I’m definitely the sage/Ni which is so painful sometimes bc I have this whole future world inside my head where all my dreams have come true but then I face reality and I’m like shit what if my dreams never come true and I’m stuck in this daydream forever
Brooke Brooke ugh i totally feel this, i write about living in my dream world a lot because real life sucks but honestly i think the goal is using that feeling to achieve your dreams, we have a good idea of what we want already so using it to our benefit seems to be the only solution lol, take small steps to build your world/environment to be like it is in your dreams, doing this has helped me a lot and i hope it can help you too! the fear is paralyzing but there is hope
Kay simpson yes!! I’m glad you relate haha. I am very hopeful about my future and all these dreams I have; I guess my hopes and fears just correspond with each other. But most days I try to focus on the hopeful aspect of things. But thank you for this I appreciate it :)
I've been dealing with this problem as an INFP. I've gone through the innocent phase, the dreamer phase, the rebel phase and the artist. I'm having a lot of troubles with what I should do with it.
Yup very difficult since they're stuck in ur head. .that u gotta choose who will u please.. But first u have live with ur decision to better realize that its the real thing ur in. And that u really have to choose a partner that can understand and comfort u.
I’m probably the sage, or Ni. I have this little world inside of my mind that I want to make a TV show, but I don’t speak about it irl often. I also have too many dreams and am too imaginative oOf
Bruh I imagine maself with ma fav idol everyday. Imagining that I live in the same house as him and that we're already planning on having children and nah shiet I'm only frickin 17
I had never heard any of this, but I literally feel like if I have multiple personalities battling within. It's all of the four sub-types active almost all the time. I feel confused and exhausted, I don't have the energy to deal with people. I have become very solitary and the worst thing is that I really love it.
@@taikague7327 My dear, I hope you do not judge yourself too much over enjoying lots and lots of alone time. Have you checked yet what aspects of "being with your friends" makes the hurdle so high? Have you tried different ways of being with them and have you communicated rules? Such as: do they know that your enjoying alone time is necessary for you and is not connected of how deep your care of them is? I teach my friends how to contact me best (and how not). I opently tell them what I'm a good friend for and where they shall not make me their No.1 person to rely on! E.g.: they know that if they need really important support with an important matter I'll be there (unless they cannot reach me then I'm incapable and it's nobody's fault). I caution them against making me their one and only friend and we instantly priorise building up their bassic social network and 1x1 of self-care if they haven't yet. Because we need to be very clear with each other on each ofus carrying our own responsibilities for ourselves and all interactions are the cherries on the cake (even the hurdles!!!). Without these basics being alone will indeed make more sense than being with others. And if there are times in your life when that happens, then you need to know you can't be lonely with yourself, even if you may feel a bit alone now and then. And then there's still INFPs in comment sections accross the world to connect with. Once you've made yourself comfortable and established a 1x1 of "things my friends need to know from very early on", it will become a loooooooooot easier. Wish you well.
ENFJs also seem to know a crap ton about INFPs, judging from one of my own friendships. Watch some of Meghan LaVota's (she's an ENFJ videos on INFPs if you haven't already, they're fantastic!
I am a hikikomori in the USA. I guess I have a utopia of peace and isolation and feel much more like a monk in the mountains far away from the emotionally stagnant world of man, rather than a normal human being. I like to look down at society from the safety of my isolating cliffs to critique, help people understand themselves, and enable the world to find balance with simplicity and nature. All while figuring out the universe, strengthening my spirit and finding peace in one's self. While my emotions and cognition for the human condition are vastly strengthened, I am so disconnected from reality and my physical life that it leads to my own neglect and stagnation. Living at home with my parents, not desiring jobs, change, future, or even taking care of my bodily hygiene. I AM living in my own small utopia of isolation where I can attend to my fish, plants, pets and help those close to me digest, balance and gain perspective on their lives and their own minds. I think INFPs like me often commit suicide because we are so loyal to our visions that we disconnect from even our own bodies and physical presence because there isn't a spot for people like me in society. I cannot function, and I truly feel like my own world is reliant on those that function in the physical world and not in the mental one like me. I am technically a parasite, but I would say moreso a plant (Weird I know). I cannot take care of myself but I can give comfort, companionship, and wholeness. So I kinda observe silently, take in everything around me and digest it into something that can be used for others benefit, whether that be lessons, morals, and or even the much-needed perspective, and like a plant, if I were to die it would hurt more than if I were to exist like I am, so I exist. Along the way, I process my existence through emotion, whether I feel its right or wrong, and as such use that intuition, and childlike awe/ exploration to create the most fantastical worlds that I can imagine. Its kinda like using my feelings, themes, motivations, pain to construct existences that play out as full-fledged processes of emotion. Where someone/ or something goes through trials of self-exploration to learn something about the world, philosophy, others or even just themselves. They might come out bettered or worsened but nonetheless impacted by the horrific beauty of existence. I am so wrapped up in emotion, fantasy and peace that I really have been handicapped by it. Because it doesn't take just the mind to move forward in life, but the momentum in our physical existence and my dichotomy between the two are very unequal. I try to reach out into the world to act as though I belong, but whenever I cannot avoid admitting my existence, my facade of normalcy breaks and it is apparent like a snail without its shell that I am incapable of taking care of myself. All I am is a mind without reason, because I've made peace with letting go and now I just drift wherever I am pushed and along the way work to leaving a positive impact on those around me. Wholeness, modesty, and the pursuit of understanding one's self are traits that I've personified and you need more than that to exist. I hope if you've read this far, that you look inward and try to decipher what truly makes you happy and that you achieve it. The one thing that many people struggle with is finding themselves among so many others, but from someone who is only with themselves, it's easier to look inward and look at society from a distance. Best wishes in this amazingly terrible world.
I realy like this video. I always hear how INFPs never want to hurt anyone and I never realy could relate to this. Because I'm so much driven by my honesty. I think everyone shuld be completly honest all the time. And I get often in trouble because I just say the things as I realy think they are, even if it hurts someone. I don't WANT to hurt someone. But better to hurt someone than to be untruthfull to yourself.
But I also have to say - I know all of these typs in me. I think its more like, one of them is prior to the other. And ofcause it can change in situations.
I expect honesty from others as well. I can always tell when someone is lying to me even if I don't know them. I would rather have truth even if it's uncomfortable, than to have someone lie to me. If someone important to me lies to me, I lose all respect for them and don't want to be around people I can't trust.
Hurts because its true is ok. Hurting for the sake of hurting/bullying/control/manipulation. Not ok. Slightly Bullying the bullies howevor.. is my exception. Ive been in psychologically abusive controlling relationships. When i see people i care about being psychologically twisted up lied too and played like a fiddle. Cant help but be a bugs bunny to narcissitic people. Call em out. Expose their lies. Watch em dance themselves into a deeper hole of lies and end up in a tizzy.
Honesty is also a big thing for me, but I believe it's possible to be honest without hurting people. I think that's actually a position of (good) power because if you're able to tell people the truth in the kind way, you have a better chance of helping them to change (if they want to) in positive way.
