“I Don’t Believe In Soap, Shoes, & Shaving.” - Living Crispy With Dr. Courtney Kahla

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @Aylamags
    @Aylamags Рік тому +48

    I use to wear makeup everyday when I was 14, 15, 16, 17. Powder, blush, mascara, eyeshadow, the whole shabang. I think I was also very insecure about my face because my skincare journey was a process and a half.
    I ended up being a teen counselor at this Christian camp my church put on and we were getting ready for the day, and it it’s like this big adventure camp with outdoor activities like rock climbing, archery, ropes courses and zip lining.
    And so this camp is geared towards middle schoolers, and we’re getting ready for the day and I see this six grader, putting on a full face of make up and she’s telling her friend, “I hate the way my face looks without makeup! I need to wear it today. I’m gonna sweat it all off but I look ugly without it!”
    After I heard that comment, I gave up wearing makeup for the rest of the camp because that little 6th grader didn’t think she was naturally beautiful and it broke my heart.
    A week with no makeup turned into like 3 years. I wear it now every now and then cause it’s fun to put on, but I think about that little girl a lot and pray that she knows how beautiful she is.

    • @britt6084
      @britt6084 5 місяців тому

      Yeah I stopped wearing make up for that reason too I think if u can’t look good with ur normal face and be happy what’s the point of life? Natural health makes everyone look their best but we also can’t be total perfectionists so i let my perceived “flaws” show and don’t cover them up

  • @jennyjohnson2192
    @jennyjohnson2192 Рік тому +34

    Her response to allergies: ‘do you want me to go there’ I love it!! This was a loaded conversation. To other Mamas & people in general do not discredit what she says just because some things seem far fetched or you would never do. She was not saying that cosleeping is for everyone, that is just what works for her.. As a Mom & someone who is currently healing autoimmune problems naturally, and has taken many years to discover these similar things. please listen with an open mind because what she is sharing can absolutely improve your life!

  • @susannawilliamson2939
    @susannawilliamson2939 Рік тому +48

    i always felt like i was a crazy woman when i would tell people my babies done sleep through the night for the first year and a half. i was use to waking and helping them go back to sleep. its a sweet time in life we wont ever get back, even tho its tiring. i love being validated in this

  • @letsuseourbrains
    @letsuseourbrains Рік тому +66

    I get conflicting messages at times. On the one hand, we are told our bodies know what to do and to keep things as natural as possible and the way God intended. On the other hand, she is doing coffee enemas 3 times a week and taping her mouth shut and says SO many people have under developed jaws. Which is it? I can understand doing things to get our body back on track and such, especially when we've been living toxic for awhile. But she lives as toxic free as possible and many of the maintenance things she's suggesting she does on a regular basis, making it seem like toxic free living isn't enough. How could doing any enema 3 times a week be good for anyone? Maybe if someone had a disorder etc, but for a "normal" healthy woman? I agree with a LOT of what she says. But it does seem conflicting and excessive at times. Still super grateful for the interview Alex and that Dr. Kahla recognizes this would be a lot for one person to change and to just peruse her guidelines and find things that work for us.

    • @potluck712
      @potluck712 10 місяців тому

      Yes, and this contradictory type of message is also prevalent in the vegan community. They claim they have the healthiest diet that makes the body thrive at optimum levels, while also constantly doing “juices” to cleanse their bodies of toxins. They have tons of other methods they use to “cleanse” their bodies too but why do they need to constantly do that if they are on the most toxin free diet and live so “naturally”?

    • @suel3242
      @suel3242 9 місяців тому +2

      I agree with you. At what point do you just go live off the grid then?!

    • @akvanvuuren
      @akvanvuuren 8 місяців тому +1


    • @Foxie770
      @Foxie770 8 місяців тому +9

      Mouth taping is very good to help people keep a well structured jaw- especially if you have apnea. The reason our jaws are so poor now is because we eat much easier to chew foods now. That’s a fact. Nothing wrong with compensating for that. Coffee enemas and colon hydrotherapy are great health care too. Indians have been doing enemas for THOUSANDS of years. God gave us a brain and the ability to use it ;-)

    • @britt6084
      @britt6084 5 місяців тому

      Yeah I don’t do coffee enemas either and have very specific super Natural health methods
      I’m on point and anyone who tries my methods & implements well will see
      I’m TheHealthUnprofessional if interested in joining me & my Natural Health Coven
      I agree with a lot of what this lady says and practice some similar things but definitely have my differences

  • @alexasparling5553
    @alexasparling5553 Рік тому +64

    “I have more trust in God & in his creation than I do in a hospital” PREACH 👏🏻👏🏻♥️

  • @Nancy-xr3wh
    @Nancy-xr3wh Рік тому +19

    This all makes me so happy. 💕
    Signed: a home-schooling crunchy mama of 6 kids who slept in bed with us until age 3-4 (still have two babies under age 4 still in with us) and breastfed for most of that time, too! And just to clarify - we all get plenty of sleep! 🙌

    • @estherruth4692
      @estherruth4692 8 місяців тому

      How are you intimate with you husband ever?? I don’t get it.

    • @estherruth4692
      @estherruth4692 8 місяців тому

      And I’m not meaning this as judgment or anything- I’m a somewhat, mill my own whole wheat and bake sourdough bread with it, crunchy homeschool mama of 3 (so far) but I literally don’t understand how one would be intimate once a kiddo 12-18 months. And mine never cosleep they just stay next to me within hands reach in their own bed.

