Fallout New Vegas Earnable Perks Tier List

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @keiranbrand564
    @keiranbrand564 Рік тому +1534

    With the Elijah's Ramblings perk it actually applies to yourself rather than to Veronica if you keep the message from her

    • @Drunkub
      @Drunkub Рік тому +197

      Came here to say this, it's top tier with a fast attacking, high dps weapon like Oh, Baby!

    • @tomaszpawlik5091
      @tomaszpawlik5091 Рік тому +61

      too bad its melee only. unarmed> balisitic fist is better base than elijah boosted oh baby

    • @psychonotice9480
      @psychonotice9480 Рік тому +86

      I’m also fairly sure that the last words only applies to Veronicas melee weapons anyway. Not unarmed weapons. Meaning that it would not, in fact, work with greased lightning as mentioned.
      Meaning the perk is essentially useless on her without mod fixes as her melee skill is stuck at around 18?

    • @StormEagleCH
      @StormEagleCH Рік тому +50

      Melee/Unarmed is legit busted in NV, and this perk is no exception. By the time I got Blood Nap after collecting perks like Slayer, Super Slam, hotfixed Ninja, and Ramblings, it was just game over for anyone I came across

    • @mithos789
      @mithos789 Рік тому +17

      elijah's ramblings with thermic lance. nothing can stop you.

  • @devonchafe2764
    @devonchafe2764 Рік тому +706

    Bug stomper also really helps with the legendary bloatfly, cause that thing is beefy

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +102

      That is true.

    • @jacobnewcombe5367
      @jacobnewcombe5367 Рік тому +35

      Oh shit no kidding! I’ve always relied on crits to take it down but that additional damage is such a good idea. Thanks man 💪

    • @devonchafe2764
      @devonchafe2764 Рік тому

      @@jacobnewcombe5367 I gotchu fam ❤️

    • @JustJove
      @JustJove Рік тому +26

      Entomologist is also a huge plus. Not only for the bloatfly, but for those damn Cazadors. 50% damage is nothing to sneeze at.

    • @pyotrilyichtchaikovskyii6638
      @pyotrilyichtchaikovskyii6638 Рік тому +2

      The best way to dispatch the thing is making it fall and punting it.

  • @SproingBoing
    @SproingBoing Рік тому +802

    The devs must've known people hated Cazadors with a passion, considering that there were so many things in Old World alone made to deal with them

    • @bongboi2831
      @bongboi2831 11 місяців тому +144

      When borus told me he made the cazadors i murdered him with a calm and clear mind and i sleep better at night now

    • @jackdaniels5071
      @jackdaniels5071 7 місяців тому


    • @jasondincauze3629
      @jasondincauze3629 7 місяців тому +25

      Cazadores are fantastic, a great terrifying top-end enemy

    • @chadwarden593
      @chadwarden593 7 місяців тому +12

      ​@jasondincauze3629 i agree, and even then if you plan out how you attack them they are not that bad, a good challenge but not overpowered if you know what you are doing

    • @jasondincauze3629
      @jasondincauze3629 7 місяців тому +3

      @chadwarden593 yeah, the anti-material rifle with explosive ammo makes short work of them

    @MEISMUDKIPS Рік тому +323

    One thing to note about camel of the Mojave is that the vault 13 canteen counts towards progress and is effected by the perk

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +56

      That is true, I always forget about that too.

    • @thegameguardian103
      @thegameguardian103 Рік тому +74

      You take a sip from your trustee vault 13 canteen

    • @Grintock
      @Grintock 7 місяців тому +5


  • @andymcnamar2339
    @andymcnamar2339 Рік тому +921

    according to the wiki, you can get the meat of champions perk while siding with legion, if you let caesar die during the surgery & eat him after.

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +211

      Thanks for letting me know.

    • @Odessa0v0
      @Odessa0v0 Рік тому +248

      It is funny just imagining Vulpes coming in to see you eating Caesar and claiming you tried your best to save him.

    • @ZykonIGuess
      @ZykonIGuess Рік тому +203

      @@Odessa0v0 "You must understand Vulpes, where I come from eating the recently deceased is a sign of great respect!"

    • @danielsurvivor1372
      @danielsurvivor1372 Рік тому +59

      ​@@ZykonIGuess This should've been some sort of check, high luck or speech or educated perk, just something 😂

    • @-TakingSomeLs
      @-TakingSomeLs Рік тому +55

      @@ReapeeRon same deal with kimball, if you eat him after you let him be assassinated in the you'll know it when it happens quest. Might have to drop into a stealth boy or drag his body away to eat it though, since I don't know how the veteran rangers on the stage will react if they see a random mf take a bite out of their freshly assassinated president lol

  • @worms136
    @worms136 Рік тому +173

    A Legion playthrough works for Meat of the Champions. In fact, it's the easiest probably.
    Caesar can die during Et Tumor Brute, and with the right checks (Speech, Medicine or Legion Fame) you can convince the Legion it's alright. For the Legion you also need to kill Kimball and House, and the King is easy to kill anyway.

    • @AskTorin
      @AskTorin Рік тому +9

      Yes Man works, although that requires more work imo

    • @marcimarc7602
      @marcimarc7602 2 місяці тому

      Do you have to be idolized or just liked using the fame option?

  • @Essrayle
    @Essrayle 7 місяців тому +44

    I think most know it now but bares mentioning that if you go to the divide, nuke both places, then go to the strip for the first time, any infamy you got from NCR or Legion is scrubbed, so you're just seen as a real prankster for unleashing radioactive hell.

