Who Was The Worst Person Your Single Parent Dated?

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  • @PopeFireTheStarfireGod
    @PopeFireTheStarfireGod 4 роки тому +282

    I hate parents that put romance over your own children

    • @Phoebe5448
      @Phoebe5448 4 роки тому +25

      Which goes to show that they don't really care about their kids at all. Smh.

    • @jasonrandom372
      @jasonrandom372 3 роки тому +5


    • @cupcakequeen0617
      @cupcakequeen0617 2 роки тому +9

      My mom did that. Her ex yelled at my brothers and I, putting up down and making us feel terrible. She was with him for 7 years until she met my kind stepdad.

  • @Terr0rByte1
    @Terr0rByte1 4 роки тому +109

    My mum dated an awful guy from her work for a while. I don't know what kind of inferiority complex/micropenis he had, but he apparently felt like he had to bully everyone he could get away with to make himself feel better. He was worst with children, because they couldn't fight back, so he'd make me and his own daughter cry on a regular basis. He'd try to embarrass us on purpose, or if we asked a question or made a mistake with something, he'd hound us for hours about it, making jokes at our expenses and fanfaring to anyone around that we were stupid and pointless. So very often there'd be a public scene that was awful. Like we'd be shopping and he'd ask one of us to pick something up, but if we picked up the wrong brand or size or whatever, he'd be getting up in our faces and yelling "OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU? YOU'VE GOT TO BE THE STUPIDEST KID I'VE EVER SEEN! LOSER! YOU'RE A BIG LOSER WITH NO FRIENDS!" until the whole store was staring at us and we were in tears, and then he'd still go on and on about it all day. So he was basically an idiot in his 40s bullying 10 year old girls in an attempt to look 'cool'. I was so glad when my mum left that jackass.

    • @Thatsnakeinurboot
      @Thatsnakeinurboot 2 роки тому +2

      My stepdad is the same way

    • @Terr0rByte1
      @Terr0rByte1 2 роки тому +6

      @@Thatsnakeinurboot I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Just always remember that their childish behaviour has no bearing on you as a person - they're the asshole, and no matter how they put you down, you're not inferior like they make you out to be.

    • @Phoebe5448
      @Phoebe5448 2 роки тому

      Jesus Christ what a shithead!! What kind of piece of shit worthless excuse for a human being does that to children?! And his own daughter too no less!! God I want to find that asshole! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Why the heck didn't your mum dump his ass? Speaking myself as an emotionally abused child of two idiot parents. Hope you're doing tons better than that lowlife ever could.

    • @nobody-jm8bf
      @nobody-jm8bf 2 роки тому +2

      I am very sorry for you ... i hope you're okay now.

    • @Terr0rByte1
      @Terr0rByte1 2 роки тому +3

      @@nobody-jm8bf This happened and ended over a decade ago, so yes, but thank you!

  • @DanPantzig
    @DanPantzig 4 роки тому +157

    When my folks split my dad started dating someone who was almost exactly like my mom. My brother and I went out with him, the woman, and her kids for a big pizza dinner thing to all get to know each other as though something was going to come of it, and after he asked us what we thought. My brother, being the more tactful one, said "she seems really nice", I said "she's exactly like mom, this is a mistake". They fortunately stopped seeing each other shortly after.

    • @betternow1906
      @betternow1906 4 роки тому +14

      Maybe your father still really loved your mom and was trying to find the closest thing he could to her?
      Kinda sad but I did the same thing subconsciously with my ex. It wasnt till my sister met him and was like "You realise you found Marc's clome right?"
      Some people just got a type ✌

    • @beastmaster0934
      @beastmaster0934 2 роки тому +3

      I’m assuming your mom wasn’t a nice lady?

  • @llyyn3084
    @llyyn3084 4 роки тому +55

    Man. These stories make me feel like I'm actually doing a good job at this single parenting gig 😂 I hope these kids are doing better as adults.

    • @seadragon4425
      @seadragon4425 2 роки тому +2

      Whenever you feel like you are doing something bad or you are bad, seeing what truly bad people are in a Reddit post a relief.

  • @_alienaids
    @_alienaids 4 роки тому +44

    My dad dated a girl who would just make him sit around and drink all day. He also fell in love with a woman who both metaphorically and literally broke his heart (he gave her a heart stone my dead mom gave him as a symbol for his love and she broke it). She was neurotic, beat her son, lead my dad on then dated random guys, tried to be a mom to me even tho I told her I was uncomfortable, fueled my dad's alcoholism and much more

  • @secretlizard4589
    @secretlizard4589 4 роки тому +44

    Both my parents got married within a year of their divorce, my dad, the parent I live with, married a good Christian woman who had a daughter a couple years older than me, I was 11-12. Deadass feel bad for that kid, that lady is crazy. Only one episode of a pre-approved show on netflix a day, no other electronics, she took all of my books about psychology that my mother gave to me, didn’t let me go outside unless someone was awake, and even then only to the back yard, got in your face and screamed if you even blinked in the wrong directions. I also couldn’t eat anything without asking. It was in the middle of Oklahoma, no one around for miles. Before this I was allowed to run around the neighborhood area by myself, until like 9 pm, so a huge culture shock. I went from the fastest and smartest kid in my school to scared to touch anything and looking chubby af because I lost all of my muscle and only got to eat once a day when she got home from work. Dad finally woke up one day after school, she was manipulating the hell after him, and we ran. She sold all of my belongings, but it was worth It to get out. When I think back to it it’s like remembering a tv show, like no way that happened to me. My moms a children’s trauma therapist and apparently I was traumatized by it, just turned 17 and I’m finally starting to eat food in my own house without asking.

    • @madelynnalyse
      @madelynnalyse 3 роки тому +7

      I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m worried if my mom (she’s my only parent) will marry someone like this, but she always puts us 1st so I hope not.

    • @jasonrandom372
      @jasonrandom372 3 роки тому +2

      That lady ain't no Christian. She is a cult member.

  • @1tzm3hh11
    @1tzm3hh11 4 роки тому +108

    My aunt literally dated a murderer who had a documentary about his crimes.

  • @Claudia-so8ch
    @Claudia-so8ch 4 роки тому +66

    My dad had this girlfriend who he on and off dated for 7 years. One time I got one word wrong on a spelling test she told me no video games for a week. When she was in the bathroom that night my dad told me to play video games just to spite her lol. She just glared at us when she came out best dad moment ever

    • @jackieruso6493
      @jackieruso6493 4 роки тому +9

      Sounds like your dad taught you to undermine people's authority.

