Hello man, Mexican here. Actually, there's something we don't like about pochos. Mexican American have adopted what we don't like about gringos in general: They feel entitled to everything. Is hard to explain to Americans because for you is normal to behave like that, but the people that have worked at a call center talking with people of different countries we hear a clear difference of how you talk, like always demanding. So! pochos talk with that attitude and in Mexico we prefer to teach our people to be humble (of course not every Mexican behave with this standard; as well, pochos are not always like this, but is pretty common). I always like to talk about my experience with Canadians and Americans, is so different and Canadians became my favorite clients, always cool and chill. Americans... well, their culture is being entitled to everything so is not your fault at all.
soy orgulosamente Mexicano , tengo lenguaje y cultura , tenemos arte y un pais hermoso , la mayoria de veces que un pocho visita mi patria se cree mejor que la gente local y por eso mucha gente no se acerca a ellos , muchas veces son mas humildes los americanos y europeos que nos visitan.
I was born and raised in the USA to parents from Oaxaca (100% Zapoteco de la Sierra Juarez) I've always noticed this underlying hate that Mexican-Americans get from certain people from Mexico. Not all, but some. I'm not sure where it stems from, but people from Mexico have always accused us Mexican-Americans for not being Mexican enough and too American and it's always the same the same shitty excuses; *We don't speak Spanish / Our Spanish isn't good enough (Fucking duh carnal, We were raised in the USA where English is primarily spoken. We went to English speaking schools. Of course our Spanish will not be proper. No se hagan mamones.) It’s silly when you think about it, these people judge how “Mexican” we are based on how well we can speak a native European language of a country that raped and destroyed the “true” Mexican culture. Fucking forget your skin color, forget your parents are Mexican, Forget we eat tamales, pan dulce, tacos, etc. We judge you based on how well you speak Spanish, everything else doesn’t matter, puras pendejadas. *They think that Mexican-Americans feel that we are "better" / “more educated” than them. (*sigh* Again, I really wish these people would see how far we go here in the USA to show our Mexican Pride and culture. We have nothing but respect and reverence for all people of Mexico. Nos da' orgullo de representar a la cultura y la gente Mexicana) The truth of the matter is that Mexican people are notoriously jealous for hating on another fellow Mexicans success. What fault do we have that our parents (your paisanos) chose to raise us here in states as opposed to Mexico where there is poverty, hunger, unemployment, and corruption? Que culpa tenemos nosotros de que nuestros padres decidieron criarnos nos aquí en los Estados Unidos? Solo querían lo mejor para sus hijos, Como toda gente normal! No se por que los que nos critiquan siempre se olvidan de esto. Nosotros “pochos” no tuvimos la decisión en que país naciéremos, asi que dejen de chingar. Saludos a toda la Raza!
b3nner Tiene razón en muchas de las cosas que usted menciona, sin embargo en otras no. El "odio subyacente" que usted menciona supongo que se deriva del hecho de que mucha gente considera que Estados Unidos fue y es una especie de amenaza para mexico. por lo que, de cierta forma para esta gente representa una especie de traición que un mexicano tenga a sus hijos en ese país. Se equivoca al decir que España destruyo la verdadera cultura mexicana, pues mexico como nación no existía, afecto y casi destruyo las culturas prehispánicas, posteriormente se asimilaron y mezclaron dando como resultado, ahora si, lo que hoy es conocido como mexico desde ese punto de vista el castellano (combinado con unas cuantas palabras indígenas)si es propiamente el idioma mexicano, pero si es una tontería juzgar a alguien por lo bien o mal que habla ese idioma. Por otro lado comer tamales y tacos no te hace mexicano del mismo modo que comer espagueti no me hace italiano, ni tampoco tiene que ver el color de piel. Yo soy muy claro de piel como mucha gente del norte de mexico y eso no define si soy o no soy mexicano; soy mexicano porque nací aquí porque vivo aquí y conozco nuestras debilidades y nuestras fortalezas, porque trabajo aquí, porque pago impuestos aquí y cada día hago lo posible por salir adelante en mi país. A lo largo de mi vida he conocido a mucha gente que ha vivido en estados unidos y por supuesto he conocido a muchos mexicano - estadounidenses y todos ciertamente tienen esa actitud de creerse superiores por el simple hecho de haber nacido en USA, jamas he conocido a alguno que no ponga por delante su ciudadanía americana como si eso le diera autoridad de juzgar y criticar a los demás. A mi en lo personal (y esta es una apreciación absolutamente personal y se que quizás estoy mal)no me interesa que acepten y asuman su ascendencia mexicana todo lo contrario, pues yo los considero como lo que son, personas comunes y corrientes que por la razón que sea tienen nacionalidad estadounidense. Una vez un hombre me dijo los que nos vamos al otro lado hacemos un gran esfuerzo para irnos y tener nuestros hijos allá para que ellos no tengan que vivir como mexicanos; si sus ancestros hicieron el esfuerzo para que no vivieran como mexicanos pues entonces eso significa que no quieren o no querían ser mexicanos. Una mujer que vive en Chicago me dijo, yo decidí que mis hijos nacieran en Chicago para que no tuvieran que cargar con la desgracia de ser mexicanos. Si ser mexicanos es una desgracia entonces ¿porque seguir diciendo que son mexicanos?, yo no los veo como mexicanos sino como estadounidenses porque eso es lo que sus padres querían para ustedes y esta bien lo que no esta bien es ese tipo de personas que se sienten mejores que nosotros, esa mujer dijo "todos los que nos vamos pensamos así, por eso nuestros hijos nacen alla en USA". Se que eso no es verdad e hice un intento por conocer a los pochos (como les llaman aquí) que vienen incluso tuve una relación con una mujer nacida en san diego y el resultado fue el mismo, y me pareció un poco confuso porque nos llaman pobres, corruptos y flojos. Y luego dicen que nos representan y que se sienten orgullosos noto un poco de contradicción en eso.
Exactly. The fact that you're born and raised in US, means you're more American than Mexican, cause of birthplace and raised around American culture. Don't let the Mexicans in Mexico put you down. They're bitter.
+Hilde EC we just dont like people who dont live here and pay taxes to another country and instead they want recognition and respect like if we own something ti them, so fuck that they no longer mexicans so they can only be seeing as foreigners.
+angel giacavetta Esos contradicciónes vienen de nuestro crisis de identidad. Es muy facil para ti decir que somos estadounidences, pero para los blancos nos identifican como mexicanos. Nací aqui pero antes hablaba ingles con fonemos de español y con eso (tengo la piel blanca) la gente sabia que yo era Chicano, era joven pero me fije que me veian como extranjero. Cuando se me habia cambiado la voz a sonar mas americano note que me hablaban differente los Mexicanos y los Americanos. Ahorra los mexicanos no me reconocian, habia perdido mi fluidez de español, y los americanos decian que aunque nací aqui yo era un mexicano americanizado. Muchos Chicanos tienen ese sentido de desconocimiento. Para unos, de alli sale el odio para los mexicanos que no nos respetan. Tambíen unos completamente se separan de la cultura mexicana y se creen como americanos exceptionales e infalibles. No se si se puede decir objectivamente que sí hay mas opurtunidad en los EEUU. Creo que esa mujer hizo lo que ella creia era lo mujer para sus hijos. Quizas ahorra quiere justificarse a ella misma que mudarse valio la pena.
esanch29 Antes que nada un saludo, y si, tiene razón, para mi es muy fácil decir que son estadounidenses porque... es lo que son. si los anglosajones no los identifican como estadounidenses entonces es problema de ellos ¿no cree?. creo que no ocurre solo con los mexico-estadounidenses conocí a un chico nacido en Minesota (no se si se escriba así) hijo de canadienses y decía que los estadounidenses lo llamaban canadiense americanizado. No entendí bien a que se refiere con "sentido de desconocimiento". y con respecto a la mujer en mención; ella dijo que ser mexicano era una desgracia y que todos los que se iban a USA pensaban igual por eso preferían tener a sus hijos allá; nos llamo desgracia, entonces ¿porque seguirse identificando con aquello que al parecer odiaban ser?. Estoy consciente que no todos los migrantes piensan así, o eso quiero creer; pero todos los mexico-estadounidenses que he conocido han tenido ese comportamiento de creerse superiores a nosotros, incluso estando aquí en mexico lo primero que hacen es dejar en claro que son ciudadanos americanos. Por supuesto que yo los respeto como personas que son, jamas intentaría algo malo contra alguno de ustedes pero tampoco los identificaría como mexicanos me parece algo difícil de hacer. Me gustaría saber ¿que tanto sabe usted de mexico?, ¿que sabe de la cultura mexicana? y en caso que hubiese un conflicto entre MÉXICO y USA ¿de que lado estaría usted? no es retorico y ni con afán de molestar solo es curiosidad. Una disculpa por no escribirle en su idioma creo que me falta aprender ingles tanto como a usted español aunque veo que se expresa muy bien, antes hablaba y escribia un ingles aceptable pero deje de practicarlo.
"We have to be more Mexican than the Mexicans and more American than the Americans. It's exhausting!!!" - Edward James Olmos as Abraham Quintanilla in "Selena"
I'm not mexican, I'm black, but I find all your videos inspirational. After visiting Europe I brought back something important, they don't see us as black, mexican, asian americans, only Americans. Like it should be. I'll be following you :) (not stalking)
Shadia DeAsia NO ONE in the world will ser you as black, that is only in the usa, I was born and raised in Mexico, no body thinks about that stuff there, is not important.
R Haas You are full of shit, In mexico is all about money, not like in the Usa, that claims to be the crib of democracy and equal rights, now, THAT’S a load of bs.
Yes! Love it! I get people telling me i'm not Mexican because I wasn't raised in Mexico and I get others tell me i'm not American just because I was born in Mexico.
***** I would love for you to do a video about this problem, As so many of us I was born in mexico but after i 16 I move to this place I call home and I cant see myself living anywhere else, This great country and her people have done so much for me.. one of my dreams is to call my self an American and have everything to back it up.
This is so true!...La Raza can be just as racist and prejudiced. My primos back in mexico have always called me pocho, gringo, vendido, like Miklo Velca.... The americans say I speak English with a Mexican accent, and the Mexicans say I speak Spanish with an American accent.
Hace muchos años en la universidad una maestra nos dijo que la palabra "pocho" era un término despectivo para nombrar a una persona de segunda o tercera generación(padres o abuelos mexicanos) pero nacida en EUA y que hablaba mal el idioma español. Su lengua materna. Yo conozco gente que nació y se crió en EU pero son respetuosos de la cultura Mexicana y de sus raíces. Personas que hablan perfecto el inglés y hablan un español tan bueno como alguien que se crió en México. Esas personas son respetables. Los que merece el calificativo despectivo de "pochos" son los que se las dan de no tener sangre Mexicana, hablan mal de México sin haber estado ahi( en muchos casos) y aparte creen que hablar español es naco e inferior. Personas que se avergüenzan de la sangre que traen en las venas. Esa gente si es un asco. Yo vivo en EU desde hace 7 años pero gracias a Dios ya tenía tenía casi 24 años cuando me viene para EU y tenía una identidad definida. 100% Mexicana.
