Chris Kluwe: How augmented reality will change sports ... and build empathy

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @Martial-Mat
    @Martial-Mat 10 років тому +23

    Why not just put robots on the field and forget about all this tedious using your own senses and abilities nonsense? Better yet, scratch the games entirely, just make up virtual matches and stream the footage to the audience's Oculus Rift headsets and save billions in wages each year.
    So, the future has no actual sportsmen any more - at best, they're just drones who can follow orders.

    • @wifibattledude
      @wifibattledude 10 років тому +2


    • @MeCuestaEscuchar
      @MeCuestaEscuchar 10 років тому +3

      Exactly what I was thinking. This guys is trying to take the human factor away from sports...

    • @madeleinebonn
      @madeleinebonn 10 років тому


    • @ckcody19
      @ckcody19 10 років тому +2

      ***** a wetsuit,protein powder, and other "science" in sports don't tell the quarterback when to throw, where someone is open, and don't tell the reciever to adjust his route... that's called athleticism, and knowing your game. with something like this, joe montana is no longer who he is. Jerry rice is just another receiver. this sort of thing is like playing Madden on the easiest setting. It's fun for people who don't care about the game.

    • @Martial-Mat
      @Martial-Mat 10 років тому +1

      ***** Absolutely spot on Cody!. And I might add, that swimmers are now being prevented from using certain bathing suits, baseball players from using certain bats, cyclists from riding certain bikes, even javelin throwers from using certain javelins - and all because they give unfair advantages, because they turn the event into a competition of the tech, not the athlete - just ask this year's US Olympic cycle team - a change in costume and they plummeted down the rankings.

  • @TheHelvetican
    @TheHelvetican 10 років тому +4

    So the technology is basically telling the players what they need to do on the field... where the ball is. Apply this to society as a whole. Who will control the technology?

    • @TheHelvetican
      @TheHelvetican 10 років тому

      Tech would determine the winner of the game.

    • @kendon0923
      @kendon0923 10 років тому +1

      @TheHelvetican. Not really. Well maybe in the beginning if it is not done uniformly for each team. But if all the teams have them then the best players with the best coaches still win. As he demonstrated with the examples of the wrist watch and the radio in the helmet, the tech just made the game move faster and thus more interesting for more people. The underlying athletic ability is still necessary.

    • @milomccabe3543
      @milomccabe3543 10 років тому

      If everyone goes according to plan the government. So they can have complete control over everyone

  • @Butterworthy
    @Butterworthy 10 років тому +8

    I was getting excited just listening to him describe it.

    • @rshepherd80
      @rshepherd80 10 років тому +4

      And videos like this is one of the main reasons why I subscribed over a year ago. This is awesome bro :)

  • @JontoDickens
    @JontoDickens 10 років тому +4

    We already have something very similar to the end product he was alluding to - they're called video games. Sports are popular with most people because they preserve the human element as paramount. I'm all for sports technology in lots in ways, for example, aiding the referees in making correct calls but there would definitely be a point at which talent, fitness, practice and hard work would become secondary to the processing power of your teams dugout. This is the point when it fails to be sport in the traditional sense which is recognisable as physical competition between 2 people/teams or an individual versus the environment such as climbing. Either way the body and it's mastery of technique and manual equipment tends to be central, not processing speeds and bandwidth.

    • @Laughnowcrylaterx2
      @Laughnowcrylaterx2 Рік тому

      Exactly, pretty boring tech in this presentation. The Tech has evolved since then

  • @ElementalhealthBe1994
    @ElementalhealthBe1994 10 років тому +10

    Do we really need more screens in our life?

  • @andy4an
    @andy4an 10 років тому +1

    The best TED talks offer problems, possible solutions, and then get you excited about the possibility inherent in the technology, so that you spend the afternoon thinking about other problems it can solve.
    Good Stuff.