    • @BandObsessed923
      @BandObsessed923 4 роки тому +15

      @@jackieruso6493 The thing is, it sounds like she had no authority over OC. She was just their dad's girlfriend, not a stepmom (aka a parental figure), and it really doesn't seem like their dad gave her any sort of authority over his kid(s). He wasn't teaching OC to undermine authority, he was influencing them to stand up to people who have no right to control them
      That being said, I was emotionally abused by someone my mom was engaged to for most of my childhood, so I have some pretty extreme views about authority and control

  • @garbagetm1620
    @garbagetm1620 4 роки тому +78

    When I was like 8 my mom was dating someone during her divorce w my bio dad and literally after everything was official and my parents were figuring out who got what she introduced us to him. He tried his best to bribe me and my sister w sweets from his minimum wage job and also tried to distance us away from our family. Unfortunately for him my uncle and cousin lived down the block. The final straw was when we came home to hearing bangs in the master room and when we went to check the door was locked. I was a weird lil spider monkey as a kid and climbed up to the door and got the key to open the door. He was strangling my mom so me and my cousin and sister grabbed the closest shit we could and beat him off her. We were dumb kids and didn’t call the police. Immediately after they were done bc my cousin told my uncle.

  • @herefornow
    @herefornow 4 роки тому +15

    This. This is why I have chosen to remain single. 7 years. My kids are worth more than that. And as much as I feel like I'd have the strength to leave anyone that treated my kids like that I don't want them to experience it at all.

  • @brandan7761
    @brandan7761 4 роки тому +57

    My dad cheated on her mother and left her when I was 5. He came back when I was around 14. To make the story short, mom died a couple of years later, and he became horribly depressed. He started drinking, and lost control of it. He drank himself to death just one year after mom died.

  • @flintironstag2381
    @flintironstag2381 4 роки тому +42

    Friend of mines sister was a "I need a man in my life" type. Had a boyfriend who was 10-15 years younger (mid twenties) who was living with her (after a short time of dating btw...). She ignored some red flags that he has a thing for underage teenage girls (All the teenage girls as Facebook friends, profile on a social media sites specifically for teenagers I can't remember...). Later felt up my friend's teenage daughters at a party. Friend called the cops after finding out about it (she didn't know right away) and this dirtbag did a year in county jail plus is a registered sex offender. Her sister never mentioned it and seems to be in denial. Sister lost a lot of friends after that.

  • @romeoslover817
    @romeoslover817 3 роки тому +8

    I thank God that my parents were stable, loving and married to each other. I am very sorry for the people whose stores are shared here. I hope your life is improving or has improved. Take care.

  • @AJDaniels5298
    @AJDaniels5298 4 роки тому +31

    She only ever dated one guy and that was when she turned 40 and had her midlife crisis. (I was 10)
    He wasn't SO bad, until he babysat me while my mom went to pick up dinner.
    I spilt a drink and he grabbed me and spanked me.
    I was never spanked as a kid except that once and my mom was furious.
    They broke up. I saw him again years later and he didn't say anything, just looked away.

  • @iwantsifegold
    @iwantsifegold 4 роки тому +29

    I will never get why anyone would choose to date a single parent if you can't at least respect the child.

    • @ohno7153
      @ohno7153 2 роки тому +3

      That, and why do single parents put romance over their own kids.

  • @kokopuff508
    @kokopuff508 4 роки тому +17

    I hate parents who chose men/women over their own flesh&blood.It's disgusting.

  • @americaroleplayer
    @americaroleplayer 4 роки тому +6

    My mom dated some dude and broke up. (usual, whatever) But afterwards, dude did all sorts of crazy shit. He came over and slashed the screens in our windows. Threatened her. Stalked her. Carved words like B*tch and sl*t into her car, various other slurs, and threatened to mail me her severed head in a box. My mom's not exactly stable, and she's a liar, so I have no idea what she said or did to incur this dudes wrath, but I was twelve. He's currently in prison, and we have a restraining order against him. But he's gotten out (not broken out) but been let go, and had to go back to jail for finding my mom several times. You may be thinking she's gotten better taste in men since then. You would be wrong.

  • @craigmcpherson1455
    @craigmcpherson1455 4 роки тому +17

    These stories are why there should be licenses to have children. Even if the criteria is far from perfect, at least there will be less children to experience this cruelty.

  • @oliviamulraney666
    @oliviamulraney666 4 роки тому +8

    I’m glad my moms boyfriend is a great guy 👍🏼 I can’t imaging going through something like this

  • @stardust2441
    @stardust2441 4 роки тому +34

    The worst boyfriend my mom's ever had is actually her current one, we'll call him N for anonymity's sake
    First off: he's every -phobic and -ist you can think of; he's straight up said the r slur around me (an autistic person) multiple times even when my mom tells him to stop
    Even besides that hes a complete and utter jackass, always being rude for one reason or another and laughing like it's a joke, and when he gets calle out on it he gets pissy and it usually ends with him and mom arguing...again. They argue so much
    And we're kind of in a. Fucked home situation right now, and he financially isnt doing jackshit to help us. My mom actually does want to break up with him - the only reason she stayed with him is because they accidently had a baby together and mom had to sell our apartment and move in with his parents (and his mom is even worse!!)
    I could go on but tldr this man is both directly and indirectly responsible for so many bad things that have happened to both me and my mom and it's the reason why we both have mental health issues. Fuck you, N, you stupid piece of shit, you're not living in our new apartment with us.

    • @betternow1906
      @betternow1906 4 роки тому

      ...... Is he black?
      'N' stand for somthing? Lol

    • @luxblitzar8718
      @luxblitzar8718 3 роки тому +1

      I cant look at this comment without thinking about N, the guy from fucking Pokemon Black and White--

    • @religiousindustrialaliens
      @religiousindustrialaliens 3 роки тому

      @@luxblitzar8718 Same here! Baha

  • @homelessperson5455
    @homelessperson5455 4 роки тому +79

    Updoot be like: *Skibbly doo! Wibbly dee! Childhood trauma! Bring to me!*

    • @homelessperson5455
      @homelessperson5455 4 роки тому +5

      @ThatOneOddLookingDog ThatBarksAtYou Because, *T̷̥͚̄Ĭ̵̬̮̾Ṡ̵͖͚̾̿ ̵̭̲͚̈́Y̸̞͋̓̉Ò̴͇̹U̴͔̇R̸̼̅̋ ̶̗̂̍F̵̟̀̀̓A̵̳͋Ṫ̸͔̣̮̉E̸͎͊*

  • @lovesbriardi
    @lovesbriardi 4 роки тому +12

    The worst person my mother dated she married for the year I was in the 6th grade. Every 6 weeks he would have a psychotic break, scream and yell, come upstairs to wake his son who was a month older than me, take him saying they were going to commit suicide while John was crying and begging not to go. Hours later they would return with him then begging my mother to forgive him. My mother was a teacher with a signed contract so we had to endure this for the school year. I was terrified of the man!

  • @winglessrayven4294
    @winglessrayven4294 4 роки тому +13

    My step-mom, married to my dad when I was in 2nd grade, had a daughter of her own that was like 4. She was in the military like he was. My step-mom spoiled her daughter, let her get away with anything and let her say or get whatever she wanted. For 12 years she'd hit me for anything and everything, slightest reason and she'd go off on me and start hitting me. My dad just stood there watching, never stopping her other than asking her nicely to stop. Afterward, he'd take me to get a soda and tell me he'd stop her next time, never did. She starved me when my dad was deployed for the military, wouldn' t give me lunch money, and refused to let me eat at home. The nicest woman I ever knew who was a deeply religious person who never swore in her life called my SM a bitch to her face. Eventually, I joined and moved away myself and here and I didn't talk for 10+ years.
    Happy ending is she realized how she was toward me and apologized after my grandmother's funeral. Said she was sorry and even bought me a fridge for my house as well as pay for my closing cost. We talk now, and she is totally a different person. Her daughter doesn't talk to me at all, barely talks to my brother.