+Loretta Galvanni bueno, yo por mi cuenta pienso que mi español esta mas o menos...El punto de este video es que debe uno tener orgullo de lo que es. No naci en Mexico...pero vivi en Mexico por muchos años...mi cultura es estadounidense. Puedes mirar en los comentarios mucha gente negativa que habla mal porque "pochos" no habla un español perfecto. El castellano (Español) que hablamos es el lenguage de conquistadores...verdaderos Mexicanos hablan Nahuatl u otra variacion...asi que, I don't give a flying frijol what those people say.
creo que se quejan mas de que los denominados "pochos" se hacen mucha gala de ser mexicanos de corazon y bla bla bla , cuando ni siquiera puedan hablar el español correctamente y no entienden las tradiciones, que a pesar de ser un idioma traído de una conquista, es el usado desde que medico se independizo como pais, los que hablaban nahuatl y sus variaciones no eran mexicanos, si no aztecas o mayas, ademas de que es una comparación muy extraña pues los nativos estadounidenses tampoco hablaban mucho ingles que digamos..
Yo soy nahua y he visto que los hispanohablantes orgullosos de su idioma tienden a hablarlo sin importar dónde vivan, generalmente son aquellos con complejo de inferioridad los que lo "olvidan". Como nahua considero al castellano importante porque con éste puedo hablar con quechuas, aymaras, mayas, guaraníes y con la mayoría de naciones americanas. Soy poliglota pero no mezclo lenguas, cada idioma tiene una esencia única que me es artificial mezclarlos fortuitamente.
I don't comment on videos...ever. Frankly, I don't comment because I just don't care enough. However, I applaud your successful attempt at addressing the cultural tug and pull that most Mexican Americans experience. Being a byproduct of both cultures, I am constantly being asked to pick one or the other. Neither culture is mutually exclusive. You can't have the US without Mexico. Thank you for making a social, political and cultural artistic statement that addresses this. Please continue to make profound videos that speak to our generation of Latinos.
Mark Twain is quoted as saying "I can live for two months on a good compliment." Comments like yours are what keep me motivated to do more videos. I'm glad this video resonated with you. Thank you for watching!
Una vez alguien me pregunto porque en México odiamos a los mexico-americanos. Yo no se si eso pueda llamarse odio pero esta claro que si hay cierta desconfianza, creo que en esto como en todos los conflictos hay dos cosas; ignorancia e incomprensión. Primero hay que decir que una gran cantidad de mexicanos son muy nacionalistas. Los mexicanos somos un pueblo orgulloso de lo que somos, amamos nuestra historia y, por supuesto, reprobamos los episodios trágicos y vergonzosos de ella, y en varios de esos episodios trágicos ha estado involucrado directa o indirectamente los estados unidos de américa por lo que, para algunos mexicanos nacionalistas el hecho de que un mexicano quien dice amar a su patria decida vivir en otro país es casi inconcebible, especialmente si se trata de estados unidos de américa; nuestro eterno vecino, nuestro enemigo histórico, nuestra eterna amenaza. En la mente de un mexicano nacionalista no hay forma de que dos culturas tan diferentes sean abrazadas por la misma persona. Es a los mexicanos que deciden irse a estados unidos a quienes los nacionalistas llaman traidores y no a los “pochos”, a los mexico-americanos simplemente los ven como el producto de esa traición pues nadie decide donde nacer, no los ven como sus iguales pues están conscientes de su nacionalidad estadounidense, no los consideran mexicanos a pesar de lo que diga la constitución mexicana pues en la mente de los mexicanos nacionalistas sus padres y/o sus abuelos renunciaron a esa mexicanidad cuando decidieron que este no era un país digno para ellos o sus hijos.
Mira sin tanto parloteo , quieren ser parte de una cultura a la que claramente jamas van a pertenecer se ven muy ridicilos hablando ingles cuando tienen toda la carota de nopal , nada de " traiciones a la patria" ni esas pendejadas yo tambien hablo ingles y tengo amigos alla y pasaporte y blablabla pero no ando mezclando los idiomas ni me creo gringo , eso es lo que molesta de esa pinche gente. Es como si vieras a un asiatico usando penacho , claramente se vera ridiculo
@@r.r.t.9605 no hermano no sean ignorantes existen familias que tienen 4 o 5 generaciones ya naciendo en EE.UU y la gran mayoria de ellos su primer lengua es el ingles y no es que sean mamones ni se sientan superiores simplemente ya se les dificulta el español, pero creo que no lo entienden simplemente la ignorancia se les nota.
I'm west coast from Nevada. Californians and people from Arizona accent are similar. Tejanos a (Texas) are waaay different. Theirs is more like cowboyish.
No te preucupes Mexico no esta orgulloso de ti. Que es eso de llegar a Mexico y ver a la gente en un contexto mas bajo. Lo peor de todo es que llegan y hablando ingles. Es el malinchismo heredado, mas los medios de comunicacion Americanos que mal educan a la gente y ponen en un contexto mas bajo al resto del mundo y especialmente Mexico. Actualmente vivo en EUA y no soy nomas que un extrangero en este pais, yo JAMAS voy a cantar el himo de EUA mas no significa que no respete el pais. Se puede respetar el pais sin tener que perder la identidad como Mexicano. ASi que compañeros Mexico-Americanos, no lleguen a MI PAIS a querer insinuar que son mas educados y mas cultos que nosotros, por que es totalmente lo contrario ya que ni de su propia cultura saben. Acaso te sabes el juramento a la bandera?
Creo que aun te falta entender el inglés y la situación que plantea en el video, 1ro tu no eres nacido de padres latinos en USA y vivir la discriminación en tu etapa de educación y desarrollo social para entender el contexto que plantea, 2do tu sufres la discriminación por tu mismo país y paisanos mexicanos aqui como allá, 3er tu llegaste al país ya con una educación previa y te adaptas a lo que vives actualmente pero la formación primaria en tu desarrollo ya lo aprendiste en casa y por eso te sientes por el momento (como todo recien llegado) como un extranjero (con J) en un largo periodo vacacional, el cual después de un tiempo entenderas lo que es vivir y nacer en USA, 5to jamás menosprecio a los mexicanos ni a los americanos, en si hace enfasis a la gente racista (o en si que discrimina) a alguien por nacer aqui o allá solo porque tiene educación bicultural, es como discriminar a un indigena porque habla algún dialecto y español, cosa que hacen la mayoria de los mexicanos refiriendose despectivamente a los indigenas como indios, 6to llegan hablando inglés porque es el lenguaje con el que se sienten confiados en hablar al 100%, es como pedirle a un japones que hable 100% español sino es su lengua principal en educación escolar, o tu llegaste hablando 100% a Estados Unidos? Apuesto a que no, 7to, la gente que discrimina la encontraras en todos lados aqui o en China y vaya que te lo puedo decir pues e viajado a varias partes del mundo y solo por ser extranjero te discriminan y eres aceptado solo por dos tipos de personas, aquellas a quien les pagaras algun producto o servicio o aquellos que tienen la mente abierta en reconocer que el mundo y las relaciones humanas van mas alla de diviciones politicas culturales, sociales, raciales, lenguaje, creencia, genero y edad, algo así como explicitamente lo has demostrado tu.
Fernando Jimenez estos pochos no tiene cultura...raza...pais...ni nada....como el mismo gordo dice....no son de aqui ni son de alla...son errantes.....yo soy de mexico Df y estoy horgulloso de estar donde estoy y de ser autetico mexicano.....Un saludo a esa raza que por un motivo ($$$)U otro tuvo que irse con los greengos.....saludos banda y miles de buenas vibras
I just just discovered this video recently and you hit every nail on its head, im Third generation Mexican American. I have been called white washed by my primos from mexico and i have been given those funny looks by white people when i speak Spanish or listen to Spanish music. because of this video i have subscribed to your channel and enjoyed the other videos i have viewed so far!
But they don't say anything when carribeans be speaking fucked up español, or when reggaeton music mixes in English lyrics and go mainstream, we've be doing this on American soil for decades. This pocho is proud of both his Mexican and American heritages and I not gonna let one overshadow the other.
You have great points and I truly feel exactly like you, the only difference is that I was born in Mexico but was brought to the States when I was 1 so I lived here my whole life and growing up all through high school was tough! it sadness me that many people take our culture to another level and Spanglish is not a language so I totally agree with you. We Mexicans are exclusive! I am so proud to be Mexican and am not embarrass to tell all the gringos at my job that I was born in Mexico and that I was brought here illegally. :)
don't be confused raza.! we are who we are and we should be proud. we have been in the southwest over 500 years. don't worry we are chicanos Tejano Americanos indios and proud. !! don't forget who you are !!!
I guess everyone who's either mexican born or american born MexicanAmerican feels this way. It did me good to visit Mexico some time ago, it really opened my eyes to a beautiful culture outside of what we thought was "mexican" in the states.
Great video bro! I’m in the same boat as you and many other Mexican Americans. Honestly, I just consider myself an American and choose Team America 🇺🇸! People from Mexico won’t ever see us as Mexicans anyway since we weren’t born or raised there. There’s discrimination in the U.S. don’t get me wrong but I just don’t see many people in the U.S. saying Americans of Mexican decent aren’t Americans tbh.
Hell I lived in both countries, grew up and studied in both and I personally never been felt like I was welcomed or accepted by Mexicans. I was just another gringo or pocho to them. Meanwhile in the US I have been told I was just as American as someone who has lived here their entire lives. Yeah there’s some discrimination but not to the extent that I’ve experienced in Mexico. Why would I want to wave a flag who’s people don’t even like me?
@@juankroosfrausto7411 OK, donde prefieres vivir? El país que tú elijas te da el derecho de ser ciudadano de ese país. Si prefieres USA, no hay forma de que puedas ser considerado mexicano, habrás nacido aquí, pero si tu vida está allá y prefieres estar alla, pues eres de allá.
Los Aztecas eran Mexico Americanos Su origen es Utah después si expandieron a Mexico la ignorancia Es atrevida . Los chicanos y Pochos llevan sangre 🩸 mexicana
YES YES YES YES!! This is me 100% I am told I am Mexican, then the next thing I know I am american. I get made fun of b family members and Latino friends because to them I am a gringo. My Spanish is not perfect and it never will be. When I saw this touched my heart. Actually, I felt like I was shot because of how true this is. I want to say so many things but this left me so speechless. I now know what I am. I am a Pocho.
I just bumped with a video of yours today and I haven't stopped watching haha. Also i could really identify with every single word said in this video, I really enjoyed it...another thing is that i like and i respect your political views, you make great points in your videos, yet you are a really Intelligent guy. Your videos have awesome content i really enjoy them :D
Finally someone that I can really relate to! I'm half Brazilian, Panamanian and Mexican. I was born and raised in Texas and learned how to write in Spanish since kindergarten till the 3rd grade. I know how to speak little but of Spanish, but my handwriting is way off and I can acknowledge that. It's hard for us Hispanic Americans, it's one thing to be criticized by White Americans, but our own race? I can't even tell Hispanics that I'm a proud American because they assume I'm a sellout, coconut, POCHO, India Maria, etc. I didn't said anything racist, all I said I was proud of being an American and they start insulting me by my features and color. I love being Hispanic American, I can understand and speak to you little bit in Spanish, but just because I can't speak it or write it well does NOT mean I'm a sellout. I had to give up Spanish in the 3rd grade because the school district were making me speak and write in English! I have a 3rd grade Spanish grammar. I just have to accept the fact that I can't never satisfy people. P.S. Don't get me started with Mexicans and their racist rants against Central and South Americans. I've been called a favela whore, cerota all kinds of stuff in the book THEY DON'T EVEN CARE THAT MY DAD IS MEXICAN!.Though not all Mexicans are racist, but vast majority of them are. Ironic how they call Americans racist, when they are doing the same thing with other races SMH.