  • @reelcowboys
    @reelcowboys Рік тому +11

    I love that you host so many people that can help young-ems get back to nature, basics, and God. I feel like an old lady(38) listening and agreeing with so many life lessons I've learned throughout the years and it's so refreshing. It takes me hours to listen to one podcast while I get my chores done.

  • @milo_thatch_incarnate
    @milo_thatch_incarnate 5 місяців тому +5

    I'm planning to do SO much of this when I have kiddos... especially safe co-sleeping and breastfeeding. My mom did full cry-it-out with me and all my siblings, and she didn't breastfeed because it was hard for her, which I get... but MAN do I see those effects in myself now. Especially in our relationship. It's friendly, but not close. I've never felt any kind of deep bond with her like I hear the people talking about, I've never been intimately close with her, there's a lot of stuff I wouldn't share with her because we're just not that close. It breaks my heart.. She's just kind of another person to me. And I think it's because I got SO little skin-to-skin contact with her when I was a baby. And I experienced screaming for her and her never coming to me. Just leaving me there. I don't really blame her now, because I know that she was just going with what she was _told_ was right. But I am going to do things SO differently. Even if they're harder.
    Okay but coffee enemas wtfffffff. HOW is that "natural"? 😂

  • @googlereviewer4929
    @googlereviewer4929 Рік тому +14

    I LOVE the transparency of your faith! I have no friends that share the same views as me and only hear it if I go to church. So encouraging to see this elsewhere that’s in a modern format. I’m not typically emotional but it makes my teary eyed.

  • @thecierraprogam1930
    @thecierraprogam1930 Рік тому +9

    I had not heard of this trend of sleep training, however, attachment theory goes right alongside what this Dr has said. Your child learns to either trust or mistrust you and the world based on parental response to their crying.

  • @taylorfiske-oh3qh
    @taylorfiske-oh3qh Рік тому +14

    My husband walks barefoot everywhere. He does get a lot of attention for it and now our kids do the same. Only barefoot shoes for the kids and him too. Love this episode. So incredible!

  • @DaniShugs
    @DaniShugs Рік тому +8

    By far my favorite episode! I listened on Apple and am going to watch it now here too. ☕️ Also, I used to do coffee enemas, and a girlfriend of mine does them regularly. They get easier! Dr. Kahla made me want to restart. I wish this woman could be a regular on your show! 🎉

  • @Arakeanar
    @Arakeanar Рік тому +14

    I'm all about going barefoot, but this whole "grounding" thing is very New Agey and the given explanation of "we were created to be at peace with nature" absolutely doesn't qualify as evidence. And I would be interested to see how she would justify this explanation Biblically.

    • @katel1316
      @katel1316 Рік тому +3

      Start with Genesis 1:29 & 30. God created us and the animals to be vegetarians (possibly completely plant-based). This means humans got everything they needed nutrition-wise from plants and did not have to kill animals for sustenance. There were no carnivorous animals either. So in this way, every breathing being in nature was "at peace" with each other.
      Genesis 2:9 - God gave humans many trees for eating;
      Eating from only one produced the first sin (2:17). It's interesting how what they ate was closely associated with their sin. However, it was really what was in their heart (rebellion, control, disobedience) that was the main issue.
      Genesis 3:1 - an animal (serpent) is what ushered in the temptation that led to the first sin and the fall of man. Then, the curse of God over the animal caused the first mention of enmity between human and animal (3:15). Further, the curse of Adam meant the ground (earth, soil, and thus nature itself) was also cursed. Adam was no longer at peace with the earth.
      Genesis 3:23 - the first mention of animals being killed... to clothe Adam and Eve and hide them of their shame.
      Isaiah 1:11 - God takes no pleasure in the blood of animals sacrificed to Him. This harkens back to the purpose of creation... everyone and everything being at peace.
      Isaiah 11:6-9 - Jesus' return will once again usher in the originally intended "peace with nature." There will be no more carnivorous animals, and the animals will not harm humans.

    • @Arakeanar
      @Arakeanar Рік тому +8

      ​@katel1316 Hi, thanks so much for your thorough and well cited response! I should have been more clear, because I really do believe that we were created to be at peace with nature, but that's not a defense of "grounding". I googled a definition and it says it "allows people to directly connect their bodies with the Earth and use its natural electric charges to stabilize them" which is obviously not based in a Christian worldview. We aren't trying to be connected with the earth, because the earth is the creation, not the Creator.

    • @katel1316
      @katel1316 Рік тому

      Yes, then I misunderstood you. I thought you were asking for a biblical justification for being at peace with nature. As for grounding, I don't know that I have an opinion either way. I definitely believe in electrical frequencies and know they have strong effects on our bodies. I can basically hear a high-pitched noise at all quiet times from all the wifi signals, etc. The frequencues are here with us, so if we can benefit from them, I don't see how that's anti-biblical... only if they are being idolized or worshiped instead of the creator.

    • @magonus195
      @magonus195 Рік тому

      Only things I can think of is God asking people to remove their shoes around Him, like Moses with the bush. Jesus washing the disciples. And Ruth with Boaz? For some reason it's important to Him, though I don't understand why. There's also the "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Gospel" verse in Romans 10.

  • @schmellen88
    @schmellen88 4 місяці тому +3

    Sleep training is gross. Cosleeping can be really hard but I won't sacrifice my baby for my own sleep. Letting a baby cry it out is borderline abuse imo!
    I've never heard of this woman but im all about it! Same wavelength for sure. Thanks!