    • @Bob-bs9ok
      @Bob-bs9ok 7 місяців тому

      Hell, even if you just have enough positive rep you can do that. Found that after getting the lucky shades and then nuking the bastards, also allows you to blow up the BoS while keeping friendly with veronira.

  • @noodledoodle9408
    @noodledoodle9408 Рік тому +89

    M-5+Tunnel Runner+Atomic! - faster crouched speed than standing speed, for that slasher movie gremlin roleplay.

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +11

      That could be a fun build.

    • @КрасныйКайзер
      @КрасныйКайзер 9 місяців тому +4

      Imagine high crouch speed + melee weapon + cannibal eating everything you kill

    • @noodledoodle9408
      @noodledoodle9408 9 місяців тому +1

      I used a fast swinging melee weapon(katana) with swingspeed boosts for the knee height blender style, but a high knockdown blunt is good too, as it suffers less from the slow swings when not uncrouching.

    • @clyax113
      @clyax113 5 місяців тому

      Does Silent Running break this combo, or does it make it even better by limiting noise?

    • @noodledoodle9408
      @noodledoodle9408 5 місяців тому +2

      @@clyax113 I think I got silent running towards the end, did not notice a change in movementspeed, it just did what it was supposed to.
      I mostly charged at lobotomites from the front or side, high sneak seems to impact at what distance they start to shoot towards you, but with late game armor and health( + rad child), the distant damage did not matter. Sometimes I would shoot a gun before attacking so they see me coming.
      The high crouched speed does help a little when trying to score melee sneak attack criticals indoors, so there is perk synergy.

  • @Kwiwiwiwi
    @Kwiwiwiwi Рік тому +132

    Abominable is easy to earn in the thorn after bleed me dry. You can fight night stalkers and deathclaws endlessly until you reach the numbers.

    • @MrGhosta5
      @MrGhosta5 11 місяців тому +7

      You can also use the infinite respawning deathclaws on the deathclaw promontory.

    • @desertdude540
      @desertdude540 11 місяців тому +14

      You can also exploit the fact that the centaurs at the Black Mountain crater are weak, have easily avoided attacks, and respawn every 7(?) days (even Moe, who is the only named NPC that respawns other than Yes Man).

  • @warblackjack5565
    @warblackjack5565 Рік тому +153

    Never even knew Meat of Champions was a thing, but that would actually make Cannibal worth it.

    • @devonchafe2764
      @devonchafe2764 Рік тому +59

      Eating Mr. house sounds so gross even by cannibal standards

    • @Alex-jq3zc
      @Alex-jq3zc Рік тому +7

      Murder hobo runs, am I right?

    • @Johnathan-swift
      @Johnathan-swift Рік тому +17

      Could never do that to the king

    • @warblackjack5565
      @warblackjack5565 Рік тому +30

      @@Alex-jq3zc More like a run where you heal only by eating corpses. Pretty sure there is also a perk or two that lets you eat ghouls, mutants, and even bugs. Could be interesting to only heal by actually eating your enemies.

    • @Zoper1409
      @Zoper1409 Рік тому +21

      It's not that good. you need to have completed the second to last quest with Kimball dead which most runs don't want and even after that it's only a 60 second bonus. If it was a permanent boost it would be much better.

  • @WikiHL
    @WikiHL Рік тому +144

    Could you sabotage Caesar's brain surgery, pass a check to Lucius, and *then* eat Caesar?

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +45

      Maybe... I don't know if that would work or not.

    • @justsomeguywithlasereyes9920
      @justsomeguywithlasereyes9920 Рік тому +52

      Yes actually, the whole point is eating them, it doesnt matter how you do it.
      Another reason to love NV.

  • @tsarfox3462
    @tsarfox3462 Рік тому +151

    The funny part about the Divide perks from nuking a faction is that it raises you infamy to right before they're openly hostile/you fail Don't Tread on the Bear and/or Wrath of Caesar. So you can nuke them and just avoid their hit squads until you get enough fame to outweigh the infamy. If you interact with a hitsquad they turn hostile and in the fight you will gain enough infamy to turn the faction hostile. So you could get loot from both the NCR nuke site and the Legion nuke site and still side with either one. Also if you The Apocalypse before getting the Mark of Caesar and NCR forgives your crimes you can nuke both then be forgiven for all past transgressions right after.

    • @ConcussedGaming
      @ConcussedGaming Рік тому +13

      Or just do it before either the NCR give you the free pass and reset your infamy to neutral to them at the New Vegas Strip.

    • @tf2keller398
      @tf2keller398 Рік тому +47

      Truly, getting forgiven for your crime of using nuclear bombs against the NCR and Caesar’s Legion is one of the most gigachad moves possible.

    • @itscarlos3700
      @itscarlos3700 Рік тому +7

      Yep. I personally do lonesome road before going to the casinos and nuke both ncr and legion for the loot and rewards. I will be forgiven when I go to tops. I do this because I'm a collector uniques XD

    • @pyotrilyichtchaikovskyii6638
      @pyotrilyichtchaikovskyii6638 Рік тому

      Don't they both reset your infamy at the strip?
      I did this but it was a legion run.