Lily Lily we don’t care your dad is Mexican since he doesn’t have nothing to do with you besides being part of your family tree and yeah we would probably hate you to say you are proud of American and how couldn’t you be, you were born and raise there and never seen Latino America like we have. Us Mexicans make fun of everyone and anything, we make albures that you pochos would never understand in your whole like cuz Y’all don’t have the culture, you’ll should just forget about the past because y’all are Americans and not Hispanic since Hispanics are those who speak Spanish. You clearly said you don’t even know how to write it and you barely know how to speak it. If you wanna play the victim on other countries disliking you because you say you are Brazilian and stuff and then go on to showing you don’t have the culture, the slang words and nothing that makes up them. P.S. That’s racist that you said “ Mexicans” as in all of us. We love them and sometimes we show we like you by poking some fun at you. But I guess those people called you that and you didn’t explain why so you are letting me guess you did something to them. We call other people racist because they are racist and we know y’all people like to be stereotypical to your “ culture” but what culture would you have if you don’t even know a single place from where your parents are from.
I'm from Guatemala, and I'm just here to confirm "cerote", "cerota" is a Guatemalan term, also a lot of Salvadorian use this word. Good vibes for everyone.
Soy nacido criado en Mexico pero vivi 15 años en Estados Unidos y ya regrese a Mexico y les digo que se necesita mas que tener padres mexicanos para ser mexicano. Se necesitan las experiencias de una vida como no tener agua y tener que llevarla en cubetas de un pozo, el bañarte a jicarazos por carecer de regadera, el que se te vaya la luz a veces, el grito del tamalero o el camotero en las tardes, el silbato del afilador en las mañanas, el jugar rodando una llanta sobre la tierra porque tu calle no tiene pavimento, el poder recorrer un tianguis buscando chacharas, el comerte una gordita de chicharron (aqui no hay burritos) un buen pulque curado etc, etc..En fin para ser mexicano hay que vivir Mexico.
Juan Jose Rivera Entiendo completamente. Yo vivi en Mexico 10 años...todas las experiencias que mencionaste y mas (el no tener agua caliente y calentarla en cubetas arriba de leña, no tener tuberia, electriciad, etc.) las vivi yo mismo. Muchos aqui vienen a ofender y defender la razon por cual piensan que son mejores que nosotros nacidos en estados unidos y vice versa...nadie es mejor o peor...solo diferente. Mi punto es que los "pochos" tenemos el derecho y libertad de ser orgullosos de nuestra propia cultura. Nuestra cultura mezcla dos mundos...y eso, aunque otros piensen diferente, es perfectamente OKAY! ;)
Juan Jose Rivera Concuerdo con mucho de lo que dices pero supongo que depende de en cual de los muchos Mexicos te ha tocado vivir (con "muchos mexicos" me refiero al hecho de que nuestro país presenta muchas facetas variantes entre si) porque describes, debido a tu experiencia, como si mexico fuera un pais pobre y totalmente atrasado en servicios cuando eso no es asi, pertenezco a una clase social trabajadora y jamas me ha tocado vivir eso que describes, nunca me toco acarrear agua en cubetas o bañarme a jicarazo, jamas he oido a un tamalero o un afilador, en cambio de niño si jugaba futbol en la calle. Concuerdo conque lo que te hace mexicano es vivir aquí conocer nuestras problemáticas muy peculiares y particulares, entender nuestra cultura desde adentro de la misma, no basta con gritar viva mexico el 5 de mayo o 15 de septiembre, no basta con decir que se tiene ascendencia mexicana, la mexicanidad es todo un legado de cultura y experiencias. Los "pochos" (no se si esa palabra sea ofensiva y si lo es, ofrezco disculpas) son una cultura aparte que poco a poco va tomando su propia forma con todo lo que eso conlleva como el repudio de ciertos sectores de ambos lados de la frontera, pero tambien el respeto y la aceptación de muchos otros
¿Será muy inoportuno reiterar que América es un nombre aplicado, en 1er. lugar (1501) a la actual América "Latina". ¿No perciben ninguna contradicción al decir "America is in North America" ( North America : "the north part of America", then America is in America). From Chile.
What alot of people dont know is The Aztecas (Meshikas) were originaly from Utah then they expanded into Mexico so this whole labeling Chicano pocho mexicano its Just labels were all Mexican.
@@chqngolion1777 parece ser que si, yo vivo en frontera con gringolandia, yo del lado mexicano y cuando andan los pochos en la ciudad es bien fácil identificarlos.
This identity crisis we face as chicanos has been troubling me lately. Like yes, i come from a different social culture because I grew up in the US, but ethnically I'm still Mexican. Why does growing up in the US make me any less Mexican? Some people in Mexico argue that we don't don't know what it's like to live in Mexico, and while that's true, why should that mean i can't feel proud and claim being Mexican?
Mags M Because you're not Mexican. Where you are raised is everything. Is the child of an Iraqi mother who grew up in Minnesota the same as an Iraqi child who grew up in Ramadi? Is a tiger raised in a zoo in San Diego the same as one raised in the wild? Yes, you hang the flag, eat your mother's enchiladas, and watch the Mexican football team on TV, but you don't know the ins and outs of the political parties, you haven't LIVED the problems facing Mexicans, gasolinazo, the different Mexican states and their identities... You don't know the hardships, you speak the language with a gringo accent (trust me, Mexicans notice), or maybe you stutter and throw English in place of words you don't know. Speaking Spanglish does NOT mean you're bilingual; it means that you speak two languages poorly. It's harsh to hear, but it's the truth. Not all Mexican look down on you for it, but they do get irritated to hear you say that you are the same as them. You're not. It's great that you love Mexico, and you probably hate Trump just as much as any Mexican, but you are still eternally different as a Mexican-American. East LA is NOT the same as Guadalajara.
@@24572 Ser mexicano es una nacionalidad, ya sea por nacimiento o por naturalizacion. Deja de imponer tus fantasias como reglas para ser mexicano. Las condiciones ya estan estipuladas en la Constitucion Mexicana.
@@elpiedron3889 jajaja "fantasias" no mames. Ojo, técnicamente por la Constitución por supuesto, pero cuéntame por que existe el nombre "pocho" si no es por distinguir entre mexicanos verdaderos y estadounidenses con herencia mexicana.
@@24572 Mi punto no es sobre la palabra pocho. Mi punto es que si llegan de buena manera sin faltar al respeto cual es el punto de querer darles un sermon. A diferencia de quien llega prepotente a ese se trata con la punta del pie. Pero al que se expresa de buena manera y llega bien, cual es el punto de sermonearlo? Estas rucas y weyes tienen familia aqui, sera mejor que no vengan? Ser mas en cantidad crees que es algo malo? Considera que la geopolitica va cambiar, esa es la razon por la que digo todo esto. Ya es necesario cambiar de pensamiento, ser civilizado que se note la educacion. Excepto a los pasaditos de verga con esos no.
I'm mexican when i first came to this country i used to get mad when pochos say i don't speak spanish, but later i realize that this is they're country and it is funny be able to talk to them between spanish and english, and also there are some mexican racist and pochos racist but i think that we don't have to be so judgmental. and gives us the opportunity to know each other
@@mexitechnology7838 yes sure, a Chicano is a person born in the USA with Mexican parents or 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th generation of Mexican descent. The word chicano is not used now as much as it was used in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s it was more of a cultural thing - between “brown pride”, Aztec, low riders, tattoos, and all the related art and growing up in the barrios especially from California. (What I mean by barrios is poor neighborhoods) Chicanos are extremely proud of their Mexican roots. The other side to the Chicano identity were the ones who joined many causes for equal rights for the Mexican community. They organized protests, boycotts, strikes. You can look it up it was called “The Chicano Movement”. Later, “Mexican-American” would be the formal identity word to be used. Now the correct word would be Mexican-American. Born in the the USA with Mexican descent just like Chicano but without the “barrio” part. You can say it’s sort of the Nationality. A Pocho is a person born in México but raised in the USA. They adapt to “American” customs and traditions. This is also a cultural-identity. Both Mexican-Americans and Pochos lack in Spanish and are not fluent, in some cases Mexican-Americans don’t speak Spanish at all but that’s when they are 3rd, 4th generations. (Which is not their fault, because of history. You would be in trouble for speaking a language that was not English or if you tried to do anything that was non American) but 90% of us love both of our cultures. Both are bicultural, bilingual and sometimes binational. And oh yeah both speak Spanglish:) which is something that happens naturally when growing up learning two languages at the same time, keep in mind that not everyone can speak Spanglish it is actually hard to go from one language and jumping to the next language in a fluent manner in the same sentence. We usually do this with other Spanglish speakers like friends and family. Do not think we do this at a job interview or with non Spanish speakers lol it’s pretty much slang but between Mexican-Americans or Pochos:)
(Part2) Spanish, everything else doesn’t matter, puras pendejadas. *They think that Mexican-Americans feel that we are "better" / “more educated” than them. (*sigh* Again, I really wish these people would see how far we go here in the USA to show our Mexican Pride and culture. We have nothing but respect and reverence for all people of Mexico. Nos da' orgullo de representar a la cultura y la gente Mexicana) The truth of the matter is that Mexican people are notoriously jealous for hating on another fellow Mexicans success. What fault do we have that our parents (your paisanos) chose to raise us here in states as opposed to Mexico where there is poverty, hunger, unemployment, and corruption?
You are in America, you don't have to show Mexican pride, you aren't Mexican. Also why would you show Mexican pride if you say that Mexican are jealous of you?
I used to be called coconut and pocho in school all the time ...and Mexicans say Im fresa because of my american accent speaking spanish .. but we dont CHOOSE to ADOPT Americanized lifestyles.... we were born here and raised here ... IM like fourth generation here in California ...and Im proud of it... im pretty sure its cuz they were just hella jelly ... w/e
I enjoyed this video. Nice spoken word, with a good rhythm to it. You tackle a subject I am not too familiar with as I'm not American, nor Mexican, but I am a Spaniard living in LA. What I love most about this city is perhaps the ubiquitous colorful Mexican influences. I have met a lot of "pochos" here, and often wondered about their feeling of belonging. This gave me some good insight, but it's shocking to see all the hate from some genuine Mexicans here on these comments. What I do not like so much, in all honesty, is how this Spanglish phenomenon starts to be embraced as an identity trait. A lot of "pochos" should and could make more of an effort to be proficient in the Spanish language, without mixing it with English in such a chaotic way. I know Spanglish is a well-established reality at this point, I just hope it doesn't reach the point of being taken seriously in formal contexts. Being bilingual, now that's cultural richness. Spanglish, not so much, IMO. That's just my two cents, for what it's worth.