  • @breebreeg6012
    @breebreeg6012 9 місяців тому +3

    Honestly, I respectfully disagree with her view of sleep training and cosleeping. It is a very controversial topic with radical views both ways. Moving my daughter to her room and sleep training her was one of the best decisions we made. We took a very slow, gentle approach, and it was hard, especially when there’s people out there making you feel like you’re a terrible parent and traumatizing them for it, but my daughter sleeps through the night and is perfectly happy. I feel like a better mom now, and she has developed healthy sleep habits that have continued as she’s gotten older. I believe it’s healthy for her and healthy for my husband and I as parents. I was able to heal from my postpartum journey so much easier. Everyone will have their own experiences, but I do believe in the benefits of sleep training. Despite that part of the podcast, I did learn a ton of this episode. Thank-you, Alex!

    • @apurplevelveteen
      @apurplevelveteen 7 місяців тому +3

      I, also, don't believe kids should be sleeping in the bed of the parents unless it's a rare exception. It's not just about privacy for parents to have sex but privacy for all forms of intimacy and bonding. I think the marital bed needs to stay a marital bed and parents need time just to themselves to bond. Again, not just with sex. I get you can do that somewhere else in the house but you shouldn't have to. Parents need their own space and it is even more important when you have children. To each their own, though. *shrugs*

    • @jenlotus17
      @jenlotus17 5 місяців тому

      We got to do what we got to do but it’s good for parents to have full information before making decisions. Unfortunately, it is very mainstream to be told there is no harm and there really is no proof there is no harm and the data that there is presented like edited for the audience. The information she shared is valid and there is data that does show that while some children “successfully sleep trained” stop crying out at night there cortisol levels still remained high. Sleep trainers tell us the silence means they are sleeping through the night well but all of us including adults wake between sleep cycles throughout the night but as adults we go back to sleep unless we think something is wrong or need to use bathroom etc
      So the question becomes is there any long term harm if a baby has adapted to knowing even if stressed (heightened cortisol) to not cry because pointless since no one will come or did they just learn with an immature brain that they should just know they are safe and keep going back to sleep stressed ?

  • @louis-vd3ur
    @louis-vd3ur 3 місяці тому +1

    I was bullied into shaving during middle school by other girls. They would verbally attack and mock me during PE. To ease the bullying and subsequent anxiety it gave me, I shaved. One leg. Needless to say the bullies had more ammunition. I haven't shaved since my teens as MEN have never ever commented on my leg or armpit hair. And I'm not a hairless preeteen. I see shaving as an insecure attitude towards maturity. There is an old Italian saying that called the "woman with the thick leg hair" the best match in town. As you age the hair on your body thins anyway. My nana never shaved and by her 60s she was hairless on her legs

  • @mosoho
    @mosoho Рік тому +17

    I resonated with so many things she said! I don’t shower frequently (it totally grosses my husband out) I don’t shave regularly durning the fall/winter, I take and do all the things when I’m sick so I never know which one works, and the double chin that isn’t a double chin!
    I follow NF’s wife Bridgette and she does the castor oil packs! She’s another great follow for living a crunchy life!
    Great episode, Alex!

  • @stephaniew6059
    @stephaniew6059 Рік тому +2

    This episode is now in my TOP 3…I am nowhere close to being “crunchy”, but I loved this episode. So much of her advice was stuff that is easily obtainable and great for our wellbeing.

  • @alishabrinton7618
    @alishabrinton7618 5 місяців тому +1

    Regarding her statement on allergies… I do believe we can be allergic to things because of how foods are processed today, even *organic foods can’t always be safe unfortunately.

  • @rachelthompson8611
    @rachelthompson8611 Рік тому +3

    Ohhkaaayyy! I loved this episode so much! It was very interesting and informative. I mostly loved it because it validated myself in what I have felt led to do but very weird and alone in. Such as not washing my hair with soap, minimal showers/washing with soaps, Sweating, going barefoot. Thank you so much for this episode of the Spillover.

  • @celestialmorpho
    @celestialmorpho Рік тому +1

    1:01:03 The liver and glutathione
    1:10:00 Nose breathing.
    1:19:35 Light at night
    1:21:45 Flicker
    1:22:35 Negative ions
    1:27:45 Prenatal Vitamins
    1:29:01 200 page Wellness Guide

  • @kindlegarrett4017
    @kindlegarrett4017 9 місяців тому +1

    I refuse to be high maintenance. I don't shower daily, I don’t shave, I rarely wear deoderant, and I don't wear make up. In fact, I rarely dress up for anything. I'm a jeans and a t-shirt girl all day, every day. My husband loves me the way I am. He's always thought girls were prettier without makeup. The one time I did decided to shave, he didn’t even notice! 😅
    I have 4 daughters and I want all of them to know that they are beautiful the way they are, the way God made them and that starts with me knowing it and walking it for them! 😊

  • @spottiegurl
    @spottiegurl Рік тому +26

    I’m with her on the sleep training. Sleep training is garbage

  • @alexandraonai8187
    @alexandraonai8187 9 місяців тому

    26yo female, married, one year old daughter!!! Thank you for all the knowledge and encouragement to do better every day. We are the change we seek!!