  • @66DoodleGal
    @66DoodleGal 4 роки тому +31

    And these parents wonder why their kids go NC with them

  • @thatdudeinthehoodie
    @thatdudeinthehoodie 4 роки тому +21

    I got a few stories, but the one that sticks with my mind was a former marine, dude was soccer obsessed, hardcore Christian, and already had 2 daughters. I was not well liked by him and did whatever he could to get rid of me because I was not a typical teen and was more of a nerd back then, especially with anime and wanting to go to Japan (I was in my mid teens at the time). He called me crazy, possessed, and just about anything else he can, he tried to send me to mental asylums and Christian camps. His daughters were no better as they would say that I'm possessed and run and tell the guy. My mom tried for us to get along though I was usually ignored by him.
    The one that did it though was after he shouted at my mom and was about to hit her and called her a bad mother, I had enough and stood up to him, he got up to my face and shoved me to the island in the kitchen. He backed off after I had to pull a knife on him and my mom was yelling at him as her mama bear instincts kicked in, he was promptly kicked out after my mom said for me to go to my room. While my mom did scold me for doing it, I hold no regrets for my actions. While there was no happy ending to it, I was still a pacifist at the time and wasn't trying to fight back. As an adult now, things would have ended much differently in that conflict.
    While my step father is no saint, he looks out for my family in his own way and while we butt heads here and there, we hold a respect for each other and I see him as a reliable friend.

  • @nepenthejq8065
    @nepenthejq8065 4 роки тому +10

    All of these partners are terrible, but the parents are much, much worse for choosing them over their children.

  • @singer2be256
    @singer2be256 4 роки тому +42

    Before my mom met my stepdad she was dating a guy who treated me like a queen and her like garbage. I really don't remember much about him other than we always went to this theme park in Pennsylvania that looked like a miniature Disneyland. She says she would've let him earlier if it wasn't for the fact that we got on so well.

    • @samswoman2009
      @samswoman2009 4 роки тому +19

      That sounds a little suspicious to me. Usually men do that when they have designs on the child.

    • @Roberto577_One
      @Roberto577_One 4 роки тому +4

      @@samswoman2009 while I do agree it sounds suspicious, it may just be that he genuinely liked the daughter. Who knows?

  • @TheguyfromJurassicpark3
    @TheguyfromJurassicpark3 4 роки тому +7

    The guys name was Pedro. They had been dating for a while but about a year and a half ago Pedro stopped caring about the relationship. She asked him to help cut the grass and when he picked up a rake he had some sort of vietnam flashback. Not only that my mom said he had stopped showering and wasnt trying to get a job and when she brought it up to him he replied with "Ok" so they broke up. My mom even pulled a classic "She took the dog" but the dog was better off with us because he was keeping him outside in a cage during the summer. About a year and a half later, my mom is receiving "hey" text messeges. A few months ago he even stopped by to ask if my mom was home. I said she was at work but he doesn't know that she's dating someone else now. And more recently he's been driving past the house to see if she's home. My sister and I were about to leave the house when he drove by and waved. My sister said "Was that Pedro?", and I was looking in disbelief because I saw that same car pass by my house a few days ago. This guy really needs to move on.

  • @xLionsxxSmithyx
    @xLionsxxSmithyx 4 роки тому +6

    My mums Ex kept eating my freaking Rare cheeses that cost me crap tonne of money especially since I was a college student... I ate all his cheap pound shop chocolates and he freaked out on me.. told him dont eat my cheese and I wont eat your gross chocolates.. he then tried to assault me.. but he fell on his face.. 600 pounds hit the floor.. I came home drunk and loud at 1 am knowing he had to wake up at 6 am to go to work for 22 hours... I brought the party home.. Frick you Jez.. your actions convinced her to break off the engagement.. stay away from my cheese or I'll destroy you.

  • @MyNameBeAmazing
    @MyNameBeAmazing 4 роки тому +5

    My dad dated a woman who completely ignored me and my sisters. She never said hi and would make a face anytime she saw us, despite the fact my dad would take us to see her almost every weekend. My mom had to confront him about it. I don’t know why it ended. My dad is still spineless just so you know.

  • @monkeynumbernine
    @monkeynumbernine 4 роки тому +21

    Women see their value in a relationship ☹️🤔
    I can't imagine being cruel to children.
    I was married for 8 1/2 years to my ex husband and I had 2 wonderful bonus sons. I loved them as though they were my own children. I pretty much only stood up to my ex on behalf of the children. He was terrible to them. They loved him, of course. I did everything I could to help him become a better father. Some of it worked, some of it didn't. I really loved, and I still love the children. I just couldn't stay in the marriage- he absolutely spiralled into drugs and insanity.
    His children are wonderful ❤️

  • @DodgerOfZion
    @DodgerOfZion 2 роки тому +5

    Mother: A dude who loved the sound of his own voice and loved to interrupt anyone speaking to him. Usually and, most often, me.
    Father: A horrid shrew of a woman who I never saw smile. And then another woman I never saw smile. Which is weird because my Dad fancied himself to be a joker.

  • @multifandom2462
    @multifandom2462 4 роки тому +25

    The case at 18:38 is what is happening to me right now. And it's been going on for like 3 years. I lived with my Grandma till I was 10 and then she did because a vein in her head opened. I was heartbroken. The worst thing is my mom didn't care about me at all and then on the 5th night they were fighting and it got so bad that I had to call the police. And now I have to do this every 2 nights. I'm used to it by now and when they start fighting I will just lock my door and try to play animal Crossing but it still hurts. That they don't pay me any mind. Just my mom does sometimes but that's when they're fighting. Because this pathetic woman needs help.
    But I have to say that my uncle's care about me a lot. They protect me and try to make everything possible. The only problem is when I tell them. My mom will dent everything. But deep down they now that I wouldn't lie about it.
    Update: It's 4:27 a.m. here in Germany and my mom and her boyfriend fought again. My mom was hit with a pan over the head. And now she is sleeping in the kitchen

    • @chaos_turnip
      @chaos_turnip 4 роки тому +8

      She was HIT WITH A PAN?! Call the police this is domestic violence, get out of the house!

    • @Phoebe5448
      @Phoebe5448 4 роки тому +5

      Damn man, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. If you can, try to contact Social Services in your country anonymously. (Don't know how old you are, sorry.) Hopefully you can get out of that horrible situation and get the support you need! 🙏💔

  • @Alex-kp5pq
    @Alex-kp5pq 4 роки тому +10

    Why is no one talking about the stepdad that killed the original dad? That's not the worst one, but it's definitely the scariest depending on the motivation.

