This makes a lot of sense. I struggle most with INFP types though I get the sense that if I were to talk to you in person, we would both have an enjoyable conversation and walk away with something valuable. I have a very close INFP friend who I feel comfortable with as well. I'm an ENTP and the thing that most people misunderstand about us is where are "coming from" when we play the "Devils advocate". I can come from a skeptical point of view and this most often upsets people, including INFPs. Though you are a feeler, I believe you to be completely capable of a Ti-oriented conversation. I often get this sense that INFPs assume that I "ignore" my own Fi and this can't be further from the truth. While, indeed, ENTPs can be d**ks, not all are like that. While parsing out "truth" with Ti, there may be a moment where someone else says something and this could lead me to change my opinion on the spot, provided the argument holds.
When this happens I feel it viscerally, as if I found what I was looking for. It's very rewarding and it behooves me to not immediately jump to conclusions when I am presented with contrary evidence (can't say I'm perfect at this, to be fair minded). Anyway, I've been trying to "understand" INFPs a bit more so I've been looking at different resources and I stumbled upon this video. Things make a little more sense. Thanks for posting!
+Stephen Joseph Thanks for sharing your experience Stephen. There are many balanced people out there, including ENTPs. I'm going to play devil's advocate here :P and tell you if you go into Socionics ENTPs are known as "Fi PoLR." Though Si is their weakest valued function (they still value Si), Fi is the weakest unvalued function of ENTPs. The PoLR function is out of proportion to what is typical (inappropriate response, either too strong or too weak). For example, ENTPs have difficulty assessing closeness in psychological distance, being able to tell feelings of others unless there is a observable outside cue (Fe), and can be accidentally disrespectful. It is a blindspot, not intentional. At the same time it can be strong: perhaps after a decade after some tragedy, there is some minor, almost irrelevant thing in the environment that triggers a memory of the tragedy, and then ENTPs can get super-sensitive and have a breakdown. Or they suddenly become suspicious of all their relations when one goes wrong. We all have PoLR functions--a lot of fun :P
+Type Tips Yea you are exactly right about ENTP Fi! I'm gonna add in something: some ENTPs will actually "anchor" their emotions to the place where they first felt them. I only learned this recently. I am familiar with the strength of functions you discussed on INFJ/P function strength (which really put things into perspective). Socionics has INFP as ENTP supervisors and I can see this play out, however INFPs may inadvertently harm ENTPs without knowing it. An extension of my previous statement would be "Supervisors can unwittingly and unintentionally harm their Supervisees" it's just a matter of how. If you can recommend any resources I would greatly appreciate
***** Hmm I don't know of resources off hand, I learned a lot jjust talking to people. I have yet to see a comprehensive intertype relation analysis outside of duality, and perhaps semi-duality. There is actually interesting long dual descriptions:
That INFPs are at once the least and most judgmental is reflected in the socionic equivalent of INFPs, namley the INFj. In Socionics the P v. J polarity for introverts is flipped to indicate their auxiliary function (for INFP[j]s it is Ni, which is abstract while S is concrete/sensate). INFPs primary function ("base program") Fi, or introverted feeling, is a rational-evaluative, therefore a judging function. INFP corresponds to the "Ethical-Intuitive-Introvert" socionic type; rational evaluation of moral questions is the primary focus. Questions of fact are incidental to questions of principle. They appreciate that values are things about which one can be as systematic, rigorous, and coherent as one can be about facts (coherence, simplicity, cogency/truth are themselves values, after all, while all facts are value-laden). Objectively, INFjs search is for truth understood as justice ( balance or the just measure, which shades into understanding of truth as the beautiful). It is a correspondence theory of truth, but the correspondence is between principle and embodiment of principle. The harmony they seek lies in the harmonization of the actual self with the ideal of self. Given that orientation, a degree of sorrow tends to accrue in their lives, as such an orientation means a constant measuring of the self against internalized standards that, by their nature as ideals = possibilities, remain elusive. The crucial thing is that one aspire to harmonization = integrity. And woe to any individual who appears indifferent to such a quest! The main focus of the INFP [INFj] / EII is the continual refinement of the spiritual-moral dimension of the self. Thus they can be overtly judgmental; convinced of their beliefs), while also having the ability to suspend judgment for the purpose of neutrally absorbing information from the environment (Ne). They are "closed-minded" only in the sense of having and applying principles. The alternative would not be "open-mindedness" but the want of principle, or "value relativism." Having such strong belief in the value of truthfulness, coherence, accountability, etc., they are, consequently and unavoidably, 'dogmatists,' at least in the sense that such values, while endlessly discussable, are not themselves elective or negotiable. In this general sense most moral people are dogmatists. A better description for the INFj brand of dogmatism would be 'investigative' or 'critical.' It's the process that matters, not the result.
