Debunking the Durbanite "Crusade" Against the Mormons!

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @vannersp
    @vannersp 9 місяців тому +149

    Jeff Durbin doesn't build his house on the rock, or even sand. He builds it on the bodies of strawmen he just knocked down.

    • @leeuniverse
      @leeuniverse 9 місяців тому

      Yep, it's the entire methodology of both Anti's and Leftist's, being well familiar with both for some 40 years now. A little Truth used to tell Great LIES.
      Create strawmen of your enemy to then attack and claim yourself the winner.
      It's always made me laugh for how Religious Anti's whom most are in the Right use the tactics of the Evil one to break Christ's command to His followers toward other believers not with them in Mark 9, Luke 9 etc., but to also use the same tactics the Left does against the Right. Anti's don't realize in their Anti-Mormonism they are actually follow the DEVIL, because they lie, deceive, bear false witness, use a little truth to lie, falsely degrade, misrepresent, etc. Almost EVERY WORD out of an Anti's mouth is FALSE, just like near every word out of a Leftist's mouth is FALSE, especially if they are talking about the Church or the Right.
      A good example of this is how some J's but especially Muslim's will misrepresent the doctrines of the Trinity, and then claiming Christians are "Polytheistic". The Christian would say that's a false representation. Anti's do the same to us and worse.
      It's my Favorite thing ever to watch a "love video" made by Anti's, claiming they truly "love" us, while ALL through the video they are just LYING over and over again.
      Let me clue you in Anti's.... TRUE Servants of Jesus and the Father DO NOT "Bear False Witness" of their fellow men. We can "disagree", but lying you become a servant of the Devil.
      Note... We Latter-day Saints disagree with a lot of religions.... but note how we don't ever LIE about them in order to degrade or debunk them. Of course, we also try to avoid "degrading", but it can happen, being human and getting angry sometimes. But we try to focus ONLY on the Facts and Truth, honesty before our fellow men, and before God.
      Anti's throw this out the window and just accept their "brainwashing anti-cult ministries" as showing them the truth, just like Leftists believe their cult leaders over getting at the actual truth and being fair and understanding of others.

    • @joebobson6163
      @joebobson6163 9 місяців тому +7

      When are we going to canonize this as D&C 139?

    • @christianerwin3964
      @christianerwin3964 9 місяців тому


    • @SethKellerArt
      @SethKellerArt 9 місяців тому +1


    • @todd1s45
      @todd1s45 3 місяці тому

      A large and spacious building...

  • @grayman7208
    @grayman7208 9 місяців тому +56

    durban praises mormons, their community, etc ... then forgets "by their fruit you shall know them."

    • @JHypers
      @JHypers 8 місяців тому +1

      Is one man’s positive opinion about a society with sound family structure and conservative values our standard for defining fruits of the spirit?

    • @grayman7208
      @grayman7208 8 місяців тому +6

      @@JHypers you misunderstand me.
      my point is durbin speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
      and a house divided cannot stand.
      in simple terms, liar and hypocrite.

    • @blue-planet-cinema
      @blue-planet-cinema 5 місяців тому

      Mormons believe a false Christ and a false gospel. It’s clear what happens to those people. Just because you want to deny and reject the true gospel doesn’t mean what God declared won’t happen to Mormons.

    • @blue-planet-cinema
      @blue-planet-cinema 5 місяців тому

      He shouldn’t praise Mormons for being nice. You’re wolves in sheep’s clothing, you’re fake. You’re not nice people.

  • @richardallen383
    @richardallen383 9 місяців тому +100

    Durban says, “Mormons are some of the nicest, sweetest, and most amazing people you will ever meet. And if I had a choice to live somewhere…one of the places I’d choose to live would be right outside Salt Lake City because they build some of the most amazing communities and families and all the rest”. Here Durban is describing the fruits of Mormonism. He says one fruit is “nice people”, another fruit is “sweet people” another fruit is “amazing people”. Still other fruits are that Mormons build “amazing communities”, “amazing families”, and “all the rest” they are doing is amazing. In Matthew 7:16-19, Christ says:
    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
    Do men pick grapes from thorn bushes or build “amazing communities” while going to hell? Do men harvest figs from thistle patches or raise “amazing families” as the march into the fiery pit? If Mormonism is a corrupt tree it cannot bring forth good fruit. The very words of Christ belie Durban’s sermon.

    • @steventhomasson557
      @steventhomasson557 9 місяців тому +1

      does James White still have a Harley?... I need one of those when I get down there with my motorcycle gang.

    • @JD-pr1et
      @JD-pr1et 9 місяців тому +3

      By their fruits ye shall know them.

    • @-tikla
      @-tikla 9 місяців тому +8

      "whether I ascend to heaven, or descend to hell, or go to any other place. And if we go to hell, we will turn the Devils out of doors and make a heaven of it. Where this people are, there is good society. What do we care where we are if the society be good?" -Brigham Young

    • @JHypers
      @JHypers 8 місяців тому

      Is complimenting a group of people for their societal cohesiveness, sound family structure, and conservative outlook on the world considered fruits of the spirit? You could say literally the same thing about many Muslims, yet their beliefs are non-Christian.

    • @-tikla
      @-tikla 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@JHypers yes! Muslims have a lot of good fruit. Which is why I would never dedicate my life to tearing down what they are building, I'd invite them to bring everything good about their way of life and add Christ! The missionary efforts of the church have that same attitude

  • @KevinHansen711
    @KevinHansen711 9 місяців тому +23

    The first reference of a "burning" that aligns with the "burning in the bosom" actually comes from Luke 24: 32 as the Apostles contemplated how they felt after discovering they were walking with Christ: "Did our hearts not burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"
    If this is adequate for the Apostles to recognize a confirmation of truth, why is it not proof we should accept in our pursuit of truth, now?

  • @ItsSnagret
    @ItsSnagret 9 місяців тому +61

    Burger King is no match for the Ward Radio Wigwam 🙌🏼

  • @loisdanes176
    @loisdanes176 9 місяців тому +40

    So he says our fruits are good, but yet we are still on our way to hell. Hmmm.

    • @angelalewis3645
      @angelalewis3645 9 місяців тому +4

      By their fruits ye shall know them.

    • @GwPoKo
      @GwPoKo 9 місяців тому +3

      Evangelicals take judgement from God and make it their passion to judge others to where they are going

    • @maxfrost9028
      @maxfrost9028 4 місяці тому

      Because your works don’t justify you

    • @Bl3ndrz
      @Bl3ndrz Місяць тому

      @maxfrost9028 thanks captain obvious

  • @alittlepieceofearth
    @alittlepieceofearth 2 місяці тому +4

    If the "sweetest and nicest," people are going to hell, then which people are going to heaven? The hateful, angry people who believe in the correct God?

  • @alexmunro2640
    @alexmunro2640 9 місяців тому +38

    I am tired of the burning of the bosom attack. I asked pastor Jeff to explain how the Holy Ghost testifies and he has not explained or answered it.
    Thank you for putting the Luke reference.

    • @JD-pr1et
      @JD-pr1et 9 місяців тому +1

      Yes. The antichrists are calling Jesus Satanic with that one.