    • @hydroxide5507
      @hydroxide5507 Рік тому +1

      @@pyotrilyichtchaikovskyii6638 yeah u get a mark of caesar from the wolf dude and a free get outta jail card from the ncr so do it before going to the strip in main quest lol

  • @Asgero
    @Asgero Рік тому +130

    EDE in lonesome road is one of the reasons i love fnv, you have the option to be nice to him or say "no one gives a shit tincan"

    • @lucutes2936
      @lucutes2936 10 місяців тому

      What about Enclave

    • @desertdude540
      @desertdude540 10 місяців тому +1

      Nice, but I'm still mad about how Ulysses' excruciatingly slow monologues are "justified" by him being a tribal who speaks English as a second language, but they didn't add any Sneering Imperialist responses. I felt so cheated, but skipping his big speech at his temple by spamming mini nukes at him while flying high on Turbo before reaching dialogue range felt really good. I understand his two Eyebots are supposed to somehow help him in the fight, but their Living Anatomy health bars disappeared after the first three or four nukes, so I don't think they ever got a chance to do anything. Then I left and got more unskippable monologuing that eliminated all satisfaction and left the room for a bathroom break and trip to the fridge while he droned on and on. I also killed every deathclaw I could find but never found Rawr even though I took the Explorer perk and made sure I visited every location. Not a fan.

    • @raditzhoneyham
      @raditzhoneyham 10 місяців тому +8

      ​@@desertdude540 you visited every location except his cave then, and Ulysses actually talks about some pretty cool stuff if you listen. You should go back and actually try to listen or at least read it and skip when you're done, he has some interesting thoughts on the world and adds a lot of fun workd building

    • @slippyfruit8538
      @slippyfruit8538 10 місяців тому +6

      @@desertdude540damn leave some weapons of mass destruction for the rest of us

    • @bionicleapple1254
      @bionicleapple1254 7 місяців тому

      @@desertdude540 "Whatever. Joshua, put a cap in General Gobbledigook here." Is still the best perk check in all of FNV

  • @rfactor1502
    @rfactor1502 Рік тому +63

    Personally I would put Heartless in the Nuka Cola tier because cazadors exist. This perk takes them from a deadly threat at nearly every level to something readily handled by turning off the greater part of their damage. This is probably less important for ranged builds, particularly sniper builds that just try to be Boone without depression, but for melee, unarmed and other close in builds, this can be the difference between "hey that stung" and "oops time to reload".

    • @desertdude540
      @desertdude540 11 місяців тому

      I always make sure to have 8 endurance, a riot shotgun, and both the Shotgun Surgeon and (especially) the And Stay Back perks. I can ragdoll them to the ground and keep shooting them until they're dead. 8 endurance gives enough poison resistance to tank a single sting without using any healing items (since I play on Casual Mode, I can then fast travel back home and sleep for an hour to fully heal). Bug Stomper helps, but I usually have at least one rank of it before seeing my first cazador due to killing every mantis, ant, and bark scorpion I come across.

    • @owenblount7334
      @owenblount7334 20 днів тому

      I mean shotgun build is already OP and it also hard counters them

  • @rickiecomeaux8287
    @rickiecomeaux8287 Рік тому +64

    The Chemist and Day Tripper perks affect EVERYTHING in your Aid Inventory--Food, Drinks, Stimpacks, alcohol, drugs, and magazines.

  • @Smasho8000
    @Smasho8000 Рік тому +32

    A fact about Dog's perk in DM: I've found that if you don't get his perk and just aim for the head, which counts as a dismemberment (works when they're knocked out too), you can consistently get 90 exp. per kill. That is stupidly good.

  • @SorakuFett
    @SorakuFett Рік тому +21

    Neat thing about Dine and Dash, the remains that you collect are affected by Survival skill and eventually outpace the basic "eat" action in terms of healing, so it is definitely beneficial to a Cannibal playthrough. But as you said, a Cannibal playthrough is itself not very efficient.

  • @tsarfox3462
    @tsarfox3462 Рік тому +64

    The monocyte breeder is actually pretty useful outside of survival mode. It allows you to heal by just waiting as opposed to sleeping. I'd say it shines brightest in Dead Money towards the beginning. Due to the cloud, most beds are useless. Also, all your healing items get taken away at the start. So if you take damage, you just find a safe place to wait in before progressing. And even after you get going you're largely relying on food for awhile. With this you can augment you limited healing stash. I do agree with it being "nice to have" though. Also the other 8 implants are much better and you should only get this one if you have 9 endurance.

    • @desertdude540
      @desertdude540 10 місяців тому +2

      I usually go for 7 endurance and skip the charisma and perception implants since I dump both of those stats. My reasoning is that charisma is useless unless you're doing a companion-centric run and want lots of companion nerve, and perception is only good for perks, most of which are VATS perks that I won't use, and while Better Criticals has an excellent reputation, there's no way I'm spending 5 SPECIAL points for one perk. I can also compensate for low perception by having ED-E as a companion.

  • @dillanleach7205
    @dillanleach7205 Рік тому +60

    I am so addicted to these tier lists!

  • @ronanomalley8264
    @ronanomalley8264 Рік тому +10

    According to the wiki, Elijah's Last Words & Ramblings don't apply to Unarmed. Veronica can never have a Melee Weapons skill higher than 18 so the perks' effects aren't super good for Veronica herself

  • @sahara8771
    @sahara8771 Рік тому +10

    Elijah's Last Words only affects Veronica's melee attacks, not her unarmed ones, which actually makes it What??? tier becuase her melee skill is always 18 no matter what level you are. Elijah's Ramblings also has the same issue, but both are fixed by the unofficial patch mod. I know basically no one plays without bugfix mods, but for those who play without or those who are on console still, it matters.