  • @macypennington1320
    @macypennington1320 Рік тому +5

    At first I was like "omg the cry-it-out method is totally fine it's worked for generations in my family" ..then I remembered I slept between my parents til I was like 6. My little sister slept fine by herself in a crib and when she was 3 we started sleeping together and did til we were in highschool. (Also, clearly my parents found a way to have a second kid so.. "do what you gotta do")

  • @ohamberboo
    @ohamberboo Рік тому +3

    One of my favorite episodes! So much wisdom I will have to listen again 😍 and I do the same at the airport, TSA will try to get me to go through it but still won’t! Oooh and the Vivo Barefoot shoes are amazing. I wear them to workout and obsessed. I want to buy more!

  • @SuziQ1530
    @SuziQ1530 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for continuing this health and wellness journey!! I’m all for it and loving every minute! ❤❤

  • @cassidyranni4736
    @cassidyranni4736 9 місяців тому +2

    Gotta say I chuckled a little bit wheb she talks about not wanting to invade her body by checking her cervix but has bo problem invading other places with coffee enimas 😂 that aside loved the episode happy women who choose more natural ways are being given air time.

  • @juliefredericksen2326
    @juliefredericksen2326 Рік тому +2

    This was FABULOUS!!! Going to need to watch it again just to ensure that I digest all of the info.

  • @lindseyhaight3576
    @lindseyhaight3576 Рік тому +1

    The "sun doesn't give you cancer" bit makes SO MUCH SENSE! Why would God make the sun if that was going to happen? Reaction in the body is definitely a good answer for jt.

    • @potluck712
      @potluck712 10 місяців тому

      That’s not even logical?! Why would he make animals if they can kill you? If you believe in God then you know these bodies are fallen and sinful- resulting in illnesses, diseases, deformities, cancer, and death.

  • @adrianabarnard6402
    @adrianabarnard6402 9 місяців тому +2

    You had me until coffee enemas that just doesn’t sound natural. I’m against drinking coffee period i consider it an addictive drug because I can see the effect on people they can’t function without it. I’ve heard of people taking in drug that way and the reasons why so I immediately correlate this to using it as a drug.
    I’ve heard of people doing enemas once a day and even more to me that’s a huge sign that it’s not for health reason but it turns into just another addiction.

  • @deannapickman4867
    @deannapickman4867 Рік тому +3

    I never go through the TSA body scanners either! 🙅‍♀️

  • @potluck712
    @potluck712 10 місяців тому +2

    Back in 2015 when everyone was saying shampoo is so awful for hair I stopped using it. I’d just wash with water and conditioner. My scalp HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME. I formed seborrhea dermatitis and have had it since. Nizoral has worked best at keeping my symptoms at bay. I wash my hair 1-2 times a week and that’s only because it’s a hassle conditioning and blow drying since I have thick, long hair. I’d probably wash 3 times a week if I took time to get a haircut. I’m so triggered by this woman. 😂

    • @apurplevelveteen
      @apurplevelveteen 7 місяців тому +3

      saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame! I went the no-poo route and my hair never got oil trained. My hair was stinky, dirty, and nasty for the months I was trying to do it and then I developed seborrheic dermatitis. I struggle with it to this day BECAUSE of trying to oil train my hair. I wash my hair twice a week with Nizoral and once a month with Nizoral mixed with baking soda followed up by an apple cider vinegar rinse. Ughh!!! Not showering is so gross! I don't care what anyone says. That;s nasty and will never get on board with that for anyone.

  • @JuanMendoza-qd5lm
    @JuanMendoza-qd5lm Рік тому +27

    She physically looks SO healthy, look how her skin and hair just radiate health...

    • @JuliaCh47
      @JuliaCh47 Рік тому +4

      I need Leonard with "Sarcasm" sign in his hands in here...

    • @CedanyTheAlaskan
      @CedanyTheAlaskan Рік тому +3

      She looks like a natural woman, not some fake caked on woman

    • @JuanMendoza-qd5lm
      @JuanMendoza-qd5lm Рік тому +3

      @@CedanyTheAlaskan You make it sound as if all women look like they're on Xanax without makeup 😂...
      My girl is pretty natural when it comes to her daily routine, but this is unnecessarily redundant. It's taking irresponsibility and turning it into a virtue.
      This is like praising yourself because you didn't wipe after taking a dump.

  • @FoodDiary2023
    @FoodDiary2023 Рік тому +3

    This was super interesting to listen to! There are many topics I have heard about already, but hearing actual experiences from her was very informative. So many topics covered in this episode - will likely listen to this a couple more times! 🎧

  • @BriBorgersen
    @BriBorgersen 11 місяців тому +1

    I stopped using any deodorant years ago and I don’t smell at all! Only time is if I do a really intense sweaty work out or I’m super stressed. I use tea tree oil under my armpits instead. I sauna 2-3x a week to detox. Best decision I’ve made related to my health!

  • @korrinl7749
    @korrinl7749 5 днів тому

    “Strawberries can be chemically ripened.” Alex, your reaction is everything we need in that moment.😂

  • @dollipop12
    @dollipop12 11 місяців тому +3

    I agree with so much of this but then she ruinsit by being a "chiropractor". Chiropractics started because a man thought ghosts were "stuck" in bones and thats what caused health problems. Its only been in the past 15 years that chiropractors stopped being taught this in their weird not actually medical medical schools.