    • @blue-planet-cinema
      @blue-planet-cinema 5 місяців тому

      Mormons believe a false Christ and a false gospel. It’s clear what happens to those people. Just because you want to deny and reject the true gospel doesn’t mean what God declared won’t happen to Mormons.

  • @redplanet76
    @redplanet76 9 місяців тому +24

    I only think about a planet when Jeff and other antis bring it up. people, how many times have you ever heard of getting a planet in Sacrament meeting or 2nd hour? How many times do we talk about being a god one day... I might have heard of it church maybe 2 times since the 70s... mayyyybe. And that is only discussed as progression as noted in the D&C... Do we ever pontificate about our godhood and planets and how awesome we will be... NO! Jeff is clueless and disingenuous.

  • @michaelhutchings6602
    @michaelhutchings6602 9 місяців тому +23

    Serious question: If hardcore Calvinists believe that God has foreordained who will be saved what is the point of missionary work or even basic preaching? If nothing you do can influence your own salvation or standing before God what is the point of telling anyone?

    • @briandavis6898
      @briandavis6898 9 місяців тому +4

      Predestination pretty much makes life meaningless

    • @jielc0013
      @jielc0013 9 місяців тому +3

      I keep wondering this myself. What is the point in anything if "it's all pre-determined"? Perhaps a Calvinist can explain.

    • @tye2304
      @tye2304 9 місяців тому

      Not a Calvinist, but I wonder what the point of missionary work is in general for the LDS on earth. Aren't you taught you all get a chance to learn in the next life and be saved? If that is the case, why do it now and potentially put people in a worse position if they deny it. From a numbers perspective, only

    • @Akiyoshimochizuki
      @Akiyoshimochizuki 9 місяців тому +5

      God commands all His people to preach the good word, whether they're a Prophet or not. If people have the opportunity to accept the gospel in the next life because they were denied the chance to hear it from someone who failed to share it in in this life, that person who disobeyed God's commands is under condemnation. There are so many blessings that can come in this life that we should share with others. We are our brother's keeper, after all.
      As to "making it worse if they deny it later," you have to come to a perfect knowledge of the truth and then and only then will you be condemned to outer darkness. This is something that is impossible for the layperson, because they haven't seen Christ in the flesh. At worst, if you are unfaithful to the covenants you made but still live a good life you are still going to the second highest degree of glory, and if you were a horrible person you will go to the third degree of glory (described as more beautiful than this life) after having to suffer as Christ suffered, having not accepted his sacrifice.
      Not to mention the condemnation you put yourself under if you accept that the church is true but say "I'll eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow I'll die, and it shall be well with me." In this case you will still have to suffer even as Christ did, which suffering did cause Himself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed from every pore unless you repent.
      The chance in the next life is a lot easier when you've already been living a good life.

    • @michaelhutchings6602
      @michaelhutchings6602 9 місяців тому +5

      @@tye23041) Christ commands us to preach to all
      2)why deprive people of blessings and the world of their righteousness?

  • @jeremycollins1068
    @jeremycollins1068 9 місяців тому +16

    Just one planet? That’s it. I’m out. I want my own universe.

    • @jeremycollins1068
      @jeremycollins1068 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lukev483 - You never have anything good to say to anyone. What makes you think you can channel Jordan Peterson. Seriously dude, if you were nice to people you’d get some friends.

    • @illaskthequestions
      @illaskthequestions 9 місяців тому

      you know the "church" doesn't teach that anymore right? I know it's hard to keep track of all the lies, but you should try if you're going to be mormon.

    • @michaelcrowley9008
      @michaelcrowley9008 9 місяців тому +1

      It's the progression of God to give power and authority to be able to create out of eternal mater. To create worlds. You don't get a planet. You get to help make it. And why stop there? Jesus Christ is responsible for making worlds without number according to our weakness of understanding the vast eternity. Why stop at any point? Eternity means forever learning and forever doing.

    • @jeremycollins1068
      @jeremycollins1068 9 місяців тому

      @@michaelcrowley9008 - Is eternal mater kind of like alma mater? I still want my own universe. How much tithing do I have to pay to get it?

    • @michaelcrowley9008
      @michaelcrowley9008 7 місяців тому

      @@dirkjensen969 matter has substance. Mater is a word for mother.

  • @joeriv4151
    @joeriv4151 9 місяців тому +24

    “Fools mock but they shall mourn..” Ether 12:26

    • @1god2674
      @1god2674 9 місяців тому

      and if anyone says unto his brother "thou fool" Matthew 5 22
      Rus sell'm nail son 🗡️🏛️
      sell'm nails! ✝️ Rus the RoMaN
      stiff neck'd 👔 people with a noose
      they point & laugh & mock
      puffed up to themselves
      they chant their magic spells TEMPLE Dedication they pronounce "Deadication" they use magic spell but they Anounce it "dead" TEMPLE another word for bode "body" they speak death ☠️
      they with their pagan Easter Lucifer Devil Serpent
      they baptize eggs in multi color 🌈 soultion and say " let's die eggs" they brainWash D.C.eivers subconsciously program their chilled'ren
      They use the magic spell d y e & yet they speak death they enunciate ✝️🌈 Die eggs hunt them then eat their DIEt of dEATh made 👹 Deviled eggs 🥚
      and the scribes & priests & high priest have made their rendition of GOD into a GOD of animal and human sacrifice
      and build false temples with alters to their volcano 🌋 God 🔥👹
      they built little volcano 🌋 replica alters
      to their alter ego
      and their DIEt of dEATh
      burnt offer sacrifice 🥶
      And they speak their magic spells
      Temple Deadication
      They deceive with magic spells dedication while their spoken word speaks death
      Temple = bode "body"
      the cereMONY enunciATE a dead body
      "those that hATE me
      they love dEATh"
      WAR'D members
      SOL = sun = 👂🏻 son
      Sol die rs
      sun die ours
      son die r
      Killing the light of the world
      Sold your soul soldier
      To whoo 🦉🔥 ?
      Lucifer Devil Serpent
      Adam & Eve got sick
      Adam & Eve ill 🤢
      Evil eating from the tree of death
      Tree of 3 branches
      Jewdicial ⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      Adam & Eve creATEd the Nation
      AdamNation Evil
      black magic
      the black plague
      Jewdicial ⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      black Robes black Ink black Powder
      R. 🧑🏻‍⚖️ I. 🖋️ P.
      R.I.P. 🪦🪦
      the LAW OF moses
      A WOLF
      first introduced in
      the form of 2 stone tablets the form of tombstones 🪦🪦 one each for Adam & Eve
      Later written on the parchment skin of dead animals
      Later written on the paper of dead trees
      "Those that hATE me
      they love death" ☠️ proverbs 8;36
      D.C.eivers 🏛️ deceiving the world
      Roman 🏛️ 🗡️ Egyptian 👁️∆ D.C. Death Cult
      D.C. they told you District of Columbia because they had to come up with something to deceive
      Death Cult ☠️ Devils Church
      Die Christ
      Death Crucify ✝️
      Dec eased Casket ⚰️
      Devil CONstantine/ false CONversion
      Dec eived CONgregation
      D.C.eive Citizens
      Divide ➗ CONquer 🌈 the nation with a
      Democratic CONgress
      Dollars 💵 Cents 🪙
      Declaration CONstitution
      CONmen of the CONdemNATION
      Stars ⭐ & Stripes ✝️
      🇺🇲 star flag ⭐ military 🪖 ⭐ BADge
      Owl 🦉 hidden in ✈️ sight overhead view CAPITOL building walkways
      Coins = Man in the moon 🌚🪙
      ⭐ 🇺🇲 🌚🪙🦉 symbols of darkness
      AdamNation lead into the darkness of NITE
      u NITE d 🇺🇲
      A nation of deaf & blind
      1st SAMuel 8 SAM = Slave And Master
      UNCLE SAM it not you the people rejected
      They rejected me
      "We do not because of good work but for blasphemy because you being mere man say that your our god"
      Elect trick Election Fraud/ THIS IS HOW THEY DECEIVE YOU 🐑 EWE
      black magic spells free dumb "freedom" because it makes the people deaf of what words they speak
      "pairable" magic spells
      mission ♈🐏 aries
      patriarch 💵 paytreeon 🐍 pay tree our key
      Zeitgeist 2023 Adam & Eve
      and others same channel
      Zeitgeist 2023 the freedom deception
      If not you will continue being slaves pickin' paper 💵 made of cotton & AdamNation of cotton pickin slaves building pyramids 💵 👁️∆ serving the one eyed GOD of MAMMON
      Heaven is not an experience if the dead
      heaven iz for the living!
      love 💕 god

