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Audio balance actually seems rather good. The movie and effects are in the background as they should be, since the focus is and should be on your voice
Totally agreed on the halfway thing. Especially the nanobots themselves. They're established as being able to target specific people and thus being perfect for assassinations, but then the villains are like "Hey, we can make these target everyone" at which point it's just a generic bioweapon.
Big problem is also that in ANY OTHER James Bond movie, there'd be a solution to an "insurmountable" problem. And ESPECIALLY if it has to do with computers and technology. In 100% of movies, computer and technology problems can be solved by more computers and technology.
I think the idea is that he was selling tailor-made versions of the virus to a plethora of bad guys, all of whom would want it targeted to affect certain specific people (namely: their enemies).
When Saffin executed Spectre I had the mindset that he was pretty much on the same side as the protagonists. Sure, his methods were messy, and he also wanted to kill Blofield, but that was more or less fine with me as a viewer. So even though he had massive moral problems, I never thought of him as an antagonist, until he suddenly turned into a full blown super villain with his own island and threatening all life, I could just not see how he got to this position and those motivations.
Same thing. I didn't understand how all of a sudden he wanted to attack the world. Because all that was stated was he hated Spectre and wanted them dead.
I kept thinking about this the whole last arc of the movie. Like why even go through the trouble to get spectre and not just.... do the world and be done with it?
The sad thing is, it's THE Bond movie where nothing should have been easy. Since he makes the ultimate sacrifice at the end, it should have been the one movie that always put him on his toes, having him be always barely making it, and overcoming incredible odds only to be cornered at the end to a point where he can only pull off a draw.
Exactly this. This is what bothered me so much. When you spend 95% of your movie establishing Bond as basically invincible, his death feels like it comes out of left field. Every situation he was put into in this movie should have taken its toll on him. Every time he'd have to have paid a small price, until the end, where he was fresh out and had only his life to pay with.
As someone having experienced a perceived sort of betrayal, I can identify with Bond’s easy leap to believe Madelines betrayal. When you’re conditioned to being betrayed, and in the light of the slightest evidence your brain emotionally downshifts. This cuts the frontal lobe which makes rational thought impossible.
As a legendary "secret agent" that often challenge some of the most diabolical mind in the word, I think audience allowed to expect him not to be so easily manipuldated.
I honestly would expect the best secret agent on the planet to be more logical and analytical to a situation like this than just go apeshit and emotional. Because you know? The main problems he has had in a whole bunch of Craig movies (if not all of them) have been detonated by being emotional AF... so one would think MI6 would basicly send him to get trained in mental defenses or torture training or send him accompanied or something. You are MI6. You can't compromise your missions on emotionally immature agents.
In my opinion, the first hour of the movie was the best. The cinematography , the story line and the pace of the film was excellent. After first hour , it felt dragged .
I thought Madeline's secret was that Saffin pretty much adopted her after killing her mother. Then I was completely confused when he sat in that therapy session and she had no clue who he was. Also I'm cool with him having a god complex, but I would have liked a Light Yagami approach and him wanting to destroy the MI6 because they created the poison stuff.
I would have assumed he would have trained himself from adolescence to be a ruthless threat after his family was slaughtered. I was expecting a fire ass hand to hand fight scene at the end. Disappointing movie overall. At least Jeffrey Wright was great
Biggest problem with Saffin, the actor was way too young for the role, so while they probably wanted to take the angle you mention, they decided to have him falling in love with her instead.
you dont take half measures when you are god and no matter how many bad people light would have killed or even all of them, he could have never freed world from despair, sorrow, pain and suffering. It is very important to have balance of both good and bad like yin and yang cause thats how progress and evolve. Without any inherent challenge or drive your life would be just a pointless existence, full of emptiness and existential crisis. I do not mean that bad dont deserve punishment or retribution its just that light approach was quite flawed and as joker says all it takes is just one bad day.
Yeah, then they could have thrown in that the Skyfall villain also sold DNA records of MI6 agents to the highest bidder. Better tying the movies together and the moral consequences would have been more severe with MI6 giving their enemies the tools to their own downfall.
What's kind of funny is that the movie acknowledges that there's nothing particularly new about Rami Malek's villain. Bond interrupts his evil speech and tells him "you're just the latest in a long line of cruel, little men" (or something to that effect). It's a great line for Bond to have, and it's kind of a shame that after he says that, Rami resumes his speech like nothing happened and they continue to play it straight.
Craig's Bond had been doing more of that as his bit of the series has gone on. I do think that part of the intention of his bit in the series was to have a range of Bond from beginning to end, and in that line, in the later films, when he's making those quips, it's with more of a sense of irony than when Connery was making his one-liners.
No, it's a stupid misandrist line conjured up by women who hate men and want to write women into everything. Because women can do anything, after all! Except make a profitable and well received Bond film.
@@4Everlast I never said none of that mattered. but yes it did play a big part in the unimaginative action pieces when you have a Bond under no threat of ever being killed because the faceless enemy henchman cant land a single shot at him despite unloading a full round at him from a few metres away only for Bond to turn around and kill them all instantly with no effort.
Has anyone else thought about the fact that Bond has an EMP in his watch and that he could just use it to kill the virus since it consists of microbots or so?
I felt that this movie was less of a classical Bond film and more of a farewell to the legacy of Daniel Craig Bond. You can have your own opinion on it, but I actually enjoyed seeing Craig on the big screen one final time as 007.
Same, most complaints people have are easily answered through the entire series of development, and the rest are just “I hate it cause I’m angry at black female James Bond”
The conveniences are just imperfections in the storytelling, the big flaw is the villain honestly, I totally agree that the motivation set up for him in the beginning is the one they should have stuck with, but he kills all of Spectre halfway through the movie, so it’s just over and they have to give him some kind of new motivation that’s just uninteresting. With some changes this could have been one of the best Bond movies, as it stands, to me it’s a satisfactory conclusion to Craig’s Bond story, not one that goes above and beyond.
Yeah. I loved pretty much everything about the movie aside from the main villain feeling like a complete afterthought. Heck, if the main villain had been killed alongside spectre and everything else was just going on post-mortal, by some AI, it pretty much would have had the same impact. Heck, maybe made it a bit more logical because even though an AI becoming omnicidal because humanity sucks is an old hat, it still made more sense to me than whatever Mr. Robot's motivation was supposed to be.
imagine if killing spectre was the endgame, and bond is forced to make the unimaginable decision to cooperate with spectre to protect madeline my point being spectre and madeline was the heart of the film, and once that was gone the film just flatlined
@@stripey566 I don’t know about that. What I find to be really interesting is that if say Safin’s goal was to kill all of Spectre with Heracles, then he wouldn’t be using it any differently than M was considering doing. I think that’s so interesting, that an action you yourself considered doing seems absolutely terrifying when someone else exercises that kind of power, that you’re able to see how fucked up, dangerous and wrong it is as soon as you step outside of your own perspective for a moment. The whole motivation for stopping Safin would be that allowing him to use Heracles for any purpose is unacceptable because no one should have that much power. Also, you could have this like development with Safin, where his experience with Madeleine initially makes him want to only target Spectre operatives and not their families, but when Madeleine and Mathilde later reject him he changes his mind and programs Heracles to target their families like he was doing before he spared Madeleine, and he then poisons Bond with the virus due to his relationship with Madeleine. With that you could have this parallell between Bond and Safin where both of them have at one point been utterly untrusting and apathetic towards other people due to a traumatic experience AND both of them through their experience with Madeleine begin to heal that part of themselves and regress once they think they can’t trust her anymore, but Bond is the only one of them who comes back from that again by admitting to his own faults and leaving the past behind. Bond is able to look to the future to motivate his heroism, Safin is fixated on the past that motivates his hateful vengeance.
They should've just made Blofeld the bad guy again. Have Bond retired and actually being a Dad. Open with his mundane life of retirement. Have Felix Leiter come tell him against M's wishes that blofeld escaped. Bond confronts M and blofeld kidnaps the family so he has to team up with BLM7 to rescue his family. Blofeld wants his kid to target the dna virus against bond, then take out a bunch of world leaders. They took so long to build up blofeld and spectre, killing them in a cut away and a single scene really makes the whole Craig series fall apart.
I agree, the movie was on the long side as it is, if they had taken a scene to establish that the weapon couldn't be removed once you've got it, that would have been an extra few minutes without really improving the story. I do think that the cemetery bit isn't really that big of a deal, they literally just established that he was still trapped by her memory and probably dealing with flashbacks. For him to get extremely paranoid, especially when she received the phone call and be downright suicidal, doesn't seem that unreasonable. I do agree that Safin is kind of a weak villain in a lot of ways, not as bad as some of them, but ultimately, he does achieve what no other Bond villain has achieved. Personally, the ending did bother me a bit because it seems a bit out of character for Bond to just give up like that, there were multiple times in other movies where he appeared to be even more screwed and kept fighting it out until something else got him out of it. Diamonds are Forever springs to mind where he's being cremated alive and trying to get out of the coffin, even though that's objectively no better when they let him out for not having given them the diamonds they were after. Obviously, the way those cremation furnaces work, just getting out of the coffin doesn't actually save him, but he's at least trying to do something rather than just pulling out a cigarette and having one last smoke.
My biggest problem with this movie is Bond’s fatalistic attitude at the end. This is so out of character because Bond is never fatalistic. He is always looking for a way out, a way to survive. Instead we have this image of him standing helplessly, awaiting his fate. Bond never gives up, ever. And regardless of whether he could never come in contact with Madeleine and his daughter again, he would have figured out a way to keep in touch with them, to be a part of their lives, to watch his daughter grow up, if only at a distance. So I agree: the ending, like a lot of the movie, seemed forced.
I would think of this as Bond just getting tired probably. Let's be fair, he was an old man, he was emotionally damaged a few times through the movie, and especially the realization of him being the father. I think that was definitely a first for Bond, and considering these aspects he thought it best to just take an eternal break now.
I think him accepting his fate and expressing his love for his daughter humanised him more than any moment that’s happened to him in the whole franchise. This was like him getting his soul back after losing it in the pre-credits of Casino Royale.
Thats where the potential for Safin lies. You really feel that unlike Blofeld, Greene, Le Chiffre or White, who were almost born as stereotypically evil, greedy self serving sociopaths, Safin was doing all of this because he was still just a little boy who never escaped his catatonia and is trapped in a state of constant shell shock. I feel his motivations do then make sense. He kills Spectre as revenge for his family's death and the physical and mental injuries inflicted on him as a result. Like Silva, he is just a really damaged person, trying to regain control and to make sense of his trauma. And its the lengths he will go to to alleviate his trauma and make sense of life and death, as well as the loss of the family unit that make him very compelling, very disturbing, very tragic and very terrifying. His goal to unleash Heracles upon the world doesn't come from the same place as someone like Blofeld, but because he has come to this delusion that people really want nasty things to happen to them. Because in his head there has to be a reason that seemingly out of nowhere he and his family were poisoned at a dinner table, just because.