Type Tips Perhaps. I'm not an expert on Socionics, just learning. There is a lot to be said for its flipping of the J & P for introverted types based on the rationality/irrationality of their primary function (as opposed to their most primary extroverted function, whatever it may happen to be.) It certainly reflects my own experience as an INFP/j. In general I am wary of the term 'absolutist' being bandied about in an age as relativistic as our post-modern one. An INFP/j would say that there are things (values in the sense that truth and coherence too are values) that are unconditionally worth upholding. So they become 'defenders' of values, which makes them conservative, in nature if not by party affiliation. It also gives them the appearance, probably unavoidable for anyone who believes in anything, of being dogmatic. In a sense any position you defend becomes a dogma. Lessing construed dogmatism as the tendency to identify the end of thinking with the point at which one has grown tired of thinking, which would render all positions not being endlessly debated, "dogmatic." In which case only the skeptic and philosopher would be immune from the charge of dogmatism, a feat that would, however, simultaneously render them unfit for life. Thinking is dangerous and corrosive--there must be an end to debate for society to function. This is certainly reflected in the impracticality and other-worldliness of INFP/js! In championing the things that are/ought to be, held sacred, INFP/js exercise the power of discrimination, sifting through opinions to separate the dross from the silver. Rather than seeing absolutism/dogmatism as something that renders close-minded, I see it as what enables genuine/principled debate.
@@christofeles63 wrong INFPs are very indecisive because they are aware of the complexity of reality unlike J types. They process eternal values but our conception of reality is limited this is why they are often doormats, they don't know whether what they feel/think/believe is right or wrong thus they don't want to impose it. INFPs are among the most liberal and anti conservative of the types due to this. Liberals defend existential values and change. Conservatives are all about value$ and change$ if you know what I mean, it is so ironic they are the ones talking against the Zhews. INFPs usually have depth that J types usually don't. It is very unlikely that you are INFP. Perhaps you are narcissistic and recognize INFP as a superior good that you wish to embody. For example, purity,dignity, honor, respect are not values, they are narcissistic social constructs. Part of the primordial value is something like "live and let live" which is the opposite of being pure or respectful/polite.
@@getagrip7474 Mistaken. Fi is a rational judging function, regardless of whether the evaluation is explicitly expressed. Whether an INFP pronounces his evaluations depends on more than just type. 18 year-old vs. 48 year-old INFPs will have different communicative styles. Family and cultural background, political regime, all influence whether one is outspoken or self-censoring. INFP are in no way indecisive about how they feel/judge experiences. INFPs are indecisive only in the sense of being impractical. Besides their Fi dominant function, auxiliary Ne makes them radically (endlessly) open to experience, while inferior Te makes it hard for them to mobilize/test reality. Your description of not wanting to impose sounds more like consensus-seeking INFJs than INFPs. "Judgmental" is admittedly not the best descriptor for the proclivity to evaluate, which is constant in INFPS. Except in the sense that this activity requires criticism. Evaluating and criticizing are in fact one and the same thing. I am indeed an INFP. And a small 'c' conservative comfortable with inequality, unapologetic about 'privilege,' anti-immigrant, 'elitist,' etc. But I score very low on tests of narcissism. So much for intuition. Age matters. As someone once said: ""If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain." Values and social constructs are not mutually exclusive. Purity, dignity, honor, etc. are both values and social constructs. ANY convention or product of culture--anything made or learned--is a 'social construct.' Live and let live would only be the "opposite" of purity, manners, being respectful if it were equivalent to being indifferent or indiscriminately tolerant. But there is no tolerance without intolerance. Self-reflective conservatives tend to have a better appreciation of this fact than liberals. As Robert Frost put it: "A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel."