    • @davidchoate512
      @davidchoate512 3 місяці тому

      Good scripture

    • @gunns7720
      @gunns7720 8 днів тому

      @@joeriv4151 why quote a fictional book made up by a con artist

  • @Kayla-ey7zg
    @Kayla-ey7zg 9 місяців тому +53

    Kwaku is exactly right about training people not to trust themselves. I've run into the same thing as a Catholic. Ignore whatever is going on in yourself and just follow along. Which is why most Catholics are lukewarm imo.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 9 місяців тому

      Huh? So LDS leaders do not say honor and obey them whether they are right or wrong?
      They are just as authoritarian, if not moreso, as Roman Catholicism.

    • @g-ville7012
      @g-ville7012 9 місяців тому +3

      Trusting yourself is not even Biblical to begin with. If we were to trust ourselves we wouldn't need Gods written Word in our lives.

    • @christianerwin3964
      @christianerwin3964 9 місяців тому +3

      Yes I love the word that God has always spoken through his prophets for his people, I'm so glad he didn't just end it.

    • @christianerwin3964
      @christianerwin3964 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@g-ville7012the lord loves you, be a new creature.

    • @johns1834
      @johns1834 9 місяців тому

      Most people of ALL denominations are lukewarm, but not all, but we all need an magisterium with the God give authority to correctly interpret scripture, because.
      "First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation". 2 Peter 1:20.

  • @kyles.9653
    @kyles.9653 9 місяців тому +21

    Their Jesus is not of flesh and blood, but of leather and paper.
    Jeff Durbin’s sermon tactics reminds me of what the Roman catholic church must’ve been like during the middle ages. ‘Don’t read and pray, listen to me and my interpretation of the word.’
    You guys crushed it as usual!

  • @HaleStorm49
    @HaleStorm49 9 місяців тому +38

    A few years ago our neighbors invited us to Bible Study for a couple weekly sessions. They must have been taught Mormons didn't know the Bible and were trying to save us. - It didn't go the way they thought it would.
    They told us they weren't doing Bible study anymore (instead of just telling us that we were no longer invited) and then joined Apologia to up their game...and moved out of state. When they say these people take antimormonism seriously...we saw it up close.

    • @1god2674
      @1god2674 9 місяців тому +1

      so your biblically adept then? & vegan!

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 9 місяців тому +7

      @@1god2674 Vegan? Lol no.
      Paul told the Romans that Vegans are weak. 😉
      "For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs."

    • @1god2674
      @1god2674 9 місяців тому

      @@HaleStorm49 how'd god create man

    • @1god2674
      @1god2674 9 місяців тому

      @@HaleStorm49 now you see why I say it's aPauling that ye love death

    • @1god2674
      @1god2674 9 місяців тому

      @@HaleStorm49 your not vegan!

  • @Sunshine6446
    @Sunshine6446 9 місяців тому +38

    Apologia Studios' diatribe against asking God is so strange. Jesus's own words command us to Ask, Seek, Knock, Pray. If we ask God to enlighten our minds and soften our hearts to His word, we will not receive a stone. Only those with hard hearts can not receive His word (see parable of the sower)

    • @chiefdigger5216
      @chiefdigger5216 9 місяців тому

      You don’t have to ask God about what he’s already revealed in his word that’s what they are talking about. Wake up.

    • @chiefdigger5216
      @chiefdigger5216 9 місяців тому

      You don’t have to ask God about what he’s already revealed in his word that’s what they are talking about. Wake up.

    • @chiefdigger5216
      @chiefdigger5216 9 місяців тому

      You don’t have to ask God about what he’s already revealed in his word that’s what they are talking about. Wake up.

    • @chiefdigger5216
      @chiefdigger5216 9 місяців тому

      You don’t have to ask God about what he’s already revealed in his word that’s what they are talking about. Wake up.

    • @chiefdigger5216
      @chiefdigger5216 9 місяців тому

      You don’t have to ask God about what he’s already revealed in his word that’s what they are talking about. Wake up.

  • @joshuapetersen4960
    @joshuapetersen4960 9 місяців тому +50

    This is the best podcast on youtube. I always laugh so hard at your examining of the Burger King of Anti Mormons. You guys wrecked him and made him out to be a total tool!

  • @mikemakesmusic7
    @mikemakesmusic7 9 місяців тому +12

    The scariest part about Jeff Durbin to me is the fact that his listed doctrines on apologia’s website blatantly steal almost exclusive LDS doctrines, ie the word Foreordination, two deaths (physical and spiritual), even a list of their beliefs presented as affirmative statements that all begin with “We believe”. (Articles of Faith)

    • @blue-planet-cinema
      @blue-planet-cinema 5 місяців тому

      Mormons believe a false Christ and a false gospel. It’s clear what happens to those people. Just because you want to deny and reject the true gospel doesn’t mean what God declared won’t happen to Mormons.

    • @joshuadonahue5871
      @joshuadonahue5871 Місяць тому +1

      I can't speak to the other two, but there's nothing distinctly LDS about having creeds that start with "I/we believe"

  • @tomburkeboston
    @tomburkeboston 9 місяців тому +35

    Jeff's sermon reminds me of the movie The Village. Making his people scared to leave his village.

    • @nathanbigler
      @nathanbigler 9 місяців тому +2

      All theists remind me of The Village

    • @illaskthequestions
      @illaskthequestions 9 місяців тому +1

      you mean how the "prophet" has pretty much damned everone that has left mormonism? Strange how you all say things that apply directly to you as well when making fun of cults.