@@TheAwesomeDarkNinja How is e.g. someone trained as a legendary assassin with a long history and many connections a Mary Sue for being able to get out of sticky situations? And I assume you're suggesting they're the same as characters everyone complains about like a first timer jedi who's more powerful and smarter than everyone around her with no more than 5 minutes of combat experience or relevant knowledge? A lot of superheroes are also experts in some scientific field or have a military background, but of course there are some scenes where they have to luck out, but it's not the definition of their character, at least I can't think of one that's like that. And them getting saved by plot power isn't usually the highlight of their story or screen time unlike the type of characters most complain about.
@@tubester358 Ye. The only Mary Sue moment for John Wick was when he was tied to the chair and they were trying to suffocate him, and his assassin freind ended up shooting some of them saving him. Other then that...was all him. The execution of the plot was real nice. Personally it's irrating, everyone mentions plot armor way too much, people just can't enjoy a hero succeeding. Granted, sometimes it's overtly there, Rey in Star Wars, Batman taking on Superman with prep time, Deathstroke single handely taking on nearly everyone in the Justice League, etc.
I loved Filmento's character motivation ideas for Safin. Him forcing Madeline and her daughter to be his family because her father owes him that would have been brilliant.
Mikkelsen and Bardem had the best written Charakters and are also the best Actors of all the Bond Villains . Exception for Christoph Waltz but Blofeld was teribbly written and wasted in this „Timeline“.
This film has 2-3 different scripts fighting each other: one where it retains the brutal and grounded realism of the Craig era as is the usnused concepts of said era, one with the cartoonish antics and self parody humor of the Brosnan era, and one with the trademarks of the traditional James Bond film. As a result, it's a well-polished mess. Also, Daniel Craig and Ralph Fiennes are probably angry and pissed on the set of this film. Their out-of-character moments feel really off over the course of the film.
@@synlion, all of the scenes where Bond is yelling and looking pissed like he's in the wrong film to begin with, and M being so out of place his version makes decisions that even his predecessors wouldn't crossed a line.
The fact that the goons were SO INACCURATE really took me out of the film at the final battle. Like, really! Statistically at least one of those thousands of bullets should have hit its mark. Was it so hard to give them some high-tech body armour that gets them shot once or twice without killing them. Like, a skin that hinders bullets enough to not enter the body, just penetrate the skin. At least then they get to look cool still haha
I reckon another big issue for the film is bond never even meets Staffin until the end. If Staffin was a little more personal for bond aswell as Madeline, it would have immediately made it a more compelling watch
I like that so much of it comes off as easy, Bond has been doing this stuff forever. The scene that really stuck with me was with the new young Q is trying to explain how all the old-fashioned needlessly complex soviet era machinery works but Bond looks around and knows immediately how it all works because he's been doing this since this equipment was state of the art and he's spent a lot of time in Soviet-era bases.
As an aspiring author, I spend hours and hours of planning the big bads endgame, making his motivation believable, forging him into a hero in his own eyes, and then I see shit like this greenlit and on the big screen. Damn.
@@idvargas that depends, I'm writing in German and proper translation takes time. German stuff could come this year, English maybe in 2 or 3, depending on how cooperative the publisher is
Another great Filmento video. No opinions, just mistakes and ways to avoid them. If film writers watched your videos their films would definitely improve. Keep up the good work please.
Still pissed that they wasted, ONCE AGAIN, another phenomenal actor as the villain. Rami Malek had maybe 20 mins of screen time in a near 3 hour film. Blofeld had even more screen time in Spectre and even he was barely in it! What a waste of talent! This is why Javier Bardem in Skyfall will always make it the best Bond film.
@The Dislike Man Yes! And far less… or none at all of the other chick who tries replacing Bond. Could have cut her from the movie completely and nothing would have changed… hell, give her screentime to Malek!
He played his scenes incredibly though, you have to admit. What they gave him was well enough to show how amazing he was, although I agree it would've been better if he was given more screen time.
@The Dislike Man anna de armas' character was sooo much more charming and likeable. Watching the new 007 (is it bad i cant remember her name?) I just found her soo incredibley unlikeable. When she wanted to give bond back the 007 it was like k great but clearly theres more important shit going on and all you can think of is THAT? Priorities. The only reason she was there was to pander.
bond looking to play the victim has been daniel craig's character the whole series though, he doesnt trust anyone, and then he has only ever opened to one person (vesper), and she betrayed him so i think his reaction is perfectly in character
The idea you proposed at 12:15 is almost exactly what I thought the movie was about based on the trailer; Safin saw himself as the "hero" that was willing to go to the lengths MI6 and others weren't willing to in order to stop organizations like Specter. Really good analysis. I'd still say I enjoy the movie, but I'm definitely willing to recognize the significant flaws in its story.
So, so happy to see proper criticism in this comments section. The amount of numb nuts out there who think the worst thing about the film is that Bond got temporarily replaced by a woman (even though he had retired) is maddening. Wokeness has nothing to do with this film's structural failings. I haven't enjoyed a Bond film since Casino Royale cos it's the only one that's managed to pull of the balance between Craig's gruffer take on the character and the inherent silliness of the stories. They're kids stuff in a poorly fitting tuxedo.
You can be a "failure" just based on personal standard. It's like a straight A student suddenly getting a c+ grade. It's still a passing grade but you know it could have been so much higher
@@TheXabl0 The movie is very flawed. Describing those flaws especially compared to your favor movies of all time doesn't make you toxic. I can point out 20 flaws with Aliens but it's still an all time great movie. With No Time To Die is there is lot more bad than good.
Man, I have said this a million times on a million platforms. Bond didn't just die because he can't be with his family. He died because he *cannot come into contact with ANYONE.* These nanobots transfer from person to person. What if he meets someone, and that guy meets someone and then that guy meets Madeleine? Leaving the island would mean risking his family's life even if he decides never to meet them.
Ooo, a spin off movie with Madeline on the run, can't get close to anyone. Trusting the wrong person could kill you because there's a spreading plague of nano stuff out to get just You!
Ye, why did people not get this? Bond literally killed Blom because the nanobots transferred from Madeline's wrist to his hand. Q says multiple times that the nanobots won't ever expire and given that they can be transferred on contact, isn't it obvious that they would eventually make their way around the world. The fact that they affect anyone in Madeline's bloodline means that the nanobots could spread among thousands of people and surfaces, meaning Bond's family would never ever continue, even if one person contacts bond. Hell, I'd even worry that the nanobots didn't get fully destroyed in the missile inferno.
James Bond Is famous for narrow escapes. IT makes no sense. To Kill him off and see a Sentence: "James Bond Will Return " during the end credits of the movie. When,He dies at the end of The Film.,The Hero is,Suppose to Survive.
This was a movie that when I was watching it, I was like wow, this is really epic, and not overly convoluted like some of the other Craig movies. But, then as soon as it was finished I was like meh. I think you nailed it with the convenience, and half-way things. Bond didn't even give Madeline a chance to explain anything, and she at least deserved that, and was out of character for Bond. With how much she meant to him you think he would get to the bottom of it instead of just cutting her out. The ending with the villain just letting the girl walk away just screamed lazy and cop-out to me, and then Bond just saying yeah ok, there isn't a way to fix this virus in me so I will just die. He could easily have attempted to survive and then have scientists in Hazmat suits quarantine him till they develop a cure, or at least try. The nanobot thing was awkward, and didn't really make sense to me from a Scientific standpoint. I guess this was a lazy way to change the script after Covid hit. An EMP like what was on his watch or something would have killed the nanobots. Blofelt's bionic eye was also a wtf. This was a half-assed story wrapped in a slick presentation.
WHAT was epic?? Everything good about it we already saw in the trailers! One of the most un-fun Bonds to date. Zero chemistry, zero creative kills and action, it was way to safe and beyond bland.
My grandpa was a super fan of Jame Bond movies. Apparently would have VHS tapes of all the older Bond movies according to my dad. He died before I was born, so me and my dad made a small tradition to see the new James Bond movies when they come out. We saw Skyfall, Spectre and No Time all in theaters and it was a good time. No Time to Die I thought was a good enough movie, not the best but still good and a nice send off for Craig as Bond
No Time To Die feels like a perfect point to "take a break" from the franchise, I wouldnt mind if they wait 10 years to make a new Bond movie. And it did feel like the end of an era.
I really agree with your opinion. This movie is basically music building up powerful but the beatdrop never came. This compared to Skyfall, Bond can survive through a lot easily. The script is very inconsistent, like at the beginning it was established that Safin wanted revenge. At the climax, he just wants to be some kind of god that can control people. They could have used that first motivation like you said to kill every member of Spectre around the world. It made no sense that the entire organisation would just die at that meeting for Blofeld’s birthday. Another thing, they removed Paloma too early. I really thought she would come back later to take revenge for Felix but no, she did not hear news of his death at all. Overall, the plot was just dragging around all over the movie. Still, the movie is enjoyable to watch.
Bro this movie was the best of all the Daniël Graig 007 movies main villian made sense, good caracters and good to understand. Good action scenes to follow. Just too good this movie!
I think a good Bond villain would be like Bane from the comics. A highly skilled, extremely intelligent, and physically superior force. He breaks out a bunch of the villains Bond has caught, gets them all to each attack him in their own way, but never playing to win, just wear him down. Then after a week of nonstop crazy shit, he goes home to rest and Bane is waiting, ready to break him. *Sorry for a late edit but Bane was a South American revolutionary for hire (I'm pretty sure) and had toppled several governments before he went after Batman. He was a master strategist as well as a physical force.
@@arghonandi6818 Well I don't mean to use the actual character of Bane, just someone with a similar background and like the vid says, we'd have a villain that was a threat all by himself (he has no connection to the people he frees, just a shared hatred for Bond). Basically anyone without a huge shadow organization behind him, just a few guys. I mean, comic Bane was a South American revolutionary that was overthrowing governments, and he just put those skills to work on a tough opponent. Plus an goal other than money would be nice. Like Bond got his family killed interfering in his South American paramilitary activity or something.
@@joshtimusprime5354 Yeah i can see that for sure. I should also clarify I wasn't picturing Craig taking on my guy, it doesn't fit the world they already made. Maybe the next series, if it fits tonally.
Wow, I was literally about to write about the same thing. And I do mean literally, I had the Knightfall example ready to go. The movie goes out of its way to show Bond easily surviving every situation he's put in without a scratch when the appropriate thing would have been for each situation to wear him down, so when he reached the end he was well and truly spent and there would be a proper justification for him to be surprised by the villain's attack other than "Oops, I forgot to be careful even though I knew somebody was here".