I like the subcategories. I’m the infp sage, very intellectual and always introspecting on the deeper meaning of life, the self, humanity etc. and also have the habit of procrastinating and withdrawing, never putting much attention toward myself in family or social gatherings. I withdraw a lot and have an immense desire for isolation while at the same time becoming depressed from doing it so many times. Contrastingly, I’m also very deep into athletic endeavors like breakdancing and martial arts and have a deep rooted emotional desire at times to compete and be the center of attention among a group of people, though I don’t actively try to receive that type of recognition, I strive to do it in more subtle manners. I believe this is the part of myself integrating the more repressed/background functions as when i am learning a new kinesthetic skill, cultivating a new athletic craft, my mind naturally starts to shift away from pondering on the meaning of life and I start to become more concrete and linear (sj) for a period of time. I know of a girl who is a utopian infp and she is very much an innocent sweetheart who lives a very harmonious routine life without the deep levels of intellectualization or striving for something unlike me. She stays happy and full hearted. I envy that trait sometimes. Thank you for the video!
I think I'm more of a utopian type right now. And yes, I think that people, especially men, see me as such an innocent sweetheart. But it's not that we don't go deeper into thinking. For me it seems like the quest of masterning the balance between my general knowledge and the art of satisficing. I'm diving deep in my mind, but I don't need much externally to be happy. (Obviously, I have more thoughts on that, but that's a good sum-up - here you have, it's me satisficing :D)
I think I lean towards the sage INFP. My mind works in tv tropes so when there is something in my life that I’ve never seen happen in a tv show I don’t know how to deal with it and I avoid it. I will always compare my life with those of fictional characters which honestly isn’t too healthy because life is not tv but it also helps me interpret the world in a way that’s digestible for me.
I do this too! But, the way I see it is that these tv tropes aren’t originated through the tv character but, through various personality archetypes through the human experience. I know for me watching and identifying with these tropes gave me an outside perspective of how I felt and help me to grasp the bigger picture of the concept when I couldn’t translate it without reference. We are multidimensional species. I try having fun with it and try not to take it too seriously but, there’s power in doing what you do. ❤️❤️❤️
That must mean you're heavily programmed by what you see on TV. I thought NF typed were very reliant on their own internal intuition and feelings, not what they see outside of them.
I actually look at myself as all four of those subtypes building a whole, and each of them acting in response to current circumstances. Great inside by the way, I strongly respect what you do.
I get into so many arguments, it isn't even funny. My boyfriend calls me a shit-starter who likes to argue. But I think he's come to realize that I AM RIGHT. And he knows that IF he has the ability to PROVE ME WRONG, He would! But he WON'T cause he CAN'T.
We are real shapeshifters! The chameleons of life (which by the way do not change color in accordance to their surroundings. They change for practical reasons like heat regulation and for self-expression!! ;D). Because we are so much at the very same time and perceive so much on such deep levels, our main anchors are: - we ourselves - our core values - the balance of it all The whole rest is a big flow. Holding on is futile. We are surfers that will die if we try to fight the waves rather than learning how to flow with them. Yet once we know how to ride, it will not matter if it's the waves, wild horses or winds. We do not need content lerning, for content comes to us unasked. But we need to learn the ropes of how we learn and how to comb through countless winding threads of information and emotions and how to recognize the ones that go into our flying carpet. And which do not. We need to know how much weight our flying carpers can pull and how much will have everything crashing down, including the people we've taken on a ride. We do not need to get told nor know where the journey goes. The journey IS our goal and our compass will strongly lead us the way towards "where we're wanted, needed most" and "existing best". Do you learn how to read it? Your compass? Will you waste time asking it "What's the plan?" and "What's our destination" when any compass only ever shows a single direction? "On the road where being me works best and any addition is cherries on my cake". Will you be asking me, asking yourself to only be this or that? When we are this AND that? Will you be asking of others to understand? When all we really need is not understanding but the embrace of acceptance. And to be trusted in our words and actions being as authentic as it is possible at each given time and setting. We understand ourselves best - over time. Will you search for others to solve your problemseven when your compass is the strongest? Or will you search for someone who can listen. Not for solutin giving, but for the extension or perspectives and the freedom of clarity that can come from being listened to. We can even embrace ourselves - without help - and we need of noone. But we sure want them. For the beauty of what people, animals and nature overall are capable of, transcends wor(l)ds. We are gems in the earth, seedlings in the wind, lava within the mountain cores and rifts in ocean deeps so full of unseen life that may never see the light of day. We exist just like that. Self-sufficient and rolling, flying, resting and burning within outselves. And it is well. And yet, with the right care and respect can we just as well be hte diamonds cutting the hardest surfaces, the seeds growing into your fields to feed you and trees to shield you? The heat to cook your meals and the force to shift up new islands and mountains? The place you will find more of the orgine than when staring at deep space, with creatures and their abilities you could hardly imagine before? Yes, all of that. And are htere many who can do so without bringing forth ruin and imbalance? Well, maybe no. So we will rest untouched rather than bringing forth ruin, imbalance, greed and waste. Are we to blame for it? Are others to blame for getting lost in us, confused with us, scared of us or obsessed with the things they may find? I don't think so. It is upon us to learn how to be. It is upon others to learn how to live with us. Yet again upon us to forever patiently point at the do-s and don't-s. Expecting nothing but sharing every treasures we manage to lift to the surface together - accross al hurdles - without causing havoc. All is well. What more should it be!
As an (what I think I am) Np Infp I often feel trapped in this society, like I want to experience everything and the routine is a grey press upon my feet that won't let me move... and I suddenly burst up and end up lashing out and destroying everything I've work for like an encaged animal just for a bit of "fresh air"
I'm defs a Utopian foremost. Rebel and Sage I can certainly don those hats when the environment, mood and company allow it, but Artist is beyond my current capabilities. I am envious of those that can tap into those creative powers. Peace and love to you all, namaste xxx. PS - Love the European presenter pronouncing j as "y" in English words, super cute :D
I remember when I first started college a few years ago thinking this is it, I'm going to be a teacher and help kids reach their goals and teach them to love themselves, and then I had to have an interview with the department heads. I went into this interview, after a year of already taking some of the classes to become a teacher, with absolutely no confidence, I completely stumbled over the words I actually wanted to say and I talked more about my weaknesses than my strengths. I didn't come as too much of a surprise when I wasn't accepted into the department, but I still cried feeling like an absolute failure that's just wasting money that my family doesn't even have. They made so many sacrifices for me to get there and I failed them. Thankfully whether I was accepted into that department or not had nothing to do with college, just my future career path. I changed to Interdisciplinary Studies where I am given more freedom to do what I want and hopefully I can make something out of that.
I am glad you were able to find/do something that gives you freedom. I do hope you still are able to touch lives the way you intended. The worst thing i hate (besides loss) is regret...especially when it involves “failling” others i care about.
I think all INFPs have this nurturing character. No doubt had you been accepted, you would have been a wonderful teacher! But us INFPs also tend to think lowly of ourselves and sometimes and talk ourselves out of our pursuing our dreams :(
I definitely resonate with the sage atm, I have a broad vision and huge dreams, all of which I'm excited for and am anxious to reach but I get so trapped by them I sometimes lose sight of responsibilities.
one of the best videos on INFPs i have seen. I'd say these are different modes of an INFP, cause i feel like I am all of them, can't say I am only one or two of these subtypes, all of them equally.
I agree totally. Though I find I can lead more with Fp Muse. As a friend has pointed out to me, and I tend to agree. Younger I may have been more in line with Ni and Np?? Is that even possible? I can definitely relate to all.