  • @blazedehart2748
    @blazedehart2748 Рік тому +33

    I never knew so many of these perks were broken 😭

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +7

      Yeah some of them are kind of strange.

  • @Streptovarius
    @Streptovarius Рік тому +7

    You can actually fulfill the requirements for Meat of Champions without pissing off NCR or Legion. For the NCR you just have to let Kimball be killed by the sniper during the mission you were supposed to protect him during. This fails the mission but you can still continue working for the NCR, doesn't even really change much of anything. Caesar can be killed during the quest were you perform brain surgery on him by intentionally botching it and then passing a speech check to get away with it. A lot of endings change when you do this because Lanius takes over the Legion.
    Hydra is pretty good for farming Tough Guy as it is a regeneration over time effect so you can repeatedly cripple yourself off of one dose of it.
    Elijah's last words only affect Veronica's melee, but she's an unarmed specialist, her melee skill is only ever 18. Elijah's ramblings affects you, and again it's only melee but at least you can actually benefit from it.

    • @Klausinator451
      @Klausinator451 Рік тому +1

      That bit with Kimball....imagine if whenever Kennedy was assassinated the driver just turned around and started EATING HIM.

  • @barnabykickflip5345
    @barnabykickflip5345 Рік тому +12

    This idea for a list is a banger

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +3

      Thanks, I thought this would be a fun one to do.

  • @brantnuttall
    @brantnuttall Рік тому +10

    heartless only midtier. ever fought cazadores with this perk? it's a picnic

  • @tristanellington7825
    @tristanellington7825 Рік тому +19

    Fairly certain ghoul kills contribute towards Abominable? Giving you a much easier farming method 👌

  • @reniorjd
    @reniorjd Рік тому +23

    Going to be honest. I would have care a lot more for these preks if they were unlocked in one play through they would carry over to new play throughs.

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +7

      Yeah that would be a cool idea. There might be mods for that.

  • @metzyahrosenstein4827
    @metzyahrosenstein4827 Рік тому +11

    The 300 year old man on ice is def an abomination.

  • @artsyvids2563
    @artsyvids2563 6 місяців тому +2

    6:35 I will say, I really like the concept of earning new perks to buff your unlocked ones. In a game design way.

  • @yakkowakko1705
    @yakkowakko1705 11 місяців тому +3

    I find that getting dead man’s burden before dealing with Benny to be the best move because they’ll restore your reputation with them and you get all the nice loot from bombing them and going to the craters.

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  11 місяців тому

      Yeah you can do it that way too!

  • @epsilon8316
    @epsilon8316 Рік тому +5

    Dine And Dash's human remains health scale off of survival so on a high survival character killing a person essentially gives you a free stimpack which on hardcore is debatable better than stimpaks if you use survival. ( human remains at max survival will heal 6 health every seconds for 5 seconds 30 health and at max medicine stimpaks will heal you for 90 health and on hardcore will heal you for 15 health every second for 6 seconds)

  • @steakdriven
    @steakdriven 8 місяців тому +5

    The enemies are never a problem in dead money - the hidden speakers are.

    • @themenacingpenguin.7152
      @themenacingpenguin.7152 3 місяці тому

      the fucking radios making the collar do the spicy beeping because apparently Elijah made his bomb collars in a shed with the electrical engineering skills of a middle school dropout, it's a fucking miracle they didn't just fall off and made the DLC a cakewalk.

  • @brantnuttall
    @brantnuttall Рік тому +7

    I think the Y implants are basically a waste of time but if you've got loads of money then why not.

  • @brantnuttall
    @brantnuttall Рік тому +6

    deathclaws: the quarry, that cavern and their place down the river, I reckon that's about 30 there..............

  • @PhoenixUltima
    @PhoenixUltima Рік тому +13

    One important thing to note with the endurance implant is that it does *not* increase how many implants you can get.

    • @rfactor1502
      @rfactor1502 Рік тому +4

      Technically it does. However, it also (by improving your endurance) gives you one more implant slot. It means you can effectively have a free slot from anywhere from 1-9 endurance so long as you don't fill your other slots first. So it is a case where the order you get them in matters (but mods and console commands can be a workaround if you accidentally brick your implant setup).

    • @NeroLordofChaos
      @NeroLordofChaos Рік тому +3

      It also doesn't DECREASE the number of implents you can get.
      Target endurance -1 is the most optimal setup and 9 is the max you should ever put into it.

  • @rolay7730
    @rolay7730 Рік тому +4

    I love the dine and dash perk. Admittedly, I like stacking regeneration and being tanky as possible. So that and Them's Good Eatin make for an amazing combo.

  • @Giffsen
    @Giffsen Рік тому +4

    Cannibal is a very good perk in Hardcore mode tbh, less weight to carry, no side effects like +rads and so on.

  • @Psychonautical89
    @Psychonautical89 Рік тому +3

    Earning Melee Hacker is one of my favorite first things to do on early runs, especially unarmed/melee-only builds. A bumper sword and ripper makes easy work of acquiring such a threshold of damage dealt.

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому

      Yeah those weapons can be pretty good, and you get both of those early on.