Álvaro Hernández Thanks so much for your input. I should clarify that I don't truly believe that Spanglish is to be taken serious. I said that with the intent of empowering people who may feel inadequate for their imperfect Spanish. That's all :)
California commercial code 9307 h says that the United States is located in the district of Columbia. Every 50 states has a code that says that the United States is located in the district of Columbia. And the United States is a corporation according to the organic act of 1871. Before you read it though learn the language of legalize the language they use in the American courts
Love this video ***** I think this is also true for mexicans who were not born in the U.S. but have lived most of there life there. I have always had that sense of not belonging when I lived in the States but I really learned what it meant to be "ni de aquí ni de allá" once I came back to México. The thing is that the people who have never been anywhere else in there life are mostly the ones who criticize. No entienden lo que es no identificarte con un lugar solamente, porque nunca han salido de su zona de confort. En realidad es triste porque son de esas personas ignorantes que no saben entender y lo peor es que no quieren entender. I honestly think that taking any nationality on an extreme is stupid because it is not what DEFINES you. In any case, it just gives some insight on other aspects that could help DESCRIBE you like ethnicity, religión, etc. In the end, we are all simply human. Some more humane and tolerant than others but human. People should learn to cherish the differences in other so that they can expand their horrizons as well.
This is an awesome video!!!! Glad I stumbled across it!! You have a new fellow Mexican American follower and I completely entiendo where your coming from! I hope to meet you in person someday and get together with other young people like us! We should stick together and network and bring attention and clarity to the world and show them we we really are. Because yes, who likes to fit in and follow the sheep when we are born to shine, teach others how to view things differently when, you are so right we were born to stand out! Speak out, and bring awareness to our gente!!!! 💪🏼
I'm 52 years old now but when I was younger all of my Mexican friends used to bust my balls because I didn't speak much Spanish, but fast forward 30 years and now all of those same proud Mexican guys all have kids that don't speak much Spanish (just like me). I think most Mexican immigrants that hate us pocho's so much always assume that their kids (that are born here) are going to speak perfect Spanish, (of course some of them do) but the vast majority don't. If you think about it, it's very ironic..
Soy mexicano y mis abuelos eran de Argentina, pero no voy por la vida haciéndole a la mmda hablando una mezcla de español argentino con mexicano, ni pretendiendo que yo realmente sé o tengo algo que ver con la cultura de Argentina. Nací y crecí en México, soy mexicano. Punto. Fin de la historia. Y eso es lo que me hace hervir la sangre de los pochos, que creen saber algo de lo que significa ser mexicano porque comen Cheetos Flamin Hot con Valentina. No mmn. Acepten lo que son con cabalidad y orgullo: gringos. Y está bien, no tiene nada de malo serlo, ni tampoco son menos gringos porque se apelliden García o Hernández; pero no le hagan a la mmda creyendo que nuestra cultura es suya, porque no lo es; es de sus padres y/o abuelos, ellos son los que tienen derecho a llamarse mexicanos, no ustedes.
The one thing that really pisses off my family in both sides of the border is que no me gusta los chiles. Not because they're "spicy", but because they taste terrible.
Im a Mexican-American. And we do have an advantage. 1) We are able to understand two languages. 2) We experience two cultures. 3) We live in a safe country, that's not as corrupt as Mexico. 4) We probably have MORE opportunity than if we were to live in Mexico. 4) We probably live a far way better life than our cousins back in Mexico. So year, hate all you want. I'm here living the benefits and the life, while you're commenting on a UA-cam video. Good luck understand this.
I am not pocho and I know both languages. My english isn't perfect but its decent and I live a good life. I went one year to live to the US and it was cool to see a third world country. But socially I wasn't doing good at all and the culture, food and friends were things I prefered then living in the US
Well, that's why we hate you, "we have an advantage, we are better, we can experience 2 cultures, blah blah blah" if you really feel that way, then, you aren't mexican American, only American, keep your American way of living and forget about Mexico.
El problema con la forma de ser de los pochos, es que discriminan a los inmigrantes latinos que prefieren hablar Español o tienen acento hispano al hablar en Inglés. En mi experiencia personal muy pocos gringos y afroamericanos me han discriminado, en cambio muchos pochos y pochas sí lo han hecho, sobre todo los y las que llevan tatuajes
I wonder why people from other continets can learn English faster than us, mexicans. I went to New Jersey and knew people from India, China, Italy, Kenya and so on; they could spoke their mother tongue, English and Spanish!!! sadly my sitizenships couldn´t spoke English even though they had been living there for years!!! (by the way, I live in México and I had struggled a lot to learn English)
Omg I loved this! I'm not Mexican American, I'm Mexican Mexican lol. I was born and kinda raised in Mexico (came here when I was almost 9) but I can totally understand where you're coming from!
Spanish is from Spain it’s located between Portugal and France. You can’t get anymore of a European language than that. I love this video tho. I’ll never learn Spanish but I’m still down for my culture.
@EddieG First of all thank you for all these amazing little videos I get to share with my students. I teach a Mexican-American Heritage class and these are perfect. However, would it be possible to maybe upload one with the "j*to" word bleeped out?? Gracias!!
APLAUSOS!!! vivo en frontera y como me cae mal que se burlen de mis primos o amigos que viven en US, por que que fácil es juzgar lo que no se conoce! ponle subtitulos para compartirlo con la gente de aca :D
Boils down to jealousy. Also, Mexicans get it twisted, some of us don't care about being loyal to Mexico. As as kid, one of my fathers proudest moments was when he became a US citizen. He never looked back. We love America. We love this land. We identify as American.
En Chicago me tocó muchos de mis paisanos que vivían en México ahora se les olvidó el español y hablan horrible inglés yo soy Jalisciense y vivo en Gdl. Me ha tocado gente más racista mexicana que estadounidense.Yo no tengo nada en contra de los pochos, que en realidad no se por qué les dicen así ?
Odio a los pochos porque eneltecen todo lo de este país hasta lo malo, claramente estoy hablando desde mis prejuicios, si conociera a la persona obviamente no la detestaria pero en general tienen un sentimiento hacia este país que me enferma, muchos de ellos dan mala imagen
You tell them Eddie!! Love your videos. I am Mexican American, both of my parents are Mexican and I was born in the U.S.. I hate the fact that my spanish is not the great and my grandmother doesnt speak english and I have broken spanish conversations with you and we make it work lol but I am working on my spanish whenever I have kids I want them to know Spanish. Now that I think of it how the hell is spanish my 2nd language my mother and her side of the family only spoke spanish and still it was my 2nd language.. and I has all spanish speaking freinds growin up lol.
Well that was awesome. I feel like we're getting more and more positive as we evolve. As people keep dropping all this fear and realize we're One, we'll be pretty damn unstoppable!! Integrity is a beautiful and powerful thing that doesn't take a majority to change the world. 1:24 lol siri doesn't understand my husband either. He's got a southern accent and it's not even that thick. So aggravating ; )
our cultures are mutually exclusive... we should be proud of all our blood, and culture. Stop saying Spanglish is a language. NO y NO y ya esta. Pocho means "fermented," so we are "hechados a perder" like rotten huevos. So F that... I don't accept "pocho." See? how spanglish messes you up? lol and that's my 2 cents
machetes I see what you're saying. I have to admit, I don't actually do much Spanglish. My mom speaks Spanish almost exclusively. What I'm proposing though, is taking ownership of the word redefining what it means (which is not a new idea). There are many words (i.e. Chicano, queer, chilango, etc.) that you say have a negative connotation and have since been redefined by the people who it affects. A derogatory term is only derogatory if it has power to offend.
Hello man, Mexican here. Actually, there's something we don't like about pochos. Mexican American have adopted what we don't like about gringos in general: They feel entitled to everything. Is hard to explain to Americans because for you is normal to behave like that, but the people that have worked at a call center talking with people of different countries we hear a clear difference of how you talk, like always demanding.
So! pochos talk with that attitude and in Mexico we prefer to teach our people to be humble (of course not every Mexican behave with this standard; as well, pochos are not always like this, but is pretty common).
I always like to talk about my experience with Canadians and Americans, is so different and Canadians became my favorite clients, always cool and chill. Americans... well, their culture is being entitled to everything so is not your fault at all.
soy orgulosamente Mexicano , tengo lenguaje y cultura , tenemos arte y un pais hermoso , la mayoria de veces que un pocho visita mi patria se cree mejor que la gente local y por eso mucha gente no se acerca a ellos , muchas veces son mas humildes los americanos y europeos que nos visitan.
Tal vez tu te sientes inferior o el otro superior, puede ser tu culpa o culpa del otro.
@@elpiedron3889 pues se sienten superiores porque son gringos , en ciudad de México nos dan igual los pochos porque son extranjeros
@@elpiedron3889 🤣 los pochos se sienten gringos y es culpa del que tenga la culpa 🤣🙃😑
No estás equivocado, a veces los pochos a veces
I was born and raised in the USA to parents from Oaxaca (100% Zapoteco de la Sierra Juarez)
I've always noticed this underlying hate that Mexican-Americans get from certain people from Mexico. Not all, but some.
I'm not sure where it stems from, but people from Mexico have always accused us Mexican-Americans for not being Mexican enough and too American and it's always the same the same shitty excuses;
*We don't speak Spanish / Our Spanish isn't good enough (Fucking duh carnal, We were raised in the USA where English is primarily spoken. We went to English speaking schools. Of course our Spanish will not be proper. No se hagan mamones.) It’s silly when you think about it, these people judge how “Mexican” we are based on how well we can speak a native European language of a country that raped and destroyed the “true” Mexican culture. Fucking forget your skin color, forget your parents are Mexican, Forget we eat tamales, pan dulce, tacos, etc. We judge you based on how well you speak Spanish, everything else doesn’t matter, puras pendejadas.
*They think that Mexican-Americans feel that we are "better" / “more educated” than them. (*sigh* Again, I really wish these people would see how far we go here in the USA to show our Mexican Pride and culture. We have nothing but respect and reverence for all people of Mexico. Nos da' orgullo de representar a la cultura y la gente Mexicana)
The truth of the matter is that Mexican people are notoriously jealous for hating on another fellow Mexicans success. What fault do we have that our parents (your paisanos) chose to raise us here in states as opposed to Mexico where there is poverty, hunger, unemployment, and corruption?
Que culpa tenemos nosotros de que nuestros padres decidieron criarnos nos aquí en los Estados Unidos? Solo querían lo mejor para sus hijos, Como toda gente normal! No se por que los que nos critiquan siempre se olvidan de esto.
Nosotros “pochos” no tuvimos la decisión en que país naciéremos, asi que dejen de chingar.
Saludos a toda la Raza!
b3nner Tiene razón en muchas de las cosas que usted menciona, sin embargo en otras no. El "odio subyacente" que usted menciona supongo que se deriva del hecho de que mucha gente considera que Estados Unidos fue y es una especie de amenaza para mexico. por lo que, de cierta forma para esta gente representa una especie de traición que un mexicano tenga a sus hijos en ese país.
Se equivoca al decir que España destruyo la verdadera cultura mexicana, pues mexico como nación no existía, afecto y casi destruyo las culturas prehispánicas, posteriormente se asimilaron y mezclaron dando como resultado, ahora si, lo que hoy es conocido como mexico desde ese punto de vista el castellano (combinado con unas cuantas palabras indígenas)si es propiamente el idioma mexicano, pero si es una tontería juzgar a alguien por lo bien o mal que habla ese idioma. Por otro lado comer tamales y tacos no te hace mexicano del mismo modo que comer espagueti no me hace italiano, ni tampoco tiene que ver el color de piel. Yo soy muy claro de piel como mucha gente del norte de mexico y eso no define si soy o no soy mexicano; soy mexicano porque nací aquí porque vivo aquí y conozco nuestras debilidades y nuestras fortalezas, porque trabajo aquí, porque pago impuestos aquí y cada día hago lo posible por salir adelante en mi país.