  • @Quintinohthree
    @Quintinohthree 10 років тому

    As a motorsports fan, I know exactly what he's on about. Being able to actually see what happened from essentially a driver's perspective and essentially live rather than having to wait half an hour or more to get an interview with a driver who barely remembers what hqppened anyway makes a huge difference. Now that cameras and transmission hardware have become so much smaller and lighter, putting them in athletes gear isn't something to shrug off.

  • @gpligor
    @gpligor 10 років тому +4

    OK you are not being brutaly honest. Experiencing things from someone else perspective just by raw audio and video is not enough to create an emotion. Virtual reality by its own is not enough to bring the absolute emersive experience. By just watching is not enough to be in someone else's shoe. Let's not fool ourselves, this technology on its own is not enough to give better kind of people and build a better world.

  • @MrAnalButternut
    @MrAnalButternut 10 років тому +8

    Pretty cool, but doesn't it really remove the point of being a better player? If you're being told by a computer that calculates exactly what you should do to win? I love the tech of it. But it seems it would kinda remove the point of being a good player?

    • @Memento_Mori_Music
      @Memento_Mori_Music 10 років тому

      Exactly what I was thinking.
      Sure the players themselves can still make mistakes and have free will (I'll just assume that they have for the sake of argument) but won't this end up just being 2 computers playing against each other?
      Edit: In hindsight, I guess that an amateur team with amazing tech would still lose against a pro team with lousy tech. So I guess skills will always beat tech anyway.

    • @NathanielBeaumont06
      @NathanielBeaumont06 10 років тому

      Memento Mori watch out wit the words tech and always you have no idea what will happen in 100 or 1000 years

    • @Memento_Mori_Music
      @Memento_Mori_Music 10 років тому

      nathaniel beaumont All depends on what is allowed in the end.
      E.g., having visual data presented to you by the means of AR is on a whole different level than using a robotic exoskeleton arm while playing tennis. I don't see people allowing that kind of tech in sports matches soon.

    • @Lumpyrox1412
      @Lumpyrox1412 10 років тому +1

      No it doesn't remove it. The system can tell the players what to do but its up to the players to carry it out. Which will define a level of fitness that the position they are on the field needs.
      Plus the players can potentially ignore the system if they wanted.

    • @SirKickz
      @SirKickz 10 років тому +2

      Nah. Firstly, eventually every player will be using it, so the playing field remains level. Secondly, it serves to enhance the abilities of the players, not replace them. And this is easily proven by a simple question: do you think that wearing that headset is going to make you nfl material? If not, then the human factor is definitely still there.

  • @DimitriPappas
    @DimitriPappas 10 років тому +2

    Oculus could spark a massive revolution. Exciting times :D Imagine watching a World Cup match through Oculus perspective instead of normal stadium cameras zooming around on a normal TV. I'm not talking about being from the player's perspective, but the actual stadium cameras. Like, that lucky fly in the stadium is now you.

  • @Serpico0
    @Serpico0 10 років тому +1

    So guys, this is a good talk to me, but an open question that I have to all of you is... Did you get annoyed by "specific" examples shown by Chris here? It doesn't happen to me all the time, but in this case I felt completely embarrassed by the sudden burst of subjectivity imaged in the Kardashians and said "ok that is unnecessary".

  • @VincentAndre_HK
    @VincentAndre_HK 10 років тому +2

    I love his vision of tomorrow's sports!!!

  • @CellarPhantom
    @CellarPhantom 10 років тому

    This guy doesn't realise that AR can enhance our own lifes? It can do so much more than letting us see from someone else's perspective and making sports more exciting.

  • @nonnaci
    @nonnaci 10 років тому

    Problem with VR is that there aren't real stakes involved. It's not interesting if one is merely subjected to the illusion of injury. e.g. running IRL beats running in a game anyday..

  • @williamcribbs1165
    @williamcribbs1165 10 років тому

    If this technology was introduced and used in the NFL it would be a much less exiting game, defenses would immediately recognize a play, offenses wouldn't stand a chance

  • @TobyKral007
    @TobyKral007 10 років тому +2

    such majestic hair

  • @MetroAndroid
    @MetroAndroid 10 років тому

    You can just strap a camera to someone's face to see from their perspective...
    I really like the idea of Oculus and Google Glass, I just feel like that was the wrong point to be focusing on when introducing them.