  • @sarahpyke307
    @sarahpyke307 10 місяців тому

    I love that she doesn't wear deodorant, it makes me feel more normal. Since puberty I have only gotten body odor out of one armpit. Doctors always look at me strangely when I bring it up. Anyway, I would often forget to use deodorant because I don't get bad smelling often and only half of me stinks. As I got more crunchy I switched to healthy options and they didn't work the best. Ultimately cleaning up my diet, removing chemicals and only showering when needed (about once a week for me) has helped a lot since my body doesn't have to detox as much and my skin microbiome is healthier.

  • @jaquirox6579
    @jaquirox6579 Рік тому +3

    It’s actually quite funny and crazy to hear another conservative saying they do nearly all the same things that I do!!
    I have probably over 12 ish years now of being super dooper crunchy. 😂 We built our home in 2012, and I got so many strange comments about installing a range hood, instead of a microwave cubby. For deodorant I use a salt water with baking soda liquid inside a rollerball applicator. I make a homemade all purpose cleaner that we use on nearly every surface. All my makeup is clean, and all the family hygiene products as well. I haven’t had any sugar whatsoever for over 5 ish years now. I ferment my own foods, including sourdough baking for the family’s bread. And I could ramble on and on!
    My only difference with her so far is her attachment parenting perspective, I believe more in the parent led traditional parenting style. So I did sleep training, but it didn’t need to include crazy cry-it-out episodes. Sleep training dominantly should just be about teaching your baby the difference between night and day times, and encouraging them to extend naps farther out, and encourage them in a bedtime and wake time, once the baby gets used to loud days, and that being awake time, combined with quite nights being meant for sleeping time… they sort of just fall in line with good long night time sleeping. My first born was sleeping 8-9 hours straight by 3 months old, by me simply doing those methods. So I think her perception of sleep training is a little bit narrow and constricted, as she said nothing about what I just explained. She seems to think it’s all about having babies cry it out. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @thedancingcarnivore
    @thedancingcarnivore Рік тому +5

    I love this episode, I feel so seen! I'm on the verge of being crispy. 💁‍♀️

  • @megansherr-de2qd
    @megansherr-de2qd Рік тому +1

    My holistic iridologist assesses the parasites, gets you the right nutrients to get rid of it and then makes sure after it's passed out of your body, that your getting the right nutrients for you! This is so important and I love what is said in this podcast. I wish more people would get off the western medicine! I've been so much better after doing all this! Adding in one thing at a time like the red light or the salt lamps is so good. I think Alex hits it on the head when she says this. I think a lot of people think it's too expensive to get away from big pharma but in all reality, it does more good than you can imagine!

  • @campgoerOne
    @campgoerOne 27 днів тому

    I use to wear deodorant that contained aluminum. I noticed that I was getting lymphnodes that were enlarging. I stopped using deodorant and after showering I made sure my underarms were completely dry and I had made a mixture if baking soda and cornstarch half and half. I've been using that for over a two months, and the lymphnodes have gotten flat and I don't smell at all! 😊

  • @brittneykramer5254
    @brittneykramer5254 Рік тому +8

    How cool is God that he knew how technology would advance and the trees protect us.

  • @ThisBraveHeart
    @ThisBraveHeart Рік тому +1

    I’ve never sleep trained my children and now my 4yo and 2yo boys sleep all through the night. They go to bed at 8 and wake up at 6am every single day and all naturally. My 4mo baby girl wakes up 2-3 times a night and does great! I’ve co-slept with them all, used a bassinet and they’ve slept next to me or while I hold them on my chest. Anyways, kids end up sleeping on their own. My crunch self loves this episode!

  • @laelkap
    @laelkap Рік тому +3

    Bed sharing yes. Coffee enemas no. Love her tho!!! One of if not the best episodes yet!

  • @kellyway5388
    @kellyway5388 9 місяців тому +3

    Look I'm liking most of everything she is saying but the bit about sleep training! Look she only has one kid! Things where much easier for us with just one kid. All cozy with no other kids vying for you. She has no idea when you have a high needs kid and you are awake every hour all night for over 9mo soothing them feeding them getting them back to sleep only to be woken up in another hour to do it all again. O and keeping up with two other kids during the day! Please stop saying these things about sleep training. It shames mothers! When I trained my son I was with him the whole time ( sleeping right next to him) telling him its ok mommys here. We're going back to sleep now. And it only took a few days and we where all sleeping great! It's not all bad.

  • @JMagnoliaSalas
    @JMagnoliaSalas 10 місяців тому

    Great episode! I am so in alignment with everything she said and it's so nice to hear other women following a similar lifestyle. I also did learn a lot and will start incorporating those into my practice of healthier living.

  • @alittlemo9361
    @alittlemo9361 10 місяців тому +2

    I don't feel like such a Unicorn! There are other Crunchy Conservatives out there? Thank you so much for this!

  • @Foxie770
    @Foxie770 8 місяців тому

    34:38 I don’t wear deodorant either and I am super clean and smell great. Don’t shave either. The food you eat makes a huge difference in body Oder. Eat healthy and clean, you’ll be healthy and fresh.

  • @sydney287
    @sydney287 4 місяці тому

    I think this was one of the best episodes so far. So interesting I will definitely be following her.

  • @Rio26202
    @Rio26202 10 місяців тому

    1:28:09 I took prenatals along with meals. Thats the only way I got my joint and muscle pain under control. They arent supposed to be used in place of food. They are to be used in addition to healthy meals

  • @sarah_mika_love
    @sarah_mika_love Рік тому +2

    You always ask the best questions!!!

  • @LindseyN1223
    @LindseyN1223 10 місяців тому +1

    Courtney is an absolute treasure!