We go through fases, and sometimes the other takes over. We definitely all carry around all 4 of them. But I think in the end one or two are present more often.
Just discovering I'm definitely a Np subtype! It always felt odd that I crave constant change when most INFP descriptions state the opposite of that. But you have a rare ability to grasp how the INFPs work, loved to hear your insights
At 52 , I believe although INFPs may start life leaning towards one sub type, once they have gone as far as they need to in that journey towards self actualization, over a longer time span we will be compelled to excel in each subtype. Each individual will have their own order in which we will struggle to master each of the four in order to reach self actualization.
Thank you erik thor, This explanation helped me understand myself better... I have been all sub types at one point in my life. I started out as Ni, I had such a rich inner world I was a mute child. Doctors thought I couldn't hear or I had autism. But I understood everyone just didnt care to socialize with them. Then when society kept forcing me out of my shell, I actually became Fi, I became more focused on harmony within my family and peace. During my teenage years, I realized I couldn't have harmony by not rocking the boat so I became more rebellious, I just wanted to do things I wanted to do in my own way because it felt true to myself... Now I am trying to balance all the subtypes and create a flow. But I am scared. My closest ones believe I am brave and bold because I have stood up for what is right many times, leaving me alone or belittled by adversaries. But reality is I am scared of disharmony because it really makes my spirit groan in despair. Sometimes when I think I am getting into a flow an outside force "bullies" me (not necessarily a person) and I must not let disappointment and my perfectionism get in the way of fulfilling or finishing my vision... Well, I feel I could go on and that's because not only do you understand INFPs but I can see that you genuinely care about this type. I wish I could meet you to give you a hug...nothing weird. Really just a hug because I have learned a lot from you. 🍃
I am a BIG sage. Holy hell. SUCH A SAGE. 😭😭😭 I’m literally crying because that is so me! It took me TWENTY YEARS to finally get the courage to get myself a tattoo apprenticeship! It happened (at age 41 rofl), but it happened! ❤️
As an INFP, I resonate with them all, went through phases depending on mood, my relationship with the person im dealing with and the current situation or topic…
I’m struggling right now and I don’t think I care what personality type I am. I thought I was an INFJ though seems slightly unlikely. I came close to thinking ESFP, yep that right, emphasis on “F” but not FEELING... you have me leaning on this INFP. One, because of the difficult issues that I am facing and maybe because I have never had to truly face anything truly alone I am devastated, and there are so many moving parts to my situations and I am so overwhelmed I am probably my own worst helper. If I had experience with this stuff I may have been able to deal with this better. I don’t know how to talk about or even who to talk with about it with doors, forget closing, they don’t even really respond in some cases... someone helped me yesterday and didn’t want anything in return and I was in shock. Happily. Yet shocked. It was hitching my trailer which was a big deal as the county was going tow it because... well, long story. Thank you for your channel. I appreciate all the help I can get It’s nice that you are here and I didn’t have to ask. That’s what is hard. Asking. Even when you know you need help. Who and how? Not everyone is the right person to talk to about thing. And by the time you’ve shared with the wrong person it’s too late. Hopefully one day I’ll understand myself enough to help get though 2020 times 😎🐝
Ooh, I like this theory. :) My mum would definitely be the rebel INFP. She's free-spirited and stubborn, she always follows her own path, she stands up for her principles and for others, and she's so so so soft-hearted. It's wonderful.
Multitasking? INFPs can multitask?! Great video that I will have to review and analyze to understand better. Thank you, Erik, for true thought as opposed to some glib, but senseless video chatter. ❤
How do you know so much! All this info makes my head dizzy. Your depth of knowledge in the subject is incredible. You say you're not a professional, I can't believe you didn't spend many years at University learning all of this stuff. You must study all the time. We are very lucky to have you as a resource. In the U.S. many people cannot afford mental health counseling because it is so expensive & our private health insurances often pay very little for MHC and the balance comes from our own pockets. I've tried to get friends to take the personality test & watch your channel, but I believe many people don't want to pick apart who they really are because they're either lazy or maybe afraid of what they might learn about themselves. But unless you know who you are how can you expect to grow or even change the things you're not happy with. Thank you Erik Thor.
As an example of ni subtype: I didn't choose a course that i am deeply interested in because i didnt believe that the lecturer will do his job very well and i afraid to stop dreaming about the subject. Because it is a dream that cannot be explained and impractical but i dont want to stop believing in. Staying out of information is the best for my hapiness :D
Anytime i watch a 16 personality video (not infp specific ones) its always filled with infp because were so curious about ourselves as if we dont already literally live in our mind daily.
I think environment has a lot to do with which subtype surfaces. Especially when it comes to expressing the 100% raw truth and feeling ok with sharing.
My introverted feeling is in constant overdrive to the point where every decision I make whether minor or major I feel is a reflection on who I am as a being. To the core. I also feel a huge weight of responsibility for changing the world and I KNOW it’s not my place, and it’s not from a I think I’m better and have all the answers place, it’s an unwanted internal compulsive feeling. Anyone else feel the worlds pain all the time and know there’s little you can do to fix it? I guess the most accurate way to explain it, is knowing that life is all about feelings, and at the end humans can only be human, you can hope to feel a sense of purpose, meaning, or fulfillment at the end of your life but that’s still just a feeling. It doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of the universe. We’re still accelerating away from the beginning of the universe and inevitably there will be nothing again. I can’t escape that thought. With that logic I’m stuck thinking well okay that means you better enjoy life as much as you can while we do exist. I used to think my purpose was to enlighten as many people as possible about the importance of treating everyone with human dignity and informing people of the importance of being the best possible version of ourselves that we can muster, all those internal value systems, and principles I can’t escape and stand for no matter the situation. Introverted feeling only cares about what’s subjectively right or wrong not what’s objectively true or false. My point is, has anyone else gotten to the point where you see the limitation of humanity, and you’re emotionally exhausted from the way humanity has behaved? Is the sad truth that we will never evolve into what our collective potential is?
Learn to pace yourself then and be easy on yourself. 😊You can adjust the volume of your Fi and consciously imagine yourself setting it lower. Don't silence it out completely, just take it one step at a time.
"The annuscent INFP...The Yoy Seeking INFP" Lol, your accent is so cute Erik, you would make a perfect voice over for a cute funny cartoon caracter! Btw im so enlightened by your knowledge. THANK YOU for this video. I think im the innocent Subtype INFP. Thanks 😊
Wow, wow, wow. And just like that, my inner tug of war was laid out into four logical interconnected categories. This is going to clear up so much for me. I need a whiteboard stat! THANK YOU
just bought a t shirt of you i love the infp slogan but if you had a lil cute colourful fairy on it as well that would be perfection and then id buy that one too lol
3:40 As an infp I see surviving every day without getting mentally collapse or still feeling a sense of me while getting through a mental collapse as an accomplishment c: No anything recognised by society But it is grave enough.c:
Rebel is perfect. It’s unexpected because it seems more of an SP trait, but this is idea rebellion. It’s well intended but interpreted as insubordinate.
That was definitely an impressive analysis, I’ve not heard such a detailed or clear breakdown of INFP before. I’m in my mid-forties and it’s interesting to reflect on how I’ve acted on these various subtypes at different phases in life. It’s also interesting to note how the lack of balance can create this perception of inner conflict below the surface, I’ve actually never been able to put my finger on that but your explanation makes sense. I don’t typically rewatch UA-cam videos but your talk had me pausing the video and rewatching parts to digest it all. It was extremely elucidating... First time viewer, subbed and looking forward to checking out more on your channel!