This is brilliant. After waiting so long to watch No Time To Die at the cinema, I left the theater with a kind of weird feeling: it was enjoyable, but kinda disappointing. But I couldn’t explain why. Well, now I know why. Thank you for this brilliant analysis. 👍
the fact that so many people thought this was a decent film upon its release is what is really wrong with the state of cinema: the audience. awful script, awful character development. nothing to relate to, nothing human, only cheap lazy writing. how do so many people not see that??? its sad
Yes, she was the only good part of the film and then they dumped her almost immediately (Ana was hired only because Craig recommended her after being her co-star in "Knives Out" and truly impressed with her acting ability). What should have happened IMHO was that Madeline WAS trying to set up Bond, making Bond's dumping her a legitimate action rather than a contrivance. Then he meets Ana's Paloma in Cuba and she, as the new and energetic Bond girl and secret agent and love interest, puts a spring in his step as he, in a fashion, trains her to be his replacement. Then, you have Madeline (instead thinking she is Blofeld's ACTUAL daughter, not knowing that Blofeld had Safrin kill her real parents) torn between naively following her pseudo-father down an evil rabbit hole of world domination and her lingering feelings for Bond as she is pregnant with his child. Then once Bond is forced together with Madeline again it creates this kind of emotional triangle between Bond, Paloma, and Madeline. Madeline finally decides to confront Blofeld and his henchman after learning the truth and SHE is the one infected with the nanobots, and then sacrifices herself in a final selfless act because she saves Bond as a last loving gesture. Bond then has to save his daughter from the clutches of Blofeld and Safrin with the help of Paloma. Bond then walks off into the sunset with his daughter, grieving somewhat due to the tragic end of Madeline, leaving Paloma to take up the reins as a fresh faced 00 agent.
@@dan_hitchman007 love it. i'm 100% with you on this. now THAT would have been a film! edit: In fact I just saved your comment to a word document so I can read it again years from now and Mandela effect it into my own reality as the conclusion to Craig's arc. Thx.
Christoph Waltz was the worst introduction to the DC 007 CU, wasted too much money on his 5 minutes of screen time in both movies; plus, DC’s 007’s balls got crushed in Casino Royale, soooooo, def not his kid…
I think the beginning scene with the bulletproof car when bond just sits there serves a greater purpose, like he wanted to see what Madeline would do or how she would react considering he’s thinking she betrayed him and it’s actually well done
This deeply, deeply flawed movie is actually the most enjoyable Daniel Craig Bond movie for me and my girlfriend. Loved every minute of it, and I love all the rest of the Bond movies, save Spectre, that one was horrid
Honestly, I don't think it was particularly flawed, most of this stuff couldn't be addressed in the movie due to issues with the run time. It was 2 and a half hours long as it is, addressing some of these things would likely have pushed it over 3 hours and not really made the movie more enjoyable. If we're going to talk about flaws, Quantum of Solace would like a word.
6:58 his death A BIT forced??? producers literally lied, when they said that they put Danny Boyle out from directors chair because he wanted to kill Bond in the end, but producers wanted Bond to stay alive
Pretty sure Daniel Craig was the one who demanded his character to be killed off so they wouldnt call him back, same case as Harrison Ford demanding Han to be killed in Ep7
@@Jose-se9pu So that was dumb if its true. there is some characters who just CAN`T die like Godzilla, like Rocky Balboa, like 007. REAL Bond will sleep with Lady Death and then move on, doing some stylish action under sunset`s shining
@@thatllbeawesome361 to be fair, Godzilla has died several times, but he always comes back somehow, and not because of a reboot, just because he's that awesome. In one movie they sucked him into a mini man-made black hole, and he still came back. In another, they dropped him into a volcano, and he still came back. In yet another, he died, but all his power was absorbed by his son, thus continuing his legacy. You can't treat James Bond like Godzilla. One's a giant monster, the other is just a man (a very awesome one, but...).
@@ggrarl man, yes I can threat him that way and I will - some characters not designed to die on screen and that`s who Bond is. The name of the movie is literally says No Time To Die - that`s what I`m talking about, it`s a fake 007 movie
This is the reason I loved Skyfall more than any Bond film. Because it has perfect balance of Action and Drama, movie talks more about human side of James Bond's character and most importantly gives best tribute to character M. After that casino royale was perfect too and has the best story.
@@Taz-yr6xd IMO the worst will always be the Man With The Golden Gun. An old opinion to be sure, but despite the many bad Bond films, it will be the only to be so bad that it's good.
Who else was weirded out by how much out of character Craig's movement and body language was when he was "interrogating" Blofeld? That was the point the movie lost me,tbh...
Another excellent breakdown - I too enjoyed the film overall but you totally nailed most of its weak points. M commissioning a super bioweapon seemed a bit inconsistent for his character from the previous films too. When it came to a wider agenda for the villain I was expecting that list of targets to be something like a list spies that failed to stop Spectre. A sort of personal smiert spionam campaign for Safin, but turned out to be nothing. One thing that annoys me with the Daniel Craig era in general is just how often he's retired or quit from her majesty's secret service, it's mega tired and adds to the boredom.
The whole retirement angle doesn't even make sense from the Bond as a codename angle. Which is a great way to explain how he could be doing that job for so long and how different actors can be Bond in-universe: Having them being different agents taking on the job and name. So retirement would simply mean handing over to a new agent. Only reason to come back would be, if the successor gets killed or MI6 needs the experience and knowledge of the old one.
I’ve never been so disappointed in a movie theater and I saw Joss Whedons Justice League. A great example of how to stab your loyal die hard bond fans in the back.
My main problem with the movie was that in order to get that contrived ending it had to make Bond look like a total moron. He just believes his wife betrayed him without investigating, without keeping tabs on her, without waging a personal war on Spectre for ruining his happiness, etc. I didn't hate it but it was so bland and, as pointed out, the villains were dull.
Honestly, that wasn't his wife, and they had already established that he was suffering from PTSD beforehand. I can see people seeing it as being dumb, but I do think that a better case can be made for him being concussed and still suffering from PTSD and paranoia than simply being an idiot. One of the ways in which the Craig Bond is different from previous ones, is that he isn't Teflon. The only other Bond that seemed to really be affected by what went on was Lazenby, and we never got to see what would have happened in the Next movie when he went after Blofeld.
@@SmallSpoonBrigade I understand that's what they were going for (distrust of women because of Vesper), but he left MI6 for this woman. He loved her so much to upend his entire life and yet he didn't look in on her or make sure she was guilty? I mean if she had then killing her would seem justified. But no, they had to keep him stupid in order for the plot to work. His refusal to interrogate her, her refusal to tell him she's pregnant, the fact Bond is too stupid to assume Blofeld may be playing him. But you are right, Craig's Bond is different from the others in that he's far more gullible than the others. It's kind of why I don't really care that they killed him. Maybe this Bond needed to die so we can hopefully get back to the cool Bond who doesn't get in his feelings so easily.
I actually loved this movie. I'm surprised how much I enjoyed it. I'd be fine if it was the last 007 movie ever. It had a decent ending and actually with a sense of finality. If the next bond sucks no time to die is the last 007 movie in my mind.
Yeah, it had it's issues, but I think it was a great ending note for Craig's Bond. Great Bond action Sequences, a pretty good, even if sometimes misplaced, sense of wit, and enough fan service to be enjoyable without drowning out the movie like Spectre did. I saw the film twice. First with my father who a long time fan who has read the books, and second with my best friend who is new to the franchise. We all really liked it. It hit like a Bond Movie to us despites is writing problems. I'm hopeful that despite the hate a lot of people are giving it now, it will be remembered as a not-fantastic, but very fun Bond Film, like Diamonds are Forever, a View To a Kill, and Tomorrow Never Dies.
3:31 I don't care if it's an action movie, it's not a superhero movie and bond is not a fucking Luke Cage or Superman, he's dead on the spot here. Fuck this shit.
Love the point about Safin’s contradictory motivations. I’ve been telling my family for months and they didn’t even notice. It ruined the whole film for me.
I agree with many of your points. The only thing I’d say regarding the enemies being too easy, pretty much every sequence results in failure for Bond, which somewhat makes up for the enemy being too easy to kill.
yeah, I think in terms of the boat escape, I never thought it would be difficult for him to get out, my concern was whether he'd be able to save felix as well.
I dont agree. This was a fantastic send off to Craig. A lot of your complaints are nit picks and literally every james bond movie has "convenient" moments. 8/10 movie
I feel a deep irony, personally, in that they've been desperately trying to be "different" and to modernise James Bond, but all they actually did was repeat the exact same set of plot points endlessly, constantly keep referencing the old classics and going all retro 60s in style. With No Time to Die it doesn't even feel like a James Bond film, it feels like just a bunch of ideas and unnecessary big twists all cobbled together and given an enormous budget. The relationship felt completely empty and as forced as the writing, the villain felt like an unfinished idea with no motivation, they IMO wasted the garden of death (from YOLT novel) by just throwing it in this movie at the end in an utterly slapdash and superficial manner. Craig still doesn't even feel really like James Bond, I always end up watching him and feeling that he's someone's dad trying way too hard to act like James Bond, being angry and miserable all the time and posing and walking very stiffly.
The video just shrugs off the Vesper storyline as justification for why Bond is so quick to believe Madeline betrayed him, but that's unfair. That IS the reason Bond believes he's been betrayed so easily, and it's a completely valid reason that's earned from that previous film, it shows that Bond is still fundamentally broken from that incident, still has a hard time trusting people fully. One of the best part of this movie is how it continues that wound from Casino Royale and brings it to a satisfying resolution.
In truth the part why Bond turns his back on Madeline is because he has trust issues so I actually liked that. He doesn’t want his heart to be broken so he broke her heart instead (just to be safe)
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Agree with most of this. I was really disappointed in the lack of commitment from the movie, and it left me feeling very underwhelmed by the story points. I did think the action and visual aesthetic were both good, and much improved from Spectre. Two especially annoying points were: 1) Madeline should have had a more impactful secret*. 2) Bond 'dying' felt underwhelming because there wasn't any tension leading to it. Yes, there was a reason he had to stick around, but it didn't feel tense... it didn't feel like his sacrifice was relevant (for reasons outlined in this video essay: we didn't understand Safin's plan, or who the buyers were). *if it was meant to be the Daughter, I never got the feels from Bond. It didn't seem to matter too much to him, even though he went through the motions of being protective.
Yep, that's been both a great thing and a bit of a problem over the decades. He's rarely in any real trouble, and I doubt anybody really watches because they think he's in trouble. Especially with the older Bond movies where he'd be given a bunch of gadgets that you know he'd be using at some point in the future. That did change when they blew up his car without him doing much of anything with it. And after this film, we can no longer assume that Bond won't die when they decide to change actors. That will likely be the biggest legacy for the film, not these nitpicky little issues.
I didn't see the movie because I boycotted the idea of them killing Bond, however I agree with you. This guy doesn't get Bond. He is an idealistic character. Everything he does IS easy. That's why people love the escapist and idealistic world of 007. It's intentionally made to be unreal. As a matter of fact, the reason for my boycott is tied in with that. You don't kill Bond. He's not supposed to die. In the words of "M", "your licensed to kill, not get killed". We want to see him ride off into the sunset like he always does so 4-5 years from now we get to see him again in another movie which we've been doing since 1962.