  • @paulszymamski6648
    @paulszymamski6648 9 місяців тому +21

    I think it was J Golden Kimball who said " I'ld rather know I am going to hell, than not know where the hell I am going".

  • @Croaven
    @Croaven 9 місяців тому +15

    My head almost exploded listening to that apologia episode.

  • @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp
    @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp 9 місяців тому +11

    The Holy Ghost has manifested the truth of the Book of Mormon to me gradually and cumulatively over my life. I remember something that dear old Neal Maxwell said: the Holy Ghost preaches sermons from the pulpit of memory.

    • @illaskthequestions
      @illaskthequestions 9 місяців тому

      it's from memory because it's made up...and I get the feeling you already know that.

    • @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp
      @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp 9 місяців тому +1

      @@illaskthequestions Been there, it sucked, moved on. Go away.

    • @illaskthequestions
      @illaskthequestions 9 місяців тому

      @@TrebizondMusic-cm6fp as every crazy person would. But when you feel like growing up and looking at facts, you can join the rest of us not controled by a...well I'm sure I don't have to tell you what ole Joe did with those of younger girl persuasion. Rymes with grape

    • @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp
      @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp 9 місяців тому +3

      @@illaskthequestions Boring.

    • @illaskthequestions
      @illaskthequestions 9 місяців тому

      @@TrebizondMusic-cm6fp yup, just like you sad and pathetic life I'm sure.

  • @FrankGrimm1
    @FrankGrimm1 9 місяців тому +8

    Thank you guys for all that you do. I love seeing people who believe in the truth, but not just blindly. You show reason and doctrine behind your words and sometimes I feel like there’s not many people doing that to defend the truth these days. Thank you so much for that.

  • @christalronbrewer9290
    @christalronbrewer9290 9 місяців тому +15

    I love you guys . How fun . I live in Arizona I know him . . To any wise man he may be doing more good than we can think . Jeff thinking he knows more than we do . Jeff being this way may help some of those who really want to learn come into the church.

  • @Croaven
    @Croaven 9 місяців тому +19

    Referring to someone as "The ..." is a way of dehumanizing others. You don't dehumanize people you love, but people you despise.

    • @mycatwould
      @mycatwould 9 місяців тому +5

      Right? Sounded like Hitler talking about “the Jew”.

    • @TheRegimentalscot
      @TheRegimentalscot 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@@mycatwouldand realistically, we have Martin Luther to thank for that mentality and mindset.

    • @blue-planet-cinema
      @blue-planet-cinema 5 місяців тому

      Mormons believe a false Christ and a false gospel. It’s clear what happens to those people. Just because you want to deny and reject the true gospel doesn’t mean what God declared won’t happen to Mormons.

  • @makemomentscount7258
    @makemomentscount7258 8 місяців тому +2

    I'm just weirded out that his WHOLE RELIGION to his congregation isn't to bring THEM to Christ and be better people, it's to BRING DOWN ANOTHER RELIGION.

  • @heberfrank8664
    @heberfrank8664 9 місяців тому +13

    Claiming we should trust the Bible above everything has a serious problem. Everyone, including Mormons, sincerely believe the Bible supports their beliefs.
    "This first Comforter or Holy Ghost has no other effect than PURE INTELLIGENCE." (Joseph Smith, TPJS 149)
    Notice: "The Holy Ghost has no other effect than PURE INTELLIGENCE." Not feelings. Not chills. Not tears. Not emotion. Not burning in the bosom. A Hollywood movie that moves one to cry is not the Holy Ghost. The excitement and energy felt at at sports event is not the Holy Ghost.
    However the PURE INTELLIGENCE that the Holy Ghost gives can be accompanied with emotion. And probably often is.

    • @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp
      @TrebizondMusic-cm6fp 9 місяців тому +2

      You got it.

      @EPÏKUS.MUSÏC 9 місяців тому


    • @jareds561
      @jareds561 9 місяців тому +3

      One of those things that you know it when you experience it. It’s certainly different than a touching movie or moving concert. Hard to put into words. Those who mock or downplay it, evidently haven’t experienced it.

  • @TheWyomingApologist
    @TheWyomingApologist 9 місяців тому +63

    Jeff Durbin is a coward. He goes around and pops up on unsuspecting people and acts like he's winning because they aren't ready for a religious discussion. Like Jacob Hansen, I've tried to invite Durbin to have a discussion about his "Gospel for Mormons" that him and his followers are always pushing out. He never wants to do anything formal because he knows he'd lose a discussion if he actually did one with someone who was ready for him.

    • @StompMom5
      @StompMom5 9 місяців тому +7

      Coward indeed!! Funny that he believes he has the authority to decide who goes to heaven and who doesn't🤣

    • @TheWyomingApologist
      @TheWyomingApologist 9 місяців тому

      ​@lukev483 yeah, and if it wasn't for James White, Kwaku would have slaughtered Durbin with no effort

    • @daizydixon4069
      @daizydixon4069 9 місяців тому +2

      @@lukev483 uh... Mormons dont believe in hell, so... cool story bro.

      @EPÏKUS.MUSÏC 9 місяців тому

      ​​@@howardedward5339Interpret it how you like. That you are wrong won't change.

    • @blue-planet-cinema
      @blue-planet-cinema 5 місяців тому

      @@StompMom5Mormons believe a false gospel it’s in the Bible that is a curse.

  • @Electross
    @Electross 9 місяців тому +11

    This channel is awesome! I love the topics of discussion. I love how in our church we generally focus more on the good in others and the things we have in common. We generally don't talk bad about those in other faiths or who believe differently. Sure there may be a few within our faith that don't align with this, but generally speaking we are very understanding and loving of others.

  • @vendingdudes
    @vendingdudes 9 місяців тому +20

    I had no idea that having BK for lunch today would manifest a Durbinite video, but here we are.

    • @christianerwin3964
      @christianerwin3964 9 місяців тому +1

      😂😂😂😂😂😂 Savage , the universe speaks

  • @grayman7208
    @grayman7208 9 місяців тому +8

    and because if anyone in his congregation honestly investigated the church, they might join, and durbin loses money and influence (power) over them.

  • @temberharward
    @temberharward 9 місяців тому +15

    I would love to see Jeff and Jacob Hansen debate 🙏🏼

    • @bbqbros3648
      @bbqbros3648 9 місяців тому +3

      There’s no point in debating someone who has no loyalty to truth. He’s determined to misinterpret and mislead.

    • @markburris9778
      @markburris9778 9 місяців тому +1

      Jacob Hansen has never debated anyone of consequence.

  • @ruwoodbury
    @ruwoodbury 9 місяців тому +3

    RE: Burning in the bosom: After unknowingly walking with the risen Lord on the road to Emmaus and then inviting Him to sit with them, Christ disappeared and Cleopas and his companion describe their experience this way: Luke 24:32 "And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
    The heart in Greek is kardia and analogous to the definition, as stated in Strong's concordance, is "middle". So it's safe to say that heart and bosom (middle) would be considered synonymous. So a burning in your bosom is Biblical I think and describes the affects of the Spirit.