  • @coolconk
    @coolconk 10 років тому +1

    What he didn't mention in this video is the downsides. If you're speaking to someone who has Google Glass on, you have no idea if they're recording via their Google Glass, because there isn't even a red light or any indication to tell you you're being filmed. Say for example you're speaking to a work colleague, saying something like " I disagree with how our boss has handled this, that and the other". Who's to say that colleague won't show the boss what you said on their google glass system, resulting in you maybe not getting that salary raise or promotion? Instead, it's given to the worker who secretly recorded you. People counter that though by saying "people can record you on smartphones secretly now" but you have to basically raise or strategically place the phone somewhere & it's far more likely to be seen. People spend far too much time on smartphones anyway, so why should we glue them to our faces?
    On to the sports part, he mentioned about a possible system telling an NFL player where the ball is going to land, or where a player is open, which to me, takes away the skill of the player. Stick one on every players helmet, if a system tells the player that someone's open, that can make every players IQ the same.
    Onto Oculus Rift, if someone wants to experience something so bad, like be a professional athlete, why not work hard to get to that experience? No, let's just detach ourselves from the real world, put a screen on our face and pretend, that will be much better I'm sure.

    • @NathanielBeaumont06
      @NathanielBeaumont06 10 років тому

      if you want to record someone there are better camera's to that and glass has a light indicator that goes on when filming btw the screen is very visible when its on

  • @SAsgarters
    @SAsgarters 10 років тому +1

    How about augmented virtual reality? When will I be able to smack people upside the head over the internet?

  • @lifesoordinary
    @lifesoordinary 10 років тому

    Am I the only person who thinks this talk is less about sports use and more about military use?

  • @chuckguy3057
    @chuckguy3057 3 роки тому +1

    "The NFL thinks emergent technology is what happens when a submarine surfaces" lol that is hilarious!

  • @Jarb2104
    @Jarb2104 10 років тому

    I don't know why, but a picture of a super fat crowd with helmets on came to my mind.

  • @nevarran
    @nevarran 10 років тому +1

    Watching a sports game and being able to "jump" in any moment into a player's POV and see what he sees, sounds very appealing. But it needs to be backed with some serious tech, we can't have all the athletes wearing helmets, glasses and whatnot.

  • @ShadeWMD
    @ShadeWMD 10 років тому

    It is ironic to hear a lot of people in the comments espousing anti-technological progress rhetoric when they're using computers connected to the Internet to do so. They don't realize they've already consented to the future they claim to resist.

  • @gururamen
    @gururamen 10 років тому

    Future will tell, it will enhance the experience for sure, but the crowd might disappear from stadiums when they realize they can get the same experience from their sofas. What's the revenue from that and what will happen when the AR is better then the real reality?

  • @Thorax232
    @Thorax232 10 років тому +1

    The final points make the rest all worth it.

  • @Betweenrightandleft
    @Betweenrightandleft 10 років тому

    It's going to be hard for kids to think more about space and science when they're so caught up re-living the experiences of some sportsmen on a field. It seems that this is serving to further vanity and the vicarious living people are getting so accustomed to. I think Google glass can be revolutionary, and TED could do a better job in portraying it with a better idea worth spreading.

  • @Tupster
    @Tupster 10 років тому +4

    What will the experience be when you put on the Oculus Rift and play back this footage?
    Puking. Lots of puking.

    • @Tupster
      @Tupster 10 років тому

      Anything where you don't control your own head movements is going to be a disaster. Even things where you ride as a passenger and can control your head can be problematic
      (Although I'm waiting until the next generation of headsets before I conclude that isn't fixable, at least for people who don't get car or plane sick irl)

  • @GSMommsen
    @GSMommsen 10 років тому

    I got reminded of Magnolia and Tom Cruises speechs in that movie. ... Emptiness

  • @ignaciob
    @ignaciob 10 років тому +1

    This will no be augmented reality, it will be augmented television.