  • @samswoman2009
    @samswoman2009 4 роки тому +10

    All of them, but the worst was the guy she picked up when he was drunk and homeless. He stole all the small things my grandmother left and cleaned out her bank account. Then he beat her up, drove drunk in her car and cheated on her. When his parents died, his sister dumped all the junk she didn't want at my mother's house - shit like old microwaves, bedpans and walkers. It all stayed in the garage until after she moved out. It cost over $5000 to clear all his useless crap out of the house.
    She has a crippling fear of being alone, so she accepted everything he did and supported him for over twenty years. He never worked and only got social security a few months before he died. Social security wanted him to pay her for twenty years of back rent, but he never told her that and died without paying her back. She paid for his cremation and funeral. His family had money but never offered to help.
    Now, irony of ironies, she has driven everybody away with her behavior. She's 78 and completely alone. I can't stand her. My children hate her, and her sisters avoid her.

  • @Daybreak6427
    @Daybreak6427 4 роки тому +7

    The one my dad married. She's very two faced, and in avoiding her, I couldn't go over and visit my dad or my two cats. One of them just passed away, and I hadn't seen that poor cat in months.

  • @ilikecats1329
    @ilikecats1329 4 роки тому +17

    6:55 this remained me of my mom’s ex fiancé, he used my mom just to get his degree and left her heartbroken, when she got his degree cancelled (because she basically write his thesis) he started to threaten us. Fortunately my mom got my step dad and he considered us (my brother and I) his family

  • @Mr.DeathMachine
    @Mr.DeathMachine 4 роки тому +6

    My mom dated a drunk named Wayne...he was in his early 50s when I was 16-17. He was a construction worker who would get drunk and walk around flexing his arms...I was a pretty good sized kid...probably 235 lbs and worked summers tending block since I was 14....played football in the fall. I was on the phone to a girl and he was floating around mumbling again...flexing. Was just me and him at moms. He walks up and after not getting my attention for an hour decides to flex and say "Pounds per square inch....put you through that wall...fucker." I said to the girl on the phone...."Hold on..." then "Excuse me?" To Wayne....he repeated himself....I just snapped. Bashed him and his bald ass head through the wall...he called friends and my mom...needless to say. I was homeless after that.

  • @DarthSelene
    @DarthSelene 4 роки тому +6

    My dad dated a woman who tried to buy mine and my brother's love with gifts and promises she never kept. She was also jealous of the fact the my parents were still good friends even though they were divorced. She promised to take me horseback riding for the first time. Never happened. I think I was like 10 or so.

  • @altheaudaku5932
    @altheaudaku5932 4 роки тому +18

    the story at 8:00 : "My mom dated this guy named Rick. He always smelled like beef.
    Me immediately: I SMEL LIKE BEEEEEF
    Me after thinking about it for a while: IM BEEF RIIIIIICK

    • @bailey7792
      @bailey7792 4 роки тому +1

      Okay so are you going to answer the only question everyone has then? Why you smell like beef though? 🤣🤣

    • @krystallalond8348
      @krystallalond8348 4 роки тому +2

      @@bailey7792 I tried to look it up. This was all I could find.
      Smell like beef gone bad is primarily due to proteolysis (break down of proteins to small components, many of which have unpleasant to offensive odor). Some bacteria can bring about these changes to produce odor.Aug 29, 2016

      Quora › Why-do-I-smell-like-beef-...
      Why do I smell like beef gone bad? - Quora

  • @goofiestgoober4272
    @goofiestgoober4272 4 роки тому +11

    Finally a question I can definitely answer.
    It was this dude my mom was on and off with for years. Let's call him BAN. It started when I was very young. BAN had two kids. My mom has three girls. He was a very mean person. He cheated on her all the time. Even brought one (that we know of) woman to the house while my oldest sister was home sick from school one day. She just so happen to see the lady but BAN was blocking her way so she wasn't able to get a good look. But my sister was only 9 so what could she have done? She told my mom but she was in denial and he managed to convince her that my sister was lying.
    He would let his children eat up all of our snacks and then when we ran out, he had his truck stuff full of stuff for HIS two. He always noticably treated his children better. Mom would notice, he'd come up with some b.s. reason about why my sisters and I aren't doing or getting something. Every time something would happen BAN would ALWAYS manage to convince my mom that it was our fault. He would punish us for silly things. I honestly think it was just for his amusement.
    She was so different around him and while she was dating him. She went from being sweet and caring to calling her daughters bitches and hoes because of something as tedious as forgetting to close her room door. (She definitely gotten better over the years though.)
    He never dared touched us but fast forward some years when my older sister start 'developing' more. BAN came to visit my mom as we didn't live with him and his children anymore. He stood in her door way for a minute, looking at her and said under his breath. "If only I was younger."
    Only person I ever liked was his grandma I felt like she was my own. Sadly, she passed away a couple of years ago. I practically begged him for the address and date and of the funeral but he would just ignore me. I dont even know where she's buried.
    I don't know if she still talks to him but he is the one person in this world who I literally loathe and hate with a passion.

  • @kaylapounds1359
    @kaylapounds1359 2 роки тому +5

    When I was about 5 my mom was dating this guy, Bryan. I don't remember anything else about him except this: I once asked him to get me the bag of cookies that were on top of the fridge and he yelled at me and told me to eat it till I got sick/puked. My mom dumped him after that. Her kids were always most important to her. IDK whatever happened to that dude, but I wish I could meet him again and shove cookies in his face.

  • @inachu
    @inachu 4 роки тому +5

    10 y ears after my families divored my dad married this woman and for the most part she was ok.
    Then when christmas came around and we got a tree she then covered up the tree so much with ribbons that you could not see the tree anymore.
    As a lil kid I let out a small tear as I knew how our traditionally built christmas tree always look and now it looked like a cheap ass kmart tree.

    • @madelynnalyse
      @madelynnalyse 3 роки тому +3

      So sorry that happened to you. I hate when stepparents come in and think they can change all the traditions and re-decorate with out discussing it with the family they are joining.

  • @DerpyHeartSoul
    @DerpyHeartSoul 4 роки тому +5

    My mom chose an abusive alcoholic man over me and my siblings lmao Cps let me live with my dad in my mid teens and she still kept the bastard around until he was arrested for something

  • @humidharolddeadgamingchann1791
    @humidharolddeadgamingchann1791 4 роки тому +3

    The guy she’s dating now told me and my cousin’s that my cousin and I could use the basement as a hangout spot. We rearranged and cleaned the basement but once it was clean he saw an opportunity for a nice room that was already clean. He unplugged our Wii and turned it into his smokers lounge.