  • @megansherr-de2qd
    @megansherr-de2qd Рік тому +2

    Also, I think people just take supplements and think they will get better. The biggest part of taking supplements is getting the right dosage. You should be assessed and told the amount you should take! And my iridologist says the same thing. Prenatal's that are prescribed by big pharma are the bad ones. My doc says to take them individually and again, getting the right dosage for you!

  • @Foxie770
    @Foxie770 8 місяців тому

    This is one of my favorite shows, Alex!! Love this.

  • @tiffanyvalentine81
    @tiffanyvalentine81 Рік тому +1

    Gosh I am sooo relieved to know someone else doesn’t wash with soap. Due to psoriasis, I literally haven’t used a body wash in over 30 years. And I don’t smell bad. :)

    • @ThisBraveHeart
      @ThisBraveHeart Рік тому +1

      Kinda same! If I use soap I get terrible eczema break outs on my finger that usually end up getting infected. I use castile soap on my underarms sometimes, but I don’t usual use soap on any other body part.

  • @FlaMarriotts
    @FlaMarriotts 11 місяців тому

    My favorite health centered interview on the Spillover thus far!!!

  • @akvanvuuren
    @akvanvuuren Рік тому +1

    While I can't make all these changes happen, money is so insanely tight these days...but I am grateful for this information 😊 thanks, ladies!

    • @CM-sy3to
      @CM-sy3to 8 місяців тому

      90% of what she recommends is just not buying and not using products. Less or no shampoo and soap, no razors or deodorant. Turn off lights and electronics. An enema bag is $15 and you can use the leftover morning coffee that would otherwise be tossed. No extra bedrooms or baby beds. Wear shoes less time, then they last longer. No otc meds to buy.

    • @akvanvuuren
      @akvanvuuren 8 місяців тому

      @CM-sy3to I'm referring to budgeting to living plastic free, non toxic clothing, cooking utensils, water filter systems, organic groceries...those altogether are beyond my reach. Making small changes like using only my cast irons and less processed foods and slowly replacing plastics in our home with glass and wood and such has taken time and budgeting. We're getting there but it is more expensive living.
      Also, I live where there is snow 6 months of the year...boots/shoes are not optional.

  • @LeivonLeivonLeipasia
    @LeivonLeivonLeipasia 11 місяців тому +1

    What articles of research are you referring to at 17:05-17:15 ? Could I get links? :) I'm interested because I have read the opposite to be true. Just curious and wonder what is the truth then...

  • @CedanyTheAlaskan
    @CedanyTheAlaskan Рік тому +1

    Its funny. When she got to the showering part i realize, i rarely use soap or shampoo when i shower, i also don't shower everyday. And i dont stink or have as many other issues, as some of my family. I also rarely put on deodorant.
    I never did this intentionally. My family wont like it, but i think i will make this a thing now lol

  • @kaysiehesebeck
    @kaysiehesebeck Рік тому

    I love episodes like this. Easy, simple and applicable tips to better your health.

  • @mo2890
    @mo2890 10 місяців тому

    So glad you had this interview! I'll have to go back to see what her name is. I'm not as crunchy as her but I had no medication during pregnancy or birth. I had both babies at home and my husband caught our second. Our babies never had eye ointment just a newborn screen. We don't vax or circumcise. I also breastfeed exclusively both babies until 6 months and then continued to breastfeed up until age 3. I clothed diaper some but not as much as I wanted. It was just to much along with ppd. I am a big carseat safety advocate/ extended rear facing.
    I cook a lot of things from scratch however when I do buy things I try my best to make sure it has clean ingredients. I buy organic when I can but I can't financially keep up with everything organic. As far as body products I try to buy clean when I can but this is one area I fall short. I can't afford right now everything clean. As far as pharmaceuticals we don't use them. We do have some supplements. We also use homemade elderberry syrup, Manuka honey, homeopathic, vitamin c smoothies, ginger tea, other teas. Idk there more where that came from.
    My kids aren't rushed to a doctor for everything either. We do like the chiropractor when we do go. I do use body wash and I do shave however I'm way over due. I also get lazy shaving in the winter. I also don't like antipersperant because of the ingredients. I have tried natural deodorant but they either do not work or they do but break me out. If i have to i will use my husband's but I've been just using coconut oil and essential oils. I do lift heavy (not power lifting). I do use menstrual products from the store but I also use cloth pads. I have cloth tampons too but I just haven't used them I keep forgetting about them. Also, I go barefoot in the yard but not in public. I also have wire head phones. I do have wifi in my house though but I'm not a big fan of things being connected to wifi if we don't have to so I don't have a Alexa etc. However, we had to install a camera behind our garage and my husband is gone a lot so I did do that for peace of mind. But I do have barefoot shoes I love. Now I don't exclusively wear just those. I do have heels I sometimes where to church and soon I'll be wearing my winter boots but lately I've been wearing the barefoot shoes a lot and have noticed a difference. I also do not like sunscreen. Now if I have to wear it because it is baking outside badger balm makes a good one or i do a homemade one. We all drink kombucha but have not tried to make it yet. We honestly thought need to focus on our gut health because we do have dairy and gluten sensitivities unfortunately. I clean my house a lot with vinegar. I make a lot of my cleaners some with a castile soap but some cleaners i make aren't super clean by no means but i feel they are less toxic then most things on the shelf. I have a lot of natural make up but I do wear both or none. Most of my finger polish is a bit clea er than most brands. I could keep going but for the most part I try to balance because I can't possibly pull off all the things at the moment at all times. There are things she mentioned I would like to start trying. Omg just reread this and some how it got jumbled, it s mess. It's late, I'm tired going to bed. 😂 that's ine thing I do need to prioritize.