  • @z0mb3rry
    @z0mb3rry 10 років тому

    I'd like to see something like this but from the perspective of the ball.

    • @NathanielBeaumont06
      @NathanielBeaumont06 10 років тому

      no no no no nooooooo you wil get really sick really fast

  • @keunartist
    @keunartist 10 років тому

    It would had been cool if this speech was like...5 years ago this guy is so late.

  • @grahamyodude
    @grahamyodude 10 років тому

    I dont think a HUD type device that helps you catch the ball will be allowed like he is talking about here 7:00 because the whole point of sports is competition and to see who is better, not have handicapped devices making players who previously were bad better because of AR.

  • @esscaay
    @esscaay 10 років тому

    To bring that level of technology and immersion would surely ruin sport. To have something beep or flash up to tell an athlete where to run, or what to do next would render intuition, awareness and genuine talent redundant. Why would you want that?

  • @MaxWa
    @MaxWa 10 років тому

    The augmented reality scenario with the football seems ridiculous. It would ruin sport, take the skill out of it.

  • @sayokofan5349
    @sayokofan5349 4 роки тому +1

    I never thought that this video could be my text🤣

  • @supernewuser
    @supernewuser 10 років тому

    Ended before it really started. I wish he could've explored the empathy topic a bit further.

  • @FriedrichArnold
    @FriedrichArnold 10 років тому

    If both teams had equal access to this technology and to all the information needed to completely read the game, wouldn't that destroy the game? I think it would be like telling your opponent the next punch you are planning to make in a boxing fight. If your opponent acts rationally he is going to block your punch. And so on. = boring?

  • @Tone720
    @Tone720 10 років тому

    All these examples of AR in sports are great, but I'd also like to see it in motorsports such as F1. A driver could get the same levels of information that you'd see on screen in a videogame and more, fuel levels, car condition in general, other driver's tactics...

  • @DwAboutItManFr
    @DwAboutItManFr 9 років тому

    So.... the camera, gopro make me more empathic?

    • @DwAboutItManFr
      @DwAboutItManFr 9 років тому +1

      Ok... i am in the finish of the video.. and forget what i said...

  • @jonathanpcampbell
    @jonathanpcampbell 10 років тому

    He gives the NFL too much credit. Technically, for years, they've been able to measure ball location and eliminate the need for the chain gang, but haven't.

  • @mdahut
    @mdahut 10 років тому

    This guy needs to talk about the machine to be another

  • @Oilersman
    @Oilersman 8 років тому +9

    I don't like this. It takes away from the human error of sports. Which in my opinion is what makes sports sports.

  • @haydenbiernat3260
    @haydenbiernat3260 10 років тому

    Wearing google glass, what a cool dude.

  • @dgrhm08
    @dgrhm08 9 років тому

    Film, video, and digital media haven't made us more empathic toward each other, I doubt AR will do much more than any other form of technology.

  • @mirekvanis4900
    @mirekvanis4900 10 років тому +1

    though interesting I find that this ruins the trill of sports. When this happens what skill is still needed?

  • @LeonidasGGG
    @LeonidasGGG 10 років тому

    Cannot wait!

  • @777arc2
    @777arc2 10 років тому

    You don't need augmented reality for 95% of the benefits he listed, just put a GoPro in each player's helmet and you are good to go...

  • @crazzzik
    @crazzzik 10 років тому

    And yet he never clarifies that Google Glass is not AR. It doesn't have nor processing power nor large enough display to overlay information over video feed.
    As for sports.. It may draw some audience, but at the end of the day it simplifies the essence of sports. One has to rely on the information on screen and dump his instincts. By this logic anyone can play football - just follow the green marker. Besides, the machine calculating data will have its own bias.