@@christofeles63 INFJ are borderline, not explicitly narcissistic. Borderlines are sometimes claimed to be the opposite of narcissism which is only partially true. It does not matter how someone put it it simply is not true. I am literally doing it (taking a side) right now. So many liberals are doing it, that's what liberals are. AND AS I SAID, INFPs tend to be doormats, because they are indecisive and can consider multiple possibilities plus regretting when they have hurt someone in self defense in the past due to not being really appropriate due to them failing to consider the possibilities. So much for that. INFJs dont take shit, they doorslam people, thats exactly them taking their own side in a quarrel and they are UNAPOLOGETIC about it just like you are. They always say "i gave you many chances". You have no damn idea how damn many INxJs I have seeon on the internet with the same type of stupid quotes and resonings. SOMETIMES THEY EVEN CLAIM TO BE INTPS AHAHAHAH. INFPs just ghost and run away. Both borderlines and narcissists have a very poor sense of self so they look for validation for someone else (nationalism. Fe/Te, Si/Ni), and cant accept responsibility for their wrongdoings (conservatives), denying it or even making it out to be good or the other party's fault (abusive parents punishing their children for being ungrateful, as if food and shelter are the only things that matter, or you with your insipid there is no tolerance without intolerance). That's the fucking thing Linda, you don't learn compassion or conscience. Those are not just social constructs. They are part of brain functioning that conservatives, borderlines and narcissists lack. They lack morality to their very core so they make themselves up to be very moral by making up their ideas through sucking (Ni/Si) to what someone else first told them (usually their parents, Fe/Te). INFPs who are not cognitively disturbed can see through the inconsistencies of everything conservatives/J types do as well as how wrong it is morally. Look up biology and political orientation on wikipedia. There is a section for anterior cirgulate cortex, which is bigger in liberals and is responsible for finding contradictions (Ti, which is the role function of INFP) as well as the FEELING of pain and empathy (Fi). People become more conservative after 30 years. Thats called the BOOMER phenomenon. People lose cognitive function due to aging and wasting their lives in a routine, and they were never liberal in the first place, it was just their environment pushed it. Suddenly they can't make sense of the world, and they have already commited into the toxic world order way of living, so its just easy to side with those with power and buy into simplistic dumbed down ideas without considering the multiple RELEVANT possibilities. It shows truly how weak your character is how hypocritical you are, and that you were never understood liberalism.
Thank you! I hope to see more from your channel.
Wow, this has been an astounding learning experience, thank you!
+Carl Barfield Thanks for the compliment!
This makes a lot of sense. I struggle most with INFP types though I get the sense that if I were to talk to you in person, we would both have an enjoyable conversation and walk away with something valuable. I have a very close INFP friend who I feel comfortable with as well. I'm an ENTP and the thing that most people misunderstand about us is where are "coming from" when we play the "Devils advocate". I can come from a skeptical point of view and this most often upsets people, including INFPs. Though you are a feeler, I believe you to be completely capable of a Ti-oriented conversation. I often get this sense that INFPs assume that I "ignore" my own Fi and this can't be further from the truth. While, indeed, ENTPs can be d**ks, not all are like that. While parsing out "truth" with Ti, there may be a moment where someone else says something and this could lead me to change my opinion on the spot, provided the argument holds.
When this happens I feel it viscerally, as if I found what I was looking for. It's very rewarding and it behooves me to not immediately jump to conclusions when I am presented with contrary evidence (can't say I'm perfect at this, to be fair minded). Anyway, I've been trying to "understand" INFPs a bit more so I've been looking at different resources and I stumbled upon this video. Things make a little more sense. Thanks for posting!
+Stephen Joseph Thanks for sharing your experience Stephen. There are many balanced people out there, including ENTPs. I'm going to play devil's advocate here :P and tell you if you go into Socionics ENTPs are known as "Fi PoLR." Though Si is their weakest valued function (they still value Si), Fi is the weakest unvalued function of ENTPs. The PoLR function is out of proportion to what is typical (inappropriate response, either too strong or too weak). For example, ENTPs have difficulty assessing closeness in psychological distance, being able to tell feelings of others unless there is a observable outside cue (Fe), and can be accidentally disrespectful. It is a blindspot, not intentional. At the same time it can be strong: perhaps after a decade after some tragedy, there is some minor, almost irrelevant thing in the environment that triggers a memory of the tragedy, and then ENTPs can get super-sensitive and have a breakdown. Or they suddenly become suspicious of all their relations when one goes wrong. We all have PoLR functions--a lot of fun :P
+Type Tips Yea you are exactly right about ENTP Fi! I'm gonna add in something: some ENTPs will actually "anchor" their emotions to the place where they first felt them. I only learned this recently. I am familiar with the strength of functions you discussed on INFJ/P function strength (which really put things into perspective). Socionics has INFP as ENTP supervisors and I can see this play out, however INFPs may inadvertently harm ENTPs without knowing it. An extension of my previous statement would be "Supervisors can unwittingly and unintentionally harm their Supervisees" it's just a matter of how. If you can recommend any resources I would greatly appreciate
***** Hmm I don't know of resources off hand, I learned a lot jjust talking to people. I have yet to see a comprehensive intertype relation analysis outside of duality, and perhaps semi-duality. There is actually interesting long dual descriptions:
Infp hear, w6 I have tolerance but not when I know it is coming from somewhere where their is a complete lack of care or to take advantage
This was very helpful! Thank you! I also like your suggestion at the end - gonna try that for sure 👍
That was a very good explanation of what happens when INFP's are judgy. I just thought they were very moody.