  • @DannyAGray
    @DannyAGray 9 місяців тому +13

    I wanted to be mad at him, but it was all pretty silly and I really wanted a Whopper today.

  • @nancylowe2692
    @nancylowe2692 9 місяців тому +19

    I say...ok Jeff BK, you have your version of Christianity & spend your eternity playing a harp on a cloud. I'll take my version and spend eternity with my Eternal companion and our families and Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, progressing in knowledge, power and dominion. I say this humbly, repentantly, meekly, hoping for this future, leaning on the merits of Him who has saved me from myself and from the stains of this world... I cannot imagine any other future!❤❤❤

    • @austinnajar
      @austinnajar 6 місяців тому +2

      So does the fact that Jesus, in no uncertain terms, taught that marriage will not exist after this life just not matter to you? Are the lies of Joseph Smith more important to you than the Bible because one gives you happy feelings?

  • @latter-daysaintbatman2679
    @latter-daysaintbatman2679 5 місяців тому +2

    I agree with Cardon Ellis on what he said about mainline Christianity. Since most Christians I've debated with on the internet have so many misconceptions about us Latter-day Saints and since some of them have even embarked on a crusade against us, I am also glad I am not a mainline Nicene Christian. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church restored upon this earth!

  • @777johbro
    @777johbro 9 місяців тому +7

    King Durban, you’re going to pass up on celestial world building for singing in the choir? Stop resisting the call to pray. Stop resisting the fruits of the Spirit, brother. You’d be a great addition to the kingdom.

  • @randomfilmstat
    @randomfilmstat 9 місяців тому +2

    I love Luke's takes and editing. So good at picking up on the major underlying flaws from others and contrasting them with the right amount of humor.

  • @777_holy_holy_holy
    @777_holy_holy_holy 2 місяці тому +2

    Wow, you guys really represent honest good and loving Christians. Your works speak volumes about you and I'm sure Christ approves. Being able to debate with such intellectual honesty brings me to tears. How are people not seeing this video and being converted by the billions?

  • @RamseyDewey
    @RamseyDewey 9 місяців тому +8

    14:00 "...the temple of doom" 😂That was amazing

  • @jimwettstein6312
    @jimwettstein6312 9 місяців тому +9

    Unfortunately, I feel Mainline Christianity has become the Saducees and Pharasees of our day.

  • @jhabernathy690
    @jhabernathy690 2 місяці тому +1

    These Mormons are filled with pride. Bless their heart, there is little hope for them with this puffed up attitude. Arseneo especially!

  • @StrateOutdoors
    @StrateOutdoors Місяць тому +1

    The irony of these guys quoting Acts (and has to skip the part about there being 1 God who created all) when your entire church is based on rewriting the gospel and adding nonsense. Very interesting.

  • @ZakCiotti
    @ZakCiotti 9 місяців тому +9

    That opening had me laughing and I thoughti could only hope the four screens would split into eight. But sixty four made me a subscriber.
    I hope other people get your humor, because that was immaculate. 🤣

  • @GwPoKo
    @GwPoKo 9 місяців тому +6

    After watching many of Jeff's videos, it's clear that Jeff seems to know and preach a CARICATURE of Mormonism and NOT actual Mormonism. And that is why Evangelicals struggle with this so hard, because their paid UA-cam pastors tell them about this alternative Mormonism and present it as actual Mormonism.

  • @tansershinasi2932
    @tansershinasi2932 9 місяців тому +7

    I'm convinced Durbin and White are Sith Lord's.

    • @cortezberumen6527
      @cortezberumen6527 9 місяців тому +3

      They aren’t cool enough to be sith lords, they’re more like the separatists getting puppeted around

  • @tgray747
    @tgray747 9 місяців тому +19

    Brilliant reaction video! Thank you guys for what you each brought to this discussion 😊
    Cardon has the best reaction laugh of all!!!

      @WARDRADIO  9 місяців тому +5

      Glad you enjoyed it

  • @ClintRay2578
    @ClintRay2578 9 місяців тому +3

    Remember when "they were pricked in their hearts". What did Peter say for them to do... "repent and be baptized"? Act 2 Jeff

  • @danjohnson8556
    @danjohnson8556 9 місяців тому +4

    Matt 23:27 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto Burger Kings, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full…of all uncleanness.”

    • @StompMom5
      @StompMom5 9 місяців тому

      Yes, a burger maybe🤣. Jeff Durban is Not easy on the eyes😖

  • @Not_so_greatScott
    @Not_so_greatScott 9 місяців тому +10

    I walk past these folks every time I go to the Mesa Az Easter Pageant. No one pays attention to them. Maybe this year I’ll steam this one for them :)

    • @Bl3ndrz
      @Bl3ndrz Місяць тому

      They send them over during the christmas lights there, too 🤦‍♂️. Went two years ago, and it's just weird. All they do in the pamphlets is state things we already believe as if it's at all a new thing, and really try to convince the uninformed about the trinity.

  • @ericabase
    @ericabase 9 місяців тому +8

    This is old school Kwaku that I’ve been missing! And Luke, that video is a masterpiece. Great episode.

  • @blakejensen1470
    @blakejensen1470 9 місяців тому +6

    You guys CRUSHED that intro!!!!!

  • @angelalewis3645
    @angelalewis3645 9 місяців тому +6

    If JB wants to preach the gospel to his people, why doesn’t he only focus on Jesus Christ? Why put any energy into telling Christians why other Christians are not Christians? What a waste of energy.

    • @joshuadonahue5871
      @joshuadonahue5871 Місяць тому

      Because he believes that some sects preach a fake Jesus and a false gospel, to their damnation. If he's correct, then it's a pretty good use of time

  • @mycatwould
    @mycatwould 9 місяців тому +1

    Luke 24:32 New King James Version (NKJV)
    And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”
    This is what LDS people are referring to when speaking of the witness of the Holy Ghost testifying of truth with a burning in the bosom.

  • @JimmyJBraddock
    @JimmyJBraddock 9 місяців тому +3

    that Durbeen guy needs to have a serious conversation with my friend David Alexander

  • @christianbenavides4852
    @christianbenavides4852 3 місяці тому +1

    Imagine having no good points in just attacking the man on his appearance if I wasn’t a Mormon and I saw this and how they attacked the man I would never have joined. I’m not a Mormon anymore, but this is just sickening..

  • @vannersp
    @vannersp 9 місяців тому +20

    You guys need to make a meme where the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz dances around Jeff while he sets up his strawman arguments.

    • @danjohnson8556
      @danjohnson8556 9 місяців тому +6

      “some people without brains do an awful lot of talking”. - The Scarecrow

    • @StompMom5
      @StompMom5 9 місяців тому +2

      Yessss.... That would be an epic video 🤣🤣👍

  • @silent229
    @silent229 9 місяців тому +4

    on the church website there is a FAQ section and one of the questions is do mormons "get their own planet?" the answer is "No." So if some asked you or tells you if you are getting your own planet say no. or point them to the church website FAQ section.

