when it comes to dealing with climate change, which is the biggest threat to humanity. Are there even EVs in the US?

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  2 роки тому +3

      @@twuthousand Yes a correct decision was made to nationalize the oil but it's the oil that drives Norways wealth. Norway leaves out the offshore oil industry in its eco calculations and yes America has electric cars.
      Read about Andrew Jackson. He made some difficult and perhaps inhumane decisions but they led to the formation of the superpower for good.
      Trumps wall proposed a golden door where people could be immigrated legally. Illegal immigrants are often exploited by small businesses and their own kind. The Wall was actually Bill Clinton's idea and Joe Biden resumed construction on parts of it.
      Trump was not responsible for J6 and Vegas and 538 have him winning 2024 if the election was held today.

    • @Tonlistmusic
      @Tonlistmusic 2 роки тому

      Trump did everything in his power to stop the election, and waited far too long to stop the crowd, which I believe is a violation of protecting a country. But what if January 6 had turned into a successful coup, do you think Trump would have come in to take over the presidency by saying he was the real winner or do you think he would have come in handing power back to Biden?

  • @jonasgeisner7336
    @jonasgeisner7336 2 роки тому +2

    It's nice to have someone from a different angle talking about Norway, thanks! - This popped up in my feed randomly.
    About healthcare,
    I think that the USA can make a roof on the level of profit that big Pharma can have. Some of the mediciationes wich are much needed for the public have too MUCH of a huge margin profit.
    I'm not saying they're not supposed to be incentiviced, but a policy in wich were they would have to have a cap on margins. I some cases it's extreme. In Norway we are lucky, the goverment just buys all the medicine and hands it out for free, or like you said. 2 dollars for an inhaler.
    What is kind of odd, is that the US spends more GDP per capita than Norway, or other western countries on health care. It's hard to compare Norway to USA, because USA is 300 million, and Norway is 5 million citizens. We are like a small part of New York City if you compare the numbers!
    Thanks for the video!

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  2 роки тому +3

      It all starts with food. America needs to declare war on highly processed foods, using tax and subsidies to make rice, potatoes, fruits and vegetables the economic and natural choice over fast and frozen foods. Once they fix obesity, the demand for medical services will decline and market forces will bring down health insurance costs.

  • @bente1881
    @bente1881 2 роки тому +1

    You come to my country to work. I cant understand why you will not let people come to your country to work.

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  2 роки тому +3

      You have selective hearing: I articulated that people should get the right documentation and pay taxes when they come to America and work just like they do in America.

    • @korpiusleitinusk6736
      @korpiusleitinusk6736 2 роки тому

      WOW. So you travel to Norway to work, meaning it's OK for you to have opportunities because you come from the US and have your papers in order (well how good for you), but people who come from failed states and are way way less fortunate than you, they should not get the same opportunity to improve their lives? Let me tell you one thing that you Republicans seem unable to understand. Your country would actually stop working without illegal immigration. Who would take all the low income, low staus jobs in the US? Would white obese americans pick vegetables in the field? These people work their Ass of to make a living and to improve their lives, and here you are in my country full of all the privilige in the world talking down on those who are less fortunate than yourself. At least it seems the FBI will finally get your orange sprayed compulsive lying hero. But I guess it's a political witch hunt 🤣

  • @post_eternity
    @post_eternity Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing, hi I'm a Nigerian software engineer, currently in based Nigeria, I'm planning to move to Norway next year so I'm taking the Duolingo Norsk course, do you have any tip on how I can get a software engineering job in Norway from Nigeria. Thanks.

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  Рік тому +2

      It's very difficult until you arrive. Norwegian language is not necessary in the software industry if you're really good at your job.

  • @lamdrewpleasse4667
    @lamdrewpleasse4667 2 роки тому

    Problems with healthcare in America started when health insurance became tied to employment in the 1940s with tax incentives. You could either make hospitals compete on price by having citizens pay for care directly, or socialize it like Norway did. The former is likely more efficient yet politically infeasible. The Singaporean model is also a good solution if you want to look into that.
    I would also question your big government good assertion - you seem to be a proponent of using government to drive incentives, which is fair enough. However, most people would look at expenditure as a measure of big government. A third of Norwegians with jobs work in the public sector and the public sector is two-thirds of Norway's GDP. At a glance, this could likely be made more efficient.
    It seems like Norwegians' high degree of risk aversion has created a system of social programs that come at the cost of stifled innovation and growth. If you want to live a good average life, come to Norway. Working hard isn't really incentivized.
    At any rate, enjoyed the chat!

  • @Aliquis.frigus
    @Aliquis.frigus 2 роки тому +3

    I've made a few other responses, but overall I think you make some decent points, however they seem to some extent to be progressive points. The problem with the progressive left is the naivety. Especially regarding immigration. And despite Norway being "Bernies paradise", on many areas we're more Christian Conservative than parts of the US. Abortions are on request, but with deadlines ( shorter than in some US states), alcohol sales are restricted, no generally no Sunday shopping, etc.

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  2 роки тому +1

      It would be nice if get shit done conservatives could create an American flavor of socialism that will ensure our nation continues. If they continue to starve out the lower and middle class: mainly depriving them of high quality education, nutritious foods and access to information, they are the majority and a Stalinist leader will use them to change the country and kill off the perpetrators. It happened in 1917 and it can happen in America. To some degree, the race riots etc show how close we are to an American communist revolution built on disenfranchisement.
      The Republicans have to stop being such ruthless dickheads and start leading anti trust, taxes on junk food and taxes on high earners to give lower and middle class people a ladder to climb.
      Otherwise they will lose it all instead of 50% over $2M per year and 25% on assets over $5M.