  • @DebatingWombat
    @DebatingWombat Рік тому +3

    I would move probably monocyte breeder one tier up, depending on when you get it. It is really nice to have in Dead Money, because you lose any healing items you’ve stocked up beforehand and there aren’t that many within the DLC, plus the issue of health loss from having to run through toxic cloud areas.

  • @nurtaytulegenov7431
    @nurtaytulegenov7431 Рік тому +3

    Also, it is good to mention that "Divide survivor" is the only way to get your reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel to a maxmum level (Also, must do BoS quest regarding the Hidden Valey)

  • @brantnuttall
    @brantnuttall Рік тому +4

    15:23 Tough Guy, that's me every game. It makes me laugh.

  • @Anonymous-ks8el
    @Anonymous-ks8el Рік тому +8

    Nuka cola? Don't you mean the Sunset Sarsaparilla tier?

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +4

      I tried to type that in but it looked strange because of the small box.

  • @Asterra2
    @Asterra2 18 днів тому

    24:40 The bonuses from the strength implant and Reinforced Spine are useful for counterbalancing some of the negatives of having a permanent 800+ RADs, which any Rad Child build would. So having a natural strength above 7 still makes some sense.

  • @Capta1nAsh
    @Capta1nAsh Рік тому +5

    Elijah's last words buffs Veronica's melee stats, but she's an unarmed character and her melee skill is extremely low

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому +1

      That is true, I was thinking of both melee and unarmed together.

  • @Asterra2
    @Asterra2 18 днів тому

    29:04 Dead Man's Burden is the one to go with. 1: Raising Powder Ganger fame is difficult and you can't get idolized with them without this perk. 2: This is the only way to unlock both of the special bombed out areas with the unique enemies and equipment. 3: Play your cards right and the infamy doesn't matter; all you need to do is finish this DLC before confronting Benny for the first time, and both the NCR and Legion will wipe your infamy slate clean.

  • @XxMr_eggxX
    @XxMr_eggxX 8 місяців тому +2

    Absolutely love the energy of the intro!!

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you 🙌

  • @thornescapes7707
    @thornescapes7707 11 місяців тому +2

    I hadn't paid attention to these enough. My takeaway from this is that until these perks are unlocked, I should kill incidental things more often. eg, I let the maintenance robots around Repconn HQ live, even though it's easy to 1 shot those with the Abilene BB gun. I also tend to ignore the ants.

  • @gabrielc7861
    @gabrielc7861 7 місяців тому +3

    13:11 why did you skip one?

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  7 місяців тому

      That might have been a editing error, it's basic but gives more melee damage.

  • @BberryJesus
    @BberryJesus 3 місяці тому

    10:42 you can actually get the meat of champions and still side with the legion, what you gotta do is progress through the legions questline, which already has you kill House, then you can kill the King at your leisure, but when it comes to Ceasar, you need to do the quest to remove his brain tumor, and get the autodoc part from vault 34, then choose to kill him during the surgery, then when Lucius accuses you of killing him on purpose, pass a speech or medicine check of 50 to say "nuh uh, wasn't me" and he'll apologize and you can continue the questline, and kill Kimball afterwards.

  • @aradan3913
    @aradan3913 Рік тому +3

    Abominable is ok to get if you do the DLCs (Dead money is weird unless you are melee, because you are encouraged to save the ammo). This should be a tier higher than animal control, so i'd say anima control is C, because you dont care for the buff vs the things you are killing.
    Day tripper is stronger than a lot of level up perks, and it's so easy to get. Just go to a bar and down everything.
    Meat of champions only stops you fron doing mr.House, but Cesar has to die from "natural causes". Shame human remains dont count or it would be actually pretty nice.
    Is good to group "SPECIAL" implants because they let you min/max sooo much what you get at the start and what perks to aim at, without Intense Training. You can have the lower preception in favor of more useful bonuses early, but get the implant to reach a perk; for example.
    It's sad but leaving Ed-e is the best or second best perk of the list.

  • @StevetheWizard2591
    @StevetheWizard2591 Рік тому +3

    Elijah's Last Words is actually terrible.
    You're misinterpreting its effects. It only applies to attacks made with Melee Weapons, meaning attacks made with weapons that use the Melee Weapons skill. Veronica has Unarmed as a Tag skill, meaning it's higher than her Melee Weapons skill, and her default weapon is a Power Fist, meaning she will default to using her Power Fist before she equips any Melee Weapon skill weapon.
    As such, Elijah's Last Words is a completely worthless perk for anything other than roleplay, as the situation where it will do anything can literally never happen.

  • @viper32153
    @viper32153 7 місяців тому +1

    One neat thing about the Divide Survivor perk is that it's the only way to get Idolized with the Brotherhood, IIRC, since there's just flat out not enough ways to get fame with them before it

  • @pokeslasher
    @pokeslasher 7 місяців тому +1

    For bug stomper go into the goodsprings schoolhouse and stand ontop of the mantis nest closest to the safe and shoot it, you'll kill most of the mantis's as soon as they spawn just by stepping on them

  • @CyberneticWolff
    @CyberneticWolff Рік тому +2

    Also heres something you should know, survival affects the dine and dash perk, so it can heal you alot better if you have killed alot of people and your survival is up you can just do dine and dash and it should heal you alot, i saw a Can you beat Fallout New Vegas as Leatherface and it actually saved that person alot in trouble times

  • @GelatinousCube-jw8vg
    @GelatinousCube-jw8vg 3 місяці тому +3

    Does the Y-3 implant remove rads from bottles of dirty water? Or just water you are scooping from puddles and toilets?

