What's the deal with Novitiates in Kill Team?

  • Опубліковано 14 лип 2024
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  • @KillTeamHungary
    @KillTeamHungary 2 роки тому +5

    Few Tricks to get your games going:
    Use the Penitent and Exactor Sister for an awesome wombo combo. Put a krak grenade and an Icon of faith on the Penitent and have the Exactor whip her up. She will be getting +1 APL and +2" movement for her activation. On close deployment, you can move dash and grenade an elite unit, and with the icon you can turn your hit into a crit for free, the rest you can reroll with faith points if needed.
    I one shot TS sorcerers and rubrics this way. If you are skillful enough you stop your advance with the Penitent on an obj marker, so when she dies a minute later, she will trigger the Glory to the Martyrs tac ops as well.
    Sister with the relic + the Condemnor / Icon Holder
    When its the enemies last 3 activation and you have farmed at least 6 points, you can move up with your Condemnor in conceal to an obj marker. If you have managed to set things up right, you should have given her +1 APL with your Dialogus.
    Basically, you can sprint onto an obj marker in conceal, make your shot, and if return fire comes just use Blinding Aura continuously. Each time they will have to find a different target since this combo ignores any and every other ruling (except indirect). Next turn, you can do the same with your initial 3 faith points, Your relic holder can farm another 3 to ad to the pool.
    Same with the icon holder, she can run up to an obj marker and plant the banner, while in conceal. If they want to kill her off of the objective, use blinding aura.
    You can use the Defenders of the Faith to a devastating effect.
    Dont be afraid to charge in with your superior or penitent with your last activations, but dont hit the enemy, just be in close combat. This way you can pontentially contest the objective. Next turn, use the 2CP stratagem, Defenders of the Faith, you will get a free fight AND free shoot action. Which means that before anything happens, you can potentially kill two models with your superior if she is standing on an obj marker. Because this stratagem allows for 1 sister/obj marker to do the same, you can then go to another objective and do some cleanup there as well. There has been a Balance Nerf, but luckily this does not concern us, since Defenders of the Faith gives us FREE ACTIONS without activating. So you can perform a free fight AND shoot action with 1 sister / obj marker, and if you have the initiative, then you can activate the superior, kill something again, then LEAD BY EXAMPLE and another sister can activate immediately. This can mean that you potentially attack with as many sisters as there are objective markers and THEN go with the leader, kill something then immediately activate another sister close to her. Thats CRAZY.
    Anyway, do not give up mate, little sisters are CRAZY GOOD!

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      Thanks a lot!! Will try some of these out.

    • @KillTeamHungary
      @KillTeamHungary 2 роки тому +1

      @@TabletopImpulse New FAQ is just out for the sisters, it seems that Defenders of the Faith had been nerfed a little bit, you cant shoot AND fight now, you have to choose either or.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      @@KillTeamHungary I saw that. It's very funny because I saw your first comment, me and Zimbad were chatting about that interaction (instead of working) and then they FAQed it away. Thanks for coming here to let me know though :)

    • @KillTeamHungary
      @KillTeamHungary 2 роки тому +1

      @@TabletopImpulse thank god we havent lost much. Sisters are still kicking

  • @majortom7186
    @majortom7186 2 роки тому +2

    Crongrats to you and Mrs TI.

  • @TronsTableTop
    @TronsTableTop 2 роки тому +2

    massive congratulations man. that is some good news. hoping for a happy healthy baby.
    keep up the content as and when you have time for it.

  • @Redtecho
    @Redtecho 2 роки тому +3

    Corsairs have 9 models and with their free dash they're almost AP 3 at 9 models.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      I had forgotten about the free dash. Yes, that does change things.

  • @lowbrowminis
    @lowbrowminis 2 роки тому +4

    I think that they are very good, they have a steep learning curve. I have been playing mine recently and it's taken about 6 games to get a feel. I think it will be few more months for the competitive scene to get a full handle of them just like vet guard.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому +2

      Perhaps correct. Although I maintain that one of the reasons it took so long for the competitive scene to get a handle on vet guard had a lot to do with the fact you needed a second set to make them good.

  • @CrimsonTemplar2
    @CrimsonTemplar2 2 роки тому +2

    Congrats on the impending arrival of Tabletop Impulse the Younger. I’ve not played with or against the Novitiates. I feel like the Faith Points are one of those Easy to Learn, Hard to Master things.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому +1

      I think everyone thinks they are "high skill ceiling" "Hard to master" which may well be true, but I want to see if there are any masters out there.