  • @JesperLysgaardRasmussen
    @JesperLysgaardRasmussen 10 років тому

    Thought it was going to be a very interesting talk, but was dissappointed to hear that the speaker obviously isn't from a research background and is using the term "augmented reality" at a published TED talk without having understood the term and research field.. Watching something from someone else's POV is first of all nothing new, and furthermore has nothing to do with AR.. But agreed, it would be cool though to see what the sport elites see when performing to their best! :)

  • @Wegnerrobert2
    @Wegnerrobert2 10 років тому

    i see many people arguing that technology shouldnt be in sport and that t destroys competitiveness.
    but if you want to do sport go out and do it. High level commercialised sport is a different thing. I'd fucking love to see robots beat the crap out of eachother who cares about competiveness in TV sport

  • @jnickence
    @jnickence 7 років тому +1

    Well presented.

  • @Skyturnip
    @Skyturnip 10 років тому

    Entertainment sport is about pitting the blues against the reds - it's about arbitrary division not empathy.

  • @TheEarthBlues2
    @TheEarthBlues2 10 років тому


  • @ViewFromAndromeda
    @ViewFromAndromeda 10 років тому

    Taking out the human element in sport makes it crap.
    I get the part of allowing fans have a close view of the action...but allowing tech and graph help players or athletes in the midst of the action is messed.
    We have video games for that

  • @DrRChandra
    @DrRChandra 10 років тому

    I have an inkling this will not be adopted in pro sports, just as PEDs are not allowed (condoned?) either. I don't "buy" the assertion that it's just too profitable not to adopt.

  • @sadafkadir498
    @sadafkadir498 10 років тому

    I love your reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  • @maihomahesh
    @maihomahesh 10 років тому

    I doubt a real player will want to be augmented by the technology in real time in the field.

  • @MarieMandolin
    @MarieMandolin 10 років тому

    Most interesting... I enjoyed listening and watching.

  • @HardyPunk98
    @HardyPunk98 8 років тому +2

    Awesome by games.
    Poor to sports. Come on. This sucks!

  • @MikePuorro
    @MikePuorro 10 років тому

    March 2014: The month the Monty Python joke died.

  • @psetnapskaena7642
    @psetnapskaena7642 10 років тому

    Make this happen

  • @Bl00dnFl4mes
    @Bl00dnFl4mes 10 років тому

    This sounds exciting, but then again ..... our creativity will completely die if we can just recreate any feeling that currently requires imagination. It sounds so dystopic, but we really are turning into robots.

  • @diegoqr972
    @diegoqr972 10 років тому

    Very interesting video! It's amazing what's possible now with tech! Although have my concerns about it in the sport I love (football), it would be very cool!

  • @FictionCautious
    @FictionCautious 10 років тому

    Call it augmentation or whatever, it's still manipulation and an excellent propaganda tool. The only true reality is the one we're experiencing through our natural sensors. Are we that far gone into decay that we must need to accept propaganda-enhancing products? Any technology, no matter how advanced, if handled by madmen with bizarre motivations will end-up being a weapon. History showed it countless times and reality continues to show it everywhere around us. But the control system they're building will require some sort of mind-altering technology because otherwise people won't accept it.

  • @TheTheads0
    @TheTheads0 10 років тому

    But will E-Sports be bigger than normal sports in 10 or 20 years?

    • @Serpico0
      @Serpico0 10 років тому +5

      70 million now, 70 billion in 30 years. Fact.

  • @dennisrossonero
    @dennisrossonero 10 років тому

    so athletes don't have to be smart in this scenario...that technology takes a big part of the game away,the human wouldn't say that everyone in the field should run at the same speed,so why do that?

  • @TeatimeOnTheMoon
    @TeatimeOnTheMoon 10 років тому

    Further taking the sportsmanship out of sports...

  • @ZakAlsagoff
    @ZakAlsagoff 10 років тому

    Lame. The same thing can be achieved with a helmet cam. The real value of Google Glass is it's ability to overlay information over your field of vision, making the benefits of the device realized by the wearer and not by an audience.

  • @DavidJackson045
    @DavidJackson045 10 років тому

    Soo when does sky net come in?