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  3 місяці тому +2

      It works with bottles too.

    • @GelatinousCube-jw8vg
      @GelatinousCube-jw8vg 3 місяці тому +1

      @@ReapeeRon awesome stuff. Thank you for the reply my dude.

  • @TheLordofMetroids
    @TheLordofMetroids Рік тому +3

    For the record you can go with Caesar for the Meat of Champions, and is in fact what I would say is the easiest route to do it. you eat him after Et Tumor, Brute?
    Doesn't help much because by the time you do it, your basically done with the game, but I did it once, just to do it.

  • @thelordoflore6572
    @thelordoflore6572 11 місяців тому +2

    I can't speak on the DT and addiction resist bonuses of big brained, but the head not crippling effect definitely works.

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  11 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for the heads up!

  • @Emolt76
    @Emolt76 3 місяці тому

    These Perk Tier Lists have officially inspired me to make a full on Cyborg Build. I'm gonna need EVERY PERK IMAGINABLE

  • @xjserpent7665
    @xjserpent7665 Рік тому +12

    Heartless is op just because it makes Cazadores no longer a threat

    • @MrAntiexistancerifle34157
      @MrAntiexistancerifle34157 Рік тому

      As well as other enemies that deal poison damage.

    • @Bottlecapppp
      @Bottlecapppp Рік тому

      they still hit like a truck (depending on your gear obviously) but being inmune to their poison is huge

  • @danguillou713
    @danguillou713 7 місяців тому +1

    Both cazadors and nightstalkers tend to pump you full of stacking poison damage over time. I like poison resistance.

  • @HaroldTheHerald
    @HaroldTheHerald 10 місяців тому +1

    Day tripper, logan loophole, chemist and turbo perk. Using turbo and mowing people day is heavenly

  • @videogaming1000
    @videogaming1000 Рік тому +5

    mister house isnt even human at this point, so him being an abomination makes sense

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому

      That's fair, even if a little mean to say.

    • @CliffSedge-nu5fv
      @CliffSedge-nu5fv Рік тому +1

      House is basically a self-induced ghoul.

    • @mithos789
      @mithos789 Рік тому +1

      what is a human? he saved the strip. it's his.

    • @CliffSedge-nu5fv
      @CliffSedge-nu5fv Рік тому +2


    • @DM-Oz
      @DM-Oz 7 місяців тому

      Idk, he looks pretty human to me.

  • @fba90130
    @fba90130 2 місяці тому

    The easiest way to get tough guy is to do the Barton the Fink quest in Good Springs. Barton appears in the area where you do the healing powder tutorial quest and asks you to rescue his sister. Barton tells you to go to this nearby place up a hill which has geckos, and a dead guy seated in a chair. Barton ambushes you there and you kill him. Next to the dead guy in the chair there's a bed and 2 bear traps. You can continuously cripple yourself with the bear trap and then heal with the bed. Normally I take this opportunity to do desert survivalist as well.

  • @theFury07
    @theFury07 Рік тому +5

    Thanks for the video! Appreciate all the hard work.

  • @themaddoctor1741
    @themaddoctor1741 Рік тому +2

    Honestly, Dine and Dash is great on a cannibal character. More times than not it’s saved my skin when I don’t have a good amount of healing products. Plus dine and dash counts towards eating 200 people. To me, it’s way better than Meat of Champions

  • @iancraig5415
    @iancraig5415 8 місяців тому +1

    Cannibal is goated on hardcore mode. You basically never need food which means you’re stocked like crazy on healing items at all times.

    • @AngryCosmonaut
      @AngryCosmonaut 2 дні тому

      You barely need food on hardcore anyway since the meter increases so slowly.

  • @4mr2smokey0
    @4mr2smokey0 Рік тому +1

    I haven’t play new Vegas in a long time. And I don’t plan to for awhile. But I’m still watching this. And enjoying it.

  • @Asterra2
    @Asterra2 18 днів тому

    13:15 I like Mutant Massacre because it requires quite a bit of planning to actually achieve organically (as opposed to forcing your character to wait three days at a time). Kill everything on Black Mountain. Do other things. Come back and repeat. Save the Black Mountain content/quest for after you're completely done with Mutant Massacre. I argue it's more entertaining when an earnable perk has to be earned, rather than it just falling in your lap over the course of a standard playthrough.

  • @wilderking8476
    @wilderking8476 7 місяців тому +1

    You can get abominable so easily through OWB’s nightstalkers. If you have the patience to potentially die many times farming it, nighstalkers are literally everywhere near A-13, and they respawn as soon as you blink

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  7 місяців тому

      That is a good point.

  • @robjsmiles
    @robjsmiles 7 місяців тому +1

    The monocyte breeder and other regeneration sources' value is in being able to wait anywhere to regain full health, as long as you're not in hardcore. Being able to only take so many implants does leave it in questionable territory though

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  7 місяців тому +1

      That is true, although you could have other regen sources too like Rad Child.

  • @jacksongrantham4848
    @jacksongrantham4848 7 місяців тому

    Ghost Hunter IIRC is actually a perk that lets you just kill ghost people without dismembering them, not makes it easier to dismember. Makes it real effective to just aim for their torso since theyre so twitchy

  • @masterjedi8072
    @masterjedi8072 4 місяці тому

    There are actually two additional limb restoration drugs in new vegas. Hydra and healing paste. Hydra is pretty rare and I think the healing paste is only crafted. The paste is actualy great healing and can replace stimpacks and doctors bags while weighting 0.06 each.