INFP Assertive Turbulent Fi But honestly, I fluctuate between all 4 depending on who, what, when, where and how introverted I am at the moment. I work on myself all the time and get better and better, THEN “wham” I get working again. People think I’m crazy, well...I think their crazy. I’m getting use to people not getting me💕☀️😎❤️🙏🏻🐣👍👍👍
This is great. I don't recall seeing a video on subtypes like this before, but I can definitely see myself in all of them at different points in my life. You can imagine some of the inner conflict while shifting between these.
I think I'm the Thinker/Dreamer introverted intuition subtype of INFP, though the Artist/Truth teller feeling-perceiving subtype also resonates. And sometimes I'm as gullible as the Innocent introverted feeling subtype. When riled I can dip into Rebel intuitive perceiving...
I can relate to all subtypes, but I am definetly the rebel mostly. I hate control, I hate feeling frozen, I hate rules when I don't see any sense in them. And if I feel stagnated I break free at all cost even if I hurt ppl with it. It's awful because I know that I willingly hurt ppl I want to protect and I feel restless and I too need harmony and balance, but not going forward and being able to grow kinda feels like dying slowly. The second subtype I can relate most is the ni type. Because I am very efficient and focused when I want a dream come true. And then Noone can stop me like a train rushing through landscape full speed. 😂 But sadly it's a lot against what other ppl need and want. That makes me unstable and sad too. The weird part is, as he said, there r points in life when I feel extremely fluid in personality because certain circumstances afford to act differently. That causes so big identity problems at least for me sometimes.... I wonder if other Infps have that too...
I've probably been some part of every subtype throughout the duration of my life, maybe it depends on which part of the function affects you as I've heard different functions e.g dominant or inferior affects you the most throughout different years of your life, e.g 0-7 8-15 16-22 years old for example, they aren't the actual years. But the subtype each person is may differ from INFP to INFP e.g you could be going through the Te years but acting out the rebel subtype whereas another INFP could be affected by the same function but acting out the sage subtype. Theoretically the changes may depend on which aspect of their functions they are affected by.
I’m flattered people love us so much... Ive definitely experienced each sub-archetype depending on the theme in my life and which values were suitable for the moment. So they are definitely interchangeable for me personally. But, overall I’m sure I’m a alien.
In my life, right now, I really related to the last subtype you mentioned. I’m in Uni right now and I can become so stressed and high strung on trying to not miss any details. Never heard of these kinds sub types before
Interesting! Helps me understand the differences between the various INFPs life deluges me with! Also can see why the Ni subtype could look like an INxJ.
I tend to cycle through each of these depending on how confident I feel. Right now when I feel the most vulnerable and in my healing cycle, I feel most Ni
I really enjoyed your presentation. I understand and retain a lot more of the information coming from you then I would from a stale or stagnant older monotone fellow. You get a little bit excited you show enthusiasm with the material that you're presenting and I like that. I am an infp and I seem to resonate between the rebel the innocent and the sage thank you very much for creating this video I got a lot from it I gave you a thumbs up and I really appreciate it thanks again!!
We are ever-changing creatures... I remember times when I resonate with one subtype, but then that other time I resonated with another one... This video is really interesting and different from others on this INFP topic that I've watched. Superrefreshing. Thank you. You've made my day:)
I think they each have their own priority. 1 is most important, the second one is always present but not overwhelming, and the other 2 occasionally pop up their heads. The weird thing is, we need to satisfy all four, although they often exclude each other. That's why we are always in Flux. Restless minds, going through the cycle and wrestling with the world around us. I wouldn't want anything else, Because great minds came before us. If somebody did something that was absolutely new in either art or science, chances are it was an infp. We can only find true joy if we change the world for the better, even just a little bit. I am currently working at a place where we are doing just that, and I feel utterly content and have a peace of mind unlike I have had before. If an infp succeeds at finding his balance and satisfies all 4 aspects, he is the happiest kind of person on the planet.
@@dennisklomp2361 But its not that easy when u have more than four variations of characters. I felt restless. .when they consumed most of my time. .either in overthinking or playmaking.. very exhausting.. yet i can't seem to stop. I tried my best to organize.. but many times i failed to control its time demands. Can u relate? How to control the urge to overthink?
I’m definitely the sage/Ni which is so painful sometimes bc I have this whole future world inside my head where all my dreams have come true but then I face reality and I’m like shit what if my dreams never come true and I’m stuck in this daydream forever
Brooke Brooke ugh i totally feel this, i write about living in my dream world a lot because real life sucks but honestly i think the goal is using that feeling to achieve your dreams, we have a good idea of what we want already so using it to our benefit seems to be the only solution lol, take small steps to build your world/environment to be like it is in your dreams, doing this has helped me a lot and i hope it can help you too! the fear is paralyzing but there is hope
Kay simpson yes!! I’m glad you relate haha. I am very hopeful about my future and all these dreams I have; I guess my hopes and fears just correspond with each other. But most days I try to focus on the hopeful aspect of things. But thank you for this I appreciate it :)
How much worse when u have anxiety!
Your comment about the future in your head and then looking at present reality..... almost made me wanna cry. I feel you
I felt that
i feel like through all 4 phases everyday, that's why my mind is always in a constant state of mess
I resonate with all of them. Each come out depending on my mood, current environment and preoccupation. Thank you for your insights
same here
ye it indeed a gift
nya True for me too!
That's how I feel as well, there is no one subtype, I feel them all at different times depending on the situation.
Omg yes!! Sometimes it comes at once and I feel that I’m constantly contradicting myself!
I've been dealing with this problem as an INFP. I've gone through the innocent phase, the dreamer phase, the rebel phase and the artist. I'm having a lot of troubles with what I should do with it.
How do you get the right flow or balance?
Yup very difficult since they're stuck in ur head. .that u gotta choose who will u please.. But first u have live with ur decision to better realize that its the real thing ur in. And that u really have to choose a partner that can understand and comfort u.
Same here, and I'm 66.
it’s the same for me :(
Sadly, same here too
INFPs are interesting. There's definatly a bigger variation of INFPs than other types.
Where is that assumption based on?
I always thought that too, Fi can really range from one person to another, especially in a Fi dom like INFP
@@Gloopp Si too.
I've heard ISTJ's are the most neurologically variated type while ENFP's are the most similar. In brain scans
@Dehlilia_ 8thHouseMoonRabbit q
"it's something that is perfect in one's head but never is perfect in reality..."
I relate to that countless times...
I’m probably the sage, or Ni. I have this little world inside of my mind that I want to make a TV show, but I don’t speak about it irl often. I also have too many dreams and am too imaginative oOf
Bruh I imagine maself with ma fav idol everyday. Imagining that I live in the same house as him and that we're already planning on having children and nah shiet I'm only frickin 17
As an INFP I love INFJs I relate with them, I love you Erik.
Ariel Avalos yeah I’m an INFP and two of my closest people are also INFJs
My therapist is an INFJ. She’s amazing.
i’m an infj!! i love infp ‘s
Megan w yeah im an infp and my mom is an infj (:
I married an INFJ 😝 just recently learned about the personality types
I had never heard any of this, but I literally feel like if I have multiple personalities battling within. It's all of the four sub-types active almost all the time. I feel confused and exhausted, I don't have the energy to deal with people. I have become very solitary and the worst thing is that I really love it.