  • @peanuttgaming8210
    @peanuttgaming8210 4 роки тому +10

    My dad is notorious for getting with women quickly but he always seems to get attached to them as quickly as they go. He started dating this one woman who I had met after they barely had their first date a week ago. I was around 15 and on Christmas eve we all gathered up at the mall. She was 30 and my dad was 50. Twenty years apart isn't a big deal to me or whatever but she was 15 years apart from me! And she had a son she had at 20! So it was too many double standards. The first off vibe I got about her is how whipped my father was for her after a week of knowing her. They texted constantly but spoke too gentle and weird around each other. My dad usually buys extremely expensive items to seem wealthy but that is what usually gets the crazy ones crawling. When I first met her, her son came up to me and said my father was nice and I say oh! Is your father nice too? And she says his father hung himself. Like wtf He is 10. And his Father hung himself when he was 7 I believe. When we were shopping I kept looking at prices and she told to not worry bc my dad would buy it for me anyway. My dad is not as wealthy as he makes himself out to be at all. I grew up poor, I have a mentality regardless if my dad would buy it for me. And I would never let him. I know where I came from. She was too condescending honestly. First and last time I met her thankfully but not the last of her. She owned a parire dog when my dad would see at her place time to time but they eventually got into a large argument which resulted in them breaking up 3 weeks later. They spent a good month away from each other but she was text him constantly. Finally he had a talk with her at her place where she told him she was pregnant. My dad told me about it and I was worried for him. They were together for about a week until he went in her freezer to find a dead prairie dog. He left her. They never saw each other but in the next 6 months from match until October, she would of sent over 67k text messages to my father threatening to kill herself and her son. To kill me. To kill my dad. To kill her baby. Called me a whore even though I never kissed anyone then. All this fucked up shit. Told my dad she would file rape charges although the messages beforehand prove her wrong. She faked a miscarriage to get my dads attention but said later she was still pregnant and that was just the twin. My brother was born in September 2018. At first we saw pictures she sent us but we denied it was his until around his first birthday where it definitely is my dads. My dad got her sent to jail after terroristic threats and defamation treats against himand people he loved. She was given a restraining order that dropped recently which now she is trying to go to court for child support but my dad wanted a DNA test and since she could provide one and said no the case was dropped. Dad doesn't want custody, he has five kids all grown and this was a mistake. My little sister is 17, like he did not want any kids after her until he had my little brother.

  • @tsgumi
    @tsgumi 4 роки тому +11

    I lived with my single aunt when I was younger and she dated this one guy who smelt like fish and was constantly rude to her and told her stuff like she was lucky to be dating him because he could do alot better

  • @petuniasevan
    @petuniasevan 4 роки тому +9

    After my mom and dad started their divorce proceedings in 1983, each one started dating (in my dad's case, continued to date, but that's a different subject). Mom found some loudmouthed jerk who pretended to be some cool cowboy type. I despised him and he knew it.... even threatened me a few times. I generally avoided the house when he was around -- I was old enough to be on my own and soon moved out. Bro and little sis were still home, bro was 2 years younger than me and sis was only around 6 or 7. So anyhow, mom went with this guy when he bragged about how he knew everyone at Gilley's in Pasadena Texas. Well, I guess she wanted to believe him because she took a road trip with this idiot all the way from northern California to the Dallas area. Well, when they actually got to where Gilley's was located, the dude made some story up again and they returned without her having actually gone to this famous venue. I to this day have not asked her what happened. The jerk dropped off the face of the earth at some point soon after. I didn't shed a tear. But mom's irresponsible behavior influenced my little sister.....she would later marry a carbon copy loudmouthed serial liar/jerk/abusive SOB despite my offers to move her across the country to my place to have her kid and escape the rat.
    TL;DR -- Mom dated an abusive liar; sis learned her lesson and married an abusive liar.

  • @violatormelms
    @violatormelms 4 роки тому +4

    My Stepdad.
    My mom thinks he is the greatest (Maybe bc he earns well and acts all classy and such.
    However From I was 5 -6 years and until I moved out I never felt safe/relaxed when he was there. He had is as a habbit to ALWAYS talk-down to me, say I was wrong etc
    His son was much older than me and used to hit me and he and my mom thought that was totally OK,. He can get extremly angry and would scream and slam things scaring the shatz out from me, my mom, and my sister. He MUST be in control, you can NOT joke "about" him and God forbid you if you would ever point out if he would get things wrong aking him totally forious.
    Some of the things he did that Scarred me the most is saying such things as : I was the WORST part of the family, Woke me up screaming to my mother that I was worthless, Taking all my money I saved for moving, destroying/throwing away my things before my eyes, etc
    Pretty much accordin to him I must ALWAYS be wrong. Pretty much everytime I tell something I must either be wrong ore be totally uninteresting.
    Not as Dark as many others but I still have nightmares from living at home ((I 30years male.) And he pretty much took all my self confidence as a child/teen.

  • @vidadolls
    @vidadolls 4 роки тому +13

    Me and my bio dad just don’t click. I’m not sure but circumstances have made it this way. I have one memory where out of no where he called me an embarrassment and it breaks my heart once in a while but I haven’t spoken to him for a long time. I haven’t met his new kid either or saw his wife pregnant.

  • @pixx13
    @pixx13 4 роки тому +6

    Definitely have to go with one woman that my dad dated.
    She let her son abuse me and assault me, and I know she heard me yelling and screaming, and after those things happened, they both threatened to kill whoever I told, so of course, I never said anything to my dad because he was the only one (other than my best friend and her family) that wouldn't abuse me.
    It wasn't his fault, he genuinely didn't know.

    • @madelynnalyse
      @madelynnalyse 3 роки тому

      @Anakin Skywalker The smart idea I’ve get heard *claps*

    • @fatesalt7413
      @fatesalt7413 3 роки тому +1

      Please please tell me it's physical assault

  • @Jemmainadilemma
    @Jemmainadilemma 4 роки тому +5

    Moral of the story:
    Take 👏 your 👏 meds! 👏

  • @accaliawatson3297
    @accaliawatson3297 4 роки тому +3

    For the Benadryl one, that would not work, Benadryl = caffeine for me

  • @theloneone8433
    @theloneone8433 4 роки тому +2

    Am I the only one with my blood boiling/ being reminded that others have gone through this type of shit in infuriating

  • @caprius.5792
    @caprius.5792 4 роки тому +4

    My own father and three other dudes.
    My father cheated on his wife with my mother and she met three other dudes at rehab so of course none of them were good.
    Three years with my little sister's dad, like three days with some guy that was just trying to get into her pants and four years with my little brother's dad.
    But she also dated this one other dude for a like a month and he taught me chess so he was pretty cool.

  • @reiz47
    @reiz47 4 роки тому +4

    yo im kinda nervous now cuz my mom is probably going to marry this crappy guy and he just gives me weird vibes and reading all of this makes me more nervous-

  • @GallifreyanOrphan
    @GallifreyanOrphan 4 роки тому +7

    The best part about my parents being with absolute crapshows (including each other) is knowing that I could never put my kid through this.

  • @kanamorgan2515
    @kanamorgan2515 4 роки тому +5

    My mom's worst was the guy who got her addicted to meth.

  • @Zeldafan1ify
    @Zeldafan1ify 4 роки тому +3

    The woman my dad went with while cheating on my mom. As for mom's worst date: her current husband

  • @goldiea8598
    @goldiea8598 4 роки тому +3

    My mom was dating a guy for around 3years and worked with him. He smoked and gambled all his money. He finally left and I was very happy. Home smells nice and we don't have someone that we need to take care of.

  • @sadbanditocat5853
    @sadbanditocat5853 4 роки тому +3

    My dad's gf beat the shit out of me, called me every name in the book,insulted everything I loved and threatened me. My dads still with her. I just don't see her. My uncle's fiance told me my dad cares about me cause he tried to hide and lie about seeing her after and that it's nosy of me to see the texts and connect the dots.