    • @CrimsonTemplar2
      @CrimsonTemplar2 2 роки тому +1

      I’d like to find that out too.

  • @erikbrandsnes9569
    @erikbrandsnes9569 2 роки тому +2

    eyy! congrats on the incomming child:D i hope you find a way to keep the videos comming, love hearing kill team content:) i think that maybe the faith point thing is correct, i also read it like everyone else that that part was for narrative only, but it makes sense that it could be just the units with the correct affinity could get you an aditional faith point... as to sisters power, i think from what can you roll a crit mentioned as well the field when its a team tournament is very stacked, and the odds of you getting "unlucky" is way higher, also maybe theres something to jumble up who is the defender... sounded like can you roll a crit had a different strategy going into how to draft? cant remember:) as to sisters power, i think maybe they might be somewhere in like the strong but not up there with vet guard, but they look like they have the lowest skill floor, and the highest skill celing... they feel like they have so many tools but just are soooo hard to maximise:) i hope you stick to it, i love the sisters so:D love some content for them:)

    • @erikbrandsnes9569
      @erikbrandsnes9569 2 роки тому +1

      also, deathguard content would be awesome too, my two most loved factions, even if im a hermit painting everything:P so i pretty much have every team nowxD but i never play so:D but cant wait for deathguard to get a bespoke team:D my guess is a white dwarf but i would love them to be in a box:)

    • @erikbrandsnes9569
      @erikbrandsnes9569 2 роки тому +1

      i think btw that the reason i always assumed the faith point thing was only for narrative was because glass said it in one of his videos? and maybe thats why everyone playes it like that, because he read it like that and it made sense so everyone just playes it like this now:P who knows... exciting to see if it gets FAQed:)

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому +1

      @@erikbrandsnes9569 Definitely doing some Deathwatch stuff soon.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому +1

      @@erikbrandsnes9569 I don't think we can blame Glass, RAW they are narrative only. But the rule is weirdly presented in the matched play rules. So who knows.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому +1

      It could have been the team tournament thwarting me. We let Zimbad defend every game because we felt that Thousand Sons had more unfavorable match ups.

  • @TheBasCast
    @TheBasCast 2 роки тому +2

    Congrats on the child man! :-) FaithPoints seem to be a hard thing to really master and use it just in the right moment. +1 Operative would not hurt the sisters with their "lower" count on models tbh.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      I agree with you, but I can already hear the screaming from "Received Wisdom" if Sisters got an 11th model.

  • @martylund8411
    @martylund8411 2 роки тому +2

    I think when you get down to the best bespoke Kill Teams, though, it isn't _just_ the numeric advantage they are exploiting. They combine the ability to spam grenades and the ability to cheat out 3" or more extra movement or more in a given turn to out-flank cover on the enemy. Into The Breach, Move Move Move, Recon Sweep, and Mon'ka - those are the things that help give Pathfinders and Vet Guard their unreasonable threat-projection. Harlequins have a similar effect with their third APL and flip-belts. In light of that, I think Novitiates have key elements that play into those same area: obviously they have Frag and Krak grenades, but they also have a Dakka Dash analog on their 2 Purgatus models. On top of all that they have Blinding Aura, which allows them to negate the effect of special out-flanking tactics of the best bespoke shooting armies.
    Don't sleep on the threat projection of the Purgatus. I know Glass's initial video on Chalnath was that you just don't build them, but I think field data contradicts that initial impression. They move 6", then spend their second AP to both Dash and Shoot, giving them a threat projection range of 15" on 5A, 2+, 2/3 damage weapon that can be upgraded to 3/4 for 1CP at any time. Also, Burning Wrath lasts until the end of the Turning Point rather than the Activation. This is extremely relevant because your Purgatus models should be acting last among your team whenever possible - and against those high-power teams that beat you at the numbers game that means they will activate and then come back around again right away for Overwatch (with the Burning Wrath ploy still applying). Plus it has Torrent, which messes with 12-14 model teams' movement a lot.
    Late-turn flamer weapon attacks also threaten follow-up death in your first activation next turn. Novitiates can double down on that if they end within 2" of objectives. The enemy needs to to worry about Defenders of the Faith as an out-of-activation free shot on them as well in that case.