I re-watched NTTD as it was put on Prime Video. I thought it was mediocre when i first watched it, and I still think it is but watching it a second time I can really pin point what is wrong with it in my opinion. The cinematography, the music, the filming locations, the action sequences, Ana de Armas are amazing, like the music and cinematography i'd say are possibly the best in the franchise. But the film suffers from its boring, confusing plot, I mean is Spectre the enemy? Oh they aren't? Oh but they are and try to kill bond? Oh but they fail and all die themselves? So spectre aren't the enemy? Oh but Blofeld is responsible? Oh but he isn't Oh its all Safin, wait who is Safin? Wait who is Bond fighting at the end? Safin is easily the worst villain in the franchise because he's got nothing going for him. You forget he's in the film because the first act of the film centers around Blofeld and Spectre, the 2nd act of the film focuses on Logan Ash and by the time the 3rd act starts and Safin is properly introduced you forget who he is completely, and you still have no idea who he is when Bond executes him. Its a film that isn't necessary in my opinion. Spectre should have been the end of the Craig saga, and they should have rebooted with a new actor for Bond 25
For me, Spectre ends the Daniel Craig era (and it's a good way to properly end Craig's tenure as Bond in my opinion), NTTD is overtly convoluted, confusingly frustrating, inconsolable messy & downright unnecessary. I personally ignore it...
It was the worst Bond movie I’ve ever seen and wish I didn’t buy a ticket as it was painfully long to injure and didn’t meet even one of my expectations after seeing the trailer.
Also - sorry, but I just don't buy his relationship with Swan. There's zero on-screen chemistry for me and it all feels very contrived. In effect, it saps the film of so much emotional punch. Worst element of both Spectre and this.
Yeah, this movie really left me… unmoved. It felt like little more than a bland Bond “remastered” of Iron Man’s death (including the 5 years time jump with the daughter reveal). And the villain was a big letdown, I was expecting a vengeful ghost with that super cool mask for the whole movie, but both the characterization and the look were abandoned in favor of yet another crazy God wannabe.
Exactly my criticisms. Thank you for this video. I am so frustrated by how low-stake most action sequences are and how contrived the plot is. There are some cool sequences. The highrise invasion sequence, the misty forest fight. They are at least gorgeous to look at. But the whole movie feels like a disrespectful parody to Craig's past Bond movies. Fans all know that Bond just doesn't die or get shot easily, but at least he felt genuinely vulnerable when facing deadly henchmen in Casino Royale. But here in No Time To Die, he has the magical power to turn everyone around into a blind stormtrooper. Madeline is the love of his life, but he wouldn't give her a chance to explain herself properly (also, after leaving Madeline, I thought Bond would at least try to chase down clues and eliminate potential threats, but no he didn't do that). The plot is filled with such frustrating contrivances. The car chase before the forest fight reminded me of Burnout 3, and that made me LOL in an ironic way.
Glad that I like many have spotted all those "conveniences" and "easy" weakness of this film. The only thing I could praise about this film is some of the action scenes are actually pretty good.
I was expecting just a list of plotholes, but this is much more thoughtful than I expected. While I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, I agree on almost all points. I especially appreciated the analysis that it's not just about closing plotholes or providing explanations, but about resolving plot moments in a way that feels weighty and satisfying. I completely agree about how Saffin's motivations needed to not only be clearer, but also made part of his character's personal story arc, rather than a result of a sudden onset of generic megalomania. Your examples around revenge and surrogate family would have been an excellent way of resolving this! Such a pity they didn't go that route. Another thing that troubled me even while I was enjoying the movie was the lackluster way in which Felix's death was handled. Similar to Blofeld, this is a major character, and one that is so important to the character that he describes him as a "brother." Couldn't his ending have been handled in such a way as to bring closure to their long association? We never see real evidence of their closeness. In fact, Bond doesn't initially take the job out of any such sentimentality; he does so only after his conversation with Nomi makes him realize something larger is at play between MI6 and the CIA. In any case, fixing these issues could have made the movie great. I still think it's a good film, but the tragedy is in the missed potential.
This isn't my favorite Bond movie and I agree with most things, but I think the uncertainty of curing the virus is part of the story. Even if you ignore how injured he already was or that the virus will spread to anyone he touches, I feel like he was just done. He's been fighting for so long that he just felt like his time was now.
I thing some people are ignoring James choose death over not being able to be with his family again, completing the arc that began with Casino Royale, where he was a cold assassin who only cared about getting his 00 title, and would never show any kind of emotions ("the bitch is dead"), to literally giving his life to save his family (and the world).
You pointed out exactly the problems I had with this movie. But I enjoyed watching it. In the end it was just another Bond movie. Nothing special. It's worth it to watch at least once.
You said "easy" twice during the manscaped ad at the end and each time I expected to hear "that was easy" in the background. Terrific breakdown video, by the way.
Share your thoughts on my videos' audio recently. Should there be less movie/meme audio, should they be quieter compared to my voice? Thanks.
Also, make yourself presentable to girls with Manscaped -- right now 20% off with code FILMENTO20:
I thought the intro was an actual ad 😂
Audio balance actually seems rather good. The movie and effects are in the background as they should be, since the focus is and should be on your voice
Day number *insert whatever day it is* of no more anatomy failure and film perfection in the thumbnail
The only thing that matters is there being at least 1 tyler1 help scream per video
Let’s goooooooo
Totally agreed on the halfway thing. Especially the nanobots themselves. They're established as being able to target specific people and thus being perfect for assassinations, but then the villains are like "Hey, we can make these target everyone" at which point it's just a generic bioweapon.
Big problem is also that in ANY OTHER James Bond movie, there'd be a solution to an "insurmountable" problem. And ESPECIALLY if it has to do with computers and technology. In 100% of movies, computer and technology problems can be solved by more computers and technology.
Well Said
I think the idea is that he was selling tailor-made versions of the virus to a plethora of bad guys, all of whom would want it targeted to affect certain specific people (namely: their enemies).
@@Grasslander that's why no time to die is good. It breaks tropes of the older bond movies yet still being faithful
@@mania4270 So it's "subverting expectations" lol. Bond was killed by a poorly written villain with undefined motivations.
When Saffin executed Spectre I had the mindset that he was pretty much on the same side as the protagonists. Sure, his methods were messy, and he also wanted to kill Blofield, but that was more or less fine with me as a viewer. So even though he had massive moral problems, I never thought of him as an antagonist, until he suddenly turned into a full blown super villain with his own island and threatening all life, I could just not see how he got to this position and those motivations.
Same thing. I didn't understand how all of a sudden he wanted to attack the world. Because all that was stated was he hated Spectre and wanted them dead.
I kept thinking about this the whole last arc of the movie. Like why even go through the trouble to get spectre and not just.... do the world and be done with it?
@octavio medeiros Welcome to most of the Craig Bond movies.
And I also don't get the motivation of staying in the island and kill Bond, he was home free why did he do that
Can we get a review for Valerian city of a thousand planets
The sad thing is, it's THE Bond movie where nothing should have been easy.
Since he makes the ultimate sacrifice at the end, it should have been the one movie that always put him on his toes, having him be always barely making it, and overcoming incredible odds only to be cornered at the end to a point where he can only pull off a draw.
That would have been so much better. Since Paul Haggis left, the writing in this series has been so lacklustre.
It would almost be as if he was constantly running out of time… to die, I guess.
@@justincruz5720 it doesn't take a Golden Eye to see what you did there. Lol
@@zakkmylde1712 You have to have A License to Kill with a joke like that.
Exactly this. This is what bothered me so much. When you spend 95% of your movie establishing Bond as basically invincible, his death feels like it comes out of left field. Every situation he was put into in this movie should have taken its toll on him. Every time he'd have to have paid a small price, until the end, where he was fresh out and had only his life to pay with.
As someone having experienced a perceived sort of betrayal, I can identify with Bond’s easy leap to believe Madelines betrayal. When you’re conditioned to being betrayed, and in the light of the slightest evidence your brain emotionally downshifts. This cuts the frontal lobe which makes rational thought impossible.
@@Ben-pd2bx touche
@@Ben-pd2bx I’m not so sure
As a legendary "secret agent" that often challenge some of the most diabolical mind in the word, I think audience allowed to expect him not to be so easily manipuldated.
@@Ben-pd2bx This exact thing happened to Bond in his first movie.
I honestly would expect the best secret agent on the planet to be more logical and analytical to a situation like this than just go apeshit and emotional. Because you know? The main problems he has had in a whole bunch of Craig movies (if not all of them) have been detonated by being emotional AF... so one would think MI6 would basicly send him to get trained in mental defenses or torture training or send him accompanied or something. You are MI6. You can't compromise your missions on emotionally immature agents.
In my opinion, the first hour of the movie was the best. The cinematography , the story line and the pace of the film was excellent. After first hour , it felt dragged .
Ehhh the beginning was very slow.
We went from Casino Royale/Skyfall quality all the way back down to Spectre quality but with an even more downer ending.
@@jstarwars360 hahaha ya I tried to watch it first time and I gave up half hour in, this is coming from a seasoned James Bond nerd.
@@lukekilleen6009 Is it wrong that I enjoyed Die Another Day more?
@@jstarwars360 since nttd is the worst James Bond movie ever directed, no not at all
I thought Madeline's secret was that Saffin pretty much adopted her after killing her mother.
Then I was completely confused when he sat in that therapy session and she had no clue who he was.
Also I'm cool with him having a god complex, but I would have liked a Light Yagami approach and him wanting to destroy the MI6 because they created the poison stuff.
I would have assumed he would have trained himself from adolescence to be a ruthless threat after his family was slaughtered. I was expecting a fire ass hand to hand fight scene at the end. Disappointing movie overall. At least Jeffrey Wright was great
I though he was another Spectre agent (Dr. No) looking to start a war so he could sell the Virus... too smart
Biggest problem with Saffin, the actor was way too young for the role, so while they probably wanted to take the angle you mention, they decided to have him falling in love with her instead.
you dont take half measures when you are god and no matter how many bad people light would have killed or even all of them, he could have never freed world from despair, sorrow, pain and suffering. It is very important to have balance of both good and bad like yin and yang cause thats how progress and evolve. Without any inherent challenge or drive your life would be just a pointless existence, full of emptiness and existential crisis. I do not mean that bad dont deserve punishment or retribution its just that light approach was quite flawed and as joker says all it takes is just one bad day.
Yeah, then they could have thrown in that the Skyfall villain also sold DNA records of MI6 agents to the highest bidder. Better tying the movies together and the moral consequences would have been more severe with MI6 giving their enemies the tools to their own downfall.
Excessive use of Archer saying "isn't that convenient?" has earned a like and sub from me. Thank you for your service.
Well isn't that convenient?
I swear, this whole series has virtual endless meme potential.
I though it was annoying and unfunny but that's just my opinion. Sorry if I come off as rude.
You should watch all his ealrier videos they are great
It was not excessive, that's the point. You obviously didn't understand this video
What's kind of funny is that the movie acknowledges that there's nothing particularly new about Rami Malek's villain. Bond interrupts his evil speech and tells him "you're just the latest in a long line of cruel, little men" (or something to that effect). It's a great line for Bond to have, and it's kind of a shame that after he says that, Rami resumes his speech like nothing happened and they continue to play it straight.
Craig's Bond had been doing more of that as his bit of the series has gone on. I do think that part of the intention of his bit in the series was to have a range of Bond from beginning to end, and in that line, in the later films, when he's making those quips, it's with more of a sense of irony than when Connery was making his one-liners.
'Angry little men' I think was said. Then Safin says 'I'm not angry. Just passionate.'