+John Bertin thanks!
That INFPs are at once the least and most judgmental is reflected in the socionic equivalent of INFPs, namley the INFj. In Socionics the P v. J polarity for introverts is flipped to indicate their auxiliary function (for INFP[j]s it is Ni, which is abstract while S is concrete/sensate). INFPs primary function ("base program") Fi, or introverted feeling, is a rational-evaluative, therefore a judging function. INFP corresponds to the "Ethical-Intuitive-Introvert" socionic type; rational evaluation of moral questions is the primary focus. Questions of fact are incidental to questions of principle. They appreciate that values are things about which one can be as systematic, rigorous, and coherent as one can be about facts (coherence, simplicity, cogency/truth are themselves values, after all, while all facts are value-laden).
Objectively, INFjs search is for truth understood as justice ( balance or the just measure, which shades into understanding of truth as the beautiful). It is a correspondence theory of truth, but the correspondence is between principle and embodiment of principle. The harmony they seek lies in the harmonization of the actual self with the ideal of self. Given that orientation, a degree of sorrow tends to accrue in their lives, as such an orientation means a constant measuring of the self against internalized standards that, by their nature as ideals = possibilities, remain elusive. The crucial thing is that one aspire to harmonization = integrity. And woe to any individual who appears indifferent to such a quest!
The main focus of the INFP [INFj] / EII is the continual refinement of the spiritual-moral dimension of the self. Thus they can be overtly judgmental; convinced of their beliefs), while also having the ability to suspend judgment for the purpose of neutrally absorbing information from the environment (Ne). They are "closed-minded" only in the sense of having and applying principles. The alternative would not be "open-mindedness" but the want of principle, or "value relativism."
Having such strong belief in the value of truthfulness, coherence, accountability, etc., they are, consequently and unavoidably, 'dogmatists,' at least in the sense that such values, while endlessly discussable, are not themselves elective or negotiable. In this general sense most moral people are dogmatists. A better description for the INFj brand of dogmatism would be 'investigative' or 'critical.' It's the process that matters, not the result.
An MBTI INFJ told me that Fi+Si (with less feedback from Ne) could become off as absolutist in the Delta Quadra (NFP + STJ).
Type Tips Perhaps. I'm not an expert on Socionics, just learning. There is a lot to be said for its flipping of the J & P for introverted types based on the rationality/irrationality of their primary function (as opposed to their most primary extroverted function, whatever it may happen to be.) It certainly reflects my own experience as an INFP/j.
In general I am wary of the term 'absolutist' being bandied about in an age as relativistic as our post-modern one. An INFP/j would say that there are things (values in the sense that truth and coherence too are values) that are unconditionally worth upholding. So they become 'defenders' of values, which makes them conservative, in nature if not by party affiliation. It also gives them the appearance, probably unavoidable for anyone who believes in anything, of being dogmatic. In a sense any position you defend becomes a dogma. Lessing construed dogmatism as the tendency to identify the end of thinking with the point at which one has grown tired of thinking, which would render all positions not being endlessly debated, "dogmatic." In which case only the skeptic and philosopher would be immune from the charge of dogmatism, a feat that would, however, simultaneously render them unfit for life. Thinking is dangerous and corrosive--there must be an end to debate for society to function. This is certainly reflected in the impracticality and other-worldliness of INFP/js!
In championing the things that are/ought to be, held sacred, INFP/js exercise the power of discrimination, sifting through opinions to separate the dross from the silver. Rather than seeing absolutism/dogmatism as something that renders close-minded, I see it as what enables genuine/principled debate.
@@christofeles63 wrong INFPs are very indecisive because they are aware of the complexity of reality unlike J types. They process eternal values but our conception of reality is limited this is why they are often doormats, they don't know whether what they feel/think/believe is right or wrong thus they don't want to impose it. INFPs are among the most liberal and anti conservative of the types due to this. Liberals defend existential values and change. Conservatives are all about value$ and change$ if you know what I mean, it is so ironic they are the ones talking against the Zhews. INFPs usually have depth that J types usually don't. It is very unlikely that you are INFP. Perhaps you are narcissistic and recognize INFP as a superior good that you wish to embody. For example, purity,dignity, honor, respect are not values, they are narcissistic social constructs. Part of the primordial value is something like "live and let live" which is the opposite of being pure or respectful/polite.