  • @martylund8411
    @martylund8411 2 роки тому +1

    It is just funny I get this video the same day as Can You Roll A Crit's video getting the Best Coast Pairings results showing Novitiates have the highest win rate (above 60%) in Q1 of 2022.
    Honestly, though, I don't see any battle reports with high level competitive kill team games. Tournament players are too busy focusing on playing to record their tourney matches and produce quality content that makes it through the algorithm. I think Andrew (Glass Half Dead) did like after action interviews for one tournament but even he puts himself forward as a casual that loves competitive events rather than a try hard.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      Yeah I saw Crits video. I guess Data doesn't lie, though anecdotally I hear novitates really dominate in the TTS scene, and he did mention that there were TTS events in the data set. Not sure what difference, if any, that makes but its something I am noodling on.

    • @martylund8411
      @martylund8411 2 роки тому +1

      @@TabletopImpulse One of the big differences TTS makes is that it costs no money to iterate on an idea. You get 10 Novitiates in Chalnath - one team, no take-backs. Getting another box of Novitiates wasn't possible for a long time and the unit itself isn't really popular from a 40K or collectors side, from what I can see - so picking up 20 Novitiates just to be able to iterate through all your options and learn what all the models do on RL table-top is an expense few hobbyist seem inclined to take on.
      On top of that, the power of the Novitiates lies in picking just the right combination of spends on all their fussy little resource engines. They have a hideous number of relevant options options for spending Command Points and Faith Points (as opposed to say, Compendium Astartes - those poor sods). TTS gives the players infinite space to track all that stuff, and since the events are often one-match-per-day affairs, people have much more time to spend in the "think tank" to find their best option. Much like building the wrong model and being stuck with a dysfunctional Kill Team, picking the right or wrong Act of Faith or Ploy to spend can seriously up-end the balance of the game.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      @@martylund8411 Food for thought

  • @senti5468
    @senti5468 2 роки тому +1

    Hearing the hive mind and just not feeling it can be a surreal experience. I'm having it other games there I'm just getting slaughtered by some things I keep being told is no problem so I feel your pain. Since you mentioned it I'd love to know how to find advice on playing Vet Guard.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      I would look at the big discord servers like Glass Half Dead and Command Point, I could see lots of great tactical info about playing vet guard. Could be a grass greener thing though.

  • @Irishrover13
    @Irishrover13 2 роки тому +1

    Corsairs are also 8 wounds. Good video. :D

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      They are, but like I said in the video, I am not sure that wound makes masses of difference. We shall see.

    • @Irishrover13
      @Irishrover13 2 роки тому +1

      @@TabletopImpulse I mean it works for Dark Eldar.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому +1

      @@Irishrover13 Fair.

  • @bauguilhugo9037
    @bauguilhugo9037 2 роки тому +1

    We have someone really good with Noviciates in our club in Paris, he uses the Faith Point Rules like they said in the WHW évent and nails it !
    I Just played them once but they gonna be my next team for a couple of months !

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому +1

      Very interesting, thanks for commenting :)

    • @tuturg7454
      @tuturg7454 2 роки тому

      Nothing to do with Novitiates, but which club in Paris ? Because from my quick reseaches I couldn't find one with an active kill team scene.

    • @bauguilhugo9037
      @bauguilhugo9037 2 роки тому +1

      @@tuturg7454 not a real club, but a group of players at Majestik Games in the 14th arrondissement
      We have a Discord if you wanna join, and we are kinda active on the Kill Team France group too

  • @missawesome1994
    @missawesome1994 2 роки тому

    The Novitiates are really a glass canon team. I love em because why have faith in luck when you HAVE FAITH IN THE EMPEROR! But in all seriousness my group and I always used those rules for them, a sister superior can earn faith by shooting, fighting and getting objectives for the emperor, it makes sense really. Besides I think we all know that's what GW had intended, people who don't want you to do that are feeling a pre game salt lol because it's strong af

  • @fransaacs
    @fransaacs 2 роки тому +1

    Commorrites, I've watched, listened to and read more content leading me to believe they would (and do) fair better than Novitiates. Thanks for sharing your thoughts though.

    • @TabletopImpulse
      @TabletopImpulse  2 роки тому

      Glad you enjoyed the video. Commorrites do seem to do quite well.

  • @Redtecho
    @Redtecho 2 роки тому +1

    Don't sleep on the 3/4 flamer CP with auto chastisers.
    They can deal almost a 100% 6 damage