Same I feel bad for not socializing with my friends but at the same time I like the feeling of being alone then at the same time I get lonely :(
@@taikague7327 My dear, I hope you do not judge yourself too much over enjoying lots and lots of alone time. Have you checked yet what aspects of "being with your friends" makes the hurdle so high? Have you tried different ways of being with them and have you communicated rules? Such as: do they know that your enjoying alone time is necessary for you and is not connected of how deep your care of them is?
I teach my friends how to contact me best (and how not). I opently tell them what I'm a good friend for and where they shall not make me their No.1 person to rely on! E.g.: they know that if they need really important support with an important matter I'll be there (unless they cannot reach me then I'm incapable and it's nobody's fault). I caution them against making me their one and only friend and we instantly priorise building up their bassic social network and 1x1 of self-care if they haven't yet. Because we need to be very clear with each other on each ofus carrying our own responsibilities for ourselves and all interactions are the cherries on the cake (even the hurdles!!!).
Without these basics being alone will indeed make more sense than being with others. And if there are times in your life when that happens, then you need to know you can't be lonely with yourself, even if you may feel a bit alone now and then. And then there's still INFPs in comment sections accross the world to connect with.
Once you've made yourself comfortable and established a 1x1 of "things my friends need to know from very early on", it will become a loooooooooot easier. Wish you well.
For someone who is not an INFP, you are amazingly insightful about us! Your perspective is very useful and interesting!
ENFJs also seem to know a crap ton about INFPs, judging from one of my own friendships. Watch some of Meghan LaVota's (she's an ENFJ videos on INFPs if you haven't already, they're fantastic!
He's NOT an INFP? O__O
@@Umeshukitsune He is a INFJ according to his videos
I am a hikikomori in the USA. I guess I have a utopia of peace and isolation and feel much more like a monk in the mountains far away from the emotionally stagnant world of man, rather than a normal human being. I like to look down at society from the safety of my isolating cliffs to critique, help people understand themselves, and enable the world to find balance with simplicity and nature. All while figuring out the universe, strengthening my spirit and finding peace in one's self. While my emotions and cognition for the human condition are vastly strengthened, I am so disconnected from reality and my physical life that it leads to my own neglect and stagnation. Living at home with my parents, not desiring jobs, change, future, or even taking care of my bodily hygiene.
I AM living in my own small utopia of isolation where I can attend to my fish, plants, pets and help those close to me digest, balance and gain perspective on their lives and their own minds. I think INFPs like me often commit suicide because we are so loyal to our visions that we disconnect from even our own bodies and physical presence because there isn't a spot for people like me in society. I cannot function, and I truly feel like my own world is reliant on those that function in the physical world and not in the mental one like me. I am technically a parasite, but I would say moreso a plant (Weird I know). I cannot take care of myself but I can give comfort, companionship, and wholeness. So I kinda observe silently, take in everything around me and digest it into something that can be used for others benefit, whether that be lessons, morals, and or even the much-needed perspective, and like a plant, if I were to die it would hurt more than if I were to exist like I am, so I exist.
Along the way, I process my existence through emotion, whether I feel its right or wrong, and as such use that intuition, and childlike awe/ exploration to create the most fantastical worlds that I can imagine. Its kinda like using my feelings, themes, motivations, pain to construct existences that play out as full-fledged processes of emotion. Where someone/ or something goes through trials of self-exploration to learn something about the world, philosophy, others or even just themselves. They might come out bettered or worsened but nonetheless impacted by the horrific beauty of existence. I am so wrapped up in emotion, fantasy and peace that I really have been handicapped by it. Because it doesn't take just the mind to move forward in life, but the momentum in our physical existence and my dichotomy between the two are very unequal.
I try to reach out into the world to act as though I belong, but whenever I cannot avoid admitting my existence, my facade of normalcy breaks and it is apparent like a snail without its shell that I am incapable of taking care of myself. All I am is a mind without reason, because I've made peace with letting go and now I just drift wherever I am pushed and along the way work to leaving a positive impact on those around me. Wholeness, modesty, and the pursuit of understanding one's self are traits that I've personified and you need more than that to exist. I hope if you've read this far, that you look inward and try to decipher what truly makes you happy and that you achieve it. The one thing that many people struggle with is finding themselves among so many others, but from someone who is only with themselves, it's easier to look inward and look at society from a distance. Best wishes in this amazingly terrible world.
I realy like this video. I always hear how INFPs never want to hurt anyone and I never realy could relate to this. Because I'm so much driven by my honesty. I think everyone shuld be completly honest all the time. And I get often in trouble because I just say the things as I realy think they are, even if it hurts someone. I don't WANT to hurt someone. But better to hurt someone than to be untruthfull to yourself.
But I also have to say - I know all of these typs in me. I think its more like, one of them is prior to the other. And ofcause it can change in situations.
I expect honesty from others as well. I can always tell when someone is lying to me even if I don't know them. I would rather have truth even if it's uncomfortable, than to have someone lie to me. If someone important to me lies to me, I lose all respect for them and don't want to be around people I can't trust.
As an INFP myself I hate lies. I tell truth in most subtle way I could XD
Hurts because its true is ok.
Hurting for the sake of hurting/bullying/control/manipulation.
Not ok.
Slightly Bullying the bullies howevor.. is my exception.
Ive been in psychologically abusive controlling relationships.
When i see people i care about being psychologically twisted up lied too and played like a fiddle. Cant help but be a bugs bunny to narcissitic people. Call em out. Expose their lies. Watch em dance themselves into a deeper hole of lies and end up in a tizzy.
Honesty is also a big thing for me, but I believe it's possible to be honest without hurting people. I think that's actually a position of (good) power because if you're able to tell people the truth in the kind way, you have a better chance of helping them to change (if they want to) in positive way.
I like the subcategories. I’m the infp sage, very intellectual and always introspecting on the deeper meaning of life, the self, humanity etc. and also have the habit of procrastinating and withdrawing, never putting much attention toward myself in family or social gatherings. I withdraw a lot and have an immense desire for isolation while at the same time becoming depressed from doing it so many times. Contrastingly, I’m also very deep into athletic endeavors like breakdancing and martial arts and have a deep rooted emotional desire at times to compete and be the center of attention among a group of people, though I don’t actively try to receive that type of recognition, I strive to do it in more subtle manners. I believe this is the part of myself integrating the more repressed/background functions as when i am learning a new kinesthetic skill, cultivating a new athletic craft, my mind naturally starts to shift away from pondering on the meaning of life and I start to become more concrete and linear (sj) for a period of time. I know of a girl who is a utopian infp and she is very much an innocent sweetheart who lives a very harmonious routine life without the deep levels of intellectualization or striving for something unlike me. She stays happy and full hearted. I envy that trait sometimes. Thank you for the video!
your welcome :)
I think I'm more of a utopian type right now. And yes, I think that people, especially men, see me as such an innocent sweetheart. But it's not that we don't go deeper into thinking. For me it seems like the quest of masterning the balance between my general knowledge and the art of satisficing. I'm diving deep in my mind, but I don't need much externally to be happy.