  • @NewYorkSith
    @NewYorkSith 4 місяці тому

    The way I did Meat of Champions was I ate The King first, then later on I ate Mr. House, I helped The Legion up until Caesar’s surgery, ate Caesar after killing him “on accident” and then eat President Kimball after assassinating him

  • @manhunter433
    @manhunter433 4 місяці тому

    The perk you get depending on what you do at the end of Lonesome road I'd say is more role play. Regardless of your main faction, it's all about your character, are you for destroying your enemies at all cost, in it for the loot or do you have a heart. The only downside I really see with the Divide Survivor is it calls for ED-E to sacrifice himself to stop the launch.

  • @alisona.4166
    @alisona.4166 7 місяців тому

    With the monocyte breeder in non-survival modes, waiting can replace sleeping, so you don't have to use the camping bedroll from Lonesome Road.

  • @Palmarum
    @Palmarum 9 місяців тому +1

    11:45 and imagine that one minute of boost on your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is right after you eat someone in which case you should be nowhere near someone.

    • @theghostofthomasjenkins9643
      @theghostofthomasjenkins9643 8 місяців тому +2

      basically "get a bonus to damage when there is nothing left to damage" type thing.

  • @admiralrhino4049
    @admiralrhino4049 Рік тому +1

    If u kill ceasar while trying to heal his brain tumor and then pass the speech check when the head praetorian gets mad at you you can eat ceasar

  • @redchair3687
    @redchair3687 7 місяців тому

    Sierra madre martinis are actually really good, because they give you instant health even when in hardcore mode, practically making them better for health than even super stims. I use mods often, so feel to point it out if I’ve got this mixed up.

  • @ThisJWord
    @ThisJWord 10 днів тому

    1 year later and he forgot that Elijah’s Last Words is only for *MELEE* not *UNARMED*

  • @billyjoejimbob9573
    @billyjoejimbob9573 3 місяці тому +1

    If you leave ED-E behind to earn lonesome road you can't stop the missiles and get divide survivor, ED-E sacrifices himself to stop the missiles

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  3 місяці тому +1

      That is true, Rip ED-E

    • @billyjoejimbob9573
      @billyjoejimbob9573 3 місяці тому

      @@ReapeeRon ED-E is why I nuke both and just do so before I go to house for the first time, cause when the NCR and Legion messengers talk to you, they give you a pardon and reset your reputation

  • @UltimateGamerCC
    @UltimateGamerCC Рік тому +1

    Cannibalism is one thing that should be really good in a post apocalyptic setting, but yet there isnt any benefit and it heals about as much as Water basically.. sounds like something that should get a mod for ngl. like something that doesnt give much of a benefit but has perks that you can earn and even an addiction that actually benefits you rather than hinders.

  • @desertdude540
    @desertdude540 11 місяців тому

    Machine Head should be easy to farm, even though I've never really tried, since Yes Man will respawn on the sidewalk in front of the Tops if you kill him in Benny's workshop (the lore reason being that he takes over one of the Securitrons on the strip). If you kill him out there, he'll respawn every time you enter the area, so you should be able to snipe him from the monorail balcony, enter and leave the station, and immediately kill him again. Killing him doesn't aggro the other Securitrons for some reason.

  • @psychonotice9480
    @psychonotice9480 Рік тому +2

    Odd, I don’t remember the big brained perk not working. Especially since it worked perfectly for me in my last playthrough.

    • @psychonotice9480
      @psychonotice9480 Рік тому +1

      Unless we’re talking about the incorrectly labled DT. The calculation is more complex than 10%. However it does indeed still work.

  • @dollarestoreoffbrand5545
    @dollarestoreoffbrand5545 Рік тому +1

    Im pretty sure implant y-3 only works on drinks in your inventory. Whenever i buy it ive never had it work on pools of water or water fountains

  • @mozkuthehermit5909
    @mozkuthehermit5909 Рік тому +2

    Meat of champions leaves you with Yes man questline if you techically fail your chances everyother faction
    Plus it is fastest to complete

    • @andrewgreeb916
      @andrewgreeb916 Рік тому

      You can kill caeser and still complete with the legion, you do have to pass a speech check though

  • @Moodyman90
    @Moodyman90 Рік тому +4

    Still say Old World Blues was made to nerf Cazadores. Between the Heartless perk making you immune to poison, the three ranks of DNAvenger, and the C-18 implant increasing damage done to them, on top of the Bug Stomper perk from the main game they quickly stop being as much of a problem as they usually are even if caught unaware.

  • @firstpersonsnooter2519
    @firstpersonsnooter2519 Рік тому +2

    I’ve been thinking on this for a bit, but I still can’t come to a decision. In the next Fallout game, should guns and energy weapons be split into two categories like in New Vegas, or should it be split into automatic guns, semiautomatic rifles and pistols, and heavy guns like in Fallout 4? They both have their pros and cons, but I’m not sure. On one hand, the New Vegas system makes it so you can speck into either Guns or Energy weapons, and that will effect either ALL Guns or ALL Energy Weapons. Fallout 4 gives a wider variety of weapons you can use if you choose a certain perk (let’s say, commando), and you aren’t limited to just Guns or Energy weapons. You can, at that point use any automatic weapon you want and it will get the bonuses from commando. I lean towards the New Vegas system, but my minds not entirely made up.

