THE BEST Arma 3 Mission Generating Mod?! Drongo's Map Population Tutorial

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tyl3r992
    @tyl3r992 9 місяців тому +9

    I appreciate the video but I found a lot of this was not related to Drongos
    I would reccommend timestamping the videos so people can easily navigate to the parts about drongo ❤

    • @95percentrookie
      @95percentrookie  9 місяців тому +2

      Oh yeah I was going to but I forgot so I'll add em now thanks for reminder

  • @zormein
    @zormein 9 місяців тому +6

    Please make a video on NR6 HAL

    • @95percentrookie
      @95percentrookie  9 місяців тому +2

      Yeah I plan to at some point. It's a cool mod.

    • @bangingthebeldam
      @bangingthebeldam 8 місяців тому

      I second this! The ones out there are kinda outdated

  • @6komodo6
    @6komodo6 4 місяці тому

    Love u dawg, thnx for breaking down DMP. Please do NR6 HAL next

  • @malegria9641
    @malegria9641 5 місяців тому +1

    My junior year starts tomorrow and it’s already 9 pm. Am I gonna go to sleep to prepare? No. I’m gonna watch an hour long tutorial of a mod I have up trying to understand months ago

    • @TheAceuu
      @TheAceuu 5 місяців тому

      Damnnn my senior year is starting, absolutely flew bu

  • @Blacklisted_Gaming
    @Blacklisted_Gaming 3 місяці тому

    i've been hung up with the use of the static missions in the drongo mod. The mission generator still makes random missions despite me putting my own out there. I can't seem to get the random ones to stop. Also i'm trying to make a "campaign" with multiple missions that have multiple tasks. and i just can't get it to flow correctly. Specifically it looks at each task like it's own mission and "completes mission" while assigning the next task

  • @rebelelephant
    @rebelelephant 3 місяці тому

    Great stuff. I'm very new to Eden so this is basic question. In the "In-Game" section you mention spawning in Custom composition, but my setup doesn't have your Startup Stuff. I downloaded and put everything in the correct folder. I'm prob missing something here. any help would be great. Thanks!

    • @95percentrookie
      @95percentrookie  3 місяці тому

      You'll have to make a custom composition and save it in order to have it in that menu. I don't quite remember but I think the the mission I included *should* have everything you need to make the composition but if that's not the case I can work something out. Basically it's just a shortcut to place down a few things to save time, not strictly necessary.

  • @RobertBreedon-c3b
    @RobertBreedon-c3b 11 днів тому

    200 Meters is the radius to define faction

  • @abc9995
    @abc9995 5 місяців тому

    how do i open this mod. or whats the key kombination

  • @rowdied9829
    @rowdied9829 8 місяців тому

    Drongo's AI Artillery works fantastic, much better than Lambs. It is a must if you want the AI to have effective artillery

  • @STyx2909
    @STyx2909 7 місяців тому

    Radius around faction module is 200 m.

  • @querubinchannel5714
    @querubinchannel5714 9 місяців тому

    Great mod but i think the main problem is that it isnt perfomance friendly like ALiVE

    • @95percentrookie
      @95percentrookie  9 місяців тому +1

      Generally, I think performance isn’t an issue as long as you are reasonable with your scope. Enabling unit caching will help A LOT, and I imagine virtual factions would give you the same performance benefits as ALiVE’s caching system.
      But if you want a theatre wide or capture the island sized operation, ALiVE is still king. I just wish ALiVE was still getting big updates, there is a lot that seems lacking compared to other newer mods.

  • @jjmdirector
    @jjmdirector 9 місяців тому

    It could be. If it had better documentation and explanations. Thanks for doing this

    • @95percentrookie
      @95percentrookie  9 місяців тому

      There is a readme file in the mod folder which has descriptions on all the different modules, but yeah mods like this usually require a lot of trial and error to find what works for you.