No, it's a stupid misandrist line conjured up by women who hate men and want to write women into everything. Because women can do anything, after all!
Except make a profitable and well received Bond film.
My biggest issue with the movie was the typical trope of the hero being a deadshot marksman while every henchman couldnt hit the broadside of a barn
Really? That's a problem, besides unimaginative action(best bits we already saw in the trailers!) romance with no chemistry etc. etc.
@@4Everlast I never said none of that mattered. but yes it did play a big part in the unimaginative action pieces when you have a Bond under no threat of ever being killed because the faceless enemy henchman cant land a single shot at him despite unloading a full round at him from a few metres away only for Bond to turn around and kill them all instantly with no effort.
@@stevel9627 I see I see... That was a problem easy to solve, but they haven't done it.
I like the fact that the Aston's window can withstand an entire magazine of rifle ammo at point blank range without penetration.
I laughed when Bond survived 4 grenades in a row at close range. The writers didn’t even care at that point.
*Audience who played a certain spy-based video game series, listening to how the virus works:* "Fox...?"
*Movie Writers:* "Die!...Think again!"
Has anyone else thought about the fact that Bond has an EMP in his watch and that he could just use it to kill the virus since it consists of microbots or so?
I'm almost certain that the script called for a virus but they quickly changed it to be nanobots after Covid happened
@@madattaktube also the dna virus was a plot device as recently as hitman 2016
also, zaps that guy's eye but not his earpiece he was wearing
'Activate Foxdie!'
@@pnutz_2 Iron Man 3. And in that one, they just kinda wash the nanobots out of Pepper's blood.. I guess.
Bond uses emp and continues to talk on the radio
I felt that this movie was less of a classical Bond film and more of a farewell to the legacy of Daniel Craig Bond. You can have your own opinion on it, but I actually enjoyed seeing Craig on the big screen one final time as 007.
Same, most complaints people have are easily answered through the entire series of development, and the rest are just “I hate it cause I’m angry at black female James Bond”
@@ethanwilliamson782 all i see are people complaining at the villain being poorly written, i agree on some bits but the movie was still great imo
Yeah, but he just seemed so... tired and kind of uninterested.
There hasn’t been a classical Bond film since goldeneye.
@@Njbear7453 maybe, but craigs bond movies are just much better imo
The conveniences are just imperfections in the storytelling, the big flaw is the villain honestly, I totally agree that the motivation set up for him in the beginning is the one they should have stuck with, but he kills all of Spectre halfway through the movie, so it’s just over and they have to give him some kind of new motivation that’s just uninteresting. With some changes this could have been one of the best Bond movies, as it stands, to me it’s a satisfactory conclusion to Craig’s Bond story, not one that goes above and beyond.
Yeah. I loved pretty much everything about the movie aside from the main villain feeling like a complete afterthought.
Heck, if the main villain had been killed alongside spectre and everything else was just going on post-mortal, by some AI, it pretty much would have had the same impact. Heck, maybe made it a bit more logical because even though an AI becoming omnicidal because humanity sucks is an old hat, it still made more sense to me than whatever Mr. Robot's motivation was supposed to be.
imagine if killing spectre was the endgame, and bond is forced to make the unimaginable decision to cooperate with spectre to protect madeline
my point being spectre and madeline was the heart of the film, and once that was gone the film just flatlined
@@stripey566 I don’t know about that. What I find to be really interesting is that if say Safin’s goal was to kill all of Spectre with Heracles, then he wouldn’t be using it any differently than M was considering doing. I think that’s so interesting, that an action you yourself considered doing seems absolutely terrifying when someone else exercises that kind of power, that you’re able to see how fucked up, dangerous and wrong it is as soon as you step outside of your own perspective for a moment. The whole motivation for stopping Safin would be that allowing him to use Heracles for any purpose is unacceptable because no one should have that much power.
Also, you could have this like development with Safin, where his experience with Madeleine initially makes him want to only target Spectre operatives and not their families, but when Madeleine and Mathilde later reject him he changes his mind and programs Heracles to target their families like he was doing before he spared Madeleine, and he then poisons Bond with the virus due to his relationship with Madeleine.
With that you could have this parallell between Bond and Safin where both of them have at one point been utterly untrusting and apathetic towards other people due to a traumatic experience AND both of them through their experience with Madeleine begin to heal that part of themselves and regress once they think they can’t trust her anymore, but Bond is the only one of them who comes back from that again by admitting to his own faults and leaving the past behind. Bond is able to look to the future to motivate his heroism, Safin is fixated on the past that motivates his hateful vengeance.
They should've just made Blofeld the bad guy again.
Have Bond retired and actually being a Dad. Open with his mundane life of retirement.
Have Felix Leiter come tell him against M's wishes that blofeld escaped. Bond confronts M and blofeld kidnaps the family so he has to team up with BLM7 to rescue his family.
Blofeld wants his kid to target the dna virus against bond, then take out a bunch of world leaders.
They took so long to build up blofeld and spectre, killing them in a cut away and a single scene really makes the whole Craig series fall apart.
I agree, the movie was on the long side as it is, if they had taken a scene to establish that the weapon couldn't be removed once you've got it, that would have been an extra few minutes without really improving the story. I do think that the cemetery bit isn't really that big of a deal, they literally just established that he was still trapped by her memory and probably dealing with flashbacks. For him to get extremely paranoid, especially when she received the phone call and be downright suicidal, doesn't seem that unreasonable.
I do agree that Safin is kind of a weak villain in a lot of ways, not as bad as some of them, but ultimately, he does achieve what no other Bond villain has achieved.
Personally, the ending did bother me a bit because it seems a bit out of character for Bond to just give up like that, there were multiple times in other movies where he appeared to be even more screwed and kept fighting it out until something else got him out of it. Diamonds are Forever springs to mind where he's being cremated alive and trying to get out of the coffin, even though that's objectively no better when they let him out for not having given them the diamonds they were after. Obviously, the way those cremation furnaces work, just getting out of the coffin doesn't actually save him, but he's at least trying to do something rather than just pulling out a cigarette and having one last smoke.
My biggest problem with this movie is Bond’s fatalistic attitude at the end. This is so out of character because Bond is never fatalistic. He is always looking for a way out, a way to survive. Instead we have this image of him standing helplessly, awaiting his fate. Bond never gives up, ever.
And regardless of whether he could never come in contact with Madeleine and his daughter again, he would have figured out a way to keep in touch with them, to be a part of their lives, to watch his daughter grow up, if only at a distance.
So I agree: the ending, like a lot of the movie, seemed forced.
Well said.
I disagree, no matter what Bond is or who he is anyone would die on that island with 3 gunshot wounds and other injuries done.
I would think of this as Bond just getting tired probably. Let's be fair, he was an old man, he was emotionally damaged a few times through the movie, and especially the realization of him being the father. I think that was definitely a first for Bond, and considering these aspects he thought it best to just take an eternal break now.
I think him accepting his fate and expressing his love for his daughter humanised him more than any moment that’s happened to him in the whole franchise. This was like him getting his soul back after losing it in the pre-credits of Casino Royale.
They shouldn't have shown him die, they should have left it completely ambiguous. Bond is like a spartan, he doesn't die, he just goes MIA
Keep Phoebe Waller Bridge at least 200 miles away from any Hollywood script
The storyline you mentioned about Safin wanting to make Madelaine and Mathilde his family is really intriguing I wish the filmmakers stuck with that
Thats where the potential for Safin lies. You really feel that unlike Blofeld, Greene, Le Chiffre or White, who were almost born as stereotypically evil, greedy self serving sociopaths, Safin was doing all of this because he was still just a little boy who never escaped his catatonia and is trapped in a state of constant shell shock. I feel his motivations do then make sense. He kills Spectre as revenge for his family's death and the physical and mental injuries inflicted on him as a result. Like Silva, he is just a really damaged person, trying to regain control and to make sense of his trauma. And its the lengths he will go to to alleviate his trauma and make sense of life and death, as well as the loss of the family unit that make him very compelling, very disturbing, very tragic and very terrifying.
His goal to unleash Heracles upon the world doesn't come from the same place as someone like Blofeld, but because he has come to this delusion that people really want nasty things to happen to them. Because in his head there has to be a reason that seemingly out of nowhere he and his family were poisoned at a dinner table, just because.
@@ryanhunter226 Well said man I agree 👏👏👏
it seemed pretty obvious to me that that was what he wanted. Dude lost his mind when he lost his family
Not Mathilde. He didn't really care about her
@@Leo-sd3jt I don’t think he cared about anyone really
James Bond has always been pretty much "Well isn't that convenient" as a genre
pretty much every movie franchise.John Wick is constantly saved by friends, superhero movies etc.
@@akashafofo6939 Ironically, the characters are Mary Sues too and no one seems to mind.
@@TheAwesomeDarkNinja *Gary Sues and yes many do mind
@@TheAwesomeDarkNinja How is e.g. someone trained as a legendary assassin with a long history and many connections a Mary Sue for being able to get out of sticky situations? And I assume you're suggesting they're the same as characters everyone complains about like a first timer jedi who's more powerful and smarter than everyone around her with no more than 5 minutes of combat experience or relevant knowledge?
A lot of superheroes are also experts in some scientific field or have a military background, but of course there are some scenes where they have to luck out, but it's not the definition of their character, at least I can't think of one that's like that. And them getting saved by plot power isn't usually the highlight of their story or screen time unlike the type of characters most complain about.
@@tubester358 Ye. The only Mary Sue moment for John Wick was when he was tied to the chair and they were trying to suffocate him, and his assassin freind ended up shooting some of them saving him.
Other then that...was all him. The execution of the plot was real nice. Personally it's irrating, everyone mentions plot armor way too much, people just can't enjoy a hero succeeding. Granted, sometimes it's overtly there, Rey in Star Wars, Batman taking on Superman with prep time, Deathstroke single handely taking on nearly everyone in the Justice League, etc.
I loved Filmento's character motivation ideas for Safin. Him forcing Madeline and her daughter to be his family because her father owes him that would have been brilliant.
Brilliant is a strong word. Cool-ish at best.
it was RIGHT in front of the writers. im 2 percent of mento being that i have been in films and even my old ass saw that. lazy writers
I agree. Killing off every single member of Spectre at the same time was way too convenient for the plot.
Safin should have been gradually doing that through the movie.
My biggest problem with the Craig Bond films overall is it’s villains. Le Chiffre was the only villain that felt actually threatening.
What about Raoul Silva?
Mikkelsen and Bardem had the best written Charakters and are also the best Actors of all the Bond Villains . Exception for Christoph Waltz but Blofeld was teribbly written and wasted in this „Timeline“.
@@alexanderryufenando9711 Yeah Silva was truly mad and calculating! Great acting too!
@@EASY7356 110% agree
That's because "Casino Royale" is the only Fleming story they used for Craig.
every bond movie after casino royale just reminded me of how good casino royale was
So, what, skyfall and No time to die are bad according to you? That's........inconsequential. Spectre is better than quantum of solace though.
I like your profile picture.