@@getagrip7474 Mistaken. Fi is a rational judging function, regardless of whether the evaluation is explicitly expressed. Whether an INFP pronounces his evaluations depends on more than just type. 18 year-old vs. 48 year-old INFPs will have different communicative styles. Family and cultural background, political regime, all influence whether one is outspoken or self-censoring. INFP are in no way indecisive about how they feel/judge experiences. INFPs are indecisive only in the sense of being impractical. Besides their Fi dominant function, auxiliary Ne makes them radically (endlessly) open to experience, while inferior Te makes it hard for them to mobilize/test reality. Your description of not wanting to impose sounds more like consensus-seeking INFJs than INFPs.
"Judgmental" is admittedly not the best descriptor for the proclivity to evaluate, which is constant in INFPS. Except in the sense that this activity requires criticism. Evaluating and criticizing are in fact one and the same thing.
I am indeed an INFP. And a small 'c' conservative comfortable with inequality, unapologetic about 'privilege,' anti-immigrant, 'elitist,' etc. But I score very low on tests of narcissism. So much for intuition.
Age matters. As someone once said: ""If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain."
Values and social constructs are not mutually exclusive. Purity, dignity, honor, etc. are both values and social constructs. ANY convention or product of culture--anything made or learned--is a 'social construct.'
Live and let live would only be the "opposite" of purity, manners, being respectful if it were equivalent to being indifferent or indiscriminately tolerant. But there is no tolerance without intolerance. Self-reflective conservatives tend to have a better appreciation of this fact than liberals. As Robert Frost put it:
"A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel."
@@christofeles63 INFJ are borderline, not explicitly narcissistic. Borderlines are sometimes claimed to be the opposite of narcissism which is only partially true. It does not matter how someone put it it simply is not true. I am literally doing it (taking a side) right now. So many liberals are doing it, that's what liberals are. AND AS I SAID, INFPs tend to be doormats, because they are indecisive and can consider multiple possibilities plus regretting when they have hurt someone in self defense in the past due to not being really appropriate due to them failing to consider the possibilities. So much for that. INFJs dont take shit, they doorslam people, thats exactly them taking their own side in a quarrel and they are UNAPOLOGETIC about it just like you are. They always say "i gave you many chances". You have no damn idea how damn many INxJs I have seeon on the internet with the same type of stupid quotes and resonings. SOMETIMES THEY EVEN CLAIM TO BE INTPS AHAHAHAH. INFPs just ghost and run away. Both borderlines and narcissists have a very poor sense of self so they look for validation for someone else (nationalism. Fe/Te, Si/Ni), and cant accept responsibility for their wrongdoings (conservatives), denying it or even making it out to be good or the other party's fault (abusive parents punishing their children for being ungrateful, as if food and shelter are the only things that matter, or you with your insipid there is no tolerance without intolerance).
That's the fucking thing Linda, you don't learn compassion or conscience. Those are not just social constructs. They are part of brain functioning that conservatives, borderlines and narcissists lack. They lack morality to their very core so they make themselves up to be very moral by making up their ideas through sucking (Ni/Si) to what someone else first told them (usually their parents, Fe/Te). INFPs who are not cognitively disturbed can see through the inconsistencies of everything conservatives/J types do as well as how wrong it is morally. Look up biology and political orientation on wikipedia. There is a section for anterior cirgulate cortex, which is bigger in liberals and is responsible for finding contradictions (Ti, which is the role function of INFP) as well as the FEELING of pain and empathy (Fi). People become more conservative after 30 years. Thats called the BOOMER phenomenon. People lose cognitive function due to aging and wasting their lives in a routine, and they were never liberal in the first place, it was just their environment pushed it. Suddenly they can't make sense of the world, and they have already commited into the toxic world order way of living, so its just easy to side with those with power and buy into simplistic dumbed down ideas without considering the multiple RELEVANT possibilities. It shows truly how weak your character is how hypocritical you are, and that you were never understood liberalism.
There are 3 Dario videos on my channel. Two of them with Viktor Gulenko and one of them a 90 minute interview by me and a co-pilot.
This one is good too!
+Josephine Milo thanks!
Ingenious brain haxx0rs.