  • @LadyCatFelineTheSeventh
    @LadyCatFelineTheSeventh 4 роки тому +5

    I don't know... the story of the kid banished to the bedroom reminds me kind of my two cousins (sister and brother). When their parents split up they both became these little narcissistic brats. Neither parent could deal with them and when they remarried other people, their spouses didn't want them around. No one could blame them because the rest of the family tried as well and both kids were bratty as H**. Both somehow grew up to find jobs and become productive members of society. I won't talk to them, had enough of their bs as a kid (including being accused of attacking them once). By the way, both kids were semi-rich, having trust funds from their mother's dad (she got nothing and this was the side I wasn't related to). Yeah, they were messed up.

  • @comradeshrimp
    @comradeshrimp 4 роки тому +3

    well here's a question i can answer.
    okay, so i hate all her ex's but one. my mom is a wonderful person who looks for the good in everyone. you can be satan and shed still try to find the good in you. so she always goes for the guys who are abusive to try and help them but all they do is use her. but the worst one yet is her new ex. hopefully, she finds a good one soon.

  • @angrynoodletwentyfive6463
    @angrynoodletwentyfive6463 2 роки тому +2

    My aunt started dating a guy when her youngest two were in high school. He was never really abusive to them but he wasn't exactly all that nice either, but for what it is worth he legitimately thought of them as part of his family and goes out of his way to take care of them still in his own way even with them being adults. He isn't a teddy bear kind of guy and can be an asshole at times, but he legitimately loves them and legitimately tries to show it so I am not always sure how to feel about him.

  • @nope53926
    @nope53926 4 роки тому +4

    It blows my mind that these people do awful things and maintain their relationships. My relationships tend to fall apart because of subtle nuances specific to that particular person...meanwhile on readdit.

    • @sleazybtd
      @sleazybtd 4 роки тому +2

      These people are damaged. Would you take a bet that if they met someone who treated them and their kids well, that they would cheat on that good person?

  • @luanagacha6445
    @luanagacha6445 4 роки тому +6

    Not really that bad on my mom's side (she always made sure,that the man she dated liked kids/had kids on their own,so they wouldn't want to disown us or something)
    The worst one was the one with twins on it's own. Two boys,two years younger than my brother,four years younger than me. They were five at the time,but their mental age was around 2-3. They stabbed us multiple times with sticks they found. The dad did nothing. The dad/man my mom dated once accidentally nearly gave us alcohol. Luckily my mom saw it. Yeah,they were done after we told her about the stabbing.
    My dad on the other hand is "dating" the same woman since my mom and him had broken of. I've put dating like that, because I'm unsure wether they're dating or he's just living with her. Anyway,that woman has anorexia, drinking habit, smoking addiction (luckily only normal cigarettes,no weed or something like that) and she hates kids (except her own ones,both adults by now and her whole life or something) I've heard her yelling at my dad for having us visit him for a weekend. Since that day,we barely visit him anymore and when we visit, she's never there or my brother won't come

  • @smolltm6471
    @smolltm6471 4 роки тому +2

    The worst one was when my dad dated this chick when I was little (parents divorced) and we went on trips with her and my dad. Whenever we went to the bathroom(I was too little to go alone) she always told my that my mom didn’t love me, that she is a bad mother, that we should live with her and my dad and she would be a good mom, etc. She wanted me to hate my mother. Then she tried to kill my mom with her car when my mom was getting out of work. They broke up years ago but I still remember some things she said to me.

  • @Gymtoshi
    @Gymtoshi 4 роки тому +3

    My dad dated a woman he met on the internet. She hated me and tried to push me out of the family. She forced me to go to bed at around 6pm just so I couldn’t enjoy family movie night with them (being her, her son, and my dad). I cried myself to sleep that night. It got to the point where she point blank told my dad “you have to pick between me or your daughter.” I was 7 at the time and he adopted me... wtf?

  • @Spagg0t
    @Spagg0t 4 роки тому +4

    I always thought it takes a special kind of degenerate to consider a stranger you're fucking more important than your own children, though I keep hearing stories like these and see that it's not so uncommon

  • @haylestormable
    @haylestormable 2 роки тому +3

    My dad lived a double life for 5-6 years before my mom divorced him. He married the mistress. She's a narcissist, self-centered b**ch who has him around her finger. She let her daughters abuse my siblings, especially my brother who was molested by one of their husbands- and this is only like 1% of all the bad they've done to them. I believe my dad is more in the wrong here since he knows all of this, including the molestation, and he either brushes everything they do off or excuse everything by saying "there's nothing I can do about it now". Luckily my mom's man is decent enough, the worst I know about him is trumper boomer mentality. But I know he treats my mom good and that's all that really matters to me.

  • @Snow_Skitter
    @Snow_Skitter 4 роки тому +2

    The worst person my dad ever dated was my stepmom, now ex-stepmom. From the first meeting I had a bad feeling about her, but they got married anyway. Turns out she was an alcoholic that tried to beat my dad and neglected her dogs.

  • @Syliag7
    @Syliag7 4 роки тому +2

    18:13 sincerest apologies from France

  • @jenicarter3572
    @jenicarter3572 2 роки тому +1

    These stories are so terrible. I feel bad for everyone who had to, and still have to endure this mistreatment. My heart goes out to you all

  • @avatar3746
    @avatar3746 4 роки тому +6

    My mom dated this one guy I had a weird feeling about ended up other people did too actually now he ended up in jail because was doing something innapproite my mom dated him last year

  • @graceelizabeth8969
    @graceelizabeth8969 4 роки тому +3

    (TL;DR: my dad (Greg) isn't as bad as 5:15 Greg)5:15 my dads name is Greg (bio dad) he's not as bad but still an add thank God my mom didn't put up with his shit for long. He had a double lung transplant 5yrs ago he still drinks and smokes but he's getting better. I live with my mom and wanted to visit my dad for a year (almost done my year but can't go back bc borders are closed(she lives in AB and I live in NS Canada)he's not as bad as he was in my early life actually he's never been all that bad he's just kinda rude, he doesn't have much sympathy, kinda a liar but since I moved and now he's gained a lot of sympathy towards me he doesn't realize when he's hurt me right after but he's getting there he plays around (I was laying is his spot and he layed down on my legs, his legs were on either side of my body(I was curled up(and I tried to get up but when I tried(he was playing around(to get up he squeezed his legs and I couldn't breath and it kinda hurt my ribcage, I started crying and he asked if he hurt me I nodded silently then he hugged me

  • @Maria-bw9sr
    @Maria-bw9sr 4 роки тому +3

    That lady who said fat lazy b**** seems no bad when compared with the rest. Criminals, abusers and sex offenders. Women have it worst. Great words those about freaking the loneliness and protect the children.

  • @truckingguru1995
    @truckingguru1995 4 роки тому +3

    I was still in High School when my stepmother Leasa discovered that I kept a bottle of rum in my bathroom cabinet. I came home one day after school went to get a drink of it and she had poured out my rum and replaced it with rubbing alcohol... That B+++(h...