  • @Yalixa_Rodriguez
    @Yalixa_Rodriguez Рік тому +4

    First of all, never heard of coffee enemas but I thought it was like in a capsule or something. Holy s. It’s actual coffee liquid. When she said light roast and the need to squeeze your butt cheeks 😆 hilarious but I have to totally try it. She had me at energy with that one.

  • @Foxie770
    @Foxie770 8 місяців тому

    53:17 This is so me. I love the netti pot. I also love Metagenics vitamin D+K to prevent illness. And I also use Ion Sprays & liquid!

  • @samanthamarie6012
    @samanthamarie6012 11 місяців тому +1

    This resonates with me so much. My son had thrush when he was an infant and they put him on antibiotics for a month and it wasn't working. And they wanted to just keep giving them to him! I decided to not keep going with them and we just dealt with the thrush until I stopped breastfeeding and then it went away. Also I was put on birth control in my early twenties for bad periods and it made me go into menopause at like 23. I felt like I was going crazy and I couldn't hold down a job. my progesterone and estrogen were barely traceable in my blood. This all sounds healthy doesn't it? As soon as my doctor had me stopped taking the birth control I went back to normal within like 2 weeks. She obviously knew what the cause of it was because that was the first thing we tried and it worked

    • @lorraine5800
      @lorraine5800 9 місяців тому +1

      Antibiotics for thrush? 😮😟Goodness, that seems backwards! I’m so sorry those providers put you & your son through that (with the bc too), when they really should know better 😔

    • @samanthamarie6012
      @samanthamarie6012 9 місяців тому

      @@lorraine5800 thank you. Right? And then when it's not working let's just keep pushing them?? Like how does that make sense?

  • @cru1325
    @cru1325 Рік тому

    I have TSA Precheck. It wasn’t expensive. They do a background check and now I don’t have to go through the body scanners, just a metal detector. Super easy!

    • @BriBorgersen
      @BriBorgersen 11 місяців тому

      Never thought about the radiation with the scanners at the airport.

  • @bbpatch8
    @bbpatch8 Рік тому

    Have watched this 3 times now.
    …and today I watched while doing my first coffee enema …TMI?? but man I do feel great!

  • @lauraelizabethbrown
    @lauraelizabethbrown 10 місяців тому

    Fun fact: I kind of stopped using deodorant on my own really early on. As a teenager my mom bought me a deodorant and I found myself never using it because I never felt gross or smelly and when I did I could just keep up with it with a normal shower. Later in life I found out deodorant prevented you from sweating so I really didn't see the point since I knew sweat was a function of the body meant to take care of you. I only buy the kind that is to help with smell and that doesn't have antiperspirant qualities, and I only get it in travel size because I don't use it often enough to justify a normal size.

  • @adrianabarnard6402
    @adrianabarnard6402 9 місяців тому

    When I was a kids I had no idea what allergies were no one that I knew had them I moved to the U.S. @11 and it wasn’t until my 20s I started developing allergies while my relatives back home at the same age didn’t. Allergies just seem very abnormal to me. I have very few but my husband has so many allergies that I find it ridiculous.

  • @rosannevandersteen3388
    @rosannevandersteen3388 Рік тому +1

    I go outside barefoot frequently, but only in the summer as I live in Canada.

  • @mlrule61
    @mlrule61 Рік тому +4

    Cope better with suffering. So true!

  • @heathers7925
    @heathers7925 Рік тому +1

    Love this episode! So good to see the Uber crunchy views represented and explained so well!

  • @apostolic7rox
    @apostolic7rox Рік тому

    Probably my fav interview thus far 👏 👏 👏

  • @abbyjcongdon
    @abbyjcongdon Рік тому +2

    Okay, but the chicken bumps are just a vitamin A deficiency??!!
    Why have I never been told this??
    This made me yell.
    Now I've got to get cod liver oil immediately.

  • @cherylvacchiano3318
    @cherylvacchiano3318 Рік тому

    Fabulous podcast, so much learning, I'm going to read her whole website!

  • @KateJames1
    @KateJames1 Рік тому

    Your best episode yet!!! Thank you!!

  • @maleahcrate4751
    @maleahcrate4751 Рік тому +1

    Loved this episode!!

  • @allieoneal2033
    @allieoneal2033 Рік тому

    This is definitely one of my favorite episodes too!

  • @marthaanderson7157
    @marthaanderson7157 Рік тому

    This is such a good interview!!😍😍😍

  • @CM-sy3to
    @CM-sy3to 8 місяців тому +1

    Kids need to be out of the parent's bed by 2 years except on rare occasions. Cribs and cradles have a long history so think through giving up the tried and true.

  • @violondon8776
    @violondon8776 Рік тому

    Wow this was such a great episode and I think so important!!!

  • @radiantheartwoman
    @radiantheartwoman 9 місяців тому +1

    Why isnt this woman's channel and social media info linked for us?

  • @ingramwifey2016
    @ingramwifey2016 Рік тому

    I love this podcast so frickin' much!