  • @LHJlives
    @LHJlives 9 місяців тому +4

    I've engaged with Jeff Durbin and his merry band of followers a lot over the years, their focus may change but the tactics sure don't. Sow doubt and confusion, then swap it out with their own interpretation of what they think is right with an inundation of verses (because if he can quote verses on the fly he MUST be right) and quotes.
    The thing is they never take the time to even understand what they're opposing. If they acted in good faith and wanted an honest debate, then bridges could be built on mutual understanding and respect, but this lot threw that possibility out the window on day one.

  • @TomkatJen
    @TomkatJen 9 місяців тому +4

    I am legit curious how he can reconcile Matthew 7 with his declaration that we are on our way to hell when just finished spouting how wonderful the people are?
    How can good fruit come from a bad tree, Jeff?

  • @wadeenglund5095
    @wadeenglund5095 9 місяців тому +2

    The Sanhedrim relied on the scriptures and didn't know Christ. Peter relied on the Spirit (Mt 16:17) and knew Christ. Fascinating!

    • @jareds561
      @jareds561 9 місяців тому

      Yep. It’s in John 7:45-52. This is modern Protestant/ evangelicalism to a T.

  • @ja-kaz
    @ja-kaz 9 місяців тому +9

    Evangelism is like Burger King. Both slowly going out of business

    • @ItsSnagret
      @ItsSnagret 9 місяців тому +2

      Savage 💀

    • @GwPoKo
      @GwPoKo 9 місяців тому

      That's why many evangelical pastors are turning to UA-cam. Their hate sells more than the gospel of peace

    • @ja-kaz
      @ja-kaz 9 місяців тому

      @@lukev483 swing and a miss. Try again

    • @illaskthequestions
      @illaskthequestions 9 місяців тому

      than the mormon church has a lot in common with BK lol

  • @StompMom5
    @StompMom5 9 місяців тому +17


    • @dwRS1
      @dwRS1 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@lukev483I don't hate Anti's I just think they are misguided and ignorant.

    • @Crikey420
      @Crikey420 9 місяців тому


    • @GwPoKo
      @GwPoKo 9 місяців тому +3

      @@lukev483 which version of Luke is commenting today? Is it the one who says he is a "card holding" member? Or is the atheist Luke commenting?

    • @chasejohnson5644
      @chasejohnson5644 9 місяців тому

      So, the fiercest Anti-Mormon in the Ward Radio is a former member? I should have known.

    • @1god2674
      @1god2674 9 місяців тому +1

      you almost never hear LDS say
      Oh my gosh, I'm sooo sorry to hear you gave up the faith! why?!
      💕 let's talk about it together
      wwjd 🤔

  • @wendyfoster5579
    @wendyfoster5579 9 місяців тому +2

    Booyah Kwaku. ❤. Luke, great splice video of Jeff Durbin. No we don’t want to be mainstream.

  • @karzee358
    @karzee358 9 місяців тому +13

    This is my first (hopefully LAST) experience with brother Durbin. Are you SURE he has an actual congregation (audience😉?) and not a canned-response recording?

  • @Heartsinmelody
    @Heartsinmelody 9 місяців тому +9

    4:37 “Italian slick back but the bottom is a Scottish dad” 😂😂

  • @shootergavin3541
    @shootergavin3541 9 місяців тому +10

    It is amazing that Durban is so ignorant of his own Bible when it comes to the issue of the heart. In Act 2, Peter is preaching to a bunch of people and after he preaches the "word" it says in verse 37
    "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?" Acts 2:37
    The simple preaching of the word itself was not enough. These people needed to be pricked in the heart. The pricking of their heart is the turning point that lead to them being baptized. Without it there is no reason to believe they would have been baptized. They would have just listened to Peter like all the other times they had heard the "word" from other men without experience that pricking of the heart. The pricking of the heart the hinge that turned just hearing the word into action.

  • @paulblack1799
    @paulblack1799 9 місяців тому +9

    Wouldn't being faithful unto death be a work?

    • @michaelhutchings6602
      @michaelhutchings6602 9 місяців тому +5

      Stop asking logical questions!

    • @GwPoKo
      @GwPoKo 9 місяців тому

      You claim to be an atheist so you don't know what you're talking about in terms of salvation@@lukev483

    • @mycatwould
      @mycatwould 9 місяців тому

      @@lukev483they’re referencing the Apologia Church membership certificate that says that on the top “Be faithful unto death”

    • @jareds561
      @jareds561 9 місяців тому

      @@lukev483actually I think He did say we need to be faithful until death in order to be saved. See: Matt 10:22; 24:13; Mark 13:13.

  • @-tikla
    @-tikla 9 місяців тому +1

    "whether I ascend to heaven, or descend to hell, or go to any other place. And if we go to hell, we will turn the Devils out of doors and make a heaven of it. Where this people are, there is good society. What do we care where we are if the society be good?" Brigham Young

  • @kage1061
    @kage1061 9 місяців тому +11

    I wait with baited breath.. and the bait might be a whopper meal!🤣

    • @StompMom5
      @StompMom5 9 місяців тому


  • @mygreatestdayever
    @mygreatestdayever 9 місяців тому +9

    This was so entertaining. Thanks for making my night!

  • @dwRS1
    @dwRS1 9 місяців тому +4

    I'll bet Jeff Durbin will still be spouting the same talking points when he's in the Spirit world.

    • @skywalker5026
      @skywalker5026 9 місяців тому +1

      He'll be shouting it through the cracked window in his little cell to the disciples playing pickleball across the road.

    • @chasejohnson5644
      @chasejohnson5644 9 місяців тому +2

      Sadly, I have to assume that on the other side he'll be one who reaches the veil and will be told "Ye know me not." I wonder what his reaction will be?

  • @sharonjohnson3603
    @sharonjohnson3603 9 місяців тому +2

    Love this guys. Keep it up!
    Brad totally agree. He's been deceived and doesn't want to learn what we actually believe.
    Loved the comparison with Paul and the Athenians and that he understood their beliefs.

  • @hispeedbullet2661
    @hispeedbullet2661 9 місяців тому +8

    Kwaku at 15:45 hits the nail on the head: these preachers actually lead people AWAY from God by urging their followers to rely on them rather than on God Himself to determine what is true..

    • @johncato4412
      @johncato4412 9 місяців тому +1

      Follow the prophet? Sounds familiar

    • @hispeedbullet2661
      @hispeedbullet2661 9 місяців тому +1

      @@johncato4412 “A strong testimony cannot be built upon a weak foundation. Therefore, don’t pretend you believe something when you are not sure of it. Seek to receive a ratifying witness. Wrestle in mighty prayer, living righteously, and ask for a spiritual confirmation. The beauty of the teachings of the Lord is that they are true and that you can confirm them for yourself. Hone your spiritual susceptibility by being constantly alert to the guidance that will come through the still, small voice of the Spirit.” Elder Richard G. Scott, October 2001.