  • @happyunlucky
    @happyunlucky 4 роки тому +3

    My mother married a guy about a decade ago(they are divorced now). He owned a farm and was okay at first but was freakishly mean. He wasn't abusive but had a sick sense of humor.
    Once he called me over so I can feed a calf. I was petting and loving on it when he told me to back up and watch. He got an axe and hit it on the back of its neck right in front of me, killing it instantly. Me, being a 10yro, screamed and cried. He laughed. He'd do that stuff pretty often. Once he got a new shipment of chickens and let me pick one to be my own. I was happy and grateful until one day I was giving it corn outside the pen. He made conversation with me and started holding and petting my rooster. I thought it was just a normal chat until he said something like, "Sorry we gotta eat" and twisted my chicken's neck around, snapping it. I have a few other stories about him hurting my pets or other animals I was attached to, but long story short, my mom divorced him because of that and because he regularly got into fights with my older brother and father as well.
    I see him in our small town sometimes and it's awkward.

    • @red0421
      @red0421 4 роки тому +4

      Bloke sounds like a complete psychopath

  • @luckycl0ver777
    @luckycl0ver777 4 роки тому +2

    Oh my god. It was my mom's boyfriend named Kieth or something like that... He was horrible. He was 29 and she was 49 and I was 15. He woke me up at 4 in the morning to clean the house, chased me when I refused to do it until a more reasonable time, put a hole in my wall and threatened to throw my food on the ground, threw my food on the ground, then proceeded to tell my mom that he tripped and I was exaggerating when I told and SHE BELIEVED HIM. she dated a LOT of shitty guys but he took the fucking cake.

  • @6feetorapunchtotheshmeat225
    @6feetorapunchtotheshmeat225 2 роки тому +1

    My aunt dated a man that was physically and emotionally abusive. She still loved him when he beat her infrint of my cousin, her daughter, when he cheated, everyone, including me (9/10 at the time) was telling her how terrible he is (seriously if a 10 year old is telling you your man is abusive you need to leave). She finally decided to leave when he beat her on his birthday, only to get together with a man who is emotionally abusive. He cheated on her, laid up in her house with no job, abused my cousin's dog, and fucked up her car, then got mad when she was pissed at him. Neither of them had cars so this would mean that she would have to take a bus to work. Eventually they had this huge fight and my auntie left him. In response to that he sent my cousin and my mom a video of him being sucked off by some random woman, claiming that it was my cousins mom (it wasn't, the woman was skinny and my aunt is fat) calling her a whore and drove my aunt to attempt suicide. Fortunately she is still here and she claims they are broken up but she is still in contact with him and Is providing for his mom and son even though she can't support her own daughter while supporting them. Also they are but ungrateful little shits who don't appreciate what my aunt does for them. The son is disrespectful and takes advantage of my aunt, and his mom spends the money my aunt gives her on crack.

  • @abbienicmarshall759
    @abbienicmarshall759 4 роки тому +2

    When. I was younger, my dad dated my cousins mum, (my mums brothers ex wife). I would ask my mum if my cousin was gonna be my new brother. This is the reason I now have four little cousins I've never met. She got back with my mums brother and decided that my mum and me weren't allowed To see my uncle. Thank god he got outta there.

  • @Bushwhacker-so4yk
    @Bushwhacker-so4yk 2 роки тому +1

    When I was little, my dad dated and moved in with a woman who did not understand how kids worked. She would get mad at me for the littlest things, had no patience or sympathy when I got sick (kindergarteners get colds, it’s a thing), and would exaggerate about stuff I did. She forced me to always wear my hair in a ponytail because she was “finding it all over the house”. She also owned like ten birds, and treated them like they were her precious babies. I always had to be super quiet and wasn’t allowed to wear bright colors because it would scare the birds. Keep in mind, I was five when I started spending time at her house and seven when my dad finally put his foot down and broke up with her. A bit later than that, my mom started dating this guy who ended up being really controlling and basically wanted to be my dad, despite me already having a present father. My mom is chronically ill, and this dude recommended her to a doctor seven hours away who turned out to be a quack. I was in first grade at the time, and I was only seeing my mom on the weekends (she was staying in the town where the quack was) and my dad on two weekdays. The rest of the time, I was with this other guy. He also seemed determined to keep my mom lying down and not up and about fulfilling her role as a mother. After the two of them broke up, he stalked us and left freaky voicemails to my mom, to the point where she had to get a restraining order.

  • @mistermegalo
    @mistermegalo 4 роки тому +3

    Can we get a Beef Rick in the comments fellas? Would be the funniest shit I'd have ever seen

  • @mztweety1374
    @mztweety1374 3 роки тому +2

    Im glad im too young to remember any of the insanity my mom heaped on us. Me dad fought in Vietnam, came home with PTSD, fight alcoholism , had to divorce my mentally ill mom, take custody of me and my bro, move in with my grandma and then bury my mom. I was two. And thats why hes my hero...Still would not recommend...

  • @LadyCartoonCritic
    @LadyCartoonCritic 4 роки тому +3

    I grew up with a alcholoic mother and her many men she married. One hid cameras in my room and the bathroom and stole my underwear. He beat her silly and when she finally left him he stalked us. My father she left because he was a good man , military and raised well. She beat him up because he refused to hit back and left him claiming abuse because he found out she was cheating with men she hooked up with at bars so to try and save face she ran off and hurt him by taking custody of us and doing everything in her power to make sure he didn't see us often. I was sexually, mentally and physically abused while under her care. Im 30 now and she keeps trying to get back in my life, not gonna happen. Ill be kind to her, but she has no say in my life now. I will be better than her and not be vindictive but, that dose not mean she can just pretend none of it happened. Because of her own father i now have PFD and lots of PTSD. Children should not sleep in fear of every footstep coming closer to the door.

    • @LadyCartoonCritic
      @LadyCartoonCritic 4 роки тому +3

      oh and because of her alcoholism i developed alcohol intolerance soooo XD

    • @Phoebe5448
      @Phoebe5448 2 роки тому +1

      @@LadyCartoonCritic omg same!! I've never liked the taste of alcohol anyway so I'm teetotal lol. But yeah I've started to realise in recent years how emotionally and physically abusive my mum has been my entire life. She's been an alcoholic for maybe 40 years max. I'm 30.

    • @LadyCartoonCritic
      @LadyCartoonCritic 2 роки тому +1

      @@Phoebe5448 I'm sorry to hear this happened to you too. But at the same time in also happy that someone understands my experience. Thank you for sharing

    • @Phoebe5448
      @Phoebe5448 2 роки тому

      @@LadyCartoonCritic no problem. Thank you as well.

  • @brianaschmidt910
    @brianaschmidt910 2 роки тому +1

    He made me do things at an age lower than that of puberty. I'm not ashamed or worried about it. It wasn't really major for me. But I'm glad that mom walked in at that moment. I might have turned out worse.