A lo largo de mi vida he conocido a mucha gente que ha vivido en estados unidos y por supuesto he conocido a muchos mexicano - estadounidenses y todos ciertamente tienen esa actitud de creerse superiores por el simple hecho de haber nacido en USA, jamas he conocido a alguno que no ponga por delante su ciudadanía americana como si eso le diera autoridad de juzgar y criticar a los demás.
A mi en lo personal (y esta es una apreciación absolutamente personal y se que quizás estoy mal)no me interesa que acepten y asuman su ascendencia mexicana todo lo contrario, pues yo los considero como lo que son, personas comunes y corrientes que por la razón que sea tienen nacionalidad estadounidense. Una vez un hombre me dijo los que nos vamos al otro lado hacemos un gran esfuerzo para irnos y tener nuestros hijos allá para que ellos no tengan que vivir como mexicanos; si sus ancestros hicieron el esfuerzo para que no vivieran como mexicanos pues entonces eso significa que no quieren o no querían ser mexicanos. Una mujer que vive en Chicago me dijo, yo decidí que mis hijos nacieran en Chicago para que no tuvieran que cargar con la desgracia de ser mexicanos. Si ser mexicanos es una desgracia entonces ¿porque seguir diciendo que son mexicanos?, yo no los veo como mexicanos sino como estadounidenses porque eso es lo que sus padres querían para ustedes y esta bien lo que no esta bien es ese tipo de personas que se sienten mejores que nosotros, esa mujer dijo "todos los que nos vamos pensamos así, por eso nuestros hijos nacen alla en USA". Se que eso no es verdad e hice un intento por conocer a los pochos (como les llaman aquí) que vienen incluso tuve una relación con una mujer nacida en san diego y el resultado fue el mismo, y me pareció un poco confuso porque nos llaman pobres, corruptos y flojos. Y luego dicen que nos representan y que se sienten orgullosos noto un poco de contradicción en eso.
Exactly. The fact that you're born and raised in US, means you're more American than Mexican, cause of birthplace and raised around American culture. Don't let the Mexicans in Mexico put you down. They're bitter.
+Hilde EC we just dont like people who dont live here and pay taxes to another country and instead they want recognition and respect like if we own something ti them, so fuck that they no longer mexicans so they can only be seeing as foreigners.
+angel giacavetta Esos contradicciónes vienen de nuestro crisis de identidad. Es muy facil para ti decir que somos estadounidences, pero para los blancos nos identifican como mexicanos. Nací aqui pero antes hablaba ingles con fonemos de español y con eso (tengo la piel blanca) la gente sabia que yo era Chicano, era joven pero me fije que me veian como extranjero. Cuando se me habia cambiado la voz a sonar mas americano note que me hablaban differente los Mexicanos y los Americanos. Ahorra los mexicanos no me reconocian, habia perdido mi fluidez de español, y los americanos decian que aunque nací aqui yo era un mexicano americanizado. Muchos Chicanos tienen ese sentido de desconocimiento. Para unos, de alli sale el odio para los mexicanos que no nos respetan. Tambíen unos completamente se separan de la cultura mexicana y se creen como americanos exceptionales e infalibles.
No se si se puede decir objectivamente que sí hay mas opurtunidad en los EEUU. Creo que esa mujer hizo lo que ella creia era lo mujer para sus hijos. Quizas ahorra quiere justificarse a ella misma que mudarse valio la pena.
esanch29 Antes que nada un saludo, y si, tiene razón, para mi es muy fácil decir que son estadounidenses porque... es lo que son. si los anglosajones no los identifican como estadounidenses entonces es problema de ellos ¿no cree?. creo que no ocurre solo con los mexico-estadounidenses conocí a un chico nacido en Minesota (no se si se escriba así) hijo de canadienses y decía que los estadounidenses lo llamaban canadiense americanizado. No entendí bien a que se refiere con "sentido de desconocimiento".
y con respecto a la mujer en mención; ella dijo que ser mexicano era una desgracia y que todos los que se iban a USA pensaban igual por eso preferían tener a sus hijos allá; nos llamo desgracia, entonces ¿porque seguirse identificando con aquello que al parecer odiaban ser?. Estoy consciente que no todos los migrantes piensan así, o eso quiero creer; pero todos los mexico-estadounidenses que he conocido han tenido ese comportamiento de creerse superiores a nosotros, incluso estando aquí en mexico lo primero que hacen es dejar en claro que son ciudadanos americanos.
Por supuesto que yo los respeto como personas que son, jamas intentaría algo malo contra alguno de ustedes pero tampoco los identificaría como mexicanos me parece algo difícil de hacer.
Me gustaría saber ¿que tanto sabe usted de mexico?, ¿que sabe de la cultura mexicana?
y en caso que hubiese un conflicto entre MÉXICO y USA ¿de que lado estaría usted? no es retorico y ni con afán de molestar solo es curiosidad.
Una disculpa por no escribirle en su idioma creo que me falta aprender ingles tanto como a usted español aunque veo que se expresa muy bien, antes hablaba y escribia un ingles aceptable pero deje de practicarlo.
"We have to be more Mexican than the Mexicans and more American than the Americans. It's exhausting!!!" - Edward James Olmos as Abraham Quintanilla in "Selena"
BJMallory en sus sueños, son basura que nadie quiere
You don't "have" to do anything, you can just be you.
Some pochos are racist though and don't like other Mexicans.
BJMallory yes yes.... so true
We don’t fit in
I'm not mexican, I'm black, but I find all your videos inspirational. After visiting Europe I brought back something important, they don't see us as black, mexican, asian americans, only Americans. Like it should be. I'll be following you :) (not stalking)
Shadia DeAsia
NO ONE in the world will ser you as black, that is only in the usa, I was born and raised in Mexico, no body thinks about that stuff there, is not important.
@@elmachete7465 that's a load of BS. Many Mexican are prejudice towards blacks and even against the Mexican natives and central south Americans.
R Haas
You are full of shit, In mexico is all about money, not like in the Usa, that claims to be the crib of democracy and equal rights, now, THAT’S a load of bs.
@@mhaas281 yeah it's weird even to Mexican Americans
“Im not Mexican, I’m black”
Mexican…Mexican is not a race 💀
Desde que te refieres a EUA como américa y no como estados unidos tu argumento se fue a la verga
Exactamente, me acuerdo que casi linchan a una rusa porque le decía América a Estados Unidos jaja
Yes! Love it! I get people telling me i'm not Mexican because I wasn't raised in Mexico and I get others tell me i'm not American just because I was born in Mexico.
Own it, Sara! We're a special breed ;)
***** Hahaha yes we are. I'm also an "undocumented american" too so it's pretty hard but can't let people get me down.
Simply Sara Art We need to talk about this. Right here.
Im in the same situation as you Simply Sara Art
***** I would love for you to do a video about this problem, As so many of us I was born in mexico but after i 16 I move to this place I call home and I cant see myself living anywhere else, This great country and her people have done so much for me.. one of my dreams is to call my self an American and have everything to back it up.
This is so true!...La Raza can be just as racist and prejudiced. My primos back in mexico have always called me pocho, gringo, vendido, like Miklo Velca.... The americans say I speak English with a Mexican accent, and the Mexicans say I speak Spanish with an American accent.
Donny Vasquez welcome to the life of a Pocho! Own it!
Hace muchos años en la universidad una maestra nos dijo que la palabra "pocho" era un término despectivo para nombrar a una persona de segunda o tercera generación(padres o abuelos mexicanos) pero nacida en EUA y que hablaba mal el idioma español. Su lengua materna. Yo conozco gente que nació y se crió en EU pero son respetuosos de la cultura Mexicana y de sus raíces. Personas que hablan perfecto el inglés y hablan un español tan bueno como alguien que se crió en México. Esas personas son respetables. Los que merece el calificativo despectivo de "pochos" son los que se las dan de no tener sangre Mexicana, hablan mal de México sin haber estado ahi( en muchos casos) y aparte creen que hablar español es naco e inferior. Personas que se avergüenzan de la sangre que traen en las venas. Esa gente si es un asco. Yo vivo en EU desde hace 7 años pero gracias a Dios ya tenía tenía casi 24 años cuando me viene para EU y tenía una identidad definida. 100% Mexicana.
+Loretta Galvanni bueno, yo por mi cuenta pienso que mi español esta mas o menos...El punto de este video es que debe uno tener orgullo de lo que es. No naci en Mexico...pero vivi en Mexico por muchos años...mi cultura es estadounidense. Puedes mirar en los comentarios mucha gente negativa que habla mal porque "pochos" no habla un español perfecto. El castellano (Español) que hablamos es el lenguage de conquistadores...verdaderos Mexicanos hablan Nahuatl u otra variacion...asi que, I don't give a flying frijol what those people say.
creo que se quejan mas de que los denominados "pochos" se hacen mucha gala de ser mexicanos de corazon y bla bla bla , cuando ni siquiera puedan hablar el español correctamente y no entienden las tradiciones, que a pesar de ser un idioma traído de una conquista, es el usado desde que medico se independizo como pais, los que hablaban nahuatl y sus variaciones no eran mexicanos, si no aztecas o mayas, ademas de que es una comparación muy extraña pues los nativos estadounidenses tampoco hablaban mucho ingles que digamos..
+tony bc beri gud. Beri gud.
***** yes indid
Yo soy nahua y he visto que los hispanohablantes orgullosos de su idioma tienden a hablarlo sin importar dónde vivan, generalmente son aquellos con complejo de inferioridad los que lo "olvidan".
Como nahua considero al castellano importante porque con éste puedo hablar con quechuas, aymaras, mayas, guaraníes y con la mayoría de naciones americanas.
Soy poliglota pero no mezclo lenguas, cada idioma tiene una esencia única que me es artificial mezclarlos fortuitamente.
I don't comment on videos...ever. Frankly, I don't comment because I just don't care enough. However, I applaud your successful attempt at addressing the cultural tug and pull that most Mexican Americans experience. Being a byproduct of both cultures, I am constantly being asked to pick one or the other. Neither culture is mutually exclusive. You can't have the US without Mexico. Thank you for making a social, political and cultural artistic statement that addresses this. Please continue to make profound videos that speak to our generation of Latinos.
Mark Twain is quoted as saying "I can live for two months on a good compliment." Comments like yours are what keep me motivated to do more videos. I'm glad this video resonated with you. Thank you for watching!
Una vez alguien me pregunto porque en México odiamos a los mexico-americanos. Yo no se si eso pueda llamarse odio pero esta claro que si hay cierta desconfianza, creo que en esto como en todos los conflictos hay dos
cosas; ignorancia e incomprensión.
Primero hay que decir que una gran cantidad de mexicanos son
muy nacionalistas. Los mexicanos somos un pueblo orgulloso de lo que somos,
amamos nuestra historia y, por supuesto, reprobamos los episodios trágicos y
vergonzosos de ella, y en varios de esos episodios trágicos ha estado
involucrado directa o indirectamente los estados unidos de américa por lo que,
para algunos mexicanos nacionalistas el hecho de que un mexicano quien dice
amar a su patria decida vivir en otro país es casi inconcebible, especialmente
si se trata de estados unidos de américa; nuestro eterno vecino, nuestro
enemigo histórico, nuestra eterna amenaza.