    • @1god2674
      @1god2674 9 місяців тому

      "hit the nail on the head" sorta thoughtless from a "Christian" ✝️
      Rus the RoMaN 🗡️🏛️
      Rus sell'm nail son! Sell'm nails!
      stiff neck'd 👔 people
      they point & laugh & mock
      puffed up to themselves
      they chant their magic spells TEMPLE Dedication they pronounce "Deadication" they use magic spell but they Anounce it "dead" TEMPLE another word for bode "body" they speak death ☠️
      they with their pagan Easter Lucifer Devil Serpent
      they baptize eggs in multi color 🌈 soultion and say " let's die eggs" they brainWash D.C.eivers subconsciously program their chilled'ren
      They use the magic spell d y e & yet they speak death they enunciate ✝️🌈 Die eggs hunt them then eat their DIEt of dEATh made 👹 Deviled eggs 🥚
      and the scribes & priests & high priest have made their rendition of GOD into a GOD of animal and human sacrifice
      and build false temples with alters to their volcano 🌋 God 🔥👹
      they built little volcano 🌋 replica alters
      to their alter ego
      and their DIEt of dEATh
      burnt offer sacrifice 🥶
      And they speak their magic spells
      Temple Deadication
      They deceive with magic spells dedication while their spoken word speaks death
      Temple = bode "body"
      the cereMONY enunciATE a dead body
      "those that hATE me
      they love dEATh"
      WAR'D members
      SOL = sun = 👂🏻 son
      Sol die rs
      sun die ours
      son die r
      Killing the light of the world
      Sold your soul soldier
      To whoo 🦉🔥 ?
      Lucifer Devil Serpent
      Adam & Eve got sick
      Adam & Eve ill 🤢
      Evil eating from the tree of death
      Tree of 3 branches
      Jewdicial ⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      Adam & Eve creATEd the Nation
      AdamNation Evil
      black magic
      the black plague
      Jewdicial ⚖️ Legeslative 🖋️ Executive 🔫
      black Robes black Ink black Powder
      R. 🧑🏻‍⚖️ I. 🖋️ P.
      R.I.P. 🪦🪦
      the LAW OF moses
      A WOLF
      first introduced in
      the form of 2 stone tablets the form of tombstones 🪦🪦 one each for Adam & Eve
      Later written on the parchment skin of dead animals
      Later written on the paper of dead trees
      "Those that hATE me
      they love death" ☠️ proverbs 8;36
      D.C.eivers 🏛️ deceiving the world
      Roman 🏛️ 🗡️ Egyptian 👁️∆ D.C. Death Cult
      D.C. they told you District of Columbia because they had to come up with something to deceive
      Death Cult ☠️ Devils Church
      Die Christ
      Death Crucify ✝️
      Dec eased Casket ⚰️
      Devil CONstantine/ false CONversion
      Dec eived CONgregation
      D.C.eive Citizens
      Divide ➗ CONquer 🌈 the nation with a
      Democratic CONgress
      Dollars 💵 Cents 🪙
      Declaration CONstitution
      CONmen of the CONdemNATION
      Stars ⭐ & Stripes ✝️
      🇺🇲 star flag ⭐ military 🪖 ⭐ BADge
      Owl 🦉 hidden in ✈️ sight overhead view CAPITOL building walkways
      Coins = Man in the moon 🌚🪙
      ⭐ 🇺🇲 🌚🪙🦉 symbols of darkness
      AdamNation lead into the darkness of NITE
      u NITE d 🇺🇲
      A nation of deaf & blind
      1st SAMuel 8 SAM = Slave And Master
      UNCLE SAM it not you the people rejected
      They rejected me
      "We do not because of good work but for blasphemy because you being mere man say that your our god"
      Elect trick Election Fraud/ THIS IS HOW THEY DECEIVE YOU 🐑 EWE
      black magic spells free dumb "freedom" because it makes the people deaf of what words they speak
      "pairable" magic spells
      mission ♈🐏 aries
      patriarch 💵 paytreeon 🐍 pay tree our key
      Zeitgeist 2023 Adam & Eve
      and others same channel
      Zeitgeist 2023 the freedom deception
      If not you will continue being slaves pickin' paper 💵 made of cotton & AdamNation of cotton pickin slaves building pyramids 💵 👁️∆ serving the one eyed GOD of MAMMON
      Heaven is not an experience if the dead
      heaven iz for the living!
      love 💕 god

    • @austindecker7643
      @austindecker7643 9 місяців тому +2

      @@johncato4412how many pastors do you know that challenge you to pray if the pastor is prophet of god every prophet asks the members to find that out for themselves to ask god first if the prophet is really the prophet I don’t know any other church that does that

    • @GwPoKo
      @GwPoKo 9 місяців тому +1

      I have NEVER heard an evangelical pastor to tell anyone to pray

  • @christopherwalchli1993
    @christopherwalchli1993 9 місяців тому +5

    BurgerKing has to try and get converters to build his business.

  • @AydenGonzalez-tw4gz
    @AydenGonzalez-tw4gz 9 місяців тому

    For the 'burning of the bosom' trope.
    "My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever."
    Psalm 73:26
    When we ask God, the Eternal Father to lead and be the strength of our heart, He won't lead us astray and give us the fruits of the spirit as found in Galatians 5:22

  • @peskyplus
    @peskyplus 9 місяців тому +4

    How does that spacious building feel Jeff?

  • @slowburn33
    @slowburn33 9 місяців тому +7

    I have a question for Jeff D. What are you and Jesus going to do in heaven? great video you guys! Keep up the good fight.

    • @slowburn33
      @slowburn33 9 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@lukev483 I'd have a chat about it. I believe you can know. Jeff said he's going to be up in heaven with Jesus, I'm seriously curious what he would say.

    • @slowburn33
      @slowburn33 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lukev483 I'm willing to say I don't know. But I've actually prayed to know this for years. It's like putting a puzzle together. I'm looking through the scriptures to understand this more. Speculation is a good first step.

    • @mycatwould
      @mycatwould 9 місяців тому +2

      It has been revealed that there are more ancient records yet to be brought forth, as well as the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. But if the world is unwilling to accept more of God’s word already, then we may have to wait to receive the greater light and knowledge that we have been promised.

    • @slowburn33
      @slowburn33 9 місяців тому

      ​@@lukev483are you LDS?

    • @slowburn33
      @slowburn33 9 місяців тому +1

      @@mycatwould I believe that as well. And I look forward to it. I love the gospel and learning through studying scripture and receiving personal revelation.

  • @angelalewis3645
    @angelalewis3645 9 місяців тому +4

    GREAT supercut, Luke!!

    • @lukehanson_
      @lukehanson_ 9 місяців тому +2


    • @angelalewis3645
      @angelalewis3645 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lukehanson_ Using In the Hall of the Mountain King was genius!

    • @lukehanson_
      @lukehanson_ 9 місяців тому +1

      @@angelalewis3645 thanks! Leaning into the circus vibes it gives off

    • @angelalewis3645
      @angelalewis3645 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lukehanson_ Oooh I see that now. Nice!!

    • @angelalewis3645
      @angelalewis3645 9 місяців тому +2

      @@lukehanson_ Tell Cardon to publish it as a standalone video on this channel. 😆

  • @spencergooch7971
    @spencergooch7971 9 місяців тому +3

    Ok y’all have to compare him to Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5! I served my mission in Tempe AZ and had some awesome interactions with the durbinite cult and even Jeff himself. It got to the point where they knew me and would turn off the cameras when they saw me haha! But look at Joseph Seed and tell me they aren’t the same!