  • @elle2498
    @elle2498 4 роки тому +5

    And I thought my mother's pig of a boyfriend was bad enough, he lives with her along with my little sister who I will be gaining custody to in a few months, I moved out when I turned 18 (thank god) when my mom wanted me to pay rent and began to sign a credit card in my name to rent a new house she wanted to buy so that her Pig could move in with them cause she couldn't afford it,(don't worry I'm smart enough to know better so I filed bankruptcy), when I was 16 my moms boss (she doesn't make good money) offered her marriage so that she could get a better opportunity in life (her boss was indeed a cool guy, very aware over the family struggles) but she rejected it because he was an old ugly man and wouldn't do that yet she constantly says how a mother must sacrifice for her children but I remind her of the poor and shitty decisions she makes. On to her Pig who has two kids of his own (he don't pay custody for) he can't keep a job for more than a week and all he doe's when he's at home is sleep, eat, fart, and yell at me (that's also why I left this shit hole) he also cheats on my mom and acts TOO FUCKEN CHILDISH to my 17-year-old sister, anyway I'll keep you updated on this journey and see what I can do in order to go no contact with my mom.

  • @sara-name-unavailable
    @sara-name-unavailable 4 роки тому +2

    once upon a time I thought therapists asking about your parents as The go-to question was just a troupe. I realize there are just Those many people with at least 1 shitty parent

    • @Phoebe5448
      @Phoebe5448 4 роки тому

      At least one, yeah. My bio dad is and always has been a narcissistic arsehole. So theres that.

  • @trentonprather6693
    @trentonprather6693 2 роки тому +2

    When I was about 5-6 years old my dad (who was about around 35 at this time) was dating this girl (who was around her early to mid 20s at this time), as a kid I didn't realize that later on in the relationship (a bit before and after they married) that she was emotionally and physically abusive and it got a little worse after her dad died because she started to drink heavily. As a kid I didn't realize this either, idk what my dad was thinking at this time but he didn't do much, I also didn't know that sometime after they got married she was also trying to take my older sister and I away from our bio mom (idk if that part is 100% true because I just overheard some stuff and it might've been out of context but the rest is true). After my step-monster and dad divorced my dad apologized for the trouble she caused to my mom, and fast forward to when I'm in middle school and my sister in high-school we were sent a letter by the step-monster to my dad, my sister, and I. I didn't read it until recently before I moved out of state (sometime in March of 2021) where it said that she was going to meetings for alcoholics and one of the things they had to do was to write to those they hurt and apologize for how they hurt them. Idk how she's doing now but from what I've heard she's now remarried with kids, so I'd like to say she's doing better now.

  • @AdiG1
    @AdiG1 Рік тому +1

    Not me, but my sister. She met this guy who was older than her but not too old to be considered a paedophile, I guess (she was 15 at the time and he was out of school). We all met him, all thought he was this good guy.
    Until my sister found out she was pregnant, still 15. He gives her an ultimatum - either abort the child or he walks. She chose the unborn child and, as he said, he left. Aside from our dad's outrage at her stupidity, we were all still there for my sister and would cut all contact with the now ex.
    Sometime later, my sister got a call. It was from the Ex's new girlfriend and she was giving death threats to my sister. This pissed our dad off so much that he went to the Ex's house and whatever he did, they never bothered her again (it wasn't murder, before anyone suggests).
    Years later, the Ex would be found dead by suicide. He had hung himself. To this day, the baby my sister kept doesn't know about his birth father and it's best he doesn't
    ETA: He knows who his birth father was, but fortunately, he doesn't care to want to know more. I don't know who told him, but hey. Swings and roundabouts

  • @PressinPickle
    @PressinPickle 2 роки тому +1

    “Weed addict” lmfao

  • @therealdirtydan7227
    @therealdirtydan7227 2 роки тому +1

    This dude my mum dated:
    (Our neighbor’s brother) So I first met him when I was 7. We shook hands & I could tell he wasn’t the nice guy he was portraying, but I thought I was overthinking it. So he comes around quite often, laughing it up with my mum & what not. Well not a month later & he’s already kind of douchy. Acting annoyed/depressed whenever I would come around, as if I was bothering him or something. Well things starts to escalate to him yelling at me over stupid things that I did wrongly. But nothing could compare to the day he looked me in my eyes (after I got done helping him move stuff), while my mum was standing there, & said “-honestly, you’re pretty worthless🤷🏾‍♂️” I was 8 at the time & started crying, pretty hard, if I may add. After that I lost all respect for him. At the time I thought my mum just let him go off on me, but I didn’t know she told him, after I left, that he fukked up & she won’t be able to stop my dad from going off on him, or worse. But after some time, she started realizing why I had said I didn’t like him & had no respect for him. They have since been departed for 10 years. I told her I’ll never respect him ever again & I’ll always think of him as a fukking a$$h0le.

  • @eeveestrainer4677
    @eeveestrainer4677 4 роки тому +4

    I think it was the guy who wanted to date my mom and another woman at the same time but my mom has higher standards

  • @honeybeehomicide6760
    @honeybeehomicide6760 4 роки тому +2

    My dad dated a serial cheater, and when I wouldn't eat what she gave me bc she would always out too much food in the plate she'd shove my face into it until a) I cried, or b) threw up , then make me eat the throw up

    • @tonib.3016
      @tonib.3016 2 роки тому +1

      Oh my God I'm so sorry...that is horrible! Just terrible. I hope she gets what she deserves...ugh.

  • @BATMAN-ze9sr
    @BATMAN-ze9sr 4 роки тому +2

    People who has shitty parents deserve a big hug from moi

  • @katymbeke8400
    @katymbeke8400 2 роки тому +2

    "Frick your loneliness. Protect your kids."

  • @rosiecheeks.k
    @rosiecheeks.k 2 роки тому

    The beef one 🤣🤣🤣

  • @someantisocialkidwithayout8828
    @someantisocialkidwithayout8828 4 роки тому +6

    She thought I was demon spawn
    She wasn’t wrong

  • @kimzastrow1268
    @kimzastrow1268 4 роки тому +3

    My parents only brought me around people they were gonna effin marry that is if I had the same parents consistantly which I dont think I did....I was at the cheese factory or the assylum as a kid a lot....lot of time at hospitals

  • @river6032
    @river6032 2 роки тому +1

    My mom dated an over the road trucker who turned out to be abusive/a pedo and cheated on my mom with 2 different women with the same name as her from two different states, and abused their kids too. We found out he was cheating when he bought one of them a gift from amazon, and accidentally sent it to my mom's address.
    She had a kid with him before she found out about the cheating and abuse (I told her after he left) and then when my restraining order expired when I was 16, he came to pick up my brother (court mandated visitation since he only abused me lmao) and cornered me in my garage. He was in our driveway between my moms house and my grandparent's house (he was supposed to pick my brother up at my grandparents house at 4pm and was not allowed at my moms house but he was there when I got off the school bus at 3 so I couldn't go in the house, the garage was the only safe place away from him so I went there and he followed me. When he got there he backed me to the corner and was berating me, calling me a liar and a whore even though I was 5-10 when he abused me.
    Buuuut, my grandpa and the guy my mom had started dating when I was 12, dragged him out and beat him for coming after me. :)