  • @Arcadia61
    @Arcadia61 2 роки тому +6

    Voting for Trump twice? Bye!

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  2 роки тому +3

      I will vote for him again in 2024 as long as he's committed to lowering energy prices and making Europe buy American weapons and energy. Somebody has to force Europe to stop using Russian energy.

    • @danielfroiland1
      @danielfroiland1 2 роки тому

      @@AlexinOslo sounding awfully alot like a facist over there witht the use of words like "make Eu buy american wepons and energy" and "force Europe to stop using Russian energy". thats not how it works, the US cant force shit lmao. typical selfmportant american

    • @wwbuirkle
      @wwbuirkle 2 роки тому


    • @Aliquis.frigus
      @Aliquis.frigus 2 роки тому +1

      @@AlexinOslo the reasons are fair enough in my view, what I worry about is a third term. Because it seems Trump and many of his more hardcore supporters are willing to go against the will of the population at large to get their way. (Jan 6th)

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  2 роки тому

      @Sylvia Jensen Pick a side because being neutral means you accept and support Russia. The Swedes, Swiss and Finns are realizing that you can't have your cake and eat it too.

  • @daveaway
    @daveaway 2 роки тому +2

    Great vid. Keep up the good work!

  • @vazkuzhd1321
    @vazkuzhd1321 Рік тому

    Why did u delete my comment?

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  Рік тому

      Either it was incoherent gibberish or irrelevant. What do want to say?

    • @vazkuzhd1321
      @vazkuzhd1321 Рік тому +2

      @Alex in Oslo (and Ukraine) My point was just that thw Norwegian model wouldnt Work in america because there is little trust between the goverment and the people

    • @AlexinOslo
      @AlexinOslo  Рік тому +2

      @@vazkuzhd1321 That is a valid point, but that's leaderships job to get the trust. They can start with breaking up big process food corporations and taxing sugar, salt, saturated fat, white flour and processed food, making potatoes, brown rice, vegetable, fruits, and range fed and wild meat cheaper. I would trust that government, encouraging us to eat like we did 50 years ago when we were not a bunch fo fat slobs.

    • @vazkuzhd1321
      @vazkuzhd1321 Рік тому

      @@AlexinOslo I agree with you that this could be a good start. And i also think that the publiv would support something like this. I do however Wonder how the big corparations would respond to this. Without any propf or sources i think ot would take some fighting against coroption and lobbying(which is in my eyes: coroption).

    • @TheMrpaz
      @TheMrpaz Рік тому

      @@AlexinOslo Well... the orange guy is really doing a GREAT job creating trust between the public and the government! He's just a nice guy speaking the truth and looking out for all Americans, even if they don't agree with him😂

  • @ahkkariq7406
    @ahkkariq7406 11 місяців тому +2

    I'm Norwegian, and have supported Trump since 2015. When the media started going after him, I realized he must be onto something, so I started listening to what he said himself, instead of what the media said about him. At the time I had followed the US a bit, and knew there were problems, so I quickly realized that he wanted the best for ordinary people.
    I come from the center of Norwegian politics, and am therefore far to the left of the Republican Party in the USA originally. The center in Norway unfortunately proved to lack a backbone, so I had no choice but to pull to the right - past the conservative party and to the Frp. Later they turned out to be just like everyone else - they work for a globalist agenda, and not for the Norwegian people. The obvious reason is that all established parties have been bought up by the large international corporations. Therefore, they can sell our electricity to Germany despite the fact that we need it ourselves. That is why they are willing to destroy Norwegian nature with wind turbines that spread microplastics in nature and chop up birds and insects - turbines we do not need, because we have enough electricity in this country.
    Unfortunately, the Norwegian people have been brainwashed by the media to hate everyone who cares about ordinary people, and love those who don't.
    Today, Norwegian politicians float on policies that were adopted a long time ago. They can introduce decisions without people reacting because most people are doing well enough. As long as people get bread and circuses, the world can crumble around them. It's a great shame. In this country too, people get sick from food and medicines, and not least from the vaccines, which I myself am proof of. Corrupt politicians want weak people they can control. The last thing they want is healthy and alert people who are able to look after themselves, and before people realize this, things will go downhills.
    Be thankful for your American citizenship. It can come well in handy. Americans will wake up long before Norwegians.

  • @sebastianflesjandersen939
    @sebastianflesjandersen939 2 роки тому +4

    Jøss, en reflektert Trumpist. Går ut ifra at du er ganske mye mere enn bare ditt politiske ståsted. Interessant å høre på hva du mener om ting

    • @ahkkariq7406
      @ahkkariq7406 11 місяців тому

      De fleste Trumpister er reflekterte. Det vet alle som har undersøkt litt, og ikke slukt alt norske medier serverer. Jeg følger flere svarte amerikanere som reagerer på videoer på UA-cam. De fleste begynte med å reagere på musikk eller kultur, men er forpliktet til å se videoer som betalende supportere på Patreon ber dem om å se, og sakte våkner de opp til at de har blitt løyet til. Mange av dem sier at de hørte til venstresiden, men nå støtter de Trump. Du burde prøve det samme.

  • @brucetillerson3329
    @brucetillerson3329 2 роки тому +1

    Interesting views on Trump. You are totally right in my opinion.