    • @arielsarabia1397
      @arielsarabia1397 Місяць тому


  • @ingramwifey2016
    @ingramwifey2016 9 місяців тому +1

    What version of the Bible is Kwaku reading for the Roman's 11:12 scripture? My KJV is different (and not nearly as exciting) and I can't find what version he's using 😩 I was hoping to write it down for my commonplace book

  • @ldr540
    @ldr540 9 місяців тому +2

    FYI for Cardon, Durbin isn't part of "mainline" Christianity, he's part of "evangelical" Christianity. Mainline and evangelical are totally different groups within the protestant world.

    • @lizkt
      @lizkt 5 місяців тому +1

      Can you explain this more? I'm not familiar with mainline and what that entails

    • @ldr540
      @ldr540 5 місяців тому

      @@lizkt I'm not an expert by any means (I'm LDS), but my understanding in general is that mainline protestants are more theologically liberal and less aggressive in terms of activism/evangelism as compared to their evangelical counterparts. Evangelical protestants might be described as more fundamentalist. Within the various denominations of the Protestant world, there are many, many subdivisions. So for example, two of the big Baptist groups in America are the Southern Baptist Convention (evangelical) and the American Baptist Churches (mainline). They come from the same roots, but have diverged somewhat over time.

  • @wes2176
    @wes2176 9 місяців тому +4

    I dont want to have anything to do with "mainstream christianity'. I think of 'mainstream christianity' exactly as they think of us, which is not much.

    • @StompMom5
      @StompMom5 9 місяців тому +1

      Agreed. When people tell me we're not Christian, I'm happy to agree👌.

  • @Hamann9631
    @Hamann9631 4 місяці тому

    I have described the Celestial Kingdom as Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ teaching us how to be as awesome as they are. The own planet is definitely not our way of describing it.

  • @gwvest
    @gwvest 9 місяців тому +1

    where can I get a PDF copy of that green bible?

  • @BunnyWatson-k1w
    @BunnyWatson-k1w 9 місяців тому +2

    Jeff is not a mainline evangelical Christian. He is a Calvinist, and their theology is a lot different from most born again Christian denominations.

    • @SB-pl8fc
      @SB-pl8fc 4 місяці тому

      Very true. As a convert I never heard anti Mormon people until him. I grew up Church of Christ (acapella) and they didn't do this gatekeeping of Christianity and every other family members group went to whatever or STARTED many rural churches. My family members were so in southern black churches. Black churches which are evangelical didn't talk about Mormons where I attended. I've had black Mormon and black JW family and everyone talks about knowing Jesus. Period. No other crap about the "right" Jesus. It was so confusing hearing this as a convert. To be the church is just another denomination. I grew up non denominational, so not important.

  • @rachael780
    @rachael780 9 місяців тому +1

    The sad thing is, Im not sure Jeff Durbin will be seeing Jesus where he's going after death. Maybe if God has mercy on him.

  • @vannersp
    @vannersp 9 місяців тому +1

    It's interesting that he went for D&C 9:8. Our prophets have told us this form of revelation is less common. They recommend we use D&C 8:2 instead:
    "Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart."
    This verse aligns with John 14:26, John 15:26; and when used in conjunction with Gal 5:22-23 positively identifies revelation from God (as opposed to temptations of the devil, or your own thoughts)

    • @777johbro
      @777johbro 9 місяців тому

      He can’t help himself. Prooftexting instead of true knowledge

  • @SimonDaumMusic
    @SimonDaumMusic 9 місяців тому +1

    People dont get that Moronis promise includes way more than prayer, things like pondering on Gods mercy, asking in faith, with real intent, studying things out in our minds..... its a whole process of including all our God-given senses and capabilities, to then give it in faith to the Lord..
    And besides, in Luke the Apostles also had a "burning" in their breast as Jesus taught them... so what is this telling us? People simply pick something and impose their lack of understanding upon it to mingle scripture with ignorance, to then call it inerranty the will of God.
    As for not trusting in "our own hearts", that may be difficult, since in Romans 6:17 it states:
    "But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed FROM THE HEART that form of doctrine which was delivered you."

  • @joeljudkins9552
    @joeljudkins9552 9 місяців тому +3

    THIS. This was fun! Thank you.

  • @HaleStorm49
    @HaleStorm49 9 місяців тому +1

    @20:21 there is a term for this technique in politics Luke - its called Apophasis. His audience isn't sophisticated enough to pick up on it. Huckabee used to do it to Romney during the 2012 Pres. race.

  • @henrikskoienschool
    @henrikskoienschool 9 місяців тому +7

    Reminds me of Zoramites on Rameumptom

    • @mycatwould
      @mycatwould 9 місяців тому

      We just read this chapter in family scriptures and I said to my family - “Calvinists are modern-day Zoramites”

  • @briandavis6898
    @briandavis6898 9 місяців тому +1

    7:32 Jesus is the right answer which is why the church is named agree him and literally every prayer and covenant is made in His name

  • @maxfrost9028
    @maxfrost9028 4 місяці тому

    They all know the “burning in the bosom” because it’s a common belief for anyone has experienced time with missionaries. They bring it up all the time. And it’s considered to be bad not because praying is bad, but because the church tells you to ONLY pray to know if the church is true. And to know otherwise, we need to refer to the scripture itself to know if it has major contradictions that would take away from its glory.

  • @MichaelSaline
    @MichaelSaline 9 місяців тому +2

    It’s not like we don’t have members that do that too. By every book that our apostles write and hang on every word that they say whether they’re speaking them as an old man or an apostle doesn’t matter they treat them like celebrities we have the same problem in the church today kind of the pot calling the kettle black there

    • @michaelhutchings6602
      @michaelhutchings6602 9 місяців тому

      Not even remotely true. The Q12 / FP work based upon unified quorum consensus. We revere the brethren but we do not worship them.

  • @davidrobles6375
    @davidrobles6375 9 місяців тому +4

    I think I am going to enjoy this one

  • @SaxSpy
    @SaxSpy 9 місяців тому

    i don't see how these "no one church" and "only believe in Jesus, actions don't matter" people say those who believe in Jesus are going to hell... that contradicts their whole religious view

  • @THE_KlNG
    @THE_KlNG 9 місяців тому +6

    Jeff durbin vs pastor jeff?

    • @StompMom5
      @StompMom5 9 місяців тому

      Pastor Jeff has the same intention. He's just gathering with sweetness rather than threats of destruction

  • @cognitiveresonance339
    @cognitiveresonance339 9 місяців тому +1

    He believes in a god who sends good, kind, righteous people to hell. . . Because they got a tangential detail wrong.

  • @CryptoSurfer
    @CryptoSurfer 9 місяців тому +3

    Hey, what part of central California is Luke Hansen from? I grew up in central California and remember having to go harvest grapes every year. I suspect it might be the same welfare farm.

    • @lukehanson_
      @lukehanson_ 9 місяців тому +1

      Over close to Madera? I was in the Merced Stake

    • @keitheverett3339
      @keitheverett3339 9 місяців тому +1

      Good times working the grapes every year!