(Obviously, I have more thoughts on that, but that's a good sum-up - here you have, it's me satisficing :D)
I feel like we would get along so well. I wish you well!
Omg I relate to this so bad!!
I think we are VERY similar!
I think I lean towards the sage INFP. My mind works in tv tropes so when there is something in my life that I’ve never seen happen in a tv show I don’t know how to deal with it and I avoid it. I will always compare my life with those of fictional characters which honestly isn’t too healthy because life is not tv but it also helps me interpret the world in a way that’s digestible for me.
I do this too! But, the way I see it is that these tv tropes aren’t originated through the tv character but, through various personality archetypes through the human experience. I know for me watching and identifying with these tropes gave me an outside perspective of how I felt and help me to grasp the bigger picture of the concept when I couldn’t translate it without reference. We are multidimensional species. I try having fun with it and try not to take it too seriously but, there’s power in doing what you do. ❤️❤️❤️
That must mean you're heavily programmed by what you see on TV. I thought NF typed were very reliant on their own internal intuition and feelings, not what they see outside of them.
I actually look at myself as all four of those subtypes building a whole, and each of them acting in response to current circumstances.
Great inside by the way, I strongly respect what you do.
You emit such INFP fairy dreamer vibes it goes in accordance with ur facial expressions and body language, the way you talk and connect ideas as well.
Thank you! :)
"anticipation of the immediate abstract emerging possibilities" yes
I get into so many arguments, it isn't even funny. My boyfriend calls me a shit-starter who likes to argue. But I think he's come to realize that I AM RIGHT.
And he knows that IF he has the ability to PROVE ME WRONG, He would! But he WON'T cause he CAN'T.
I love to dream and watch them come true.
I feel like I drift in and out of all these sub types, all day long. It's exhausting. Maybe I need meds.
Try to find a balance by making sure you don't neglect any of these four. They are human needs. It's not one above the others. ❤️️
We are real shapeshifters! The chameleons of life (which by the way do not change color in accordance to their surroundings. They change for practical reasons like heat regulation and for self-expression!! ;D). Because we are so much at the very same time and perceive so much on such deep levels, our main anchors are:
- we ourselves
- our core values
- the balance of it all
The whole rest is a big flow. Holding on is futile. We are surfers that will die if we try to fight the waves rather than learning how to flow with them. Yet once we know how to ride, it will not matter if it's the waves, wild horses or winds. We do not need content lerning, for content comes to us unasked. But we need to learn the ropes of how we learn and how to comb through countless winding threads of information and emotions and how to recognize the ones that go into our flying carpet. And which do not. We need to know how much weight our flying carpers can pull and how much will have everything crashing down, including the people we've taken on a ride. We do not need to get told nor know where the journey goes. The journey IS our goal and our compass will strongly lead us the way towards "where we're wanted, needed most" and "existing best". Do you learn how to read it? Your compass? Will you waste time asking it "What's the plan?" and "What's our destination" when any compass only ever shows a single direction? "On the road where being me works best and any addition is cherries on my cake".
Will you be asking me, asking yourself to only be this or that? When we are this AND that? Will you be asking of others to understand? When all we really need is not understanding but the embrace of acceptance. And to be trusted in our words and actions being as authentic as it is possible at each given time and setting. We understand ourselves best - over time. Will you search for others to solve your problemseven when your compass is the strongest? Or will you search for someone who can listen. Not for solutin giving, but for the extension or perspectives and the freedom of clarity that can come from being listened to. We can even embrace ourselves - without help - and we need of noone. But we sure want them. For the beauty of what people, animals and nature overall are capable of, transcends wor(l)ds.
We are gems in the earth, seedlings in the wind, lava within the mountain cores and rifts in ocean deeps so full of unseen life that may never see the light of day.
We exist just like that. Self-sufficient and rolling, flying, resting and burning within outselves. And it is well. And yet, with the right care and respect can we just as well be hte diamonds cutting the hardest surfaces, the seeds growing into your fields to feed you and trees to shield you? The heat to cook your meals and the force to shift up new islands and mountains? The place you will find more of the orgine than when staring at deep space, with creatures and their abilities you could hardly imagine before? Yes, all of that. And are htere many who can do so without bringing forth ruin and imbalance? Well, maybe no. So we will rest untouched rather than bringing forth ruin, imbalance, greed and waste. Are we to blame for it? Are others to blame for getting lost in us, confused with us, scared of us or obsessed with the things they may find?
I don't think so.
It is upon us to learn how to be. It is upon others to learn how to live with us. Yet again upon us to forever patiently point at the do-s and don't-s. Expecting nothing but sharing every treasures we manage to lift to the surface together - accross al hurdles - without causing havoc.
All is well. What more should it be!
As an (what I think I am) Np Infp I often feel trapped in this society, like I want to experience everything and the routine is a grey press upon my feet that won't let me move... and I suddenly burst up and end up lashing out and destroying everything I've work for like an encaged animal just for a bit of "fresh air"
I'm defs a Utopian foremost. Rebel and Sage I can certainly don those hats when the environment, mood and company allow it, but Artist is beyond my current capabilities. I am envious of those that can tap into those creative powers. Peace and love to you all, namaste xxx. PS - Love the European presenter pronouncing j as "y" in English words, super cute :D
I remember when I first started college a few years ago thinking this is it, I'm going to be a teacher and help kids reach their goals and teach them to love themselves, and then I had to have an interview with the department heads. I went into this interview, after a year of already taking some of the classes to become a teacher, with absolutely no confidence, I completely stumbled over the words I actually wanted to say and I talked more about my weaknesses than my strengths. I didn't come as too much of a surprise when I wasn't accepted into the department, but I still cried feeling like an absolute failure that's just wasting money that my family doesn't even have. They made so many sacrifices for me to get there and I failed them. Thankfully whether I was accepted into that department or not had nothing to do with college, just my future career path. I changed to Interdisciplinary Studies where I am given more freedom to do what I want and hopefully I can make something out of that.
I am glad you were able to find/do something that gives you freedom. I do hope you still are able to touch lives the way you intended. The worst thing i hate (besides loss) is regret...especially when it involves “failling” others i care about.
I think all INFPs have this nurturing character. No doubt had you been accepted, you would have been a wonderful teacher! But us INFPs also tend to think lowly of ourselves and sometimes and talk ourselves out of our pursuing our dreams :(
I definitely resonate with the sage atm, I have a broad vision and huge dreams, all of which I'm excited for and am anxious to reach but I get so trapped by them I sometimes lose sight of responsibilities.
one of the best videos on INFPs i have seen. I'd say these are different modes of an INFP, cause i feel like I am all of them, can't say I am only one or two of these subtypes, all of them equally.
I agree totally. Though I find I can lead more with Fp Muse. As a friend has pointed out to me, and I tend to agree. Younger I may have been more in line with Ni and Np?? Is that even possible? I can definitely relate to all.
We go through fases, and sometimes the other takes over. We definitely all carry around all 4 of them. But I think in the end one or two are present more often.
Yeah, I'm an INFP Feeling perceiving. "Authenticity" is the perfect explanation of everything I ever do.
I’m definitely the rebel, I love change and different possibilities, and doing my own thing.
Why we INFP love watching these.
Thanks Erik!
