How To Get A Great Night's Sleep

  • Опубліковано 6 лис 2023
  • For any of us who work from home, finding a quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle of home life is tricky. And for most of us, that means tucking ourselves away in our bedroom to make video calls and work on our computer.
    That's all understandable - I do it as well! - but did you know that it's killing you? Using our bedroom as a work space, without clearing everything away to make it a peaceful haven of rest and recuperation means that we aren't relaxing enough to get a good night's sleep, which over time impacts our physical and mental wellbeing.
    Best case scenario is you feel groggy and grumpy. Worst case scenario it impairs brain function and affects our immune system, with potentially lethal effects.
    Your bedroom should only be used for two things - sex and sleep. anything that detracts from that at bedtime needs to go!