@@avanishdutta2658 he didnt say skyfall is bad, that JB film is actually memorable such as the intro and the villain
This film has 2-3 different scripts fighting each other: one where it retains the brutal and grounded realism of the Craig era as is the usnused concepts of said era, one with the cartoonish antics and self parody humor of the Brosnan era, and one with the trademarks of the traditional James Bond film. As a result, it's a well-polished mess.
Also, Daniel Craig and Ralph Fiennes are probably angry and pissed on the set of this film. Their out-of-character moments feel really off over the course of the film.
What’s the context for the second paragraph? What out of character moments?
@@synlion, all of the scenes where Bond is yelling and looking pissed like he's in the wrong film to begin with, and M being so out of place his version makes decisions that even his predecessors wouldn't crossed a line.
Yeah the comedy seemed out of place for me
The fact that the goons were SO INACCURATE really took me out of the film at the final battle. Like, really! Statistically at least one of those thousands of bullets should have hit its mark. Was it so hard to give them some high-tech body armour that gets them shot once or twice without killing them. Like, a skin that hinders bullets enough to not enter the body, just penetrate the skin. At least then they get to look cool still haha
@@2KOOLURATOOLGaming Bond goes John Wick without visiting the tailor for new gen bullet resistant fabric.
And was Safin just a Weeb?
I reckon another big issue for the film is bond never even meets Staffin until the end. If Staffin was a little more personal for bond aswell as Madeline, it would have immediately made it a more compelling watch
That sounds like a lot of potential.
James Bond goes the Last Jedi.
@@darrenq I personally wouldn’t go that far.
Wdym, he was literally super personal with madeline
@@ethanwilliamson782but not to James
I like that so much of it comes off as easy, Bond has been doing this stuff forever. The scene that really stuck with me was with the new young Q is trying to explain how all the old-fashioned needlessly complex soviet era machinery works but Bond looks around and knows immediately how it all works because he's been doing this since this equipment was state of the art and he's spent a lot of time in Soviet-era bases.
As an aspiring author, I spend hours and hours of planning the big bads endgame, making his motivation believable, forging him into a hero in his own eyes, and then I see shit like this greenlit and on the big screen. Damn.
Hell look at high guardian spice villians and youll die inside even more
How long would it take to see a work of yours?
@@idvargas that depends, I'm writing in German and proper translation takes time. German stuff could come this year, English maybe in 2 or 3, depending on how cooperative the publisher is
@@oplars6487 well let us know how it goes :D
@@oplars6487 hey, how's the progress? ^_^
Another great Filmento video. No opinions, just mistakes and ways to avoid them. If film writers watched your videos their films would definitely improve. Keep up the good work please.
bold of you to assume film writers watch youtube productively
@@My6119 bold of you to assume that anyone watches youtube productively
Caster, his knowledge would improve if he watched this. yours as well.
No opinions, or just reasonable opinions?
@@My6119 new generations of ambitious writes might. I really hope they do
Still pissed that they wasted, ONCE AGAIN, another phenomenal actor as the villain. Rami Malek had maybe 20 mins of screen time in a near 3 hour film. Blofeld had even more screen time in Spectre and even he was barely in it! What a waste of talent!
This is why Javier Bardem in Skyfall will always make it the best Bond film.
@The Dislike Man Yes! And far less… or none at all of the other chick who tries replacing Bond. Could have cut her from the movie completely and nothing would have changed… hell, give her screentime to Malek!
He played his scenes incredibly though, you have to admit. What they gave him was well enough to show how amazing he was, although I agree it would've been better if he was given more screen time.
@The Dislike Man anna de armas' character was sooo much more charming and likeable. Watching the new 007 (is it bad i cant remember her name?) I just found her soo incredibley unlikeable. When she wanted to give bond back the 007 it was like k great but clearly theres more important shit going on and all you can think of is THAT? Priorities. The only reason she was there was to pander.
bond looking to play the victim has been daniel craig's character the whole series though, he doesnt trust anyone, and then he has only ever opened to one person (vesper), and she betrayed him so i think his reaction is perfectly in character
The idea you proposed at 12:15 is almost exactly what I thought the movie was about based on the trailer; Safin saw himself as the "hero" that was willing to go to the lengths MI6 and others weren't willing to in order to stop organizations like Specter.
Really good analysis. I'd still say I enjoy the movie, but I'm definitely willing to recognize the significant flaws in its story.
So, so happy to see proper criticism in this comments section. The amount of numb nuts out there who think the worst thing about the film is that Bond got temporarily replaced by a woman (even though he had retired) is maddening. Wokeness has nothing to do with this film's structural failings. I haven't enjoyed a Bond film since Casino Royale cos it's the only one that's managed to pull of the balance between Craig's gruffer take on the character and the inherent silliness of the stories. They're kids stuff in a poorly fitting tuxedo.
Very well said. Perhaps the film is a mess, but it's not the woke disaster I was terrified it would be when I went into the theatre.
Film: (Has some problems)
Filmento: “FAILURE!”
Right. Kinda contributing to the toxic either or culture we have as a society rn. Not a fan, this movie by no means was a failure.
You can be a "failure" just based on personal standard. It's like a straight A student suddenly getting a c+ grade. It's still a passing grade but you know it could have been so much higher
@@Variocom it's not toxic to say that something could have definitely been better
He’s analyzing why it might not work for some audiences. The failure tag is just to bait people in lol
@@TheXabl0 The movie is very flawed. Describing those flaws especially compared to your favor movies of all time doesn't make you toxic. I can point out 20 flaws with Aliens but it's still an all time great movie. With No Time To Die is there is lot more bad than good.
Man, I have said this a million times on a million platforms.
Bond didn't just die because he can't be with his family.
He died because he *cannot come into contact with ANYONE.*
These nanobots transfer from person to person. What if he meets someone, and that guy meets someone and then that guy meets Madeleine? Leaving the island would mean risking his family's life even if he decides never to meet them.
I guess that was the whole point of question about mosquitoes and mosquitoes' friends. But still it could be not so subtle and more visual.
If you have to explain it a million times, then it's a problem with the movie.
Ooo, a spin off movie with Madeline on the run, can't get close to anyone. Trusting the wrong person could kill you because there's a spreading plague of nano stuff out to get just You!
Pretty much.
Also, he had to open the doors, also he had been shot in the was not just the virus.
Ye, why did people not get this? Bond literally killed Blom because the nanobots transferred from Madeline's wrist to his hand. Q says multiple times that the nanobots won't ever expire and given that they can be transferred on contact, isn't it obvious that they would eventually make their way around the world. The fact that they affect anyone in Madeline's bloodline means that the nanobots could spread among thousands of people and surfaces, meaning Bond's family would never ever continue, even if one person contacts bond. Hell, I'd even worry that the nanobots didn't get fully destroyed in the missile inferno.
"Wow, this Filmento video popped up on my suggested after a year-"
James Bond Is famous for narrow escapes. IT makes no sense. To Kill him off and see a Sentence: "James Bond Will Return " during the end credits of the movie. When,He dies at the end of The Film.,The Hero is,Suppose to Survive.
This was a movie that when I was watching it, I was like wow, this is really epic, and not overly convoluted like some of the other Craig movies. But, then as soon as it was finished I was like meh. I think you nailed it with the convenience, and half-way things. Bond didn't even give Madeline a chance to explain anything, and she at least deserved that, and was out of character for Bond. With how much she meant to him you think he would get to the bottom of it instead of just cutting her out. The ending with the villain just letting the girl walk away just screamed lazy and cop-out to me, and then Bond just saying yeah ok, there isn't a way to fix this virus in me so I will just die. He could easily have attempted to survive and then have scientists in Hazmat suits quarantine him till they develop a cure, or at least try. The nanobot thing was awkward, and didn't really make sense to me from a Scientific standpoint. I guess this was a lazy way to change the script after Covid hit. An EMP like what was on his watch or something would have killed the nanobots. Blofelt's bionic eye was also a wtf. This was a half-assed story wrapped in a slick presentation.
Same. I even cry and felt anxiety and tension the whole time, but after it ended I was thank you, next. It's good but he does have silly flaws.
Agreed. Daniel Craig deserved better writers
Half-assed indeed...And lazy and rushed too...
WHAT was epic?? Everything good about it we already saw in the trailers! One of the most un-fun Bonds to date. Zero chemistry, zero creative kills and action, it was way to safe and beyond bland.
Yes!!! This was bad! Thumbs down! Quantum was better!
My grandpa was a super fan of Jame Bond movies. Apparently would have VHS tapes of all the older Bond movies according to my dad. He died before I was born, so me and my dad made a small tradition to see the new James Bond movies when they come out. We saw Skyfall, Spectre and No Time all in theaters and it was a good time. No Time to Die I thought was a good enough movie, not the best but still good and a nice send off for Craig as Bond
No Time To Die feels like a perfect point to "take a break" from the franchise, I wouldnt mind if they wait 10 years to make a new Bond movie.
And it did feel like the end of an era.
@@Jose-se9pu I definitely see that too
Worlds Not Enough , Golden Eye , Casino Royal are the best ones
I really agree with your opinion. This movie is basically music building up powerful but the beatdrop never came. This compared to Skyfall, Bond can survive through a lot easily. The script is very inconsistent, like at the beginning it was established that Safin wanted revenge. At the climax, he just wants to be some kind of god that can control people. They could have used that first motivation like you said to kill every member of Spectre around the world. It made no sense that the entire organisation would just die at that meeting for Blofeld’s birthday. Another thing, they removed Paloma too early. I really thought she would come back later to take revenge for Felix but no, she did not hear news of his death at all. Overall, the plot was just dragging around all over the movie. Still, the movie is enjoyable to watch.
Bro this movie was the best of all the Daniël Graig 007 movies main villian made sense, good caracters and good to understand. Good action scenes to follow. Just too good this movie!
007: How do I get these nanobots off
Q: No, you can't
Me, an avid Sci-Fi fan: Just use an EMP? They're robots, but really tiny
I think a good Bond villain would be like Bane from the comics. A highly skilled, extremely intelligent, and physically superior force. He breaks out a bunch of the villains Bond has caught, gets them all to each attack him in their own way, but never playing to win, just wear him down. Then after a week of nonstop crazy shit, he goes home to rest and Bane is waiting, ready to break him.
*Sorry for a late edit but Bane was a South American revolutionary for hire (I'm pretty sure) and had toppled several governments before he went after Batman. He was a master strategist as well as a physical force.
Tbh I don't think that works
@@arghonandi6818 Well I don't mean to use the actual character of Bane, just someone with a similar background and like the vid says, we'd have a villain that was a threat all by himself (he has no connection to the people he frees, just a shared hatred for Bond). Basically anyone without a huge shadow organization behind him, just a few guys.
I mean, comic Bane was a South American revolutionary that was overthrowing governments, and he just put those skills to work on a tough opponent.
Plus an goal other than money would be nice. Like Bond got his family killed interfering in his South American paramilitary activity or something.
I see a villian kinda like scaramanga could definetly work in a craig bond movie
@@joshtimusprime5354 Yeah i can see that for sure. I should also clarify I wasn't picturing Craig taking on my guy, it doesn't fit the world they already made. Maybe the next series, if it fits tonally.