Because we like to know about ourselves
Just discovering I'm definitely a Np subtype! It always felt odd that I crave constant change when most INFP descriptions state the opposite of that. But you have a rare ability to grasp how the INFPs work, loved to hear your insights
At 52 , I believe although INFPs may start life leaning towards one sub type, once they have gone as far as they need to in that journey towards self actualization, over a longer time span we will be compelled to excel in each subtype. Each individual will have their own order in which we will struggle to master each of the four in order to reach self actualization.
At 54 I entirely agree
Thank you erik thor,
This explanation helped me understand myself better...
I have been all sub types at one point in my life. I started out as Ni, I had such a rich inner world I was a mute child. Doctors thought I couldn't hear or I had autism. But I understood everyone just didnt care to socialize with them.
Then when society kept forcing me out of my shell, I actually became Fi, I became more focused on harmony within my family and peace. During my teenage years, I realized I couldn't have harmony by not rocking the boat so I became more rebellious, I just wanted to do things I wanted to do in my own way because it felt true to myself...
Now I am trying to balance all the subtypes and create a flow. But I am scared. My closest ones believe I am brave and bold because I have stood up for what is right many times, leaving me alone or belittled by adversaries. But reality is I am scared of disharmony because it really makes my spirit groan in despair. Sometimes when I think I am getting into a flow an outside force "bullies" me (not necessarily a person) and I must not let disappointment and my perfectionism get in the way of fulfilling or finishing my vision...
Well, I feel I could go on and that's because not only do you understand INFPs but I can see that you genuinely care about this type. I wish I could meet you to give you a hug...nothing weird. Really just a hug because I have learned a lot from you. 🍃
I am a BIG sage. Holy hell. SUCH A SAGE. 😭😭😭 I’m literally crying because that is so me! It took me TWENTY YEARS to finally get the courage to get myself a tattoo apprenticeship! It happened (at age 41 rofl), but it happened! ❤️
As an INFP, I resonate with them all, went through phases depending on mood, my relationship with the person im dealing with and the current situation or topic…
I’m struggling right now and I don’t think I care what personality type I am. I thought I was an INFJ though seems slightly unlikely. I came close to thinking ESFP, yep that right, emphasis on “F” but not FEELING... you have me leaning on this INFP. One, because of the difficult issues that I am facing and maybe because I have never had to truly face anything truly alone I am devastated, and there are so many moving parts to my situations and I am so overwhelmed I am probably my own worst helper. If I had experience with this stuff I may have been able to deal with this better. I don’t know how to talk about or even who to talk with about it with doors, forget closing, they don’t even really respond in some cases...
someone helped me yesterday and didn’t want anything in return and I was in shock. Happily. Yet shocked. It was hitching my trailer which was a big deal as the county was going tow it because... well, long story.
Thank you for your channel. I appreciate all the help I can get It’s nice that you are here and I didn’t have to ask. That’s what is hard. Asking. Even when you know you need help. Who and how? Not everyone is the right person to talk to about thing. And by the time you’ve shared with the wrong person it’s too late.
Hopefully one day I’ll understand myself enough to help get though 2020 times 😎🐝
Ooh, I like this theory. :) My mum would definitely be the rebel INFP. She's free-spirited and stubborn, she always follows her own path, she stands up for her principles and for others, and she's so so so soft-hearted. It's wonderful.
Username checks out
are we the same person? i'm honestly shook how similar everything you've written is to my experiences..
I had no idea INFPs had subtypes. Fascinating
Multitasking? INFPs can multitask?! Great video that I will have to review and analyze to understand better. Thank you, Erik, for true thought as opposed to some glib, but senseless video chatter. ❤
How do you know so much! All this info makes my head dizzy. Your depth of knowledge in the subject is incredible. You say you're not a professional, I can't believe you didn't spend many years at University learning all of this stuff. You must study all the time. We are very lucky to have you as a resource. In the U.S. many people cannot afford mental health counseling because it is so expensive & our private health insurances often pay very little for MHC and the balance comes from our own pockets. I've tried to get friends to take the personality test & watch your channel, but I believe many people don't want to pick apart who they really are because they're either lazy or maybe afraid of what they might learn about themselves. But unless you know who you are how can you expect to grow or even change the things you're not happy with. Thank you Erik Thor.
Dave Chappelle i believe is INFP
Your subtypes are spot on.
As an example of ni subtype: I didn't choose a course that i am deeply interested in because i didnt believe that the lecturer will do his job very well and i afraid to stop dreaming about the subject. Because it is a dream that cannot be explained and impractical but i dont want to stop believing in. Staying out of information is the best for my hapiness :D
I can see how I have floated through each of these at various times in my life.
Anytime i watch a 16 personality video (not infp specific ones) its always filled with infp because were so curious about ourselves as if we dont already literally live in our mind daily.
I think environment has a lot to do with which subtype surfaces. Especially when it comes to expressing the 100% raw truth and feeling ok with sharing.
My introverted feeling is in constant overdrive to the point where every decision I make whether minor or major I feel is a reflection on who I am as a being. To the core. I also feel a huge weight of responsibility for changing the world and I KNOW it’s not my place, and it’s not from a I think I’m better and have all the answers place, it’s an unwanted internal compulsive feeling. Anyone else feel the worlds pain all the time and know there’s little you can do to fix it? I guess the most accurate way to explain it, is knowing that life is all about feelings, and at the end humans can only be human, you can hope to feel a sense of purpose, meaning, or fulfillment at the end of your life but that’s still just a feeling. It doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of the universe. We’re still accelerating away from the beginning of the universe and inevitably there will be nothing again. I can’t escape that thought. With that logic I’m stuck thinking well okay that means you better enjoy life as much as you can while we do exist. I used to think my purpose was to enlighten as many people as possible about the importance of treating everyone with human dignity and informing people of the importance of being the best possible version of ourselves that we can muster, all those internal value systems, and principles I can’t escape and stand for no matter the situation. Introverted feeling only cares about what’s subjectively right or wrong not what’s objectively true or false. My point is, has anyone else gotten to the point where you see the limitation of humanity, and you’re emotionally exhausted from the way humanity has behaved? Is the sad truth that we will never evolve into what our collective potential is?
Learn to pace yourself then and be easy on yourself. 😊You can adjust the volume of your Fi and consciously imagine yourself setting it lower. Don't silence it out completely, just take it one step at a time.
Erik Thor thanks man. I will try.
"The annuscent INFP...The Yoy Seeking INFP" Lol, your accent is so cute Erik, you would make a perfect voice over for a cute funny cartoon caracter! Btw im so enlightened by your knowledge. THANK YOU for this video.
I think im the innocent Subtype INFP.
Thanks 😊
I'm definitely a Yoy Seeking INFP. I'm always looking for connections, and going against the flow.
Wow, wow, wow. And just like that, my inner tug of war was laid out into four logical interconnected categories. This is going to clear up so much for me. I need a whiteboard stat! THANK YOU
just bought a t shirt of you i love the infp slogan but if you had a lil cute colourful fairy on it as well that would be perfection and then id buy that one too lol
Yes. I’ve done the intense outward thing lately in a grieving time. Strange time.
I am an INFP...I love watching your videos.I hope to learn more
As an infp
I see surviving every day without getting mentally collapse or still feeling a sense of me while getting through a mental collapse as an accomplishment c:
No anything recognised by society
But it is grave enough.c:
Based on your description, I am TOTALLY the Ni "Sage" subtype.