    • @Thesaltywhale
      @Thesaltywhale Рік тому

      I'm going to be a lol controversial and say I liked the fallout 4 way gun perks where distributed. Then I played outer worlds and I honestly think a little spit shine and new Vegas has ticket to be the best option

    • @OldIronJohnson
      @OldIronJohnson Рік тому +2

      NV system is better because you can vary things up. You're not relegated to fighting only with midrange automatics or only with sniper rifles, but instead you get a wide variety of tools throughout the game. The exception to this is melee, but even then you get some variety with throwing weapons. FNV's perks and ammo system also offer more customization to certain playstyles that FO4 completely lacks.

    • @firstpersonsnooter2519
      @firstpersonsnooter2519 Рік тому

      @@OldIronJohnson I think you’re absolutely right, combing it over NV has a simpler but more diverse system.

  • @jameshouse7862
    @jameshouse7862 Рік тому +3

    The way use cannible or dine and dash is like the water perk especially sense I play survival a lot, and it stacks with the gastly perk, so the Mojave is full of ghouls, Caesar’s legion, NCR, marked men, tribes and occasionally supper mutants, I’d say it’s better early on, but in a world where stimpacks are hard to find and enemies deplete health like god turns water to wine, it’s nice having the ability to just regenerate HP by eating your enemies, especially the marked men, 4 bodies and your HP is good as new, plus with just the cannible perk it cuts down your cart weight, why slug around the Mojave with pinto beets and Danny’s apples or sugar bombs when you can sprint across the Mojave eating people?🤷‍♂️ the fine and dash perk just takes it a step further collect 6 remains and have the ability to insta heal any where!👍 in-depth cannibalism useful! For me personally I’d say nice to have but it’s an odd one I agree!

  • @Mst3kfanatic1
    @Mst3kfanatic1 3 місяці тому

    A point to make on the nuke perks at the end of lonesome (I do this every playthrough) if you do lonesome road before you kill Benny yu can bomb both ncr and legion and still side with them since your rep is reset after killing benny

    • @Mst3kfanatic1
      @Mst3kfanatic1 3 місяці тому

      Also doing lonesome before killing Benny means you get the couriers duster for almost the whole game and you get top tier guns and armor that you can sell for a ton of caps

  • @maniacalcoyote6087
    @maniacalcoyote6087 Рік тому +3

    Some of these "Kill $EnemyType" challenges/perks really shine if you're doing a TTW-modded run. I mean, there's an entire expansion chock-full of aliens to farm, and countless robot-infested ruins in the Capitol Wasteland.

  • @jameshouse7862
    @jameshouse7862 Рік тому +1

    The marked men tend to have stealth boys at the end of my play throughs so having 10% damage comes in clutch especially with the red glare or 😏 lazer detonator

    • @theghostofthomasjenkins9643
      @theghostofthomasjenkins9643 8 місяців тому

      that one with the red glare is a menace, especailly since i'm always there at night somehow.

  • @Cyn_icall
    @Cyn_icall 3 місяці тому +1

    Living anatomy actually SHOWS how BUSTED mysterious stranger actually is, he could leave anyone on roughly -65k health

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  3 місяці тому

      He does show up for an execution, it has to be a bit over kill right? lol

  • @WweChampion1997
    @WweChampion1997 7 місяців тому

    Quick fact about Meat of Champions, you can still 100% side with Cesar's legion, you just need to arranged for his death during hid brain surgery and pass a speech check. After that you're free to snack on him

  • @TotallyNotJustCynical
    @TotallyNotJustCynical Рік тому +1

    Fun fact with the meat of champions, you can get it while siding with the NCR and the legion. If you let Caesar die and pass a check Lucius will be cool with it and with the NCR you just have to let Kimball get sniped 😅 you fail a quest but get a snack. Fair trade

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  Рік тому

      Yeah I forgot about the speech check but that is pretty funny.

  • @fluffycommander
    @fluffycommander 8 місяців тому +2

    I could NEVER abandon ED-E 🥺

  • @boikiller3426
    @boikiller3426 Рік тому +3

    I wish we could have a more in depth fallout 4 tier list

    • @iowasucks9494
      @iowasucks9494 Рік тому

      Theres only so much NV content to rank, itll come soon man

    • @boikiller3426
      @boikiller3426 Рік тому

      @@iowasucks9494 I hope so I love new Vegas like the next person but fallout 4 is also my favorite and it needs some love lol

  • @herbalfangaming4472
    @herbalfangaming4472 7 місяців тому +1

    Meat of champions was added as a kind of trophy perk. It wasn’t really thought on too much because it’s so late game. Also melee hacker should’ve been called \hack\

    • @ReapeeRon
      @ReapeeRon  7 місяців тому

      I do love that perk!

  • @AImpatientMan
    @AImpatientMan 11 місяців тому

    The best part about miss fortune is when she just annilates someone with a one damage shot that sends them 40 feet across the map ragdolling

  • @cron1807
    @cron1807 Рік тому +2

    You can go through Legion questline with Caesar dead, can't you? If Caesar dies from the medical operation

    • @Rumcajschr
      @Rumcajschr Рік тому

      You can, but you have to convince Lucius that Caesar's death wasn't your fault. You also get Lanius as the new caesar

  • @soniablanche5672
    @soniablanche5672 Рік тому +2

    you can kill caesar and stay with the legion if you kill him with the machine