En la mente de un mexicano nacionalista no hay forma de que
dos culturas tan diferentes sean abrazadas por la misma persona. Es a los
mexicanos que deciden irse a estados unidos
a quienes los nacionalistas llaman traidores y no a los “pochos”, a los
mexico-americanos simplemente los ven como el producto de esa traición pues
nadie decide donde nacer, no los ven como sus iguales pues están conscientes de
su nacionalidad estadounidense, no los consideran mexicanos a pesar de lo que
diga la constitución mexicana pues en la mente de los mexicanos nacionalistas
sus padres y/o sus abuelos renunciaron a esa mexicanidad cuando decidieron que
este no era un país digno para ellos o sus hijos.
Muy interesante.
***** Perdon por no escribirlo en ingles pero mi ingles no es muy bueno
Mira sin tanto parloteo , quieren ser parte de una cultura a la que claramente jamas van a pertenecer se ven muy ridicilos hablando ingles cuando tienen toda la carota de nopal , nada de " traiciones a la patria" ni esas pendejadas yo tambien hablo ingles y tengo amigos alla y pasaporte y blablabla pero no ando mezclando los idiomas ni me creo gringo , eso es lo que molesta de esa pinche gente. Es como si vieras a un asiatico usando penacho , claramente se vera ridiculo
@@r.r.t.9605 exactamente pochos pendejos.
@@r.r.t.9605 no hermano no sean ignorantes existen familias que tienen 4 o 5 generaciones ya naciendo en EE.UU y la gran mayoria de ellos su primer lengua es el ingles y no es que sean mamones ni se sientan superiores simplemente ya se les dificulta el español, pero creo que no lo entienden simplemente la ignorancia se les nota.
I'm west coast from Nevada. Californians and people from Arizona accent are similar. Tejanos a
(Texas) are waaay different. Theirs is more like cowboyish.
To me you’re not a pocho you’re a paisa 😂
Somos los inmigrantes mas encajosos y pediches en la historia de EEUU. Los irlandeses, judios, italianos, etc. no eran asi.
Javier Vargas cuentame mas.
Javier Vargas
Jajaja, cierto.
Eran peores lee la historia
No te preucupes Mexico no esta orgulloso de ti. Que es eso de llegar a Mexico y ver a la gente en un contexto mas bajo. Lo peor de todo es que llegan y hablando ingles. Es el malinchismo heredado, mas los medios de comunicacion Americanos que mal educan a la gente y ponen en un contexto mas bajo al resto del mundo y especialmente Mexico. Actualmente vivo en EUA y no soy nomas que un extrangero en este pais, yo JAMAS voy a cantar el himo de EUA mas no significa que no respete el pais. Se puede respetar el pais sin tener que perder la identidad como Mexicano. ASi que compañeros Mexico-Americanos, no lleguen a MI PAIS a querer insinuar que son mas educados y mas cultos que nosotros, por que es totalmente lo contrario ya que ni de su propia cultura saben. Acaso te sabes el juramento a la bandera?
Creo que aun te falta entender el inglés y la situación que plantea en el video, 1ro tu no eres nacido de padres latinos en USA y vivir la discriminación en tu etapa de educación y desarrollo social para entender el contexto que plantea, 2do tu sufres la discriminación por tu mismo país y paisanos mexicanos aqui como allá, 3er tu llegaste al país ya con una educación previa y te adaptas a lo que vives actualmente pero la formación primaria en tu desarrollo ya lo aprendiste en casa y por eso te sientes por el momento (como todo recien llegado) como un extranjero (con J) en un largo periodo vacacional, el cual después de un tiempo entenderas lo que es vivir y nacer en USA, 5to jamás menosprecio a los mexicanos ni a los americanos, en si hace enfasis a la gente racista (o en si que discrimina) a alguien por nacer aqui o allá solo porque tiene educación bicultural, es como discriminar a un indigena porque habla algún dialecto y español, cosa que hacen la mayoria de los mexicanos refiriendose despectivamente a los indigenas como indios, 6to llegan hablando inglés porque es el lenguaje con el que se sienten confiados en hablar al 100%, es como pedirle a un japones que hable 100% español sino es su lengua principal en educación escolar, o tu llegaste hablando 100% a Estados Unidos? Apuesto a que no, 7to, la gente que discrimina la encontraras en todos lados aqui o en China y vaya que te lo puedo decir pues e viajado a varias partes del mundo y solo por ser extranjero te discriminan y eres aceptado solo por dos tipos de personas, aquellas a quien les pagaras algun producto o servicio o aquellos que tienen la mente abierta en reconocer que el mundo y las relaciones humanas van mas alla de diviciones politicas culturales, sociales, raciales, lenguaje, creencia, genero y edad, algo así como explicitamente lo has demostrado tu.
Rodrigo garcia valenciano exacto 👏👏
Rodrigo garcia valenciano excelentemente dicho
Fernando Jimenez estos pochos no tiene cultura...raza...pais...ni nada....como el mismo gordo dice....no son de aqui ni son de alla...son errantes.....yo soy de mexico Df y estoy horgulloso de estar donde estoy y de ser autetico mexicano.....Un saludo a esa raza que por un motivo ($$$)U otro tuvo que irse con los greengos.....saludos banda y miles de buenas vibras
jajaja quedate con tu mex.para que andas en los united si tanto lo odias quieres que te pongamos en un pedestal por que nacistes aya
Eddie. You are a poet!
Us Chicanos should stick together.
Then our culture is gone
@@Califaz-vm4wg basically as Chicano culture is deeply rooted in Mexican culture.
@@Califaz-vm4wg chicano culture is already gone it's a sub culture in
I just just discovered this video recently and you hit every nail on its head, im Third generation Mexican American. I have been called white washed by my primos from mexico and i have been given those funny looks by white people when i speak Spanish or listen to Spanish music. because of this video i have subscribed to your channel and enjoyed the other videos i have viewed so far!
Steven Montejano That's awesome man. Thanks for that. Hope you keep enjoying my content.
But they don't say anything when carribeans be speaking fucked up español, or when reggaeton music mixes in English lyrics and go mainstream, we've be doing this on American soil for decades. This pocho is proud of both his Mexican and American heritages and I not gonna let one overshadow the other.
You have great points and I truly feel exactly like you, the only difference is that I was born in Mexico but was brought to the States when I was 1 so I lived here my whole life and growing up all through high school was tough! it sadness me that many people take our culture to another level and Spanglish is not a language so I totally agree with you. We Mexicans are exclusive! I am so proud to be Mexican and am not embarrass to tell all the gringos at my job that I was born in Mexico and that I was brought here illegally. :)
You are a DREAMer, keeping the dream alive. Thanks for sharing your story!
its ok to be a Pocho just stop calling yourself Mexican.
Mexican blood 🩸 though
You are not split between two countries, you simply refuse to let go of the bad to embrace the good
Damn! That’s gonna go over some heads haha
don't be confused raza.! we are who we are and we should be proud. we have been in the southwest over 500 years. don't worry we are chicanos Tejano Americanos indios and proud. !! don't forget who you are !!!
I guess everyone who's either mexican born or american born MexicanAmerican feels this way. It did me good to visit Mexico some time ago, it really opened my eyes to a beautiful culture outside of what we thought was "mexican" in the states.
Jajajajajaja Los estadounidenses ("americanos") me agradan, los pochos bueno, creo que sólo entre pochos se aguantan... 😝
Caleb Mendoza y que me decís de los mexicanos que vienen ya viejos jaja no seas pendejo
@Swango la gente de México es pobre y sucia.
@@aarongarcia4381 jajaj pues yo no soy pobre y sucio, estoy orgulloso de mi país y no ando de mojado lamiendo los huevos de usa.
Ya dijiste Caleb Brian.
Great video bro! I’m in the same boat as you and many other Mexican Americans. Honestly, I just consider myself an American and choose Team America 🇺🇸! People from Mexico won’t ever see us as Mexicans anyway since we weren’t born or raised there. There’s discrimination in the U.S. don’t get me wrong but I just don’t see many people in the U.S. saying Americans of Mexican decent aren’t Americans tbh.
Hell I lived in both countries, grew up and studied in both and I personally never been felt like I was welcomed or accepted by Mexicans. I was just another gringo or pocho to them.
Meanwhile in the US I have been told I was just as American as someone who has lived here their entire lives. Yeah there’s some discrimination but not to the extent that I’ve experienced in Mexico. Why would I want to wave a flag who’s people don’t even like me?
@@ivanalvarado3646 joder, tienes razón
los mexicanos somos los nacidos en México ustedes los pochos chicanos o lo que sean nunca NUNCA!!! tendrán el orgullo de decir que nacieron en mexico
doce C. R bueno yo si nací en México pero estuve toda mi vida en usa
doce C. R ahuevo....puro mexico DF!!!! Y luchando codo con codo en Mi pais!!!! Fuerza Mexico!!''
@@juankroosfrausto7411 OK, donde prefieres vivir? El país que tú elijas te da el derecho de ser ciudadano de ese país. Si prefieres USA, no hay forma de que puedas ser considerado mexicano, habrás nacido aquí, pero si tu vida está allá y prefieres estar alla, pues eres de allá.
Los Aztecas eran Mexico Americanos
Su origen es Utah después si expandieron a Mexico la ignorancia
Es atrevida . Los chicanos y Pochos
llevan sangre 🩸 mexicana
YES YES YES YES!! This is me 100% I am told I am Mexican, then the next thing I know I am american. I get made fun of b family members and Latino friends because to them I am a gringo. My Spanish is not perfect and it never will be. When I saw this touched my heart. Actually, I felt like I was shot because of how true this is. I want to say so many things but this left me so speechless. I now know what I am. I am a Pocho.
I just bumped with a video of yours today and I haven't stopped watching haha. Also i could really identify with every single word said in this video, I really enjoyed it...another thing is that i like and i respect your political views, you make great points in your videos, yet you are a really Intelligent guy. Your videos have awesome content i really enjoy them :D
Finally someone that I can really relate to! I'm half Brazilian, Panamanian and Mexican. I was born and raised in Texas and learned how to write in Spanish since kindergarten till the 3rd grade. I know how to speak little but of Spanish, but my handwriting is way off and I can acknowledge that. It's hard for us Hispanic Americans, it's one thing to be criticized by White Americans, but our own race? I can't even tell Hispanics that I'm a proud American because they assume I'm a sellout, coconut, POCHO, India Maria, etc. I didn't said anything racist, all I said I was proud of being an American and they start insulting me by my features and color. I love being Hispanic American, I can understand and speak to you little bit in Spanish, but just because I can't speak it or write it well does NOT mean I'm a sellout. I had to give up Spanish in the 3rd grade because the school district were making me speak and write in English! I have a 3rd grade Spanish grammar. I just have to accept the fact that I can't never satisfy people.
P.S. Don't get me started with Mexicans and their racist rants against Central and South Americans. I've been called a favela whore, cerota all kinds of stuff in the book THEY DON'T EVEN CARE THAT MY DAD IS MEXICAN!.Though not all Mexicans are racist, but vast majority of them are. Ironic how they call Americans racist, when they are doing the same thing with other races SMH.
Love this!!!!
Very true
Lily Lily
You are not different beautiful, "the vast majority of them are" 😉
Lily Lily we don’t care your dad is Mexican since he doesn’t have nothing to do with you besides being part of your family tree and yeah we would probably hate you to say you are proud of American and how couldn’t you be, you were born and raise there and never seen Latino America like we have.
