Nico1988 - Trailer

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Like on Facebook: / nico1988film
    NICO, 1988 follows the singer-songwriter, approaching 50, leading a solitary existence in Manchester, far from her 60s glam days as a Warhol superstar and celebrated vocalist for cult band The Velvet Underground. Her life and career on the fringes, Nico’s new manager Richard convinces her to hit the road again and tour Europe to promote her latest album. Struggling with her demons and the consequences of a muddled life, she longs to rebuild a relationship with her son, whose custody she lost long ago. A brave and uncompromising musician, Nico’s story is the story of a rebirth: of an artist, a mother, and the woman behind the icon.
    WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY Susanna Nicchiarelli
    In theaters August 1st.


  • @gloomyharlow
    @gloomyharlow 2 роки тому +14

    The people complaining the actress in this movie didn't look like Nico, but really, by 1988, did Nico LOOK like Nico? No. Over 20 years of heavy drug use and her last 10 being a heroin addict, of course she didn't look like herself anymore. Any actress could play Nico. Trine was incredible and this film is actually good. Captures Nico in her last year of life like it really was. Read some of the books about her life. The filmakers did a wonderful job here.

  • @nadjaluthi3125
    @nadjaluthi3125 Рік тому +2

    As a fan of Nico i am surprised some are trashing Tryne's performance she is outstanding and puts so much into this role

  • @Mistersandyrobertson
    @Mistersandyrobertson 2 роки тому +6

    When I was a rock hack she was always very nice to me on the few occasions we met - except when she was coming out of a posh doctor's (who treated junkies) surgery and I was going in! I said hello but she looked embarrassed. I later compiled an album, The Blue Angel, for Aura Records. When she sang Deutschland Uber Alles to a Clash audience it didn't go down well! Haven't seen this, but it looks reminiscent of the book Songs They Never Play on the Radio. The actress certainly doesn't look like her and the punky yelling and waving her arms is something I never saw her do onstage.

  • @AngelofMusic04
    @AngelofMusic04 6 років тому +23

    Saw this earlier tonight. What a hell of a powerhouse performance from Trine Dyrholm. It will sadly be forgotten by years end so more "cliche" performances are kept in the spotlight, but here's hoping it isn't.

  • @liouxliouxisgod
    @liouxliouxisgod 4 місяці тому +1

    This bums me the fuck out. Nico deserved better then, and absolutely deserves better now.

  • @brionyfinlayson9455
    @brionyfinlayson9455 2 місяці тому +1

    Imagine her singing for Joy Division. That shit would cut a hole through space and time.

  • @anselmoecheverria6342
    @anselmoecheverria6342 6 років тому +9

    Nico fue una de esas figuras destacadas del rock que cayó en el olvido, muchas veces eclipsada por las sombras de Lou Reed o Andy Warhol, compañeros de viaje durante décadas. Treinta años después de su muerte, la figura de la cantante alemana vuelve a la luz gracias a la película "Nico, 1988", que narra los últimos años de esta misteriosa y compleja artista. Fallecida el 18 de julio de 1988 en la isla de Ibiza por un derrame cerebral mientras iba en bicicleta, fecha que da título a este biopic. Nico era una artista polifacética, fue modelo, intérprete y cantautora, pero sobre todo, conocida por haber participado como vocalista en el primer y emblemático disco de The Velvet Underground, tan recordado por la osadía musical de Lou Reed y John Cale como por el plátano de la portada firmada por Andy Warhol.
    La cinta "Nico, 1988", de la cineasta italiana Susanna Nicchiarelli e interpretada por la actriz danesa Trine Dyrholmras, pasó por el Festival de Cine Internacional de Venecia, donde se alzó con el premio a mejor película en la sección Orizzonti, Nico, 1988 también ha ganado recientemente cuatro premios Donatello. En nuestro país fue presentada en el pasado Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla. Ahora se podrá ver en Estados Unidos a partir del 1 de agosto,
    El film no es una biografía de la artista. Arranca con Nico refugiada en Mánchester (Reino Unido), alejada de su época dorada y mitificada en Nueva York, y que finalmente acepta la propuesta de salir de nuevo de gira por Europa. Conciertos deprimentes, problemas con las autoridades, penosos viajes en furgoneta y hoteles sin rastro de glamur se suceden mientras la artista trata de lidiar con su adicción a la heroína y de mejorar la relación con su hijo Ari, fruto de su relación con el actor Alain Delon. Retrata a una mujer que intenta escapar de su propio mito y que, entre problemas personales y de drogas, sale de nuevo de gira para defender su propia obra e identidad.
    El 22 de julio de 1988, cuatro días después de su muerte, The New York Times publicaba un escueto ubituario: "Nico, que cantó con el grupo pop Velvet Underground y se convirtió en una de las estrellas del cine de Andy Warhol, murió el lunes tras caerse de una bicicleta en la isla española de Ibiza. Tenía 49 años". Poco quedaba ya del icono de los 60 y los 70, de aquella chica alemana que puso a sus pies a todo Nueva York."He estado en lo más alto. He estado en lo más bajo. Y los dos sitios están vacíos". Explicaba Nico sumergida ya en una espiral de autodestrucción consciente con el abuso de la heroína. Sus demonios acabaron con ella.
    Música independiente novedades.