  • @Stabacs
    @Stabacs 10 років тому +2

    Google Glass + NSA -> Scary

  • @triplebbb7504
    @triplebbb7504 6 років тому +2

    He lost my vote after about 5 minutes...

    • @triplebbb7504
      @triplebbb7504 6 років тому

      Someone needs to edit his scripts -.-

  • @augiebr2786
    @augiebr2786 9 років тому +1

    This guy does not appear to be an AR expert (football player per my web searches...and not a major one) so why the heck does Ted allow non-experts to preach?

    • @joannot6706
      @joannot6706 8 років тому +2

      Do you think you needs some kind of degree to speak at Ted?

  • @MusicOrLoseItTV
    @MusicOrLoseItTV 10 років тому

    UA-cam search: Chris Kluwe On Bigotry; 2-Party System; Rational Empathy

  • @sparbaroku
    @sparbaroku 7 років тому

    Chris Kluwe = Green Ranger.

  • @edsonpauloflorespaulo9680
    @edsonpauloflorespaulo9680 6 років тому +1

    Caralho,para o simples consumidor do Brasil,nada em português.

  • @disappeared21
    @disappeared21 7 місяців тому

    is this how GoPro works?

  • @gregdesouza17
    @gregdesouza17 10 років тому

    Monty Python reference, u win.


    Chris Kluwe - The future of football

  • @Holobrine
    @Holobrine 10 років тому

    AR is real. Look up Layar or Metaio and you'll see what I mean.

  • @scottydoesknow919
    @scottydoesknow919 2 роки тому

    Right train, wrong track.

  • @QooperG28
    @QooperG28 10 років тому

    I like it.

    @KOOLTIME10 9 років тому

    I am developing argumented reaality. I can do all kinds of these things

  • @djsbuckets6544
    @djsbuckets6544 9 років тому


  • @Kalupz
    @Kalupz 10 років тому

    I imagine this could be used on workers too. Liker miners and so on

  • @vincentizghra6144
    @vincentizghra6144 10 років тому

    In 2014 teams brought in firearms to the court, more people watched the games, it was faster, more entertaining.

  • @user-nh8qn7ey1n
    @user-nh8qn7ey1n 10 років тому


  • @kemchobhenchod
    @kemchobhenchod 10 років тому

    some people just come across as condescending

  • @Falkao92
    @Falkao92 10 років тому

    The viewing experience would be kind of interesting. The real time information for the athlete would ruin almost every Sport and is complete bullshit.

  • @StuartHector
    @StuartHector 10 років тому

    Too bad Oculus was bought by Facebook

  • @andrewhawkins6374
    @andrewhawkins6374 10 років тому

    Google glass looks ridiculous. A 12 year old could design glasses with better function and user Comfort In mind .wish google picked me up would love to work for them

  • @JodsLife1
    @JodsLife1 10 років тому


  • @JohnPaton3
    @JohnPaton3 10 років тому

    9 minutes and he didn't really say much of anything

  • @DeadWhiteButterflies
    @DeadWhiteButterflies 10 років тому

    See what you see? All you've done is attach a tiny camera to your head. Hardly a technology revolution. I can understand what he's getting at, but it's really underwhelming.

  • @brettfavreify
    @brettfavreify 10 років тому

    I know why Kluwe is no longer in the NFL. He's too smart for just about everyone in the game.

  • @littleuzi2775
    @littleuzi2775 7 років тому +1

    Keep technology off the field

    • @nothinghere1698
      @nothinghere1698 4 роки тому

      It's already on the field. Nothing you say is gonna keep them from doing it.

  • @jayleneellis9308
    @jayleneellis9308 10 років тому

    so you want to give football players mini-maps . . .

  • @nubbitudejack8542
    @nubbitudejack8542 10 років тому

    Harv sent me.

  • @krisinox888
    @krisinox888 10 років тому

    pretty cool

  • @XxAssassinYouXx
    @XxAssassinYouXx 10 років тому

    this will just make sports to boring to watch. I do the like the end, showing people how it feels like through their shoes.