Us Mexicans make fun of everyone and anything, we make albures that you pochos would never understand in your whole like cuz Y’all don’t have the culture, you’ll should just forget about the past because y’all are Americans and not Hispanic since Hispanics are those who speak Spanish. You clearly said you don’t even know how to write it and you barely know how to speak it.
If you wanna play the victim on other countries disliking you because you say you are Brazilian and stuff and then go on to showing you don’t have the culture, the slang words and nothing that makes up them.
P.S. That’s racist that you said “ Mexicans” as in all of us. We love them and sometimes we show we like you by poking some fun at you. But I guess those people called you that and you didn’t explain why so you are letting me guess you did something to them.
We call other people racist because they are racist and we know y’all people like to be stereotypical to your “ culture” but what culture would you have if you don’t even know a single place from where your parents are from.
I'm from Guatemala, and I'm just here to confirm "cerote", "cerota" is a Guatemalan term, also a lot of Salvadorian use this word.
Good vibes for everyone.
That was the Sh!t. I'm sending this to my Pocho camarada. Who thinks he is white.
Soy nacido criado en Mexico pero vivi 15 años en Estados Unidos y ya regrese a Mexico y les digo que se necesita mas que tener padres mexicanos para ser mexicano. Se necesitan las experiencias de una vida como no tener agua y tener que llevarla en cubetas de un pozo, el bañarte a jicarazos por carecer de regadera, el que se te vaya la luz a veces, el grito del tamalero o el camotero en las tardes, el silbato del afilador en las mañanas, el jugar rodando una llanta sobre la tierra porque tu calle no tiene pavimento, el poder recorrer un tianguis buscando chacharas, el comerte una gordita de chicharron (aqui no hay burritos) un buen pulque curado etc, etc..En fin para ser mexicano hay que vivir Mexico.
Juan Jose Rivera Entiendo completamente. Yo vivi en Mexico 10 años...todas las experiencias que mencionaste y mas (el no tener agua caliente y calentarla en cubetas arriba de leña, no tener tuberia, electriciad, etc.) las vivi yo mismo. Muchos aqui vienen a ofender y defender la razon por cual piensan que son mejores que nosotros nacidos en estados unidos y vice versa...nadie es mejor o peor...solo diferente. Mi punto es que los "pochos" tenemos el derecho y libertad de ser orgullosos de nuestra propia cultura. Nuestra cultura mezcla dos mundos...y eso, aunque otros piensen diferente, es perfectamente OKAY! ;)
***** Para ser mexicano hay que vivir Mexico y tu lo has vivido. Eres mas Mexicano de lo que tu mismo crees.
***** Y si, los pochos como todo ser humano tienen derecho y libertad de tener su propia cultura cualquiera que esta sea.
Juan Jose Rivera Concuerdo con mucho de lo que dices pero supongo que depende de en cual de los muchos Mexicos te ha tocado vivir (con "muchos mexicos" me refiero al hecho de que nuestro país presenta muchas facetas variantes entre si) porque describes, debido a tu experiencia, como si mexico fuera un pais pobre y totalmente atrasado en servicios cuando eso no es asi, pertenezco a una clase social trabajadora y jamas me ha tocado vivir eso que describes, nunca me toco acarrear agua en cubetas o bañarme a jicarazo, jamas he oido a un tamalero o un afilador, en cambio de niño si jugaba futbol en la calle.
Concuerdo conque lo que te hace mexicano es vivir aquí conocer nuestras problemáticas muy peculiares y particulares, entender nuestra cultura desde adentro de la misma, no basta con gritar viva mexico el 5 de mayo o 15 de septiembre, no basta con decir que se tiene ascendencia mexicana, la mexicanidad es todo un legado de cultura y experiencias. Los "pochos" (no se si esa palabra sea ofensiva y si lo es, ofrezco disculpas) son una cultura aparte que poco a poco va tomando su propia forma con todo lo que eso conlleva como el repudio de ciertos sectores de ambos lados de la frontera, pero tambien el respeto y la aceptación de muchos otros
xDDDDDDDDDD neta nececitas no tener agua para ser mexicano? mames, la pobresa no es cultura, no la romanizes
¿Será muy inoportuno reiterar que América es un nombre aplicado, en 1er. lugar (1501) a la actual América "Latina". ¿No perciben ninguna contradicción al decir "America is in North America" ( North America : "the north part of America", then America is in America). From Chile.
al contrario. Tienes toda la razón.
nadie dice America is in North America...
"In North America there are 3 countries: Canada, America and Mexico" (lo ví escrito por una persona del Reino Unido).
What alot of people dont know is
The Aztecas (Meshikas) were originaly
from Utah then they expanded into
Mexico so this whole labeling
Chicano pocho mexicano its
Just labels were all Mexican.
Por qué todos los pochos tienen la barba de candado y están gordos?
Para engrandecer las dos raices de la cultura Méxicana y Gringa, por un lado: las barbas de Xocoyotzin y por otro la gordura de los Estadounidenses.
@@chqngolion1777 parece ser que si, yo vivo en frontera con gringolandia, yo del lado mexicano y cuando andan los pochos en la ciudad es bien fácil identificarlos.
Dam gave me chills and relate to it so much.
This identity crisis we face as chicanos has been troubling me lately. Like yes, i come from a different social culture because I grew up in the US, but ethnically I'm still Mexican. Why does growing up in the US make me any less Mexican? Some people in Mexico argue that we don't don't know what it's like to live in Mexico, and while that's true, why should that mean i can't feel proud and claim being Mexican?
Mags M Because you're not Mexican.
Where you are raised is everything. Is the child of an Iraqi mother who grew up in Minnesota the same as an Iraqi child who grew up in Ramadi? Is a tiger raised in a zoo in San Diego the same as one raised in the wild?
Yes, you hang the flag, eat your mother's enchiladas, and watch the Mexican football team on TV, but you don't know the ins and outs of the political parties, you haven't LIVED the problems facing Mexicans, gasolinazo, the different Mexican states and their identities...
You don't know the hardships, you speak the language with a gringo accent (trust me, Mexicans notice), or maybe you stutter and throw English in place of words you don't know. Speaking Spanglish does NOT mean you're bilingual; it means that you speak two languages poorly.
It's harsh to hear, but it's the truth. Not all Mexican look down on you for it, but they do get irritated to hear you say that you are the same as them. You're not.
It's great that you love Mexico, and you probably hate Trump just as much as any Mexican, but you are still eternally different as a Mexican-American. East LA is NOT the same as Guadalajara.
Ser mexicano es una nacionalidad, ya sea por nacimiento o por naturalizacion. Deja de imponer tus fantasias como reglas para ser mexicano. Las condiciones ya estan estipuladas en la Constitucion Mexicana.
@@elpiedron3889 jajaja "fantasias" no mames. Ojo, técnicamente por la Constitución por supuesto, pero cuéntame por que existe el nombre "pocho" si no es por distinguir entre mexicanos verdaderos y estadounidenses con herencia mexicana.
Mi punto no es sobre la palabra pocho. Mi punto es que si llegan de buena manera sin faltar al respeto cual es el punto de querer darles un sermon. A diferencia de quien llega prepotente a ese se trata con la punta del pie.
Pero al que se expresa de buena manera y llega bien, cual es el punto de sermonearlo? Estas rucas y weyes tienen familia aqui, sera mejor que no vengan? Ser mas en cantidad crees que es algo malo? Considera que la geopolitica va cambiar, esa es la razon por la que digo todo esto.
Ya es necesario cambiar de pensamiento, ser civilizado que se note la educacion. Excepto a los pasaditos de verga con esos no.
This is some real talk bro im so agree with you on everything you said
Keep doing videos like this one
Eddie you are the best
im tejano irish.... my great grandfather fought in san patricios battalion... this is so true.
Your grandfather was a traitor
I'm mexican when i first came to this country i used to get mad when pochos say i don't speak spanish, but later i realize that this is they're country and it is funny be able to talk to them between spanish and english, and also there are some mexican racist and pochos racist but i think that we don't have to be so judgmental. and gives us the opportunity to know each other
There’s also a difference between pochos and Chicanos. But Mexicans from Mexico call us all Pochos.
Can you tell me what is it please ?
@@mexitechnology7838 yes sure, a Chicano is a person born in the USA with Mexican parents or 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th generation of Mexican descent. The word chicano is not used now as much as it was used in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s it was more of a cultural thing - between “brown pride”, Aztec, low riders, tattoos, and all the related art and growing up in the barrios especially from California. (What I mean by barrios is poor neighborhoods) Chicanos are extremely proud of their Mexican roots. The other side to the Chicano identity were the ones who joined many causes for equal rights for the Mexican community. They organized protests, boycotts, strikes. You can look it up it was called “The Chicano Movement”. Later, “Mexican-American” would be the formal identity word to be used.
Now the correct word would be Mexican-American. Born in the the USA with Mexican descent just like Chicano but without the “barrio” part. You can say it’s sort of the Nationality.
A Pocho is a person born in México but raised in the USA. They adapt to “American” customs and traditions. This is also a cultural-identity.
Both Mexican-Americans and Pochos lack in Spanish and are not fluent, in some cases Mexican-Americans don’t speak Spanish at all but that’s when they are 3rd, 4th generations. (Which is not their fault, because of history. You would be in trouble for speaking a language that was not English or if you tried to do anything that was non American) but 90% of us love both of our cultures.
Both are bicultural, bilingual and sometimes binational. And oh yeah both speak Spanglish:) which is something that happens naturally when growing up learning two languages at the same time, keep in mind that not everyone can speak Spanglish it is actually hard to go from one language and jumping to the next language in a fluent manner in the same sentence. We usually do this with other Spanglish speakers like friends and family. Do not think we do this at a job interview or with non Spanish speakers lol it’s pretty much slang but between Mexican-Americans or Pochos:)
(Part2) Spanish, everything else doesn’t matter, puras pendejadas.
*They think that Mexican-Americans feel that we are "better" / “more educated” than them. (*sigh* Again, I really wish these people would see how far we go here in the USA to show our Mexican Pride and culture. We have nothing but respect and reverence for all people of Mexico. Nos da' orgullo de representar a la cultura y la gente Mexicana)
The truth of the matter is that Mexican people are notoriously jealous for hating on another fellow Mexicans success. What fault do we have that our parents (your paisanos) chose to raise us here in states as opposed to Mexico where there is poverty, hunger, unemployment, and corruption?
You know my frustration very well.
You are in America, you don't have to show Mexican pride, you aren't Mexican. Also why would you show Mexican pride if you say that Mexican are jealous of you?
You rock, Eddie G! Great video! 😛
That right my fellow pocho
3fo5 for urrbody else could kno
Exactamente how I feel, hasta lo diria the same as you! Awesome video (:
You get extra points for being a Cafe Tacuba fan. ;)
I used to be called coconut and pocho in school all the time ...and Mexicans say Im fresa because of my american accent speaking spanish .. but we dont CHOOSE to ADOPT Americanized lifestyles.... we were born here and raised here ... IM like fourth generation here in California ...and Im proud of it... im pretty sure its cuz they were just hella jelly ... w/e
I loved your ideas...
Love it! You're all Americans to me. :)
So many pochos right here.... Asco!
This is awesome! I love it!