Wow, I was literally about to write about the same thing. And I do mean literally, I had the Knightfall example ready to go. The movie goes out of its way to show Bond easily surviving every situation he's put in without a scratch when the appropriate thing would have been for each situation to wear him down, so when he reached the end he was well and truly spent and there would be a proper justification for him to be surprised by the villain's attack other than "Oops, I forgot to be careful even though I knew somebody was here".
This is brilliant. After waiting so long to watch No Time To Die at the cinema, I left the theater with a kind of weird feeling: it was enjoyable, but kinda disappointing. But I couldn’t explain why. Well, now I know why. Thank you for this brilliant analysis. 👍
So you don't have your own toughts on something?
the fact that so many people thought this was a decent film upon its release is what is really wrong with the state of cinema: the audience.
awful script, awful character development. nothing to relate to, nothing human, only cheap lazy writing. how do so many people not see that??? its sad
@@doughboysnerdly2745 it's more fun to actually like things my guy, and what's actually sad is someone like you that wants others to hate it.
@@checkb0y985 You're right. It is more fun to like things. Do you like Spectre? If not, then please be quiet.
@@LeonWick526 I did like spectre actually lmao
When Ana De Armas came into this movie, it felt like a Bond movie, thanks to her energy, which completely is removed when she leaves.
Yes, she was the only good part of the film and then they dumped her almost immediately (Ana was hired only because Craig recommended her after being her co-star in "Knives Out" and truly impressed with her acting ability). What should have happened IMHO was that Madeline WAS trying to set up Bond, making Bond's dumping her a legitimate action rather than a contrivance. Then he meets Ana's Paloma in Cuba and she, as the new and energetic Bond girl and secret agent and love interest, puts a spring in his step as he, in a fashion, trains her to be his replacement. Then, you have Madeline (instead thinking she is Blofeld's ACTUAL daughter, not knowing that Blofeld had Safrin kill her real parents) torn between naively following her pseudo-father down an evil rabbit hole of world domination and her lingering feelings for Bond as she is pregnant with his child. Then once Bond is forced together with Madeline again it creates this kind of emotional triangle between Bond, Paloma, and Madeline. Madeline finally decides to confront Blofeld and his henchman after learning the truth and SHE is the one infected with the nanobots, and then sacrifices herself in a final selfless act because she saves Bond as a last loving gesture. Bond then has to save his daughter from the clutches of Blofeld and Safrin with the help of Paloma. Bond then walks off into the sunset with his daughter, grieving somewhat due to the tragic end of Madeline, leaving Paloma to take up the reins as a fresh faced 00 agent.
Agreed when she was kicking ass and was all happy and excited to be on this mission I was into it then she just left and we were back to a bore fest
@@dan_hitchman007 love it. i'm 100% with you on this. now THAT would have been a film! edit: In fact I just saved your comment to a word document so I can read it again years from now and Mandela effect it into my own reality as the conclusion to Craig's arc. Thx.
Christoph Waltz was the worst introduction to the DC 007 CU, wasted too much money on his 5 minutes of screen time in both movies; plus, DC’s 007’s balls got crushed in Casino Royale, soooooo, def not his kid…
I think the beginning scene with the bulletproof car when bond just sits there serves a greater purpose, like he wanted to see what Madeline would do or how she would react considering he’s thinking she betrayed him and it’s actually well done
Not just that, he probably wanted to die in that moment
This deeply, deeply flawed movie is actually the most enjoyable Daniel Craig Bond movie for me and my girlfriend. Loved every minute of it, and I love all the rest of the Bond movies, save Spectre, that one was horrid
Honestly, I don't think it was particularly flawed, most of this stuff couldn't be addressed in the movie due to issues with the run time. It was 2 and a half hours long as it is, addressing some of these things would likely have pushed it over 3 hours and not really made the movie more enjoyable.
If we're going to talk about flaws, Quantum of Solace would like a word.
Yeah, I really liked these movie agaga, a good sandoff imo, satisfying
Simon Riley- The train fight doe
6:58 his death A BIT forced???
producers literally lied, when they said that they put Danny Boyle out from directors chair because he wanted to kill Bond in the end, but producers wanted Bond to stay alive
The way he died was forced, not the fact he died.
Pretty sure Daniel Craig was the one who demanded his character to be killed off so they wouldnt call him back, same case as Harrison Ford demanding Han to be killed in Ep7
@@Jose-se9pu So that was dumb if its true. there is some characters who just CAN`T die like Godzilla, like Rocky Balboa, like 007. REAL Bond will sleep with Lady Death and then move on, doing some stylish action under sunset`s shining
@@thatllbeawesome361 to be fair, Godzilla has died several times, but he always comes back somehow, and not because of a reboot, just because he's that awesome. In one movie they sucked him into a mini man-made black hole, and he still came back. In another, they dropped him into a volcano, and he still came back. In yet another, he died, but all his power was absorbed by his son, thus continuing his legacy. You can't treat James Bond like Godzilla. One's a giant monster, the other is just a man (a very awesome one, but...).
@@ggrarl man, yes I can threat him that way and I will - some characters not designed to die on screen and that`s who Bond is. The name of the movie is literally says No Time To Die - that`s what I`m talking about, it`s a fake 007 movie
Filmento your audio edits are hilarious, I never get tired of them.
The sneakiest bit of editing is putting Michael Scott quietly saying “no god no” while bond dies at 6:45 👏
This is the reason I loved Skyfall more than any Bond film. Because it has perfect balance of Action and Drama, movie talks more about human side of James Bond's character and most importantly gives best tribute to character M. After that casino royale was perfect too and has the best story.
It feels like this channel always targets my favorite films of the year
I had forgotten every single scene in this movie until Filmento showed them here.
This film was unmemorable.
The villain was such a waste in this
Alot of movies that should keep our attention are really just forgettable nowadays
It’s no casino royale or skyfall, but it’s still a very good bond movie, in my opinion. I really enjoyed it!
IMO, Skyfall > Casino Rolaye > No Time To Die > the other two we dont talk about.
@@Jose-se9pu I seriously don’t get people acting like Spectre and Quantum of solace are on the level of moon raker or die another day 😂
It's definetly not very good movie.... it's OK at best ! dissapointing i would call it
@@Taz-yr6xd IMO the worst will always be the Man With The Golden Gun. An old opinion to be sure, but despite the many bad Bond films, it will be the only to be so bad that it's good.
@@maxmocs5008 I’ve seen it probably twice at most, but yeah I don’t remember it being good. I’m not exactly a fan of the Moore era anyway to be fair
Who else was weirded out by how much out of character Craig's movement and body language was when he was "interrogating" Blofeld?
That was the point the movie lost me,tbh...
“Let’s put a strong misandrist black female character in.” Hollywood: “bet”
Another excellent breakdown - I too enjoyed the film overall but you totally nailed most of its weak points. M commissioning a super bioweapon seemed a bit inconsistent for his character from the previous films too. When it came to a wider agenda for the villain I was expecting that list of targets to be something like a list spies that failed to stop Spectre. A sort of personal smiert spionam campaign for Safin, but turned out to be nothing. One thing that annoys me with the Daniel Craig era in general is just how often he's retired or quit from her majesty's secret service, it's mega tired and adds to the boredom.
The whole retirement angle doesn't even make sense from the Bond as a codename angle. Which is a great way to explain how he could be doing that job for so long and how different actors can be Bond in-universe: Having them being different agents taking on the job and name. So retirement would simply mean handing over to a new agent. Only reason to come back would be, if the successor gets killed or MI6 needs the experience and knowledge of the old one.
I liked the movie but I’m just sad they didn’t feature Ana de Armas more. I really wanted to see her more
She was amazing
You never know. When they finally reboot this series, Paloma could show in a cameo or two, now that her character's been introduced.
The villain makes no sense and when a Bond villain has no clear motive, the whole movie falls apart.
I’ve never been so disappointed in a movie theater and I saw Joss Whedons Justice League. A great example of how to stab your loyal die hard bond fans in the back.
Love the way this videos make me realize how I feel watching the movie, without being fully aware of those feelings, great job
My main problem with the movie was that in order to get that contrived ending it had to make Bond look like a total moron. He just believes his wife betrayed him without investigating, without keeping tabs on her, without waging a personal war on Spectre for ruining his happiness, etc. I didn't hate it but it was so bland and, as pointed out, the villains were dull.
Honestly, that wasn't his wife, and they had already established that he was suffering from PTSD beforehand. I can see people seeing it as being dumb, but I do think that a better case can be made for him being concussed and still suffering from PTSD and paranoia than simply being an idiot. One of the ways in which the Craig Bond is different from previous ones, is that he isn't Teflon. The only other Bond that seemed to really be affected by what went on was Lazenby, and we never got to see what would have happened in the Next movie when he went after Blofeld.
@@SmallSpoonBrigade I understand that's what they were going for (distrust of women because of Vesper), but he left MI6 for this woman. He loved her so much to upend his entire life and yet he didn't look in on her or make sure she was guilty? I mean if she had then killing her would seem justified.
But no, they had to keep him stupid in order for the plot to work. His refusal to interrogate her, her refusal to tell him she's pregnant, the fact Bond is too stupid to assume Blofeld may be playing him.
But you are right, Craig's Bond is different from the others in that he's far more gullible than the others. It's kind of why I don't really care that they killed him. Maybe this Bond needed to die so we can hopefully get back to the cool Bond who doesn't get in his feelings so easily.
I actually loved this movie. I'm surprised how much I enjoyed it. I'd be fine if it was the last 007 movie ever. It had a decent ending and actually with a sense of finality. If the next bond sucks no time to die is the last 007 movie in my mind.
Me too
Yeah, it had it's issues, but I think it was a great ending note for Craig's Bond. Great Bond action Sequences, a pretty good, even if sometimes misplaced, sense of wit, and enough fan service to be enjoyable without drowning out the movie like Spectre did. I saw the film twice. First with my father who a long time fan who has read the books, and second with my best friend who is new to the franchise. We all really liked it. It hit like a Bond Movie to us despites is writing problems.
I'm hopeful that despite the hate a lot of people are giving it now, it will be remembered as a not-fantastic, but very fun Bond Film, like Diamonds are Forever, a View To a Kill, and Tomorrow Never Dies.
Well, I liked it as well, but I bet it won't be the last one.
Exactly, anyone bitching about this movie isn’t paying attention to the whole series
I really enjoyed all of your comedic layovers in describing a movie that is rather tense and serious. Awesome job!
How to disappointed an audience
*Literally have 88% audience score *
3:31 I don't care if it's an action movie, it's not a superhero movie and bond is not a fucking Luke Cage or Superman, he's dead on the spot here. Fuck this shit.
Love the point about Safin’s contradictory motivations. I’ve been telling my family for months and they didn’t even notice. It ruined the whole film for me.
Thanks Filmento for making me realise why I was so underwhelmed with the movie
I agree with many of your points. The only thing I’d say regarding the enemies being too easy, pretty much every sequence results in failure for Bond, which somewhat makes up for the enemy being too easy to kill.
yeah, I think in terms of the boat escape, I never thought it would be difficult for him to get out, my concern was whether he'd be able to save felix as well.