Definitely feel like a Utopian INFP... scared of change and of developing myself...but I recognize myself in the other subtypes as well..it's weird...
Rebel is perfect. It’s unexpected because it seems more of an SP trait, but this is idea rebellion. It’s well intended but interpreted as insubordinate.
Wow, never seen something that felt so well descriptive of who I am.
That was definitely an impressive analysis, I’ve not heard such a detailed or clear breakdown of INFP before. I’m in my mid-forties and it’s interesting to reflect on how I’ve acted on these various subtypes at different phases in life. It’s also interesting to note how the lack of balance can create this perception of inner conflict below the surface, I’ve actually never been able to put my finger on that but your explanation makes sense. I don’t typically rewatch UA-cam videos but your talk had me pausing the video and rewatching parts to digest it all. It was extremely elucidating... First time viewer, subbed and looking forward to checking out more on your channel!
I'm an infp. Thanks for the video 💕
I think I'm all of them at once. And I think we all are. These 4 types are integrated part of being INFP.
Wow, I actually never contemplated this until now;
Thank you very much stalwart Viking!
Wow the accuracy of sage
INFJ here. I relate very much to INFP and wonder can I be both??
INFP Assertive Turbulent Fi
But honestly, I fluctuate between all 4 depending on who, what, when, where and how introverted I am at the moment.
I work on myself all the time and get better and better, THEN “wham” I get working again.
People think I’m crazy, well...I think their crazy. I’m getting use to people not getting me💕☀️😎❤️🙏🏻🐣👍👍👍
This is great. I don't recall seeing a video on subtypes like this before, but I can definitely see myself in all of them at different points in my life. You can imagine some of the inner conflict while shifting between these.
I think I'm the Thinker/Dreamer introverted intuition subtype of INFP, though the Artist/Truth teller feeling-perceiving subtype also resonates.
And sometimes I'm as gullible as the Innocent introverted feeling subtype. When riled I can dip into Rebel intuitive perceiving...
I've been trying to type my teenage daughter. INFP is the top pick. This is helpful, she is very complicated to this ST type.
Matt Bonneville i‘m an 14 years infp girl my whole family are esxx.so its not that kind of easy tbh
I can relate to all subtypes, but I am definetly the rebel mostly. I hate control, I hate feeling frozen, I hate rules when I don't see any sense in them. And if I feel stagnated I break free at all cost even if I hurt ppl with it. It's awful because I know that I willingly hurt ppl I want to protect and I feel restless and I too need harmony and balance, but not going forward and being able to grow kinda feels like dying slowly. The second subtype I can relate most is the ni type. Because I am very efficient and focused when I want a dream come true. And then Noone can stop me like a train rushing through landscape full speed. 😂 But sadly it's a lot against what other ppl need and want. That makes me unstable and sad too.
The weird part is, as he said, there r points in life when I feel extremely fluid in personality because certain circumstances afford to act differently. That causes so big identity problems at least for me sometimes.... I wonder if other Infps have that too...
I relate mostly to the Rebel and Sage ironically
I basically can relate to all of the subtypes rn😂😂
Thor I love the way you Hammer us flatten us
I've probably been some part of every subtype throughout the duration of my life, maybe it depends on which part of the function affects you as I've heard different functions e.g dominant or inferior affects you the most throughout different years of your life, e.g 0-7 8-15 16-22 years old for example, they aren't the actual years. But the subtype each person is may differ from INFP to INFP e.g you could be going through the Te years but acting out the rebel subtype whereas another INFP could be affected by the same function but acting out the sage subtype. Theoretically the changes may depend on which aspect of their functions they are affected by.
Maybe the subtype which your current lifestyle violates most slowly becomes more dominant?
I’m flattered people love us so much... Ive definitely experienced each sub-archetype depending on the theme in my life and which values were suitable for the moment. So they are definitely interchangeable for me personally. But, overall I’m sure I’m a alien.
Totally Np subtype!!!
And I def flip into ENFJ to make things happen.
P.S. We are the fantasy genre in literature.
I am the rebel subtype. It made me anxious to heat you describe it. Wow
I'm the sage, and it's so frustrating! Yet at the same time so satisfying.
10:03 this sounded to me like Griffin from man in black 3, thank you for the video.
Well done.
I love your accent!!
Thank you. The pep talk at the end really touched me.
It was really helpful. Two of six tests gave me strange results. Now I know why.
In my life, right now, I really related to the last subtype you mentioned. I’m in Uni right now and I can become so stressed and high strung on trying to not miss any details. Never heard of these kinds sub types before
I'm all 4... but I'm the 3rd when I get controlled against my values
Thank you Erik, you are amazing as always!!!
Oh... so this is why I’m strange 😂
Interesting! Helps me understand the differences between the various INFPs life deluges me with! Also can see why the Ni subtype could look like an INxJ.
Thank you for sharing this powerful information. May we all Be Happy Be Peaceful Be Liberated ☯️
Great video! Very on point! Could you please make a video like this about ENFPs?
Your videos are so on point and you never disappoint
Thank you so much for your hard work we really appreciate it 🤗
You deserve all the love ❤
You have a lovely voice
Erik, you are brilliant! Thank you for helping me to get myself know. 💥🤯💪
I tend to cycle through each of these depending on how confident I feel. Right now when I feel the most vulnerable and in my healing cycle, I feel most Ni
This is so helpful an you express yourself really well. I’m going to rewatch this video a few times
I really enjoyed your presentation. I understand and retain a lot more of the information coming from you then I would from a stale or stagnant older monotone fellow. You get a little bit excited you show enthusiasm with the material that you're presenting and I like that. I am an infp and I seem to resonate between the rebel the innocent and the sage thank you very much for creating this video I got a lot from it I gave you a thumbs up and I really appreciate it thanks again!!
Can you be all of them but at different periods of your life?
Like I resonated with all of them to some extent
excellent video....I appreciate the subtype breakdown......
Well done! 👍
We are ever-changing creatures... I remember times when I resonate with one subtype, but then that other time I resonated with another one... This video is really interesting and different from others on this INFP topic that I've watched. Superrefreshing. Thank you. You've made my day:)
Thank you so so much! I am so grateful ‼️🙏🏻
I'm a mix of the sage and rebel :3
thanks so much for this video
Can someone be two subtypes at the same time? Both rebel and truth teller have just describled me..
Being rebel in the grounds of law 😎
I think they each have their own priority. 1 is most important, the second one is always present but not overwhelming, and the other 2 occasionally pop up their heads.
The weird thing is, we need to satisfy all four, although they often exclude each other.
That's why we are always in Flux. Restless minds, going through the cycle and wrestling with the world around us.
I wouldn't want anything else, Because great minds came before us. If somebody did something that was absolutely new in either art or science, chances are it was an infp. We can only find true joy if we change the world for the better, even just a little bit. I am currently working at a place where we are doing just that, and I feel utterly content and have a peace of mind unlike I have had before. If an infp succeeds at finding his balance and satisfies all 4 aspects, he is the happiest kind of person on the planet.
@@dennisklomp2361 But its not that easy when u have more than four variations of characters. I felt restless. .when they consumed most of my time. .either in overthinking or playmaking.. very exhausting.. yet i can't seem to stop. I tried my best to organize.. but many times i failed to control its time demands. Can u relate? How to control the urge to overthink?
I hate Government laws