    • @JRP80820
      @JRP80820 5 років тому

      Can you write all that again , in English. Sounds very interested your comment, but there was no way of translating it , many thanks.

    • @yuui6612
      @yuui6612 Рік тому

      ​@Jim Passingham now you can lol

  • @user-ob9zo9cr4c
    @user-ob9zo9cr4c 2 роки тому


  • @michaeldslipp1078
    @michaeldslipp1078 Рік тому

    Nico’s beauty was an overwhelming fact of her life. And her beauty survived to the end, due to that structure. I’ve seen stunning photos and videos from every year of her life.
    I can see from the trailer that the film’s way of dealing is through archival photos of the real Nico.
    But the actress in the role should have been able to project something of Nico’s striking looks. The actress isn’t ugly, far from it. But she hasn’t at all an essential element.
    And Nico’s speaking voice was beautiful! Even girlish at times. The actress is all wrong.

  • @ivorytower99
    @ivorytower99 6 років тому +20

    The actress looks nothing like Nico. Looks very Hollywood. You want to watch an unpretentious film about Nico, then I suggest checking out *NICO* *ICON* - 1995.

    • @solobano570
      @solobano570 5 років тому +3

      Yeah, I don’t understand how did the director see any similarity? Nico had that unique delayed speech, deep melancholia in her voice and eyes. This person is more about throwing sound-bites around ...

    • @yep3489
      @yep3489 5 років тому +6

      Christa would have hated this movie.

    • @dagmarramgad5441
      @dagmarramgad5441 4 роки тому +1

      Becky Tweedale she absolutely would have hated it

  • @davejohnson-yi2rk
    @davejohnson-yi2rk 4 місяці тому

    So sad to see someone so talented throw their live away for nothing. Some performers can actually disguise and hide their addiction and still perform while under the influence, almost like 'dry drunks'. But it's obvious that Nico wasn't one of them. Not only that, she comes off as an overwhelmingly angry and bitter woman, in just the two and a half minute trailer. A sham. I have the original Vinyl of "The Velvet Underground & Nico" and he singing was the highlight of that album.

    • @liouxliouxisgod
      @liouxliouxisgod 4 місяці тому

      Yeah but like think of all her male counterparts that got away with it under the guise of “rock and roll”.
      I really don’t wanna be that guy but think about if she was a dude and make that same statement.
      She never really came off to me as some unmanageable junky. Think about junkies today. Do you know many out of control junkies that manage to make an album? Remember this was before influencer instagram celebrities. For christ sakes she was a model

  • @stoneymcmechan3210
    @stoneymcmechan3210 5 років тому +8

    Some law-abiding bourgeois well-to-do actress is imitating a troubled soul.

  • @dagmarramgad5441
    @dagmarramgad5441 4 роки тому +19

    This looks like a steaming heap of hot trash that Nico would have hated. What a terrible way to trash an individual who was so ethereal, singular and unique than to make a hideous parody of her life. Absolute atrocity.

    • @joepasquarello1273
      @joepasquarello1273 4 роки тому

      I agree. I spent an afternoon with her once. She was sweet and innocent.

    • @Amandaclody
      @Amandaclody 4 роки тому

      I stopped watching after about twenty minutes a poundshop looking Nico no lips, fugly looking, bio-pics always fuck up and choose people who look nothing like the original star, and yes it matters!

    • @jurgenhitzegrad1726
      @jurgenhitzegrad1726 3 роки тому

      has nothing to do with how nico really was...

    • @michaelmuller2017
      @michaelmuller2017 3 роки тому +1

      Completely right. Nico would turn around in her grave. Disappointment pure.

    • @michaelmuller2017
      @michaelmuller2017 3 роки тому

      @@Amandaclody I stopped right after janitor of lunacy thinking is this real!??? A bad, bad, bad joke. Making a fun of Nico. Unbelievable

  • @holasoyamal8343
    @holasoyamal8343 4 роки тому

    Que no había una actríz con una personalidad más fuerte? Nada qie ver con ella.

  • @ryanaccount3591
    @ryanaccount3591 Рік тому +2

    anyone watching this trailer to see if the movie is any good-- look at the comments under this trailer. they're right. this movie was pure trash. it felt like a parody. I almost can't believe how bad it was, and how the writers of it must've hated her. trash trash trash ass movie. shame on you guys

  • @cafeAmericano
    @cafeAmericano 3 місяці тому +2

    If you are a Nico purest you will hate this movie. If you are a fan of movies about beat down individuals who have grace through tribulation and Rise Above only to be struck down again in the end then you will like the movie. Very little in between. I will say however her cover of all tomorrow's parties was quite good

  • @Amandaclody
    @Amandaclody 4 роки тому +1

    Pity she looks absolutely nothing like her, as Nico had such a distinctive face ..lips, cheekbones

    • @mrs0rochester
      @mrs0rochester 3 роки тому +3

      Not to mention her voice. I get that it’s near impossible to find an exact lookalike and I don’t mind that, but she could’ve at least lowered her voice an octave!

    • @deathkampdrone
      @deathkampdrone 5 місяців тому

      Would you rather have a talentless actress that LOOKS the part but cannot act? Check out how close she sounds to Nicos thick german accent. Trine Dyrholm isn't even german.

    • @WesleyGravolet
      @WesleyGravolet Місяць тому

      Nico didnt look like nico in 1988..