This wasn’t a fairwell to Craig’s James Bond. This was the Death of James Bond!
Exactly. The series is over.
I dont agree. This was a fantastic send off to Craig. A lot of your complaints are nit picks and literally every james bond movie has "convenient" moments. 8/10 movie
I genuinely liked this movie. But it’s clear they killed Bond bc they wanted him dead. The story didn’t naturally make any sense. The ending was weak.
No Time To Die has flaws in the script but still it's better than Spectre ; in overall film tone and action sequences
No it’s not.
spectre is better
Spectre is one of the worst bond films ever. So it's not that hard. No time to die still is shit
Spectre was a terrible Bond film, but at least it was a Bond film, NTTD is not.
@@elliotness11 you nailed it. Also add Quantum to the list...that movie was not very good either
I feel a deep irony, personally, in that they've been desperately trying to be "different" and to modernise James Bond, but all they actually did was repeat the exact same set of plot points endlessly, constantly keep referencing the old classics and going all retro 60s in style. With No Time to Die it doesn't even feel like a James Bond film, it feels like just a bunch of ideas and unnecessary big twists all cobbled together and given an enormous budget. The relationship felt completely empty and as forced as the writing, the villain felt like an unfinished idea with no motivation, they IMO wasted the garden of death (from YOLT novel) by just throwing it in this movie at the end in an utterly slapdash and superficial manner. Craig still doesn't even feel really like James Bond, I always end up watching him and feeling that he's someone's dad trying way too hard to act like James Bond, being angry and miserable all the time and posing and walking very stiffly.
The video just shrugs off the Vesper storyline as justification for why Bond is so quick to believe Madeline betrayed him, but that's unfair. That IS the reason Bond believes he's been betrayed so easily, and it's a completely valid reason that's earned from that previous film, it shows that Bond is still fundamentally broken from that incident, still has a hard time trusting people fully. One of the best part of this movie is how it continues that wound from Casino Royale and brings it to a satisfying resolution.
This film made me appreciate "Die Another Day" more
In truth the part why Bond turns his back on Madeline is because he has trust issues so I actually liked that. He doesn’t want his heart to be broken so he broke her heart instead (just to be safe)
It’s almost as if he didn’t love her as much as he loved Vesper which is why he had no problem letting her go so quickly
Here are more suggestions for your Anatomy of A Failure videos:
Space Jam: A New Legacy
Cinderella 2021
Coming 2 America
The Lorax
Dolittle 2020
Home Sweet Home Alone
Katen 2021
The Witches 2020
The Grudge 2020
The Addams Family 2019
Music 2021
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2010
Sweet Girl
Stardust 2020
The Lady in the Water
The Craft: The Legacy
The Last Day of American Crime
The Midnight Sky
365 Days
Tall Girl
Death Note 2017
The Open House
The Woman in the Window
The Wrong Missy
Things Heard and Seen
Ghostbusters 2016
We Can Be Heroes
Game Over, Man!
Christmas Break-In
Truth or Dare
The Spirit
The Boy
The Haunting
The Intruder
The Predator
Fantasy Island 2020
Fifty Shades of Grey
Left Behind
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014
TMNT: Out of tge Shadows
That's My Boy
Power Rangers 2017
Rambo: The Last Blood
Robocop 2014
A Good Day to Die Hard
Annie 2014
Taken 3
Vacation 2015
I actually liked last blood...
That means more filmento contents in the future
I wrote an extensive review of The Lorax years ago which I can dig up if you want. You mean the 2012 film, right?
the lorax was dope
Agree with most of this. I was really disappointed in the lack of commitment from the movie, and it left me feeling very underwhelmed by the story points. I did think the action and visual aesthetic were both good, and much improved from Spectre. Two especially annoying points were: 1) Madeline should have had a more impactful secret*. 2) Bond 'dying' felt underwhelming because there wasn't any tension leading to it. Yes, there was a reason he had to stick around, but it didn't feel tense... it didn't feel like his sacrifice was relevant (for reasons outlined in this video essay: we didn't understand Safin's plan, or who the buyers were).
*if it was meant to be the Daughter, I never got the feels from Bond. It didn't seem to matter too much to him, even though he went through the motions of being protective.
I love that you added halo 3 music. That's pretty funny
It was a lot of easy to take out bad guys, where Bond didn't really feel in danger. That was not a good way to kill off Bond.
the whole point of james bond is “that was easy” we watch it in a fantastic way. i like NTTD
Yep, that's been both a great thing and a bit of a problem over the decades. He's rarely in any real trouble, and I doubt anybody really watches because they think he's in trouble. Especially with the older Bond movies where he'd be given a bunch of gadgets that you know he'd be using at some point in the future. That did change when they blew up his car without him doing much of anything with it. And after this film, we can no longer assume that Bond won't die when they decide to change actors. That will likely be the biggest legacy for the film, not these nitpicky little issues.
I didn't see the movie because I boycotted the idea of them killing Bond, however I agree with you. This guy doesn't get Bond. He is an idealistic character. Everything he does IS easy. That's why people love the escapist and idealistic world of 007. It's intentionally made to be unreal. As a matter of fact, the reason for my boycott is tied in with that. You don't kill Bond. He's not supposed to die. In the words of "M", "your licensed to kill, not get killed". We want to see him ride off into the sunset like he always does so 4-5 years from now we get to see him again in another movie which we've been doing since 1962.
It was beyond predictable, bland, boring, forced chemistry/romance, and they showed the BEST bits in the trailers! RIP
Definitely agree with you on the Blofeld death. It was really tense as he got closer and closer and then... oh. He's dead... meh...
5. No Time To Die
4. Spectre
3. Quantum of Solace
2. Skyfall
1. Casino Royale
James Bond dying just gives the whole “alright, no more movies after this one” vibes. And that’s literally what it is and the reaction it got.
I re-watched NTTD as it was put on Prime Video. I thought it was mediocre when i first watched it, and I still think it is but watching it a second time I can really pin point what is wrong with it in my opinion.
The cinematography, the music, the filming locations, the action sequences, Ana de Armas are amazing, like the music and cinematography i'd say are possibly the best in the franchise. But the film suffers from its boring, confusing plot, I mean is Spectre the enemy? Oh they aren't? Oh but they are and try to kill bond? Oh but they fail and all die themselves? So spectre aren't the enemy? Oh but Blofeld is responsible? Oh but he isn't Oh its all Safin, wait who is Safin? Wait who is Bond fighting at the end? Safin is easily the worst villain in the franchise because he's got nothing going for him. You forget he's in the film because the first act of the film centers around Blofeld and Spectre, the 2nd act of the film focuses on Logan Ash and by the time the 3rd act starts and Safin is properly introduced you forget who he is completely, and you still have no idea who he is when Bond executes him.
Its a film that isn't necessary in my opinion. Spectre should have been the end of the Craig saga, and they should have rebooted with a new actor for Bond 25
For me, Spectre ends the Daniel Craig era (and it's a good way to properly end Craig's tenure as Bond in my opinion), NTTD is overtly convoluted, confusingly frustrating, inconsolable messy & downright unnecessary. I personally ignore it...
@@MLJ7956 Execs probably want this movie to end like this just so they can justify its possible remake/revival in the future.
"You either hate it or love it, and nothing it between" is one of the internet mentalities that I don't agree with.
It was the worst Bond movie I’ve ever seen and wish I didn’t buy a ticket as it was painfully long to injure and didn’t meet even one of my expectations after seeing the trailer.
Also - sorry, but I just don't buy his relationship with Swan. There's zero on-screen chemistry for me and it all feels very contrived. In effect, it saps the film of so much emotional punch. Worst element of both Spectre and this.
Yeah, this movie really left me… unmoved. It felt like little more than a bland Bond “remastered” of Iron Man’s death (including the 5 years time jump with the daughter reveal). And the villain was a big letdown, I was expecting a vengeful ghost with that super cool mask for the whole movie, but both the characterization and the look were abandoned in favor of yet another crazy God wannabe.
Exactly my criticisms. Thank you for this video. I am so frustrated by how low-stake most action sequences are and how contrived the plot is. There are some cool sequences. The highrise invasion sequence, the misty forest fight. They are at least gorgeous to look at. But the whole movie feels like a disrespectful parody to Craig's past Bond movies. Fans all know that Bond just doesn't die or get shot easily, but at least he felt genuinely vulnerable when facing deadly henchmen in Casino Royale. But here in No Time To Die, he has the magical power to turn everyone around into a blind stormtrooper. Madeline is the love of his life, but he wouldn't give her a chance to explain herself properly (also, after leaving Madeline, I thought Bond would at least try to chase down clues and eliminate potential threats, but no he didn't do that). The plot is filled with such frustrating contrivances. The car chase before the forest fight reminded me of Burnout 3, and that made me LOL in an ironic way.
Glad that I like many have spotted all those "conveniences" and "easy" weakness of this film. The only thing I could praise about this film is some of the action scenes are actually pretty good.
There is so much of this film I didn’t understand until I watched this
It's as though they forgot what James Bond was supposed to be--a cool, jet-setting secret agent whose personal life is a mystery.
I was expecting just a list of plotholes, but this is much more thoughtful than I expected. While I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, I agree on almost all points. I especially appreciated the analysis that it's not just about closing plotholes or providing explanations, but about resolving plot moments in a way that feels weighty and satisfying. I completely agree about how Saffin's motivations needed to not only be clearer, but also made part of his character's personal story arc, rather than a result of a sudden onset of generic megalomania. Your examples around revenge and surrogate family would have been an excellent way of resolving this! Such a pity they didn't go that route.
Another thing that troubled me even while I was enjoying the movie was the lackluster way in which Felix's death was handled. Similar to Blofeld, this is a major character, and one that is so important to the character that he describes him as a "brother." Couldn't his ending have been handled in such a way as to bring closure to their long association? We never see real evidence of their closeness. In fact, Bond doesn't initially take the job out of any such sentimentality; he does so only after his conversation with Nomi makes him realize something larger is at play between MI6 and the CIA.
In any case, fixing these issues could have made the movie great. I still think it's a good film, but the tragedy is in the missed potential.
This isn't my favorite Bond movie and I agree with most things, but I think the uncertainty of curing the virus is part of the story. Even if you ignore how injured he already was or that the virus will spread to anyone he touches, I feel like he was just done. He's been fighting for so long that he just felt like his time was now.
I thing some people are ignoring James choose death over not being able to be with his family again, completing the arc that began with Casino Royale, where he was a cold assassin who only cared about getting his 00 title, and would never show any kind of emotions ("the bitch is dead"), to literally giving his life to save his family (and the world).
Yea, but at the same time he had been "giving up" or "retiring" since Casino Royale; which took away from that too.
You pointed out exactly the problems I had with this movie. But I enjoyed watching it. In the end it was just another Bond movie. Nothing special. It's worth it to watch at least once.
You said "easy" twice during the manscaped ad at the end and each time I expected to hear "that was easy" in the background. Terrific breakdown video, by the way.
Wish we could get more fun James Bond films in terms of "Moonraker" or "Goldeneye".
Me: This meme does a really good job of emphasizing the points
My brain: Well isn't that convenient 😆