  • @humblejoy3564
    @humblejoy3564 Рік тому

    Courtney, thank you... not sure if you're in UA-cam world! I love you!!! you're doing a work of God to speak on His design. people won't listen but keep YOUR ears open, and share... the right ears will listen to the message 💛

    • @humblejoy3564
      @humblejoy3564 Рік тому

      haha @ "I don't know I just have to poop after one" .... castor oil pack

  • @sarahschroeder4739
    @sarahschroeder4739 2 місяці тому

    I love Chiropractor Science❤

  • @tammychilders2654
    @tammychilders2654 Рік тому

    Okay, this one is worth listening to again!

  • @islanderxx5269
    @islanderxx5269 10 місяців тому

    Agree, agree, agree! Except for the giving birth on back.
    I’ve had three mostly unmedicated births (laughing gas with the youngest) and lying on my back felt best with 1st and 3rd. 2nd was in a tub on all for.
    I did what felt best and had a midwife coaching me.
    However I come from scandinavia. Doctors are usually only called in, if there ar complications.

  • @caylac349
    @caylac349 Рік тому

    Best episode yet!

  • @hannahlevin3286
    @hannahlevin3286 4 місяці тому +2

    imagine thinking you should be taken seriously, when you show up for a podcast looking like you just rolled out of bed

  • @elizabethshaklee8450
    @elizabethshaklee8450 11 місяців тому +1

    Anyone have thoughts on a non cry it out method of sleep training? I know a women who talks about her sleep training the babies in a more natural way without them ever having to cry it out, so I wonder if that’s ok on their nervous system as someone who really doesn’t want to co-sleep past the 1 year mark with my baby?

    • @BriBorgersen
      @BriBorgersen 11 місяців тому

      My brother and his fiancé do the “cry it out method” with their son (which lets be real, that’s not a method that’s neglect” and I think it’s so so sad. Neither my brother nor I were raised that way at all and we turned out fine! I don’t have kids though so I have no experience with it either way. Would love to see what is commented here!

    • @CM-sy3to
      @CM-sy3to 8 місяців тому

      Most well attached children have no problem moving to their own bed at one, loud thunderstorms excluded. Develop a bedtime routine, same time, a story, prayer, kiss goodnight. Tuck blankets around them like a hug and give them a doll or stuffed animal to cuddle with.

  • @nashvegasmgt
    @nashvegasmgt Рік тому

    I loved this episode!

  • @kaylasheffield6420
    @kaylasheffield6420 Рік тому +47

    I’m sorry. I just cant get with this. I’m a mom of a toddler and pregnant with my second. My toddler sleeps like a champ (we all do in this house) because she started giving me 6 hour stretches at 5 weeks old and it just continued. I taught her how to sleep and she’s definitely not traumatized. Also bed sharing is so incredibly dangerous. I know 2 different mothers who woke up to their infant underneath them. Dead. A nightmare these parents will never wake from. It’s just not worth the risk. This is all just a little too far for me. So, I didn’t finish the episode. If this works for her (and others), then cool. But as a mom myself (and a Christian mom), I’m just sharing my own feedback as a listener ✌️

    • @kaylasmith4492
      @kaylasmith4492 Рік тому +9

      I agree. I can’t get behind many of the things she says, especially the sleep training.

    • @amymulholland
      @amymulholland Рік тому +22

      I think what's dangerous is not teaching parents how to safely co-sleep. It's a huge disservice to parents who choose to bedshare. Not one solution is right for every family and teaching safety measures for each options is true informed consent.

    • @shaksy2190
      @shaksy2190 Рік тому +26

      I co-slept w all 4 of my kids. NEVER had a problem. Your body knows where you are; this is why you don’t fall out of bed at night. Hard to believe you know 2 people whose babies died this way

    • @antoinettedowling7526
      @antoinettedowling7526 Рік тому +14

      @@amymulholland I always wonder if it has to do with nursing and Co-sleeping. I nursed my daughter for a long time and I felt our bodies were SO in sync, like the dyad we were meant to be. Her body was constantly talking to my body. Not sure if that’s a thing or not, but co-sleeping has been done since the beginning of humanity

    • @JuanMendoza-qd5lm
      @JuanMendoza-qd5lm Рік тому +6

      Thank you!😂
      Bless you for politely disagreeing as well because I found it hard to hold back.
      I don't understand how anybody could view this woman's worldview as "Progress". But judging by this comment section it seems there is tons of women who just don't want to bathe...

  • @BriBorgersen
    @BriBorgersen 11 місяців тому

    For me personally, I use goat soap made by my buddy.. I’m a nurse in the ICU so showering after a shift is a must. I’m literally arm deep in blood poop and urine almost all day lol. I think she needs to specify what she means by “soap” more clearly. It would be helpful.

  • @kristiecox7350
    @kristiecox7350 10 місяців тому

    Love this!

  • @samanthamarie6012
    @samanthamarie6012 11 місяців тому

    We have a raw milk dropoff thank God. I'm an hour away from Dallas. I looked for it for like a year though

  • @mrselizavl5250
    @mrselizavl5250 Рік тому +1

    So the "Clark" code for Good Ranchers is only taking $20 off the box 📦🤔

  • @catherinecooke2973
    @catherinecooke2973 Рік тому

    How can we find the cleaners she mentioned on the podcast?

  • @annayeager6404
    @annayeager6404 Рік тому

    Love this. She does what works for her. We're a lot alike 😂🎉❤

  • @sarahparks5223
    @sarahparks5223 Рік тому

    I want to know everything she does about all the things!!