I enjoyed this video. Nice spoken word, with a good rhythm to it. You tackle a subject I am not too familiar with as I'm not American, nor Mexican, but I am a Spaniard living in LA. What I love most about this city is perhaps the ubiquitous colorful Mexican influences. I have met a lot of "pochos" here, and often wondered about their feeling of belonging. This gave me some good insight, but it's shocking to see all the hate from some genuine Mexicans here on these comments. What I do not like so much, in all honesty, is how this Spanglish phenomenon starts to be embraced as an identity trait. A lot of "pochos" should and could make more of an effort to be proficient in the Spanish language, without mixing it with English in such a chaotic way. I know Spanglish is a well-established reality at this point, I just hope it doesn't reach the point of being taken seriously in formal contexts. Being bilingual, now that's cultural richness. Spanglish, not so much, IMO. That's just my two cents, for what it's worth.
Álvaro Hernández Thanks so much for your input. I should clarify that I don't truly believe that Spanglish is to be taken serious. I said that with the intent of empowering people who may feel inadequate for their imperfect Spanish. That's all :)
I totally understand what he means. I just don't get the sentiment of certain individuals and honestly that's not my problem. Next
That was HOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT ("hot" not "hoot.")
Via Bia your clarification...it is everything.
A so called "pocho" is someone born in a foreign country and has assimilated to the country's culture, language, laws etc.
Mexicano Beverly Hills. Downey California ❤❤❤. Educated Mexicanos.
love the video but, you can take this one step further like me I was born in the United States, my parents are Mexican and Salvadoran
California commercial code 9307 h says that the United States is located in the district of Columbia. Every 50 states has a code that says that the United States is located in the district of Columbia. And the United States is a corporation according to the organic act of 1871. Before you read it though learn the language of legalize the language they use in the American courts
Stop intermixing that will stop the issue
i was born and raise in mexico DF ive being in the states for 6 years like it or not you do forget some spanish and spanglish is the only way to go
Pocheandole se puede! Spanglish or bust!
Wiz Cantinflas
What's up hermano. I'm chilango as well. Arriba el DF.
Love this video ***** I think this is also true for mexicans who were not born in the U.S. but have lived most of there life there. I have always had that sense of not belonging when I lived in the States but I really learned what it meant to be "ni de aquí ni de allá" once I came back to México. The thing is that the people who have never been anywhere else in there life are mostly the ones who criticize. No entienden lo que es no identificarte con un lugar solamente, porque nunca han salido de su zona de confort. En realidad es triste porque son de esas personas ignorantes que no saben entender y lo peor es que no quieren entender. I honestly think that taking any nationality on an extreme is stupid because it is not what DEFINES you. In any case, it just gives some insight on other aspects that could help DESCRIBE you like ethnicity, religión, etc. In the end, we are all simply human. Some more humane and tolerant than others but human. People should learn to cherish the differences in other so that they can expand their horrizons as well.
Esmeralda Flores Well said :)
This is an awesome video!!!! Glad I stumbled across it!! You have a new fellow Mexican American follower and I completely entiendo where your coming from! I hope to meet you in person someday and get together with other young people like us! We should stick together and network and bring attention and clarity to the world and show them we we really are. Because yes, who likes to fit in and follow the sheep when we are born to shine, teach others how to view things differently when, you are so right we were born to stand out! Speak out, and bring awareness to our gente!!!! 💪🏼
Eddie - you do great stuff, but this one is the best - what a great message - thanks for saying what needs to be said.
Thank you for the feedback...it's comments like yours that keep me going.
PRAISE THE LORD!!! jajaja hahaha
Dang so true I get from a three sides my mom's and dad's my mom is mexican and dad salvadoian I was born in America
Asi se habla homie. Y que viva el Spanish Rock
You know it!
I'm 52 years old now but when I was younger all of my Mexican friends used to bust my balls because I didn't speak much Spanish, but fast forward 30 years and now all of those same proud Mexican guys all have kids that don't speak much Spanish (just like me). I think most Mexican immigrants that hate us pocho's so much always assume that their kids (that are born here) are going to speak perfect Spanish, (of course some of them do) but the vast majority don't. If you think about it, it's very ironic..
Soy mexicano y mis abuelos eran de Argentina, pero no voy por la vida haciéndole a la mmda hablando una mezcla de español argentino con mexicano, ni pretendiendo que yo realmente sé o tengo algo que ver con la cultura de Argentina. Nací y crecí en México, soy mexicano. Punto. Fin de la historia. Y eso es lo que me hace hervir la sangre de los pochos, que creen saber algo de lo que significa ser mexicano porque comen Cheetos Flamin Hot con Valentina. No mmn. Acepten lo que son con cabalidad y orgullo: gringos. Y está bien, no tiene nada de malo serlo, ni tampoco son menos gringos porque se apelliden García o Hernández; pero no le hagan a la mmda creyendo que nuestra cultura es suya, porque no lo es; es de sus padres y/o abuelos, ellos son los que tienen derecho a llamarse mexicanos, no ustedes.
The one thing that really pisses off my family in both sides of the border is que no me gusta los chiles. Not because they're "spicy", but because they taste terrible.
joseelchicano93 hahhaa. Como que no te gusta lo enchiloso? No, pos'...ta caramba la cosa.
Im a Mexican-American. And we do have an advantage.
1) We are able to understand two languages.
2) We experience two cultures.
3) We live in a safe country, that's not as corrupt as Mexico.
4) We probably have MORE opportunity than if we were to live in Mexico.
4) We probably live a far way better life than our cousins back in Mexico.
So year, hate all you want. I'm here living the benefits and the life, while you're commenting on a UA-cam video. Good luck understand this.
I am not pocho and I know both languages. My english isn't perfect but its decent and I live a good life. I went one year to live to the US and it was cool to see a third world country. But socially I wasn't doing good at all and the culture, food and friends were things I prefered then living in the US
Well, that's why we hate you, "we have an advantage, we are better, we can experience 2 cultures, blah blah blah" if you really feel that way, then, you aren't mexican American, only American, keep your American way of living and forget about Mexico.
Los pochos creen que saben de cultura mexicana porque comen tamales y escuchan cumbia y/o rancheras, les falta barrio
as always good video my friend, keep it up!!!!!!
Arti! Gracias amigo!
El problema con la forma de ser de los pochos, es que discriminan a los inmigrantes latinos que prefieren hablar Español o tienen acento hispano al hablar en Inglés. En mi experiencia personal muy pocos gringos y afroamericanos me han discriminado, en cambio muchos pochos y pochas sí lo han hecho, sobre todo los y las que llevan tatuajes
I wonder why people from other continets can learn English faster than us, mexicans. I went to New Jersey and knew people from India, China, Italy, Kenya and so on; they could spoke their mother tongue, English and Spanish!!! sadly my sitizenships couldn´t spoke English even though they had been living there for years!!! (by the way, I live in México and I had struggled a lot to learn English)
Omg I loved this! I'm not Mexican American, I'm Mexican Mexican lol. I was born and kinda raised in Mexico (came here when I was almost 9) but I can totally understand where you're coming from!
such truthfulness you speak of wise one.
Hey bro I feel ya, I ain't latino tho I'm a Filipino American but the same thing applies.
Hahha, that's awesome! I have quite a few Filipino friends and now that you mention it... we do have a lot of things in common!
Spanish is from Spain it’s located between Portugal and France. You can’t get anymore of a European language than that. I love this video tho. I’ll never learn Spanish but I’m still down for my culture.
@EddieG First of all thank you for all these amazing little videos I get to share with my students. I teach a Mexican-American Heritage class and these are perfect. However, would it be possible to maybe upload one with the "j*to" word bleeped out?? Gracias!!
+Jesse Hess hahaha many of my students have already subscribed to him. They ask me "have you seen the new Eddie G video?" What do you teach??
APLAUSOS!!! vivo en frontera y como me cae mal que se burlen de mis primos o amigos que viven en US, por que que fácil es juzgar lo que no se conoce! ponle subtitulos para compartirlo con la gente de aca :D
Gracias Bianca! Me gustaria ponerle subtitulos...necesito un poco de ayuda en eso. No escribo bien el español.
Boils down to jealousy. Also, Mexicans get it twisted, some of us don't care about being loyal to Mexico. As as kid, one of my fathers proudest moments was when he became a US citizen. He never looked back. We love America. We love this land. We identify as American.
Jealousy is the wrong word it's resentment
En Chicago me tocó muchos de mis paisanos que vivían en México ahora se les olvidó el español y hablan horrible inglés yo soy Jalisciense y vivo en Gdl. Me ha tocado gente más racista mexicana que estadounidense.Yo no tengo nada en contra de los pochos, que en realidad no se por qué les dicen así ?
I get the same bro, and its hilarious :D
(i have to admint, im an ungaro, from Hungary, not Mexico city). But i mix all the time english and spanish.
Love it!!
On that topic, why do my commercials have to be in Spanish! #PochoLife
Pinche Google trying to be all slick. I wonder that myself...
You crack me up Dude! :)
Odio a los pochos porque eneltecen todo lo de este país hasta lo malo, claramente estoy hablando desde mis prejuicios, si conociera a la persona obviamente no la detestaria pero en general tienen un sentimiento hacia este país que me enferma, muchos de ellos dan mala imagen
Thank you for this 🙏🏻
Pochos, Chicanos, pachucos. Tu eres Chicano,
todos son puros
You tell them Eddie!! Love your videos. I am Mexican American, both of my parents are Mexican and I was born in the U.S.. I hate the fact that my spanish is not the great and my grandmother doesnt speak english and I have broken spanish conversations with you and we make it work lol but I am working on my spanish whenever I have kids I want them to know Spanish. Now that I think of it how the hell is spanish my 2nd language my mother and her side of the family only spoke spanish and still it was my 2nd language.. and I has all spanish speaking freinds growin up lol.
We Mexican got fighting blood
Well that was awesome. I feel like we're getting more and more positive as we evolve. As people keep dropping all this fear and realize we're One, we'll be pretty damn unstoppable!! Integrity is a beautiful and powerful thing that doesn't take a majority to change the world.
1:24 lol siri doesn't understand my husband either. He's got a southern accent and it's not even that thick. So aggravating ; )
Siri hates people with accents. haha. Saludos to your and your hubby!
This was great!!!
our cultures are mutually exclusive... we should be proud of all our blood, and culture. Stop saying Spanglish is a language. NO y NO y ya esta. Pocho means "fermented," so we are "hechados a perder" like rotten huevos. So F that... I don't accept "pocho." See? how spanglish messes you up? lol and that's my 2 cents
machetes I see what you're saying. I have to admit, I don't actually do much Spanglish. My mom speaks Spanish almost exclusively. What I'm proposing though, is taking ownership of the word redefining what it means (which is not a new idea). There are many words (i.e. Chicano, queer, chilango, etc.) that you say have a negative connotation and have since been redefined by the people who it affects. A derogatory term is only derogatory if it has power to offend.
Very cool video, Eddie G! You spoke the truth, we're home and we're fucking staying!
Tijuana te saluda! :)
Jozelineh Espinoza Saludos Jozelineh!
Love the slam! You said everything I have felt.
No te equivoques, eres mexicano solo que naciste en México del norte
I'm Puerto Rican and feel like a Pocho..🤣
Odio como hablan los pochos 🤢
Como deverían de hablar?
This is what Edward James olmos says in Selena
Much love in return!
Your the India maria of this siglo
Hahahha. Man, I wish!
Pues si canrnal ... I totaly understand. ni de aqui ni de from over there...
Que dice tu acta de nacimiento?
Flan? And nobody calls him Chente only pochos xD